Teach Yourself RungusTudukai


Teach Yourself RungusTudukai
Teach Yourself RungusTudukai-no
I Kondiri Do Rungus
T.A. forschner 2014
- Misisingilo-oku do Rungus Dear friends, you will realize that it is not easy for me to write these
notes concerning your language. It is 15 years, since i last visited Sabah.
Over 35 years i had collected data for writing the Rungus Grammar to
be printed in Kudat in 1992. There were only 200 copies. Now having
started to rewrite these lessons the other way round so that English
readers could improve their Rungus, this brings some problems with it.
By proceeding to the next lessons i realize where something should
have been explained earlier or only added later on, I have first hesitated
to improve immediately what so far has been published in FB. But at
this point, i should like to make you already now familiar to my alterations of what you have
already in FB. Therefore i present you with everything i have written in the first five lessons and
add, how i want to make the next steps. By early November2012, i could finish these lessons and do
hope that you will be able to make use of them for your benefit. Traugott A. Forschner Filderstadt
10th November 2012
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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For years I have been communicating with young people in Malaysia via Facebook, using either
Rungus or English. Manymore are just keeping on writing in Bahasa Melayu, as they had learnt in
school, telling me that they do not know or are not used to use the language of their anchesters.
Some even blame their parents having not taught them their own language. While encouraging them
to make use of Rungus, (Gonsomon, Nulu and Tobilung have only a few alterations in pronouncing)
I notice that one of the problems is the different way of writing (spelling) and speaking
(pronouncing) a word. This is a problem, the colonial government brought to Malaysia.
In Malaya, children learning to read the Al Quoran, learned the Javi alphabet letters. Then the
English introduced Latin writing as used in England and taught the children the English ABC, even
so it was written different from being pronounced. The problem was this difference between
spelling and speaking (pronouncing). And the Dutch, occupying the islands of what today is
Indonesia, introduced another way of writing Malay according how the Dutch language in the
Netherlands is spoken and written.
A simple way of explaining what Phonology is about.
When in 1957 we started a Bible School at Sikuati, I noticed that Majimil, Diyun, Osuman and
Angkangon who could read some Malay words, used the English ABC saying, E,Bi,Si, Di, I, Ef, Ji,
Etsh, Ai, Ka, El, Em, En, O, Pe, Kuw, Ar, Es, Ti, Yu, Fau, Doppleyou, Ex, Wai, Zet, which fitted
not at all to the written Malay words in the Laubach Learner Book.
So we started again right from the beginning, giving with a picture a symbol for each letter: A like
agong (Gong), B like busul, bola, (bottom, ball), D like dalus, dohon, (sea shell, me) E like
enggaton (pinang palm tree), G like godingan (Elephant), H like hakod (legs) I like idi, aki (mother,
grandfather), K like kabang (open mouth), L like lasag (sail post), M like mato (eyebrow),N like
nizu (coconut seedling) O like orod (arm or finger ring), P like pazas (Papaya), R like radu (plough),
S like sinikit (flame burning), T like tungkat (walking stick), U like ulu (head), V like valai (house),
Z like nizu, pazas, mozo, ozi, mizon ( coconut, Papaya, to follow, to like, to live at) and the
diphtongs AI like vaig, dalai, (water, maize or corn), AU like anavau, (light), karabau (water
buffalo), magazau (to cook) OI like oroloi (like) iokoi (we exclusive), OU like osilou (yellow), ikou
(you plural), with each letter being represented by a picture (a gong, bottom of a child, seashell)
even finding for the letter G a godingan (elephant with the trunk).
So in the end each letter of the alphabet as used for all the Rungus words had the appropriate image.
And being eventually copied, we had a little Primer for Rungus. To practize reading, a little booklet
to be added to the primer was written by the four fathers of the first children learning to read and
write at Sikuati explaining the life in the longhouse, of which I add to each lesson a passage for
reading practice and that whole First Reader in Rungus. To show the difference between spelling
and speaking (pronouncing) I use the brackets []
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Teach yourself Rungus:
Lesson: The vowels [wauls] I kiuni om diphtongs piuni Phonology
Lesson: The marker or article I(it), di (t), do(t). O (ot)
Lesson: The root /stem of words I gamut/puun dit ongopongoretan do Rungus
Lesson: Nouns I Pongoretan om ngaran do barang
Lesson: Adjective Panarangan di kobuatan ko kogunaan do barang, hal (noun)
Lesson: Morphology I tasantanid-tanid o vaza mamakai di toriso-iso o gamut/puun
Lesson: Momongo do monodiri dit ongo-affixes di monimban di harati om panangan di
Lesson: Momongo do monodiri dit ongo-affixes di monimban di harati om panangan di
Lesson: Suffix morphemes. It ongosuput di iadko iku do boros
Lesson: Articles and Pronouns I manarang do sumuhut i noun/ngaran, pongoretan ko i
mongontok di ngaran, pongoretan ko barang om ongohal
Lesson: The Syntax It onibak om amu aralom it ongopamarasan
Lesson: It ongopamarasan vokon om i vaza popisuput do panarangan
1. Lesson: The vowels [wauls] I kiuni om diphtongs piuni Phonology
Once again a simple way of explaining what Phonology is aboutas mentioned before: When in 1957
we started a Bible School at Sikuati, I noticed that also Majimil, Diyun, Osuman and Angkangon
could read some Malay words, they used the English ABC saying, E,Bi,Si, Di,I, Ef, Ji, Etsh, Ai, Ka,
El, Em, En, O, Pe, Kuw, Ar, Es, Ti, Yu, Fau, Doppleyou, Ex, Ypslinon,Zet, which fitted not at all to
the written words in the Laubach Learner Book.
So we started again right from the beginning, giving with a picture a symbol for each letter: A like
agong (Gong), B like busul, bola, (bottom, ball), D like dalus, dohon, (sea shell, me) E like
enggaton (pinang palm tree), G like godingan (Elephant, H like hakod (legs) I like idi, aki (mother,
grandfather), K like kabang (open mouth), L like lasag (sail post), M like mato (eyebrow), N like
nizu (coconut seedling) O like orod (arm or finger ring), P like pazas (Papaya), R like radu (plough),
S like sinikit (flame burning), T like tungkat (walking stick), U like ulu (head), V like valai (house),
Z like nizu, pazas, mozo, ozi, mizon ( coconut, Papaya, to follow, to like, to live at) and the
diphtongs AI like vaig, dalai, (water, maize or corn), AU like anavau, (light), karabau (water
buffalo), magazau (to cook) OI like oroloi (like) iokoi (we exclusive), OU like osilou (yellow), ikou
(you plural), with each letter being represented by a picture (a gong, bottom of a child, seashell)
even finding for the letter G a godingan (elephant with the trunk).The other letters are called
consonants - koruhang di kiuni. Kabang mamakai di munung, dila ko itatalanan antava it odung b,p,
f, ko m, n, ng om i iadinoi.
So in the end each letter of the alphabet as used for all the Rungus words had the appropriate image.
And being eventually copied, we had a little Primer for Rungus.
For the moment, I try to explain the use of what in English is called “vowel” [waul] and to show the
difference between spelling and speaking (pronouncing) I use brackets [] Vowel means the letter
itself produces a sound = i hurup di kiuni nga varo uni kondiri
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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a) I kiuni vowel
There are five vowels a, e, i, o, u. Varo limo hurup a, e, i, o, u.
Iadino it uni ong “a” = agong, ama, amu, aki, magavang, avantang, avasih
ong “e” = enggaton, engin, elo, megol,
ong “i” = idi, inai, i valai, Dinihizan, iti, ino, iri
ong “o” = oho, Ozong, Orong, ongkukul,
ong “u” = ulu, ungkamang, uni, unopot, undiri,
b) Diphtongs -Piuni, two vowels (kiuni) are joined together as diphtongs (piuni), whereby the
second kiuni is in the international alphabet often called as being not active or voiceless) It
occurs in the second syllable. When used with suffix -an the second kiuni can change into “z”
puvalazan or “h” kovosihan
ong “ai” = amai, inai, valai, sungkabai, dahai, anggai
ong “au” = karabau, dau, ginazau
ong “oi” = oroloi, iokoi,
ong “ou” = tokou, mangarazou but rozohon
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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For reading praxis read a little story: Arun and Asun in the kampong_
1. I Arun om i Asun:
Varo duvo ot anak sompi kusai. I ngaran di
keso dino i Asun. I ngaran di koduvo dino i
Arun. I Asun om i Arun dino banalko
I Asun dino agazo-no. I Arun dino opodok-po.
Sumako i Asun sid karabau. Miombutul i
Arun. Rumikot i karabau sid buvatan
Hei ambau, hei ambau
kada panangkus,
gandaraku gandaranku
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Sinanggong dino longoi
nu oi Asun. Longozo ka
vagu oi, tudukai oku po.
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You notice that before every noun or name is a marker, in English called article. With lesson two
we shall learn how to use such markers before names and objects indicating the position of the noun
or pronoun in the sentence.
Take Note: Any person all over the world will be able to read and pronounce this story without
having knowledge of Momogun. He/she will be understood, as there is no difference between
spelling and pronouncing. The person has only to keep in mind: One does not give any syllable a
stress or emphasis.
Second Lesson: The marker or article, which points out and qualifies that a noun follows There are
two articles in English, a definite and an indefinite article or marker a and the a) indefinitive marker:
a man, a woman, a house, a thing, a school, a tool, a pencil, a problem. In front of a noun with an
initial vowel, an “n” is added: an egg, an elephant, an apple, an animal b) the definite marker: The
house, the boy, the girl, the door, the church, the office, the tree, which refers to a particular house,
boy, girl, door or church...
The Rungus marker, ino-no i hurup di monuduk do mozo i pongoretan, i retan dot adjective (ong
English) i (it), di (dit), o (ot), do (dot) apakai pengkaa dino:
is “i” followed by a “t” before nouns with an initial vowel: i valai, it uva, i riniba, i pomogunan, i
kampong, i vulan, i pongitungan, i kavavalazan
but: it anak, it aki, i karabau, i pongitungan, i vusak, it uva, it ombuvoi, it ongkukul, ong kodung i
pongoretan varo kiuni sid kotimpuunan.
Referring to any house uses the marker “varo” Varo valai sid himbaan, varo’t ulun sid sulap.
Different from English which only uses the article “the” and “a” for any noun, whether being the
subject or object in the sentence, Rungus uses a marker “di/dit” and “do/dot” before the noun, when
the noun/name is not the subject of the matter expressed.
It anak dot agazo, i valai dot ulun, it anggai di kuvo, i binatang do Barambangun
The difference between using “dit”and “dot” indicates the relationship being general or
i valai di Asun, it anggai di Parazin, i binatang di Lagan, it anak di Arun, it uva do paranggi.
Topot, ong valai do pagong i nagama, varo tukad,
Mangakan di parangi i Asun, magandaha ialo di valai do Popot, monurat do surat sid di
Daang, i mato dot adau, i Arun manabpo di hakod di Arun.
For reading praxis read the little story: Arun and Asun in the kampong
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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2. Modsu sid bavang
I Asun om i Arun tumuhun antad sid karabau.
I Asun om i Arun kumaa sid bavang. Rumikot
ioti sid bavang. Mongidu-no ioti do soval, tu
modsu sid bavang. I Asun om i Arun dino
misingkavaro. Elo i Asun tumosog. Tumolong
i Asun sid saralom. Mongingut i Asun di Arun.
Rumosi i Arun, tu amu milo tumosog. Lumusu
i Asun, tu manabpo di hakod di Arun.
Mongogizak i Arun. Tumindal i Arun.Gumusa
i Asun di Arun
Tuhop no ka dino Asun,amu ibo
olonod inoi kada katalou sino.
Boi ong olonod oku
kuran? Yai… rumosi oku
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Take Note: Any person all over the world will be able to read and pronounce this story without
having knowledge of Momogun. He/she will be understood, as there is no difference between
spelling and pronouncing. The person has only to keep in mind: One does not give any syllable a
special stress or emphasis.
3. Lesson The root /stem of words I gamut/puun dit ongopongoretan do Rungus
The European languages like English, French, German, Spaniol ko Italy in use today are a mixture
of many languages of different tribes of the past, being influenced by further other languages over
the centuries. While Latin, the language of the Roman Empire around the time, when Jesus was
living in Palestine, has greatly influenced the European languages until today, these Latinism are
today pronounced in different ways, often hardly recognizable as former Latin words. While many
forms of words are used in a similiar way in these various langauges as nouns, adjectives, verbs and
other parts of speech, most of them follow a certain pattern and can be explained with the same
terms: nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, Other languages in the world have often other forms and
ways of building compound words (adjectives, verbs, nouns etc). Rungus belongs to this second
group of langauges like Hebrew and Arab, Hindi om Kina and many other vernaculars, which use
affixes to varify the meaning of an expression.
Yet all forms carrying the meaning of a particular idea (root/stem) derive from the main part of the
expression used in communicating with one another. Like a tree which consists first of one root and
stem or trunk, from which grow out branches into twigs, from which the leaves and fruitbearing
flowers develope the product..
root/stem-branches -twigs-leaves and flowers bringing forward fruits. To explain this
developement is called Morphology The developing of forms....
It inantadon dit ongoboros di tasantanid-tanid o harati, nga retanko gamut ko puun iadko i gamut do
kazu. I kazu, nga varo laid i gamut antad di linsou dot uva, nga sumuni i linsou om sumurut i batang
ko i puun om iri-ogi mimbulai it ongoraan dit apapak om it otiniu sampai mimbulai it ongoroun om
it ongovusak do kazu di pembulai dit ongouva.
While English uses rather an additional term to explain something e.g.
take back….posuri,
take life…...mamatai,take off go away,
take part…. mamung sid gamaon
take away……..manganu,
take in………...tumorima,
the German has similar prefixes like Rungus changing the meaning of the main idea: i boros
German mamakai do prefixes miabal do Rungus di monimban di harati do gamut schneiden =
momudung zuschneiden = mongogunting, abschneiden = momompod, verschneiden = momudung
dit amu nokonong sampai osusa do pada di barang ko kumut, beschneiden-monunat, umschneiden =
momompod, Schnitt = i kopudungan, Abschnitt = i nobi di kopudungan, Verschnitt = i nobi do
kumut, Zuschnitt = i kumut di nosodia bahagi momukul, Schneiderei = i kadai do monombil do
ongosulungan, Schneider = i tukang do monombil,.schneidern = monombil. nga kavi- avi manarang
ombo o gama kadapat mangagama ong mamakai do gunting.
Ong Rungus:
Imot= i gama mamakai dit mato. (imot, sirot, impa)
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Adjective :
past tense
o-imot = emot, visible
mo-imo t= memot…see,
minemot….saw miongimot looked……. nokemot have seen
imatan…. Seeing
kematan, kinematan,….sight, past sight
pongimatan…. sight
kopongimatan,…. intense look
mokimot…..wish to see, past tense minokimot,
to make
pemot,….. to make see
pinemot- pongemot,…..past of showing
tiimot, Desire to see or inspect, mokipopokotemot….. Wishing if possible to visit
past minokipopokotimot.... Imat-imatan-po…. Wait and see
Varo vokoni do sampai labaan do 150 ot uva di gamut imot. There are more than 150 alterations in
using one stem(root).
Note: With the following lessons I shall try to explain along the English Grammar Adjective, noun,
verb etc. and add how the Rungus Grammar works. For there is a big difference between English
and Rnngus and it is not very easy at each time to explain to and fro which language rule is
prevailing. By using the technical Terms of Linguistics, there are three steps to be described:
 Phonology
 Morphology
 Syntax
the way how the single letters are pronounced
how the various affixes give the stem/root various meanings
how sentences are put together expressing matters, actions and aims ...
It is necessary at this stage to move to and fro following the two language rules. Manjadi sid
ongolesson vagu moniim-oku do manarang, isuhut di vaza manarang ong English Grammar
Adjective, noun, verb om vokon-i, om iri-ogi kopiamung-po i vaza di hoturan do Boros Rungus.
Sabap banalko tanid i hoturan do boros English om Rungus, apagon ngaran do misoguli-guli pogili
om manarang ombo it ahatuli. Ong mamakai dit ongopongoretan do Linguistics , varo tolu o tungkat
manarang, ino-no
 A Phonology
 B Morphology
 C iri-ogi Syntax
i tudukan do mumbongot dit ongohurup.
i tudukan do popitalad dit tasantanid-tanid o pongoretan di mutolid
antad sid gamut/puun ko stem or root.
i tudukan do popiamung dit ongopamarasan di manarang ombo o
hal om kobuatan sampai i panangan om it siombo o kojodizan
Ino dino ituduki, isuhut di hoturan do Rungus om vokon di dang Inggeris.
For reading praxis read this little story : Arun and Asun in the kampong
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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3. Mindakod sid nizu
Kemot i Asun do nizu. Migusa ioti tumangkus
rumikot sid puun do nizu. Mindakod i Asun
sid nizu. I Arun dino minud sid puun do nizu.
Amu milo i Arun mindakod, tu amu opinit
iosido. Asapou it uva do nizu. Mongupu i
Asun dot uva. Mindahu vagu i Asun. Ogorot
ioti mangakan do nizui dit omulok. Opongopo mangakan, orualan do tizan i Arun om i
Obo,nga kada no kama pongimuk,
kendahu oku no om akanon to ogi.
Asabak ko ong amu monginud ko bo.
Minud oku siti siba, umpugon ku
ombo aratu nu. Ikau mindakod tu
opinit ong I kau
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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4. Lesson Nouns I Pongoretan om ngaran do barang
There are different kinds of nouns :
common nouns the cat - it uzing, the dog -it asu, the house - i valai, the head - it ulu, the foot i
hakod, the knive i pisau, the book - i buuk, the boat - it alud, the tree - i kazu, the walk - i panau, the
wall - i rinding
proper nouns or names Asun, Arun, Kudat, Asia, with initial Capital Rungus, Ubian, Dayak,
Kudat, Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu, Tenom
abstract nouns the fear i korosizan, the joy i kohigakan the rule i hoturan Plural of nouns ongoThe dogs, it ongoasu, the houses it ongovalai, the days it ongoadau or it inadahan if concerning long
past days the men (man) it ongokusai, the women it ongoondu (ongondu) the thoughts = it
ongopongitungan, the longhouses it ongobinatang The teeths it ongonipon.
Personal pronouns representing the nouns:
 Arun likes koliabas I Arun tiakan do koliabas
 He picks koliabas iosido mongupu do koliabas
“he” refers to Arun who likes guava he picks them from the tree English and Rungus use three
personal pronouns for single persons, matters, nouns and three pronouns for more then one
1st person singular I together with the marker i-oku = ioku The marker is joined to the pronoun.
When the pronoun is suffixed to a verb, no “i” Marker is needed
 I go = nau-oku
 2nd person YOU
 3rd person HE /it
or with emphasis
I-kau = ikau You go
Ialo/ izau he goes
Plural More than one many
 1st person we go,
mamanau tokou
 2nd person you go
 3rd person they go
mamanau iolo, ioti
Ioku o mamanau
mamanau-ko ko ikau o mamanau
mamanau ialo ko izau o mamanau
or emphasized
or emphasized
or emphasized
i tokou o mamanau
ikou o mamanau
iolo o mamanau ko ioti o m..
Note: It is a nonsense writing this marker “i” combined with the pronouns with a “y”. This
“I” is one phoneme and should not be alternating with “y”. It is a matter of Momogun
spelling, not following either the English spelling or BM spelling. ioku, ikau ialo, iolo, iokoi, i
tokou....ioti. (Compare how English spelling uses the letter “y”.Learning English means learing
each word seperately only, why, whisky, yacht, Yankee, year, yes)
Dual form: We two go mamanau kito emph. I kito o mamanau (Rungus is one of a few languages
which uses DUAL forms)
Possesive pronouns: My house - valai-ku, Our house - valai-za ko valai di tokou, emphasized i
dohon do valai di tokou do valai inclusive) exclusive dahai do valai
2nd person your house
i valai-nu your house (plural) valai dikou ko i dikou do valai
3rd Person his/her house i valai dau their house
i valai diolo/dioti dual valai di kito di kito o valai
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Demonstrative pronouns: point to something which is close by, further away or locally and in
matters of time very distant: This Iti, that ino. that far away ilo, In time iri these pronouns use like
the marker a final “ti” before a vowel-initial noun. Emphasis repeats the pronoun afterthe noun This
house Iti valai diti, that house ino valai dino, that house far off ilo valai dilo, that house some time
ago Iri valai diri
Lokative pronouns: explain the direction or distance of the noun by adding a initial “s” to the
demonstrative pronoun siti, sino, silo, sori, siri the house here iti valai siti, the house over there ino
valai sino, ilo valai silo, iri valai siri if indicating the place of the object (noun, person) the locator
sid changes to sitid, sinod, silod, soirid, sirid We meet at this house Minsamung-okoi sitid valai, the
hospital is sorid Ranau that war took place at Iraq i rumpak dino nokosunu sorid Iraq.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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For reading praxis read the little story:
4. Mangagama do kurita I Asun om i Arun miupakat mamanau sid govuton. Mogihim ioti di
gamaon do kurita. I Asun om i Arun nokemot do kazu do kidalid dot alaab. Mitabang ioti
momudung. Manganu ioti do hakod do kurita. Nopongo-po, mongovit i Arun om i Asun di kurita sid
takad. Sumako ioti sid kurita. Alangkas i kurita dino rumuhuk. Kodondtol i kurita sid kazu.Kotubpo
ioti sid sibak. Mogihad ioti. Nokinis i soval di Arun. Obutak i Asun, tu naratu sid lolobuhon do
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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5. Lesson Adjective Panarangan di kobuatan ko kogunaan do barang, hal (noun)
The adjective is a word which explains the form, quality, use or relation of nouns. In English it
precedes the noun in question The big house The long house The tall tree
I panarangan di kobuatan do barang manarang di kogunaan om kapakazan ko i buatan di nununopo.
Vokon nga ogulu di noun, vokon-no ong kosuhut di pongoretan
The big house
the tall person
the fast car
the clear explanation
the little food
i valai dot agazo ….. it agazo o valai
it ulun dit anaru ….. it anaru ot ulun
i kurita di alangkas ….. it alangkas o kurita
i panarangan dit atalahas ..... it atalahas o panarangan
i kakanan dit okudik ….. it okudik o kakanan
All adjectives in Rungus use a prefix A or O according to the first vowel of the root word
and are formed from the root word consisting of
o-orod=orod round
big, large
small, little
This is the English way of describing different functions of a word: Adjectives, nouns, pronouns,
adverbs, gerundives, prepositions, conjunctions, verbs in their different use.
For reading praxis read the little story
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5. Manganu do kouvaan:
I Asun om i Arun mirimpanau sid kabun om sid govuton. Mogihim ioti do kouvaan. Ampalam,
matan,bonsiku,mogiton,rangalau, bambangan ko puvak. I Asun dino om i Arun mogihim-nopo do
kouvaan o tomodon dioti. Ogorot ioti mangakan dokouvaan.
Oginisan o kouvaan ot ihimon dioti. Aso’t engkod dioti mivozo-vozo. Nakatanga ioti sid himbaan.
Kemot ioti do rangalau. Mindankod i Arun. I Asun-nopo om sid tana. Manahau iosido dit uva.
Tutuon di Arun i raan do rangalau. Ogumu o rumato it uva. I rangalau dino mansak-no banal.
Asapou it uva. Noponu it obubut di Asun om i di Arun.Avagat it obubut. Muli-no ioti sid valai.
Otomon-no it idi om it ama di Asun om i di Arun. Mangakan ioti sokoviai
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6. Lesson MORPHOLOGY I tasantanid-tanid o vaza mamakai di toriso-iso o gamut/puun
The Momogun language has stem morphemes, affix morphemes and non stem words, such as
enclitics, conjunctions, articles and interjections. There are three forms of affixation: prefix, infix
and suffix
I boros Rungus mamakai di gamut/puun dot tomod manarang di harati. Varo-po ongobahagi do
boros di ong kopiamung sid gamut/stem nga monimban om posondot di harati di gamut/puun.
Vokon-no it i amung ogulu di gamut ino-no mu-valai =muvalai-oku I build a house prefix
muvokon-no ong mozo dit hurup otimpuunan minuvalai-oku diri I built then a house infix –in and
add a suffix /varo-po i kosuput sid pompod di gamut/puun. kavavalaz-an building, houses suffix –an
Iaditi, mong-umpug to come or bring together. i-numpug being together pong-umpug-an gathering.
Minongumpug Past tense came or brought together This affixations are prefixes in front, infix “-in-“
indication past tense and suffix being added to the stemp/root.
I ngaran dit ongosuput dino, prefix, infix om suffix, ko apajak Affix = it inamungi mogulu ko sid
tanga ko sid pompod do gamut/puun.
B.10 The stem morphemes
B.11 the simple stems
There are stems, which are in themselves substantives as they are names of things. Other stems
do not occur in the mere stem form but are always affixed as e.g. qualifiers of verbs
sangkul… hoe
sigup…. tobacco
rinding…. wall
tumangkus-oku …I run
naru anaru ….long
i sangkul… the hoe
it sigup… the tobacco
i rinding…. the wall
manangkul-oku …I hoe
monigup-oku… I smoke
mongorinding-oku… I make a wall
i kotongkusan…. the race
numaru it kazu…. the tree gets longer
B.12O compound stems (stems with unproductive prefixes)
B.121 compound stems with prefix mongi + nasal or mi+ nasal (m,n, ng)
Sakot grass
I cut grass
I put high up
Toron stay
I live
Tutun to get known intimate mongintutun-oku
I make known
pemozo oku (poinbozo) I give in
I repeat
I stand up
The following stems have in addition a reduplication of the first stem syllable, whereby the initial r
or l is replaced by voiced plosive d
I slander
Longoi song
I sing
ronok fear
I threaten
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B.122 compound stems with prefix o + nasal
stick for climbing beans
I am pregnant
B.123 compound stems with prefix u + nasal (m, n, ng)
hand (palm)
mundaliu it kinomol
mungkalad it vusak
I keep for myself
the rice wine ferments
the flower unfolds
I show goodness
B.124 compound stems with prefix ti + nasal
I begin
I lie with face to the ground
B.125 compound stems with prefix to + nasal
Obpinai brother/sister.
monongobpinai-oku dikau I hold you as my brother
monompiri oku
I make fire by turning a stick
B.126 compound stems with prefix tu + nasal
Vozo follow.
tumbozo monumbozo oku I obey
tumuntuvad oku
I turn head over heels
B.127 compound stems with unproductive prefix k + vowel, assimilating to first stem vowel
ruhang to accompany i koruhang the companion kumoruhang oku I accompany you
there is.
kavaro misingkavaro
act as if real
gangau noisy.
none. kaso none
mamagkaso oku
I hold as non existent
B.128 compoundstems with unproductive prefix san- var- son- -m -ng -rAnu
to take sanganu possess. Manansanganu
I take into possession
Ruvang enclosure.
soruvang to enter monoruvang oku I visit non relatives
sombozo initate sumombozo
For reading praxis read the little story
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6. Magazup:
I Asun dino elo-no banal monuduk di Arun. Magazup ioti dot apat rantai konoruvo. Mangagama i
Arun do linavang. Mogihim do logodon i Asun. Potonduk do logodon i Asun. Mangagama i Arun
do sungkoliu.Toduvo-duvo-no ropo o linavang-po. Sasarap-po ahason-no dioti. Nga kisulungan-no.
Vokon-no ong palanuk. Vokon-no ong puhu. Vokon-no ong tubou i kosulung.
Otos otos ka sino oi.ogadan
ilot ongkukul. Onong ku I
benoi, imatai-imatai pogi.
Naka ong onihu ko no. onongo
nelo tagazo. Ha…ha…eradan nu po
dati iti dohon diti ngaamu.
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7. Manapu do potizukan:
I Asun om i Arun mivozo sid himbaan. Manapu ioti do potizukon. Nakatanga-po ioti sid himbaan,
kemot-no do monggis. Ino monggis dino kisokot, sampai ponopuvan laid dot ulun.I Asun om i Arun
dino ban alko otomon. Mongoi-no ioti do tonus om uluhan om lontubang. I monggis dino banalko
I Asun-no o mamapak. I Arun-no o mangatod do papak do buruan. Tanga sodop- nopongo-no.
Banalko ohigak i Asun om alangkas-po kagi iosido mamapak.I Asun dino elo manapu, tu
banalko opinit iosido. I Arun dino amu opinit, baiko miapu om mangahakang iosido di bituu. Duvo
runggou i paha di nasapu dioti.
Nosingot i mato di Asun, obongkung-no, tu lumonit. I Arun dino nosingot i hakod dau, tu
nakaladtak do tinuo. Iadpoko kabou i hakod di Arun, tu banalko lumonit.Minsusuvab-po mulio-no
ioti. Nokorikot-po sid valai, banal-noko otomon it idi om it ama di Asun om i di Arun.
7. Lesson Momongo do monodiri dit ongo-affixes di monimban di harati om panangan di gamut
B.22O intransitive prefixes Bahagi di gama di kondiri
B.221 prefix m + stem: indicating process
imot mimot oku
I see
atag matag oku
I get better
vozo mozo oku
I follow
odop modop oku
I sleep
ogom mogom oku
I sit
idu midu it soval
the trouser comes off
udou mudou it gula
the sugar melts
valiu maliu oku
I move house
B.222 prefix mu + stem: indicating state of being/doing
Valai house.
muvalai oku diti
mukadai oku
tanom plant.
mutanom oku
Tagad ricefield.
mutagad oku
kabun garden.
mukabun oku
grandfather. muaki oku dit NN
grandmother. muodu oku dit NN
movozo oku dit NN (muvozo)
I make, build a house now
I make a shop (keep a shop)
I plant, I am planter
I plant hill rice
I am farmer
I am grandchild of NN (male)
I am grandchild of NN (female)
I am follower of NN
in movozo the u-vowel of the prefixmu- assimilates to the o-vowel of the stem, because of the vinitial stem, see also B.421 nominal affix combination pu + stem –an
B.223 infix -um- after stem initial consonant
to come.
rumikot oku
to burn.
humandab it valai
to exceed. humali it sakit
kumadi oku diti
I come
the house burns down
the sickness gets worse
I go to the shop now
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B.23O transitive prefixes = active verbs Gama di mongimbulai do ....
B.231 prefix ma- var. mo- + prenasalized substitution or nasal addition manga- + stem or mongo- +
stem. The substitution of the initial plosive or fricative consonant by a nasal (if initial stem
consonant is either voiceless, plosive, fricative or l and r
to go
to guard
to carry
to mix
to wash
to move
to lie
to measure
to plant
to assist
to touch
to speak ??
mamanau oku
mana'ud oku
mamabo oku
momubul oku dot ginazu
mamagas oku
momoug oku
mamaliu oku
momudut oku
monukung oku
mananom oku
monulung oku
mangama oku
monguvo oku
I go
I watch (the house)
I carry (the box)
I mash rice
I husk rice
I wash up
I change position of something
I lie make a wrong statment
I measure
I plant (rice)
I help (my mother)
I touch (your hand)
I speak without naming
Nasal addition before stem initial voiced plosives (excluding b), fricatives glottal stops and the
consonant h,r,l,
to question
to cover
to make
to use
to try
to measure
to grip
to step
to take away
to take along
to put away
to rounden
to open
to open field
to open knot
to accuse
to be trusty
mongoduat oku
mongodundung oku
mangagama oku
mongoguna oku
mangahavol oku
mangahanggum oku
mangaradu oku
mangaramit oku
mongolobong oku
mangaladtak oku
mangalaab oku
mongidu oku
mongovit oku
mangada oku
mongorod oku
mongukab oku
mongumo oku
mongozopos oku
mangazazak oku
mangamalun oku
manganavau oku
mangajamin oku
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
I ask someone
I make a shelter
I make something
I use a car
I grip in the dark
I measure by hand full
I plough
I hold fast
I bury
I step onto
I broaden, enlarge
I take away
I bring,take with me
I throw away
I make round
I open up
I plant hill rice
I make wet
I untie knot
I accuse
I make light
I guarantee
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B.232 prefix pa- var po- + prenasalized substitution as 2.221 describing action of subject
to go
to watch
to plant
pamanau oku
panaud oku
panamon oku
to question
to use
pongoduat oku
pongoguna oku
pangaradu oku
pangajamin oku
I am one who makes going
I am one who makes one watch
I am one who makes one plant
nasal addition
I am one who makes one to ask
I am one who makes one to use
I am one who makes one plough
I am one who makes one to
B.233 prefix pa- var. po- + ko (var.ka-) action of substituted usage
asu dog
pokoasu to treat as a dog
B.234 prefix p- + vowel, assimilating to first stem vowel: indicating causative action imot pemot
oku dot ulun I make visible to people (show)
patag oku
podop oku
pogom oku
penum oku di NN
papanau oku dikau
pataud oku dikau
patangkus oku dikau
I put in order
I set down do sleep
I set down do sit
I give NN a drink
I make you go, let you go
I make you a watchman
I let you run
compare also. po+ stem+ on + nominal personal suffix
penumon-ku ikau
I shall give you a drink
pinenum oku di NN
I was given a drink by NN
pinenum-ku it NN
I gave NN a drink
B.234 prefix p + u + stem indicating "master or way of" action
master of adultery
tune, singer
B.235 prefix k- + vowel assimilating to first stem vowel or contracting with vowel initial:
function realisation of action or conclusion of process, also potentiality of action
korikot oku
kagama iti
kemot oku
I am here (have arrived)
it is made
I being visible
Also. with plural infix -anga- var. ongo
kongimot-ku kavi
kongimot oku dot ulun
my seeing all
wholly visible to people
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B.236 prefix combination kapa- var. kopo- + nasal substitution or addition function: realisation
of 2.222, describes person who has finished with the action: having realized
boros speech
tanom plant
kirim send
kopomoros oku
kapananom oku
kopongirin oku
I have said, have been speaking
I have planted (already)
I have sent
For reading praxis read the little story
Mangagama i Arun do simbubut. Mangagama i Asun do pana. Minonong ioti mamana om
monimbubut sid kazu. Oubas-po ioti, mogihim-no dot ombolog. Mamana i Asun, monimbubut-no i
Arun. Konong i Asun dot ongkukul. Konong i Arun do tubuvan. Aratu-nopo, sopulan–no dioti it
ombolog. Banalko otomon i Arun, tu agazo
i tobuvan. Amu otomon banal i Asun, tu baiko ongkukul i dau.
I Asun om i Arun ogumu ot elaan mongimpori. Ioti dino sompi kiasu dot avantang. I di Asun dot aso
aragang, i di Arun buris. I ngaran dit asu di Arun i Buris im i ngaran dit aso di Asun i Bugog. Bang
mamanau-no ioti sid himbaan, kukuon-no di Asun om i Arun i Bugog om i Buris, nga gumusa-no
Korikot-po ioti sid himbaan, kugad-no it asu dioti dino. I Asun om i Arun dino miuvas nga amu
songkuro om anu. Inot asu di Asun om i Arun banalko musig om orongit-po. Olimbozo banal inot
asu di Asun om i di Arun. Siombo-nopo o pamananahan, nga mozoi.
I Asun om i Arun ong miuvas-no, misogulu mitohudi ioti dino, tu miradi kalangkaso tumangkus.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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8. Lesson Momongo do monodiri dit ongo-affixes di monimban di harati om panangan di gamut
B.236 prefix combination naka- var. noko- with assimilation of prefix vowels to first stem vowel, or
contraction of final prefix vowel to stem initial vowel. Function: describes long existence of
spontaneous state or realisation of action.
to sleep
to plant
to come
to go
nokodop oku
nakatanom i parai
nokorikot ialo
nakapanau iosido
I had fallen asleep
the rice had been planted
he had come
he had gone
B.237 prefix combination nakapa- var. nokopo- with nasal substitution or nasal addition
to order,send nokopongirim oku
I was one who had rdered
to se
nokopongimot oku
I have seen already
to make
nakapangagama oku do meja I have already made tables
with plural infix -anga- var. -ongoodop
to sleep nongokodop okoi
nokongodop okoi
we all had dropped off to sleep
we had all slept then
B.238 prefix combination sang var.song with nasal assimilation: Dual or group action
to follow owe another, do together
eating together
to go together
B.24O Prefixes with prefix vowel -iB.241 prefix -i- : describing the matter concerned in the action or state
i barang ko gama dit atarangano
my gift, what I give
what hangs
the payment, what to buy with
tear in garment
the moved article
my question
B.242 prefix mi- + stem (ef.Mal. ber-) describes the process of action often reciprocal or reflexive
or dual,
to run
to qestion
to follow
to collect
to throw away
mitangkus ioti
miduat it ulun
mivozo it anganak
miumpug it ongoulun
miada ioti
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
they are running together
they ask (each other)
the children go together
the people gather
they divorce,separate
Page 23
also: prefix mi + tor- describes repeated reciprocal action or occurrence
I gama ko hal di miguli-guli kagama ko koboros
 we (ecl) will se each other again and again
B.243 prefix pi- + stem, occurs usually together with causative prefix po-ong pi nga manarang do
varo duvo di mangagama ko kopisuhut
to run
tongkizad to separate
make run together
make to separate them
cf. also affix combinations pi- + stem-on B.426 indicate duality
hal do varo duvo mangagama ko monurut do hal
pi- + stem-an
opi- stem
B.244 prefix ni- describes the state of completion of an action = preteritum of mi- + stem
Manarang do nopongo-nopo i miDuat
to ask
to speak
to throw away
my having been in the state of asking
my having been in the state of talking
my having been in the state separating
B.245 prefix ti- + stem, describes the wish to do or be what root word expresses (with contraction of
vowel with i- initial stem vowel) manarang do varo kenginan mangagama ko posurut do tomodon
to see
to long for
to eat
partner in marriage
to hoe
wish to see, long to see
tilangad oku
I am homesick, I long to go home
tiakan oku
I like to eat something
wanting to mate
tisangkul oku I like to hoe
B.246 prefix ki- + stem describes the existence of a state ,maramg do varo narang ko tomodon
kisangkul oku I
kivaig it talage
kivalai oku
kiboros oku
kihukum oku
have a hoe, I own a hoe
the well has water
I own a house
I have something to say
I speak with authority and experience
cf. further affixation
boros kiboros kumiboros oku dikau = I speak to you or (I have something to tell you)
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B.25 prefix misi- + nasal + stem, whereby the nasal assimilates to the initial plosive: describes
playful action, pretention of okonko otopot, bai momoi
misinganak oku
misinglovong oku
misintangkus oku
misimpatai oku
with reduplication of si- Misising-ilo
to know
I act as if I were a child
I play the fool
I act as if I were running
I act as if I were dying
I learn (try to know)
B.26 prefix miri- + nasal + stem, whereby the nasal assimilates to the initial consonant: describes
an action without aim
to go
mirimpanau oku I walk to and fro, for walking sake
to vomit miringilob oku
I vomit without stopping (for no apparent reason)
to sleep miringodop oku I sleep without stopping
B.27 prefix mag- var. mog- + stem: describes action causing existence of
to quarrel
mogodu oku
I bring on a quarrel
maganak oku
I bear a child, woman's side)
mamaganak oku I create child (man's side)
second wife
fishing line
magapid oku
I take second wife
magavang oku I ambush, wait to catch
magapon oku
I angle,do fishing
mogkovosihan I plead for goodness
B.28 prefix mana-var. mono- + nasal which assimilates to first consonant of stem: describes
dressing up, using of clothes i vaza mamakai do kosulungan
feast dress
head wear
manambanat oku
manampakai oku
mononsigal oku
mononsoval oku
monontompa oku
mononghogkos oku
manantapi oku
I put a shirt on, dress
I dress up
I put head dress on
I put trousers on
I put shoes on
I put waist cloth on
I put sarong on
B.29 prefix mad- var. mod- (often with reduplicaton of prefix) Mad- iadko kibuatano do gama
singkudou kneel
to run
to grow
mamadtangkus oku
I practically kneel
I practically run
also cf. sumuni = virgin and i momodsuni girl growing up
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B.291 prefix moki- + stem before verbal stems and secondary substantives to indicate intention of
action or ownership of what substantive expresses mindamo do
B.292 koruhang follower mokikoruhang oku dikau I want you to be my follower imot
pasi life
mokiimot oku dikau
mokipasi oku dikau
I want you to let me see
I want you to liven me up
B.293 irreal wish by reduplication of first stem syllable Amu otopot ivozo, bai momoi koruhang
follower mokikokoruhang oku I should somehow like to have a friedn
to see
to come
mokiimot oku disau
mokiririkot oku sori
I should like to see him but
I should somehow like to go there
B.294 improbable prefix combination mokipopokodimot
imot see mokipopokodimot oku I should somehow like to see
B.295 poki-+ stem artificiality of matter =apparence of Ha di bai iadko otopot
artificial flower
something used as cover (blanket)
For reading praxis read the little story
9. Mongolou do pozudu
I Asun om i Arun dino kaharati-no mongitung. Kiontok-no ioti. Ogumu-no ot elaan mangagama
monulung di molohing.
Mivozo ioti sid govuton do tagad, tu mongolou. I Asun o mongumpug, i Arun o momudung.
Opongo-po, uludon-no di Arun i kazu. I Asun-no o mongohongkos. Olombon i di Asun do kazu.
Otiniu i di Arun do kazu. Ahakang i Asun, amu ahakang i Arun. Muli-no ioti sid valai patod di kazu.
Emot-po ioti dit ama om it idi, otomon-no it ama om it idi dioti.
10. I modzupu
I Asun om i Arun dino manau-panau-nopo. Kumaa ioti sid sombol, tu memot dot ulun do modzupu
do dangol. Mongovit i Asun do dangol, tu mokitotop iosido. Mongovit i Arun do pupud do bilok, tu
ipototop dau. Asot isuul dioti, baiko monulung mogkuruvut.
I Asun dino elo mogkuruvut om ahanut-nopo kagi iosido. I Arun dino amu elo banal
omobinglupuhon-po kagi iosido. Opongo-po, muli-no ioti sid valai. Om asaon-no dioti, i Asun-no o
mangasa. I Arun-no o mogihim dot ipongulu. I Asun dino elono mangagama dot angkap. I Arun
dino elo-no mongulu.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Lesson 9 B.3O Suffix morphemes. It ongosuput di iadko iku do boros
B.30 imperative suffix -ai i boros di monuhu do gamaon with assimilation of last stem vowel to ai
or assimilation of first stem vowel, if second (last) is a
high vowel - sumiliu i duvo i kiuni dp pengkaa dino
a o + ai = a a ai
i o + ai = i a ai
a i + ai = o i ai
a u + ai = o u ai
o + ai = a a ai
make peace
short cut
call in
cut in pieces
see !
report !
buy !
teach !
love !
ask forgiveness !
add !
make peace !
peel !
make short cut !
bribe !
call in !
cut small !
finish !
remember !
bite !
hold fast ! stick to it !
B.32 imperative suffix -o i boros di monuhu do gamaon
with assimilation of first stem vowel if a ong i keso kiunu a
go in field
follow !
come !
take !
remember !
go into field !
think !
lift !
call !
think !
talk per Mr. NN !
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B.33 continuous tense suffix -o with assimilation of first stem vowel as 2.32
mogom oku
mindakod oku
I see
I sit
I climb up
I fall down
I ride
I come
dot memoto
dot mogomo
dot mindokodo
do rumatuo
do sumoko it anganak
do rumikoto
while seeing
while sitting
while climbing up
while falling down
while the children are riding
while coming
B.34 suffix -on: forms nomina gerundiva
 kiro
 vozo
i vozoon-ku
my way of calculating / my calculation
that what makes me follow
my leader
my news
my breaking
my intended journey
my future usage
B.35 imperative suffix -ai combined with causative verb prefix p+ a e i o
call in
pomungai dioti
show, make visible !
repair !
sell !
call in to fetch !
make them add !
make tell news !
B.4O Affix combinations.
B.41O Affix combinations with ka-var. ko- + stem + suffix =jumadi do pongoretan
B.411 affix combination ka-var. ko- stem + o forms nomina abstracta
 asavat
 alaab
 osodu
i kasavato
i kalaabo
i kosoduo
the height
the breadth
the distance
B.412 affix combination ka- var. ko- + stem + an forms nomina collectiva
jumadi do pongoretan dit amu monodiri di nunu-nopo(noun)
coming, arrival
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B.413 affix combination kapa- var. kopo- + stem + -an forms nomina actionis causativae
jumadi do pongoretan di manarang do tomodon
 imot
 patai
(the) showing
(the) killing
B.414 affix combination kapanga- var. kopongo- + stem + -an forms nomina actionis perfectae
jumadi do pongoretan di manarang do tomodon di nopongoi
 imot
 habal
kopongimatan (the) show then
kapangahabaran (the reporting then
B.415 affix combination ka- var. ko- + stem + -on forms nomina actionis futurae di manarang
do tomodon dit amu-po nokosunu
 patai
 panau
the future death, the dying
the intended walk
B.416 reduplication of first syllable of stem + suffix -on repeated happening (nomina actionis):
assimilation of suffix vowel on first stem vowel
pongoretan di manarang di kasarako do kosunuan do tomodon
to rob
to abduct
to cut
B.42O affix combination with pa- var. po- + stem + suffix
B.421 affix combination pa- var. po- + stem + -an nomina loci actionis (ex eventu)
sidang sunny it posidangan-ku place of my getting clothes dried in the sun
 sanda
 lombus
it pasandaan-ku
it polombusan-ku
place where I'll pawn
place (direction) of further journey
B.422 affix combination pi- + stem -an (from mi-verbs)as 2.421 tomodon ko sompuruvan do duvo
 umpug
 odu
 volit
piumpugan dot ulun
place of gathering
place (cause) of quarrel
place of boundary
B.423 affix combination pu- + stem -an (from mu- verbs)as 2.421 forms nomina collective Ontok
do kagamaan
 muvalai build house
 mutanom plant
 mutaras plant maize
puvalazan-ku place of my building a house
place of planting
place of planting maize /2nd clearing)
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B.424 affix combination pa-var. po- + stem -an with nasal substitution or nasal addition, forms
nomina loci collectiva opntok do gamaon
continue travel
pangangkatan dot ulun
my place for drying clothes
place where one borrows
place where people go on to
B.425 affix combination pa-var. po- + stem -on forms nomina causativa futuri
i barang di varo gamon ko tomodon
 sidang
 angkat
 sanda
posidangon-ku what
pangkaton-ku what
pasandaon-ku what
I am going to pu in the sun
I am going to lend
I am going to pawn
B.426 affix combination poki- + stem -an forms nomina actionis gerundivi
pongoretan di manarang di panangan do tomodon ko gamaon
imot see
indamo ask
what I wish to see
what I wish to ask for
with reduplication  I bai ngaran o kenginan mangagama
pokipopokodimatan-ku what I should rather like to see (but shall never see)
B.427 affix combination poko + stem reduplication = intensified action
boros speak pokoboro-boros to speak harshly, to be outspoken
B.43 Qualifying affixations (adjectival) produces adjectives
B.431 prefix a- var. o- before stem, whereby prefix assimilates to first stem vowel
manarang di kobuatan do pongoretan
 =v+a=aa
otinduk-oku dot vulanut
otinduk i karabau
alaab broad
asavat high
emot visible
apanau "walkable" possible
aakan edible
otinduk picked
bitten I by snake/ I am bitten by a nake
gored the buffalo/the buffalo is gored
ening audible
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2.432 prefix na- var. no- before stem, prefix vowel assimilating to first stem vowel, forms
qualifying nomina describing concluded state or condition manarang do nakajadi i kobuatan
nagazo it ulun
nening it habal
nening-ku-no it habal
nening oku dot ulun
grown big the person/one who has grown big
the heard news
the news heard by my
heard I by people/ I have been heard by people
2.433 affix combination a- var. o- stem -an substantifies the qualifier in comparison monodiri di
with assimilation of first stem vowel to o, if second stem vowel is a high vowel (i,o,u) see
too high for me
too big for me
too distant for me
too bad for me
too much for me
2.434 affix combination as 2.433, describes state of being hit by fame, etc.
panarangan ong inantakani
 darun
 sogit
odorunan oku I am hit by rain
osogitan oku I am hit by cold, have a cold
2.435 affix combination o+ pi- stem forms qualifier comparable with the English worthy in
thrustworthy Manarang di kogunaan do gama
worth to go there
worth to come to
worth singing
well known
also: affix combination k+ opi-: concluded state of opi- cf. k+ 2.224
 rikot
 panau
 ada
kopirikot oku
kopipanan oku
kopiada ioti
I am one who has been there already
I have already walked (this road)
they are divorced/got away
2.4361 affix combination o+ bi- + nasal, forms qualifiers: to be in state of
manarang di kobuatan di iadko vangun
obingrosi ot ulun
obinsakit ot anak
obimalan it kuvo NN
obingruol iosido
person full of fear
child who is always sick
is always lazy
he is always in pain
follow always
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drop down
fall down
obedient always
always faulty
drop always
fall all the time
difficult always
angry forever
2.4362 affix combination o+ bo- nasal or plosive forms qualifier being in state of
manarang di kobuatan di iadko vangun
 ihad
 inud
to cry
to wait
always crying
always waiting
or being manarang di kobuatan di iadko vangun
to chain smoke
to have intercourse outside marriage
to sleep around everywhere (I püagai)
to have intercourse olugizud to continuously sleep with person.
2.4363 affix combination o+ bu- + nasal forms qualifier indicating continuous state
manarang di kasarako o hal
 tai
obuntai it anak
the child has diarrhoe
2.436 affix combination ori+ nasal forms qualifier as above, manarang dit asarok o gama kobuatano
 panau
 tuod
to go
someone wandering about
being rooted, fixed
2.4365 affix combination -o- + tu + nasal =repeated action, manarang di gamaon dit iguli-gulii
speak always
funny endless
laugh always
follow always
cry always
2.44 infix -in- occurs with many of the affixes and indicates the preteritum of the action or the
state or the location. The infix follow the first stem consonant, or if prefixed the first prefix
consonant = past tense
manarang do najadino o hal ko gama
mapit oku
mananom oku
mangagama oku
I call in at
I plant
I make
my showing
minapat oku
minananom oku
minangagama oku
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I called in at
I planted
I made
my showing then
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 pongimot-ku
while seing
 kemot oku
visible I
 mokiimot oku
I wishing to see
 mokipopokodimot oku
 minokipopokodimot oku
 humaba i kazu
the tree fall
 kematan-ku
my sight
 kopimatan-ku
my showing them
 kopongimatan-ku my show
 emot
 ematan-ku
visible for me too
kinemot oku
minokiimot oku
my having been seen
having been visible
I having wished to see
I should somehow like to see..
I have had the intention to see then
hiumaba i kazu
the tree was falling
my sight then
my showing
kinopongimaten-ku my show then
visible them
visible for me then
2.45 Infix -in- forms nomina collectivae. Infix follows first consonant in stem
manarang do otoliban i hal, barang tomodon
adau day inadahan days
order it
houses then
what bigness
the being high
the one who gave orders
2.461 plural prefix ongo- var. anga- + stem or noun prefix vowels assimilate to first stem vowel, if
2nd prefix vowel contracts with first stem vowel (vowel initial nouns
Manarang dot okonko bai iso
with qualifiers (adjectives) Eniso i kobuatano
 asavat
high all
 aralom
deep all
 emot
visible all
 nasavat
high then
high then all
 nasavatan-ku
too high for me nangasavatan-ku too high all for me then
2.462 collective noun prefix san- var. son- Hal dot ogumu
people (all)
land, country
all mankind together
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2.463 affixes plural -in- + stem + an cf. nomina collectiva 2.45 (of the past)
ong mongoguna di kogumuai
 adau
 sodop
 ribu
2.47 enlarged stems to (var.ta- + nasel + stem (verbal)
2.471 sometimes inactive prefix to- having become part of three sylable stem, sometimes active
when prefixed to substantives
bubu………… fishtrap
notombubu do lizud
notombubu-okoi do darun
pomogunan…..land, village
to close way, to hinder escape
…..………………….caught by flood
……………………...caught by rain
monompomogunan to set up village
2.5O Iteration and reduplication.
2.51 Iteration of the stem weakens the meaning qualifies adjective and verb
manarang dot amu otopot i kobuatano
quite big
quite high
just visible
to walk about
to look about
with iteration of stem + -an cohortation to continue an action gradually
 imat-imatan-po
 savat-savatan-po
go on looking! wait and see!
Let it get higher still'
2.52 Reduplication of first stem syllable with nasal substitution
a) collective action
mamanau it ulun
mangagama iosido
the person goes
he works
ioti they run
ioti they run
mamamanau ioti
mamangagama ioti
mitatangkus ioti
mitatangkus ioti
they go
they all do something
they all run
they all run
b) reduplication with iteration of stem repetitive collective action
mitatangkus-tangkus ioti
miumpug it ulun
miuumpug-umpug ioti
kopupunsaan (opunso)
pininggomit-gomitan-ku-no antad sid angaki-ku
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they run again and again
people gather
they gather again and again
to feed again and again each other
continuous extermination
my having got it from my grandfathers
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2.53 reduplication of first syllable: forms nomina instrumenti from verbal stems
i pakakas di gamaon inanu sid mangagama
 vuhau
 gau
 tindok
to sweep
to paddle
to make holes
instrument for making holes
with reduplication of first stem syllable + -on suffix describes
person executing an action, i.e. being instrument of action
 suhu
 suhut
to order it
to obey it
the one who is ordered
the one who obeys
with reduplication of first stem syllable and suffix -an: when execution of action becomes
a general function of the person or matter
 boli
 tolon
to propitiate
to swallow
the priest
with reduplication with qualifiers, indicates plurality of adjectives
 agazo
ongogagazo i sapi
all the cows are big
2.6O Articles and pronouns
2.61 the articles
You notice that before every noun or name is a marker, in English called article. With lesson two
you learned how to use such markers before names and objects indicating the position of the noun
or pronoun in the sentence.
Sid Rungus atalahas dokodung varo boros kananganko hal, ngaran ko pongoretan om ngaran do
barang, varo-no apakai i, or it omo ko ot do tomod pentahan do varo hal dit atarangani. Iadino,
nitarang laid sid tutukan koduvo, ino-no:.
Second Lesson: The marker or article, which points out and qualifies that a noun follows There are
two articles in English, a definite and an indefinite article or marker
a) indefinitive marker: a man, a woman, a house, a thing, a school, a tool, a pencil, a problem
panarangan do bai apajak manarang varo ulun, kusai, binatang, himbaan In English in front of a
noun with an initial vowel, an “n” is added: an egg, an elephant, an apple, an animal
b) the definite marker: The house, the boy, the girl, the door, the church, the office, the tree, which
refers to a particular house, boy, girl, door or church... The Rungus marker, ino-no i hurup di
manarang ombo i pongoretan o sumuhut, i retan dot Adjective (ong English) i (it), di (dit), o (ot), do
(dot) apakai pengkaa dino: is “i” followed by a “t” before nouns with an initial vowel: i valai, it uva,
i riniba, i pomogunan, i kampong, i vulan, i pongitungan, i kavavalazan but/topot it anak, it aki, i
karabau, i pongitungan, i vusak, it uva, it ombuvoi, it ongkukul, ong kodung i pongoretan varo kiuni
sid kotimpuunan
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Referring to any house uses the marker “varo” Varo valai sid himbaan, varo’t ulun sid sulap. Ong
apajak manarang do hal, iri-ogi Varo’t ulun, varo kazu, varo pongitungan om i iadino Different
from English which only uses the article “the” and “a” for any noun, -apajak ko avalang it ombo
,whether being the subject or object in the sentence, Rungus uses a marker “di/dit” and “do/dot”
before the noun, when the noun/name is not the subject of the matter expressed. It anak dot agazo, i
valai dot ulun, it anggai di kuvo, i binatang do Barambangun
The difference between using “dit”and “dot” indicates the relationship being general or specific.
Ino-no i pitonidan suvai “dit” , to avalangi, ko “dot” ong apajak momoros i valai di Asun, it anggai
di Parazin, i binatang di Lagan, it anak di Arun, it uva do paranggi. Topot, ong valai do pagong i
nagama, nga varo tukad,
Mangakan do parangi di Asun, magandaha-oku di valai do Popot, monurat-ko do surat sid di Daang
i mato dot adau, i Arun manabpo di hakod di Arun.
Minsanko nakapanarang sid lesson laid, insan-po osodiri siti i kogunaan dit ongoonibak o
pamarasan di manarang di tomodon ko i kogunaan di pongoretan ko ngaran. Ong sid Bahasa
Melayu, aso article sampai banalko apagon dot it ongoguru manarang dit ongoarticle sid Boros
English, om lobipo sid German om Yunani om vokon it ongoboros sid sompomogunan di monodiripo di hal do subject, ko hal dot asanganu ko siombo ponong i hal om bahagi isai i kogunaan di
barang ko hal.
2.61 The articles I suput di mamalang di tomodon do pongoretan (Noun) There are three articles
(markers of substantives) i it is the personal article before names of person I valai I Angkap i
oboros-no. Ong varo kiuni sid ulu do pongoretan, iri-ogi inamung i hurup t. Bai sid ngaran, amu
apakaii: i rondogung, topot it uva, i taap, it onsung
o/ot is the vocative article when adressing a person by name, ong tumoguvang dot ulun, apakai do
kumiboros sid dau dot, O Angkap ko turu ot uva, limo ot ulun
 it marks the substantive or substantified subject
 ot marks the suppositioned substantive, or substantified subject
 dit marks the attribute, if attribute is a known or certain person or thing or singularity
Valai dit ongoulun, it ongokadai dit Ongokina
 dot marks the apposition, if the latter is general term valai dot ongoulun
or collective name
The collective prefix son.-/ san- (2.462) stands also in place of an article. son-/san- (som-son-song)
mamalang ong varo apajak ot otuboros. sompomogunan Sombinatang, songoulun
After the preposition sid only direct names of persons use the personal article. Sid himbaan, sid
valai di Sopirid
The final -t of the articles is left unpronounced in fast speech, especially if the following substantive
has an initial consonant. It is, for convenience, not produced in writing.
Examples of the usage of it
 i(t) manangon
the legend teller
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it manangon iosido
it minanangon
it tangon
it mokitangon
it pokitanganan
it katanganan
it kinatanganan
it kinapangananan
it nakatangon iosido he having told
it agazo
i momobog
i binobog
the legend teller is he
the legend teller then
the legend
 the person asking for a legend to be told
the legend asked for
the story
the story then
the way of telling the story then
 the story
the big one
 the beater (hitter)
the person having been hit
Examples of ot
 iosido ot komulakan dot kusai he is the youngest child, a boy
 agazo ot ulun iosido big a person he/he is a big person
 bangku dot Tuntudun ot indomoon beaks of hornbill birds were asked for
 tolu gantang o vagas three gallons of rice
Examples of dit
 ka dit ama dau speach of his father / said his father
 nening-po dit osukod it iadino when the headman heard this
 I pongitungan dit ulun do Bakaka dot anaru i binatang di Kurudong.
thoughts of the people of Bakaka the the longhouse of Kurudong was big
Examples of dot
 it rogon dot araat a bad spirit
 aso kerad dot kavantango di Kurudong none as beautiful as Kurudong
 mogihim ialo dot bangku dot Tuntudun look for beaks of hornbill birds
 nokoling-no, tu ino manganu dit bangku dot Tuntudun
away for this getting the beaks of hornbill birds (in question For reading praxis read the little
11. Mangagama do dundung.
I Asun dino om i Arun otomon-no, tu sompi kidangol-no. Migazad ioti sid govuton, tu mangagama
do dundung. Misinganak ioti do toduvo-duvo. Manatas i Asun dot origi. Manatas i Arun do suluv
om tumpok. Osibak i rinantai, kulit o palampag.
I Asun o manaso do pipit. I Arun o mamatuv. Opodok i dundung dioti dino, rontob duvo ioti o
kosuvang. Aso rinding i dundung dino, baiko bambalan o varo. Misingkavaro-nopo di Asun om i
Arun, tu banalko otomon di nopongi-no i dundung. Adau-adau nga sino ioti dino.
12. Modop sid himbaan
I Asun dino om i Arun amu mikotoron, sid govuton-nopo. Vokon-n o ong modop ioti sid govuton,m
tu ozi ioti do varo dundung dot intoronon sid himbaaan. Humongkob it idi di Asun om i di Arun. Ioti
dino asadapan dot amu muli sid valai. Okurongko muli i Arun nga amui koho I Asun do muli sid
valai. I Asun dino ozi banal modop sid govuton. I Arun dino abasan-no ong alaid-no. Mongingut-no
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iosido di Asun muli. Mongirak i Asun do mongingut i Arun muli sid valai. Humungot-no i Arun
vukokoon-no sid govuton dit amu kouli-uli.
Sodop diri, varo-not orongou dioti do mongindorosi. Ttopot amu nelaan do nunu. Inotorongou,
tumingarak i kazu om varo-pot orongouo do moko-hoko. I Arun dino iadko ovunusan iosido.
Banalko rumosi i Arun. Amu alaid nengkod-no i moko-hoko. Topot osuvaban-no dot amu kodop i
Arun dino.
10. Lesson Pronouns I panarangan kananganko i sanganu, i varo dot amu mamalang vagu i hal ko
ngaran om tomodon, tu mongontok di ngaran, pongoretan ko barang om ongohal
2.62O Pronouns
2.621 personal pronouns
a) emphatic pronouns b) suppositioned c) as prepositioned subject unstressed
 1st singular ioku  I
-oku dohon
 2nd singular ikau  you
-ko dikau
 3rd singular ialo he/she -ialo dialo
distant isau he there isau disau
mentioned before iosido he iosido
dual i kito we two kito di kito
1first plural We i tokou
xcl. iokoi we iokoi
2nd plural you ikou
3rd plural they iolo
tokou di tokou Inclusive
-okoi dahai (exclusive (aso vokon)
-kou dikou
ref. ioti they, already talked about dioti
prepositioned. ioku o mamanau it is I who goes but mamanau oku I go
c) the suppositioned personal pronouns are suppositioned in two ways. When the negation of the
verb amu is used the pronouns without the initial i are suppositioned to the negation. while the
others are used as with any other subject
 amu mamanau it ulun
 amu mamanau i karabau
amu-oku mamanau
amu-ko mamanau
amu mamanau ialo
a-tokou mamanau
amu-okoi mamanau
amu-kou mamanau
amu mamanau iolo
the person does not go
the buffalo does not go
I do not go
you do not go
he does not go
we do not go (incl.)
we do not go (excl.)
you do not go
 they do not go
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c) pronominal attribute, independent use suffixed topot
1st singular
2nd singular
3rd singular
1st plural incl.
 2nd plural
 3rd plural
 dual-to
valai dau
valai tokou
valai dikou
valai diolo
valai dioti
my house dohon do valai
your house dikau do valai
his house dau do valai
our house di tokou do valai
our house dahai do valai
your house dikou do valai
their house dioti do valai
 their house
-to our house (ioku om koruhang)
with negation amu, followed by a nomen actionis perfectae, the suffix forms are suffixed to the
negation, while the independent forms follow the nomen
amu nening it ulun
amu-za nening
amu-ku nening
amu nening diolo
 the person did not hear
 we did not hear
I did not hear
they did not hear
With the morpheme ka referring to direct speech, the pronominal attribute suffixes are suffixed with
prenasalisation while the full forms are suppositioned
Ong manarang di boros dot ulun, monimpuun do “ka di kuvo” antava ong boros kondiri di
minimbulit-no manarang sid vokon
ka dit ulun speech of person,
said I (me)
ka dau
said he
ka di tokou said we
ka dikou
your saying
 we said
kangku bo shall be my saying
said he
ka diolo (dioti)
ka bo
ka, and kaka
you said
It was said
we said (exclusive)
their saying
(impersonal futuric) saying of them
it says (retelling legends)
d) pronomina possessiva and objectiva
1st singular dohon
i dohon do valai
the house which is mine
2nd "
i dikau do valai
your house
3rd "
i dau do valai /
the one which is his
i disau do valai /
the house which is his
1st pl. incl. di tokou i di tokou do valai /the house which is ours (excclusive).
 dahai
 dikou
i dahai do valai
i dikou do valai your house
3rd plural diolo it diolo do valai the house which is theirs
dioti it dioti dot valai (receproc.)
di kito i di kito dot valai the house which is ours
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mamatai iosido dohon
mamatai iosido dikau
mamatai iosido dau
mamatai iosido di tokou
mamatai iosido dahai
mamatai iosido dioti
he kills me
he kills you
 he kills him
 he kills us (inclusiv)
he kills us (exclusiv)
he kills them
2.622 demonstrative pronouns monuduk do ombo o barang, hal
iti this here
ino that there
ilo that over there
iri that then (temporal)
independent usage
iti-no i valai di NN
this is NN's house
ino-po i valai di NN
 that too is a house of NN
ilo nga valai di NN
that there too is a NN-house
Iri-no nga valai di kuvo The house already broken down
contracted with article
iti + it = itit ino + it = inot ilo + it = ilot
itit valai di NN ot dagangon-ku that
ilot karabau ot dagangon-ku
irit sapi ot pinatai dau
of this (close by)
of that (less close)
of that there (distant)
at that time (past)
(his house there) I shall buy
that there buffalo I shall buy
that very cow was killed by him
Mamanal i hal ko barang -osomok
osodu ngaran
osodu banal
in combination with iti, ino, ilo, as apposition to substantive
iti valai diti ot dagangon-ku
this house here I shall buy
ino valai dino ot dagangon-ku
that house there)I shall buy
ilo valai dilo ot dagangon-ku
that house over )there ...
iri kurita diri nga dohon do kurita
that car was mine
contracted with article kopiamung tampat om katarangan
diti + it = ditit dino + it = dinot dilo + it = dilot diri+it =dirit
it valai ditit ulun ot dagangon-ku
the house of this person I am buying
it valai dinot ulun ot ozi oku
I like the house of that man
locative of these demonstrative pronouns hal-po do tampat
siti….. here….. sino……there……silo……over there……siri……past time
sori…..there….distant… hodi…….there in vicinity, still visible
nokorikot-oku siti…………………I have arrived here
"………………sino ……."……….there
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" ……………...silo………" ……...there over there
" ……………...sori……... "……... there far away
" ………………siri diri …………..I have been there then
contracted with preposition sid to demonstrative markers
siti + sid = sitid sitid valai-ku at this house of mine
sino + sid = sinod sinod badi at the market there
silo + sid = sirid sirid tagad diri at that ricefield then
sori + sid = sorid soris Sandakan at Sandakan
hodi + sid = hodid hodid kadai at the shop there (visible)
These locatives are also root words and follow the affixation order of the verbal stems Ong apakai
iadko verb
positi ino barang
there far away
I come here nokositi-oku I have been here
I go there
bring the things here!
humodi it ulun the person goes here!
sumori-oku diti I go now there far away
2.623 Interrogative pronouns, often occuring with question -ka ong mongoduat:
isai?..... who?..... isai iti?..... who is this?..... Isai-ka iti?
disai?.....whose?.....disai dot valai iti?..... whose house is this?
ombo?.... which?..... future ombo ot valai dagangon-nu?..... which house will you buy?
onggo?.... which?..... preteritum onggo i nanu dau?.....which one did he take?
sionggo?.... where?..... preteritum sionggo-ko antad?....where did you come from?
siombo?.... where?..... future siombo ot pakazan-nu?..... where do you go?
nunu?.... what?..... nunu-ka iti?.... what is this?.... kuro-ka?.... why?
kuozon?.... for what reason?.... nokokuro-ka?.... why?..... preteritum
kuran-ka?.... how?.... kuran-ka iti?.... how is this?
sera?….when?.... preteritum katalib-no at what time?
songira?....when? future when will it be?
impiro-ka?.... how often?
piro-ka?.... how many?.... piro-ka karong ot parai?.... how many bags of rice?
songkuro-ka?....how much?.... songkuro-ka ot parai-nu?.... how much is your rice?
(how much rice do you have?)
2.7O Preposition
There is only one preposition sid. It describes the place of state or motion. Before nomina propria
the personal article comes in between preposition and nomen proprium, while other substantives
follow directly after the preposition. Panarangan do siombo i hal, gama, tomodon
kumaa oku sid di Majimil
but kumaa oku sid rahat
I go to Majimil
I go to the sea
the exact position. Some ot these are
sid timpak do burul
on top of the hill
sid tupak do bavang
on the other side of the river
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sid sunsud dot valai
sid sampaping dot valai
sid rinuvang dot valai
sid isan dot tagad along
sid saralom dot tana
sid tombing dot rahat
sid timbang dot vaig along
sid natad dot valai around
sid tinoguvangon dot ulun
sid gulu in
sid tohudi
sid vanan
sid gibang
under the house
at the other side of te house
inside the house
the boundaries of the ricefield
in the ground
near the sea
the water, on the riverside
the house, outside the house
in front of a person others are
front, before, earlier
after, later on
on the right hand side
on the left hand side
Movements are indicated by the use of ong mongimbang
ponong sid
in the direction towards
ponong sid Lajong
towards Lajong
kumaa sid….. reaching…...mananau oku kumaa sid Lajong…..I go to Lajong
antad sid……………………………………………………….. from
antad sid Lajong ong ioku………………………………………from Lajong it is where I
come from
sampai sid arriving………………………………………………at / up tp
sampai sid Garau o nokorikot oku……………………………… until reaching Garau
2.8O Enclitics and interjections
2.81O enclitics are added to the words, to describe time of action
2.811 enclitics of realisation -no = already ong opongo
already five
already seen by me
already finished
2.812 enclitics of expectation -po = still more, not yet enough
limo-po………….five more…….Ong atag dot omungon-po
imatai-po………..see first
amu-po opongo………………….not yet finished
2.813 enclitics of continuation -nopo = already started, not yet completed, always
bahagi hal di varo-no laid om kakakali imomongo
always five
always visible
always repairing
2.814 enclitics of future continuation -nobo = shall always be engin do momongo
it will be always us
what ever it shall be, (it does not matter)
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2.82 Interjections
of agreement …..o'…… yes ……..Mongoho
underlining speech…… ba……. so it is, really….. Mamanal
of surprise……. Adok…… no,fancy!..... Amu engat laid
of fear ……..adeh ……o dear!....... Tigogi, nga amu ozi!
of pain……. Akai…… o dear! ……Mamalang do koprimanan dot korualan
2.9O Numbers
2.91 cardinal numbers
the numbers with h- initial hopod and hatus change h to n by collective numbers: duvo-no hopod
becomes 2O duvo nopod
2.92 the ordinal numbers are formed by prefix ka- var. ko- before cardinal numbers with
assimilation of prefix vowel to first stem vowel, or contraction of prefix vowel to vowel initial
cardinal number
ko- + iso = keso koduvo kotolu kapat kisizam
2.93 multiplication is formed by prefix in- + nasal of same articulation point in- before s,d,z, ingbefore a,l,h and im- before v
hundred times
four times
eight times
i nenganaman mintutuk
the six times having gone round
2.94 the ordinals of the multiplicativa are formed by prefixation of k- with contraction ko+in= ken, var.kong,kem
2.91 cardinals 2.92 ordinals 2.93 multiplicativa
1. iso ....one
keso…. first
2. Duvo…. Two
koduvo…. Second
3. tolu…. three
kotolu…. third
4. apat…. Four
kapat…. Fourth
5. limo…. Five
6. Onom…. Six
konom …..sixth
7. turu ……seven koturu….. seventh
8. Valu….. eight
kavalu….. eighth
9. Sizam…. nine
kosizam…. nineth
10.hopod…. ten
kohopod…. tenth
insan…. once
induvo…. twice
intolu….. three x
ingapat….. four x
inglimo……five x
ingonom ….six x
inturu…. seven x
imvalu…. eight x
insizam…. nine x
inghopod ten x….11 hopod om iso kohopod
om iso inghopod om iso
12. hopod om duvo
13. hopod om tolu
14. hopod om apat
20. duvo nopod koduvo nopod induvo nopod
21. duvo nopod om iso
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22. duvo nopod om duvo
30 tolu nopod
99. sizam nopod om sizam
100. hatus kahatus inghatus
101. hatus om iso
111. hatus om hopod om iso
200. duvo natus koduvo natus induvo natus
211. duvo natus om hopod om iso
999. sizam natus om sizam nopod om sizam
1000. saribu kasaribu
1111. saribu om hatus om hopod om iso
10’000 salasa 1’000’000 sangjuta
2.94 ordinals of multiplicativa
the first time
the second time
the third time
the fourth time
the fifth time
the sixth time
the seventh time
the tenth time
2.95 Fractions are formed by affix combination pi-stem-on
half of
third of
fourth of
fifth of
iso pionomon one sixth of
2.96 to cause fraction affix combination 2.95 takes causative prefix
divide by two !
divide by three !
divide by four !
divide by five !
divide by six !
2.97 Iteration of the cardinal number forms collective numbers
iso-iso = iseso
duvo-duvo ioti
they two by themselves
ioti hopod-hopod
all ten of them
2.98 distributive numbers formed by prefix to- var. tor- and tar- with iteration of cardinal
one by one
two by two
four by four
ten by ten
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For reading praxis read the little story
13. Magandaha sid kamaman
Miupakat di Asun om i Arun magandaha sid pinsan dit idi di Asun. I Arun dino amu engkod iosido
moput di Asun, tu mianggai banal ioti.
Nokorikot-no ioti sid valai di kamaman di Asun. Amu katama i Arun, tu ogumu it ulun do
sumamung dioti. Oduruk om muli ioti. Nakatanga-po sid ralan, dodoron-no di Asun i Arun,Mogihad
i Arun, mongirak i Asun.
Korikot-po ioti sid valai, irongou-no di Arun sid idi dau. Humungot it idi di Arun linapos dara I
Asun. Amu alaid mianggai-no vagu ioti.
14. Kumudat
Miupakat di Asun om i Arun do mivozo sid Kudat, tu memot do ganavari. It ama di Asun dino amu
koho do movozo i Asun. It ama di Arun dino kohoi. I Asun dino mangakal mozo. Amu nelaan dit
ama dau.
Nokorikot-po sid Kudat, mokitahak-no do tambang i sanganu do baas. Aso siin di Asun. Onuvon
dara di di Kina i soval di Asun. I Arun dino kisiin, tu antad sid ama dau. I Arun o manahak do
tambang. I Arun o mangajamin di Asun. Baharu osinang i ginavo di Asun. Sid Kudat dino nga amu
mitadtak ioti.
15. Tumangkus sid padang
I Asun dino om i Arun gumavul dit anganak tumangkus sid padang. Alangkas-langkas i Asun
tumangkus-ko i Arun. I Asun dino rumbul satu. I Arun dino rumbul dua. Kotorima i Asun do tolu
ringgit. Kotorima i Arun do duvo ringgit. Otomon i Asun om i Arun.
Monginum ioti do kupi. I Asun o manahak do siin. Dumagang i Asun do soval om banat. I Arun
dino baiko banat ot dagangon dau.
Minsosodop-po, muli-noi ioti. Korikot-po ioti sid valai dau, oduhon-no dit ama dau. Monuturan-i
Arun do kisiin i Asun. Otomon-n oit idi di Asun, tu i Asun dino el-elo-no mongitung do kosukupan.
11. Lesson: The Syntax It onibak om amu aralom it ongopamarasan
3..10 Single morpheme sentence type
3.11 Exclamations, utterances as expressions of feelings i kopurimanan
ai…..well, I am caught
ba….. well, that's it
adeh…..oh, (painfully)
adok ….oh, (surprisingly)
akai…. (terribly painful)
ginazo!.... (gazo) what a size
inubat!….(rubat) ….what a waste
inaru! (naru)….what a length
3.111 repetitive exclamations Panarangan do kopuriman di lobipo avagat
well I never, did
well, there is no way out
what a terrible pain I have
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3.12 Answers to Questions It ambat ong varo mongoduat
varo….. there is, there are
aso (a-iso)….there aren't any, none
okon…. not like this, not this way
vokon….the other one
o, …..oho
yes…..Amu no
tau?.... I don't know
moku…..I don't want to, I don't do it
banal-no…..that is
right ogi, ogi-ma……that's true
bo, ba…. yes, I agree
3.13 Imperative utterances ong monuhu di vokon
kada, kadan
tiko (siti-ko)
come here kada-po-to let's not do this yet
3.2O The simple sentence type (equational sentence type) gama poperad
3.21 Qualifiers as predicate P + S
agazo ialo
he is big
osodu i pomogunan
the land is far away
I like
I am ashamed
3.211 with appositioned subject P + S + A mamalang do kobuatan
agazo-oku ot ulun
I am a big person
anaru i valai diti
this is al long house
3.212 with modified qualifier M + P + S poperad di kobuatan
banal-ko agazo ialo
he is really big
banal-ko anaru i valai
the house is really long
3.213 with negated qualifier moniag do kobuatano
amu agazo ialo
he is not big
amu-po anaru i nizu
the coconut is not yet long
3.214 comparison of qualifiers Monodiri di kobuatan
3.2141 agazo big agazo-gazo quite big (not too big)
alangkas-langkas…..not really fast
3.2142 agagazo….. can be called big large, sizable
3.2143 agazo-mai….. impressive big
3.2144 agazo-mahi….. hardly to be called large
3.2145 ginazo……. of an impressive largeness
3.2146 agazo banal….. really large
3.2147 banalko agazo…..very large indeed
3.2148 agazo-nopo always large…..agazo-po mantad larger than / agazo-no already large or big
3.215 nomina actionis perfectae kapangaan
nagama i valai
the made house/the house is made.
naratu it uva
the fallen fruit/the fruit has fallen
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3.215.1 with apposition manarang di kapangaan
nagama i valai dot anaru
the long house is finished
3.216 nomina qualitativae comparationis as kapangaan i hal.
nolosuan it ulun
the person is overheated
nohombilan i volit
the boundary is violated
3.22O Nomina as predicate P + S pronoun om hal (subject)
I am a person
I am king
3.221 with apposition P + S + A nakamung-po i panarangan
ulun-oku dot lumundu
I am a rich person
valai dot anaru iti
this is a long house
3.222 with modifier Negation + P + S + A Mangamu-po
okon-ko ulun-oku dot lumundu
I am not a rich person
okon-ko valai dot anaru iti
this is not a long house
3.223 kivagas-oku diti there is rice with me
kivalai it ama-ku
my father has a house
3.23O pronoun as predicate P + S Pronoun om subject
3.231 demonstative pronoum
this is me
here am I
3.232 personal pronoun
ioku-no iti
it is I (me)
ialo ino (iti)
he is the one
3.233 with apposition P + S + A pavalang dot ombo ot oboros
iti-no it ulun dino
this is the person in question
iti-no it ulun di minangagama
this is the person who made it
3.234 with interrogative personal pronoun mongoduat
isai-ko-ka? answer
I Manjil oku diti
who are you?
I am Manjil
isai o minangagama? ioku o minangagama
who made it? I have made it
3.235 interrogative possesive pronoun Mongoduat ombo i sanganu
disai-ko iti ?
dang ulun iti
whose is this?
it belongs to the people
disai-ka o valai?
dohon do valai iti
whose house is this?
it is my house
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3.236 interrogative pronoun of choice mongoduat o hal
ombo-ka i kazu?
which one is the tree?
onggo-ka i nokogulu?
which is the first one?
iti-no i kazu dino
this is the tree
iti-no i nokogulu
this is the first one
3.237 interrogative pronouns of place i siombo?
where are you off to?
sionggo-ka it asu?
where has the dog been?
sumori-oku diti I am
off to there (that place)
antad sid sunsud it asu
the dog came from underneath
3.238 interrogative pronouns of time i sera?
sera-ka korikot?
when the arrival?
sera-ka kapanau it ulun?
when the going off the man
songira-ka i badi?
when will the market be?
korikot-ku-no dino
my arrival is just now
kapanau-no it ulun
he has already gone
suvab-no i badi
tomorrow is the market
3.2391 interrogative pronouns of way and reason i kokuroon
why are you like this?
why have you been like this?
sabap anaru iti
because it is long
sabap osopung iti
because it is early
3.2392 interrogative pronoun of quality mongoduat dit ombo
songkuro-ka osodu i valai?
how far is the house away?
songkuro-ka koledo?
how long is (length of time)
duvo vatu o kosodu dino valai,
two miles the distance to the house
kotoluvan iti biano
three days until today
3.2393 interrogative pronoun of quantity Mongudat di kogumuai
piro-ka o nizu dino?
how many coconuts are there?
piro-ka it ulun o nokorikot?
how many people arrived?
hopod om limo iti nizu diti,
these coconuts are 15
sizam-no o nokorikot nine
people have arrived
3.2393 interrogative pronoun of recurrence of action It impiro-ka?
impiro-ka nakapanau-no it ulun?
how often has the man gone
impiro-ka nokebo it ulun?
how many times did he go to work in the ricefield
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inhopod nakapanau it ulun,
a-insan nikebo it ulun,
he went ten times
he didn't go once to the field
3.30 The verbal predicate sentence type V = P
There are three subgroups of verbal predicate sentences in which the utterance is either
monodiri dot isai, ko ponong ombo ko ombo it aapakaii
Subjective…….. posssive…… objective…….. predicate
3.301 The personal and possesive pronouns, used in these utterances indicate and clarify relations
between topic and actor. In the following description of the various sentence types, the personal
pronouns are referred to as Class A,
 the possessive pronouns are referred to as Class B
 the objective pronouns are referred to as Class C.
3.302 Class A…… Class B……. Class C
suffixed ong osuput sid subject
I…… ioku gumama-oku
You…. ikau gumama-ko
He…. ialo gumama ialo
I…..zau, remote he dizau
We…. iokoi gumama-okoi
We….i tokou (incl.) tokou
You….. ikou gumama-kou (plural)
They….. iolo gum iolo
valai dau
my house…. dohon do valai
your house…. dikau do valai
his house…. Dau do valai
valai di tokou
our house…. dahai do valai
our house di tokou do valai
valai diolo
their house
3.310 Subjective predicate sentences
The subjective predicate sentence indicates, that the subject is the doer of the action.
Manarang dot i S nga A di mangagama. Tasantanid prefixes monodiri di gamaon
Subject = Actor = Topic. The verb takes the following affixes
m- (-in- if past tense forms) -um- ( + -in-)
mo + Nasalierung-, var. ma+ N.- ( + -in-)
mog- var- mag- ( + -in-)
noko- var. nakanokopo
+ N. var. nakapa + N.
also: St + o-no (or -ai-no) as imperative and : secondary affixes: k-stem and kopiThe subject takes markers i (it before vowel initial nouns) or is a Pronoun Class A
It ulun ko ioku
the object takes marker di (dit) for specified and do (dot) for unspecified objects
or is a pronoun Class C
3.311 P + S (simple sentence) predicate ko action S subject
mamanau it ulun
The person goes
nakakun-no i Kurudong K.
has agreed (to it)
3.312 P + S + O ( O - Object -panagan ko tomodon)
mangagama i tukang do meja
the workman makes a table
momobog-ko dialo
you hit him
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mangatag-oku di jiip-ku
mininum-oku do vaig
nakapangakan-oku di pazas-nu
kopiakan-oku do runti
manangon tokou di Kurudong
I repair my Jeep
I drank water
I have eaten your popo-fruit
I have tried eating yams
we tell Kurudongs story
3.313 with question indicator P + S + Q + O Q mongodaut dit ombo ajadi
mogodu-ko-ka dohon?
do you want to quarrel with me?
kumiboros-ko-ka di dokutol?
did you speak to the doctor?
3.314 with locator P + S + L (P + S + O + L) L= tampat -location
mamanau-oku sid alun-alun
I walk along the road
sumiti-oku didino
I am coming now
mangakan-oku dot ampalam sid R. I eat manggas in R.
3.315 with addressee Vocative + NN + P + S NN = ngaran
Adeh, Ahad, mihukum tokou-no Listen, boy, the marriage agreement is to be arranged
pinsan, garaso-no i sapi-ku Listen, brother in law, kill my cow
3.22O The objective predicate sentence has as its topic the aim of the action word (the object)
= T. The objective predicate takes either suffix-on or the infix -in- in the past forms
(without -on)
The subject as actor takes marker di (dit) or pronoun Class B
The object (topic) takes marker i (it) or pronoun Class A
3.321 P + T + S Action + topic + subject
duaton-oku dikau
my being asked by you
dinuat-oku dit ulun
my having been asked by people
bobogon-oku dikau
my being beaten by you
I was beaten by you
3.322 P + S + O Action - subject - object
duaton-ku izau
my asking him = I shall ask him
bobogon-ku izau
my beating him = I shall beat him
binobog-ku ialo
I hit him (past)
also bambangan dau i kambing
his having hit the goat
dinuat dau i mata mata diri
him having asked the police then
3.323 with further object P + S + O + T + i panangan do gama
polombuson-ku i barang sid kampong
my passing on the things to the village
pongoviton-ku dit ulun i surat-nu
my making the person take your letter
3.33O Referential predicative utterances
where the topic only indirectly receives the action, or is the location of action or the recipient
of benefaction. (=T) The verb takes suffix -an
the topic takes the marker i (it) or o (ot) or Class A pronoun
the actor takes Class B pronouns or marker di (dit) or do (dot)
the object takes Class C pronouns or maker do (dot)
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3.331 P + T + O
Tinahakan-oku do tinggol,
I was given necklaces
3.332 P + T + A + O
Tinahakan-oku di pinsan-ku do tinggol, my having been given a neckless. By my cousin
3.333 P + A + T + O
Tinahakan it ulun dino dit pinsan dau do tinggol
the person having been given a n.by his cousin
gamaon-oku dot ulun di tagad-ku
my ricefield has been made for me by people
For reading praxis read a little story: Arun and Asun in the kampong
16. It ongomolohing di Arun
It ama di Arun dino i Maraun. It idi dau dino i
tobu, runti, palavanom guol. Totodukon nga
Mina. It anak di Mina dino apat koviai. Keso
ogumui sid sodu-sudo di valai. Manuk dino
di Arun, ino-no o kotuaan. I koduvo i Alima,
nga ogumui, tu banalko apangit manaud do
ondu. Kotolu di Karim, ino dino kusai. Kaapat
manuk it anganak di Maraun dino. I valai dioti
di Alisa, ondu-no vagu. Ino-no o komulakan.
dino osibak i rinantai, apat-no kaki. Papan i
Hopod-ogi om onom vulan ot umul, nga
palampag, tolu it ongkob. Isi i di Maraun om
banalk samadan di Alima, tu olobpung-po om
di Mina, i koduvo di Alima, i kotolu di Arun.
osorongot-poo i Alisa dino. Ong i Karim dino
banalko mulau-ulau, aso gamaon dau vokon.
I harati di burul dot osogit, tana do banalko
Momobog-n opo dit ongobpinai dau om
oruvak. Nunu-nopo o tonomon, nga tumunda
banalko oguvali do tiagon dit ongomolohing.
banal. Ino valai dino banalko avantang, tu i
Bang i Alima dino elo-no banal iadko i Arun.
ropuhan dino nakatanidi. Kijambatan sid
Kaharati-no monulung di gagamaon sid valai.
pialatan di ropuhan om i valai. Ino valai dino
Nunu-nopo it isuhut dit idi, nga monumbozoi
tosongminggu-minggu om vougan-no dit
iosido. I Maraun dino osukod do valai.
ongopalampag. I arun-no om i Alima o
tumabang dit idi momoug di valai. Ong i
Karim dino baiko mongihas di rapag sid
17. I valai dioti dino
I valai diMaraun dino banalko agazo.
palampag.. I tukad dino, nga vougan kavi dioti
Napasagi dot onom mituvis o taap. Rininding
om i sunsud dino, nga vuhavoni di Arun om i
do kazang. I pinuvalaazan dit osukod dino sid
Alima. It ongoikam dino nga isidang om it
timpak do burul Tosogit. Ino natad do valai
ongobantal dino, nga isdangi dioti. I sid
dino banalko oluvas om nozuzuhan do bunga
ropuhan dino varo parit di pomurulanan do
do boginisan: opurak, aragang, osilou om
vaig sid ontok do pomougan om varo-pot
ogumu-po ot tonomon do paranggi, punti,
ongkob do popodsuon
12. Lesson: Kakali onibak it ongopamarasan om oribau o harati
3.40 Further simple sentence types
3.41 Varo -there is = P Aso -there is none P +T
varo vaig aso vaig
there is water /no water
varo sumaap
there is an opponent
there is rice
aso vagas
there is no rice
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3.42 with apposition or location marker A or L
varo vaig dot alasu
there is hot water
varo vagas dot aragang
there is red rice on the table
with enclitics
aso-no vaig
there is no more water
aso-po vaig
there is not yet any water
3.43 Imperative sentences P (+S)
gamao-no dikou!
work you people!
3.44 Prohibition - demand
kada mamatai!
don't kill!
kada-no mamatai!
don't kill now!
kada lumombus!
don't go on further!
3.50 Compound sentence types with conjunctions
3.51 (C) + T + P (English in cursive writing)
Ioti dino turu songobpinai, limo it ongokusai om duvo it ongondu
They (were) seven, five male and two female brothers/sisters
note: obpinai can be either brother or sister
Manjadi i binatang sino dino banalko anaru……… now that longhouse was very long
Na ioti dino inturu-kopiinturu ……………now those were seven times seven-seven
3.52 with Locator C + T + p + L = omungon i sumiombo
aso kerad di tokou siti ponong
there was none equal to us this way
Na adau di kinoulian di Bakaka nga kinoulian di Kurudong sid govuton
Now the day of the B.'s return was also the return of from the jungle
Na i Kurudong kotoluvan sid himbaan
Now Kurudong was three days in the primary forest
3.53 with time marker (M)
3.531 Kinam Continously
Kinam-no mogihim dot inumon, sampai nokorikot sid livotung
Continously he looks for water until he reaches the lake
Kinam-no mansahari, sampai linumundu
He works continously until he gets rich
Kinam lumogod i barat sampai notogob it alud
The storm got stronger and stronger until the boat capsized
3.532 Kinam-kinam more and more, gradually
Kinam-kinam humungot ialo sampai nokobobog dot ulun
He got angrier and angrier until he hit people
Kinam-kinam muraha sampai notitisan do raha
the bleeding became stronger and stronger until everything was covered with blood
Kinam-kinam monginsada ialo sampai noponu it alud
he got more and more fish until the boat was full of them
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3.533 Kodori gima, For in olden times
Kodori gima kodung varo-no koronu
For in olden times, as soon as somebody was renowned
ong kodori gima…… as in olden times
3.534 Mazad-po At the time of
Mazad-po dit anak vagu-no banal i Kurudong,
At the time of K. being a teen-ager..
3.535 Varo-po there also is to indicate action or being
Varo-po it ongondu di banalko avasih
There also are the very beautiful women
3.536 Na toun-po diri In that year
Susuvab-po diri the next day
Na sid kotolu-po't adau di badi
On the third day after the market
Mantad di tanga sumakai
As from midday..
Mantad di tanga sumakai, muli-pulid-po it adau pilombus-no i K.
As from midday, towards evening K. moved on again..
3.537 Kananganko Concerning taking up a particular topic
Kananganko i valai dau, nijuval-no sid ombuvoi
What his house concerns, he sold it to a stranger
3.538 Other time markers
I hiza diri
I toun
I toun diri
I toun vagu
I kosinaan
I kopisavaan
I kokotu
I kolingo dit aso dangol
today, now
at this moment, presently (forward looking)
just now (looking back)
at that time
last year
two years ago
next year
time of birth
time of marriage
time of harvest koinsakod, kaasakai, kosukodo, kolohingo,
time of death
3.54 with enumeration
Keso, anaru banal it unturu dau
Koduvo, banalko odoot iosido
Pengavi, arampus banal ong humungot iosido
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
First, he has very long fingers
Secondly, he is very greedy
lastly he gets very rough if he is angry
Page 53
3.60 Conjunctions to open sentences Monimpuun do panarangan
3.61 Manjadi when, then expressing or stating facts and proceedings in a story or tale.
Manangon tokou di Kurudong.
Lets hear the story of K.
Manjadi i Kurudong dino opodok-po iosido, sinamadan laid dit ama.
When Kurudong was still little, he was his father's favourite.
G. om P. o nokosup di B. manakau. Manjadi aso-no tinganan dialo mongolim dino bungou dau
G. and P. have caught B. stealing. There was no chance for him to deny his silliness
3.62 Na after, as soon as expressing completion of action as starting point for follow up Ong
nopongo it iso hal, iri-ogi varo-po
Na nosingkop-po i tolu toun, minuli-no iosido sid kampong dau
After three years he went back to his village
Na korongou-po, tinumangkus-no iosido sid himbaan
After hearing it, he ran to the jungle
Na koimot-po, minonimbak-no ialo di tambang
After seeing the dear, he shot the deer.
Na tu, After, if
Amu-oku engin dara mamanau. Na, tu norongou, araat dot amu korikot
I don't really want to go. After having heard it would be wrong if I don't come.
Amu dara korikot. Na, tu inongoi, mamanau-nobo.
I wasn't coming. But after being fetched, I had to go.
Amu dara kumioduw. Na tu noholian, sinumaap-nobo.
I didn't want to quarrel. After it was too much, I had to fight back
3.63 Ong When expressing follow up when state comes up
Ong korikot, obohogizan
whenever one arrives, sharing follows
Ong miginavo, kopisavo
when they love each other, they shall be married
Ong abanakau, kotorungku
when he is thief, he must be arrested
3.631 Okuro ong Even if
Okuro ong tuduk-tudukan-no, amui kotolunung
Even if you keep on showing him, he will not find the way
Okuro ong timbakon, amui rumosi
Even shooting frightens him
Okuro ong mad kapatai dau, amu-no monurubis (mongitung)
Even if it nearly kills him, he doesn't care (mind)
Nokuro ong notopuan dot damat nga amui matai koduruk
Even covered with wounds he didn't die quickly
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3.632 Kaluto ong in case that
Ihimo-no banal, kaluto ong emot-po
search properly in case you find
Barasai banal, kaluto ong mangasip-po.
speak hard, in case he believes
Indamo banal, kaluto ong tahakan-ko-po
Ask really, in case you are given
3.633 Dolupo ong .. minsan-ko whether ..or not
Dolupo ong abanal, minsan-ogi ko amu, borosoni.
Whether it is right, even if not, tell it
Dolupo ong iad-to-no, minsanko ulun kihukum, amui mangasip.
Whether it is only us, even people with more wisdom don't believe it
Dolupo ong varoi, minsan-ogi aso, ong kenginan-no, ihimoni.
Whether there is anything or not, if one has it in mind, one looks for it
3.634 Vokon-no ong Sometimes
I panau do mongimpori, vokon-no ong kiovit, vokon-no ong aso.
Going hunting, sometimes one has to bring home, sometimes not.
It ongopitounan, vokon-no ong mongopud, vokon-no ong amu.
Some years have a good harvest, some not.
it ongopakakas di kuvo, vokon-no ong dangol, vokon-no ong kapak
The tool of NN is sometimes a jungle knife, sometimes an axe
3.635 Ogi-no ong, minsanko Whether few or much
Ogi-no ong okudik, minsanko ogumu, kakali moguhang ialo
Whether there is little or a lot, he ist still moody
Ogi-no ong onibak, minsanko anaru, kakali dot amu kotulai
Whether it is short or even long, it will still not protrude
Ogi-no ong opian, minsanko ologod, kakali dot amu orongou.
Whether quiet or very noisy, it cannot be heard
3.64 Bang If In case expressing possibility for follow up
Bang itahak, onuvon
If it is given, it should be taken
Bang engin-ko, ombo-ko ikau
If you want it, it is up to you
Bang osin o taduk, banalko kotuliou
If the food is salty, one gets very thirsty
Bang okonko tinarik-ku ialo, tantu aratu-no sid pansung
If I hadn't pulled him over, he would certainly have fallen down
3.65 Contitional conjunctions
3.651 Baiko Only
Baiko umpakai do valai ino bunga dino, asoi kosusaan ong aso.
Only to make the house look better are these flowers. If there were none it wouldn't matter.
Ong baiko amu kosigup, aso-pot ikoruol do ginavo
If one does only not smoke, one will not be sad about it
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Ong baiko ialo ot amu kovozo, amu korungoi do panau ino
If only he doesn't come along, the journey will not be in vain
3.652 Suvaiko Only if expressing condition for success against failure
Suvaiko magavi-ko banal dino om kapaasan-nu.
Only if you really work hard you will pass your examination
Suvaiko isesoon banal o ginavo om varo rikoton-nu
Only if you set your mind to it you will reach your goal
Suvaiko ontokon-no banal, ong ialo dino om amu-ogi kohungot
Only if he tries hard, will he not get angry
3.653 Kodungko As soon as Conditional clause
Na kodung nagazo-gazo-no, boros dit ama, Ikau-nobo dino
As soon as he was grown up, his father said: You....
Kodungko korikot, turus gumama
As soon as he arrived, he started work
Kodungko manambarat-no, banalko misok it ongopolitaan
As soon as the storm comes, all lamps will get exstinguished
Kodungko amu-no kenginan, kadan-no torimoon.
If you do not want it, don't accept it.
3.66 Osuhul ko better than
Okudik-po-ma, kakali dot osuhul ko aso.
Better a little than nothing at all
Ialo ma dino-oi osuhul ko ioku
Better him than myself
Kolingi ong ialo do nokotokin, osuhul ko bansa kondiri
Better to have an Indian as son in law than from the own folk
Osuhul-no sumuhut-ko dilo dohon do kenginan
You better follow my wishes
Manjadi osuhul-no om mangandu i tokou-no
Then we better look for a woman
3.67 Iri-ogi then, Further, also, too
Nopongo-no kavi monuturan om iri-ogi rinotuan-no dit osukod
When everything had been told, then the elder made the decision
Noumpug-no i sokoviai om iri-ogi miniuupakat-no do kurozon
When all were there, then they agreed what was to be done
Kotutuk-no om iri-ogi tumimpuun vagu
Having done the round, then the start begins again
3.70 Conjunctions joining clauses
3.71 om and joining two simple sentences of action together
Nopongo-po it alud om nokoudan-no i barang, minunsud-no
Having finished the boot and loaded it, we left the place
Notohos-po i darun om notimung-no it ongoulun, minamanau-no i baas
When the rain stopped and all people where together, the bus went.
Nopudung-po i kazu om nalaas-no, niudan-no sid kurita.
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When the tree was cut and split it was loaded onto the lorry.
3.72 sampai until, and
Mogihim iosido dot inumon sampai nokorikot sid livotung
He looks for water until he has reached the lake
3.73 supaya until, in order to, that
Habarai-no ioti, supaya elaan do noumpug-no it ongoulun
Tell them, that they know that people have come together
Pampangai-no koduruk, supaya oluvas i ralan.
Clear quickly the paths that the way is open
Rikot-no sid dahai, supaya kikoruhang-okoi.
Come to us, so that we have company
3.74 tu for, because
Linapos dit ama ino, tu oguvail
he was hit by his father because he was stubborn
Inanu dau i dangol, tu dau
He took the jungle knive because it was his
Otuvong ong pukul lapan, tu sodop
it is dark at eight o clock, because it is night
Nakakun-nopo i K. tu agazo-no banal iosido
He agreed, for he was very strong
3.741 Gima, tu Because expressing reason for following action
Gima, tu osilat, nokosurat kavi i norongou
Because he was clever, he wrote everything down he heard
Gima, tu obungou, nokotorungku
Because he was silly, he got imprisoned
Gima, tu aparu, amu akama o tizan
Because he was working hard, he had enough to live on
3.742 Sabap, tu Because expressing cause for follow up, which is contra one's own inclination
Amu-oku dara otibang. Sabap, tu upakat-no sokoviai, minozo-okui.
It didn't suit me. But because everybody agreed, I went also along
Amu-oku dara engin. Sabap, tu kenginan-no dot molohing, tinorima-ku-no.
I didn't really want. Because it was the wish of the parents, I accepted.
Okon dara-ko sino o kenginan. Sabap, tu nagaratan-no do kinoruhangan, minozo nobo.
It wasn't there he wanted to go. Because his friends pressed him, that he went along
3.75 nga concerning, as far as
Kasamung sori, nga asoi guna
concerning meeting there it is of no use
Ioku, nga ino-no o kenginan
concerning myself, this is what I want
Ioti, nga aso nemot do karabau
concerning them, they didn't find the buffalo
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3.80 Quotation of direct or indirect speech
Where English and other languages mark quotations in writing, the oral tradition of Momogun
indicate direct speech as well as indirect with appropriate quotation markers, previous to the
quotation and closing the quotation (see 2.621 c)
3.81 reported speech
boros-ku diri, Anaru banal i binatang dioti, kangku diri.
I said then, their longhouse is very long, said I.
I boros dau, Nokoling-no i savo dau, ka dit ulun dino
He/she said, his/her partner is away, said that person.
boros dit ama, Adeh, Ahat mihukum tokou-no, ka di ama.
said father, Boy, lets get married, said father.
3.82 futuric speech
boroson-ku dara dot, amu-oku otibang diti, kangku dara.
I shall probably say then that I have no time for it, shall I say.
Ong korikot-kou sino, boroson-no dikou dot, Amu otibang ialo, ka bo.
When you arrive there, say then that he couldn't come,
3.83 enumeration in reporting
varo't akansang, ka, varo kinabalan-po, ka, varo kiansamung-po, ka.
There were strong ones, also giants and bewitched ones.
For reading praxis read a little story: Arun and Asun in the kampong
18. It odu
I Muna dino lumohing-no, baiko mogobi-obipo sid valai. I muna dino odu di Arun, tu idi di
Mina. Magazaqu iosido tumabang mangagama
dot ongokakanan. Sasarap, tanga hari
minsosodop, nga iosidoi o magazau. Bang
otoron i Mina antava it anganak, nga kitabang
iosido minggama-gama do kakanan. Bang
amu otoron i Mina antava it anganak, nga aso
koruhang dau minggamga-gama di kakanan.
I mangagama dit ongokakakan dino
mitatabang-n o ioti. It odu o manaduk sid
ropuhan. Ino-no I todukan dit odu dino,
soguntung, inavahan di sinonginan. Vokonnobo ong balatung, vokon-no ong labuk,
vokon-no ong kulumbu, vokon-no ong
tavadak, vokon-no ong sangup. Vokan-no ong
guol. Amu osusa ioti dino do dumagang do
totodukan, tu banalko ogumu o tanom dioti
dino sid natad do valai, boginis-ginisan. Bang
ahangat-no ioti dit ongototodukon dino,
manaduk-no do lomiding antad sid tampak.
19. Monginakan
Sid valai dit agazo nga varo meja. Sid ropuhan
nga varoi meja do ponginakanan. Kodungko
mamangakan-no ioti dino, neikd do pinggan
om sikang om sangkil. In-po di Karim do
pangakanan, pinggan do rizau om i sangkil
dau diono nga sangkil do rizau, tu rumosi-ko
Bang opongo-no ioti monginakan, i Arun om i
Alima o tumabang dit idi momoug dit
momoug om pihidon-ogi monuu dit ozopos.
Opongo-po momoug, itahu-no sid kaban.
20. Manaud do manuk
I Arun om i Alima dino okonko baiko ino o
gamaon dioti dino, tu manaud do manuk nga
gaamani dioti. Sangadau induvo ioti
mongupan. It ongoontolu dino nga ogumu ot
ompon dioti, tu banalko ogumu o punan do
momogontolu. Sangadau varo hopod, varo
hopod om limo ot ontolu dit ongomanuk dioti.
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It ongopizak dino nga banalko ogumu. Varo
ponuvangan dioti dit ongopizak dino, ong
kodungko mongupan , tu amu-nopo itanid it
ongopizak, amu kotinduk dit upan, tu banalk
ogumu o punan di misosolod-no ong
kodungko upanan-no. It ongomanuk dino
banalko ongololomu, tu banalko ataud it
4.3 Abbreviations:
 A = actor
 L = locator
 M = Marker of time
 N = Nasalisation
 = object
 P = predicate
 Q = question indicator
 S = subject
 T = topic
 St = stem
 var = varying
 vl = voiceless
 vd = voiced
 pl. = plural
 sing. singular
 cf. = compare with (confere)
s. = see >
= stem initial position
m. = stem medial position
f. = stem final position
 0.1 Introduction
 1.0 Phonology
 1.1O The alphabet
 1.11 The phonemes
 1.12 place and description
 1.13 Glottal stop
 1.14 non syllabic vowels
 1.20 The contraction of vowels
 1.3O assimilation of vowel
 1.4O assimilation of consonants
 1.5O The phoneme pattern of the word
 1.6O The stress
 1.7O Borrowed words
 1.8O The Gonsomon dialect
 2.O Morphology
 2.1O The stem morphemes
 2.11 the simple stem
 2.12 compound stems
 2.2O Produktive affixmorphemes:group A prefix
 2.2l intransitive prefixes
 2.22 transitive prefixes
 2.23 prefixes with prefix-vowel
 2.24 prefix misi- + nasal + stem
 2.25-9 prefix miri,mag, mana,
 2.3O Suffix morphemes
 2.4O Affix combinations ka- var.ko +
pa- var.po
 2.43 Qualifying affixations
 2.44-5 Infix -in 2.46 Plural affixes
 2.5O Iteration and reduplication
 2.6O Articles and pronouns
 2.61 The articles
2.62 The pronouns
2.7O Preposition
2.8O Enclitics and interjections
2.9O Numbers
3.O Syntax
3.1O Single morpheme sentence type
3.2O The simple sentence type
3.3O The verbal predicate sentence
3.4O Further simple sentence types
3.50 Compound sentence types with
3.60 Conjunctions to open sentences
3.70 Conjunctions joining various
clauses together
3.80 Quotation markers
4.0 Tables
List of contents
Kapangaan di tudukan
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Actor transitiv
Actor intrans.
not completed
present tense
nokopong -stem
stem - on
stem -an
min -stem
stem -in
past action,
imperfect tense
completed action
perfect tense
intended action
gamaon dara
desirous action
ponng - stem
pi-st. Pog-stem
stem -on
st -an
ti- stem
non imediate
4.2 Table of affixation of the nouns for abstraction
simple st.
time of doing
ko- + st + -an
with dual
kopi- st -an
causation of
kopong- st -an
with dual
kopipong- st -an
place of doing
po- st. -an
with dual
popi- st -an
poki- st -an
Stem cons.. - in-stem
v-initial cons. +-in- st. vinalai
kino- +st+ -an
kinopi- st -an
kinopong- st -an
pino- st. -an
pinopi- st. -an
pinoki- st. -an
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Buuk Projekt: MAMA VAGU
Kuran ong mangagama tokou-po do buuk do MAMASA VAGU, isuhut di nagama-ku-no laid i
Pangajaran Mamasa bahagi kotolu, ino-no i tuturan di duvo anganak sid kampong, i Asun om i
Arun, di manarang di 20 ongogama om situasi sid kampong om binatang i hiza dit omulok-po i
Ama-nu. Ino buuk dino, nisurat-za di Inai hiza do varo kursus do ponginjil sid Sikuati, dot it
anganak dit ongoponulung, azazau dara, tu aso gamaon ko komomozon sid station. Iri-ogi i Inai
tinumimpuun do mongoumpg dioti Ayun om Sinahazin om i Uli di Osuman om it opodok-po do
monuduk dioti mamasa om monurat, dot i Pangajaran keso minonuduk di bai i buatano dit
ongohurup om kuran kadapat popisuput dit ongohurup iadko o+m = om, a+m+a= ama, a+m+u=
amu, i+b+u = ibu om i iadino. Varo on ongolukis di pembulai di buatan dit ongohurup. Sid buuk
koduvo, okonko bai toriso-iso boros kopiamungi, inoi nga it ongopamarasan di manarang do gama
ko kobuatano do hal. Na ikid pamarasan, varo-po lukisan di pemot di harati.
Sid pangajaran kotolu diri, pinakai-za i tuturan di duvo anganak do kusai, ino-no i Asun om i Arun,
ino-no ngaran do kobasan dot anganak diri. (Aso-po Rico om Jo om i iadino). Ioti Diyun om
Majimil om Angkangon o minonurat dinot ongotuturan dino dot aso’t ongosuput do iadko, gamko,
iri-ko ombo-nopo om i vokon. Inoi-nga kakali alus-no it ongopamarasan. Iri-ogi varo-po nakamung
dot a-ko piro tangon dot onibak.
(I mongimbulit-oku mamasa vagu dinot ongotuturan dino, mad varo kopurimanan dot amu
arantang banal it vaza dot momoros. Topot i tomodon diri, oruhazan it anganak mongintutun om
rumamit om mamalang dit noghorup sid buuk di kopisusuput-nopo do jumadi do boros om
pongoretan. Iti-no o sabap, ong posurut do pobuuk dino, ombo it amu arantang, ogontian-no om
iatag-no-po, supaya alus it ongokapamarasan sino)
Na ong biano, ino-no it apagon, mongonsug dit ongopodok do mamasa sid Momogun, tu sid sikul,
bai BM apakai sid ongobuuk di nunu-nopo. Topot ong varo dara buuk di manarik di ginavo dit
ongopopodok do maamaakai di boros di molohing om it angaki om ongodu, kaluto oruhai agazad
ioti sid tinungkusan di boros Momogun. Ino buuk dino, suvai i kogozoo, A4 dot otimpadang dot
torikit nalad varo surat om kopiamung i lukisan di pembulai di tuturan. Minsanko i ssoribau do
buuk, varo lukisan do kivarna miabal di Majalah do PCS do 50 toun PCS. Ong it ongolukisan sid
saralom iadino kivarna antava iadko i lukisan di sid Tangon do Rungus.
Na i dohon dot palad kadapat monodia-no vagu dit ongosurat om tuturan sid saralom dot a-ko piro
minggu. Ong i dikou do gama: mogihim dot anganak ko osukod dit otibang om elo do mongolukis
dinot ongotuturan di atalad-no sid tuturan kopiruzod dit toriso-iso nalad. (Varna ko lukisan dot bai
etom). Bai ponong sid ongotangon kadapat do pongudikon ko mangalai dot okon ko ensanan it
ongotangon varo-po gambal....Kaluto, ong varo guru dit engin do posurut dino projekt, iosido o
mongimbulai do kotondingan dot isai i randavi mongolukis om i iadino dot sino kadapat mom ili
ombo i kopionong di tuturan sid buuk dino.
Kiroon-ku ong iadino, oruhai mimbulai dot iso buuk bahagi dit Anganak Momogun di mongonsug
dit ongopopodok do mamasa om misisingilo di boros Momogun. Sid Semenanjung varo iso
pongolukis, i ngaran dau i LOW, iosido minonurat om minongimbulai dot a-ko piro piro ongobuuk
di iadino. Ong opirin ino buuk MAMASA VAGU - anganak sid kampong -, kiroon-ku banalko
alaku ino buuk, tu mongonsug di molohing om it anganak do manaud vagu di dikou do tinungkusan,
ino-no i boros dikou
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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Varo duvo ot anak sompi kusai. I ngaran di keso dino i Asun. I ngaran di koduvo dino i Arun. I
Asun om i Arun dino banalko mianggai. I Asun dino agazo-no. I Arun dino opodok-po. Sumako i
Asun sid karabau. Miombutul i Arun. Rumikot i karabau sid buvatan. Mintoron i karabau sid
buvatan. I karabau dino ozi mangakan do sakot. Ovizau-po i karabau, mobul-no sid lolobuhon.
(Oruhai do ponoruvon ino tuturan dit onibak-iti bai suntuan- ko posurat dit ongopamarasan iadko
tukad, ino-no)
Varo duvo ot anak sompi kusai.
I ngaran di keso dino i Asun.
I ngaran di koduvo dino i Arun.
I Asun om i Arun dino banalko mianggai.
I Asun dino agazo-no. I Arun dino opodok-po.
Sumako i Asun sid karabau. Miombutul i Arun.
Rumikot i karabau sid buvatan. Mintoron i karabau sid buvatan.
I karabau dino ozi mangakan do sakot.
Ovizau-po i karabau, mobul-no sid lolobuhon.
2. Modsu sid bavang
I Asun om i Arun tumuhun antad sid karabau.
I Asun om i Arun kumaa sid bavang. Rumikot
ioti sid bavang. Mongidu-no ioti do soval, tu
modsu sid bavang. I Asun om i Arun dino
misingkavaro. Elo i asun tumosog. Tumolong
i Asun sid saralom. Mongingut i Asun di
Arun. Rumosi i Arun, tu amu milo tumosog.
Lumusu i Asun, tu manabpo di hakod di Arun.
Mongogizak i Arun. Tumindal i Arun.
Gumusa i Asun di Arun.
3. Mindakod sid nizu
Kemot i Asun do nizu. Migusa ioti tuman
gkus rumikot sid puun do nizu. Mindakod i
Asun sid nizu. I Arun dino minud sid puun do
nizu. Amu milo i Arun mindakod, tu amu
opinit iosido. Asapou it uva do nizu. Mongupu
i Asun dot uva. Mindahu vagu i Asun. Ogorot
ioti mangakan do nizui dot omulok. Opongopo mangakan, orualan do tizan i Arun om i
4. Mangagama do kurita
I Asun om i Arun miupakat mamanau sid
govuton. Mogihim ioti di gamaon do kurita. I
Asun om i Arun nokemot do kazu do kidalid
dot alaab. Mitabang ioti momudung. Manganu
ioti do hakod do kurita. Nopongo-po,
mongovit i Arun om i Asun di kurita sid
takad. Sumako ioti sid kurita. Alangkas i
kurita dino rumuhuk. Kodondtol i kurita sid
kazu. Kotubpo ioti sid sibak. Mogihad ioti.
Nokinis i soval di Arun. Obutak i Asun, tu
naratu sid lolobuhon do karabau.
I Asun om i Arun mirimpanau sid kabun om
sid govuton. M ogihim ioti do kouvaan.
Ampalam, burungan, lansat, ratu, pulutan,
imadang, bundu, koliabas, bongkurungan,
bambangan ko puvak.
I Asun dino om i Arun mogihim-nopo do
kouvaan o tomodon dioti. Ogorot ioti
mangakan do kouvaan. Oginisan o kouvaan ot
ihimon dioti. Assot engkod dioti mivozo-vozo.
Nakatanga ioti sid himbaan. Kemot ioti do
rangalau. Mindankod i Arun. I asu-nopo om
sid tana. Manahau iosido dit uva. Tutuon di
Arun i raan do rangalau. Ogumu o rumato it
uva. I rangalau dino mansak-no banal. Asapau
it uva. Noponu it obubut di Asun om i di
Arun. Avagat it obubut. Muli-no ioti sid valai.
Otomon-no it idi om it ama di Asun om i di
Arun. Mangakan ioti sokoviai.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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8. Mongimpori
Mangagama i Arun do simbubut. Mangagamai
i Asun do paana. Minonong ioti mamana om
monimbubut sid kazu. Oubas-po ioti,
mogihim-no dot ombolog.
Mamana i Asun, monimbubut-no i Arun.
Konong i Asun dot ongkukul. Konong i Arun
do tubuvan. Aratu-opo, sopulan–no dioti it
ombolog. Banalko otomon i Arun, tu agazo i
tobuvan. Amu otomon banal i Asun, tu baiko
ongkukul i dau.
I Asun om i Arun ogumu ot elaaan
mongimpori. Ioti dino sompi kiasu dot
avantang. I di Asun dot aso aragang, i di Arun
buris. I ngaran dit asu di Arun i Buris im i
ngaran dit aso di Asun i Bugog. Bang
mamanau-no ioti sid himbaan, kukuon-no di
Asun om i Arun i Bugog om i Burris, nga
gumusa-no mozo.
Korikot-po ioti sid himbaan, kugad-no it asu
dioti dino. >I Asun om i Arun dino miuvas
nga amu songkuro om anu. Inot asu diAsun
om iArun banalko musig om orongit-po.
Olimbozo banall inot asu di vAsun om i di
Arun. Siombo-n opo o paamaanahan, ngfa
mozoi. I Asun om i Arun ong miuvas-no,
misogulu mitohudi ioti dino, tu miradi
kalangkaso tumangkus.
9. Mongolou do pozudu
I Asun om i Arun dino kaharati-no mongitung.
Kiontok-n o ioti. Ogumu-no ot elaan
mangagama monulung di molohing.
Mivozo ioti sid govuton do tagad, tu
mongolou. I Asun o mongumpug, i Arun o
momudung. Opongo-poo, uludon-no di Arun i
kazu. I Asun-no o mongohongkos. Olombon i
ddi Asun do kazu. Otiniu i di Arun do kazu.
Ahakang i Asun, amu ahakang i Arun. Muli-n
o ioti sid valai patod di kazu. Emot-po ioti dit
ama om it idi, otomon-no it ama om it idi
10. I modzupu
I Asun om i Arun dino manau-panau-nopo.
Kumaa ioti sid sombol, tu memot dot ulun do
odzupu do dangol.Mongovit iAsun do dangol,
tu mokitotop iosido. Mon govit i Arun do
pupud do bilok, tu ipototop dau. Asot isuul
dioti, baiko monulung mogkuruvut.
I Asun dino elo mogkuruvut om ahanut-opo
kagi iosido. I Arun dsino amu ela bonal om
obinglupuhon-po kagi iosido. Opongo-po,
muli-no ioti sid valai.
Om asaon-no dioti, i Asun-no o mangasa. I
Arun-no o mogihim dot ipongulu. I Asun dino
elo-no mangagama dot angkap. I Arun dino
elo-no mongulu.
11. Mangagama do dundung.
I Asun dino om i Arun otomon-no, tu sompi
kidangol-no. Migazad ioti sid govuton, tu
mangagama do dundung. Misinganak ioti do
toduvo-duvo. Manatas i Asun dot origi.
Maanataqs i Arun do suluv om tumpok.
Osibak i rinantai, kulit o palampag.
I Asun o manaso do pipit. I Arun o mamatuv.
Opodok i dundung dioti dino, rontob duvo ioti
o kosuvang. Aso rinding i dundung dino,
baiko bambalan o varo. Misingkavaro-nopo di
Asun om i Arun, tu banalko otomon di
nopongi-no i dundung. Adau-adau nga sino
ioti dino.
12. Modop sid himbaan
I Asun dino om i Arun amu mikotoron, sid
govuton-nopo. Vokon-n o ong modop ioti sid
govuton,m tu ozi ioti do varo dundung dot
intoronon sid himbaaan. Humongkob it idi
diAsun om i di Arun. Ioti dino asadapan dot
amu muli sid valai.
Okurongko muli i Arun nga amui koho i Asun
do muli sid valai. I Asun dino ozi banal
modop sid govuton. I Arun dino abasan-no
ong alaid-no. Mongingut-no iosido di Asun
muli. Mongirak i Asun do mongingut i Arun
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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muli sid valai. Humungot-no i Arun
vukokoon-no sid govuton dit amu kouli-uli.
Sodop diri, varo-not orongou dioti do
mongindorosi. Ttopot amu nelaan do nunu.
Inotorongou, tumingarak i kazu om varo-pot
orongouo do moko-hoko. I Arun dino iadko
ovunusan iosido. Banalko rumosi i Arun. Amu
alaid nengkod-no i moko-hoko. Topot
osuvaban-no dot amu kodop i Arun dino.
13. Magandaha sid kamaman
Miupakat di Asun om i Arun magandaha sid
pinsan dit idi di Asun. I Arun dino amu
engkod iosido moput di Asun, tu mianggai
banal ioti.
Nokorikot-nno ioti sid valai di kamaaaman di
Asun. Amu katama i Arun, tu ogumu it ulun
do sumamung dioti. Oduruk om muli ioti.
Nakatanga-po sid ralan, dodoron-no di Asun i
Mogihad i Arun, mongoriak i Asun. Korikotpo ioti sid valai, irongou-no di Arunsid idi
dau. Humungot it idi di Arun lkinapos dara i
Asun. Amu aalaid mianggai-no vagu ioti.
Miupakat di Asun om i Arun do mivozo sid
Kudat, tu memot do ganavari. It ama di Asun
dino amu koho do movozo i Asun. It ama
diArun dino kohoi. I Asun dino
mangakalmozo. Amu nelaan dit ama dau.
Nokorikotr-po sid Kudat, mokitahak-no do
tambang i sanganu do baas. Aso siin di Asun.
Onuvon dara di di Kina i soval di Asun. I
Arun dino kisiin, tu antad sid ama dau. I Arun
o manahak do tambang. I Arun o mangajamin
di Asun. Baharu osinang i ginavo di Asun.
Sid Kudat dino nga mu mitadtak ioti. Siombosiombo nga miolunungi ioti dino memot di
msingkavaro sid padang.
15. Tumangkus sid padang
I Asun dino om i Arun gumavul dit anganak
tumangkus sid padang. Alangkas-langkas i
Asun tumangkus-ko i Arun. I Asun dino
rumbul satu. I Arun dino rumbul dua.
Kotorima i Asun do tolu ringgit. Kotorima i
Arun do duvo ringgit. Otomon i Asun om i
Monginum ioti do kupi. I Asun o man ahak do
siin. Dumagang i Asun do soval om banat. I
arun dino baiko banat ot dagangon dau.
Minsosodop-po, muli-noi ioti. Korikot-po ioti
sid valai dau, oduhon-n o dit ama dau.
Monuturan-i Arun do kisiin i Asun. Otomon-n
oit idi di Asun, tu i Asun dino el-elo-no
mongitung do kosukupan.
16. It ongomolohing di Arun
It ama di Arun dino i Maraun. It idi dau dino i
Mina. It anak di Mina dino apat koviai. Keso
di Arun, ino-no o kotuaan. I koduvo i Alima,
ondu. Kotolu di Karim , ino dino kusai.
Kaapat di Alisa, ondu-no vagu. Ino-no o
komulakan. Hopod-ogi om onom vulan ot
umul, nga banalk samadan di Alima, tu
olobpung-po om osorongot-poo i Alisa dino.
Ong i Karim dino banalko mulau-ulau, aso
gamaon dau vokon. Momobog-n opo dit
ongobpinai dau om banalko oguvali do tiagon
dit ongomolohing. Bang i Alima dino elo-no
banal iadko i Arun. Kaharati-no monulung di
gagamaon sid valai. Nunu-nopo it isuhut dit
idi, nga monumbozoi iosido. I Maraun dino
osukod do valai.
17. I valai dioti dino
I valai di Maraun dino banalko agazo.
Napasagi dot onom mituvis o taap. Rininding
do kazang. I pinuvalaazan dit osukod dino sid
timpak do burul Tosogit. Ino natad do valai
dino banalko oluvas om nozuzuhan do bunga
do boginisan: opurak, aragang, osilou om
ogumu-po ot tonomon do paranggi, punti,
tobu, runti, palavanom guol. Totodukon nga
ogumui sid sodu-sudo di valai. Manuk dino
nga ogumui, tu banalko apangit manaud do
manuk it anganak di Maraun dino.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
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I valai dioti dino osibak i rinantai, apat-no
kaki. Papan i palampag, tolu it ongkob. Isi i di
Maraun om di Mina, i koduvo di Alima, i
kotolu di Arun.
I harati di burul dot osogit, tana do banalko
oruvak. Nunu-nopo o tonomon, nga tumunda
banal. Ino valai dino banalko avantang, tu i
ropuhan dino nakatanidi. Kijambatan sid
pialatan di ropuhan om i valai. Ino valai dino
tosongminggu-minggu om vougan-no dit
ongopalampag. Iarun-no om i Alima o
tumabang dit idi momoug di valai. Ong i
Karim dino baiko mongihas di rapag sid
palampag.. I tukad dino, nga vougan kavi dioti
om i sunsud dino, nga vuhavoni di Arun om i
Alima. It ongoikam dino nga isidang om it
ongobantal dino, nga isdangi dioti. I sid
ropuhan dino varo parit di pomurulanan do
vaig sid ontok do pomougan om varo-pot
ongkob do popodsuon.
18. It odu
I Muna dino lumohing-no, baiko mogobi-obipo sid valai. I muna dino odu di Arun, tu idi di
Mina. Magazaqu iosido tumabang mangagama
dot ongokakanan. Sasarap, tanga hari
minsosodop, nga iosidoi o magazau. Bang
otoron i Mina antava it anganak, nga kitabang
iosido minggama-gama do kakanan. Bang
amu otoron i Mina antava it anganak, nga aso
koruhang dau minggamga-gama di kakanan.
I mangagama dit ongokakakan dino
mitatabang-n o ioti. It odu o manaduk sid
ropuhan. Ino-no I todukan dit odu dino,
soguntung, inavahan di sinonginan. Vokonnobo ong balatung, vokon-no ong labuk,
vokon-no ong kulumbu, vokon-no ong
tavadak, vokon-no ong sangup. Vokan-no ong
guol. Amu osusa ioti dino do dumagang do
totodukan, tu banalko ogumu o tanom dioti
dino sid natad do valai, boginis-ginisan. Bang
ahangat-no ioti dit ongototodukon dino,
manaduk-no do lomiding antad sid tampak.
19. Monginakan
Sid valai dit agazo nga varo meja. Sid ropuhan
nga varoi meja do ponginakanan. Kodungko
mamangakan-no ioti dino, neikd do pinggan
om sikang om sangkil. In-po di Karim do
pangakanan, pinggan do rizau om i sangkil
dau diono nga sangkil do rizau, tu rumosi-ko
ababak. Bang opongo-no ioti monginakan, i
Arun om i Alima o tumabang dit idi momoug
dit pinonginakananan. Lingkosuan-po laid
momoug om pihidon-ogi monuu dit ozopos.
Opongo-po momoug, itahu-no sid kaban.
20. Manaud do manuk
I Arun omi Alima dino okonko baiko ino o
gamaon dioti dino, tu manaud do manuk nga
gaamani dioti. Sangadau induvo ioti
mongupan. It ongoontolu dino nga ogumu ot
ompon dioti, tu banalko ogumu o punan do
momogontolu. Sangadau varo hopod, varo
hopod om limo ot ontolu dit ongomanuk dioti.
It ongopizak dino nga banalko ogumu. Varo
ponuvangan dioti dit ongopizak dino, ong
kodungko mongupan , tu amu-nopo itanid it
ongopizak, amu kotinduk dit upan, tu banalk
ogumu o punan di misosolod-no ong
kodungko upanan-no. It ongomanuk dino
banalko ongololomu, tu banalko ataud it
21. Mutanom
I Mina dino aparu adau adau nga mutanom.
Boginisan o totonomon. Ino pinitanaman dino
inansal do davai, tu ogumu o manuk do
moninduk dot ongotanom. I Arun om i Alima
dino banalko tumabang dit idi mutanom.
Kodungko sasarap-no om minsosodop,
mitabango-no di Arun om i Alima monuntug
dit ongotanaman.It ongobalatung din, ong
kodungko kirinoloi-no, ondirizonno dioti. It
ongosangup dino ,nga kiongoondiri kavi.
22- Mukabun
I maraun dino tumimpuun-ogi momuka do
kabun do nizu. Tumimpuun-ogi mananom do
nizu. Inono i gama dioti momuka, rilikon-po
laid. Orilik-po om tutudan-no om tanaman-ogi
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Page 65
do nizu. I gama dioti maananom dino
pansangaon-po laid. Totolu-tolunopod om tolu
kaki kosoduo o pialatan di puun do nizu. I
luvang dino duvo kaki karalom om
kosongoho. I Marain-no om i Mina o
mongoluvang. It anganak o patanom di nizu.
Ioti dino banalko mitatabang. I Arun omi
Alima dino banalko apangit, asso kamaahalan.
Nunu-nopo ot isuhu dit idi om it ama,
monumbozo ioti.
23. Mananom do dalai
I Mina dino ong opongo-no mananom do nizu,
taanaman-no dau do dalai. Ino tana dino
banalko avantang, to oruvak. I kosoduo di
pialatan di pananom di Mina do dalai, totolutulu kai. Na banalko orombung i suni do dalai
dino. I Arun om i Alima dino nga banalko
otomon, tu ino tana dino kopirazat-no di tana
do ranau. Ino puun dot ongonizu dino,
nongokosuni-po, piningsongkulan-no dioti do
talu kaki mintutuk. Notikid-no manangkul om
pinguntunai-ogi do sakot it ongopuun dino.
24. Mangasok
Nokosuni-po it ongodalai, inassakan-no dioti
do parai. Onom gantang o nakasok. Koduvaan
ioti mangasok om notongkop-ogi. I Maraun o
monindok. I Mina om i Alima om i Arun o
monumpos. I parai di niasok dioti dino
alangkasmonindok, tolu imonumpos nga amui
okosupan. I Arun dino elono monumpos. I
Alima dino amu-po elo, baiko isuvu sid
luvang, tu ong amu isuvu, banalko ogumu ot
25. Sid tagad
I Arun dino om i Alimam sisino-nopo sid
tagad. Nokosuni-po i parai, momodsuni-no it
ongovalahan. Nongokosuni-po, tumimpuunno ioti monginsakot. Mitatabanbg-no ioti, tu
banalko toudon dioti ino kabun dino, tu aso-po
gima kabun dioti do tanid. I paraidino banalko
ahakang. Ohigak i Maraun om i Mina om i
Arun om i Alima dit emot i iadino i suni do
parai om dalai om nizu. Nokoumbangan ioti
do tana. Nokonong do banalko avantang,.
Alaid om navi-ogi dioti i sakot, tu banalko
ahakang i sakot sid tagad dioti dino.
26. Mangagama do tinakang
Noula-po i dalai, mangagama do tinakang i
Maraun dino. Mokibabaal iosido sid himbaan.
I Mar4aun dino inasa-po laid i dangol dau om
i di Arun om pamanau-ogi ioti dino sid
himbaan. Tinatas-po laid dioti it ongoorigi.
Nopompon-po it origi, panatas-ogi ioti dot
ongokasau. Manaso i Maraun om i Arun do
pagung om manganu-ogi ioti do sosorut om
bangkavan. Nokoulipo ioti, sinorut-no i taap.
Poturug ioti di tinakang. Mamanau ioti sid
himbaan managad do kazu. Oniton dioti i kulit
dot ipongorinding di tinakang. Tumimpuun-no
ioti dino monguvak, tu lumonot-no i dalai.
Ino-no imonguvak dino, i Maraun om i Mina
om i Arun om i Alima. Ino dalai dioti dino
banalko ongolombon. I Maraun dino o
mangakut di dalai pouli sid tinakang.
Nopongo-po monguvak, noponu-no i tinakang
dioti dino.
27. Mangagama do sulap
I parai dioti dino nga mansak-no. Mokibabaalno vagu ioti. Aso-po laid di Maraun i dangol
dau om asao-ogi i di Arun. Mivozo-no ioti sid
himbaan dino manatas dot origi. Nopompon-p
it origi dino , inumpug-n o dioti om panataspo vagu doit ongobabaal vokon. Nopomponpo dioti, inakut-no sid tagad.
Maanaso-no vagu ioti do pagung. Nokouli-po,
sinorut-no vagu dioti om poturugo-no om
panganitno vagu ioti do kulit dot ipongojoropi.
Mihang it inanit dioti. Nojoropian-no om
nataapan-no nopongo-no.
28. Mongomot
I parai dioti dino mansak-no banal, varo-no
rumudtu. Ioti dino banalko aahago mongomot,
tu rumosi-ko orudtuan banal. Patalad-po ioti
dot ulun, tu banalko apapag i parai dioti dino.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Page 66
Suvabsuvab ngaopompon ioti mibo sid tagad.
I Maraun dino mangakut-nopo o gamaon. I
Arun dino nga tumabangi dit ama dau
mongolikahan. Nopongo-po ioti dino mon
gomot, noponu- i sulap. Otomon-no banal ioti.
29. Manganu do lingkut
Inasa-no di >Maraun i vazoi dino om
pivozono dit anak dau mamaanau sid
himbaan. Ioti dino managad do malapi, tu
oniton do lingkut. Amu katagad banal i Arun,
tu amu-po milo. Nahaba-po dioti, sudzurai-no.
Tanga hari ioti monudzul om opongo-ogi.
Labaan tolu-no ropo kolombono i lingkut.
Kaapatan ioti manansag om nopongo-ogi.
Apat i nasansag dioti do banalko
ongololombon i lingkut.
30. Mongulok
ioti dino monimpuun-no mongulok di parai. I
Maraun dino mokitulung iosido dot ulun, tu
banalko ogumu i parai dau dino. It ongoulun
vokon dino enginmonulung dioti. I Maraun
omiMina sampai it anganak dino nga banalko
osuau dot ongoulun. Koduvaan ioti mongulok
om nopong-ogi. Limo ioti o minongoulok.
Apat i lingkut dot ongololombon o nosuhan.
Onom nopod om limo bandu o kosuvang dit
iso i lingkut. Kovi-oviai duvo natus om onom
nopod binonduan.
31. Gumopu.
I Mina dino banalk aparu. Nokoulok-po,
timpuun-no iosido gumopu. I sakot dino
iuntun kavi di Mina sid puun do nizu. I Alima
dino nga banalko tumabang dit idi dau. Elo-no
banal i Alima dino mokimamaha.
Suvab-suvab iotidino opomponmibo. Vokonno ong apat ioti do kebo, vokon-vokon-no ong
tolu. Sampai nolungkib dioti gumopu i
govuton do tagad dau dino. Tinanaman vagu
dioti do dalai om ongorunti om palavan.
Ongototodukon nga ogumui.
32. Elo mangagama i Maraun.
I Maraun dino ogumu ot elaan dau do gamaon.
Raza, bakul, saging, gantang, buus, likahan,
barazit, rolibu, sisizud, bubu, kkurungan,
Sungkolingan o tinagad dau, vazoi o
nipangagama. Elo banal iosido dino do nununopo o gagamaon. Gohulu dino nga eloi
iosido monondugu. Tanid-poo it idagang dau
sid ongoulun. Alaku banal it onsung dau dino,
tu avantang i pangagama.
33. Ongopamarasan
monginsakot. Mamanau-oku sid govuton.
Managad-oku do kazu. Tumalob-oku sid badi.
Mongolou-oku sid Sinimbulan. Mongoluguoku do dalai sid tagad. Mirimpanau-oku sid
Mongomot-oku do parai.
Kumudat-oku diti. Mintindak-oku diti.
Monizud-oku dot urongou sid himbaan.
Mongorilik-oku do paananaman-ku do guol.
Mongoluvas oku do sunsud do valai. Mongoioku do parai sid tagad. Tumupak-oku sid
bavang. Mudan-oku sid alud. Rumikot-oku sid
badi do Nangko. Mamalampak-oku do sulap.
Patangkus-oku do karabau. Sumombo-oku sid
di Majimil. Monutud-oku do tavun.
Mamasa-oku do surat. Monumad-oku do
vogok. Mogihim-oku do sogo sid isasn dit
Ambasa. Madtaan-oku do bubu sid ranau di
Mogosing. Managad-oku do punti sid govuton
diolo. Mangarabut-oku do guol sid tagad di
Maangagandal-oku do parai di Sompa.
Padagang-ooku do manuk diMarasun.
Mongulok-oku do parai biano sid tagad.
Mamanau-oku-no biano sidkabun di Asun.
Mongolombus-oku sid kadai. Dumagang-oku
dot umau. Muli-oku sid valai.
34. Mangagama do valai
Siombo-ma o puvalazaan-ku diti dot avantang
banal. Kiroon-ku siti-no ot avantang, tu kivaig
dot ozou banal. Manjadi manatas-oku-pop dot
origi. Ong opompon-ku-no, baharu-ogi om
manatasßoku do sulu om lombiu om tontom
om uludon om paamahatan om ipangabai om
ponikagang om imburulu om kasau.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Page 67
Manjadi bang opompon-ku-no kavi i babaal
dino, baharu-ogi om iturug-ku. Manjadi bang
kotonduk-po it ongoorigi, kakalan-ku-no om
lombihan-ku-no om suluhan-ku-no om
tantaman-kuno. Manjadi bang karantai-ku-no,
tumpokon-ku-no, ipongogos-ku-nopo om
togung, okonko nga rinangkai.
Manjadi kakalan-ku-no i pangabazan om
tompokon-ku-no i potimpakan do rolos, bang
kabai-no, kisokoon-no momonikagang om
mongimburulu om mangasau. Manjadi bang
kakasau-po, mongintaap–oku-no. Kemot-no
do taap om taapan-ogi. Manjadi bang otoubpo manaap, rindingon-ku-no om palampaganku-no om ropuhanan-ku-ogi sampai gamankuno do paha do duvo misungkad. Manjadi bang
opongo-po i paha dino, rumangkat-okoi-no, tu
gamaani do rongobon ong kezon-no.
banalkko osinang, tu kavavalai-po om varo-po
vosoi dot osomok sampai ozou. Manjadi
sogohon nga varo. Podsuon nga varo,
pangalahan nga varo sid somok, tu kavavalai
35. Mangagama dot alud
Bang mangagama dot alud, banalko osusa, tu
suvaiko kipakas do koburo, ino-no suvaiko
kisangkap om kivasoi om kikinulung.
Ioti ditimangasa-oku do daangol om kapak om
vasoi, tu managad-oku do kazu do gamaon-ku
dot alun biano. Manjadi bang atagad-ku-no,
pudungon-ku-no do kapak. Topot ong
mangagama dot alud, suvaiko kidundung om
Topot ong alud, ino-no o keso dot apagon
mangagama, ino-no mongoluvang sampai ino
manabas do dulung om komudi, tu iruson
miombutul, om ino-no-ogi monginizo do
konipiso nga banalko apagon, tu suvaiko
pingususan it obik om taradas, tu ponukungan
di kakapalo. Tu bangokonko iadino, bang
kotolong-no sid vaig, tantu linggin i gama
lumantaung dit alud. Manjadi bang enizo
konipiso, tantu otimbang dot ilantung sid vaig.
Om iri-og’t uhubon-no, tu mongohontol di
kabang dot alud sampai monuu di vonod do
36. Mongomot do parai ong Momogun
Ong Momogun o mongomot, linggaman o
kovidan. Ino linggaman dino amu agazo, tu
rontob ohinggaman. Kiro-kiro tolu-no insi o
kazu kononoruvo om songinsi ot tompok
kolombono ot ipongoulu. I gama mongotu
okonko ihambil i tulang, inoi nga baiko sid
pumpuvak o pongotuan. I pumpuvak dino
songgolon kumavid. Asaang-po i palad,
isuvang-no sid bakul ong osomok sid sulap o
Bang osodu sid sulap o pangamatan, nga igilipo laid sid harami. Suvaiko okuton ong
minsosodop.Likahan o kovidan mangakut
pouli sid sulap. Bang opongo-no mongomot,
inudan-po do songvulan om ladtakan-ogi.
Gamaan dot inongkob sid sunsud do sulap do
porotuan dit urung. Avi-no paratu, indakod-no
i lingkut sid rinantai om tokongon-no i kabang
dot ikogos sid tontom, nga amu-no kumakat i
busul do lingkut. Kogom-po i lingkut sid
rinantai, indakod-no vagu i parai do dokutan o
ponukatan pendakod. I dokutan dino bandu
dot agazo o harati. Manjadi bang ogumu o
parai dit ulun, apat natus binonduan. Limo-no
nopod binonduan songlingkut. Topot amu
natapan om amu nokosidang, tu amu kavasa
dot otilib i hogod ong amu otoliban-po
mongulok. Tu kotilib sid koruhang i
Bambarazon dau, ka.
37. I kavazao do parai
I parai ong kodungko kasok-no, suvaiko
kolimaan antad kinasakan om emot-ogi do
gumiras-no. Orikot-poo o koturuan, otolibanno i gumiras, tu lumuvas-no.Otoliban-po i
lumuvas dino, mongiku pirit-no. Otoliban-po
imongiku pirit, sumisiit-no. Om iri-ogi runduk
ngasok-no. Oim iri-ogi tavun sunsulit-no om
iri-ogi pasong tapi-no om iri-ogi tavun vatangno om iri-ogi kipundu-no, tu givad-no do
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Page 68
pogontizanan om tumimpuun-no mogontizan i
Kodung baiko amu-po kosilau i ravo do parai,
retan do moningkaran-no om iri-ogi monilau i
parai. Kodungko okudik-po i ravo do parai,
retan do tuntudukon-ogi om iri-ogi kumutadno om iri-ogi sumalut-no om iri-ogi rumantai-
no. Om iri-ogi varo monilau pompod om iriogi manggat-no do minsosodop om iri-ogi
mongoropuhan-no om iri-ogi mansak-no banal
sampai miuma dot omoton. Bang amu omot
koduruk, rumudtu i parai dino. Ombo-nopo it
ulun dot ogumu o parai nga ino-no it orudtuan
dot omoton, tu kotohudi mongo
Antad siti bai ongotangon do Rungus nitandon-no sid buuk laid diri: Tangon do Rungus
1992 Kudat
38. I Kara om i Sonit
39. I Sonit om i Mondou
40. I tambang om i kambing om it orimau
41. I tangon di Usan-usan om i Sarip
42. I tangon di palanuk om i kogiu
43. I tangon di mirnirumpak do gabu om kolibambang
om ombo dit engin-po omungon antad dit ongotangon dit amu anaru banal.
Teach yourself Rungus Tudukai-no i kondiri do Rungus
Page 69