DayStar Media User Manual


DayStar Media User Manual
DayStar Media User Manual DayStar Media
User Manual
This manual describes the operating functions and features of the DayStar Media software version 1.0 for your LED display. The version of software installed can be found in the About menu item located under the Help menu. For additional support, please contact: 2201 Cantu Ct. Suite 215 Sarasota, FL 34232 1‐800‐237‐3928 ‐ or visit our Support website at ‐ ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 1 DayStar Media User Manual Copyright Notice, Terms and Conditions ©J.M. Stewart Corporation This software is subject to the following license terms and conditions. Please read this license before installing the software on your PC. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this license you may return the software for a full refund. BY CLICKING ON THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON, OPENING THE PACKAGE, DOWNLOADING THE PRODUCT OR USING THE EQUIPMENT THAT CONTAINS THIS PRODUCT, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, CLICK THE "DO NOT ACCEPT" BUTTON AND THE INSTALLATION PROCESS WILL NOT CONTINUE, RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND, OR DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT. SINGLE COPY SOFTWARE LICENSE THIS IS A SINGLE COPY SOFTWARE LICENSE granted by the J.M. Stewart Corporation (“Stewart Signs”), with its mailing address at 2201 Cantu Ct., Suite 215, Sarasota, FL 34232. The software in this package is licensed to you as the end user. It is not for resale. 1.0 License 1.1
The software enclosed in this package is copyrighted material. Once you have paid the required single copy license fee, you may use the software for as long as you like provided you do not violate the copyright and if you follow these simple rules. 1.1.1
You may use the software on multiple computers for which it is designed. 1.1.2
You may not make any changes or modifications to the licensed software, and you may not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the software. 1.1.3
You may not rent it or lease it to others. 2.0 Limited Warranty 2.1
Stewart Signs warrants that the media which the software is recorded on and the documentation provided with it are free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. 2.2
Stewart Signs warrants that the software itself will perform substantially in accordance with the specifications set forth in the documentation provided with it. 2.3
The above express warranties are made for a period of ninety (90) days from the date the software is delivered to you as the first user. 2.4
Obligations of Stewart Signs during the warranty period: 2.4.1
Stewart Signs will replace the CD which proves defective in materials or workmanship, without additional charge, on an exchange basis. In the case of an error in the documentation, Stewart Signs will correct errors in the documentation without charge by providing addenda or substitute pages. 2.4.2
Stewart Signs will either replace or repair without additional charge any software that does not perform in substantial accordance with the specifications of the documentation. This will be done by delivering to you a corrected copy of the software or corrective code, on an exchange basis. 2.4.3
If Stewart Signs is unable to replace defective documentation or defective media or if Stewart Signs is unable to provide a corrected copy of the software or corrected documentation within a reasonable period of time, Stewart Signs will either replace the software with a functionally similar program or refund the license fees paid for use of the software. 2.5
Exclusion of other Warranties 2.5.1
Stewart Signs does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. 2.5.2
The warranty does not cover any media or documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by you. 2.5.3
The software warranty does not cover any copy of the software which has been altered or changed in any way by you or others. 2.5.4
Stewart Signs is not responsible for problems caused by changes in the operating characteristics of the computer hardware or operating system which are made after the delivery of the software. ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 2 DayStar Media User Manual 2.6
Any implied warranties including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are limited to the term of the express warranties. 2.6.1
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Stewart Signs shall not in any case be liable for special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from any breach of these warranties even if Stewart Signs or its agent has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 2.7.1
Your Obligations Under The Warranty: 2.8.1
You must call Stewart Signs customer service department for authorization to return any defective item to Stewart Signs, during the warranty period. 2.8.2
If Stewart Signs customer service representative is unable to correct your problem by telephone, you will be provided with a return authorization number and an address for returning the defective item for warranty service or replacement. 2.8.3
You must insure any defective item being returned because Stewart Signs does not assume the risk of loss or damage while in transit. 2.9
Other Conditions: 2.9.1
The warranties set forth above are in lieu of all other express and implied warranties, whether oral, written or implied, and the remedies set forth above are your sole and exclusive remedies. 2.9.2
Only an authorized officer of Stewart Signs may make modifications to this warranty, or additional warranties binding on Stewart Signs. 2.9.3
Accordingly, additional statements such as advertising or presentations whether written, oral or implied do not constitute warranties by Stewart Signs and should not be relied upon as such. 2.9.4
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state. 3.0 Limitation Of Liability 3.1
In no case shall Stewart Signs’ liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use the Licensed Software or One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), whichever is greater. 4.0 Integration 4.1
This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, United States of America, as if performed wholly within the state and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law. If any portion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this License shall remain in full force and effect. This license constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreement or understanding whether written, oral or implied, relating to the subject of this license. 4.2
This agreement may only be modified by a written agreement signed by Stewart Signs. ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 3 DayStar M
Media User Manual Table of Contents DayStar Mediaa? .................................................................................. ...................................... 5
What is D
ogy .................................................................................................... ...................................... 5
System Re
equirements ..................................................................................... ...................................... 5
on ..................................................................................................... ...................................... 6
Display Se
etup .................................................................................................. ...................................... 7
Adjusting Display Settings .............................................................................. ...................................... 8
0 Creating aa New Playlistt .................................................................................. ...................................... 10
Opening aan Existing Plaaylist ........................................................................... ...................................... 10
0 Screen Ovverview ............................................................................................ ...................................... 11
1 Working w
with Frames ..................................................................................... ...................................... 12
2 Adding Te
ext to a Frame
e .................................................................................. ...................................... 14
4 Adding Im
mages to a Fraame ............................................................................. ...................................... 17
7 Adding Video Clips to aa Frame ....................................................................... ...................................... 18
8 d Temperaturre to a Frame .......................................... ...................................... 19
9 Adding Daate, Time and
Adding a Border and Background Co
olor to a Fram
me ..................................... ...................................... 20
0 Setting th
he Frame Duraation ............................................................................ ...................................... 21
1 Using Transition Effectts .................................................................................. ...................................... 21
1 ng a Frame ........................................................................................ ...................................... 22
2 Schedulin
ng, Saving and
d Transmitting Your Playlisst ....................................... ...................................... 23
3 d Functionalitty Appendix Advanced
Working with W
Multiple Disp
plays ......................................................... ...................................... 24
4 Working with W
Frame Group
ps .............................................................. ...................................... 24
4 Viewing Displaay Information ............................................................. ...................................... 25
5 The Informa
ation boxes lo
ocated within this manuall contain addiitional notes. important n
Alert boxees contain instructions that must be foollowed to en
nsure proper performannce of the sofftware or disp
play. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 P
Page 4 DayStar M
Media User Manual What is DaySttar Med
dia? DayStar M
Media is an ad
dvanced Wind
dows®‐based software appplication thatt controls the message on your LED displaay. With it, yo
ou can add te
ext, images an
nd video clipss that can be scheduled att the time and
d date of yo
our choice. DayStar M
Media also offfers a suite off diagnostic to
ools and harddware controls that allow yyou or a technician
n to fine‐tune
e the perform
mance of your display. Due to the w
wide variety o
of matrix sizess and display colors that are compatiblee with DaySta
ar Media, the eexamples con
ntained in thiss manual mayy not reflect tthe capabilitiees of your disp
Termiinology The follow
wing terminology is used throughout th
his manual. D
portion of you
ur outdoor sign that contaains the LEDs and other eleectronic • Display – The p
omponents. Displays come in a wide vaariety of sizess, and can be single or dou
uble‐sided. • Frrame – A singgle unit of a playlist that caan contain staatic text, scro
olling text, a sttill image or aa viideo clip. A frrame can be sscheduled to be shown onn a certain da te or at a cerrtain time, and can have various in
ncoming and outgoing tran
nsition effectts. ntains • Pllaylist– A sequential list off frames that will be show n on your dissplay. The plaaylist also con
nformation on
n duration, sccheduling, and
d any transitiion effects selected. • Prreview– View
wing a single frame or the e
entire playlistt within the software to seee how it will look on the display.. • Trransmit– Sending the playylist to the dissplay for view
wing by the pu
ublic. System
m Requiirementss Media can be run on any m
modern Windo
ows®‐based ccomputer. Th
he following aare the minim
mum DayStar M
ents for installation: • Windows XP S
ervice Pack 3 and above, .NET 3.51 andd above • Pe
entium proce
essor • 512 MB RAM bit color video card, minim
mum resolutioon of 1024x768 • Trrue color 24‐b
• 10
00 MB free drive space • Network card or serial port (depending o
on the displayy connection method)
©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 P
Page 5 DayStar M
Media User Manual Installation If there is an
n existing verssion of DaySta
ar Media insttalled on yourr computer, itt must be uninstalled b
before proceeeding. ware may be d
delivered via C
CD‐ROM, or vvia an emailedd or downloaaded ZIP The softw
file. Brow
wse to the file
e location (the
e CD drive or inside the ZIPP file), and do
ouble click on th
he setup.exe file to start th
he installation process. 1. Click th
he Next button to start the ssoftware installatio
on. 2. Accept the license agreemen
nt by clicking on the I Accept rradio button, and then click the Next buttton. 3. Enter your name and organization name, and click the Next button. 4. Verify tthat Typical iss selected aas the setup ttype, and click tthe Next buttton. 5. Confirm
m your selectiions by clickingg the Install button. 6. If you u
use Windows® 7 or Window
ws® Vista, you Winddows® 7 and Wiindows® Vista on
nly may havee to click Yes tto the User Acco
ount Control window. Once installed, the DayyStar Media icon will be avvailable on yoour desktop aand within your Start men
nu. Click on th
he icon to staart DayStar M
Media. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 P
Page 6 DayStar M
Media User Manual Displaay Setup
p ou can use the
e DayStar Media software,, you must firrst add Before yo
your displlay in the setttings. Click th
he Display bu
utton1 on the 2
toolbar, o
or select Displlay > Connectt to Display . 1 2
A window
w will appear w
with the Selectt Display tab iin front. Click the A
Add Display ttab. Seelect Display winndow When com
mmunicating with your displlay over a com
mputer network, enter the IP aaddress of your display into the
e IP Address b
box. ‐or‐ When com
mmunicating with your displlay over a serrial connectio
on, click the Serial button an
nd select the C
COM Port you w
will be using. A
Add Display winddow The technica
al information
n about your display such as the IP adddress or serial port should b
be available fro
om your comp
puter systemss administrattor. Network or other com
mputer system
m on is the respo
onsibility of th
he customer.
1. Click tthe Check forr Display buttton. 2. Text w
will appear indicating if the
e sign was d
detected successfully. 3. If succcessful, click tthe Add Display button. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 1
Page 7 DayStar M
Media User Manual Adjusting Disp
play Settings nto DayStar M
Media, the opttions for thatt display can b
be set. In thee file After the display has been added in
ettings. bar, select Display > Se
Displaay Settings winddow The follow
wing settings can be speciffied: Brightnesss The brightness of yourr display can e
either be set tto a single se tting, or use aa schedule off different setttings over 24 hours. • Use Brightness
s Settings – Choose this op
ption to mainttain the samee setting overr 24 hours. • Use Brightness
s Schedule – C
Choose this option to crea te up to four time ranges with differen
nt D display off and on at cerrtain se
ettings. The B
Brightness Schedule can also be used too turn the LED
times. The brightness is set in
ndependentlyy for each side
e of the displaay by using th
he Side A and
d Side B tabs at the top off the window. If your disp
play is double‐‐sided, “Side A” refers to tthe side with the electrical connectio
on on the righ
ht when viewiing the displaay from the frront. If your d
display is singgle sided, you will control it with the “Sid
de A” tab. The “Automatic” selectio
on available in
n both Brightnness Settings and Brightneess Schedule u
uses an ambient light sensor tto determine the display brrightness. Thhis selection w
will automaticcally brighten thee display durin
ng the day to compete witth the sun, annd dim it for eevening and night‐time u
use. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 P
Page 8 DayStar M
Media User Manual Example ssettings: Brighttness setting set to automatic (reecommended) Brigghtness schedulee with the brighttness set to levell 5 betw
ween 6am and 112pm, level 10 beetween 12pm an
nd 6ppm, and the dispplay off between
n 10pm and 6am
m Time Zone With this setting, you m
may select the appropriate
e time zone ffor the internal clock of your d
display. You m
may also turn
n on or off thee automaticc adjustment setting for Daylight Savinggs Time. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 P
Page 9 DayStar M
Media User Manual Creatiing a Ne
ew Playliist own on your display. The A playlist is a sequentiaal list of text, images, and video clips thhat will be sho
nformation on duration, sccheduling, annd any transition effects seelected. playlist also contains in
To create a new playlisst, select File > New Playlist. Enter a fille name and
d click the Savve button. Th
his will create
e a new playlisst with the ccorrect dimen
nsions for you
ur display. A playlist ((“my_playlist.dsm”) being savedd in the default ffolder DayStar Media playlists u
use the .dsm ffile extensionn. It is recomm
mended that you save thesse files into thee default foldeer (C:\Program
mData\DaySttarMedia\Plaaylists). You m
may create ass many playlissts as you would like. Openiing an Exxisting P
If you havve an existing playlist on yo
our computerr, it can be oppened by selecting File > Ope
en Playlist, browsing to the
e file locationn and clicking th
he Open butto
on. A playliist (“my_playlistt.dsm”) being sellected for openinng
©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 10 DayStar M
Media User Manual Screen
n Overview The main screen for DaayStar Media with a playlisst open has t he following sections: 1
ar – All functiions of the so
oftware such as previewingg, saving and transmitting a playlist aree 1. File Ba
availaable from thiss bar. 2. Toolb
bar – Allows quick access to
o some of the
e more comm
monly used fu
unctions in thee file bar. 3. Font SSelections – TThese controlss allow you to
o select the foont, size, style and color o
of text that wiill appeaar on your dissplay. 4. Backg
ground and Frrame Selectio
ons – These co
ontrols allow you to selectt background color and bo
order settin
ngs. 5. Playlisst View – A lisst of all existing frames in your playlist. Clicking on aa line within tthe playlist viiew will se
elect the fram
me for editingg. 6. Framee Settings – TThese controlss allow you to
o select the dduration of fraames as well as any incom
ming or outtgoing transittion effects. YYou may also
o specify a grooup name forr individual fraames, as welll as narrow the playlistt view down tto certain gro
oups. 7. Framee Editor – This is where texxt, images and video clips are entered iinto the fram
me, as well as where
e previewing occurs. The size of the fraame editor caan be set at actual pixel sizze and up to 1
12 times actual pixel ssize. 8. Sched
duling – These
e controls allo
ow you to sch
hedule an ind ividual framee on a continu
uous, daily, weekly, monthly, o
or yearly sche
edule. You caan also scheduule frames to
o be triggered
d by temperatture conditions. 9. Statuss Box – Provid
des informatiion on playlistt transmissio n, spelling errors, scheduling conflicts aand other items. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 11 DayStar M
Media User Manual Workiing with
h Framess A frame iss a single unitt of a playlist that can conttain static textt, scrolling texxt, a still imagge or a video clip. A frame can
n be schedule
ed to be show
wn on a certain date and/or at a certain tim
me, and can haave various in
ncoming A frame witth a single linee of centered teext and outgo
oing transition effects. The frame
es contained in your playlist can be see
en in the Playllist View. The frame that is selected w
within the Playlisst View can have its prope
erties and con
ntents edited.. Frames can also be reord
dered by clickking and draggging them witthin this section of the scre
een. Click and drag a
frame up or dow
wn in the Playlisst View to changge the order A new plaaylist opens w
with 16 blank frames. However, frames can b
be added or rremoved as needed. To insert aa frame, select Edit > Insert Frame Before orr Edit > Insert Frame After. This will place a fraame before o
or after the se
elected frame
e in the Playylist View. Frames caan have all of their contents removed by selecting Edit > Clea
ar Frame. A frame can be comple
etely removed from the playlist byy selecting Ed
dit > Delete Frrame. Blank framees that have n
no text, imagees or video cliips containedd within them are automaticallly excluded frrom the playllist when it is transmitted to the displayy. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 12 DayStar Media User Manual Frames can also be cut or copied, and then pasted elsewhere in the playlist. With a frame selected, click Edit > Cut Frame or Edit > Copy Frame. Select a different location within the playlist and click Edit > Paste Frame. The frame as seen in the Frame Editor can be made larger or smaller on your screen. This can make it easier to work with text and other elements. Select View > Frame Editor Scale x1 – x4, or press the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons in Font Selections bar to change the size of the frame editor. Frame Editor scale changed from 1x to 3x ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 13 DayStar M
Media User Manual Addin
ng Text to a Fram
me With a fraame selected in the Playlist View, click within the FFrame Editor at the bottom of the scre
een and type in your desirred text. Font The font, size and color of the text ccan be change
ed with the Fo
ont Selection
ns controls n
near the top o
of the screen.. Font size can also be changed with the up and do
own arrow bu
uttons on the Font Selection bar. Text set to size 26, greenn Times New Rom
man font The fonts avvailable within
n DayStar Meedia are the fo
fonts that havve been installled on your Windows® ssystem. Text Style
e Text can b
be made bold
d, italic, underrline or have a strike‐out byy selecting the
e option fro
om the Text SStyle menu, o
or from the buttons in the Font Selecttions menu. Te
ext can also be left, center or right align
ned to the dissplay. Text Posittion Lines of te
ext can also b
be moved by holding th
he Ctrl button
n on your keyboard, clicking and
d dragging the
em to the dessired location
n. Text made bolld, italic, underliined and centereed horizontally Text centtered vertically bby holding the Cttrl button, aand clicking and d dragging the lin
ne Text Color Sections o
of text can be
e changed by highlighting them with
h the mouse, aand then chan
nging the textt properties fo
or that sectio
on. Sectioon of text made red by highlightting it withh the mouse andd changing the ccolor ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 14 DayStar Media User Manual Multiple Lines Multiple lines of text can be added to the frame by pressing the Enter button on your keyboard between lines. These lines can be sized, positioned and colored independently. Two lines of centered text with different colors Scrolling Text If you attempt to type text that is longer than the display, DayStar Media will prompt you to enable scrolling. Scrolling text will move from right to left on the display. Text set to scroll across the display To enable or disable scrolling for any line, select Text Style > Scroll. A red cursor indicates when a line is set to be scrolled. If there is more than one line of text set to scroll within the same frame, the lines will scroll one at a time starting with the top line. The speed that text scrolls across the screen can be adjusted by clicking on the down arrow next to the Scroll button and selecting a speed. Speed can be set individually for each frame. Text Height The height of the text can also be adjusted by using LED Text Height. This value will change the selected line of text to be an exact number of pixels high, regardless of the font or size selected. This feature is useful when maximizing the amount of text that will fit onto your display. For example, to fit 4 lines of text on a 32 pixel high display, use the 7 pixel LED text height (with the 8thpixel blank to separate the lines of text). Various LED Text Heights on a 32 pixel high display
Text Opacity The opacity of text can be controlled by clicking the Opacity button and selecting a value. A value of less than 100 will allow some of the background to show through the text, with a value close to 0 being almost completely transparent. ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 15 DayStar Media User Manual Copy & Paste If you have copied some text from another program such as Microsoft® Word, you can paste it into a frame by selecting Edit > Paste From Clipboard. Spell Check A spell check can be performed on all text within a frame, or across the entire playlist. Select Tools > Spell Check Frame or Tools > Spell Check Playlist to check for misspelled words, which will be noted in the Status Box. Find & Replace You can also perform automatic text changes for a single frame or within the entire playlist. Select Edit > Find and Replace, and enter the word to be replaced and its replacement. Optionally, you may attempt to match the capitalization of the text by selecting Match Case. ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 16 DayStar Media User Manual Adding Images to a Frame DayStar Media allows you to add still images to be shown on your LED display. Images must be in BMP (bitmap) format to work with the software. These files have names with “.bmp” at the end. There are two different ways that images can be added to a frame: Fitting an Image to the Frame Placing an Image on the Frame To size the image so that it To place an image at a takes up the entire frame, particular location on the click Edit > Insert Image frame, click Edit > Insert with a frame selected in Image X,Y with a frame the Playlist View. selected in the Playlist View. Browse to where the BMP file is located on the computer, select it and click Open. Browse to where the BMP file is located on the computer, select it and click Open. The image will be scaled to fit the entire frame. With your mouse, draw a square where you want the image to appear. The image will be scaled and positioned within the square. ©J.M. Stewart Corporation Document revision 9/1/2011 Page 17 DayStar M
Media User Manual Once an image has bee
en added to aa frame, text can be entereed on top of o
or next to thee image. The amountt of detail that can be show
wn on your dis
isplay is depenndent on the matrix size. Images thatt contain a larrge amount o
of detail may nnot show welll on your LED
D display. Addin
ng Video
o Clips to
o a Frame Media allows yyou to add video clips to b
be shown on yyour LED disp
play. Video clips must be iin AVI DayStar M
format to work with th
he software. These files haave names w ith “.avi” at the end. To add a vvideo clip, clicck Edit > Inse
ert Video Clip
p with a frame selected in the Playlist View. Browse to
o where the A
AVI file is locaated on the computerr, select it and
d click Open. The video
o clip will be scaled to fit th
he entire frame. The duraation of the frame will be automatically set to the lenggth of the video clip. Once a vid
deo clip has b
been added to
o a frame, texxt can be ente
ered on top o
of it. The amountt of detail that can be show
wn on your dis
isplay is depenndent on the matrix size. Video clips tthat contain a
a large amoun
nt of detail m
may not show well on your LED display. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 18 DayStar M
Media User Manual Addin
ng Date, Time an
nd Temp
peraturee to a Fraame Media allows yyou to include the currentt date, time a nd temperature in a frame. The date aand DayStar M
time are d
derived from an internal clock within th
he display, whhich is updateed from the ccomputer running DayStar M
Media. The te
emperature iss derived from
m an attachedd temperaturre probe (if eq
quipped). Date To insert tthe date, with
h a frame se
elected click Time and Temperature
e Fraame set to displa
ay the current Date and > Insert D
month, day a
and year choose th
he date formaat you wish tto use. Time To insert tthe time, with a frame se
elected click Time and Temperature
e Framee set to display tthe current timee > Insert Time and in hours and minutes choose th
he time formaat you wish tto use. Temperatture To insert tthe temperatture, with a frame selected click e > Time and Temperature
Fraame set to displa
ay the current Insert Tem
mperature an
nd ttemperature in FFahrenheit choose th
he temperature scale you wish to use. This information can be combined o
onto one fram
me, and positioned
d as desired. Font, size an
nd color optio
ons can be changed aas with regulaar lines of texxt. Fraame as seen in tthe software nsmitted to th
he display, this frame will aalways show Once tran
the curren
nt date, time and temperaature. Fr
Frame as seen on
n the display If the clock iis incorrect on
n your compu
uter, the time or date may show incorreectly on the display. It iss recommend
ded to use a tiime‐synching service on yoour computerr to keep this information accurate. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 19 DayStar M
Media User Manual Addin
ng a Bord
der and Backgro
ound Collor to a Frame d A border can be placed
he edge of a frame around th
by selecting Place Bord
der > Outline Border. Red outline bordeer A custom border can aalso be drawn onto the frame by selecting Place Borderr > Custom B
Border. Draw
w a box with yourr mouse curso
or where you want the bo
order to be disp
played. The color and thicknesss of the bord
der can be changed ffrom the Backkground and Border Selections bar. The backgground color of a frame caan also be changed ffrom the Backkground and Border Selections bar. In this way, you can cre
eate multiple
e color com
mbinations forr your text frames. Reed custom bordeer Greenn background w
with red outline b
border Text can b
be added to the frame and
d positioned
d at any point. Black text onn green backgroound with red ou
utline border
©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 20 DayStar M
Media User Manual Settin
ng the Frrame Du
unt of time th
hat a frame is displayed can
n be changedd in the Framee Settings. W
With a frame The amou
selected, enter the durration with th
he drop‐down
n box or by tyyping in any n
number. Duraation is measured in seconds. Duration tim
me is not appllicable to fram
mes with scroolling text or vvideo clips. Th
hese frames w
will automaticallly calculate ttheir duration
n based on thee frame conteents. Using Transitiion Effeccts Transition
n effects are sspecial visual effects that ccan be used bbetween fram
mes. These efffects can create interest and draw attention to yourr message. W
With a frame sselected, choo
ose an incom
ming or outgoiing effect in tthe Frame Setttings. Transiition effects w
will work withh text, image and video clip frames. The follow
wing effects aare available: – Frame is blaank. • Blank Display –
– Frame is revvealed startin
ng from the m
middle movingg outwards. • Curtain Open –
• Curtain Closed
d – Frame is re
evealed from the edges m oving inward
ds. winkling Star – Frame is re
evealed with a random fadde. • Tw
• Barrel Roll Leftt to Right – Frrame rotates in from left tto right. ht to Left – Frrame rotates in from right to left. • Barrel Roll Righ
• Barrel Roll Top
p to Bottom – Frame rotate
es in from topp to bottom.
• Barrel Roll Botttom to Top – Frame rotate
es in from bo ttom to top.
play fades outt randomly. • Dissolve – Disp
• Dim – Display f
fades out uniformly. You can cha
ange the properties of seveeral frames att the same tim
me by holding
g down the Cttrl key on your keyboard and
d selecting multiple framees within the PPlaylist View. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 21 DayStar M
Media User Manual Sched
duling a FFrame be scheduled to be displayyed on certainn dates or at certain timess. These fram
mes Individuall frames can b
will start aat the schedu
uled time and
d last for the length of thei r duration seetting. Schedu
ules can be seet for daily, wee
ekly, monthlyy or yearly display; as well as being trigggered by temperature info
ormation. Example sschedule settiings: No sch
hedule (default ssetting) Show the first day of eveery month sttarting at 12:30p
pm Show every day starting at 11:00pm Shhow every Mond
day starting at 88:00am Show every Jully 4th starting at t midnight SShow when the ttemperature is b
below 32 degrees Fahrenheit hat do not havve schedulingg information
n are set as “CContinuous” in the playlistt. These fram
mes Frames th
are shown
n in order on the display in
n a continuou
us loop unlesss overridden by a scheduleed frame. There must be at least on
ne frame in th
he playlist thaat does not haave a schedulle setting. Th
his ensures thatt there is alwa
ays something showing onn the display.
If two or mo
ore scheduled
d frames are sset to be displlayed at the ssame time, th
he information
n on the conflictin
ng frames willl be shown in
n the Status B
Box. Clicking the Conflict R
Report button
n will he frames witth conflicting schedules in the Playlist V
View. show only th
©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 22 DayStar M
Media User Manual Previe
ewing, SSaving an
nd Transsmittingg Your Pllaylist ng Previewin
After the frames are crreated within
n the ew it by selecting playlist, you can previe
Display > Preview Playylist or by cliccking on the Previe
ew button. TThis will show your playlist within the Fram
me Editor. You can also preview aa single frame
e by selecting Display > Pre
eview Frame. The previe
ew can be sto
opped by sele
ecting Display > Stop Preview
w, by clicking on the ecting a frame
e within Stop button, or by sele
the Playlisst View. Saving You may ssave your playlist at any time by selectiing File > Savee Playlist. This will store a local copy of the plaaylist on yourr computer foor later use within DayStar Media. Transmittting When you
u are ready to
o transmit the
e playlist to your display, cllick Display > Transmit Plaaylist and sele
ect the side yyou wish to usse. In this waay, different informatio
on can be sho
own on each side of a double‐
sided disp
play. The Transmit button
n can also be used. After the pla
aylist has beeen successfullyy transmittedd, the display will run it usiing an onboarrd processor. YYou may closee the program
m or shut dow
wn the compuuter at any po
oint without affecting thee display. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 23 DayStar M
Media User Manual Advan
nced Fun
nctionality Appe
endix Working with Mu
ultiple Disp
plays If you havve multiple displays that arre compatible
e with DayStaar Media, they can each bee controlled ffrom the software. You musst first add each display usiing the instruuctions in the Display Setup
p chapter. With no p
playlists open, click the Display button or select ay. Display > Select Displa
he display you
u wish to Choose th
work with
h, and click th
he Connect b
button. You are now ready to sstart working w
with this display. New playllists that are created will h
have the dime
ensions of thee selected dissplay. Playlistts that are transmitte
ed will be sen
nt to the seleccted display.
Working with Frame Group
ps ups can makee it Individuall frames can b
be a memberr of one or mo
ore groups w ithin a playlisst. These grou
easier to w
work with and organize playlists that have a large nuumber of fram
mes. Viewing G
Groups To view frrames that arre a member of a particulaar group, sele ct the group name from th
he Groups drrop‐
down boxx in the Frame
e Settings. This will filter the fram
mes shown in tthe Playlist View to only thhose frames w
within that grroup. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 24 DayStar M
Media User Manual Assigningg Groups Frames arre automaticaally assigned into standard
d groups, but can also be m
manually set iinto custom groups. TType in a Grou
up Name to aassign a frame
e into a groupp. The group will be created if it does n
not already exxist. This group
p will now be
e available forr selecting under the Groups drrop‐down boxx. To return to viewing alll frames regaardless of group, select All from the Gro
oups drop‐dow
wn box. Viewingg Display Informatio
on Technical information about your display can be
e accessed witth DayStar Media. This informatio
on can be use
eful to a techn
nician when ddiagnosing an issue. With a dissplay selected
d, click Displaay > Sign Info to view the ddiagnostics informatio
on. ©J.M. Ste
ewart Corporaation Document revision 9/1/2011 Paage 25