A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY FEMORAL HEAD MARY From The association capital as the was incidence also unanswered. In the hope patients under with by Infirmary, femur with of all transcervical The material patients prosthetic falls with into arthroplasty became redisplaced osteitis or in which of the fractures have random of age are discussed upper in forty-six female and an average K.P.5 or since January femoral as a secondary which issue male on operation not remain these and other necropsy from 1958. Journal was subjects for in from fracture post-irradiation study. Twelve segmental heads collapse 777). examined ranging the had late (page necropsy at primary when in this done at removed infected, included of the taken heads procedure were was femur heads femoral heads were the revascularisation necropsies sixty-four selected at to eighty-six years of seventy-four. Preparation of specimens-Each weeks. Coronal slices about on Kodak of four fifty arthroplasty in this end the such fractures, light examined I) excised secondary separately the with groups: Femoral at and these some of questions, METHODS 2) seventy-eight heads death throw necrosis basic of removed AND avascular ofbone been THE Glasgow several non-union might heads preparation comparison in femoral to unite. but pattern following sixty united and fractures; histological fracture head For ; 3) or failed inadequate the the transcervical Nevertheless study MATERIAL from the necrosis a histological discussion, displaced Western extent avascular that of Pathology, ago. OF FRACTURE SCOTLAND years the NECROSIS GLASGOW, fractures many necrosis, played still Department transcervical role AVASCULAR TRANSCERVICAL CATTO, recognised ofavascular the problems University of fragment and the OF AFTER femoral head was fixed in 10 per cent formal millimetres thick were cut on a band saw and four or Kodalith film using a Victor Raymax 50 machine saline for radiographs at twenty-five at least two were taken kilovolts and five amperes. The bone slabs were subsequently decalcified in formic citrate buffer (Meyer 1956), washed overnight and then processed by a double embedding method (Russell 1956). After embedding in paraffin whole sections of the femoral head, or head, neck and trochanter, were cut on a Jung microtome (model K) and stained with haemalum and eosin. In some cases the ligamentum teres was also available; it was cut into labelled serial blocks and, after processing, was stained by haemalum and eosin. Specimens of special interest were also stained to demonstrate elastica (Weigert and Orcein methods), mucopolysaccharides (PAS), connective tissue (Masson’s trichrome), reticulin (Gordon and Sweet), amyloid (congo red) and by some of Lendrum, Fraser, Slidders and Henderson’s stains (1962) for demonstrating fibrin (M.S.B., Masson 44/41 , Yellowsolve I). BONE It is widely necrosis and that years Fifty of age; organs or empty bone basophilia the only cause by lacunae; and be seen 47 B, NO. 4, NOVEMBER for tumour. before as age and control a faint life and and ofpatients taken at random exclusion from osteocytes pink shadow with from in the disappear lacuna. out the ages to those was vascular with in those In these control 1957). degree of transcervical over sixty-four the to by the whole supply and radiotherapy the cortex, Selakovich pattern histologically bone “ of the the and necropsies series is recognised actually of Sherman to find physiological “ lamellae deterioration ofsimilar the some interstitial 1951, material PATIENTS onwards in the Majno heads death ELDERLY “ adult bone Bone the 1965 NORMAL early advancing “ infiltration from to examine “ “ Rutishauser normal femoral upper femora were in IN subchondral with 1934, essential loss fractures. in increases Ponieranz therefore osteocyte that especially this and It was VOL. recognised occurs, (Jaffe CHANGES cell cases pelvic presence may of lose the its degree 749 750 MARY CATTO 1 FIG. 2 FIG. Figure 1-The bone trabecula from a 74-year-old patient with a normal hip shows patchy osteocyte loss. There are nuclei in the fat cells of the marrow. Figure 2-There is complete loss of osteocytes in this necrotic bone trabecula. The marrow is also necrotic and there is loss of nuclear staining. (Haemalum and eosin, x 150.) .,, ‘ . , . .. 4#{149} ,;#{149} ‘ (. .#{149}l:.‘ 1 . . . :. ,#{149} ‘‘4 . ,‘ -‘ it.. ; FIG. Figure central dilated 3-Living bone and part of the trabecula capillaries are seen 3 FIG. 4 marrow is in contrast to Figure 4 in which there is evidence of old necrosis in the devoid of osteocytes. New living bone has been laid down on the surface. Many in the revascularised marrow. This femoral head was removed three years after fracture. (Haemalum and eosin, x 85.) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL of osteocyte and loss in the was always subchondral heads some from None of found it was not difficult fracture and control of abundant. tips almost or on More appearance seen Examination that, the in normal cartilage bone 7). Both of elderly articular patients lacunae, the fracture. of any OF were the almost of those neck devoid marrow in the fracture small strands seen were 6). of changes series. by sudden excrescences Usually in the In practice ischaemia of few, marrow Table I shows appeared to follow completely-surrounded patterns in the fibre after bone occasionally spaces deeper (Fig. were they were 5) and were HEADS femora treated of adipose cells so giving a curiously are as a reaction REMOVED removed WITHIN important to because, it. no osteoarthritis loss of chondrocytes showed from FIFTEEN DAYS FRACTURE from patients by internal undergoing fixation who primary arthroplasty died within fifteen days DAYS AFTER FRACTURE of details. REMOVED Numberofdaysafterfracture borders by bone, layer. TABLE FEMORAL normal regarded TRANSCERVICAL patients the on femoral heads with sometimes a slight patchy HEADS were the in the be cartilage there was heads from OF and produced cases, (Fig. FEMORAL taken NUMBER of in trabecular trabecula or even the area I and 2). In two femoral evidence necrosis the wrongly especially femoral were cortex surface. of osteocytes of trabeculae ofthese might OF ten inferior of osteocytes matrix the showed loss of trabeculae sometimes they STUDY and the Absence 751 HEAD in the head and sometimes also in the neck of the femur. In rather less cases and particularly in one there was bizarre bone formation. Here, injury, Forty-nine of FEMORAL “ fibre (Fig. after bone bone. on between bone necrosis. surfaces bone forming on the surface that these became partly-and spiky heads two-thirds the rarely, distributed unevenly than a third of the when OF THE a basophilic bone or accompany physiological “ in at the Haversian showed to distinguish that NECROSIS in spongy of live femoral to precede Unexpectedly, present than protrusions these were in the plate trabeculae small which AVASCULAR patchy and it was unusual to find a whole line to be completely devoid of cells (Figs. subchondral apart OF greater bone bone was essentially bounded by a cement cells STUDY ON I EACH OF THE FIRST FIFTEEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 8 8 10 8 4 3 4 2 1 I 2 I I 0 Total . Numberofspecimens . HISTOLOGICAL Fibrin heads and haemorrhage removed fibroblasts within in the sometimes area. extensive appeared in damaged of oil cysts ringed of new surface of trabeculae of fracture new Changes evidence in areas VOL. 47 B, This and reaction from in the in less apparent. spaces an days, formation was quite day or even in only (Fig. noticeable very and, days one 9) on by the and cells in some slight by the Foamy later (Fig. there 8). was macrophages It was of osteoblasts case at four days the surface was of trabeculae day of fifth was formation of plumping thirteenth femoral proliferation and in capillaries. onwards by giant site and in all cases was in subsequent increase sometimes site there the fourth fracture five Bone marrow injury, increased by about at the than of often or formation CHANGES at the fracture hours accompanied marrow bone bone site and present by macrophages evidence area were twenty-four 59 in some rare to see on one the minute at the specimens. in marrow spaces-These begin to be recognisable from two days onwards. The first of ischaemia was a peculiar agglomeration of the marrow, most readily recognisable of haemopoiesis where large spaces appeared, surrounded by blood-forming cells. NO. 4, NOVEMBER 1965 752 MARY CATTO .1 ;; . I 5 FIG. Irregular strands of fibre FIG. bone are seen in the marrow and on the surface of trabeculae normal elderly patients. (Haemalum and eosin, x 100.) 6 in the femoral heads p. I __ I FIG. 7 A normal femoral head with bone forming on the surface of a trabecula and enclosing within it fat cells. (Haemalum and eosin, x 195.) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY of A HISTOLOGICAL These cells, Often, in necrotic seen and 14). 14), absence of nuclei, or fracture site that it was rarely trabeculae four the foveal and days was present surrounded until by A changes striking were alteration of lipocyte nuclei (Figs. blood vessels in marrow (Fig. 15) could be recognised teres eosinophilia of the from the fragmented extent from the fourth or even marrow less loss eosinophilic. these of small nuclei necrotic hecame but by 753 HEAD fracture, similar necrosis day and the ligamentum the fourteenth apparently 12). increased FEMORAL nuclei after accompanied ofthe and to some complete 10 to was OF THE their weeks onwards, end of osteocyte lost many (Figs. marrow or NECROSIS died, removed homogeneity in bone-Loss the onwards, manner three tags OF AVASCULAR heads in fatty From capsular Changes days ghostlike occurred 13 and (Fig. four femoral in a faint sometimes by from STUDY and later. was walls. bone fifth trabeculae days, but Osteocyte slower and crushed it was death could at notable in uncrushed not be discerned .#{248}#{149}_. ; 1. ‘ r ...‘. , . . 8 FIG. 9 FIG. 8-An oil cyst is seen in revascularised marrow. It is partly surrounded by giant cells. (Haemalum and eosin, . 85.) Figure 9-Active new bone formation and plumping of osteoblasts on the trabecular surfaces has occurred at the fracture site ten days after injury. There has been much capillary and fibroblastic proliferation in the marrow. (Haemalum and eosin, x 160.) Figure until about the approximately the femoral on bone or immediately In loss of heads or surfaces or four removed the assessing state and new adjacent of lipocytes absence were thirteenth three of cellular thought to fatty ofthe fracture. femoral head, to it. marrow, at the formation fibroblast complete, or nearly of pre-existing proliferation, taken with site an was evidence presence fracture In no were Agglomeration the It was after bone ischaemia. day. There soon reaction indicate fourteenth weeks. to necrosis of necrotic plumping indicate a blood marrow osteocyte loss occasional case at the blood at death in of osteoblasts supply of haemopoietic and complete, trabecular in the marrow, vessels, in the uncrushed fourth or fifth area total complete trabeculae day in which all the above changes except osteocyte loss were present throughout the head, it was possible to deduce tentatively that necrosis had occurred. In general, however, and especially when these changes were not uniform, no conclusion could be reached until the tenth day or later. VOL. 47 B, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 1965 754 At this time marrow dead and living but the changes was ample necrosis in affected MARY CATTO areas appeared marrow was more readily were even more pronounced material, there was no real to be complete, the boundary between defined and osteocyte loss was becoming apparent; by the sixteenth day. In practice, provided there problem in deciding FIG. the extent of necrosis in femoral 10 #{149},‘: T FIG. 11 Figure 10-Normal haemopoietic marrow. Figure 1 1-Necrotic showing agglomeration and loss ofnuclei. Figure 12-Complete marrow spaces in a dead head seventeen weeks after heads removed than more femoral head were opinion on smaller expected to be sixteen available complete, days for amounts often after the examination. of material, three weeks such or Usually It foolhardy, more 12 FIG. haemopoietic marrow five days after fracture loss ofnuclei with the shadows of agglomerated injury. (Haemalum and eosin, x 100.) fracture. as :; seems bone cores, from the THE time JOURNAL three or four however, until blocks to osteocyte give loss of the a firm can of fracture. OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY be A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF AVASCULAR NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL 755 HEAD DISCUSSION Various interpretations bone lacunae alive, and after it has have ischaemia. been suggested been placed Some believe that if the on the that blood \ slow until disappearance the supply can be .. ‘ . ID . t \‘\.. restored \ ,, bone fifteen - is days ,r,p \.. I r 1 :‘ . .- from the within / . 1 ...-‘ osteocytes disappear L \ \. of osteocytes p.-.’ FIG. ‘V. 13 .- FIG. 14 Normal fatty marrow with a blood vessel is shown in Figure 13 and is in contrast to the of lipocyte nuclei in Figure 14. This was ten days after injury. The blood vessel wall osteocytes remain in the bone. (Haemalum and eosin, x 160.) FIG. Necrotic blood vessels are seen and bone death necrosis twelve days, 47 B, K not NO. occur femoral hours. eighteen VOL. will in the 4, (Patrick heads Sevitt (1964) might be NOVEMBER the 1965 of 1960). dogs ligamentum eosin, that result of necrosis the marrow necrosed. devoid Some teres. (Haemalum x 85.) temporary suggested necrotic is also 15 in the Woodhouse after 7 late some (l962a of persistence days b), however, and occlusion of after the osteocytes, injury. produced blood supply for It is not, bone for only example however, at 756 MARY necessary to accept after the and Catto bone this interruption 1964). is dead exp’anation, of the The shortly the 1948, Bonfiglio 1960) or at the time of vessels or, tearing seems 1954, to that, Campbell 1961), complete of dogs in spite of the 1947, this internal suggested simplify the (1948, tendency to Potter write and and about Driscoll complication conception “ 1953 there manifestations and of the 1960), when in fact it 1945; is the to imply that it is in some way term different Woodhouse death terms (Cleveland Wallace 1942, is a general Christophe, Howard, recognition from bone: femoral has been dead or one which has “ for its Ifwe “ viable clinical are correct heads are incidence is sometimes whether this is a head “ indicating been this a false suitable. is more necrosis of indicates “ avascular and Fielding 1954). The term Brindley 1963) without clearly “ by there necrosis dead quickly would of admonitions clinical “ fracture it is caused fractures with definite displacement of the femoral it is not surprising that there is a continuing high of avascular necrosis used (Compere and never the the 1947, of 1959, others, “ reserve time whether In spite “ to the that bone descriptive and In particular, the term late segmental involved and late segmental collapse is a tendency which literature. “ in the vast majority of these and have to be revascularised, head voluminous b), Sherman (1947), Hodges (1954) late avascular necrosis (Whitman ; Cave that is late. of the processes Similarly that dead interpretation 1949a loss, Phemister (Smith greatly weeks Brown osteocyte and by their occlusion from torsion. If it is generally accepted the vascular injury, then a more accurate application of three 1954, and is at 1962a), follows Phemister slow fixation, recently until (Bonfiglio Sherman whether and more not head (Sherman of manipulation been was femoral be injury as has loss to the vascular (Crawford osteocyte supply consensus after Phemister by actual for blood CATTO revascularised-an important distinction. STUDY OF FEMORAL HEADS REMOVED AFTER VIABLE Some necrosis is known to 1930, Hatcher 1952, Ham femoral heads in which considered within usual said that at least Femoral fracture. limits, halfa heads in those which bone death immediately it was is damaged showed SIXTEEN excessive. on either of bone to half slight in the depth of dead bone at the lower edge increase It is not intended to imply where that at the the all the simply that was found histologically sufficient viable vessels remained both from studying the operation that any remaining retinacular lower part of femoral of the head was retinaculum. to only nourish the remaining Santos callus the head and of a live invariably head edge cortex blood of the of the vessels to the presumably, the inferior was not, at the however, fracture a guarantee site from and were site. days In the of bony to ten absence union THE group. still attached teres alone specifically were made (Charnley, JOURNAL OF In after fixation Blockey BONE AND a spur. intact, but site. It heads to the only one superior part were sufficient noted this by Schmorl months of good two a small heads metaphysial evidence of live vessels in the the vessels of the ligamentum (1948) and Sevitt (1964). heads removed from sixteen present centimetre presented live (1954) of dead bone which ignored. There were II). Eight showed a fracture neck Urist to prevent necrosis except at the fracture notes and from examining the femoral vessels were almost invariably attached whole femoral head in which the surgeon had soft-tissue attachment. Similar observations (1930), Phemister In the live femoral was were, there histological In one specimen upper inferior fracture non-comminuted to one to be alive. The narrow margin was also regarded as normal and to be alive by these criteria (Table increase and closed, been considered the nail track heads judged a had to be made site might be McLean side ofa confined to ruling fracture the fracture line have commonly surrounded in all eighteen femoral similar DAYS adjacent 1961), and an arbitrary of bone death at the in which ofshaft THAN READS any and Leeson the amount from centimetre FEMORAL occur (Phemister to separate MORE FRAcTURE injury the and JOINT to be the (1924), viable presence Purser SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL 1957). In one four other were conspicuous unfixed patients STUDY fracture there in whom at the OF was fracture Thirty-six taken femoral place and heads NECROSIS fibrous immobilisation union was OF THE eighteen inadequate FEMORAL weeks dense 757 HEAD after the collagen injury and and in fibrocartilage site. NECROSIS had AVASCULAR OF were at the time THE WHOLE completely FEMORAL dead. ofremoval, which In fifteen ranged TABLE HEAD of these from sixteen no days revascularisation to forty-two weeks II MATERIAL of all femoral Details Removed sixteen Failed nails Primary . Necropsy Total 49 29 78 30 . 59 109 of femoral 10 heads Foveal 3 Medium 11 8 4 6 ‘ . 6 . Total heads dead fracture, removed weeks, . with 3 13 4 0 4 2 6 18 18 13 49 21 15 36 of subjects with femoral days Total Average age 30 36 72 . 7 48 55 74 . 17 92 109 an average of reaction (Table foveal attached. revascularisation, which fibrous union 5). NOVEMBER eleven the weeks, II). In the head I remained remaining totally twenty-one 1965 region In varied between or at the only from eight about a dead inferior margin of the 1 5 per and of the thirty-six cent necrotic heads, to three years after fracture, with an average had occurred, but in thirteen this was very was 4, Female after sixteen 6 in the early removed 78 zone was heads 18 tissue NO. 30 2 of soft 47 B, 13 0 of a tiny VOL. 17 11 shred (Case 25 Total 14 cellular of there 6 - revascularised 4 from three weeks some revascularisation notable Total 4 only case necrosis 4 dead Total vestige Complete R vasculisei 3 . Completely any days spared Large Male after sixteen I Sex and Iige Partly after 168 I Necropsy Live removed triangle Small H 0 60 . 2 T #{220}l 60 20 Lower head spared over days 0 10 ___________ Primary replacement Removed sixteen . Alive nails removed . Details Failed under days . replacement heads to almost were time of twenty-nine slight and consisted fracture femoral unrevascularised without which line heads complete. head and where was there In one a live neck a 758 MARY PARTIAL In fifty-five cases) was of varying in size roughly classified (less than femoral heads a wedge from of a few cent) bone, trabeculae as large 10 per NECROSIS necrosis living (more (Fig. CATTO than 17); the OF was THE FEMORAL partial. READ The most its base in the to more than half the 33 per cent) numbers (Fig. 16), in each common pattern subchondral head. The with medium group (10-33 are (forty-nine region of the fovea, size of this wedge was per shown cent) and in Table II. small It was clear that these areas were nourished from the ligamentum teres. In six cases the lower part of the head was spared, the upper part being dead. In most of these the living bone included that around the fovea but in one it barely impinged on this zone. In five, retinacular tissue containing live blood vessels was recognised some blood supply came from the inferior histologically metaphysial invariably, In all cases also from the ligamentum . 11’ teres. and it is likely that arteries and probably, in which there 16 was in this group though not partial survival of l FIG. Figure 16-A large vascular wedge of living bone with its base on the foveal area remainder of the bone is necrotic. Figure 17-A small vascular foval wedge remains is shown. The in the fernoral head. the femoral head some revascularisation of dead any conclusion about the rate of revascularisation bone had because occurred. there was It was difficult to reach such a wide variation in the amount of initially living bone marrow. As might be expected, in general, those femoral heads with a large, living foveal wedge became revascularised more rapidly, the process being virtually complete sometimes as early as four to eight weeks after the fracture, whereas those with a small, living foveal wedge sometimes showed only small areas of revascularisation forty-two weeks. There was no histological evidence in either the complete or partly necrotic femoral that necrosis fracture site. had occurred in more HISTOLOGICAL of the Revascularisation ofcapillaries with groups marrow offoamy than one FEATURES episode OF from slight local damage heads at the REVASCULARISATION was recognised macrophages apart after by proliferation (Figs. 18 and THE 19). JOURNAL of fibroblasts This OF was BONE and usually AND JOINT leashes followed SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF AVASCULAR NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL 759 HEAD j/ ;: p Figure 18-Foamy, fat-laden I 20.) Figure 19-The the right. Numerous thin marrow walled is capillaries are and \ present eosin, but no osteoblast activity seen. f_ It . :- . ‘! : .. , (: .: A #{149} I, . 1’ - . , .;. \‘ .‘ . ._.‘c - ‘#{149}#{149} . #{149}‘ \ ..- ‘\‘:‘: . (Haemalum /, p--. and on x 55.) . -. (Hacmalum remaining I ,,,t, ;#;;.r. :‘T’ .L’ r ,-; . - macrophages are seen at the edge of an area ofrevascularisation. edge of an area of revascularisation is seen, still necrotic ,- , - . eosin, {\; T ! rT V ‘ . F ;4 .j. -,. I,. .I.;e.:\:J. ,pr ‘+... , 1 P, j ..,.: . .. .1 A V, #{149}. . .-,.. .. :±iThI FIG. Figure 20-Both revascularised. here. VOL. osteoclasts (Haemalum The marrow 47 B, NO. 4. 20 and osteoblasts are seen on the surface and eosin, x 125.) Figure 21-No cellular is mostly NOVEMBER fibrous 1965 and only small capillaries 21 bone. The marrow has been is seen in relation to dead bone FIG. of dead reaction are present. (Haemalum and cosin, x 60.) 760 MARY by osteoclasis of dead (Fig. 20), of poorly slight, bone and though sometimes vascularised fibrous laying CATTO down of new the striking feature being the In the early months after fracture laying down the marrow of new changes to distinguish at a glance living bone surrounded and dead bone with a few surface excrescences proliferative marrow. Later the marrow cellularity dead bone within trabeculae revascularisation was between bone which, that which had been persisted far bone on all cellular reaction appeared tissue in the marrow spaces advanced, . : ,. . of bone were bone tion r.’ ,‘ . #{149}. ..-. . ‘-- . . 1’ , #{149}1 . ii’ ..a.., #{149}<‘. . . usually a shallow maining necrotic (Figs. a blood the a blood supply. subchondral 26 and In most heads of they were a feature adults with caisson region, The was upper almost were a wedge-shaped area This had its base on the and advanced into the triangle in the the by were to supply the still part not usually sizeable enough in the of area of the to become at site the the but their own any spurs neck were head, and and femoral a was on area cortex part re- of the Sometimes attachments the fracture any last bone 23). was to revascularisation inferior the (Fig. there of necrosis head. vascular margin of weight-bearing of inferior area of contribution these invariably to a larger part made inferior of especially and small . regain in living femoral of revascularisation confined superior 22 Twelve weeks after fracture much new bone containing osteocytes has formed on the surface of the dead bone which has empty lacunae. (Haemalum and eosin, < 70.) to in the in a narrower spearhead it reached the fracture line head - FIG. slow been indefined entombed seen the fovea. surface marrow When #. . - 3), and living in the completely and partly dead heads. In most cases revascularisa- was around articular ; I; necrosis not patterns same femoral . by disease. The .: (Fig. covered than it had that clearly to areas the . was elderly controls but in bones of young ‘, possible even when the borc.er throughout be smaller It is emphasised appear : . it was by normal fatty or haemopoietic marrow of new bone surrounded by very cellular, decreased but central cores of unresorbed bone (Fig. 4). If resorption had been unusually active the area of dead bone could .. .. trabeculae for several years. This made it possible, deduce with a fair degree of certainty to #{149} of dead bone (Fig. 22). were so clear cut that itially. . surface having never been dead, contained osteocytes dead and now, after marrow revascularisation, S4 ‘i.) the to be inhibited by the formation (Fig. 21). Often osteoclasis was revascularised 31). of these capital fragments it was clear that no contribution to the restoration of group supply had been made from the neck across the fracture site because there was still a of dead trabeculae and fibrin at the fracture site (Fig. 24). In the primary arthroplasty and two of the necropsy cases this can be explained by the absence of fixation. In the group head in which may have mass pinning destroyed failed, inadequate immobilisation attempts by granulation tissue or continuing to bridge the impaction ofthe dead fracture line. In seven of the redisplaced fractures there were fragments of dead callus (Fig. 25) lying at the fracture site indicating attempted union and revascularisation. In the forty cases in which pieces of the neck were available for study, although the depth of bone necrosis varied from a few THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL millimetres to more was always and much surface dead partly pletely or was NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL 761 HEAD there revascularisation of new trabeculae. necrotic evidence OF AVASCULAR a centimetre active formation of there than very STUDY of bone on the In five cornfemoral heads a vascular contri- bution from the neck with attempted and these are described below. union DISCUSSION The femoral normal head vascular and neck been widely investigated Wolcott 1943; Tucker Harrison 1953; Dunoyer adopted blood The by vessels Judet, and the has 1925; and Lagrange the and nomenclature Trueta and Harrison for the has been used in this paper. femoral cervical spaces (Kolodny 1949; Trueta Judet, 1955) pattern of in adults is supplied head with blood Revascularisation epiphysial which run all superior artery arising from along the neck beneath metaphysial branches of dead bone is occurring The extent of the base of the wedge is marked by arrows. the fovea. vessels which cross the marrow from below, by the ligarnenturn teres (medial 23 FIG. by the obturator artery)and chiefly by the retinacular the synovium. The superior retinacular and then a larger lateral epiphysial artery S_.#{149}#{149} from around revascularised group which arteries gives offfirst of within the head S. \\ ;:i; I’ ‘i-’ ;‘_ ‘: . , ‘- . .. 1’ .,- , . S . \4$4 . .;,.,. ‘ %.. . S. . . ‘ . ,. S -% #{149}‘_). . S #{149} .S &5.,5‘ , : . : . S I, , . #{149} ,, , . ‘I’ . . .. #{182} .... . . . .. . . ‘ t’:L. ..‘ . .S’\ . S #{149} iS. ‘‘3-r -.5 4,, S.. 4P S 24 of the femoral head has clearly not side fibrin and shattered dead trabeculae. FIG. Figure shows 24-Revascularisation on the proximal A frustrated attempt at union has occurred here: dead eosin, VOL. 47 B, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 1965 callus \/ 80.) can FIG. 25 occurred across the fracture line which still (Haemalum and eosin, x 70.) Figure 25-be seen at the fracture line. (Haemalum and 762 MARY forms an arcade cartilage of plate. vessels These which vessels run supply CATTO parallel the to medial but and above upper the parts line of of the the head old epiphysial while the lowest third of the head is supplied by the inferior metaphysial arteries running in the inferior retinaculurn. When a fracture occurs the cervical vessels are ruptured and the femoral head then depends for its nutrition on any surviving retinacular blood vessels-though Badgley (1960) believes that all are ruptured in displaced fractures-and on those of the ligamentum teres. As described much after the upper Hulth of the always the on retinacular medial (Trueta and demonstrated was frequently the sufficient half femoral the there were 1953, alone, weight-bearing the whole alone from any or aided by the It is seen that area. This 1954, et a!. head. The amount from a few area teres histological revascularisation contribution from amount. This detail elsewhere head remained may the foveal occur (medial which at the to arteries to keep alive vulnerable is supported was fovea was the lower to necrosis by many other is studies and autoradiography 1963), tetracycline maps necropsy radio-opaque varying degrees callus ofinitial formation the fracture, was quicker, the front of the necrotic very necrotic the bone fractures avascular where fracture vessels line but when there it is extremely slow is no significant and often upper were 1 and common in a recent and submitted head slow fibrous of small important this part (Bonfiglio head 1954, Boyd with follow-up study histology and known. redisplacement Phemister a necrotic (Brown because capital and of (1949a) Abrami of redisplacement fragment 1964) were, THE Sevitt’s the findings in 1964. was 1957). pockets Small with bony initially, OF with femoral four one; excised or JOINT an times a live heads AND their with be completely BONE of of fractures in those almost union to the of the revascularised all of the JOURNAL dead at revascularisation non-union than the seen It is, however, transcervical found variable, then the surrounding tissue. with to become across sometimes in the is in agreement of the femoral reossification arteries, though was not, and were of soft much because, in spite of revascularisation tissue revascularisation an and and the medial epiphysial occasionally it reattachment play region non-union is well in fractures to been heads area with present (Figs. 26 and 31) in two patients 2) and in one with fibrous union (Case 4). of femoral to which last revascularisation non-osteoblastic had subchondral association and the still marrow from the although there femoral that of the distal femoral neck fragment fractures, there was invariably, In comparison of dense teres necrotic (Cases The active contributions ligamentum striking invariably consisted head partly or It was very et a!. 1955). additional of the arteries the by necrosis redisplaced rate of revascularisation and often continuing, Small periphery about from necrosis, (Judet revascularisation trabeculae. across epiphysial) was seen in the twelve examples of late segmental collapse discussed in greater in this issue. In eleven of these patients with united fractures much of the dead several years after injury. It was unlikely that the delay and incompleteness of revascularisation was brought in the neck samples examined more head metaphysial most was as remained patterns. Some and supply of the such as venography (Hulth 1958a and b), phosphorus32 injection (Boyd, Zilversmit and Calandruccio 1955; Boyd and Calandruccio (Woodhouse l962b) and most recently by Sevitt’s (1964) elegant injection 1957, extent on the in injection trabeculae vessels, head finding Boyd or in anastomosis blood inferior of the 1956, 1955) such varied remaining fractures, the inferior metaphysial head depends to a great and to a lesser that, although in practice ligamentum the Cormier teres apparent Judet displaced at the time of fracture often in the lower than (1960) believes of the femoral of vessels, arteries in these whether were more d’Aubign#{233} and Cheynel groups contribution head. Merle usually, arteries in the ligamentum inferior ones. It was epiphysial The sometimes upper 1953, to nourish medial head. of the that although Claffey the blood supply various insufficient by the entire (Harty Harrison between supplied the head epiphysial especially vessels, studies concluded b, Mathon 1959) torn. In general, and are extent it was and damage of retinacular attachments but that when vessels survived they part 1958a arteries the above destruction manipulation partly SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL necrotic. It The has been STUDY interpretation of suggested immobilisation are OF AVASCULAR this (Compere factors NECROSIS association between OF FEMORAL non-union and Wallace 1942) that to death of the head and leading THE and inadequate that fibrous 763 HEAD necrosis is difficult. reduction and poor union may result in FIGS. 26 TO 28 I-The gross specimen (Fig. 26), slab radiograph (Fig. 27) and histological section (Fig. 28) all show bony union which has Case occurred in an initially almost completely necrotic head. Only a very small subchondral zone of bone (marked with an arrow in Figure 26) remains dead in the upper head, and it is surrounded by thickened trabeculae. FIG. extension of however, is unconvincing more VOL. than necrosis one 47 B, NO. 4, episode NOVEMBER in a partly and necrotic there of ischaemia. 1965 were head (Coleman no histological It is more likely and 28 Compere features that necrosis 1961). in this The material of the capital evidence, to suggest fragment 764 MARY Case CATTO 2-Slab radiograph shows early bony union thirteen weeks after in a femoral head more than half of which had initially been dead. Revascularisation was almost complete. fracture I-_. Figure Fibrous a few 30-Case 3. Callus union has occurred tiny upper subchondral is seen bridging and the fracture the head which pockets marked probably, was with at least line. at the arrows. (Haemalum beginning This initially, and half is the eosin, necrotic has only fracture 30.) Figure 31-Case revascularised in the series except which 4. for was undisplaced. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL contributes STUDY to non-union not the sole cause with a completely by failure in some live partly or totally but in many and most in the the HEALING showed head specimens weeks IN NECROTIC been towards necropsy fracture or Primary . Necropsy Total and of three head the right almost from a small by broad 10 7 12 9 14 5 I2 12 - 4 - I - later On superior following subcapital removed 1 14 15 area 19-24 months I More than 24 months I 2 - - 6 - 1 1 2 3 of her two the left plate. four arthroplasty for before. There years examination subchondral 1 prosthetic a small only were a transcervical fracture of the neck She died of bronchopneumonia nail fracture histological (Figs. suffered a sliding the foveal area which was head, which being spared, demarcated late collapse of sound bony was in the had beginning union had been revascularised, by fibrous tissue apart and edged 26 to 28). eighty-three-year-old displaced 12 woman avascular, trabeculae 2-An Case 12-18 with number fracture HEAD months a transcervical femur. completely FEMORAL weeks fixed months after OF 27-52 22 years REMOVAL 13-26 35 was small of the III AND weeks . which a very arthroplasty 9-12 . seventy-six-year-old prosthetic adjacent and fibrin which, heads which had seems weeks 3 I-A This 5-8 13 femur fractures formation of redisplacement weeks . right femoral FRACTURE . Case callus broken trabeculae In five cases femoral 2-4 replacement it is certainly below, HEADS weeks . though As is shown early union. primary side 765 HEAD III). (Table BETWEEN head was because TABLE nails there removed FEMORAL 1963). unite. FEMORAL heads progress had from after TIME Failed OF THE on the of these there still remained the head from the neck. necrotic femoral of the early formation or revascularised to the fracture site, in most not yet organised, separated been of callus NECROSIS of non-union (Barnes l962b, 1964 ; Nicoll or partly necrotic capital fragment may FRACTURE Although OF AVASCULAR fracture of woman with right femur, her osteoporosis which and was fixed senile by dementia a sliding sustained nail a She plate. died of bronchopneumonia thirteen weeks later. On microscopy it was seen that a large foveal ofbone (33 to 50 per cent ofthe head) had remained alive. Revascularisation was almost complete but some tiny pockets ofdead bone remained in the subchondral region in the upper wedge segment of the fracture and femoral early 3-This Case sparing ofa although union medium-sized a shallow remained necrotic. fovea and revascularised itself was bony that already union bridged should foveal 47 B, NO. wedge saucer In places from by not Case 4-A seventy-three-year-old months before his death. This VOL. 4, NOVEMBER woman fell was attributed death subchondral cortex time, There was abundant had occurred (Fig. head. seventy-seven-year-old weeks later her eight necropsy bony 1965 there the vascular have and of bone was neck callus vascular 29). and a spread on both a gap across 30) sides fractured the neck to bronchopneumonia. ofrevascularisation in the (Fig. callus upper of bridging the her femur. There had At been to much segment and a spur between the area revascularised the fracture line, but the and there seemed no head ofthe of the inferior from fracture the line reason why, given femur initially twenty-two impacted, occurred. man fracture, fell and fractured unlike the others, the neck of his was presumably 766 but MARY later became fibrous union ununited. of patient’s might Case 5-This was more been half treated by and, the bone of which necrosis had internal seventy-six-year-old that of were initially fixation it been seems still present necrotic (Fig. possible that there was remaining in the 3 1 ). more upper Had this satisfactory occurred. fixed although marrow at the fovea fracture line by there neck were head had been had been 32 and P-w 33) and a displaced Smith-Petersen no redisplacement removed when necrotic replaced : S . . sustained a was of the entire (Figs. woman and trimming showed areas than manipulated extruded attached subchondral head have displaced. No treatment had been given and at necropsy in its inferior part, the upper part of the fracture line fracture small the fracture which was the Two segment union partially of CATTO and lower part of the . of the fracture, the was about , head neck the and depth of dead revascularisation occurred nail a small Microscopy millimetre Some had femoral later inserted. one tissue. head S r.:’ - from of the the neck and in 5 ..: . S her months only fibrous of Eleven a prosthesis that by dense fracture nail. .. y I ‘ , ‘ .5 ‘S 1 -: . ? 41’ . . ,% __.;-. _.‘_‘J, ‘ :;,- S .5 . #{149} :“‘- 5% S .....r1’.’. 5’ - . . . -.- k from the fovea. marrow adjacent Early revascu.arisation to the fracture line (Haemalum places and new here bone and and had there probably indicating might eventually revascularised eosin, x 70.) formed. along ot dead is seen. Some revascularised fracture line a barely sufficient unite it appeared blood unlikely without aid the from the fovea; marrow nodules of spaces hyaline or contained fibrocartilage dense collagen were present, supply. While it seemed possible that the fracture that any substantial part of the head would be later the necrotic bone might have collapsed. DISCUSSION and While it has been a live neck (Axhausen generally accepted 1922, Santos that 1930, union may Palmer occur between a dead 1934, Phemister 1934, THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND femoral Sherman JOINT head and SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL Phemister 1947, is later Charnley inevitably OF AVASCULAR et a!. 1957, followed by Sevitt collapse NECROSIS 1964) of the necrotic and have the foveal region. revascularised it is usually become These revascularised femoral heads sometimes too small epiphysial and to with allow arteries any the unlikely, and of collapse expected methods subchondral 1963) that this when the between completely been they been used are to not union collapse is dead and head have correctly and try may occur, follows. bridging then dead diagnose Veal 1963), vascular assays both venous 1959, Harrison Reynolds 1958) 1962, Johansson and more recently of the vascular state and specifically sometimes because interest of between is realised be dead, revascularised head head the most liable of attempting by these may head from may As has almost impractical the ultimate certainly revascularised dead enough indicates a totally dead without ingrowing may later occur INCIDENCE OF AVASCULAR of the except two than delay in treatment. sixteen unselected primary This group 47 B, of sixteen because NO. fracture the 4, NOVEMBER initial about were out numbers 1965 which, though vessels from half (Boyd these NECROSIS Lottes and the assessment at random Calandruccio the fixation, necrosis upper part bony ofonly 1963) considerable from a small of the union part ofthe and a femoral this it may the unite, develop give more then this is unlikely ligamentum to become teres. joint Collapse symptoms undergoing Of the to be alive of forty-seven or and TRANSCERVICAL primary operation patients, necrosis. small blood vessels, might this site is ischaemic patients AFTER patients had thought are b, Dahlgren of severe 1957). oftwenty-seven of avascular ten head twenty-nine after in respect is a total inaccurate operation days arthroplasty which and further All that and taken and although of 1950, Arden and and Calandruccio sometimes good time necrosis; of study is of very fate of the head above, the incomplete l958a (Boyd because of the danger of damaging prognosis. If a bone core from to warrant more sample and at many with late collapse of the upper segment. An avascular is therefore probably insufficient evidence to justify Indeed a bone sample taken from the subfoveal region, completely bone said wedge It is emphasised head does not appear to be associated superior segment bone core alone immediate prosthetic replacement. though perhaps information on been subfoveal head and Hulth may although 1953, McGinnis, In some studies head union is the neck. in prognosis femoral to necrosis. While this type to determine the ultimate is a live result. the 1956, ofthe is slow revascularisation unfortunately, (Rook l962a). on a bone segment union substances (Tucker Ferguson 1959, Boyd McNab depends which bony complete and arterial (Woodhouse upper authors. if there and part that difference but ischaemia Haas 1962) oximetry of the femoral this is the area the limitations sample (De upper inadequate fixation, is only forming from some heads; of distinguishing in the It seems usually With callus interpreted partly and capable pockets surface. line and above from and of being entirely adequate fixation and revascularisation teres vessels, especially when the initial and the contributions from the medial include injection of dyes (Price 1962), radioactive 1953, Boyd et a!. 1955, Arden 1958, Laing and these VOL. (Nicoll the fracture of uniting of the joint although segmental findings have operation, then, late especially If these are 767 HEAD segment. both from across appear capable exception serious negligible incomplete the assumed weight-bearing and a revascularised head may result from prolonged both from across the fracture line and from the ligamentum necrosis is only partial. When necrosis is complete be OF THE FEMORAL This certainly seems true of a completely dead head which has revascularised solely the fracture line with no or almost no assistance from the medial epiphysial (ligamentum arteries. It is, however, not necessarily true ofdogs (Tovee and Gendron 1954, Bonfiglio Brindley 1963) nor of human femoral heads which are initially almost completely across teres) 1954, are STUDY and delay prosthetic because also the twenty-seven as were 34 per the done FRACTURE femoral (see Table in treatment was necropsy six of twenty cent arthroplasty there heads removed IV). may unavoidable group This have of twenty, removed at at necropsy, figure caused may further be 768 MARY damage to the blood enough material to vessels supplying obtain a true the CATFO capital percentage fragment. of It is hoped avascular necrosis eventually after to collect transcervical fracture. DISCUSSION The incidence patients were of the femoral Phemister of avascular treated head (1934) necrosis as assessed in clinical studies apparent its death increase (Santos by lengthy immobilisation an in the ununited fracture indicated found an incidence of 65 per femoral heads of seventeen being examined radiological diagnosis of necrosis of the femoral cent IN THE HEADS --_____ AFTER Partly SIXTEEN Completely patients, - ---------- Per cent 10 forty-nine the made the impossible DAYS dead - Number in IV REMOVED Live ------- necrosis Vv hen density 1934). histologically. Early walking has head in ununited fractures almost TABLE FINDINGS of variable. of radiological 1930, Phemister is very Number 37 Per cent Number dead Total Per cent Replacements . . 14 52 3 11 27 Necropsy . . 6 30 12 60 2 10 20 . . 16 34 26 55 5 11 47 . . 2 3 28 47 30 50 60 necrosis was suspected clinically. Total . Failed * Two nails late (Boyd primary 1957). prevalence prosthetic The arthroplasty lowest of late cases incidence segmental of collapse excluded because avascular avascular necrosis in the united is assessed by Garden (1961) fracture, many authors finding by the I 5 per cent, Hargadon and Pearson 24 per cent, Cleveland and Fielding 244 per cent and Brown and Abrami 28 per cent, in patients followed for more than a year, and Green (1960) 345 per cent in all fractures followed for two to nine years. Linton (1944) has pointed out that the incidence of late two segmental collapse to three-year and increases follow-up Cauchoix and as the length cent in three to 56 per Rey (1963) found that their of follow-up increases to seven collapse years rate after ; from 30 per fracture increased cent in his own from 255 of a series, per cent at 379 per cent after two years. Recently Charnley et a!. (1957) in a series of thirtythree cases ofdisplaced fracture treated by a compression screw considered, because of extrusion of the screw, that some degree of vascular damage was present in two-thirds of the cases. one year to In addition to clinical femoral heads administration and and b) said patients the given found same and that on Calandruccio and two-thirds examining femoral evidence (1963) secondary showed In twenty-four histological loss ofsome heads removed degree by autoradiography after vascularity; removed speicmens ofsome examined arthroplasty at primary head (1962a arthroplasty at necropsy offemoral phosphorus32 Woodhouse Sevitt necrosis from (1964) found in twenty-one. heads (forty-seven) in the present study about two-thirds were partly or completely it appears necrotic IV). CORRELATION Ununited relative and primary In the small unselected group offemoral about one-third remained viable and (Table found Boyd at tetracycline. arteriographic that studies, removed OF fractures-Although that necrotic increase ununited in density HISTOLOGICAL AND Santos (1930) and femoral heads showed, compared with the RADIOGRAPHIC Phemister adjacent usually APPEARANCES (1934, 1939, within six osteoporotic THE JOURNAL 1940, months pelvis OF BONE and AND 1943, of 1948) injury, distal femur, JOINT SURGERY a A HISTOLOGICAL this was not prevented in the seen the STUDY clinical development attended by Charnley et a!. any Woodhouse radiographs of local change in l962a). Certainly of density that capital this in the was fragments accompanied was in the scanty relatively early trabeculae and and increase unremarkable been In to laid rabbits specially and at femoral radiographs and (Fig. progressing towards subchondral area This surface revascularised possibility and found to the heads there in line front when union, bone which especially further ends Clinical To revascularised on than caused as from the dead heads when this very it between end bled the 47 B, days ligament. not NOVEMBER of was become in the was more as described of marrow calcification thin and result of the reossified by dense more collagen fibrous a tendency the where new by Hulth an slight where was and towards l962a), trabeculae by revascularisation a slight increase contains also the marked bone of the slab radiographs of the three patients 29, for example. was edged bone (1961) seen and process in had and only of the necrotic whose fractures In by patients notable 1965 become Case dense and LIGAMENTUM in two bleeding remaining found head. patients stated the the apparently without density to those to x-rays, seen in relation 1958). twenty-four operation who had excision or not the ligamentum end when there whether acetabular ligament did at and TERES from Although small tissue necrosis (Bessler and radiological density proximal part of the and be analogous very and were union and late of the contour increased Roy-Camille eighty-nine a note fibrous causing may Judet 1 a fibrous with bony that alteration densely trabeculae, revascularised bleeding femoral had injury of the had amount 4, revascularising (Woodhouse broadened In twelve issue it was thick of the after there of the NO. recognised the become by is frustrated many briskly, revascularisation of the it was In covered had there but necrotic (Judet, thirty-four which heads be 1957, 1961, extrusion broadening dead Figure 28). in this vascularisation In foveal not While Santos (1930), (1947) described a hip. it was area cases Slight in to in a pseudarthrosis sixteen section. Boyd Hulth evidence that was commonly much summarise, most remained The appearances-In more 1956, 1961, in the normal was probably when when 36). (1960). bony of progress. bone may the heads the which bone was fracture in the was Harris femoral showed no indeed there of unresorbed THE VOL. femoral function great alteration in density heads was found in two of area, any live Muller weight-bearing surface was the first radiological evidence of bone 1961, Barnes l962a, Woodhouse 1962a). A zone of increased by thick reossified trabeculae was often found later in the most Muller caused bled dead subfoveal zone in the reossified in broad bone trabeculae (Figs. 26 segmental collapse reported elsewhere head MacNab and presumably head 37). United fractures-No revascularising femoral of the of patients 34 to stopped. mobilisation femoral these two activities. Sherman and Phemister vascularisation clinical Bobechko heads the (Figs. on the and Bessler of ununited lack so at the to x-rays have down by of some was early of the Haas with area because ofdensity in appeared revascularised walking. this histologically absolute patients thickness except in the This lack of porosis fibrocartilage avascular (De of this series slab radiographs by increased radiotranslucency; trabecular trabeculae. since 1958, on the ratio of 1948, 1949) and probably series 769 HEAD could not have been forecast on the radiographic appearances. marrow there may be osteoclastic resorption of dead bone on the surface of dead trabeculae. The density to x-rays of the reossifying area depends Phemister (1939, 1940, 1943, them OF THE FEMORAL Necrosis Bardenstein in these and decrease in this density and disruption ofthe fracture After revascularisation of dead and laying down of new bone nail NECROSIS osteoporosis. radiological Bonfiglio 1957, OF AVASCULAR not from four bleed there and and was the of the those no four close of teres was none five completely from very state of a femoral of five correlation vascularity or 770 Histological appearances-In days sixteen forty-five . S after fracture a small stump only was was the MARY CATTO twenty-four of whole still 109 ligamentum attached femoral teres at the heads available fovea. For removed for study comparison more but the than in a further ligament was ::: S . SS5 -S FIG. 34 Figure 34-Revascularisation has occurred from the fovea but is incomplete in depth. Broad seen at the site where revascularisation has stopped and these are visible as areas of increased slab radiograph trabeculae are density on the (Fig. 35). S..’ : Figure 36-The (Haemalum and broad eosin, trabeculae have central cores of dead x 60.) Figure 37Marrow calcification femoral examined from of sixty-four, the intervening head. There is no bony reaction. selected fifty femoral heads fifteen from necropsies ages. #{149} More than on half the at random infants ligaments and bone covered by a mass of new, living is present at the revascularisation border (Haemalum at necropsy children from and eosin, the THE from 75.) patients over under fourteen, and elderly controls showed JOURNAL OF bone. in this BONE AND JOINT the nine age from hyaline SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF AVASCULAR NECROSIS OF THE FEMORAL I I!’ : 771 ‘ - ,t. HEAD - ‘I S S 4! #{149}? 0 &- ,,, Figure teres. 38-Sclerotic (Haemalum adjacent FIG. 38 blood vessels with concentr.c fibrosis and x 140.) Figure 39-A completely and eosin, to several vascular FIG. Figure 40-A elastica, >. 47 B, VOL. L completely 225.) Figure NO. 4, channels 40 18-month-old FIG. 39 very narrow lumina are shown in the ligamentum obliterated vessel in the ligamentum teres is seen child. (Haemalum and eosin, x 225.) FIG. obliterated 41-A vein NOVEMBER in an I 41 vessel in the ligamentum teres still shows elastica in the wall. (Weigert’s from the ligamentum teres of a 4-month-old infant shows early hyaline sclerosis. (Haemalum and eosin, x 315.) 1965 772 MARY sclerosis chiefly Elmore, Malmgren in the affecting acetabular mentioned small and fat pad briefly veins. Sokoloff and These (1963) in prepatellar by Chandler and CATTO appearances synovial fat. Sclerosis Kreuscher (1932) was material then (Fig. a solid mass and 40). Perivascular group of obliterated that the hyaline 38) material was as being as collagen. The hyalinisation was found also Sclerosis these months ages patchy ascribed obliterative not bounded seen. lying amyloid, intermediate between lumen sclerotic fibrin or any and vascular of the of the changes is that femoral head. they but The was earliest material became between replaced The lamina vessel (Figs. 39 was patchy, a stains showed described it did, by Lendrum in all its stages, by reduplication teres in two of elastic ofthe fifteen stain laminae. children (Figs. 41 and 39), in the few ligaments at after fracture. The reason for describing might, the ligament obliterated. material in the absence at the time of fracture, arteries and thereby While of the lesions Special by especially (1938). elastic of these ones. collagen, was sometimes accompanied in the vessels ofthe ligamentum of the blood vessels to involve principally become external The distribution adjacent to normal fibrin vessels detail sites of hyaline whole media might in many by Nordenson by the and eighteen months respectively and in the ligaments and retinaculum to damage phase revascularisation the substance described from in the blood infiltration Later, the eventually fibrosis was not vessels sometimes et a!. (1962) aged four intermediate and of hyaline been vessels and change found in the present series was an eccentric the smooth muscle fibres of the media of venules. by hyaline have blood number ofcontrol or be thought influence the of ligaments available material, be in their viability later or after fracture is too small to attempt any correlation with the vascular state of the head, it seems unlikely that obliteration of small groups of veins would have any notable effect. It was striking that there was no vascular thrombosis in any of the sixty-nine ligaments, although occasionally a thrombosed periphery of the head. stump of the ligamentum heads to which tiny had The vessel failed to revascularise periphery of the the fovea all tissue was necrotic the whole ligamentum to a depth of about half a centimetre, alive patent. and CHANGES Degenerative changes-The degenerative normal. of the joint The surface of fibrillation advanced and in the attached loss with layers in the retinacular more in the than remarkable showed deep three ARTICULAR that controls were cartilage of none of the were most osteophyte covering after in these no evidence Nicoll of a dead (1963) femoral of the years all frequent and necrotic weight-bearing fracture, “ examined femoral in the cyst perhaps was cases confined in which in heads relation was to entirely “ lower head. formation. took is “ doomed there the (Hatcher too gloomy from the almost cartilage 1952, a view start.” Three Of the but there and the this patients 109 femoral was no other control group. patchy loss of chondrocytes occurred In the femoral heads removed after bone area was specimens of disintegration head the CARTILAGE elderly elderly subjects some of the articular cartilage. cartilage zone at and showed necrosis of parts of the vessels being were usually slow patchy normal loss of chondrocytes was rarely exceeded until months had passed. The loss exceeded normal in twenty-five of the 109 femoral marked tag were those of superficial flaking and of fibrous replacement the fovea and at the periphery of the head. Osteoarthritic cartilage normal deeper changes fracture, an fracture none showed advanced osteoarthritis in respect of degenerative changes between of chondrocytes-In especially in teres was also available the more proximal THE normal articular osteoarthritis heads removed after appreciable difference Loss The least severe changes cartilage around showed IN fifty changes. changes seen and in three in which revascularisation head at the fracture line. In one of the at the areas was only remarkable vascular change was that the vessels of the foveal teres were completely necrotic in ten out of eleven necrotic femoral of the head. complete kept its Hulth ThE only loss and one head, depth and the years most removed of chondrocytes. normal It was contour and 1961). in suggesting Cellular In to develop and sometimes heads and was loss JOURNAL that the is usually OF articular slow BONE AND cartilage and JOINT Phemister SURGERY A HISTOLOGICAL (1934) believed the that cartilage segmental OF AVASCULAR if revascularisation would cartilaginous give rise to STUDY survive. changes symptoms. seen collapse once of Even the NECROSIS underlying if it eventually in these femoral This is in contrast deformity OF THE FEMORAL bone dies it may occurred fail to of the joint surface is established. osteophytes, osteoarthritic occur-changes which cysts “ inevitably and “ give reasonably rise sometimes to joint quickly The minor seemed unlikely to may occur in late In these covering the still unrevascularised upper segment usually the revascularised bone at the periphery of the head may Vascularisation ofthe cartilage from below, resumption ofendochondral 773 disintegrate. heads with normal contours to the severe changes which cartilage covering of HEAD cases while the retains its thickness, that show severe osteoarthritis. ossification, formation formation of a new joint surface may symptoms. SUMMARY 1 . Loss of osteocytes in the bone patients was patchy and distinguishable 2. Changes in the haemopoietic trabeculae from that marrow ischaemia, loss of osteocytes rarely 3. In 109 femoral heads removed determined supply These by arteries, Some affected. from heads A variable this site that All of the became inferior of the revascularisation partly or completely heads which were revascularising, line and heads there from described ligamenturn 7. the being elsewhere teres Avascular necrosis did issue appear of was deposition minimal. of new on dead bone elderly fracture. indicators of damage to the be vascular region of the fracture teres and sometimes the line. by head. The were only partly alive and it was segment of sole of uniting by vessels with united the upper capable bone but completely be others remained the femoral region was usually the last to revascularise. remained alive following fracture and twoappeared which to fracture, commonly contrasted to revascularise not sensitive “ weeks after fracture. the viability could some following necrotic This 8. Necrotic bone showed no alteration revascularisation sometimes caused associated with halted revascularisation. suffered region into of the teres. failed necrotic subfoveal necrotic. partly necrotic in this vessels “ most apart from the of the ligamentum its subchondral heads a third invasion ligamentum and of normal necrosis after group. spread head least often remained alive and 5. In a group of unselected femoral thirds were 6. Femoral earliest had alive vessels completely amount the of these head remained by the blood usually femoral were femoral heads from avascular being complete until three or four more than sixteen days after fracture means. but in a number the heads were nourished retinacular 4. histological of the resulting the in the from completely of completely the fracture necrotic absence and developed cause and across of femoral proliferation late segmental of collapse. non-union. in radiological density. Reossifying bone in areas of an absolute increase of radiodensity especially when This increase of radiological opacity was the result with broadening of the 9. Obliterative sclerosis of venules in the ligamentum even in infancy. No thrombosis was seen in the ligaments heads were completely necrotic and not revascularised 10. There appeared to be no increase in degenerative trabeculae. Marrow calcification teres was found in normal “ patients following fracture butwhere the femoral the ligaments were often also necrotic. changes in the articular cartilage of the “ femoral heads following fracture compared with fifty elderly controls. Some loss of chondrocytes in the deep zone of the weight-bearing area was found in about a quarter of the femoral heads. In only one head was the cartilage almost completely acellular. An almost normal depth and a smooth My contour grateful Hospital, of the thanks Glasgow, are due articular to the for their interest cartilage were orthopaedic surgeons retained. of the and for access to their records; Western Infirmary to the medical and Southern staff of the Glasgow General Royal Mental Hospital and to Dr Rhoda Taylor of Foresthall Hospital for autopsy material; to Dr A. M. McDonald of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children for the samples ofjuvenile ligamentum teres; to Mr Matthew Findlay for the histological preparations ; and to Mr George Kerr for the photographs. I am particularly indebted to Professor Mr W. a grant VOL. Roland Sillar from 47 B, for the NO. Barnes and Mr J. T. Brown many of the early Advisory Committee 4, NOVEMBER 1965 for their help, encouragement arthroplasty on Medical specimens. Research and constructive Part of the expenses of the Department of this of Health criticism study were for Scotland. and to borne by 774 MARY CATTO REFERENCES G. P. (1958): Modern Journal, 34, 541. ARDEN, G. P., and VEALL, Trends ARDEN, Necrosis in the N. Femoral in the Treatment The Use of Radioactive Neck of Femur. (1953): Head of the Fractured in Fractured of Femur. Neck Phosphorus in Early Proceedings of the Postgraduate Detection Royal Society Medical of Avascular of Medicine 46, 344. AXHAU5EN, G. 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