Beattie Bighorn News


Beattie Bighorn News
Beattie Bighorn News
R.A.M.S. — Respect Always Means Success
February 2015
Modern Band begins for those who applied
Feb 2
Feb 3 thru
Feb 26
Free After School Tennis (FAST) – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
only- limited space available
February 4
Beattie Open House & School Tour for interested families
Feb 5
3:20 PM
BAT Parent meeting in the library/media center
Feb 10
Creativity Fair Family Night at Beattie
Feb 11
11:00 AM
Blevins & Webber registration at Beattie (5th gr.)
Feb 12
7:30 AM-6 PM
Feb 13
Registration of new Kindergarten students for the 20152016 School Year
School-of-Choice application deadline for families
interested in enrolling their child(ren) at Beattie
Half Day Kindergarten Valentine Party
Feb 13
Castle Rock Parent Tea
Feb 13
Castle Rock Valentine Party
Feb 13
All other grades/Valentine Party
Feb 13
NO SCHOOL for students: Collaboration Day
Feb 16
Feb 18
5:00 PM
School Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting in the library/
media center
Feb 19
Feb 27
Beattie Night Out at Chick-fil-A and All School Bowling
Night at Chippers Lane
February Student Birthday Celebration
March 1
Box Tops for Education Submission Deadline
March 2, 3,& 4
CMAS testing for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students
March 3
All School Skating Party
Advertising in this newsletter does not
imply endorsement by Poudre School
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
page 1
Principal to Parent
With Valentine’s Day this month, I am reminded about love and caring and relationships.
Each of us has special relationships outside of school that require attention and take work.
You can’t be distracted or just exist and expect those relationships to strengthen. Our
relationships with the students at Beattie require work as well. Students want to be listened
to, to know that we care about them, and that we are interested in what happens to them in
and outside of school. They want to know that they are important, and that their thoughts and
ideas are considered. I appreciate that and want every student to feel valued. Each adult in
our school shares this view, and knows that relationships between adults and students are
important to learning and belonging. We are glad to know each and every one of our
students, and that they are part of our classrooms and school.
Mr. Patterson
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)
The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) is a statewide test of how well
students have learned the skills outlined in the Colorado Academic Standards.
 Monday- March 2: Language Arts (Unit 1) 3, 4, & 5
 Tuesday- March 3: Language Arts (Unit 2) 3, 4, & 5
 Wednesday- March 4: Language Arts (Unit 3) 3, 4, & 5
 Monday- March 9: Math (Unit 1) 3, 4, & 5
 Tuesday- March 10: Math (Unit 2) 3, 4, & 5
 Tuesday- April 14: Social Studies (Unit 1) 4th only; Sci (Unit 1) 5th only
 Wednesday- April 15: Social Studies (Unit 2) 4th only; Sci (Unit 2) 5th only
 Thursday- April 16: Social Studies (Unit 3) 4th only; Sci (Unit 3) 5th only
 Monday- May 4: Language Arts (Unit 1) 3, 4, & 5
 Tuesday- May 5: Math (Unit 1) 3, 4, & 5
 Wednesday- May 6: Math (Unit 2) 3, 4, & 5
While attendance is important every day, please be sure your child is in school so that they
can complete this state testing requirement.
School Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings
The SAC committee is made up of staff, parents, and community members working together
to help ensure that our school is the best. No other parent advisory group in our school has as
much influence in changing what we do or how we do it. Come work with us and help us
provide the best experiences possible for our students. We will be meeting this month on
Wednesday, February 18, from 5:00-6:00 in our school library.
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Welcome New Staff
We have been fortunate to receive some additional funds that have
allowed us to add new staff. Carol Mouton joins us as a part-time Special
Education Paraprofessional. She will be working in the afternoon to
provide additional support for some of our students. Diane Sears joins us
as a Literacy Teacher. She will team up with Kathy Wagner to support
students struggling in reading. Beth Shefcyk has moved to a district-level
position, and Chloe Werner joins us as our new school counselor, working
with all of our students, families, and staff. We are thrilled to have Carol, Diane, and Chloe
join our school team. Please welcome them to our staff as you meet them.
Student Teachers Around the Building
Student teachers joined our staff as we returned from Winter break. Please welcome, from
UNC, Catalina Pimentel (with Marge Ballard), Rebekah Crownover (with Kim Wilcox),
Liza Claiborne (with Wende Brook), from CSU, Johannes Paraan (with Patti Larkin), and
from Regis University, Sarah Ashbaugh (with Jill Cripe). We are pleased to have student
teachers in our school to provide them with learning opportunities and experience, and to
provide extra help in our classrooms. Our student teachers will be present until May.
Hello Beattie Community
I have some news to share with all of you. I have had an opportunity come my way that I am
very excited about! I was offered, and I accepted, a Poudre School District MTSS (MultiTiered Systems of Support) Enrich Consultant position. I have been transitioning into the
position since we returned from winter break. In this new position, I will be working with
teachers at different schools around the district, so I will be dropping into Beattie from time
to time.
Beattie is such a wonderful community and I have very much enjoyed being part of it!
Thank you for all of your support!!!
We are pleased to let you know that Chloe Werner was offered and has accepted the Beattie
School Counselor position! Please see her introduction in this newsletter to learn more about
Kindest regards,
Beth Shefcyk
Goodbye, Ms. Shefcyk.
Thanks for everything!
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Welcome Our New Counselor
My name is Ms. Werner, and I am delighted to have been chosen as
the counselor at Beattie Elementary! I am really looking forward to
working in this amazing school, and getting to know you and your
students. I am a true Colorado native, having grown up in a tiny mountain town in southern
Colorado. I received my undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of
Colorado at Boulder, and will finish up my Master’s degree from CSU this coming May. I
love to be outdoors, read, watch movies, and have recently been getting into rock climbing.
I will be working hard to get to know all of our students through classroom lessons, small
groups, individual meetings, and simply by walking around the school. Please feel free to
contact me with any questions you may have.
Best wishes,
Chloe Werner
[email protected]
Musical Notes from Mrs. McCollum
Mark your calendars or iPhones for the Castle Rock Music Program on Monday, March 9.
Students will perform for the school at 1:30 P.M. and for their families at 6:00 P.M.
Students will present a program entitled Colors of the World!
The Fort Collins Friends of the Symphony invites PSD students, especially between the ages
of 3 and 12, to its annual, educational music event, called the Musical Zoo. Non-profit, nonfund-raising, the Musical Zoo will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 15, 2015, from
2:30-5:30, at the Timberline Church, 2908 Timberline Road. Our very own
Mrs. McCollum will be performing with her woodwind quintet.
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Beattie Elementary School
Dave Patterson
3000 Meadowlark Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80526
(970) 488-4225
(970) 488-4227
February 2015
Dear Family:
I have noticed some issues in the morning when students are dropped off, and
thought it would be a good idea to remind you of what’s expected when driving and
dropping your child off at school.
Parents are asked to pick up and drop off their children south of the crosswalk on
Meadowlark, or north of Beattie in the cul-de-sac on Nighthawk. We especially
encourage parents of our younger children to use the cul-de-sac or the church parking
lot, and to walk their children across the street.
Please remember:
 The Red area is for student drop off only, and is on the south side of
Meadowlark, extending from the bike racks to the crosswalk. There is no parking
here at any time during the school day.
 We have daycare van loading and unloading on the north side of Meadowlark and
it extends from the crosswalk to the parking lot entrance. We request that there be
no parking here during drop off and dismissal times.
 In order to keep children safely away from bus and auto traffic, we have reserved
the parking lot for staff members only. (Parking is allowed in the lot after school,
and during the evening for programs and any other after hours school events)
Please also remember that you can keep our students safe by:
 Not double parking on Meadowlark or Nighthawk
 Not making U-turns in front of the school (from driveway to driveway. This is
considered illegal and is a $110 ticket according to Fort Collins Police.
 Crossing only at the crosswalk on Meadowlark
Thanks for helping us out.
David C. Patterson
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Find your fun in the Winter Activity Packet
You'll find everything from art classes and sports to academic support for your child in the
new Winter Activity Flier Packet!
The PSD Winter Activity Flier Packet has activities for kids of all ages from local
businesses and organizations including:
 Dance and culture clubs
 Sports
 Tutoring and academic support
 Youth Activity Guide
Disclaimer: PSD does not endorse, recommend or assume any responsibility for the
activities, programs or services included in the packet.
PE AND WELLNESS NEWS with Coach Mueller
“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, as long as you have your PE shoes.”
It’s BOOT season outside but not in the gym!!!! Please send your children to school in
appropriate footwear AND put their running shoes into their backpack
so that they can be safe and comfortable all day long. Thank you.
We were able to snowshoe this month! What fun the children had in the
snow. Not only was the snowshoeing great exercise, but I used this PE
time as a team building class as well. Our class rule was that we got to
leave the staging area once everyone had their snowshoes on and were
ready to go. You should have seen the children helping one another!
Thanks to all students who participate in the Get-Up-And-Go Club after
school on Tuesdays and Walk and Wheel Wednesdays. I love having
this extra activity time with the Beattie students. Thanks to all parents
who encourage this involvement. If you have not joined the Get-Up-And-Go running club
yet and still wish to join us on Tuesdays, please come to the gym to get a permission slip.
Many of the children have been using this opportunity to set and achieve fitness goals. One
second grader set a goal to walk or ride every day this year. She has only missed one day! I
am proud of all our Beattie athletes. The Get-Up-And-Go club meets every Tuesday at 3:10.
If the field is dry and the temps are good we will run outside. If the fields are snowy, we will
snowshoe. If the field is unusable for games, we will play inside the gym. Parents of primary
grade children, please stay with your child. An older sibling may not watch over them for
Remember that any time your child participates in a wellness activity, they have their name
entered into a drawing. Thanks to a wellness grant, we have two new bikes, one scooter, a
pogo stick and helmets to give away.
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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February always marks the beginning of the district wide “Schools
on the Move” challenge. Points will be given for exercising, eating
well, and reducing screen time. Let’s get healthy together! I will be
sending home information very soon and all the details will be
provided at that point. Every school that participates can win prize
money so the more participants we have, the better our chances are
of winning. We are trying something new this year – the children are
leaving their record sheets at school. Their classroom teachers will
help manage the record taking. Your child will bring home the record sheet at the end of
February for you to sign. Please sign it and send it back immediately. I have ordered white
t-shirts for the students this year which are free to all participants who return a signed record
sheet. I plan to have a tie-dye station at field day this year where students will get to
decorate their schools-on-the-move shirt. If you don’t sign and return the sheet, then I will
be asking you to purchase a plain white t-shirt so that your child can tie-dye on field day.
Bowling at Chippers Lanes
Mark your calendars; the second annual Beattie Bowling party is
Thursday, February 19thth. This time we are combining the bowling
party with a Beattie night out at Chick-Fil-A beginning at 5:00PM.
Bowling will take place at the Chippers Lanes on Mason in Fort
Collins from 6:00 – 8:30. It is NOT a drop-in event this year. We
will be sending home an information letter very soon with an
attached envelope. I have negotiated a very good price for the bowling - $8.00 gets you 2 ½
hours of bowling, including the rental shoes! Lanes will be assigned so you will not have to
wait for your lane. I hope to see all my Beattie students at Chick-Fil-A in the afternoon and
then at Chippers from 6:00 – 8:30. You may come and go at any time in this 2 ½ hour
window. Hopefully you will take advantage of this great opportunity to get some exercise
and enjoy more time with friends and family. As this is a wellness activity, all students who
participate get their name added to the drawing for the grand prizes of bikes and scooters.
FAST – Free After School Tennis
February is going to be a busy month. Besides the events mentioned
above, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will get the chance to take some free
after school tennis lessons. We coached the interested 1st and 2nd
graders in October and now it is time for the older children to have a
chance to play tennis. There are a limited number of spots for these
lessons which begin on Tuesday, February 3 and meet each Tuesday
and Thursday in February until the 26th. An information sheet
regarding the lessons and sign up will be coming home very soon.
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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FAST – Free After School Tennis (continued)
We are finishing our basketball unit now. I am seeing a lot of growth in your child’s skills
this year. Hockey and volleyball are up next. When we get enough snow, we will interrupt
any indoor play for a chance to use our snowshoes! Thank you for remembering to send the
children to school with their PE shoes, but if it snows, they really will need to wear boots
and mittens to play outside. Children are safer and enjoy PE time so much more in proper
Take good care and keep moving! Coach Mueller
News from the Library
New books have arrived! We recently added over $3500 in books to our shelves, thanks to a
grant we received late last spring. Lots of great books were added to help fill in subject areas
that were outdated and incomplete including a good variety of sports, biographies, nature,
science, states, countries, and more. We have new books from the Scholastic Book Fair too.
It’s so important to keep up with the student’s interests and curriculum!
New bookshelves are needed! We are in the process of replacing some old bookshelves,
starting with lots of planning and discussion. The tall metal shelves we have are showing
lots of wear and tear, and are too tall for most of our students to reach the top shelf. The new
bookshelves will match the style of shelves in the story area, and will be moveable. Quality
furnishings for school libraries are quite expensive and will use up a good deal of our media
budget to be replaced. Thanks to our students and parents who generously support our
The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for the end of April this year. All our profits will go
toward the bookshelves. Look for more information to come in next month’s newsletter.
Who will be the lucky winner? Your name will be entered into a drawing for the
“Dragonworld” book every time you make a $1 donation to the Library Donation Fund.
Good Luck!
Creativity Fair is Coming
The Creativity Fair is back, and will be held this year from 5:00-6:30PM on Tuesday,
February 10th. The fair is an open-house style event that is hands-on and encourages all that
participate to use their imagination and creativity. Visit the Beattie gym to see students use
unusual materials to create imaginative projects, and stop by each pod where there will be
additional activities for you to jump in and have fun. The Creativity Fair is open to everyone,
all ages. Mark your calendar now.
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Save the Date!
The Beattie Action Team is excited to introduce a new
event coming to Beattie on Saturday, May 30. Join us for
the Midtown Springfest, and get ready for a day of amazing
local band talent, food trucks, music, and art demonstrations, carnival games, and fun!
Check out the Midtown Springfest website at
And “like” and follow the event Facebook page (Fort Collins Midtown Springfest)
for updates.
In The Art Room with Mrs. Noel
“The artist is not a different kind of person, but every person is a different kind of artist.”
Eric Gill
I do love the pace that the second semester and winter brings, most everyone is well rested
and ready to dive into more complicated projects. Almost all units have begun new projects
this semester; take a moment to read about Beattie’s different artists.
Bear Lake students are beginning their “Tea Party” unit. They have started off working
with clay to build a tea cup and saucer. They will continue to develop various works based
on the theme of a tea party to begin to make the connection that artists work with many
Evergreen students are working on an architecture unit. They have created drawings and
paintings of their own building and tower design ideas and now they are working on
translating their 2D ideas into a 3D sculpture. Watch for their sculptures to sprout up in the
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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In The Art Room (continued)
Castle Rock students just finished a unit on the art genre of Still Life Drawing. The students
began the unit by observing and drawing individual real objects and then cutting out their
drawings and arranging them with patterned papers to create a collage of an imagined still life.
For their next project, I combined all the objects they had been drawing together in a traditional
still life display. The students were asked to use their prior knowledge from the collage project on
overlapping and object size to create the illusion of depth in the still life paintings. These works
are currently on display in the library.
Silverton students just completed their collaborative graphics art project, to re-design a
new and improved bubblegum product. This project was focused on the creative process and the
skills that are required to work on a design team and develop innovative ideas together.
The students are now working on a different collaboration project that is focused on
craftsmanship and building techniques. Each student is designing wire quilt square for a Wire
Quilt, to be on permanent display in the library. Throughout this unit they will be learning about
material safety, public arts policy, and how an individual artist can work with other artists to
create one unified sculpture.
Mesa Verde students have begun a unit focused on how different media can alter and change
an idea. They have been exploring various techniques and materials in their sketchbooks. The
students are now in the process of completing their three final works; in oil pastels, block printing
and painting. When all three works are completed the students will reflect and analyze how the
different media and techniques have changed the intended meaning of their original idea.
Longs Peak students are working on a non-traditional self-portrait unit. They began this unit by
studying how artists draw a realistic image of the human face. The student created many studies
in their sketchbooks by looking at their own face in the mirror. The students then choose a color
media to create a realistic self-portrait on a paper bag. The outside image on the paper bag
symbolizes how they appear on the outside, and the inside of the bag symbolizes how they feel on
the inside, the self that is not known just by the outward appearance. Their current self-portrait
project is a Photo Montage. The students posed for a photo that will be cut out and used as the
central character of a photo-montage story about themselves. We are researching and observing
other artist’s work that is considered Surreal.
Art show season is drawing near so you may see one or more of these exciting projects on display
in the library.
Kindness Club: Artists Making a Difference
The Kindness Rocks project is in full swing; Beattie students are looking for ways to spread acts
of kindness, and a small Kindness Rock is given as a token reminder to pass it on! In February
we will kick off our annual Sockentine’s Day project. Sockentine’s Day is Beattie’s way of
sharing the love for Valentine’s Day. We will be collecting warm pairs of socks that can fit
children and/or adults. We will donate all the socks to a homeless shelter and to the Crossroads
Safe House. Donations will be accepted thru Friday February 14th. The collection box is in the
art room.
Congratulations to Evergreen student Harper Andersen, her painting of an imaginary tower
will represent Beattie this year at the annual SuperArt! exhibition. Every year, all PSD schools
select one artwork to be framed and exhibited in the administration offices at PSD. At the end of
the year the work will be returned to Beattie and will be added to our “Hall of Fame” located
outside the art room.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact me via email
[email protected] , or call me at school 488-4237, or drop by the art room.
As always, thank you for the opportunity to teach your children!
Kimberly Noel
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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Beacon with Mrs. Stringer
Emphasis on creativity is one of the components that make Beacon
and Beattie so unique. The approaching Creativity Fair on February
10th makes it timely to highlight some of the students’ creative
experiences in Beacon!
Bear Lake students enjoy Creative Play, a time each week which
allows the children opportunity for creative exploration while
playing with games and toys designed specifically for educational
Evergreen students have just completed their personal “Me” on the Map booklets depicting
maps of their rooms, homes, neighborhoods, and city. Next they will develop projects based
on favorite fairy tales.
Castle Rock students have completed tri-fold posters showcasing the before, during and after
events of personal experiences. They are now working on creative projects of their choice
connected to favorite Dr. Suess books.
Silverton students have finished elaborate tessellation projects and are now grappling with
inventing! They are also completing a variety of projects related to Ancient Greece and
Greek mythology.
Mesa Verde students are looking forward to completing original alphabet books by
February’s end and are also designing friendship bracelets for their Biz World companies.
In addition, many have produced intriguing math projects based on geometry concepts and
are now working on projects based on decimals.
Longs Peak students recently completed original stories that included a legendary character
and are creating animations using the GoAnimate! website for their Biz Movie companies.
They, too, have done amazing creative math projects (including designing teachers’ lounges
based on teacher interviews and researching the cost and planning of birthday parties with a
budget of $200).
Again, I salute the Beattie community for embracing creativity, truly one of the most
important 21st century skills.
Box Tops for Education & Morning
Fresh Bottle Caps
Please bring your box tops and bottle caps to the office.
Our last box top submission for this school year will need
to be submitted before March 1st.
So please remember to bring them in. Thank you!
BAT (Beattie Action Team) is the Parent Teacher
Organization (PTO) for Beattie Elementary.
Our next meeting will be an open house and held on Thursday,
February 5th at 3:15p.m. in Beattie’s Media Center and childcare
will be provided if needed. All are welcome! We are giving away a
Qdoba coupon sheet and will have treats! Look for an invitation or
just plan on coming to see what BAT is all about!
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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BAT (Beattie Action Team) continued
Beattie Action Team Meeting HighlightsThe BAT team met on January 8 and discussed
school branding, Family Night in place of the Spring Fling event, the new Midtown
Springfest which is scheduled for May 30, and the February Open House event for the
February BAT meeting.
Beattie Night Out
You can check our BAT website for BNO totals each month.
Go to and click on the BNO button.
December: Egg and I - $204.00!
January’s BNO: Mama Roni’s – Total Pending.
February’s BNO: Chick-Fil-A on February 19 in conjunction with the Chippers Lanes
Beattie Family Bowling Night.
Grocery Card Program
Purchase grocery gift cards from our school and we receive up to 5% of your total purchase.
You can order online!
We have re-loadable gift cards available from King Soopers and Safeway and they cost $10
to purchase, with $10 loaded on them. Feel free to contact Trish O’Brien at
[email protected].
Albertson’s- Scan your key tag at checkout each time you shop at Albertsons and Beattie will
earn 1% of the cost of your purchase. These key tags are available for free at the front office.
If you have any questions or would like more information about anything mentioned above,
please feel free to contact the BAT Chair, Janell Osborn, at [email protected].
Beattie Elementary School | 3000 Meadowlark Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526 | (970) 488-4225 | FAX (970)488-4227
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