St. James Roman Catholic Parish
St. James Roman Catholic Parish
“Uko Mgeni Hapa Mara Moja Tu.” (Swahili-Spoken in East Africa) † “In Wendo Kani Dichiel Kende” (Luo-Spoken in Western Kenya.) † “Tu, tylko raz, cziowiek pozostanie nieznajomy.” (Polish) † “Égy ídegény vagy itten csak égyszer.”(Hungarian) † Nyi dia amu ni tete vu alu adite (Madi—spoken in Northern Uganda) † “Uri Muenzi Kamwe.” (Chishona, spoken in Zimbabwe.) St. James Roman Catholic Parish A Faith and Family Community “You Are A Stranger Here But Once.” “En este lugar, Usted es un desconocido solamente una vez." (Spanish) † “E Fa’atasi Lava Ona E Tagataese ‘I Inei.” (Samoan) † Siete qui ma una volta uno sconosciuto.” (Italian) † "Vous n'êtes étranger ici qu'une seule fois." (French) † Dunya’ya yatrance Tek defa geliyoruz.” (Turkish) † Jij bent een vreemdeling hier alleen maar een maal.” (Dutch) 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 19-20, 2015 ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Parish Information December 19-20, 2015 — 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 19640 N. 35th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona 85308 ● Phone 623-581-0707 ● Fax 623-581-0110 Weekend Masses Fr. Ben Onegiu, A.J. Pastor Fr. William Okot, A.J. In Residence 4:00PM (Sat.) 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM 2:00 PM (Spanish), 6:00PM (Youth) Daily Mass Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri, Sat 8:00AM Wednesday 7:00PM Holy Days Please consult the Parish Office Confession 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 6:00PM-6:45PM Saturday 2:00PM - 3:30PM or by appointment Parish Office Hours Sunday 8:00AM to 3:30PM Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 12:00PM; 12:30PM to 4PM Saturday 2:00PM to 5:30PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Contact Mary Ann Ext 104. SIx months in advance. Preparation classes are required. Pick up the brochure for more information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Contact Mary Ann Ext 104 Nine months in advance. Preparation classes are required. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office when seriously ill. Assisting Clergy Deacon Alan Bowslaugh (Retired) Deacon Frank Devine Deacon Roy Drapeau Deacon Ricardo Gonzalez ● Business Manager - Pam Hester, Ext. 101 Administrative Assistant - Koby Aldridge, Ext. 108 ● Director of Religious Education - Maria Stenner, Ext. 110 Formation Assistant - Mary Ann Zimmerman, Ext. 104 Youth Group Coordinator - Andrew Lahera, Ext. 103 ● Director of Music and Liturgy - James Poppleton, Ext. 106 Assistant Music Director—Mike Giacolone ● Receptionists - Ext.100 and Finance Assistant - Nora Scott Rebecca Betancourth Irene Molette ● Facilities Coordinator - Rene Vera, Ext. 116 Maintenance Martin Sanchez Jim Hodson CTP Coordinator - Christina Metelski, Ext. 105 Funeral Coordinator - Deacon Frank Devine, Ext. 105 Rosalie Weller, M.C., Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - Phone 602-942-9505 St. Vincent De Paul - 623-581-0728 Bulletin Editor - Nessa de Mello –[email protected] Communal Anointing is held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM. Articles for the church bulletin need to be submitted and approved by administration no later than noon on Tuesday. Announcements must be submitted in writing or by email to Maria no later than noon on Monday. Email: [email protected] Flyers to advertise upcoming parish or diocesan events must be submitted to [email protected] no later than Tuesday noon to be included in the video loop for the upcoming weekend. All articles, announcements and flyers will be included—space permitting.. Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Mission Statement St. James Roman Catholic Parish Councils St. James Roman Catholic Parish is a warm Pastoral Council: and welcoming, Christ centered community, Theila Morris, Chair ▪ Irene Molette, Co-Chair ▪ Monica Gaynor ▪ Jorge Morales ▪ George Okumu ▪ Cindy Lancaster dedicated to the service of all. [email protected] Finance Council: Blaine Bandi, Chair ▪ Alvean Soliz, Co-Chair ▪ Lew Lancaster ▪ Michael Mathews ▪ Gerry Mendoza [email protected] Daily Mass M,T,TH,F,S at 8:00AM and Wed at 7PM Monday, December 21 8:00AM-Mass Christmas Decorating in the Hall 6:00PM-Adoration 8:30PM-Benediction Stewardship & Development Council: Dcn. Roy & Teri Drapeau, Chairs ▪ Carla Gonzales & Stephanie Wilson, Special Events & Fundraising ▪ Tom Myhre, Parishioner Services ▪ Joe Tuiteleleapaga, Stewardship Education ▪ Seria Tuiteleleapage, Secretary ▪ Leticia Rodriguez, Spanish Community Liaison [email protected] Tuesday, December 22 8:00AM-Mass 5:30PM-E3 Africa Executive Committe Sunday, December 13, 2015 Wednesday, December 23 Plate Income: Children’s Giving: 7:00PM-Mass Thursday, December 24 $ 16,387.14 $ 47.50 CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00PM-Mass in Church 4:15PM-Mass in Hall 6:00PM-Mass in Church Midnight-Mass in Church Our plate budget number is $12,000 per week. The plate income does not cover all expenses incurred. $16,230 is needed weekly to cover our Parish expenses. Fundraising profits are needed to cover the remaining $4,230. Friday, December 25 Thank you for your support! CHRISTMAS 9:00AM-Mass 11:00AM—African--Mass 2:00PM-Spanish Mass ACH CONTRIBUTIONS: Saturday, December 26 St. James is set up to do automatic payments (ACH) from your checking or savings accounts. The parish will receive your contribution, even if you are out of town or out of state. 8:00AM-Mass Christmas clean-up in Hall 2:00PM-Reconciliation 4:00PM-Mass Sunday, December 27 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 AM-Masses 2:00PM-Spanish Mass, CLOW 3:00PM-Prayer Group Mtg. (Junta de Grupo de Oracion) 3:30PM-Spanish Choir 6:00PM-Youth Mass Please come to Mass early enough not to disrupt. Leave late enough not to insult. Worship reverently enough not to distract. AND dress proudly enough not to offend. PLEASE We are asking that you help preserve a reverent atmosphere by turning off all pagers and cellular phones before entering the Church! Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 If you are interested, please stop by the Parish Office to complete an authorization form. Accounts will be debited on or after the 27th of each month. WELCOME… We extend our hearts in a warm St. James welcome to you whether long term residents or newly arrived in the Parish. We thank God that you are with us. If you are not registered, please fill out this form. Place it in the collection basket, drop it off, or mail it to the office. Name:____________________________Phone:_________________ Address:_________________________________________________ City:____________State_____Zip:______# in fam._______________ Request Registration Information ___New Address ___New Phone___ Moving, please remove from roster___ Interested in learning more about: ___The Catholic Faith___ Focus on Faith___ Baptism___Marriage ___Youth Group___Other Needs_______________________________ Registration material may be picked up at the Parish Office or mailed to your home. Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Please pray for the sick in our community, especially those from our Parish. We welcome your prayer requests for your family members and friends. Direct permission from the person is needed. They will remain on the list for 30 days. If someone is seriously ill, you may request that they remain on the list for 3 months. If after 3 months they wish to remain on the prayer list please contact the Front office to be listed on the bulletin board for an extended period. Thank you. Richard Adams Gerald Allgeier George Baizel Marie Barker Jim Beach Deacon Alan Bowslaugh Thomas Boyle Alma Camacho Nora Cordero Judy Crable Mark Curtis Jack Douglass Sheree Dudek Janice Fellheimer Jim Hall Diane Henning Jim Juilfs Notty Koot Pat Lahm Brandy Lockwood Larry Lubert Alian Martinez Kathleen Mathews Patty Meehan Kyle Messner Leslie Mitchell Bruce Orosco Kathy Pringles Megan Ricker Barbara Walker Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is every Friday from 8:30 AM and concludes with Benediction at 7 PM. ALSO Every Monday from 6:00PM to 8:30 PM concludes with Benediction. During exposition, Jesus cannot be left unattended. Adoration = ONE hour. There are 10 hours of Adoration on Friday and 2 1/2 hours on Mondays. Come visit Jesus, the Prince of Peace, the Creator of the Universe, the Merciful Savior, for just one of these Hours. Please remember those who have died. Especially Sara Hester. Available Masses Dates below indicate Mass availability and is on first come first serve basis. Mass Intentions are now available. Please check at the front office for available Mass times and to request the masses. Feb 13,16,20,22,24,27,29 2016 Mar 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,20,21 2016 29,30,31 Pray For All of Our Service Men and Women. "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.” AMEN. December 21, 2015 — December 27, 2015 MON 21 - Dec 8:00 AM DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE FLANAGAN FAMILY Fr. Christopher TUE 22 - Dec 8:00 AM BRETT CRABLE (Living) Fr. Ben WED 23 - Dec 7:00 PM ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Fr. Godwin THU 24 - Dec 4:00 PM (Church) GENE KUBINA (Deceased) Fr. Ben 4:00 PM (Hall) FRI SAT SUN 25 - Dec 26 - Dec 27 - Dec MAURY NIESLEN (Deceased) Fr. Godwin 6:00 PM HAROLD BAUMANN (Deceased Fr. Godwin Midnight ST. JAMES PARISHIONERS Fr. Ben 9:00 AM CHRISTA SPAGNOLINI (Deceased) Fr. William 11:00 AM KRISTI RUNGE (Good Health) Fr. Ben 2:00 PM JOSE ROSADO (Deceased) Fr. Kevin 8:00 AM PATTY MEEHAN (Living) Fr. William 4:00 AM CHRISTINA COSTA (Deceased) Fr. Ben 7:30 AM MONSIGNOR BERNARD POPESH (Deceased) Fr. William 9:00 AM RICHARD PRIME (Deceased) Fr. Godwin 11:00 AM SOPHIE VOIGHT (Deceased) Fr. Jan 2:00PM ST. JAMES PARISHIONERS Fr. Kevin 6:00 PM JOHN A. KAMINSKI (Deceased) Fr. Ben READINGS FOR THE WEEK: December 20—December 26 Sun: Micah 5:1-4; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:29-45 Mon: Sg 2:8-14; Lk 1:39-45 Tue: 1 Sam 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Wed: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 Thu: 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Isa 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 Midnight: Isa 9:1-6; Tit 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Fri: Isa 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 Sat: Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 We encourage you to request a special day to have a Mass said for a loved one. Those days that have one or more Masses currently open are listed above. Please check them out and come to the Parish Office to select a day. Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Visit our Web Site at www. Readings for next Sunday December 27 Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 Colossians 3:12-21 Luke 2:41-52 No Altar Flowers during Advent. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Fr. Robert’s Desk... Fr. Robert Aliunzi, A.J. FAREWELL MESSAGE OF GRATITUDE MENSAGE DE DESPEDIDA DE GRATITUD Dear Friends, Estimados Amigos, Receive from me very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016. Even though I had the opportunity in various ways and in different fora to say farewell to you before I left, I had desired also to do so in writing though time could not allow me to do sooner. Reciban de mi mejores deseos para una Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo, 2016. Aunque he tenido la oportunidad en varios modos de despedirme de ustedes antes de irme, tenía el deseo de hacerlo por escrito pero el tiempo se me agotó. For a little over ten years, we celebrated, rejoiced, encouraged and supported each other on many happy occasions but also mourned together our dear ones, offered our shoulders to each other to lean on in times of trials and tribulations. All these I believe, provided us the opportunity to grow together in our faith and become even stronger persons, creating memories that will never go away. Thanks be to God! Por un poco más de diez años celebramos, regocijamos, y nos dimos ánimo y nos apoyamos uno al otro en muchas ocasiones felices pero también estuvimos de luto por nuestros seres queridos y nos respaldamos en tiempos dificiles y tribulaciones. Todo esto, yo creo, nos brindió la oportunidad de crecer juntos en nuestra fe y hacernos personas más fuertes, creando memorias que nunca se borrarán…Gracias a Dios!!!! As the saying goes, even the best dancer leaves the stage at a certain point and I am not suggesting that I am the best dancer referred to here (even though I have some rare strokes to African music!). Yes, the time has come and I have left you in the good and capable hands of my brother Fr. Benedict Onegiu, AJ, whom most of you know. Despite the obvious anxieties that characterize transitions, I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the Spirit will continue to move in you and lead you to the next step God has planned for you. Please, I implore you to accept and support Fr. Ben the same way or even better than you supported me during my time with you. Never, make unhelpful comparisons between me and him because we are all unique in our own ways! Como va el dicho, hasta el mejor bailarín sale del escenario a cierto punto y no estoy sugeriendo eso que soy el mejor bailarín (aunque tengo unas movidas sobresalientes a la música Africana!). Cierto, el tiempo se ha llegado en que me tengo que ir de ustedes y dejarlos en las manos muy capaces de mi hermano Padre Benedict Onegiu, AJ, el quien muchos de ustedes ya lo conocen. A pesar de las ansiedades obvias que acompañan cambios, no tengo la menor duda de que el Espíritu seguirá moviendose en ustedes y llevarlos al próximo paso que Dios tiene planeado para ustedes. Por favor, les suplico que accepten y apoyan al Padre Ben en la misma manera o hasta mejor en la cual me apoyaron a mi durante mi tiempo con ustedes. Nunca, hagan Quite frankly, I enjoyed my stay with you all and because comparasiones entre mi y él porque todos somos únicos of your welcoming spirit, your dedication to the service of en nuestros propios modos! the poor, your diversity and your love of St. James and Sinceramente, gocé de mi tiempo con todos ustedes por me, I have left a stronger and better person than be- su espiritu acogedor, su dedicación al servicio a los fore…thank you! Were it not for what I know is the will of pobres, su diversidad y su amor a San James y para mi, God, I would have asked the bishop to make me stay a me voy siendo una persona más fuerte y mejor que little longer to complete the exciting projects I was about antes,,,gracias a ustedes! Si no fuera que yo sé que es la to embark on, but I know that what God has begun, He voluntad de Dios, yo le hubiera pedido al Obispo me will always complete. dejara quedar un poco tiempo más para completar todos I want to take this opportunity also to ask forgiveness los proyectos que iba abordar pero sé que lo que Dios during this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy from an- inicia El siempre termina. yone I have hurt in any way in my ten years tenure here at our parish. As a pastor, I have sometimes been outspoken and blunt and often too might have made unpopular decisions. Know that all was done in love. However, on the other hand, if you have felt completely comfortable and profoundly affirmed through my natural smiles and preaching, then I would say that you have not been listening to my homilies very closely! It is the obligation of every preacher to challenge his listeners to be more holy, to look a little deeper into themselves, and do more to help the Kingdom come. I have tried to do that, even Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Quiero tomar esta oportunidad para pedirles perdón durante el Año Jubileo Extraordinario de Misericordia a cualquier persona que he lastimado durante mis diez años en esta parroquia. Cómo párroco hay veces que he sido franco y hay veces que he tomado decisions no populares. Quiero que sepan que lo hice por amor. Sinembargo, por otro lado, si ustedes se han sentido completamente confortables y profundamente afirmados a través de mi sonrisa y predicaciones, entonces digo que no han puesto atención a mis homilías! Es la obligación de cada predicador a retar a la gente a ser Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 through challenges laced with humor. May the good Lord continue to lead and guide you through your new pastor Fr., Benedict Onegiu, AJ. My new address is: St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 3450 West Ray Road, Chandler AZ 85226 (480)899 1990 más santos, a autoexaminarse un poquito más, y hacer más para el Reino de Dios que está por venir. Yo he tratado de hacer eso, hasta a través de desafíos humorosos. Que el Señor continue a liderarlos y guiarlos a través de su nuevo párroco Padre Benedict Onegiu, AJ. Mi nueva dirección es: Again, Merry Christmas! St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 3450 West Ray Road, Chandler AZ 85226 (480)899 1990 Fr. Robert Seraph Aliunzi, AJ Again, Merry Christmas! Fr. Robert Seraph Aliunzi, AJ Special Thoughts from the St. James Pro Life Ministry The Miracle of Conception Week 16 of 40 – Join us on the journey I enjoy drinking a lot of the fluid when it is sweet, but not when you’ve eaten something sour. I can turn somersaults & I yawn and stretch. I am 6” tall! A new life starts when just one sperm cell from the father joins and fertilizes an egg cell from the mother. Just moments after conception numerous hereditary characteristics are determined. These include the different features and individual trademarks such as gender, color of eyes, hair and skin; the shape of the face and body; and certain qualities of temperament and intelligence. A wonderful and unique little life has begun. Join us the 1st Sunday of every month at 8:00am as we pray the rosary for the unborn in front of the Planned Parenthood at 5771 W. Eugie with the Knights of Columbus. The Pro-Life Ministry would like to invite you to join us every 1st Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the church hall. Help us to defend those who cannot defend themselves! RECYCLING AT ST JAMES The parish earns money from YOUR recyclable items. Cardboard - Cans - Newspapers - Discarded Mail - Old Phone Books - Magazines If you would like more information, contact Gretchen Fenninger by calling the Parish Office. Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 SVdP THE DOORS ARE OPEN! Help us build St. James by being a LECTOR, ALTAR SERVER, EUCHARISTIC MINISTER, HOSPITALITY MINISTER, MUSICIAN, or a part of our ART AND ENVIRONMENT team. For more information: Contact Maria Stenner, Director of Religious Education via email at [email protected]. Do you shop Amazon? Now you can earn money for St James for most Amazon purchases! Just do your shopping on, and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible items purchased to the charitable organization of your choice...ST JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH! Our first rebate: $42.05 2015-2016 FRY’S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM Beginning August 1, 2015, families in the Fry’s Community Rewards Program need to re-enroll. Follow the process outlined below to re-enroll your Fry’s V.I.P card and continue your support of St. James. Dear St James Parishioners: Do you pay taxes? If you do, would you like to pay less? Arizona’s tax credit programs will let you do just that. You can donate to St Vincent de Paul at St James Parish and deduct dollar for dollar from your tax liability up to $200 for filing singly, $400 for filing jointly. This is the tax credit for the working poor. Using this credit absolutely does not interfere with the tax credit for Catholic schools or for public school extracurricular activities. It’s really very easy to do. Contribute through the Parish office or collection basket so the amount is validated on your Parish giving statement. There is a form, Arizona form 321 that you submit with your tax return. You will either receive a larger refund on what you already paid or have to pay less if you owe. The extra funds allow the Conference to increase the amount of financial assistance we can give each of our clients. Won’t you please consider participating in this winwin situation? For more information, there will be a flyer in the foyer. Thank you all very much. Irene Molette, president SVdP Mass of Installation for Father Ben Father Ben’s Installation Mass as St. James’ Pastor will take place on January 10th at 11:00am. Please join us in this joyous occasion and stay for a reception in the hall. How to Re- Enroll for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Go to Click on ‘Sign-In’ Enter your email and password, click on ‘sign in’ Click on your name (top right hand corner), under ‘Account Summary’ scroll down to “Community Rewards” Click on ‘Edit’ under Community Rewards Under Find Your Organization: Enter our NPO number, 84600, or St. James Roman Catholic Parish, then select ‘search’ Under ‘Select Your Organization’. Click on the circle next to our organization Click on ‘Enroll’ If you have re-enrolled correctly, you should see a green box with ‘Your enrollment in the Community Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for participating! You will also see the information listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page. If you have not enrolled in the Fry’s Community Rewards Program, there is a Scrip Program Brochure in the Foyer for instruction on how to link your Fry’s V.I.P card to St. James. Thank You For Your Support!! Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 St. James News DONUTS ON SUNDAYS Safe Environment If you have any questions regarding Safe Environment Training please contact Chris at the Parish Office. GIFT SHOP 2016 Sunday Missals are in stock. Do you have your Advent Wreath and Candles? We have them too along with many wonderful Christmas gift items. Check out the sales tables. Join your fellow parishioners in the Parish Hall for donuts after the 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 Masses. THIS WEEK SPONSORED BY: Spanish Prayer Group This week our Spanish Prayer Group will be hosting. Please stop by to visit with them and find out about this group of parishioners who meet weekly in prayer. They would love to have you join them. PRO-LIFE MINISTRY Jeremiah: 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 5th at 6:00 PM Please join us in promoting the sanctity of life. Contact John Ingram, Sr. at the Parish Office. Monday Afternoon Tea Ministry invites you to join us at 12:30 p.m. Learn to loom knit or crochet or teach us your craft. Bring an appetizer to share. St. James Scrip Program The Scrip program helps earn money for St James! Plan ahead! Make a list of places to shop - Wal-Mart, Safeway, Any Retailer. *A complete list vendors can be viewed at Orders will be placed on the following dates: Gift Shop We still have unique Nativity sets, Advent candles, jewelry, gorgeous rosary bracelets, gift baskets and much, much more. Stop in today to find that ‘special’ gif t. YOUR 2016 COMMITMENT PLEASE PRAYERFULLY DISCERN. Stewardship of giving is not about the need of your parish, but of your need to give. Lord God, You alone created this world and all that is good in it. You allowed us our freedom, and entrusted us with great responsibility. All of what we are, all of our concerns, and unique ability we each have to help those around us come from You. We ask that You bless us as we strive to transform the earth through love, work and deed. Send the Holy Spirit to work in hearts and lives, guide our service, and grant us a spirit of purpose and joy. We pray with grateful hearts in Jesus’ name. Amen. JAN 19th ● FEB 16th ● MAR 21st All Scrip orders need to be placed by 7:00 PM the day prior to the listed order dates. Order your gift cards for Christmas! Please drop your commitment cards in the offertory baskets, or leave them at the information booth in the foyer after Mass. (Orders usually arrive for pick up within the week) With a little bit of work on your part and no extra money out of pocket, this program November SCRIP raises money for St James! Questions? Contact Irene Molette at [email protected]. Phone 623-581-0707 9 Families earned $135.55 for St James! Fax 623-581-0110 We resume with Saturday Confessions on December 26th at 2:00pm. Thank you. Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Maria Stenner ALTAR SERVER PRACTICE for Captains on January 9th at 9:30am in the Church. Scripture Study “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome Our next Scripture session will be January 7th in the Parish Hall at 7:00PM. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Programa para Niños: Rayito de Luz Busca un programa en cual sus hijos aprenderán más de su Fe Católica y al mismo tiempo usted puede ingresarse al grupo de oración? Entonces traígalos a Rayito de Luz cada Martes a las 7 de la noche y quédese al Grupo de Oración: Dios Sana. Para más informes por favor de comunicarse con Rogelio o Reyna Tovar al 602-626-4925. The RE Program will be on Christmas Break from December 9th through the 30th. We resume classes on January 6th at 6:15 pm Estudio de Biblia los lunes de las 6:30-7:30 de la tarde. Para más informes comuníquese con María en la Oficina Parroquial. En Enero se comienza el estudio sobre el Evangelio según San Marco. Inscribase ya! Art and Environment Ministry If you enjoy decorating and are able to give some hours this holiday season please contact Vicky through the Parish Office. Thank you. Little Flowers will meet on January 19th from 6-7:30pm. This group is for girls ages 5-11. If you would like more information or would like to register please contact Rosa Palomino at 602-832-6477. Catholics On Fire St. James Young Adult Group: United January 19th, at 7:00PM in the hall. Praise and Worship, Adoration, Prayer, and much more! SYMBOLON….IS HERE! ( Contact Andrew Lahera at the Parish Office for more information! Cafecito con María Próxima reunión es el 4 de Febrero. Si tiene preguntas por favor de comunicarse con Sonia al 760-670-9690 o búsquenos en Facebook: cafecitoconmaria Symbolon – What is it? This on-line video series has been joined with eight other programs by a variety of renowned presenters such as Bishop Barron, Dr. Sri, Dr. Pitre, Fr. Michael Gaitley and many more. Parishioners can access on any electronic device that has internet anywhere on your schedule. Six Catholic movies and 8 eBooks are also available. The cost is $10 for the subscription/access code that is good until Sept. 1, 2016. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn more about our Catholic Faith. Volunteers will be in the foyer and the parish hall to answer questions and to register you today. Gift certificates are available. Calling all parishioners…. BECOME A PART OF OUR NEWEST MINISTRY! Our WELCOME TEAM members are staffing the Welcome Desk every weekend. The main focus of the ministry is to meet & greet parishioners and visitors before and after all weekend Masses. They will be available to answer questions and provide information about the parish. This ministry is open to everyone. If you would like to be a part of the team, talk to one of the Team members after any Mass or call the parish office to sign up. You will be able to volunteer time before and/or after the Mass you usually attend each weekend. With enough volunteers, the time commitment would only be a couple of hours each month. Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN - December 19-20, 2015 Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis has declared this year the Jubilee Year of Mercy. During the coming year we are encouraged to frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation, perform the Spiritual and Corporeal Acts of Mercy, and to receive a Jubilee Plenary Indulgence. What is a plenary indulgence? The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n. 1471) states: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints”. You may receive a plenary indulgence extended by Pope Francis in particular to the following: pilgrims visiting the Holy Door(s), the sick and elderly, the incarcerated, those who practice the works of mercy, and the deceased. The Jubilee indulgence is a significant channel of spiritual power in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Corporal Works of Mercy: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. Spiritual Works of Mercy: counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offenses, bear wrongs patiently, and pray for the living and the dead. (With the Spiritual Works of Mercy it is well advised to be charitable in all situations; be kind and have a loving heart) Our Sunday Visitor Publications has great resources on the following: Confession, Mercy in the Teachings of the Popes, the Saints in Mercy, the Parables of Mercy, the Psalms of Mercy, Mercy in the Fathers of the Church, and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Also our Diocesan website has resources available: May the grace of the Holy Spirit, example of the Son, and loving acceptance of the Father lead and guide you during the Jubilee Year of Mercy! As we continue to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christchild at Christmas let us live in his love in all we do, especially in our marriage relationship. Apply today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in 2016. The next weekend will be in Phoenix on February 19-21. For all other dates and more information visit (Para los fines de semana en español, por favor visite Phone 623-581-0707 Fax 623-581-0110 St. Sharbel Relics Saint Joseph Maronite Church will be hosting the relics of St. Sharbel for veneration from January 15th to January 17th. We are cordially invited to attend Mass on January 16th at 6:00pm with the relics being held in repository on a side altar. Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted will be the celebrant and homilist. Address: 5406 E. Virginia Ave. Phoenix, 85008 Phone: 602-667-3280 As you start thinking about Christmas gifts consider the Phoenix Catholic Women’s conference for yourself and the special women in your life. Tickets available now! Theme: He Crowns you with Steadfast Love and Mercy – Psalms 103:4 There will be a full day of inspirational talks including national Catholic leaders Colleen Carroll Campbell and Cari Donaldson Vigil Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted The PDCCW is excited to once again offer the Young Catholic Track for ladies ages 16-22. Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016 Location: Xavier College Preparatory Cost: $50 early registration until January 15, 2016 (after that $60) For tickets and information: or call 602-471-1944 Visit our Web Site at www. email admin@ St. James Roman Catholic Parish Advertisers DIOCESE OF PHOENIX St. James Parish CATHOLIC CEMETERIES & MORTUARY has partnered with Featuring The Catholic Heritage Plan Able Heart Vehicle Donation Center BEFORE NEED PLANNING 602-267-1329 to help us raise funds through vehicle donations. Tom Kalisz–Real Estate Broker 602 418 3467 It provides a convenient way to donate any of the following items to St James: SELLING - BUYING RESIDENTIAL - LAND - COMMERCIAL EXPERIENCED - HONEST – DEPENDABLE [email protected] Cars · Vans · Trucks · ATV’s · Golf Carts Boats · Jet Skis · Motor Homes · Trailers Please go to the St James website, click on Serving You, and then Special Donations. Look for the following link: HERITAGE FUNERAL CHAPEL Catholic Family Owned & Operated Mortuary Stanley S. Stobierski, Funeral Director & Owner 6830 W. Thunderbird Road, Peoria, Arizona 85381 623-974-3671 Contact Able Heart They will dispatch They will arrange pick up The vehicle is processed The vehicle goes to auction St James benefits GIFT SHOP at St. James (southwest corner of the Parish Hall) “Special Gifts for Special People” Open on Sunday 8:30AM - 12:30 PM & 5:30PM - 7:30 PM 7144-A NORTH 35TH AVENUE ▪ PHOENIX, AZ 85051 602-841-1561 ▪ 800-553-4628 ▪ FAX 602-841-1649 Suggs Automotive Repair 602 820-0077 Your neighborhood mechanic 2 blocks west of St James on 37th Dr. ASE Certified Master Mechanic. Import specialist, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Boats, Custom installs, and more. Our overhead is low to keep your costs down. We can beat the dealer estimates. Please patronize the advertisers in this bulletin. We thank them for their support.