5th Annual Bowl-A-Thon Scholarship Fundraiser.
5th Annual Bowl-A-Thon Scholarship Fundraiser.
I .5th 54.:NNU5t£ 130WL-54.-T:J-fON SC:J-fOL.54.'RS:J-fIPrrU:N7J1UUS'E'R ••• The Clawson Police Department has established a scholarship program to give recognition to high school students who wish to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. We support the continuing education of the youth in our community and seekyour participation in raising money tofund the scholarship program. When: Friday 3/21/2014 at 9:00 pm (Check- in begins @ 8:00) Where: Thunderbird Lanes 400 W. Maple Rd in Troy, Mi How: Pre-Register by Friday March 14thJ 2014 $20 per bowler. Seeattached registration form. ($25 at the door) This fundraiser will be held in Partnership with The Clawson Rotary Club. You can pre-register by Email, U.S. Mail, or in person at the Clawson Police Department 425 N.MainStClawson,Mi 48017 C/O: Sergeant Bauss. Make checks or money orders payable to: THE CLAWSON ROTARY CLUB: POLICE LIAISON SCHOLARSHP. All donations are tax-deductable. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 248-508-7821 ***Comejoin the community in a night offunfor education. Entry fee includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, door raffle, pizza and pop. A cash bar, SO/50, and a silent auction will be available. All proceeds will go to the scholarship(s)*** "This is not a school-sponsored event. Clawson Public Schools assumes to and from this activity". no responsibility for children traveling BOWL-A-THON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER Friday March 21st, 2014 9:00pm at Thunderbird Lanes The Clawson Police Department has established a scholarship program to give recognition to high school students who wish to pursue a career in Law Enforcement We support the continuing education o/the youth in our community and seekyour participation in raising money to fund the scholarship program. This fundraiser will be held in partnership with the Clawson Rotary Club. Pre-Registration Form: (Deadline is 3/14/14; $20 per bowler) You can pre-register by Email, U.S. Mail, or in person at the Clawson Police Department 425 N. Main St Clawson, Mi 48017 C/O: Sergeant Bauss. All donations are tax-deductable. Make checks or money orders payable to: THE CLAWSON ROATRY CLUB: POLICE LIAISON SCHOLARSHIP. I can be reached by email at KBauss@cityo!clawson.com or by telephone at 248-508-7821. Number of Bowlers ---- Amount of money enclosed $ _ Narne and telephone number for each bowler you are registering: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please list any additional bowlers you wish to be paired up with: "This is not a school-sponsored event. Clawson Public Schools assumes to and from this activity". no responsibility for children traveling Cfawson PoCice(j)epartment 425 !J{:MainSt, Cfawson, :MI 48017 IPfione (248) 435-5000 P)fX (248) 435-4847 Dear Clawson Business Owner, In 2010, The Clawson Police Department established a scholarship program to give recognition to high school students who wish to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. We support the continuing education of the youth in our community and seek your participation in raising money to fund the scholarship program. We are hosting a Bowl-A-Thon Scholarship Fundraiser at Thunderbird Lanes on 3/21/14 at 9pm. We would greatly appreciate your participation in this event. This fund raiser will be held in partnership with The Clawson Rotary Club. Please see the attached flier and pre-registration form advertising the Clawson Police Department Bowl-A- Thon Scholarship Fundraiser. Would you please post this information in your business where customers and employees may easily view it. If your business would like to sponsor this fund raiser, please complete the business sponsorship information below. With your support, graduating senior students in the community will be awarded a scholarship toward an education in law enforcement at an institution of continuing education. The Clawson Business Community will benefit from the advertisement of the sponsors names at the fundraising event, as well as patronage from the attendees. Thank you for your time and consideration, Sergeant Kellie Bauss #12 [email protected] 248-508-7821 Business Sponsorship Information: Please complete the information below and retum it to the Clawson Police Department; C/O Sergeant Bauss by 3/10/13. Make checks or money orders payable to the Clawson Rotary Club: Police Liaison Scholarship. Name of Business: Telephone #: Address: I will make a monetary donation of: $20__ $5o__ other amount $ I will donate a gift certificate/item from my business to be raffled off: (please specify) Signature: Date: _ _