Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 15, No.4, OctjNov/Dec 1977 Note: There is a surname index for Vol. 15 at the end of issue No.4. THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOLUME XV Number 4 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1977 , PuLli.hed Quarterly By ARKANSAS GENE;\LOGICAL SOqE1=Y, 1m:. 42tJO "A" SIret'1 Little Rock, Ar .... n.a. 72205 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. OFFICERS DIRECTORS Marion S. Craig, M. D. President Little Rock, Arkansas T. O. Hamaker, Vice President Magnolia, Arkansas Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Treasurer Hot Springs, Arkansas Mrs. C. G. Ball, Recording Secretary North Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Carroll C. Cannon, Corresponding Sec., Forrest City, Arkansas Mrs. Larry P. Clark, Historian Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, Herald Camden, Arkansas James Logan Morgan, Parliamentarian Newport, Arkansas ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mrs. Harold D. Alspaugh Magnolia, Arkansas Russell P. Baker Mabelvale, Arkansas Robert W. Dhonau Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Mae Chinn Green Batesville, Arkansas Ms. Margaret Hubbard, MembershipChairman, Hot Springs, Ark. J. B. Lemley Russellville, Arkansas (Contributors) Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., 4200 "A" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Mrs. Grady Woods, 805 Hickory Street, Crossett, Arkansas 71635 Clyde O. Barnard, 2129 Sharon Dr., Garland, Texas 75041 James L. Carder, 3411 Chancellor, Memphis, Tenn. 38118 CONTENTS PAGE EDITOR'S NOTES .....••...•.•..•.••••.••.••••••••••••••.•......•...••...•..•••..•• 198 THE HINTON GENEALOGy •...••..•..•..••...••..•••.•..••.••...••..•..••..•....••..•• 200 GEORGE WASHINGTON BARNARD - 1818-1900 ...•..•...•..•.•••....•.•••.••.•....•••..•• 205 NOTI CE - MEMBERSH I P FEE. .•.•••..•.•....••...••......•.•.••••••••••••••••••••.••. 207 A STUDY OF THE CARDERS IN SOUTH CAROLINA DURING THE PERIOD 1790-1850 ••...••....• 208 CORRECTION PLEASE - CASEy •....••..•..•••••••.•••.••.•..••......•.••••.•..•..•.•• 209 HOW TO PREPARE FOR PUBLICATION •.....••.••••..••..•.••..••....• , •.•.••....•..•.•• 210 QUERIES .......•...•...•.••.••.•..•.........••••..•....••..•••••••••••••••••••.•. 211 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY - 1977 MEMBERSHIP LIST ••••.•••••••.••••••.•••....• 226 SURNAME INDEX FOR ENTIRE YEAR OF 1977 ••·•••••••••••••••.•..•..•.••••.•.•..•...••• 243 HISTORICAL &GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN ARKANSAS - 1977 ••.•••.•.••...•.•..••••••• 240 Neither the Associate Editors, nor the Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., assume any responsibility for information or material shared by the contributors. Correspondence concerning any article should be addressed to the authors. (Corrections will be made, as soon as possible, if our office is notified, and proper correction is given.) Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., (Elaine Weir Cia) Editor COPYRIGHT - 1977 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 4200 "A" Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 NOTE: A complete file of our Arkansas family historian has been sent to Washington, D. C. and is in the Library of Congress, all issues to date are fully copyrighted, including all eight volumes of our Ancestor Charts. • E. Russ Williams, Speaker for our Annual Meeting, October 1,1977 and our President Marion Stark Craig, M. D. Some of our 1977 Officers: T. O. Hamaker, Vice President &Program Chairman; Ms. Marge Hubbard, Membership Chairman; Mr. Dora Ball, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Carroll C. Cannon, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Larry P. Clark, Historian; Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Treasurer; and Marion Stark Craig, M. D., President. Both pictures by Mrs. Virginia Treadway. EDITOR'S NOTES DEAR MEMBERS & READERS OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN: Time once again to finish out this very good year of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN. Already twenty pages of Queries have been prepared for our March 1978 issue. Two hundred pages were promised (if the material became available). The material was available, even tho much of it needed to be prepared, by typing, checking, etc. If you will check the last page for this year, you will notice we are well over our 200 pages, and the material has been typed on 14 inch paper and then reduced to fit onto our 8 1/2 by 11 size. Much more material has been processed than in past years also four additional Ancestor Chart Volumes have been published, and one Volume of Marriage Records for Union County. Out budget has really been stretched, as well as the number of volunteer workers has increased, seems everyone is so eager to help each other. A BIG BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE. By reducing our prepared material (on our 805 Mu1ti1ith machine) to fit our Quarterly size of 8 1/2 by 11, we have been able to send more in themai1.andsti11tryingtokeepourpostagefeeas10waspossib1e.By notifying our office, either to hold your Quarterly (when you have to move) or sending a change of address well ahead of the mailing date, that too has helped keep our postal fee as low as possible. We just have a Great group of ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN MEMBERS. Volume IX ANCESTOR CHARTS are being printed just as soon as this Quarterly is released. But then the Index and Compiler's list still needs to be made. Soon after January 1, 1978 that issue will be released, so if you want to include your $3. for that issue when you renew your membership for 1978, that will save 13 cents postage, for you. Remember to send your membership before 31 January 1978, as the fee will be increased to $7. at that time. Volume X ANCESTOR CHARTS have been gathered ready for printing, and will be typed soon, so that Volume will follow Volume IX very soon. This Volume was gathered as a result of a six weeks class, at the Laman Library in North Little Rock, Ark., last June and July. This class was held each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 PM and many who were not already members of our Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., became members. Volume XI ANCESTOR CHARTS are now being gathered (about half are already in that group) we have tried to keep the number to about 65 or so, this keeps the $3. price range and within our budget. Our new project of FAMILY GROUP SHEETS (see the last page of this issue, is becoming very popular. Some time in 1978 we hope to print the first of this Group. See the March issue of our Arkansas Family Historian for further information on when this will be released. If you have not already sent your FAMILY GROUP SHEET, better get started. Start with your grandparents (either side) list grandfather, grandmother, and then start with the eldest child, and so on down the list, including all the known information, dates of birth, death, and marriages, etc. These will also become very valuable as the Volumes become available. Our ANCESTOR CHART VOLUMES I and IV have recently (just finished yesterday) been reprinted. Some of our new members did not know about them until they were all gone. If you have a complete set of these, you would like to sell to someone else, let us know and we in turn will pass word along. So far we have had many requests for them, but no one seems to want to give their issues up. We are not going to reprint these, again as we need to get the new ones into print (our budget:). We have just received a Certificate from the ~NEALOGICAL LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, INC., for our latest contribution to this worthy cause .. Our Volumes V, VI, VII, & VIII Ancestor Charts have been placed with them for instructional materials to be produced in Braille large print, and on cassett tape for the blind. Classes in genealogy are taught in sign language, andover teletype so they can communicate over the telephone with the deaf. Their address is: 4176 English Oak Drive, Doraville, Georgia 30340. Telephone 404-449-1523, Mrs. Diane Dieterle, Director. EDITOR'S NOTES CONTINUED (Page 2) Many of our members have expressed thanks for the listing of new books of Genealogical interest, especially for Arkansas. Some few are listed here. and if you know of others please let us know. Some Families have already printed much valuable information about their families and allied families. if others knew about these books and where they might be gotten, some duplicate work might be avoided. These books might be out of print, b~t if we could find a Library or some person who has a copy, maybe a page m1ght either be copied or at least read, sometimes just a tiny clue is all that is needed Those who have really come to a dead end, really know how this will help. The same applies to the Query Section, you may not know about a certain family yourself, but you might know some one who is working or has worked for years on the family, try passing the word along That help is sometimes more valuable than a long letter of explaination. Just drop a note. and say regarding your Query, of such a date, write (give the name and good address of the person you know who has been working on the family.) Many good good contacts are made thru the Arkansas Family Historian. INTERESTING BOOKS AVAILABLE ARKANSAS COUNTY. ARKANSAS 1850 & 1860 CENSUS, by R. W. Dhonau $5. each or $9 together. Order from, R. W Dhonau, 4410 Lee Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72205 RECORDS OF SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH, & CYPERT CEMETERY, EVENTIDE CEMETERY, SMALLEY CEMETERY, GAMBLE CEMETERY, AREA OF MARVELL, PHILLIPS COUNTY, ARK. By Rose Craig White, Box 598, Marvell, Ark. 72366. Soft Cover. indexed 95 pages FELIX G HAWKINS (c. 1820, TN - Jan. 1891, AR) and His Descendants, by Michael S. Cole. Soft cover, indexed 25 pages. $5. Order from' Michael S Cole, Route #6. Box 226, Harrison, AR 72601 A COMPENUIUM OF ARKANSAS GENEALOGY - Vol. I, 1977, by Mrs. William H. Counts. 38,2 Glenmere Road, North Little Rock. AR 72116. 568 pages. This Hardcover book is in three parts. First all the known marked graves from Civil War days through 1968, the names of hundreds of individuals buried by the City of .Little Rock during the Civil War and Post War Reconstruction period. who never had tombstones, are available to researchers in this data Pictures of Oakland Cemetery & the Confederate Monument. Part II the complete List of Little Rock's First City Directory, compiled & Published in 1871 Including the name of Head of Household, residence. occupation and location of business, etc. Part III, is a series of art.cles of Genealogical interest. concerning Little Rock residents buried in Oakland Cemetery during the Civil War & Post Reconstruction era. Index to Part Ill. (Sexton's records are included in the first part, in alphabetical order). Order from Mrs. Counts - $30. RECORDS OF CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS - MARRIAGE BOOK "A" 1877 -1880, Ear ly Gazette Records of Marriages of Crawford County, 1829 to 1842, Early Van Buren Press Records of Marriages of Crawford County, 1860-1875, Compiled by Oma Cole Route 3 Box I, Alma, AR 72921 & Hazel Brown, Route I, Alma, AR 72921 Soft Cover $5. Order from either of the ladies listed above. Also Book "B" Marriage Record will soon be released. $5. (1880-1884) EASY STEPS FOR RECORDING CEMETERY HEADSTONES, by Wanda Graham Amo, 1819 Beechwood. Lit t Ie Rock. Arkansas 72207 $5 Step by Step instructions for recording and publishing a complete county of Cemetery records. Plastic Cover A NEW YORK NEWSPAPER REPORTER PROVIDES Extensive, 6n-The-Site Coverage of The Pope County. Arkansas Revolt Against Reconstruction. Interviews with, Dover Citizens. Jacob L. Shinn of Russellville, State Officials, Participants on both sides. Information on' Assassinations, Family Feuds, and other interesting Events, Copied by, Milton C. Tucker, Box 291. Dover, AR 72837 55 EDITOR'S NOTES CONTINUED (Page 3) INTERESTING BOOKS AVAILABLE (Con't page 2) Reprlnt Reminiscences of a Private, by W, E, Bevens 96 pages, Soft Cover May 1861 to 1865. Indexed. Order from Jackson County Historical Society. Newport Arkansas 72112. $5. OBITUARY AND DEATH NOTICES OF POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1875 through 1886, Copied by J. B. Lemley from Old Newspapers 64 pages with index $5. Order from J. B. Lemley, 1120 N. Detroit, Russellville, AR 72801 OBITUARIES OF POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS (February 1973 through December 1973) Copied by J. B. Lemley, 1120 N. Detroit, Russellville, AR 72801 Taped & written interviews, by J. B. Lemley. 113 pages with Index. $5. OBITUARIES OF POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS & Interviews 1974, copied by J. B. Lemley. $6. BOOK REVIEWS - GIFTS TO ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL LIBRARY Reviews by R. W. Dhonau, Director The Arkansas Genealogical Society Library has received as a gift, "MY BYERS - BONAR - SHANNON and Allied Families, 1695 - 1976", a volume by Marion Stark Craig, M. D. The gift is from the author and 1977 State President of our Society. It is his second family history publication, the first having been "Colonel Joseph Hardin of Davidsonville, 1784-1826". This discourse of Dr. Craig's ancestor families begins with a BYERSBONAR marriage in Washington County, Pennsylvania. The children of this couple came through Ohio and to Arkansas, the youngest of which was John Hancock BYERS, the great grandfather of Dr. Craig. The sources of material used are many and extremely varied. The most interesting to the reviewer Is family group sheets made from information by reliable sources. Other types of documentation are equally authoritative. It includes a great deal of history as it was being made, especially the Civil War. Book published 1976, hardcover, 8~ x 11 inches, 120 pages, full name index, $10.00 Marion Stark Craig, 300 Beckwood, Little Rock, AR 72205 "JOHN CRAIG AND SOME DESCENDANTS: 1773-1976" - Two Centuries of a Southern Family, by Marion Stark Craig, M. D., is the third publication of our President. It was released in June 1977 and is a recent gift to the Library of our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, in the Genealogy Room, second floor, Little Rock Public Library. Every possible record is documented to show identity of each known member of the family of John CRAIG, the great great grandfather of the author These records are from North Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee. Mississippi, Kentucky and Arkansas. From this the migration pattern is established for the various family members. The Civil War is a prominent feature in the action of the wide reaching family. The characters are vividly brought to focus in numerous photographs and "folksy" stories of events in their lives. Best of all is a loving description of all are drawn by a family feeling of closeness and understanding. I recommend this record to all family history researchers. "THE PATRICKS and SPADRA CREEK - The CENSUS & Statehood" by Heartsill Patrick King, is also a recent gift by the author to the Library of the ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. This book opens with a history of Old Spadra in Johnson County, Arkansas It is highlighted by a legend of an old Spanish Sword told in ~erse by John W. Woodward. The main section of this 75 page, 5 5/8 x 8\ inch book with attractive, sturdy paper cover is a_biographical sketch of the life and times of five generations of the PATRICKS, KINGS & LEE ances~tors of the author. This lively story is illustrated with pictures and documented with many newspaper accounts of actual history. EDITOR'S NOTE: Our special thanks to these people for these valuable books They will be great examples for·the rest of us to follow. All for this year. Sincerely ~LJ/~~ THE HINTON GENEALOGY By Mrs. Grady Woods HINTON. as a surname, is d~rived from the local usage "of Hinton" there are Parishes of the name in the Dioceaes of Salisbury, Winchester, Oxford. Peterborough, Bath and Wells. John Hinton appears on the hundred Rolls of the County Cambridge in 1273, and Robert De Hinton on those of County Dorset (C. W. Bardsley: "Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames The word Hinton in Anglo-Saxon, means "Old Town" and is given to at least a dozen different parishes in England. The family of Hyynton, however, took its name originally from Hynton-Sutton or Hinton-Brackley. as it is variously called in the Northeastern part of Northamptonshire and Hynton-Woodford in the Northwestern part. The name of Hinton in England, stands as high for bravery in Battle. Fidelity to Trusts, and later eminence in Literature as any family of Commoners England has produced and in this country steadily maintained their respectability and have proved themselves, in all their branches. male and female. useful and honorable citizens. ULBERT DE HYNTON at Domesday Survey, held two hides of land, (240 acres) at HYNTON-WOODFORD; five caracutes (75 acres) were arable, two of which (30 acres) were in demesne with two house servants and ten villeins, and three cottagers had the remaining three (45 acres). a mill yielding 25 shillings, three acres of meadows; the whole had been rated at 40 shillings but now (1070) raised to sixty shillings. (Bridges'Northamptonshire, Vol 1. page 132.) ERUALD DE HYNTON at Domesday Survey (1070), held two hides of land (240 acres) at HYNTON and a half a hide (60 acres) at Silverton. The arable land was five caracutes (75 acres) of which two (30 acres) were in demesne with two house servants and eleven villeins and five tenents held the re maining three (45 acres). There was a mill worth two shillings yearly (rent; sixteen acres of meadow, a wood two furlongs (1220 ft.) long: and half a furlong (330 ft.) wide; the whole had been rated at thirty shillings yearly, but was then (1070) raised to seventy shillings. (Bridges' Northhamptonshire, Vol. I, page 175.) (Note: the Hintons first entered England under the banner of the Conquerer. Two brothers, Ulbert and Eruald De Hynton were in the company of Geoffrey De Magnevil of Normandy, fought at Hastings and received lands in Northamptonshire at the Domesday Survey, 1070 The Line of Ulbert De Hynton seems to have become extinct before 1189. as Henry II granted it to Robert De Hynton, younger son of Elias in that year. The two generations between Eruald De Hynton and his great grandson Elias De Hynton are nowhere given. There are no records in existence between Domesday Survey and the Pipe Rolls of Henry II. Richard I and John's reign. ELIAS DE HYNTON in 1147 held four knights fees (a portion of land yieldin an annual rent of L 40; two hides at Hynton; he had two sons, one of whom. the younger, ROBERT DE HYNTON. of HYNTON-BRACKLEY. received from Henry II in 1167 a grant of the Manor of Hynton-Woodford in Northampton, which had lapsed to the Crown by extinction of the Ulbert De Hynton line. His son and heir. RICHARD DE HYNTON, of Hynton-Woodford, M. Aceline and their son, HUGH DE HYNTON. of HYNTON-WOODFORD. M. MAUDE or MATILDE FOLIOT. heir His son & SIR RICHARD DE HYNTON of Hynton-Woodford. was Knighted by Henry III, prior to 1250. and was the first of the family to receive that honor. Besides his lands in Northampton he acquired the Manors of Broad-Hynton and Swindon in Wiltshire He gave to God, the blessed Virgin and St Nicholas of Salisbury the Broad-Hynton Church near Swindon. together with six acres of land, August 19th 1253. Sir Richard took part in the Welsh Wars. His son and Heir. (Wiltshire Archaeological Maz. Vol XXV. page 13 HUGH DE HYNTON of Hynton-Woodford. was Captain of a body of Archers under Humphrey De Bohun. Earl of Essex and Hereford; fought at Lewes in Sussex. -200- THE HINTON GENEALOGY (Con't page 2) May 14, 1264 and at Evesham in Worcester August 4, 1265. He married Matilda or Maude, daughter and co-heiress of Geoffrey De Eyden of Hynton Co Northhampton and had JOHN DE HYNTON, of HYNTON-WOODFORD, the Elder, M. AGNES. Their son. SIR JOHN DE HYNTON, the younger of HYNTON-WOODFORD, on 23 January, 1310, received from Edward II a grant of the Reversion of the Forestership in the Forests of Huntingdonshire granted for life by the late King (Edward I) to John Pycard, or as soon as, for any reasonable causes it falls into the King's leads (dated Sheen Jan. 23, 1310.) He is styled "King's Yeoman" (Calendar Patent Rolls 1307-13, page 206.) He was granted for life Forestership of Huntingdon. In 1316, he was appointed assessor and collector of taxes for Counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge. That same summer he was appointed "Conservator" (now called Justice) of the Peace for County of Huntingdon (Calendar Patent Rolls 1313"17, page 483) He held many county offices, one of which was Captain for Huntingdonshire. Records show that he was Knighted by Edward II as early as 1320. Calendar close Rolls, 1318-23, page 481) SIR JOHN married PETRONILLA, daughter of LAURENCE DE MAS SINGHAM , High Sheriff of Huntingdon, and dying in 1332, left a son and Heir, SIR JOHN DE HYNTON 3rd of Huntingdon, of whom very little is known. He succeeded his father "For Life of the Bailwick of the Forestry of Huntingdonshire." His name is on the list of Knights who were with Edward III at Antwerp in 1340, and served at Crecy 1346; he was in the Retinue of Richard Lord Talbot at Calais 12 July, 1347. (William Salt Publication Vol. VIII, page 132.) He married Margaret, daughter of HENRY DE COTEFORD and in 1350 died leaving a son, GEOFFREY DE HYNTON, who was quite popular in the Reign of Edward II and the early part of the Reign of Edward III. He was Comptroller of the Customs in the Port of Boston in the County of Lincoln, 1323. He was living at Hynton in 1325. His son, HENRY DE HYNTON, also of WARWICKSHIRE: He was in the Company of Ralph, Lord Basset of Drayton, Seneschal of Gascony, 1323. His son, PHILLIP DE HYNTON, of HYNTON, He was appointed to collect rents and taxes for the Prior of Ware, February and in October of the same year. His son, THOMAS DE HYNTON, of HYNTON. Edward III, 1378. His son, He was one of the grooms of the Chamber to THOMAS DE HYNTON, obtained an interest in the Manor of Ardleigh, Parish of Colchester, Essex, 1388. (Calendar Patent Rolls, 1385-89, page 399.) JOHN DE HYNTON, of Kingston Lisle, County Berks, Born circa 1390. He was A MAN-AT-ARMS in the Company of Alexander Sheffe, Overseer of Harfleur in the Retinue of Sir William Bouchier, Knight of the Siege of Hartf1eur, 1414 and commanded a Company of Archers at the Battle of Agincourt, October 25th 1415. His son, JOHN HINTON, settled in the Manor of "Eagle's Hall" in the Parish of Shrivenham, County Berks, about 1450. His wife's name is not recorded, his son, RICHARD HINTON, of "Eagle's Hall, which Estate he purchased, and was the first Hinton to use the Eagle's Leg and Serpent for a Crest. He married Sarah, daughter of William Colemore of Bremingham (now Birmingham), County Warwick. Of his five children: JOHN HINTON, of "Eagle's Hall, had also property in the Parish of Stanewyck. Berks. He married Jane or Joan, daughter of Thomas Francklun, of Bynall in Wiltshire, and neice of William Francklyn, D. D. (Born 1480, died 1556.) President of Queen's College, Cambridge: Chancellor Diocese of Durham, 1514; Archdeacon of Durham, 1515; Prebendary Stillington Your? 1526 Commissioner to Treat with James V of Scotland, 1528; appointed Dean of Windsor 17th Dec. 1536. As Dean of Windsor he christened Edward VI and -201- THE HINTON GENEALOGY (Con't page 3) and officiated at the Funeral of Lady Jane (Grey) Dudley. He was Master of St. Giles Hospital at Keypen, Durham and Rector of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, in which place he died Jan. 5, 1556. (Stephens Dic. Nat. Bio. Vol. ~~ PP 197-8) John Hinton died 1547, WILL Probated 1550 (12 Code). They :. THOMAS HINTON, born 1505 married 1531, Anne, eldest daughter and Co-heiress (with her sister Jane as to the Manor of Bournton, Berks), of John Goddard of Oxenham, County Wilts. He purchased from the Duke of Norfolk the Manor of Earlscote, Parish of Wanborough, Co. Wilts, containing 600 acres about. He eventually acquired an Estate of over 4,000 acres and at his death in 1568 was rated as the largest landowner in Berkshire. He was Justice of Peace and High Sheriff. He died 25 Dec. 1568, WILL Probated in prerogative Count Lichfield 1568. (20 Babington, Inquisition Post Mortem 27 April 569.) The had, ANTHONY HINTON, born 1532. Justice of the Peace and Quarter Sessions for Berkshire for many years. He married in 1569, Martha, daughter of John WARNFORD, of Sevenhampton, Wilts, by Susan, daughter of John Yate of Lyford Berks. Anthony Hinton died May 7, 1598. He was buried in the South Aisle of St. John's Church, Wanborough (in which Parish Earlscote is situated) where his monument, erected by his grandson and namesake, Sir Anthony Hinton, Knight, still exists. "Anthony Hinton, Esqr. Obituary 7 May 1598., age 66, Grandfather to Mr Hinton, Privy Councillor to Charles I." Of their several children: SIR THOMAS HINTON, born 1574, matriculated Queen's College, Oxford, June 21, 1591, aged 17, graduated B.A. 1595. Knighted by James I at Oat lands July 1, 1619, for his valuable services in procuring James I a Loan of L30,OOO. Member of Parliament for Borough of Bournton Co., Berks, 1621-22. and Borough of Ludershall, Co. Wilts, 1623-26. He was Junior Partner in the Great Woolen House of Harvey and Hinton, one of the three largest of its kind in London. He was .lso one of the largest stockholders in the London Company for the Settlement of Virginia. High Sheriff of Berks 1611; Commissioner of the Wool Trade while in Parliament 1626. He introduced a Bill to raise L800,OOO for carrying on the Government, as he states to his friend George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in Jan. 1627. Henry Pierrepont 1st Marquess of Dorchester was his life long friend Sir Thomas married 1st Catherine, daughter of William Palmer, Esqr., of . Parham County, Sussex, son of Sir Thomas Palmer, of Parham, by Catherine, daughter of Sir Edward Stradling, Knight, of St Donat's Glamorganshire. (Berry's Sussex Genealogies, page 206 and his Gen. Et Heraldia 1st Series, Vol. I, page 116.) Catherine Hinton, died Sept. 30, 1609, and was buried at St. Martin's, Chilton Foliot, Wilts. Sir Thomas married 2nd at St. James, Clerkenwell, London, July 20, 1615, Mary, widow of Robert Throckmorton, nephew of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, Sec'y of State to Queen Elizabeth and Ambassdor to Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, no issue. Sir Thomas married 3rd Oct. I, 1622, the Lady Mary, widow of his late partner, Sir Sebastian Harvey, Lord Mayor of London, and daughter of Peter Tryon, citizen and Goldsmith of London. Lady Hinton, died Oct. 1630, and was buried at St. John's Wanborough. Sir Thomas died Feb. I, 1635 and was buried 1st at St. Mary's Marlborough, but was reinterred at St. Martin's Chilton Foliot, Oct. 20, 1640, where the remains of his first and best beloved wife, Catheirne, had also been interred. They had five sons and two daughters. 1. Anthony, born 1595; 2. Catherine, died young; 3. Thomas, Bapt. at Martin's Chilton Foliot, Apr. 8, 1600; 4. Mary, Bapt. at St. Mary's Marlborough, Oct. 10, 1601; 5. John, Bapt. at St. Martin's Chilton Foliot, July 17, 1603; 6. William, Bapt. at St. Ma:ti~'~, July 25, 1605. (Mary married Captain Samuel Mathews, Governor of V~rg~n~a (1656-60). Source: WID & Mary Quar. Vol. 2 page 150; Va. Hist. Magazine, page 91). Their son, SIR JOHN HINTON, M. D. Born at Chilton Foliot, July 10, 1603, Bapt. at St Martin's July 17, 1603; entered Eton College 1618; Matriculated Queens College, Oxford, Nov. 9. 1621, aged 18; graduated B.A. 1625; M.A. 1638. He studied Medicine at the Westminster Chemical School, 1625-29. Practiced Medicine in London and Exford 1629-1633; enrolled as a student of medicine at Leyden, April 10, 1633, aged 30: Graduated M. D. 1640, and returned to -202- THE HINTON GENEALOGY (Con' t page 4) London where on Nov.17, he appeared before the Board of Censors of the Royal College of Physicians for examination for the Special License given by that body. He presented Letters from his Father's friend Henry PierrePont, Marquess of Dorchester, one of the principal Sec'ys of State, showing he had been appointed Physician in Ordinary to Queen Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Appointed Field Surgeon, Royal Army, 1642. He was created D Medicus at Oxford, 1 Nov. 1642. Appointed Physician to Charles, Prince of Wales, 1643. In 1645 he was appointed Fleet Surgeon on the "Mayflower", Drake's Flagship. March 4, 1664, he was admitted to Lincoln's Inn, and also made a fellow of the College of PhYSicians and Surgeons, Physician in Ordinary to Charles II for his services during the Great Plague. Dr. Hinton married while a student at Leyden, a Lady whose christian name was Elizabeth, and whose last name was thought to have been DILKE. From 1645 to his wife's death in 1656, he resided in a house in what was known as Fu11wod Rents. After 1656, he resided in a house in St Brides Parish, where his only daughter, Sarah, kept house for him until her death, Nov. 1679. Then he removed to a simpler dwelling in the Parish of St. Martin'sin-the-Fie1ds, where he died Oct. 10, 1682. He had, it is known, one daughter and five sons, the second of whom, JAMES HINTON, born 1642, Matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, March 10, 1659, aged 17. Admitted to Lincoln's Inn, March 10, 1659, as 2nd son of JOHN HINTON of Earlscott, Wilts, Doctor of Medicine. Called to the Bar, 1666. He was appointed to the Board known as the "Farmers of the Revenue" for Ireland. The name of James Hinton's wife has not yet been ascertained. He had sons, James, John and William, all of whom immigrated to North Carolina. The eldest was evidently James Hinton. The second son, JOHN HINTON, settled in "Chowan Precinct", North Carolina. He came into the Colonr. with his brother William Hinton and his wife, Elizabeth. "Before 1710'. He purchased 126 acres from Hicholas Stallings on "South side of Bennett's Creek, April 17, 1716." Again a Patent of 500 acres to John Hinton is recorded. He was overseer of Highways in 1725. In 1722 he petitioned for 350 acres on Bennett's Creek, in 1722, for Patent for same. Of him Dr. Groves, wrote in his "A11stons and A11stons of North and South Carolina: "Col. John Hinton, a Man of Prominence, Wealth, and Widely spread connection with many of the most influential families in the Colony" He married Mary HARDY (of Royal and Magna Charta Surety Descent), who survived him and married 2nd Thomas Holliday, 1742. Col. John Hinton died in North Carolina in 1732, in his WILL, dated 1730 he mentioned his "Well beloved wife, Mary". They had four sons, Hardy, John, William and Malachi and seven daughters: Ann, who married Solomon: Rachel; Mary marr~ed W~ley Jones; Sarah married Benjamin Blanchard; Charity; Rose; and Judith. John & William were not yet 18 years of age. Hardy, his wife Mary and brother, William Hinton, were Executors of this Last Will & Testament, and the Witnesses were: James Hinton, his brother and Joseph Ashley. and Thomas Rountree. His youngest son MALACHI HINTON, went to the Wilderness of Central North Carolina, so did his brother, Afterwards Colonel John Hinton of the Revolution. MALACHI HINTON, left Chowan County immediately after the marriage of his mother to Thomas Holliday. He settled in Johnston County, North Carolina, where he was· granted large tracts of land on the north side of Neuse River about four miles from the present town of Clayton, Johnston County. His First Land Grant was dated July 22, 1761. He then went back to Chowan Precinct and brought back his negro slaves and other property. He married June 6, 1764, Sarah Wimberley, daughter of George Wimberley, of Edgecombe County. He was a Lieutenant in North Carolina Militia in 1754, and again in October, 1774, in Captain Jesse Wooten's Compan~, Colonel Needham Bryant Regiment of Johnson County Troops. He died in Johnson County, in 1807 and his children are mentioned in his WILL, as follows: George Hinton, who married Zilphia Stallings, Dec. 9, 1793; Pherebee Hinton, who married George Wimberley, Feb. 11, 1790; Jacob Hinton of whom later; Elizabeth Hinton, married John Vinson; S·arah Hinton married Laury Bryan, Dec. 7, 1801; Hardy Hinton married Clara Alford, April 27, 1798; Malachi Hinton married Sally E11inton (Ellington), May 30, 1810; William Hinton, married Lydia Hinton, daughter of Issac Hinton, Dec. 28, 1801. The second son, JACOB HINTON, married 2nd Polly Bradford (mentioned in his WILL as "Mary") -203- THE HINTON GENEALOGY (Con' t page 5) daughter of Jack Bradford, "Captain in the Revolution", as resident of Halifax County, North Carolina and Wilkes County, Georgia and his wife, Martha Ricks. Jacob Hinton moved from Johnston County, N. C. to Georgia, first settling in Clarke Co., then in Henry Co. , and Campbell Co., Georgia in the latter County he died, and his WILL, dated 22 September, 1835, Witnessed by John McCoy, Wiley Bradford and Joseph S. Camp, is found in Campbell Co., Georgia WILL Book "A" page 10. In it he mentions his nine children by name and his son-in-law, Henry N. Pope, which shows that his eldest daughter who married Henry N. Pope, was not living when her father made his WILL. In addition to this daughter, he had: 1. Sarah, born 14 Dec. 1803, died 23 Dec. 1870, married Middleton Hill; 2. Harriet married McCree; 3. Orrie Cox married William Tuggle; 4. Bradford married Patience Lucre, 16 Nov. 1822; 5. Lovet; 6. Martha married John B. Lovejoy; 7. Henrietta married Heard; 8. Pen ina married Elijah Moseley; 9. William; 10. Wiley. Jacob Hinton, b. 1770 died 1835 married 2nd Mary Polly Bradford 179 she was born 1770 in Georgia, died after 1850 in Chatooga, County, GA. theIr son, BRADFORD HINTON, born 1798 died before 1865 (Census), married 16 Nov. 1822 to Patience Lucre, b. 1804, Henry Co., GA., died before 1858, Campbell Co. buried in New Hope Cemetery, Atlanta, GA., "Bradford Hinton, Moore's Dist. Clilrk Co., "Bradford Hinton is listed in the Georgia Lottery of 1820, n.amed in Campbell Co. Census as Head of Family in 1830 (age 30 years or under). As Executor of his Father's WILL, sold land on Chattahoochie River to Thomas Camp, 10 Dec. 1838, bought 202 1/2 acres in Campbell Co. in 1831, made Deed to Deacons of New Hope Church of 2 1/2 acres for "Love and Affection", 22 July 1848. Sold to Joseph and James R. Crombie, 400 acres in Campbell Co. for $914.50 - 1844. The Census Record #659 in the year of 1850 for Campbell Co., Georgai shows the following: Brildford HINTON 52 m. wife Patience L. 46 f 21 m Wiley Bradford 19 m James Henry Frilnci. R. 16 m Lureinah 14 f Martin 12 m wm. Jacob 10 m Lovette T. 8 m High H. 1 m Brildford Hinton's wife died in Campbell Co., and is thought to be buried ilt New Hope Church, Campbell Co. Hinton Evidently sold his land after his wife'. death ilnd taking two hold slaves, some livestock and two or three unmarried children, moved first to Louisana then to Southern Arkansas, in Hempstead County. Their children were: HENRY, was married and went on to settle in Ladonia, Texas. A. Jefferson Bradford Hinton, moved to Gainesville, Texas, married Rachel Dobkins, 1886, at age 32, died 1930. 1. Daughter, Beattie Hinton Wright of Oklahoma City. 2. One BonJ who never married. MARTIN, who as far as can be learned, never married. LUREINAH, do not have anything on. WILLIAM JACOB HINTON, (see Family History by Marion McKinney Stroud, Box 432 McGehee, Arkansas LOVETT TYLER HINTON, born Sept 6, 1842, Athens, GA. pied April 2, 1884, Hempstead Co., Hope, Arkansas. Married Feb. 22, 1866, Theodocia Ann Giles, born, Nov. 14,1846, Hempstead Co., Ark., died April 27,1933, Little Rock, Pulaski Co, Ark., buried in Macedonia Cemetery, South of Hope, Ark. Their children: Born Died Nov. 17, 1866 Jan. 24, 1946 George Washington Hinton Fannie Delaney Frances Pelona June 3,. 1869 Nov. 1945 Amanda Melviny Jan. 29, 1871 1938 Nov. 10, 1872 June 22, 1952 Thomas Jonathan Virgil Franklin Feb. 27, 1874 April 13, 1883 Lovett Singleton Jan. 4, 1876 1903 William Robert Feb. 2, 1878 July 12, 1886 Christmas Burr Dec. 25, 1879 -204- THE HINTON GENEALOGY (Can't page 6) Rosa Lee JOHN BRADFORD Sept 2, 1881 April 22, 1883 Dec. 16, 1925 JOHN BRADFORD HINTON married 1st Bertie Ceo1a Davis, born Aug. 8, 1890, Died Oct. 13, 1969. Their children: Inez Eu1a, b. Jan. 18, 1907 married 1st Fred O. White, 2nd Chas. E. Long 1. Fred Nathaniel White, b. Nov. 5, 1926 married Phyliss Mae Brooks A. Fred Gregory White, b. May 3, 1951 B. Charles Alan White, b. June 26, 1952 C. William David White, born May 24, 1954 D. Jack Loren White, born April 2, 1956 E. Thomas Bryan White, born Dec. 29, 1957 F. James Curtis White, born March 2, 1960 G. Phillip Brooks White, born Feb. 13, 1964 H. Roger Jeffry White, born Feb. IS, 1967 NELLA, born Dec. 4, 1908 married Aug. 28, 1933, Jack E. FROST, born Apr. 2, 1903, No issue. John Bradford HINTON married 2nd Myrtle May Spencer, May 18, 1914, she was born Sept. 27, 1892, Salem, Oregon, died Feb. 9, 1920, Crossett, Ashley Co. Ark. Their children: 1. Fay Berniece Born & Died Sept. 28, 1915 11. May Johnette Nov. 9 1916, married Grady Woods, Nov. 8 1934, they live at - 805 Hickory St., Crossett, Ark. A. Sheri Johnette, born Nov. 22, 1938 married Robert C. Johnson, Nov. 27, 1965, they live at 12706 W. 101 St. ,Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66215 1. Jennifer Johnette Johnson, b. Jan. I, 1967 2. Helen Jane11 Johnson, b. March 5, 1970 B. Wendy Marie Woods, b. Oct. 3, 1961 Ill. Frances Eileen, b. Jan 30, 1918 married Lee Pascal Grubbs, June 25 1938. Lee was born Oct. 24. 1920. died Oct. 13, 1957 A. 'David Lee Grubbs. b. Jan 7. 1947 married Jane Hooper. No issue B. Patricia Eileen Grubbs. b. Sept. 29, 1949 married 1st Carl Anthony Rickett. 2nd Gary Harper 1. Kimberly Renee. b. May 22. 1968 2. Jason Cody. b. July 7, 1974 EDITOR'S NOTE: Our many thanks to Mrs. Grady Woods. 805 Hickory Street. Crossett, Ark. 71635. If you can add any additional information to this very good Hinton Family Genealogy, please drop a note to Mrs. Woods. she will in turn let us know for a future issue. *********** GEORGE WASHINGTON BARNARD - 1818-1900 By Clyde O. Barnard My great ~randfather, George Washington Barnard, was born 5 Sept 1818 as his family moved west' from east Tennessee to the Western District of Tennessee, probably along the Tennessee River where it drops down into Alabama Territory. as he always listed Alabama as his birth-place. and Tennesse of his parents. on all later Census Records. By 1830, the family was located in the Henry and Weakley County area of Western District of Tennessee. Evidently. it was in this area where George W. 's father died, shortly after his youngest brother, William, was born in 1827. The Family folklore is: "George's father died, either from lung disease or was killed by Indians, leaving George, the oldest son, to help look out for his mother. older sisters and younger brothers, while still a young boy". George Washington Barnard married at age 16. to Elizabeth (?), age 19. of Tennessee, in 1834. in this area, as his older sons, listed Henry Co., as birthplace on later records. In 1840, George W. Barnard and family were located in Carroll Co .• Tenn., evidently. on the move west. again. with a listing of his first four children. By 1847. George W. and family had arrived in Scott Co .• Arkansas. -205- GEORGE WASHINGTON BARNARD (Con't page 2) settling at Chismville, an area where other BARNARD relatives had settled ca. 1827. In 1850 U. S. Census of Scott Co., Ark., Town of Chismville Washburn Township, Dwelling 398, dated Nov. 19, 1850, the following family is listed. I have added the known names of spouses, of children listed, plus year of birth in parentheses. Born ~e George W. Barnard Ala (1818) Elizabeth 35 Tenn(1815) Zedie 15(m) " (1835) Jackson L. 14 " (1836) Marcus M. 13 " (1837) married Harriett Elvie AYDLOTT Ruhama Artmacia l1(f) " (1839) Benjamin F. 8 " (1842) married Priscilla A. PETERS Isaac 7 " (1843) married Louella M. SMITH George T. 6 " (1844) Anna Pernicia 5(f) " (1845) Lydia Anne 4(f) (1846) married Albert G. LAXTON By 1860, George Washington Barnard's first wife had died and he remarried in 1860 to Sarah Mary AYDLOTT, age 16 of Tennessee. Their issue, as follows. with spouses listen. Mary P. Barnard Thomas Levi Barnard Robert Alexander Barnard Richmond Pate Barnard Ark " " " 1861 1862 1866 1870 married married married married George BRAZILLE Mary Josephine Williams Luella Catherine MOFFET Ella TAYLOR By 1870, George Washington Barnard's second wife had died and he was married to Ca1furnia Haynes Lee (SMITH), of Alabama, a daughter of Alexander LEE of Tennessee, and a widow of A. T. SMITH, who was killed in Civil War, who had children: 1. Louella M. SMITH, b. 1861; 2. Everett A. SMITH, b. 1863. Issue of George & Calfurnia Barnard: Hugh W. Barnard Sarah Ca1furnia Barnard Ark Virginia F. Barnard " Lucindia Elizabeth Barnard" William Marshall Barnard 1872 d. 1878 Ark. 1874 married Augusta (Gus) WATSON 1878 1879 married Seabert Travis Coleman 1880 d. 1887 George Washington Barnard, died 11 Sept. 1900, age 82 years and 6 days buried in Springhill Cemetery, Chismville, Logan Co., Ark. A grand old pioneer that believed that a man's word was his bond, honest, hard working, very religious and loved by all that knew him. George W. Barnard and five of his sons enlisted with the Confederacy during the Civil War. George W., and sons: Zedie and Jackson L Barnard, enlisted in 58th Arkansas Militia. Sons: Marcus M. and Isaac Barnard, enlisted in 35th Arkansas Infantry. Son: Benjamin Franklin Barnard, enlisted in 15th Arkansas Militia. The father, George W. Barnard, was promoted to rank of Sargent, was wounded in battle at Mark's Mill, Arkansas, 15 April 1864. His son: Benjamin Franklin Barnard, was present when he was wounded and helped him from the battle field. His son: Zedie Barnard, was never heard from and was presumed killed in battle or died after being captured by enemy. Son: Marcus M. Barnard, survived the War, returned to his home and raised a rather large family. Son: Isaac Barnard, enlisted June 25, 1862, at Charleston, Franklin Co., Ark., by Capt. Parker, Co. E. 35th, Arkansas Infantry, was discharged, July 24, 1862 because of5llness, returned to his home at Chismville, Logan Co., Ark. My grandfather was Isaac Barnard, the sixth child of George Washington Barnard and his first wife, Elizabeth, of Tennessee. Isaac Barnard's full name was James Isaac Barnard, and was nicknamed "Dike" by his brothers and relatives. He was born, 8 March 1843 in Carroll Co., Tennessee, emigrated to Arkansas with the family in 1847, ·helped his father on the farm until his first marriage to a widow, named "Tidwell", who had two sons named, Will and John Tidwell. No other information concerning this marriage. Isaac Barnard, married second, his stepsister, Louella M. Smith. b. -206- GEORGE WASHINGTON BARNARD (Con't page 3) 29 April 1861, a daughter of his father's third wife, Calfurnia Haynes Lee (Smith), in 1878. Isaac was 35 and Louella was 17 years old. Their issue as follows: Jennie Barnard, a daughter, b. 1879 and died in infancy. George Everett Barnard, b. 1880, died 1955. Josephine Barnard, a daughter, born 1881 and died in infancy. Annie Bell Barnard, b. 1882, died 1929, married Enoch Norman HILL (18721970). James Elmer Barnard, b. 1886, died 1950. William Jackson Barnard, b. 1889, died 1972. Arthur Alexander Barnard, b. 1891, died 1940. Sallie Barnard, b. 1892, died 1896. All the above children that lived to adulthood, were born at Chismville, Logan Co., Ark., married and raised large families and all died in Arkansas. James Isaac Barnard, died at Chismville, Logan Co., Ark., 24 Dec. 1893 His widow, Louella Barnard remarried, 18 July 1900 to J. R. Owens, at Chismville, Ark. She died Jan. 1902. James Elmer Barnard, the fifth child of Isaac and Louella Barnard, was born on his mother's birthday in 1886. His father died when he was 7 years old and he lived with his grandfather until his mother remarried in 1900. At this time, at the age of 14, he left home, went to Indian Territory to be near his older brother, George Everett Barnard, at Cowlington, went to work on a farm to support himself. He married first, RosaLittlejohn, 25 Oct. 1905 at Cowlington, Indian Territory. This marriage ended in divorce 29 Dec. 1911, with no issue. James Elmer Barnard, married 2nd, Fannie Isabel Moseby, 16 Sept 1912 at Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. Fannie was born 9 June 1893 at Cowlington, Indian Territory. Their issue: Charles Luther Barnard, b. 11 Nov. 1919, North Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark. Clyde Oran Barnard, b. 25 Jan 1921, North Little Rock, Ark. James Lloyd Barnard, born and died March 1923, North Little Rock, Ark. Fannie Isabell Moseby Barnard, died 8 July 1930, Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas, buried in Hielman's Family Cemetery, Old Conway Pike, North Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark. James Elmer Barnard, died 5 Sept. 1950, Jacksonville, Pulaski Co., Ark and is also buried in Hielman's Family Cemetery, Old Conway Pike, North Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Arkansas. EDITOR'S NOTE: If you can help with additional information on any of these people, please contact: Clyde O. Barnard, 2129 Sharon Dr., Garland, TX 75041. This is a very good genealogical record, as the Barnard Family has lived in many Arkansas Counties and has many allied lines. Our many thanks to Mr. Barnard for sharing his records with the readers of Arkansas Family Historian. *********** SPECIAL NOTICE! Membership Fee is still $6. UNTIL JANUARY 31, 1978. Postage and handling - after the bulk mail has been sent is far more expensive! Much book-work is involved before the Quarterlies can be sent by BULK MAIL. When the current year ends - a new file drawer is started, and the only way you can receive your Quarterly is to pay for the new year. 1977 has been a good year - our record for returned Quarterlies is fine! This means - most of our members have a GOOD ADDRESS on file at all times. Even those who have had to move have sent the change of address (sometimes a little late) but everyone is trying & we do appreciate all help. SEND YOUR RENEWAL NOW - BEFORE YOU FORGET! -207- , A STUDY OF THE CARDERS IN SOUTH CAROLINA DURING THE PERIOD 1790-1850 By - James L. Carder • . In the first federal census (1790) a James Carder 1 residing in 96th D1strict, Abbeyville Co., South Carolina is recorded as head of household with wife and male child (0-16). He is the only head of household with the Carder surname recorded in the first federal census of South Carolina. Although this James Carder is not recorded in subsequent South Carolina federal census records, a John Carder L (26-45) and a William Carder2 (16-18) are recorded as heads of household in Abbeyville Co., in 1820. Both names are listed on the same census page indicating they are likely closely related and probably brothers. John Carder is possibly the male child (0-16) of James Carder counted in the first federal census in 1790. Neither this John Carder nor this William Carder appear in the 1830 or 1850 South Carolina census records. This would indicate they may have left the state leaving few if any descendants of the James Carder counted in the 1790 census as residents of South Carolina. In 1798 a Thomas Carder3 is granted an original South Carolina Land Grant in Washington District (later Pendleton District and later Anderson County), South Carolina. In the 1800 federal census a George Carder4 (over 45) and a Nimrod Carder 5 both residing in Pendleton District are recorded as heads of household on succeeding pages indicating they are probably closely related. In 1810 Nimrod Carder dies and leaves an estate in which the Estate Papers 6 provide clues to the kinship of the Pendleton District (Anderson County) Carders. Although it isn't recorded in Nimrod Carder's Estate Papers, one could conclude t9at the two administrators of the estate, George Carder 4 and Sarah Carder, were respectively Nimrod Carder's father and wife. Subsequent 'census records8 of Anderson County indicate Sarah would have been about 38 years old at Nimrod's death in 1810. George Carder is recorded in the 1800 Census of Pendleton District as being over 45 years of age making him old enough to be Nimrod's father assuming Nimr~d was about the age of Sarah. Nimrod is recorded in this same consus as 26-45 years of age with only one child (0-10) indicating that he and Sarah were probably under or near 30 years of age and just starting their family in 1800. In the Estate Papera Sarahls name appears most frequently as a buyer at the sale of the estate particularly with regard to the house-hould goods and furnishings which is usually the wife's prime interest. George Carder's name appears next most frequently which might be expected of a father of a rather young (about 38 years of age) deceased son. In later years according to the Estate Papers Sarah deeded a part of her portion of the estate to a William Carder9 (in 1823) and a part to a John Carder lO (in 1830). This William Carder and John Carder are likely, two sons of Nimrod and Sarah Carder who apQear as her two male children (0-10) in the :,;),810 Pendleton District census 7. Two other Carders whose names appear more than once as buyers in the Estate Papers, are Th~as Carder, Sr., and Thomas Carder, Jr. It is the younger Thomas Carder ll , born in Tennessee ca. 1784 according to the 1850 federal census of Anderson County, South Carolina, whom I believe to be ;: he father of my great grandfather, George Washington Carder, born in South Carolina in 1824 and deceased in Grant Co., (Belfast), Arkansas in 1885. Thomas Carder. Sr., would likely be the father of Thomas Carder, Jr., and probably a brother of George Carder, one of the administrators of Nimrod Carder's estate. Thomas Carder, Sr., would probably be the Thomas Carder who received an ~riginal South Carolina Land Grant in 1798 in what later became Pendleton Di.tirct as Thomas Carder, Jr .• would only be 14 years old at that time. A Thomas Carder 1 3 is recorded in the 1810 Pendleton District federal census as over 45 years of age, with two male children (16-26) one of which is probably Thomas Carder, Jr. The census records do not indicate whether Thomas Sr., or Jr., is the head of household. Also the census records (1810-1850) list only one Thomas Carder as head of household indicating possibly that Thomas Sr., and -Jr., lived together from at least 1810 until Thomas srO died. Although it is conjecture, it is possible that the elderly male l . (90-100) that is recorded in the household of Thomas Carder in the 1830 Anderson Co., S.C., federal census is Thomas Carder, Sr., and that Thomas Jr., replaced Thomas Sr., as head of household as early as 1 8 1 0 . . , The only other Carder whose name appears in Nimrod Carder s Estate Papers as a buyer, is Iverson Carder. Iverson (Everson) Carder 13 is recorded in the 1810 Pendleton District federal census (26-45). He was -208- A STUDY OF THE CARDERS IN SOUTH CAROLINA (Con't page 2) possibly a younger brother of Nimrod, as Nimrod's possible father George, an estate administrator, is recorded in the 1800 census as having a male child (10-16) who could be Iverson. However, Iverson apparently had a close relationship with Thomas Carder Sr., or Jr. as he is listed directly under Thomas Carder in the 1810 census. Iverson may have been a son of Thomas Carder, Sr., and a brother of Thomas Carder, Jr., Iverson does not appear in the 1820 or later, South Carolina federal census records, indicating he may have died or left South Carolina before 1820. Other Carders not listed in Nimrod Carder's Estate Papers but ltving in Pendleton District in the very early 1800s were Armistead Carder and Hinson Carder lS . Armistead Carder (26-45) is recorded in the 1810 federal census as head of household and residing in Pendleton District. In this census Armistead's name is listed on the next page after that of Sarah Carder 7 , wife of Nimrod Carder, indicating a probable close relationship possibly brother-inlaw or cousin-in-law). Armistead would have been at about the a e to have been an older son of either George Carder 4 or Thomas Carder, Sr. 3,13. The fact16 that trmistead Carder was born in Culpepper Co .. Virginia between 1770 and 1775 I gives a clue as to where the Pendleton District (Anderson Co., S.C.) Carders may have lived sometime prior to settling in South Carolina. This is further substantiated by Sarah Carder having listed her birthplace as Virginia in the 1850 census records 8 . Armistead Carder left South Carolina in 1816 and moved his family to Indiana and later to Iowa 16 . Hinson Carder was born about 180415 in Pendleton Distirct, South Carolina, and could possibly have been a son of either Thomas Carder, Jr.ll or Iverson Carder 13 as both had male children (1810 census records) born at about this time. The closeness of Hinson's association with the other Pendleton District Carders, is not indicated by the census records, since he does not appear by name until 1830 at which time he has already removed to York County, South Carolina. By 1850 the only C~rders in South Carolina listed as heads of household are Thomas Carder l1 (66 years old) of Anderson County, shown with his wife and seven children and Hinson Carder lS (46 years old) of York County shown with his wife and seven children. Sarah Carder 8 (78 years old) of Anderson County is shown as living in the household, of an Isa Cose (Asa Cox) whose name also appears on some receipts in Nimrod Carder's Estate Papers. Some main pOints that can be drawn from this study are: 1. Carders settled in South Carolina as early as 1790 with some of them being James Carder l settling in 96th District (Abbeyville County) and Thomas Carder, Sr. 3 , George Carder4 and Nimrod Carder) settling in Pendleton District (Anderson County). 2. The Pendleton District (Anderson County) Carders were a closely related people who probably migrated to South Carolina from Virginia (possibly Culpepper County). 3. Thomas Carder, Sr. probably left Virginia sometime prior to 1784 as his son Thomas, Jr., was born in Tennessee ca 1784 and they may be closely related to a Godfrey Carder who received a North Carolina Land Grantl~ in Washington County, Tennessee in 1782. EDITOR'S NOTE: This very good information was contributed by, James L. Carder, 3411 Chancellor, Memphis, Tenn 38118. Mr. Carder's Query was printed in the June issue 1977 (page 109). Since then he made this study of the South Carolina Carders (1790-1850). If you have additional information on any of these people, either ancestors or descendants drop Mr. Carder a note. *********** NOTICE - CORRECTION PLEASE - VOLUME VII ANCESTOR CHARTS PLEASE ADD TO THE SURNAME INDEX: VOLUME VII ANC;;;STOR CHARTS #401 THRU #472 July 1977 ADD: Casey, 414 (This means the name CASEY will also be found in the Volume and on page #414. EDITOR'S NOTE: VOLUME NUMBER 1 is out of print (and we do not have the time nor the money this year to re-print, but hope this can be done in 1978. Do not wait to get the other Volumes, as they are also running short. -209- HOW TO PREPARE FOR PUBLICATION To: Editors of local history publications, genealogical magazines, and family newsletters. The Genealogy Committee of the American Library Association offers the following recommendations to editors of local history publications, genealogical magazines, and family news-letters. These suggestions are made to assist libraries which collect genealogical material and which are responsible for its public use and preservation. Many periodical and family newsletters are prepared by editors who are seemingly unaware of the importance of their publications to the wide readership consulting genealogical resources in our major libraries. The Committee submits the following thoughts for your consideration: 1. Title - Should be descriptive of the contents. Title change, if it must be, should be made with the first issue of a new volume. Editors should be aware that a title change will result in splitting a run if the receiving library arranges such holdings alphabetically by title, not to mention the cataloguing changes and the problems readers will have in locating their title. Therefore, title changes should be avoided. 2. Numbering system - It is preferable that the volume, issue number and date be used concurrently for each calendar year, and given on the cover and/or first page depending on the format. 3. Editor - Name, address and Zip Code on the title page or cover of each issue. 4. Format - A minimum binding edge (margin) on the inner side of page of I" to 1 1/4". Format size should not be changed in the middle of a volume. 5. Paper quality - Seek out an acid-free paper. The S. D. Warren Co. and the Standard Paper Manufacturing Co. produce acid-free paper which assures the editor that what he has labored to produce will be library catalogued, preserved, and available to future researchers. A paper with high acid content will quickly deteriorate. Your local paper distributor will be able to supply your needs, or contact these corporations: Standard Paper Manufacturing Co. P. O. Box 1554 Richmond, Virginia 23212 S. D. Warren Co. 225 Franklin Street Boston, Massachusetts 02101 6. Staples - Should be used only on the binding edge, never through the text. Heavy duty staples should not be used to seal the contents for mailing purposes. 7. When reviewing or citing a new book for sale, give author's full name, full and correct title from the title page, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, and price. Also, the name and address of source for purchase. 8. Printing method - Whichever printing method is used, legibility and appearance should be prime considerations. 9. Subject and name index - By year and/or five year cumulation. Index to be placed at the end of the last volume included in the index. 10. Inquire at local post office for lowest possible postal rate. editors use excessively costly postage. Many Sources for further information: Bidlack, Russell E. "Publishing the Family Genealogical Magazine." Stirpes, vol. 7 numbers 1 - 3, (1967). Texas State Genealogical Society, 2528 University Drive South, Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Genealogical Periodical Advisory Bulletin, numbers 1 - 3 (Jan. 1968Feb. 1969). George Ely Russell, Editor, 3800 Enterprise Road, Mitchellville, Md. 20716 NOTE: This information from: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 (8/20/74). RASD History Section -210- QUERIES PHILLIPS MOFFET Maralee A. Phillips; 328 Shady Acres Dr., Lodi, CA 95240 Please-any information on Willis PHILLIPS, b. ca 1805, NC, wife was a MOFFET. They had three sons (or more) born in TN: Daniel Parker PHILLIPS, b. TN 1842, wife Molly or Mary; James PHILLIPS, b. TN, 1841, wife Sarah; Albert S. PHILLIPS, b. TN 1840, wife Mary WILLIAM, b. 1846, TX. Albert, C.S.A. March 1862, Pocahontas, AR. This family was either in Lawrence or Randolph Counties before the Civil War, later in Ashley township, (P.O. Little Rock, or Lonoke, AR). 1870 Census, Pulaski Co., AR (Lonoke) page 17 # 139: Albert S. PHILLIPS, 30 (my husband's ? grandfather, Mary, 24 TX; James Parker PHILLIPS, 2 mo. AR (my husband s grandfather). 1880 Census (Lonoke) Gumwood Twp., AR #242: Daniel PARKER PHILLISP, 37 TN, NC, NC, Mary, 29, MO, TN, KY: Charles Phillips, 7 KA, TN, MO; Sam Phillips, 4, AR, TN, MO; George Phillips, 2, AR, TN, MO. #246 Morris, W.D. & Mary & Phillips, James Parker, 11 (my husband's grandfather) Gertrude,S & Alice, 3 (little sisters). Fannie Morris, 7; James,S, & George, 3 months (where is Albert? Mary Phillips is now Mary MORRIS). #248: Willis PHILLIPS, 75, NC, NC, NC; James PHILLIPS, 39, TN, NC, NC; Sarah PHILLIPS, 34, MO, KY, KY. We have stacks of old, old, enlargements of Arkansas PHILLIP'S Families - no identification. We named our son PARKER PHILLIPS (age 17). He is the start of our family genealogy. His question was: "Why do I have two last names?" Answer: IIBecause your father's grandfather was PARKER PHILLIPS - But WHY?" We have found another PARKER PHILLIPS in Hot Spring County in 1830 & 1840. We wonder if he belongs to my husband too. Any help will be appreciated & we will exchange WRIGHT BROWN CHADWICK OAKLEY GILSTRAP Robert L. Chadwick, 5909 S. 152 St., Omaha, Nebraska 68137Telephone 402-895-1370 - I would like help in tracing my family on my father's side. I am a new AGS member and hope the information I can give, will help someone and it will open new avenues of search for me. I just began tracing my family recently. My father was Robert Newton CHADWICK, b. Ardmore, OK 31 January 1877, d. Bridgeport, Neb., 8 Oct. 1959. The Rev. Joseph Wright and his wife Hannah (or Linna) lived in Overton Co., TN in 1846. To this union was born trip1etts, 1 boy and 2 girls. The boy died at birth and the girls were named Hannah and Linna. They were born, January 1846 or 1848. The family moved to Carroll Co., Ark. in 1851. Hannah, my grandmother, grew to womanhood in the vicinity and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church and was baptized by immersion at the age of 20. Her mother's maiden name was Hannah or Linna BROWN. She was married to R. T. Chadwick on 18 April 1873, but I do net know where the marriage was performed. The Rev. Isaac Whitely (Whiteley 1) performed the ceremony. To this union was born 3 sons and 2 daughters. One daughter died at birth and the others were named Robert, Jack, Burr, and Rosie. Burr died later in either TX or Oklahoma in a railroad accident. The family moved to the Indian Territory (?) and later to Texas. When (?) I think my grandfather, R. T. CHADWICK deserted his family in TX, although, we have no proof. My Grandmother raised the family on her own and moved to near Hale, Kansas at t~e age of 40 to live near her sister, Mrs. Linna Wright OAKLEY. On 14 June 1906 she married WID. H. H. GILSTRAP, and lived on a farm near Hale, Kansas until her death on 4 August 1917. My Aunt Rosie, married Lincoln FULTZ and they lived in Oklahoma. I believe they were married in Arkansas, however. My father and uncle Jack went to Denver, CO in the early 1900s. Uncle Jack was married in Denver about 1916. He was killed in an auto accident in Big Thomsen Canyon (scene of the terrible flood of 1976) on 11 August 1920. My father Robert N. CHADWICK, married my mother, Helen REANO, 23 December 1918. They moved to western Nebraska in 1925 and lived in Bridgeport until he died in 1959. My mother still lives in Bridgeport. If anyone can give me help in filling in the gaps or just any other information, no matter how trivial, I will appreciate it. The above information was all taken from newspaper clippings and statements given by my mother. DALE Mrs. Luther Green, Jr., 1026 Robinwood-St., Camden, AR 71701 Need information on great grandfather, Robert DALE. He moved from Chester Co., S.C., to Pontotoc County, MS around 1849. Robert, died 1853 in Pontotoc Co., and his wife, Jane BOYD, died in 1858 there. Jane was the daughter of William BOYD and Susanna McCLURE BOYD of Chester Co., S.C. Susanna married, 2nd to Dr. William ROWLAND. My grandfather, David Thomas DALE, was living with his gran·dmother, Susanna and Dr. ROWLAND in 1860 Census of Pontotoc Co., MS. Will appreciate help and will exchange. -211- WHITE COUNTY Mrs. Walter Havens, 1400 Sycamore St., North Little Rock, AR PROBLEM 72114 - 1850 Census: White Co., Ark. (Union Township) Household 63/63: Sarah THOMAS, 36; Elizabeth, 16; Calvin, 14; THOMAS Marshal, 13, Permelia, 13, William, 9; Jane, 6; all born in ADDISON Virginia. Household 64/64: J. D. ADDISON (ADASON) 24; Joanna, ADASON 21; Fielding, 2; all born in Virginia. Is there a connection between these families, and if so - what connection, and where in Virginia did they come from? Deed: 7 July 1853: James ADDISON & wife Joanna of White Co., to Jesse E. CYPERT. After this date, Joanna ADDISON apparently died as well as her son, Fielding, as nothing further has been found on either of them. J. D. ADDISON, age 32 married in White Co., 17 Han. 1858 to Martha DEMPLES and had Amanda & John; then wife died. James D. ADDISON married, 3rd-Feb. 26, 1867 in White Co., Ark., to Eliza(GODWIN) (CATES) a widow; and they had Frances, born 15 Jan. 1868; & Minnie, b. 18 July 1870. A record in White Co., 18 Oct. 1871, Mrs. Eliza ADDISON, widow of James ADDISON, dec'd, late of said county ... says the whole estate of said J. D. ADDISON does not exceed $300 ... the amount she is entitled to by law and asks for the estate ... it was granted. Bible record of James D. ADDISON says he was born 15 Aug. 1825,. died Sept. 1871. WHERE in VIRGINIA do I look for this JAMES D. ADDISON? I will appreciate any help on this family and will be happy to exchange. DAVIS Mrs. Thelma Van Meter, 4800 Oaklawn Drive, North Little Rock, BALDWIN AR 72116 - Need information on DAVIA Family, who lived five HEDGECOCK miles from Arkadelphia, Clark Co., AR at Caddo Township, son NEIGHBORS of James, b. 1830 Ark., and Sarah B. DAVIS (Need maiden name) WILLIAMS b. 1828, Ala. Other children: E. E. (female) b. 1850; James H BEARDEN b. 1852; & George M., b 1858; & Sally (Sarah) b. 1866, all in PHILLIPS Arkansas. William Harrison DAVIS & Mary Louisa BALDWIN were BATCHELOR married in her home in Clark Co., on 25 March 1875. Their HARNSBERGER children: Charles Marion, b. 16 April 1877, d. 12 Feb. 1947; POWERS married May Belle POWERS, 11 Sept 1897; two daughters: Bessie McARTA & Carrie. Married 2nd Rosie McARTA. Calvin, b. 2 Oct 1881, d. 3 Dec. 1899; Clara, b. 16 Sept 1882, d. 1890; James H., b. 2 Oct 1884, d. Feb. 1886; Columbus, b. 1 Sept 1887, d. 19 Dec. 1889; Emma Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan. 1889, m. 1st George C. (Doc) HEDGECOCK, 7 Oct 1906 & 2nd Frank D. NEIGHBORS, 14 July 1912; John L., b. 27 Aug. 1893, d. 23 Dec 1899; & Addie P., b. 3 Dec. 1895, d. 31 Oct. 1965 in Massillon, Ohio, m. Lloyd WILLIAMS. Calvin, Columbus and John died within three weeks of each other in 1889 with spinal Meningitis. Mary Louisa, b. 20 April 1858, GA d. 28 June 1935 at Caddo Valley, Clark Co., Arkansas, she was the daughter of Abraham BALDWIN, b. ca 1827 in GA and Elizabeth BEARDEN, b. 1829 in GA, died 3 March 1918 in home of her son, John L. BALDWIN in Arkadelphia. Where did Abraham BALDWIN die & when? John L. BALDWIN married Elizabeth, daughter of Kay BURTON of Arkadelphia or Caddo Valley, 10 April 1894 in Clark Co., Ark. Children of John L., and Elizabeth: Kay, married Floice PHILLIPS; Anna married Roy R. BATCHELOR; Bessie, unmarried, died 1918; Conway, married Ruby HARNSBERGER. Would like to know whereabouts of any of these children, and when John L. and Elizabeth died & where? Information on BALDWIN and James M. & Sarah B. DAVIS would also be appreciated. JOHNSON ORMSON Mrs. Don Ormson, 1308 Coble Dr., Borger, TX 79009 - I have found out more information on my mother's side of the family since I sent my Ancestor Chart in. (Please see Ancestor Chart #438 in Volume No. VII, July 1977) Father of # 6 (George M. Johnson, should read # 12 Morris JOHNSON, b. 29 April 1806, Del., died 14 Aug 1887, his wife, Elizabeth Morton (Marton) b. KY, died 1865. Number 24 should read Solomon JOHNSON, b. Del. (?). I would appreciate any additional info on this family and will be happy to exchange. RYALL Luci Ryall, Box 336, Yorktown, AR 7l67~ - Can anyone help me? I would like any information on the RYALL Family. I only know they came from Rbyl, Wales and they lived in Thomasville, Georgia. How can I go about finding my Ancestors, when I do not have much to start with. data. Any information will be appreciated, and I will be happy to exchange ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SEND A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WHEN YOU HOPE FOR AN ANSWER TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION -212- JAMESON WEBBER AUSTIN John Jameson, 2226 - 105 Pl.S.E., Everett, WA 08204 - I am very interested in tracing my family name JAMESON. My Grandfather and his parents did live in Arkansas. My father, Charles V. JAMESON, b. 18 April 1901, Berryville, Carroll Co., AR. My Grandfather, b. Deb. 18,73, Northwestern Ark. (?), was James Andrew JAMESON, died March 1951, Meadow, TX. He was son of: William A. JAMESON & Jane A. WEBBER. Place of birth & death unknown. I bee a Mortgage Deed with Power of Sale, where they did sell to a Joseph AUSTIN, 80 acres of Sec. 3 Township 20 Range 33, on 5 Feb. 1891, Benton Co., AR (town of Nebo, AR) I would appreciate any further information on this line. I do believe my Great Grandfather, William A. JAMESON, did serve with the Confederate Forces during the Civil War. Any clue will help and I will be happy to exchange data. CLARK Mrs. Jack P. Freeman, Jr., (Beverly) 2011 Spanish Oaks, Harvey, 70058 - I am trying to locate the Confederate War Record of my Great Grandfather, Jonathan CLARK, b. 20 Sept. 1833 near Rolla, MO., died 6 May 1914 in Independence Co., AR. His first wife was Monerva JOHNSON CLARK, b. 1836, d. 1886. They were married 8 April 1855, in Independence Co., AR. His second wife was Lucinda (?). All I can find on Jonathan's service record is a confederate pension, paid to his second wife Lucinda, for his service in the Confederate Army. Confederate pension # 13664. I have been told by his grandson, that Jonathan CLARK served with Gen. Morga~ in Morgan's Raiders and that is the reason, we can find no proof of his Unit or time of service. Any help will be appreciated. DREW Bruce Vagnone, 12017 Highdale, Norwalk, CA 90650 - I would like BETTIS to contact anyone working on the DREW Family records. I am especially interested in getting information on Thomas S. DREW, third Governor of Arkansas, what years he served (he served four years). Can anyone help me? I am also doing research on the Surname BETTIS. I have been tracing the Ransom S. BETTIS line that settled in Randolph Co., AR and will be happy to exchange data. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please add: Page 37 (number 10) January-February-March issue Vol. XV, No. I, Arkansas Family Historian: "My Mother Amanda M. McDaniel, b. Searcy Co., Arkansas, 11 Oct. 1889 was the daughter 6f Alford & Sarah Ann Hays McDaniel, they married in Searcy Co., Ark. 16 Sept. 1879." Our thanks to: Raymond D. Cranke,404 Mormon Street, Folsom, CA 95630, Phone 985-7039. Mr. Crank is seeking Genealogical information on other CRANK and Allie Families. BUSSELL BURSELL CLARK Mary B. Maupin, 854 East Windsor, Phoenix, AZ 85006 - I am interested in the where abouts of my father, Charles C. BUSSELL (BURSELL) in the 1880s. I have been unable to locate his where abouts from the time he graduated from Pleasant Hill Academy in 1895 to 1907 when he married my half brother's mother in Tennessee. I know he taught school and may have practiced law in some Arkansas County. He was also married there and had a child whose name was Artie Mae. It is said he kidnapped the child when she was a samll baby, and took her to his family in Tennessee, where she later died at the age of about four. I have borrowed some pictures of them when I was visiting my cousins in Tenn., and they tell me his wife may have been Millie CLARK. I have expounded all resources that I know about to trace this family. I would appreciate any suggestion or clue, can anyone help me? My father, Charles C. BUSSELL (he later changed the spelling to BURSELL) was born 12 January 1887, White Co., TN., son of M. D. and Nancy C. BUSSELL, also of TN. Married my mother 13 Mar. 1913, in Fullerton, Nebraska. Lived in Texas Co., Okla., for many years, died 24 January 1961, Custer Co., OK. BURDEN HUTSON Frank Murray, 7176 Havershire Cove, Germantown, Tenn., 38138 Desire date and place of death of William BURDEN, lived in ,Washington Co., Ark., mid-1830s and his wife Ann BURDEN (maiden name HUTSON) lived Sugar Creek, Benton County, Arkansas 1840. Will appreciate any information on these people and I will be happy to exchange. HARRIS Mrs. Adrian L. Sauerhage, 109 E. Oak, Mascoutah, Ill. 62258 Would like to contact anyone knowing the whereabouts of Miss Jimrni'e (assume nickname) taught 8th grade Grammer, Hoxie, Lawrence Co., AR 1926. This student would like her address for late expression of thanks. Will return POSTAGE, -213- HARRIS LOYD Mrs. Dale C. Loyd, 30 Wolfe Drive, McGehee AR 71654 - Want lineage, William F. HARRIS, 1819-1862, and'wife Nancy (Jane) Conway Co., AR. Daughter Celia married Milton LOYD, both buried Loyd Cemetery, Damascus, AR. FEWELL BARRON Mrs. Dale C. Loyd, 30 Wolfe Drive, McGehee, AR 71654 - Want lineage and wife of John FEWELL, York District, South Carolina, 1769-1845. Daughter Laurine married 1822, William BARRON both died, Jacksonville, Pulaski Co., AR. ' CARDWELL Allen Pendergraft, P. O. Box 1079, Sedona, Arizona 86336 - Need parents of A(ddison?) F(ranklin?) CARDWELL whose 1921 Civil War Pension Application in Childress Co., TX says he enlisted in Columbia Co., AR. Need parents of Aaron D. CARDWELL, b. 1844, where? whose application says he served 1862-65 in Col. Pleansnt's Ark. Infantry. Want to exchange with descendants of any Arkansas CARDWELL Family. I wish to thank AGS members for helping me trace my stepfather's FERGUSON line. As a result of this and other help we have been able to trace his line back two more generations. It is very unusual to meet someone who doesn't recall his grandparents' name and if someone asks for help along that line in the future , it might be suggested it is easy and cheap (only $5.) to locate them in the 1900 census now, as it is indexed. Usually the 1880 census will state where they lived in 1880 from birthplace of the children. Then run the soundex on that state, assuming they have children under 10, which is usually the case for people who have descendants born in the l880s. Then you have them in the 1880 sensus, where they were born, where some or most of their children were born, where their parents were born, and you are in business. SPILLER Larry Spiller, Route 2, Ripley, TN 38063 - I am seeking information on a relative, Rev. Alfred A. SPILLER (Baptist) who migrated to western Arkansas about 1875 from Woodville, TN., formerly from Pickens Co., Alabama. The 1880 census shows him in Scott Co., AR near Tomlinson. His wife was Bettie, and he had one son by her, G. S. SPILLER, b. 1879. By his first wife he had two boys, John & Madison, not with him on the 1880 census. His last letter is from Witcherville in 1890, in Sebastian Co., AR He lived once at Salem City in that area, also Dayton. Possibly a check of Cemetery indexes of Sebastian, Scott & neighboring areas for A. A. & G. S. SPILLERS would reveal valuable information. I would like to know his place of burial. Any information will be appreciated and I will be happy to exchange. BAKER Mrs. Annie Thurman, Box 3151, Longstreet TN 71050 - Need address of Mrs. Mary J. Baker, (?) San Diego, cA. She is trying to find where some of her people are buried, and I have the name of the caretaker of the cemetery, and she failed to send me her street address and Zip. Please help if possible. GAINES HUTCHINS PENDLETON BASS CABELL BOULDIN Kathryn G. Crawford, 147 Clairemont, El Paso, TX 79912 - I have additional information on the following lines that I would be happy to share: GAINES, HUTCHINS, PENDLETON, BASS, CABELL & BOULDIN. (Please see: Kathryn G. Crawford's Ancestor Chart in Volume VIII). HAIRSTON Rogers Clinch, Sr., Rt. 2 Box 152, Muskogee, OK 74401 - The HAIRSTON family moved from Alabame (probably Montgomery area) ca 1840 to Union (now Bradley)Co., Arkansas area. 1850 census Bradley Co., lists Isabella HAIRSTON as head of household, age 53, b. S. C. with children at home: Lafayette, 22, b. Ala.; Harriet, 20, b. Ala.; Elizabeth 14, b. Ala. & Sarah E., 12, b. Ala. Who was the father of this family? Harriet Ann HAIRSTON married John Calhoun BRATTON, either 1850/51, need record of that marriage. Would also appreciate any information at all that can be supplied on the HAIRSTON family. Mrs. John Segulia, P. O. Box 45, Tornillo, TX 79853 - wishes to correspond with descendants of Walter G. GRAY, b. 1886, Sebastian Co., AR, died 1971. Known to hav left one son of the same name living perhaps in the Chicago, Illinois area. Have a number of family pictures I GRAY would like to pass on to GRAY descendants. The above Walter G. GRAY was the only son of Robert E. GRAY & Sally (INGRAM) GRAY, both buried at Ft. Smith, Sebastain Co., Ark. INGRAM researchers are invieted to exchange information with Mrs. Segu1ia. -214- HORNE BETTIS Margaret E. Horne, 335 Ray Linn Lane, Paradise, CA 95969 Simeon HORNE, b. 8 Aug 1818 and wife Sarah (Sally) Carr BETTIS b. 19 June 1826, possibly both born in North Carolina. They were married in Memphis, TN 10 Oct. 1848, then settled in Des Arc, Prairie Co., AR in 1856. His wife Sarah was formerly married to a Q. J. HORNE. We do not know who he was or have any information on him. Simeon HORNE'S parents were Simeon HORNE & Elizabeth BLOODWORTH HORNE. No dates known on them. We know of only one child of Simeon & Sarah's - his name was William Anderson HORNE, b. in Dec. of 1851 in TN, apparently raised in Des Arc, but not sure. He married a Sarah Letitia FLINN in Dec. of 1874 in Des Arc, Prairie Co., AR. Any help would be appreciated, and I will be happy to exchange. ANDERSON DUVALL Mary J. West, 428 Alicia Drive, El Paso, TX 79905 - I am doing research on an uncle who died in Jerusalem, Conway Co., AR 11 Jan 1899. His name was Calvin ANDERSON, wife Eliza J. DUVALL ANDERSON. At time of his death, this couple had six young children, all under 13. Children: Arthur J., b. 20 Jan. 1887; Ida Ethel, b. 13 Mar 1889; Robert G., b. 22 Mar 1891; William Edward, b. 8 Feb 1893; Pearley (male) b. 21 July 1896; Ira Walter, b. 26 June, 1898. I would like to find out, if possible - if any of the above listed children are still living? It is possible the two younger ones may be. Would like to know who Ida Ethel married - as I need her married name for searching purposes. Until very recently, I did not know of this family's existence. I have group pictures of them, taken long before the turn of the century, and am most anxious to get in touch with one of them, or their descendants. After my uncle's death in 1899, his widow married D. A. Shoptaw of Latham, Van Buren Co., AR on 3 Dec. 1905. Her Post office address at that time was given as Gridley, Ark., of Van Buren County. Records show that again on 9 Oct. 1910 this widow married a James Philpot, both addresses were given as Gridley. So I am assuming, her six children were living near Gridley as late as 1910. No information is known after that date. Would appreciate any help and will be happy to exchange data. Mrs. Louise C. Ryan, 125 Cambon Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132 (Apt. l-J) My great grandfather, William M. LEWIS moved his PERRY family from Hernando, Miss. to Bismark Township in Hot Spring Co., AR sometime between 1870 & 1880. He was accidentally killed in a fall in Sept. 1892. His wife was Sarah .Franklin Lewis (nee HAM) After his death, she received a pension from the State of Arkansas for his Confederate Service in Mississippi. She died in Oklahoma much later. My great grandfather, Christopher C. PERRY moved to Clark Co., AR before 1860, wife Emoline. Maiden name unknown to me. She was his second wife. 1st marriage was to her sister. She died in Clark Co., about 1882. Christopher C. PERRY was first in the Conf. Army. He was released March 1863, came home to enlist in the Federal Army. He died in Bismarck, Hot Spring Co., AR about 1904. W. M. LEWIS, b. 1822, TN, later lived in Gainsville, Ala., married Sarah HAM in Hernando, Miss., in Sept. 1846., she was born in Ala., Jan 1828. Christopher C. PERRY, b. in S. C. Feb. 1819, and lived in TN in 1842, when his first child was born. Moved to GA (date unknown) then to Arkansas. Emoline, b. in TN 1822. (My mother thinks her name was RATLIFF). The widow's application number for Ark. Pension, for the service of W. M. LEWIS was #5438. Also, one of their sons was a Presbyterian Minister in Browswood (1) Ark., he was Samuel T. LEWIS, b. in Miss. Any help will be appreciated and I will exchange. LEWIS HAM SELF BRYSON BRISON Nancy Kirk, 309 Ben Hogan Drive, Missoula, Montana 59801 - My ancestors Gilbert SELF & Louise Brison (BRYSON) lived in Newton Co., AR in 1886. I would like to know if there are any County Histories published to include the date mentioned. If so I would like the names of the publications and information on how copies can be obtained. EDITOR'S NOTE: Newton County Historical Society, % Waymon G. Villines, Jasper, AR 72641 QUAIFE Beverly Vaughn Quaife, Box 217, Robinson, Kansas 66532 - I am in need of Military records of Stephen QUAIFE, Civil War, Fife & Drum Corps, Capt. O. H. McCauley's Co. "H", 13th Regiment; enlisted Sept 1862 and discharged at Little Rock, Jan. 26, 1865; was in Pea Ridge & Prairie Grove Battles. I have other names originating in this area, can anyone help me? I will appreciate any information and will exchange. -215- . . POORE John Poore, Jr. 1040 E. Lilac, Tempe, Arizona 85281 - I would appreciate any information, parents, and their dates of birth, and death & places of both, etc., on John William POORE. According to the death certificate, which is filed in Riverside Co., CA., he was born in Kentucky, 11 March 1862 and died 12 Nov. 1932 in Riverside, CA. I have reason to believe that he was not born in Kentucky, but in Arkansas. I have narrowed it down to two counties, Greene and Pulaski. be appreciated and I will exchange. Any information will CRABTREE Mrs. Ruth Crabtree Weaver, 2638 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, OK 74114 In doing some Family research, it seems my late grandfather, John A. CRABTREE lived in Osceola, Miss. Co., Arkansas around 1890/92. Is there some way I could find out about this? Marriage record, deed, Will, etc., just anything would help. BEESON BLOUNT Laura P. Wescoat, 141 St. Matthews Lane, New Madrid, MO 63869 Ambrose Hawkins BEESON, came to Hattieville, Conway Co., Ark. from North Carolina. He married Nancy BLOUNT. I do not know the dates of birth, marriage, or death of either. I think they were married in Hattieville, Ark. Children were: Richard; Ruben; Thomas Gregory; Lydia; Elizia; Phoebe; Meg; Ambrey; & Nine (probably a mockname). As far as I have found Ambrose Hawkins BEESON', lived at Hattieville until his death. This was my great grand father. I can not find who their parents were: Thomas Gregory married Laura Stewart; Ruben m. Nina; Richard not married; Lydia m. Austin; Elizia m. Joe Moore; Phoebe not married; Meg m. John Adams; Ambrey m. Crites; Nine m. Conley. This is all the information I have on this line. They are buried in Beeson Cemetery near Hattieville. BROUDAWAY BRAUDAWAY MICKEY Laura P. Wescoat, 141 St. Matthews Lane, New Madrid, MO 63869 James Knox BRAUDAWAY, Sr., was married in Tenn., to Caroline MICKEY. Their son was kidnapped while James K., Sr., was in a hospital in Memphis from injuries received in French-Indian War. James Knox BRAUDAWAY, Jr. was brought to Arkansas by people named Schmidt, and found he was not their son at about age 15. James Knox BRAUDAWAY, Jr., married Rebecca Ann HOLMES, Sept. 12, 1859. They lived in several Counties, maybe Faulkner, Van Buren, Pope, Conway. They lived a long time around Cleveland, Center Ridge, and Morrilton. Their children were: David; Jim; Betty; Polly; Melinda; Jenny; Carolyn; Docia; Easter; Dickie; Katie; and Christopher. Some of their grandchildren live in Morrilton, Conway Co., AR No one seems to know where in Tenn., the Great Great grandparents lived, just that it was about 2 days horse-ride from Memphis. James Knox BRAUDWAY, Jr., b. 1-5-1841 married 9-12-1859, died 7-1915, Center Ridge, Conway Co., AR. Rebecca Ann HOLMES, b. 5-21-1843, died 8-1915, Center Ridge, AR. Her father was Joseph James HOLMES from Mass. Both were buried in Center Ridge Cemetery. _ 1 GRIFFITH REYNOLDS STANDIFER HUGHES RAINS TURNER Susan Griffith, 214 N. Filmore #10, Little Rock, AR 72205 - I would like to contact anyone working on GRIFFITH ancestors in Tennessee. My great great grandparents were W. M. & Mary Ann (TURNER) GRIFFITH. This couple had seven children, five daughters & 2 sons. One of the sons was William Harrison GRIFFITH born in Mt. Airy" Tennessee, 10 Oct. 1867. The other children included: Scott, died an infant; Sallie married Frank REYNOLDS; Martha married James E. STANDIFER; Allie married Hughie HUGHES; Mary married Van RAINS; and Ella married Will RAINS. It has been told in my family that W. M. GRIFFITH left home & family about 1870 and was never was heard from again. Can anyone help with any additional information about this family. will be most happy to exchange any information. Mrs. Wanda G. Amo, 1421 N. University, ~pt. S-326, Little Rock, AR - Desire information on Alma AMO TRIANT whose father was Isaac AMO of Hixton, Wis. She was living in Jasper, Newton Co., AR, in May 1946. My husband, William Knox AMO (dec'd) whose father Ivan Joseph AMO. born 2 May 1882, Massena, New York, his father was Joseph AMO & his mother was Mary. (Have no dates on these) believe Alma and William could be cousins. I will appreciate any tiny clue as to the present whereabouts of Alma AMO TRIANT. AMO TRIANT REMEMBER TO ALWAYS SENT A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (S.A.S.E.) WHEN YOU HOPE FOR AN ANSWER TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION. -216- WHITTEN KENNEDY ABRAMS JACKS JACQUES Mrs. Charles C. Alexander, 903 Myers Ave., Columbia, TN 38401 - Lindsey WHITTEN, b. ca 1775, in South Carolina, married Margaret (1), was living in Newberry Distirct, S.C. when 1800 Census was taken. Later lived in Laurens Co., S.C. where he died in 1844. He had a son named John, who first married Sarah, thought to have been a KENNEDY, and second to Nancy Narcissus ABRAMS. John and family are thought to have moved to Arkansas. Sons were: Levi, Elbert, Moses, Linsey F., Bazel, Thomas N., Elisha Wm. P., James Asbury, & John Calhoun. Would like to correspond with members of this family. Are they yet living in Hempstead Co., Ark.? Would also like to correspond with members of the JACKS / JACQUES Family who lived in Howard and Hempstead Counties, Arkansas. Was Dr. Thomas JACQUES the nephew of Margaret, wife of Lindsey WHITTEN? Does anyone know who has the WHITTEN Family Bible? I will be happy to exchange data. HICKS JOHNSON JOHNSTON Marie Kramer, 368 E. 2nd St., Fon du Lac, Wis. 54935 - I am searching for more information, about Judge HICKS and Sarah (called Sally) JOHNSON or JOHNSTON HICKS, who lived near WiltDn Little River CD., Arkansas, whD lived .on a farm there. Judge dDnated land called HICKS CEMETERY and land for HICK'S SCHOOL, a new schD0l being built in the 1930s. Had Judge & Sarah been bDrn near WiltDnSarah's fDlks had a farm near there and it seems Judge & Sarah migrated tD OklahDma--1and rush, but came back tD Arkansas. Judge a nickname Dr his real name? They were related tD the Hill & CDDper families by marriage. Judge & Sarah had tWD girls, Martha (called Mattie, my great Aunt) who married Claude SPRIGS Dr SPRIGGS, a criminal lawyer from Idabel, Okla., they later moved tD Oklahoma City, OK, had a little girl named Glee, WhD died young. Auntie then raised my mDther Lola Hill. The .other daughter Lillian HICKS (my grandm0ther) married a Jessie HILL, whD got intD some type of trDuble & left Arkansas fDr Lake Charles, LA, but Lillian & mDm did nDt go with him, she left my mDther with Sarah JOHNSON and went tD St. LDuis, MO., where she is buried and my mDther next tD her. Judge died suddenly. Sarah sDld the farm, but a hDuse in WiltDn was sDld after she died. My sister and I are the .only children .of LDla HILL and we wDnder abDut so many things. Where Judge was born? Was he a Veteran .of a War? Who sold the Cemetery land? SchDDlhouse land, etc., when it had originally been donated? Perhaps his peDple and Sarah"s peDple are buried there? Lillian HICKS HILL had 3 other children, who died as infants, except Eugene whD must have been about 2/3. Elizabeth and the .other we dD nDt knDw, we assume are buried at Mena, Polk Co., AR. There ar~ so many other questions WE' would like t.o have answered, for my own children. We knDw Judge hated farming. Can anY0ne help with any information abDut these people. (PhDne number 921-7018 RICHARDS CAMPBELL MDna G. Barrett, 8018 South 13th Place, PhDenix, Arizona 85040- 1870 SCDtt Co., Arkansas Census recDrds lists Charles RICHARDS, age 35, fmr, b. in Ark., & his wife Mary Ann, 34, b. Tenn. Their .oldest child, age 10, so their marriage prDbably tDok place ca 1850/60. Is there a cDmpiled histDr .of SCDtt County, Ar.k.? I wDuld appreciate any information on this family's ancestors or descendants, and will be happy tD exchange data. ROSS YANCEY Thelma Sargent, 518 NDrth Olive, Mesa, AZ 85203 - I am search ing for infDrmatiDn on TherDn Harvey ROSS, and wife Mary LDuisa YANCEY. This family was in PDpe Co., Arkansas .on 1850 Census. Went tD Texas ab0ut 1851. They were not in the 1860 census of NavarrD CD., TX but the wife and fDur children were in the 1870 census .of that cDunty. Harvey was born ca 1807, KY., she was b. ca 1817, Tenn. The YDungest child Mary Elizabeth married JDhn Anderson PRITCHARD. Mary Louisa ROSS died ca 1914, and is buried at Old Pursley Cemetery, Pursley, Navarro Texas. I wDuld appreciate any help .on this family, and will be happy to exchange. PATY PARROTT Thomas C. Paty, Sr., 4209 ND. 2nd Drive, PhDenix, AZ 85013 The stDry .of ONE WILSON FAMILY (June issue 1977, Ark. Family Historian) intrigues me very much, as I nDte the marriage intD the PARROTT family, fDr the reaSDn my great great grandfather Elijah PATY married Eve (AVERY) PARROTT, August 23, 1794, Campbell Co., VA. I have not been able tD get much genealDgy .on their family, but their SDn William PATY, my great grandfather left a WILL, frDm that pDint I have been very successful. Would like additiDnal informatiDn .on these families. EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Gary L. CDne (Cynthia) BDX 1997, HerefDrd, TX 79045 ContributDr .of this article, wrDte "my family was delighted, to see this article in the Ark. Family Historian, and glad others can enjoy our genealogy". (Her address was 239 Centre, Hereford, TX, and now changed). -217- GENNINGS JENNINGS BRANNON Robert A. Gennings, 330 N. E. Scenic Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526 I started tracing our family two years ago, and am making good progress. Our family name was spelled JENNINGS until the 1880 Arkansas, Independence County Census. In that census it was changed to GENNINGS. There were 10 children in this family (my great grand parents), Elijah & Mary JENNINGS. When they moved from Union & Spartanburg Counties, South Carolina, between 1850 & 60. I'm sure some of them have some valuable information. They lived in the Sulphur Rock, Independence Co., AR area until after 1900. My grandfather, Robert C. GENNINGS and his family moved to Oklahoma. Date unknown. My great great great grandfather BRANNON was one of the 900 Patriotic Americans who won the Battle of Cowpens in South Carolina, 17 Jan. 1781. So both my families came to this country and were living in the same counties in South Carolin. in the l830s, l840s, & l850s. WHY WAS MY NAME SPELLED with a "G" instead of a I'J"? The farther I search, the more interesting it becomes. I will appreciate any information and will be happy to exchange data. FOWLER Charlene Fowler, P. O. Box 1262, Bellflower, CA 90706 - I am searching for any information regarding, D. W. FOWLER (believe the "W" stands for WILL) b. about 1848. Need his parent's names. He married Minerva Jane Casandra Enterprise GOODMAN, 1 Sept. 1878. They were the parents of: John Henry FOWLER, b. 6 Jan. 1880. D. W. FOWLER either died or disappeared that same year. The only person I ever heard of being related to D. W., was a lady named Tempe Eller STEPHENSEN, who married a man named MEEKS & later Bob GEORGE in Dardenelle, Yell Co., Ark. She was born about 1879. D. W. & Cas FOWLER were married in Van Buren Co., AR, she was from Quitman. We believe John was born in Searcy Co., near Marshall (not sure). No one in Tempe Eller's family ever heard of being related to A FOWLER. I will appreciate any information. TERRELL RATCLIFF HUMPHREYS Mrs. Francis Rinaudo, Jr., Box 306, St. Francisville, LA 70775 I need proof that: Philamon TERRELL & Margaret RATCLIFF TERRELL were married before 1811. We think they married in 1809 or 181C in Wilkinson Co. (?) Philamon TERRELL & Margaret RATCLIFF TERRELL had a child named: Mary Ann TERRELL, 8 Feb. 1827 in Wilkinson Co. They owned land in Mississippi. We think, Wilkinson Co., Miss. Any re- cord of the Mother of Nathaniel HUMPHREYS, b. 22 Feb. 1826. The Father's name was John P. HUMPHREYS who lived in Wilkinson Co., Miss. Birth of Margaret Ratcliff Terrell, daughter of John Ratcliff was before 1811. Any information will be of great help. . GLISPEY HAMMONDS Mrs. Gregory L. Simmons (Doris) 326 N. Van Brunt, Kansas City, MO 64123 - I am researching my family history and I am hoping that someone in the Arkansas Genealogical Society can help me. My great great grandfather, Marion Francis GLISPEY lived in Arkansas for awhile. He was murdered in Delaney, Madison Co., AR ., 19 April 1893. A man named Finley HAMMONDS was tried several times for the murder, then acquitted in Huntsville, AR. GLISPEY was buried in Powell,. Madison Co., AR. I am hoping a newspaper article on this will give some details. I will gladly pay for copies. I am interested in anything which might mention GLISPEY. Perhaps the Fayetteville, or Eureka Springs papers wrote about it. Any help will be appreciated. Franklin L. Hulsey, Rt. # I, Box 56-B, Kilgore, TX 75662 Need data on great grandfather Jesse GRAVES, h. 1855, Ala. Shown living in Mountain Township, Garland Co., AR. 1880 Sounde> He was married at least 3 times. Had wives, 1st Sarah E. (?); 2nd Margaret CRUMPTON; 3rd Nancy Wilborn SUTTON. Had children: Abraham, b. 1872; Katherine, b. 1877 married John Ritter GREENBURG, b. 1880; Sarah R. "Becky", b. 1884, Little Rock, married Geo. W. HULSEY, (when & where?); Pearl married Geo. TERRY; Cora & Vestal, all born in Arkansas. Jesse-had these step-children: Cindy SUTTON; John & Henry CRUMTON; Issas & Prince Cuttler. Who were parents of BENJAMIN F. HULSEY, b. 1848, GA., died 1921, bur. Brashears Cemetery, Storey, Montgomery Co., Ark.? Married when & where? to Margaret PARTAIN. Benjamin F. had children: Linda married Tink AYRES; George Washington GRAVES, b. 1876, Joplin, Ark., married 1910 where? Sarah R. GRAVES; Charles F.; Mary and Francis, all born in Ark., Benj. F. had brother Jesse married 1867, Montgomery Co., Ark., Rachael E. HANKINS. GRAVES CRUMPTON SUTTON GREENBURG HULSEY TERRY VESTAL ,.rill exchange data and answer all letters. HAVE YOU WRITTEN A THANK YOU NOTE - TO SOMEONE WHO HAS HELPED YOU? -218- JOHNSON Mrs. Joyce LeRoux, Rt. 1 Argyle, TX 76226 - My problem is complicated because of the name: JOHNSON, William H. (probably Henry) b. ca 1813 to 1818 in North Carolina, 2nd wife Margaret, b. Ala. ca 1836. Seven men by this name (my grandfather's) have been located in the Confederate Army and eight with the same initials, W. H. And too, I am not certain that my ancestor served during the War but have merely assumed that he did. After much effort, this family was located in the 1870 and 1880 census, Hopkins Co., TX only by searching for the rather unusual given names of their younger offsprings: Rufus Orvil; Buster Lala: Hattie: and Omega. The only way we found that information was by searching the 1900 census for the Buster Lala JOHNSON family and learning that he was, surprisingly, b. in TX; everyone had been under the impression that he was born in Ala. Since Margaret was b. in Ala., according to the 1880 census, we feel that William H. must have lived in that state for awhile and married her there: then possibly shortly after their marriage (she would have been very young) they immigrated to Arkansas, where a son Curtis, was born ca. 1854: Repsey F., ca 1856; Mary ca. 1858; Joseph ca. 1860; and Margaret ca. 1862. The next child was born in Texas in 1865, or 1866. Thus, so far, we assume that this family was in Arkansas at least by 1854 and left for Texas by 1866. Unfortuneately, so far we cannot find any method for locating them in a specific county in Arkansas so that we can find them in the 1860 census microfilm, that is short of searching every county in Arkansas. A member of another branch of this family has written that there was a daughter named Fanny (or Fannie) just older than Curtis. This is possible since she could have been married by the 1870 census. Also, this same relative believes that at one time he was a school teacher (later turned farmer) and also a 320 Mason. Also, they are believed to have left the county of Marshal, Ala., before moving to Arkansas. Please know that I will appreciate any help and will be happy to exchange data. FT. SMITH CEMETERY RECORDS? Mrs. Clearcie E. E. Yary, 13026 E. Hart Pl., Cerritas, CA 90701 Is it possible to get a book on Cemeteries in Ft. Smith, Sebastain Co., AR? I understand a lot of my ancestors are buried in one called Forestlawn or Forest Park. The Gramlick Family. Will gladly pay for book. Can anyone help? GOLDEN BURROUGHS BUROUGH Mrs. Clearcie E. E. Yary, 13026 E. Hart Pl., Cerritas, CA 90701 I need help! Trying to research father's linage. John Davis (J.D.) GOLDEN, b. 13 Jan. 1892, Mulberry, Crawford Co., AR, d. 14 March 1926, El Reno, OK. Grandfather: Crawford Lon (C.E.) GOLDEN, b. 11 Jan. 1867, Mulberry or Ft. Smith, AR, died 9 April 1929, Evansville, Ind. Grandmother: Nanie or Nanice or Nancy BURROUGH or BUROUGH, b. 26 Dec. 1872, Mulberry or Cotter, Baxter Co., AR, died 6 Feb. 1921, Kansas City, MO (Jackson Co.) Of this marriage, five children: John Davis Golden, b. 1892; Guy P.; Elsie: Edith; Fairy. My grandmother had to known sisters: Sula (BURROUGHS or BUROUGH) Meredith, b. 21 March 1889, where? in Ark., died 23 Nov. 1926, Chicago, Ill. Jennie (BURROUGHS) or BUROUGH) SHAMBARGER, b. 4 Nov. 1887, where? in Ark., died 23 March 1967 Chicago, Ill. Great Grandmother, only given name known - Mandy? Great Grandfather, John BURROUGHS, born? Ark.? died where? We have found the name BURROUGHS spelled three ways, so far. Do hope someone will be able to help. Will gladly pay for help. All were born around the Ft. Smith area. FELKER Miss Mildred J. Felker, 607 E. Pitkin, Pueblo, Colo. 81004 Did Nancy FELKER live in northern Arkansas, between 1838 & l850l Husband's name unknown, but possibly ANDREW. Her mother appears to have been Rebecca BAILEY, married John D. JUSTICE in Arkansas in l840s. In my search in Rutherford Co., TN,: I've been fortunate to find a JOHNSON descendant who has given me much information on the BAILEY family, and now I'm searching marriage & WILL records in TN. Archi~es which may be most helpful, but if someone in Arkansas is doing research it may clear up some mysteries about my great grand mother's widowhood by the 1850 census in Oregon Co., MO and perhaps disclose her husband's name. There is a narrow margin between the birth of her first child ca. 1838 in Tenn .. and her third in 1842 in MO (or maybe 1839) .. We have only vagur knowledge of our FELKERS in Arkansas, but it is just across the state line from Oregon Co., MO, we just can't seem to run down the information. The microfilm which I endevered to read were illegible. One of my grand uncle's children was born in Ark. (the 1850 census of Oregon Co., MO shows this) and his second wife was from an Arkansas family, so there is a connection some way. a small clue will be greatly appreciated. -219- Just ROBERTSON JEFFEREY David Lee Robertson, 6072 Meadowlark Ave., Postage, Ind. 46368 - My father was David Diberell ROBERTSON, b. 19 March 1910 in Conway, Faulkner Co., AR. He was with the C.C. Camps. His parents were Robert Andrew ROBERTSON and Nora JEFFEREY. Their death & birth dates are unknown. Robert Andrew ROBERTSON was a Methodist minister during 1900-1930 in Conway and Faulkner County. My mother's name is Lyndall Lee Steen, b. 12 Sept. 1912, Murfreesboro, Poke Co., AR. Her parents were James CAMPBELL STEEN, b. 17 April 1881, probably in Pike Co. He died 3 Sept. 1944 in Murfreesboro. His wife was Lena Daulton KENNEDY, b 30 April 1884, and died 25 March 1969, in Murfreesboro. They were married 13 Sept. 1903. James Campbell STEEN's parents were William Worlie STEEN and Fanny BELCHER, both from Horse Cave, Kentucky, (Hart Co.) Any information or birth or death dates, etc on any of these people would be so greatly appreciated. FOARD FORD GARRETT GRAHAM KEITH Charlotte Miller, P. O. Box 3105, Amarillo, TX 79106 - William FOARD, b May 1866, MO., mother b. MO & Father b. TN. He owned own property and was a Miller in Brightwater, Benton, CO., AR His wife was named MATHER, b. Sept. 1868, MO. Both parents b. in Tenn. Had been married 13 years and had 7 children: Ida b. 7-1888, MO.; Emma, b. 2-1889, MO.; A11ice, b. 2-1891, MO.; Florance, b. 4-1893, MO.; Oscar, b. 6-1895, MO.; Flora, b. 2-1897, Ark. and Lenora, b. 12-1899, Ark. This information was taken from the 1900 Census. The following information is from different sources: Martha died sometime before 1905. Oscar, (my grandfather) supposedly left home at that time, when William remarried. Emma married (?) Keith and supposedly lived and died in Rogers, Ark. A1lice married and had several children (names not known). Florence married (?) GRAHAM, had two children, that we know about, Walter and Boyd. Flora married (?) GARRETT and lived for sometime in Stamford, TX. Florence lived awhile there also. Oscar (my grandfather) married Ruby BARKER, 13 August 1916 in Mcqueen, OK. They had one child, Walter R. FORD. They were divordce. Probably in 1926/27 Oscar married Edna CARTER. They had two children, one died young, the other Frank Wesley FORD, died prob. 1927/28. 18 Sept. 1930 Oscar was killed in a gunfight in Chillicothe, TX. The 1900 Census shows the surname as FOARD, but since Oscar's first marriage, it has always appeared as FOP~. I am ver interested in hearing from anyone who might know anything about any of these people - where in Missouri did William and Martha come from? Who did William marry after Martha died and did they have any children? Are any of their children still living? or where are Walter and Boyd GRAHAM? I would like very much to contact anyone who can help with any information at all about any of these people and will be glad to exchange information. Postage will be refunded. HANSBROUGH H. D. Hansbrough, Sr., Box 285 Wilburn Star Route, Heber Springs, Arkansas 72543 - I would like very much to contact anyone who can tell me the whereabouts of VIVIAN HANSBROUGH, possibly last known address in or near the Beebe, White County, Arkansas area. Viola Collins, 220 So. Claremont, Sugar Creek, MO 64054 - Can anyone help me find out how much Cherokee Indian Blood I have in me? I would like to vote for the Chief. My maiden name was MORRIS. My mother was Mary Elizabeth WILKINSON MORRIS. Grandmother was Margaret GROUE, and grandfather was John GROUE. Greatgrandmother was Margaret GROUE FISHER. My Mother's aunts and uncles were: Mary C. GROUE, died 31 March 1861; Alma Virginia GROUE, no dates; John Henry GROUE, died 7 August 1864; John Peter WM GROUE, died 5 Sept, 1866; Emma Sofia GROUE, died 25 Oct 1870; Fred Adam GROUE, died 21 Dec. 1873; WM Henry GROUE, died 15 April 1876; Sara Meme GROUE, died 24 Oct 1878; Margaret Catherine GROUE, died 2 Dec. 1880. My mother was born in Fayetteville, Washington Co" Ark. Before she died ahe told me that my Grandmother or greatgrandmother was a full blood Cherokee Indian. I would like to know if any of these people's names are on the roll in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. I have written to the Cherokee Registration Committee and they said I had to have proper certification form the Bureau of Indians Affairs in order to vote. I got my Application for membership and voter's regisration form, and now I need some kind o~proof of my Indian Blood, before I can send this form back to them. Can anyone help with any suggestion? I will be most greatful. The surname may be misspelled - it may be GROVE or GROUH (spelling not certain). -220- MORRIS COLLINS WILKINSON GROUE FISHER BULL Mrs. M. Leonard Green, 10502 Bob White Drive, Houston, TX 77096 - Would like to exchange information on family of William C. BULL who was killed by an Indian in Coosa County, Ala., in 1835; sons: Martin T.; Jacob A.; Wm. P.; John L.; Alexander; & Edward M.; daughters: Sarah Ann married James S. HARRIS; and Emily who married Jessie (?) TAYLOR. Some of these men or descendants lived in Calhoun and Union Counties, Arkansas. ZACHRY Z. E. Zachry, 1695 Thompson Rd., Woodburn, OR 97071 - I am seeking and will exchange information on any and all ZACHRY or ZACHARY lines. I am especially anxious to get some information on Virgil and Harriett ZACHRY and their children that moved from Macon Co., Ala., to Sevier Co., Ark., about 1860. Also desire information on the DAVIS: HILL: HOLT: RIGGS: and WISE families that settled in Hempstead, Howard, and Sevier Counties of Arkansas in the l800s. I will do research in ORE GON in exchange for research in Arkansas and some of the other states. CATES MAGBY ADKINS GIBSON MORAN POGUE Mrs. Betty L. (Cates) Pogue, Box 113 Springer, OK 73458 - Need information on the following: William J. CATES, was in Civil War. Children: Fananda; Pittman; William Jefferson, b. 14 Nov. 1862, married Mary (Mollie) Lavada GIBSON, b. 16 July 1866 Flint, TX. Charles C. MAGBY, b. 15 July 1846, St. Clair, Ala., married Martha ADKINS, b. 16 July 1846. He was in Co. F. 3rd Ark. Infantry. Lived in Montgomery & Benton Counties, Arkansas Van MORAN, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, married Willie M. Agness MELTON, 12 March 1891. William Thomas POGUE, b. 1853, d. 1927, married Daisey Mae . ESLICK, b. 1874 & died 1954. Lived in GA. and Ellis Co., TX., & Okla. Anyone having access to 1860 census of Ashley County, White Township, Ark., I would appreciate a copy of the family of James CATES, 1850 Census Family # 33. Reads - CATES, James, 54 m N. C. Farmer; William J. F., m Ala., Lab.; Timothy, Ala.; Sophronia, Ala.; Joseph, Miss.; Francis, Ala.; Ann, Ala.; Mary HARTNESS, f. TN.; William, Miss.; Ann, Ala. Will exchange information on all these people. CULP HUFFMAN YARDLEY Charles A. Turnbo, 239 Oakridge Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 Seeking information on any of these three families, known to be living in Clark Co., Arkansas between 1850 and 1870. Any family members with these surnames are of interest, as I have very little information on them at this time. Am Particularly interested in Thomas N. YARDLEY who married Mary (or Martha) Jane CULP in the early 1870's On the HUFFMAN family, am interested in the families of Joseph HUFFMAN; Andrew J. HUFFMAN; and Henry C. HUFFMAN, who are believed to be the succession of father-sons in my family line. I am very willing to share and collaborate on any information on any of these family surnames. All inquiries will receive a prompt response. Since many of our family members passed through Arkansas, and some remain there to this date, I would like to mention my recent book "THE TEXAS TURNBO'S". Starting with the Carolina "Turnbough's", through Kentucky, then on to Tennessee, where they settled in Northwestern Wayne County. Later to Central Texas, first to Williamson and later to Bell County. More than 20 pictures and maps are included to detail places and people that made up the TURNBO family. Also burial places of known Turnbo descendants are listed. The book contains more than fifty family groups with detailed information given on each. Write the above address for additional information. PERRY COUNTY RECORDS TILLERY KEENER LAY COTTON GOATS KIMBRELL HENSLEY SANFIELD STANFIELD the help. Gerald E. Doty, 488 Monti Circle, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Has any records been published for PERRY COUNTY, ARKANSAS? I am interested in Goats Bluff Cemetery near Hollis and Cherry Hill Cemetery near Perryville. My interest is in the TILLERY and KEENER families. I would appreciate any information on either of these families or places. Mrs. Kathy Christensen, P. O. Box 23, Elsinore, CA 92330 THANK YOU - THANK YOU -"Just a not to let you know the response to my Query in the June issue of the Arkansas Family Historian has been wonderful! I plan to enter another in a few months, but want to wait until I ·have pretty well exhausted current sources. The next one will be on SANDERS; LURANEY; THOMPSON; CYPERT, etc. (Recently discovered it was STANFIELD instead of SANFIELD!) Again, thank you and the wonderful magazine for HAVE YOU WRITTEN A THANK YOU LETTER RECENTLY? -221- REMEMBER YOU SHOULD! • HARRISON HOOD RAY MOBLEY WOLFE BATES CROCKETT RODY (?). Helen Harrison Wolfe, 2128 Pearson Drive, Midwest City, OK 3110 - Need information about David BATES & RODY family of Prince George Co., VA. Robert HOOD, b. 1802, died 1860, married Rebecca BATES, about 1822. They later moved to DeKalb Co., Ala., 1840-1860. Will exchange information about the Solomon RAY family in Yell Co., AR. l-1ant more information on the CROCKETT family of Rutherford Co., Tenn. Dandridge M. CROCKETT (182301902) and Samuel O. CROCKETT married sisters, Lucetta Easter HARRISON (1826-1901) and Rebecca Coleman HARRISON (1830Will appreciate any help and will exchange. MATTHEW BELL Joy Bell Critz, 7514 Stonegate Drive, Lawton, OK 73505 - I am trying to locate information about my grandfather MATTHEW or Mother DOSSEN BELL. Matt D. BELL has been located in Sulphur Springs, Columbia Co., AR through the Arkansas Baptist, dated 11 March 1850 & 13 Feb. 1861. He was a Baptist Minister. His wife at this time is Margaret. I believe shortly after this time he lost Margaret and married my grandmother Ellen Fortner or Ellen Faulkner and they moved to the Bowen community near Delight in Pike Co., Ark. We do not have a 1860 - 80 censu, available here in our Lawton Library for Arkansas. Could someone fill me in with any information? BLAND John B. Landrum, 2901 Fairmont St., Falls Church, VA 22042 - Please can anyone help me with any information about the lineage, or forebears, of the BLAND Family in Paragould, Greene Co., AR.? Francis BLAND, owner & Manager of the Dr. Pepper plant there, and his father, Herbert BLAND, are personally known. Theris Ancestors came to Greene Co., AR sometime around 1890 from Alamo, TN. and I will exchange. Any help will be appreciated DOUGHTY BARRETT GOODWIN Mrs. Ruby McNeill, 1508 SW Grandview, Chehalis, WA 98532 - I am trying to locate my Great Great Grandfather, John Lewiston DOUGHTY, b. 11 March 1843, Ark., son of Mc Guire DOUGHTY & Mary Ann GOODWIN. Perhaps McGuire DOUGHTY would be listed in 1840 & 1850 Census? Also other DOUGHTY children might be shown. John Lewiston DOUGHTY married Cynthia Ann BARRETT, b. Ill., daughter of John BARRETT & Ann ROGERS. Any help or suggestion will be appreciated. PHILLIPS Mrs. G. E. Campbell, 4355 Bradley Rd., Westlake, OH 44145 I would like to contact anyone working on the CAMPBELL - Laftes Family of Craighead Co., AR (near Jonesboro). I am related to the people of Jonesboro, my mother was Lucy Mary LAFTES & my father was Wm. Percial CAMPBELL. My grandparents: (grandfather, died 1918/20) & she, died 1946/ 48. Any information will be appreciated and I will be happy to exchange. Mrs. Chas. Phillips is my cousin & Mr. J. D. Laftes was my uncle, my mother's brother. Eugene B. Stephens, 701 W. Lassen, IF 130, Chico, CA 95926 - My Great Grandfather, Jackson PARKS, b. Tn or Miss., 1822. Married, Jane DODD, b. TN or Miss., 1825. Jane DODD is related to David Owen DODD, Arkansas Civil War hero. Came to Montgomery Co., AR prior to 1850, settling near Caddo Gap, where they lived until their death (Jackson, 1898 & Jane 1899). Children: Woodson; Mattie married Sam DUNN; Vira; Melissa married Robert M. STEPHENS; Walter; Julia married Robt. BOHANNON; Jackie married George ATHA; Midelton; & Allen. Jane DODD had sisters, Julia who married MAYBERRY; Mary married OVERSTREET; Maggie married Abraham JONES, a first cousin; Emma married WATKINS; Carrie married CUBAGE. Who were antecedents of Jackson PARKS and Jane DODD and where did they come to Arkansas from? I will appreciate any clue. PARKS DODD .. HAGGERTON WILKERSON Mrs. G. O. Wester, Rt. 1 , Iowa Park, TX 76367 - Can anyone give me a clue, as to where Lillie Mae HAGGERTON, b. 1 Sept. 1880, daughter of E. HAGGERTON & Mary E. WILKERSON HAGGERTON, was born. E. HAGGERTON & Mary E. WILKERSON were married in Jackson Co., AR 1865. I will appreciate any help. and will exchange. -222- SANDIFER Irvin Taunton, 12831 JUpiter, No. 1013, Dallas, TX 75238 Need parents of the following Hempstead and Nevada County residents: John S. SANDIFER, b. 13 May 1822 , died 25 Sept. 1920. Wife, Sarah C. SANDIFER, b. 10 Dec. 1824, died 22 July 1881. Also P. P. NICHOLS, b. 5 Feb. 1845, died 7 Feb. 1920, wife Amanda Cox NICHOLS, b. 22 Oct. 1852, died 6 May 1884. Martha V. Rogers SANDIFER, b. 24 July 1856, died 20 Jan. 1944. Supposedly from Montgomery, Louisiana,m.James B. SANDIFER, son of John S. SANDIFER. I will appreciate any help on any of these people, and will exchange data. LACEFUL Mrs. Charles DeFruiter (Bonnie) 2442 Crescent Drive, Gothenburg, Nebraska 69138 - I need any clue about Melissa Lacefull. She would be approximately two years of age in the 1860 Ark. Census, County unknown. Birth, Marriage, or death records would be most welcome. Can anyone help me? TURNER Zora Turner Peck, Rt. 1. Box 97, Rosedale, Miss 38769 - I am trying to find the date & place of death of my Grandfather James Bradford TURNER. I was told many years ago that he died in Scott Co. AR (near Waldron) or near Rover in Yell Co., AR. My father died in 1934, and I remember him speaking of Rover. James Bradford TURNER died either 1874/75, and my Grandmother, returned to Calhoun Co., Mississippi, with her children. Grandfather was a Civil War Soldier. I will appreciate any information about him or his family and will be happy to exchange data. BAKER OLLER B. C. Hulsey, 12620 Southridge, Little Rock, AR 72212 - Seek to communicate with descendants of James A. BAKER, b. 1823, Ala. married Margaret (?) about 1842 in Montgomery Co., AR and had issue: Jackson; Mary; Delaney; Joel. Believe his father was Gabriel BAKER b. 1790, TN. Also seek information on Dr. Belvedere OLLER living, Lafave Township, Scott Co., AR in 1870 with wife Cynthia and daughter Rebecca; Margaret; Sarah; & Mary. Belvedere was supposed to have been killed in late 1870 by "bushwackers I I . THANK YOU LETTER! This a very belated thank you for printing my Query earlier this year. As 1 have moved, you may understand part of· the reason for my slowness, etc. Now that 1 am back on the track, let me express my gratitude for my Query. Although 1 have received only two replies, it is just miraculous that someone noticed and cared enough to write. One lady gave me sources with two of my needed names and although 1 haven't had a confirmation on any of my queries, I'm still very happy. Also 1 shall get in touch with one of the suggested researchers. My Ancestor Chart is enclosed Again thank you for your help and let me know if 1 can do any researching for any of you in our good genealogical library. From: Charlotte Stupek, 457-A Manzanita Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062. WITHERINGTON D. C. Melear, Jr., 7108 Ellis Road, Fort Worth, TX 76112 Mary K. WITHERINGTON, died 23 April 1846. James WITHERINGTO~ died 28 June, 1849. They were born near Evergreen, Conecuh Co., Alabama, and died near El Dorado, Union Co., Ark. I would appreciate any information anyone might have on these two people. I would really appreciate a WILL, death record or any other information I could get. I will be happy to exchange. . LIGHT Larry L. Piatt, P. O. Box 2607, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - 1 am trying to locate an obituary for Spencer LIGHT, who died after 2 May 1917 in Salem, Fulton Co., AR. He was born 15 Jan 1841 in Hawkins Co., Tenn. Any assistance will be appreciated. ANOTHER THANK YOU! The Arkansas Family Historian - staff and members are to be congratulated on the fine work being done, and the fine magazine published. Only wish I were back there to help all of you! EDITOR'S NOTE: We wish you were back here helping us too! We need all the help we can get. Thank you note from: Roxie Guzman, 9520 Lucerne Ave. #26, Culver City CA 90230 -223- JONES MELTON DAVIS DOWNIE DOCKINS SUGGS MOSS EVANS CANTREL GIBSON HANEY ~ Mike Condardo, 2202 S. 6th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 - I wish to communicate with anyone who has information on the following Families: My wife is Theresa Faye JONES, b. 7 July 1950, Grant Co., WA.; the daughter of Orba Darrel JONES, b. 5 Sept. 1925, Izard Co., AR.; the son of Thurl Marshall JONES, b. 22 June 1906, Izard Co., AR.; who on 14 Dec. 1924 in Izard Co., AR married Lavada MELTON, b. 29 May 1905, Izard Co., AR.; the dau. of William Presley MELTON, b. 2/ 1870, Izard Co., AR., and Georgia M. DAVIS, b. 1/ 1877, in AR., who had married ca 1893 in Izard Co., AR., they had 3 other children: John W. MELTON, b 2/1894, in AR and married May DOWNIE; James A. MELTON, b. Aug. 1896, AR, & died at age 7; Jessie MELTON, b. 3 Nov. 1900, Izard Co., AR died Sept. 1977, Yakima Co., WA married 22 March 1922 in Izard Co., AR., to Grady Olene DOCKINS, b. 6 June 1905 in AR. William Presley was the son of Joel D. MELTON, b. Aug. 1827 in TN died in AR, married to Mary M., b. Oct. 1836, TN. Joel and Mary had 15 children of which I know the following: Maranda MELTON, b. Oct. 1854, in KY and married William SUGGS, b. Nov. 1853 in Miss., no children; Sarah MELTON married Monroe MOSS; Vinie J. MELTON, b. March 1873 in AR., married 1st to (?) EVANS, died before 1900, 2 children; married 2nd CANTREL (L), 2 children; Lucindy MELTON, b. March 1876, AR married Dudley GIBSON, 3 children; Tilford MELTON, b. Nov. 1877, AR., married Ida N. HANEY, b. July 1881 AR married ca 1899, 4 children; I have been told all the other children died before 1900. CHANDLER REEDER O. H. Gamble, 1523 Elmwood Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72701 - We need Help Locating Marriage Bond or Licenses of Jacob CHANDLER and Elizabeth REEDER, married 1815 in Clark County or what is now White County, Upper Louisiana - Arkansas Territory or moved to the above area soon after 1815. REEDER (READER) settled in Clark County about 1818. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Please call collect or write, O. H. Gamble. MARSHALL SANDERS MERRIMAN Patricia Lawrence, 9356 E. Millerton Rd., ClOViS, CA 93612 For fourteen years I have been looking for my MARSHALL, SANDERS & MERRIMAN families of Marshall, Searcy County, Arkansas. As birth and other vital statistic Records seem to have come later I am asking for any help available. How can I find out when and who bought or Homesteaded the Marshall County property for these families? My great grandfather Henry Mitchell MARSHALL, b. 3 June 1870, Marshall, Searcy Co., AR, was a Federal Marshall in the Indian Territory, took his prisioners to Ft. Smith, AR. Can anyone tell me how I can find a record of him becoming a Marshall? I will be happy to pay for copies of anything pertaining to these people. Henry Mitchell MARSHALL's father was James MARSHALL (married 4 times (?) Henry's mother was Millie SMITH, later married to MERRIMAN & CYPERT. Henry married in 1880 at Marshall to H. M. (Chennie) SANDERS, her uncle Joh MERRIMAN was her bond for her marriage. Because of he'alth reasons, we are unable to come back to Arkansas, so we must just dig through correspondence, Thank you for any help. GATLING GATLIN Mrs. D. H. Gatlin, 1016 Trailwood, Hurst, TX 76053 - I am interested in the GATLIN/GATLING family of Crittenden County, Arkansas. They resided in Crittenden Co., AR from the mid 1800's to 1877. I would be happy to pay for any expense involved in the copying of any documents. TERRELL RATCLIFF Mrs. Francis Rinando, Jr., Box 306, St. Francisville, LA 70775 I need proof of dates and places of birth, death & marriage of Philemon TERRELL and Margaret RATCLIFF TERRELL. Margaret was the daughter of John RATCLIFF, 1758-1840) who was a Revolutionary Soldier. The following are known facts: Philamon TERRELL, ~. 1780. Margaret, b. before 1811 and lived in Saline Co. (?) Ark. Her first child Elizabeth Ann TERRELL, b. 27 July 1811. John RATCLIFF, Margaret Ratcliff TERRELL & Philamon TERRELL were buried in Saline Co., AR John RATCLIFF died 24 July 1840. Philamon TERRELL died after 1850. The 1840 census should have Philamon & Margaret TERRELL on it in Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR as they moved to Pulaski Co. AR after 1827. 'Any help will be appreciated, and I will be happy to exchange information. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SEND A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WHEN YOU HOPE FOR AN ANSWER TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION (S.A.S.E.) -224- HICKS George E. Hicks, 1124 E. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64131 Because my Ancestors were Cherokees, I am hoping some of the Arkansas Family Historian Members might be able to help me. My concern is Nathan, William and James HICKS. I would be happy to share my information on my MISSOURI HICKS family with anyone interested. I also have information on the MORGAN family. My uncle, Dr. Allen Keith HICKS, was from Little Rock and Lonoke. BODKIN DANIEL HULVEY BLY HAWKINS PIERCE ROBIE BELLAH TOYE Diane McCright, 420 E. 12th, Mountain Home. AR 72653 - I am seeking information regarding the following individuals: John BODKIN, married Tina (?) Robie during the decade following the Civil War. They probably resided in Fulton or Izard Counties. Thomas Asa DANIEL, whose first wife and parents names are not known, resided in Fulton or Izard Counties 'til ca 1890. His 2nd wife was Geneva Annette BODKIN. Thomas Jackson HULVEY, was born in southern MO, but moved to Randolph Co., AR shortly after tbe Civil War. He married Lucinda Adeline BLY in 1887. Wiley Gibson HAWKINS married Sarah Margaret PIERCE and resided in Randolph Co., AR. Charles Frances TOYE married Sina Eldora BELLAH, & they also resided in Randolph and Lawrence Counties and were born about 1880. The BELLAH Branch was traced completely several years ago but I have no other information on any of tbe others. Research is difficult because the various courthouses have burned. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Eugene B. Stephens, 701 E. Lassen, # 130, Chico, CA 95926 I am seeking information on the PARKS and DODD families of Montgomery Co., AR. I have the names of all the children of Jackson and Jane DODD PARKS (they are dead now) but a number of their descendants still live in Montgomery Co., AR. Unfortunately none of the one I am acquainted with are interested in genealogy and the information they have been able to give me is very scanty. I have fairly complete records on the STEPHENS line back through nine generations to the immigrant ancestor, Peter STEPHENS, who settled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in 1732. I have a copy of a very good STEPHENS Family Genealogy, compiled and published back in the 1930's by Dan. V. Stephens, which contains a great deal of information on thousands of descendants of Peter STEPHENS. I would be happy to share this information with anyone interested. Also I have quite a lot of information on the descendants of Robert Montgomery ROSS, who immigrated to this country from Northern Ireland shortly after the Revolution, and also quite a file of records on my branch of the HICKMAN family. My Greatgrandfather, Samuel Brooken STEPHENS, was elected as first sheriff of Sebastain County, AR when it was formed in 1851. My Greatgrandmother, Jane Dodd PARKS, was a cousin of the Arkansas hero, David OWen DODD. Will gladly share information, please send S.A.S.E. PARKS DODD ALEXANDER Helen Nelson'Ohl, 700 Darlington Circle N E, Atlanta, GA 30305 William M. ALEXANDER (my great grandfather) died in Dermott, Chicot Co., AR sometime after 1868. I do not know whether he was visiting there or whether he had moved there. We would like to know where he is buried, and the date of his death. Dermott was not officially founded until 1880 and there were only 200 people there in 1884. Can anyone tell me if he was a tax payer or give me any other information about him? Who were his parents, & brothers and sisters? as well as when he moved from North Carolina, where he was born to Fayette Co., TN.? If William M. ALEXANDER was living in the Dermott area in 1870, under what community would he have been listed? Would there be any possibility that an obituary might have been listed In a county newspaper? If so what would be the . name of the newspaper and how could I get a copy of the obituary? I have been working on WILLIAM M ALEXANDER for more than_a year (off and on) and would greatly appreciate any help. William married Isabella M. Hart (Belle), the daughter of Mary (Armour) Hart and John M. HART, of SumervillE TN (County seat of Fayette Co) on 28 March 1854. Belle was then 18 and William was 28. By April 1856 the ALEXANDERS had moved to Cornith, Miss. & their first child, John M. ALEXANDER was born in Corinth sometime after April, John T ARMOUR was Belle's uncle. (This was dated 3 Nov. 1857). On 12 March 1858. Margaret Nixon ALEXANDER (Maggie), the first daughter of Belle Hart and William M. ALEXANDER was born in Corinth, MS. In 1860 in Corinth, MS a second daughter, Elizabeth ALEXANDER was born. After William M. ALEXANDER's death, Belle Hart ALEXANDER married Elias Alexander STEWART, known as E. A. (Doc) Stewart. Belle died 6 Oct. 1899 in Wilmar, AR when 61 years of age and is buried in Green Hill Cemetery_ STEWART diea 5 Sept 1912. -225- E. A. ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN Volwne XV, 1977 INDEX Compiled by JOE MICHAEL BAKER AARON 139 ABBOTT 55 ABRAMS 217 ACHESON 6 ACLES 158 ACOCK 82, 117 ADAMS 6, 57, 69, 127, 139, 154, 160, 181 ADAMSON 172 ADASON 212 ADISSON 212 ADKINS 191 ADKINSON 191 AKE 180 AKINS 6 ALBRIGHl 184 ALBRITTON 37 ALCORN 20, 194 ALDEN 159 ALDRIDGE 119 ALEXANDER 6, 9, 88, 123, 158, 162, 174, 182, 225 ALLBORN 106 ALLEN 51, 117, 123. 139, 158, 163, 169, 171, 184 J 193 BABBITT 79 BACY 72 BADGETT 174 BAGLEY 8 BAGLY 8 BAILEY 17, 153, 219 BAILY 163 BAIRD 79, 158 BAISEY 72 BEAVERS 84 BEBOUT 152 BEES 76 BEGLEY 60 BELCHER 160 BELK 123 BELL 83, 123, 124, BAKER 6, 19, 54, 68, 119, 120, 138, 139, 144, 160, 214, 223 BENNETT 16, BALANCE 15 BALDWIN 36, 139, 212 BALES 139 BALL 55 BALLOU 161 BANCY 69 BANKIIEAD 159 BANKS 47, 77, 161 BARBER 162 BARDEN 15 BARDSLEY 200 BAREFOOT 158, 162 BARENT INE 79 BARKER 6, 139, 160 BARKSDALE 119 BARNARD 205, 206, 207 BARNETT Ill, 139 BARNHART 51 BARNS 161, 174 BARR 51 BARREN 158 ANDERSON 46, 51, BARRENT INE 60 61, 116 ~ 124, BARRETT 217, 222 125, 136, 159, BARREY 158 162, 163, 173, BARRON 158, 214 190, 192, 215 ANDREWS 116, 158, BARROW 158 BARRY 139 160, 161, 219 BARTON 163 ARMSTRONG 121, 139, 158 BASGALL 180 ARNEL 114, 126 BASHAW 71 BASS 63, 214 ARNO 216 ARNOLD 63, 109, BASYE 71, 72, 73 114, 117, 159, BATCHELOR 212 160 BATES 59, 156, APPLING 139 159, 183, 222 ARCIiER 160 BATTLES 68 ARMOND 158 BAUGHMAN 184 BAXTER 154, 156, ARNETT 158, 159 ARREN 160 180 BAYS 72 ARRNOUETT 158 ASHBY 84 BEADLE BEAR 51 ASKEW 161, 162 ATKINSON 100, 191 BEARD 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, AUSTIN 213 AUTRY 13 162, 195 AVANT 117 BEARE 51, 116 AVERY 124, 125, BEARDEN 139, 212 174, 194, 217 BEARD IN 160 AYDLOTT 206 BEARDSLEY 11 7 AYER 76 BEASLEY 6, 10, ALSBROOK 85 ALVIS 31 AMBERS 6 AMBROSE 6 AMORETT 161 AMRHEIN 51 ANDERS 107 18, BABB 96, 100 22 BEATTY 161 139, 160, 173 BELLAH 6, 17, 225 BEMAN 151 21, 158, 160 BENSON 49 BENTLEY 163 BERRY 8, 18, 159, 169, 170 BESSLEY 139 BEST 159, 180 BE 'TICK 161 BETTIS 12, 16, 213, 215 BETTS 161 BICKMAN 56 BIDDLE 137 BICKERN 160 BIGGERS 15 BIGSBY 139 BILLINGS 50 BILLINGSLEY 161 BILLINGTON 76 BIRDWELL 67, 68 BISHOP 85, 139, BONE 158 BOOKER 162 BOOKOUT 158 BOON 47, 158 BOONE 6, 57, 158 BOOTH 47, 122, 139 BORAN 6, 13 BOREN 163 BOSHEARS 111 BOSWELL 51 BOTTS 161 BOUCIiIER 201 BOUESHAGE 63 BOULDIN 214 BOURLAND 179, 183 BOURNE 119 BOURROUGH 158 BOWEN 180 BOWERMAN 59 BOWIE 39 BOWMAN 38, 158, 172, 174, 175 BOYD 9, 11, 17, 52, 111, 211 BOYET 116 BOYETT 116, 149, 151, 154, 155, 185 BOYLE 73 BOYSDTON 139 BOYT 116 BOX 139, 163 BOXTON 162 158, 162 BLACK 6, 7, 8, 12, BRADBERRY 6 13, 17, 19, 21, BRADFORD 203, 204 33, 63, 113, 117, 158, 159, 162, 180 BLACKMORE 158 BLACKWELL 159 BLAGG 128 BLAIR 139 BLAKEBY 139 BLAKELY 159 BLANCETT 139 BLANCHARD 203 BLAND 70, 82, 116, 117, 222 BLANN 81 BLANTON 75 BLASINGAME 36 BLASINGHAM 162 BLASKIEWECZ 49 BLEDSOE 61, 124 BLEIMES 51 BLEVINS 68, 69, 162 BLOUNT 216 BLUE 51 BLY 222 BODDIE 37, 46, 47 BODKIN 225 BOGGS 163 aOGUS 161 BoHANON 117 BOlT 116 BOLLINGER 21 BOLLS 161 BOMANN 152 BRADLEY 21, 158, 159 BRADSHAW 61, 117 BRADY 158 BRAMAN 59 BRAND 189 BRANHAM 59 BRANHUM 59 BRANNON 139, 218 BRANNUM 59 BRAN OM 59 BRAUDAWAY 216 BRASHAW 158 BRASHEAR 117, 183 BRASHIER 125 BRASWELL 161 BRATTON 55 BRAZIL 13 BRAZILLE 206 BRAY 15 BREEDING 112 BREGGS 160 BRESHEAR 161 BRE SHEARS 111 BREWER 60, 163 BRIAN 122 BRIANT 122 BRICE 160, 162 BRIDGMAN 162, 193 BRIGGS 87, 88, 159 BRIGHT 160 BRILLHART 7 BRINKLEY 48 BRINKMAN 122 ,.. BRISCOE 41, 44 BRISON 215 BRISTOW 139 BRITT 139, 158 BRITTIN 158 BROACH 50 BROCKNEY 158 BROADWAY 139 BROADY 139 BROOKS 84 BROUDAWAY 216 BROWN 64, 69, 72, 73, 112, 118, 122, 139, 150, 159, 160, 161, 172, 175, lBO, 19.1, 211 BROWNE 195 BROWNFIELD 100 BROWNING 139 BROZOKA 184 BRUNER 172 BRUMBELOW 160 BRUMLEY 81 BRUMMEL 159 BRUNDRIDGE 139 BRUNETTE 60 BRUON 77 BRUNSON 162 BRYAN 122, 165, 167, 168, 169, 182, 203 BRYANT 49, 68, 109, 115, 139, 203 BRYLES 176 BRYSON 182, 215 BUCHANAN 161 BYERS 139 BYFORD 57 BYRAM 158 BYRD 7, 184 CABELL 214 CAIN 162 CALAWAY 139 CALDWELL 38, 61, 71, 72, 73, 163 CALHOUN 124, 160, 162 CALLAHAN 139, 177 CALLAWAY 61 CALLOWAY 70 CAMP 121, 204 CAMPBELL 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 60, 79, 116, 117, 136, 139, 158, 176, lBO, 217, 222 CANDLER 40 CAN NARD 160 CANTERBURY 117 CANTREL 224 CAPSHAW 150 CARDER 109, 208, 209 CARDWELL 214 CARLTON 160, 163 CARLTZ 159, 160 CARMACK 119 CARNAHAN 117 CARNETT 139 CAROTHERS 117 CARPENTER 40, 117 BUCHANNON 7 CARR 50, 163 BUCHANON 117, 160 CARRINGTON 159, BUIRCI 159 161 BUCKLEY 61 CARROL 158 BUFORD 51 CARROLL 111, 160 BULLEN 41 CARSON 33, 180 BUMGARNER 117 CARTER 9, 12, 14, BUNCH 130, 139 35, 59, 62, 63, BUNT 158 73, 74, 75, 124, BUNYARD 161 125, 139, 159, BURDEN 213 161, 163, 192 BURELSMITH 151 CARY 139 BURFORD 117 CARYLE 100 BURGESS 62, 118 CARUTH 158 BURKE 194 CASE 180 BURLESON 117 CASEBEER 116 BURLESSON 160 CASH 57, 116 BURNAM 158 CASSADY 162, 163 BURNETT 56 CASSIDY 17 BURNS 57, 139, CATER 160 158 CATES 117, 212, BURNUM 158 221 BUROUGH 219 CATOVILLE 42 BURREN 159, 161 CATRON 135, 136 BURRINGTON 154 CAUDLE 139 BURROUGH 219 CAUDRON 150 BURSELL 213 CAZORT 175 BURSLY 160 CENNSINATI 158 BURT 158 CHADWICK 211 BURTLY 155 CHAMBERLAIN 7, BURTON 42, 158, 21, 102 160 CHAMBLIS 177 BUSCH 57 CHANDOIN 139 CHAPMAN 176 BUSH 56, 57 CHARNO 173 BUSSELL 213 CHEATHAM 162 BUTCHER 139 CHENAULT 110, 174 sUTLER 7, 124 CHILDRESS 7 BUTTON 48 CHILDS 139 CHILDUS 163 CHIPMAN 75 CHISM 7 CHITWOOD 115 CHOATE 176 CHRISS 150 CHRISTENSEN 115 CHRISTIAN 159 CHRISTY 118 CHURCH 69, 137, 172 CHURCHILL 78 CIA 125, 171 CITTY 162 CLAMPET 54 CLARK 32, 34, 86, 158, 160, 161, 176, 193, 213 CLARKE 64 CLAWSON 160 CLAXTON 61 CLAYTON 135 CLEM 46, 117, 139 CLEVENGER 139 CLIFFORD 52 CLINCH 55, 214 CLINGAN 39, 42, 43, 44 CLINTON 139 CLOVER 182 CLOWSON 160 COBB 158 COCKACHAM 158 COCKBURN 62 COCKE 7, 159 COCKRAN 140 COCHRAN 16 CODDINGTON 48 COFFMAN 70 COFFEE 159 COGBURN 62 COKER 112, 161 COLDWELL 61, 159 COLE 158, 175, 194 COLEMAN 140, 163, 206 COLEMORE 201 COLKET 48 COLLIE 122 COLLIER 158 COLLINS 55, 69, 75, 113, 117, 120, 158, 159, 161, 163, 220 COLVIN 7 COMBS 158 COMPERE 140 COMPTON 7, 10, 140 COMSTOCK 51 CONAWAY 9, 11, 17 CONDITT 33, 34, 59 CONE 88, 106, 217 CONNELL 167 CONWAY 78, 88,J' 158, 159, 180 COOK 46, 58, 62, 109, 117, 120, 126, 140, 159, 194 'COOLEY 119, 165 COaLY 162, 163 COOPER Zl, 35, 37, 60, 77, 118, 140, 163 COPE 182 COPELAND 36, 140, 163, 176 COPLEY COPPEDGE 71 CORNELIUS 7, 10, 140, 151 CORDELL 161 CORLTZ 161 CORNETT 33 CORNILIUS 159, 160, 161 CORNWALL 10 CORNWELL 8, 63 CORZINE 8, 9, 19 COTTINGHAM 124 COUTS 18, 165 COTTON 115, 221 COWNE 120 cox 8, 16, 52, 59, 111, 123, 151, 158, 159, 160, 180, 182 CRABB 160 CRABBS 161 CRABOUGH 12, 16 CRABTREE 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 162, 216 CRAIG 5, 18, 140, 160 CRANKE 213 CRAVENS 8, 12, 21, 162 CRAWFORD 8, 17, 85, 140, 175, 194, 214 CREE-? 107 CREED 140 CREEKMORE 37 CREEKMUIR 37 CRENSHAW 159 CRESWELL 8, 11, 16, 17 CREW 165 CRISP 118 CRISWELL 16 CRITZ 222 CROCKER 158 CROCKETT 222 CROFTON, CROMBLE 204 CROSBY 159 CROSLIN 158 CROSNOE 43, 158 CROSS 107, 108, 109, 158, 162 CROSS RIGHT 159 CROUCH 12, 13, 158 CROW 116, 140 CROWELL 117 CROWDER 123 CROWLEY 8, 14 CROXTON 168 CRUMPTON 218 CRUSAT 21 CRUSE 160 CRUTCHER 167 CUBAGE 222 CUEVELLIER 75 CULP 221 CULVER 68 CUMMINGS 17, 140 CUMMINS 160 CUNNINGHAM 116, 140, 172 CUPPLES 8, 14 DILL 62 DILLARD 160, 192 CURRIER DIMORY 158 CURRY 58, 61, 124 DIXON 52, 118, 150, 159, 150 CURTIS 43,44, DOAK 126 158, 174 DOBBINS 204 CUTLER 166, 167 DOBBS 122, 222, CYPERT 221 225 CURLEY 169 DALE 46, 111, 311 DOBSON 140, 160 DOCKINS 224 DODD 117 DODSON 163 DOLAN 152 55, 107, 114, DOMON 87 159, 225 DONALDSON 126 DANIELS 114, DONLEY 186 116, 120 DOERR 123 DANIELSON 121, DORETY 162 177 DOUGHTY 222 DAWSON 52 DOUGLAS 51, 73, 74 DARERTY 164 DOUGLASS 11 7 DARROW 31 DOUSETTE 173 DARTER 8, 17 DAUGHTERTY 43, 44 DOWDY 68 DAVID 64 DOWNIE 224 DAVIDSON 6, 11, DOWNS 140, 159 12, 13, 14, 15, DOYLE 15, 126, 140 39, 152 DRAKE 107, 159 DAVIS 7, 8, 10, DRAPER IS, 162 19, 20, 23, 51, DRENON 159 DALTON 56, 61, 125 DANIEL 50, 54, 54, 59, 64, 72, 81, 109, 117, 140, 159, 161, 162, 180, 193, 194, 205, 212, 221, 224 DAY 159, 162 DEAN 60 DREW 6, 160, 213 DRIVER 58 DRUMMER 162 DRUMMOND 49 DRURY 160 DRYDEN 48 DUCAN 140 DUCK 60 DEATHERAGE 184 DUDGEON 117 DECASHER 165 DE COTEFORD 201 DEER 70 DE FRUITER 223 DE HYNTON 200, 201 DE LANEY 21 DELAUGHTER 140 DE LENO 21 DE MAGNEVIL 200 DE MASSINGHAM 201 DE MOSS 6 DE MOTTLE 185 DEMPLES 212 DUDLEY 202 DUESE 160 DUGGINS 111 DUKE 171 DUNAGAN 108, 140 DUNAHUE 62 DUNAWAY 55 DUNBAR 40 DUNCAN 193 DUNN 52, 140 DUNNING 162 DURANT 151 DURETT 54 DU VAL 77, 215 DYER 82, 83, DE MUN 7, 14, 16, 8, 18 12, 156, 164 DENNEY 140 DENNIS 190 EADES 160 DENSON 111, 140 EADS 160, 161 EAGEL 140, 167 DENTON 137 EAKIN 78 DENUNT 165 DEPRIEST EARHEART 9 DES LAURIER 167 EARLE 140 EARLY 140 DE VAULT 9 EAST 160 DE VIGNE 75 DEVORE 160 EASTLING 160 DEWOODY 160 EBELE 182 DICKEN 161 EDISON DICKERSON 10, 17, EDMOND 72 21, 127 EDDINGTON 111 DICKEY 36 EDMONSON 19, 160, 194 DICKINSON 9 EDRINGTON 72 DICKSON 147 EDWARD 59 DIEGE 83 EDWARDS 9, 17, 75, DIETY 158 DIETZ 150 82, 112, 117, DILDY 50. 140 140, 158, 162 EGBERT 150 ELAM 117 ELCHINS 124 ELLINGTON 203 ELLINTON 203 FLOWERS 159, FOWLKS 158 FLOYD 80 FOARD 220 FOLEY 120 FOLIOT 200 FORAN 42 FORBES 119, 140 FORCUM 58 ELLIOTT 74, 81, 116, 117, 124, 152, 158, 159, 185 ELLIS 130, 140, 158, 159 FORD 31, 140, 174, ELROD 158 ELSWORTH 160 ELY 160 FORDYCE 39, 46, 48 220 EMORY 18, 21 ENGLAND 35, 140 ENGLISH 8, 10, 78 EPPERSON 128 ERICKSON 51, 182 ERION 73 ERMENTRAUDT 195 ERVIN 158, 160 ESCHOM 83 ESKRIDGE 8 ESTES 140, 163 ETHERIDGE 37, 38 ETTEN 158 EVANS 112, 117, 119, 224 FAGAN 77, 79 FAIRCHILD 161 FALKNER 44 FALLS 108 FARISH 186 FARLOW 74, 75 FARRAR 177 FARRIER 165 FAUBUS 111 FAULK 176 FAULKER 42 FAULKNER 140, 169 FAWCETT 140 FEATHERSTON 179 FELKER 62, 219 FELTON 167 FERGUSON 9, 61, 118, 124, 140, 180, 214 FERRELL 180 FETTERLING 182 FEWELL 214 FICKLIN 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21 FIELD 76, 79, 114, 115, 158, 180, 182 FIELDER 176 FIELDING 140, 161 FIELDS 161 FILES 73, 140 FINCH 59, 61 FINDER 10 FINLEY 161, 164 FOSTER 19, 57, 88, 112, 140, 163, 192 FOUNTAIN 158, 162 FOWLER 58, 218 FOX 58, 149, 155, 162 FRANCKLYN 201 FRANCKLUM 201 FRANCIS 69 FRANKS 160 FRAZIER 163, 194 FREELOVE 160 FREEMAN 70, 119, 162, 193, 213 FALCONER 42, 44 FALKER 42, 43 FINN 158 FISHER 220 FISK 115 FITE 117, 173 FITZGERALD 140 FITZPATRICK 46, FITZWATER FLANAGIN 46 FLEMING 73, 159 FLETCHER 9, 18, 85, 140 FORLER 175 FORSHEE 34 FORTENAW 42,44 FORTIER 125 FRENCH 182 FRENSLEY 159 FRIENDSLEY 159, 160 FRIARSON 172 FRIERSON 59, 172 FROST 18, 140, 205 FRY 117 FULBRIGHT 59 FULLER 140 FULLERSTON 161 FULTON 117 FUNK 140 FUQUA 160 FURGENSON 158 FURGERSON 158 FURR 122 GABBERT 159 GAGE 160' GAINES 194 GALLAHAN 112 GALLOMORE 177 GAMBLE 111, 224 GANN 112 GANTY 111 GARDNER 140, 183 GARIN 6 GARLAND 33 GARMAN 44 GARRETT 7, 14, 20, 158, 185, 220 GARRISON 113, 158, 159, 162 GARTMAN 140, 195 GARVIN GASKIN 163 GASTON 111 GATLIN 54, 163, 224 47 GATHINS 153 GATHWRIGHT 140 GAUSS 114 GAYLE 163 78, GEISTEY 126 GENNINGS 218 GILBERT 152, 159 GILLESPIE 162 GRIFFITH 14, 73, GILSTRAP 211 GIVENS 140 GENTRY 8, 195 GEORGE 71, 166, 167 GERHART 117 GERMANN 51 GIBBENS 118, 161 GIBBONS 118 GRIGSBY 52 GRINDER 107, 117 GRITZ 222 GROUNDS 162 GROUSE 220 GIBSON 140, 161, 182, 9, 56, 154, 158, 162, 162, 221, 224 GILBREATH 68, 69 GILES 121, 204 GILL 33, 163 GILLIAM 6 GlLLISPIE 112 GINGOLET 9 GINKINS 177 GIPSON GLASS 11, 158 GLASSCOCK 16 GLENN 9, 12, 13, 20 GLISPEY 218 GOATES 115 GOATS 221 GODDARD 202 GODSEY 38 GODWIN 111 GOFORTH 13 GOLDEN 161, 219 180, 216 GROVES 60, 82, 161, 162 GRUBBS 205 GRUNDY 161 GUATIOT 158 GUERIN 110 GUINN 138 GULLEDGE 135 GULLETT 10, 11 GULLICH 160 GUNGSEL 38 GUNN 140 GUNTER 140 GUNUS 159 GUTHRIE 86 GWYNN 116 222 HARROD 55 HARSOLL 141 HART 10, 16, 82, 115, 122, 225 HARTLEY 153, 158 HARTSELL 120, 190 HARTSFIELD 159 HARVELL 149, 150 HARVEY 74, HALL 7, 12, 13, 15, 69, 81, GRAHAM 12, 140, HAMITAR 158 162, 220 GRANT 153 GRASSI 153 HAMMOND 6, 13, 23 185, 218 GRAY 9, 13, 16, 18, 33, 34, 35, 119, 140, 150, 158, 159, 163, HARREL 70 HARRIS 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 61, 112, 115, 116, 121, 141, 162, 164, 213, 214, 221 116, 118, 141, 163, 175, 183, GOOCH 159 GOODELL 119 GOODMAN 59, 62, 125, 218 GOODSON 172 GOODWIN 140, 222, 212 GORDNER 116 GORDON 9 GORE 56 GOSS 172 GOSSETT 123 GOWEN 140 GRADY 163 GRAVES 31, 51, 60, 117, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, HILLARD 63 HILLHOUSE 10, 16, 17 HARRISON 18, 50, HABERSHAM 46 HADLOCK 12 HAGER 138, 172 HAGGERTON 222 HAGINS 57 HAINES 97, 176 HAIRSTON 55, 214 HALBROOK 128 HALDERMAN 14, 18 HALE 141, 158 HALEY 141 117, 141, 159, 162 HALLIBURTON 33 HALSBROOK 176 HALSELL 39, 46 HALSONBECK 15 HAMAKER 75, 76 HAMAN 141 HAMBERG 166, 167 HAMBY 48, 52 HAMILTON 55, 69, 158, 159, 184 7, HARPER 58, 158 HARRAH 9, 12, HAMPTON 176 HANCOCK 72 HANEY 224 HANNA 80, 81, 158 HANSBROUGH 220 HARDBERGER 141 HARDCASTLE 73 HARDIN 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 162, 202 HASKELL 141 HASSARD 159 HATCH 162 HATCHER 6, 18 HILL IAN 49 HILTON 136 HINDS 10, 12, 19, 20 HINES 80 HINKLE 141 HINSHAW 74 HINSON 59 HINTON 114, 201, 202, 200, 203, 204, 205 HIRST 62 HIVES 141 HIX 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 52 HOBART 31 HOBERT 141 HOBBS 9 HOCKADAY 71 HODGE 8 HODGES 141, 160, 161 HOGAN 16, 11, 21 HATHCOAT 134, 135, 136, 138 HATTON 39 HAVENS 212 HAWKINS 7, 180 HAY 141, 160 HAYDON 119 HAYES 58 HAYNES 56 HAYS 37, 160 HAYWOOD 76 HEARD 46, 47, 204 HEARNBERGER 87 HEDGECOCK 212 HEDGER 18, 21 HEDSPETH 159 HEFFINGTON 160 HEITT 117 HELMS 119 HELTON 137 HEMPHILL 49 HEMPSTEAD 14, 158 HENDERSON 22, 141, 162 HENRY 159 20, HOLMES 57, 69, 112, 2J6 HOLMS 100 HOLSONBACK 194 HENSLEY 37, 115, 117, 118, 221 HENSON 59, 107, HOLT 8, 9, 20, 33, 158, 159, 162, 221 152 HERNDON 52 HERRENDON 158 HERRIN 158 HERRING 141 HONEYCUTT 35 HOOD 70, 222 HOODENPYLE 41, HESS 33, 96, 98, 43, 44 HOOKER 117, 159 HOOKS 176 HOOPER 7, 8, GREEN 10, 72, 111, 135, 140, 163, 193, 211 163 HARDING 135 HARDY 159, 203 HARE 127 100, 102 HEWITT 10 HIBBS 68 HIBURN 189 HICKMAN 35, 48, 184 GREENBURG 218 HARER 9, 17 HICKS 59, GREENE 39, 140, HARKEY 33, 117 HARLAN 74, 75 HARLAND 141 159, 172 HIGH 158 'HIGNIGHT 163 GREER 166 HARLEY 141 GREG 126 GRIDER 150 HARMON 141 HARNSBERGER 86, 212 HOUSER 160 HILDEBRANDT 180 HILL 81, 117, 152, HOUSTON 8, 16 214 GRAYSON 58 193 GREENWOOD 165 GRIFFIN 117, 140 141 HOGG 54 HOGUE 128 HOLBROCK 158 HOLBROOKS 160, 189 HOLCOMB 117, 141, 159 HOLCOMBE 8, 11 7 HOLDER 134, 162 HOLDRIDGE 108 HOLIVAR 158 HOLLABOUGH 60, 117 HOLLAND 96, 141 HOLLIDAY 107, 108, 203 HOLLINGSWORTH 186 HOLLY 158 HOLLIS 85 HOLLOWAY 61, 141, 159 158, 153, 158, 204, 207, 217, 221 10, 18 HOOVER 117 HOPKINS 63 HOPPER 69 HORN 158 HORTON 35, 91 HOSKIN 167 HOSKINS 10, 161 HOSFORD 55 HOWARD 111, 141 HOWE 40 HOWELL 127, 141 HOWLAND 75 JARRETT 6, 9, 11, HOYE 39 23 JEAN 58 JEFFREY 13, 18, 218 JEFFRIES 172 JEFFUS 114 JENKINS 141 JENNINGS 117, 159, HUBARDEAU 22 HUBBARD 59, 158 HUBBLE 9, 11, 18 HUCKABY 141 HUDDLESTON 159 HUDGENS 11 HUDGINS 8, 11, 162 163, HUv~ON 6, 10, 17, 85, 121, 160, 162, 177 HUDSPETH 11, 19, 141, 195 HUFFMAN 34, 37, 49, 35, 221 HUGHES 63, 141, 161, 216 HUGHSON 163 HUITT 10 HULEN 69 HULETT 184 HULSEY 10, 31, 12, 117, 18, 190, 13, 18, 20, 218 JERNIGAN 116 JETT 159 JIMMERSON 57 JOB 15 JOBE 6, 13, 17 JOHNSON 10, 13, 21, 31, 59, 62, 70, 77, 78, 115, 116, 141, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 172, 181, 193, 205, 212, 217, 219 JOHNSTON 22, 70, 217 JOLLEY 62 JONES 11, 18, 57, KIMBRO 141 155, 156, 159, 160, 169, 170, LE MEUX 11 LEMLEY 110 LEMONS 112, 183 LESLEY 127 LESSLISE 159 171, 177, 185 LESTER 12, KING 9, 11, 62, 121, 141, 149, KINSWORTHY 159 KIRK 82, 117, 215 KIRKPATRICK 159 KISER 61, 125, 190 KITCHENS 81 KIZER 61, 117, 125, 190 KNAPP 45 KNIGHT 33, 34, 69, 70 KNOWLES 110, 171 KRAMER 217 KREGEL 141 KUEHL 177 KUYKENDALL 6, 8, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 23 LACEFUL 223 LACKLAND 160 60, 63, 68, 115, LACY 124 LADD 194 117, 120, 127, HUMPHRIE S 22, LAFFERTY 8, 11, 174 141, 159, 160, 161, 218 LAFFON 134 161, 162, 163, HUNSUCKER 58 LA FORCE 47 164, 172, 192 HUNT 56, 117 LAFTES 222 JORDAN 35 HUNTER 103, 190, LAGRONE 141 JOYNER 84, 85 193 LAINER 159 JUSTICE 11, ;:!O, HUNTERS 46 LAMBERT 141 62, 75, 159, HURSTON 55 LAMIUX 19 219 HURT 141, 162 LANCASTER 53, 119, HUSSONG 50 178 HUTCHINS 112, 214 KAMINER 195 LANDERS 141, 159 KANELS 194 HUTCHINSON 48 LANDRUM 222 KASPER 184 HYATT 141 LANE 81, 167 KAVANAUGH 16 HYNSON 14, 59 LANGLEY 51, 112, KANE 76 141 IGLOU 182 KARENHAPPACK 71 LANGUM 162 KAY 163 INGE 13 LARONDE 21 KEASLER 54 INGLE 122 LASSEN 36 INGRAHAM 31, 160 KEATON 69 LASTER 112 INGRAM 11, 16, KEEL 10, 11, 18, LATHAM 19 18, 141, 214 19 LATHEM 70 IRVIN 193 KEISTER 141 LATIMER 56 KEITH 128, 153, ISAAC 141 LAUGHLIN 160 ISAACS 114, 126 161, 220 LAVINDER 160 KELLAM 117 ISBELL 67, 68, LAWRENCE 37, 51, 69, 70 KELLEAM 117 141, 163, 224 KELLETT 11 ISHMAEL 22 KELLEY 12, 38, 141 LAWS 159 ISRAEL 115 LAY 115, 221 KELLY 16 LEA 117, 141, 173 KENNEDY 50, 62, JACKS 182, 217 LEANER 168 118, 162, 163, JACKSON 11, 74, LEAR 128 217, 220 141, 161, 162, LEATHERMAN 116 KENT 153 165, 177 LEATHERS 121 KERBY 159 JACOBS 124, 160, LEDBETTER 141 KERSH 63 161 LEDFORD 11 JACQUES 182, 217 KESTER 6, 11 LEE 141, 173, 207 KETCHARD 141 JAMES 11, 119, LEECH 62, 172 KETCHUM 113 121, 136, 141, LEESE 115 KETON 69 161 LEFEVER 117 JAMESON 141, 213 KEY 112, 117 LEFEVRE 117 KIFER 172 JANES 6, 11, 14, CEFTWICH 113 KILGORE 107 20 LEIGH 159 KILLOUGH 55 JANIS 22 LEISTER 115 KIMBALL 159 JANNIS 22 LEMEAR 183 JARMAN 42, 43, 44 KIMBERLIN 141 LE MEW 11 KIMBRELL 115, 221 JARMEN 42 218 HULVEY 225 HUMPHREYS 10, 11 83, 190 LEVINE 110 LEWALLYN 69 LEW ILL 161 LEWIS 19, 62, 77, 83, 105, 118, 141, 155, 161, 163, 174, 215 LIGGON 159 LIGHT 223 LIGON 159 LIGHTFOOT 50, 159 LILIS 159 LINDSEY 9, 22, 141 13, LINGFORD 163 LINKHORN 10 LINN 23, 127 LINTON 110 LISK 161 LITCHFIELD 163 LITTLE 8, 11 LITTLEFIELD 43 LIVELY 142, 161 LLEWELLYN 56 LLOYD 142, 162, 163 LOCKE 116 LOCKET 142 LOCKEY 173 LOGAN 5, 11, 12, 16, 19, 162, 177 LOGUE 70 LOLL IE 172, 175 LONG 17 LOONEY 8, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 82, 117 LOOT ON 107 LORING 142 LORRNSROOD 159 LOTFIELD 159 LOTT 128 LOVE 54, 57, 63, 142 LOVEALL 177 LQVELACE 150 LOVELADY 150 LOWE 7, 15, 19 LOWERY 142, 160 LOWRY 159, 160, 161 LOYD 214 LUCAS 142, 195 LUCK 142 LUDWELL 163 LUMPKINS 57, 142 LUNA 136, 137, 138 LUTTIG 12 LYDA 62 LYNCH 117 LYNDHURST 48 LYNN 23, 137 LYON 55 LYONS 55 MacDONALD 11 7 McINTIRE 35, 163 MaGAVOCKS 48 McINTYRE 64 MacMILLON 63 McKENNEY 63 McADOO 14 McALISTER 122, McKEY 160 McKINNEY 67, 69 McKINLEY 153, 1S4 McKINNIE 80 124, 125, McALLISTER 112 McARTHER 142 McARTA 212 McATEE 162 McATEER 51 McBRIDE 64, 73 McCAIN 142, 161, 163, 164 McCALL 47, 84 McCARRELL 6, 12, 19 McCARRILL 12, 17 McKNIGHT 12, 19, 23 McLAIN 7 McLAWYOR 161 McLEAN 117 McLELAND 161 McLEMORE 57 McLENDON 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 158 McLEOD 142 McMATH 121 McCARROLL 9, 10, McMURCHY 46 12, 13, 18, 19, McNABB 186 21, 22 McNANIS 22 McCLAIN 158, 160, McNEEL 6 161 McNEELEY 142, 160, McCLENDON 80, 81, 161 142 McNUTT 88 McCLERTON 159 McPHERSON 73 McCLINTICK 158 McPHETIDGE 151 McCLINTON 1S8, McVEY 69 162 McWILLIAMS 12, 15, McCLOSKEY 161, 19, 21 184 McCLURE 72, 111 MACE 118 McCOATTER 42 MACY 112 McCOISS 164 MADDEN 22, 160 McCOLLUM 183 MADDOX 120, 158 McCOMB 163 MADREN 36 MAGBY 221 McCONNAGLAY 180 McCOOL 142 MAGERS 54, 61 MAGNESS 116 McCORD 152 McCOWN 13 MAHAM 158, 163, 184 McCOY 68, 69 MAJORS 61, 122 McCRAW 142 MALLOW 158, 160 McCREE 204 MALONE 151, 173 McClE 16S MALOY 127, 191 McCULLOUGH 142, MANESS 174 1S9 McCURDY 149, 1S6 MANLOVE 75 MANSCO 59 McDANIEL 34, 35, 36, 37, 60, 73, MANSKER 9, 12, 19, 22, 59 142, 158, 160 -, McDONALD 7, 8, 9, MANSKUR 59 MANSON 12, 19 12, 14, 20,15, 105, 117, 158, MANUS 138 MARBERRY 40 160, 161, 162, MARBURY 39, 40, 18S 41, 42, 43, 44, McELROY 159 45, 46, 48 McENTIRE 159 MARCHBANK 127 McFALL 176 MARKHAM 8, 48, 123 McFARLAND 31 MARKSMAN 112 McFARLIN 158 J MARLAR 142 159 McFATRIDGE 116 MARLER 117 McGAUGHEY 13S MARLETT 107, 109 MARPHAT 117 McGEE 118, 136 MARR 72, 73 McGINNIS 112 MARSH 71 McGOUERAN 142 McGOUGH 119, 128 MARSHALL 8, 18, 142, 150, 158, McGOWEN 171 161, 224 McGRAW 72 MARTIN 16, 38, 59, McGREW 69 61, 71, 80, 110, McGUINE 142 111, 113, 117, McGUINTY 174 McGUIRE 108, 162 McILLHANEY 180 McILROY 7, 20 125, 158, 172 MARTINDALE 150, 160 MARTING ILL 160 MOONEY 22, 117 MASK 12 MOORE MASON 84, 158 MATHERS 160 MATHERSON MATHIS 74, 136, 137, 138 MATH SON 45 MATHESON 41, 43 MATOX 172 MATTHEWS 17, 137, 136, 138, 162, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18, 36, 59, 60, 80, 142, 152, 153, 158, 160, 176, 189 MCRAN 142, 221 MORELAND 175 MORGAN 12, 18, 87, 158, 159, 225 MORRIS 142, 163, 180, 220 202,222 MORRISS 16 MAUPIN 213 MORSE 117 MAWRY 164 MAXWELL 11, 13, 18, MORTON 159 MOSEBY 207 142, 190 MOSLEY 51 MAY 51, 87, 88, 117, 121, 194 MAYBERRY 222 MAYES 142, 186 MAYFIELD 142 MAYS 117, 186 MEAD 75 MEADE 37 MEADER 159 MEADOWS 142, 153, 175 MEARS 142 MEDLOCK 128 MEEKS 142 MEKINS 160 MELEAR 184, 223 MELTON 117, 142, 173, 224 MENDENHALL 82 MERCER 63 MERDOR 163 MERET 163 MERIOTT 190 MERRIMAN 224 MICHAEL 177 MICKEY 216 MIDDLETON 142 MIDGETT MILAM 35 MILLER 8, 9, 13, MOSS 119, 142, 162, 224 MOTSINGER 75 MOULDER 117 MOUSER 160 MUHAN 186 MULDRON 160 MULLENIX 92 MULLIGAN 80 MULLINS 142, 172 MUNN 159, 160, 161 MURCHERSON MURDOCK 153 MURLIN 72 MURPHY 13, 16, 22, 45, 54, 128, 137, 138, 161, 171 MURRAY 126, 128, 213 MURRELL 109 MUSGRAVE 183 MYERS 13, 19, 20, 142 MYRES 13, 19 MYRICK 158 NALL 142 NANCE 1S8 14, 16, 19, 56, 58, 68, 122, 126, NAPIER 46, 47 NATIONS .184 142, 158, 172, 174, 220 MILLIGAN 9, 21 MILLS 50, 142 MILLWEE 151 MILSAP 11 7, 193 MINGO 142 MINTON 117, 142 MINYARD 22 MIRES MITCHELL 57, 106, 127, 142, 152, 158, 160, 161, 177 MOBB 162 MOBLEY 222 MOCK 6, 13 MOFFATT 142, 206, 211 MONDAY 33, 158 MONEY 22 MONTAGUE 53 MONTGOMERY 12, 16, 85, 92, 93, 119, 193 MOODY 96, 97, 100, 142, 180 NEAVES 120 NECESSARY 74 NEEDHAM 116 NEELY 111, 163 NEIGHBORS 142, 193, 212 NEILL 160 NELEPKA 152 NELSON 107, 126, 162, 178 NETHERBY 165 NEWELL 142 NEWLAND 12, 13, 18 NEWMAN 175 NEWTON 74, 75 NICHOLS 70, 82, 148, 153, 177, 223 NICHOLSON 86, 195 NICKLAS 126 NILON 76 NIPPS 112 NIX 52, 112 NIXON 142 NOBBETT 153 NOBLE 165 NOLAN 16 NOLES 110 NOLIN 161 NORMAN 12S PEIL 195 PEMBERTON 111 PENDERGRAFT 61, 124, 214 PENDERGRASS 54, NORRIS 16, 86, 161 NORTHCUT 58 NORWOOD 9, 158, 159, 162 NOSWORTHY 142 NOTT 151 143, 158 PENDLETON 214 PENNINGTON 22, 159 PENNYWIT PENTER 59 PERDUE 159 PERKINS 10, 13, 20, 45 NUCKLES 63 NUNLEY 137 PERMINTER 143 NUTT 142 PERRIN 47, 162 PRITCHELL 123 PROCTOR 13 PROP 43 PROPS 162 RIDER 136 RIDLING 143 RIGGS 221 RILEY 112 PROPST RINANDO 189, 218, 224 PROSS 158 PRUITT 58 PRYON 158 PRYOR 164 PURDON 158 PURTLE 61 PUTMAN 119, 143 PYBURN 120 PYCARD 201 PYEATT 117 RING 116 RIPPEY 143 RtTCHEY 12, 13, 14 RIVET 14, 20 ROACH 136, 163 ROBBINS 9, PERRY 128, 143, OAKLEY 158, 211 OATES 190 OBARTURF 6 OBENCHAIN 142 OBERG 112 215 PERSON 180 PETERS 143 PETERSON 165 PETIGREW 162 O'CONNER 32 PETT 159 ODELL 138 PETTEFER 79 OGLESBY 177 PETTIE 135 Q'KELLEY 168, 169 PEVEHOUSE 7, 8, 19, OLIVER 61, 82, 180 117, 149, 155 PHARR 1S3 OLLER 223 PHELAN 174 PHILLIPS 123, 143, OLMSTEAD 152 O'NEAL 142, 176 ORDWAY 163 ORMAN 212 ORR 69, 70 ORRICK 79, 184 ORR ILL 64 OSBORN 107, 119 OTTRY 13 OVERTON 84, 85, 142 OWEN 55, 120, 142 OWENS 55, 70 OWSLEY 86 PACE 114 PADEN 135 PAINE 142 PAINTER 59 PALMER 116, 201 PANNEL 162 PANTER 59 158, 193, 195, 211, 212, 222 PIATT 223 PIBURN 13 PICKETT 71 PIERREPORT 201 PIERSON 83 PILE 70 PINKNEY 134 PINKSTAFF 138 PIRTLE 61, 143 PITMAN 10, 11, 13, 18 PITTMAN 69 PITTS 159 PLATT 110 PLESS 122 PLOTT 6, 13, 20, 23 14, PLUMMER S8 POGUE 221 PARKER 83, 110, POIROT 185 158, 160, 161, POLK 109 172, 189 POLLARD 1S2 PARKS 222, 225 POOL 7, 10 PARMER 120 POORE 216 PARROTT 88, 98, POPE 76, 204 103, 106, 217 PORTER 10, 80, 81, PARTER 161 94 PATCH 55 PORTERFIELD 36, 58 PATE 158 POSLEY 143 PATTERSON 32, 33, POTEET 116 143, 158 POWELL 38, 158 PATY 83, 217 POWERS 16S, 212 PAUL 73 PRATER 158 PAUP 164 PRESCOTT 163 PAXTON 117, 143 PRESLEY 146 PAYTON 159 PRESSON 180 PEACOCK 174 PRICE 13, 143, 160 PEAK 166 PRICHARD 107, 186 PEARCE 19, 172 PRIDEFEON 159 PEARSON 55 PRIDGEON 159 PEEK 77, 79, 223 PRIM 158 PEEL 9 PRINCE PARISH 55, 112, 119 PEEPLES 46 PRITCHARD 128 RAGSDALE 114, 126, 153 RAINEY 118, 143 RAINS 143, 216 RAISH 153 RAMECK 193 RAMICK 193 73 RANDELL 116 RANDOLPH 37 RANEY RANNEKAMP 14 RAPLEY 77, PIERCE 7, 9, 15, 19, 22, 151, 172 14, QUIGLY 158 QUINN 143 RAMSEY 18, 22, 78, 116, 143 ROBERSON 127 79 RASEBERRY 143 RATCLIFF 189, 218, 224 RAY 45, 130, 158, 222 RAYMICK 193 RAYMOND 153 READ 179, 183 READER 158, 1S9 REARDON 78 ROBERTS 7, 8, 10, 14, 53, 110, 134, 135, 136, 164, 174, 181 ROBERTSON 7, 15, 20, 37, 52 ROBIE 225 ROBINSON 7, 8, 14, 16, 19, 20, 63, 126, 163, 164 RODGER 1S9, 161 RODNEY 20 ROEBUCK 113, 114 ROGERS 54, 63, 70, 111, 119, 128, 143, 154 ROGGERS 162 ROSE 161 ROSENBAUM 182 ROSMOND 172 ROSS 52, 111, 120, 128, 160, 217 ROTHERFORD 112 ROTHWELL 193 ROUNDTREE 143 REAVES 13, 20', 58, ROUNSAVAL 40 114 ROWE 143, 164 RECH 160 ROWLAND 111 RECTOR 77 ROYALL 47 REDLIN 179 ROYCE 173 REDWINE 61 ROYSTON 1S8 REDI'WOD 143 RUBIO 120 REECE 162 RUCKER .112, 122, REED 7, 13, 14, 23, 168 162, 163, 180 RUDDELL 13, 16 REEDER 224 RUNNELS 163 REEVE 50 RUNYAN 180 REEVES 19, 116 J RUPARD 69 143, 151 RUSH 62 REITTER 112, 122 RENFRO 35, 143 RENFROE 158 RENNEKAMP 14 RENRO 162 REVELL 177 REYNOLDS 125, 161, 164, 194, 216 RHEA 119 RHODES 167 RICE 6, 9, 12, 15, 58, 143 RICH 62, 204 RICHARDS 217 'RICHARDSON 8, 10, 16, 23, 120, 179 RICHMOND 11 7 RICKEY 115 RICKMAN 6, 16 RIDDLE 180 J 161 RUSHING 143 RUSSELL 111, 10, 11, 14, 18, 20, 23, 61 RUTTER 21 RYALL 212 RYALS 189 RYBURN 159 SALE 87 SALTERS 37, 60 SALYER 147 SAMUELS 158 SANDERS 56, 57, 112, 137, 163, 170 SANDIFER 223 SANDLIN 1S9 SANFIELD 221 SANFORD 6, 16, 19, 20, 21, 48 ,- SANKS 178 SARGENT 76, 128, 217 118, SAUERHAGE 213 SAUNDERS 39, 45, 46, 170 SAVAGE 48, 158 SCAGGS 162 SCALLORN 114, 115 SCARBORROUGH 161 SCHEAR 163 SCHMAL 59, 172 SCHMECKEBIER 76 SCHMICK 12, 13, .. 20 SCHOLLARN 114 SCOGGINS 163 SCOLLORN 115 SKEEN 72 SLACK 158 SLATON 179 SLAUGHTER 143 SLAVENS 6, 20 SLOAN 6, 16 SLOVER 162 SMITH 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 43, 51, 53, 55, 58, 60, 61, 69, 111, 115, 116, 120, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134, 143, 153, 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 175, 193, 206 SMITHSON 63 SMALL 174 SMOOT 72 SMOTHERMAN 180 SNEED 6, 192 10, 11, 12, 14, SNELGROVE 161 16, 18, 19, 69, SNOW 60, 107 143 SOMMERVILLE 40 SEATS 14, 20 SORRELLS 64, 82, SEAVERS 14, 20, 117 23 SPANKE 123 SEAWELL 23 SPANN 123 SEAY 172 SPARKE 57 SEBREE 71 SPARKMAN 186, 187, SELF 162 188, 189 SEVAT 23 SPARKS 84, 117 SEVERSON 52 SPENSE 158 SEVIER 67, 70 SPEEGLE 190 SEWARD 118 SPENCER 205 SHADDEN 33 SPIKES 6 SHAMBARGER 219 SPILLER 143, 214 SHANNON 117 SPRIGGS 217 SHARP 8, 13, 14, SPRINGER 64 135 SPURLOCK 73 SHAVER 9, 14, 18, SQUIRES 120 117, 175 STACY 70 SHAW 57, 143 STAGNER 160, 161 SHEARER 61 STALLARD 72 SHECKLES 14 STANDERFER 116, SHEDD 191 216 SHEFFEY 143 STANDLEY 17 SHELTON 107, 174 STANFIELD 221 SHEPHERD 162, 164 STANLY 15, 160, SHEPPARD 158 162 SHERILL 32, 33, STARNES 17 59 STATES 135 SHERROD 195 STEEL 159, 163 SHERRY 178, 179 STEEN 220 SHIELDS 8,' 14, STEGALL 180 158, 159, 160, STENSON 123 191 STEP 61 SHINES 177 STEPHENS 128, 135, SHINLEY 159 136, 138, 161, SHOPPACK 113 163, 222, 225 SHORES 172 STEPHENSON 158, SIKES 143 161, 218 SILER 158 STEPP 61 SIMMONS 62, 114, STEVENSON 73, 143 SCOTT 54, 60, 61, 170 SCREPETIS 127 SCROGGINS 57 SEARCY 6, 8, 9, 160, 218 SIMMS 143 SIMPKIN 151 SIMPSON 11, 161 SIMS 107, 134, 147 SINCLAIR 184 SINKER 143 SISSELL 162 STEWART 64, 81, 116, 152, 159, 161, 172, 175, 185, 190, 225 STINETT 15, 20 STINNETT 111 STIVENDER 63 STODGELL 73 STOKES 11, 143 STONE 34, 60, 79, 158, 162, 165 STOREY 153 STORY 82, STOUT 54, THRASHER 143 THROCKMORTON 202 THURMAN 63, 117 109, 162 215 THWEATT 158 TIDWELL 159, 195, 206 TILLERY 221 TIMARIES 158 TIMBERLAKE 11 7 TINDEL 184 TINDLE 68 TINNIN 15 STUART 11, 13, 18, TINSLEE 68 23, 117 TIREE 163 STUBBLEFIELD 7, 8, TOLLETT 42, 64 12, 14, 15, 19, TOLLY 111 21 TONEY 158 STUPEK 110 TONRY 39, 46 STURDEVANT 152 TORMOEKIN 172 SUBLETT 117, 122 SUGGS 114, 117, 224 TORRANCE 120 SULLINS 7, 175, 183 TORRANS 120 TOWERY 107, 108 SULLIVAN 9, 159, TRACHSEL 38 161, 163 TRAMBLE 160 SUMMERHILL 44 TRAMMEL 161 SUMMERS 68 TRAPNALL 77 SUMNER 54 TREADWAY 126, 176 SUTHERLIN 167 TREASE SUTTON 83, 84, 85, TREECE 60 218 TREESE 116 SWAFFORD 113, 171 TRENY 160 SWEAZEA 9, 15 TREVAULT 172 SWEAZEE 15 TRIBBLE 137 SWEENEY 51 TRIGGS 46 SWEETEN 23 TRIMBLE 12, 112, SWIFT 81 158 SWILT 163 TROXEL 38 SYOTY 81 TRUESDALE 15 TRUETTS 48 TABER 149, 155 TUBERVILLE 85 TACKER 118 TUCKER 7, 117, TACKETT 73 118, 143 TAGUE 159 TUGGLE 204 TALBOT 143 TULLY 52 TALKINGTON 82, 83, TUNSTALL 117 117, 149, 150, TUPON 118 154, 155, 157 TURNBOW 110, 221 TAPP 173 TURNER 126, 177, TARKINGTON 51, 121 216, 223 TARPLEY 159 TURNEY .35, 60 TARTT 177 TURRENTINE 42 TATE 34, 59, 60, TWEEDLE 112 110, 122, 143 TWYMAN 173 TAYLOR 35, 36, 60, STRANGE 163 STREET 16 STRICKLIN 85, 86 STRIDE 58 STRINGER 70 STROUD 112 61, 71, 117, 122, 143, 149, 159, 162, 163, 173, 176, 179, 184, 193, 206 TEAGUE 135 TERRELL 195, 224 TESSNER 122 TEVIS 77 THATCHER 53 THETFORD 15 THOMAS 10, 35,.. 58, 60, 107, 137, 143, 158, 163, 164, 182, 212 TYLER 10, 14, 15, 20, 23, 118, 182 TYREE 159, 160 TYRONE 73 UNDERWOOD 127, 158 VAGONE 213 VALENTINE 11 7 VALLE 22 VANCE 175 VANDIVER 180 VAN METER 160, 19, 20, 115, 117, 193 VANNER 195 VANSANT 57 119, VANWINKLE 68, THOMASON 13 THOMPSON 12, 15, 126, 158, 159, 161 THORNSBERRY 177 THORNTON 159 69 VANZANDT 15, 57 VANZANT 12, 16 VARBEL 58 VASSAR 127 WATTS 34, 35, 36, WILKINSON 111, 220 VAUGH 163 60 WEAVER 79, 143, 160, 161 WILLETT 49, 53, 122 VAUGHN 120, 157 VAUGHT 147 VEAGEY 135 VEST 8, 117, 143 WEBB 80, 110, 134, 143, 144 VESTAL 218 VICK 143 VINES 158 VINSANT 57 WEBBER 213 WEIBERG 13 WEIR 125 WELCH 144, 158 VINSON 12, 16, 19, 203 WELLS 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 57 VINYARD 158 VIRDEN 112 VITTITOE 72 VORMALES 48 VOSS 138 WENDELL 115 WESCOAT 216 WESSON 144, 162 WADDING 152 WESTBROOKS 44 WESTMORELAND 80 WESTON 16, 61 WHALEY 144 WHARTON 144 WAITTHALL 161 WAGGONER 162, WEST 16, 21, 23, 56, 144, 148, 161, 180 182 174, 204, 211 WILLIAMS 8, 11, 12, WRY 160 16, 58, 69, 73, WYATT 16, 52, 158 100, 116, 105, 117, 114, 130, 131, 144, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 180 WILLIAMSON 158 WILLINGHAM 114 WILLIS 43, 67, 68, 69, 159, 162 WILLS 79, 127 WILSEY 186 WILLSON 12, 161 WILSON 105, 154, 161, 16, 63, 89, 120, 144, 159, 160, 165, 171, 193 WIMBERLEY 203 WINCHELL 76 WAGONER 162, 176 WINFIELD 144, 161 WAKELY 42 WHEAT 122, 158, 163, 165, 166, WINGFIELD 161, 177 WALDREP 58 167, 168 WINN 158 WALDROP 143 WHIPPLE 74 WINNER 182 WALKER 10, 16, 58, 72, 158, WHITE 7, 11, 12, WINSLOW 48 159, 160, 162, 13, 14, 17, 23, WINSTON 47 178 55, 60, 69, 107, WISE 127, 144 WALL 59, 112, 122 111, 158, 159, WITTEN 158 160, 161, 162, WALLACE 161, 163, WOLF 6, 138 194 178, 205 WOMACK 15, 16, 20, WALLIS 16 WHITESIDES 50, 38 160, 161 WALLS 59, 143 WOOD 6, 10, 16, 21, WALTON 165, 166, WHITFORD 158 49, 111, 112, 158, 159, 160, 167, 168 WHITLEY 116 WARD 152, 160, WHITNER 144 189 WHITTAKES 95 WOODRUFF 78, 165 161, 162 WHITTEN 113, 114, WOODS 6, 117, 174, WARE 16, 23 194, 200, 205 WARMAN 57 185, 217 WARNER 130, 131, WHYATT 16 WOODSON 47 180 WHYBARK 13 WOODUE 160 WARNFORD 202 WrCKER 42, 44, 162 WOOLSON 31 WARREN 46, 70, WIDEMAN 16 WOOLVERTON 30, 31 75, 105 WIETT 52 WOOSLER 182 WARRINER 180 WIGGINTON 11 7 WOOTEN 17, 56, 158, WASHINGTON 153 WILDER 152 203 WILES 159 WORKMAN 70 WATKINS 35, 117, WILEY 9, 14 WORTMAN 34, 36 143, 158, 164 WORSHAM 158 WATSON 6, 62, 53, WILKERINGTON 223 WILKERSON 53, 222 WRIGHT 110, 160, 163, 180, 181, WILKINS 110, 144 206 163, 167, 172 163, WRIGhf (cont' d) WYLIE 159 WYNN 158 WYRICK 117 YANCEY 128, 157, 217 YARBROUGH 144 YARBURRY 161 YARNELL 83 YAROWELL 155 YARWELL 149 YARY 219 YATES 144, 158 YEAGER 144 YELL 21 YOKUM 112 YORK 33, 125, 161 YOUNG 144, 158, 159, 160 YOUNTS 120, 173 ZACHRY 221 ZEIDLER 182 ZELLAR 86 ZIMMERMAN 55, 64 THANKS! to Joe Michael Baker and Jane Allen Goodwin for serving on the indexing committee for 1977 and for providing us with this index. Anyone who has indexed a book or periodical can appreciate the amount of work that went into this year's index. ..