2011 Annual Report - Ramapo for Children
2011 Annual Report - Ramapo for Children
2011 ANNUAL REPORT Building Relationships, Inspiring Success. FOUR PROGRAMS, A LETTER FROM ADAM WEISS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ONE APPROACH Ramapo for Children helps emerging educators, experienced teachers, youth-service professionals, and parents appreciate that all children seek the same things: to learn, have friends, feel valued, and experience success. Through highly regarded direct service and training programs, we provide, a toolbox of skills for helping children and young adults align their behaviors with their aspirations. 2 RAMAPO 2011 A LETTER FROM AMY WOLF, BOARD PRESIDENT s our name suggests, Ramapo exists for children. Ramapo exists for children who wrestle with social, emotional, and learning challenges and, as a result, require extra support and extra kindness. Through Ramapo, vulnerable children have opportunities to celebrate and be celebrated. Ramapo started as a place, but 90 years later Ramapo has evolved into a philosophy, a lens that helps adults see potential where they didn’t before. Ramapo has grown into a methodology, a toolbox of skills for helping children align their behaviors with their aspirations and supporting their success. And while we exist for children, the delivery system through which we fulfill our mission is the young adults, teachers, and youth-service professionals that we hire, train, and coach. Every summer we hire and train over 200 camp staff, mostly talented college and graduate students. We know that most of them A will go on to careers in education, youth development, social work, or psychology. Through this network of alumni, the Ramapo approach will be brought to bear on behalf of thousands and thousands of additional children. Last year we trained over 10,000 classroom teachers and youth-service professionals. All of these professionals now have a set of techniques that they can use to improve their classrooms and youth programs. For some of them, the Ramapo philosophy was a paradigm shift that helped them view their relationship with their students in an entirely new way. How many children will be better off? The number is immeasurably large. We are “for children,” but we make our contribution through the grown-ups who touch their lives. That’s the stuff of broad change, and that’s the work of Ramapo. M campus for a night or two, most list it as a highlight of their year at school. As one middle school student said, “When you get kids out of school and on to a high ropes course, sometimes even the toughest kids act different.” Our youngest program, the Staff Assistant Experience, extends our reach to individuals who need extra support to successfully make the transition to young adulthood. I am amazed at how the Staff Assistants have added to our campus community. Over 90 years, Ramapo has developed a distinct approach to supporting young people, a “special sauce” that is woven into every aspect of our organization. As we look back on 2011, it is impressive to consider all that we accomplished. As we look ahead, I can’t help thinking that our greatest contributions are yet to come. any Camp Ramapo parents will tell you that the first time they left their son or daughter at camp, based on previous experiences, they waited anxiously for the dreaded, inevitable phone call saying that their son or daughter was simply too challenging and needed to be picked up. Thanks to our talented staff and our extraordinary staff training, over 550 children attended Camp Ramapo last summer and I’m proud to say that not a single parent got that call. In classrooms throughout New York City, most teachers will tell you that the hardest part about their job is managing disruptive or distracting behaviors. Of the more than 6,000 teachers who participated in Ramapo Training last year, over 90% reported that they gained new skills that they could use immediately to support students in their classrooms. During the fall and spring, 191 groups came to our Rhinebeck campus for retreats. Although they only come to our RAMAPO 2011 3 “ CAMP RAMAPO 90 YEARS OF CAMP RAMAPO For 90 years, Camp Ramapo has given children affected by social, emotional, or learning challenges the tools they need to live within a group, form healthy friendships, make good choices, develop self-confidence, and experience success. Every summer over 200 emerging professionals in the fields of education, social work, psychology, and other related areas come to Rhinebeck to work with our campers and to learn the Ramapo approach. MEETING THE NEEDS OF EACH CHILD ADAPTING TO MEET A GROWING NEED To set goals for each individual child at Camp Ramapo and track their growth, Ramapo uses a planning tool called the Camper Guide at the beginning and end of every session. This guide measures each child’s needs and development in key skill areas such as communication, self-control, self-help, and relationship building. Evaluations consistently show that the Ramapo approach helps campers make significant progress in achieving their goals. Children with autism spectrum disorders have become an increasingly important part of the Ramapo community. As a result, Camp Ramapo has established the Bunk Life Support Team, a group of nine senior staff members who receive specialized training to ensure that, regardless of need or ability, every camper gets the support and individualized attention that they need to achieve their goals. MEET BRIAN As a child with Asperger syndrome, Brian struggled at home and in school. Some social cues and common euphemisms eluded him. He lacked the skills to appropriately express his frustration and anger, and instead shouted uncontrollably or hid from others. It was hard for him to make friends and he was isolated from his peers. I honestly didn’t think he’d make it through that first short session. I remember how apprehensive we were dropping him off. How we thought you would be calling us any day to come pick him up…When we picked him up he was happy, smiling, had made friends with his counselor, Ben, and learned a secret handshake. I was stunned, and happy beyond what you can believe.” Rusty Pomeroy, Camper Parent Brian first came to Camp Ramapo when he was 12. At camp, he had the opportunity to socialize with fellow campers and counselors in a supportive environment and get helpful feedback about his interactions. Over time, Brian developed a robust set of strategies for navigating unfamiliar social situations and making social connections. By the time he was 14, Brian was invited to join the Ramapo Leadership Program. In 2011, at age 17, Brian became a summer intern. In 2012, Brian will come to Ramapo as a counselor and a full member of the Ramapo staff. Brian now uses the skills he learned at Ramapo to help others, teaching campers to use “I” statements to talk through their problems, and helping them to channel negative behaviors into positive actions. + 569 CAMPERS served in 2011 The RAMAPO Ap proach We believe pe rsonal relationships are the capital that motivates behavioral ch ange, and relationship bu ilding is a set of skills an d activities that can be ta ught. “From the beginning, Camp Ramapo was always something that I looked forward to,” Brian says. “I always knew that each year I would return and learn something new.” Friends tell Sandi, Brian’s mom, that they don’t even recognize him because now he’s “so calm, so easy to get along with, so easy to be around.” “He amazes me,” she says. “What he’s gained from Ramapo is how he’s going to walk through life. I don’t think it would have happened without it.” RAMAPO 2011 5 “ RAMAPO TRAINING IN-SCHOOL OUT-OF-SCHOOL By helping teachers recognize and respond to the root causes of challenging behaviors, Ramapo Training bridges the gap between teachers’ formal training in instruction and the daily challenges of managing a classroom. Ramapo Training was in high demand in 2011, serving 202 schools—a 63% increase over 2010. One of Ramapo’s core goals is to reduce the number of children who are removed from the classroom unnecessarily, and a growing body of empirical data indicates that Ramapo Training helps reduce both suspensions and initial referrals to special education. In 2011, data from New York City showed conclusively In 2011, Ramapo worked with over 4,000 youth-service workers, helping them learn to build better relationships with the children they serve and foster environments that support success. Our Behavior Management Kept nearly 600 students from being unnecessarily placed in special education The workshops have always been interactive, engaging, and vibrant. Our teachers began to implement valuable behavior management techniques into their classrooms, which led to improved student outcomes. These coaching sessions allowed the teachers to feel supported and valued and encouraged them to expand their instructional repertoire.” Ron Gorsky, Principal, Concord High School that schools that worked with Ramapo decreased their special education referral rates far more than the citywide average. Based on the numbers, Ramapo helped keep nearly 600 children in the classrooms where they belonged. 100% of participants reported a reduction in behavior incidents Specialist Series allowed us to go further with a select cohort of these professionals, equipping each site with a specialist trained not only to manage difficult behaviors, but also to support his or her colleagues as they worked through challenging situations. Through this advancedlevel curriculum, Ramapo helped 103 sites (up from 31 in 2010) incorporate effective behavior management plans for individual students. When surveyed, 100% of participants reported a reduction in behavior incidents at their sites and 93% noted an increase in positive relationships between staff and the children they served. PARENT EDUCATION AND SUPPORT Ramapo also brought parent education and support workshops to hundreds of parents in 2011. Our centrally located New York City office has a large conference room that provides Ramapo with space to serve more parents with new, targeted curricula, expanding the range of tools these families can bring to bear in support of their children. A full calendar of in-office trainings is planned for 2012, and we look forward to preparing more parents to support the social and emotional needs of their children. 6,000 4,000 TEACHERS YOUTH-SERVICE WORKERS 450 PARENTS The RAMAPO Approach We believe observational learning and role modeling are powerful teaching tools when adults model desired behaviors intentionally, both individually and as a team. RAMAPO 2011 7 “ STAFF ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE Ramapo’s Staff Assistant Experience (SAE) provides a groundbreaking opportunity for young adults who are striving for independence to develop job and life skills while being full participants in a supportive community. Based on our Rhinebeck campus, Staff Assistants receive job training, coaching, and mentoring while working, going to school, and giving back to others. Grounded in the Ramapo approach, SAE helps participants identify behaviors that have held them back and equips them with a toolbox of skills for moving forward. HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE MANY WAYS OUR STAFF ASSISTANTS FOUND SUCCESS IN 2011: • • • • • • • • • • I am forever grateful to have been in a place that helped me learn more about myself than I ever thought possible, and to grow more than I ever thought I could within the course of a year. The work that I have done here, both physical and of personal growth, reminds me of the strong person that I am and the strong person I have become.” Ben Yellin, Former Staff Assistant Earned A+ certification in computer repair Acquired Teaching Assistant certification Passed driver’s permit test Received credit for Ramapo’s on-campus summer course, Fieldwork in Special Education Passed courses at Dutchess Community College Volunteered locally at a nursing home, historic mansion, restaurant, schools for children on the autism spectrum, and community theater Learned to facilitate Ramapo’s high and low ropes courses Worked as counselors’ assistants on the waterfront, at the ropes courses, in the corral, and in the music room Co-facilitated activities during retreats, Ramapo Leadership Programs, and Family Learning Weekends Worked in the dining hall, in the main office, and with the maintenance team MEET MAX roach The RAMAPO App collective We believe the individual celebration of ts is a accom plish m en teristic defining charac mmunities, of supportive co identify and adults must celebrate opportunities to ess. individual succ Hailing from New York City, Max previously attended a college internship program, but he needed a focus that went beyond academics to build the social and independent living skills that he needed to find genuine success in all areas of his life.Max joined the Staff Assistant Experience in June 2011, and during his time with Ramapo he has had constant opportunities to not only work toward his goals, but also to learn from a supportive team of coworkers and mentors. Thanks to the SAE’s structure and individualized support, he’s built a demanding but satisfying schedule. Through classes at a local college, volunteering at a nursing home, and working in the campus dining hall and at a nearby restaurant, Max is gaining life, work, and social skills that will carry him into his future. What’s been your biggest success in the Staff Assistant Experience? “Last summer I spent two weeks helping a young camper with autism in the swimming pool. He was nonverbal, and swimming was the most challenging time of day for both him and his counselors. On the first day I took his hand and walked with him to the edge of the pool; we both stood with just our feet in the water so he could get acclimated to the way it felt. Over the next few days we ventured deeper into the pool, and I held him up while he learned to kick his legs and pull his arms through the water. By the end of the session I watched with pride and amazement as he swam around the pool doing laps! “In the Staff Assistant Experience, I learned how important it was to accept each person’s differences. During these sessions I really put that into practice. Because I recognized this boy’s challenges and addressed his individual needs, I was able to help him in a way I had never helped anyone else before. My experience with this camper gave me confidence, and provided a new understanding of both my own abilities and those of others.” RAMAPO 2011 9 “ RAMAPO RETREATS SHARING THE RAMAPO APPROACH YEAR-ROUND ON OUR RHINEBECK CAMPUS Throughout the year, hundreds of groups from schools and youth-service organizations visit our Rhinebeck campus to work with our highly trained facilitators on developing skills and improving behaviors through outdoor, adventure-based activities. Each program is tailored to meet the needs of the specific group. Based on their experiences, and Ramapo hospitality, 80% of the groups who came to Ramapo in 2010 chose to return in 2011. 191 8,024 The RAMAPO Approach We believe the habit of reflective practice must be adopted by both adults and young people, taking the time to process and reflect alone and with other mem bers of the com munity. RETREATS PARTICIPANTS Countless students have remarked to me how memorable this experience was to them, making an impact on their social growth in our school community. By the end of the two-day trip the class had grown stronger, learning the power of developing individually and working together.” Dimitri Saliani, Principal, Eleanor Roosevelt High School DEVELOPING TEEN CAMPERS INTO LEADERS FACILITATORS, SPECIALISTS, MENTORS, AND FRIENDS: AMERICORPS AT RAMAPO For one weekend each month, a select group of teen Ramapo campers return to campus as members of the Ramapo Leadership Program (RLP). Chosen for their ability to accept more responsibility and handle greater independence, these 36 young men and women learn new skills while living and working together. Our teen leaders not only hike, canoe, and climb the ropes course, they also participate in community service projects throughout the Hudson Valley. In 2011, the teen leaders displayed their new skills by leading programs for over 85 participants during Ramapo’s Family Learning Weekends. RLP helps these teens gain a sense of purpose, envision their futures, and build meaningful relationships with peers and adults. Positions on our AmeriCorps team are highly selective. For 2011, we received 160 applicants for only 18 openings. After receiving the training that distinguishes all Ramapo staff, AmeriCorps members facilitated teambuilding, leadership, and environmental retreats for thousands of youth, educators, and families; mentored the teen leaders during their service weekends; and coordinated 332 volunteers to provide 846 hours of service in the community. The AmeriCorps members also play a crucial role as mentors to Ramapo’s Staff Assistants, acting as roommates, coaches, colleagues, and friends to this group of young adults, and helping them develop the skills needed for independent living. The skills that AmeriCorps members learn at Ramapo stay with them long after they leave, and give them the tools to build positive environments for children as they move into their professional lives. RAMAPO 2011 11 FY2011 FINANCIAL SUMMARY FISCAL 2011 REVENUE ANALYSIS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES: THREE-YEAR SUMMARY $7M Property & Equipment, Net All Other Assets Total Liabilities 6M 5M 4M 3M 2M Program-Related Fees Individual Contributions Foundation Contributions Other Grants Investment Return, Net Capital Contributions $3,805,021 786,268 485,430 264,732 90,084 12,766 TOTAL $5,444,301 1M 0 20 0 9 2 010 2011 REVENUE AND EXPENSES: THREE-YEAR SUMMARY FISCAL 2011 EXPENSE ANALYSIS $6M Revenue Expenses Capital Contributions Program Administration Development 5M 4M 86% 10% 4% TOTAL $4,547,639 549,766 224,794 $5,322,199 3M 86% 2M 1M 0 0 20 0 9 12 RAMAPO 2011 2 010 2 011 2009 OF EXPENSES GO DIRECTLY TO PROGRAMS 2 01 0 2 01 1 RAMAPO 2011 13 A SELECTION OF PARTNERS WHO HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THE RAMAPO APPROACH IN 2011 NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCHOOLS THE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL (M363) ACADEMY FOR COLLEGE PREP AND CAREER EXPLORATION (K382) PS 65 (X065) ACADEMY FOR HEALTH CAREERS (K751) ANN M. SHORT SCHOOL (M146) BRONX WRITING (X323) BROOKLYN LAB SCHOOL (K639) CENTRAL PARK EAST HIGH SCHOOL (M555) THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS PRIVATE SCHOOLS FAMILY SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER CORLEARS SCHOOL FEGS LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE AND ELISABETH IRWIN HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS OF ISRAEL SCOUTS PS 96 (X096) PS 129 (M129) NIGHTINGALE BAMFORD HARLEM CHILDREN’S ZONE PS 134 (X134) POUGHKEEPSIE DAY SCHOOL HARLEM RBI PS 138 (K138) THE SHIELD INSTITUTE HEAF PS 145 (M145) ST. DAVID’S SCHOOL HEBREW EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY PS 160 (X160) TRINITY SCHOOL HETRICK MARTIN INSTITUTE GOOD SHEPHERD SERVICES PS 176 (X176) KINGS BAY Y CONCORD HIGH SCHOOL (R470) PS 191 (M191) SCHOOLS OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY EAST SIDE COMMUNITY SCHOOL (M450) PS 209 (Q209) HYDE PARK SCHOOLS PS 219 (K219) LONG BRANCH SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HIGH SCHOOL (M416) PS 333 (X333) NYACK MIDDLE SCHOOL EXIMIUS COLLEGE PREP (X250) QUEENS SATELLITE HIGH SCHOOL FOR OPPORTUNITY (Q338) TITUSVILLE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL FANNIE LOU HAMER FREEDOM HIGH SCHOOL (X682) ROCKAWAY COLLEGIATE HIGH SCHOOL (Q351) FLUSHING HIGH SCHOOL (Q460) SATELLITE ACADEMY (M570) BRONX WORKS URBAN ASSEMBLY GATEWAY SCHOOL FOR TECHNOLOGY (M507) CAMBA URBAN ASSEMBLY SCHOOL FOR MEDIA STUDIES (M307) IS 123 (X123) WEST BROOKLYN COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL (K529) IS 281 (K281) WEST PREP ACADEMY (M421) IS 285 (K285) IS 339 (X339) LIBERATION DIPLOMA PLUS (K728) NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NETWORKS LOWER MANHATTAN ARTS ACADEMY (M308) CHILDREN FIRST NETWORK 105 (URBAN ASSEMBLY) MANHATTAN BUSINESS ACADEMY (M392) CHILDREN FIRST NETWORK 201 METROPOLITAN HIGH SCHOOL (X248) CHILDREN FIRST NETWORK 106 CHILDREN FIRST NETWORK 203 CHILDREN FIRST NETWORK 411 MS 224 (X224) MS 2 (K002) NEW YORK CITY CHARTER SCHOOLS MS 256 (M256) BROOKLYN CHARTER SCHOOL MS 321 (M321) BRONX PREPARATORY CHARTER SCHOOL PAN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (X388) PS 3 (X003) COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP CHARTER SCHOOLS PS 4 (M004) EXPLORE CHARTER SCHOOL PS 15 (M015) FAHARI ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL PS 42 (X042) INWOOD ACADEMY PS 62 (X062) KIPP ACADEMY UNITED FEDERATION OF TEACHERS CHARTER SCHOOL 14 RAMAPO 2011 PREP FOR PREP 92ND STREET Y URBAN ACTION ACADEMY (K642) INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR LIBERAL ARTS (X342) NYC MISSION SOCIETY 14TH STREET Y HIGH SCHOOL FOR INNOVATION IN ADVERTISING AND MEDIA (K617) INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL (X334) MOUNT HOPE COMMUNITY CENTER NORTH BROOKLYN YMCA YOUTH-SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (K497) URBAN ASSEMBLY HIGH SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ART (K350) MOSHOLU MONTEFIORE COMMUNITY CENTER MOUNT SINAI SPEEK PROGRAM FORSYTH SATELLITE ACADEMY (M458) INNOVATION DIPLOMA PLUS (M404) LIBERTY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM AT LAGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE PUBLICOLOR AFTER-SCHOOL ALL STARS ROCKLAND COUNTY YOUTH BUREAU SCAN STREET SQUASH CHINESE AMERICAN PLANNING COUNCIL SURPRISE LAKE CAMP CITY PARKS FOUNDATION TEENS PACT CITY YEAR TREMONT-CROTONA COMMITTEE FOR HISPANIC CHILDREN AND SERVICES WASHINGTON HEIGHTS YM/YWCA YOUNG DANCERS CUNY CREATIVE ARTS TEAM The RAMAPO Approach We believe honest feed back and open co mm unication are ke y catalysts for person al development, and adul ts must understand how to have difficult conver sations constructively . In 2011, Ramapo’s annual budget of $4.8 million was met with the help of 1,478 gifts from 1,044 generous contributors. We wish to thank the following Foundations, Family Foundations, Corporations, and Individuals for their support of Ramapo for Children from November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2011. We would also like to thank those supporters who gave to us anonymously last year, as well as those individuals who chose to remember Ramapo through gifts to UJA-Federation of New York and the United Way. If you would like to make a gift, please contact us at 845.876.8409 or visit www.ramapoforchildren.org. FOUNDATIONS The Cameron & Jane Baird Foundation Autism Speaks Baker Summer Camp Scholarship Fund Bloomberg, LP J.E. & Z.B. Butler Foundation Eisman Foundation for Children The Heckscher Foundation for Children Isabella Freedman Jewish Greening Fellowship Elise Jerard Environmental & Humanitarian Trust Jewish Communal Fund John & Fred Klingenstein Fund of UJA-Federation The Kupferberg Foundation M&T Charitable Foundation Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. The Pinkerton Foundation Andrew Sabin Family Foundation Stewart’s Foundation Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge (SCOPE) Tiger Foundation Ruth Turner Fund, Inc. UJA-Federation of New York United Way of New York City van Ameringen Foundation, Inc. Vital Projects Fund, Inc. FAMILY FOUNDATIONS Brinckerhoff Foundation Bonni & Michael Branciforte & Gymtime Foundation Buck Henry Charitable Fund The Clarke Family Foundation The Steven A. & Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation Peter A. & Elizabeth S. Cohn Foundation Judy Angelo Cowen Foundation Alfred & Harriet Feinman Foundation Frehling Family Donor Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Dutchess County The Glickenhaus Foundation N.S. Goldsmith Foundation The Gottesman Fund Heller Family Foundation Jacob L. & Lillian Holtzmann Foundation Jesse & Joan Kupferberg Family Foundation The Wilbur A. Levin Family & Zeitz Foundation The MAT Charitable Foundation The Meg Foundation Richard Nye Foundation PJ Foundation The Rosenthal Fund Seibert Family Foundation The Silverweed Foundation The Three Chicks Charitable Trust Jack M. & Rose Ullman Foundation, Inc. Vogel Family Foundation Witkin Family Fund Sepasco Village, Inc. Sun Wallpaper & Paint, Inc. Top Spin Productions, Inc. Truist Friends at United Airlines— WHQVM & SFOVM UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign Wells Fargo Westex—Tony Marinello George T. Whalen Real Estate Williams Lumber & Home Centers CORPORATIONS A & R Security American Heating & Cooling Aon/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Services, Inc (NY) ARCO/Murray Corporate Services, Inc. Ashley Mechanical, Inc.— Ken Finke Atlantic Business Products— Larry Weiss Blackrock Matching Gift Program Competitive Courier Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation The Chazen Companies Tom Daley & TAC Construction The Walt Disney Company Dutchess Metal Supply Dutchess Recreational Vehicles, Inc. Bill Fischer & Fischer Travel Enterprises GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program GoodSearch.com John Herbert Company IBM Employee Services Center iStar Financial, Inc. Key Interiors, LLC Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, Inc. Lenox Hill Radiology McCabe & Mack LLP MediaBoss Television Microsoft Matching Gifts Morgan Stanley M & T Bank—Mark J. Stellwag, A.V.P. Morris Associates Perry Capital LLC— Richard Perry & Paul Leff PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Pulmonary Medicine & Sleep Disorders Associates Rock City Sand & Gravel Corp IN-KIND DONATIONS A.L. Stickle Variety Store An Apple a Day Diner The Bagel Shoppe Bread Alone Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck Dutchess County Agricultural Society, Inc. Gaby’s Cafe Gallery Lodoe Gifts In Kind International Gigi Trattoria Golden Rabbit Hammertown Hasbro, Inc. Lisa Loeb Northern Dutchess Pharmacy Northern Dutchess Rod & Gun Club Gail & Abe Nussbaum T.J. & Katharine O’Mara Red Hook Natural Foods The Rhinebeck Artist’s Shop, Inc. Rhinebeck Department Store David & Allison Ross Kristin Ryan Jennie & Jeff Stokum Taproot Foundation Taste Budd’s Cafe Village Pizza Village Pizza III Williams Lumber & Home Centers Willow Road School SCOPE Program Winter Sun & Summer Moon SHINING STARS 26 Anonymous Donors Amy & David Abrams Patricia & Alan B. Abramson Peter & Gila Acker William & Dinny Adamson Robert, Sara, & Maria Adducci Dr. Elliot & Helen Adler Howard & Nancy Adler David & Deborah Ahlgren Peter & Diane Albert Maria Allwin Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Alpern Robert & Marcia Altabet Alix Anfang Jesse Angelo Kate Angelo Matt Applebaum Cassie Avirom Janet Azagury Amy Bach Gilbert & Bonnie Bach Charles Bailey Bridget Baird Cameron Baird Konstantine Baltzis Rachel Baritz Lonnie & Karen Barnett Andrew Barrer Dr. Martin Bassiur Lauren A. Baum Beth Baxter Jacob Beckman Shari Beckman Steven B. Beckman Arlette Belkin Chris & Kathi Bell Marian Bellama Alison Bellino Johnston Carolyn Benz Evan & Cindy Berg Meryl & Stephen Berliner Deb Berman Miriam Beveridge Jennifer Bezoza Samantha Bichler Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bicks Bonnie Billet Rob Biniaz & Lucy Hood Andrew G. Black Bruce & Ann Black Katherine Blacklock Marylou Blaisdell Susan C. Blaisdell John & Phyllis Blaney John & Pam Blanpied Adam Blau Sarah Blaugrund John Blesso Helen Blitzer Jennifer Block Judith Block Gordon Blyth Brad Bobroff Alec Bokman Rebecca Bond Eric & Elissa Boory William B. & Dr. Jane Eisner Bram Elyse Braun Rebecca Bravin Tara Briganti Julie Brock Henry C. Brooks Sheila Brown Stephanie Brown Robert & Louise Bryan Vicki Bryant James & Joanne Buccellato Sidney & Lois Buchman Sarah Budd Anna Bulkin JoAnne Burger & Michael Caplan Jennifer Buri da Cunha Sarah E. Burns Elizabeth R. Burrows Howard & Lisa Busch Ronald & Anne Cacciola John Cafarelli Margaret M. Cahn Nicole Cajindos Denise Calvo Kathryn & Richard Campbell Maggie Campbell Delia H. Cantor Vivian Cardia Nicole Cardinale Ann Carmel David Carmel Jason & Amanda Carmel Jonathan & Dorothy Carmel David & Lisa Carnoy Mr. Victor J. Caroddo David & Deirdre Carroll Kyle Carscaden Liane & Marc Carter Mary Cassese & Robert Haskins Norma Cavazos Alexander Cecil James Chairman Bonnie & Clive Chajet Lisa Chajet Lori Chajet & Ben Wides Ariane Cherbuliez Andrew Choens Ronald Chomiw Church of the Messiah Teresa Ciaccio Allison & Todd Clapp RAMAPO 2011 15 THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS, continued Andrea Clark Jane Forbes Clark Gregory Clemens & Judy Chernikovich-Clemens Martinez & Gina Clement Melissa Clement Sarah Coco Alexandra Coe Brian Cogan & Robin Keller Ariel Cohen Connie Cohen Curtis A. Cohen Martin Cohen Steven Cohen Alice & William Collins Megan Collins Tabitha Collins Andrea Colombel Marcia & Geoffrey Colvin Danielle Comanducci Margaret Cooley Charlotte & Sheldon Cooper Stanley & Rosalyn Cooper Frank A. & Monique A. Cordasco Douglas Cott Viola Couling Carol Countryman Brahm & Dana Cramer Cathy Cramer Sarah Crane Jim & Kathy Craven Kelly Cullen Louise B. & Edgar M. Cullman, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Cuttler Rachel Cykiert Alexander Daigle Betsy Daniels Sally & Manuel de Vengoechea Bob & Jeanne Dean Bob & Kathy Dean Jonathan A. DeCristofaro Mike Deehan Glenn Del Favero Emme & Jonathan Deland Anne M. Derzon Albert, Melissa, & Benjamin Dethlefsen Barbara A. Dethlefsen Amber L. DeWeese Amy K. Dezura Eric Diamond Sue, Sam, & Joshua Diaz Suzanne & Terry Dingbaum Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Julie Disa Barbara DiStasio John (Ginz) DiStasio Joseph DiStasio Steven DiStasio Jenny Dodson Harriet Dolinsky Andy Donchin Marjorie & Alan Doniger The Donnelley Family Victoria Doran Howard & Faith Drucker 16 RAMAPO 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Druker Susan & James Dubin Sue Ducat & Stan Cohen Janet & Daniel Duffy Vivian R. Dulberg Allison Dymnicki Aurore Eaton Katherine Edgell Susan Edinger & Thomas Davanzo Arthur A. & Beulah S. Edwards Danielle Edwardson Jason Ehrlich Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Einhorn Alice & David Elgart Martin Elias Gretchen Elizabeth Jacqueline Elkayam Danielle Elsner Deborah Engel & David Goldstein Vicki Engel Laura Engler Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz Dara H. Epstein Luise Erdmann Margot & John Ernst Mr. & Mrs. William M. Evarts, Jr. Andrew Fairbanks & June Lee Ilana Fardjad Beth & Michael Fascitelli Eric & Amy Federman Barbara Feibelman & Ken Orenstein Lisa Feldman Sheldon Feldman & Gayle Saunders Judith & Carl Felsenfeld Antonia Fenn Alan & Lois Fields Michael Fineman Bob & Arline Fireman Orah Fireman & Andrew Schiavoni Barry & Marti Fischer Julie & Richard Fischer Drew Fisher Anita Fishman Ann FitzGibbons Mary Fleming Michael Folsom David & Kathleen Foster Tara Framer Nancy Fennell Frank Chuck & Dawn Franke Daniel Franklin Herbert & Judith Freedman Karen Freedman & Roger Weisberg Nina Freedman & Michael Rosenbaum Jordan Friedman Sam Friedman & Laurie Stein Molly Friedrich Daniel & Rosele Frishwasser Dori Fromer & Harley Frank Christopher & Joyce Frost Kate Frucher Mrs. James J. Fuld Lisa & Jim Fuld Jr. Jessica Fuller Mary Gaitskill Maaian Galant Cathryn Galanter & Jim Rosenfeld Matthew Galen Marvin & Brie Gallagher Joseph Gallagher Ronald & Frada Galler Jamie Gangel & Daniel Silva Samantha Garbus Anjanette Garcia Brad & Melanie Garnett Gina Garrubbo Robert & Gail Gaynes Sheila Geiger David & Marsie Genetti William & Kathy Gerhardt Maria Gerrity Mr. & Mrs. Saul Gersen Brian Giammona Ryan Gist Scott Gitlin Raymond & Matiana Glass Norman J. Glassel Carol Glickenhaus James Glickson Elizabeth Goddard Burton Gold Rebecca Gold Mark Goldberg Joshua Goldfein Matt Goldman Sara & Marc Goldsen Steven L. Goldstein, Attorney-at-Law Ina Gonzalez Ms. Audrey Goode Nita & Chuck Goodgal Douglas Goodman Lawrence & Andrea Goodman Pearl Goodman Arnold & Mariel Goran Mr. & Mrs. John D. Gordon III Arlene & Andrew Gordon Ellen Gordon Zak & Wendy Gordon James & Penny Gorman Aviram Gotsulsky Jennifer Gottlieb Joan P. Gottschalk Mr. & Mrs. C. Joseph Gould Phoebe & David Gray Rona G. Green Hank Greenberg Laurie Greenberg Karen Greene Payson L. Greene George Greenslade & Sunghee Ko-Greenslade Shara Greenspan Laurence Greenwald & Karen Adler Molly Greer Martin C. Gregory Paige & Mel Grillo Paul & Sharon Griswold Jennifer & Bud Gruenberg Daniel B. Gubits Jane & Randy Guggenheimer Erin Gums Martin Halbfinger Carol & Peter Halfon Demetrios Halikiopoulos Ellen L. Halpern Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Halpert Miles Hammond Amber Handy Greg Hanson Elissa Harel Mandi Haroldson Karen Harris & Rob Gips Mike & Sally Harris Paula Harrison Kim & Alan Hartman Jane Hauser Jennifer F. Havens, MD William J. Healey, Jr. Susan H. Hecht Jane Heilbron Andrew D. Heineman Ben & Rebecca Heller James & Pamela Heller Nancy Heller & Roger Lob Susan C. Heller Susie Heller Susan Hellerstein & John Triedman Jill Herman Ginger Hernandez Bruce & Terri Herring Megan Hertzig-Sharon Christy Hickey Stephanie Hiloman Harriette Hirsch Ali Hirschhorn Stephen Hirschhorn & Linda Polsky Maida & Harry Hirschkorn Chris Hitchcock & Ellen Sherman Theodore & Kathleen Hochheiser Alan Hock Beth & Jason Hoff Carly Hoffman Kate Hecht Hofling Betsey Holtzmann Dale & Jane Honeycutt Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hontz Dan Hopkins Kenneth & Marilynn Hopman Emily Horick Mrs. Patricia Horoschak Carin Horowitz & David Wagenheim Teri & John Horowitz Elizabeth Horton & Jim Silbert Mr. & Mrs. James Houghton Paul Howard Annie Huggins & Andy Rex Muriel Hyman Tracey & Tom Hynes Shane Hyre George & Ronnie Igel Evelyn & Sidney Insoft Susan & Steven Insoft Jack Irushalmi Leon & Beverly Isaac Jill & Ken Iscol Julia Issembert Nicole Issembert Mr. Rumen Ivanov Patricia Jacco Katie Jackson Suzanne Jacober Rabbi Richard Jacobs & Susan Freedman Glenda & Gerry Jaffe Lynn James Jessica Jochum Samantha & Michael Joseloff Ondrej Jurik Stewart & Sherry Kahn Claire Kaitz Paul & Linda Kalos Marjorie Kalter Jed Kanner Aaron Kantoff Alan I. Kaplan David Kaplan Laura K. Kaplan Frank E. Karelsen, III Joe Karpowicz Lori & Marc Kasowitz Gary & Shelley Katz James Keady Laura Kearns Emily Keller Lauralee Kelly Scott & Laurel Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Kemp John & Carol Kennedy Jeffrey L. Kenner Dimitri N. Kessaris, M.D. Anna Key Tory & Elena Kiam Dana Kiesel Geoffrey D. Kimball Richard W. & Athena Kimball Elizabeth Kirchhoff Joseph & Andrea Kirchhoff Thomas J. Kirchhoff Laura Kirk Emily Kirschner Allen Kleban & Sharon Handwerg Dana Kleiman Jesse Klein Joan Klein Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Klingenstein John & Miriam Klipper The Knight Family Andrew Kodesch Anthony & Lindsay Kogan Netiva Kolitz Jonathan W. & Doris B. Konovitch Roberta Kosberg Lou & Christine Koskovolis David Kramer Larry Krantz & Joyce Barber Jesse & Maris Krasnow Jess Kribbs Louise Krieger Carol & Steve Kruh Marianna Kuhn Esther & Ed Kunin‡ Jonathan & Amy Kunin Ken Kunin & Beth Stickney Mike Kunin Lillian Kurtz Steven M.S. Kurtz, Ph.D. & Bonnie Schwarcz Kurtz Melissa Kurzweil Peter & Rachel Kushel Gilbert H. Lamphere Louise W. Lamphere Jimmy & Sheri Langel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lansing Tammy Lapidus Nikki Lapin Matthew G. Lasner Cristyne F. Lategano & Nicholas S. Nicholas Peter Lattman & Isabel Gillies Cecilia G. Laureys Brian Lavigne Amy & Elliot Lawrence Michael Lawson Jules Layman Allison & Erik Leaver Adrian LeBlanc Kim Lee Thomas H. Lee & Ann Tenenbaum Julie & Paul Leff Myla Lerner Ellis & Seth Lesser Joseph & Arlyne Lesser Henry Levandowski Alice N. Levin Peter Levin Phyllis Lee Levin Kenneth & Sharon Levitsky Charles Levy Gordon Levy Nadine & Peter Levy Clare Levy Strom Carolyn H. Lewis Judith Hatchfield Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Lichstein Zander & Morina Lichstein Aaron Lieberman Mariel Liebman Neil & Leslie Lilien Ruth & David Lindy Judith Liner David & Elizabeth Lipman Harry Lipman & Julie Roth Jonathan & Holly Lipton Judy Loeb ‡ Deceased Suzanne Lunn Jessica Lustgarten Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Lustig Annie Lydgate Samantha Lynch Rhonda & Jeffrey Mace Lucia Macro Lori Madrid Jonathon Mahaffey Michael Maizner Virginia Maltese Emily Mandelstam Christopher Manheim Janet & Howie Mann Marcy Mann & Chip Squire Pamela Mann Paulette & Eric Mann Barbara Manocherian Blanche G. Mansfield Jennifer Manwell Paula Marcus Judi Markowitz Sol Markowitz Geoffrey & Marla Marks Harlene & Clifford Marks Therese & Thomas Marks Luz Marquez Charles Martin Sheila W. Marzouk Alan Maskin Carrie Maslow Barbara Massey Bess Massey Charlie & Stella Massimo Garrett Matsunaga Leni May Regina & Rick Mayell Daniel Mayer Michael & Elizabeth Mayers Carolyn Mayo-Winham Lowell & Susan (Pancost) McAdam Ann & John McChord Lynnette & Kevin McCollum Tamara & Sean McHugh Mary McKay & Jan Philip Browne Erica & Lee McKeever Mary Anne McKernan Patricia McTeague Jeffrey Melcer Steven M. Melley Claude Mellins & Michael Conard David Mellins Eric Mendelsohn Paul Mendelsohn Teri Mendelsohn Jill Mendelson Ariella Menegon Randi Menkes Vic & Denise Menon Harvey Meranus Jordan & Evonne Meranus Mr. & Mrs. Deusdedi Merced Nancy Merwin Leonora Messer Ellen & Lee Metzendorf Dorothy & Raoul Meyer Katie Meyer Monica Meyer Charles Miles Mr. Richard Milich Gayle Miller Lauren Miller Gail & Skip Millison Charles Minesinger Linda Saxl Minton & Tim Minton Maxine Mintzer & Gary Levine Ed & Suzanne Miska Kim Miskoe & Laura Wasserman Peter & Denise Mitchell Yehudit & Samuel Moch Marc Molinaro Brad & Ellen Molotsky Andrew Mongarella Michael & Amy Moorin Allen Moritz Richard Mormile Andrew Morrison Catherine Morrison Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Moser Ashley Mosgrove Mostow-Bowen Family Mr. & Mrs. Shaye Mozes Mary Alice Mudge Carrey Ann Mudlock John & Deborah Muller Kristen Mulvoy-Williams Lorig Mushegain Christa Mussi Alfia Muzio Gulnar Nagashybayeva Casey Nakamura Frederic & Frances Nathan Jennifer Neff Nancy, Daniel, & Michael Neff Jennifer Nelson William Neuman Mark & Laura Newfield Noel & Nancy Newman Emily Newmann Stephanie Nieratka Renie & Rich Noring Mary Novacek Suzanne Novik Rosie O’Grady Mrs. Pat O’Mara T.J. & Katharine O’Mara Catherine Oakford Caren & Steven Oberstein Regis Obijiski Nancy & Morris W. Offit Seth Oilman Connie Ordaz Mitch & Homa Oscar Natalie Oshins Joey Parnes & Ellen Tattelman Pelletier Family Julie & Josh Penzner Michael & Paula Penzner Leonard & Ruth Perfido Bob & Donna Peskin HRH Prince Philippos Marc & Mary Pifko Daniel Pilowsky & Lisa Aaron John & Susan Pittenger Sharon, Roy, & Sam Plastock Jessica & Greg Pliska Amanda Polzin Stephen & Kathy Polzin Rusty & Dawn Pomeroy Dr. Andrew Powell & Ms. Mia Klinger-Powell Portia Powell Edie & Darrin Prescott Caroline Prewitt Steve Pruzinsky Gerald & Karen Pubentz Robert & Sheila Puopolo Joshua Quick Pam & Jeff Rabin Christopher & Jennifer Rabley Marina Radovich John E. Raskin Elinor G. Ratner Melissa Coco Raymond Lata Reddy Joan Ress Reeves Tina Rettig Nonie & Rink Reynders Tom & Victoria Reynolds Ricki Rhein Mrs. Jean L. Rich Lauren & Edward Rimland Edythe Rishin Sam Ritholtz Richard Rizzo Dennis & Mary Roach Kevin & Alicia Roach Karen & Thomas Robards Heather Roberson John Robinette Peter & Patricia Roche Thomas & Isabel Roche Edwin Rodriguez Jim Rogers William D. Rogers Alana Rogol Alejandra Rojas Paul Romanello & Jamie Fortunoff Nan Root Emily Reilley Cara Rosenbaum Enid Rosenbaum Nanette Rosenbaum Ellen Rosenberg Jonathan Rosenberg Michael Rosenberg Neal H. Rosenberg, Esq. Robert A. Rosenberg, Esq. Faith Rosenfeld Fran & Eric Rosenfeld Oren Rosenthal Richard, Stacy, & Max Rosenthal Ruth Rosenthal Jake Rosenwasser David & Allison Ross Melissa Ross Paul & Nancy Ross Stuart Ross Herb & Marie Rothschild Cynthia & Jerry Rothstein Rick Routhier & Sarah Kahn David Ruben & Nancy Englander Harold Rubin W. Henry Russell M.D. Sarah Ryan & Robert Wieman Cathy E. Sacks David Sailer Ed & Norma Salem Flora Sanders Kate & Alan Sanzenbacher Lisa Saturno Ginger & Bob Sauer Lauren Berkley Saunders Lucia Saura Ellen R. Saxl Stephen Saxl & Alice Naude Jeffrey A. Scales Linda N. Schapiro Katherine Locker Scharlatt Mrs. Victoria Schiavoni Salliann Schippers Janet Schliff John & Patricia Schmeltzer Susan B. Schoellkopf Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schorr Francis & Sally Schrag Matthew Schrag & Leah Rosen Raymond V. J. & Jean A. Schrag Rebecca D.A. Schrag Hank R. Schwab James & Kim Schwab Dr. & Mrs. Ira Schwartz Mrs. Joan C. Schwartz Jodi J. Schwartz Martha & David Schwartz Michael & Lisa Schwartzman Cassandra Seals Mr. Kent Sednaoui Cara Shapiro John Shapiro & Shonni Silverberg Lawrence Shapiro Ray & Angela Sheen Deborah Shefrin Joanne B. Shepherd Anne Sherman Mr. Claude Sherman Rebecca Shipps Mr. & Mrs. William Shirley James Shollenberger Fred & Stephanie Shuman David & Linda Sicher Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sicher David Sicular & Lilian Stern Herbert & Sydell Siegel Lissette Siesholtz Julie Silver Dr. Samuel & Gail Simon Beatrice Simpson John & Alexandra Simpson RAMAPO 2011 17 THANK YOU TO OUR SHINING STARS, continued Alison & Daniel Singer Pamela & Mitch Slater Dr. Nancy Speert Slater Bakley Smith Deborah & Scott Smith Ross & Debbie Smith Samantha Smith Sandra Smith Thomas G. Snow & Karen B. Meriwether Joan Lasker Sobel David Sokoler Amanda Solomon Andrew Solomon Margie Solovay & Rob Friedman Elizabeth Speert Harold & Kathryn Speert Beth Sperber Jonathan Spivak David & Barbara Spizzirro Joel Spolin & Margot Parker Jeffrey & Gail Stadler Jacqualyn E. Stancin Abigail Stark Cynthia & David Stark Gary & Linda Stark Cate Starkey Amy Starkman Heather Stefek Patricia & Paul Stefek Adam P. Stegman Fred Stein Joan Stein George & Marilyn Steinberg Rosalind Steiner Sam Stempel Rebecca Stephens & Katrina Glanzer Betsy & Wally Stern Thomas & Rosemary Sterr Benjamin Stillman Lauren Stillo Christopher & Amy Stokes Jennie & Jeff Stokum Olivia Stone Breanne Straube Carol Kahn Strauss Marcia Strean Michelle Stuhl & Howard Werner Janet Suchanyc Christopher & Rachel Sullivan Leah Sullivan Jane Witkin Summer H. Eugene Swantz, Jr. Darius & Theresa Sweet Jonathan Tager Katheleen Talledge Rebecca Tamel Lisa & Josh Tane Graham Taylor Lisa & David Tazartes Victoria & Alan Templeton Madeline Templin Tambria Terry Bob & Joan Terwilliger 18 RAMAPO 2011 The Rhinebeck Reformed Church—Dorcas Guild Women’s Group Chris Theoharis Joshua Thomases Kathleen Thomases Daniel Tiano Sarah & Nessim Tiano Helene & Marvin Torker Russell & Naomi Torrisi Maria Trachtenberg Steven C. & Roberta Trachtman Lisa Traina Ellen & Jonah Triebwasser Blair Trippe Keith & Sandra Troccia The Truesdale Family Brian Tucker Leonard A. Tureff Emily Udner Allie Utley Illiana Kerckerinck Van Meeteren Dr. Peggy van Raalte Cindy Vannoy & John Baro Margo Vassar David & Sue Viniar Carol Voelger Elizabeth Wachs Evan Walke Karen Hirschkorn Walker Daniel Walsh & Melissa Dixon McLain Ward Helen & David Warren Amy Thiele Weber Stacey & Jeffrey Weber Marian Weinberg Charles & Lynn Weiner Marla Weinhoff Boyd Weinstein Rebecca Weintraub Melissa & Brian Weis Danielle Weisfeld Adam & Sarah Weiss Jane & Bob Weiss Lois & Michael Weiss Dr. Richard Weiss Drs. Stephen & Eileen Weiss Traci Weiss Terry Weitzen David Weller Annie Downes Whelan Britney White Tammy White Arthur Whitman Patricia Whitney— Flowered Rock Farm Brittany Wiest Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wigdor Gary L. Williams Gray & Marian Williams Kathleen Winitt Marcie Winitt Kenneth I. Wirfel & June Eichbaum Meghan Wischusen Ed Witkin—Carrboro Solar Works, LLC Peter Witkin Richard Witkin Bill & Joan Witkin Helen Witsenhausen Elia Wolberger Amy & Tom Wolf Deane B. Wolfe Elizabeth Wolfe Karri Wolfe Elizabeth Wood Charles Woodbury Candace Worth Darrell Wright Dawn & Eric Wright Michael & Elizabeth Wright Blair Wunderlich Nicole Wycoff Janice Xuereb Jonathan & Holly Youngwood Anne & John Zaccaro Caitlin Zadek Dale & Rafael Zaklad Barbara & David Zalaznick Joan & Thad Zaremba Blake Zeff The Zeff Family The Zelnick Family Allegra Zemel Mr. & Mrs. Jonah Zimiles Rebecca Zorowitz Jessica Zweifach IN MEMORY OF Anne Alexander* Sheila Amos Martin Berger May Blechman Gilda Blitzer* Sara Calvo Deborah Chomiw Al Cornacchini* Barbara DeCristofaro Ruth & Sam DeDio Robert DiStasio Hilda Fischman Elaine Fuld James J. Fuld William B. Heller* Henry L. Heming Sylvia Kalish Dorothy Kaplan Ursula Karelsen Richard Kaufman Meg Latimer Kearns George Klein Elijah Dar Kruh Joseph Langeneker Lisa Levi* Robert Little Lore Mendelsohn Lester & Helen Milich Arlen Nickowitz Meg Berte Owen Susan Panisch Isabel & Israle Perez Robert G. Platt Marie Pasec Roll Helen Rosen* Harry Saxon O.B.M. Steven Schechtman Joseph A. Schiavoni Jessie Silver Paloma Skanberg Jon Steele Glenn Stempel* Joyce Stempel* Jean Stepanowski Dr. Herb Strean* Barbara Brehm Swantz Bob Thomases Thomas Van Raalte Bruce Verdrager Jack Verdrager Lenore F. Verdrager Nick Voelger* Robert B. Weller Dorothy Wright* IN HONOR OF John Paul Amato Henry Brooks Liam Jude Brooks-Barr Ann Carmel* Norma Cavazos* Lori Chajet* Christian Ciardiello Nate Clemens Zachary Clement Sarah Cohen Megan Collins John D. Countryman Austin Daniels Bob & Kathy Dean* Melissa Epstein Max Feldman Sam Friedman Matthew Galen Kristina Garcia Van Ranen Giffin Jeanette Goldreyer Bruce Goldstein, Esq. Susan Goodman Goldstein Larry Goodman Laurie Greenberg* Posie Hanson Hard Working Counselors* William Healey* Susan Heming Hecht Susie Heller* Teri Horowitz* Rhoda Kupferberg Joss & Paul Joss Alicia K. & daughter Callie Kaplan Frank Karelsen* Ben Kaufman & Nikki Laffel Emily Keller Joe & Andrea Kirchhoff Bernie & Susan Kosberg* Tyler Krantz Edward Kunin ‡ ‡ Deceased Michael Kunin* Bonnie & Steven Kurtz* Lorelei Lanum Allison Leaver* Julie & Paul Leff Ellis Rosen Lesser* Joshua Magat* Arielle Mann Melanie Dee Matsunaga Claude Mellins* Paul Mendelsohn* Deusdedi Merced Graham Matheson Merced Rachel Minton Kayla Miroff-Wood Matt Molotsky Alexandra (Gould) Munzel Emma Murphy Nancy Neff* Nancy Newman* Noel Newman Tate Nielsen Tim O’Mara & Kate Bushmann O’Mara Joey Parnes & Ellen Tattelman* Henry Prescott Gerald & Karen Pubentz Benjamin Rabb Jake Rimland* Lauren Rimland Edythe Rishin Mr. William Rogers Michael Rosenbaum & Nina Freedman Richard Rosenthal* David Ross* Harrison, Sydney, & Samantha Rusie Ellen Saxl* Rebecca Schrag* Oscar & Hugo Segal Ray Segal & Vivian Ducat Alexander Shirley Lily & Nicholas Silva Brian & Audrey Smith Brian A. Smith Katie & Chris Snyder Ginger Speicher Sebastian Stratton-Clarke Joshua Streiner Jacob Erwin Tazartes James Walker, Jr. Adam Weiss Sadie Mia Weiss Jacob Wiener Bill Witkin* If we have accidentally omitted your name, please accept our sincerest apologies, and please let us know. Ramapo for Children gratefully acknowledges Susan Huyser as the designer of our Annual Report. We would also like to thank Barbara Lovenheim and her Charitable Trust for providing underwriting support for this project. * Multiple gifts received in honor/memory BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS STEVEN BECKMAN ANN E. CARMEL JONATHAN W. CARMEL PRESIDENT SENIOR LEADERSHIP STAFF MARC CARTER AMY NYE WOLF LORI CHAJET, PH.D. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD ROSENTHAL JOHN DISTASIO NINA P. FREEDMAN LAURIE GREENBERG VICE PRESIDENTS SUSAN K. HELLER CLAUDE ANN MELLINS, PH.D. TERI GOLDBERG HOROWITZ DEUSDEDI MERCED, ESQ. JOSEPH T. KIRCHHOFF JULIE ABRAMS LEFF TREASURER ELLIS ROSEN LESSER BOB DEAN AARON O. L. LIEBERMAN SUSAN MCADAM SECRETARY DAVID ROSS ADAM WEISS Chief Executive Officer MICHAEL KUNIN Executive Director, Rhinebeck Campus LISA TAZARTES Executive Director, Ramapo Training BRUCE KUZIOLA Chief Financial and Administrative Officer MARY MCKAY, PH.D. PAUL MENDELSOHN ELISSA HAREL Director of External Affairs NANCY FULD NEFF JOEY PARNES LAUREN RIMLAND JENNIFER BURI DA CUNHA Associate Executive Director, Rhinebeck Campus MICHAEL ROSENBAUM ELLEN ROGERS SAXL, ED.D. REBECCA D.A. SCHRAG, PH.D. JENNIE STOKUM Director of Annual Giving WILLIAM I. WITKIN HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS ALAN F. DONIGER SUSAN HEMING HECHT FRANK E. KARELSEN III WILLIAM D. ROGERS SAM STEMPEL SCOTT KEMP Director of Operations, Rhinebeck Campus KATE SULLIVAN Associate Director, Ramapo Training The RAMAP O Approac h We believ e thought ful rituals a nd routin e s can teach desi red behavi ors and are impor tant elem ents in establishi ng safe em otional environm e nts, and m ust be adapted t o the par t icular needs of individua l children and group s. Rhinebeck Campus: P.O. Box 266 Rt. 52/Salisbury Turnpike Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Phone 845.876.8403 Fax 845.876.8414 New York City Office: 49 West 38th Street 5th Floor New York, NY 10018 Phone 212.754.7003 Fax 212.754.4994 www.ramapoforchildren.org www.facebook.com/ramapoforchildren @Ramapo4Children
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