P artial shadowing of photovoltaic arrays with different system
P artial shadowing of photovoltaic arrays with different system
Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 Partial shadowing of photovoltaic arrays with different system configurations: literature review and field test results Achim Woyte a , *, Johan Nijs a,b ,1 , Ronnie Belmans a a Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium b Photovoltech SA, c /o IMEC vzw, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium Received 20 December 2002; received in revised form 4 April 2003; accepted 11 April 2003 Abstract Partial shadowing has been identified as a main cause for reducing energy yield of grid-connected photovoltaic systems. The impact of the applied system configuration on the energy yield of partially shadowed arrays has been widely discussed. Nevertheless, there is still much confusion especially regarding the optimal grade of modularity for such systems. A 5-kWp photovoltaic system was installed at K.U. Leuven. The system consists of three independent subsystems: central inverter, string inverter, and a number of AC modules. Throughout the year, parts of the photovoltaic array are shadowed by vegetation and other surrounding obstacles. The dimensions of shadowing obstacles were recorded and the expectable shadowing losses were estimated by applying different approaches. Based on the results of almost 2 years of analytical monitoring, the photovoltaic system is assessed with regard to shadowing losses and their dependence on the chosen system configuration. The results indicate that with obstacles of irregular shape being close to the photovoltaic array, simulation estimates the shadowing losses rather imprecise. At array positions mainly suffering from a reduction of the visible horizon by obstacles far away from the photovoltaic array, a simulation returns good results. Significant differences regarding shadow tolerance of different inverter types or overproportional losses with long module strings could not be confirmed for the system under examination. The negative impact of partial shadowing on the array performance should not be underestimated, but it affects modular systems as well as central inverter systems. 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In the industrialised countries, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems are mainly installed on buildings. The integration of these systems into the built environment offers a large potential for cost reduction and can contribute to the overall value of urban architecture. A well designed PV facade expresses the reconciliation of modern technology and environmental concern, and thus is well suited for application in contemporary urban design. Wide experience with PV on buildings became available in the early 1990s. In the German 1000-Roofs-PV-Programme that was started in 1990, partial shadowing of PV arrays turned out to be one of the main reasons for reductions in energy yield (Decker and Jahn, 1997; Erge et al., 1998). The Japanese field test programme that was initiated in 1992 returned similar results (Kurokawa et al., 1997b; Otani et al., 2001). Up to then, partial shadowing had mainly been considered a problem with regard to thermal destruction of solar cells due to hot spots. Now, overproportional losses due to partial shadowing of PV arrays became an issue. In the meantime, the impact of partial shadowing on the energy yield of PV has been widely discussed. Nevertheless, there is still much confusion, especially regarding the optimal grade of modularity of the system configuration. 2. Review and discussion of previous research *Corresponding author. Tel.: 132-16-321-020; fax: 132-16321-985. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Woyte). 1 ISES member. 2.1. Partial shadowing of photovoltaic devices Shadowing of a single cell in a series string of solar 0038-092X / 03 / $ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016 / S0038-092X(03)00155-5 A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 218 Nomenclature STC MPP Wp, kWp PAC,r PDC,r Yr YrSh YA Yf LC LCSh LCM LS PR PR Sh PRA hEU hS Standard test conditions: irradiance 1000 W/ m 2 ; cell temperature 25 8C; spectrum air mass 1.5 Maximum power point on the I–U curve of a PV device Units for indication of rated PV power at STC (p: peak) Rated AC power of a PV inverter Rated DC power of a PV inverter Reference yield: in-plane irradiation normalised on 1000 W/ m 2 Reference yield after shadowing: in-plane irradiation on the shadowed PV array normalised on 1000 W/ m 2 Array yield: DC energy generation of the PV array normalised on rated PV power at STC Final yield: AC energy generation of the PV system normalised on rated PV power at STC Capture losses: LC 5Yr 2YA Shadowing losses in irradiation: LCSh 5Yr 2YrSh Miscellaneous capture losses: LCM 5YrSh 2YA System losses: LS 5YA 2Yf Performance ratio: PR5Yf /Yr Performance ratio with reference yield after shadowing: PR Sh 5Yf /YrSh Array performance ratio: PRA 5YA /Yr European efficiency of a PV inverter: hEU 50.03h5 10.06h10 10.13h20 10.1h30 1 0.48h50 10.2h100 , the indexed h values indicate the inverter efficiency at the given percentage of rated AC power Long-term system efficiency in the field: hS 5Yf /YA Subscripts 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31, 32, 34 Indication of PV subsystems and module strings A, B, C, D Indication of positions for in-plane irradiance measurements cells leads to reverse bias of the shadowed cell. Reverse bias and consecutive microplasma breakdown have been physically described and modelled (Spirito and Albergamo, 1982; Bishop, 1988, 1989). Kovach (1995) performed a thorough analysis of the reverse-biased solar cell and applied Bishop’s model in order to draw conclusions on hot spot formation and yield reduction of PV arrays. For commercially available crystalline and amorphous cells, model parameters for both models were derived from measurements by Alonso and Chenlo (1998). All the authors observed that solar cell I–U characteristics in reverse bias show more variation than in forward bias, a ¨ result that was statistically verified by Danner and Bucher (1997) and Laukamp et al. (1999). Kovach (1995) also found that under shadowing conditions a poor PV array lay-out can lead to large energy losses and that even small shadows can appreciably affect the energy yield. In order to protect shadowed solar cells from breakdown, bypass diodes are applied. In the 1980s a number of authors contributed to optimise the PV module design and to determine the maximum number of solar cells per bypass diode necessary in order to avoid the formation of hot spots (Arnett and Gonzales, 1981; Bhattacharya and Neogy, 1991; Gupta and Milnes, 1981; Shepard and Sugimura, 1984). Based on these experiences, a hot-spot endurance test became part of the type approval for crystalline silicon modules according to IEC 61215 (1993). As a rule of thumb, for a solar cell string of n cells being equipped with one bypass diode, the absolute value of the breakdown voltage of a reverse biased solar cell must be greater than n up to n11 times 0.5 V. This value approximately equals the MPP voltage of the n21 unshadowed crystalline silicon cells in series plus the transmission voltage of a silicon bypass diode, i.e., 0.5 to 1 V. The weakest link in a cell string is the solar cell with the highest breakdown voltage and thus the highest leakage current (Gupta and Milnes, 1981; Hermann et al., 1997). For today’s crystalline silicon modules, the breakdown voltage of a solar cell usually is assumed to be less than 210 V. Therefore, mostly one bypass diode is applied per 18 cells in series. Multiple parallel interconnections between cell strings within one module, also discussed in the literature, are usually not applied anymore today. In measurements on commercially available reverse biased solar cells, cases have been identified with a breakdown voltage as high as 27.2 V, leading to a leakage A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 current of 1.4 A and associated maximum cell temperatures as high as 125 8C at 210 V reverse voltage. The reverse bias behaviour in this study has been found to be specific to the cell type (Hermann et al., 1998). More recent measurements, carried out under the European Commission’s Fifth Framework Programme (IMOTHEE ERK5-CT1999-00005), returned similar results, leading to the conclusion that cell sorting with regard to leakage current should be included in the production process. That way, less cells could be applied per bypass diode in modules specifically made from cells with higher leakage current and breakdown voltage (Hermann et al., 2001; Alonso et al., 2001). With the increasing architectural integration of PV into roof structures and facades in the mid 1990s, again the question was raised whether the bulky external bypass diodes could be omitted or at least reduced in number. Research was mainly carried out in the framework of the German federal research and development (R&D) project ‘‘Qualifizierung von PV-Fassadenelementen’’ (BMBF-FKZ 032 9658). In that context, it was found that for glass / glass modules, bypass diodes should not be omitted unless the module design is modified by applying broader cell connectors and a high-heat-conductivity foil in the module back sheets (Knaupp, 1997). With these measures the peak temperature could be reduced by about 16 K (Knaupp, 1997). PV modules were measured and simulated with constructed cast shadows by Laukamp et al. (1998). It was concluded that bypass diodes may only be omitted if the irradiance distribution is virtually always homogeneous. Furthermore, all cells applied must behave almost identically under reverse bias and their shunt resistance must not be too high. This however presumes the availability of solar cells with standardised reverse bias behaviour. Currently, cell manufacturers do not control the reverse bias behaviour of their cells being the reason that in this study even cells of the same type were found to behave differently when biased in reverse direction (Laukamp et al., 1999). As a preliminary conclusion from the aforementioned German R&D project, it was suggested that bypass diodes should not be omitted (Stellbogen et al., 1998). In practice one bypass diode per 18 to 20 cells should be applied. With the application of more powerful solar cells Stellbogen et al. (1998) suggest that even a smaller number of cells per bypass diode might become necessary. The results from the European IMOTHEE project generally confirm these findings yet they more urgently suggest the need for a smaller number of cells per bypass diode also for crystalline standard modules as long as manufacturers cannot guarantee a continuously high quality with regard to breakdown voltage and leakage current of the applied solar cells (Hermann et al., 2001; Alonso et al., 2001). While from an architectural point of view, it would be desirable to omit the bypass diodes in the junction box, from the shadowing point of view the more bypass diodes 219 are available, the better. A solution is offered to this dilemma with directly integrating the bypass diode in the semiconductor structure of each single cell (Suryanto Hasyim et al., 1986). Another option for increased shadow tolerance are cell-integrated converters (Meyer et al., 1997). However, these are not likely to become commercially available in the near future (Quaschning et al., 1996). In the meantime, considerable effort has also been made in simulating the electrical behaviour of shadowed PV arrays. A mathematical description of shadowed PV arrays was first derived by Rauschenbach (1968). Abete et al. (1989) studied the behaviour of parallel and series connected solar cells under partial shadowing by applying Bishop’s model. Quaschning and Hanitsch (1996a) developed a model for the photo current of partially shadowed solar cells. Today, a large number of software tools for the assessment of the electrical behaviour of PV arrays is commercially available, however, not all of them are suited for examinations down to the solar cell level under reverse biased conditions (Zehner, 2001). There are two fundamentally different approaches to estimate the reduction in energy yield of partially shadowed PV systems. One approach is to simulate the shadows being cast on the PV array by surrounding obstacles and their variation in time. For this purpose Blewett et al. (1997) applied a heliodon as used by architects to predict natural lighting effects. That way, it is possible to predict the shadows cast on a PV array in the built environment throughout the year based on an architectural model. Wilshaw et al. (1995) also determined direct and diffuse irradiance, and PV module temperature from the heliodon analysis, enabling conclusions on the array yield of the PV system. In general, this type of simulation can also be performed on a computer. If the dimensions and arrangement of the shadowing objects are known, the shape and size of the shadow, cast on the PV array, can be determined at every moment of the year. By further applying synthetic or empirical meteorological data, the irradiance on the PV array can be calculated very precisely for every moment in time, allowing for further simulation of the electrical system behaviour. A detailed description for the calculation of solar irradiance on partially shadowed PV arrays is provided (Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1995) as is a high-resolution electrical model for PV arrays with inhomogeneously illuminated cells (Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1996b). One obvious drawback of such a model with high spatial and time resolution is the necessary long computation time. Another one is the necessity to know the precise dimensions and positions of all shadowing objects. Eleven out of 27 programs and tools, presented in a market survey on commercially available PV simulation software by Zehner (2001), feature possibilities for the evaluation of partial shadowing. Four of them can calculate cast shadows as a function of time as described above. 220 A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 However, only one of them allows for detailed analysis down to the level of the single solar cell (Laplace Systems, 2003). Another of these four programs is intended for irradiance calculations only (Zehner, 2001), and the two others have as the smallest spatial unit the PV module, without applying Bishop’s model for single reverse-biased PV cells (Viotto et al., 1997, 2000; Mermoud et al., 1998). The second approach is based on describing the reduction in irradiation seen from a particular observer point on the PV array. Most simulation programs in the aforementioned survey (Zehner, 2001) that feature shadowing, apply such an approach where shadowing is considered by a space angular description of the horizon reduction, caused by the surrounding obstacles. Knowledge of the dimensions of surrounding obstacles is not necessary here. It is sufficient to record their two-dimensional space angular map on the unit-sphere around the observer point. The shadowing geometry can, e.g., be recorded by simple optical measurements (Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1998b) or by means of photography, either applying a spherical lens (Grochowski et al., 1997; Woyte, 1997) or several ˜ and photographs from a customary camera (Caamano Lorenzo, 1997; Frei et al., 2000). After applying the appropriate transformation of coordinates of the sky dome for the specific lens, the reduction of the visible horizon by surrounding obstacles can be read from the photographs. As the space angular approach always is valid for one particular position on the PV array only, it is mainly suited for rough estimations of the reduction in solar irradiance during a longer time interval. For the detailed analysis of the electrical system behaviour, this approach is less suited. Extensions of the space angular approach have been proposed in order to make the method more convenient to apply. Skiba et al. (2000) applied a digital camera and image processing software in order to directly process the geometry of surrounding obstacles for the yield simulation. Tomori et al. (2000) proposed to take two or more fisheye photographs in order to construct a three-dimensional image of the surrounding obstacles that could then also be used for calculating the time variation of cast shadows on different positions of the PV array. 2.2. Partial shadowing with different system configurations Based on theoretical considerations, simulation, and also laboratory and field tests, a number of guidelines for an optimum arrangement of PV arrays have been determined. Several authors have calculated the optimum spacing between adjacent PV module rows in order to minimise the losses due to mutual shading of one row by another (Appelbaum and Bany, 1979; Bany and Appelbaum, 1987; Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1998a; Versluis and Jongen, 2001). The impact of the module orientation with snow-covered modules has been determined (Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1997). In such a case when only a part of the PV module is shadowed, the module orientation has a severe impact on the energy yield. Since a partially shadowed 18-cell substring is usually short-circuited by its bypass diode, it is crucial to choose the module orientation in such a way that the solar cells of as little different 18-cell substrings as possible are shadowed at a time. Decker et al. (1998) and Stellbogen and Pfisterer (1992) extended this guideline to PV module strings. They recommended to wire the PV array in such a way that shadowed and unshadowed modules are possibly not connected in series but in parallel. This recommendation is generally accepted as a rule of thumb in PV array design, however, it only holds for certain model cases. The reason is that the 18-cell substrings equipped with bypass diodes form the largest significant unit of the PV array with regard to string current limitation. Covering one entire module of a module string leads to a lower string voltage. However, it does not limit the total available string current. On the other hand, covering one single cell of an 18-cell substring limits the current of this particular substring to zero. At the same time, the current of the entire module string bypasses the 18-cell substring that includes the covered cell via the bypass diodes. The power of the 17 unshadowed cells in this substring is dissipated in the covered cell. Hence, the situation of shadowed cells in an 18-cell substring cannot be transferred to the case of shadowed modules in a module string. The impact of the module arrangement on the energy yield of partially shadowed PV arrays in practice is not yet clear. In practical situations a high number of factors needs to be taken into account like MPP tracking voltage window, DC bus voltage, number of parallel strings and inverter type, and of course the particular shadowing situation. Another crucial and widely discussed question is the grade of modularity of the system design. For the grid connection of PV, generally three different classes of system configuration are available: module inverters, string inverters or central inverter. Recently, also a hybrid concept has been presented (Meinhardt and Cramer, 2001). The decision which configuration to choose, can have a decisive impact on installation expense, balance-of-system costs, and energy yield and must be made with regard to the situation of the particular site and to the local climate (Table 1). In recent years, the advantages and drawbacks of these different system configurations have been widely discussed. In general, module and string inverters are said to be less sensitive to an inhomogeneous irradiance distribution and easier to install (de Graaf and van der Weiden, 1994; de Haan et al., 1994; Kleinkauf et al., 1992; Knaupp et al., 1996; Kurokawa et al., 1997a; Lindgren, 2000; Meinhardt et al., 1999). Central inverters are usually less expensive, more efficient and more reliable on a system base. From a survey on the German market, it A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 221 Table 1 Characteristic properties of different system configurations; ‘‘PV rated voltage’’ and ‘‘European efficiency’’ from a survey on the German market (Hupach, 2002) AC modules String inverter Central inverter DC installation expense No DC installation No DC junction box Complex DC installation and protection PV rated voltage 17–90 V 150–800 V Maximum voltage limited by local codes 34–800 V Ohmic DC-losses (percentage of reference yield, estimated) Negligible |1% due to short DC lines and high DC voltage |1–5%, depending on DC voltage and distances European efficiency 87–93% 90–96% 88–96% Monitoring Difficult with large systems Difficult with large systems Central, thus easy Maintenance and repair Installed inverters are sometimes difficult to reach Installed inverters are sometimes difficult to reach Central, thus easy appears that the specific prices of small module inverters for AC modules are still more than twice as high as the price of an inverter for a string or central configuration (Fig. 1). Inverter reliability does very much depend on the environment, and especially humidity and operating temperature (Wilk and Panhuber, 1995), and also on the voltage quality of the grid. The criterion of shadow tolerance that has so often been mentioned as an advantage of modular systems is actually difficult to specify. A wider MPP tracking voltage window might, e.g., contribute to shadow tolerance. With several 18-cell substrings of a long string of modules being shadowed, a wider MPP voltage window can lead to higher yields, where another MPP tracker might not succeed in setting a stable MPP. Such a case has, e.g., been observed by Alonso et al. (1997). The idea of modular system configurations being more shadow tolerant than central configurations, is usually derived from the current limiting effect that one shadowed solar cell has on a string of cells. This however, does not take into consideration the impact of the bypass diodes. Again, the 18-cell substrings equipped with bypass diodes, form the largest significant unit of the PV array with regard to string current limitation. Another consequence of inhomogeneous array illumination can be the mismatch of parallel module strings. This may indeed lead to yield reduction in central inverter systems. Measurements and studies on existing PV systems with inhomogeneuos irradiance distributions do not indicate significantly better results for modular configurations. It was confirmed by different authors from field experience that in moderate climates mismatch losses of differently oriented PV arrays connected to one single inverter, are Fig. 1. Specific costs of PV inverters on the German market as a function of rated power (VAT excluded; source: Hupach, 2002). 222 A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 below 1% of the annual energy yield (Laukamp and Wiemken, 1997; Maranda, 2001). Tegtmeyer et al. (1997) concluded from laboratory measurements that when partial shadowing occurs from time to time, with central inverters additional losses are less than 5% of the optimum. A case study by Beuth (1998) who simulated two existing PV systems with partial shadowing for different configurations, did not show significant advantages of the module inverter configuration. Based on costs for inverters and installations, and reliability considerations, he recommends the application of central or string inverters. Conversely, Gross et al. (1997) conclude in another case study based on heliodon analysis that replacing the present central inverter by module inverters could reduce losses due to shadowing from 25 to 19.5% of the annual energy yield. From measurements in the field, Wheldon et al. (2001) observed significant differences in performance ratio between a central inverter PV system and a number of AC modules at the same location. Partly these differences are caused by the exceptionally low partial-load efficiency of the central inverter. It is further suggested that the better performance of the module inverter system would partly be for the sake of reduced current limiting as it would occur in series strings of modules and reduced string mismatch under partial shadowing. For the analysis, the internal monitoring functions of the inverters have been used (Wheldon et al., 2001). For the module inverters, unfortunately this means that DC power is not available and AC power has been calculated from voltage times current, disregarding the non-unity power factor. In order to analyse the impact of module inverters with partial shadowing more in depth, knowledge of these quantities would be key. Similarly, Carlsson et al. (1998) recommend a modular approach for increasing the yield of a partially shadowed flat roof installation. Apparently, the extremely low yield described there, mainly originates from mutual shading of adjacent module rows, being comparable to the snow cover of a few cells as examined by Quaschning and Hanitsch (1997). If this is the case, module inverters would most likely not bring much improvement for this installation. A much more effective measure would be turning the module frames by 908. In another case study of a heavily shadowed PV system applying module inverters, Woyte et al. (2000) clearly identified a positive impact of the modular design regarding the avoidance of string mismatch. The question whether a comparable yield could be received by applying string inverters was not answered in this study. The PV arrays described by Knaupp et al. (1996) and Gross et al. (1997) are rather large facade installations of 10 kWp and 40 kWp, respectively. However, as a conclusion from experiences with AC modules in the Netherlands, Marsman et al. (1998) recommended that AC modules should not be applied in systems with about more than 10 modules. As a reason they gave relatively higher inverter costs and rising problems with maintenance, repair, and control of the plant. These conclusions are supported by field test experiences with larger module inverter systems where different inverters failed repeatedly (Erge et al., 2001; Wheldon et al., 2001; Woyte et al., 2000). Although inverter failures described there might be due to infant diseases, a trend towards higher expenses for monitoring and repair with module inverters may be expected. Although the opposite has often been stated, from the literature there is no evidence neither on theoretical grounds nor based on practical measurements that module inverters are more shadow tolerant than string inverters. This is because on the one hand, shadowing of single cells can at most affect the current of the 18-cell substrings equipped with a bypass diode, leading to increased capture losses with module inverters as well as string inverters. On the other hand, partial shadowing can lead to different positions of the MPP in different strings of modules with as a consequence mismatch of parallel strings on a central inverter. Parallel mismatch can be avoided with string or module inverters. With central inverters, the severity of parallel mismatch depends very much on the particular shadowing situation but also on the quality of the particular MPP tracker. Alonso et al. (1997) identified high miscellaneous capture losses due to insufficient MPP tracking with partially shadowed arrays. In the laboratory the efficiency of MPP trackers with irregular I–U curves can only be measured by means of rather complex and ¨ expensive equipment (Haberlin, 2001), being one of the reasons why up to now there is relatively little experience regarding the effectiveness of MPP trackers with partially shadowed PV arrays. Beside these theoretical considerations, there are virtually no field results that would allow to estimate the impact of different system configurations on the energy yield of partially shadowed PV arrays. This is why in the scientific discussion, the impact of the system configuration on the final yield of partially shadowed systems often does not become clear. The monitoring campaigns on existing installations usually suffer from a number of drawbacks. Typical drawbacks are the lack of operational data as irradiance on the PV array or on an unshadowed reference location, or electrical DC power. However, the most significant drawback is the lack of long-term performance data from different alternative system configurations with realistic and well known shadowing under identical operating conditions. Without such field test data from different sites, it is almost impossible to make any firm statement on the appropriateness of the different available system configurations with regard to partial shadowing. This is why at the electrical energy research group of K.U. Leuven, a grid-connected photovoltaic system was set up in 1999. The aim was to collect operational experience with the different system approaches under non-optimum operation conditions like partial shadowing and also to assess the quality of photovoltaic system A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 components. The photovoltaic array with a peak power of 5.16 kW is situated on the roof of a university building in Leuven–Heverlee in Belgium. Long-term analytical monitoring of the installation allows for a more detailed analysis of the different system approaches, and conclusions on their appropriateness with regard to partial shadowing can be drawn. 3. Photovoltaic system set-up The PV array at K.U. Leuven is installed on a flat roof, set up in three successive module rows. The site is situated 30 m above sea level at 4.78 eastern longitude and 50.98 northern latitude in a moderate maritime climate. The array is shadowed by an air-conditioning system on the roof (airco box) and by the front rows themselves. The visible horizon is reduced by vegetation and a neighbouring building, all leading to reduced array yields, in particular during the winter. Under these non-optimum but very typical conditions, a PV system applying all of the three available design approaches has been implemented (Woyte et al., 2001). Looking at the designated site through a fish-eye lens (Fig. 2) gives a first impression of the reduction of the visible horizon by surrounding obstacles as viewed from the PV array location. The photographs in Fig. 2 had been taken before the PV array was installed. The horizon reduction by the PV array’s front row has been calculated afterwards and added to the photographs as a hatched area limited by a dashed line (Fig. 2). By means of superposing coordinates of the sky dome, one can determine the date and time of the day when a certain point of the designated location for the PV array is shadowed. The photographer’s position receives no direct irradiance with solar elevation angles lower than approximately 108 during the whole day. Looking to the east, at the very left of Fig. 2, one sees an alone-standing tree covering the sun for azimuth angles east of 1108. This 223 position does not receive any direct radiation before approximately 8:00 to 8:30 h true solar time, all over the year. With some further photographs taken from other positions, and recalling that the maximum height of the sun from mid November to the end of January, in Belgium does not exceed 208, an experienced PV system designer can conclude that on the site shown in Fig. 2, roughly 8 to 15% average losses in annual irradiation have to be expected. Having to accept these shadowing losses for the given site, the designer can still optimise the array arrangement in order to avoid increased miscellaneous capture losses. If geometric figures describing the surrounding obstacles are unknown, the estimation based on experience and some photographs can lead to good results. A design for the K.U. Leuven system based on these estimations has been drafted by applying the aforementioned rule of thumb. As far as possible, only those modules, that receive homogeneous irradiance at a certain time and date have been arranged to a common string. In order to recheck the estimations derived from the fisheye photographs, the losses in annual irradiation have been calculated by means of computer simulation, applying the packages StaSol and PVcad. The program StaSol determines the annual irradiation losses due to shadowing by a space angular approach, comparable to the approach with the fish-eye photograph (Grochowski et al., 1997; Woyte, 1997). Shadowing objects are characterised by their two-dimensional map on the unit-sphere as it is viewed from a specific observer point. From the map of shadowing objects on the unitsphere, the reduction in direct and diffuse radiation for this observer point is calculated, based on time series’ of global and diffuse irradiance for one year. For the calculation of diffuse radiation on the tilted surface, StaSol applies Hay’s anisotropic model, taking into consideration a circumsolar component but no horizon brightening (Iqbal, 1983). In the present case, such a space angular computation with StaSol has been carried out for a dense mesh of observer points in Fig. 2. Fish-eye photograph of the site designated for the PV array, taken horizontally from 45 cm above the lower edge of the PV array, superposed by coordinates of the sky dome; left: south-east direction, right: south direction. A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 224 Fig. 3. PV array site, array arrangement, and simulated annual reference yield on the PV array after shadowing (YrSh ) normalised on reference yield without shadowing (Yr ), height level of the lower side of the PV array: 45 cm above the roof plane. the PV array plane, with the two-dimensional map of the shadowing objects calculated from their coordinates in the three-dimensional space. The mesh density was one node per 12 cm. Input data for the StaSol calculations were hourly average values of global and diffuse irradiance, recorded in Brussels–Uccle by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium in 1997. These data allow to determine the relative influence of shadowing on the annual energy yield, and its distribution over the module arrays, arranged as shown in Fig. 3. PVcad calculates hourly irradiance values that can further be processed in an electrical model of the PV system. A ray tracing algorithm is applied in order to calculate the shadows cast on the PV array by the surrounding obstacle. The spatial resolution for PVcad is the size of a PV module. The entire module is considered to receive no direct radiation as long as a part of it is struck by the cast shadow. The impact of horizon reduction on diffuse radiation is also taken into consideration by additionally applying a space angular approach to the diffuse fraction (Viotto et al., 2000). For the calculation of diffuse radiation on the tilted surface, PVcad applies Perez’ anisotropic model, taking into consideration a circumsolar component and also horizon brightening (Perez et al., 1987). Based on these simulations, the 43 PV modules were arranged in order to minimise losses due to shadowing by nearby obstacles. The spacing between the module rows has been chosen to be 5.60 m. The modules are southoriented and 308 tilted. According to Quaschning and Hanitsch (1998a) the annual irradiation loss by mutual shading of one row by another can then be estimated to be about 7%. Larger spacing between the rows would lead to intolerable shadowing of the middle array by the airco box (Fig. 3). Table 2 provides an overview on the configurations of the different subsystems. For all subsystems the same type of 120-Wp PV modules has been applied. The modules consist of 72 polycrystalline solar cells either operating in series connection, or as a parallel connection of two strings of 36 cells each. A bypass diode is applied per 18 cells. In practice, the module peak power under STC is lower than 120 Wp for most modules delivered. The peak power values for the different subsystems in Table 2 are more precise values, measured by the manufacturer before delivery. The further analysis of yields and losses for the different strings and subsystems is based on these measured values. According to the simulation with StaSol, for the chosen arrangement the annual reduction in reference yield due to shadowing lies between 4 and 22% of the reference yield from an unshadowed location (Fig. 3). Especially on the outer east side of the middle row, shadowing is very severe. In winter, especially the lower cells are shadowed Table 2 Specifications of the different subsystems Inverter class Subsystem PAC,r (W) PDC,r (W) MPP tracking window (V) No. of modules PV power at STC (Wp) MPP voltage at STC (V) Central inverter String inverter Module inverter Module inverter Module inverter 11 21 31 32 34 2280 1500 90 110 200 2500 1650 100 130 240 66 . . . 150 200 . . . 500 24 . . . 50 24 . . . 40 64 . . . 80 24 15 1 1 2 2835.0 1729.0 118.7 118.8 246.3 103 257 34 34 68 A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 by the front module row and the airco box. In summer during morning hours, these modules are shadowed by the aforementioned tree in the south-east. The low irradiation on the front array is mainly due to the reduction of the visible horizon by vegetation and the neighbouring building. Since neighbouring building and vegetation are situated rather far from the PV array, the solar irradiation is distributed relatively homogeneously over this area. On an annual basis the average shadowing loss in reference yield amounts to 9.6%. A simulation with PVcad based on synthetic irradiance values, also for the location of Brussels–Uccle, leads to little higher values in reference yield after shadowing with an average shadowing loss of 7%. These differences are discussed more in depth in the following section. The impact of the airco box and the front row of modules on the eastern modules of the middle row can be examined more in depth by means of Fig. 4. Viewed from the photo position both, airco box and front row, are approximately 108 high. For lower observer points on the middle row, the visible horizon is mainly reduced by the airco box, up to an elevation angle of 238 at the lower side of the module frame. This means that during the winter months, the lowest row of cells does virtually not receive any direct radiation. Since the cell strings in the module run in the vertical direction, this leads to current limiting in all four 18-cell substrings of this module. At periods with noteworthy direct irradiance with low solar elevation, all four bypass diodes will conduct and the available power of the unshadowed cells is dissipated in the few shadowed cells, leading to extreme miscellaneous capture losses in this module as a consequence of shadowing. Conversely, the irradiance on the upper modules is distributed much more homogeneously, even in winter. Viewed from the photographer’s position of Fig. 2, the horizon is reduced by vegetation and a neighbouring building, up to 108 in the south east and up to approximately 58 in the south west. The neighbouring building and vegetation are situated rather far from the PV array. Therefore, this horizon reduction approximately also applies for the upper modules and unlike the one originating from the airco box it is insensitive to small variations of the observer position. Extreme miscellaneous capture losses are not to be expected here. 225 The simulation with StaSol does not provide information on the temporal variation in solar irradiance on the PV array. Extreme shadowing situations as, e.g., the one caused by the airco box are not detected. Even though, for avoiding increased miscellaneous capture losses, only neighbouring modules that on an annual basis receive approximately equal irradiation were connected in series, thus following the guidelines of Decker et al. (1998) and Stellbogen and Pfisterer (1992). For the central inverter, this issue has been realised as well as practically possible. Since AC modules are generally considered to be more shadow tolerant, the AC modules are placed to the local minima of annual irradiation as shown in Fig. 3. Regarding the string inverter, increased miscellaneous losses might occur because of the local minimum in irradiation on the outer east side. On the other hand, there are no parallelconnected module strings so that string mismatch is disabled. The system is monitored analytically according to the guidelines of the European Commission. The quantities monitored are shown in Table 3. The in-plane irradiance is measured at four differently shadowed positions on the PV array (Fig. 3) as well as on one unshadowed reference position on another roof, about 80 m from the PV array. Module temperatures are recorded for four modules close to the different reference cells. DC string currents are measured for all module strings, while DC system voltage and AC energy yield are measured for each inverter. The sampling period is set to 1 s and the measured data is stored as 5-min average values. 4. Monitoring results 4.1. Comparison to simulation results The values of reference yield after shadowing normalised on unshadowed reference yield measured during the year 2001 are, at some positions considerably, lower than the simulation results (Table 4). The values from the simulation with PVcad are still little higher than those from StaSol. The approach of PVcad to consider the PV module for not receiving any direct radiation when it is struck even partly by a cast shadow, would suggest lower values for Fig. 4. Front and middle module rows and air-conditioning system (airco box); cross section in north-south direction. A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 226 Table 3 Monitored quantities and applied sensors Quantity No. Sensor Meteorology Irradiance, global horizontal (unshadowed) Irradiance, diffuse horizontal (unshadowed) Irradiance, global in-plane (unshadowed) Irradiance, global in-plane (positions A–D on the PV array) Ambient temperature 1 1 1 4 1 Pyranometer, WMO class II Pyranometer, WMO class II with shadow ring Reference cell, mono-Si, temperature compensated Reference cell, mono-Si, temperature compensated Pt 100 thermo resistance, radiation shielded PV arrays DC string current DC system voltage Module temperature 8 5 4 Hall effect current transducer Hall effect voltage transducer Pt 100 thermo resistance on the back of a PV cell Inverter outputs AC energy from inverter 5 Energy pulse counter reference yield after shadowing from PVcad than from StaSol. Also the consideration of horizon brightening in PVcad might suggest slightly lower values for reference yield after shadowing with PVcad since horizon reduction by obstacles mainly affects the light incident from low elevation angles. This light is underestimated in Hay’s model in comparison to Perez’ model. Since the geometric description of shadowing obstacles is identical for both simulations, it must be concluded that the unexpectedly higher annual irradiation from PVcad in comparison to StaSol is due to the annual variation in the radiation input data. Indeed, the diffuse fraction of measured global radiation from 1997 that has been applied to the simulation with StaSol amounts to 53% whereas the synthetic time series of global radiation from PVcad contains 63% diffuse radiation. Since diffuse radiation has no specific direction, shadowing by obstacles does reduce the diffuse fraction only by a small, relatively constant portion being roughly proportional to the fraction of the sky dome covered by the obstacles. On the other hand, the direct fraction of solar radiation is limited to zero, when an observer point is shadowed by an obstacle. Therefore, in general terms, the shadowing losses in irradiation are the less severe, the higher the diffuse fraction. The variations in diffuse fractions of the different sets of Table 4 Annual reference yield on the PV array after shadowing (YrSh ) normalised on reference yield without shadowing (Yr ) Reference cell Normalised reference yield after shadowing (YrSh /Yr ) (%) position PVcad StaSol Measurement A B C D 90 95 92 94 85 93 89 92 80 85 88 83 Average 93 90 86 input data can explain the variations between PVcad and StaSol, however, they cannot explain the larger discrepancy between simulation results and measured values. In 2001, the measured diffuse fraction of global radiation was 57%. The inaccuracies introduced by the different models for diffuse radiation on the tilted plane can not satisfactorily explain this discrepancy either, even more since the PVcad results, although calculated by the more accurate Perez model, differ more from the measured values than the StaSol results. At position C where there are no obstacles close to the PV array but only vegetation and a building on the horizon, the results are rather accurate for both simulations. At the other positions and especially position A, the aforementioned tree on the very left of Fig. 2 and the airco box become significant. Especially the airco box but also the tree are situated very close to the PV array. While the dimensions of the airco box are comparably well known, the dimensions of the tree could only be estimated from optical measurements and they continuously vary with the seasons. Even small inaccuracies in the geometric description of these two obstacles can lead to large errors in the estimation of annual in-plane irradiation for positions close to these obstacles. It can be concluded that regardless of the applied simulation model and the solar radiation input data, simulation programs for partial shadowing are only as good as is the description of the shadowing obstacles. Especially with obstacles of irregular shape, situated close to the PV array, considerable inaccuracies should be taken into account. 4.2. Identification of losses on an annual basis The performance analysis follows the terminology pro¨ posed by Haberlin and Beutler (1995). Additionally, the capture losses (LC ) are divided into shadowing losses (LCSh ) and miscellaneous capture losses (LCM ). A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 In order to exactly determine LCSh , it would be necessary to measure solar irradiance on all significant positions of the PV array, meaning at the very least one measurement per PV module. In practice, this is not feasible and therefore, YrSh must be approximated for the different subsystems from the available data. For the string inverter and the AC module subsystems, the reference yield after shadowing has been approximated by the measured value from the respectively closest reference cell as indicated in Fig. 3: String inverter (subsystem 21): YrSh 5 YrShC (1) AC module (subsystem 31): YrSh 5 YrShA (2) AC module (subsystem 32): YrSh 5 YrShA (3) AC module (subsystem 34): YrSh 5 YrShD (4) Since the reference cells A, C, and D are all mounted at the lower edge of a module row, the values from these reference cells tend to underestimate the respective annual reference yield after shadowing. Especially for AC module subsystem 31 this might be critical due to the airco box that affects reference cell position A much more than AC module subsystem 31. This possible inaccuracy should be kept in mind when analysing the capture losses in terms of shadowing losses and miscellaneous capture losses. For the central inverter (subsystem 11) that is spatially extended over the two back module rows, the reference yield after shadowing has been approximated by the arithmetic average of the extreme values for these two module rows. According to the results from StaSol (Fig. 3), the annual irradiation on the two rows of subsystem 11 is minimal at the reference cell positions A and D, respectively, at the lower east of each module row. The annual irradiation on subsystem 11 is maximal on the upper west of each row. For the middle row, this value is recorded at position B. For the back row, no reference cell is available at the upper west. Since according to Fig. 3 this position is still shadowed significantly though considerably less than position B, the maximum reference yield after shadowing for the back array is approximated by the arithmetic average of reference yield at position B and reference yield without shadowing. Under this assumption the arithmetic mean of these four extreme values for the central inverter (subsystem 11) yields: YrSh 5 f YrShA 1 YrShB 1 YrShD 1 (Yr 1 YrShB ) / 2 g / 4 5s2YrShA 1 3YrShB 1 2YrShD 1 Yrd / 8 (5) The average YrSh for the entire PV system is then calculated as the weighted average of YrSh for all subsystems taking into account their particular surface areas. The performance ratio of the total system is 0.66. The 227 ratio between average YrSh and reference yield Yr is 0.86. This means that approximately 14% of the available solar irradiation is lost by shadowing instead of 7 to 10% as had to be expected from the simulations. The performance ratio based on reference yield after shadowing (PR Sh ) amounts to 77% being a good value under normal operating conditions and indicating that miscellaneous capture losses are not higher than normal. A look at the different subsystems shows that the losses are distributed differently for each subsystem (Fig. 5). Shadowing losses (LCSh ) are highest for the AC modules, as they have intentionally been assigned to the positions with lowest presumed annual irradiation. The miscellaneous capture losses (LCM ), caused by series and parallel mismatch, inefficient MPP tracking, and high module temperatures are lower for the AC modules than for the other configurations. The string inverter had an outage of 10 days in June: its final yield and array yield should be evaluated about 5% higher. The system losses (LS ) that mainly occur in the inverter, are the highest for module inverters. This can only be partly explained by the generally lower efficiency of smaller inverters as a function of scale. Table 5 compares long-term system efficiency in the field (hS ) to the European efficiency (hEU ) of the different inverters. Especially for the subsystems that are shadowed most severely, the system losses are higher than the European efficiency would suggest. These unexpected system losses can only be explained by the fact that the subsystems in question due to their comparably higher shadowing losses, operate more time under partial load conditions associated to a lower inverter efficiency. On the other hand, the string inverter is generally shadowed little and it contains no transformer, leading to a high efficiency even in comparison with inverters of similar size. 4.3. Array performance on a monthly basis Fig. 6a shows the array performance ratio (PRA ) throughout the year. AC module subsystem 32 is suffering considerably from shadowing in December and January. Its upper neighbour, AC module subsystem 31, seems to be much less affected. Based on Fig. 4 it can be concluded that this is mainly a consequence of partial shadowing being much more severe on the lower AC module (subsystem 32) than on AC module subsystem 31. This has also been confirmed by visual inspection. After light snowfall in the early morning of 7 January 2003, the snow on AC module subsystem 31 was melted very quickly by the direct sunlight while AC module subsystem 32 partly remained shadowed by the airco box and was still snowcovered for about half of its surface area around solar noon. Closer analysis shows that also in winter the system losses are equal for both module inverters. Therefore, it must be concluded that the low performance of AC module A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 228 Fig. 5. Losses and yields for all subsystems, performance ratio (PR) and performance ratio with reference yield after shadowing (PR Sh ); LCSh : capture losses due to shadowing, LCM : miscellaneous capture losses, LS : system losses, Yf : final yield; monitoring from 1 January to 31 December 2001. subsystem 32 in winter is a consequence of extreme shadowing. The array performance ratio of the separate strings of the central inverter (Fig. 6b) does not indicate a serious parallel mismatch. Throughout the year, slight differences in array yield can be observed between the four strings. These differences correspond to differences in reference yield after shadowing. Increased miscellaneous capture losses due to mismatch could not be verified. 4.4. Array performance on a winter day Five-minute average values from a clear winter day serve for a more detailed analysis of shadowing losses and miscellaneous capture losses (Fig. 7). The in-plane irradiance at positions B and C is affected by shadowing Table 5 Comparison of European efficiency to long-term system efficiency in the field for the applied inverters Inverter class Subsystem hS (%) hEU (%) hS /hEU Central inverter String inverter Module inverter Module inverter Module inverter 11 21 31 32 34 88.7 91.8 83.8 81.8 87.6 90.0 94.4 a 90.3 a 90.0 90.6 a 0.986 0.972 0.928 0.909 0.967 a ¨ European efficiency from manufacturers, measured by Haberlin (2001). only for a short time in the morning. The two positions on the lower edges of the two back arrays, positions A and D, are shadowed much more severely. Position A only receives direct irradiance during 2 h in the late afternoon which corresponds to the expectations derived on the basis of Fig. 2 and Fig. 4. The two AC modules subsystems 31 and 32 are situated east of position A. Inspection of the output power of the module strings (Fig. 8) shows that the DC power of subsystem 32 during the whole day follows the diffuse irradiance, without exhibiting the rise in direct irradiance at position A although this AC module is situated less than one metre east of position A. This indicates that part of the AC module subsystem 32 indeed does not receive any direct irradiance during these hours. Its low yield is obviously due to shadowing. The losses are on the one hand shadowing losses and on the other hand miscellaneous capture losses due to current limitation in its 18-cell substrings caused by partial shadowing. The DC voltage at AC module subsystem 32 from 9:00 to 15:00 h varied between 28 and 33 V which is well inside the MPP tracking range of the inverter. Hence, even with severe shadowing of this AC module, the inverter’s MPP tracker works well indicating that the system’s low performance ratio is not caused by a low MPP tracking efficiency. Other AC modules placed at this location would perform equally badly. String 12 of the central inverter array also is heavily shadowed at this sample day. The string only has a 1–2-h A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 229 Fig. 6. Monthly array performance ratio (PRA ) in 2001. maximum around noon when also the lowest row of cells in this module string is free from shadowing by the front rows or the airco box. This, however, has no significant negative impact on the power generated by the other strings of the central inverter generating high power as soon as they receive sufficiently direct irradiance. Apparently the classical central inverter systems are less sensitive to shadowing than always assumed. A reduction of string currents by series mismatch is mitigated thanks to the bypass diodes, and also parallel string mismatch is apparently not an issue for today’s MPP trackers. 5. Conclusions Although considerable research on partial shadowing of PV arrays has already been carried out, the impact of the PV system configuration on the energy yield of partially shadowed systems is not entirely clear. This is why a partly shadowed PV system has been set up at K.U. Leuven applying a central inverter as well as string and module inverters. The installation has an overall performance ratio of 66%. Performance ratio after shadowing amounts to 77% being a good value under normal oper- 230 A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 Fig. 7. Solar irradiance, unshadowed and on the PV array on a clear winter day (20 December 2001). ating conditions and indicating that additional mismatch losses are low. An estimation of irradiation losses due to shadowing has been carried out. Measurements show that with obstacles of irregular shape being close to the PV array, the simulation estimates the shadowing losses up to 10% too low. At array positions that mainly suffer from a reduction of the visible horizon by obstacles being far from the PV array, the simulation returns a rather good estimation of shadowing losses. For the system under examination, the monitoring results show no evidence for a different behaviour with regard to partial shadowing of central inverter, string inverter, or module inverter configuration. Generally speaking, AC modules are not more significantly shadow tolerant than central inverter systems with long parallel Fig. 8. DC power normalised on PV peak power for all strings on a clear winter day (20 December 2001). A. Woyte et al. / Solar Energy 74 (2003) 217–233 strings. For string current limitation by shadowed cells, the 18-cell substring equipped with a bypass diode is the largest significant unit causing similar capture losses in module as in central inverter systems. With regard to parallel mismatch, central inverter systems may suffer increased miscellaneous capture losses as a consequence of shadowing, but in the present case this effect could not be found significant. These results hold for situations with obstacles covering the visible horizon or discrete obstacles that are considerably large, in order not only to shadow a few solar cells per module during a longer period. For filigreeshaped obstacles that only shadow a few cells in several modules, like, e.g., antennas or chimneys, this conclusion does not necessarily apply. In such case however, AC modules will suffer from increased miscellaneous capture losses as non-modular PV systems do. Then amorphous modules with cell-integrated bypass diodes or cell integrated inverters might provide a solution. Alternatively, the most heavily shadowed positions should be equipped with a dummy module. In order to validate these results on a broader basis, similar field test installations should be set up at different locations and for diverse shadowing situations. The most important data for such an evaluation are DC power down to module level and solar irradiance on the PV array with very high spatial resolution. A better understanding of partially shadowed PV systems is crucial in order to evaluate the different system configurations on an objective basis without being influenced by marketing argumentation. Acknowledgements The PV installation at K.U. Leuven has been supported by the Belgian utility companies Electrabel and SPE within ¨ the project ‘‘Fotovoltaısche zonnecelsystemen voor onderwijsinstellingen’’ and by the Flemish regional government. 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