Nucleo Pro 3.0 USER GUIDE


Nucleo Pro 3.0 USER GUIDE
Nucleo Pro 3.0
GRIDIRON® Nucleo® Pro
For Adobe After Effects
Version 3.0 User Guide
GridIron® Software Inc.
Copyright © 2010 GridIron™ Software Inc. All rights reserved.
If this manual is distributed with software that includes an end-user agreement, this manual, as well as the software described in it, is
furnished under license and may be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by any such
license, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of GridIron Software Inc. Please note that the content in this
guide is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end-user license agreement.
Please remember that existing artwork or images that you may want to include in your project may be protected under copyright law.
The unauthorized incorporation of such material in your new work could be a violation of the rights of the copyright owner. Please be
sure to obtain any permission required from the copyright owner.
The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as
a commitment by GridIron. GridIron Software Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear
in the informational content contained in this guide.
This computer software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible
under the law.
GridIron Nucleo Pro For Adobe After Effects User Guide (Version 3.0)
Contents at a Glance
Contents at a Glance ............................................................................................................3
Contents ...............................................................................................................................4
About Nucleo Pro ..............................................................................................................8
Getting Started...................................................................................................................13
Status Icon .........................................................................................................................15
Nucleo Pro Status Pop-up Messages .................................................................................16
Control Menu.....................................................................................................................17
Feature Interactions ...........................................................................................................27
Fast Preview ......................................................................................................................28
Fast Render ........................................................................................................................34
Background Render ...........................................................................................................38
Spec Preview .....................................................................................................................48
Spec Render.......................................................................................................................55
Commit To Disk ................................................................................................................60
Pre-composition Proxies....................................................................................................63
Managing Cache Files .......................................................................................................69
Support Tool ......................................................................................................................75
Licensing ...........................................................................................................................81
Online Purchases ...............................................................................................................83
Orders by Fax or by Mail ..................................................................................................83
GridIron Sales....................................................................................................................83
Moving Your License........................................................................................................84
Upgrading Nucleo License to Nucleo Pro.........................................................................85
Nucleo Pro Updates ...........................................................................................................86
Uninstalling Nucleo Pro ....................................................................................................87
Getting Help ......................................................................................................................88
Contacting GridIron Software ...........................................................................................89
Appendix 1: GridIron Nucleo Pro License Agreement .....................................................90
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Contents at a Glance ............................................................................................................3
Contents ...............................................................................................................................4
About Nucleo Pro ..............................................................................................................8
System Requirements ..................................................................................................... 9
Software Requirements .................................................................................................. 9
Terminology ................................................................................................................... 9
Multi-processing in After Effects CS3 ........................................................................... 9
How Nucleo Pro Improves your Workflow ................................................................. 10
Fast Preview and Fast Render .................................................................................. 10
Background Render .................................................................................................. 10
Background Rendering of 3D Projects..................................................................... 11
Spec-Preview ............................................................................................................ 11
Spec-Render ............................................................................................................. 11
Commit to Disk ........................................................................................................ 11
Pre-composition Proxies........................................................................................... 12
Getting Started...................................................................................................................13
Downloading ................................................................................................................ 13
Installation .................................................................................................................... 13
Purchasing a License .................................................................................................... 13
Upgrading Nucleo License to Nucleo Pro.................................................................... 14
Using Nucleo Pro ......................................................................................................... 14
Status Icon .........................................................................................................................15
Nucleo Pro Status Pop-up Messages .................................................................................16
Control Menu.....................................................................................................................17
Viewing Your Nucleo Pro Session History.................................................................. 18
Disabling Nucleo Pro ................................................................................................... 19
Enabling Nucleo Pro..................................................................................................... 19
Selecting Fast Preview Behavior.................................................................................. 20
Selecting the Render Button Behavior ......................................................................... 21
Disabling Status Popup Windows ................................................................................ 21
Open a Nucleo Pro Application Window ..................................................................... 22
Selecting the Performance Level.................................................................................. 23
Resource Settings ......................................................................................................... 24
Purchasing or Activating a Nucleo Pro License........................................................... 25
Getting Nucleo Pro Software Updates ......................................................................... 26
Nucleo Pro Version Information .................................................................................. 26
Feature Interactions ...........................................................................................................27
Fast Preview ......................................................................................................................28
Using After Effects Previews ....................................................................................... 28
Starting/Stopping Nucleo Pro Fast Previews ............................................................... 28
Using the After Effects Composition Menu ................................................................. 29
Using the Keyboard Short-cut ...................................................................................... 29
Selecting your Fast Preview Behavior ......................................................................... 30
What is the difference between preview behaviors? .................................................... 30
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Tracking Preview Status............................................................................................... 32
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 32
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 32
Camera...................................................................................................................... 32
Region of Interest ..................................................................................................... 32
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 33
Fast Render ........................................................................................................................34
Starting a Nucleo Pro Fast Render ............................................................................... 34
Tracking Fast Render Status......................................................................................... 35
Stopping a Nucleo Pro Fast Render.............................................................................. 36
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 36
Pausing a Nucleo Pro Fast Render ........................................................................... 36
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 37
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 37
Background Render ...........................................................................................................38
Starting a Nucleo Pro Background Render .................................................................. 38
Background Render Life Cycle .................................................................................... 39
Adding Compositions to the Background Render Queue ............................................ 39
Queuing Compositions from Other Projects ................................................................ 39
Background Render Queue........................................................................................... 40
Opening the Background Render Queue .................................................................. 40
Render Status and Control............................................................................................ 41
Viewing Background Render Status ........................................................................ 41
Stopping a Background Render................................................................................ 41
Pausing and Resuming a Background Render.......................................................... 41
Render Item Details ...................................................................................................... 41
Queued Items................................................................................................................ 41
Prioritizing Render Queue Items .............................................................................. 42
Background Rendering of 3D Projects......................................................................... 42
Supported 3D Applications ...................................................................................... 42
Starting a 3D Background Render............................................................................ 43
Trouble Shooting ...................................................................................................... 43
Background Render Queue History.............................................................................. 45
Opening the Background Render History ................................................................ 45
Removing Items from the History ............................................................................ 46
Sending Rendered Items Back to the Original AE Project....................................... 46
Post Render Actions ..................................................................................................... 46
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 46
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 47
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 47
Spec Preview .....................................................................................................................48
How It Works ............................................................................................................... 48
Enabling and Disabling Spec Preview ......................................................................... 48
Configuring Spec Preview............................................................................................ 49
Tracking Status ............................................................................................................. 51
Stopping Spec Preview................................................................................................. 51
Caching Preview Frames on Disk ................................................................................ 52
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Enabling and Disabling Persistent Frame Caching ...................................................... 52
Changing Your Project Cache Location....................................................................... 52
Managing Cache Files .................................................................................................. 53
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 53
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 54
Camera...................................................................................................................... 54
Region of Interest ..................................................................................................... 54
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 54
Spec Render.......................................................................................................................55
How It Works ............................................................................................................... 55
Enabling and Disabling Spec Render ........................................................................... 55
Using Settings Templates ............................................................................................. 56
Tracking Status ............................................................................................................. 56
Stopping Spec Render .................................................................................................. 56
Caching Render Frames on Disk .................................................................................. 57
Changing Your Project Cache Location....................................................................... 57
Managing Cache Files .................................................................................................. 59
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 59
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 59
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 59
Commit To Disk ................................................................................................................60
Starting Commit to Disk............................................................................................... 60
Using Settings Templates ............................................................................................. 61
Tracking Status ............................................................................................................. 61
Stopping Commit to Disk ............................................................................................. 61
Transfer Modes............................................................................................................. 61
Track Mattes ................................................................................................................. 62
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 62
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 62
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 62
Pre-composition Proxies....................................................................................................63
How It Works ............................................................................................................... 63
Tagging a Composition for Proxying ........................................................................... 63
Enabling and Disabling Pre-composition Proxy .......................................................... 64
Configuring Pre-composition Proxies .......................................................................... 64
Using Templates ........................................................................................................... 65
Tracking Status ............................................................................................................. 65
Stopping Pre-composition Proxy Render ..................................................................... 66
Caching Rendered Frames on Disk .............................................................................. 66
Changing Your Project Cache Location....................................................................... 66
Managing Cache Files .................................................................................................. 67
Known Issues and Limitations ..................................................................................... 67
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 68
Compositions flagged as 3D layers .......................................................................... 68
Composition that Contain Audio.............................................................................. 68
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................ 68
Managing Cache Files .......................................................................................................69
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What Are Cache Files? ................................................................................................. 69
Creating Cache Files..................................................................................................... 69
The Cache Manager Tool ............................................................................................. 70
Viewing Cache Data................................................................................................. 71
Deleting Caches........................................................................................................ 71
Moving Caches ......................................................................................................... 72
Cache Settings .......................................................................................................... 73
The Default Cache Location..................................................................................... 73
Maximum Cache Size............................................................................................... 74
Exceeding the Cache Size Limit............................................................................... 74
Enabling Cache File Creation................................................................................... 74
Support Tool ......................................................................................................................75
Measuring Performance Gain....................................................................................... 77
Variables that Affect Nucleo Pro Performance ............................................................ 77
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins............................................................................... 77
CPU Intensity of your Composition ......................................................................... 78
Amount of RAM Installed on your Computer ......................................................... 78
Multi-threaded Effects.............................................................................................. 79
After Effects Settings for Previews .......................................................................... 79
Anti-virus Software .................................................................................................. 79
Close Unused Applications ...................................................................................... 79
FileVault on Mac OS X ............................................................................................ 79
Hyper-threading........................................................................................................ 80
Not Seeing a Speed-up? Let us Know!......................................................................... 80
Licensing ...........................................................................................................................81
Obtaining a Serial Number ........................................................................................... 81
Activating Your License............................................................................................... 81
Online Purchases ...............................................................................................................83
Orders by Fax or by Mail ..................................................................................................83
GridIron Sales....................................................................................................................83
Moving Your License........................................................................................................84
Upgrading Nucleo License to Nucleo Pro.........................................................................85
Nucleo Pro Updates ...........................................................................................................86
Uninstalling Nucleo Pro ....................................................................................................87
Getting Help ......................................................................................................................88
Contacting GridIron Software ...........................................................................................89
Appendix 1: GridIron Nucleo Pro License Agreement .....................................................90
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GridIron Nucleo Pro For Adobe After Effects User Guide (Version 3.0)
About Nucleo® Pro
GridIron™ Nucleo™ Pro is a performance and workflow extension for digital video
production software that uses the power of multi-cpu and multi-core computers to
improve your productivity and workflow. Nucleo Pro optimizes your workflow and
enhances the performance of previews and renders in Adobe® After Effects® 7.0 (and
above) by utilizing the CPU power on your multi-cpu or multi-core computer to its
Multi-core processors are computer processors designed specifically for power hungry
software applications like those used in digital content creation. A multi-core processor
provides two or more execution cores in one physical processor to increase computing
throughput. This provides faster performance by allowing processors to execute several
tasks in parallel on each of the separate processing cores. Several Multi-core processors
are currently available from following vendors such as AMD, Apple/IBM, and Intel.
Multi-core processors will improve general computing performance with better system
efficiency and handling of multiple applications running at the same time. However, only
specifically designed software applications (with multi-threaded code) can take full
advantage of the increased capabilities of multi-core processors as well as multiprocessor
This User Guide is designed to help you put Nucleo Pro to work right away so you can
immediately begin expanding your creative boundaries.
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System Requirements
The following are the minimum and recommended system requirements for your After
Effects Workstation computer:
• Systems with multiple CPUs, multi-core CPUs, or Hyper-Threaded CPUs
installed (performance gain on hyper-thread CPUs is less dramatic).
Operating System
• Nucleo Pro supports all Windows and Mac OS X operating systems supported by
Adobe After Effects 7.0 and above
• 2GB (2GB per CPU/Core recommended1)
• 20MB of available hard-disk space for installation
Software Requirements
Adobe After Effects 7.0 (or later) Standard or Professional editions must be installed
before installing Nucleo Pro.
In this document we discuss the features of Nucleo Pro using the following terminology:
a. Background Process/Instance – After Effects processes that do not have a
window associated with them. There can be many of these.
b. Foreground Process/Instance – The After Effects process that presents the user
interface (i.e. window). There should only be one (1) of these.
Multi-processing in After Effects CS3
As of Creative Suite 3, After Effects has included the ability to use all CPU and memory
resources using a multi-processing approach like Nucleo Pro. This is manifested in the
“Multi-processing” check box available in the AE preferences. This feature does not
provide any of the background or speculative rendering/previewing capabilities of
Nucleo Pro only faster renders and preview (like standard Nucleo).
AE’s multi-processing and Nucleo Pro are not designed to work in conjunction with one
another. If Nucleo Pro is installed and enabled, the multi-processing feature of AE CS3
Windows XP Home and Professional only support up to 4 GB of RAM. To use more RAM you will need
to run Windows XP 64-bit.
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must be disabled. In fact, Nucleo Pro can not be enabled until multi-processing option is
disabled and AE restarted.
This restriction is in place to save you the headaches that would arise when both AE and
Nucleo Pro launch background After Effects processes, thus consuming inordinate
amounts of CPU and RAM before you’ve even thought about doing a render.
How Nucleo Pro Improves your Workflow
Nucleo Pro improves your workflow by providing six unique features to Adobe After
Effects (AE).
Fast Preview and Fast Render
Using Adobe After Effects alone when previewing and rendering on multi-CPU or multicore computers, your additional CPUs can be significantly under utilized (CS3 multiprocessing option not-withstanding). The Fast Preview and Fast Render features of
GridIron Nucleo Pro divides the work ordinarily performed on a single processor by
Adobe After Effects and allows it to run in parallel on multiple cores, just like a multithreaded application. Nucleo Pro ensures that you are fully utilizing the power of your
dual-processor or multi-core CPUs provide when rendering and previewing with After
When you start After Effects with the Nucleo Pro plug-in installed background instances
of the After Effects are started on your computer. Nucleo Pro uses the background After
Effects processes to render a subset of the frames in your compositions and utilize the
idle processing power of your additional CPUs. By using both background and
foreground instances of After Effects (the instance you use to create your projects),
Nucleo Pro can maximize the use of your CPUs.
For current Nucleo users the Nucleo Pro Fast Preview and Fast Render features are
identical to the Nucleo Preview and Render features.
Background Render
When you perform renders with the Adobe After Effects Render Queue you are locked
out of After Effects. This means you must wait until your render is completed before you
can continue working in After Effects. With the Nucleo Pro Background Render feature
you no longer need to sit idle waiting for your After Effects renders to complete.
Nucleo Pro provides its own Background Render Queue. Simply add items to the After
Effects Render Queue and then click on the Composition->Nucleo Pro –Background
Render menu. Nucleo Pro will transfer the queued items on the After Effects Render
Queue to the Nucleo Pro Background Render Queue and render the items in the
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Nucleo Pro will by default, override the Render button in the After Effects render queue.
This can be changed by using the Render Options menu from the Nucleo Pro status
icon’s control menu.
You are now free to work on another composition or project within After Effects while
your render progresses. If you need to add more items onto the Nucleo Pro Background
Render Queue from the same or different After Effects project simply add them to the
After Effects Render Queue and click on the Nucleo Pro Background Render menu
again. Nucleo Pro will append the new render queue items onto the Background Render
Queue and render them in turn.
Background Rendering of 3D Projects
Nucleo Pro 3 allows you to put more projects on your background render queue. Simply
drag and drop projects from 3D applications such as Cinema 4D, Maya, 3D Studio Max,
Lightwave, and more, and Nucleo Pro will manage the renders in the background while
you work.
With Spec-Preview enabled as you create your composition Nucleo Pro automatically
and continuously renders it and fills in your AE RAM Cache. Nucleo Pro detects when
you make a change to your composition and re-renders any modified frames.
Nucleo Pro can also create cached disk files (scratch files) of the rendered frames. When
you close and re-open a composition Nucleo Pro will automatically fill in the AE RAM
Cache with the pre-rendered frames from your last editing session of the composition
using the disk cached version of the frame. Therefore when you close and re-open a
composition the AE RAM Cache will automatically return to the same state as when you
last worked on the composition. For information on cache files, refer to the Managing
Cache Files section of this document.
With Spec-Render enabled as you create your composition Nucleo Pro automatically and
continuously renders it. Spec-Render instead of filling in the AE RAM Cache like SpecPreview will render your composition to your final output format. Nucleo Pro
automatically detects when you make a change to your composition and re-renders any
modified frames.
Nucleo Pro allows you to select the Render Settings and Output Module template to use
for the final output.
Spec-Render can greatly reduce or eliminate entirely the wait time for a final render.
Commit to Disk
If you have layers in your timeline that are complete but are costing you time when
previewing, Nucleo Pro allows you to commit those layers to disk. Simply select the
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layers and have Nucleo Pro render out only those layers using background After Effects
processes. When the render is complete, the selected layers in your composition are nondestructively replaced with the rendered footage item.
Nucleo Pro allows you to select the Render Settings and Output Module template to use
for the render so the rendered footage item will be in the format you choose.
Pre-composition Proxies
Pre-comp proxies are new way of keeping your AE proxies cached and up to date. All
you do is tag a composition for proxying and Nucleo Pro 3 will render it in the
background and use the rendered output as the proxy. If you make changes to that
composition, Nucleo Pro 3 will update the necessary frames and re-apply the proxy for
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Getting Started
You can download a trial version of Nucleo Pro for free from our web site at
The free download is fully functional but all frames are watermarked.
To install Nucleo Pro:
1. Open the GridIron Nucleo (GridIron Nucleo Pro.dmg on Macintosh) by
double clicking on it.
2. On Windows double click on the Setup.exe file. On Macintosh double click on
GridIron Nucleo Pro.pkg
3. Follow the prompts to install the software. You will need to accept a License
Agreement to install GridIron Nucleo Pro.
4. Re-start After Effects.
If After Effects was running when you installed Nucleo Pro you must re-start After
Effects to have After Effects load the Nucleo Pro plug-in.
Once you have installed Nucleo Pro the remainder of this guide will help you use the
complete set of Nucleo Pro features.
Purchasing a License
Once you’ve completed your trial of the Nucleo Pro software, you can purchase a license
from within Nucleo Pro by accessing the Licensing menu of the Nucleo Pro Status Icon
in the system tray (Windows)/menu bar (Mactinosh). You can also go directly to our
website at
There is a 3-step process to have your copy of the software fully licensed:
1. Obtain a serial number - selecting the Purchase option opens a browser to our
purchase web-site. Upon entering the necessary purchase details, you are emailed
a license serial number.
2. Download the Non-Trial version – Once you made your purchase a new
download will be made available in your account. It
is this version of the software that can and must be activated before it is usable.
3. Activate your serial number - once you have received the serial number, you
need to activate it by selecting the Activate option from the Licensing submenu of
the Nucleo Pro control menu. This will launch the Activation tool. To activate,
simply cut and paste the serial number into the Activation tool and hit the
Activate button. Nucleo Pro takes care of the rest.
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Upgrading Nucleo License to Nucleo Pro
To upgrade a Nucleo license to a Nucleo Pro license select the Purchase option from the
Nucleo Pro control menu. When connected to our purchase web-site click on the
Upgrade to Nucleo Pro button. Upon entering the necessary purchase details, you will be
emailed a Nucleo Pro license serial number. You must then download the Non-trial
version of the software from your account and then activate
your license by selecting the Activate option from the Licensing submenu of the Nucleo
Pro control menu.
For more information on Nucleo Pro licensing please see the Nucleo Pro Licensing
section of the document.
Using Nucleo Pro
When Nucleo Pro is first installed on your system it remains dormant until After Effects
is started.
When After Effects is started the Nucleo Pro plug-in is loaded the following changes are
made to the After Effects interface.
• The Composition menu in After Effects is modified to contain menu items that allow
you to access the Nucleo Pro features
• Background After Effects processes are started.
• The Nucleo Pro Status icon will appear on the Windows system tray or the Mac OS
X Menu bar.
• Keyboard shortcuts are added to the After Effects Shortcuts file (and a dialog is
display to show that this has occurred).
The features of Nucleo Pro and the behavior of the interface are described in later
section of this manual.
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Status Icon
The status icon provides you with an “at a glance” view of the current state of Nucleo
Pro. You can immediately see whether or not Nucleo Pro is enabled, disabled, loading or
working on a Nucleo Pro task you have initiated (for example, a Fast Preview etc.). The
Nucleo Pro Status icon also provides access to the control menu and status messages.
The status icon is displayed on the Windows system tray or the Mac OS X menu bar
when After Effects is started. The icon is removed from the system tray or menu bar
when you exit After Effects, which indicates that the plug-in is no longer active.
Before using any Nucleo Pro feature you should ensure the Status icon is in the Enabled
state. Refer to the table below for Nucleo Pro state indicators.
Status Icon
Disabled (Black)
When Nucleo Pro is disabled Nucleo Pro actions cannot be initiated. The
Nucleo Pro menus in After Effects will be disabled (grayed-out) and the
After Effects background processes are terminated.
Loading (yellow)
Loading of Nucleo Pro occurs when After Effects is started (assuming
Nucleo Pro has not been disabled) or when Nucleo Pro transitions from a
Disabled to Enabled state. During the loading phase, background
instances of After Effects are started to process Nucleo Pro actions.
When Nucleo Pro has determined the background instances of AE have
successfully been started it will transition to Enabled. Nucleo Pro can not
be used until it has reached the Enabled state.
Enabled (Red)
When Nucleo Pro is in Enabled state you can initiate a Nucleo Pro action.
The Nucleo Pro menus in After Effects will be enabled and the
background After Effects processes used by Nucleo Pro have been
started and are awaiting work.
Busy (green)
You have initiated a Nucleo Pro action and Nucleo Pro is busy working on
that action. The status icon may flash between the idle (enabled) and
busy states as the background After Effects processes render frames and
await new frames to be assigned to them.
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Nucleo Pro Status Pop-up Messages
The Nucleo Pro Status icon will use a pop-up window to display Nucleo Pro events.
Events include Nucleo Pro state transitions, informational messages, warnings and errors.
Each pop-up describes the event that has occurred and, if necessary, the steps required to
resolve issues. Examples of pop-up messages include:
• Nucleo Pro is Initializing
• Nucleo Pro is Ready
• Software Update Available
• The Render Queue has no queued items
• Nucleo Pro license has not been activated
Clicking on the pop-up window will open your default web browsing application to the
Nucleo Pro Session History.
Nucleo Pro Pop-up Windows (MAC OS X versions)
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Control Menu
Right clicking (clicking on Mac OS X) on the Nucleo Pro Status icon presents you with a
control menu that provides the following selections:
• View the Nucleo Pro Session History
• Enable and Disable Nucleo Pro
• Enable or Disable status pop-up windows
• Open a Nucleo Pro application window (i.e. the Background Render Queue, the
Cache Manager, the Support Tool, and Last Status windows).
• Specify the behavior of Fast Previews
• Specify the behavior of the After Effects Render button.
• Specify the performance level at which to operate
• Adjust Nucleo Pro’s CPU and RAM use on your system
• Purchase and activate your Nucleo Pro license
• Upgrade to the latest version of Nucleo Pro
• Determine the currently installed version of Nucleo Pro
Nucleo Pro Control Menu
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Viewing Your Nucleo Pro Session History
The Nucleo Pro Session History records information about the operations performed with
Nucleo Pro. During an After Effects session the following information will be recorded
in the session history.
• When Nucleo Pro was last Enabled. Includes the date and time.
• When Nucleo Pro was last Disabled. Includes the date and time.
• License Activation Succeeded or Failed. Includes the time and date along with
the reason for any failure.
• When a Nucleo Pro operation was started. Includes the following information:
o The project and composition name.
o The start date and time.
o The type of Nucleo Pro operation. Can be one of:
 Fast Render (in Nucleo known as Nucleo Render)
 Fast Preview (in Nucleo known as Nucleo Preview)
 Spec-Preview
 Spec-Render
 Background Render
 Commit to Disk
• Any warnings or errors that occur:
o The time and date of the warning or error
o The reason it occurred.
o If applicable a link to our web-site for trouble-shooting.
• When a Nucleo Pro operation completed or was stopped. Includes:
o Whether stopped by user or ran to a successful completion.
o The date and time the operation ended.
o For Fast Previews the number of frames rendered by After Effects vs.
Nucleo Pro.
You can display the session history at anytime by selecting Session History from the
control menu (or on Windows by double clicking the status icon).
If you restart After Effects the previous session history is cleared and a new one created
for the new After Effects session.
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Disabling Nucleo Pro
When Nucleo Pro is first installed on your computer it is enabled by default. When you
start After Effects, Nucleo Pro loads automatically and is available to aid in the
processing of your After Effects previews and renders.
You can disable Nucleo Pro at anytime while After Effects is running by selecting
Disable from the control menu.
The Disable menu item is only visible if Nucleo Pro is currently enabled. When Nucleo
Pro is disabled the Nucleo Pro related items in the Composition menu of After Effects
will be disabled (grayed-out) and the background instances of After Effects will be
terminated. The status icon will indicate that Nucleo Pro is disabled.
If you exit After Effects with Nucleo Pro disabled, it will still be disabled the next time
you start After Effects. To use Nucleo Pro, you will need to re-enable it manually.
Enabling Nucleo Pro
If Nucleo Pro is disabled you can re-enable it at any time by selecting Enable from the
Nucleo Pro control menu.
The Enable menu item is only visible if Nucleo Pro is currently disabled.
Enabling Nucleo Pro will re-enable the Nucleo Pro related items in the After Effects
Composition menu and start background instances of After Effects on your workstation.
When you first enable Nucleo Pro the icon will turn yellow indicating the plug-in is
loading. Once loaded the icon will turn red indicating Nucleo Pro is enabled and idle and
therefore ready for use.
If you exit After Effects with Nucleo Pro enabled, it will be enabled automatically the
next time you start After Effects.
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Selecting Fast Preview Behavior
Nucleo Pro allows you to select the type of After Effects preview to emulate when you
use the Nucleo Pro - Fast Preview menu item or the Shift+Spacebar keyboard short cut.
To select your preview behavior:
1. Right click (click on Mac OSX) the status icon to display the control menu,
2. Open the Fast Preview Options submenu,
3. Choose the appropriate behavior.
The default setting for Fast Previews is to emulate an After Effects RAM preview.
If the Move Play-head (slower) option is selected, during previews Nucleo Pro will
advance the play-head in the AE timeline. Due to the negative impact on performance,
this option is OFF by default.
Note: this feature is available for Mac OS X only. After Effects on Windows does not
allow third party applications, like Nucleo Pro, to use this feature.
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Selecting the Render Button Behavior
Nucleo Pro allow you to assign behavior to the Render button in the After Effect Render
Queue window. To do so:
1. Right-click (click on MAC OS X) on the status icon to display the control menu,
2. Open the Render Options submenu,
3. Select a render style.
When Nucleo Pro is installed, the default is to add items in Queued state to the
Background Render Queue and run a background render when the Render button is
Disabling Status Popup Windows
The progress of a Nucleo Pro operation is often presented using a popup window. This
can be handy at times, but has also been found to be distracting to some. Nucleo Pro
gives you the option to switch these status Popups on or off.
This is done using the Enable/Disable Status Popups menu item. If Popups are
enabled, the menu will display Disable Status Popups to allow you to switch them off.
If Popups are disabled, the menu will display Enable Status Popups to allow you to
switch them on
Even when status Popups are disabled, errors and warning windows will continue to be
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Open a Nucleo Pro Application Window
To open the Nucleo Pro Background Render Queue, Cache Manager or Last Status GUIs
select the appropriate option from the Nucleo Pro Control Window menu.
For more information about the Background Render Queue, Cache Manager, and
Support Tool please refer to the corresponding sections of this manual.
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Selecting the Performance Level
You can choose how aggressive Nucleo Pro will be in utilizing CPU and RAM resources
on your system by selecting a performance level. To do so:
1. Right-click (click on MAC OS X) on the status icon to display the control menu,
2. Open the Performance Level submenu,
3. Select a performance level.
• Foreground and background processes run at same priority
• Consume as much memory as required
• Computer may seem unresponsive at times during preview and renders
• Excellent performance
Normal (recommended)
• Background processes run at reduced priority
• Attempt to leave memory free for other applications
• Computer will remain responsive
• Good performance
When changing performance levels, Nucleo Pro will reinitialize. This means any
operations that are currently in progress must be aborted. This is expected behavior and
required to adjust memory limits for the background After Effects processes.
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Resource Settings
You can make custom adjustments to the number of CPUs and the amount of RAM used
by Nucleo Pro by using the Resource Settings dialog.
Resource Settings Menu Item (Windows version shown)
Nucleo Pro attempts to leave a certain amount of RAM free on your system. The default
amount is 512 MB (left free). You can adjust this “low-watermark” for RAM using the
controls provided in the Resource Settings dialog shown below.
Resource Settings Window (Windows version shown)
Changing the number of CPUs determines the number of the background AE processes
used by Nucleo Pro. The number AE processes created will be the number CPUs selected
plus one. This also effects the RAM use on your system since each AE process uses a
certain amount of memory just by running.
Important! Changes made via this dialog will not take effect until After Effects has been
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Purchasing or Activating a Nucleo Pro License
The free trial version of Nucleo Pro you download from GridIron will watermark (place a
red X on) the results of your previews and renders until your license is activated. This
version can not be activated.
In order to get a fully functional version of Nucleo Pro you must purchase a license from
our website. Once you have a license, a download is made available from your account. None of the Nucleo Pro features will be available
until this version is activated.
You can Purchase and Activate a Nucleo Pro license by selecting the Licensing>Purchase or Licensing->Activate menu from Nucleo Pro control menu. If you use an
HTTP proxy for outside internet access you can set your proxy settings using the
Licensing->HTTP Proxy Settings menu. Ask your network administrator or Internet
Service Provider (ISP) if you are unsure about proxy settings.
Nucleo Pro licenses can not be shared among workstations as the license is tied to the
machine on which it is activated. If you have more than one workstation in your studio
you must license Nucleo Pro on each workstation separately.
Please refer to the Licensing section of this document for more details of purchasing and
activating a license.
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Getting Nucleo Pro Software Updates
Each time After Effects is started Nucleo Pro determines if a newer version of the Nucleo
Pro software exists. If an update is available the Nucleo Pro Status icon will display a
pop-up message. To get the software update either click on the displayed pop-up message
or right-click (click on Mac) on the status icon and select Get Latest Updates from the
control menu. Selecting this option will open your default web browser to the GridIron
Nucleo Pro download site in the trial version. In a licensed version of Nucleo Pro,
clicking this link will open the default browser to log-in site. No
personal information of any kind is communicated during this check.
Nucleo Pro Version Information
To determine the version of Nucleo Pro that is installed on your computer simply:
1. Right-click (click on Mac) the status icon to display the control menu,
2. Select the About Nucleo Pro option.
Nucleo Pro About Box
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Feature Interactions
Nucleo Pro operates only one feature at a time. This allows every feature to make full use
of the available CPU and RAM.
If there is a feature running and you request another feature to run, you will be asked if
you want to terminate the original. For instance if you are running a commit to disk and
decide to initiate a background render, Nucleo Pro will display a warning as shown
Operation Interruption Warning
A similar warning will be presented any time one feature attempts to interrupt another.
Spec Preview and Spec Render are exceptions to this rule. Spec operations will:
1. Automatically get interrupted to allow other features to run.
2. Automatically restart once the interrupting feature completes or is stopped.
Spec Preview can be interrupted by Spec Render, and vice versa but only one will ever
be active at any time.
If you enable Spec Preview while another operation is progress, the Nucleo Pro – Spec
Preview menu item will show an adjacent checkmark, but the preview will not be
initiated until the current operation completes or is stopped.
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Fast Preview
Nucleo Pro supports the emulation of After Effects RAM, Shift RAM, and Standard
(spacebar) previews. For current Nucleo users a Nucleo Pro Fast Preview is synonymous
to a Nucleo Preview.
Nucleo Pro does not does change the way After Effects normally renders frames. It
simply renders a subset of the frames in the background using the extra CPU resources
available on your multi-processor or multi-core computer.
The level of performance gain realized using Nucleo Pro may vary. It will depend on the
effects used and complexity of the composition being previewed.
Using After Effects Previews
If you start regular After Effects previews using either menus (under Composition-->
Previews) or keyboard short-cuts (the “0” key or the spacebar) Nucleo Pro will not be
Starting/Stopping Nucleo Pro Fast Previews
You can use Nucleo Pro to process your preview with as few as three simple steps:
1. Like a regular After Effects preview choose the area of your composition that you
want to preview.
2. Enable Nucleo Pro if it is Disabled and wait until the Nucleo Pro Status icon
indicates Nucleo Pro is Ready.
3. (Optional) Select the type of preview you want Nucleo Pro to emulate using the
Fast Preview Options submenu of the control menu. The default is to emulate
Standard (spacebar) preview.
4. Initiate the preview by using the Nucleo Pro - Fast Preview item under the After
Effects Composition menu OR the Shift+Spacebar keyboard short-cut.
Once the preview has been started, the status icon will flash green as the Nucleo Pro
renders frames using the background After Effects processes.
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Using the After Effects Composition Menu
Nucleo Pro provides a menu item under the After Effects Composition menu to start and
stop your Fast Previews (see below).
Fast Preview Item in the Composition Menu
Using the Keyboard Short-cut
When Nucleo Pro is loaded into After Effects for the first time, it attempts to add a new
shift+spacebar keyboard short cut for After Effects. The next time you run After Effects,
the added short cut is available for use.
Holding down the shift key then pressing the spacebar can be used to start and stop
Nucleo Pro Fast Previews.
Note: If the act of inserting the short cut is unsuccessful you will be notified via a pop-up
warning from the status Icon. If this happens you will have to use the menu item from the
After Effects Composition menu as described in the previous section to start a Nucleo
Pro fast preview.
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Selecting your Fast Preview Behavior
Nucleo Pro allows you to select the type of After Effects preview to emulate when you
use the Nucleo Pro Fast Preview.
To select the preview behavior:
1. Right click (click on Mac OS X) the status icon to display the control menu,
2. Open the Fast Preview Options submenu and make a selection.
Fast Preview Options Menu
The default setting for this option is to emulate Standard (spacebar) preview.
If the Move Play-head (slower) option is selected, during fast previews Nucleo Pro will
advance the play-head in the AE timeline. Due to the negative impact on performance,
this option is OFF by default. Note: this feature is available for Mac OS X only. After
Effects on Windows does not allow third party applications, like Nucleo Pro, to use this
What is the difference between preview behaviors?
After Effects offers many ways to preview a composition, the main ones are:
1. Standard (or spacebar) preview
2. RAM Preview
3. Shift RAM Preview
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The table below describes the preview methods and how Nucleo Pro Fast Preview
emulates them:
Preview Type
After Effect Behavior
1. Starts play-head in the
2. Starts from current playhead location.
3. Displays current frame
in viewer window.
4. Fills in green line.
5. Displays current frame
in the info section of
viewer window.
6. Will write frame data to
disk cache (if enabled)
when RAM has been
RAM Preview
1. Does not start the playhead in the timeline
2. Displays current frame
in the viewer window.
3. Fills in the green line
4. Stops when RAM is
5. Loops over previewed
frames in accordance
with the Loop setting the
Time Controls palette.
6. Honors all settings
specified in the Time
Controls palette.
Same as RAM preview, but
honors the Shift-RAM
preview settings of the
Time Controls palette.
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Nucleo Pro Emulation
1. Starts the play-head in the
2. Starts from beginning of
Work Space.
3. Does not display current
frame in viewer window.
4. Fills in green line.
5. Does not display current
frame in the info section of
the viewer window.
6. Will write frame data to disk
cache (if enabled) when
RAM has been exhausted.
1. Does not start the playhead in the timeline
2. Does not display current
frame in the viewer
3. Fills in the green line
4. Stops when RAM is
5. Loops over previewed
frames in accordance with
the Loop setting the Time
Controls palette.
6. Honors the Skip frame,
and Loop settings
specified in the Time
Controls palette.
Same as Nucleo Pro
emulation of RAM preview
except it honors the Skip
frame and Loop settings of
the Shift-RAM preview settings
in the Time Controls palette.
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Tracking Preview Status
To assist in the tracking of previews, Nucleo Pro uses a pop-up based progress bar to
indicate the status of each preview.
You can dismiss the pop-up window at any time
during the preview by clicking the X in the upper
right hand corner of the window.
To restore the progress pop-up, select the Window>Last Status option from Nucleo Pro control menu.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues. The README file can be found
under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most Preview features and settings there are a few
exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and as
such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides. Unsupported
items include:
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. Temporally
dependent plug-ins require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame.
Your fast preview will succeed if you are using this type of plug-in however the frames
will be rendered without the aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be
realized. Please refer to the Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more
Nucleo Pro will only preview frames for the Active Camera. You must have the Active
Camera selected to see the timeline being updated. Your Nucleo Pro fast preview will
still continue if the Active Camera is not selected, but you must select the Active Camera
to see the updated green line.
Region of Interest
Nucleo Pro only renders entire frames and does not support Region of Interest. Your
Nucleo Pro fast preview will still continue if the Region of Interest is selected, but you
must disable Region of Interest to see the updated green line.
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The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
operation. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the Nucleo Pro session history. In
the session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings)
and contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed
information and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Fast Render
Nucleo Pro provides the ability to optimize the rendering of items on the After Effects
Render Queue. For existing Nucleo users a Fast Render is synonymous with a Nucleo
The level of performance gain realized using Nucleo Pro may vary. It will depend on the
effects used and complexity of the composition being rendered.
Starting a Nucleo Pro Fast Render
To use Nucleo Pro Fast Render to process the items in your render queue, simply use the
following steps:
1. Add items to the After Effects Render Queue.
2. Set your Render Settings and Output Module settings as normal.
3. Start your Fast Render by clicking on the Render button in the After Effects
render queue or by selecting Nucleo Pro - Fast Render under After Effects
Composition menu.
Nucleo Pro - Fast Render Item in Composition Menu
If you do not want to use Nucleo Pro for your renders you can:
1. Disable Nucleo Pro (using the Disable menu from the control menu).
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2. Re-assign the behavior of the render button Render Options menu of the Nucleo
Pro control menu in the status icon.
When you start a fast render using Nucleo Pro, a back-up copy of your project file is
saved in a folder called “Nucleo Backups” under the same folder as your project file.
Since Nucleo Pro has to save the project file at the end of a render (in order to update
render queue status), the back-up file ensures you can reverse any changes made to the
project during a render (such as the effects of import and replace post render actions).
Nucleo Pro will inform you of the back-up location with the following reminder window
at the start of each render (unless the “don’t show this again” option has been selected).
Fast Render Project Backup Dialog
When a Nucleo Pro fast render is started a dialog box appears indicating that the render
has begun. Pressing the Stop button will terminate the render and leave any un-rendered
items in “queued” state.
Tracking Fast Render Status
Nucleo Pro performs all rendering activity using background After Effects processes.
This allows for the manipulation of the render queue items without affecting the view in
the main After Effects Render Queue window.
Since all activity related to rendering occurs in
the background, status is limited in the main
After Effect Render Queue window.
To assist in the tracking of render status, Nucleo
Pro sets the state of the appropriate render queue
items to “Rendering” and uses a pop-up based
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progress bar to indicate the status of each render queue item.
You can dismiss the pop-up window at any time during the preview by clicking the X in
the upper right hand corner of the window. To restore the progress pop-up, select
Window->Last Status from the Nucleo Pro control menu.
Stopping a Nucleo Pro Fast Render
To stop a Nucleo Pro fast render click on the Stop button on the Nucleo Pro Fast Render
dialog box.
Fast Render Stop Dialog
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues and issues that have been
resolved. The README file can found under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your
After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most After Render Queue features and settings there are a
few exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and
as such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
Pausing a Nucleo Pro Fast Render
Since all render activities are performed by background After Effects processes, there is
no way for the user to modify the render queue after the render has been initiated unless
the render is stopped and restarted.
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For this reason, Nucleo Pro does not offer the pause/resume functionality because no
changes could be introduced to the render queue even in a paused state.
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. These plug-ins
require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame. Your render will
succeed if you are using such a plug-in; however the frames will be rendered without the
aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be realized. Please refer to the
Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more details.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
Fast Render. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the session history. In the
session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings) and
contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed information
and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Background Render
Nucleo Pro provides the ability to render items on your After Effects Render Queue in
the background while you continue to work in After Effects.
Starting a Nucleo Pro Background Render
To use Nucleo Pro Background Render to process the items in your render queue, simply
use the following steps:
1. Add items to the After Effects Render Queue.
2. Set your Render Settings and Output Module settings as normal.
3. Start your Background Render by selecting Nucleo Pro - Background Render
under After Effects Composition menu (or if Nucleo Pro Background Render is
selected in the Render Options of the status icon, you can just hit the AE render
Nucleo Pro – Background Render Item in Composition Menu
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Render Options Menu
Background Render Life Cycle
When you initiate a background render the queued items of the After Effects render
queue go through the following life cycle:
1. The queued items on the After Effects render queue are copied to the background
render queue and are then set to “Unqueued”.
2. The background render queue is displayed showing all items to be rendered.
3. The first item on the background render queue immediately starts rendering.
4. When an item is finished rendering it is moved to background render queue history.
(See the Background Render Queue History section for more details).
5. The next item on the background render queue is then rendered.
6. When all items in the background render queue have been rendered you will be
notified by the Nucleo Pro status icon via a pop-up window.
Adding Compositions to the Background Render Queue
At any time you can append new items onto the background render queue. You can add
more items from the current project you are working on or items from a different project.
For the current project simply add new queued items onto the After Effects render queue
and click on the Nucleo Pro-Background Render menu in the After Effects composition
menu. Or just click the Render button in the AE render queue if the Render Options have
been set to background render in the Nucleo Pro status icon.
Queuing Compositions from Other Projects
You can add render items for a different After Effects project at any time. Simply open
the new project, add the appropriate compositions to the After Effect Render Queue,
configure the render settings and output settings, then click on the Nucleo Pro –
Background Render menu to append the queued items for this project onto the
Background Render Queue. Or just click the Render button in the AE render queue if the
Render Options have been set to background render in the Nucleo Pro status icon.
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Background Render Queue
The Background Render Queue window allows you to control and view the status of
your background renders.
Background Render Queue Window
Opening the Background Render Queue
The background render queue GUI can be is opened in one of two ways:
1. When you have queued items on the After Effects render queue and select
Composition->Nucleo Pro – Background Render from the After Effects main menu.
The background render queue will open automatically to display the render queue
items that have been added to it.
2. Click (right-click on Windows) on the Nucleo Pro status icon and select Window>Background Render Queue from the drop-down menu.
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Render Status and Control
The background render queue has three main panels.
1. Render Status and Control
2. Render Item Details
3. Queued Items
Viewing Background Render Status
The top section of the background render queue displays the status of the currently
rendering item. It indicates the composition name and project being rendered, the
percentage complete progress of the render, the estimated time remaining and the elapsed
time for rendering the active item.
Stopping a Background Render
Using the Stop button you can stop the render of the current item. If you stop the render
of an item you must re-add the item back onto the background render queue to render it
again. When re-queued, the item will added at the bottom of the list of queued items.
If you have stopped a background render and have other items on the queue, you can
click on the Render button to start background rendering the next item.
Pausing and Resuming a Background Render
To pause a background render click on the Pause button in the background render queue.
To restart a paused background render click on the Continue button. The background
render will continue rendering the item that was paused.
Render Item Details
The Render Item Details section is the middle section of the background render queue
Window and allows you to view the Render Settings and Output Module Settings for the
currently selected item. The following items can be selected:
1. Click on the Status and Control panel to see the render details of the currently
rendering item.
2. Click on a queued item to see its details
3. Click on an item in the History window to see its details. The History window is
explained later in this section.
Queued Items
The lower section of the background render queue contains a list of the items waiting to
be rendered. These items are rendered in the order they appear in the list.
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Prioritizing Render Queue Items
At any time you can change the order that items will be rendered by dragging an item
higher or lower in the queued items list. This allows you to raise or lower the render
priority of any item.
If you need to have an item rendered immediately you must stop the current item being
rendered, move the required item to the top of queued items list and then start the
background render again.
Background Rendering of 3D Projects
Nucleo Pro 3 allows you to put more than After Effects projects on your background
render queue. Simply drag and drop projects from the 3D application listed below and
Nucleo Pro will manage the renders in the background while you work.
Supported 3D Applications
Nucleo Pro 3 supports the following 3D applications and versions:
Maxon Cinema 4D
9.6, 10
Autodesk 3ds Max
Vista (32 and 64 bit)
Windows XP Pro 32 bit (SP2)
Windows XP Pro x64
Autodesk Maya
Windows XP Pro 32 bit (SP2)
Windows XP Pro x64
Mac OS X (10.4.8+)
Apple Shake
Mac OS X (10.4.6+)
Softimage XSI
Windows XP Pro 32 bit (SP2)
Windows XP Pro x64
NewTek Lightwave
Windows XP Pro 32 bit (SP2)
Window XP Pro x64
Mac OS X (10.3.9+)
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Mac OS X (10.4.9+)
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Starting a 3D Background Render
To start rendering a project from any of the supported 3D applications you can:
• Drag and drop a project file from the finder/explorer onto the Background Render
• Select “Add Render Job” from the File menu of the Background Render Queue
and select the project file.
• Click the “Add Job” button in the lower left corner of the Background Render
Queue window and select the project file.
Having performed either of the above actions, you will be presented with the external
render dialog window. This dialog (Cinema 4D example shown below) allows you to
configure the render job to your liking. When you have completed the configuration just
hit the “Add Job” button to have the new item added to the queue.
Add 3D Render Job Window (C4D)
Trouble Shooting
Nucleo Pro makes every effort to automatically discover the installed location of your 3D
applications. If you find that Nucleo Pro complains about the format not being support, it
can often be related to being unable to locate the application associated with the project.
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In these situations you can tell Nucleo Pro where to look for the application using the
Nucleo Support Tool.
Launch the Support Tool from the Window menu of status icon control menu and select
the 3D Renderers option as shown below.
From this tool you can specify the location of the application by setting “Executable”
field to “Specify” and entering the full path to the applicationin the “Path” field.
Once you have completed the configuration hit the Apply button and restart After Effects
if it was running.
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Background Render Queue History
When the background rendering of item is completed, that item is moved from the render
queue into the background render history.
Opening the Background Render History
To view the background render history click on the “Show History” button located at the
bottom left corner of the Background Render Queue window.
Background Render Queue History Window
The render queue history window lists previously rendered compositions. The history
window presents the following information:
1. The composition that was rendered.
2. The project that contained that composition.
3. The final status of the render.
4. The start data and time of the render
5. The time required to render the composition.
Selecting an item in the history window will present all of the render settings and output
module settings details in the Background Render Queue window.
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Removing Items from the History
To remove a render item from the history, simply highlight the item (or items using
shift+click) by clicking, then press the “Remove” button.
Caution! Once removed, the data associated with these render items is destroyed and can
not be recovered.
Sending Rendered Items Back to the Original AE Project
It is often useful to keep the render information for a composition associated with the
project. Typically this is done by leaving rendered items on the After Effects render
When the Background Render Queue is used, the items that were originally created on
the AE render queue may or may not be saved when the project is closed. Those AE
render queue items are not updated (with render times etc.) when the background render
completes, so if maintaining that render information is important to you – you can import
completed render information back into the AE render queue of the project from which
they came.
To import a completed background render into its AE render queue, select an item from
the history and press the “Send to AE” button.
Caution! Sending items from the history back into AE causes those entries to be
permanently removed from the Background Render Queue history.
Post Render Actions
When rendering projects in the background, Nucleo Pro uses backup copies of the AE
project file to work from. Therefore any post render action that has been specified will
be honored, but applied to the backup copy that Nucleo Pro is using NOT the copy of
the project being used in the main After Effects window.
This allows the background render queue to realize any performance gain that may be
accomplished through using post render actions, however, the original project files will
not see the effects of a post render action.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues and issues that have been
resolved. The README file can found under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your
After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most After Render Queue features and settings there are a
few exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and
as such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
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Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. These plug-ins
require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame. Your render will
succeed if you are using such a plug-in; however the frames will be rendered without the
aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be realized. Please refer to the
Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more details.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
Background Render. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the session history. In
the session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings)
and contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed
information and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Spec Preview
Spec Preview (a.k.a. Speculative Preview) can best be described as a continuous,
opportunistic, and automatic RAM Preview. The feature - when enabled - will start
rendering the frames of your composition in the background while you work. As
rendered frames are available, they are used to fill in your After Effects RAM cache (that
is, the green line in your timeline window). It will continue to do so until your RAM has
been exhausted (like RAM Preview) or until told to stop.
How It Works
Spec Preview is continuously scanning your composition’s timeline looking for frames
that need rendering. When it finds one, that frame gets rendered and submitted to the
green line as a frame that is ready for viewing. As you make changes, sections of your
composition’s RAM cache will become invalidated (meaning the frames need to be rerendered). Spec Preview will automatically detect the modifications and re-render only
the necessary frames.
Enabling and Disabling Spec Preview
To activate the Spec Preview feature you select the Nucleo Pro – Spec Preview option
from the After Effects Composition menu (you can also use the keyboard shortcut
associated with the menu item.) This menu item acts a toggle switch for the feature, you
use the same menu or key stroke to both enable and disable it.
By default Spec Preview is disabled. When
enabled, the Spec Preview item in the
Composition menu will have a small
checkmark to the left of the item label. This
checkmark disappears when the feature is
disabled. The presence of the checkmark
provides an easy way to determine whether Spec Preview is on or off for a particular
Spec Preview is a “per-composition” feature – this means that you must enable it for any
composition you wish to use it on. However, once you’ve enabled or disabled Spec
Preview for a comp, the setting will be remembered the next time you open that project.
This saves you from having to manually reset your Spec Preview preferences each time
you open a project.
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Configuring Spec Preview
Spec Preview operates on a specific composition at the resolution selected in After
Effects. Further configuration of the Spec Preview is done using the Nucleo Pro –
Settings item accessible from the After Effect Composition menu. Upon selecting the
menu item you will see the following dialog.
Nucleo Pro Project Settings Window
Compositions listed in this dialog will indicate whether Spec Preview is enabled via the
value shown in the Spec Mode column. To configure Spec Preview for any given
composition, simply click the Settings button adjacent the composition and the following
dialog will appear.
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Nucleo Pro Composition Settings Window
The Composition Settings dialog box allows you to store per-composition preference
settings for Spec Preview. Each composition that has Spec Preview applied can be
uniquely configured.
So what do all those settings mean? Essentially there are only 3 things to configure:
1. What frame range to “speculate” over.
2. Where to start speculating.
3. The order in which frames are placed in the RAM cache (i.e. the green line).
The first three options in the settings dialog above allow you to decide what range to
operate for this composition. You can choose the Work Area, the entire Timeline, or a
custom frame range.
The “Start render from current time” check box is on by default and simply means that
rendering will start at the position of the Current Time Indicator (CTI) at the instant the
feature is enabled. If you want the frames to be rendered starting at the beginning of the
composition, you simply uncheck this box.
Spec Preview with Start from Current Time Indicator enabled
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The “Render around current time indicator” check box is off by default but allows you to
change the order in which frames are rendered. By default, Spec Preview will render
frames sequentially (i.e. frame 1, then 2, then 3, and so on…) starting from the current
time indicator and extending left to right.
Spec Preview with Render around Current Time Indicator enabled
By checking this checkbox, frames will be rendered in a cluster starting from the current
time indicator and expanding outwards in both directions. For instance, if the CTI is at
frame 10, Spec Preview render frames as follows: 10, 9, 11, 8, 12, 7, 13, 6, 14, and so on.
Tracking Status
When Spec Preview detects that frames need to be rendered, it presents a popup window
as shown. This window shows the progress of the Spec Preview in terms of the number
of frames that need to be re-rendered.
Status popup windows can be closed by clicking
the X in the upper right corner. If you do not wish
see the popup windows at all, they can be disabled
from the Nucleo Pro status icon.
However, even with status disabled you can
always get the status of your preview by selecting
Show Status from the Window submenu of the
status icon or by hovering over the status icon
Stopping Spec Preview
To stop a Spec Preview you must disable it by selecting the Nucleo Pro – Spec Preview
menu item from the Composition menu of AE. This will set the menu item to unchecked
indicating that the feature is disabled.
Using the Nucleo Pro – Stop menu item will not stop any Spec operation (Preview or
Render). Spec operations are special cases, there are meant to be running continuously so
to stop them they must be disabled.
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Caching Preview Frames on Disk
Nucleo Pro’s Spec Preview feature allows for a persistent frame cache in After Effects.
This allows you to have preview frames instantly loaded into the AE RAM cache (green
line) when a project loads.
Enabling and Disabling Persistent Frame Caching
Persistent frame cache settings are stored per-project. If a project has frame caching
enabled, it is enabled for all composition in the project that have Spec Preview applied.
To enable or disable frame caching, simply select the Nucleo Pro – Project Settings…
item from the AE File menu and click the “Enable cache file creation for Spec Preview”
button in the following dialog.
Nucleo Pro Project Settings Window
Changing Your Project Cache Location
If you need to change the cache location (for space or performance reasons), you can
select a new location using the Nucleo Pro – Project Settings dialog shown above.
Simply click the Browse button to select a new location.
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If you have any existing cache files associated with the project you will be asked what
you want to do with those files.
Cache Location Change Dialog
Your options are to:
1. Keep the files but move the files to the new location (“Migrate”)
2. Delete them and allow the cache data to be re-generated.
Managing Cache Files
With caching enabled, Nucleo Pro could be generating a lot of files and consuming a lot
of disk space. To help manage the data generated from frame caching, Nucleo Pro
includes the Cache Manager tool. This tool organizes cache data on a per-project basis
and allows you to:
1. Monitor the disk space occupied by caches.
2. Move caches around.
3. Remove caches from the disk.
For more detailed information on cache management please refer to the Cache
Management Tool section of this guide.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues. The README file can be found
under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most Preview features and settings there are a few
exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and as
such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
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Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. Temporally
dependent plug-ins require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame.
Your fast preview will succeed if you are using this type of plug-in however the frames
will be rendered without the aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be
realized. Please refer to the Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more
Nucleo Pro will only preview frames for the Active Camera. You must have the Active
Camera selected to see the timeline being updated. Your Spec Preview will still continue
if the Active Camera is not selected, but you must select the Active Camera to see the
updated green line.
Region of Interest
Nucleo Pro only renders entire frames and does not support Region of Interest. Your
Spec Preview will still continue if the Region of Interest is selected, but you must disable
Region of Interest to see the updated green line.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
operation. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the Nucleo Pro session history. In
the session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings)
and contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed
information and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Spec Render
When enabled Spec Render (a.k.a. Speculative Render) will start rendering the frames of
your composition in the background while you work. The final rendered file will be
placed wherever you instruct Nucleo Pro to put it.
How It Works
Spec Render is continuously scanning your composition’s timeline looking for frames
that need rendering. When it finds one, that frame gets rendered and written to disk as a
single frame. As you make changes, sections of your composition will become
invalidated (meaning the frames need to be re-rendered). Spec Render will automatically
detect the modifications and re-render only the necessary frames. Once all frames have
created, Spec Render quickly generates the final output using the pre-rendered frame
Spec Render uses two (2) phases to generate the final output. The first phase performs a
sequence render to a sequence of Photoshop files that act as the persistent frame cache
for the composition. As you work to build up the composition, Spec Render will be
continuously regenerating the sequence of cache files until an opportune time to generate
the final movie presents itself.
The second phase of Spec Render uses the cache files generated from the first phase to
create the final output in the format that you specified.
Enabling and Disabling Spec Render
To activate the Spec Render feature you select the Nucleo Pro – Spec Render option
from the After Effects Composition menu (you can also use the keyboard shortcut
associated with the menu item.) This menu item acts a toggle switch for the feature, you
use the same menu or key stoke to both enable and disable it. Selecting the menu item
presents the following dialog where the render settings and output settings are specified.
Spec Render Configuration Window
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Once started using the dialog shown above, Spec Render is enabled on the composition
until your project is closed, at which time the feature is turned off.
Using Settings Templates
Spec Render operates using templates for both Render Settings and Output Module
Settings. You can modify or create new templates for Render or Output Module settings
by selecting the appropriate menu from the Edit->Templates menu in After Effects.
Important! If you modify or add new templates, you must disable and re-enable
Nucleo Pro before starting either a Spec Render or Commit to Disk operation. This is
required to ensure that all background processes are made aware of the template
modifications. Failure to restart Nucleo Pro will result in erroneous render results.
Tracking Status
When Spec Render detects that frames need to be
rendered, it presents a popup window as shown.
This window shows the progress of the Spec
Render in terms of the number of frames that
need to be re-rendered.
Spec Render operates using two passes. This is reflected in the status dialog as follows:
1. The first 50% of the status represents the progress in creating the intermediate frame
cache files. This means that when the status reaches 50% - all of the caches files have
2. The last 50% of status represents the progress in creation of the final output file.
When the status reaches 100% the render file has been created in the specified
You can dismiss the pop-up window at any time during the render by clicking the X in
the upper right hand corner of the window. To restore the progress pop-up, select
Window->Show Status from the Nucleo Pro control menu.
Stopping Spec Render
To stop a Spec Render you must disable it by selecting the Nucleo Pro – Spec Render
menu item from the Composition menu of AE. This will set the menu item to unchecked
indicating that the feature is disabled.
Using the Nucleo Pro – Stop menu item will not stop any Spec operation (Preview or
Render). Spec operations are special cases, there are meant to be running continuously so
to stop them they must be disabled.
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Caching Render Frames on Disk
The Spec Render feature creates intermediate frame caches files on disk. These files are
kept as part of the persistent cache data for a composition. This allows you to have
rendered frames re-used when a composition is Spec Rendered at a later date.
Changing Your Project Cache Location
If you need to change the cache location (for space or performance reasons), you can
select a new location using the Nucleo Pro – Project Settings dialog below. Simply click
the Browse button to select a new location.
Nucleo Pro Project Settings Window
If you have any existing cache files associated with the project you will be asked what
you want to do with those files.
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Cache Location Change Dialog
Your options are to:
1. Delete them and allow the cache data to be re-generated.
2. Keep the files but move the files to the new location (“Migrate”)
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Managing Cache Files
With caching enabled, Nucleo Pro could be generating a lot of files and consuming a lot
of disk space. To help manage the data generated from frame caching, Nucleo Pro
includes the Cache Management Tool. This tool organizing cache data on a per-project
basis and allows you to:
1. Monitor the disk space occupied by caches.
2. Move caches around.
3. Remove caches from the disk.
For more detailed information on cache management please refer to the Cache
Management Tool section of this guide.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues and issues that have been
resolved. The README file can found under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your
After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most After Render Queue features and settings there are a
few exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and
as such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. These plug-ins
require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame. Your render will
succeed if you are using such a plug-in; however the frames will be rendered without the
aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be realized. Please refer to the
Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more details.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
Fast Render. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the session history. In the
session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings) and
contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed information
and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Commit To Disk
If you have layers in your timeline that are complete but are costing you time when
previewing, Nucleo Pro provides the ability to commit those layers to disk. This allows
you to convert a contiguous set of layers to a rendered movie or image sequence and
have that output added back into the composition as footage layer which replaces the
selected layers. This operation occurs in the background while you continue to have
responsive control of After Effects.
The render area ranges from the first frame of the earliest layer in the timeline to the last
frame of the latest layer in the timeline.
Starting Commit to Disk
To start a commit to disk, simply select the layers then choose the Nucleo Pro – Commit
to Disk menu item from AE’s Composition menu. After doing so you are prompted with
the following dialog.
Commit to Disk Configuration Window
Once initiated, a new placeholder layer is added to the composition. This layer is called
“Commit in Progress”. DO NOT DELETE this layer before the commit operation has
When the Commit to Disk render is complete, the selected layers in your composition are
non-destructively replaced with the rendered footage item. The new footage layer is
added above the first layer in the selected range. The original layers are made invisible,
shy, and locked and a new footage item containing the rendered material will have been
added to the project.
Because your original layer are made into shy layers, you can use the Hide shy layers
button in the composition Timeline window, to completely hide them from view (thus
cleaning up the timeline considerably).
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Using Settings Templates
Commit to Disk operates using templates for both Render Settings and Output Module
Settings. You can modify or create new templates for Render or Output Module settings
by selecting the appropriate menu from the Edit->Templates menu in After Effects.
Important! If you modify or add new templates, you must disable and re-enable
Nucleo Pro before starting either a Commit to Disk or Spec Render operation. This is
required to ensure that all background processes are made aware of the template
modifications. Failure to restart Nucleo Pro will result in erroneous render results.
Tracking Status
Nucleo Pro performs all Commit to Disk rendering activity using background After
Effects processes. This allows for you to continue working in After Effects while the
commit progresses.
Since all activity related to rendering occurs
in the background, status is limited in the
main After Effects window.
To assist in the tracking of render status,
Nucleo Pro uses a pop-up based progress bar
to indicate the status of the Commit to Disk
render item.
You can dismiss the pop-up window at any time during the preview by clicking the X in
the upper right hand corner of the window. To restore the progress pop-up, select
Window->Last Status from the Nucleo Pro control menu.
Stopping Commit to Disk
To stop a Commit to Disk you must select the Nucleo Pro – Stop item from AE’s
Composition menu.
Stopping a commit to disk operation will remove the placeholder footage (“commit in
progress”) layer, and unlock the selected layer group. Thus restoring your project to the
state it was in before the commit to disk was started.
Transfer Modes
If transfer modes have been specified on layers within the set to be committed to disk,
then those transfer modes are applied during the rendering process. The resulting footage
layer which replaces the selected set will NOT have a transfer mode specified since they
have already been rendered.
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Track Mattes
If track mattes are being used on layer within the set selected for commit to disk, the
“Commit in Progress” placeholder layer and the rendered footage layer will be placed
below the last layer in the selected range. This is done to ensure that the new layer does
not interfere with any defined track mattes.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues and issues that have been
resolved. The README file can found under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your
After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most After Render Queue features and settings there are a
few exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and
as such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. These plug-ins
require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame. Your render will
succeed if you are using such a plug-in; however the frames will be rendered without the
aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be realized. Please refer to the
Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more details.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
Fast Render. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the session history. In the
session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings) and
contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed information
and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Pre-composition Proxies
Pre-composition Proxies are new way of keeping your AE proxies cached and up to date.
All you do is tag a composition for proxying and Nucleo Pro 3 will render it in the
background and use the rendered output as the proxy. If you make changes to that
composition, Nucleo Pro 3 will update the necessary frames and re-apply the proxy for
How It Works
With Pre-composition Proxies, Nucleo is continuously scanning any tagged
composition’s timeline looking for frames that need rendering. When it finds one, that
frame gets rendered and written to disk as a single frame. As you make changes, sections
of your composition will become invalidated (meaning the frames need to be rerendered). With Pre-composition Proxies enabled, Nucleo will automatically detect the
modifications and re-render only the necessary frames. Once all frames have created, the
proxy for the tagged composition is set to the image sequence that was just rendered in
the background.
Tagging a Composition for Proxying
To mark a Composition for proxying you can:
1. Select the composition layers in your timeline and then select the "Nucleo Pro - Add
Pre-comp Proxy" menu item from AE's Composition Menu. (You can also use the
keyboard shortcut)
1. Select "Nucleo Pro - Settings" from the Composition menu. This will display the
Nucleo Pro Settings dialog window.
2. Locate the appropriate composition(s) in the list and select "Precomp Proxy" from the
Mode drop-down list.
3. Click OK to dismiss the dialog window.
4. Select "Nucleo Pro - Precomp Proxies" from the AE Composition menu to enable
proxy processing. The menu item will gain a check mark when the proxy processing
is enabled.
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Nucleo Pro Project Settings Window
Enabling and Disabling Pre-composition Proxy
To activate the Pre-composition Proxy feature you select the Nucleo Pro – Precomp
Proxy option from the After Effects Composition menu. This menu item acts a toggle
switch for the feature, you use the same menu to both enable and disable it. The menu
item will display a check mark indicating whether or not the feature is enabled.
Configuring Pre-composition Proxies
You can change the Render Settings and/or Output Module template used by any given
composition with Pre-comp Proxy enabled.
To do so, select “Nucleo Pro – Settings” from the AE Composition menu. When the
Nucleo Pro Project Settings windows appears, click the “Settings” button adjacent the
composition. The following dialog will be shown.
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Pre-composition Proxy Setting Dialog
Select the appropriate Render Settings or Output Module template from the drop down
lists provided.
Notice that you cannot select the output location for rendered proxy frames. These are
directed to the Nucleo Pro cache directory. If you need proxy frames in a specific disk
location, you need to change the cache directory associated with the project. This can be
done from the Nucleo Pro Project Settings window.
Using Templates
Pre-composition Proxies operate using templates for both Render Settings and Output
Module Settings. You can modify or create new templates for Render or Output Module
settings by selecting the appropriate menu from the Edit->Templates menu in After
Important! If you modify or add new templates, you must disable and re-enable
Nucleo Pro before starting either a Spec Render or Commit to Disk operation. This is
required to ensure that all background processes are made aware of the template
modifications. Failure to restart Nucleo Pro will result in erroneous render results.
Tracking Status
Nucleo Pro 3 will present a pop-up status window with a
progress bar to allow you to monitor the state of your
proxy renders. Compositions will be rendered in the order
that they appear in the Nucleo Pro Settings dialog. A new
pop-up will appear for each composition rendered.
You can dismiss the pop-up window at any time during
the render by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner
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of the window. To restore the progress pop-up, select Window->Show Status from the
Nucleo Pro control menu.
Stopping Pre-composition Proxy Render
To stop the rendering of all proxied compositions, you can either set the Spec Mode for
individual compositions in the Nucleo Pro Settings dialog, or disable Pre-comp Proxies
by selecting the "Nucleo Pro - Pre-comp Proxies" item in the AE Composition menu
ensuring that the check mark is off.
Using the Nucleo Pro – Stop menu item will not stop any Spec operation (Preview,
Render, or Pre-composition Proxy). Spec operations are special cases, there are meant to
be running continuously so to stop them they must be disabled.
Caching Rendered Frames on Disk
The Pre-composition Proxy feature creates frame caches files on disk. These files are
kept as part of the persistent cache data for a composition. This allows you to have
rendered frames re-used when a composition is proxied at a later date.
Changing Your Project Cache Location
If you need to change the cache location (for space or performance reasons), you can
select a new location using the Nucleo Pro – Project Settings dialog below above. Simply
click the Browse button to select a new location.
Nucleo Pro Project Settings Window
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If you have any existing cache files associated with the project you will be asked what
you want to do with those files.
Cache Location Change Dialog
Your options are to:
1. Keep the files but move the files to the new location (“Migrate”)
2. Delete them and allow the cache data to be re-generated.
Managing Cache Files
With caching enabled, Nucleo Pro could be generating a lot of files and consuming a lot
of disk space. To help manage the data generated from frame caching, Nucleo Pro
includes the Cache Management Tool. This tool organizing cache data on a per-project
basis and allows you to:
1. Monitor the disk space occupied by caches.
2. Move caches around.
3. Remove caches from the disk.
For more detailed information on cache management please refer to the Cache
Management Tool section of this guide.
Known Issues and Limitations
Please refer to the README file provided with any of release of Nucleo Pro. The
README will indicate the current set of known issues and issues that have been
resolved. The README file can found under the GridIron Nucleo folder within your
After Effects plug-ins directory.
Although Nucleo Pro supports most After Render Queue features and settings there are a
few exceptions. These exceptions exist since Nucleo Pro is a plug-in to After Effects and
as such does not have access to the all the features After Effects provides.
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Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
Nucleo Pro does not support the use of temporally dependent plug-ins. These plug-ins
require the results of a previous frame to render the current frame. Your render will
succeed if you are using such a plug-in; however the frames will be rendered without the
aid of Nucleo Pro and therefore no performance gain will be realized. Please refer to the
Nucleo Pro Performance section of this document for more details.
Compositions flagged as 3D layers
If a composition has been proxied (whether using Nucleo Pro or not) and it exists as a 3D
layer in a parent composition, then you will not see the effects of lighting and camera
changes applied in the parent composition. This is because the preview is simply reading
the frame data for the layer from the rendered images on disk and not computing any
associated 3D effects.
Composition that Contain Audio
If a composition has been proxied (whether using Nucleo Pro or not) and that
composition contains audio, the sounds will not be played while the proxy is enabled.
This is because proxies in AE are limited to video data only.
The status icon will display a pop-up message if a problem occurs during a Nucleo Pro
Fast Render. Clicking on the pop-up message will display the session history. In the
session history, problem entries are highlighted (red for errors, yellow for warnings) and
contain a hyper-link to the Nucleo Pro support web site where more detailed information
and troubleshooting assistance is available.
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Managing Cache Files
What Are Cache Files?
Cache files are on-disk representations of the frames created in After Effects. Nucleo Pro
creates cache files during Spec Preview and Spec Render operations although the format
of the files is different or each operation. Spec Previews cache files are created using an
internal raw binary file format. Spec Render uses Photoshop (.psd) sequences as its cache
file format.
Both Spec Preview and Spec Render use cache files so that when areas of a
composition’s timeline are changed, only the modified frames will need to be rerendered. Spec Render, also uses its cache files as intermediate frame data which are
used to create the final render.
Nucleo Pro’s cache files are persistent cache files. This means that they are left on the
disk after the project has been closed or when AE is shutdown. They remain on the disk
until removed using the Cache Manager tool.
Because individual frames are stored on disk in this manner, it allows Nucleo Pro – in the
case of Spec Preview - to very quickly populate the AE RAM cache (i.e. green line in the
timeline window) using pre-rendered frames read in from disk. It also allows a Spec
Render to quickly regenerate a final output file because all of the render work associated
with the frames is already done – all that remains is the writing of the final output format
which is a relatively fast operation.
Creating Cache Files
To create cache files for Spec Preview you must enable the cache file creation option
using the Nucleo Pro – Project Settings as shown below.
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Nucleo Pro Project Settings Windows
For Spec Render, cache files are automatically created because they also serve as the
intermediate frame data which is used to generate the final render.
The Cache Manager Tool
One can easily see how the Nucleo Pro disk caching could generate a lot of files and
consume a lot of disk space. For this reason Nucleo Pro provides the Cache Manager tool
(shown below) to allow for cache monitoring and cleanup.
The Cache Manager provides the following functionality:
1. The ability to monitor and browse cache data.
2. The ability to delete caches.
3. The ability to change the cache location for a given project.
4. The ability to change the default cache settings for new projects.
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Cache Manager Window
Viewing Cache Data
Rather than point you at a directory structure, the Cache Manager organizes your cache
data by AE project and composition name. This allows you to easily navigate the large
amounts of cache data associated with both Spec Previews and Spec Renders.
For each entry in the main section of the window, the Cache Manager summarizes the
number of files in each cache and the amount of disk space occupied by those files. In
addition, the last modified date and time is also provided. All of this information allows
you to make decisions as to which caches should be kept and which should be cleaned
Deleting Caches
You can delete cache files for any combination of projects, compositions, or Spec
Preview, Spec Render, or Precomp Proxy entries.
You can delete a single entry by selecting the entry and:
a. Clicking on the Delete button in tool bar
b. Right clicking on the entry and selecting the Delete option from the menu.
c. Hitting the delete key on the keyboard.
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To delete multiple entries, the Cache Manager supports multiple entry selection using
either control-click or shift-click selection.
You will be prompted to confirm the delete action. Once confirmed, the delete operation
is final and can not be undone.
Moving Caches
If you decide that current cache location for a given project is not suitable (the disk is
full, or not fast enough, etc.) you can use the Cache Manager to move the cache files
associated with the project to a new location.
Important! NEVER try to manually move your cache data. Nucleo uses a number of
files in various locations to manage cache information and its association with an AE
project. Trying to move it yourself will result in hair loss and stomach ulcers.
To move the cache location for a project, select the project from the list and:
a. Choose the File menu (in the Cache Manager not AE) and select Move cache to
new location.
b. Right click on the project and select Move cache to new location from the popup menu.
You will be asked to navigate to the new directory. Once a new location is selected,
Nucleo Pro will begin moving the cache data.
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Cache Settings
From the Cache Manager you can change the default cache settings used by Nucleo Pro
on new AE projects.
Default Cache Settings Dialog
The Default Cache Location
The “Root location for cache files” settings allow you to choose an alternate location for
disk cache data.
Important! Changes made to the root cache location using the dialog above will apply
only to AE projects for which no cache data already exists. If you need to change the
location of cache files for a project, you can do so using the “Move cache to new
location” command available in the Cache Manager.
Likewise, if you have already modified the cache location for a project using the “Nucleo
Pro – Projects Settings” from the AE File menu, then changing the default cache root
location will not automatically move cache files associated with the project, nor will it
change the cache location already specified in those project settings.
This setting will be used for any AE project that subsequently generates cache frames.
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Maximum Cache Size
By default Nucleo Pro limits the amount of disk cache data to 20 gigabytes (20,000
You can modify this limit by typing the appropriate numeric value (in MB) in the text
field, or by using the spinner controls to the right of the text field.
If you do not require a limit on amount of disk space that Nucleo Pro can consume, you
can disable the limit by selecting the “Unlimited max. cache size” check box.
Exceeding the Cache Size Limit
At the start of Spec Preview and Spec Render operations, each will check the current disk
space used for cache data and attempt to predict how much cache data the ensuing
operation will generate. If the Maximum cache size is expected to be exceeded, then you
will be presented with the following warning dialog.
This dialog provides the following options:
1. Ignore cache limit for this session of
AE – All cache checking will be
ignored until After Effects is
2. Disable cache limit checking –
Permanently disables cache checking.
(Effectively setting the Maximum
Cache Size to unlimited.)
3. Launch Cache Manager for manual
cleanup. Starts the Cache Manager
tool to allow you to cleanup the
appropriate project cache data.
Enabling Cache File Creation
This setting is only applicable to Spec Preview. By default cache file creation for Spec
Preview is off in Nucleo Pro. To enable disk caching for all subsequent uses of Spec
Preview you can check this box.
All compositions that have already had Spec Preview applied will not be modified to
enable disk caching. For those compositions, disk caching must be enabled using the
Nucleo Pro project settings for their respective AE projects.
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Support Tool
Nucleo Pro comes with a tool to assist in troubleshooting and reporting if things go
wrong. You can access the support tool in to ways:
1. By launching it from Window sub-menu of the Nucleo status icon’s control menu.
2. By running the executable application directly from the Nucleo Pro plugin folder.
When the tool is launched you will be present with the following window.
This screen describes the steps you should take when attempting to correct or diagnose a
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The 3D Renderers section allows you to configure Nucleo Pro to launch the correct
versions of your 3Dpplications.
The Maintenance section allows you to
clear out log, cache, and configuration files
that may have become corrupt.
The Support section allows you to adjust
the logging detail level and to collect all
logs created by Nucleo Pro. This is useful
when working with GridIron support to
diagnose problems.
Creating a support package actually places
a .zip file on your Desktop. This zip file
can then be emailed to GridIron support
for analysis.
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Measuring Performance Gain
The only way to get a true measure of performance gain is to do the following:
1. Get the stand-alone time:
• Clear all caches in After Effects (Using the Edit->Purge->All menu item)
• Preview or render using only After Effects with Nucleo Pro DISABLED
• Measure and record the time to complete.
2. Get the Nucleo Pro time:
• Clear all caches.
• Preview or render with Nucleo Pro ENABLED
• Measure and record the time to complete.
3. Compare the two time measurements.
To see typical performance gains using Nucleo Pro refer to the benchmark data available
Variables that Affect Nucleo Pro Performance
Several variables determine the exact level of performance you can achieve with Nucleo
Pro, such as the processing power and amount of installed RAM of your workstation.
Performance will also vary depending upon several variables associated with your
composition, such the effects and plug-ins used. In most cases, you will experience
performance benefits from the use of Nucleo Pro.
There are, however, certain circumstances where it will not be advantageous to use
Nucleo Pro.
Temporally Dependent Plug-ins
While you will see a performance improvement with most plug-ins, there is a particular
category of computationally intensive plug-in that is specially handled by Nucleo Pro:
temporally dependent plug-ins. These are effects that use information from neighboring
frames to calculate data relevant to the current frame. Because these effects require
interaction between frames, they do not lend themselves to being divided and rendered
independently on separate CPUs of your computer.
If Nucleo Pro detects a temporally dependent plug-in in your After Effects composition
only the foreground instance of After Effects will be used to the render the frames. While
these plug-ins will not exhibit the performance improvement that is experienced with
other computationally intensive effects, they will function normally.
Temporally dependent plug-ins recognized by Nucleo Pro are enumerated in the
following table.
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Red Giant
SteadyMove™ Pro
Particle Playground
Digital Interference
Time Stretch
Video Gogh™
Noise Reduction (DNR, MTNR,
MNR and MNR2)
Film Fix
Web Site
For an updated list of known tight coupled plug-ins please see the FAQ “What are
tightly-coupled plug-ins and how do they affect performance?”
CPU Intensity of your Composition
Nucleo Pro improves the performance of your previews and renders by maximizing the
use of your computers CPU cycles. If you are working on a project that already uses
nearly 100% of your computer’s CPU then Nucleo Pro will not provide any performance
benefit. To determine if After Effects compositions are maximizing the use of your CPUs
please do the following:
1. Open Task Manager.
2. Switch to the Performance tab.
3. Start previewing or rendering your composition using After Effects without
Nucleo Pro and watch the CPU meters.
1. Open the Activity Monitor (From Applications->Utilities).
2. Select “Show CPU Usage” from the Monitor menu.
3. Start previewing or rendering your composition using After Effects without
Nucleo Pro and watch the CPU meters.
If the CPU meters show maximum utilization (98%-100%) then your composition is
already making the most of your hardware and Nucleo Pro will not provide further
performance gain.
Amount of RAM Installed on your Computer
After Effects is a very RAM intensive program. You should have at least 1GB of RAM
installed per CPU on your computer. For HD projects you should have 2GB of RAM per
Nucleo Pro attempts to ensure that each After Effect process has access to the optimal
amount of RAM while previewing and rendering. Meaning that each process will
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consume RAM as required until it is determined that physical RAM is close to
exhaustion. This ensures that After Effect will not be affected by disk accesses due to the
use of virtual memory.
Multi-threaded Effects
Some visual effects are already optimized to take advantage of multi-processor and/or
multi-core computers. Nucleo Pro is not able to provide additional speed improvements
if the effects used in the composition already max out the available CPU resources.
After Effects Settings for Previews
If you need your previews to be faster you can combine the speed of Nucleo Pro with the
faster preview performance you can achieve by reducing the resolution of your
composition or using the RAM preview Skip Frame Preview setting in the After Effects
Time Controls window.
Anti-virus Software
During renders files are written to disk. Many Antivirus software packages will
interrogate every file creation to ensure the interception of destructive disk activity.
These checks can be costly in terms of performance. To maximize render performance
we recommend you configure your anti-virus software to exclude checks on the output
path specified in the Output Modules.
For further information, please refer to:
Close Unused Applications
If there are applications other than After Effects running on your system the amount CPU
available for use by Nucleo Pro will be diminished. Nucleo Pro may not provide a
performance gain. To maximize performance, please close other applications when using
Nucleo Pro.
Nucleo Pro attempts to detect other applications using CPU cycles when you start a fast
preview or fast render and will display a warning via a pop-up message from the status
FileVault on Mac OS X
The FileVault feature of Mac OS X secures a users home directory by encrypting its
If your home folder is secured using FileVault it should not be used for the After Effects
disk cache or as an output location for any Output Modules in the render queue. Using
FileVault for this data will adversely affect render performance.
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Nucleo Pro can provide a performance benefit if your Windows computer supports
hyper-threading. When using Nucleo Pro please enable hyper-threading if it is supported
on your computer.
Not Seeing a Speed-up? Let us Know!
At GridIron we have strived to ensure performance gains on Fast Previews and Fast
Renders (current limitations not withstanding). If you have a project that you think
should be getting a speed-up but is not, please contact [email protected]
with the details. We will work with you to address any Nucleo Pro related performance
issue you may encounter.
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If you are running a trial copy, all Nucleo Pro functionality is available however, all
frames rendered by Nucleo Pro will be watermarked. (Watermark consists of a red tint on
the image along with a red ‘X’ with an ‘n’ at the center).
With a full release copy of the software, none of the Nucleo Pro features (Fast Preview,
Fast Render, Background Render, Commit to Disk, Spec Preview and Spec Render) will
be accessible until your license has been activated.
Nucleo Pro licenses cannot be shared amongst workstations. If you have more than one
workstation in your studio you must purchase a copy of Nucleo Pro for each computer.
Obtaining a Serial Number
You can get a serial number by visiting or by
selecting the Purchase option in the Licensing submenu of the Nucleo Pro control menu.
After entering the necessary purchase information on the web site, a serial number will
be emailed to you.
Activating Your License
Your Nucleo Pro license is locked to a single, specific computer as determined by a
network interface card (NIC). When you download Nucleo Pro and purchase a license
you will be emailed a serial number. Using the instructions below you can activate your
license serial number:
1. Install the Nucleo Pro plug-in using the instructions in the section Installing
Nucleo Pro in this document.
2. Start After Effects and the Nucleo Pro status icon will be displayed on Windows
system tray and Mac OS X menu bar
3. Right-click (click on Mac) on the Nucleo Pro Status icon to display the control
menu and select Activate from the Licensing submenu.
4. A window will appear prompting you for your serial number. Enter the serial
number into the space provided and click the Activate button.
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Activation Window
After Entering your serial number in the field provided, click the Active button. You will
see the following popup window indicating that the Activation process has started.
At this point Nucleo Pro is communicating with our web site to retrieve your license
information. When you license has been installed properly, you will see the following
Once your license is activated your previews and renders will no longer be watermarked.
There is no reason to restart After Effects after your license is activated.
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Online Purchases
To place an online order via our secure commerce server, visit
Orders by Fax or by Mail
You can download our order form (PDF) at Please print and complete
the order form, then send it by fax to (613) 226-5299 or by mail to:
GridIron Software
6 Antares Drive, Phase 1, Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 8A9
GridIron Sales
To speak directly with a GridIron sales representative or to place an order by phone you
can contact us at our general inquiry number: 1-866-850- 4743 in North America or +1613-226-9445 outside North America. You can also email GridIron at
[email protected]
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Moving Your License
Your Nucleo Pro license is locked to a single, specific computer as determined by a
computers system ID. The system ID is based on the network interface device (NIC)
installed on your computer. Your Nucleo Pro license will become inactive if you:
Replace or disable the NIC Nucleo Pro uses. For example, if you replace an older
100BaseT network card with a faster gigabit Ethernet card)
Move your Nucleo Pro license from one computer to another.
Please contact GridIron Software sales ([email protected]) if you need to
change your Nucleo Pro license. If possible please provide the following information:
Your serial number
The reason why you are moving the license
The new System ID. To get your System ID please do the following:
• Open a Command Prompt window
• Type ipconfig /all in the Command Prompt window. You should get a line in
the output for Physical Address like this:
Physical Address............0A-50-70-3B-37-7B
Your System ID is 0A50703B377B
Mac OS X
• Launch the System Preferences and click on Network
• In the Show field select Built-in Ethernet.
• Click on Ethernet tab to display the Ethernet ID
Your System ID is 000a957bfde7
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Upgrading Nucleo License to Nucleo
To upgrade a Nucleo license to a Nucleo Pro license:
1. Stop After Effects
2. Uninstall Nucleo
3. Install Nucleo Pro
4. Start After Effects
5. Select the Purchase option from the Nucleo Pro control menu. When connected to
our purchase web-site click on the Upgrade to Nucleo Pro button. Upon entering
the necessary purchase details, you will be emailed a Nucleo Pro license serial
number. You must then activate your license by selecting the Activate option
from the Licensing submenu of the Nucleo Pro control menu.
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Nucleo Pro Updates
If a new version of Nucleo Pro becomes available the status icon will display a pop-up
indicating a new version of Nucleo Pro is available.
To get the latest version you can simply do one of the following:
1. Click on the pop-up window OR
2. Right-click (click on Mac) on the status icon to display the control menu and
select Get Latest Updates
Either of these methods will bring you to the Nucleo Pro download site so you can
download the latest update. The download site will have information on the new features
and enhancements of the latest release as well as installation instructions.
Before you install the latest version you must uninstall the previous version of Nucleo
Pro. Please see the Uninstalling Nucleo Pro section of this document for details. Your
current license information and preferences will be retained after uninstalling Nucleo
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Uninstalling Nucleo Pro
To uninstall Nucleo Pro from your After Effects Workstation:
• Exit After Effects
• Open a Windows Start menu select: Settings->Control Panel
• Select Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel
• Click on GridIron Nucleo Pro from the installed programs list
• Click on the Remove button and follow the prompts
• Restart After Effects
Mac OS X
• Exit After Effects
• Open the Finder tool
• Navigate to Application->Adobe After Effects 7.0->Plug-ins
• Move the GridIron Nucleo folder to the trash
• Restart After Effects
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Getting Help
Several resources are available to assist you in installing, using and optimizing the
performance of Nucleo Pro. In addition to this Nucleo Pro User Guide, the supplemental
README file included with the Nucleo Pro download also provides important and up to
date information.
The Nucleo Pro Support Forum on the web
site provides you with access to an ongoing, open discussion of matters relating to
GridIron Nucleo Pro and other GridIron Software products. At the Support Forum you
can freely browse, read and post messages, and add new discussion topics. As a
registered user you can subscribe and follow discussions through the message center
(which manages all of your subscriptions to threads and folders) or receive an e-mail
digest of discussions you've subscribed to. Please see the detailed Forum Help page
( > Forums Help) for further information on using the
Nucleo Pro Support Forum. Responses to support inquiries directed to
[email protected] will also be posted in the Nucleo Pro Support Forum. also provides you with access to documents
that provide useful information for optimizing your use of Nucleo Pro and tips for
improving performance and troubleshooting.
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Contacting GridIron Software
Corporate web site:
6 Antares Drive, Phase 1, Suite 100
Ottawa, ON Canada K2E 8A9
Phone: (613) 226-9445
Toll-free: 1-866-850-4743 (GRID)
Fax: (613) 226-5299
Sales Inquiries:
[email protected]
Support Inquiries:
[email protected]
User Forums and Nucleo Pro FAQ at
General Information:
[email protected]
Phone: (613) 226-9445
Toll-free: 1-866-850-4743
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GridIron Nucleo Pro For Adobe After Effects User Guide (Version 3.0)
Appendix 1: GridIron Nucleo Pro
License Agreement
This is an agreement between you ("You" or the "End User") and GridIron Software Inc. ("GridIron") for the license of certain
GridIron software and related documentation. This Agreement contains clauses which restrict your right to use this software and
contains warranty and liability disclaimers.
Please read this Agreement carefully before clicking on the "Accept" button below, and before attempting to use the GridIron
software and documentation. By clicking on the "Accept" button below, or by installing or using the software, you are consenting to
be bound by this Agreement. If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact GridIron at
[email protected].
The Licensed Software is proprietary to GridIron and is protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property laws and
international treaties. The Licensed Software is licensed not sold.
1. Definitions
In this Agreement, the following words have the following meanings:
(a) "Documentation" means all user manuals and other documentation (including online or electronic documentation) relating to the
Licensed Software and provided to you by GridIron;
(b) "Licensed Materials" means the Licensed Software together with the Documentation;
(c) "Licensed Software" means, Nucleo Pro and any other related software programs supplied to you by GridIron; and
(d) "Nucleo Pro" means the GridIron Nucleo Pro software program included in this package, together with any other support files or
updates supplied to you by GridIron.
2. Licence
(a) Scope - The license granted to you under this Agreement permits you to:
(i) install the Licensed Software on an unlimited number of computers;
(ii) use the Licensed Software on computers upon which the Licensed Software has been licensed and installed, to facilitate parallel
processing on multi-CPU computers; and
(iii) make one additional copy of the Licensed Software for back-up purposes.
This license is limited in scope. If you intend to use the Licensed Materials for any other purpose other than the limited purposes
permitted herein, you must first contact GridIron and purchase the appropriate license from GridIron prior to any such use of the
Licensed Materials.
(b) Grant of Licence - GridIron hereby grants to the End User a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to download, store,
install, execute and display (collectively, "use") the Licensed Materials solely in accordance with the limited scope and on the terms
and conditions set forth herein.
(c) Copies - End User shall be entitled to copy the Licensed Software as set forth in Section 2(a) above and to make copies of the
Documentation solely for its own internal purposes for use by End User and its employees, provided that all such copies of the
Licensed Materials made by End User include all copyright and other proprietary notices of GridIron and its licensors as they first
appeared on the Licensed Materials at the time of download from the GridIron website and all use of such copies complies in all
respects with the terms of this Agreement.
(d) Licence Restrictions - End User shall not: (i) copy Licensed Materials other than as expressly permitted by this Agreement; (ii)
modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Licensed Software or make derivative works based on the Licensed Software;
(iii) alter or remove any proprietary rights or copyright notice or identification that indicates GridIron's ownership of the Licensed
Materials; (iv) transfer, resell or grant sublicenses of any of its rights under this Agreement or distribute, rent, lease, lend, publish,
disclose or otherwise make the Licensed Materials available to any third party; (v) use or permit the use of the Licensed Software to
provide any form of timesharing, outsourcing, rental or third party bureau service purposes, commercial or otherwise; or (vi) use or
exploit the Licensed Materials other than as permitted under this Agreement. This license only permits you to use the Licensed
Materials in conjunction with your use of Adobe After Effects. This license does not authorize you to use Adobe After Effects, and
your use of the Licensed Software in conjunction with your use of Adobe After Effects is also subject to the terms and conditions of
the license agreement which governs your use of such application.
(e) Audit - The End User shall permit GridIron to audit the End User's compliance with this Agreement as GridIron deems reasonably
3. Installation
End User will be responsible for installation of the Licensed Software, in accordance with the Documentation.
4. Ownership of Licensed Materials
Title to and ownership of all rights (including copyright and all other intellectual property rights) in and to the Licensed Materials will
at all times remain with GridIron. The End User will acquire no right whatsoever to all or any part of the Licensed Materials except
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the right to use the Licensed Materials in accordance with this Agreement. The Licensed Materials are protected by copyright laws
and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Licensed Materials are licensed, not
sold. All rights not expressly granted to the End User are reserved to GridIron.
5. Confidential Information
The End User acknowledges that: the Licensed Materials, this Agreement and any other information of whatever kind (whether or not
in material form and whether or not disclosed before or after the effective date of this Agreement) disclosed or revealed by GridIron
to the End User under or in relation to this Agreement that: (i) is by its nature confidential; (ii) is designated by GridIron as
confidential; or (iii) the End User knows or reasonably ought to know is confidential, (together the "Confidential Information")
constitute the valuable property and trade secrets of GridIron embodying substantial creative efforts and confidential information.
The End User agrees: (a) to take all measures necessary to keep the Confidential Information confidential; and (b) not to release,
disclose, divulge or otherwise make available any of the Confidential Information to any person except: (i) employees of the End User
who need to use the Confidential Information to facilitate the End User's use of the Licensed Materials, provided that the End User
issues written instructions to such employees requiring them not to disclose, use or copy the Confidential Information except as
expressly permitted by this Agreement; or (ii) its subcontractors, representatives and legal and professional advisors, provided that
each such subcontractor, representative and advisor shall first execute a non-disclosure covenant no less protective of the Confidential
Information than this Article 5.
6. Limited Warranty
(a) GridIron warrants that for the period of thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of the Licensed Materials: (a) the media
containing the Licensed Software will be free from defects; and (b) if not modified and if properly installed and used, the Licensed
Software will materially conform to the specifications set out in the Documentation.
LICENSED SOFTWARE CAN BE FOUND IN ORDER TO BE CORRECTED. No oral or written information or advice given by
GridIron, its dealers, distributors, agents or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of the limited warranty
(c) Your exclusive remedy under this Section 6 is to return the Licensed Software to the place you acquired it, with a copy of your
receipt and a description of the problem. GridIron will use reasonable commercial efforts to supply you with a replacement copy of
the Licensed Software that substantially conforms to the documentation, provide a replacement for the defective media, or refund to
you your purchase price for the Licensed Software, at its option. GridIron shall have no responsibility with respect to Licensed
Software that has been altered in any way, if the media has been damaged by accident, abuse or misapplication, or if the nonconformance arises out of use of the Licensed Software in conjunction with software not supplied or recommended by GridIron.
7. Limitation of Liability
LICENSED MATERIALS. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in
no event will GridIron, or GridIron's directors, officers, employees or shareholders, be liable for any claims for direct, punitive,
exemplary, aggravated, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages under or relating to this Agreement or its subject matter,
including damages for lost business revenue, lost profits, failure to realize expected savings, loss of data or loss of business
opportunity, whether based on breach or recission of contract (including fundamental breach or breach of fundamental term),
restitution, strict liability, tort (including negligence), any other theory of extracontractual liability, breach of trust or fiduciary duty or
otherwise, even if GridIron has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose
of any exclusive remedy provided in this Agreement. IN NO EVENT SHALL GRIDIRON'S TOTAL LIABILITY RELATING TO
8. Term and Termination
This Agreement is effective from the earlier of the date End User clicks "Accept", installs, copies or uses the Licensed Materials and
continues in full force and effect until terminated, as provided below. This Agreement will terminate immediately if End User fails to
comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement will not prevent GridIron from pursuing any
other remedies available to it, including injunctive relief. Upon termination End User will destroy all copies of the Licensed
9. General Contract Provisions
(a) Entire Agreement - This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between GridIron and End User. No supplement,
modification or waiver of this Agreement is binding unless signed by both parties. This Agreement will be binding upon and enure to
the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and permitted assigns. End User will not assign or
otherwise transfer this Agreement or any of its rights under this Agreement, whether directly or indirectly, without the prior written
consent of GridIron. Provisions of this Agreement which by their nature continue after termination, including without limitation
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GridIron Nucleo Pro For Adobe After Effects User Guide (Version 3.0)
Sections 5, 6 and 7, will survive termination of this Agreement. If in any jurisdiction, any provision of this Agreement shall be held
illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it
legal, valid and enforceable, and the legality, validity and enforceability of all other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected
(c) Independent Parties - Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to place the parties in the relationship of principal
and agent, franchisor and franchisee, partners or joint venturers. No representations will be made or acts taken by the End User which
could establish any apparent relationship of agency, joint venture, partnership or franchisee and GridIron shall not be bound in any
manner whatsoever by any agreements, warranties or representations made by the End User to any other person or with respect to any
other action of the End User.
(d) Injunctive Relief - End User acknowledges that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for each of its obligations
under this Agreement, including without limitation a breach of the license restrictions or its confidentiality obligations herein, and that
GridIron shall be entitled, without waiving any of its other rights and remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be
deemed proper by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(e) Export - The End User acknowledges that the Licensed Materials may be subject to export and re-export restrictions under United
States and Canadian export control laws and thus may not be exported or re-exported except in compliance with such laws.
(f) Government Restrictions - Use, duplication or disclosure of the Licensed Materials by any agency or department of the United
States Government is restricted in accordance with FAR 12.212 for civilian agencies and DFAR Supplement 227.7207 for military
agencies. The Licensed Materials are commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation. Any use,
modification, reproduction, release, performing, displaying or disclosing of the Software by the U.S. Government shall be governed
solely by the terms of this Agreement and shall be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement.
(g) Language - The End User and GridIron confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement has been and shall be drawn up in the
English language only. Les signataires confirment leur volonte que la presente convention, de meme que tous les documents s'y
rattachant, y compris tout avis, annexe et autorisation, soient rediges en anglais seulement.
You agree and acknowledge that by clicking on the "ACCEPT" button, you are attaching your electronic signature to and
demonstrating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement in its electronic form in its entirety, making this a
legally enforceable agreement between GridIron and you.
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