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to access the BFA Fairfax Weekly
March 8, 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1 T HE BFA F AIRFAX W EEKLY New Communication Beginning this month we will have a new format for our community newsletter. The new, newsletter will be posted to the BFA website every Saturday morning. You can access it by visiting the website or by subscribing to get it as an e-mail in the newsletter section of website. The new format will be shorter than before and will cover a different topic each week. It will be written from the perspective of the principal, the guidance department, athletics, or the support counselor. We are in the early stages of planning our Chinese Cultural Exchange Camp for summer 2013. This will be our third year hosting the camp. We are looking for 16 families as we will again host 30 Chinese students and two Chinese teachers. The feedback we receive from host families about their experience continues to be very positive. Many have shared that they were surprised how quickly their time with visiting Chinese students passed. The connections between students and host families is remarkable. The two-week Chinese Cultural Exchange camp is scheduled from June 30 and July 12, 2013. The students attend school every weekday from about 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. They engage in learning about American Culture, practicing conversational English, and seeing the sites Vermont has to offer. Students eat lunch at school and we can also help out with transportation if needed. Host families receive a stipend to assist with hosting costs. The exchange students can share a room (some families had their own children share a room so they would have space) but do need to have their own bed (last year we were able to help by providing an extra bed to a family). Host families provide breakfast and dinner for the students and entertain on the weekends - students tend to really want to go shopping! In the past, many of the host families have coordinated together with the students for group activities such as blueberry picking, bonfires, tie-dyeing, BBQ’s, hiking or just eating ice cream. Students at BFA Fairfax serve as mentors to their Chinese friends throughout the exchange. They continue to report that this has been a great experience with lasting benefits. Both families and mentors share that they continue to keep in touch with their visiting Chinese students. In order for us to provide this opportunity again, we must have enough host families committed to housing our Chinese guests. We are asking families who are interested in hosting to complete an application and return it to BFA Principal Michael Clark by April 1st. SPIRAL International is our partner in this endeavor once again. SPIRAL is an educational organization located in VT. It promotes crosscultural learning and understanding through international students exchange programs. It also offers consulting services, workshops and seminars to help American students, teachers, scholars and business people learn about other cultures. If you have any questions about becoming a host family, please contact Principal Clark at (802) 8496711 or [email protected]. GO BULLETS --Michael J. Clark, Principal PAGE 2 THE COMMUNITY BULLET-IN The Choking Game (Tap Out) I want to give parents a heads up that we have recently become aware of two separate situations in which students were playing the choking game at home. While we worked with the individual families to support the students I believe it is important for us to make all parents aware this may be going on. The choking game is when one student chokes another until the first student passes out. This is a very dangerous practice which could result in serious injury or even death. Here is a resource to help you understand more about the choking game ( I encourage you to talk with your son or daughter to help them understand how dangerous the choking game is. Additionally I plan to talk about the choking game with the full high school faculty on Tuesday and will ask all support block teachers to discuss the choking game with their support blocks within the next week. If you have any questions, concerns, or need support please contact me or the guidance department at any time, we are happy to help. Important Dates March March March March March March March March 11 Fairfax School Board Meeting at 6:30 12, 13, 19 Evening Guidance Appointments Available 15 BTC and CTE Applications are due to Guidance 15 Coffee House 6:00-9:30 20 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Dialogue Night 22 BFA Fairfax Course Requests are Due in Guidance 25 Governors Institutes Applications due to Guidance 28 College Planning Night for parents of Juniors or Sophomores The Community Bullet-In Page 3 Important Dates from Guidance Powerschool Grades Up to Date The following are the dates that all teachers have committed to ensure their grades are up to date in Powerschool. February 18 March 18 April 15 May 6 20 June 3 PAGE 4 THE COMMUNITY BULLET-IN Senior Yearbook Photographs and Activity Sheets Now that the second semester has begun, the journalism class has started work on the 2013 Eclipse, the school yearbook. This week the journalism class handed out activity forms to all seniors. Seniors must complete this form and return it to Mr. Hebert no later than March 8th (earlier, if possible.) This form is necessary in order for the required information to be included in the senior section of the yearbook. In addition, we asked seniors to turn in their senior yearbook photo and their youth photo by the same March 8th deadline. These photos can be sent to [email protected] electronically, or brought to Mr. Hebert so they can be scanned at school. All photos will be returned. Please be sure to write the name of the student on the back of the photo so that they are not mixed up! The journalism class hopes that you will help us meet our publisher’s deadline by encouraging your son/daughter to turn in these materials as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and effort on our behalf. Free ACT Test The ACT one of the exams that colleges use to help determine if they will accept a student for admission. It also provides good data for us to see how our students are doing in the core subject areas. BFA Fairfax will pay for any Junior to take the ACT for Free. Students must sign up in our Guidance Department, using the forms that distributed in Junior Support Block. Students must register by February 12 and take the ACT at school on April 13, 2013. It is very important to know; the school is paying for students to take the ACT so you must use the paper registration process. DO NOT sign-up online. School Choice Last year the legislature passed a new law called Act 129. In Act 129 of 2012, the legislature made school choice statewide by allowing students to apply to attend any high school in the state, effective in School Year 2013 - 2014. Schools determined "caps" of students they could receive or send and if more students want to transfer out of − or enroll into − a school than there are places available, nondiscriminatory lotteries are used. The law provides no funding for transportation. If you are interested in taking advantage of school choice please see the information and application on the BFA Fairfax website. If you have questions you can contact Karen McNall in Guidance at 849-6711. The Community Bullet-In Page 5 PAGE 6 THE COMMUNITY BULLET-IN Chinese Cultural Exchange Camp We are in the early stages of planning our Chinese Cultural Exchange Camp for this summer. This will be our third year hosting the camp. We are looking for 16 host families as we will host 30 Chinese students and two Chinese teachers. Host families share what a great experience this is and are surprised how easy it is to host for the two weeks. We know that our two week camp will happen sometime between June 23 and July 15 (hopefully we will know our exact two weeks in the beginning of March). Students are at school every weekday they are in Fairfax from about 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon; learning about American Culture, practicing conversational English, and seeing the sites Vermont has to offer. Students eat lunch at school and we can help out with transportation if host families need help. Host families need to commit to hosting two students and they receive a $400 reimbursement ($200 per student) to offset the cost of hosting. The exchange students can share a room but do need to have their own bed (last year we were able to help by providing an extra bed to a family). Host families provide breakfast and dinner for the students and entertain on the weekend (students tend to really want to go shopping so the mall is always a highlight). In the past two years many of the host families have gotten together with the students for activities like blueberry picking, a bonfire, tye dying, a pot luck dinner or a hike. BFA Fairfax students serve a mentors through out the stay and report this is a great experience that has positive and long term benefits. Both families and mentors share that they are still in touch with the students that visited. In order for us to provide this opportunity we must have enough host families committed to housing our Chinese guests. We are asking families who are interested in hosting to complete the application on the next two pages and return it to Michael Clark at BFA by March 15. If you have any questions about hosting Please contact Principal Clark at 849-6711. The 2012 Chinese Cultural Exchange Group on top of Jay Peak! The Community Bullet-In Page 7 CHINESE CULTURAL EXCHANGE CAMP HOME STAY FAMILY APPLICATION FAMILY INFORMATION ADDRESS: HOME PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER: CELL PHONE NUMBER: FAMILY MEMBERS: Last (family) Name: Gender: Male Profession: Female Given (First) Name: Age: Hobby: Female Given (First) Name: Age: Hobby: Last (family) Name: Gender: Male Profession: Female Given (First) Name: Age: Hobby: Last (family) Name: Gender: Male Profession: Female Given (First) Name: Age: Hobby: Last (family) Name: Gender: Male Profession: LIVING ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION Pets: ( ) Cats ( ) Dogs ( ) Other Pets: Family: ( ) With children ( ) With teenagers ( ) Adults only ( ) Other Smoking: ( ) Yes ( ) No Dietary Preference: ( ) All Foods ( ) Vegetarian ( ) Other PAGE 8 THE COMMUNITY BULLET-IN COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, CONCERNS AND HOME STAY STUDENT PREFERENCE (We thank you for understanding that there is no guarantee you will be matched as requested) TRANSPORTATION Are you willing to provide daily transportation to and from the summer camp location (BFA Fairfax)? Do you have a valid VT. Driver’s license and proof of insurance? AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Are you willing to arrange cultural and recreational activities for home stay students in evenings and weekends? If so, what kind of activities would you like to arrange? REFERENCES Please list two references. Name __________________________address________________________________________ _____ DECLARATION phone _____________ email_______________ relationshipI understand to I certify that the above information is true and complete. that any false or family__________________________ incomplete information submitted in support of my application may invalidate my application, and result in consequences that are fully my responsibility. Applicant’s name (Please print) Applicant’s signature Date Please return completed application to Michael Clark by email: [email protected]>; by fax: 849-2611; or mail to BFA Fairfax c/o Michael Clark, 75 Hunt Street, Fairfax Vermont 05454. Questions? Call us at 849-6711. The Community Bullet-In Page 9 Greece is the Word! Mr. Hebert is organizing a trip to Greece for BFA students. The trip will take place in February of 2015, and is open to current eighth, ninth, and tenth graders. The tour will last nine days and feature stops in Athens, Olympia, Hydra, and several other famous sites. Those who attend will make memories that will last a lifetime. An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday February 20th in Room 211 at BFA. Mr. Hebert will have some photos of his own trip to Greece in 2012, and share information about this opportunity. Please come in and learn about this exciting event. For further information about this, contact: Introducing The BFA Wellness Coach I'm pleased to share with you that as part of a grant to help students make healthy choices BFA has hired a Wellness Coach. Our Wellness Coach is Allison Roy. Allison is working on creating opportunities for students to connect outside of school through fun activities. She will be hosting several events each month for students. Often these activities will break down by High School or Middle School Groups. This month Allison is hosting a WII dance off and a trip to Hard'ack. For more information please see the information below. All students are welcome to attend. Allison is maintaining a Facebook page and shares " Friday February 15th Wii Dance Off!!! 3 – 5pm 7/8th grade 5 – 7pm HS FACS Room Friday February 22nd Let’s go to Hard’ack Bring your sleds, skis, boards, or skates and enjoy the evening at Hard’ack. Please bring something to snack on if you will need it! Meet at the bus drop-off area at 3:30pm, we will be back by 7pm.