Adventure Unlimited


Adventure Unlimited
 Packing List and More!
2016 Adventure Unlimited
In order to make registration a speedy and pleasant process, we ask parents to note the
following information. Check-in and Registration will take place in the DANIEL RETREAT
CENTER from 1:00 to 2:30pm on Sunday afternoon. If you are unable to be at Camp
during this time, please notify the office beforehand to make special arrangements. At
2:45pm, all families are encouraged to attend an opening celebration that will be held in
the Pavilion until approximately 3:15pm. Until that time, we are unable to provide
adequate supervision for your child(ren). After the opening, the Camp adventure will
continue with each child joining their respective cabin groups (Lutherhaven is on EDT).
You may make your final payment by choosing one of the following options. If you
do not know your current balance, please contact the Camp office.
 Online If you registered online, payments may be made by logging into
your account. A link may be found in your confirmation email as well as the
Camp website,
 Mail your payment along with a copy of the Payment By Mail form
included in this packet.
In this packet, you received the Medical Information/Parent Permission Form that is
to be presented at the time of registration. If needed, you may also download
the form from our website. Please read through carefully and sign your name.
Camp Lutherhaven reserves the right to refuse/delay registration for ill or injured
campers and send home campers who become ill or injured while at Camp. (NOTE!
All over-the-counter and prescription medicines MUST be turned in at registration
except for inhalers and topical creams as prescribed by your physician for selfadministration. Label all medication with the child’s name and any special
instructions. Prescribed medication must be in its original container and state the
camper’s name and doctor’s instructions. If your child has a food intolerance or food
allergy, please contact Camp at least two weeks prior to arrival.)
All campers are required to go through a brief medical screening by our Medical
Screener prior to attending camp.
Camp Lutherhaven’s closing program begins at 3:30pm and ends at 4:00pm on
Friday. Please join us for this celebration and pick up your campers afterwards.
„ Medical Information/Parent
Permission form
„ Bible
„ Sleeping bag or other bedding „ Pillow
„ Shirts & shorts „ 1 or 2 pairs of pants
„ Changes of underwear & socks
„ Pajamas
„ Two pairs of tennis shoes
„ Beach shoes (ex: flip-flops)
„ Swimsuit & Towel
„ Jacket/Long sleeve shirt
„ Raincoat or poncho „ Costume/accessories for theme
„ Towel & washcloth
„ Soap & shampoo
„ Toothbrush & toothpaste
„ Other hygiene items
„ Sunscreen
„ Insect repellent
„ Laundry Bag
„ Plastic garbage bag in case of
muddy/wet clothes
„ Stationery, envelopes, & stamps
„ Pen or pencil
„ Camera (no cell phones or ipods please)
„ Flashlight with fresh batteries SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP
Join us for an outdoor worship service at 11:00 am in the Pavilion each Sunday morning.
Bring a picnic lunch or join us in the Dining Room for Sunday lunch. (Ages 13+: $6/
person, children ages 6-12: $4/person, children 5 & under are free.) Stay and enjoy the
afternoon by swimming, boating, or hiking around Camp until the camp program begins
at 2:45 pm.
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In keeping with Camp
Lutherhaven’s community policy
(see Parent Help sheet) cell
phones may not be left with
campers. However, we recognize
that there may be a special
circumstance where a phone call
is the best option for
communication with your child. If
you would like to talk on the
phone with your child we will
gladly make arrangements to do
so. Please call the Camp office or
speak with a staff member at
registration to discuss
We encourage you to send a letter to
your camper. You can send it to:
Camp Lutherhaven
Camper’s name and cabin #
1596 S. 150 W.
Albion, IN 46701
E-MAIL You may also e-mail your child while
he/she is at Camp. However, we are
unable to allow campers to e-mail
you a response. To e-mail your child,
please follow the link to:
Summer Camp/E-mail a Camper
at For all
e-mail received by 1 pm each day, we
will print your e-mail and include it in
our dinnertime mail distribution.
Because of the volume of mail we
receive, please send no more than
one e-mail per day.
Every camper will receive a free group photo of the campers and staff in their session.
Memory DVD’s will have videos and pictures from your child’s time at camp and will
include all of the participants of your child’s program, along with a few extras from their
time here at Camp. The DVDs are sold for $6 and will be distributed to campers on the
last day of camp. If you have not already paid for this optional purchase with your
initial registration, you may include it during your Sunday’s registration check-in.
Camper bank money is available on a paperless, credit basis to the campers twice a day
during Canteen and once a day in the Craft Room. Most children in full week camps
spend $12-$25; they are unable to spend more than $40 due to spending limits. If you
did not already deposit money into the camper bank during your initial registration, you
may still make a deposit during Sunday’s registration check-in. At the end of the session
you may choose to have the remaining balance returned to you, or you and your child
may also choose to donate the remainder to Camp Lutherhaven. This year these funds
along with the proceeds from the Annual 5K (6/18) and Chicken Dinner (7/24) will
be used to make improvements to Lutherhaven’s recreation equipment. We hope you’re
as excited as we are to bring new and exciting activities to Camp!
OFFSITE TRIP Adventure Unlimited campers are given the opportunity to go on a one-day, rock wall
climbing adventure at the Jorgensen YMCA in Fort Wayne, Ind. They will be
transported to this location in vehicles that will be driven by summer program staff
members or year-round staff members, all of whom have undergone a background and
driving record check. The staff will supervise the participants while they are led by the
YMCA staff. If you have any concerns about your child’s participation in this trip, please
contact the camp office.
THEME NIGHT Please see the 2016 Theme Nights sheet in this packet to find what theme night is
planned for your child’s visit. That way, they may fully participate in the festivities with
the rest of the Camp on this special night.
We understand, that at times, campers are involved in sports games/practices and other
activities at home. If your child must attend one of these activities while at Camp,
please be prepared to provide the day(s), times and who will be picking up/dropping off
your child at registration. Also, if your child must arrive at Camp late or leave early,
please notify the office in advance. Always check in at the Office first when any of
these pick-ups and/or drop-offs are necessary.
Your $50 deposit is non-refundable except for instances of camper injury, camper illness,
or death in the family.
If we can help you in any way, please call the camp office Monday through Friday, 9 am
to 5 pm at 260.636.7101. For more information about Camp Lutherhaven, please visit
our website at
Camp Lutherhaven is located off State Road 9 and U.S. 33, thirteen miles north of
Columbia City, five miles south of Albion, and twenty-six miles northwest of Fort
Wayne. From State Road 9, or U.S. 33, follow the road signs and this map for your best
route to Camp.
2016 Camper Medical Information/Parental Permission Form
Camp Lutherhaven
This form is to be filled out by a parent/guardian of each camper.
1. Name: _______________________________________________ Birth date:____________ Age:______ Sex:_____
Middle Initial
2. Parent(s) or guardian(s): ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Home address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address
4. Home phone: (
Cell phone: (
Zip code
Work phone: (
5. Other emergency contact: _________________________________________________ Phone: (
6. Name of family physician:_________________________________________________ Phone: (
7. Medical insurance carrier:_________________________________________Insurance phone: (
Policy or group number:
Medical Information and History
8. If sending ANY medications (prescribed or other) to Camp with your child, complete the chart below.
All medication must be sent in its original container and kept with the first aid coordinator, except inhalers
and topical creams as prescribed by your physician for self-administration.
Times Given
9. Please check which of the following over-thecounter medications you allow to be given to
your child, if necessary.
„ Antacid tablets
„ Antihistamine
„ Aspirin-free pain reliever
„ Cough drops/syrup
„ Decongestant
„ Topical anti-itch creams/sprays
10. Please list all allergies (Including food or drug.)
(If your child’s diet requires special accommodations due
to allergies or intolerances, please contact Camp at least 2
weeks in advance.)
Reason for Medication
11.Please list the date your child received his/her last
tetanus shot: _______________
12. For females only:
Has your daughter menstruated? ________________
If not, has she been told about it?_____________
If so, is her menstrual history normal? __________
13. Medical conditions (Check all that apply and include
explanations here and/or at question #14 on back):
„ Heart
„ Asthma/Lung Disease
„ Stomach problems
„ Skin Disorders
„ Kidney/Bladder
„ Ear Problems
„ Frequent infections
„ Diabetes
14. Please use this space to share any other health information, behavioral issues, significant fears, or other items
that may need special consideration or attention by the Camp Lutherhaven staff:
Parent/Guardian Permission Agreement and
Release for Emergency Medical Treatment
I hereby state this health history is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has
permission to engage in all prescribed camp activities except as noted above.
I give permission for over-the-counter medication only as checked on page one, to be given to the person
herein described as needed.
I understand that campers at Lutherhaven are occasionally photographed/videotaped during camp activities
and that tastefully selected photos/videos are used to publicly promote the Camp. I agree to permit the use
of photos/videotapes containing images of my child for Camp promotional purposes, unless I have marked
the box at the end of this statement to specifically deny such permission.
„ Do not use photos/videotapes of my child for future publicity.
In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby grant permission for hospitalization and medical
treatment for my child as needed and agree to the medical professional relying upon the above information
in rendering their treatment.
Parent/guardian’s signature
A photocopy of this form may be used for offsite camp programs or day trips.
(i.e. Adventure Unlimited, Treetop Village, Discovery Week, Junior Servants, Servant Events)
Camp Lutherhaven
A relational ministry in the midst of God’s creation
1596 S. 150 W.  Albion, IN 46701-9695  Phone 260.636.7101  Fax 260.636.3032  E-Mail [email protected]  Web
Coming to an overnight experience at Camp Lutherhaven is an impactful experience for your whole family.
Whether your child is a novice or a well-seasoned camper, what you do and say to prepare your child can
have a profound impact on how they experience a program at Camp. Below are some helpful suggestions for
making your child’s time at Camp a success.
One of the awesome things about summer camp at Camp Lutherhaven
is the opportunity to experience a special Christian community in the
midst of God's creation. In order to achieve this goal, it is expected
that participants come with an attitude of cooperation, goodwill, and
respect for each other and God's creation. Please carefully consider
your language, dress, and behavior before arriving. Cursing, revealing
or inappropriate clothing, and disrespectful or harmful behavior will
not be tolerated. In addition, items such as cell phones and other
electronic devices can become disruptive and a distraction to the
formation of Camp community, relationships, and interaction with
creation around them. Because of this, cell phones are not allowed to
be in the possession of those 18 years and under.
Camp Lutherhaven reserves the right to send a camper home that is
unable to abide by this policy. We thank you for your cooperation.
You may be surprised what worries your child has about Camp.
Having a discussion about this new adventure can prepare your child
to walk away with a healthy sense of independence, further
developed social skills, more confidence and a stronger sense of
self-worth. Below are some discussion tips.
Instead of trying to talk him out of his fears, explain that it is
natural to have these feelings.
Invite her to pray with you.
Take time to equip him with scripture.
Focus on the positive aspects of camp.
Help him to understand that he can come to his counselor or other
staff with any concern or need.
Tell her that you have faith in her ability to handle the situations
she may face while at Camp.
Our counselors bring an excitement for life and a love for children and
youth. The relationship they develop with your child has the potential
to become an important one in their life.
Here are some things that you may want to take the time to notate on
the medical form as well as inform the counselor about so that they
can come alongside your child during their stay at Camp.
Any night time procedures that may comfort him.
How to address her ADD, Autism, or other behaviors.
How you have equipped him to communicate about bullying.
Any allergies she may have.
Any dietary restrictions he may need.
Any recent illness or death in her family.
Any other unusual anxieties you anticipate.
The emotions that you and/or your child may feel during separation
are completely legitimate. Our first overnight camp begins at first
grade; however, we’ve seen intense homesickness well into the high
school years. Most campers, however, are able to work through these
emotions and come away from Camp with a wonderful experience.
Below are some things you can do to help head off homesickness.
 Spend time getting a clear sense of what Camp will be like
▪ Look through a friend’s photo album, or the Camp website
▪ Arrange a visit to Camp
 Practice being away from home by spending an overnight at a
friend’s house.
 Strive to keep your own emotions in check.
 Keep your comments positive about this time away.
 Focus on the potential rewards such as gaining confidence, new
friends, and the fun of new adventures.
 Write a letter or e-mail that will arrive the first few days of Camp.
 And of course, call us if you have any concerns.
Our experience with children having the freedom to call home at anytime shows that it often increases the number and
intensity of homesick cases. However, to ease the separation we encourage you to make plans to keep in touch through
letter writing or emails.
 Be sure to sound upbeat and positive.
 Remain focused on the things he is experiencing at Camp.
 Avoid mentioning things that she might be missing at home.
 Acknowledge his feelings.
 Reassure her of your love.
 Let him know that you’re confident he can handle it.
 Express your pride in her achievements so far.
If you receive a letter about how horrible the Camp, the food, the kids, the counselors are, don’t panic- that’s not atypical
of what kids may write home when feeling some intense homesickness. Remain calm and please call with any concerns.
 Acknowledge camper’s feelings - let them know it’s OK to feel that way.
 Redirect camper’s attention with activities, conversation, and new friends.
 Notify other staff of the situation.
 Talk about future fun things on the schedule.
 Notify parent(s) of child’s condition if the emotions become intense.
 Decide on a strategy.
 Next-to-last resort: arrange a phone call between parent(s) and child.
 Last resort: inform parent(s) to take child back home. They just may not
be ready to be at Camp this year.
2016 Theme Nights
At Camp Lutherhaven, everyone gets a little crazy on Thursday nights. So, in order to bring some extra fun and focus to
the chaos, please search below for your camp program and see what theme will be reverberating through this special
night at Camp Lutherhaven. Also, look for what special items you may want to bring to dress up.
June 12‐ June 17: Youth 1, Treetop A, Explorer 2 July 24‐July 29: Youth 4, Treetop F (Boys Only), All Nations Outreach, Youth 4.5b
June 19‐June 24: Youth 2, Treetop B, Burmese Mission Outreach, Youth 2.5b July 10‐July 15: Discovery 2, Treetop D, Explorer 6 July 31‐August 5: Youth 5, Treetop G, Adventure Unlimited June 26‐July 1: Discovery 1, Treetop C, Explorer 4 July 17‐July 22: Youth 3, Treetop E (Girls Only), Explorer 8 August 7‐August 12: Youth 6, Treetop H, Explorer 10 July 3‐July 8: ReGroup, Treetop RG, S.E.N.D.
Come dressed to celebrate the 2016
Olympics! Let the games begin! It’s time
to pull out your running shoes, racquets,
and swim goggles. Support the good ole’
USA or represent another country. You
may see past medalists Gabby Douglas
or Hussein Bolt, or the 2016 Olympic
mascots, Tom and Vinicius. Grab your
BMX gear, practice your bicycle kick and
join your team for this thrilling evening.
Your cabin may even have a chance to
practice synchronized swimming!
Going on a snipe hunt, going to see a big
one! Calling all animals from land, sea,
and sky to join together with safari guides
and scuba divers for a great outdoor
adventure. Who knows, you may even
encounter the elusive Lutherhaven
moose. Dress up as a gorilla, manatee,
chameleon, flower, emperor penguin, or
star, backpacker extraordinaire. It will be
an unforgettable expedition you won’t
want to miss!
Mario, Master Chief, Princess Lolly, a
Twister dot, or a scrabble tile…it’s time to
‘Go Fish’ and make your move! Watch out
for the Queen, a Storm Trooper, or the
Old Maid, you never know where they
might be hiding. Your torch, Pokeball, or
wild card might come in handy as we play
through the evening. Come as your
favorite game character or game piece
and watch as Camp Lutherhaven is
transformed into the most exciting gaming
universe yet!
Break out your red, white, and blue to
celebrate the birth of the grand ‘ole US of
A. Join us for a dance party as we let
freedom ring in the sweet land of Liberty!
Represent America with your stars and
stripes and salute the land of the free and
the home of the brave.
A Day At Camp
The Schedule…
Polar Bear
First Word/Breakfast
Cabin Clean-up
Fun in the Son
Family Group Time
Power Time!
Lunch/Lunch Party
Rest Period
Sports Cabin Activity
Beach Cabin Activity
Free Time
Cabin Activity
Evening Activity
Campfire Devotions
In Cabins/Cabin Devotions
Lights Out
Cabin Activity: Each cabin gets to choose their activity. Perhaps they will challenge another cabin to a game of ultimate frisbee, head
out into the woods for a hike, work on archery skills, swim in beautiful Lake Muncie, play in Camp’s natural bubbling spring, or
make some tantalizing treats for the evening. The opportunities are only by the creativity of the counselor and
Cabin Clean-up: Everyone helps keep Camp Lutherhaven clean! Sure it’s a little work, but at Camp, even work is fun!!
Campfire Devotions are where the depth of God’s Word is shared by the campfire as the staff leads devotions. Just the right mix of
music, humor, and meaningful skits brings the focus upon Jesus Christ as we end the day.
Canteen: What goes better on a hot summer’s day than an ice cream sandwich and a drink? Maybe a candy bar or a drumstick? Good
stuff and a great chance to hang out with cabin-mates or new friends from other cabins.
Evening Activity: All of camp gathers together for instructions on the large group game as fun is sure to be had by everyone!!!!
Capture the Flag, Chaos vs. Control, or Wacky Olympics, who knows what it could be?
Family Group Time: Every morning groups made up of two to three cabins gather for sessions of incredible activities! Ranging from a
nature hike to Petty Pond, group building activities, making crafts, archery, boating, to playing a rousing game of Garbage Ball in
the athletic field! Every day is different!
Free Time: Campers are free to choose among a multitude of supervised activities. Most head down to the beach to swim and boat,
while others visit the craft room to create mementos of Camp to bring home. The air-conditioned game room is a popular place for
a quick game of air hockey, ping-pong, or foosball, and the archery station is available for any “Robin Hood” wannabees.
Fun in the Son Bible Studies: At Camp we have a great setting where we often learn through experience, so during Bible Studies,
cabins may be found building sand castles to see how our earthly lives are just temporary, or leading a blindfolded cabin-mate
through an obstacle course to show how God leads us even though we have been blinded by our sins. Discussion is emphasized
so campers and counselors can share their faith with each other in an environment where there are no dumb questions.
Meals: At Camp even finicky eaters enjoy our wonderful meals, that are both youth friendly and delicious. Of course, there is always
peanut butter and jelly available. There may also be various other activities to participate in like first word, dinner time mail delivery,
moose kissing, and silly songs!
Polar Bear: Follow Mama and Papa Polar Bear down to the waterfront. Give your best polar bear GRRRRRROOOOOOOWLLLLLL!!!,
turn to the north for the polar bear salute, and then, on cue, splash into the water for a quick dip.
Power Time: Campers and counselors alike have spread out around camp. It’s time to spend some time alone with God as we pray
and read from God’s Word.
If you are paying by mail, please fill out and include this form with your payment (add more sheets as necessary) “Amount Due” from your invoice $___________ Camper’s Name _________________________________________________________________ Program Attending/Dates _________________________________________________________________ Optional things to add DVD ($6) Camper Bank $ Campership $ To help others with financial need $___________ $___________ $___________ SUB TOTAL $___________ If making additional, future payments, check here 
Additional Camper’s Name _________________________________________________________________ If applicable Program Attending/Dates _________________________________________________________________ Optional things to add DVD ($6) Camper Bank $ Campership $ To help others with financial need $___________ $___________ $___________ SUB TOTAL $___________ If making additional, future payments, check here 
TOTAL enclosed $___________ 
Camp Lutherhaven
A relational ministry in the midst of God’s creation
1596 S. 150 W.  Albion, IN 46701-9695  Phone 260.636.7101  Fax 260.636.3032  E-Mail [email protected]  Web