Newsletter Issue 3
Newsletter Issue 3
[Glenunga news] UPCOMING EVENTS March 31 April 1 2 19 20 21 26 29 30 May 3 6 7 11-13 12 14 Issue 3, 29 March 2010 Open Day End of Term 1, Dismissal 1.15pm Public Holiday - Good Friday Start of Term 2 Governing Council Exec FAC 5 – 7pm Yrs 9 – 12 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences (Yr 8-12 classes cancelled) ANZAC Day Public Holiday Whole School Photographs Yr 8 Shared Dinner 6pm Governing Council 7pm Celebration Assembly Student Free Day Naplan Assessment Yr 8 Laptop Program Parent Forum 7pm Yr 8 Immunisation Visit 2 Glenunga International High School Y Yrr 88 SSh ha arreed dD Diin nn neerr Friday 30 April Performing Arts Centre 6.00 – 8.00 pm Y Yrr 88 11--11 L La ap pttoop p P Prrooggrra am mP Pa arreen ntt F Foorru um m Wednesday 12 May than the average) and that we needed more classroom space to build for the future. Principal’s Report New Building Works The Premier’s announcement that the budget bid for our $10 million capital works project was approved was very exciting. It marks the start of a new era for Glenunga International. Equally unexpected was the announcement that the government would fund our school to: • add an additional Science lab to the two already proposed in the project bid • add additional classroom space to enable us to add a total of 100 students to our current enrolment. I would like to acknowledge the Governing Council’s work in meeting with the Minister. The delegation consisted of Penny Wright, Felicity Playford, Kylie Bishop and myself. The group argued that Glenunga needed more Science labs than usually allocated to a school our size (because we have more senior Science classes Performing Arts Centre 6.45 for 7.00 pm start. We look forward to seeing our Yr 8 families at these two events! -1- The new two storey building will be positioned at the front of the school where the ‘transportable’ that houses the Senior Study Centre and the International Program is currently located. It will not extend our footprint beyond what currently exists and so the green spaces owned by Burnside Council will not be compromised. On the ground floor there will be a new Information and Technology Centre to replace our current undersized Resource Centre and to bring together technology services. These are currently scattered throughout the school. Upstairs will be a Year 12 Centre and additional classrooms. The new building will connect into existing buildings and will provide a public face for the school fronting onto L’Estrange Street. An International Students Program office will be included, but this will need to be funded by our school resources. The space where the Resource Centre is currently located will be refurbished Contents Principal’ Report Senior School Report Middle School Report Governing Council Report Prefect Report International Report Student Life Report Microsoft Innovative Teacher IGNITE Assessment Report German Exchange Student Visiting German Language Assistant Stage 1 Tourism ISEC Student Reports Sports News Sports Day Photos Entertainment Book Fundraiser Pg 1 Pg 3 Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 5 Pg 5 Pg 6 Pg 6 Pg 7 Pg 7 Pg 7 Pg 8 Pg 9 Pg 11 Insert Principal’s Report cont: to create a state of the art Visual and Digital Arts Centre with indoor and outdoor learning areas. This relocation will link with the Music Wing and the Performing Arts Centre to create an Arts Quadrangle. Upstairs where Visual Arts classes are currently located will be refurbished to create three additional Science labs. The project will also involve a master plan being developed to manage aspects such as pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow, car parking, and outdoor areas for students. The building is scheduled for completion at the end of 2013 and opening in 2014. This means our current Year 8 students will be the Year 12s occupying the new Year 12 Centre. Managing the building processes will be a challenge in 2012 and 2013. We will keep you informed about the progress of this initiative. Technology at Glenunga International We are awaiting DECS’ approval of the extension of our wireless network from a capacity of 300 users to 1500 using the Digital Education (DER) Funding from the Commonwealth Government. This extension has stalled while some fundamental issues within our school network infrastructure are being investigated. This delay means we need to shift our meeting with Year 8 parents about the 1:1 laptop program from Wednesday 28 April to Wednesday 12 May. each age level did a wonderful job of organizing their teams as well as the enthusiastic vocal encouragement for competitors. Different student clubs and subject groups provided catering ranging from noodles and pizzas to cup cakes and jellies. The behaviour of our students on the day was outstanding as competitors and supporters enjoyed both the athletics and the fun events. One group of students – Team Heart - organized their own novelty events in a quiet corner. I would like to congratulate Mr Francu, Mr Turland and Mr Stylianou for such an excellent Sports Day (see photos on page 11). Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews We warmly invite all families of Year 9 - 12 students to seize the opportunity to talk with teachers about their son or daughter’s learning on Wednesday 21 April (Week 1 Term 2). Year 8 families had the opportunity to do this on Thursday 25 March. In our last newsletter I talked about the research that shows parent involvement with their students’ progress can make a significant difference. If your son or daughter’s learning outcomes are important to you please take this opportunity to book appointments with subject teachers. We want to work in partnership with you to support your son or daughter to stretch themselves to achieve their personal best and not to waste an ounce of their potential. Some students manage to convince their parents that it is not essential for them to attend these interviews and other parents feel that teachers can’t speak frankly in front of students. We know that to get the best outcomes for your son or daughter it is essential that they attend these interviews. They need to contribute their perspectives and to hear what teachers have to say about their strengths and areas for development. Booking sheets have been sent home with students. If you need more information please email your son or daughter’s Home Group or Student Advisory Group teacher or ring Reception if email is not available. Staff Farewells Last week we farewelled Mr Sawon who retired as Science Coordinator after a lifetime of teaching. Mr Ridge has been acting in that position while Mr Sawon has been on leave and will continue in that position until the end of the year. This week we farewell Mr Turland who has been our Student life Coordinator, Ms Bruce in Student Services, and our two IT technicians Scott Gardner and Mark Wasinski. Mr Turland leaves to work in a school for refugees in Egypt, Ms Bruce is retiring, Scott is pursuing his university studies and Mark is taking up a position closer to home. Finally have a safe and happy Easter and holiday break. We look forward to welcoming you back in Term 2. Sports Day Hundreds of students dressed up in their house colours to support their representatives. The oval was awash with the red, white, blue, and green colours of the four elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth. House captains at Wendy Johnson Principal -2- Safety It has come to our attention that some of our students are crossing Portrush Road in heavy traffic away from the pedestrian crossing. This behaviour is irresponsible, dangerous and needs to stop. The pedestrian crossings on Portrush Road and Conyngham Street are to be used at all times for the safety of all. A pedestrian crossing does not exist on L’Estrange Street and I advise drivers to slow down and for students to take care particularly at the Queen Street intersection. Senior School Report New SACE Year 11 (Stage 1) teachers and students are currently working their way through the first year of the New SACE. Teachers will be meeting soon to compare assessment results in English and Maths to ensure that the standards we set at Glenunga are comparable to those applied in other schools around the state. All SACE Stage One teachers have submitted a Learning and Assessment Plan to the SACE Board. These assessment plans indicate how teachers will meet the learning requirements in their subject. We should receive feedback on these soon. Generation Next Last year many of our staff and parents attended the Generation Next seminar which discussed issues that affect our youth of today. I recently received an email from one of our parents and I wanted to share their story. …..I recommend it for parents of GIHS….and I have come away with a wealth of information and support as parents of today’s kids, it definitely was money worth spending! They discussed topics of cyber safety, depression, sexualisation and lots more… I have included the link to the Generation Next website. This year the seminar is scheduled for Adelaide on 22 August – website: The 2010 Year 12 Committee has been formed and will meet regularly with the Year 12 Leader Mr Matsouliadis. One of the main tasks that this group will undertake is the planning of this year’s Formal which will be held at the Convention Centre on Thursday 1 July . This group has already begun the work to make this event a great success. Senior students need to reflect on the information provided in their reports which will be distributed to students on the last day of this term. Students who use this information to better understand what they need to improve perform better at the end of the year. Reflect on the comments and grades and plan how to improve the result next term. Families should be aware that Year 9 – 12 Teacher / Parent / Student Conferences will be held in Week 1 Term 2, Wednesday 21 April. Letters and booking sheets for Conferences were sent home to Families Tuesday of Week 9. They are also available on our school’s website. Parents/Caregiver’s should also look at the student report to see if the subject teacher has requested an interview. Jeremy Cogan Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School Farewell Jonathan Turland Every school needs someone like our Jonathan Turland (Student Life Coordinator). After nine years of unbridled passion, energy and service to Glenunga International the much loved Mr Turland is embarking on a new journey. Jonathan Turland redefined the meaning of Student Life at Glenunga International High School. He was instrumental in establishing an impressive array of cocurricular clubs, competitions, programs and activities to satisfy the most varied of student interest. He has been an extraordinary support for our CPS Worker and Sports Director. He has shown strong leadership as a Year Level Leader and Student Voice advocate. His belief in service to the community has resulted Middle School Report Whole School Photographs Our annual whole school photographs day will take place on Thursday 29 April. All students will present for a traditional Home Group photograph as well as an individual portrait shot. Families will have the option to purchase Home Group as well as portrait photographs. Once a purchase has been made on any of these options families will be eligible to purchase other items including a Master Year Level booklet. Payment envelopes will be distributed to all students during the last week of Term 1. Open Day – Wednesday 31 March The Open Day program will have a School in Action (11:30am-1:00pm) component which was so successful last year. It will involve opening our doors through organised tours for prospective and current families to experience our quality teaching and learning in practice. The evening’s activities will concentrate in and around our Performing Arts Centre. A Principal’s Address will take place at 6:00 pm followed by an IGNITE Presentation at 6:45 pm. All families are warmly invited to join us on this day. -3- nominating for a second term. We wish all candidates well and assure anyone who missed out this time that we can certainly find a spot where we can put their talents and energy to good use – on the various Council subcommittees or elsewhere in the school. in many local, national and international opportunities for our students including trips to Melbourne, New Zealand, Thailand, Fiji and Indonesia. We bid farewell to Margaret Nippert, who stepped down from Council after two years. Margaret always brought to our discussions and deliberations a particular interest in student welfare and wellbeing and we thank her for her contribution. Welcome to our Japanese visitors We were very pleased to receive a generous response to our call for host families this month. Our thanks to those families who have opened up their homes to our visitors from two Japanese High Schools. We trust that you have been enjoying the chance to learn about Japan and share our city with your guests. Your generosity is appreciated and offers these lucky young people an opportunity to experience our South Australian way of life. The Year Level camps, Middle School Swimming Carnival, Sports Day and International celebrations will not be the same without his involvement. Jonathan and his wife Sarah along with their four children Katie, Beth, Bradley and Andrew (3 ½ months) are headed to Cairo to run the Hope Africa Learning Centre – a school for refugees. Coming Up in 2010… There will be many ways for parents and caregivers to be involved in school life this year. Here’s just a few: Jonathan, we have been lucky to have you and there’s not a soul who isn’t sorry to see you go. In the words of one of your students…..You will be particularly missed Mr Turland….the teacher with the energy of ten men and the enthusiasm of twenty…. • Year 8 Families’ Shared Dinner on Friday 30 April Stay tuned for details about this great opportunity for Year 8 families to meet and socialize. Last year’s event was a great success and set the scene for some strong “social networking” for parents and students for the rest of the year. We hope you will be able to come along. • Advance Notice: Quiz Night & Silent Auction Saturday 26 June Keep this date free for our Quiz Night - when we’ll be raising funds for some brand, spanking-new sports uniforms to garb our sporting teams in style. In the meantime you can start honing your triviaretrieval skills and searching out your supper platters for a fun night of general knowledge, tricky questions and general mayhem – all in a good cause. Anyone interested in helping out is welcome to contact the Quiz Night subcommittee via Governing Council. • Values, values, values As part of the development of the school’s Learning Plan for 2010-2012 we will also be embarking upon an exploration of values and a discussion about the purpose of Glenunga International High School. The school will be looking at ways to encourage our students to have conversations with each other and their families about what values are fundamental to the way our school should look and feel into the future. Look out for details about how you can be involved in this endeavour. Farewell Valmai Bruce Valmai Bruce has retired after 27 years at Glenunga International High School. Valmai managed the Student Services office and will be fondly remembered by all staff, students and the wider school community for her dedication and service to the school over the many years. We wish her well. Steve Stylianou Head of Middle School From the Chair Governing Council Report Your Governing Council for 2010 At our well-attended AGM on 15 March seven candidates nominated (and re-nominated in some cases) for positions on the Governing Council. Unfortunately we couldn’t have them all but those elected were Felicity Playford, who has been Governing Council secretary for the last two years, Kylie Bishop – who has served on the Finance Advisory Committee, Robbi Williams who filled a casual vacancy on Council last year and me, -4- Farewell from me as Chair of Governing Council It is with regret that I will be stepping down as Chair of Governing Council for 2010 due to time pressures although I will be continuing as a member of the Council. It has been a great privilege to represent this fine school in various forums over the last year and my thanks to my colleagues on Council, the Principal Ms Wendy Johnson and the dedicated and generous staff at Glenunga with whom I have worked on various Council tasks. Thanks also to the parents who have contributed their time and energy to the school and taken the trouble to contact me about areas of concern or interest. A new Chair will be elected at the Council meeting on Monday 29 March and I wish them well and hope they find the role as enjoyable and inspiring as I have. Best wishes Vegemite! They had one weekend with their host families and came back to school sharing their wonderful experiences with other students and teachers. Many families hosted for the first time, which is great. On behalf of both schools, we would like to thank all the homestay families for the wonderful job in hosting our visitors. Judging from the comments from the students they had a fantastic time and have gone home with memories that will last forever. Email: [email protected] Or post C/- GIHS Another Study Tour from Koishikawa Secondary Education School also from Tokyo arrived on Thursday 18 March visiting us for two weeks. This is a Year 10 level group and once again many GIHS families are hosting them. Penny Wright Prefect Report Prefects have met with representatives from UniSA and Flinders University to discuss the results of the student survey. The survey was conducted in 2008 and 2009, the second survey had a sample size of over 1000 students. The Prefects collated the data and prepared a presentation for the teaching staff. The presentation consisted of interesting statistics and comments from the Prefects. Much of the presentation focused on the increased prevalence of LT’s (learning technologies). Results from this survey will be available on our school’s website shortly. We would like to encourage all families to embrace the international education provided by our school including hosting an overseas student at least once during your student’s time at GIHS. To enquire about our next study tour in August please contact Margaret Munday at [email protected] or on 8338 9796. Lyn Hayano Assistant Principal International Programs JAPANESE HOME STAY EXPERIENCE We hosted two Japanese students from Hosei Junior High School last week. Both boys were fourteen years old with limited English. This alone can make it difficult at times when communicating or explaining our home life. But the one language that is universal is the SMILE and hand gestures. The boys were very helpful and happy to help out and participate in all the family activities. They ate and enjoyed everything that we cooked. The only disappointing thing is that we were unable to talk to them more about their life in Japan. In addition our International Prefect Roger Kim has begun addressing the issues facing Glenunga’s many international students. His first action was to set up a new international committee which meet weekly to brainstorm and implement international student friendly policies. The other Prefects have already become involved in the Year 12 Committee, Formal Committee and the Student Forum. Finally grass roots action has been taken by prefects ranging from cleaning the kitchen to checking rules about drink bottles on the oval and reporting uniform related grievances. The number of students approaching Prefects for help has been truly encouraging and this will hopefully continue. Prefects Our life style is very busy but it was great and worthwhile to take some time to participate in the Homestay experience. It was great to experience with the boys the space and lifestyle that we take for granted. We now have more of an appreciation of how we live. Sandy Pride Homestay Mum International Report Student Life Report HOSEI JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDY TOUR Through March 9 till 15 we hosted twenty Year 8 level students and their teacher from Hosei Junior High School Tokyo. Whilst a very short visit we packed their stay full of English lessons, activities and local sightseeing. The students were all very excited at being in Australia and eager to try anything and everything on offer – including Student Life has mainly been focussing on our Sports Day and Swimming Carnival recently as well as organising and running our many clubs and activities. We have around 70 of our students preparing for the debating competition which begins in Term 2. Activities include the Games Club which is managed by Ms Ayling and held during Friday lunchtimes. There are many new games that have been incorporated in this club linking in nicely with the Cards Club which is held Monday lunchtimes with Ms Lewis. International Club is busy running activities for their sponsored child; the World Vision and Leo Clubs have already conducted activities to raise money to help members of our local, -5- teaching into a blood sport. In retrospect all teachers who attended were winners as it gave us the opportunity to showcase our endeavors on an international platform and receive recognition from our peers. As a representative of South Australia’s DECS I was proud to give a personal presentation to Singapore’s Minister of Education. state, national and global communities. The House Competition will be up and running in Term 2 beginning with Badminton which will complement the great work of each House from the Sports Day and Swimming Carnival. This will be my last article as Student Life Coordinator as my family and I move to Cairo to run a school for refugees. It has been a pleasure to work here for over seven years and I will miss everyone. Jay Ayling will be the Student Life Coordinator for the remainder of this year and I wish her the very best. Thanks to all of you who have helped and all the best in the future. Jonathan Turland Student Life Coordinator Whilst in Singapore I not only managed to meet and share professional resources with teachers from across the region I also had the opportunity to visit some local schools and a college. Some interesting observations: Royal College in Colombo has 8,500 students. Bangladesh has a population of 160 million in an area a third of the size of South Australia. Not only are students streamed in Singapore, so are the schools. The average class size is 40+. Interestingly, students take their shoes off to enter the Craft and Technology Lab at Ngee Ann Secondary School One innovative teacher in Thailand provides Learning Technology access to her class with one computer which has 24 mouse(s). United World College (an IB school) sends Year 11’s to do a week’s voluntary work in needy foreign communities without adult supervision on a self managed budget of $800. Harry Postema Coordinator: Arts and Learning Technologies Across the Curriculum Microsoft Innovative Teacher Late last year I was chosen to represent South Australia in the National Innovative Teacher’s Award as sponsored by Microsoft. This selection was based on the way I have been using digital media in both my classroom teaching and as a mentor to my teaching colleagues. Through the latter part of 2009 I met with DECS project officers who provided guidance for me to prepare for a presentation which was to be used to compete against my peers from interstate. The presentation was a five minute oral delivery in front of a two metre by one metre poster with an A4 brochure as visual aids. IGNITE Assessment 27 February This year 370 students from Years 6 and 7 sat the IGNITE Assessment at Glenunga International for entry into the program in 2011. The assessment is designed to identify students who have a high intellectual potential and require an accelerated program. The students worked through four tests on Mathematical Reasoning, Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Abstract Reasoning. Microsoft gave me the opportunity last week to go to Singapore to meet with teaching colleagues from fifteen Asia Pacific nations for the actual competition to decide who would be Australia’s representative at the World Innovative Teacher competition to be held in November. Dwarfed by my colourful poster, waving a brochure and thrusting cuddly koalas at the judges I launched into my under-rehearsed spiel in a crowded auditorium thick with the reverberations of my Asia Pacific colleagues, who like me were nervously delivering their innovative teaching programs against the stop watch. Unfortunately I did not win the competition. However to a certain extent I feel quite relieved because even though it was a valuable experience the competition factor seemed to turn The results will be available shortly and students will receive information regarding their performance against all the students who sat. The school will accept 100 students through this process and students will be placed into one of the three different programs we offer depending on their learning needs. Julie Humphreys Coordinator IGNITE/HOTS -6- times. Also the school requirements are different. In Germany there are fewer assignments as we have at least two tests per subject during the year. German Exchange Student Meine ersten Eindrücke von Australien – My first Impressions of Australia Guten Tag! Ich heisse Alexander Schlepper und ich bin ein Austauschschüler aus Deutschland, der für 2 Terms in Australien zur Schule geht. Am 24. Januar dieses Jahres kam ich nach einer 22 stündigen Reise am Adelaide Flughafen in Australien an. Das erste, was mir auffiel, war das warme Wetter, da in Deutschland, wo ich herkomme, um die Zeit Winter ist und es Minustemperaturen gibt. Am Flughafen wurde ich dann von meiner Gastfamilie abgeholt und zu meinem temporären neuen Heim gefahren. Nach dem langen Wochenende folgte mein erster Schultag in Australien. Until now I have enjoyed my time in Australia and my first term at Glenunga International High School. I have made some good friends and improved my English. Alexander Schlepper German Exchange Student Visiting German Language Assistant Hi, my name is Yvonne Palka and I came to Adelaide to work as a German Language Assistant at Glenunga International High School in the first Semester) and Lockleys North Primary School in the second Semester. Schnell fand ich die Unterschiede zwischen der Schule hier und der Schule in Deutschland heraus. Während man in Deutschland wesentlich mehr Unterrichts-fächer hat und die Auswahl nicht so groß ist, da es eine ganze Menge Pflichtfächer gibt, hat man in Australien mehr Auswahl und kann sich so schon vor dem Studium in eine bestimmte Richtung spezialisieren. Auch an die Schulzeiten musste ich mich erst einmal gewöhnen. Während man in Australien jeden Tag um neun Uhr zur Schule geht und etwa um drei Uhr wieder nach Hause gehen darf, so ist es in Deutschland vielmehr so, dass es, sofern man in die Oberstufe geht, keine festen Schulzeiten gibt und der Unterricht von acht Uhr morgens bis sechs Uhr abends gehen kann, wobei dazwischen viele Freistunden sind. Auch die Ansprüche sind unterschiedlich. In Deutschland sind Referate weniger erwartet, da man mindestens zwei Teste pro Schuljahr und Fach hat. After I completed my teaching studies at the FriedrichAlexander-University in Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2009, I decided to go to Australia to improve my English and to support the German teachers who teach German as a second language. I chose Australia because I spent a month travelling the east coast in 2008 and I fell in love with the country and the people. I had to come back and stay longer! I arrived here in January and I haven’t regretted a single day so far. At the beginning it wasn’t easy: new people, new and completely different school system and school uniforms. But it was the Australian kindness that helped me to settle down. I think it’s an experience that I will never forget! Yvonne Pakla German Language Assistant Bis jetzt habe ich meine Zeit in Australien und an der Glenunga International High School genossen. Ich habe schone einige gute Freunde gefunden und meine Sprachkentnisse in Englisch verbessert. Hello! My name is Alexander Schlepper and I am an International Student from Germany who is attending school in Australia for two terms. On January 24 this year I arrived in Adelaide after a 22 hour journey. The first thing I noticed was the warm weather because in Germany where I live it is winter at this time and the temperatures are below zero. At the airport my host family picked me up and drove me to my temporary new home. Young Gourmet Challenge - WEBINAR The Challenge is for students to create a TV show and stage presentation demonstrating a recipe combining native food and pasta whilst highlighting a ‘food issue’ that relates to native foods and/or a South Australian food tourism region. Video entries are due by Thursday 1 April and will be judged to select three finalists who will present on stage during the Feast of the Senses at Tasting Australia. The winners will then present their show at the Australian Native Food Conference and to a national school audience via Webinar. After the long weekend my first school day in Australia began. I quickly became aware of the differences between the school system here and the school system in Germany. Although the students do more subjects in Germany and there are more compulsory subjects the choice of subjects is not so great. In Australia the students can specialize in a certain pathway of subjects before tertiary study. I also had to get used to the school times in Australia. Whereas the school day begins here at about 9a.m. and finishes at about 3p.m., in Germany in the Upper School there are no definite school times and there are lessons from 8a.m. until about 6p.m. with the students having many free lessons between these This session was delivered totally online by Webinar. Judges seen in the screenshots include: Andrew Fielke, a Chef of over 30 years experience and founder of the Red Ochre Restaurants and is widely regarded as Australia's leading chef and authority on preparing innovative Australian Native Cuisine Kay Richarson: Food Educator, Young Gourmet, VICTORIA Amanda Duggan, the other owner of Tav Productions and has a broad knowledge of the industry. Producer of Out of the Blue. Stage 1 Tourism Tourism students partook in a preliminary 'Meet the Judges' session on Friday 26 February. -7- Stage 2 Food and Hospitality students will prepare the pasta dish which incorporates native ingredients for filming. Students involved in this project are learning and using a range of ICT and marketing skills which they can build on for future work in promoting products in a range of fields. Susan Melhuish- Tourism / Hospitality teacher I hadn’t taken my student card, so I went back. When I opened the door, I saw she was dancing in front of a TV Show. It was really funny; she was following the dance. I kept quiet and went out again. I love my homestay family and homestay mother. She is a really good person. David Wang (ISEC1) Students Feeling Unwell at School Over the last few weeks we have noticed an increased number of students reporting sick to our Student Services Sick Bay from existing illnesses. We remind parents/caregivers to keep their son/daughter at home if they are unwell. ISEC Student Reports To report a student absence, please contact the Student Services Office on 83389726 or SMS 0416 907 022 Our ISEC students have been writing descriptions of their friends and relatives. My best friend’s name is Masataka. He is a boy with long black hair, brown eyes and eyelids with a fold. He is tall and slim but muscular. His feet and hands are big. He is Japanese but he has white skin like a Caucasian. He is very friendly and gentle, so everyone likes him but he doesn’t like Masataka all people. His personality is very direct. He likes to talk and listen to people of his own choosing. Nevertheless, he is a good friend to me. He always gives me some advice. Free Radio Workshops in the April School Holidays! The YouthFM Radio Feature Outside Broadcast Training is a unique opportunity for young people to learn about radio, interviewing and producing documentaries. The training leads into an opportunity to become a member of the YouthFM Outside Broadcast Team to produce features for radio (Three D Radio 93.7fm) on an ongoing basis in a supported team environment. He is organised because he always cleans his room and writes a plan in his book so he doesn’t forget to do things. His hobbies are soccer, basketball and billiards. He is good at billiards. I could never beat him. Involvement with the YouthFM Program provides an excellent opportunity for young people to develop and demonstrate transferable skills that increase their employability. Skills may include public speaking, written and verbal communication skills and technical skills. YouthFM may also act as a stepping stone to other volunteer or career pursuits in the radio and media industries. He sometimes chews his nails which I tell him not to do. He likes sports, so when he has free time at night, he goes running or muscle training. Sometimes we do these things together. It is more enjoyable than doing them by oneself. Mayk Oliveira (ISEC1) When I came here, I went to live with a homestay family. It has been a really good experience and I love my homestay family and homestay mother. If you would like to get experience in radio, produce features and documentaries to be featured on the YouthFM Radio show then this two day radio workshop is for you! Workshops will be held over two days in the April School Holidays on Thursday 15 – Friday 16 April 2010 10am – 4pm for local young people aged 15 – 25. Application forms are available from GIHS Student Services office. They can also be downloaded from Burnside Council website and clicking on YouthFM. Applications need to be returned to the address provided below by Thursday 1 April 2010! My homestay mother is called Ann. She is 58 years old and has a small nose, big eyes, a small mouth and short hair. She is very cute. She always wears glasses and she is very tall178cm. Ann Ann is articulate because she speaks English clearly and easily. I can understand her very well. She is good natured because she likes everybody. She is smart and wise. When we play Chinese checkers together, she always wins. When I go to school, she always plays poker on the computer. She does her work well. She goes to work and plays badminton. She is focused on doing whatever she is involved in. I think she is focused because she has great concentration. She is also cheerful; she likes to talk with us and tell us funny stories. For further information please contact the Coordinator of 3Rs on 8366 4144. Coordinator 3Rs (Respite, Recreation and Revitalisation) Aged and Community Development CITY OF BURNSIDE, 401 Greenhill Road TUSMORE SA 5065. Ph: 8366 4144 [email protected] mailto:[email protected] I remember one day, I told her and I was going to the Food Shop to buy tickets. She said “Sure’’ When I closed the door, I remembered -8- SSPPO OR RT TSS N NE EW WSS TERM 2/3 SPORT NOMINATIONS A sign-up day was held in the gym on Friday 27 February in relation to Term 2/3 sports. Nominations for Saturday sports closed Thursday March 11 (Week 7). The sports concerned are Boys Basketball and Soccer along with Mixed Hockey. The only teams where there are still spaces available are in Year 8 and 9 Boys Soccer along with Mixed Hockey. Consent Forms for payment can be collected from outside the sports office or by emailing the Sports Director [email protected] Payment is to be made through the Finance Office. Those students that have signed up and collected a consent form must follow this process to ensure their placement on a team. Nominations for all other sports (played after school during the week) will close Thursday April 1 (end of Week 10). Below is a reminder of all the sports played in Term 2/3. BOYS Soccer - all years (Sat morning) Basketball - all years (Sat morning) Mixed Hockey - all years (Sat morning) Year 8/9 AFL Football (Tues afternoon) GIRLS Soccer - all years (Tues afternoon) Nine a side AFL Football - all years (Thurs afternoon) Nine a side AFL Football Open (Thurs afternoon) Netball - all years (Wed afternoon) Mixed Hockey - all years (Sat morning) Table Tennis - all years (Friday afternoon) INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL Thursday 25 February saw Glenunga International send a team of 25 swimmers to the Interschool Swimming Championships. The Championships were held at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. Glenunga competed against Heathfield, Renmark, Kings Baptist, Glossop, Norwood/Morialta, Mitcham and Waikerie. The boys team finished the day in fourth place whilst the girls finished seventh. Overall Glenunga attained 18 first places, seven second places and three third places. There were many fantastic individual achievements which are listed below. Boris Blagojevic 9.3 Stevan Blagojevic 8.4 Daniel Cook 10.1 Artem Feroulev 10.7 Kaiba Kunimitsu 10.10 Rui Lau 10.10 Jonty Czuchwizki 8.10 Claudia Prosdocimo 9.1 3 x First Place 2 x First Place 2 x First Place 1 x First Place 3 x First Place 2 x First Place 1 x First Place 3 x First Place U15 Boys 50m Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle U14 Boys 50m Backstroke, Freestyle Open Boys 50m Freestyle, U15 Freestyle U16 Boys 50m Freestyle U15 Boys 50m Breastroke, Freestyle, Backstroke U16 Boys 50m Breastroke, Freestyle Open Boys 50m Freestyle U15 Girls 50m Backstroke, Breaststroke, U16 Breaststroke Interschool Swimming Carnival Winners From Left to Right: Jonty Czuchwizki, Claudia Prosdocimo, Artem Feroulev, Stefan Blagojevic, Daniel Cook, Kaiba Kunimitsu, Boris Blagojevic, Rui Lau TERM 2/3 SPORT – HELP NEEDED COACHES/SCORERS/UMPIRES/MANAGERS The Sports Department is currently looking for supervisors/coaches for Term 2/3 teams. The sports that require assistance include Boys Basketball, Mixed Hockey and Boys Soccer (all played on Saturday mornings), along with Girls Netball (Wednesday afternoon) and Soccer (Tuesday afternoon). Whether it is helping out with scoring, umpiring, supervising or coaching, or if you know someone who has skills in a particular sporting area and would like to assist, please contact Sports Director Craig Rainsford in the sports office either by phone on 8338 9792 or by email at [email protected] TERM 1 SPORT Below is an overview of how the Saturday sport teams (Mixed Badminton and Cricket) are fairing this term. An update of the mid week sporting competition including Girls Volleyball, Basketball and Year 8/9 Boys Tennis will be provided in the next school newsletter. -9- OPEN MIXED BADMINTON The Open Mixed Badminton team is having a solid season despite strong opposition. They have so far won three games and have lost two. The chemistry amongst the team has certainly been evident and has improved markedly due to a majority of players continuing on from last season. Special thanks to staff member Gudrun Finos who again has generously given her time to supervise the team this term. YEAR 8/9 BADMINTON In Term 1 Glenunga International entered two Year 8/9 mixed teams in the Independent Schools Competition. Team GIHS 1 comprised solely of Year 8 students. They have competed well in the games played and currently have one win, one draw and three losses from their first five games this season. Team GIHS 2 has also competed well in every game played and have recorded a respectable two wins, three losses record. Both teams have shown great enthusiasm and dedication to training which will no doubt pay off further as the season progresses. OPEN BOYS CRICKET After incredibly going undefeated throughout the whole of Term 1 and 4 last season, the Open Boys Cricket Team finally had their streak broken in round two this term. Due to some previous key players who either graduated end of last year or no longer are available to play this season, the makeup of the team is quite different this year. After four games this season (including a two day game and three of one day games) the team have won one game and lost three very close games. GLENUNGA AFL FOOTBALL CLUB – PLAYERS NEEDED Glenunga Football Club is a community footy club currently fielding teams in age group competitions from Under 8 to Under 14 in the local area. There are currently places available for boys in all age groups. Anyone who would like further information please contact Andrew Curtis from the club on 0401 121 903. CAMBPELLTOWN SOCCER CLUB – FEMALE PLAYERS NEEDED The Campbelltown City Soccer Club is looking for new female soccer players for the upcoming 2010 season in the following age groups: U13, U15 and U17. Games are played at the Newton Sports Complex, Whites Lane, Newton. For further information contact Bruna Macri on 0417 734 084. SPORTS DAY RESULTS Sports Day was a tremendous success this year evident in the large number of students who attended and enthusiastically participated in and supported the various athletic, team game and novelty events. A high standard of performance was demonstrated in the athletic events with four records being broken by Tessa Potezny, Rohna Hamilton and Matthew Stamatas. The team and novelty games of soccer, netball, table tennis, dodgeball and tug of war were also very popular and hotly contested. A change this year was incorporating the 3000m as the opening event of Sports Day and also running the 400m, 800m, and 1500m on Come n Try Day which increased the number of participants and the standard of competition resulting in two new records in 1500m U16 girls and 3000m U16 girls. A key factor in ensuring the success of the day was a great team effort from the following groups: Student House Leaders, Year 8-12 Home Group staff, staff supervising events, PE staff, Bruce Benton Groundsperson, SSO staff and the presenters, Ms Johnson and Mr Stylianou. Next term the house competition will continue with students being able to participate in a inter house lunch time sport competition. Students will be able to compete in their houses at lunchtimes in a range of sports. Ms Ayling will be organising this competition and will provide information on the sports being offered and how students can participate. Doru Francu (Sports Day Coordinator) Records broken were: U16 girls 3000 m: Tessa Potezny 10min 21sec U15 girls 1500 m: Tessa Potezny: 4 min 55 sec U14 girls Discus: Rohna Hamilton 23.70 m U14 boys Discus: Matthew Stamatas 32.87 m Age group champions: Under 14 boys: Allan Butler - Fire Under 14 girls: Madeline Kok - Fire Under 15 boys: Erinayo Wyld - Water Under 15 girls: Kirsty Reid - Fire Under 16 boys: Callum Davidson - Water Under 16 girls: Tessa Potezny - Water Open boys: Matthew Burrow - Air Open girls: Beth Thomas - Fire House winners: 1st Water on 2602 points 2nd Air on 2106 points 3rd Fire on 2087 points 4th Earth on 2067 points - 10 - GIHS Sports Day - 11 - L’Estrange Street, Glenunga South Australia 5064 A Special Interest School for Students with High Intellectual Potential T +61 8 8379 5629 F +61 8 8338 2518 E [email protected] An International Baccalaureate World School Principal Ms W Johnson Provider No. 00018A An Internationally Accredited School GIHS School Tours Ð Ð Ð Ð The following Glenunga School Tour dates are scheduled for 2010: Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Ð Thursday 29 July Ð Friday 22 October Friday 30 April (full) Thursday 13 May Ð Friday 13 August Ð Thursday 4 November Friday 28 May Ð Thursday 26 August Ð Friday 19 November Thursday 17 June Ð Friday 10 September Ð Thursday 2 December Tours begin at 8.55 am and conclude at 10.15 am. Tour dates for Term 2, 3 and 4 are also available on the website. To register please contact the Principal’s Personal Assistant Eleni Dalkos by phone 8379 5629 or by email [email protected] We look forward to meeting with you! B BR RA AN ND DM MO OD DE EO OPPE EN NIIN NG GT TIIM ME ESS FFO OR RG GIIH HSS Tuesdays 8.15 am – 9.45 am Wednesdays 1 pm – 2 pm Fridays 1 pm – 2 pm Shop also located at: 83 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood 5063 Ph: 83570022 Mon – Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturdays: 9.00am – 12.30pm Any enquiries please contact Brandmode on 8357 0022. Thank you. Brandmode Management - 12 -