Subpersonality Integration - The Abundant Energy Expert
Subpersonality Integration - The Abundant Energy Expert
T l! .\. *4t *M \l I I -,,1_- 1q i t FRI'STRA?TOH ll SADF|EsS t Are you feeling blissfully happy right now? lf you look at your life broken down into the following seven categories, how would you score your satisfaction out of 1 0 in each area? . . . . . . . to the raw food lifestyle, you are someone who may either: a. b Health and body image Friends and family Romanticrelationship Emotional/spiritualwellbeing Home/houseilivinglocation Career4ob Money/finances lf you take the time to do this little exercise, I think you'll find it an enlightening one. From my experience of those of us who are drawn have had some signifrcant health challenges, and found that eating raw really he ped, or like me, lust be someone willing to do almost whatever it takes to be really, really happyl For me, happiness meant feelrng energetic and vital, and this is why lwas willing io go to extremes to get as happy as possible. lwas, and will always be, committed to standards of excellence rn all areas of my life, no matter what others say or think ln my personal Journey, I eventually found the right balance in my diet and health regime; lfound the diet and exercise plan that worked for's not '1 00% raw, but I walked away from my sixmonth experiment with that diet very "raw aware" and in the years since, it's been a rare day when I haven't consumed a significant amount of raw food. {I fl I I think lt's important for us all to find the balanced dlet that is best suited to us. However, this quest can go too far. There is a risk that we may be using excessrve control over our diet to try make ourselves happy because other aspects of our lives are not really working. lf you are feeling powerless, out of control or unfulfilled within your relationships, career or any other key area of your life, the satisfaction you get from controlling your diet may be a substitute for resolving these issues. Having a healthy diet is important but we don't want to make our diet "God." lt amuses me when I look at what us humans make "God" in our lives. By "God" I mean those things that take up so much of our attention they become our very identity. Some people's happiness each day is defined entirely by how well they stuck to a diet plan. lt could only be counted as a great day if they stuck to the dlet, and if they didn't then whatever else happened, it was a terrible day. We all know other people whose identity is tied up in their professional status, their appearance, or their possessions - and please don't think l'm saying those things are better "Gods" l'm just happy to have the opportunrty here to look a iittle wider, beyond diet and nutrition - because although these are important contributors towards our health and happ ness, they are far from the whole story. At the end of the day, whatever we choose to put our energy into, we're all going afler a feeling in all our endeavours: feeling happy. At our core at the soul level - we are pure "Essence" or "Source". This part of us is also sometimes referred to as the "Higher Self". Nothing is broken nor needs fixing here. This is the non-physical "lnfinite and Eterna Se f" and it very often has a different agenda than the human self lt simply. "Unresolved subpersonalities may be iust a tiny ffi#Esr-$: 's.sff' '+i+il+H' tu*r*il e-..€ g d f;+,o*.di:' . q,";-y6i,* """;a €;,g.*fu.g* €E*.e tr € + sffii* ;# $€€t# r'itga=* p;g *T 's;*€em$ F#; .*ffi'{,e'{ii:ti +,ts€:ft +*;ce€; H +F.Fgg #ffe,-*u I { . . . Wants to experience life being "good" or "bad" Wants expression Wants expansion - and has no judgement about events - to be creative - to experience ever-expanding potentials for experience . Communicates through feelings and intuition il l t The sou fears nothing and loves everything lt is not "mental" at all. lQ has nothing to do with the soul - this is where the human self comes in. What this means is that while it has great wisdom, it lsn't an expert on practrcal human earth experience. Ithink certain new agers and o d Eastern tradttions give more power to the Hrgher Self versus the human self than it deserves. Things like food and sex are restricted as part of many spiritual practices ln other words, rt is as rf integrating with your Higher Self tnvolves trylng to get out of the body; as if the purely "human" part of our experience is less important or even "bad." But I discovered, to my 1oy, that the soul wants to live through the " human " iI wants to experience life. That's its point. Many spiritual seekers believe they need to limit, restrict and cut off their experience of life But the way to get in touch with your Higher Self is not by leaving the physical body. lt is by diving right into experiencing life and all t has to offer on earth However, here we come on to the matn topic of this article, as what I then discovered is that when we talk about the human self, something we need to understand ls that it is not one thing. Your human self is made up of multip e "subpersonalities". Key to achieving the sustainable happiness we're all after is integrating these human parts back with the Hlgher Se f ! . Understanding subpersonalities Our souls create subpersona lties rn order to feel and p ay dlfferent roles rn life. We have an endless number of them and the vast majority are not a problem; in fact, many are both positive and highiy usef ul. For example, some of us have subpersonalittes that make us brilliant busrnesspeople, publrc speakers, technical experts or musicians, In terms of our energy body, our subpersonaltres are like bubbles of energy rn our energy fields. The non-problematic ones appear when needed, do their lobs and can easily dissolve and integrate back nto our Soul selver aga r. Now, this is a different issue with "problem" subpersonalrties. Problem subpersonalities are those that were created to serve us in some way but they get stuck, and fail to integrate back rnto the Self. Unresolved subpersonalities may be just a tiny part of our total being but take up 90% of our time and our attention - such as those varrous "Gods" ltalked about earlier. Subpersonalities are parts of ourselves that were created unconsciously, and "problem" ones were often created in response to a traumatic event. They are parts that are wounded in some way. These broken subpersonalites take up iots of our psychic, emotiona and physical energy They prevent us from co-creat ng with our Hrgher Selves and feeling the love, bliss and expansion our higher selves have in store for us. In other words they drain our joy and happiness. Here are some examples of unresolved subpersonal ties: o r . e o o o . r . . Fear of public speakrng Fear of snakes or bugs Fear of being vulnerable and expressing love for another Fear of being unattractive/unlovable Fear of failure at work Fear of losing money/income Fear of health issues lnabillty to enjoy sex Feeling ashamed/disgraced/lowself-esteem Feeling unsafe in your body or in the world Fear of being alone/isolated GetFresht 5I The Unintegrated Self - Gets nowhere! The lntegrated Self FO *%vt9 and analysis to deal with problem subpersonalities. This can help short-term awareness of subpersonalities, but it really does not resolve them. Often this mental processing only validates the subpersonalities and makes them stronger. 5o unresolved subpersonalities are often created during times of trauma. They then literally get frozen into our energy body, causing havoc with our minds, emotions and physical health. Once you integrate your subpersonalities, there is an incredible shift in your reality which finally begins to take place and benefits include: . o . . o . . . . Finally experiencing true peace thoughts and emotions - no more nagging mental More energy Needing less sleep Better health Greater clarity You cannot integrate problem subpersonalities by: . . . . . . . . o . Talking to them Cajoling them Distracting yourself f rom them lgnoring them Counsellinq them Arguing or debating with them Pretending everything is alright Denying them Mentally processing them Or just being aware of them You connect to your own "voice of authority,, Bliss and joy Increased psychic and intuitive abilities Ability to experience being the creator of your life Expanding on that last point, finally when you make decisions for your life, you start to be able to manifest what you want, effortlessly! The reason that many people don't seem to get what they want is because they don't really know themselves in the first place. So they set goals which are just goals they "think" they want, but often these of subpersonalities, and these may ignore the soul agenda. And anyway the desires of different subpersonalities are usual y conflicting ! So people don't get where they want to go and the diagrams above illustrate why. The process I advocate for resolving subpersonalites has come about after spending years on my own journey of personal and spiritual development, as well as undertaking some 7,000 consultations with patients, and co-running a clinic where resolving problem subpersonalities was critical for recovery. It is more material than can be communicated in one article, but would like to offer Get Fresh! readers access to this information. I have written a report, The Process for Resolving Problem I Subpersonalities and Overcoming the Pitfalls to Integration, and you can get it for free by simply visiting my website - www.nikigratrix. com - and signing up to my newsletter. I So how do we integrate our unresolved Niki Gratrix subpersonalities? is an NTC-registered The approach I advocate is different from traditional psychology In traditronal psychology, the Soul is not acknowledged, so the fact that all of us at our core are pure essence, with nothing to fix, is ignored. Like many powerf ul religions, traditional psychology tends to teach us that we are broken at the core and need to fix ourselves. ln addition, traditional psychology uses a lot of mental processing 52 Efficient creation! +.+-) Your blissful future is your past, healed Unresolved subpersonalities are the reason most people don,t easily get what they want in their lives. They are like karma * if we have a subpersonality from the past that has low self-esteem, we tend to attract people who wjll treat us badly in the future as well. - GetFreshl roip roN BANr) nutritionist and a Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) coach. She specialises in CFS/ME and optimal wellbeing, and offers private consultations by phone or in person. For more information, visit or email [email protected] or [email protected]