Transformed: How God Changes Us Women`s Ministry Events
Transformed: How God Changes Us Women`s Ministry Events
VOL. 6 ISSUE 2 JAN. 18, 2015 GREATER MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH • 1801 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. AUSTIN TEXAS 78702 • LEAD PASTOR GAYLON CLARK Transformed: How God Changes Us Women’s Do not conform to pattern of this world but be transformed by the Ministry renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 Events sizes, no matter where you are ou were created to Y experience life with other people, and that’s why at Greater, we encourage you to get into a small group. A small group is a group of three or more people who gather each week to hang out, study the Word, and pray together. This semester most of our groups are studying the 7 key areas in our lives God wants to TRANSFORM, like our Spiritual Health, Physical Health, Mental Health, and Vocational Health to name a few. Other groups for men, women, singles, and couples are studying a curriculum specific to their interests. Groups come in all shapes and there is a group for you. The small group catalog lists our groups with openings this winter semester. To join a group, complete a GMZ Connection Card with your contact information and on the back of the connection card write the ID# of the group you would like to join. It's that easy, but if you want an even easier way to sign up for a group this fall you can sign up via Access ACS! The winter semester begins Feb. 8 and ends April 17. If you have questions contact Denise Sockwell at [email protected] or 512.478.7578. Making Marriages Greater: Valentine’s Date Night Join us Friday, Feb. 13, at 7:15 p.m., as we celebrate A Special Date Night; Rekindle the Romance at The Westin Austin at the Domain, 11301 Domain Drive, for a Valentine's Day event. The event will include dinner, dancing and enjoying each other's company. Don't miss the opportunity to make and renew friendships in a relaxing atmosphere. This Making Marriages Greater event is designed for married couples. Tickets are $75 per couple and can be purchased on Access ACS starting today. Contact Don and Nell Walker at [email protected], for additional information. G MZ Women, gear up for a fantastic 2015. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events: The first Women's Gathering of the year will be held Saturday, Jan. 24 at 9 a.m. We'll be continuing our book study in The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. We will be discussing two book segments, My Integrity and My Heart. Download the study guides from the GMZ website at floating5.php. Beth Moore is speaking to a sold out crowd in Austin on Friday, Jan. 30. GMZ has reserved seating for 40 women! Get your $20 ticket today from the GMZ Media Center. Save the date for the GMZ Women's Retreat: March 2728 in Marble Falls at The Retreat at Camp Balcones Springs. Cost is $85 per person. Registration begins Jan. 25. Dance Open Enrollment The Dance Creative Arts Ministry hosts its winter open enrollment period. If you have a desire to join either dance ministry, reach out to the following ministry leaders. Open enrollment ends March 1. Greater Praise Dance Ministry Girls 8 years old and up Practice: Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Promiseland Leader: Neasel Conner, [email protected] or 512.627.8450 (contact before attending) Epiphany Dance Ministry Adults 18 years old and up Practice: Fridays 6:30-9: 30 p.m. Sanctuary Leader: Robyn Dean [email protected] SUNDAYS | CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Greater Children’s Ministry is available for children 6-months to 6th-grade in Promiseland on the second floor behind the baptismal pool. Contact: Pamela LeDay, Children’s Director [email protected]. SUNDAYS |TEEN WORSHIP SERVICE Rebel Zone, a worship experience for middle and high school students to worship God freely and to filter Truth from Lies...Faith from Fantasy, is held Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Bacon Center. Contact: Student Pastor Kevin White, 512.413.0140. SUNDAYS | CONNECTION CARD Complete the Prayer Request Card located in the back of the pews and designated areas in the balcony. Place your request in one of the white prayer boxes in the church foyer or in the front of the sanctuary. SUNDAYS | RIDES FROM COLLEGE TO CHURCH Pick up locations/times: UT, Jester West 9:20 a.m.; 11:20 a.m.; Texas State, LBJ Student Center (bus stop semi-circle) and Bobcat Village Apartment Clubhouse, 10:50 a.m.; St. Edwards, Pearle & Roberts Ragsdale bldg. (Loading dock), 11:20 a.m.; Huston-Tillotson, front entrance (on Chicon),11:30 a.m. Contact: Rev. Vecente’ Coatney II, 584.0553. TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY The GMZ Transportation Ministry provides transportation for all who are in need to come to worship service. We dedicate ourselves to the Kingdom of God by providing a safe and convenient way for seniors, youth, and physically-challenged members a way to attend GMZ services. To serve, contact Gary Allen at [email protected]. MEDIA BOOKSTORE/ONLINE BOOKSTORE CDs, DVDs of today's sermon and books on spiritual living can be purchased after service in the media sales bookstore to your left before you exit the main sanctuary or online at SUNDAYS | LORD SUPPER OBSERVANCE The Lord’s Supper is observed on the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, and also on the third Sunday of each month, during each worship service. SUNDAYS | SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS 10 A.M. Sunday School meets each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the church portable buildings next to the Craig House. Classes are available for both men and women. JAN 19 | MLK MARCHAND CELEBRATION The Annual Community March celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy while uplifting diversity and multiculturalism in our city. The MLK Community March kicks off this Monday, Jan. 19 at 9 a.m. with a short program at the MLK Statue on the University of Texas campus. We will then march on to the historic HustonTillotson University. All businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals are invited to march and celebrate Dr. King’s legacy. JAN 31 | TRINITY UNIVERSITY VISIT GMZ students are invited to visit Trinity University in San Antonio on Saturday, Jan. 31. The van will depart from the GMZ parking lot at 7:30 a.m. For more information contact, Floyd L. Henson at 512.587.3815. OurSTAFF CONNECT WITH GMZ VIA ACCESS ACS Access ACS connects you to Greater and Greater to you. If you experience any problems with Access ACS e-mail Kim Walker at [email protected]. GREATER HOPE CENTER Greater H.O.P.E. Center offers several serving opportunities for individuals or groups. The Greater H.O.P.E. Center is located at 4136 E 12th Street. Hours are: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30-7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign up via Access ACS or contact Pam Holt at 512.457.0999 or 512.803.6201. CHURCH UNDER THE BRIDGE Serve with GMZ at Church Under the Bridge (CUB) on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 7th Street and IH-35 across from the police station. CUB is a combined effort of churches in Austin serving the homeless. Meet us at the Bacon Center at 9am for prayer and preparation for our time under the bridge. Email [email protected] for more information. The service starts at 10 a.m. STAY CONNECTED TO THE GREATER NATION: LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: DOWNLOAD THE GREATER MT. ZION APP: Available on iTunes and Google Play Gaylon Clark, Lead Pastor [email protected] Denise Sockwell, Business Manager [email protected] Kevin White, Student Pastor [email protected] Rishonna Kindred, Receptionist [email protected] Aseante Hylick, Director of Programming [email protected] Kim Walker, Database Administrator [email protected] Pamela LeDay, Children’s Director [email protected] Clarence Conner, Media Director [email protected] Marcus Walker, Director of Music and Creative Arts [email protected] Vecente’ Coatney, II, Director of University Ministries [email protected] OfficeHOURS: Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. ALL (MEDIA AND NEWSLETTER) SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE MONDAYS AT NOON Send all announcements to [email protected]. Submissions may be sent on or before Mondays at noon to be considered for publication, and are subject to editing. DO NOT send attachments, but type directly in the e-mail message. Articles (200 words or less); announcements (50 words or less); high resolution (300 dpi) photos and graphics. Photo submissions must identify persons and action in the photo.
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