Boyz 2 Men trip to Dallas for Man Up event is a success
Boyz 2 Men trip to Dallas for Man Up event is a success
Vol. 2 Issue 39 Oct. 23, 2011 Leader G reater M t . Z ion B aptist C hurch l w Way 1801 P ennsylvania A ve . A ustin T exas 78702 l Life L ead P astor G aylon C l a r k Boyz 2 Men trip to Dallas for Man Up event is a success b2M boys travel to Dallas for the Man Up event where they learned how to overcome the challenges they face in becoming biblical men. by Earl Lloyd [email protected] B oyz 2 Men (b2M) would like thank GMZ for making the Man Up event a success. We realized that this was more than an event but part of a movement. We had a total of 85 participants comprised of 55 boys, 18 men and 12 ladies. Men were able to make meaningful connections with boys that will never be forgotten. People don’t remember days they remember moments. During this trip, b2M captured moments and looks forward to more. The event consisted of a short film, an intriguing panel discussion and an intense concert. Each element focused on the six challenges males face in becoming a man from a biblical perspective and how to respond to them. The challenges identified were Authority, Envy, Responsibility, Courage, Temptation (Sexual), and Repentance. b2M asks that you join us in prayer about how you can help us continue to connect men to boys that need a chaperone on the road to manhood. When men do this, they are not only calling out the man inside the boy, but they also allow God to call out the boy inside of them. All men can identify an area in which they need to man up. Two of these areas are courage and responsibility. It takes courage to say yes to God and invest in the life of a boy. It takes responsibility to say yes to God and enlarge your perspective of family. The time is now for men to step up and challenge other men to do the same. For more information about b2M contact Earl Lloyd earl. [email protected] or Chris Simmons [email protected]. Scores of people including b2M mentor Jason Meador (front) wait in line for the Man Up Event in Dallas. GreaterLeader TODAY | INVITATION CARE TEAM TRAINING Hey GMZ, many of you have been asking how to get involved with the Invitation Care Team. This is it. The last training for the year is today at noon in Portable 2. You’ll get personal training on how to help someone begin or restart their spiritual journey. We’ll show you how to lead someone to Jesus or recommit their life to Him, and how to join Greater. Come learn how to introduce someone to a Greater Leader, the Greater Way and the Greater Life. SUNDAYS | SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS 10 A.M. Sunday School meets each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the church portable buildings next to the Craig House. Classes are available for both men and women. SUNDAYS | GMZ SICK AND SHUT-IN LISTS The Greater Members’ list for our sick and shut-in members, is available in the literature holders in the hallway at the back of the church and in the foyer. For more info, contact Estelle Brooks (Greater Care) at [email protected]. SUNDAYS | CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Greater Children’s Ministry is available for children 6-months to 6th grade in Promiseland on the second floor behind the baptismal pool. Contact: Rev. Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, csjackson@gmzaustin. org, 633.3277. SUNDAYS| TEEN WORSHIP SERVICE Da Cypha Worship Service, a worship experience for teens to worship God freely and to filter Truth from Lies...Faith from Fantasy, is held Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Bacon Center. Contact: Student Pastor Kevin White, 413.0140. SUNDAYS| RIDES FROM COLLEGE TO CHURCH Pick up locations/times: UT, Jester West and Kinsolving Dorm, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.; Texas State, LBJ Student Center (bus stop semi-circle), 11 a.m.; St. Edwards, Pearle & Roberts Ragsdale bldg.(Loading dock), 11:35 a.m.; Huston-Tillotson, front entrance faces Chicon), 11:45 a.m. Contact: Rev. Vecente’ Coatney II, 584.0553. LOST AND FOUND Are you missing a Bible, the mate to an earring or bracelet; a pair of eyeglasses or your child’s favorite blanket or rattle? Check the GMZ’s Lost and Found for these missing items and other beloved items that you may have misplaced. The lost and found is located off of the main hallway in the choir room right next to the ladies restroom. For more info: contact Rishonna Kindred, at [email protected]. WALLS SERIES AVAILABLE IN THE MEDIA CENTER Don’t forget to purchase the series on destroying walls; unhealthy mindsets that keep us from living the life that God intended. The CD series is $15, DVD series $30. W GreaterWay OCT 28 |“SOMETHING BIG...” Lock In It’s back….The Children Ministry’s 2nd Annual Lock-In will be held from 7 p.m. on Oct. 28 until 7 a.m. on Oct. 29. That’s right. We are going to worship, dance, praise, jump, learn and everything in between. Third through 6th grade participants and volunteers should register through Access ACS. Volunteer shifts are available. For details: Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, [email protected], 633.3277. 8pm Nov. 7 thru Dec. 12. Participants must pre-register for the entire series. GMZ Fellowship Hall. Space is limited. Register with Aleah Smith Clark 415.0539 or [email protected]. GreaterLife TUES/THURS|COMMUNITY OUTREACH Opens Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 469.9020 for an appointment. SAT | FOOD & CLOTHING PANTRY Opens Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Info: 469.9020. WED | FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Austin Lifecare East offers free pregnancy testing and counseling at the Community Outreach Center, Wednesdays, 1-5 p.m. Call 279.9350 for an appointment Stay connected to GMZ Like our Facebook Page: Greater Mt. Zion Church Follow @greatermtzion on Twitter OCT 29 | FALL PLANTING PARTY Come join us for a Fall Planting Party on Saturday October 29th at 9am at the GMZ Soular Food Garden behind the Bacon Center. For more info call 294.7159 or e-mail [email protected]. In the Word NOV 7 |FREE COOKING CLASSES GMZ trained facilitators and The Happy Kitchen present a Healthy Cooking Series in the Fellowship Hall. You will leave confident in the kitchen and with groceries to cook at home Mondays 6:30- Oct. 30 Rev. Vecente’ Coatney TODAY GMZ welcomes guest speaker Rev. Leroy Armstrong OurStaff Gaylon Clark, Lead Pastor [email protected] Sharon DeHorney, Admin. Assistant [email protected] | 731.2499 Sean Watkins, Ministry Assistant [email protected] | 589.9823 SUNDAYS | SHUTTLE SERVICES Shuttle services are available to and from church by the Transportation Ministry. Info: 478.7578, ext. 316. Contact: [email protected] or call 423.5794. Kevin White, Student Pastor [email protected] | 413.0140 SUNDAYS | PRAYER REQUESTS Complete the Prayer Request Card located in the back of the pews, and designated areas in the balcony. Place your request in one of the white prayer boxes in the church foyer or in the front of the sanctuary. Sherwynn Patton, Missions Pastor [email protected] | 297.3198 Shedrach Rowry, Worship Pastor [email protected] | 507.3124 Aseante Scales, Director of Programming [email protected] | 203.4135 Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, Children’s Director [email protected] | 633.3277 Denise Sockwell, Business Manager [email protected] | 922.3497 Brian Balque, Facilities Mgr./ Transportation [email protected] | 423.5794 Rishonna Kindred, Receptionist [email protected] Kim Walker, Database Administrator [email protected] OfficeHours: Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
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