WORSHIP GROW SERVE - Silverdale Baptist Church


WORSHIP GROW SERVE - Silverdale Baptist Church
Uniquely Silverdale
Sneak Peek at
Upcoming Events
125th Anniversary
7236 Bonny Oaks Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421
his October, we are celebrating the 125th
anniversary of Silverdale Baptist Church.
In 1889, 13 baptized followers of Jesus
Christ established our church. Back then, this
was just a remote farming community. Early
converts were baptized in the branch next to
our current church facilities. The church was
known for its straight-forward preaching and
singing. Because of the influence of this church,
it was said that “the Silverdale Community
was built up spiritually.” During the Great
Depression, the church survived and thrived. By
the beginning of World War II, they had hired
their first fulltime pastor, Rev. Burke Cate. The
church has always given to missions and been
mission-minded, but in 1954 they appointed their
first missionary, Carolyn Cate Farah, to serve in
Gaza. The church also had a heart for educating
the next generation and in 1969 they started a
kindergarten. Through the decades, this church
has had people of vision and faith. One example
of this was in 1980. They knew that the church
was landlocked so by faith they claimed the
property next door. Eight years later, this land
miraculously became available. This is the very
property where our
present worship
center is located. Silverdale Baptist
Church today is
recognized as one
of the fastest
growing and
most mission
churches in
Photos clockwise from top: building in 1940s,
congregation from 1946, property after 1997
construction, new building in 1961.
ill celebrate 125 years of God’s greatness
and faithfulness.
What is sad is that most people in our
society will look at a church anniversary as a
non-event. In recent years, the church has
gotten a bad rap. Most people look at the
church as a religious institution or a stuffy old
building, but the church is neither an institution
nor a building. It is people. The Bible calls the
church the Temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16) where we
gather to worship. We are the Bride of Christ
(Eph. 5:25-27), which speaks of our intimate love
relationship with Jesus. We are also called the
Family of God (Eph. 2:19). God is our Father,
America. We have amazing worship services
and one of the best Christian schools in the
Southeast. But we are the church we are today
because we are standing on shoulders of those
who have gone before us. Our church’s passion
for the Word of God, worship, missions and
educating the next generation all have their
roots in the faithful saints who established
and built up this church decades ago. We have
so much to celebrate as Silverdale Baptist
Church. On October 19 at 10:30 AM, all five of
our worship services will gather together in one
celebration service on the football field. We
Jesus is our brother and each of us are
adopted into God’s family. The term
used most to describe the church is the
Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27). We are the
hands and feet of Jesus Christ in this lost
I believe that the local church is the hope
of the world. It is the church alone that
God has entrusted with the message of
salvation, which alone changes people’s
lives and hearts. It was in the church
where I first heard the gospel and my life
was totally changed. I love the church. I
honestly believe that the church is God’s
answer to this broken world. There is no
organization or endeavor on this planet
that is more important than what God
is doing through His church, so it is my
passion that every person maximizes
their participation in the church. You
need to give as generously and serve as
sacrificially as possible so that our church
can reach its full redemptive potential.
Christ is building up His church at
Silverdale, and He is using it to touch
lives today and change eternities forever.
That is worth celebrating!
Photos clockwise from top: new
entrance constucted in 2013, Saturday
night service, VBS at Silverdale, Sanctuary after 2011 remodel.
God is doing amazing things in every one
of our worship services. You do not want
to miss what Christ is doing. See you this
I love you,
Pastor Tony
U N I Q u e lY
A lot has changed at Silverdale in the last 125
years. And yet, a lot has stayed the same.
When it began, the church became known for its
preaching and its worship, two features that remain
the focus here at Silverdale today. The church
began with one worship service in 1889, and today
we are grateful to offer five main worship services,
along with additional services specific to children
and students.
Sundays @ 9:30 & 11:00 AM (Sanctuary)
Sundays @ 8:15 & 11:00 AM (Creekside)
Saturdays @ 6:00 PM (Sanctuary)
NEW Creekside Service
on Sundays at 8:15 AM
Beginning September 14
NEW Worship
this fall!
Middle & High School
Exit 7 Services on Wednesdays
This fall middle and
high school students will
enjoy their own separate
worship services rather
than one combined
student service. Middle
School meets at
6:15 PM & High School
meets at 7:15 PM.
Our 11:00 AM Creekside service has been
meeting in the SMB since last September, and
one year later we’re excited to launch a second
Creekside service on Sundays at 8:15! The
two services will
be identical, but
now we’ll have
more room to
Give yourself a mommy
break by attending MOPS on Mondays at 9:30 AM
(twice a month). All moms
of children birth through
preschool age are welcome,
and childcare is provided
(you MUST register).
College students and young adults now have
an opportunity to worship and grow together
in a service specifically for them. Join in
weekly for food,
worship, and
small groups.
Financial Peace University
Sundays at 9:30 AM
beginning September 14
Register online for the kickoff
meeting, come check it out,
and then decide whether you
want to join for the semester!
Live debt-free by learning to handle
your money God’s way! This 9-week
study by Dave Ramsey can help you
learn to spend and save wisely.
Register at silverdalebc.com/
Register with Sue Lakey (slakey@
[One thing that makes] Silverdale unique is ministry
to every part of the body. Silverdale endeavors to
minister to infants, children, students, young adults,
senior citizens, married, single, widowed, divorced,
adoptive parents/children, those with addictions, moms
of preschoolers…the list goes on and on.
- Susan Moss,
Church Member & Staff Ministry Assistant
The many discipleship opportunities at Silverdale
testify of the desire to help members grow in their faith.
Here are four great ways to grow this fall.
Boundaries in Marriage
Sundays @ 11:00 AM
or Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
The Bridge College & Career Service
on Sundays @ 6:00 PM
MOPS Kickoff
Monday, Sept. 15
Protect your marriage and give it the
opportunity to flourish by learning healthy
boundaries. Only when a husband and
wife know and respect each other’s needs,
choices, and freedom can they give
themselves freely
and lovingly to
one another.
Register with Sue
Lakey (slakey@
Bible Studies
Various Days & Times
Our Men’s, Women’s and Counseling
Ministries and Silverdale Bible Institute offer a
variety of classes that address specific topics
and equip you to grow in your relationship
with Christ.
Childcare is provided for all classes that meet
during our weekend or Wednesday services.
See available classes at silverdalebc.com/
grow/grow-through-study and silverdalebc.
Silverdale is also unique because the heart of the
church is missions, reaching out to others both here
in our community and around the world. Church
members live this out by inviting friends to church
with them, sharing with others what Christ has done
in their own lives, participating in mission trips, giving
to missionaries and organizations, and partnering with
local ministries.
There is something for everyone to get involved in,
whether it is small groups, mission trips, Bible studies,
helping with preschool, Prime Timers, choir… This
place is definitely not a place for a pew sitter!
– Ann Heck, Staff Ministry Assistant
Jump in this fall by helping with
one of the following ministries!
News about Upcoming Events
Fall Festival
Wednesday, October 29
5:30-8:00 PM
Tyner Rec Center
By hosting this night of safe and
family-friendly entertainment at the
Tyner Recreation Center, we have the
opportunity to reach out to families in
our local community. Our members
run booths with fun games for kids and
provide free refreshments for the whole
family. Volunteer to help this year!
Sign up in your small group or contact
Michael Steffey
([email protected]).
Ladies Christmas
Reach out to women in our community
who could use some encouragement
and would benefit from hearing the
truth of God’s word by inviting them to
the annual Ladies Christmas Tea. The
evening includes dinner and a program.
To host a table, contact Beth Bateman
([email protected]). Don’t wait,
tables sell out quickly!
Small Groups: Sundays @ 9:30 & 11 AM
Cubbies & Puggles: Wednesdays @ 6:15 PM
MOPS: Kickoff, Monday, Sept. 15 @ 9:30 AM
Discovery 101: Wednesdays (3-week class), October 1,
15, & 22 @ 6:30 PM
Discovery 101: Saturday, October 25 @ 9 AM
Small Groups: Sundays @ 9:30 AM
Kids Quest: Saturdays @ 6 PM & Sundays @ 11 AM
AWANA: Wednesdays @ 6:15 PM
Fall Festival: Wednesday, Oct. 29, 5:30 – 8 PM
Middle School Exit 7: Wednesdays @ 6:15 PM
High School Exit 7: Wednesdays @ 7:15 PM
No Exit 7: Oct. 29 & Nov. 26
D-Groups: Sundays @ 9 AM (except Oct.19)
After School Hours: Wednesdays @ 3 PM
The Bridge Fall Retreat: Oct. 3-5
Small Group: Sundays @ 9:30 AM
Service & Small Groups: Sundays @ 6 PM
No Small Groups or Service: Oct. 19 & Nov. 30
Operation Christmas Child
Many children around the world go without
basic items like soap and toothbrushes, and
they may never have a toy to call their own.
By packing a shoebox with toiletries and
simple toys, we can share the love of Jesus
Christ with children and open up opportunities
to share the gospel with their entire family.
Shoeboxes and brochures will be available in
the Atrium beginning October 11.
Drop off filled
boxes by
November 19.
Individual tickets ($18) will be on sale
in the Atrium beginning
October 25 & 26.
Photo courtesy of Samaritan’s Purse®
Singles Coffeehouse: Sept. 20, Oct. 18 & Nov. 29
Small Groups: Sundays @ 8, 9:30 & 11 AM, Saturdays
@ 4:30 PM (except Oct. 19) and various times
throughout the week
PLACE Workshop: Wednesdays (3-week class),
November 5, 12, & 19 @ 6:30 PM
The Man Cave: Sept. 6, Oct. 4 & Nov. 1 @ 8 AM
Single Parent Oil Change Clinic: Saturday, Oct. 11
Fishers of Men: Saturdays @ 8 AM
Iron Men: Wednesdays @ 6 PM
The Refuge: Wednesdays @ 6 PM
Expecting to See Jesus: Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
The Explicit Gospel: Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Can Do Kids: Tuesdays @ 10 AM
Desperate Dependency: Tuesdays @ 10 AM
Children of the Day: Wednesdays @ 10 AM or 6:30 PM
Beautiful Mess: Wednesdays@ 6:30 PM; Starts Oct. 1
He Speaks to Me: Wednesdays @ 10 AM; Starts Oct. 1
Primetimers: Sept. 9, Nov. 11 @ 11 AM
Trip to Cumberland County Playhouse: Saturday,
Sept. 20
Trip to Wooden’s Apple Orchard: Tuesday, Oct. 2
Primetimers at Cloudland Canyon: Tuesday, Oct. 14
Mission Trip to Mobile, AL: Oct. 19-23
BBQ at Harrison Bay State Park: Thursday, Nov. 6 @
5 PM
Trip to Social Circle, GA: Thursday, Nov. 13
Trip to Samaritan’s Purse Warehouse: Monday, Nov. 24
Zambia Marriage Conference Trip: Oct. 4-15
Dominican Republic Trip: Oct. 4-11
Peru Trip: Oct. 4-11
Boundaries in Marriage: Sundays @ 11 AM and
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Financial Peace University: Sundays @ 9:30 AM
Women’s Specialty Group: Mondays @ 12 PM
Moms Embracing Hope: Mondays @ 9:30 AM
Open Door Prayer Hour: Mondays @ 9 AM
Family Raising Family: 1st Wednesday of every month
@ 6:30 PM
Band of Brothers: Email bandofbrothers@silverdalebc.
com for info
New Days: Email [email protected] for info
Men’s Addiction Group: Email mensaddictiongroup@
silverdalebc.com for info
Worship Services: Sundays @ 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM,
Saturdays @ 6 PM (except Oct. 18 & 19), Wednesdays
@ 6:30 PM (except Oct. 8, 29 & Nov. 26)
125th Anniversary Celebration: Sunday, Oct. 19 @
10:30 AM
Office Closed: Nov. 27-28
Thanksgiving Service: Tuesday, Nov. 25
This feature should serve as an overview of the events & programs of
our church’s ministries. For details about any of these, please contact
the church office, the minister in charge of a specific ministry, or refer to
the church website: www.silverdalebc.com.
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Chattanooga, TN
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7236 Bonny Oaks Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Scan with your smart phone
to visit our website.
125th Anniversary
Celebration Weekend
Sunday, October 19 at 10:30 AM
• This service will be held on the football field.
• Bleachers will be open for those who need them, but most need to sit on the
field. Bring chairs and blankets to sit on with your family.
• There will be designated areas for senior adult, hearing impaired, and
handicapped seating.
• All children are welcome at the service! No childcare will be provided. (The
service should only last about one hour.)
• We would love for you to bring a picnic lunch and hang out after the service
to enjoy music and one another’s company.
• During the service, we’ll present the Community Kitchen with
the money we’ve raised toward building and furnishing the
family reception and children’s play areas at their new family
ALL 5 services will
shelter. Make sure you give toward our $50,000 goal by
meet TOGETHER in
October 12!
ONE celebration
• In case of rain, Sunday services will meet as usual in the
service on October 19
Sanctuary at 9:30 and 11:00 AM and Creekside at 11:00 AM
at 10:30 AM. Here
(children will attend services with their parents).
are some important
details to help you
plan ahead.
ONE church. ONE service. Celebrating 125 years!