Creating a Lean Culture at Family HealthCare Network
Creating a Lean Culture at Family HealthCare Network
California Improvement Network Presentation September 29, 29 2010 Steven Palmer, MD Jay Kelley Norma Verduzco Chief Medical Officer Chief Information Officer Director of Operations Projects & Support Services Adriana Carrillo Marisol de la Vega Cardoso Enrollment Referrals Director of Quality Improvement Representative ` ` ` Learn how to implement Lean approach in an ambulatory care setting. Learn the benefits of Lean healthcare approach. approach How FHCN used a Lean approach for its EHR implementation this year with no decrease in productivity. 2 ` ` ` Sites: 11 Clinical + 3 Admin Annual patients: 101,967* Annual encounters: 492,683* Clinical Support Staff: 450 ` ` Clinicians: 88 ` Dentists: 14 Ancillary Support Services: ` • 3 Nutritionists Nutritionists, 1 Registered Dietician Dietician, 5 Behavioral Health Providers, Providers • 1 Chiropractor, 8 Radiology Technicians *2009 UDS Report 3 ` ` Lean is a set of concepts, principles, and tools used to create and deliver the most value from the customer’s perspective while consuming the fewest resources. This is about Overall Performance –Not Not Silos! 4 “Your system is perfectly designed to produce the results you are getting” -Frederick Taylor 5 •Concept introduced by the CMO •Opportunity Opportunity to improve efficiency and to test our assumptions. •Reduce duplication of effort in work flows. •Reduce the beauracracy and hoops to jump through created by us. •Opportunity to do something different…we could not keep on doing the same thing. •There was a sense of urgency. 6 • Introduction of Lean Concepts: • Two books became building blocks: •L Lean ffor Practitioners P ii (Mark Eaton) • Sustaining Lean Healthcare Programmes: A practical survival guide (Mark Eaton & Simon Phillips) • Required q reading g for Senior Leadership p • Decision made to accept this as a quality improvement methodology 7 • • Required reading for Leadership Team (Directors and Managers) • Operations Team (Supervisors) • QI Team • Other departments Hired a consultant with a “Black Black Belt” Belt in Six Sigma/Lean methodologies to support the organization to introduce lean concepts for improvements, in particular to utilize in review and development of its future workflows leading to EHR. 8 ` Staff were nominated by their Supervisors ◦ Knowledgeable in their areas ◦ Not afraid to speak up ◦ Open to change; ◦ Team was completely multi-disciplinary multi-disciplinary. ◦ Consultant used a hybrid of an actual Lean Six Sigma project. x x x x Used components of defining the process Identified project scope Performed value stream mapping Activities produced several quick hit processes that could be retooled to eliminate waste and begin to streamline the process. x Ease of making an appointment/Phone System x Wait time associated with getting an appointment and waiting to be seen x Completion of paperwork 9 ` ` ` ` ` D Define the problem “Lean” eliminates waste ◦ Voice of the Business “Six Sigma” reduces ◦ Voice of the Customer Variation in the process M Measure the problem ◦ Value Stream Mapping A Analyze y for and isolate Root Causes ◦ Customer Requirements ◦ Analyze data using hypothesis, etc. I Set improvements targeting the root causes ◦ Eliminate waste and create process to meet customer requirements C Create Control plan(s) to measure and keep process fixed 10 ` Value added for our patients ` Non-value added and waste ` ` Consider Business Requirements (Essential non-value added) Maximize use off our systems…facilitate f l pull ll through of the patient through our clinics 11 ` ` ` ` ` ` Helps people understand how the process works now Helps well H l people l understand d t d and d reach h agreementt on how h ll the process is working Helps uncover waste and problems with flow in the value stream Helps people reach agreement on what changes need to be made H l people Helps l reach h agreement on how h to ensure that h those h changes are made Helps teach people Lean thinking and tools 12 How we used Lean during the implementation of the Electronic Health Record 13 2/26/09 through 3/3/10 = 370 days 14 Data moving into EHR Demographics Appointments HPM (PM System) EHR sending Data out EHR IC-Chart Lab ab O Orders de s Quest Lab Results Quest Transcriptions MxSecure Rx Eligibility HUB g Charges HPM (PM System) Includes: •Visit Entryy (Templates) •Order Entry •Prenatal •E Prescribe •E-Prescribe Immunizations CVIIS/CAIR E prescribing and E-prescribing E-Faxing SureScripts Dental Dentrix 15 ` ` EHR Leadership Team ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ CEO, CIO CMO,CDO Medical Directors IS Project Director & IS Staff VP of Operations and Operations Directors VP of Finance & Billing Director QI & Admin Support Training Team Members ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Providers Dental Team Medical Assistants F Front R Reception i &D Data E Entry & Billi Billing Referral & Radiology Dispensary Health Information Central Appointments & Community Rep Engaged CORE Team – Lean Concept 16 ` ` Goal: Preserving Value with Less Work in the development of EHR Front Line Staff selected ◦ Experienced, Vocal, with initiative, global thinking ◦ Exposed to Lean Concepts with early project in April ` B Brought h in i their h i expertise i ◦ Helped evaluate current workflows ◦ Key input for future EHR workflows ` Became part of the Build and Design Team for IC-Chart 17 ` ` Breakdown by position All areas represented ◦ Some Lean Team members were experts in more than 1 area ` Provided key input on streamlining current processes in the future EHR workflow Breakdown of Lean Team Representation Central Appointments Central Appointments Community Relations Rep Health Information Dispensary Clerk Enrollment Referral Rep Radiology Staff Receptionist & Data Entry & Billing Team Dental Assistant & Reception Medical Assistants Dentist Behavioral Health Nutritionist Health Educators Total 35 15 50 16 15 20 80 18 35 150 15 6 3 18 Lean Representative 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 476 17 ◦ E.g. Reduction of Forms from 900 to approximately 250. 18 ` ` ` p Team Commitment: Leadership ◦ Tuesdays & Wednesdays committed to EHR as much as possible Lean Team Participation – Wednesdays Pulling g in Subject j Matter Experts p as necessary y ` Workflow Design System Build Workflow Testing PDSA - Plan Do Study Act Communication of Changes ` Weekly Calls with Vendors on Interfaces ` ` ` ` 19 ` ` ` ` ` Trainers Active since August i A Participating in Build u d & Decision ec s o sessions Developed T i i Training Material PILOT and Final Modules Super Users 20 ` ` ` ` ` ` Ramp Up Double Documentation Clarify & Train & Check-off Address Issues Stress Test F il O Fail Over T Testt Week 2/8 Week 2/15 Week 2/22 Week 3/1 21 Numbers for March ` ` ` ` ` ` Visit For the Day: Labs Ordered: Prescriptions: p Referrals to Specialists Ordered: In-house Radiology Ordered: Telemedicine l d Services Ordered: d d 3/3 1,891 1 891 297 847 21 21 5 3/16 2,017 2 017 378 929 144 51 9 Super Users at All Sites providing Support Communication Sessions 2 times per day during Go-Live week Compare 03/3/09, Visits for the Day: 1,936 22 23 Numbers for Sept. ` ` ` ` ` ` Visit For the Day: Labs Ordered: Prescriptions: Referrals to Specialists Ordered: In-house ouse Radiology ad o ogy O Ordered: de ed Telemedicine Services Ordered: 9/1 1,944 391 963 146 75 5 6 9/15 1,977 443 1 026 1,026 140 65 5 24 Daily Total Visits* by Location September 2010 2,100 2,000 1,970 1,900 , 2,004 1,901 1,800 1,860 2,007 1,999 1,861 1,776 1,698 1,700 1,934 1,768 1,649 Prod ductivity y 1,600 1,521 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1 000 1,000 900 800 700 547 538 600 500 372 400 300 200 100 - Wed Thurs 01 Pville 02 Ivnhoe Fri Sat 03 V Bridge Mon Tues 04 Wdlke Wed Thurs 05 Spgvlle 06 C/O Fri Sat 07 ThRivrs Mon Tues 08 V Oak Wed Thurs 09 Hnfrd 10 Gosh Fri Sat 11 Putnam Mon Series12 (*) Total Visits include Non-Billable Visits (Departments 710 Health Promotion and 320 Nutrition) 25 ` Identified Staff Educational Gaps ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Comprehension of a need to change QI Terms and Concepts Change management techniques Project management skills Lean terms are confusing 26 ` ` ` Identify and skill up staff embedded at each of the locations Align organizational behaviors I Introduce d additional ddi i l system iintegration i workshops 27 Jay Kelley, CIO [email protected] Steven Palmer, MD, CMO [email protected] Norma Verduzco, Director of Operations Projects and Support Services nverduzco@fhcn org [email protected] Marisol de la Vega Cardoso, Director of QI [email protected] g g