Pre-visit Medical/Mobility Questionnaire
Pre-visit Medical/Mobility Questionnaire
Itty観 脱量 ,tittTΨ :蹄 lppointlilllent at ル E7′ Jθ ′ fθ ,,tθ ば 働 ∫ am/pm on: η &竹 わ ″ ご 師 覚席脇笙 イ PRE― Ⅶ SIT Ⅷ DICAL QWSTIO幽 俎 駆 NSIP1/‐ σrFθ ハタ is lengthy, it is h,ealth. o,,*:::^,,:is form medical your abol,t questions greatly assist Please the folloluing before your appointntent will in?o,nation ,h'i, co*ptriing designecl to be very t';ir:rrin. together' exam ancllest use your time the doctor to be focused in you. Date of Evaluation: Narlle Of Patienti ient,please fillin thiS bOX: lf yOLl are COmpleting thiS fOr7n On behalf Ofthe pat 'ATIENT DEMOGttPHICS APT. STREET: STATE cITY: ZIP: cell: PHONE (Home): AGE:_____ SEX: DATE OF BIRTH: Who is Your Priroary doctor? Dr' Cffit Address: Phone number: ( Fax Number: ( .t **t t"*'t PrimarY PhYsician □ Male □ Female PRESE NTDiG PROBLENI WIho refeπ ed you to tlle ⅣIcmo宣 /Cli五 c? May we contact the refen'ing physician? o No O Y es Please briefly describe what memory problem(s) you are experiencing: Did these changes have an abrupt onset (for example, Did these changes have a gradueal onset (for normal one day and then problems the next)? example, slowly worsening over Please describe when the problems started, and the i time)? tr No A No O Y Yes es pattern of the problems up until the present: Have you noticed a:ry of these additional symptoms? Please check those that apply to you and provide an example in the space below (for example: if you answer yes to being easily distracted, your example may be "difficulties watching fullTV shovl'). A. Attention Yes tr No o Y es o No O Easily distracted Difficulties staying on task 2 of13 B Memory C No n Yes Asking same question repeatedly CNoaYesDifficultieswithmakingorkeepingappointments C No C Y es C No O Y es D No O Y es C. ,' Forgetting recent conversations Forgetting why you went into room Forgetting where things are in the kitchen t Laneuage iNooYesCan,tthinkoftherightword(..tipofyourtongue,'experience) StoPPed reading CI No O Y es fl No O Y es Mispronouncing or usi:rg wrong words ! No O Y es Handwriting has deteriorated trNoSYesTroublerecaiiingnamesoflongtimeacquairrtances D. Visuospatial finCtiOn □ No 口 yes 口 No EEl yes □ □ □ yes No No O yes CO」 hSed or disOriented h storeS Or mallS Getting loSt easily evcn on familiar routes Trouble flnding the car in the parking lot Dif「 lCulty driVhg― ■umber of accidents and WhCni 3 of13 E. Executive Function 3 No 3 Y es O No O Y es c No 3 Y zs tr No O Y es Feeling disorganized PersonalitY changes gatherings Embarrassing or inappropriate behavior in social Difhcuities with hygiene or toilet use oNoaYesDifilouitieswithnegativeevaluationsatwork F. Praxis o No A Yes Difficulties using household items etc') o No 3 Y es Trouble dressing (wrong apparel for the weather, shirt inside out' G. Vision O No O Y es O No O Y es Bluned vision GroPing for door handles Time and Leisure: When alone, what do you do? wouldyouconsidertheseactivitiesachangefromwhatyouusedtodo?SNoOYes 4 of13 PAST MEDlCAL HISTORY Please check all lnedical conditions that you have or have had in the Past: Ⅱ. HEART PROBLENIS none none a) 00 b)0 0 Cataracts b) 0 Glaucoma 0 Other, specify: IEI.LUNG PROBLEⅣ >[t Heart failure High blood pressure C)0 d)0 C)0 0 Macular degeneration of the eYe d) 0 Hearing losslhearing aid C) C) Heart attack: Lregular heart beats(aΠ hメhnias) Other, specify: Ⅳ IS .BONE&JOINTT PROBLEMS nonc ■one a) → 0 Asthla b) 0 Bronchitis C) 0 EInphysema d) 0 Other,specl力 : 俎 hitis 0 b) 0 Osteoporosis C) Gout 0 d) 0 Fractured hip/wrist/spine 力θ ″θ ツ カメ ε ルシ ″ε e) O Other, specifY: `'ノ `ど 硼 N_ARY TRACT PROBLE■ lIS ヽ■.KEDRTEY&硼 V. GLAND PROBLEPIS none al 0 Diabetes b) Thyroid (overactive / high) 0 Thyroid (underactive / low) 0 Other, specify: C) d) none 0 → 0 Kidney disease b) 0 Prostate discasc C) Frequent bladder or kidney infections 0 d) O U血 ary C) Other, specify: O \Atr. 1/ lI.GASTROIRTTESTINAL PROBLEIVIS 0 0 0 0 → 0 0 b) -none NER.VOUS SYSTEM PROELEMS Stroke -none C) 0 d) 0 Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease Parkinson's Disease Epilepsy or Seizures Hepatitis C) 0 Head injury/concussion Polyps D 0 Other, specify: Heartbum I lnatal hernia Diverticulosis Liver disease/Cirrho sis 0 0 0 0 の り > cの > c0 9 D Ulcers incontinence Gallbladder disease Other, specif': 5 of13 none a) 0 Allergies 6PnrrfY)" b) 0 nernia 電 ′ C) 0 Herllla d) 0 ThrombOSiS o100d C10tS) e) O Cancer (ofwhat)" D O Depression g) 0` (specifv): Sexual function problems DO Other; sPecifY: - additional Page, if needed' List surgeries (oPerations)' Use List other ho sPitalizations' Use additionai Page, if needed' EASON Do you have anY drug allergies? 爾 o No A Y es: sPecifY below OF DRUG 6 of13 List a1i & natural products) medicines that you use. (prescription, non-prescription N船 1 500 ntg Example; Tylenol FAⅣILY Hoヽ「OFTEN PER DAY STREXTGTH 凪 OF卜 /EDICATION pill 3 times a daY HISTORY conditions? (check all that apply) Have any members of your family had any of the following tr No c Yes DementiaorAlzheimer'sDisease tr No O Y es Diabetes tr No o Y es DePression 口 □ □ No No No o Y es Heart disease C Yes C Yes Stroke Cancer:- To be certain that weive cOVered everything,please check if you haVe had any ofthe fol10Wing sフ or problCms DLIRING THE LAST 3 MONTHS: I.GENERAL PROBLEⅣ II. IS EYE PROBLEMS _none > ↓ D > c の c つ り a) o Trouble seeing b) O Eye Pain c) 0 DrY eYes o Weight loss -none o Weight gain 0 Fevers o Chills 0 Sweats O Cold or flu O Change in aPPetite 7 of13 mptoms Ⅲ r'Y. ` EARS,NOSIE,WIOUTH&THROAT I.NEA-R.T PROBLEⅣ IS --none none a) O Chest pain or tightness b) O Rapid or iriegular heartbeat c) O Swelling of feet a)O TIOuble hearhg b)O Ear pah oritching C) O Sinus trouble d) O Nose blecds V. C)O SOrethrOat a) b) c) d) 0 0 Teeth prOblems g)O HOarseness り O MOuth SOres ぅO Allergies ヽ■. PR.OBLEMS LUAIG PROBI-,EMS none O Persistent cough O Coughing up blood 0 Wheezing O Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath DIGESTION PROBLEPIS none PROBLENIS 1/ EI.BO剛 &JOM nonc a)O Dttculty swallowhg b)O Frequent indigestion/stomach ache/ heartbum c)O Frequcnt nausca or vorruthg d)O Change in bowel habits ‐ a)O Leg pah on waLking b)O Back orneck pah C)0 C)O Black bOwel movement or bleedhg ttom 」Oint pah or sti艶 ■ess d)O Foot problems recturn o O Frequent diarrhea C)O Falls g)O Persistent constipation VEE.BRAIN&NERVOUS SYSTEⅣ PROBLEⅣ IS I IX・ PI100D PROBLER/11S none nonc → O Frequent headaCheS b)O Frequent dizzy spells a)o Depression b)0 極 ieサ c)O Delusions/halluchations C)O PaSSing out or fainting X. d)O PrOblems with sleep e)O o o g)O h)O GYNECOLOGY PROBLEM[S nonc Paralysis,leg or allll weakness Numbness orloss offcclingS P00r memory or diliculty lhhhng TremOr Or shaking 0 0 Vaginalbleedhg b)O Vaginal discharge C)O Breast lmps or disCOmfort 8 of13 .翻 刈 a) b) c) d) e) XΠ .SKⅢ ヽPROBLENIS NEY&URttNARY PROBLEPIS _none none a) O Rash b) 0 Sores c) 0 Itching O Urination at night. # of times: O Frequent urination 0 o 0 Painful urination Difficulty starting or stopping urination Loss of urine cr getting rvet. If yes, 6 or more times in last xlrx' year? a) 0 b) 0 a) 0 HEALTn IvmscELLANEous PR'OBLEMS -.none Excessive thirst Feel too hot or too cold Problems with sexual function ⅣυttNTENANCE Have you ever had aII cxarmnation ofyour bowel Ⅵ′ ith a scope? □ No□ yes:when was your mostrecent∈ _sigmOidoscopy/__colonoscopy)?_ Have you had a hearmg test withh the lastか ″o years? 口 No EEl yes □ No Have you had an eye exam v√ ithin the past year? □ ycs ln the past 12 months,havё you had a test for blood ill your stoo1 6物 □ No rθ θθ α″ ルθ 777の ? 赤α 口 yes IIave you seen a delltist in the last year? 口 No □ yes Have you ever had thc Pneumovax vaccine(a ShOtto prevent pneumo」 a)? 口 No □ yes lf``yes,"in what ycar did you have yourlast Pnetlmovax vacche?______(year) Have you ever had a tetallus shot? EEI No 口 yes lf``yes,"in what year did you have your lasttetanus shot?_____け Car) Have you had a flu shotthis scason,October― February(■ ot applicable Marё h― September)? 口 No □ ycs Do you always wear a seatbeit when you ride in a c釘 ? □ No 口 yes Do you cllrrently participate in regular act市 iサ tO improve or maintah your physical fltness? C No O Yes: w-hat activity do you do cun-ently: 9 of13 (yCar) Do you havc any probleⅡ ls with fallhg? tEI No □ yes Aご e you afraid of falling? □ No El yes Have you had a fall in the past year? □ No 口 yes No 口 yes lf you had a fall,did you have a problem geting up by yourselP Ⅳ回 N ONLY: □ l Have you ever had a prostate exam(reCtal exam)? lf“ yes,"when yes EI No □ t did you have your most recent prostate cxttp______(ycar) yes Have you CVer had a blood testto look br,ancer ofie prostate(PSA)? EI No 口 llf``yes,''when did you have this IIlost recent blood test?_______(year) WON4EN ONI.Y: Do you perfon'n breast self-exam @SE) once a month? CI Have you ever had a mammognam? D No No J Yes CI Yes: (month/year) Have you had a hysterectoney (surgical removal of the If "no," have you uterus)? ever had a Fap Smear / pelvic examination? Please check the appropriate response for each question below: : With whom do you live? O Alone Spouse or partner Child or other family member Others, not family-specifY: Which of the foliowing best describes your residence? O 0 o 0 O 0 0 O No D Yes: (montb/year) SOCIAL IilST'ORY 0 0 o tr No O Yes Single-family house Condo or apartment Live with another in their home, condo or apartment Retirement hotel Board and carelresidential care facility Nursing Home Other, specify: 10 of13 Are you currently: O Manied (# of previous man'iages: O Single i Never manied O Divorced / Separated O Living with Significant Other ---) How many children do you have? Are you in regular contact with'your chiidren? C No 3 Y es How much school did you complete? (where did you attend school? O Less than 6th grade O Less than high school graduate 0 High schooi graduate O Some college 0 0 College graduate More than college graduate O Postgraduate degree r -US -abroad) What has been your principal occupation? Are you currently: O Retired / not O Worki:rg part-time working 0 Working full-tirne Do you employ someone to provide care or help you in your home? C If "yes," how many hours a day? Is this sufficient to meet your needs? Y es Do you get help from a family member or friend in your home? If "yes," how many hours a day? Is this suffrcient to meet your needs? o No Do you provide care for a family member? D a vehicle? C No o Y o No o Yes How many days a week? O Y es Who would you call if you were sick and needed help? Do you drive No c How many days a week? o No o No O Y es es 1l of13 O Widowed Yes Do you drink alcohol (such as beer, rvine, r,odka, whiskey, gin)? 0 Daily 0 o Almostdaily(4to6rimesaweek) o Less than 1 time a r,veek O Never lto3timesaweek If you drink alcohol, has anyone ever been concerned about your drinking? Have you ever smoked cigarettes? O No e If "yes," Ere ysp now smoking? tr No o yes many years ago did you How much did you ⊇LANNENG smoke? , yes How many years have ),ou smoked ? If "no," how c No o y es How much do you smoke? packs per day quit? For how many years did you smoke? -packs per day FOR FUTURE HEALTH C側 Do you have a medical Durablc Po、 ver ofAttomey? □ No □ yes Do you have alivLg will? EI No 口 yes Pleasc hdicate ifyou nced help■ rith ally ofthe followhg,and if so,whO helps you. TASK DON'Tヽ田ED I― ELP Feeding yourself Getting from bed to chair Getting to the toilet Getting dressed Bathing Using the telephone Taking your medicines Preparing meals Managing money / finances Doing laundry Doing housework Grocery shopping DJvhg Doing "handyman" tasks Climbing stairs Getting to places beyond walkins 12 of13 NEED HELP ヽ彊 O HELPS Do you harze any other health D No A problems tha[ you u,ou]d like your doctor to know about before your visit? Yes: COⅣ PLETION OF FORNI IS FORⅣ I MUST BE SIGNED BELOW BY THE PATIENT.NO PROXY SIGNATITRES PLEASE. TI■ Print Name Date Signature We appreciate your help ill cocapleii:Eg this form. Thank you. 13 of13