March 16, 2014 - St. Ignatius Church
March 16, 2014 - St. Ignatius Church
Creating a Sustainable Future at St. Ignatius “[We are called] to be servant leaders who engage in SERVICE to our neighbors near and far and who work for justice and stewardship to hasten the Reign of God. The four pillars of a vibrant parish are Word, Worship, Community and Service and each section from the survey has helped us to understand and learn what is important to you, what you hope for, how you see things in your parish, and what matters most to you. Each section of the survey has been carefully reviewed and summarized by Council, and the survey data—the voices of the parish community—will be the key components of the Pastoral Plan. Indeed, in addition to the formation of the Word and Service Commissions, one of the core tasks of Council at present is drafting the Parish Pastoral Plan—work we have begun in earnest, and work that draws directly from the parish survey results. T HE C H UR C H O F S A I N T I G N A T IU S L OYOLA Over the past six weeks, we have posted a summary of the Worship, Community, and Word section of the parish survey. This week and next we present a summary of the final section of the survey—the section devoted to Service. The key strengths the survey told us in the SERVICE section that seem to “give life” to the parish are: Reaching out and helping the needy and the marginalized: “Soup Kitchen; continue having our outreach for homeless.” “Brown bag food drive.” Recognizing the importance of service: “Service is what makes the Church…. It’s all about what we can do for others. That’s what makes us Catholic.” “Focus on dismissal, ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.’” Serving local agencies in the community: “Continue to serve the Vision program.” “Continue to help Ruth’s Place, Vision, McCauley House.” The key themes the survey told us in the SERVICE section to “enhance, improve and grow the parish” are; You would like the parish to create more service opportunities for its parishioners. You would like to see the parish to be more proactive in partnering with other community organizations and religious groups to effect social change. You would like the parish to establish clearer and more coordinated communication of the existing needs and opportunities for service across the community. You would like the parish to develop a greater awareness among parishioners regarding pressing social justice needs, both locally and globally. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas in the parish survey—and thank you for all that you do to make St. Ignatius such a vibrant and vitalizing community. We look forward to the work ahead! The Word and Service Commissions & the Parish Pastoral Plan: The Parish Pastoral Council continues its work of forming the four Commissions, and now that the Worship Commission is into its second year of work and the Community Commission is now formed, our immediate focus will be the development of the Word and Service Commissions. So be on the lookout for announcements regarding – and calls to serve on – these Commissions. In addition, the PPC continues its work of drafting the Parish Pastoral Plan, and much of our efforts this coming spring will be sharing our initial draft work on the Plan with the parish—and gathering your additional input and feedback regarding the shape that the Plan should take. Creating a Sustainable Future at St. Ignatius” is a weekly update on the goals, initiatives and activities of the Parish Pastoral Council. A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY INSPIRED BY THE T R A D IT I O N O F S T . I G N A T IU S , ST. HEDWIG AND ST. M ARY'S ANNUNCIATION PARISHES. W e, the blended Catholic community of St. Ignatius Loyola, draw strength from Word and Sacrament, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist. Modeling Christ’s work, we embrace our commitment to God’s call. We remain faithful to the shared acts of prayer, study and service. Together we extend Christ’s hospitality to others and light the path of peace for generations to come. “Knowing God is more important than knowing about God.” — Karl Rahner, S.J. THE SUNDAY LIGHT View our information video at www.stignatiuspa. com Page 2 LENT 2014 FRIDAY ADORATION AND HOLY HOUR Each Friday of Lent, the church will be available for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the afternoon from the end of 12:10 Mass until Stations at 5:30 PM. Consider making a Holy Hour during this time. Prayer guides and supplemental material will be available for your use to guide you in praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Don’t forget to check our grocery rebate program. Details can be found in the vestibule of the church. Your support is deeply appreciated. Bob Walsh, Coordinator FRIDAY STATIONS OF THE CROSS This traditional Lenten exercise will be held each Friday of Lent at 5:30 PM followed by Benediction. EVENING PRAYER Each Sunday of Lent, we will celebrate Christian Prayer in song at 7:00 PM. A new format will allow for greater participation. LENTEN RETREAT A retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola will be offered during the six weeks of Lent. Meetings with a spiritual director coupled with daily prayer are a grace-filled way to observe this holy season. The sessions will be held on Fridays at 1:00 PM in Bergan Hall or on Mondays beginning March 10th at Gate of Heaven Church, Dallas. If you are interested in attending or learning more, please call Carmella Faust at 287-3682 or simply come to the meetings. CONFESSIONS The Light Is On For You - all Mondays of Lent from 5:30-7:00 PM. St. Ignatius and all the parishes in the Diocese of Scranton will be open for individual confessions. REGULATIONS FOR LENT 2014 In recognition of our need to give, and the many needs of our church and parish, and in gratitude for God’s gifts to us, we declare our willingness to return a portion of our Treasure to our parish, as part of our total Christian stewardship. Sunday Tithe $14,125.05 This Week’s Expenses $5,891.72 The following fast and abstinence regulations are observed: • Good Friday, April 18, is a day of fast and abstinence. • Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. • All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and on all Fridays during Lent. • All Catholics over 18 years of age to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meal and two smaller meals unless dispensed or excused. Lenten Reminders Lent is a time for sacrifice and for spiritual renewal as we reflect upon our baptism and the call given to each of us to walk as disciples of the Lord. As faithful followers of Jesus, we are traditionally encouraged to honor the sacred season of Lent by embracing the three pillars of Lenten observance: • Almsgiving – generously giving to those in need • Fasting – practicing self-discipline and self-denial • Prayer – reading, hearing and reflecting on the Word of God Don’t forget! Food Collection each and every weekend at the vestibules of Church and Chapel. Page 3 MARCH 16, 2014 PENANCE SERVICE A Penance Service will be held on Sunday, April 13th at 4:00 PM in the Church. Several priests will be available for individual confession. The Altar Breads and Wine for this week are offered in memory of QUESTION OF THE WEEK Rose Budanovitz Second Sunday of Lent - Call to faithfulness as requested by Reading I Genesis 12:1-4 (call of Abraham) Reading II 2 Timothy 1:8b-10 (exhortation to faithfulness) Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 (Jesus transfigured) Key Passage Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. (Matthew 17:1-2) Adult How has your faith in Jesus transformed you? What difference does your faith in Jesus Christ make in your life? Child How has the example of Jesus helped you become a better person and Christian? Family LENT CAMPAIGNS - 2014 Sanctuary Candles Burn this week Change for Change Our hope is that the ‘change’ collected will ‘change’ people’s lives. All donations will be given to the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen. Collection containers will be located in the back of the Church and Chapel and all religious education classrooms. In Memory of Marie Jordan By—Family So That All May See As we search for ways to cure our ‘blindness’ on our Lenten journey, we will be collecting old eyeglasses so that others may see. All donations will be given to the Lions Club. In Memory of Michael Herbacsek By—Family WEST SIDE FOOD PANTRY Grocery bags will be distributed after weekend Masses March 22nd & 23rd. Please fill them with the foods listed on the bag or other non-perishable food items. Kindly return them to the Church the following weekend, March 29th & 30th. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Your past generosity to the Food Pantry has helped to feed many of our neighbors in need. We know that we can count on you once again as that need continues to grow. Thank you. WEEKLY MEDITATION God commands Abram to leave that which he knows and go to a land that God will show him. God does not tell Abram where he is going. God just asks him to leave and promises great blessings. And Abram has faith in the Lord and follows. It is the same when Jesus goes toward his own passion and death. Let these examples of obedience to God be ever before us. Let all of us strive to have the faith of Abram and Jesus so that we, too, will hear those powerful words of the Father “This is my beloved with whom I am well pleased.” P r a y er Ca r d s We encourage you to spend quiet time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the week with a special prayer intention in mind. Just pick up a card after your visit to Church and send it off to the one in your prayer. The cards may be used on First Fridays by those attending Eucharistic Adoration. Think gospel! Please make room for your neighbor in church and slide to the center of the pew. Page 4 FOOD DRIVE COMPETITION - THANK YOU! Thanks to the generosity of all our families, the food drive competition successfully ended with 324 non-perishable food items donated. The winner of the competition was first grade! Thanks to all. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE SPRING CLEAN UP - CEMETERIES Friday, April 11th, is the final day to retrieve any decoration from the graves of your loved ones in St. Ignatius, St. Mary’s Annunciation and St. Hedwig’s cemeteries. This will enable the maintenance staff at the cemeteries to prepare for Easter and the upcoming Spring season. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please note, any decoration remaining after the April 11th cut-off date will be disposed of. Thank you. ATTENTION KNITTERS AND CROCHETERS Mary’s Ministry has scheduled additional classes for the following dates: March 22nd, March 29th, April 5th. Time: 12:30 - 3:00 PM. Anyone interested in joining the group, please contact Jean Petroski at 570-287-6342. If you are unable to join the class but would like to donate the shawls and lap robes, please contact Jean. UPDATE ON DINNER THEATRE BUS TRIP - APRIL 24TH Don’t be left behind. On Thursday, April 24th, Mary’s Ministry is hosting a trip to the Pines Dinner Theatre in Allentown for the musical show “Suds.” Loaded with good clean fun, bubbly energy, and some of the 60’s greatest pop hits, “Suds” is a delightful story of a young woman and her guardian angels, who come to teach her about finding love in, of all places, a Laundromat. Departure from St. Ann’s Chapel parking lot will be at 10:00 AM for the luncheon and matinee performance. We will return about 5:30 PM. Limited seating is still available. Contact Elaine Whipple at 570-288-3564 ASAP for menu and details if you have not yet made your reservations and sent in your payment. The cost of the trip is $80.00. Make checks payable to Church of St. Ignatius Loyola (memo Pines). PIEROGI BOARD NEWS - ENDING LENT By popular demand, we will be making more farmers cheese and sweet cabbage. Monday, March 24th - prep and Tuesday, March 25th - production. As requested by some of our loyal workers, a limited number of mushroom, sauerkraut with bacon, and Easter cheese will be made. All kinds including a potato will be available while supplies last - Tuesday, March 25th from 1:00-5:00 PM in Conlan Hall. We always start after morning Mass and have a delicious lunch. Bring a friend. For more information, call 570-287-6554. SLOVAK HERITAGE SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP DINNER - SUNDAY, MARCH 30TH Three kinds of pierogi, stuffed cabbage and fresh kielbasa - how can you go wrong. Then add Polanaise vegetables, pickled beets, rye bread and desserts. You have a wonderful dinner to aid the educational programs of the Slovak Heritage Society of NEPA. The dinner will be held in Conlan Hall from 2:00-4:00 PM - take-outs after 1:00 PM. Cost-$12.00 per person. For reservations, call Joe Kowatch at 570-288-4825 or Bernadette Yencha at 570-822-9843. LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION TO DECORATE OUR BEAUTIFUL CHURCH Have you ever considered lending a hand to decorate our Church? Perhaps you’ve wanted to learn more about our rich Catholic symbols and use of color at the altar? The Art and Environment Committee is responsible for preparing for liturgical seasons. As we prepare to begin Lent, planning for the Easter season is also upon us. Please consider joining our team and provide whatever amount of time you have. We welcome new faces, new ideas and extra help. If you are interested, please contact Debbie Lyons at 570-288-8654. Thank you for your consideration. “Teach us to give and not to count the cost.” Monday Confessions - 5:30 PM - Church Tuesday Rosary Makers - 11:00 AM—Conlan Hall Senior Citizens - 1:30 PM - Conlan Hall Holy Name Society - 7:00 PM - Conlan Hall Bible Study - 7:00 PM - Bergan Parish Center Wednesday Pastoral Council Meeting - 6:30 PM Conlan Hall Deacon Course - 6:30 PM - Bergan Parish Center Thursday Cantor Rehearsal - 6:30 PM in the Church Children’s Choir - 6:45 PM in Bergan Parish Center Loyola Singers - 7:30 PM in the Church Contemporary Ensemble - 7:30 PM in Bergan Parish Center Friday Bible Study - 8:15 AM in Bergan Parish Center Stations of the Cross - 5:30 PM in the Church Youth Group - 6:00 PM - Rec Room Bergan Parish Center Saturday Knitting Class - 12:30 PM in Bergan Parish Center Sunday Evening Prayer - 7:00 PM in the Church In Memoriam Bernard Kubinetz — Ignatius of Loyola MARCH 16, 2014 Page 5 REMEMBERING B U L L E T I N March 17—22 7:30— 7:30—Mary MundroMundro-LM Debby & Mike Konnick 12:10— 12:10—Anna KostevaKosteva-ALM Family Tuesday BULLETIN 7:30— 7:30—John BogdanBogdan-ALM ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted nine days in advance of their intended printing. Thank you for your cooperation. 12:10— 12:10—Donald C. Johnson, JrJr-ALM Diane, Ashlie & Christie Wednesday 7:30— 7:30—Rev. Martin BradyBrady-ALM Family 12:10— 12:10—Teri UrbanUrban-ALM Family Thursday 7:30— 7:30—Marie TroskyTrosky-LM Ernestine Williams 12:10— 12:10—John M. CorganCorgan-LM Bernie & Nina Kovacs Friday 7:30— 7:30—Mary ToslineTosline-LM Maureen & Tim Holden 12:10— 12:10—Tom HanlonHanlon-ALM Family Saturday 7:30— 7:30—Adolph ButkiewiczButkiewicz-ALM without Sunday we cannot live Mr. & Mrs. Richard Konefal TEEN COUNSELING PROGRAM AVAILABLE Catholic Social Services of Wilkes-Barre provides nonmedical, specialized counseling to teens and their families through the Family Adolescent Services Team program. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Call Jolette Lyons at 570-822-7118 for an appointment. WE ARE BACK BETTER THAN EVER The Reginas of King’s College will hold their annual fundraiser formerly The Penny Auction - now called “Spring Festival” on April 6th from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the Sheehy Farmer Center at King’s College. Come join us for a fun filled afternoon - hopefully win some prizes - and share some light refreshments. Hope to see you there! BASKET RAFFLE FUNDRAISER The greater Nanticoke Area’s Catholic Youth Ministry is sponsoring a Basket Raffle on Sunday, March 30th at the former St. Stanislaus gym, West Church St., Nanticoke. Doors open at 10:00 AM and the auction begins at 1:00 PM. Over 100 baskets will be up for auction. Fun, food and prizes. For additional information, call 570-7354833. PRO-LIFE CENTER The Pro-Life Center in Wilkes-Barre is in dire need of cribs (the side must not go down), swings, high chairs, car beds, car seats (not over 4 years old) and pack and plays. Prefer used but in good condition items. Please call Betty Caffrey at 570-826-1819 if you have any of these items. The Social Concerns Corner Check Here Every Week for the Latest Food Bank Information TheFoodBankisinNeedoftheFollowingItems: Juice, Cereal, Peanut Butter & Jelly (PLEASE PLEASE PLACE ITEMS IN THE MARKED BASKETS ) Butkiewicz Family Monetary donations are also accepted, please make checks 4 PM— PM—Erin HollingsheadHollingshead-LM St. Ignatius Folk Group payable to the Al Beech West Side Food Bank. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! 5:30 PM— PM—Anna ServelloServello-LM Nadine Volpetti Just a reminder! Be sure to check your on-line/mailed copy of liturgy schedule often. Page 6 THE SUNDAY LIGHT MINISTRY SCHEDULE March 22—23 B O A R D Saturday 4:00 PM SEVEN DAY CANADA & NEW ENGLAND CRUISE HEARTLAND HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are the heart of hospice. They bring comfort to terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers are vital to the Heartland mission. As a volunteer, you can choose the type of work best suited for you and schedules are based on your availability. Training is provided. Opportunities are available in most locations in the Northeast including Kingston, Dupont, Montrose, Tunkhannock, and Greentown. Please call Kathleen Green, Heartland Volunteer Coordinator at 570-822-4979 or 570-290-0294. CHILI DINNER Prince of Peace Parish, Old Forge, is sponsoring a Chili Dinner - $8.00 per person (take-out only). Menu includes a quart of chili, corn bread and a dessert of sherbet. Orders must be placed by Wednesday, March 19th with pick up Tuesday, March 25th, between 3:00-6:00 PM in St. Mary’s Church building auditorium - enter on the corner of Grace and Lawrence Streets. To place an order, call the rectory 570-457-5900, Francis 570-4510112 or Rosemary 570-457-9757. Lectors P. Ochman & L. Goff Communion Ministers N. Bellas, B. Gabriesheski, P. Kiwak, D. Duesler, J. Duesler, K. Hungarter, N. Roberts FEAST OF ST. JOSEPH The Feast of St. Joseph will be celebrated this coming Wednesday, March 19th. The Oblate Fathers will offer Masses at 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM on the Feast in the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary Chapel, Route 315, Laflin. The Mass at 7:00 PM will be a concelebrated Liturgy with the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop, and Oblate Fathers and Diocesan Clergy. The Feast day celebration will conclude the nine-day novena that is continuing everyday at the seminary chapel with daily Masses at 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. without Sunday we cannot live Please consider this 7 Day Canada and New England Cruise aboard Holland America MS Maasdam. The trip will depart from the port of Boston and end in Montreal, Canada; therefore there are no airline challenges for this trip. Departure date is August 30th and return date is September 7th. The package includes the motorcoach transportation to Boston and the return trip from Montreal, Canada. The entire trip including hotel and dinner in Montreal as well as the 7 day cruise is priced starting at $1,699.00 per person based on double occupancy. For further information or to make your reservation, please contact Mr. John Madden at Travelworld at 570-642-5790. Msgr. David Tressler will be leading this trip. Altar Servers E. & J. Shoemaker Saturday 5:30 PM Lectors J. Gallagher & L. Rinker Communion Ministers M. Fiske, E. Rishcoff J. Gaudio, M. B. Zelinsky Altar Servers L. & M. Flannery Sunday 7:00 AM Lector L. Palmeri Communion Ministers P. Podesta, K. Ryan, E. Turcan Sunday 8:30 AM Lectors P. Endler & S. Swaintek SPAGHETTI SUPPER Communion Ministers Holy Family Parish, Luzerne, is having a Spaghetti Supper on Sunday, March 30th, from Noon to 4:00 PM. Tickets are $9.00 for adults; $4.00 for children under 10. Take-outs will be available and containers will be provided. Everyone is welcome. P. Castellani, D. Castellani M. Ferris Altar Servers B. Endler & A. Lacina Continued on page 7 Check us out! E-mail us at [email protected] or browse our home page at Page 7 MARCH 16, 2014 MINISTRY SCHEDULE Continued Sunday 10:30 AM Lectors M. Bednarek & R. Granger Communion Ministers M. Hosey, P. Kupetz, J. O’Connor, P. Clemente, K. Clemente, D. Mosca, E. Whipple LIVING CHRIST RETREAT A retreat can either be a time of solitude or a community experience. Some retreats are held in silence, and in others there may be a great deal of conversation, depending on the understanding and accepted practices of the host facility and/or the participant (s). The Living Christ Retreat is a community experience that enhances communications and collaboration in relation to spirituality. The next Living Christ Retreat will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 27, 28 & 29. As we prepare for the Lenten season, please consider this retreat as a way to prepare and help to keep you focused on our Lord. Previous attendees have stated that “The retreat brought a new richness to the season; and “helped them know that God is with them.” The retreat will be held in Conlan Hall, Thursday and Friday evenings from 6:00-10:00 PM, starting with dinner; Saturday morning - 8:00 AM - Noon, starting with breakfast. Please call the rectory at 570-288-6446 to sign up and give yourself the gift of the retreat. If you have previously attended, please invite a few friends and neighbors to attend. A personal invitation from you, with a little explanation of what you took away is also a great way to share within our parish community. YOUTH GROUP NEWS Altar Servers J. & I. Scappaticci Sunday 12 Noon Lectors A. Piccone & S. Arbogast Communion Ministers K. Corgan, K. Smedley A. Asby, N. Fruisciante Altar Servers J. D’Andrea & K. McNulty Readings for the Week Monday Open Rec Night - Friday, March 21st at Bergan Parish Center from 7:00-9:00 PM. The Rec Room will be open for all 6th-12th graders free of cost. Drinks and snacks are provided as well. Parent Chaperones are needed for this event. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Jenn Frusciante at 570-574-9724. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED Would you like to help make the dreams of an international teen come true? By hosting an exchange student for 5-10 months, you can help fulfill his/her dreams of learning about American culture while sharing traditions, developing a life-long relationship, and promoting world peace. We are currently searching for loving host families to welcome students for the 2014-2015 school year. If you’d like to learn more about one of our wonderful exchange students and how you can introduce the world to your family, please contact Dianne Cohen at 570-709-1750 or at [email protected]. CATHOLIC CHORAL SOCIETY SCHEDULES LENTEN CONCERTS In a 66 year tradition of inspiring prayer and meditation through music, the Catholic Choral Society will present a Lenten Concert on Sunday, March 23rd at 3:00 PM at Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish, 535 N. Main Street, Pittston and on Sunday, April 6th at 3:00 PM at St. Ann Parish, 1250 St. Ann St., Scranton. Both concerts are open to the public free of charge. The group, marking its 66th season, is composed of members from both Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. Further information may be obtained by calling 570-575-1040 and also at Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 LENTEN FISH DINNERS Tuesday St. Andrew Parish, Wilkes-Barre, is having two Lenten Fish Dinners. The first one will be held on Friday, April 4th and the second one on Friday, April 11th. They will be held in the church hall, 318 Parrish Street, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Dinners include poached haddock, baked potato or fries, coleslaw, dessert, coffee, tea or juice. Cost is $9.00 for adults and $4.50 for children 10 and under. Take-outs available. Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18,22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Thursday Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 Friday Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Special Note! Please send us your e-mail address and help us cut down on paper and postage. Page 8 THE SUNDAY LIGHT “Do not think that God is further from you when you are in the midst of the busyness which your vocation entails than he would be if you were enjoying a tranquil life.” —Frances de Sales PARISH SCHOOLS Good Shepherd Academy: Principal, Mr. James Jones Phone: 570-718-4724 Holy Redeemer High School: Principal, Mrs. Anita Sirak Phone: 570-829-2424 Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Schools/Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Kathleen Hanlon YOUTH MINISTRY Our parish offers a comprehensive Youth Ministry, in conjunction with the Regional Youth Ministry, including community building, service, religious education and socialization. Watch the bulletin for ministry information. THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS This is a process the Catholic Church uses to bring adult members into the faith. Anyone interested in becoming a part of this process or in obtaining more information can call Mary O’Connor at 570-287-8536. This journey in faith is concerned with the total formation of the person into living and serving with the Church community. PARISH STAFF Pastoral Outreach Religious Formation Mrs. Carmella Faust [email protected] Mrs. Patty Kopec Youth Ministry [email protected] Jennifer Frusciante Worship Ms. Joan Turel, Program Director, Loyola Singers & Festival Choir Mrs. Elaine Blessing, Contemporary Ensemble & Children’s Choir Director Mrs. Carmella Faust, Handbells & Accompanist Mrs. Pat Fennell, Accompanist Mrs. Jane Gaudio, Cantors Mrs. Caprice Ryman, Accompanist Mr. George Andresky, Accompanist R.C.I.A. Mrs. Mary O’Connor Receptionist Mrs. Jen Carey Main/Business Office [email protected] Ms. Mary Lewis Maintenance Ron Gaylord Cemetery Clerks Ms. Mary Lewis, St. Ignatius Mrs. Jen Carey, St. Mary & St. Hedwig Visiting Priests Rev. Joseph Adonizio Msgr. David Bohr Rev. Daniel Issing C.S.C. Rev. Anthony Urban Rev. Richard Zavacki Pastoral Associate [email protected] Mr. Anthony Butel Assistant Pastor [email protected] Rev. Alex J. Roche Pastor Rev. John V. Polednak, V.E. BAPTISM Expectant and new parents are asked to participate in a seminar on Baptism. Please call the Rectory to schedule an appointment. Godparents are welcome to attend, though it is not required. Please call the rectory to register at your earliest convenience. The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is on the third Sunday of every month except during Lent. MARRIAGE Congratulations! You are asked to contact one of the parish priests at least six months before the date of your marriage so that the appropriate preparations can be made for this special celebration. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please call the office for visitation of the sick at home, in the hospital, or health care facility. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Deacon John E. O’Connor Urgent calls will be attended to at any time of the day or night. RELIGIOUS FORMATION Grades 1—6 — Good Shepherd Academy on Sunday morning from 9:15 AM to 10:20 AM. Grades 7—8 — Released Time Confirmation Program High School— Sunday Evenings (Monthly) NEW PARISHIONERS Please register by calling the rectory. Those moving should inform the office as soon as possible. DEVOTIONAL LIFE The Rosary is prayed after the 7:30 AM Mass daily and before the 8:30 AM Mass on Sundays at the Chapel of St. Ann. Eucharistic Adoration is held the First Friday of the month at Saint Ignatius Church beginning at 12:45 PM concluding with Benediction at 4:00 PM. (September—May) MINISTRY COUNCILS Pastoral Council — Debbie Lyons, Nancy Larralde, Tom Hamill, Maria Scappaticci, Joe Evan, Michelle Butcher, Pat Cole, Robert Dupre, Molly Kachmar, Father Polednak, Father Roche, Deacon O’Connor, Tony Butel Finance Council — Father Polednak, Bob Gabriesheski, Tom Kopec, Jack Lenahan, Mary Lewis, Lou Mondy, Art Piccone, Joe Pringle, Sue Rhoads, Lisa Rinker, Susan Shoemaker, Kay Smedley, Stanley Swaintek, Jean Michalek [email protected]