the complete program - College of Arts and Letters | San
the complete program - College of Arts and Letters | San
SAN DIEGO, MARCH 11-13, 2016 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY | POINT LOMA San Diego State University and the Luso-American Education Foundation invite you to the LAEF 40th Annual Conference on Education and Culture. For three days San Diego hosts this event with panels and workshops on FRI MARCH 11 SAT MARCH 12 language, literature, culture, education, and community empowerment. SUN MARCH 13 SDSU AND CABRILLO NATIONAL MONUMENT Conference: 9 am-5:30 pm SDSU Love Library 430/431 (free event) * Evening Reception: 7 pm Cabrillo National Monument SDSU AND POINT LOMA Language Teaching Workshop: 9am-12:30 pm SDSU LARC, Storm Hall 205 (free event) * Community Workshops: 9am-12:30pm St. Agnes School, UPSES Portuguese Hall Point Loma (free event) Little Portugal Community Walk: 2 pm Evening Banquet: 6pm UPSES Portuguese Hall, Point Loma POINT LOMA Tunaman's Memorial: 12 pm Shelter Island * Limited free parking at SDSU events EVENT/TICKET INFORMATION | REGISTRATION IS FREE! CONTACT INFORMATION Friday Reception -7 pm at Cabrillo National Monument: $15 Saturday Banquet-6 pm at UPSES Portuguese Hall, Point Loma: $30 Combined tickets-Friday Reception and Saturday Banquet: $40 Luso-American Education Foundation 925-828-3883 [email protected] We thank all supporters and our main sponsors: EVENT DETAILS DAY 1 Friday, 11 March 2016 (SDSU) San Diego State University Room: Love Library, 430/431 The exhibit “The Economic Potential of the Portuguese Language,” organized by the Instituto Camões, will be on display at the 4th floor of Love Library. Session 1. 9:00 a.m./9:45 a.m. – Opening Remarks * Norma Bouchard, Dean of the SDSU College of Arts & Letters. * Madhavi McCall, Associate Dean of the SDSU College of Arts & Letters; Interim Director of the SDSU J. Keith Behner and Catherine M. Stiefel Program on Brazil. * Alda Blanco, Chair of the SDSU Department of Spanish and Portuguese. * Paulo Teves, Director of the Emigrant Communities of the Region of Azores. * Rui Vaz, Camões – Institute for the Language and Development. * Frank Souza, President of the Luso-American Education Foundation. Session 2. 9:45 a.m./11:00 a.m. – The Music and Literature of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries – SDSU Student Research Panel. Moderator: Alda Blanco (SDSU) * Isabelle Mendoza (SDSU). Samba and the expression of Brazilian identity. * Alexandra Henriques da Silva (SDSU). Emoções e realidade na poesia de Fernando Pessoa: uma contradição? * Irasema Bedoya (SDSU). O naturalismo em O Cortiço, de Aluísio Azevedo. * Casey Mellnik (SDSU) O racismo e o nacionalismo durante o período abolicionista do Brasil: O cortiço, de Aluísio Azevedo, e o censo nacional. 11:00 a.m./11:15 a.m.: Coffee Break (included) Session 3. 11:15 a.m./12:30 p.m. – National and Transatlantic Representations of Identity in Literature. Moderator: Lauren Applegate (SDSU) * Deolinda Adão (UC Berkeley). Ser mulher aprende-se: rituais e actos iniciáticos em A Instrução dos Amantes de Inês Pedrosa. * Pedro Serra (U. Salamanca / UC Santa Barbara). Carlos Drummond de Andrade na poesia de Armando Silva Carvalho. * Thiago Arellano (SDSU). Sadomasoquismo e portugalidade na Ode Marítima, de Álvaro de Campos. * Patrícia Lino (UCSB). Poesia da imagem: Carlos Fuentes, Manoel de Barros e Carlos Drummond de Andrade. 12:30 p.m./1:30 p.m.: Lunch (included) Session 4: 1:30 p.m./2:45 p.m. – Perspectives on Portuguese Culture and Society. Moderator: Lauren Schmidt (SDSU) * Isabelle Sacramento-Grillo (SDSU). Geology of the Açores Islands: understanding their natural hazards. * Patrícia Martins Marcos (UC San Diego). Creating modern Portugal: Pombal and the great earthquake of 1755 in the context of the Portuguese Enlightenment. * Luca dal Pubel and Allen Greb (SDSU). Exploring Portugal within the European Union: international relations, human rights, and diplomacy. * Bernard Schroeder (SDSU). Why Lisbon, Portugal, might be the next startup Mecca. Session 5. 2:45:00 p.m./4:00 p.m. – Teaching Portuguese Language in California Public Schools – Reaching New Audiences (Roundtable). Moderator: Alfredo Urzúa (SDSU) * Diniz Borges (Tulare Union HS). Portuguese courses in California High Schools – challenges and opportunities. * José Luís da Silva (San Jose HS). Portuguese Heritage Schools in California: strengthening community organizations through the teaching of language and culture. * Duarte Silva (California World Language Project; Stanford U). The life cycle of an effective Portuguese language and culture teacher. * Elmano Costa (California State U. – Stanislaus). Passando o Cabo das Tormentas: o desafio de iniciar um programa numa universidade. 4:00 p.m./4:15 p.m.: Coffee Break (included) 2 Session 6. 4:15 p.m./5:30 p.m. – Challenges and Opportunities for the Newer Generations – Roundtable of the Young Portuguese Americans Association. Presenter: Michael Baum (FLAD, Director of the Study in Portugal Network) Moderator: Jason Amarante (Young Portuguese Americans Association / Google). Speakers: Sofia Pour, Angela Silveira, Diana Rodrigues, Michelle Machado, Nelson Ponta Garça, Nazare Simas, Arryona Santos, Abel Dutra, Daniel Mello, Steven Nascimento. Respondent: Paula Cordeiro (U. San Diego). *** FRIDAY EVENING RECEPTION Cabrillo National Monument, Point Loma 1800 Cabrillo Memorial Dr., San Diego, CA 92106 7:00 p.m. / 10:00 p.m.: “A Portuguese Evening” Heavy Hors d’oeuvres, Cocktails and Live Music Food / Drinks: Heavy hors d’oeuvres – wine and beer tasting – non-alcoholic drink Music: Courtesy of Zé Duarte, Amanda da Rosa, and Paulo da Rosa. Meet and greet the dignitaries present, out of town guests, and members of our community. 3 DAY 2 Saturday, 12 March 2016 (SDSU and Point Loma) Session 7. 9;00-12:30 a.m. Room: SDSU, Storm Hall 205 [LARC – LANGUAGE ACQUISITION RESOURCE CENTER, SDSU] Educator Workshop: Integrating Technology into Language Learning and Teaching 8:15- 9:00 AM: Welcome guests 9:00 AM: Presentations start 1. 9:00- 10:00 AM: CAST Description: What is the CAST? The CAST is an online oral proficiency assessment designed to measure oral performance in a variety of languages at the intermediate and advanced levels. Feedback is aligned with ACTFL and ILR oral proficiency guidelines. Feedback on the CAST test is intended to provide the test taker with an informal, advisory estimate of likely performance on an official ACTFL or ILR Oral Proficiency Interview. During this presentation, attendees will be familiarized with the test for both Portuguese and Spanish languages and examples in both languages will be discussed. Presenters: Trevor Shanklin, LARC at SDSU; Cassia De Abreu, Department of Spanish and Portuguese at SDSU. 2. 10:00 – 11:00 AM: Digital Storytelling for World Language Practice with Thinglink and Movenote Description: In this workshop we will explore two web-based resources for transforming still digital images to interactive, animated, and media-rich stories - ThingLink and Movenote. The workshop will include: 1) a brief introduction to, and examples of, the two aforementioned tools, 2) a step-by-step demonstration of how to create, publish, and share a photo story, and 3) a hands-on activity where participants will use pictures to create a sample digital story. Participants are encouraged to participate and share their mini-projects, and discuss possible activities using these online resources. Presenter: Evan Rubin, LARC at SDSU. 4 11:00- 11:15: BREAK 3. 11:15- 12:00 PM: Using Technology to Create Adapted and Semi-Authentic Classroom Materials Description: Language instructors often struggle to select level-appropriate authentic language materials. This is particularly the case of teachers of less commonly taught languages, who may not have a great variety of such materials available to them. In this session, we will show how instructors can choose, adapt, and create these types of resources. Presenter(s): François Vanleene; Nadezda Novakovic, LARC at SDSU. 1. 12:00- 12:30 PM: COURSE KEY Description: This presentation is focused on introducing the concept of digital literacy and challenging educators at all levels of education to take steps toward digital citizenship. (We will be using the CourseKey platform on the tablets provided and using some of the core features throughout the demonstration). We will be giving a free copy of our new e-book to the attendees (we will need an email list of the attendees) which will have more in-depth background and information about the topics we could potentially discuss. · These topics are all featured on our website and I would like to hear your thoughts on which would be most relevant to the K-12 audience we will be presenting to. The following are potential topics of discussion: digital literacy and classroom integrity, understanding front and back-end classroom facilitation, mobile-enabled students and social learning, formative assessments and real-time results, providing answers to questions, connecting with students, attendance and student success, creating engagement in the classroom. Presenter(s): Cecília Vanshur; Ryan Vanshur, International Business Program, SDSU’s Zahn Innovation Center. For registration in the workshop. contact Prof. Cássia de Abreu, at [email protected] 5 Saturday, March 12 8:30 - 12:30 Saint Agnes School, Point Loma Community Workshops (for details on rooms and times, see breakdown below) Opportunities to Study in Portugal and Portuguese Government Services available in San Diego Presider: Idalmiro daRosa Presenter: Michael Baum, FLAD/Study in Portugal Network Language: English Come learn how students can go to Portugal for special study abroad opportunities. Presenter: Idalmiro da Rosa, Language: English and Portuguese Did you know there is an easy process to have dual citizenship? Many government processes can be addressed right from your neighborhood. Come and find out how. Writing About Your Community and Legacy Presenter: Donna Alves Calhoun, author of The Portuguese Community in San Diego Presenter: Mary Roy, author of Coming to America: an Immigrant Voyage Presenter: John de Melo, author of Chasing the Dream Presider: Donna Alves Calhoun Language: English Come learn how to begin a labor of love writing about your family, community or simply a life changing event. Your efforts leave a legacy for those who follow.... Come get started! Genealogy - Discover Your Roots Presenter: João Ventura, Azores Language: English Presider:GaryCorreia Genealogy is the study of families and tracing their lineages and history. This workshop will introduce participants to the study of genealogy and the vast body of resources available to discover their roots. 6 The Tuna Industry of Yesterday and Today Sponsored by the Portuguese Historical Center Presenter: Presider: Joe daRosa Presenter: Kenny Alameda Language: English Come hear about the beginning of the industry until the present controversies. We are so fortunate to learn from those who lived through many of the most trying times for the industry. The Geology of the Azores and Natural Disasters Over Time Presenter: Isabelle Sacramento-Grilo, SDSU Language: English Presider: Patty Camacho A review of the physiographic and tectonic setting of the Azores Islands: Implications for geological hazards in these beautiful volcanic islands in the north Atlantic. How this ties in with a planet that is energetic and tectonically active and has been releasing its energy over billions of years Children's Workshop - Portuguese Arts and Crafts **Space is limited; check in early** Sponsored by the Portuguese American Dancers Presenters: AlyssaBarandiaran,SydneyCalhoun,KaylaHatashita,BrianaGomes,Victoria Jorge,GabiBarbosa Language: English Presider: Karinna Feliciano and Therese Garces For children ages 3 - 12 to participate in a hands-on experience to learn about Portuguese traditional stories and make an accompanying craft. Materials are free and space is limited to availability. Tradition, Culture and Cuisine of the Azores Sponsored by Aliança Açoriana Presider: Chris daRosa Presenters: Chris daRosa, Angela Giglitto , Ze Duarte Garcia Language: English San Diego has a large Azorean presence. Come learn and enjoy their unique traditions, cuisine, art and music. 7 Portuguese Educators Dialogue "Empowering Portuguese Youth for Success and Involvement" Presenters: Doreen Correia, Elmano Costa Language: English Presider: Doreen Correia Bringing together Portuguese educators to discuss how to encourage our Portuguese Youth to pursue successful careers and become more become involved in the Portuguese community activities. Organization members are encourages to attend this valuable session. Having Fun with Traditional Portuguese Dances Sponsored by the Portuguese American Dancers Presenter: Josh Benventi Language: English Presider: Therese Garces The Portuguese American Dancers have been the pride and joy of the San Diego community since the mid fifties. Come hear about the evolution of their work. This workshop will include audience participation to give you a real feel of the traditional dances. Come and have fun! Festas and Faith in San Diego Presenter: Lynn Guidi Language: English Lynn has made many presentation about the legacy of the San Diego Festa do Espirito Santo from the perspective of faith and history. Her descriptions and photos makes the experience come alive. There is a great heritage to pass on to those that follow. Come and learn. Traditions, Culture and Cuisine of Madeira Sponsored by Sociedade de Santo Amaro Presenter: Zeca Rodrigues Language: English/Portuguese San Diego has a large Madeiran presence. Come learn and enjoy their unique traditions, cuisine, art and music. 8 YPA – Young Portuguese Americans – "Youth Leadership for the 21st Century" Presenters: • DanielMello • ArryonnaSantos • MichelleMachado • JasonAmarante • SofiaPour • AngelaSilveira • AntonioCapote • DianaRodrigues • NazareSimas • AbelDutra-alreadyhastickets • TaylorAmarante • StevenNascimento Language:English YPAmembersareabroadrangeofyoungPortugueseAmericansthroughoutCalifornia. Theworkshopwillbehandsonfocusingonbuildingleadershipskillsinourcommunities forthe21stcentury.StudentswilllearnabouttheirPortugueserootsandtheircultural leaders,aswellas,howtheycanbeleadersintheirrespectiveareas. Free screening of the following, during the workshop period. O Ano do Ciclone Language: Portuguese Os Portugueses na California, dir. Nelson Ponta-Garça. Language: English 9 BREAKDOWN OF COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS St. Agnes School Saturday, Room: 3 Room: 4 Room: 1 Room: 2 Room: 5 Room: 6 Writing about your Legacy The Tuna Industry of Yesterday and Today Room: 7 March 12, 8:30 - 9 a.m. Registration Hospitality ROOSTER CAMISA, LALIS,LUSO, PHC,3 BOOKS 9 - 10 a.m. Sponsors: Film Study in Portugal Coffee & Juice: Meet three Portuguese Portuguese Government Authors Services available Hosted by Cabrillo & Portuguese American 10:10 - Goodies: - Film 11:10 a.m. Have Fun with Traditional Dances Audience Participation 11:20 12:20 p.m. Film Children's Workshop Hands on experience for ages 3-12 Lunch on your own Portuguese Educators DialogueHow to involve Youth Tradition, Culture, Cuisine and Art of the Azores Tradition, Culture, Cuisine and Art of Madeira Geologyof YPA theAzores - Young Portuguese Americans Genealogy Learn how to discover your family roots Festa and Faith in San Diego See map of eateries in program book 10 Saturday Afternoon 1:45 - 4:00 p.m. Walking Tour of Little Portugal: Meet at the UPSES Club Room Tickets $10 Available at the Club room on the day of the event Come hear about the development of the Portuguese Community in San Diego. We will make several stops throughout the community. LittlePortugalWalkingTourStopsandParticipants Distanceapproximately8blocks. Tickets:$10(purchasedatClubRoom) WelcomeUPSESClubRoom............................................JeannieAthey HistoryoftheUPSES.........................................................DanielSilva HistoryoftheCapela........................................................LynnGuidi ThePortugueseAmericanDancers.............................EvelynBarandarian St.AgnesChurch.................................................................DonnaAlves EducationforthePortugueseCommunity................AngelaGiglitto MakingHomemadewine................................................JeannieAthney ImmigrationandgrowingupPortugueseinPL......ZecaRodrigues(Mrs.Nunes) TunaIndustry.....................................................................Sergio&TheresedaSilva .........................................................................Tony&BabitaSouza Tunaman'sMemorial&Monument...............................DanielSIlva PortugueseHistoricalCenter.........................................OdetteVirissimo RefreshmentssponsoredbythePHC 11 Saturday Evening Dinner Banquet “Using Heritage to Empower Global Action and Leadership” United Portuguese SES, Inc. (UPSES) 2818 Avenida de Portugal, San Diego, CA 92106 Hosted Cocktails: Hosted Bar 6 PM to 7 PM Courtesy of LALIS, Luso-American Life Insurance Society Dinner: Steak and Shrimp, Prepared by San Diego Luso-American Society / “Bom Jesus” LAEF Recognition Awardees: Alda Blanco, Paula Cordeiro, Ana Paula Laborinho, Michael McQuary, Cristiano da Rosa. Keynote Address: If there is a future, are the Portuguese-Americans in it? Onésimo Almeida. Brown University Addresses: Frank Souza (LAEF), Eduardo Eusébio (LAEF), Chukuka Enwemeka (SDSU Provost), Nuno Mathias (Consul-General of Portugal in San Francisco), Vasco Rato (FLAD), Paulo Teves (Gov. Reg. Azores), Emb. Domingos Fezas Vital (Government of Portugal). Entertainment: Comedy act, courtesy of Taylor Amarante. Live Music TBA. 12 13