October 5, 2014
October 5, 2014
Saint John the Evangelist Parish 115 Middlesex Street . North Chelmsford, Massachusetts Tel: 978-251-8571 . Fax: 978-251-7873 . www.saintjohnchelmsford.org Our Mission Statement... Called by Christ to unity in our Roman Catholic Faith, we bring together and welcome the faithful from diverse walks of life and ethnic backgrounds. We stand for the sanctity of life and the dignity of every person. We dedicate ourselves to formation in faith, pastoral care and service to all generations. Parish Office Hours October 5, 2014 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 3 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 AM; 5:00 PM Weekday Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM followed by The Rosary. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 3:15 - 3:45 PM or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Second Sunday of the month or during any weekend Mass. Call the Parish Office to register. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should contact the priest 6 months prior to their wedding date. Sacrament of The Sick Sunday following the 10:30 AM Mass. Call the Parish Office when someone is very ill. Sacrament of Holy Orders See a priest or visit [email protected] The Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts page 2 At harvest time the owner sends his servants for the produce. To his surprise, they are met with resistance and violence; the servants are beaten up and some of them are killed. He only asked for the produce; it should not be so difficult to give that up. Scripture Reflection Yet we know from our own experience, how hard this can be. What a fuss we may create if we have to give up our favorite television program on a particular night! We are not asked to give up the television set, or to give up the program Forever, yet we may put up a great fight before we surrender the program for that one night. It may be the same if we have to give up a night out with our friends, or have to part with some of our money. Sometimes it costs us dearly to give up the more precious produce of our lives. When children grow up their parents must let them go. Workers reach retirement age and have to give up their life-long occupation and their salary. In old age many must give up their independence and sometimes their familiar surroundings as they move to nursing homes. Death may take from us our nearest and dearest. It is no wonder that we resist so vehemently when we are asked to give up the produce. The remarkable thing is that people do give up what they treasure. Generous people give their time, energy and money in the service of their families and of others in their local communities and beyond. Parents let their children go; my own parents spent their working lives improving and developing their farm and would have wished that one of their children would stay to inherit the land, but they made no protest when all three of us grew up and went away. People accept the loss of health and youthfulness and independence, and the loss of those they love. When Job lost everything, he remembered that he was a tenant and not the owner of all that God had entrusted to him, so he could peacefully pray: ‘The Lord gave, the Lord has taken back. Blessed be the name of the Lord.’ How much better our world be if everyone saw themselves not as owners of what they have, but as tenants, and were ready to share the produce when they were asked to do so. http://www.goodnews.ie MON, OCT 6 TUE, OCT 7 WED, OCT 8 Galatians 1: 6-12 Psalm 111 Luke 10: 25-37 Galatians 1: 13-24 Psalm 139 Luke 10: 38-42 Galatians 2: 1-2, 7-14 Psalm 117 Luke 11: 1-4 Staff Directory Call us at 978-251-8571 Reverend Martin Dzengeleski ADMINISTRATOR, ext 218 [email protected] Paul Ciotti DIRECTOR OF W ORSHIP ext 234; [email protected] Fran Anderson COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION ext 212; [email protected] Luis Nieto YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR ext 230; [email protected] Liliana Lucas BUSINESS MANAGER ext 213; [email protected] This Week’s Readings THUR, OCT 9 Galatians 3: 1-5 Luke 1 Luke 11: 5-13 FRI, OCT 10 Galatians 3: 7-14 Psalm 111 Luke 11: 15-26 SAT, OCT 11 SUN, OCT 12 “YOUR WORD IS A Galatians 3: 22-29 Psalm 105 Luke 11: 27-28 Isaiah 25: 6-10 Psalm 23 Phil 4: 12-14, 19-20 Matthew 22: 1-14 LAMP UNTO MY FEET AND A LIGHT UNTO MY PATH” -PSALM 119:105 Christine Trznadel PARISH SECRETARY/ BULLETIN EDITOR ext 214; [email protected] Eileen Marcotte ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ext 229; [email protected] Stephen Webber FACILITIES MANAGER, ext 231 October 5, 2014: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time page 3 Mass Intentions The Collection Report W e e k e n d o f S e p t e m b e r 27th/ 28th “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them” Offertory Budget $9,000 Offertory Actual * $7,706 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5TH Variance ($1,294) 8:30 AM: Cecile & Marlene Poulin 10:30 AM: J. Edward Clancy 5:00 PM: Sean Caron, Gregory Saunders & Germaine Caron TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7TH *Of the above, $ 214 is from electronic giving September, 2014 Month-End Performance 8:00 AM: Rita McGowan Offertory Budget $36,000 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Offertory Actual $33,267 8:00 AM: Martha Fonseca Variance ($2,733) 2014/15 Fiscal YTD Performance $108,800 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH 8:00 AM: Parishioners of St. John’s FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH It’s here… 8:00 AM: Thomas Soracco (4th Anniversary) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH The St. Johns 4:00 PM: Rita McGowan AND Jon Doherty 2nd SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 8:30 AM: Samuel Cervone 10:30 AM: Larry & Bette McLaughlin 5:00 PM: Irene & Edward Spinelli May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. -Amen Rose for Life In Appreciation of the Dedication and Hard Work of the St. John’s Staff. Rose Donated by Blossoms Florist To book a Rose for Life, call Christine; ext 214. Grand Annual Campaign “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” -2Corinthians 9:7 We look forward to your participation in this appeal. We thank you, in advance, for your generous financial support of your parish family. And… we thank those who have already generously given. Please know that NO gift is ever too small or unnoticed! Goal Raised %age of Goal $110,000 $11,989 10.9% If you haven't yet received the official campaign letter and pledge card, please find one in the offertory envelope boxes at the church entrances Additionally, a pledge card can be found on the last page of this bulletin. A Word of Thanks from Fr. Marty… Thank you to the St. John’s Golf Tournament Committee and the Knights of Columbus for all their work in running another successful tournament. Thanks to all the players who attended and the many volunteers and sponsors who supported this event. Over $12,000 was raised! It is great to see such great community events happening here at St. John’s. Blessings and Peace… The Parish Family of Saint John the Evangelist, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts From the Office of Religious Education & Faith Formation Fran Anderson, ext 212 The St. John’s/ KOC Golf Committee would like to thank the following sponsors of the recent 9th Annual Golf Tournament. We encourage you to utilize their products and/or services in appreciation of their generous stewardship. FOR CONFIRMATION CATECHISTS: An Introduction to Chosen St. Mary Church, 25 North Road, Chelmsford Thursday, October 16th… 6:00 - 9:00 PM Chosen is designed to offer teens a life-changing experience as they journey through their Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. This special day of formation offers leaders valuable insight and tools to confidently—and inspirationally—teach the program. Who Should Attend? Principals, Teachers, Priests, Catechists, Deacons, Youth Ministers, Campus Ministers, Parents and anyone who works with teens in grades 8-12. Cost: $20, and includes handouts and dinner. For those that already have their Chosen Leader Guide, please bring it with you as it is required for the training. If you don't have this guide, it may be purchased on site. To register, contact Heather Hannaway at 978-256-3541 or [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY page 4 PLATINUM SPONSOR In Memory of Ira Parks GOLD SPONSORS Blake Funeral Home, Inc. Dolan Funeral Home, Inc. Gervais Lincoln Mercury Muscato's Catering Trinity Ambulance SILVER SPONSORS Alpine Insurance Agency, Inc. Aquatime Pools & Spas, Inc. Tom Curran, Ameriprise Finan. Law Office of Peter V. Lawlor Attorney Stanley W. Norkunas J.P. Rivard Trailer Sales, Inc. BRONZE SPONSORS ABC Payroll Brickhouse Pizza Budget Sign Center Chelmsford Dental Assoc., LCC Christopher’s Towing Pat Dearborn, Coldwell Banker Doherty Financial Strategies Donelan's Supermarket, Inc. Four Sisters Owl Diner Glenview Pub & Grill Greg Spring Landscaping Hyne's Tavern Ron & Deb Lafond Kimball Farms, Inc. Knights of Columbus L'Hussier Tax Services - Acctg Lowell Five Luz Granite Corp . Petersen Built Homes Ready RE, Inc. Shannon & Assoc., CPA's Stansfield Tire Center, Inc. (Additional ‘Thank you’s’ in next week’s bulletin) www.chelmsfordyouthministry.weebly.com “Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe; in speech, conduct, love, faith & purity. -1Tim 4:12 ~ Middle School Event: Grades 5-8 ~ . Battle of Jericho This Friday, October 10th Church Hall from 6:30 - 8:30 PM GOD SQUAD MEETING (a peer leadership group) Sunday, October 12th Old Parish Center: 5:00 - 6:15 pm Upcoming Workshops St. Mary’s, Chelmsford To register, please contact Tina Souza at 978.256.2374 or [email protected]. Saturday, October 25th at 9:30 AM OR Thursday, November 6th at 6:30 PM St. Elizabeth’s, Acton To register, please contact Barbara Dane at 978.263.4305, ext 16 or [email protected] Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00 PM Thursday, November 13th at 10:00 AM page 5 October 5, 2014: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time U PCOMIN G P A RI S H SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5TH Coffee & Donuts following 8:30 AM Mass: Hall 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Youth Ministry Yard Sale: Off Site 9:30 - 11:00 AM: Grade K-6 Religious Education: OPC & NPC 9:30 - 11:00 AM: Grade 7/8 Religious Education: Hall 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM: Confirmation Class: Hall 11:30 AM: African Liturgy Committee: OPC MONDAY, OCTOBER 6TH 7:00 PM: SVdP Meeting: OPC TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7TH 6:30 PM: Golf Committee: Linehan WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH 4:15 - 5:30 PM: Grade 1-6 Religious Education: NPC 6:00 - 7:30 PM: Grade 7-8 Religious Education: NPC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH 10:00 AM: Charismatic Prayer Group: OPC 6:45 PM: BINGO (doors open at 3:00 PM): Hall FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH 7:00 PM: Baptismal Conference: Mariotti 6:30 - 8:30 PM: MS Youth Ministry Event: Hall SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH 8:30 AM: 2nd Saturday Men’s Group: Mariotti SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES THIS WEEK Coffee & Donuts, following the 8:30 AM Mass 11:30 AM: African Liturgy Committee: OPC 5:00 - 6:15 PM: GOD Squad: OPC Library Life Line Screening will be here at St. John’s on Monday, October 27th… (5) screenings offered/ Packages available! Stroke/ Carotid Artery Screening Heart Rhythm Screening Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Appointments are limited so Register TODAY for this event by calling 888-653-6441 or visiting www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners EV E N T S October is Respect Life Month After all Masses this weekend, we will be distributing baby bottles from the Pregnancy Care Center. The Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) is a Christ-centered ministry committed to saving lives physically, spiritually and emotionally… one life at a time. Take the bottle home, fill it with cash or a check (made payable to PCC) and return it to the church NO LATER than Sunday, October 26th. As you will see from the insert in the bottle, you may list the name and address of someone you wish to honor. The PCC will send a special card to them, showing them that you have made a gift for life in their name. The Baby Bottle Campaign is used to fund PCC programs that help women in crisis pregnancies. Because October is Respect Life Month, this is a wonderful opportunity to respect life as a family. To receive more information about PCC, please call 978.373.5700. Thank you, in advance, for your support. “ALL YOU CAN EAT” “Spaghetti & Meatballs Prepared by the “Truly Italian Brian Muscato” Saturday, October 18th at 5:00 PM Accordionist Ed Ciampa; tableside performance Door Prize drawn during dinner! Tickets are $8.00 pp/ Children 5 and under - Free Group Discount: 10 tickets for $70 (includes appetizer, entrée, dessert, beverage) Tickets are sold after weekend Masses or at the parish offices from 9 AM - 3 PM, Monday - Friday. Ticket sale deadline is NEXT SUNDAY, October 12! Second Saturday Men’s Group We are men from throughout the area who are constantly exploring what it means to be a strong male for our family, in our work life, and in our faith life. The men of our group discuss contemporary issues and how we, as Catholic men, respond to these challenges, share our faith journey and strengthen our spirituality. If you are interested in further developing your faith with like-minded men, then please join us for fellowship next Saturday, October 11 from 8:30 to 10:00 AM in the Mariotti Room. NO need to let us know… just show up. There’s enough coffee for everyone! ✂ Please prayerfully consider making a donation to the Grand Annual Campaign! Thank you for your generosity! St. John the Evangelist Parish - 2014 Grand Annual Collection Complete this card and return in envelope provided. Please print... Please prayerfully consider... Name: Total Pledge $1,000.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 Address: Phone: Email: 2 Monthly Payments $500 per month $375 per month $250 per month $100 per month Check one... Envelope Number (If known): Single Payment, in full Monthly Reminder Statements Gift made on WeShare online giving Gift Total $ Enclosed $ Balance Due $ Please makes checks payable to St. John the Evangelist Church ✂ In Support of our Community Public Square Rosary Crusade Spiritual Direction Training… On Tuesday, October 21, we will begin our 9th training session! We are grateful to God for the many ways this program has enriched our students and provided many adults the opportunity to serve as spiritual directors. The classes will take place on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 9:00 pm at San Damiano House of Prayer in Lowell. If you are interested, please contact Sr. Linda Greenwood, OSF at 978.441.0988 or [email protected], or you can visit www.sandamiano-houseofprayer.org, where you can find an on-going listing of our programs and opportunities. At Fatima in 1917, Our Lady made it very clear that the Rosary is the supernatural solution to our earthly problems. Father Pavlicek also saw this as a solution and promoted a national Rosary Crusade that saved Austria from Communism at the end of World War II. Just like in Austria, the Rosary can save America! We are planning 12,000 rallies for the weekend of October 11th/12th—the closest weekend to the October 13th anniversary in 1917 when God worked a miracle of the sun at Fatima, Portugal. Join us on… Sunday, October 12th at 3:00 PM Billerica Commons If you wish to carpool, or for more information, contact the Dragas Family at 978.459.2074 or [email protected]
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Office Hours
Monday - Friday
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Called by Christ to
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welcome the faithful
from diverse walks
of life and ethnic