May 15 - Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Parish
May 15 - Our Lady of Loreto Catholic Parish
The Loreto Letter “In Christ Jesus you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” Ephesians 2:22. CELEBRATIONS OF THE EUCHARIST Monday-Friday: 7:00am Wednesday-Friday: 7:00am, 5:30pm Saturday: 7:30am, 5:00pm Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm Accompany One Another With Mercy Pentecost Sunday May 15th, 2016 * Volume XIX, Number 25 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 8:30am-10:00am or by appointment PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm 18000 E ARAPAHOE RD FOXFIELD, CO 80016 303.766.3800 (Office) 303.766.3700 (Fax) 303.951.8330 (School) Welcome to Our Lady of Loreto Parish! St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Colorado, teaches that hospitality is the first of all the virtues. I pray you find here a hospitable and virtuous Catholic Christian community. Call upon us if you need us. Know of our prayer for yours and you. Please pray for OLOL and for me. Father Ed, Pastor. FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Next Sunday: The most holy trinity Mass Intentions for May 14th– May 22nd PARISH STAFF PASTOR Msgr. Edward L. Buelt [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Nick Thompson [email protected] DEACON Michael Magee [email protected] DEACON Richard Miller [email protected] BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Mrs. Jeanne Norville [email protected] INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. Joe Heasley [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS/ DIGITAL EVANGELIZATION Mrs. Joia Farmer [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Mrs. Shirley McDermott [email protected] CHILDREN/FAMILY FORMATION Mrs. Joan Deeb [email protected] PRINCIPAL Sr. Julia Balu, SOLM [email protected] LITURGY & MUSIC Mr. Charles Nolen [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY Mr. Brad Farmer [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY ASST. Ms. Kiki Wallyn [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Peggy Burke [email protected] FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE Mr. Gery Myhre [email protected] Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 7:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 am 5:30 pm 7:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm PASTORAL SERVICES Paul Carrera+ BAPTISM OF INFANTS Rita Lafond+ Baptism preparation packets are Walt Senter+ available in the religious education OLOL Parishioners area in the narthex or Donald Alfermann+ on our website. James Gresenti+ CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF Georgianne Myers+ ADULTS Angela Cunningham+ Non-Catholic adults who are Ministry for the Sick called to full communion in the Bob Suter Catholic Church are asked to Anita Galvin+ contact Shirley at 303.414.2255 Gail Timmons+ for further information. Nathan Gerard+ Fr. Matt Magee MARRIAGE Steven Ensafian+ Spiritual preparation is vital for the Kelseigh Gorman celebration of the Sacrament of Bernadine Lynch+ Marriage. Couples are invited to OLOL Parishioners contact Father Nick Thompson to James Michel Boyle+ arrange an individual meeting. Gurly Titland Readings for the week of May 15th Sun 1st 2nd Gospel Acts 2:1-11 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 Jn 20:19-23 Mon 1st 2nd Jas 3:13-18 Mk 9:14-29 Tue. 1st 2nd Jas 4:1-10 Mk 9:30-37 Wed. 1st 2nd Jas 4:13-17 Mk 9:38-40 Thu. 1st 2nd Jas 5:1-6 Mk 9:41-50 Fri. 1st 2nd Jas 5:9-12 Mk 10:1-12 Sat. 1st 2nd Jas 5:13-20 Mk 10:13-16 Sun. 1st 2nd Gospel Prv 8:22-31 Rom 5:1-5 Jn 16:12-15 Stay in touch, keep informed, connect with the OLOL community! Facebook: Twitter: @mypastor Instagram: @ololoreto CARE OF THE SICK/DYING Please call at the beginning of any serious illness or hospitalization. If you are ill and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the office. In the case of death, please call Fr. Ed before meeting with the funeral director. ADORATION The adoration chapel is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Please contact Fr. Nick if you have questions or would like to sign up for adoration. COR JESU (HEART OF JESUS) An e-mail prayer ministry at OLOL Parish. E-mail [email protected] to join this prayer group, or to offer your prayer requests. THE GABRIEL PROJECT Pregnant? Need help? Be not afraid. For help, hope and healing, call 1.800.713.3021 COME HOME If you are struggling with a past abortion, please contact Father Ed or Father Nick. A Word from Father Ed Congratulations, Father Matthew Magee! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, This weekend is one of great joy: we rejoice and celebrate Jesus’ gift to the Church of Denver of six new priests, one of whom is our very own parishioner: Father Matthew Magee, the son of Deacon Michael and Susan Magee. There is something very “circle of life-ish” about Father Magee’s ordination this weekend. Eighteen years ago, soon after the founding of Our Lady of Loreto Parish, Matthew’s parents approached me to ask that he make his first holy Communion. I distributed first holy Communion to Matthew on May 17, 1998, making him the first parishioner to receive first holy Communion in our fledgling parish. Eighteen years later, Father Magee is ordained to the priesthood. Today, almost eighteen years to the day of his first holy Communion, he celebrates his own “First Mass,” a Mass of Thanksgiving, offering gratitude in particular to his parents and parish for the faith he received from them and which as a priest he now proclaims, celebrates, and serves. It is said that the health of a parish can be “diagnosed” by the number of vocations to the priesthood and religious life born of its company. If that is true, then Our Lady of Loreto Parish has much to be proud of and for which to give thanks. Father Matt is the second parishioner ordained to the priesthood in as many years; Father David Hogan was ordained a priest in 2014. Three parishioners have been ordained deacons, including Father Matt’s father, Mike, Dick Miller, and George Brown. Four parishioners are currently in seminary formation to be ordained priests, one of whom, Daniel Eusterman, will be ordained a deacon in September, and one parishioner is in formation to be ordained a deacon. Two parishioners have professed final vows in religious life, one has taken first vows, and another is preparing to profess her first vows this summer. For all these we do pray, and that God raises up more young men and women to serve him and his church as priests, deacons, and religious. The difference between false and true religion can be seen in the gift of the priesthood. False religion is religion which uses God as a means to one’s own ends, seeking God not for God’s sake but for one’s own. True religion is religion which seeks to place oneself as a means for God, seeking God not for what he can do for oneself but rather that his will be done. Initially true religion seems opposed to the natural emphasis of one’s existence. But with time it proves that precisely when the self becomes inconsequential, that is, when one places oneself in God’s service and that of the other, are we truly liberated. Congratulations, Father Magee. We love you, are proud of you, and assure you of our prayers. May God, who began this good work in you, bring it to fulfillment. Father Ed G UIDED BY THE H OLY S PIRIT , O UR L ADY OF L ORETO C ATHOLIC P ARISH IS A E UCHARISTIC COMMUNITY THAT SEEKS TO LIVE THE WORD OF G OD , INSTILL THE LEGACY OF FAITH , AND PROCLAIM THE LOVE OF THROUGH SERVICE C HRIST TO ALL . Adult Formation This Week: Mystagogy: May 15th, 9am in JPII followed by 11am Mass RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults As our Blessed Mother brings us to her Son Jesus, it is our task also to bring others to the Lord. Is there someone you can invite to explore the Catholic faith—someone unbaptized or baptized in a nonCatholic Christian tradition? Perhaps you know a Catholic adult interested in being confirmed. If you are interested in finding out more about how to become Catholic, contact: Shirley McDermott at 303414-2255 or [email protected] Mystagogia May 15,-9am in JPII -11am Mass OLOL HOSTING CATHOLIC CATECHETICAL SCHOOL! Our parish will host the Catholic Catechetical School this fall, Thursdays @9:30am and Wednesdays @7pm! Classes begin April 10th. Visit for more information and to register. Information sessions before class begins will be held July 13th and August 4th at 9am and August 10th at 7pm at OLOL. The Bible and THe Virgin Mary is a dynamic 12 part video series that explains the Catholic truths about Our Mother as revealed in both the Old and New Testaments to demonstrate she was part of God's plan of Salvation for the world from the beginning of time. This study includes discussion of church approved Marian apparitions. It is sure to help Catholics and non-Catholics alike to grow in appreciation of the Mother of God. Parish Access Code BJ6J9M (FREE) Mystagogia May 15,-9am in JPII -11am Mass This Week: Sunday: Restored Order of the Sacraments Mtg., 10:30am, CW Saturday: First Reconciliation for the RCIC and RCIT neophytes (for those who were newly baptized at the Easter Vigil) CHILDREN & FAMILY FORMATION Special Thanks To all of our First Eucharist catechists and cake reception volunteers, especially Lisa Redman, Mark Smoorenburg, and Connie Schutte. 2nd and 3rd First Eucharist Classes Congratulations to all of the first holy communicants and their families! What a blessed day. Photography Information Please go to the photographers website (you should have this in your paperwork) and enter the code “first” to look at and order pictures. Information Meetings about Confirmation next year, the restored order of the sacraments Sunday—May 15 at 10:30 am in Chapel of the Word Monday– May 23 at 6:30pm in Holy Family Hall Tuesday –June 7 at 6:30pm in Holy Family Hall What is Pentecost? And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak (Acts 2:2-4). A Story Worth Living “An Adventure Story about the Adventure of Living” Thursday, May 19th, 7:30pm Join us for a one night only showing at the Aurora 16 theater Families invited to attend together! $11.50 adult / $10.50 students For more details, check out: Contact Kiki for details. [email protected] No 7th/ 8th Grade Youth Group Thursday, May 19th Join us for the movie instead (see above). Curious about registration for Confirmation classes next school year? Confused about the changes? Email Brad at [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY This Week: Monday: High School Youth Group, 7pm, JPII Tuesday: 6th Grade Youth Group, 7pm, JPII Wednesday: Confirmation Track 1, 7pm, JPII Thursday: Movie Night, Aurora 16 (No 7th/8th Grade group) Mission Trip 2.0 We did not receive enough indication of availability for the Mexico Mission due to the early start of the school year. We are considering another mission to Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Austin, TX to work with the homeless sometime this July. Open to High School students. Please email Brad at [email protected] with interest. SOCIAL MINISTRIES LITURGY & MUSIC This Week: This Week: All rehearsals are in room 107 of the St. Joseph Ministry Center. Quote:. “(A) reflection of God’s own reality shines out in the human person, in every person, whatever the stage or condition of his life.” — Pope Benedict XVI, Address of Feb. 27, 2006 Wednesday: Treble Choir - Probationers, 5:00pm Thursday: Treble Choir - Novices, 5:00pm Cantati Loreti, 7:00pm Saturday: Sat. 5 PM Ensemble, 3:45pm Sunday: Sun. 5 PM Ensemble, 4:30pm On the day of Pentecost when the seven weeks of Easter had come to an end, Christ’s Passover is fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, manifested, given, and communicated as a divine person: of his fullness, Christ, the Lord, pours out the Spirit in abundance. - CCC 731 Save the date! Sunday, 5/29, following the 11 AM Mass will be the annual Corpus Christi procession. The procession will begin about 12:15 PM and conclude with benediction in the plaza in front of the church about 1:00 PM. Come join us! We have vacancies in many of our liturgical ministries, especially in sacred music, and are always happy to have new persons join us in serving Christ and the parish! For more information contact Charles Nolen at 303.414.2254 or [email protected]. Monday: St Vincent de Paul Conf Mtg, 7 PM, RGA Share Your Talents to serve through the ministries of Catholic Charities; visit A specific opportunity: Little Flower Food and Clothing Bank (Our Life Closet) - is in need of 2 volunteers to help on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (10AM-noon, 1PM-3PM). You will be helping unload trucks and/or sorting food donations and stocking shelves. Some lifting involved: should be comfortable lifting 25-35 lbs. Call Donna @ 720-427-1618 A Thank-You: Thank-You so much for the donation of clothing and personal items for the migrant workers. From Laurie A Daso, the Site Mgr of Farm Labor Housing, Archdiocesan Housing. 8th Grade, Language Arts Teacher Opening for the 2016-2017 School Year Our Lady of Loreto Catholic School is hiring a 8th grade teacher for the 2016-17 school year. Please see below for a general outline of standards and competencies for this position. Candidates must have a current teaching license or qualify for the alternative licensure program. Interested candidates, send your cover letter and resume to Sr. Julia Balu, Principal, at [email protected] Candidates must: Recognize and support the unique Catholic mission of the school, live Gospel values, and assume an active role in building the school’s faith community. Show instructional proficiency by effectively planning, demonstrating competence in the teaching process, and using effective methods of evaluation. Exhibit classroom management skills including a consistent discipline approach promoting self-direction and positive selfimage and maintaining a functional and pleasant learning environment. Work cooperatively and positively with administration, staff members, students and parents. Demonstrate a sense of professional responsibility and maintain a professional manner. OTHER EVENTS This Week: Sunday: Charismatic Prayer Group, 7pm, CW Tuesday: Legion of Mary, 7pm, RGB Wednesday: Wednesday Endow Group, 6pm, RGB Endow, 6pm, Sacristy Sew the Faith Quilters, 6:30pm, CL 109/111 Friday: Bulletin Folding, 10:15am, CW Cookies, Sandwiches and More provides food for the Holy Ghost Sandwich Line in downtown Denver. Please leave your peanut butter and jelly/honey sandwiches or cookies in the outer entryway to the Adoration Chapel over the weekend of May 21-22. The items will be picked up after 6:30 PM on Sunday. If you have questions, please contact Sarah Warren at [email protected] Charismatic Prayer Ministry Please join us this Sunday, May 15th for our PENTECOST CELEBRATION. Fr. Nick will be our guest speaker. He will celebrate Mass at 5:00 p.m. Following we will have a potluck dinner in the Chapel of the Word (The Upper Room). Bring your favorite dish to share and a friend to this celebration. Praise and worship will follow dinner. All are welcome! For more information contact Vicky at 303.699.8927 Nursing Home Ministry: Our next visit to the Cherry Creek Nursing Home will be on Saturday, May 21st from 10:15am 11:30pm. Families and children are welcome! For more information, contact Andy Burroughs at [email protected]. OLOL SCHOOL Upcoming events: May 25 Fun Run and Field Day May 30 Memorial Day - No School Welcome Sr. Rosaria & Sr. Eleanora! We will be adding two new sisters to our school family next school year! Sr. Rosaria, who will be a teacher’s aide, and Sr. Eleanora, our new fourth grade teacher, both come to us from Ft. Collins. Please help us make them feel at home! Wanted! Teacher Volunteers! Are you a retired teacher who is missing the kids? Join us! We are looking for dedicated, consistent, volunteers to help 2 to 3 days a week with language arts and math in 5th grade and above. Come make a difference! Contact the school office at 303-951-8330. Fun Run and Field Day - May 25th We will be having a Fun Run the morning of May 25th followed by our Field Day in the afternoon. Don’t forget your sunscreen, hat, and water bottle! Grief Support Groups to Begin—If you have recently lost a loved one and would like to meet, support, and care for others in a Christ-centered faith sharing group, consider joining an OLOL support group. Groups will meet for 6 Thursdays beginning 6/23 from 6:30–8:30 p.m. in the parish’s office conference room (upstairs). Other sessions will meet for 6 weeks beginning in August, November, and January. For persons who have suffered infant loss (before or after the birth of the child), we have a network of support we can offer in your time of need. Please contact Lydia for more information. For further details and to register, contact [email protected]. Sew the Faith Quilters will meet on Wednesday 5/18, after 5:30 Mass, approx 6:15 in Room 108. Women of the parish with some sewing experience are welcome to join us. We pray and share our love of quilting. Show and Tell always welcome. Call Bonnie Brewer 303-362-2023 with questions. This will be our last meeting until September. Altar flowers this weekend are courtesy of an anonymous donor in gratitude for blessings received. A reminder that you may sign up to sponsor flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one. The white sign up binder is on the welcome desk in the Narthex. Suggested donation for altar flowers is $60 and flowers for Mary is a suggested donation of $30. MARRIAGE & FAMILY This Week: Knights of Columbus Council 12336 Thursday: Baptismal Preparation Class, 7pm, RG Young Adult Potluck, 7pm, CL 109 Friday: Home Educators Faith & Culture, 8:30am, RG Saturday: Marriage Vow Reception, 6pm, CW UPCOMING KNIGHTS ACTIVITIES: Wed, May 18: 1st Degree Exemplification and Social in Rectory Garden Room Saturday, May 21: Semi-Annual Spring Arapahoe Road Cleanup beginning at 8:30 am, just after morning Mass and the rosary. We will meet at the front of the Church, and will go to 11:30 am at the latest. Ladies and children are welcome to help with this valuable Knights service to our community. Afterward, we will grill some brats and Italian sausage for all the participants. Saturday May 21: Respect Life Rosary at Planned Parenthood Clinic. Meet in OLOL parking lot at 7:30am Saturday May 21: Wedding Anniversary Reception – 6:00pm in the Chapel of the Word WANTED: Empty Gatorade or Powerade 20 oz bottles WITH LIDS. We are gathering these for a craft project during Ave Maria's Catholic Children for Christ summer program. Please drop them off May 14-June 12 in the labeled box across from the main school office. Thank you! Ladies Auxiliary—You can support our Ladies Auxiliary by purchasing King Soopers cards from one of our members. We receive 5% of all sales including gas and groceries. Join us for our monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month at a 6:30pm social followed by the meeting at 7pm in Holy Family Hall. All women of the parish are welcome. Our speaker on June 13th is Margaret Decrescentis from the Maryknoll Lay Missionary. Our Grand Knight encourages all Knight’s, regardless of Degree, to wear our name badges at Mass. Bring a fellow Knight to one of our meetings. Bring new ideas and new thinking about how your Council can grow. From Knights to Christ: “Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my spirit.” John Henry Newman John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always.” GIFTS OF TREASURE Offertory Week of May 8th, 2016 Adults Children YTD Actual Offertory YTD Budgeted YTD Parish Tithing to Other Charities $47,498 $326 $2,428,053 $2,470,000 $4782 (Fiscal year 7/1/15-6/30/16) Capital Funding - Ministry Center West Wing Give electronically at www.OurLadyof or via your smart phone. Savings currently held for construction Building an Inheritance of Hope (BIH) anticipated pledges to be collected Total construction funding Project expenses paid from BIH contributions $3,990,000 3,814,000 $7,804,000 $340,000 Debt Debt on Church Mortgage payable through 2031* Debt on St. Joseph Ministry Center Bridge loan payable through 2023** Total Debt Our Lady of Loreto Parish * Pre-payment of mortgage would incur substantial penalties. ** It is to OLOL’s advantage to hold this loan to maturity due $7,267,000 1,352,000 $8,619,000
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