slipstreams - California Wing
slipstreams - California Wing
SLIPSTREAMS " ... SPREADING THE WORD IN SQUADRON Volume XVIII 192" WEST BAY COMPOSITE SQUADRON March 1994 192, CHARTER 04180 Number 3 "Mr. Radio" Communicates About "Midland" For those who of you who may be still confused about the mysteries of the CAP Midland radios in our aircraft, you should have been at the Squadron meeting on 15 February to get the straight scoop. Our new COMM. Officer, 2Lt. Jayne Snook, invited LTC Bob Fields C' Mr. Radio" himself) to brief us on the installation and operation of this important link to airto-ground communication. Now Bob may be a modest fellow, but there is a reason why we gratefully refer to him as " Mr. Radio." In addition to serving as Squadron Commander for 192 for two terms (about four years), he also has been a major contributor to CAP radio communications progress for at least the last twenty years. Bob got his experience in avionics the hard way - island hopping in the Caribbean Sea in a single engine aircraft, repairing and installing avionics gear at various ports of call (one reason why he speaks such fluent Spanish). Bob 's expertise with radio in the CAP includes systems designed and installed in such San Carlos based aircraft as the L-19 Bird Dog, the Beaver and Piper Dakota. When CAL WING decided to standardize CAP airborne communications with the Midland radio, Bob compiled the installation specs for most of the fleet and monitored the installation by local FBO' s. He paid particular attention to the installation on N9420R to make it a flexible, user friendly radio that has much capability other than the CAP frequency range. When we decided to upgrade the T -34 avionics by substituting 80 pounds of obsolete military radios with a few pounds of King-type avionics and the Midland radio, Bob took two weeks of his time to work on the installation. The result is now what you pilots have to work with, and understand. Thus, that was the purpose of the training session on 15 Feb . and for those who missed it, instructional handout material is still available. Contact Jayne Snook (415-7514746) or Hal Stoner (415-591-8855) for copies of the following documentation: o SPECIAL ORDERS FOR CAP AIRCREWS OPERATJNG CORPORATE AIRCRAFT o CESSNA 206 - N9420R -MIDLAND TRANSCEIVER NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURE o T-34 NIIOFA - MIDLAND PROGRAMMABLE CAP & PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO TRANSCEIVER o " NEUTEC" TRANSCEIVER NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES (portable in Sq Office for use in N9420R as required) Standardization Of Flight Time Reporting In order to standardize the times recorded on mission paperwork such as flight plans, all aircraft "vith a Hobbs meter should report Hobbs time for all flight times, and all aircraft without a Hobbs meter should report time from engine start to shutdown. Regardless of how reported, report it in hours and tenths of hours, rounding up to the next closest tenth. On Missions, be sure that times reported on Form 108 match the times you report on your CAP flight plans. If these times don't match (to within 1110 ofan hour), your reimbursement may be delayed. It is important that your actual retum-ta-base time agrees with the estimated times you put in your flight plan when you left the Search Base. If not, call the Search Base and tell them to correct your estimate accordingly so your Request for Reimbursement won' t bounce. CAWG Receives "Excellent" Rating In Reid Hillview DRE Those who participated in the Disaster Relief Exercise last December will be happy to know that their volunteer efforts did not go unnoticed. Working with the Red Cross, the Santa Clara County OES (Bob Fields) and braving a timely storm, CAPers performed well enough under realistic conditions to earn a " well done" from attending Air Force Evaluators. Membership News NEW MEMBERS COMPLETE LEVEL I During January, the following new Senior squadron members completed their Level I Orientation course and the Cadet Protection and Human Relations Training: Glen E. David Daniel B. Frank Richard B. Tidd Mark W . Wilbanks Congratualtions gentlemen - and welcome to the club. NEW FACES ??? - OR OLD FACES !!! To our newer members, the proliferation of "new faces" at some ofour recent meetings must have started you wondering - " where are all these people corning from?" Well, to those of us who have hung around SQ 192 (2, 90 and 110) for 10' these many years, these "new faces " are really "old faces" that have found their way back - not to haunt us - but to join us once again in fun, frivolity and fellowship . Here's a quick briefing on those returning to the roost -like homing pigeons: o STEVE LADAS - Started with SQ 110, moved to CAWG HQ then to Region HQ. Steve owns a Bonanza, works for AAA (that's not Alcoholics Anonymous of Alameda - he lives in Hillsborough), CAP Chief Check Pilot, Commercial, lnst., CFlI, always happy. GLAD TO HAVE HIM BACK o BOB FIELDS - Joined CAP years ago somewhere else came to SQ 110/192 and lived through some of our more trying times as we struggled for existence. As noted above, was ordained as SQ Commander a couple of times and without him, OUf communications awareness would be non compos mentis. o DENNIS GORDON - Dennis too goes back aways and it was a pleasure to see his smiling visage at our February Pilot's session. Dennis too goes back to the 70's and 80's with SQ 110 and we even recall him making "Shavetail" Second Louie in 1978. He now lives in Hollister raising Pintos on his ranch and watching neighbor Terry Brennan ofthe T -34 Association buzz his wife in the T -34B (N 11 OJK) we once operated along with NllOFA. HOPE YOU DECIDE TO RE-ENTER THE WILD WORLD OF SQ 192. Squadron Events WAKE TURBULENCE CAN WAKE YOU UP Indeed, unexpected exposure to wake turbulence can be disturbing, not to mention unnerving to say the least. At our February Pilot's Meeting 2Lt. John Clarke gave us a briefing of the AIM'S review of this vortice's phenonena and the cautions recommended to avoid same. John also covered some of the latest FAA analyses and test data which identified some ofthe forces, distribution, down wash, time and distance figures which better define the danger zones. Although 95% or better of our flying is done at quiet airports where " Heavies" are not found, it would do well for all Mission Pilots to review and be aware of the potential hazards, since who's to tell when the next earthquake hits and we find ourselves mingling with the " Big Stuff" - like at Ontario for instance. CPR INSTRUCTION/QUALIFICA TION Tuesday March 15 Lobby, SQL Terminal Medical Officer Rose Satterfield, in conjunction with the Red Cross, will be offering CPR qualification to all members wishing this training. A fee of$30.00 will be charged to offset the expense to the ~ed Cross for use of their equipment. For information, call Rose: Home: 415-664-1450, work: 415-864-5631. MEMBERsmp CAMPAIGN March 1 Through May 31 Public Affairs Officer Tom Maslow announced that plans are going forward to participate in the National sponsored membership campaign. Prizes and recognition will be accorded outstanding individual and Unit recruiters. More details will be forthcoming, but start now lining up prospective members just might end up a wiMer. EL T SEARCH TRAINING MISSION (SQL AND HALF MOON BAY) Saturday March 26, 0800 OPs & ES Officers Dan Hoey and John Clarke are putting together a simulated ELT search training mission to expose members to the procedures involved in alerting and conducting such activities. Members will get an opportunity to practice air and ground use of the DF equipment. The activity is contingent on VFR weather at HMB and will extend to Sunday if necessary. continued on next page o FRANK EGBERT - Can't say much about Frank -as he never really left - physically that is. His transfer back is still in the mill. Commander's Corner As you have probably noticed, our newsletter is undergoing a face-lift. This is to the combined effort of all of our faithful Squadron 192 members with special credit going to John Clarke and Thorn Maslow. I'm sure we all look forward to the final outcome of this strenuous brainstorming. Over the past 20 years, Maj . Hal Stoner has received numerous accolades and several awards from California Wing for his excellent job of composing and editing "Slipstreams." I am sure every member of the squadron will join me in congratulating him on the wonderful job he has done for us in the past. Maj . Stoner has informed me, and I reluctantly accept, that he will pass most of the duties ofP AO to Thorn Maslow. Since Maj . Stoner' s retirement, it seems honeydews and traveling are enticing him away from his once beloved newsletter, and so, Thorn Maslow will try to fill Maj . Stoner's shoes. Good Luck Thorn! Recently, John Clarke made an arangement with the owner of Minuteman Press of San Mateo to run the copies of the newsletter and bill at a reduced rate to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke (John' s parents.) As a nonprofit organization I'm sure we can all appreciate this generous donation. Special thanks to John and his parents. As of this date, the T-34 is due for an oil change and in need of repairs on the Hobbs meter. It seems also that the ADF is not functioning. And while on the subject of the T-34, if anyone flying it happens upon a set of keys, please be so kind as to turn them in to the squadron. Cross your fingers! the 206 seems to be running without a hiccup! The mission in Southern California continues at a slower pace. We have received information that the Red Cross will be using CAP until mid-April. The shuttle flights are still being scheduled but the requirement is now for a five day stay. It's difficult to break away from work for that length of time, but your assistance is still needed. . Watch for the COMMANDER' S CORNER in future editions of our new and updated newsletter. Anyone having information or messages to be passed on in the newsletter may contact Mark Mason or Thorn Maslow. Please don ' t hesitate to call, this is YOUR newsletter. 1Lt Mark Mason continuedfrom previous page SUNDAY, APRIL 24 - HALF MOON BAY DREAM MACHINES PAO Tom Maslow will be coordinating our participation. No doubt Seniors and Cadets will be called upon to support and become involved in this annual event. We intend to have the squadron aircraft there for static display as well as facilities to promote CAP. It will be a good opportunity to sign up new members for reporting to the National Membership Drive mentioned herein. SUMMERTIME HOSTING AN ANNUAL SAREX Tom Maslow, Dan Hoey and John Clarke will be investigating the possibility of Squadron 192 hosting a Search and Rescue Exercise. They are in process of discussing this with Group 2 personnel to determine feasibility, timing, procedures, resources and location. News From Public Affairs I'd like to take this opportunity to officially greet all those I have yet to meet in 192. As most of you know, I joined up in May of ' 93 and have since been appointed Public Affairs Officer and Deputy Commander for Seniors. Our editors have told me to make it brief as a good PAO should, so this month I'd like to briefly outline my PAO goals for ' 94. I see four goals as the most critical for Sq. 192 Public Affairs: communications (in the squadron, inter-squadron, group, region and national), media relations (to increase 192's profile), increase membership and fund-raising. These are areas I' ll be concentrating on this year. Hal Stoner has been invaluable and I thank him for all the help and advice. I also urge everyone in 192 to give me any suggestions and advice as often as they can. ' til next time... SIM Thorn Maslow Public Affairs Officer :~§ §M ~§ §A -,\ a3~I~g -..- - LII6-Z9LI6 VJ 'or~e~uo LII6 xog ·O·d dVJ '6urM eruOJrle J OH LOOt6 Y:lINOW138 xnv Z99 x08 0 d D)S<>:I )sIV SUvlS 0311Nn lOUYd )SlY 111\0 Z6L No)SoYnbS UISOdW0:l AY8 153M SQUA.DRON 192 SENIOR MEMBER MEETING SCHEDULE EVENTS CALENDA.R APRIL 23-24 - SAR Exercise. Reid-Hillview Airport Project Officer, Donald Towse (408) 238-3580 APRIL 24 - Pacific Coast Dream Machines, HalfMoon Bay Airport, 1000 to 1600. Contact: (415)726-2328 MA Y 13-15 - Mountain SAREX Training North, Ruth Airport Project Officer, Brian Newman (707) 445-6689 MAY 13-15 - Camarillo EAA Fly-In & Air Show. Planes, pancakes, seminars, etc. Contact (805) 584-1706 MA Y 20-22 - Mountain SAR Training, Big Bear Project Officer, LTC Joe Orchard 909-8669422 MARCH 1994 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Hof Brau Meeting Pilofs Briefing SQ 192 HQ CPR Training (Airport Office Lobby) STAFF MEETING SQ192 HQ TBA APRIL 1994 Hof Brau Meeting 5th 12th Pilot' s Briefing SQ 192 HQ 19th Office Work 26th STAFF MEETING SQ 192 HQ 1830-2100 1930-2100 1930-2100 1930-2100 1830-2100 1930-2100 1930-2100 1930-2100 MA Y 27-29 - Watsonville Fly In and Air Show. 50t"t anniversary of Normandy Invasicn. Contact: (408)496-9559 JUNE 11-12 - Lions Airshow, Ukiah Municipal Airport. Contact (707)463-0864 JUNE 25-26 - Redding Air Show - Thunderbirds Contact (916)222-4567 Mel Dapp JUNE 26-03 - PACR Cadet Leadership School, Travis AFB Project Officer, MAl Jeffrey Wong (510) 939-3958 JUL Y 15-17 - Route SAREX, San Jose Project Officer, CPT B. Riter 415-948-6235 JUL Y 23 - Solano (Vacaville) Air Fair, Nut Tree Airport Contact (707)4460322 John Swizer SLIPSTREAMS Published by Civil Air Patrol West Bay Composite Squadron 192. Managing Editor Maj . Hal Stoner Editor 2Lt. John Clarke Public Affairs Officer SIM Thorn Maslow For more infonnation, comments, suggestions or contributions contact: Squadron 192, P. O. Box 862, Belmont, CA 94007, (415) 595-1024