CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup User Guide


CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup User Guide
CA ARCserve® Central
Host-Based VM Backup
User Guide
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CA Technologies Product References
This document references the following CA Technologies products:
CA ARCserve® Backup
CA ARCserve® D2D
CA ARCserve® Replication and High Availability
CA ARCserve® Central Host-Based VM Backup
CA ARCserve® Central Protection Manager
CA ARCserve® Central Reporting
CA ARCserve® Central Virtual Standby
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Support page for CA ARCserve Central Applications.
Documentation Changes
This documentation includes user feedback, enhancements, corrections, and other
minor changes to help improve the usability and understanding of the product or the
documentation itself.
The following documentation updates have been made since the GA release of this
Update 7
Updated Create Backup Policies (see page 72). This topic now includes the new
Retention Setting feature where it lets you set the retention policy based on the
number of recovery points to retain or the number of recovery sets to retain.
Update Edit or Copy Backup Policies (see page 75). This topic now includes the new
Retention Setting feature where it lets you set the retention policy based on the
number of recovery points to retain or the number of recovery sets to retain.
Added Merge Job Options (see page 49). This topic contains two new options:
Pause Merge Job (see page 49) and Resume Merge Job (see page 50) on the Node
screen. These topics describe how to pause or resume a merge job for a specific
Updated Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup Jobs (see page 136).
This topic now describes how to correct incremental back jobs that run as verify
backup jobs based the procedure described in a VMware Knowledge Base article.
Added Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different Transport Mode Than
Specified (see page 143). This troubleshooting topic specifies the behavior of
recovering a virtual machine when using a different transport mode than specified
in the registry key.
Update 6
Added Configure the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager Server (see page 29).
This configuration setting lets you change the current settings in CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup to CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server
settings. When the settings are configured, you can view the Host-Based VM
Backup discovered nodes email alert information from CA ARCserve Central
Updated Configure Discovery Schedules (see page 31). This topic now includes a
vCenter/ESX host list for you to view when setting up a schedule to discover nodes.
Updated Configure Email and Alert Settings (see page 31). Renamed the title and
updated this topic to include alerts on discovered nodes. A new Delete button is
added to this screen t let you delete your saved settings. Deleting your saved
settings prevents you from receiving email alert messages.
Updated How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup (see page 39). The Node list now displays nodes that are unavailable when
they are deleted or cannot be detected from the server. The Node list now displays
the status of a policy deployment in the Policy column.
Updated Update Nodes (see page 47). The topic describes how you can update
multiple nodes simultaneously using the existing credentials or specifying new
credentials. You can also force the server to manage the selected nodes.
Updated Add Node Groups (see page 52). This topic replaces the "Unassigned"
node group with "Nodes without a policy" and replaces the "Ungrouped" node
group with "Nodes without a group".
Updated Run a Backup Now (see page 62). This topic describes the priority level of
backup jobs that are submitted when another backup job is waiting in the queue.
Added Perform Full Disk Backups Containing Only Used Block Data (see page 69).
This topic describes how to retrieve used block data after submitting a full disk
backup job.
Updated Create Backup Policies (see page 72). This topic now includes an email
alert for failed and successful catalog jobs. This topic also includes email alerts for
backup jobs that are waiting in the job queue, skipped, or replaced with another
Added Define a Transport Mode for Backups (see page 84). CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup now lets you define a specific transport mode to use for
D2D backup jobs that execute using Host-Based VM Backup.
Updated Changed Block Tracking Backup Failures (see page 132). Removed
references on resetting changed block tracking (CBT) when a backup job fails. CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup now automatically enables CBT on the
virtual machine.
Update 5
Add Node Groups (see page 52). Updated this topic to include Group and Node
Name filters.
Assign and Unassign Nodes from Backup Policies (see page 77). Updated this topic
to include Group and Node Name filters.
Update 4
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently. Removed the subtopic
Silent Installation Product Codes and included it here.
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently. Removed the
subtopic Silent Uninstallation Product Codes and included it here.
How to use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Home Page (see
page 38). Removed Restore from the Navigation bar.
Added Managing Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see
page 39). Created scenario-based content with a diagram on managing nodes.
Added Managing Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup (see page 51). Created scenario-based content with a diagram on managing
node groups.
Added Backing Up the Virtual Machine Environment (see page 57). Created
scenario-based content with a diagram on backing up all virtual machines in your
Added Perform Preflight Checks for Your Backup Jobs (see page 58). This topic
describes how a Preflight Check (PFC) is submitted.
Added Solutions for Preflight Check Items (see page 59). This topic describes the
error and warning messages you can receive when running a PFC and the solutions
to resolve them.
Added Run a Back Up Now (see page 62). Renamed the title from Submit a Backup
Job to Run a Backup Now.
Added View Job Status Information (see page 69). This topic describes how to view
real-time information about in progress backup jobs.
Host-Based VM Backup Monitoring Tasks (see page 70). Updated this topic to
emulate the updated screen in the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Added How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
(see page 71). Created scenario-based content with a diagram on creating, editing,
assigning, unassigning backup policies.
Restore and Recover Virtual Machines (see page 87). Revised all Restore-related
topics with the new location of the Restore button on the screen.
Chapter 1: Introducing CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
About CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ................................................................................................. 13
How CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Works ........................................................................................ 14
CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf ............................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ..................................................................................... 17
Prerequisite Installation Tasks ............................................................................................................................ 19
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup .......................................................................................... 21
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently .............................................................................. 23
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ................................................................................ 25
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ...................................................................................... 26
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently ......................................................................... 26
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes ..................... 28
Configure the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager Server ........................................................................ 29
Configure Discovery Schedules ........................................................................................................................... 31
Configure the Email and Alert Settings ............................................................................................................... 31
Configure Update Schedules ............................................................................................................................... 32
Configure Social Networking Preferences ........................................................................................................... 35
Modify the Administrator Account ..................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
How You Set Up Your Production Environment ......................................................................................................... 37
How to Use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Home Page ............................................................... 38
Log In to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes ............................................................................................................................. 38
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup......................................................... 39
Discover Nodes from CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup .................................................................. 43
Add Nodes ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Update Nodes ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Delete Nodes ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
Merge Job Options .............................................................................................................................................. 49
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup.............................................. 51
Add Node Groups ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Delete Node Groups ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Contents 9
Modify Node Groups ........................................................................................................................................... 55
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment ................................................................................................... 57
Perform Preflight Checks for Your Backup Jobs .................................................................................................. 58
Run a Back Up Now ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Perform Application Level Backups..................................................................................................................... 68
Perform Full Disk Backups Containing Only Used Block Data ............................................................................. 69
View Job Status Information ............................................................................................................................... 69
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup ............................................................... 71
Create Backup Policies ........................................................................................................................................ 72
Edit or Copy Backup Policies ............................................................................................................................... 75
Assign and Unassign Nodes from Backup Policies .............................................................................................. 77
View CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup logs ............................................................................................ 79
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node ..................................................................................................... 80
Add Links to the Navigation Bar ................................................................................................................................. 82
Integrate CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup With CA ARCserve Central Applications ............................. 82
Considerations for Protecting Raw Device Mappings ................................................................................................ 82
Change Server Communication Protocol ................................................................................................................... 83
Define a Transport Mode for Backups ....................................................................................................................... 84
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines
Restore Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 87
Restore from Recovery Points............................................................................................................................. 88
Restore by Mounting a Recovery Point............................................................................................................... 91
Restore Data Using Find Files/Folders to Restore ............................................................................................... 91
Recover an Entire Virtual Machine ..................................................................................................................... 94
Restore Considerations .............................................................................................................................................. 96
Application Level Restores ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Restore Exchange Server Data ............................................................................................................................ 98
Restore SQL Server Data ................................................................................................................................... 102
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages Appear when Attempting to Add Nodes ....................................... 109
Blank Webpages Appear or Javascript Errors Occur ................................................................................................ 111
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes .................................................... 112
How to Troubleshoot Page Loading Problems ......................................................................................................... 114
Garbage Characters Appear in Browser Windows When Accessing CA ARCserve Central Applications ................. 115
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes ................................................................................................. 116
Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the Application ................................................................................ 118
Backups Fail with Snapshot Creation Errors ............................................................................................................. 119
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors.................................................................................................. 120
Backup and Recovery Operations Using the hotadd Transport Mode Cannot Mount Disks ................................... 122
10 User Guide
Recovery Operations Fail When Recovering Data Using the HOTADD or SAN Transport Mode ............................. 122
Operating System Not Found Errors Occur .............................................................................................................. 124
MAC Address Changes are Not Retained After VM Recovery .................................................................................. 125
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes ........................................................................... 126
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Cannot Communicate with the CA ARCserve D2D Web
Service on Remote Nodes ........................................................................................................................................ 129
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly ..................................................................................................... 130
Changed Block Tracking Failures .............................................................................................................................. 132
Backups Fail Due to ESXi License .............................................................................................................................. 133
Backup Fails Because VM Has Snapshots ................................................................................................................. 133
Backups Fail and Event 1530 is Logged in the Event Log on the Backup Proxy System ........................................... 134
Backups Complete Using the NBD Transport Mode When the hotadd Transport Mode was Specified ................. 135
Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup Jobs ......................................................................................... 136
Backup Jobs Fail Because the Blocks Cannot Be Identified ...................................................................................... 137
Cannot Open VMDK File ........................................................................................................................................... 137
Nodes Do Not Appear on the Node Screen After Changing the Name of the Node ................................................ 138
Multiple Connections Error Occurs When Saving or Assigning a Policy to a CA ARCserve D2D Server ................... 139
Virtual Machine Backups Fail Because the ESX Server is Not Accessible ................................................................. 139
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and Chrome ............................................... 140
Add New Tab Link, RSS Feeds, and Social Networking Feedback Not Launching Properly on Internet
Explorer 8 and 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 142
Cannot Specify an Asterisk or Underscore as a Wildcard in Filter Fields Using Japanese Keyboards ...................... 143
Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different Transport Mode Than Specified .................................................... 143
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine ................................................................................................ 145
Create a Boot Kit ............................................................................................................................................... 162
Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups ............................................................................................ 165
Increase the Quantity of Messages Retained in the VMVixMgr Log File ................................................................. 166
Protect the CA ARCserve D2D Backup Proxy ............................................................................................................ 167
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems ........................................................................................ 167
Binary Files Containing Incorrect File Version Information............................................................................... 169
Binary Files that Do Not Contain an Embedded Manifest ................................................................................ 169
Binary Files that have a Privilege Level of Require Administrator in Manifest ................................................. 170
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures
Install CA ARCserve D2D ........................................................................................................................................... 173
Manage Backup Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 175
Specify the Protection Settings ......................................................................................................................... 176
Specify the Backup Schedule............................................................................................................................. 190
Specify the Advanced Backup Settings.............................................................................................................. 192
Contents 11
Specify Pre/Post Backup Settings ...................................................................................................................... 196
Specify Preferences ........................................................................................................................................... 197
Application Restore .................................................................................................................................................. 210
Application Restore - MS Exchange Server ....................................................................................................... 210
Application Restore - MS SQL Server ................................................................................................................ 217
How to Copy a Recovery Point ................................................................................................................................. 223
Review the Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................. 225
Configure the Copy Recovery Point Settings..................................................................................................... 225
Copy a Recovery Point ...................................................................................................................................... 230
Verify the Copied Recovery Point ..................................................................................................................... 234
12 User Guide
Chapter 1: Introducing CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup
This section contains the following topics:
Introduction (see page 13)
About CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see page 13)
How CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Works (see page 14)
CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf (see page 15)
CA ARCserve Central Applications combine core data protection and management
technologies with an ecosystem of targeted applications that work in unison to facilitate
on- and off-premises protection, copy, movement, and transformation of data across
global environments.
CA ARCserve Central Applications are easy to use, manage, and install. It provides
organizations with automated control of their information to make educated decisions
about the access, availability, and security of their data, based on the overall business
About CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
One of the CA ARCserve Central Applications is the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup application. This application works with CA ARCserve D2D, which is a
light-weight backup solution, and lets you protect multiple virtual machines without
having to install the software or an agent on each individual virtual machine. This
capability minimizes the adverse effects of running multiple backup operations on the
same physical server and lets you perform file-level, application-level, or Bare Metal
Recovery (BMR) from your virtual machine backups.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup scales easily so you can add virtual
machines, as needed, without having to purchase additional licenses or install software
on every virtual machine in your production environment.
Chapter 1: Introducing CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 13
How CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Works
How CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Works
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you protect virtual machines running
on an ESX or vCenter Server in a single pass using one instance of CA ARCserve D2D
installed on a proxy. Use the following checklist to get started:
14 User Guide
Install CA ARCserve D2D on one machine (physical or virtual) that acts as a backup
proxy in your environment. For installation instructions, refer to the topic, Install CA
ARCserve D2D, (see page 173) excerpted from the CA ARCserve D2D User Guide.
Verify that the proxy is correctly configured.
Add nodes to manage. Specify an ESX server and the application detects the virtual
machines running on it that meet requirements.
Create backup policies. In each policy, specify the backup proxy where you installed
CA ARCserve D2D.
Assign backup policies to each VM so you can protect all VMs with the single CA
ARCserve D2D instance running on the backup proxy.
Create node groups to better manage your virtual machine environment. For
example, you can group nodes by business function or by installed application and
then assign a policy configured to protect the nodes associated with a specific
function or which are running a certain application.
CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf
CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf
The topics contained in the CA ARCserve Central Applications Help system are also
available as a User Guide in PDF format. The latest PDF version of this guide and Help
System can be accessed from the CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf.
The CA ARCserve Central Applications Release Notes files contain information relating to
system requirements, operating system support, application recovery support, and
other information you may need to know before installing this product. In addition, the
Release Notes files contain a list of known issues that you should be aware of before
you use CA ARCserve Central Applications. The latest version of the Release Notes can
be accessed from the CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf.
Chapter 1: Introducing CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 15
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
This section contains the following topics:
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see page 17)
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see page 25)
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve
D2D Nodes (see page 28)
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
This scenario describes how Storage Managers can install CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup using the following methods:
Standard installation--This method uses Installation Wizard to install the
Silent installation--This method lets you perform an unattended installation using
Windows Command Line.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 17
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
The following diagram illustrates how to install the application:
The following table lists the topics that describe the tasks for installing CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup:
See Topic
Perform prerequisite installation tasks and Prerequisite Installation Tasks (see
review installation considerations before page 19)
you install the application.
Perform a standard installation using the
Installation Wizard.
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup (see page 21)
Perform a silent installation using the
Windows Command Line.
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup Silently (see page 23)
For information on updating various Windows Operating System Components after
installing the application, see the Applying Best Practices section in the CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup User Guide.
18 User Guide
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Prerequisite Installation Tasks
Before you install the application, complete the following prerequisite tasks and review
the installation considerations:
Prerequisite Tasks
Review the Release Notes. The Release Notes contain a description of system
requirements, supported operating systems, and a list of issues that are known to
exist with this release of the application.
Verify that your system meets the software and hardware requirements that are
required to install the application.
Verify that changed block tracking can be enabled and is enabled on the virtual
machines that you are protecting.
Note: For more information about the changed block tracking, see the following
Knowledge Base document on the VMware website:
Verify that your Windows account has administrator privileges or any other equal
privileges to install software on the computers where you plan to install CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup.
Verify that your vCenter Server or ESX Server account has VMware and Windows
administrative privileges. Assign the account to the Global License role on the
vCenter Server system or ESX Server system to allow VDDK operations to complete
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 19
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Verify that you have the user names and passwords of the computers where you
are installing the application in your possession.
Verify that CA ARCserve D2D is installed on the backup proxy system that protects
the virtual machines in your production environment.
If you want granular restore capability from your VM backup, verify the following
Administrator credentials from any user with administrative privileges are
provided to log in to the virtual machine guest operating system.
User Account Control (UAC) is disabled.
Installation Considerations
Before you install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup, review the following
installation considerations:
The CA ARCserve Central Applications installation package installs a module named
CA ARCserve Central Applications Server. The server is a module that is common to
all applications. The module contains the web service, binaries, and configurations
that let the application communicate with each other.
When you install the application, the installation package installs the CA ARCserve
Central Applications Server module before installing the product components. If it
becomes necessary to apply a patch to the application, the patch updates the
module before updating the product components.
After CA ARCserve Central Applications is installed, download and install VMware
VIX API version 1.10.1 or later on the backup proxy system for file level backup
After CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup is installed, download and install
VMware VIX API version 1.10.1 or later on the same computer which will be used
for the preflight check later.
CA ARCserve D2D installs VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) on all
computers where you install CA ARCserve D2D. You do not need to download and
install VDDK on your backup proxy systems.
If you want to use a newer version of VDDK, download and install VDDK and then
modify the value of the VDDKDirectory registry located at
where the new VDDK is installed.
The default location for VDDK is as follows:
x64 Operating System
c:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit
Note: Unzip the file from the VDDK installation directory to the
VDDK64 folder.
20 User Guide
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
For example, c:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk
Development Kit\VDDK64
x86 Operating System
c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit
A local installation of CA ARCserve D2D is required to perform certain restore
operations. For more information, see the topic, Restore Considerations (see
page 96). Licenses for CA ARCserve D2D are included with CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup. To obtain the product installation files, visit CA support.
Virtual compatibility for raw device mapping is supported but physical compatibility
is not supported.
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
The installation wizard helps guide you through the process of installing one or more CA
ARCserve Central Applications.
Note: Before you install an application, review the Release Notes file and verify that all
of the tasks described in Prerequisite Tasks are complete.
To install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Download the CA ARCserve Central Applications installation package to the
computer where you want to install the application, and then double-click the
Setup file.
The installation package extracts its contents to your computer and then the
Prerequisite Components dialog opens.
Click Install on the Prerequisites Components dialog.
Note: The Prerequisite Components dialog opens only if Setup does not detect that
the required prerequisite components are installed on your computer.
After Setup installs the prerequisite components, the License Agreement dialog
Complete the required options on the License Agreement dialog and click Next.
The Configuration dialog opens.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 21
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
On the Configuration dialog, complete the following:
Components--Specify the applications that you want to install.
Note: If you are installing this application using the suite installation package,
you can install multiple applications.
Location--Accept the default installation location or click Browse to specify an
alternative installation location. The default location is as follows:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications
Disk Information-- Verify that your hard drive has sufficient free disk space to
install the applications.
Windows Administrator Name--Specify the user name of the Windows
Administrator account using the following syntax:
Domain\User Name
Password--Specify the password for the user account.
Specify Port Number--Specify the port number that you want to use to
communicate with the web-based user interface. As a best practice, you should
accept the default port number. The default port number is as follows:
Note: If you want to specify an alternative port number, the available port
numbers are from 1024 through 65535. Before you specify an alternative port
number, verify that the specified port number is free and available for use.
Setup prevents you from installing the application using a port that is not
available for use.
Use HTTPS for web communication--Specify to use HTTPS communication for
data transmission. By default, this is not selected.
Note: HTTPS (secure) communication provides a higher level of security than
HTTP communication. HTTPS is recommended communication protocol if you
transmit confidential information in your network.
Allow Setup to register CA ARCserve Central Applications services and
programs to the Windows Firewall as exceptions--Verify that the check box
next to this option is selected. Firewall exceptions are required if you want to
configure and manage CA ARCserve Central Applications from remote
Note: For local users, you do not need to register firewall exceptions.
Click Next.
After the installation process is complete, the Installation Report opens.
The Installation Report dialog summarizes the installation. If you want to check for
updates to the application now, click Check for updates and then click Finish.
The application is installed.
22 User Guide
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently
CA ARCserve Central Applications lets you install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup silently. A silent installation eliminates the need for user interaction. The
following steps describe how to install the application using Windows Command Line.
To install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup silently
Open the Windows Command Line on the computer where you want to start the
silent installation process.
Download the CA ARCserve Central Applications self-extracting installation package
to your computer.
Start the silent installation process using the following Command Line syntax:
"CA ARCserve Central Applications Setup.exe" /s /v"/q -Path:<INSTALLDIR> -Port:<PORT>
-U:<UserName> -P:<Password> -Products:<ProductList>"
Lets you run the executable file package in silent mode.
Lets you specify additional command line options.
Lets you install the application in silent mode.
(Optional) Lets you specify the target installation path.
-Path:\"C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\"
Note: If the value for INSTALLDIR contains a space, enclose the path with
backslashes and quotation marks. Additionally, the path cannot end with a
backslash character.
(Optional) Lets you specify the port number for communication.
Lets you specify the user name to use to install and run the application.
Note: The user name must be an administrative account or an account with
administrative privileges.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 23
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Lets you specify the password for UserName.
(Optional) Lets you specify CA ARCserve Central Applications to install silently.
If you do not specify a value for this argument, the silent installation process
installs all components of CA ARCserve Central Applications.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager
CA ARCserve Central Reporting
CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby
All CA ARCserve Central Applications
Note: The following examples describe the syntax that is required to install
one, two, three, or all CA ARCserve Central Applications silently:
The application is installed silently.
24 User Guide
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
You can uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup using the following
Standard uninstallation--This method uses Windows Control Panel to uninstall the
Silent uninstallation--This method lets you perform an unattended uninstallation
using Windows Command Line.
The following diagram illustrates how to uninstall the application:
See Topic
Perform a standard uninstallation using
Windows Control Panel.
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup (see page 26)
Perform a silent uninstallation using the
Windows Command Line.
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup Silently (see page 26)
For information on updating various Windows Operating System Components after
uninstalling the application, see the Applying Best Practices section in the CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup User Guide.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 25
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
You can uninstall the application using Programs and Features located in Windows
Control Panel.
To uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
From the Windows Start menu, click Start and click Control Panel.
Windows Control Panel opens.
From Windows Control Panel, click the drop-down list next to View by and then
click Large icons or Small icons.
The icons for the Windows Control Panel applications appear in a grid layout.
Click Programs and Features.
The Uninstall or change a program window opens.
Locate and click the application that you want to uninstall.
Right-click the application and click Uninstall on the pop-up menu.
Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the application.
The application is uninstalled.
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Silently
CA ARCserve Central Applications lets you uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup silently. A silent uninstallation eliminates the need for user interaction. The
following steps describe how to uninstall the application using Windows Command Line.
To uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup silently
Log in to the computer where you want to uninstall the application.
Note: You must log in using an administrative account or an account with
administrative privileges.
Open the Windows Command Line and execute the following command to start the
silent uninstallation process:
<INSTALLDIR>%\Setup\uninstall.exe /q /p <ProductCode>
<INSTALLDIR>%\Setup\uninstall.exe /q /ALL
Example: The following syntax lets you uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup silently.
"%ProgramFiles%\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\Setup\uninstall.exe" /q /p
26 User Guide
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Lets you specify the directory where the application is installed.
Note: Execute the syntax that corresponds with the architecture of the
operating system on the computer.
Lets you specify the application to uninstall silently.
Note: The silent uninstallation process lets you install one or more CA ARCserve
Central Applications. Use the following product codes to uninstall CA ARCserve
Central Applications silently:
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager
CA ARCserve Central Reporting
CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby
The application is uninstalled silently.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 27
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
The application lets you specify configuration settings for email alerts and schedules and
how to update your CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup installation.
Before you start specifying your configuration settings, it is required that you first install
CA ARCserve D2D on the server that performs your backup jobs. This peer, or proxy
server, can be a single computer or multiple computers, depending on your needs. For
instructions, refer to the topic, Install CA ARCserve D2D, (see page 173) excerpted from
the CA ARCserve D2D User Guide.
You can install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup on the same or a separate
computer. The Installation procedure is wizard-based to make the setup easy. For more
information, see Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup.
The following illustration describes the types of configurations you can set for your
This scenario describes the following topics:
28 User Guide
Configure CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager Server (see page 29)
Configure Discovery Schedules (see page 31)
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Configure Email Settings (see page 31)
Configure Update Schedules (see page 32)
Configure Proxy Settings (see page 33)
Configure Social Networking Preferences (see page 35)
Modify Administrator Account (see page 36)
Configure the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager Server
Configuring the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server lets you change the
current settings in CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to CA ARCserve Central
Protection Manager server settings. When the settings are configured, you can view the
Host-Based VM Backup discovered nodes email alert information from CA ARCserve
Central Reporting.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server and click
Configuration on the Navigation bar.
The Configuration screen displays.
From the Configuration panel, click CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager
Complete the following fields:
CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager Server
Note: With CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager and CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup installed, the following fields default to the local CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager server. If CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager is not installed, the fields remain blank and it requires you to
configure it manually. You can view the discovered nodes alert information
from CA ARCserve Central Reporting.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 29
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Machine Name--The Host Name of the computer where CA ARCserve
Central Protection Manager is installed.
User Name--The User Name that is required to log in to the computer
where CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager is installed.
Password--The password for the user.
Port--The port number that you must use to communicate with the CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager Web Service.
HTTPS--This option is selected or unselected based on the connection
configured in the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server.
Detect Port and Protocol Automatically--Lets you obtain the CA ARCserve
Central Protection Manager Port and Protocol of the Protection Manager
database and populates the previous fields.
Note: This option is enabled only if the remote registry access of the CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager server is allowed.
To verify if the remote registry is allowed or not, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager server where CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager is installed.
2. Navigate to services.msc and verify that the 'Remote Registry' service
has started.
3. Set to 'Automatic'.
30 User Guide
Test--Lets you verify that the access information for the CA ARCserve Central
Protection Manager is correct.
Click Save.
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Configure Discovery Schedules
You can configure the Discovery schedule for nodes on a repeating basis and on a
scheduled time. By default, Discovery Configuration is disabled. To enable the
configuration, click the Enable option to specify the type of repeating method that you
want and a scheduled time for the node discovery to begin. You can specify the
following parameters to configure your Discovery schedule:
Every number of days--Lets you repeat this method on the number of days that are
specified. (Default)
Every selected day of the week--Lets you repeat this method on the days that are
specified. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are the default days
of the week.
Every selected day of the month--Lets you repeat this method on the specified day
of the month. 1 is the default option for the day of the month.
A vCenter/ESX Host list is displayed for you to view when setting up a schedule to
discover nodes.
Configure the Email and Alert Settings
You can configure email and alert settings for use with your application to send alerts
automatically under conditions you specify.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation bar on the home page, click Configuration to open the
Configuration screen.
From the Configuration panel, click Email and Alert Configuration to open the Email
and Alert Configuration options.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 31
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Complete the following fields:
Service--Specify the type of email service from the drop-down. (Google Mail,
Yahoo Mail, Live Mail or Other).
Mail Server--Specify the host name of the SMTP server that you want CA
ARCserve Central Applications to use to send email.
Requires Authentication--Select this option when the mail server that you
specified requires authentication. The Account Name and Password are
Subject--Specify a default email subject.
From--Specify the email address the email is being sent from.
Recipients--Specify one or more email addresses, separated by a semicolon(;),
the email is being sent to.
Use SSL--Select this option if the mail server you specified requires secure
connection (SSL).
Send STARTTLS--Select this option if the mail server you specified requires
STARTTLS command.
Use HTML format--Lets you send the email messages in HTML format.
(selected by default)
Enable Proxy Settings--Select this option if there is a proxy server and then
specify the proxy server settings.
Click Test Email to verify that the mail configuration settings are correct.
(Optional) From the Send Email Alerts section, click Discovered nodes to let the
application send email alert messages when new nodes are discovered.
Click Save.
Note: You can click Reset to revert to the previously saved values or click Delete to
delete your saved settings. Deleting your email and alert settings prevents you from
receiving email alert messages.
The email configuration is applied.
Configure Update Schedules
The application lets you set up a schedule that automatically downloads product
updates from a CA Server or a local software staging server.
Follow these steps:
32 User Guide
Log in to the application.
Click Configuration on the Navigation bar to open the Configuration screen.
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
From the Configuration panel, click Update Configuration.
The update configuration options appear.
Select a Download Server.
CA Server--Click Proxy Settings for the following options:
Use browser proxy settings--Lets you use the credentials that provided for
the browser proxy settings.
Note: The Use browser proxy settings option affects Internet Explorer and
Configure proxy settings--Specify the IP Address or Host Name of the
proxy server and the port number. If the server you specified requires
authentication, click Proxy server requires authentication and provide the
Click OK to return to Update configuration.
Staging Server--If you select this option, click Add Server to add a staging
server to the list. Enter its host name and Port number and click OK.
If you specify multiple staging servers, the application tries to use the first
server listed. If connection succeeds, the remaining servers listed are not used
for staging.
(Optional) Click Test Connection to verify the server connection and wait until the
test completes.
(Optional) Click Automatically check for updates, and then specify the day and time.
You can specify a daily or weekly schedule.
Click Save to apply the Update configuration.
Configure Proxy Settings
CA ARCserve Central Applications let you specify a proxy server to communicate with CA
Support to check for and download available updates. To enable this capability, you
specify the proxy server that you want to communicate in behalf of the CA ARCserve
Central Applications server.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Configuration on the Navigation bar.
The Configuration options appear.
Click Update Configuration.
The update configuration options display.
Click Proxy Settings.
The Proxy Settings dialog opens.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 33
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Click one of the following options:
Use browser proxy settings--Lets the application detect and use the same
proxy settings that are applied to the browser to connect to the CA
Technologies server for update information.
Note: This behavior applies to only Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.
Configure proxy settings--Lets you define an alternative server that the
application will use to communicate with CA Support to check for updates. The
alternative server (proxy) can help ensure security, increased performance, and
administrative control.
Complete the following fields:
Proxy Server--Specify the host name or IP address of the proxy server.
Port--Specify the port number that the proxy server will use to
communicate with the CA Support website.
(Optional) Proxy server requires authentication--If the login credentials
for the proxy server are not the same as the credentials for the CA
ARCserve Central Applications server, click the check box next to Proxy
server requires authentication and specify the User Name and Password
that is required to log in to the proxy server.
Note: Use the following format to specify the user name: <domain
name>/<user name>.
Click OK.
The proxy settings are configured
Note: To help ensure that CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup can deploy
policies to nodes and can protect CA ARCserve D2D nodes, verify that the Host-Based
VM Backup server and the proxy server can communicate with each other using their
host names. Perform the following steps:
34 User Guide
From the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server, ping the proxy server
using the host names of the server.
From the proxy server, ping the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server
using the host name of the server.
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Configure Social Networking Preferences
CA ARCserve Central Applications let you manage the social networking tools that can
help you manage each application. You can generate news feeds, specify links to
popular social networking websites, and select video source websites.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation bar on the home page, click Configuration to open the
Configuration screen.
From the Configuration panel, click Preferences Configuration to open the
Preferences options.
Specify the options that you require:
News Feed--Lets the application display RSS feeds about CA ARCserve Central
Applications and CA ARCserve D2D related news and product information (from
the Expert Advice Center). The feeds appear on the home page.
Social Networking--Lets the application display icons on the home page for
access to Twitter and Facebook for CA ARCserve Central Applications and CA
ARCserve D2D related social networking websites.
Videos--Lets you select the type of video to view your CA ARCserve Central
Applications and CA ARCserve D2D products. (Use YouTube Videos is the
default video.)
Click Save.
The Social Networking options are applied
From the Navigation bar, click Home.
The Home Page displays.
Refresh your browser window.
The Social Networking options are applied.
Chapter 2: Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 35
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Modify the Administrator Account
CA ARCserve Central Applications let you modify the user name, password, or both for
the administrator account after you install the application. This administrator account is
used only for the default display user name on the login screen.
Note: The user name specified must be a Windows administrative account or an
account that has Windows administrative privileges.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Configuration in the Navigation bar.
The configuration options appear.
Click Administrator Account
The Administrator account settings appear.
Update the following fields, as required:
User Name
Click Save
The administrator account is modified.
36 User Guide
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup
This section contains the following topics:
How You Set Up Your Production Environment (see page 37)
How to Use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Home Page (see page 38)
Log In to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes (see page 38)
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see page
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see
page 51)
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment (see page 57)
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup (see page 71)
View CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup logs (see page 79)
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node (see page 80)
Add Links to the Navigation Bar (see page 82)
Integrate CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup With CA ARCserve Central
Applications (see page 82)
Considerations for Protecting Raw Device Mappings (see page 82)
Change Server Communication Protocol (see page 83)
Define a Transport Mode for Backups (see page 84)
How You Set Up Your Production Environment
Protecting your virtual machine environment requires a few basic activities:
Add the nodes to CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup. You can import all
virtual machines hosted by an ESX or vCenter Server.
Group the nodes to make them easier to manage. For example, you can group
nodes by business function, or by installed applications.
Create back up policies and assign a policy to a node. All nodes are backed up
according to the policy you set.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 37
How to Use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Home Page
How to Use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Home Page
Launching the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup opens a home page in your
web browser. From the home page, you can perform the following tasks:
Left-side Navigation:
Node--Node screen lets you view your virtual machine environment according
to node groups, installed applications and vSphere Policy assigned.
Policies--vSphere Policies screen lets you create, edit, and assign backup
policies to all nodes in your environment.
Configuration--Configuration screen lets you specify the email alerts and
auto-update schedule for the application.
View Logs--View Logs screen lets you find specific issues: Information, Errors,
or Warnings.
Add New tab--You can manually add the name and URL of any website you
want to monitor.
CA Support--Lets you get access to various support and social network sites
including Facebook and Twitter.
Log In to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
From the Host-Based VM Backup home page, you can log in to CA ARCserve D2D nodes.
To log in to CA ARCserve D2D nodes
Open the application and click Nodes in the Navigation Bar.
The Node screen displays.
From the Groups list, click All Nodes, or click the group that contains the CA
ARCserve D2D node that you want to log in to.
The nodes list displays all nodes associated with the specified group.
38 User Guide
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Browse to and click the node that you want to log in to and then click Login D2D
from the pop-up menu.
A CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup version of CA ARCserve D2D opens.
Note: If a new browser window does not open, verify that the pop-up options for
your browser allow all pop-ups or pop-ups only for this website.
You are logged in to the CA ARCserve D2D node.
Note: The first time that you log in to the CA ARCserve D2D node, an HTML page may
open and display a warning message. This behavior can occur when using Internet
Explorer. To correct this behavior, close Internet Explorer and repeat Step 3. You should
then be able to log in to the CA ARCserve D2D node successfully.
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup
This scenario explains how Storage Managers can manage nodes. For example, adding
or discovering nodes, assigning nodes to node groups, and updating or deleting nodes
from the Node screen.
The following table describes the items that are displayed on the Node screen:
Column Name
Node Name
Displays the name of the node.
Note: Some nodes that are listed may not be enabled for you
to select. The reason is because the node cannot be detected
by the server. For example, the node can be deleted from the
Displays the name of the policy and the policy deployment
Virtual Machine Name Displays the name of the virtual machine.
Displays the server details that helps detect virtual machines.
Job (see page 69)
Displays the status of the backup job and links you to the
Backup Status Monitor (see page 70) for more details.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 39
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Column Name
Displays the status of the node:
= Error/Failed
= Warning
= Successful
If you hover your mouse over the icon, a Node Status
Summary pop-up table appears with results for the following
Last Backup - Displays the type, the date and time, and
the status of the backup.
Recovery Points - Displays the number of recovery points
for your monitored server.
Destination Capacity - Displays the amount of free space
available at your backup destination.
Last Backup Result
Displays the status of the last backup job.
Last Backup Time
Displays the date and time of the last backup job.
PFC Status
Displays the status of the preflight check for your backup jobs:
= Error/Failed
= Warning
= Successful
The icon determines whether a backup job can run or not for
the specific node.
If you hover your mouse over the icon, a Verification pop-up
table appears with results for the following categories:
Changed Block Tracking (CBT) - Displays the CBT result for
the backup.
VMware Tools - Displays whether the VMware tool is
installed or not.
Disk - Displays the status of the disk.
Power State - Displays whether the virtual machine is
powered on or off.
Credentials - Displays the status of the user credentials.
Applications - Displays the installation status of the
application on the node.
For more details, see topic Perform Preflight Checks for Your
Backup Jobs (see page 58).
40 User Guide
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Column Name
Displays what application the node is associated with.
Displays what operating system the node is associated with.
Displays a description of the node.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 41
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
The following diagram illustrates the tasks that you can perform on Nodes.
This scenario describes the options that you can use when adding or updating nodes:
Discover (see page 43)
Add Nodes (see page 44)
Add Nodes from Auto Discovery Result Automatically (see page 45)
Import Virtual Machines from vCenter and ESX Servers (see page 46)
Update Nodes (see page 47)
42 User Guide
Update Nodes and Policies after changing the Host Name of the CA ARCserve
Central Applications Server (see page 48)
Delete Nodes (see page 48)
Merge Job Options (see page 49)
Pause a Merge Job on a Node (see page 49)
Resume a Merge Job on a Node (see page 50)
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Discover Nodes from CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you discover nodes automatically by
adding vCenter Server and ESX Server systems to your environment. By adding them,
the application can detect virtual machines that they host automatically.
Important! The process of discovering nodes requires you to specify the host name or IP
address of the vCenter Server or ESX Server system. This information lets the discovery
process discover virtual machines attached to vCenter Server and ESX Server systems.
When you find it necessary to modify the host name or IP address of a vCenter Server or
ESX Server system, repeat the steps in this topic and then redeploy the backup policy to
create a new backup set with the updated host name or IP address.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Node on the Navigation bar to open the Node
Click Discover on the toolbar to open Discover Nodes by vCenter/ESX server dialog.
On the Discover Nodes by vCenter/ESX server dialog, complete the following fields:
vCenter/ESX Host
User Name
Note: The account that you specify must be an account with administrative
privileges on the ESX Server or vCenter Server system.
Click Add.
Note: Repeat this step to add more vCenter/ESX Server systems.
Click Discover to start the discovery process.
The Discovery Monitor opens, showing the discovery progress.
When the discovery process completes, a confirmation message appears: Do you
want to continue to add nodes from Discovery Result?
Click Yes and the Add nodes from the Discovery Result screen is displayed or click
No if you have more hypervisors to add.
Note: To detect the nodes automatically and add them to the Node Name list, see
the topic Configure Discovery Schedules for more details.
From the Nodes Discovered list, click the nodes that you want to add and then click
the right arrow. The nodes are added to the Nodes to Protect list.
Click Next to open the Node Credentials screen.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 43
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Provide a user name and password for each node you want to add or specify the
appropriate global credentials.
Click Finish.
The nodes that you selected are added to the Node Names list on the Node screen
for the Node Group selected.
(Optional) Click Refresh. The server that you added is now listed in the Groups list
on the Node screen.
10. (Optional) Click Discover and repeat the previous steps until all servers are added.
Add Nodes
As your environment grows, you can use the Node screen to add nodes and then assign
nodes to groups that you want to manage within the application. The application adds
only virtual machines where:
Guest OS is Windows
VMware hardware version is 7 or greater.
You can add nodes using the following processes:
Add nodes from Discovery Result (see page 45)--Discovery permits you to enter ESX
and vCenter Server details, detect the virtual machines running on each server and
then manually or automatically add the detected nodes to the application where
they can be managed and protected.
Servers added to the Discover list are scanned according to the schedule you specify
on the Configuration screen until you remove them. You do not need to enter
server details again. The Discover list displays only new virtual machines added to a
server since the last scan. It does not show the VMs already managed in the
application. You can also run Discover without waiting for the next scheduled scan.
Import virtual machines from vCenter/ESX (see page 46)
This option is a manual process. The process requires that you specify ESX or
vCenter server details each time you launch it. You can add servers to the discovery
list when you want to avoid re-entering server details. This option lists all the virtual
machines that are detected on the specified server, even if they are already
managed in the application.
44 User Guide
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Add Nodes from Discovery Result
This option lets you select the nodes that are automatically detected based on the
settings you specified in the Discovery Configuration panel.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Nodes on the Navigation bar to open the Nodes screen.
From the Node category, click Add and then click Add nodes from Discovery result
on the pop-up menu.
The Add nodes from Discovery result screen opens displaying a list of the
discovered nodes.
From the Nodes Discovered list, select the nodes that you want to add and click the
arrow to add them to the Nodes to Protect list. Click Next when you are finished.
Note: You can filter the list by Node Name or Domain to minimize the list.
(Optional) Select one or more nodes and click Hide Selected Nodes to hide nodes
you do not want to back up.
(Optional) Check the Show hidden nodes option to display any hidden nodes back
on to the Nodes Discovered list. To hide the nodes again, uncheck the option.
On the Node Credentials screen, provide a User Name and Password for the node
you want to add. You can specify global credentials or can apply credentials to the
selected nodes.
Click Finish.
The nodes are added.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 45
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Import Virtual Machines from vCenter/ESX
You can add nodes using the Import virtual machines from the vCenter/ESX Server
option. This task lets the application discover all of the virtual machines running on the
specified host, but does not perform periodic automatic scans. If you add virtual
machines later, repeat this procedure or the new virtual machines are not recognized.
Consider the following distinctions between this option and the Discover task:
Specify ESX Server and vCenter Server details each time you launch this option.
You have the option of adding any servers you specify to the Discover list so you do
not have to enter credentials each time.
All available virtual machines are listed every time that you use this option. Even
the virtual machines that are managed by the application are listed.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Node on the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
Click Add on the toolbar and then click Import virtual machines from vCenter/ESX
on the pop-up menu.
The Discover Nodes dialog opens.
Complete the following fields on the Discover Nodes dialog:
vCenter/ESX Host
Note: As a best practice, specify the host name of the vCenter Server system
when you are running VMware Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS) in your
environment. This approach helps ensure that CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup can detect the virtual machines running in your environment and
backups of DRS enabled virtual machines complete successfully. For more
information about Distributed Resource Scheduling, see the VMware website.
User Name
Click Connect and wait until the scanning is complete.
46 User Guide
(Optional) Enable the option Add vCenter/ESX server to Discovery list automatically.
Click Next to open the Node Credentials dialog.
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
On the Node Credentials screen, provide a global User Name and Password for all
virtual machines that are detected and click the Apply to selected option. Or, click a
VM to enter specific credentials.
Click Finish.
The virtual machines that you selected are added to the Node Group that you specified.
Note: CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup is unable to detect the host names of
virtual machines that are in a powered off state or VMware Tools is not installed. Under
these conditions, Unknown displays in the Host Name field on the Node screen after
you import the nodes. In addition, the Node Name filter (on the Node screen) cannot
filter nodes that are named using Unknown.
Update Nodes
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you update information about nodes
that were added previously.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation Bar on the home page, select Node.
The Node screen displays.
From the Groups bar, click the All Nodes group or click the group name containing
the nodes that you want to update.
The nodes that are associated with the group appear in the nodes list.
Click the nodes that you want to update and then right-click and click Update Node
from the pop-up menu.
The Update Node dialog opens.
Note: To update all nodes in the node group, right-click the Node Group name and
then click Update Node from the pop-up menu.
Update the node details as needed.
Note: To update multiple nodes on the Node list, select the desired nodes,
right-click any node, and click Update Node from the pop-up menu. The user name
and password are the same for all selected nodes. By default, the Specify new
credentials option and the Take control of the node check box is selected. You can
specify a new user name and password for the selected nodes and can force this
server to manage the nodes. In addition, you can select Use existing credentials to
apply the current user name and password. The fields become disabled.
Click OK.
The Update Node dialog closes and the nodes are updated.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 47
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Update Nodes and Policies After Changing the Host Name of the CA ARCserve Central
Applications Server
After you change the host name of the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
server, you update the nodes and the policies that are applied to the nodes. You
perform these tasks to maintain the relationship between the server and the nodes that
the server is protecting. The following table describes the possible scenarios and the
corrective action for each scenario.
Corrective Action
The node was added after the host name
of the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup server was changed.
No corrective actions are required.
The node was added before the host
name of the CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup server was
changed and a policy was not applied to
the node.
Update the node. For more information,
see Update Nodes (see page 47).
The node was added before the host
name of the CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup server was
changed and a policy was applied to the
Reapply the policy. For more information,
see Assign Policies to Virtual Machines.
Delete Nodes
You may delete nodes as needed.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Node on the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
From the Groups bar, click the All Nodes group or click the group name containing
the node that you want to delete.
The nodes that are associated with the group appear in the nodes list.
Check one or more nodes that you want to delete and then click Delete on the
A confirmation message opens.
48 User Guide
Do one of the following:
Click Yes to delete the node.
Click No if you do not want to delete the node.
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Merge Job Options
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you pause and resume merge jobs for
each node at any time. The process of pausing and resuming merge jobs does not affect
in-progress jobs.
Pause a Merge Job on a Node
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you pause a merge job on a specific
For example, merge jobs can consume system resources and cause backup jobs to run
slowly. Use the pause option to stop an in-progress merge job so that in-progress
backup jobs can complete at their highest level of efficiency. After the backups
complete, you can then resume the merge job.
Follow these steps:
From the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup home page, click Node on
the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
Select the node group that contains the nodes with merge jobs you want paused.
A list of nodes for the selected Node Group displays.
Click the nodes with merge jobs you want paused. Then right-click the selected
nodes and click Pause Merge Job from the pop-up menu.
Note: By default, the Pause Merge Job option is disabled. When the node is running
a merge job, as indicated in the Job column, the Pause Merge Job option becomes
The merge job of the selected node is paused and can be verified on CA ARCserve D2D
home page.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 49
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Resume a Merge Job on a Node
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you resume merge jobs that were
paused for a specific node.
Follow these steps:
From the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup home page, click Node on
the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
Select the node group that contains the nodes with merge jobs you want resumed.
A list of nodes for the selected Node Group displays.
Click the nodes with merge jobs that are paused which you now want resumed.
Then right-click the selected nodes and click Resume Merge Job from the pop-up
Note: The Resume Merge Job option is enabled when a backup job is not running
and the merge jobs are paused.
The merge job of the selected node is resumed and can be verified on CA ARCserve D2D
home page.
50 User Guide
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup
With CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup, a Storage Manager can protect
numerous virtual machines as easily as protecting one.
Start by adding nodes. You can group nodes by application or by their purpose. Creating
node groups let you easily visualize your virtual machines environment. You can create
backup policies and can assign a policy to nodes to simplify protection of your virtual
environment. For more details, see How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup (see page 71).
The following illustration describes the tasks that you can perform for Node Groups:
This scenario describes the following topics:
Add Node Groups (see page 52)
Delete Node Groups (see page 54)
Modify Node Groups (see page 55)
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 51
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Add Node Groups
When you first import a virtual machine from an ESX or vCenter Server host, a new node
group is automatically added.
Node groups let you manage a collection of CA ARCserve D2D source computers based
on common characteristics. For example, you can define node groups classified by the
department they support: Accounting, Marketing, Legal, Human Resources, and so on.
The application contains the following node groups:
Default Groups:
All Nodes--Contains all nodes associated with the application.
Nodes without a Group--Contains all nodes associated with the application
that are not assigned to a node group.
Nodes without a Policy--Contains all nodes associated with the application that
do not have a policy assigned.
SQL Server--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft
SQL Server is installed on the node.
Exchange--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft
Exchange Server is installed on the node.
Note: You cannot modify or delete the default node groups.
Custom Groups--Contains customized node groups.
vCenter/ESX Groups--When you add a node from the "Import virtual machines
from vCenter/ESX" option, the name of the vCenter/ESX server is added to this
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation bar on the home page, click Node to open the Node screen.
Click Add on the Node Group toolbar.
The Add Group dialog opens and nodes appear in the Available Nodes list.
Specify a Group Name for the node group.
Specify the following fields from the Add Group dialog:
Group--Select the group name containing the nodes that you want to assign.
Node Name Filter--Lets you filter the available nodes based on common
Note: The Node Name filter field supports the use of wildcard characters.
For example, Acc* lets you filter all nodes having a node name that begins with
Acc. To clear the filter results, click X in the Filter field.
52 User Guide
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
To add nodes to the node group, select the node or nodes that you want to add and
click the single right arrow.
The nodes move from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list, and are
assigned to the node group.
Note: To select and move all the nodes from the current group, click the double
right arrow.
(Optional) To move nodes from the Selected Nodes list to the Available Nodes list,
click the single left arrow.
Note: To select and move all nodes in the current group, click the double left arrow.
Click OK.
The Node Group is added.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 53
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Delete Node Groups
You may delete a node group as needed. When you delete a group that was manually
added, the virtual machines are not removed from the application. However, if you
delete a group that was automatically created from an ESX or vCenter Server discovery,
the group and all virtual machines are deleted from the application.
The application lets you delete the Node Groups that you created.
You cannot delete the following node groups:
All Nodes--Contains all nodes associated with the application.
Nodes without a Group--Contains all nodes associated with the application that are
not assigned to a node group.
Nodes without a Policy--Contains all nodes associated with the application that do
not have a policy assigned.
SQL Server--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft SQL
Server is installed on the nodes.
Exchange--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft
Exchange Server is installed on the nodes.
Note: The process of deleting node groups does not delete individual nodes from the
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation Bar on the home page, click Node to open the Node screen.
Click the node group that you want to delete and then click Delete in the Node
Group toolbar.
The Confirm message box dialog opens.
If you are sure that you want to delete the node group, click Yes.
Note: Click No if you do not want to delete the node group.
The node group is deleted.
54 User Guide
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Modify Node Groups
The application lets you modify the node groups that you created. You can add and
remove nodes from node groups and change the name of node groups.
Note: You cannot modify the following node groups:
All Nodes--Contains all nodes associated with the application.
Nodes without a Group--Contains all nodes associated with the application that are
not assigned to a node group.
Nodes without a Policy--Contains all nodes associated with the application that do
not have a policy assigned.
SQL Server--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft SQL
Server is installed.
Exchange--Contains all nodes associated with the application and Microsoft
Exchange Server is installed.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation Bar on the home page, click Node.
The Node screen displays.
Click the node group that you want to modify and then click Modify in the Node
Group toolbar.
The Modify Group dialog opens.
To modify the Group Name, specify a new name in the Group Name field.
To add nodes to the node group, select the node or nodes that you want to add to
the node group and click the right arrow.
The nodes move from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list, and are
assigned to the node group.
Note: To move all nodes from the Available Node list to the Selected Nodes list,
click the double right arrow.
To remove nodes from the node group, click the left arrow or the double left arrow
to remove one or all nodes respectively.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 55
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
(Optional) To filter the available nodes based on common criteria, specify a filtering
value in the Node Name Filter field.
Note: The Filter field supports the use of wildcard characters.
For example, Acc* lets you filter all nodes having a node name that begins with Acc.
To clear the filter results, click the X in the Filter field.
Click OK.
The node group is modified.
Update vCenter and ESX Server Details
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you update the vCenter and ESX Server
details that were added previously.
Follow these steps:
From the Node screen, expand the vCenter/ESX Groups from the Groups bar.
Select the vCenter/ESX group that you want to update the server details for and
then right-click and click Update vCenter/ESX.
The Update vCenter/ESX dialog opens.
Update the vCenter/ESX Server details accordingly.
Click OK.
The Update vCenter/ESX dialog closes and the node group is updated.
56 User Guide
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
This scenario explains how a Storage Manager can back up and protect all virtual
machines in your environment.
The following diagram illustrates how to back up the virtual machine environment.
The following list describes the processes that are illustrated in the diagram:
Perform Preflight Checks for your Backup Jobs (see page 58)
Run a Backup Now (see page 62)
Copy the Backup Recovery Points (see page 64)
Create VHD Files (see page 68)
Perform Application Level Backups (see page 68)
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 57
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Perform Preflight Checks for Your Backup Jobs
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup features a utility called Preflight Check
(PFC) which enables you to run vital checks on specific nodes to detect conditions that
can cause backup jobs to fail. PFC runs automatically when you perform the following
Import virtual machines from a vCenter Server/ESX Server system
Add nodes from the Discovery result
Update a node
In addition, you can also perform a Preflight Check manually.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Nodes on the Navigation bar to open the Nodes screen.
Do one of the following actions to specify the nodes that you want to run a preflight
check from:
Node level: Click the group containing the nodes that you want to run a
preflight check on and then click the check box next to the nodes. Then
right-click the nodes and click Preflight Check from the context menu.
Group level: Right-click the group containing the nodes and click Preflight
A message is displayed, "Starting to preflight check the virtual machine."
Scroll to the PFC Status column and view the status of the Preflight Check.
The following table describes the checks that are performed by PFC:
Changed Block Tracking
(CBT) is a feature that tracks disk sectors that are
located on a virtual machine that have changed. This
helps minimize the size of the backups.
This item verifies that CBT is enabled.
58 User Guide
VMware Tools
This item verifies that the VMware tools are installed on
each virtual machine.
This item verifies the disks of the virtual machine.
Power State
This item verifies that the virtual machine is powered
This item verifies that the user credentials are valid.
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
This item verifies whether Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft Exchange Server are installed or not.
For more information on resolving errors and warnings for the Preflight Check results,
see topic Solutions for Preflight Check Items (see page 59).
Solutions for Preflight Check Items
The following tables describe the solutions to help you resolve errors and warnings from
your Preflight Check results:
Changed Block Tracking (CBT)
Changed Block Tracking is
enabled with snapshots
present. A full disk backup will
be applied.
To apply the used block backup,
perform the following steps:
1. Delete all the snapshots associated
with the virtual machine.
2. Log in to the Host-Based VM proxy
3. Open the registry editor and locate
the following key:
A\CA ARCserve
4. Set registry key to "full disk
5. Create/set the registry to
5. Submit the backup job.
VMware Tools
Out of date.
Install the latest version of VMware
Not installed or not running.
Install the latest version of VMware
Tools and ensure that the tool is
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 59
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
VM snapshots are not
Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
supported for the VM because it Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
has a SCSI controller configured up the VM.
for bus-sharing configuration.
The physical Raw Device
Mapping (RDM) disk will not be
backed up.
The virtual Raw Device Mapping Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
(RDM) disk will back up as a full Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the VM.
The independent disk will not
be backed up.
The application will back up the Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
disk on the NFS data store as a Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
full disk.
up the VM.
Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the VM.
Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the VM.
Power State
Powered off
Power on the virtual machine.
Power on the virtual machine.
Incorrect credentials.
Provide valid user credentials.
Not provided.
Provide valid user credentials.
60 User Guide
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Application level restore is not
supported because the VM has
IDE disks.
Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the Microsoft SQL Server and
Exchange Server data.
VMware VIX is not installed on
the host server.
Download VIX from the VMware
website and install it on the CA
ARCserve Central Applications host
VMware VIX on the CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup server is
Download VIX from the VMware
website and install it on the CA
ARCserve Central Applications host
Application level restore is not
supported because there is no
ESX Server support.
Upgrade ESX Server to 4.1 or higher or
use CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the Microsoft SQL Server and
Exchange Server data.
Application level restore is not
supported because there are
not enough SCSI slots available.
Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
up the Microsoft SQL Server and
Exchange Server data.
The source resides on a dynamic Use CA ARCserve Central Protection
disk. Application level restore is Manager or CA ARCserve D2D to back
not supported.
up the Microsoft SQL Server and
Exchange Server data.
Note: VMware does not support
application-level quiescing on virtual
machines that are Windows Server
2008 or later with dynamic disks
running on ESX Server 4.1 or later.
Unable to retrieve information
about the application. This can
prevent application level
backups from completing
Disable UAC in the Windows operating
system of the virtual machine.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 61
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Run a Back Up Now
Typically, backups are performed automatically and controlled by the schedule settings.
However, there may be times when you need to perform an ad-hoc backup (Full,
Incremental, or Verify) immediately.
An ad-hoc backup is need-based, rather than being scheduled in advance as part of a
backup plan. For example, if you have a repeat schedule for Full, Incremental, and Verify
backups and you want to make major changes to your machine, you should perform an
immediate ad-hoc backup without waiting for the next scheduled backup to occur.
An ad-hoc backup also allows you to add a customized (unscheduled) recovery point so
that you can roll back to this previous point in time if necessary. For example, if you
install a patch or service pack and then discover that it adversely affects the
performance of your machine, you may want to roll back to the ad-hoc backup session
that does not include the patch or service pack.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
From the Navigation bar on the home page, click Node to open the Node screen.
Do one of the following actions to specify the nodes that you want to back up:
62 User Guide
Node level: Click the group containing the nodes that you want to back up and
then click the check box next to the nodes that you want to back up.
Group level: Click the group containing the nodes that you want to back up.
Then do one of the following actions to back up the node:
Click Backup on the toolbar.
Right-click the selected group or right-click the nodes and click Backup Now on
the context menu.
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
On the Run a backup now dialog, specify a backup type by clicking one of the
following types:
Full Backup--Initiates a Full Backup of your entire machine or the selected
Incremental Backup--Initiates an Incremental Backup of your machine. An
Incremental Backup backs up only those blocks that have changed since the
previous backup.
Note: The advantages of Incremental Backups are that it is a fast backup and it
produces a small backup image. This is the most optimal way to perform
Verify Backup--Initiates a Verify Backup of your machine by examining the
most recent backup of each individual block and comparing the content and
information to the original source. This comparison verifies that the latest
backed up blocks represent the corresponding information at the source. If the
backup image for any block does not match the source, CA ARCserve D2D
refreshes (resynchronizes) the backup of the block that does not match. Be
aware of the following advantages and disadvantages to performing Verify
Advantages--A very small backup image is produced when compared to a
Full Backup because only the changed blocks (blocks that do not match the
last backup) are backed up.
Disadvantages--The backup time is slow because all of source disk blocks
are compared with the blocks of the last backup.
Note: If you add a new volume to the backup source, the newly added volume is
fully backed up regardless of the overall backup method selected.
(Optional) Specify the Backup Name and click OK. If you do not specify a name, by
default, it is named Customized/Full/Incremental/Verify Backup.
A confirmation screen appears, and the selected type of backup is launched
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 63
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Be aware of the following behavior:
All values specified in the Policy dialogs are applied to the job.
If a custom (ad-hoc) backup job fails, no makeup job is created. A makeup job is
only created for a failed scheduled job.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup applies the following backup jobs in
priority order:
The following conditions occur when a Backup Now is submitted and a job is waiting
in the queue:
When a Full Backup job is submitted and a Verify Backup job is waiting in the
queue, the Full Backup job overwrites the job in the queue.
When a Full Backup job is submitted and an Incremental Backup job is waiting
in the queue, the Full Backup job overwrites the job in the queue.
When a Verify Backup job is submitted and an Incremental Backup job is
waiting in the queue, the Verify Backup job overwrites the job in the queue.
When a Verify Backup job is submitted and a Full Backup job is waiting in the
queue, the Verify Backup job is skipped.
When an Incremental Backup job is submitted and a Full Backup job is waiting
in the queue, the Incremental Backup job is skipped.
When an Incremental Backup job is submitted and a Verify Backup job is
waiting in the queue, the Incremental Backup job is skipped.
Copy Recovery Points
Each time CA ARCserve D2D performs a successful backup, a point-in-time snapshot
image of your backup is also created. This collection of recovery points allows you to
locate and specify a backup image to copy. You can do the following to protect your
Copy/export recovery point information to store it safely off-site when a
catastrophe occurs.
Save your recovery points to multiple locations.
Consolidate your backups if your destination is getting full and you still want to
preserve all your recovery points.
When you select a recovery point to copy, you are also capturing all previous backup
blocks that are needed to recreate a full and most recent backup image.
64 User Guide
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Node on the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
From the Groups list, click All Nodes, or click the group that contains the CA
ARCserve D2D node with the recovery points you want to copy.
The nodes list displays all nodes that are associated with the specified group.
Browse to and click the node that you want to log in to and then click Login D2D
from the pop-up menu.
The CA ARCserve D2D opens and you are logged in to the home page for the CA
ARCserve D2D node.
Note: Help ensure that the pop-up options on your browser window are enabled.
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page, select Copy Recovery Point.
The Copy Recovery Point dialog opens.
In the Backup Location field, specify the backup source. You can either specify a
location or browse to the location where your backup images are stored. You can
click the green arrow icon button to verify the connection to the specified location.
If necessary, enter the User name and Password credentials to gain access to that
In the Virtual Machine field, click the drop-down list next to Select Virtual Machine
to specify the virtual machine containing the recovery points that you want to copy.
The calendar view highlights all dates during the displayed time period that contain
recovery points for that backup source.
Specify the recovery point to copy.
Select the calendar date for the backup image you want to copy.
The corresponding recovery points for that date are displayed, with the time of
the backup, the type of backup that was performed, and the name of the
Note: A clock icon with a lock symbol indicates that the recovery point contains
encrypted information and requires a password for the restore.
Select a recovery point that you want to copy.
The corresponding backup content (including any applications) for that
recovery point is displayed.
Click Next.
The Copy Options dialog opens.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 65
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Note: Two password fields are displayed in this dialog. The Password field is for the
password to decrypt the source session, and the Encryption Password field is used
to encrypt the destination session.
If the exported recovery point was previously encrypted, a password is
If the exported recovery point is a backup session of the same machine
running the copy recovery point job, the encryption password is saved and
automatically populated.
If the exported recovery point is a backup session of another machine, an
encryption password is required.
Select the destination.
You can either specify a location or browse to the location where the copy of
your selected recovery point is stored. You can click the green arrow icon
button to verify the connection to the specified location. If necessary, enter the
User name and Password.
66 User Guide
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Select the level of compression to perform.
Note: The specified backup compression level has no relation with the copy
compression level. For example, in backup destination the compression level
can be set to Standard; however, when you submit the copy job, the
compression can be changed to No Compression or Maximum Compression.
Compression is performed to decrease your disk space usage, but also has an
inverse impact on your backup speed due to the increased CPU usage.
The available options are:
No Compression - No compression is performed. Files are pure VHD. This
option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest speed), but also has the highest
disk space usage for your backup image.
Standard Compression - Some compression is performed. This option
provides a good balance between CPU usage and disk space usage. This
option is the default setting.
Maximum Compression - Maximum compression is performed. This
option provides the highest CPU usage (lowest speed), but also has the
lowest disk space usage for your backup image.
Consider the following points:
If your backup image contains uncompressible data (such as JPG images,
ZIP files), additional storage space is used to handle such data. As a result,
if you select any compression option with uncompressible data in your
backup, it can actually result in an increase in your disk space usage.
If you change the compression level from "No Compression" to "Standard
Compression" or "Maximum Compression", or from "Standard
Compression" or "Maximum Compression" to "No Compression", the first
backup that is performed after this change automatically becomes a Full
Backup. After the Full Backup is performed, all future backups (Full,
Incremental, or Verify) will be performed as scheduled.
If you also want the copied recovery point to be encrypted, enter the following
You can change, add, or remove encryption for the copied recovery point.
Select the type of encryption algorithm that is used for the copy.
The available format options are No Encryption, AES-128, AES-192, and
Provide (and confirm) an encryption password.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 67
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Click Create a Copy.
A status notification window appears and the copy process for the selected
recovery point type is launched immediately.
Note: CA ARCserve D2D only allows one recovery point copy job to run at the same
The recovery point image is copied from the backup source to the copy destination.
Create VHD Files from CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
This CA ARCserve D2D procedure lets you create a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) file from the
recovery point that is created after every successful backup. For more information, see
the CA ARCserve D2D Appendix.
Follow these steps:
Perform the Copy Recovery Points (see page 64) procedure.
When the copy is finished, browse to the destination you specified and navigate to
the CA ARCserve D2D host.
Open the folder, VStore\S0000000001.
Locate all files with a D2D extension and change each to VHD. After you rename all
files, you can use them as regular VHD files.
Perform Application Level Backups
Generally, no special steps are required to protect Microsoft Exchange or SQL Server
systems. However, depending on the way you perform a restore when a problem occurs
enables certain options.
For example, enabling the Exchange Granular Catalog option on the Backup
Settings/Advanced screen allows you to recover a specific mailbox or individual email
message later. You can also restore folders or email messages directly from Windows
To perform a full application backup, ensure that the following points are
All application writers are in a stable state. Use vssadmin to see writer status.
All databases that are backed up are in a healthy state. For example, for SQL Server,
make sure that the database status is not Restoring.
You can also truncate transaction logs for SQL and Exchange Servers separately.
Note: When you upgrade to an ESX server, then upgrade the VMware tools inside the
guest operating systems before performing application-level backups to avoid "out of
date" errors.
68 User Guide
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Perform Full Disk Backups Containing Only Used Block Data
Retrieving used block data after performing full disk backups helps reduce the backup
window and less space requirement from the backup destination.
Note: Due to VMware limitation, used blocks cannot be retrieved from virtual machines
when recovery point snapshots are present. In such cases, a full disk backup is
performed on the virtual machine.
After a full disk backup is submitted, perform the following steps to retrieve the used
block data:
Delete all the snapshots that are associated with the virtual machine.
Log in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine.
Open the registry editor and locate the following key:
Set the registry key "full disk backupForFullBackup" to 0.
Create or set the registry "ResetCBT" to 1.
Submit the backup job.
View Job Status Information
CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby converts CA ARCserve D2D recovery points to
recovery point snapshots. You can view status information about in-progress
Host-Based VM Backup jobs.
When a job is running, you can view detailed information about the job. You can also
stop the current job.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Nodes on the Navigation bar to open the Node screen.
If there are in-progress Host-Based VM Backup jobs, the phase of the job appears in
the Job field as illustrated by the following screen:
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 69
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment
Click the phase to open the Backup Status Monitor dialog.
Note: For information about the fields that appear on the Backup Status Monitor,
see Backup Status Monitor (see page 70).
Do one of the following options:
Click Close to close the Backup Status Monitor dialog.
Click Cancel to stop the current job.
Note: The Backup Status Monitor dialog closes shortly after you click Cancel.
More Information:
View Job Status Information (see page 69)
Host-Based VM Backup Monitoring Tasks
You can view the status of your virtual machine backups from the Node screen. Search
for the node that has a job in progress from the Job field, click the link, and this dialog
Virtual Machine backups are performed in two phases. First, the virtual hard disks are
backed up and then, if successful, the catalog is generated. The catalog lets you restore
files and folders as well as the entire virtual machine.
The monitor displays the following real-time information about the backup status job:
70 User Guide
Phase--(Backup and Catalog Monitors) Displays the current point in the process
that is represented by the shaded portion of the progress bar.
Start Time--(Backup and Catalog Monitors) Displays the date and time the
operation was started based on policy configuration.
Elapsed Time--(Backup and Catalog Monitors) Displays the difference between the
Start Time and current time.
Estimated Time Remaining--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the length of time that
is estimated to complete the job.
Processing--(Catalog Monitor only) Displays the volume drive letter or application
for which the catalog is currently being generated.
Space Saved due to Compression--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the portion of
disk space that is saved if compression was specified in the backup operation policy.
Compression Level--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the type of compression that is
used for backups. The options can be No Compression, Standard Compression
(default), or Maximum Compression.
Encryption--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the encryption method that is selected
when the backup job was configured.
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Write Speed Limit--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the value if Throttle Backup was
set on the Protection Settings screen of the backup policy.
Write Speed--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the actual write speed in megabytes
per minute.
Read Speed--(Backup Monitor only) Displays the actual read speed in megabytes
per minute.
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup
Backup policies define how and when to back up nodes that are imported from the
vCenter/ESX Server. Storage Managers can create and edit backup policies and then
assign and unassign them from nodes.
Note: You can assign a policy to one or more nodes. However, you cannot assign one or
more policies to a node.
The following diagram illustrates the process of administering backup policies.
The following list describes the processes that are illustrated in the diagram:
Create Backup Policies (see page 72)
Edit Backup Policies (see page 75)
Assign and Unassign Nodes from Backup Policies (see page 77)
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 71
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Create Backup Policies
The process of creating backup policies uses the CA ARCserve D2D interface for
configuring backup settings, with a few distinctions. You can create policies that are
based on similar backup needs, for example, by installed application or by schedule.
The following procedure summarizes the steps that are required for creating a simple
CA ARCserve D2D backup job policy. For complete details on creating CA ARCserve D2D
backup policies, see the appropriate CA ARCserve D2D topics in the Appendix.
Note: During a host-based backup operation, the following message appears if you are
using hotadd as the transport mode:
You need to format the disk in drive <driveLetter> before you can use it. Do you want to format it?
Click Cancel to ignore this message. The message occurs when the operating system
detects that the virtual hard disk was added to the backup proxy server. The operating
system assumes that the virtual hard disk is a new device that requires formatting. If
you click Format Disk in error, no damage occurs since the virtual hard disk is read-only.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Policies on the Navigation bar to open the Policies screen.
72 User Guide
Click New on the toolbar to open the New Policy dialog.
Enter a Policy Name that appropriately describes the policy.
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
On the Backup Settings tab, click Protection Settings and specify the following
Backup Destination--Specify the local volume or remote shared folder where
you want to save your backup sessions.
CA ARCserve D2D VM Backup Proxy--Specify the Hostname or IP address of
the server where CA ARCserve D2D has been installed. If CA ARCserve D2D is
not already installed, you can use CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager to
deploy it. Provide the appropriate credentials for this server. The Port number
defaults to 8014. If you changed this default during CA ARCserve D2D
installation, specify the correct port number.
Retention Setting--You can set the retention policy that is based on the
number of recovery points to retain (merges sessions) or based on the number
of recovery sets to retain (deletes recovery sets and disables infinite
incrementals). The default option is Retain Recovery Points. For more details,
see Specify Protection Settings from the CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager User Guide.
Compression--Select a compression level. The default value is Standard. You
can specify no compression or Maximum compression.
Encryption--Specify an encryption level. The default value is no encryption.
When specifying an encryption level, provide an encryption password that is
used to restore encrypted data.
Throttle Backup--Enter the rate at which backups are written to disk. Lower
this rate to reduce CPU or network load but note that doing so increases
backup times. This option is disabled by default.
Click Schedule and complete the following information:
Start date and time--Specify the date and time you want to begin your backup
Incremental Backup--Define a repeat schedule for your incremental backup
jobs. The default value is to repeat Incremental Backups once a day.
Full Backup--Define a repeat schedule for your full backup jobs. By default, this
value is set to Never Repeat.
Verify Backup--Define a repeat schedule for verify backup jobs. By default, this
value is set to Never Repeat.
Click Advanced and enable the following options if you want to truncate application
log files:
SQL Server--Specify a daily, weekly, or monthly truncation schedule.
Exchange Server--Specify a daily, weekly, or monthly truncation schedule.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 73
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Click Pre/Post Backup Settings and specify any desired pre/post-backup commands.
If needed, provide the proper credentials:
Run a command before backup is started--Enter the script command to run
before starting the backup job.
On exit code--Enable this option if you want to trigger the script command on a
specific exit code.
Run Job--If selected, the software continues running the job if the specified exit
code is returned.
Fail Job--If selected, the software aborts the backup job if the specified exit
code is returned.
Run a command after snapshot is taken--Enter the script command to run
after the snapshot is taken.
Run a command after backup is over--Enter the script command to run after
backup completes.
(Optional) Click the Preferences tab. Configure any of the following email alerts, as
Missed Jobs
vCenter/ESX cannot be reached (before backup)
License failure
Backup, Catalog, Restore or Copy job failure/crash/cancel
Backup, Catalog, Restore or Copy job success
Destination free space is less than
Merge failure
Note: A merge failure can occur for the following reasons:
The session is mounted.
To solve the problem, dismount the session.
A catalog job locks the session.
The next backup job automatically merges this session.
74 User Guide
The session is locked due to other reasons.
Skip/Merge job waiting in the job queue
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
If you enable these options, click Email Settings to configure your email server.
Provide the Service type, Mail Server, and Port. If authentication is required, enable
that option and provide credentials.
Specify the Subject to appear in the email, for example, CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup Alert.
Specify a From value, for example, CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Specify an email address for all Recipients. Separate each address with a
semi-colon (;).
You can enable the Proxy Settings by providing the Proxy Server name, Port, and
the required credentials.
Click OK.
Click Save.
Edit or Copy Backup Policies
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you edit or copy CA ARCserve D2D
backup policies after they are created.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Policies on the Navigation bar to open the Policies screen.
From the Policies screen, click the check box next to a policy and do one of the
Click Edit on the toolbar and edit the selected policy.
Click Copy on the toolbar to copy and create a new policy from the selected
Note: When you copy a policy, the Copy Policy dialog opens. Specify a name for
the new policy and click OK.
The Edit Policy dialog opens.
If you want to change the name of the policy name, specify a name in the Policy
Name field.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 75
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
76 User Guide
On the Backup Settings tab, click Protection Settings and complete the following
Backup Destination--Specify a remote shared folder where you want to save
your backup sessions.
CA ARCserve D2D VM Backup Proxy--Specify the host name or IP address of
the server where CA ARCserve D2D has been installed. If CA ARCserve D2D is
not already installed, you can use CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager to
deploy it. Provide the appropriate credentials for this server. The Port number
defaults to 8014. If you changed this default during CA ARCserve D2D
installation, specify the correct port number.
Retention Setting--You can set the retention policy that is based on the
number of recovery points to retain (merges sessions) or based on the number
of recovery sets to retain (deletes recovery sets and disables infinite
incrementals). The default option is Retain Recovery Points. For more details,
see Specify Protection Settings from the CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager User Guide.
Compression--Select a compression level. The default value is Standard. You
can specify no compression or Maximum.
Encryption--Specify an encryption level. The default value is no encryption.
When specifying an encryption level, provide an encryption password that is
used to restore encrypted data.
Throttle Backup--Enter the rate at which backups are written to disk. Lower
this rate to reduce CPU or network load but note that doing so increases
backup times. This option is disabled by default.
Click Schedule and complete the following information:
Start date and time--Specify the date and time you want to begin your backup
Incremental Backup--Define a repeat schedule for your incremental backup
jobs. The default value is to repeat Incremental Backups once a day.
Full Backup--Define a repeat schedule for your full backup jobs. By default, this
value is set to Never Repeat.
Verify Backup--Define a repeat schedule for verify backup jobs. By default, this
value is set to Never Repeat.
Click Advanced and enable the following options if you want to truncate application
log files:
SQL Server--Specify a daily, weekly, or monthly truncation schedule.
Exchange Server--Specify a daily, weekly, or monthly truncation schedule.
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Click Pre/Post Backup Settings and specify any required pre/post-backup
commands. If needed, provide the proper credentials:
Run a command before backup is started--Enter the script command to run
before starting the backup job.
On exit code--Enable this option if you want to trigger the script command on a
specific exit code.
Run Job--If selected, the software continues running the job if the specified exit
code is returned.
Fail Job--If selected, the software aborts the backup job if the specified exit
code is returned.
Run a command after snapshot is taken--Enter the script command to run
after the snapshot is taken.
Run a command after backup is over--Enter the script command to run after
backup completes.
(Optional) Click the Preferences tab. Configure any desired email alerts, as needed.
If you enable these options, click Email Settings to configure your email server.
Click Save.
The policy is edited or copied.
Assign and Unassign Nodes from Backup Policies
To protect multiple virtual machines, select the policy that you wish to use and then
assign it to one or more nodes.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application.
Click Policies on the Navigation bar to open the Policies screen.
From the Policies screen, click the Policy Assignment tab.
From the Policies list, select the policy that you want to assign.
Click Assign and Unassign to open the Assign/Unassign Policy dialog.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 77
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Specify the following fields from the Assign/Unassign Policy dialog:
Group--Lets you select the group name containing the nodes that you want to
Node Name Filter--Lets you filter the available nodes based on common
Note: The Node Name field lets you filter nodes using wildcard characters.
For example, Acc* lets you filter all nodes having a node name that begins with
Acc. To clear the filter results, click X in the Filter field.
Do one of the following actions:
Assign nodes to policies--Select the nodes that you want to add and click the
single right arrow.
The nodes move from the Available Nodes list to the Selected Nodes list.
Note: To select and move all nodes, click the double right arrow.
Unassign nodes from policies--Select the nodes that you want to unassign and
click the single left arrow.
The nodes move from the Selected Nodes list to the Available Nodes list.
Note: To select and move all nodes, click the double left arrow.
Click OK.
If necessary, provide a global user name and password and apply them to the
selected nodes.
Click OK.
The selected nodes are added to the Policy Assignment list with a Deploy Status of
[Assigned] Pending.
Note: You can also view the Deploy Status on the Node screen.
Click Deploy Now to apply the assigned policy to the specified nodes immediately.
Use the Refresh button to update the status.
On the Node screen, the status for the nodes you specified on the Policy Assignment list
now shows the assigned policy in the Policy column. Click the Node Name and click
Login D2D to verify the status of your backup jobs.
78 User Guide
View CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup logs
View CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup logs
The View Log contains comprehensive information about all the operations performed
by your application. The log provides an audit trail of every job that is run (with the most
recent activities listed first) and can be helpful in troubleshooting any problems that
may occur.
To view CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup logs
From the home page, click View Logs in the navigation bar.
The View Logs screen appears.
From the drop-down lists, specify log information that you want to view.
Severity--Lets you specify the severity of the log that you want to view. You can
specify the following severity options:
All--Lets you view all logs, regardless of the severity.
Information--Lets you view only logs that describe general information.
Errors--Lets you view only logs that describe severe errors that occurred.
Warnings--Lets you view only logs that describe warming errors that
Errors and Warnings--Lets you view only severe errors and warning errors
that occurred.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 79
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node
Module--Lets you specify the module for which you want to view logs. You can
specify the following module options:
All--Lets you view logs about all application components.
Common--Lets you view logs about common processes.
Import Nodes from Auto Discovery--Lets you view logs on nodes that
were imported only from Auto Discovery.
Import Nodes from Hypervisor--Lets you view logs on nodes that were
imported only from Hypervisor.
Policy Management--Lets you view only logs about managing policies.
Updates--Lets you view only logs about updating the application.
Preflight Check--Lets you view only logs that ran the Preflight Check status
for each node.
Submit VM Backup Jobs--Lets you view only logs where nodes were
submitted for virtual machine backup jobs.
Node Name--Lets you view only logs for a specific node.
Note: This field supports the wildcard '*' and '?'. For example, enter 'lod*' to
return all activity logs for the machine name that begins with 'lod'.
Note: The Severity, Module, and Node Name options can be applied collectively.
For example, you can view Errors (severity) that relate to Updates (Module) for
Node X (Node Name).
The logs display based on the view options specified.
Note: The displayed Time in the log is based on the time zone of your application's
database server.
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you view activity log information for a
specific CA ARCserve D2D node. The Activity Log provides an audit trail of every job that
ran (with the most recent activities listed first) and can be helpful in troubleshooting any
problems that occur.
To view Activity Log information for a specific node
Open the application and click Node in the Navigation bar.
The Node screen displays.
From the Groups list, click All Nodes, or click the group that contains the CA
ARCserve D2D node that you want to log in to.
The nodes list displays all nodes associated with the specified group.
80 User Guide
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node
Browse to and click the node that you want to log in to and then click Login D2D
from the pop-up menu.
The CA ARCserve D2D opens and you are logged in to the home page for the CA
ARCserve D2D node.
Note: If a new browser window does not open, verify that the pop-up options for
your browser allow all pop-ups or pop-ups only for this website.
Click View Logs on the Tasks list.
The Activity Log opens as illustrated by the following:
The Activity Log provides the following information:
Type--Specifies the severity of the activity, which includes Information,
Warnings, and Errors.
Job ID--Specifies the job for which the activity applies.
Time--Specifies the data and time for which the activity applies.
Message--Describes the activity.
Click OK to close the Activity Log.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 81
Add Links to the Navigation Bar
Add Links to the Navigation Bar
Each of the CA ARCserve Central Applications has an Add New Tab link in the Navigation
bar. Use this feature to add entries in the Navigation bar for additional web-based
applications you would like to manage. However, for every application that is installed, a
new link is automatically added to the Navigation bar. For example, if you installed CA
ARCserve Central Reporting and CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby on "Computer A"
and then launch CA ARCserve Central Reporting, CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby is
automatically added to the Navigation bar.
Note: Every application that is installed is detected only if other CA ARCserve Central
Applications are on the same computer.
Follow these steps:
From the Navigation bar of the application, click the Add New Tab link.
Specify the Name and URL of the application or website you want to add. For
Optionally, specify the location of an icon.
Click OK.
The new tab is added to the bottom of the Navigation bar.
Be aware of the following considerations:
The CA Support link is added by default for your convenience.
You can remove the new tab by highlighting the tab and click the Remove link.
Integrate CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup With CA
ARCserve Central Applications
If you installed CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager and CA ARCserve Central
Reporting, you can centrally monitor the status of your host-based backups.
Considerations for Protecting Raw Device Mappings
Consider the following behavior when protecting raw device mappings (RDM):
82 User Guide
The application does not support protecting physical compatibility mode raw device
mappings (disks of this type are physical devices). The application omits physical
compatibility mode raw device mappings from the backup source during the backup
process. A solution to this behavior is to install CA ARCserve D2D inside the guest
operating system and perform backups in the same manner as you would back up
physical disks.
Change Server Communication Protocol
The application supports protecting virtual compatibility mode raw device
mappings. However, consider the following limitations:
In regard to full backups, the application lets you back up complete virtual
compatibility mode RDM disks. However, if you do not use data compression,
the backup datasets can be the same size as the source disk.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup restores virtual compatibility
mode RDM disks as normal virtual disks. After the recovery process completes,
the disk is no longer configured as or behaves as a virtual RDM.
An alternative approach to backing up virtual compatibility mode RDMs is to
install CA ARCserve D2D inside the guest operating system and back up the
RDMs in the same manner as you would back up physical machines.
Change Server Communication Protocol
By default, CA ARCserve Central Applications use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
for communication among all of its components. If you are concerned about the security
of passwords that are communicated between these components, you can change the
protocol being used to Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). When you do not
need this extra level of security, you can change the protocol being used to HTTP.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the computer where the application is installed using an administrative
account or an account with administrative privileges.
Note: If you do not log in using an administrative account or an account with
administrative privileges, configure the Command Line to run using the Run as
Administrator privilege.
Open Windows Command Line.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 83
Define a Transport Mode for Backups
Do one of the following:
To change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS:
Launch the "changeToHttps.bat" utility tool from the following default location
(the location of the BIN folder can vary depending upon where you installed
the application):
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\BIN
When the protocol has been successfully changed, the following message
The communication protocol was changed to HTTPS.
To change the protocol from HTTPS to HTTP:
Launch the "changeToHttp.bat" utility tool from the following default location
(the location of the BIN folder can vary depending upon where you installed
the application):
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\BIN
When the protocol has been successfully changed, the following message
The communication protocol was changed to HTTP.
Restart the browser and reconnect to CA ARCserve Central Applications.
Note: When you change the protocol to HTTPS, a warning displays in the web
browser. This behavior occurs because of a self-signed security certificate that
prompts you to ignore the warning and proceed or add that certificate to the
browser to prevent the warning from coming back in future.
Define a Transport Mode for Backups
You can define a specific transport mode (transfer data) to use for D2D backup jobs that
execute using Host-Based VM Backup. By default, Host-based VM backup uses a mode
that lets Host-Based VM Backup to optimize the performance (increase the speed) of
the backup operation. However, when you want to specify a particular transport mode
for backup operations, you configure the registry key described in this topic.
Host-Based VM Backup can execute backups using the following transport modes:
84 User Guide
HOTADD transport mode (see page 237)
NBD transport mode (see page 237)
NBDSSL transport mode (see page 237)
SAN transport mode (see page 238)
Define a Transport Mode for Backups
Be aware of the following considerations:
This is an optional configuration task. By default, Host-Based VM Backup executes
backups using a transport mode that optimizes the performance of the backup
When you configure this registry key to use a specific transport mode and the mode
is not available, Host-Based VM Backup uses an available default transport mode
for the backup operation.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the CA ARCserve D2D backup proxy system for the virtual machines.
Open Windows Registry Editor and browse to the following key:
Right-click VM-InstanceUUID and select New and click String Value on the pop-up
Name the new string value as follows:
Right-click EnforceTransport and click Modify on the pop-up menu to open the Edit
String dialog.
In the Value Data field, specify the transport mode that you want to use during the
backup job. Specify one of the following values:
HOTADD transport mode (see page 237)
NBD transport mode (see page 237)
NBDSSL transport mode (see page 237)
SAN transport mode (see page 238)
Click OK to apply the value and close the Edit String dialog.
The transport mode is defined and is used the next time that a job runs.
Chapter 3: Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 85
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual
The restore and recovery options available depend on how your system was backed up.
For example, you cannot use backup sessions that are created with CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup to perform Application Level or Microsoft Exchange granular
restore operations but can do so using sessions created with CA ARCserve Central
Protection Manager or CA ARCserve D2D. Certain restore options available with CA
ARCserve D2D may not be available with this application. For example, Restore to
Original Location is not possible with the application's backups because the location of
the proxy server is different from the location of the backup source virtual machine.
For more information, see Restore Considerations (see page 96) to help you determine
when to use the available Restore Methods (see page 87).
This section contains the following topics:
Restore Methods (see page 87)
Restore Considerations (see page 96)
Application Level Restores (see page 97)
Restore Methods
How your backup session was created determines which restore methods can be used.
For example, some restore methods are only possible if performed with a locally
installed version of CA ARCserve D2D. Other methods require the virtual machine
powered on at backup time.
Browse Recovery Points
Lets you find available recovery points (successful backups) from a calendar view.
Use this method to restore files, folders, or perform the application level restore
Backups created with CA ARCserve D2D, CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup, or CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager can be restored with this
Find Files/Folders to Restore
Lets you find specific files or folders to restore.
Backups created with CA ARCserve D2D can be restored with this method. It is also
available to restore backups created with CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup and CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager when the virtual machine was
powered on at the time of backup.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 87
Restore Methods
Recover VM
Lets you browse all available virtual machine recovery points (successful backups)
from a calendar view. You can then specify the virtual machine you want to recover.
This method is available to restore backups created with CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup and first provisions a virtual machine and then restores the
OS, applications and data from the recovery point you specified.
Application Restore
To restore a Microsoft Exchange or SQL Server completely without having to rebuild
it, click the Browse Recovery Points method from a locally installed version of CA
ARCserve D2D.
Bare Metal Recovery
Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) is the process of restoring a computer from bare metal
including its operating system, software applications, settings and data. BMR
requires you to have a Windows image or boot kit and at least one full backup.
Backups created with CA ARCserve D2D, CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup, CA ARCserve Central Virtual Standby, and CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager can be restored with this method. However, if the virtual machine was
powered down during backup, BMR is not possible.
Restore from Recovery Points
The Browse Recovery Points restore method lets you find successful backups (named
recovery points) from a calendar view. You can then browse for and select the backup
content, including applications, you want to restore. The procedure for restoring with
the Browse Recovery Points method is the same as if using CA ARCserve D2D, with one
exception. To restore virtual machine recovery points, you cannot use the restore to
original location option.
88 User Guide
Restore Methods
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Node on the Navigation bar.
From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to
Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore
on the toolbar.
From the Restore dialog, click Browse Recovery Points.
The Restore dialog opens and the Backup Location is provided for you based on the
node you selected. If desired, change it to another backup destination and provide
the user credentials.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 89
Restore Methods
Click the recovery point date and then click a recovery point time. Select the
content that you want to restore. Select an entire volume or a file, folder, database,
or application. Solid green boxes next to a selection indicate that it is selected for
restore. Click Next when done.
On the Restore Options dialog, specify the restore destination.
90 User Guide
Restore to original location (disable)--for CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup sessions, you cannot restore to the original location. To restore files or
folders to their original location in the Guest OS of a VM, you need to either
install CA ARCserve D2D in the guest OS of the VM or restore to a network
shared folder on the VM.
Restore to--specify the destination you want to restore to.
Overwrite existing files--Replaces files located at the destination.
Replace active files--Replaces files in use or being accessed at reboot time.
Rename files--Creates a new file if the file name exists. This option copies
source files to the destination with the same file name but a new extension.
Data is restored to the file with the new extension.
Skip existing files--Skips over and does not replace existing files that are
located on the destination. This is the default setting.
Create root directory--Recreates the same root directory structure on the
destination found in the backup image.
Click Next. On the Restore Summary screen, verify that all options are correct. If
not, click Previous to go back. If yes, click Finish to launch the restore process.
Restore Methods
Restore by Mounting a Recovery Point
The Mount Recovery Point restore method lets you mount a recovery point to the
backup proxy system. To mount a recovery point, you would have to log in to the CA
ARCserve D2D user interface.
Follow these steps:
Log in to CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup and click Node on the
Navigation bar.
From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to
Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore
on the toolbar.
A CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup version of CA ARCserve D2D opens.
Note: Verify that the pop-up options for your browser allow all pop-ups or pop-ups
only for this website, so that a new browser can open.
For more details on the Mount Recovery Point dialog, click Help on the dialog screen
from the CA ARCserve D2D home page.
Restore Data Using Find Files/Folders to Restore
Each time the application performs a successful backup, all backed up files or folders are
included in the snapshot image of your backup. This restore method allows you to
specify exactly which file or folder you want to restore.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Node on the Navigation bar.
From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to
Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore
on the toolbar.
From the Restore dialog, click Find Files/Folders to Restore.
On the Find Files/Folders to Restore dialog, specify or browse to the Backup
Location. If you are restoring from a CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
session, you cannot specify a File Copy Location. File Copy restore is permitted only
if you are restoring from CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager or CA ARCserve
D2D backup sessions.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 91
Restore Methods
Specify the file or folder name to restore.
Note: The File Name field supports full name searching and wildcard searching. If
you do not know the complete file name, you can simplify the results of the search
by specifying the wildcard characters "*" and "?" in the File Name field.
The wildcard characters supported for the file or folder name are as follows:
"*"--Use the asterisk to substitute zero or more characters in a file or folder
"?"--Use the question mark to substitute a single character in a file or folder
For example, if you specify *.txt, all files with a .txt file extension appear in the
search results.
(Optional) Specify a path name to further filter your search and select whether to
include or not include subdirectories or files and folders.
Click Find to launch the search.
The results of the search are displayed. If the search discovers multiple occurrences
(recovery points) of the same searched file, it lists all occurrences sorted by date
(with the most recent listed first).
Select the version that you want to restore from the list and click Next.
The Restore Options dialog is displayed. You may restore to an alternate location
only. Specify or browse to the location where you want the backup image stored.
Click the green arrow to verify the connection. Provide user credentials, if needed.
92 User Guide
Restore Methods
Select the conflict resolution options:
Overwrite existing files
Overwrites (replaces) any existing files that are located at the restore
destination. All objects are restored from the backup files regardless of their
current presence on your computer.
Replace active files
Replaces any active files upon reboot. If during the restore attempt, the
software discovers that the existing file is currently in use or being
accessed and it does not immediately replace that file, but instead to avoid
any problems, it delays the replacement of the active files until the next
time that you reboot the computer. (The restore occurs immediately, but
the replacement of any active files is done during the next reboot).
Note: If this option is not selected, then any active file is skipped from the
Rename files
Creates a new file if the file name exists. Selecting this option copies the source
file to the destination with the same filename but a different extension. Data is
then restored to the new file.
Skip existing files
Skips over and does not overwrite (replace) any existing files that are located at
the restore destination. Only objects that do not currently exist on your
computer are restored from the backup files.
By default, this option is selected.
(Optional) Select Create root directory from the Directory Structure.
This option recreates the same root directory structure on the restore destination
Note: If this option is not selected, the file or folder is restored directly to the
destination folder.
10. Enter the backup encryption password to restore the encrypted data and then click
The Restore Summary dialog is displayed.
11. Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings
are correct.
If the summary information is not correct, click Previous and go back to the
applicable dialog to change the incorrect setting.
If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 93
Restore Methods
Recover an Entire Virtual Machine
You can recover an entire virtual machine from a CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup session.
This backup method is similar to performing BMR. With this method you can recover the
Windows guest operating system, applications, and data.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the application and click Node on the Navigation bar.
From the Node screen, expand the group containing the node that you want to
Click the check box next to the node that you want to restore and then click Restore
on the toolbar.
94 User Guide
From the Restore dialog, click Recover VM.
Restore Methods
The Restore dialog opens. The Backup Location and Virtual Machine fields are
populated based on the VM that you selected from the Node screen. If desired,
change these values.
Specify the source where your virtual machine backup sessions are stored. Enter
user credentials if prompted.
The drop-down menu lists all the virtual machines at the location in the Backup
Location field.
From the calendar, click the date for the virtual machine image you want to
recover. From the Time Range list, click the backup image to recover. The content
that corresponds with your selection is displayed for your reference. You cannot
select individual volumes, folders, or files. The entire virtual machine is restored.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 95
Restore Considerations
Click Next. On the Restore Options dialog, specify a destination.
Restore to Original Location--Restores the virtual machine to the vCenter/ESX
server where the backup image was captured.
Restore to Alternate Location--Restores the virtual machine to a new location.
Specify the conflict resolution and post recovery options. By default, these options
are not selected.
Overwrite existing Virtual Machine--Replaces any existing virtual machine
images on the vCenter/ESX server.
Power on Virtual Machine--Starts the virtual machine after the restore process
Click Next. Enter vCenter/ESX Server credentials for the backup source, if prompted
and click OK.
On the Restore Summary dialog, verify that all options are correct. If not, click
Previous to go back. If yes, click Finish to launch the recovery process.
Restore Considerations
Use the following table to help you determine what restore method to use under the
listed conditions.
Restore Method:
When you want to:
Browse Recovery Points
Restore a file, folder, database,
(Use this method for
or application that is now
performing application level corrupt.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup: To restore files or folders, the VM
must be powered on at time of backup.
Restore to original location is not possible.
Map a network drive to the original location
or access it as a share, restore to the mapped
or shared location. Install CA ARCserve D2D
in the Guest OS of a new VM and restore an
application database. For more information,
see the topic, Perform Application Level
CA ARCserve D2D or CA ARCserve Central
Protection Manager: See the application
User Guide.
Find Files/Folders to
Recover VM
Provision a new VM, restore the ■
OS, applications, and data
96 User Guide
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup: Recommended
CA ARCserve D2D or CA ARCserve Central
Protection Manager: Not Supported
Application Level Restores
Recovery is also possible using the BMR and Application Level Restore processes. For
more information, see the topic, Restore Methods (see page 87).
Application Level Restores
CA ARCserve Central Applications let you protect and recover data, but also help you get
applications that use that data back up and running. Application Level Restores use the
Browse Recovery Points restore method. During the application level restore process,
you can recover Microsoft Exchange or SQL Servers without having to perform a full
disaster recovery.
Before you begin the application level restore process, you may need to perform the
following tasks:
Provision a new virtual machine with a Windows Guest OS
Install CA ARCserve D2D in the Guest OS.
For Exchange Server application restore operations:
Verify that the account has Exchange Full Administrator role privileges for
Exchange Server 2003, or Exchange Organization Administrator or Server
Administrator role privileges for Exchange Server 2007/2010.
When you are restoring Exchange Server 2007 databases to Recovery Storage
Groups, create the Recovery Storage Groups on the protected server. Similarly,
when you are restoring Exchange Server 2010 databases to Recovery
Databases, create the Recovery Databases on the protected server.
Review the complete Application Level Restore procedure provided in the CA
ARCserve D2D User Guide and excerpted in CA ARCserve D2D Procedures (see
page 173).
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 97
Application Level Restores
Restore Exchange Server Data
You can perform application level restores of Microsoft Exchange Server data with the
Exchange Server 2003: Single Server Environment. Cluster Environment is not
Exchange Server 2007: Single Server Environment, Local Continuous Replication
(LCR), and Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) environment. For Exchange Server
2007 CCR, install CA ARCserve D2D locally on both the active and passive nodes.
You can perform backup operations from either the active or passive node, but you
can perform restore operations only on the active node. Single Copy Cluster (SCC) is
not supported.
Exchange Server 2010: Single Server Environment and Database Availability Group
(DAG) environment. For a DAG environment, verify CA ARCserve D2D is installed on
all servers in the DAG. You can perform backup operations from any server for both
active and passive database copies, but restore operations can only be performed
to an active database copy.
You can restore Microsoft Exchange Server data to the following levels:
Microsoft Exchange Writer Level: Restores all Exchange Server data.
Storage Group Level: Restores a specific Storage Group (does not apply to Microsoft
Exchange Server 2010).
Mailbox Store Level: Restores a specific mailbox store (applies only to Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003).
Mailbox Database Level: Restores a specific mailbox database (applies to Exchange
Server 2007 and 2010).
Note: Before you begin, perform the necessary prerequisites in Application Level
Restores (see page 97).
Important! Microsoft Exchange Server granular restore is not supported from CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup backup sessions. To restore Microsoft
Exchange Server data at a granular level, back up the Exchange Server data using CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager or CA ARCserve D2D.
To restore Exchange Server data
98 User Guide
Verify that CA ARCserve D2D is installed on the guest operating system.
Log in to the guest operating system on the virtual machine where you want to
restore Exchange Server data.
Start CA ARCserve D2D and then click Restore on the CA ARCserve D2D Navigation
panel to open the Restore dialog.
Click Browse Recovery Points to open the Browse Recovery Points dialog.
Application Level Restores
In the Select backup location field on the Browse Recovery Points dialog, specify the
path to the backup session on the Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine that you
want to restore Exchange Server data from. The following path is an example of the
path to the backup session on the Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine:
https://<server name>/<share name>/vm@<host name or IP address of the ESX Server system>
On the calendar, click a recovery point date and time.
Click Next to open the Restore Options dialog.
Select the destination for the restore.
The available options are to restore to the original location of the backup, restore
the dump file only, or restore to a Recovery Storage Group/Recovery Mailbox
Restore to original location
Restores to the original location from where the backup image was captured.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 99
Application Level Restores
Dump file only
Restores the dump files only.
For this option, CA ARCserve D2D will restore the Microsoft Exchange database
file to a specified folder, and will not bring it online after recovery. You can
then move this file to a different server and mount it to exchange server
manually to view data contained in it.
Note: When a Recovery Mailbox Database exists, restore with ‘Dump file only’
option will fail.
Replay log on database
Specifies that when the database files are dumped to the destination
folder, you can replay and apply all Microsoft Exchange transaction log files
and commit them to the database file. When the database next starts, and
transaction log files that were not yet written to the database files are
then applied before the database is again made available to you.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Restore to Recovery Storage Group (Exchange 2007)
Restores the database to a Recovery Storage Group (RSG).
An RSG is a storage group that can be used for recovery purposes. You can
restore a Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Database from a backup in a Recovery
Storage Group and then recover and extract data from it, without affecting the
production database that is being accessed by end users.
If single storage group or database (except a public folder database) from
the same storage group are selected to restore, the default restore
destination is "Restore to Recovery Storage Group" (or "Restore to
Recovery Database").
If multiple storage groups or databases from multiple storage groups are
selected to restore, Exchange can only be restored to the original location
or restore with "Dump file only" option. The default restore destination is
"Restore to original location."
Before restoring an Exchange 2007 database to a Recovery Storage Group, you
must create a Recovery Storage Group and Mailbox Database with the same
For example, if you want to restore MailboxDatabase1 from the First Storage
Group to a Recovery Storage Group, you must create a Recovery Storage Group
and add the database "MailboxDatabase1" to the Recovery Storage Group.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
100 User Guide
Application Level Restores
Dismount the database before restore and mount the database after restore
Typically before a restore, Microsoft Exchange will perform some checks to
help ensure the following:
The database to be restored is in "Dismounted" status.
The database is not restored unexpectedly.
To protect a Microsoft Exchange production database from being restored
unexpectedly, a switch is added to allow the database to be overwritten
during the restore process. Microsoft Exchange will refuse to restore a
database if this switch is not set.
For CA ARCserve D2D, these two options are controlled by this "Dismount the
database before restore and mount the database after restore" option. With
this option, CA ARCserve D2D lets you launch the restore process automatically
without any manual operations. (You can also specify to dismount/mount
database manually).
If checked, specifies that the recovery process will automatically dismount
the Exchange database before the restore process and then mount the
database after the restore process is completed. In addition, if checked,
this option will also allow the Exchange database to be overwritten during
the restore.
If unchecked, specifies that the recovery process will not automatically
dismount the Exchange database before recovery and mount the database
after recovery.
The Exchange administrator would have to perform some manual
operations such as dismount the Exchange database, set the Allow
Overwrite flag on the database, and mount the Exchange database. (The
recovery procedure is performed by Exchange during the mounting of the
In addition, if unchecked, this option does not allow the Exchange
database to be overwritten during restore.
Restore to Recovery Database (Exchange 2010)
Restores the database to a Recovery Database. A Recovery Database is a
database that can be used for recovery purposes. You can restore a Microsoft
Exchange Mailbox Database from a backup to a Recovery Database and then
recover and extract data from it, without affecting the production database
that is being accessed by end users.
Before restoring an Exchange 2010 database to a Recovery Database, you must
first create a Recovery Database.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 101
Application Level Restores
Click Next to open the Restore Summary dialog.
10. Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings
are correct.
If the summary information is not correct, click Previous and go back to the
applicable dialog to change the incorrect setting.
If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.
Restore SQL Server Data
You can perform application level restores of Microsoft SQL Server data with the
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express, Standard, Workgroup, and Enterprise
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, Web, Standard,
Workgroup, and Enterprise
Note: Before you begin, read the prerequisites in Application Level Restores (see
page 97).
Important! Microsoft SQL Server granular restore is not supported from CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup backup sessions. To restore Microsoft SQL Server data at
a granular level, back up the SQL Server data using CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager or CA ARCserve D2D.
To restore SQL Server data
Verify that CA ARCserve D2D is installed on the guest operating system.
Log in to the guest operating system for the virtual machine where you want to
restore Exchange Server data.
Start CA ARCserve D2D and then click Restore on the CA ARCserve D2D Navigation
panel to open the Restore dialog.
Click Browse Recovery Points to open the Browse Recovery Points dialog.
In the Specify backup location field on the Browse Recovery Points dialog, specify
the path to the backup session on the Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine that
you want to restore Exchange Server data from. The following path is an example of
the path to the backup session on the Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine:
https://<server name>/<share name>/vm@<host name or IP address of the ESX Server system>
102 User Guide
Application Level Restores
Select the recovery point (date and time) and then select the Microsoft SQL Server
database to be restored.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 103
Application Level Restores
Click Next to open the Restore Options dialog.
Select the destination for the restore. The available options are to restore to the
original location of the backup, restore the dump file only, or restore to an
alternate location.
Restore to original location
Restores to the original location from where the backup image was captured.
Dump file only
Restores the dump files only.
Dump files are created when an application crashes and contains additional
(time-stamped) information that can be used to troubleshoot the cause of the
When you select this option, you can then specify or browse to the folder
location where the dump file will be restored to.
Restore to alternate location
Restores to an alternate location (not the original location).
104 User Guide
Application Level Restores
Because backups can be copied to network locations, they can be used by
multiple SQL Server instances. Multiple database restore can be performed
(simultaneously) from the instance level. From this listing, you can select the
database instance and specify a new database name and alternate location to
restore the database to. In addition, you can also browse to the alternate
location where the database will be restored to.
Click Next to open the Restore Summary dialog.
Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings
are correct.
If the summary information is not correct, click Previous and go back to the
applicable dialog to change the incorrect setting.
If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.
Chapter 4: Restore and Recover Virtual Machines 105
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup
This section provides troubleshooting information to help you identify and resolve
problems that you can encounter when using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 107
Application Level Restores
This section contains the following topics:
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages Appear when Attempting to Add Nodes
(see page 109)
Blank Webpages Appear or Javascript Errors Occur (see page 111)
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes (see page
How to Troubleshoot Page Loading Problems (see page 114)
Garbage Characters Appear in Browser Windows When Accessing CA ARCserve Central
Applications (see page 115)
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes (see page 116)
Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the Application (see page 118)
Backups Fail with Snapshot Creation Errors (see page 119)
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors (see page 120)
Backup and Recovery Operations Using the hotadd Transport Mode Cannot Mount Disks
(see page 122)
Recovery Operations Fail When Recovering Data Using the HOTADD or SAN Transport
Mode (see page 122)
Operating System Not Found Errors Occur (see page 124)
MAC Address Changes are Not Retained After VM Recovery (see page 125)
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes (see page 126)
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Cannot Communicate with the CA
ARCserve D2D Web Service on Remote Nodes (see page 129)
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly (see page 130)
Changed Block Tracking Failures (see page 132)
Backups Fail Due to ESXi License (see page 133)
Backup Fails Because VM Has Snapshots (see page 133)
Backups Fail and Event 1530 is Logged in the Event Log on the Backup Proxy System (see
page 134)
Backups Complete Using the NBD Transport Mode When the hotadd Transport Mode
was Specified (see page 135)
Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup Jobs (see page 136)
Backup Jobs Fail Because the Blocks Cannot Be Identified (see page 137)
Cannot Open VMDK File (see page 137)
Nodes Do Not Appear on the Node Screen After Changing the Name of the Node (see
page 138)
Multiple Connections Error Occurs When Saving or Assigning a Policy to a CA ARCserve
D2D Server (see page 139)
Virtual Machine Backups Fail Because the ESX Server is Not Accessible (see page 139)
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and Chrome (see
page 140)
Add New Tab Link, RSS Feeds, and Social Networking Feedback Not Launching Properly
on Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (see page 142)
Cannot Specify an Asterisk or Underscore as a Wildcard in Filter Fields Using Japanese
Keyboards (see page 143)
Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different Transport Mode Than Specified (see page
108 User Guide
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages Appear when Attempting to Add Nodes
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages Appear when
Attempting to Add Nodes
Valid on Windows platforms.
The following message appears when you to try to add or connect to nodes from the
Node screen.
Cannot connect to specified server.
If the above message appears when you try to add nodes from the Node screen, the
following corrective actions can help you solve the problem:
Verify that the Windows Server service is running on the CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup server and the source virtual machine (node).
Verify that a Windows Firewall exception is applied to the Windows File and Printer
Sharing service on the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server and the
source virtual machine (node).
Verify that a Windows Firewall exception is applied to the Windows Netlogon
service only if the node is not a member of a domain. Perform this task on the CA
ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server and the source virtual machine
Verify that the value applied to the Sharing and Security model for local account is
Classic. To apply the Classic value, do the following:
Note: Perform the following steps on the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup server and the source virtual machine (node).
Log in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server and open
Control Panel.
From the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools.
Double-click Local Security Policy.
The Local Security Policy window opens.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 109
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages Appear when Attempting to Add Nodes
From the Local Security Policy window, expand Local Policies and expand
Security Options.
The Security Policies appear.
Right-click Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts and
click Properties on the pop-up menu.
The Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts properties
dialog opens.
Click Local Security Setting.
From the drop-down list, select Classic - local users authenticate as themselves.
Click OK.
Verify that the value applied to the Local Policies for the LAN manager
authentication level is set to send LM & NTLMv2 – use NTLMv2 session security if
negotiated. To apply the value, do the following:
Log in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup server and open the
command prompt.
Execute the following command
The Local Security Settings dialog opens.
Select local policies and click security options.
Search for Network security: LAN manager authentication level.
Double-click the option.
The Properties dialog opens
Select the following option and click OK.
send LM & NTLMv2 – use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
From the command prompt, execute the following command:
The value is applied.
110 User Guide
Blank Webpages Appear or Javascript Errors Occur
Blank Webpages Appear or Javascript Errors Occur
Valid on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
When you open CA ARCserve Central Applications websites using Internet Explorer,
blank web pages appear or Javascript errors occur. The problem occurs when opening
Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 operating
This problem occurs under the following conditions:
You are using Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9 to view your application,
and the browser does not recognize the URL as a trusted site.
You are using Internet Explorer 9 to view your application, and the communication
protocol in use is HTTPS.
To correct this problem, disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security on the computers
that you use to view your application.
To disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security on Windows Server 2008 systems, do
the following:
Log on to the Windows Server 2008 computer that you use to view reports using
the Administrator account or an account that has administrative privileges.
Right-click Computer on the desktop and click Manage to open the Server Manager
From the Server Manager window, click Server Manager (Server Name).
From the Server Summary section, open Security Information and click Configure IE
ESC as illustrated by the following:
The Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration dialog opens.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 111
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
On the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration dialog, do the following:
Administrators--Click Off
Users--Click Off.
Click OK.
The Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration dialog closes and Internet
Explorer Enhanced Security is disabled.
To disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security on Windows Server 2003 systems, do
the following:
Log on to the Windows Server 2003 computer that you use to view reports using
the Administrator account or an account that has administrative privileges.
Open Windows Control Panel and then open Add or Remove Programs.
From the Add or Remove Programs dialog, click the Add/Remove Windows
Components option to access the Windows Components Wizard screen.
Clear the checkmark next to Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
Click Next.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the configuration and then click
Internet Explorer Enhanced Security is disabled.
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA
ARCserve D2D Nodes
Valid on Windows platforms.
Web pages in browser windows do not load properly, display error messages, or both
when logging in to CA ARCserve D2D nodes from the Nodes screen.
This behavior affects mainly Internet Explorer browsers. Web pages may not load
properly when Active scripting, ActiveX controls, or Java programs are disabled on your
computer or blocked on your network.
112 User Guide
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
You can correct the problem by refreshing your browser window. However, if refreshing
your browser window does not correct the problem, do the following:
Open Internet Explorer.
From the Tool menu, click Internet Options.
The Internet Options dialog opens.
Click the Security tab.
The Security options display.
Click Internet zone.
The Internet Zone options display.
Click Custom Level.
The Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog opens.
Scroll to the Scripting category.
Locate Active scripting.
Click the Enable or Prompt option.
Click OK on the Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog.
The Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog closes.
Click OK on the Internet Options dialog.
The Internet Options dialog closes and the Active scripting option is applied.
Note: If this solution does not correct the problem, consult your systems administrator
to verify that other programs, such as antivirus or firewall programs, are not blocking
Active scripting, ActiveX controls, or Java programs.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 113
How to Troubleshoot Page Loading Problems
How to Troubleshoot Page Loading Problems
Valid on Windows platforms.
The following error messages appear in browser windows when you log in to CA
ARCserve Central Applications, CA ARCserve D2D nodes, and monitoring servers.
Message 1:
Errors on this webpage might cause it to work incorrectly.
Message 2:
Web pages do not load properly for many reasons. The following table describes
common reasons and the corresponding corrective actions:
114 User Guide
Corrective Action
There are problems with the underlying
HTML source code.
Refresh the webpage and try again.
Your network blocks Active scripting,
ActiveX, or Java programs.
Allow your browser to use Active scripting,
ActiveX, or Java programs.
Your antivirus application is configured to
scan temporary Internet files and
downloaded programs.
Filter your antivirus application to allow
Internet-related files associated with CA
ARCserve Central Applications webpages.
The scripting engine installed on your
computer is corrupt or outdated.
Update the scripting engine.
The video card drivers installed on your
computer are corrupt or outdated.
Update the video card drivers.
The DirectX component installed on your
computer is corrupt or outdated.
Update the DirectX component.
Garbage Characters Appear in Browser Windows When Accessing CA ARCserve Central Applications
Garbage Characters Appear in Browser Windows When
Accessing CA ARCserve Central Applications
Valid on all Windows operating systems. All browsers affected.
When you log in to CA ARCserve Central Applications, garbage characters appear in the
content area of your browser window.
This problem occurs when you install CA ARCserve Central Applications using HTTPS
communication and then try to access CA ARCserve Central Applications using HTTP
communication. The underlying CA ARCserve Central Applications web services
component does not support the capability to convert HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs. As a
result, garbage characters appear in your browser window. For example:
To correct this problem, access CA ARCserve Central Applications using HTTPS when you
install or configure the applications to communicate using HTTPS.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 115
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes
Valid on all Windows operating systems that support User Account Control (UAC).
Note: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7
support UAC.
Symptom 1:
When you provide a Windows user account that is a member of the administrators
group, the following messages displays when applying the password on the Node
Credentials dialog of the Import Virtual Machines from vCenter/ESX dialog:
Administrator Privileges are required.
The result is that you cannot apply the node credentials.
Symptom 2:
When you import nodes but do not provide node credentials during the import
operation, the following message displays when you try to perform the Update Node
operation using a Windows user account that is a member of the administrators group:
Access is denied. Verify user has administrator privilege and the remote registry access is not restricted by local
security policy of the added machine.
The result is that you cannot update the node.
You can expect this behavior when UAC is enabled on computers running a Windows
operating system that supports UAC. UAC is a Windows feature that allows only the
Administrator account to log in to the computer from a remote location. The solution to
this behavior is to complete the following steps:
Follow these steps:
116 User Guide
Log in to the computer using the Administrator account.
Open Windows Control Panel.
Open User Accounts.
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes
From the Make changes to your user account screen, click Change User Account
Control Settings and then do one of the following:
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008: On the Make changes to you user
account screen, click Turn User Account Control on or off. Then on the Turn on
User Account Control (UAC) to make your computer more secure screen, clear
the check box next to Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your
computer, and click OK.
Restart your computer to apply the changes to UAC.
Windows Server 2008 r2 and Windows 7: On the Choose when to be notified
about changes to your computer screen, move the slider from Always notify to
Never notify. Click OK, close Windows Control Panel.
Restart your computer to apply the changes to UAC.
After the computer restarts, verify that the following configurations are applied to
the guest operating system on the virtual machine:
The Windows Server service is running.
The File and Printer Sharing service is allowed to communicate through the
Windows firewall.
When the node is not required to join a domain, the Netlogon Service is
allowed to communicate through the Windows firewall.
The value of Local Security Policy, Local Policies, Security Options, Network
access: Sharing and security model for local accounts is Classic.
Verify the following configuration is applied on the Host-Based VM Backup server:
The value of Local Security Policy, Local Policies, Security Options, Network
security: LAN Manager authentication level is Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2
session security if negotiated.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 117
Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the Application
Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the Application
Valid on Windows platforms.
The following message appears in your browser window when you log in to the
Internet Explorer:
There is a problem with this website's security certificate.
This connection is untrusted.
This site's security certificate is not trusted!
If you specify an option that lets you continue to the website, you can log in to the
application successfully. However, you encounter this behavior every time you log in to
the application.
This behavior occurs when you specify to use HTTPS as the communication protocol. To
correct this problem temporarily, click the link in your browser window that lets you
continue to the website. However, the next time that you log in to the application, you
will encounter the message again.
HTTPS communication protocol provides a higher level of security than HTTP
communication protocol. If you want to continue to communicate using HTTPS
communication protocol, you can purchase a security certificate from VeriSign and then
install the certificate on the application server. Optionally, you can change the
communication protocol used by the application to HTTP. To change the communication
protocol to HTTP, do the following:
Log in to the server where you installed the application.
Browse to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\BIN
Execute the following batch file:
After the batch file executes, open Windows Server Manager.
Restart the following service:
CA ARCserve Central Applications Service
118 User Guide
Backups Fail with Snapshot Creation Errors
Backups Fail with Snapshot Creation Errors
Valid on Windows platforms.
When you submit backups of VMware based virtual machines, the following symptoms
Symptom 1
Backup jobs fail and the following message appears in the Activity Log:
Failed to take snapshot. ESX/vCenter report error. A general system error occurred. Protocol error from VMX.
Solution 1
This error is a VMware issue. To correct this problem, uninstall and then reinstall
VMware Tools inside the guest operating system and then resubmit the job.
Symptom 2
Backup jobs fail and the following message appears in the Activity Log:
Could not take snapshot of the virtual machine. ESX Server/vCenter Server reported the following error: Cannot
create a quiesced snapshot because the create snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the
frozen virtual machine..
Solution 2
This error occurs when VSS encounters errors when creating snapshots. VSS can
encounter errors under the following conditions:
A VSS writer is in an unstable state.
To determine the source and correct this behavior, perform the following remedial
Run the command "vssadmin list writers" from the command line on the guest
operating system on the virtual machine.
Verify that all VSS writers are in a healthy state.
For writers that are in the following states, contact Microsoft or the vendor of
the writer for information about how to fix the errors.
Last Error=No Error
Note: Restarting writers usually solves the problem.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 119
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors
VSS encountered errors when creating snapshots.
To determine the source and correct this behavior, perform the following remedial
Review the Windows event log in the guest operating system. Check for errors
that are related to the VSS components about the time the backup started.
When VSS reports errors due to insufficient disk space, free disk space on the
volume that is associated with the error.
When VSS or the Windows Volsnap driver generates time-out errors, the
applications running inside the virtual machine are in a highly active state. The
highly active state prevents VSS from creating consistent snapshots. To remedy
this condition, schedule backups at times when the applications perform fewer
input and output operations to the volume.
When the Windows Event Log indicates that the VolSnap driver encountered
errors, see the article Volume Snapshot Driver Integrity at the Microsoft
Technet Library for information about how to correct VolSnap driver errors.
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors
Valid on Windows operating systems.
Recover VM jobs fail. You can submit the Recover VM job, however, the following
message appears in the Activity Log:
Failed to recover virtual disks.
In addition, VDDK reports the following error message:
Unknown Error.
120 User Guide
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors
Solution 1:
To correct this problem, consider the following solutions:
Recover VM jobs can fail when there is not enough free disk space on the original
datastore. VDDK returns the message because the VDDK API (currently) does not
support the capability to detect the amount of free disk space on the original
datastore. (The datastore is the location where you specified to recover the virtual
machine.) To correct this problem, free the amount of disk space on the original
datastore that is required to complete the operation and then resubmit the job.
Network disturbance and high network traffic can cause Recover VM jobs to fail. To
correct this problem, verify that the proxy server and the ESX Server system or the
vCenter Server system can communicate with each other though the network, then
resubmit the job.
Multiple concurrent connections consisting of backup or recover VM jobs to the ESX
Server system or the vCenter Server system, which includes vSphere SDK
connections through the VMware vSphere Client, can cause the jobs to fail. To
correct this problem, close all unnecessary connections and then resubmit the job.
For information about the maximum quantity of concurrent connections that are
allowed, see Cannot Open VMDK File (see page 137).
Examine the Tasks and Events sections of the VMware vSphere Client log to
discover internal errors for the specific virtual machine. Correct the internal errors
and then resubmit the job.
Example: Another application or operation is using the VMDK file. To correct this
problem, release the file and resubmit the job.
Solution 2:
This problem can occur under the following conditions:
VDDK did not process a snapshot properly.
VDDK did not delete a snapshot manually or internal to the virtual machine.
To correct this problem, resubmit the job. If the job fails again, delete the recovered
virtual machine and resubmit the job.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 121
Backup and Recovery Operations Using the hotadd Transport Mode Cannot Mount Disks
Backup and Recovery Operations Using the hotadd Transport
Mode Cannot Mount Disks
Valid on Windows platforms.
Backup and recovery jobs that use the hotadd transport mode cannot mount disks to
the proxy system.
To correct this problem, do the following:
Open VMware vSphere Client.
Log in to the ESX Server system or the vCenter Server system using administrative
Select the proxy virtual machine and edit the settings for the proxy virtual machine.
Remove the hotadd disks that are attached to the source virtual machine or the
proxy virtual machine.
Resubmit the job.
Recovery Operations Fail When Recovering Data Using the
HOTADD or SAN Transport Mode
Valid on Windows platforms.
Recovery operations fail when recovering data using the HOTADD or SAN transport
mode. The following message appears in the Activity Log:
An unknown error has occurred. Contact Technical Support.
Recovery operations fail using the HOTADD transport mode (see page 237) or SAN
transport mode (see page 238) when the disk settings are not configured properly.
To configure the disk, perform the following steps:
122 User Guide
Log in to the backup proxy system using an account with administrative privileges.
Open Windows Command Line.
Recovery Operations Fail When Recovering Data Using the HOTADD or SAN Transport Mode
From the command line, type the following command:
Press Enter.
Type SAN and then press Enter.
The current SAN policy displays.
Type the following command:
SAN POLICY = OnlineAll
Press Enter.
The SAN policy is configured as do not automatically mount SAN hosted volumes.
To clear the read-only attribute of the specific SAN disk, select the disk from the
disk list and type the following command:
attribute disk clear readonly
Press Enter
Type exit and then press Enter.
The disk is configured and you can resubmit the job.
If the job fails again, mount the HOTADD disks manually using disk management on the
proxy system.
To mount the disks manually, perform the following steps:
Log in to the backup proxy system using an account with administrative privileges.
Open Windows Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools.
The Administrative Tools window opens.
From the Favorites list, double-click Computer Management.
The Computer Management opens.
Expand Storage and click Disk Management.
The disks display.
Right-click the disk that you want to mount and click Online.
The disk is mounted and you can resubmit the job.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 123
Operating System Not Found Errors Occur
Operating System Not Found Errors Occur
Valid on Windows platforms.
Symptom 1
The following message appears when you try to start the guest operating system on a
virtual machine after you recovered the virtual machine using the Restore to Alternate
Location option:
Operating System Not Found.
Solution 1
The above behavior can occur on virtual machines that contain SCSI and IDE devices. If
this problem occurs, examine how disks are configured on your virtual machine and
verify that the boot sequence of the recovered virtual machine is the same as the source
virtual machine. If the boot sequence is different, you must update the BIOS on the
recovered virtual machine to match that of the source.
Note: The first IDE disk should use (0:1).
Symptom 2
The following message appears when you try to start the guest operating system on a
virtual machine after you recovered virtual machine:
Operating System Not Found.
Solution 2
If the above problem occurs, examine how disks are configured on the virtual machine
and verify that the boot sequence on the Replica virtual machine is the same as the
source virtual machine.
124 User Guide
MAC Address Changes are Not Retained After VM Recovery
MAC Address Changes are Not Retained After VM Recovery
Valid on Windows platforms.
The MAC addresses of virtual machines are not retained after recovering virtual
MAC addresses are not retained during recovery, to prevent duplicates. To retain MAC
address information, set the following registry key on the proxy server:
Key Name: RetainMACForVDDK
Value Type: String
Key Value: 1
On virtual machines with two NIC cards, set the RetainMACForVDDK registry key if you
wish to set one as Manual. Otherwise, all cards are set to Automatic after recovery.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 125
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Valid on Windows platforms.
The web service running on CA ARCserve D2D nodes starts and fails or cannot start.
This problem occurs when the port used by the CA ARCserve D2D web service is the
same as the port used by the VMware vCenter web service (Tomcat).
The port that CA ARCserve D2D uses can conflict with the default port that Tomcat uses.
This conflict causes Tomcat to fail when CA ARCserve D2D is started before it. To
remedy this problem, you can change the Tomcat default port as follows:
Access the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor, click the Advanced option, and select Stop
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service is stopped.
Access the Tomcat server.xml file to edit/configure the behavior of Tomcat.
The Tomcat server.xml file is located in the following folder structure:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications\TOMCAT\conf
126 User Guide
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Locate the <Server> tag inside the server.xml file.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 127
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve D2D Nodes
Edit the <Server> tag as follows:
<Server port="8015" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
Save and close the server.xml file.
The command to shut down Tomcat has now been configured so that it must be
received by the server on the named port (8015).
Access the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor, click the Advanced option, and select Start
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service is started.
128 User Guide
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Cannot Communicate with the CA ARCserve D2D Web Service on Remote
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Cannot
Communicate with the CA ARCserve D2D Web Service on
Remote Nodes
Valid on Windows operating systems.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup cannot communicate with the CA ARCserve
D2D web service on remote nodes.
The following table describes reasons why CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
cannot communicate with the CA ARCserve D2D web service on remote nodes and the
corresponding corrective action:
Corrective Action
The network was not available or not
stable when applying policies.
Verify that the network is available and
stable and then try again.
The CA ARCserve D2D computer could not Verify that the CPU on the remote CA
handle the load when the application tried ARCserve D2D node is in a normal state
to communicate with the node.
and then try again.
The CA ARCserve D2D service on the
remote node was not running when
applying policies.
Verify that the CA ARCserve D2D on the
remote node is running and then try
The CA ARCserve D2D service was not
communicating properly.
Restart the CA ARCserve D2D service on
the remote node and then try again.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 129
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly
Valid on Windows operating systems.
Symptom 1:
The CA ARCserve D2D web service on CA ARCserve D2D systems runs slowly. You can
detect other symptoms such as:
The CA ARCserve D2D web service stops responding or occupies 100 percent of the
CPU resources.
CA ARCserve D2D nodes perform poorly or cannot communicate with the web
Solution 1:
In various environmental configurations, you can discover that the CA ARCserve D2D
web service occupies too much CPU time, or the response is slow. By default, Tomcat is
configured to allocate a limited amount of memory to the nodes, which may not be
suitable for your environment. To verify this problem, review the following log files:
Search for the following message:
To correct this problem, increase the amount of allocated memory.
To increase the memory, do the following:
Open Registry Editor and access the following key:
x86 Operating Systems:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun
x64 Operating Systems:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun
130 User Guide
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly
Do one of the following:
If the message in the log file is the following:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
Append the following to the value of Options.
-XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
Note: You may need to increase the value of -XX:MaxPermSize to suit your
If the message in the log file is one of the following:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Increase the value of the following DWORD:
Restart the CA ARCserve D2D web service.
Symptom 2
Scheduled backups are skipped and stop running.
Solution 2
When you configure the MAX value as 20 or less than 20 for concurrent backups, do the
Increase the value of the following DWORD:
Note: This DWORD is referenced in Solution 1.
Append the following to the value of Options.
Note: This DWORD is referenced in Solution 1.
When you configure the MAX value as more than 20 but less than 50 for concurrent
backups, do the following:
Increase the value of the following DWORD:
Note: This DWORD is referenced in Solution 1.
Append the following to the value of Options.
Note: This DWORD is referenced in Solution 1.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 131
Changed Block Tracking Failures
Changed Block Tracking Failures
Valid on Windows.
Virtual machine backups fail and changed block tracking is enabled on the virtual
The following table describes environmental conditions that can cause virtual machine
backups with changed block tracking enabled to fail:
132 User Guide
User generated snapshots are present on
the virtual machines, and changed block
tracking is disabled.
Enable or reset changed block tracking to
allow the full backup job to continue.
The incorrect version of VMware
hardware is installed on the virtual
Verify that VMware hardware version 7.0
or later is installed on the virtual machine.
The incorrect version of ESX Server is
installed on the virtual machine.
Verify that ESX Server version 4.0 or later
is installed on the virtual machine.
The ESX Server system encountered a
hard shutdown. Hard shut downs can
cause changed block tracking backups to
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup automatically enables changed
block tracking on the virtual machine.
The ESX Server system encountered a
(clean) reboot while the virtual machine
was in powered on state.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup automatically enables changed
block tracking on the virtual machine.
The virtual machine was moved using
Storage vMotion.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup automatically enables changed
block tracking on the virtual machine.
Note: The full backup job continues with
used and unused blocks of data from the
VMDK files.
Backups Fail Due to ESXi License
Backups Fail Due to ESXi License
Valid on Windows platforms.
CA ARCserve D2D full, incremental, and verify backup jobs fail. The following message
appears in the CA ARCserve D2D Activity Log:
VM server <server_name> does not have a paid ESX license
Due to a VMware limitation, virtual machines running on ESXi servers with a free license
cannot be backed up. To protect these VMs, apply a purchased license.
Backup Fails Because VM Has Snapshots
Valid on Windows platforms.
CA ARCserve D2D full, incremental, and verify backup jobs fail. The following message
appears in the CA ARCserve D2D Activity Log:
The application cannot enable changed block tracking on the virtual machine because there are snapshots on the
virtual machine. To correct this problem, delete the snapshots and then resubmit the backup.
If you disabled the Changed Block Tracking (CBT) feature and manually created a
snapshot perhaps to test a condition directly from vCenter Server, the next scheduled
backup job fails because the application does not recognize manually created snapshots
due to a disabled Changed Block Tracking (CBT) feature. Delete the snapshot and
resubmit the backup job. CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup automatically
enables CBT. If you create manual snapshots with CBT enabled, backups will not fail.
Note: You can manually enable the CBT feature from the vSphere Client.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 133
Backups Fail and Event 1530 is Logged in the Event Log on the Backup Proxy System
Backups Fail and Event 1530 is Logged in the Event Log on the
Backup Proxy System
Valid on Windows Platforms.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup jobs fail. Event 1530 is logged in the
Application Event log on the backup proxy system.
Environment/Steps to Reproduce:
Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Exchange Server is installed on the virtual
The user logs in to or is already logged in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup proxy server using the Administrator account or an account that is a
member of the Administrators group.
After the backup job starts, the user logs out of the proxy server.
The backup job fails. Event 1530 is logged in the Application Event log.
Warning ... Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1530 None Windows detected your registry file is still in
use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold
your registry file may not function properly afterwards.
Windows Server 2008 contains a User Profile Service that unloads user profiles when
users log out of the computer. As a result, COM objects may not be created, which
prevents Host-Based VM Backup from calling its COM modules.
134 User Guide
Backups Complete Using the NBD Transport Mode When the hotadd Transport Mode was Specified
To prevent backup jobs from failing, complete the following steps:
Note: For this solution to work, all the symptoms listed above must be present.
Log in to the Host-Based VM Backup proxy server using the Administrator account
or an account that is a member of the Administrators group.
Start the Local Group Policy Editor by typing gpedit.msc in the Run dialog.
From the Local Group Policy Editor, expand Computer Configuration, Administrative
Templates, System, and User Profiles.
From the User Profile directory, double-click Do not forcefully unload the user
registry at user logoff to open the Do not forcefully unload the user registry at
user logoff dialog.
From the Do not forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff dialog, click
Enabled and then click OK.
Note: The value DisableForceUnload is now added to the Registry.
Restart the Host-Based VM Backup server.
Backups Complete Using the NBD Transport Mode When the
hotadd Transport Mode was Specified
Valid on Windows platforms.
Virtual machine backups complete using the NBD transport (see page 237) mode when
the hotadd transport mode (see page 237) was specified for the backup.
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup lets you back up virtual machines that
reside on ESX Server systems. When you back up virtual machines using the hotadd
transport mode, you can connect maximum 15 virtual disks to each SCSI controller on
the CA ARCserve D2D virtual machine proxy server. When you submit a backup that
includes more than 15 virtual disks and there is only one SCSI controller on the CA
ARCserve D2D virtual machine proxy server, the single SCSI controller cannot
accommodate all of the virtual machines. As a result, CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup backs up the data of the NBD transport mode.
To prevent this behavior from occurring, verify that there are a sufficient quantity of
SCSI controllers on the CA ARCserve D2D virtual machine proxy server that can
accommodate all the virtual machines in the backup job.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 135
Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup Jobs
Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup Jobs
Valid on Windows.
When you submit or schedule incremental backup jobs that process using the Hotadd
transport mode, the following behavior occurs:
The incremental jobs convert to verify backup jobs. The Activity Log entry for the
job indicates that the incremental backup job was converted to a verify backup job.
The Snapshot Manager in the VI Client for the virtual machine that was backed up
contains a consolidated helper snapshot.
The Edit Settings dialog in the VI Client for the affected virtual machine indicates
that there are erroneous disks attached to the backup proxy system. The VMDK
URLs associated with the erroneous disks are not the same as the VMDK URLs that
are associated with the backup proxy system.
To correct this behavior, remove the erroneous VMDK files (disks) from the backup
proxy system using the guidelines described in VMware Knowledge Base article
1003302. In addition, VMware recommends that the amount of free space on the
datastore be twice the cumulative size of the virtual machine's files.
136 User Guide
Backup Jobs Fail Because the Blocks Cannot Be Identified
Backup Jobs Fail Because the Blocks Cannot Be Identified
Valid on Windows.
For a particular virtual machine, all backup jobs fail and the following message appears
in the Activity Log:
The application was unable to identify the blocks that were used or changed on the virtual machine. This problem
can occur when the ESX Server system restarts while the virtual machine is running. The next time a backup job
runs, the application will reset changed block tracking and perform a verify backup operation.
To correct this behavior, perform a disk consolidation operation on the virtual machine.
To perform disk consolidation, follow these steps.
Open the VMware VI Client.
Expand the ESX Server system for the affected virtual machine.
Right-click the affected virtual machine, select Snapshot and then click Consolidate
on the pop-up menu to consolidate the disks.
Resubmit the backup.
Cannot Open VMDK File
Valid on Windows platforms.
Multiple concurrent backup jobs fail in NBD (or LAN) transport mode. The following
message appears in the Activity Log:
Cannot open VMDK File
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 137
Nodes Do Not Appear on the Node Screen After Changing the Name of the Node
This is a VMware connection limitation. The following Network File Copy (NFC) protocol
limits apply:
ESX 4: 9 direct connections, maximum
ESX 4 through vCenter Server: 27 connections, maximum
ESXi 4: 11 direct connections, maximum
ESXi 4 through vCenter Server: 23 connections, maximum
Connections cannot be shared across disks. The maximum limits do not apply to SAN or
hotadd connections. If the NFC client fails to shut down properly, connections can
remain open for ten minutes.
Nodes Do Not Appear on the Node Screen After Changing the
Name of the Node
Valid on Windows platforms.
The host name of the node was changed after it was added to the Node screen. The
node no longer appears on the Node screen.
This behavior is expected. CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup retains the name
of the node as it was added from the node screen. When you rename the node, the
application cannot detect the node. As such, the node does not appear on the node
To display renamed nodes on the node screen, do the following:
138 User Guide
Rename the node.
Open the Node screen and delete the node (see page 48) that was renamed.
Add the node using its new name.
Multiple Connections Error Occurs When Saving or Assigning a Policy to a CA ARCserve D2D Server
Multiple Connections Error Occurs When Saving or Assigning a
Policy to a CA ARCserve D2D Server
Valid on all Windows platforms.
When you try to save or assign a policy to a CA ARCserve D2D server, the following error
message appears:
Validate backup destination failed. Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using
more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource
and try again.
If the preceding message appears when you try to save or assign a policy to a CA
ARCserve D2D server, the following corrective actions can help you solve the problem:
Specify the User Name field with "machine (or domain) name\username".
Go to the remote server where the shared folder is hosted and delete all sessions
from the CA ARCserve Central Applications Server or CA ARCserve D2D Server. Do
one of the following to delete the sessions:
Run the following command line:
net session \\machinename /delete
Go to the following directory to disconnect the session:
Compmgmt.msc > System Tools > Shared Folders > Sessions > Disconnect session
Confirm that you are using the same user name to access the remote shared folder.
Save and deploy the policy again.
Virtual Machine Backups Fail Because the ESX Server is Not
Valid on Windows platforms.
Virtual machine backups fail. The following message appears in the Activity Log:
Failed to create virtual machine snapshot.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 139
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and Chrome
Virtual machine backups can fail when multiple backups run concurrently on one ESX
Server system. The problem does not occur when multiple backups run concurrently on
multiple ESX Server systems. To back up the virtual machines, CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup takes a snapshot of the data that resides on the virtual
machines. When multiple snapshot operations run concurrently on one system, the ESX
Server system can stop responding. Although the time in which the ESX Server system
stops responding is temporary, the backup operation is interrupted, which causes the
backup operation to fail.
To prevent backups from failing, use the solution that suits your environment:
Reduce the quantity of virtual machines that you are backing up concurrently. For
example, if you are backing up eight virtual machines concurrently, reduce the
quantity to seven virtual machines, resubmit the backup, and then analyze the
results. If necessary, reduce the quantity of virtual machines that are backed up
until backups do not fail or the above message does not appear in the Activity Log.
To reduce the quantity of virtual machines in a backup, you unassign virtual
machines from the policy. For more information, see Unassign Policies from Virtual
Define a limit to the quantity of concurrent backups. This approach helps you
control the quantity of backup jobs that can run concurrently in your environment.
For more information, see Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups
(see page 165).
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for Internet Explorer
8, 9, and Chrome
Valid on Windows
When I add a new tab link to the Navigation bar specifying an HTTPS URL, the following
error messages appear when I click the new tab:
Internet Explorer 8 and 9:
Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate.
The webpage is not available.
140 User Guide
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and Chrome
To correct this problem for Internet Explorer, do the following:
Internet Explorer 8:
Click on the message bar and select "Display Blocked Content".
Internet Explorer 9:
Click the "Show content" button from the message bar at the bottom of the page.
The page refreshes and the added tab link opens successfully.
To correct this problem for Chrome, perform the following steps:
Step 1 - Export Certificate:
Open a new tab in Chrome and enter the HTTPS URL.
A warning message appears, "The site's security certificate is not trusted!"
From the address bar, click the lock with the 'X'.
A pop-up window opens with a Certification Information link.
Click the Certificate Information link.
The Certificate dialog opens.
Click the Details tab and then click Copy to File, to save the certificate to your local
The Certificate Export Wizard dialog opens.
Click Next to select the format you want to use to export the file.
Note: DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) is selected by default.
Click Next to browse to a location where you want to save the certificate.
Click Next to complete the Certificate Export Wizard and then click Finish.
The certificate exports successfully.
Step 2 - Import Certificate:
Open the Tools Options from Chrome.
The Options screen opens.
Select the Under the Hood option and click Manage Certificates from HTTPS/SSL.
The Certificates dialog opens.
Click Import.
The Certificate Import Wizard dialog opens.
Click Next to browse for the certificate you saved on your local computer.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 141
Add New Tab Link, RSS Feeds, and Social Networking Feedback Not Launching Properly on Internet Explorer 8 and 9
Click Next to open the Certificate Store.
The Certificate Store dialog opens.
Click Browse to open the Select Certificate Store dialog.
The Select Certificate Store dialog opens.
Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities from the file list and click OK.
The Certificate Store dialog appears.
Click Next to complete the Certificate Import Wizard and then click Finish.
A Security Warning dialog opens stating that you are about to install a certificate.
Click Yes to agree on the terms.
The certificate imports successfully.
Add New Tab Link, RSS Feeds, and Social Networking Feedback
Not Launching Properly on Internet Explorer 8 and 9
Valid on Windows
For an HTTPS CA ARCserve Central Applications URL:
When I add a new tab link to the Navigation bar specifying an HTTP URL, the following
error message appears when I click the new tab and the Feedback link:
Navigation to the webpage was canceled.
In addition, the RSS Feeds are not displayed.
Note: The Feedback link also displays the error message even if you do not select the
new added tab link.
To correct this problem, do the following:
Internet Explorer 8:
After you log in, click No on the pop-up security warning message, "Do you want to
view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?" By clicking No allows
the delivery of unsecured content to your webpage.
Internet Explorer 9:
Click the "Show all content" button on the message bar displayed at the bottom of
the page. The page refreshes and the added tab link opens successfully.
142 User Guide
Cannot Specify an Asterisk or Underscore as a Wildcard in Filter Fields Using Japanese Keyboards
Cannot Specify an Asterisk or Underscore as a Wildcard in Filter
Fields Using Japanese Keyboards
Valid on Windows
Because of the different keycodes between the US and Japanese keyboards, the
Japanese keyboard does not allow you to enter the wildcard character "*" and other
special characters, such as the underscore character "_", into the following filter fields:
Occurs only on Firefox:
Node > Add Group - Node Name Filter field
Policies > Policy Assignment tab > Assign and Unassign Policy - Node Name
Filter field
Restore > Node Explorer - Node Name field
Node > Add Node from Auto Discovery result > Nodes to Protect - Node Name
To prevent this from occurring, open a text editing application such as Notepad. Type
the special characters, such as "*" and "_", in the text editor. Then copy the characters
from the text editor into the the field.
Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different Transport Mode
Than Specified
Valid on Windows platforms.
Virtual machine recovery uses a different transport mode than what is specified in the
registry key.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup 143
Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different Transport Mode Than Specified
This behavior affects thin disks. To correct this problem, follow these steps:
Log in to the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup virtual machine.
Open the registry editor and locate the following key:
144 User Guide
Set the registry key "EnforceTransportForRecovery" to one of the following
transport modes:
Submit the recovery for the virtual machine.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices
This section contains the following topics:
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine (see page 145)
Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups (see page 165)
Increase the Quantity of Messages Retained in the VMVixMgr Log File (see page 166)
Protect the CA ARCserve D2D Backup Proxy (see page 167)
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems (see page 167)
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Bare Metal Recovery is supported when a virtual machine is powered on at the time the
backup job is performed.
Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) is the process of restoring a computer system from "bare
metal" including reinstalling the operating system and software applications, and then
restoring the data and settings. The BMR process lets you restore a full computer with
minimal effort, even to different hardware. BMR is possible because during the
block-level backup process, CA ARCserve D2D not only captures the data, but also all
information that is related to:
Operating system
Installed applications
Configuration settings
Necessary drivers
All relevant information that is necessary to perform a complete rebuild of the
computer system from "bare metal" is backed up into a series of blocks and stored on
the backup location.
CA Support:
How to: Perform a Bare Metal Recovery
How to: Perform a Bare Metal Recovery
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 145
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Before you can perform BMR, you must have:
One of the following things:
A customized Windows PE image (D2DBMR.ISO) which is released with the CA
ARCserve D2D product.
A BMR USB stick which is created from the boot kit wizard, with the Windows
7/Windows Vista/Windows 2008/Windows 2008R2 installation media
(CD/DVD). (You can also use the USB stick with the Windows PE image instead
of the installation media to load the necessary drivers during BMR, if
Note: If you are using a USB stick you can add additional drivers to it, which you
cannot do with the Windows PE image.
At least one full backup available.
At least 1-GB RAM installed on the virtual machine and the source server that you
are recovering.
To recover VMware virtual machines to VMware virtual machines that are
configured to behave as physical servers, verify the VMware Tools application is
installed on the destination virtual machine.
Dynamic disks are restored at the disk level only. If your data is backed up to a local
volume on a dynamic disk, you cannot to restore this dynamic disk during BMR. In this
scenario, to restore during BMR you must perform one of the following tasks and then
perform BMR from the copied Recovery Point:
Back up to a volume on another drive.
Back up to a remote share.
Copy a recovery point to another location.
Note: If you perform BMR to a dynamic disk, do not perform any pre-BMR disk
operations (such as cleaning or deleting volume) or else the presence of the disk may
not be recognized.
Regardless of which method you used to create the Boot Kit image, the BMR process is
basically the same.
To restore data using bare metal recovery:
Insert the saved Boot Kit image media and boot the computer.
If you are using a saved Windows PE Image, insert the Boot Kit image CD/DVD.
If you are using a USB stick, insert the Windows Server Installation CD/DVD and
connect the USB stick with the saved Boot Kit image.
The BIOS Setup Utility screen is displayed.
146 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
From the BIOS Setup Utility screen, select the CD-ROM Drive option to launch the
boot process.
Note: If you are using Windows PE image to perform BMR, select an architecture
(x86/x64) and press Enter to continue.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 147
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
The CA ARCserve D2D language select screen is displayed. Select a language and
press "Next" to continue.
Note: If you perform BMR with a BMR USB stick and a Windows 7/Windows
Vista/Windows 2008/Windows 2008 R2 installation media (CD/DVD) not supported
with a Multilingual User Interface (MUI), the language select screen is suppressed.
148 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
The Bare Metal Recovery process is initiated and the initial BMR wizard screen is
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 149
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
From the BMR wizard screen, select the type of BMR you want to perform:
Recover data backed up using CA ARCserve D2D
Lets you recover data that was backed up using CA ARCserve D2D. This option
is used in connection with backup sessions performed with CA ARCserve D2D
or with the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup application.
If you select this option, continue this procedure from here.
Recover using a Hyper-V Virtual Standby VM
Lets you recover data for a machine for which virtual conversion is performed
to a Hyper-V virtual machine. This option is used in connection with the CA
ARCserve Central Virtual Standby application.
Note: For this option, you can only recover data if the virtual conversion to a
VHD file (for Hyper-V) was performed using CA ARCserve Central Virtual
If you select this option, see Recover using a Hyper-V Virtual Standby VM to
continue this procedure.
Recover using a VMware Virtual Standby VM
Lets you recover data for a machine for which virtual conversion is done to a
VMware virtual machine. This option is used in connection with the CA
ARCserve Central Virtual Standby application.
Note: For this option, you can only recover data if the virtual conversion to a
VMDK file (for VMware) was performed using CA ARCserve Central Virtual
If you select this option, see Recover using a VMware Virtual Standby VM to
continue this procedure.
150 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Click Next.
The Select a Recovery Point wizard screen is displayed.
From the Select a Recovery Point wizard screen, select the machine (or volume)
which contains recovery points for your backup image.
CA ARCserve D2D lets you recover from any local drive or from a network share.
If you recover from a local backup, the BMR wizard automatically detects and
displays all volumes containing recovery points.
If you recover from a remote share, browse to the remote location where the
recovery points are stored. If there are multiple machines containing recovery
points, all machines are displayed.
You may also need access information (User Name and Password) for the
remote machine.
Note: The network must be up and running to browse to remote recovery
points. If necessary, you can check/refresh your network configuration
information or you can load any missing drivers from the Utilities menu.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 151
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
152 User Guide
If the BMR module cannot detect any local destination volume, the "Select a
Folder" dialog automatically displays. Provide the remote share where the backups
are residing.
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Select the folder where the recovery points for your backup are stored and click OK.
(You can click the arrow icon to validate the connection to the selected location).
The BMR wizard screen now displays the following information:
Machine name (in the upper left pane).
Related backup information (in the upper right pane).
All the corresponding recovery points (in the lower left pane).
Note: To perform BMR for a UEFI system, you must boot the computer in UEFI
mode. BMR does not support restoring a computer with different firmware. To
verify that the boot firmware is UEFI and not BIOS, click Utilities, About.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 153
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Select which recovery point to restore.
The related information for the selected recovery point is displayed (in the lower
right pane). This display includes such information as the type of backup that was
performed (and saved), the backup destination, and the volumes that were backed
If the recovery point contains encrypted sessions (the recovery point clock icon
includes a lock), a password required screen appears. Enter the session password
and click OK.
Note: If your machine is a Domain Controller, CA ARCserve D2D supports a
nonauthoritative restore of the active directory (AD) database file during BMR. (CA
ARCserve D2D does not support restoring MSCS clusters).
154 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
10. Verify the recovery point that you want to restore and click Next.
A BMR wizard screen is displayed with the available recovery mode options.
11. Select the recovery mode.
The available options are Advanced Mode and Express Mode.
Select Advanced Mode if you want to customize the recovery process.
Select Express Mode if you want minimal interaction during the recovery
Default: Express Mode.
Note: The remainder of this procedure is applicable only if you selected the
Advanced Mode and the procedure provides information to guide you through the
BMR process.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 155
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
12. Click Next.
The BMR utility starts locating the machine that is going to be recovered and
displays the corresponding disk partition information.
The upper pane shows the disk configuration that you have on the current (target)
machine and the lower pane shows the disk partition information that you had on
the original (source) machine.
Important! A red X icon displaying for a source volume in the lower pane indicates
that this volume contains system information and has not been assigned (mapped)
to the target volume. This system information volume from the source disk must be
assigned to the target disk and restored during BMR or the reboot fails.
Note: If you perform BMR and you restore the system volume to a disk which is not
configured as the boot disk, it will fail to boot the machine after BMR is completed.
Ensure that you are restoring the system volume to a properly configured boot disk.
Note: When restoring to another disk/volume, the capacity of new disk/volume
must be the same size or larger than original disk/volume. In addition, disk resizing
is for basic disks only, and not for dynamic disks.
156 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
13. If the current disk information you are seeing does not appear correct, you can
access the Utilities menu and check for missing drivers.
14. If necessary, on the target volume pane you can click the Operations drop-down
menu to display the available options.
From this menu, you can reset any existing partitions or you can create new
partitions to correspond to the disk partitions on the source volume. (Reset means
to reload the source and target disk layout information from the configure file and
current OS, and discard any user changed disk layout information).
Note: When mapping to another disk, the capacity of each mapped target volume
must be the same size or larger than the corresponding source volume.
15. Click on each target volume and from the pop-up menu, select the Map Volume
From option to assign a source volume to this target volume.
The Select a Basic Source Volume dialog opens.
16. From Select a Basic Source Volume dialog, click the drop-down menu and select the
available source volume to assign to the selected target volume. Click OK.
On the target volume, a checkmark icon is displayed, indicating that this target
volume has been mapped to.
On the source volume, the red X icon changes to a green icon, indicating that
this source volume has been assigned to a target volume.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 157
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
17. When you are sure all volumes that you want to restore and all volumes containing
system information are assigned to a target volume, click Next.
The Submit Disk Changes screen opens, displaying a summary of the selected
operations. For each new volume being created, the corresponding information is
18. When you have verified the summary information is correct, click Submit. (If the
information is not correct, click Cancel).
Note: All operations to the hard drive do not take effect until you submit it.
On the target machine, the new volumes are created and mapped to the
corresponding source machine.
158 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
19. When the changes are completed, click OK.
The Summary of Restore Settings screen opens, displaying a summary of the
volumes that are going to be restored.
Note: On the bottom of restore summary window, the drive letters listed in
"Destination Volume" column are automatically generated from the Windows
Preinstallation Environment (WinPE). They can be different from the drive letters
listed in "Source Volume" column. However, the data is still restored to proper
volume even if drive letters are different.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 159
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
20. After you have verified that the summary information is correct, click OK.
The restore process starts. The BMR wizard screen displays the restore status for
each volume.
160 User Guide
Depending upon the size of the volume being restored, this operation can take
some time.
During this process you are restoring, block-by-block whatever you had backed
up for that recovery point and creating a replica of the source machine on the
target machine.
By default, the option to reboot your system automatically after recovery is
selected. If necessary, you can clear this option and you can reboot manually at
a later time.
If necessary, you can cancel or abort the operation at any time.
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
21. From the Utilities menu, you can access the BMR Activity Log and you can use the
Save option to save the Activity Log.
By default, the Activity Log is saved to the following location:
Note: To avoid getting a Windows-generated error, do not save the Activity Log on
your desktop or create a folder on your desktop using the "Save As" option from
the BMR Activity Log window.
22. If you are restoring to dissimilar hardware (the SCSI/FC adapter which used to
connect hard drives could have been changed) and no compatible driver is detected
in your original system, a "driver injection" page is displayed to allow you to provide
drivers for these devices.
You can browse and select drivers to inject to the recovered system so that even if
you are recovering to a machine with dissimilar hardware, you can still bring back
the machine after BMR.
23. When the BMR process is completed, a confirmation notification is displayed.
Notes: After completion of BMR:
The first backup that is performed is a Verify Backup.
Verify that the BIOS is configured to boot from the disk on which the boot
volume was restored to.
When the machine has been rebooted, you may need to configure the network
adapters manually if you restored to dissimilar hardware.
For dynamic disks, if the status of the disk is offline, you can manually change it
to online from the disk management UI (accessed by running the
Diskmgmt.msc control utility).
For dynamic disks, if the dynamic volumes are in a failed redundancy status,
you can manually resynchronize the volumes from the disk management UI
(accessed by running the Diskmgmt.msc control utility).
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 161
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Create a Boot Kit
Creating a boot kit consists of copying the required CA ARCserve D2D files to a USB stick
that can then be used either with the Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows
2008/Windows 2008 R2 installation media or the Windows PE image.
Note: The created USB stick cannot be used to boot the computer. The USB stick must
work with the Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows 2008/Windows 2008R2 installation
media (CD/DVD) to perform the actual BMR.
CA Support:
How to: Create a Boot Kit
How to: Create a Boot Kit
To create a boot kit
From the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor, click the Advanced option and then select
Create Boot Kit.
The CA ARCserve D2D Boot Kit wizard is launched and the Welcome screen opens.
162 User Guide
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Click OK to acknowledge the Welcome message.
The CA ARCserve D2D Boot Kit dialog opens.
Specify or browse to the location for the installed USB stick.
If you do not have a USB stick available or you do not want to create the boot image
on a USB stick at this time, you can save the boot kit data temporarily to another
location and then copy it to a USB stick later.
If necessary, select the driver integration option.
Add third-party NIC/SCSI/FC drivers that this computer uses.
If your server has any third-party driver installed, a copy of this driver is made
during backup. If there is no third-party driver installed, this check box is not
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 163
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine
Add third-party NIC/SCSI/FC drivers from specified location.
To include any necessary network (NIC), Small Computer System Interface
(SCSI), or Fibre Channel (FC) drivers in the boot kit creation process. You can
also manually add or delete drivers from the displayed list.
Note: The USB stick does not contain the data of the particular computer
unless you select the Add third-party NIC/SCSI/FC drivers from specified
location option.
The selected drivers are then loaded during the recovery process.
Click Start.
The Boot Kit creation progress is displayed and a confirmation message is displayed
when the USB stick has been successfully created.
After the successful creation of the Boot Kit, you can find the CA ARCserve D2D
Boot Kit files on your USB stick.
Note: The created USB stick can be used for other similar computers. A USB stick
that is created from a 32-bit platform can only be used to restore a 32-bit server. A
USB stick that is created from a 64-bit platform can only be used to restore a 64-bit
164 User Guide
Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups
Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups
You can define a limit to the quantity of CA ARCserve D2D backup jobs that run
concurrently. This capability lets you optimize the performance of the CA ARCserve D2D
virtual machine proxy server in your backup environment. By default, Host-Based VM
Backup can run up to ten D2D backup jobs concurrently. In environments that contain
many virtual machines that are associated with a CA ARCserve D2D virtual machine
proxy system, a high quantity of concurrent backups can have an adverse effect on
network and backup performance.
Note: When the quantity of concurrent jobs exceeds the defined limit, the jobs that
exceed the limit enter a job queue.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the CA ARCserve D2D virtual machine proxy system.
Open Windows Registry Editor and browse to the following key:
Right-click CA ARCserve D2D and select New and click String Value on the pop-up
Name the key as follows:
Right-click VsphereMaxJobNum and click Modify on the pop-up menu.
The Edit String dialog opens.
In the Value Data field, specify the quantity of CA ARCserve D2D backup jobs that
you want to allow to run concurrently.
Minimum limit--1
Maximum limit--none.
Click OK.
The limit is defined.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 165
Increase the Quantity of Messages Retained in the VMVixMgr Log File
Increase the Quantity of Messages Retained in the VMVixMgr
Log File
The VMVixMgr Log file retains messages that relate to VMware VIX operations. For
more information about the VMware VIX API, see the VMware website.
The VMVixMgr log file (VMVixMgr.log) is stored in the following directory on the backup
proxy system:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve D2D\Logs
By default, the log file cannot exceed 500KB. When the log file exceeds 500KB, the
messages contained in the log file will be overwritten. This behavior prevents the log file
from exceeding 500KB.
When you define a schedule to back up data in 15-minute intervals, it is likely that the
log file will be overwritten when the log file exceeds 500 KB. Increasing the size of the
log file lets you retain more messages in the log file.
As a best practice, increase the size of the log file only when you define a schedule to
back up data every 15 minutes.
Follow these steps:
Log in to the backup proxy system.
Open Windows Registry Editor and browse to the following key:
Right-click CA ARCserve D2D, select New, and click DWORD on the pop-up menu.
Name the DWORD as follows:
Note: If this DWORD is not present, the default value for the log file is in effect at
166 User Guide
After you create the DWORD, right-click VixMgrLogSize and click Modify on the
pop-up menu to open the Edit DWORD dialog.
In the Value Data field on the Edit DWORD dialog, specify a value (in KB) for the log
file. For example, 750, 1000, and so on.
Click OK to apply the value and close the Edit DWORD dialog.
Protect the CA ARCserve D2D Backup Proxy
Protect the CA ARCserve D2D Backup Proxy
Backup sessions created with CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup are stored on
the backup proxy. There are several ways you can protect the backup proxy itself,
depending on your configuration.
If you are running CA ARCserve Central Protection Manager, you can add the
backup proxy as a node to be protected. For more information, see the CA
ARCserve Central Protection Manager User Guide.
Launch the CA ARCserve D2D instance running locally on the backup proxy and
configure backup settings. Select Entire Machine as the backup source. For more
information, see the CA ARCserve D2D User Guide.
If you are running CA ARCserve Backup, you can configure a backup job to protect
the proxy.
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems
The CA ARCserve Central Applications installation process updates various Windows
operating system components using an installation engine named the Microsoft Installer
Package (MSI). The components included in MSI let CA ARCserve Central Applications
perform custom actions that let you install or upgrade CA ARCserve Central
The following table describes the custom actions and the affected components.
Note: All CA ARCserve Central Applications MSI packages call the components listed in
this table when you install CA ARCserve Central Applications.
Lets the installation process check for conditions
relating to the current CA ARCserve Central
Applications installation.
Lets the installation process read and write MSI
properties. For example, read the CA ARCserve
Central Applications installation path from the MSI.
Lets the installation process perform various tasks
relating to installation. For example, registering CA
ARCserve Central Applications into the Windows
Lets the uninstallation process check for conditions
relating the current CA ARCserve Central
Applications installation.
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 167
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems
Lets the uninstallation process perform various
tasks relating to uninstallation. For example,
un-registering CA ARCserve Central Applications
from the Windows Registry.
Lets the uninstallation process perform various
tasks after the installed files are uninstalled. For
example, removing the remaining files.
Displays the Windows Installer log file in Notepad if
the end user selects the Show the Windows
Installer log check box in the
SetupCompleteSuccess, SetupCompleteError, or
SetupInterrupted dialogs and then clicks Finish.
(This works only with Windows Installer 4.0.)
Prints the contents of a ScrollableText control on a
This is a Windows Installer .dll custom action. The
name of the .dll file is SetAllUsers.dll, and its entry
point is PrintScrollableText.
Uses FLEXnet Connect to check for product
This custom action launches an executable file
named Agent.exe, and it passes the following:
/au[ProductCode] /EndOfInstall
Uses FLEXnet Connect to check for product updates
on reboot.
This custom action launches an executable file
named Agent.exe, and it passes the following:
/au[ProductCode] /EndOfInstall /Reboot
Directories Updated--The installation process installs and updates CA ARCserve
Central Applications files in the following directories by default:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications
You can install CA ARCserve Central Applications into the default installation
directory or into an alternative directory. The installation process copies various
system files to the following directory:
168 User Guide
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems
Windows Registry Keys Updated--The installation process updates the following
Windows registry keys:
Default registry keys:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\CA\CA ARCserve Central Applications
The installation process creates new registry keys and modifies various other
registry keys, based on the current configuration of your system.
Applications Installed--The installation process installs the following applications
into your computer:
CA Licensing
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable
Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2) Package
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0_16
Tomcat 6.0.32
Binary Files Containing Incorrect File Version Information
CA ARCserve Central Applications installs binary files that are developed by third parties,
other CA products, and CA ARCserve Central Applications that contain incorrect file
version information. The following table describes these binary files.
Binary Name
CA License
Zlib Compression Library
Binary Files that Do Not Contain an Embedded Manifest
CA ARCserve Central Applications installs binary files that are developed by third parties,
other CA Technologies products, and CA ARCserve Central Applications that do not
contain an embedded manifest and do not contain a text manifest. The following table
describes these binary files.
Binary Name
CA License
CA License
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 169
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems
Binary Name
Binary Files that have a Privilege Level of Require Administrator in Manifest
CA ARCserve Central Applications installs binary files that are developed by third parties,
other CA Technologies products, and CA ARCserve Central Applications that have a
privilege level of Administrator or Highest Available. You must log in using an
administrative account or an account with the highest available permissions to run
various CA ARCserve Central Applications services, components, and applications. The
binaries corresponding to these services, components, and applications contain CA
ARCserve Central Applications specific functionality that is not available to a basic user
account. As a result, Windows will prompt you to confirm an operation by specifying
your password or by using an account with administrative privileges to complete the
Administrative Privileges--The administrative profile or an account with
administrative privileges has read, write, and execute permissions to all Windows
and system resources. If you do not have Administrative privileges, you will be
prompted to enter user name / password of an administrator user to continue.
Highest Available Privileges--An account with the highest-available privileges is a
basic user account and a power user account with run-as administrative privileges.
The following table describes these binary files.
Binary Name
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central
CA ARCserve Central Applications
170 User Guide
CA ARCserve Central
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
How the Installation Process Affects Operating Systems
Binary Name
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
CA ARCserve Central Applications
Java Runtime Environment
Java Runtime Environment
Chapter 6: Applying Best Practices 171
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures
This section has been excerpted from the CA ARCserve D2D User Guide for your
Note: Some CA ARCserve D2D settings and steps may not apply to CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup.
This section contains the following topics:
Install CA ARCserve D2D (see page 173)
Manage Backup Settings (see page 175)
Application Restore (see page 210)
How to Copy a Recovery Point (see page 223)
Install CA ARCserve D2D
This section describes how to install CA ARCserve D2D on your local system using the
InstallShield Wizard. The InstallShield Wizard is an interactive application that guides
you through the installation process.
CA Support:
How to: Install CA ARCserve D2D
How to: Install CA ARCserve D2D
To install CA ARCserve D2D
Access the CA ARCserve D2D installation package from either the CA web site or the
product CD. Select the CA ARCserve D2D Setup.exe if you are using installation
package downloaded from the CA web site. Select setup.exe if you are using the
product CD.
Note: If the installation is performed using web downloaded installation package,
the contents of the package are extracted to your local system.
The License Agreement dialog opens.
On the License Agreement dialog, read and accept the terms of the Licensing
Agreement and click Next.
The Configuration dialog opens.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 173
Install CA ARCserve D2D
Enter the following information on the Configuration dialog:
Username and password.
Specify or browse to the location where CA ARCserve D2D is to be installed.
The default location is: C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Central Applications.
Note: During CA ARCserve D2D installation, some files will not be installed at
the default location. For a complete listing of these files, see Files Installed
Outside the Default Location.
Port number. This port number is used to connect to the web-based UI.
The default port number is: 8014.
Note: The available port numbers for CA ARCserve D2D installation are
between 1024 and 65535. You should ensure that the specified port number is
free and available for use. Setup will not let you install CA ARCserve D2D for a
port that is not available for use.
Specify if you want to use https for web communication.
By default, CA ARCserve D2D uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for
communication among all of its components. If you are concerned about the
security of information communicated between these components (including
passwords), you can select this option to change the protocol being used to
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
Note: You can change the communication protocol at any time after
installation. For more information, see Change Server Communication Protocol.
Specify if you want to install the CA ARCserve D2D change tracking driver.
By default, this option is selected.
Without this driver installed, CA ARCserve D2D cannot perform a local
With this driver installed, you would still need to have a valid CA ARCserve
D2D license to perform a local backup.
Note: You can install this driver at any time after the installation is complete by
running the ‘InstallDriver.bat’ utility from the following location: "<ARCserve
Central Applications install folder>\BIN\DRIVER"
Specify if you want to allow setup to register CA ARCserve D2D services and
programs to Windows Firewall as exceptions.
Note: Firewall exceptions are required if you want to configure and manage CA
ARCserve D2D from remote machines. (For local users, you do not need to
register firewall exceptions).
Click Install to launch the installation process.
The Installation Progress screen is displayed indicating the status of the installation.
174 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
When the installation is complete, the Installation Report summary screen is
displayed and automatically performs the product configuration. Click Finish.
An alert message is displayed, informing you that a system restart is required and
asking if you want to reboot at this time or at a later time.
When the reboot is finished, CA ARCserve D2D is installed on your local system.
After installation, CA ARCserve D2D can be accessed from either the Start menu or
from the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor.
After installation is complete, you may want to use the CA ARCserve D2D Boot Kit
utility to create a BMR application USB stick if you are planning to use the created
USB stick along with Windows 7/2008/2008 R2 installation media (CD/DVD) for
When performing BMR, you will have a choice of using a Windows PE image (which
is provided with the CA ARCserve D2D product) or the created USB stick along with
the Windows 7/2008/2008 R2 installation media. The Boot Kit utility will also help
you integrate BMR applications and third party NIC/SCSI/FC drivers to a USB stick.
For more information about the Boot Kit utility, see Create a Boot Kit (see
page 162).
Manage Backup Settings
Before you perform your first backup, specify the backup settings which are applied to
each backup job. These settings let you specify behaviors such as:
Backup source and destination
Schedule for each type of backup
Advanced settings for your backup jobs
Any pre or post backup operations.
These settings can be modified at any time from the CA ARCserve D2D home page.
CA Support:
How to: Perform an Automatic Backup – Configuring Your Backup
How to: Perform an Automatic Backup – Configuring Your Backup
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 175
Manage Backup Settings
To manage the backup settings, click the Settings link on the CA ARCserve D2D home
page to display the Backup Settings dialogs and these subordinate tab options:
Protection Settings (see page 176)
Schedule Settings (see page 190)
Advanced Settings (see page 192)
Pre/Post Backup Settings (see page 196)
Specify the Protection Settings
Protection settings for the information going to be backed up ensures that the backup
data is reliably protected (copied and saved) against any form of data loss.
Note: To view a video that is related to these Backup Settings, see Manage Backup
Settings (see page 175).
176 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Specify the protection settings
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Backup Settings tab. When the
Backup Settings dialog opens, select Protection.
The Backup Settings Protection dialog opens.
Specify the Backup Destination.
You can specify a local path (volume or folder), or remote shared folder (or mapped
drive) for the backup location, or you can browse to a backup location.
Click the green arrow icon button to verify the connection to the specified location.
If you entered a local path for the destination, this button is disabled.
If you enter a network path and click this button, you are prompted to provide
the username and password.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 177
Manage Backup Settings
If you are already connected to this path successfully, and click the arrow
button you can change the username and password you used to connect.
If you do not click the arrow button, the destination path is verified. If needed,
you are prompted for the username and password.
If you want to back up to your local path (volume or folder), the specified
backup destination cannot be the same location as your backup source. If you
inadvertently include the source in your destination, the backup job ignores
this portion of the source and it is not included in the backup.
Example: You attempt to back up your entire local machine consisting of
Volumes C, D, and E and also specify Volume E as your destination. CA
ARCserve D2D only backs up Volumes C and D to Volume E. Data from Volume
E is not included in the backup. If you want to back up all local volumes, specify
a remote location for your destination.
Important! Verify that your specified destination volume does not contain
system information. Or else it will not be protected (backed up) and your
system will fail to recover after Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) if necessary.
Note: Dynamic disks are restored at disk-level only. If your data is backed up to
a volume on a dynamic disk, you are not able to restore this dynamic disk
during BMR.
If you want to back up to a remote shared location, specify a location path or
browse to the location. You also have to provide user credentials (Username
and Password) to access the remote machine.
If the backup destination has changed after the last backup was performed,
select the backup type: Full Backup or Incremental Backup. These options are
only enabled when you change your backup destination. The default option is
Full Backup.
Full Backup
The next backup that is performed is going to be a Full Backup. The new
backup destination does not have any dependency on the old backup
destination. If you continue with a full backup, the previous location is no
longer needed for backups to continue. You can select to keep the old
backup for any restores or if you do not want to perform any restores from
there you can delete it. The old backup will not affect future backups.
Incremental Backup
The next backup that is performed is going to be an Incremental Backup.
The next incremental backup to the new destination is performed without
copying all the backups from the previous destination. However, for this
option, the new location is dependent on the previous location because
the changes include only the incremental data (not the full backup data).
Do not delete the data from the previous location. If you change the
backup destination to another folder and attempt to perform an
incremental backup, and the former backup destination does not exist, the
backup fails.
178 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Specify the Backup Source.
You can back up the entire machine or selected volumes.
Back up the entire machine
Lets you back up the entire machine. All volumes on the machine are backed
Note: If you select the full machine backup option, CA ARCserve D2D
automatically discovers all disks/volumes attached to the current machine and
CA ARCserve D2D includes them in the backup.
Example: If a new disk is attached to the machine after the backup setting is
configured, you do not need to change the backup settings and the data on the
new disk will be protected automatically.
Select individual volumes to back up
This volume filtering capability lets you specify to back up only the selected
volumes. You also have the option to Select/Unselect all listed volumes.
Note: If some volumes are selected explicitly for backup, only the selected
volumes are backed up. If a new disk/volume is attached to the machine,
manually change the volume selection list to protect the data on the new
When you select this option, a listing of all available volumes display, with the
corresponding volume information and notification messages.
Note: Computers that adhere to the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) use the
EFI System Partition, which is a partition on a data storage device. The EFI
System partition is critical for Bare Metal Recovery (BMR). Therefore, when you
select boot volume "C" on a UEFI system, the EFI System Partition is selected
automatically for the backup source for BMR and an information message is
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 179
Manage Backup Settings
Name – volume drive letter, mount point, volume GUID (Globally Unique
Identifier) name.
Layout – simple, spanned, mirror, stripped, RAID5 (backup of a RAID 5
volume on Microsoft Dynamic Disks is not supported; but backup of
hardware RAID is supported).
Type – basic, dynamic
File system – NTFS, FAT, FAT32 (backup of FAT and FAT32 is not
Contents – Application (SQL/Exchange), System, Boot, Page file, Active,
Removable Device, VHD, 2-TB Disk
Total size – capacity of the volume
Used Space – space files/folders and volume data occupies.
The notification messages display for any of the following conditions:
Local volume related
If the specified backup destination is on the local volume, a warning
message displays notifying you that this volume is not backed up.
BMR related
If system/boot volume is not selected for backup, a warning message
displays notifying you that the backup is not usable for BMR.
If you select boot volume "C" on a UEFI system, the EFI System Partition is
selected automatically for the backup source for BMR and an information
message is displayed.
Application related
If the application data files are on a volume that is not selected for backup,
the application name and database name display for reference.
Specify the Retention Setting.
You can set the retention setting based on the number of recovery points to retain
(merges sessions) or based on the number of recovery sets to retain (deletes
recovery sets and disables infinite incremental backups).
Recovery Point – This is the recommended option. With this option selected,
you can fully leverage the infinite incremental backup capabilities and save
storage space.
Recovery Set – This option is generally used for large storage environments.
With this option selected, you can create and manage backup sets that help
you manage your backup window time more efficiently when you are
protecting a large amount of data. You can use this option when backup time is
a priority over space constraints.
Default: Retain Recovery Points
180 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Retain Recovery Points
Select this option to set your retention setting based on the number of
recovery points to retain instead of on the number of recovery sets to retain.
Specify the number of recovery points to retain
Specifies the number of recovery points (full, incremental, and verify backup
images) retained. When the number of recovery points present on the
destination exceeds the specified limit, the earliest (oldest) incremental
backups beyond the retention count are merged into the parent backup to
generate a new baseline image consisting of the "parent plus oldest childs"
blocks. If there are multiple sessions available for merge, the oldest child
backups will be merged into the parent backup in a single pass, if the backups
are compressed. If the backups are not compressed, then only the oldest child
backup will be merged into the parent backup and this cycle repeats for each
subsequent child backup to be merged.
Specifying the number of recovery points to retain allows you to perform
infinite incremental backups, while maintaining the same retention count. For
more information, see Managing Merge Jobs.
Note: If your destination does not have sufficient free space, you can consider
reducing the number of saved recovery points.
Default: 31
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 1344
Note: The CA ARCserve D2D home page Summary section indicates how many
recovery points are retained out of the number specified. For more
information, see Status Summary Overview.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 181
Manage Backup Settings
Run the merge job:
As soon as possible
Select this option to run the merge job at any time.
Each day during the following time range
Select this option to run the merge job each day only within the specified
time range. Setting a time range helps to avoid the merge job introducing
too many I/O operations to the production server if the merge job runs for
a long time.
Note: When setting the time range to run the merge job, ensure that you
specify a time range that will allow the related backup jobs to complete
prior to the start of the merge.
Retain Recovery Sets
Select this option to set your retention setting based on the number of
recovery sets to retain instead of on the number of recovery points to retain.
With this setting you can disable infinite incremental backups, without merging
any sessions. Using recovery sets helps reduce the amount of time it takes to
complete merge jobs.
Specify the number of recovery sets to retain
Specifies the number of recovery sets retained. A recovery set is a series of
backups, starting with a full backup, and then followed by a number of
incremental, verify, or full backups.
Example Set 1:
182 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Example Set 2:
A full backup is required to start a new recovery set. The backup that starts the
set will be automatically converted to a full backup, even if there is no full
backup configured or scheduled to be performed at that time. A flag in the
status column on the CA ARCserve D2D home page Most Recent Events section
indicates that a full backup is the starting backup of a recovery set. After the
recovery set setting is changed (for example, changing the recovery set starting
point from the first backup of Monday to the first backup of Thursday), the
starting point of existing recovery sets will not be changed.
Note: An incomplete recovery set is not counted when calculating an existing
recovery set. A recovery set is considered complete only when the starting
backup of the next recovery set is created.
When the specified limit is exceeded, the oldest recovery set is deleted (instead
of merged).
Default: 2
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Note: If you want to delete a recovery set to save backup storage space, reduce
the number of retained sets and CA ARCserve D2D automatically deletes the
oldest recovery set. Do not attempt to delete the recovery set manually.
Example 1 - Retain 1 Recovery Set:
Specify the number of recovery sets to retain as 1.
CA ARCserve D2D always keeps two sets in order to keep one complete set
before starting the next recovery set.
Example 2 - Retain 2 Recovery Sets:
Specify the number of recovery sets to retain as 2.
CA ARCserve D2D will delete the first recovery set when the fourth recovery set
is about to start. This ensures that when the first backup is deleted and the
fourth is starting, you still have two recovery sets (recovery set 2 and recovery
set 3) available on disk.
Note: Even if you choose to retain only one recovery set, you will need space
for at least two full backups.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 183
Manage Backup Settings
Example 3 - Retain 3 Recovery Sets:
The backup start time is 6:00 AM, August 20, 2012.
An incremental backup runs every 12 hours.
A new recovery set starts at the last backup on Friday.
You want to retain 3 recovery sets.
With the above configuration, an incremental backup will run at 6:00 AM and
6:00 PM every day. The first recovery set is created when the first backup
(must be a full backup) is taken. Then the first full backup is marked as the
starting backup of the recovery set. When the backup scheduled at 6:00 PM on
Friday is run, it will be converted to a full backup and marked as the starting
backup of the recovery set.
Start a new recovery set on every:
Selected day of the week
Specifies the day of the week selected to start a new recovery set.
Selected day of the month
Specifies the day of the month selected to start a new recovery set. Specify
1 through 30. Or, since a given month may have 28, 29, 30, or 31 days, you
can specify the last day of the month as the day to create the recovery set.
Start a new recovery set with:
First backup on the selected day
Indicates you want to start a new recovery set with the first scheduled
backup on the specified day.
Last backup on the selected day
Indicates you want to start a new recovery set with the last scheduled
backup on the specified day. If the last backup is selected to start the set
and for any reason the last backup did not run, then the next scheduled
backup will start the set by converting it to a full backup. If the next backup
is run ad-hoc (for example an emergency situation requires a quick
incremental backup), you can decide if you want to run a full backup to
start the recovery set or run an incremental backup so that the next
backup starts the recovery set.
Note: The last backup may not be the last backup of the day if you run an
ad-hoc backup.
The CA ARCserve D2D home page Summary section indicates how many recovery
sets are retained (or in progress) out of the number specified. Click the link under
Recovery Sets to display the Recovery Sets Details dialog. This dialog contains
detailed information about the contents of the recovery set. For more information
about this dialog, see Status Summary Overview.
184 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Specify the type of Compression.
Specifies the type of compression that is used for backups.
Compression is often selected to decrease disk space usage, but also has an inverse
impact on your backup speed due to the increased CPU usage.
The available options are:
No Compression
No compression is performed. This option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest
speed), but also has the highest disk space usage for your backup image.
Standard Compression
Some compression is performed. This option provides a good balance between
CPU usage and disk space usage. Standard compression is the default setting.
Maximum Compression
Maximum compression is performed. This option provides the highest CPU
usage (lowest speed), but also has the lowest disk space usage for your backup
If your backup image contains uncompressible data (such as JPG images or ZIP
files), you can allocate additional storage space to handle such data. As a result,
if you select any compression option and you have uncompressible data in your
backup, it can result in an increase in disk space usage.
If you change the compression level from No Compression to either Standard
Compression or Maximum Compression, or if you change from either Standard
Compression or Maximum Compression to No Compression, the first backup
that is performed after this compression level change is automatically a Full
Backup. After the Full Backup is performed, all future backups (Full,
Incremental, or Verify) will be performed as scheduled.
If your destination does not have sufficient free space, you can consider
increasing the Compression setting of the backup.
Specify the Encryption settings.
Select the type of encryption algorithm that is used for backups.
Data encryption is the translation of data into a form that is unintelligible
without a deciphering mechanism. CA ARCserve D2D data protection uses
secure, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption algorithms to achieve
maximum security and privacy of your specified data.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 185
Manage Backup Settings
The available format options are No Encryption, AES-128, AES-192, and
AES-256. (To disable encryption, select No Encryption).
A full backup and all its related incremental and verify backups must use
the same encryption algorithm.
If the encryption algorithm for an incremental or verify backup is changed,
a full backup must be performed. This means after changing encryption
algorithm, the first backup will be full, despite the original backup type.
For example, if you change the algorithm format and you submit a
customized incremental or verify backup manually, it is automatically
converted to a full backup.
When an encryption algorithm is selected, provide (and confirm) an encryption
The encryption password is limited to a maximum of 23 characters.
A full backup and all its related incremental and verify backups must use
the same password to encrypt data.
If the encryption password for an incremental or verify backup is changed,
a full backup must be performed. This means after changing encryption
password, the first backup will be full, despite the original backup type.
For example, if you change the encryption password and you submit a
customized incremental or verify backup manually, it is automatically
converted to a full backup.
186 User Guide
CA ARCserve D2D provides encryption password management so that you do
not need to remember encryption passwords.
Password is also encrypted.
Password is remembered and not required (if you restore to the same
Password is required if you restore to a different machine.
Password is not required if you are attempting to export a recovery point
that contains encrypted data and the recovery point belongs to backups
performed on the current machine.
Password is always required if you are attempting to recover encrypted
data from an exported recovery point.
Password is not required to browse to an encrypted recovery point.
Password is required to perform a BMR.
Manage Backup Settings
When encryption is enabled, the activity log is updated.
A message is recorded in the activity log to describe the selected
encryption algorithm for every backup.
A message is recorded in the activity log to indicate why an incremental or
verify backup was converted to a full backup (password change or
algorithm change).
Note: Encryption settings do not have to remain the same for your backups. You
can change these settings at any time, including after several backups of the same
Specify the Throttle Backup.
You can specify the maximum speed (MB/min) at which backups are written. You
can throttle the backup speed to reduce CPU or network use. However, limiting the
backup speed, has an adverse effect on the backup window. As you lower the
maximum backup speed, it increases the amount of time of perform the backup.
For a backup job, the Job Monitor on the CA ARCserve D2D home page displays the
average Read and Write speed of the job in progress and the configured throttle
speed limit.
Note: By default, the Throttle Backup option is not enabled and backup speed is not
being controlled.
Calculate the Estimated Backup Size.
Displays the estimated usage of the destination volume.
For more information about using these estimated backup calculations, see
Estimate Future Backup Space Requirements (see page 188).
Click Save Settings.
Your backup protection settings are saved.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 187
Manage Backup Settings
Estimate Future Backup Space Requirements
CA ARCserve D2D provides you with this tool to calculate the estimated amount of
available free space that you will need for backups. The calculations are based on your
estimate of future data change and on the space that is occupied from previous
To use this estimating tool
Select the backup source. This can be your entire machine or selected volumes
within your machine.
The actual size of the selected backup source is displayed in the Total Source Size
Estimate the anticipated Change Rate for future backups.
Base this estimate upon past performance of how much your total backup size has
changed for each subsequent incremental backup.
With the Estimated Values defined, CA ARCserve D2D calculates and displays the
estimated backup size required based on the configuration of the backup
destination and the recovery points. The pie chart also displays the amount of used
space and free space.
188 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Estimate the Space Saved After Compression percentage value.
Estimated Values
You can use estimated values to calculate the approximate overall backup size that
is based on the number of recovery points. Base this estimate upon past
performance of your backups with different Compression settings applied. As you
change this value, you will see the corresponding size impact for your backup sizes.
Note: If necessary, you can perform some Full Backups, each with a different
Compression setting (No Compression, Standard Compression, and Maximum
Compression) to establish past performance values and help you to better calculate
the percent of space saving that each setting produces for your backup.
Space Saved After Compression
This value indicates how much disk space is saved after compression.
Example: If the data size of a volume is 1000 MB and after backup the
compressed data size is 800 MB, then the Space Saved After Compression is
estimated to be 200 MB (20%).
Change Rate
This value indicates the typical data size of an incremental backup.
Example: If an incremental backup data size is 100 MB and the full backup data
size is 1000 MB, the change rate is estimated to be 10%.
Estimated Backup Size
Displays the estimated values for Total Source Size, Compressed Full Backup Size,
Compressed Incremental Backup Size, and Estimated Total Backup Size.
The Compressed Full Backup Size field displays a calculated value that is based
Size of the backup source
Specified compression percentage.
The Compressed Incremental Backup Size field displays a calculated value that
is based upon:
Estimated Change Rate
Number of recovery points to be saved
Specified compression percentage
The Estimated Total Backup Size field will display the anticipated space that you
will need for future backups and is based upon:
Amount of space that is required for one Full Backup plus
Amount of space that is required for the number of Incremental Backups
needed to satisfy the specified number of saved recovery points.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 189
Manage Backup Settings
From this Estimated Total Backup Size value, you should be able to determine if
your backup destination has sufficient space to fit your backup.
If your destination does not have sufficient free space, you can consider the
following corrective actions:
Reduce the number of saved recovery points.
Increase the available free space at the backup destination.
Change the backup destination to a larger capacity.
Reduce the size of the backup source (maybe eliminate unnecessary volumes
from the backup).
Increase the Compression setting of the backup.
Specify the Backup Schedule
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the schedule for your backups.
Note: To view a video related to these Backup Settings, see Manage Backup Settings
(see page 175).
Specify the backup schedule
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Backup Settings tab. When the
Backup Settings dialog opens, select Schedule.
The Backup Settings Schedule dialog opens.
190 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Specify your backup schedule options.
Set start date and time
The start date and start time for your scheduled backups.
Note: When setting the interval between repeat backup jobs, ensure that you
leave enough time to allow the previous job and any related merge jobs to
complete before the next backup job starts. This amount of time can be
estimated based on your own specific backup environment and history.
Incremental Backup
Determines the backup schedule for Incremental Backups.
As scheduled, CA ARCserve D2D incrementally backs up only those blocks that
have changed since the last successful backup. The advantages of Incremental
Backups are that it is a fast backup and it produces a small backup image. This
is the most optimal way to perform backups and you should use this by default.
The available options are Repeat and Never. If you select the Repeat option,
you must also specify the elapsed time period (in minutes, hours, or days)
between backup attempts. The minimum setting for Incremental backups is
every 15 minutes.
By default the schedule for Incremental backups is to repeat every 1 day.
Full Backup
Determines the backup schedule for Full Backups.
As scheduled, CA ARCserve D2D performs a Full backup of all used blocks from
the source machine. The available options are Repeat and Never. If you select
the Repeat option, you must also specify the elapsed time period (in minutes,
hours, or days) between backup attempts. The minimum setting for Full
backups is every 15 minutes.
By default the schedule for Full backups is Never (no scheduled repeat).
Verify Backup
Determines the backup schedule for Verify Backups.
As scheduled, CA ARCserve D2D verifies that the protected data is valid and
complete by performing a confidence check of the stored backup image to the
original backup source. If necessary, the image is resynchronized. A Verify
Backup looks at the most recent backup of each individual block and compares
the content and information to the source. This comparison verifies that the
latest backed up blocks represent the corresponding information at the source.
If the backup image for any block does not match the source (possibly because
of changes in the system since the last backup), CA ARCserve D2D refreshes
(resynchronizes) the backup of the block that does not match. You can also use
a Verify Backup (very infrequently) to get the guarantee of full backup without
using the space required for a full backup.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 191
Manage Backup Settings
Advantages: Produces a small backup image when compared to full backup
because only the changed blocks (blocks that do not match the last backup) are
backed up.
Disadvantages: Backup time is long because all source blocks are compared
with the blocks of the last backup.
The available options are Repeat and Never. If you select the Repeat option,
you must also specify the elapsed time period (in minutes, hours, or days)
between backup attempts. The minimum setting for Verify backups is every 15
By default the schedule for Verify backups is Never (no scheduled repeat).
Click Save Settings.
Your backup schedule settings are saved.
Note: If at a given time there are more than one type of backup scheduled to be
performed simultaneously, the type of backup that will be performed is based upon the
following priorities:
Priority 1 - Full backup
Priority 2 - Verify backup
Priority 3 - Incremental backup
For example, if you schedule all three types of backups to be performed at the
same time, CA ARCserve D2D will perform the Full Backup. If there is no Full
Backup scheduled, but you scheduled a Verify Backup and Incremental Backup
to be performed at the same time, CA ARCserve D2D will perform the Verify
Backup. A scheduled Incremental Backup is performed only if there is no
conflict with any other type of backup.
Specify the Advanced Backup Settings
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the Advanced Settings for your backups.
Note: To view a video that is related to these Backup Settings, see Manage Backup
Settings (see page 175).
192 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Follow these steps:
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Backup Settings tab. When the
Backup Settings dialog opens, select Advanced.
The Advanced dialog opens.
Specify your advanced backup settings options.
Truncate Log
Truncates the accumulated transaction log files for the selected applications
after the next successful backup.
CA ARCserve D2D backups consist of a snapshot image and the transaction log
files that were created for it. At some point in time, the older (committed)
transaction log files are no longer needed and can be purged to make space for
new log files. The process of purging these log files is truncating the log. This
option enables truncating of committed transaction log files, which conserves
disk space.
The available options are SQL Server and Exchange Server. You can select
either, both, or none of these applications. If you select any of these
applications, you can also specify a scheduled time period (Daily, Weekly, or
Monthly) for automatic log truncation:
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 193
Manage Backup Settings
Note: The transaction log files cannot be truncated without performing a
successful backup.
Daily - Each day after the backup completes successfully, the committed
transaction logs will be purged immediately.
Weekly - After seven days, the committed transaction logs will be purged
immediately after the backup completes successfully.
Monthly - After 30 days, the committed transaction logs will be purged
immediately after the backup completes successfully.
If a backup job is already running at the same time the purging is scheduled to
be performed, the purging operation is moved to the next scheduled job.
You scheduled an Incremental Backup to run automatically every day at
5:00 pm, and then started a Full Backup manually at 4:55 pm. You assume
that the backup successfully finishes at 5:10 pm.
In this case, the Incremental Backup that is scheduled for 5:00 pm is
skipped because the ad-hoc Full Backup is still in progress. Now the
committed transaction log files are purged after the next successful backup
job and be performed on the next day after the scheduled Incremental
Backup completes successfully at 5:00 pm.
Reserve Space on Destination
This value indicates a percentage of the calculated space that is necessary to
perform a backup. This amount of continuous space is then immediately
reserved on the destination before the backup starts writing data and helps
improve backup speed.
Default: 10%.
Example: Set the value to 10% and the current backup has 50 GB of data to
back up. Before the backup starts writing data, it first reserves 5 GB of disk
space. After the 5 GB of disk space is used up, it then reserves the next 5 GB of
disk space. If the data remaining for the backup is less than 5 GB (suppose 2 GB
are remaining to back up), then the remaining GB (in this example 2 GB) are
Exchange Granular Restore Catalog
Enables automatic generation of the Exchange Granular Restore catalogs after
each backup.
An Exchange Granular Restore backup captures information about the mail
message, the mail folder, and the mailbox levels of Exchange in a single pass
backup through the Exchange database. With this option enabled, you can then
perform granular recoveries of the Exchange database by selecting from a list
of objects inside Exchange and specifying exactly what you want to recover
without first having to recover or dump the Exchange database to an alternate
194 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Advantages: With an Exchange Granular Restore catalog, there is no need
to wait a long time to perform a restore browse.
Disadvantages: When you generate an Exchange Granular Restore catalog
during each backup, it results in an increased backup window (additional
time to complete the backup job) and an increased workload. CA ARCserve
D2D must go to each mailbox, authenticate, and build the granular
information, which considering the number of mailboxes and size of data,
could be a time consuming task.
If you disable this option, CA ARCserve D2D only saves the general
information for Exchange. Before restore you have an opportunity to
generate an Exchange Granular Restore catalog at that time.
Administrator Account
Specifies the User Name and Password with access rights to perform the
backup. CA ARCserve D2D verifies that the name and password are valid and
the user belongs to an administrator group.
Important! If the Administrator Account credential information for the CA
ARCserve D2D server is changed (User Name/Password), you must also
reconfigure/update the Administrator Account information in this dialog.
Note: To specify a domain account, the format for the user name is a fully
qualified domain user name in the form of "<domain name>\<user name>".
Recover Backup Destination Connection
Lets you update (resynchronize) the connection information to your backup
You can use this option if you are performing periodic backups to a remote
share computer and then you can change the access credentials (user
name/password) for that remote computer. In this case, typically your next
backup would fail because the access credentials configured at your local
computer do not match the new credentials at the remote computer.
Note: When you click the Update Connection button and the resynchronize
process begins, you cannot cancel it.
Before you click this Update button, perform the following tasks:
Log in to the remote destination computer and use the following net
session command to disconnect the connection between the local CA
ARCserve D2D computer and the remote computer:
net session \\<computer name or IP address> /d
Return to the CA ARCserve D2D computer, and click the Update
Connection button.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 195
Manage Backup Settings
Enter new password for destination.
CA ARCserve D2D updates your configured credentials to match the new
credential information at the remote share destination. A pop-up
confirmation screen appears informing you that the credentials have been
Click Save Settings.
Your advanced backup settings are saved.
Specify Pre/Post Backup Settings
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the Pre/Post Backup settings.
Note: To view a video that is related to these Backup Settings, see Manage Backup
Settings (see page 175).
Specify the Pre/Post Backup Settings
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Backup Settings tab. When the
Backup Settings dialog opens, select Pre/Post Backup.
The Pre/Post Backup Settings dialog opens.
196 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Specify your pre/post backup setting options.
Runs script commands for actions to take before the start of the backup, after
the snapshot image is captured, and/or upon the completion of the backup.
You can also trigger the script command based upon specific exit codes and
select the action to be taken (run job or fail job) when that exit code is
A "run job" action directs CA ARCserve D2D to continue to run the job if
the specified exit code is returned.
A "fail job" action directs CA ARCserve D2D to cancel the job if the
specified exit code is returned.
Click Save Settings.
Your pre/post backup settings are saved.
Specify Preferences
The Preferences dialog page provides a quick and easy way to specify various options for
the behavior of your CA ARCserve D2D. When clicked, the Preferences dialog opens with
the following subordinate tabs:
General (see page 198)
Email Alerts (see page 200)
Updates (see page 206)
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 197
Manage Backup Settings
Specify General Preferences
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify your General preferences:
Specify the General Preferences
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Preferences tab. When the
Preferences dialog opens, select General.
The General preferences dialog opens.
Specify your General preference settings.
News Feed
When checked, enables RSS feeds of the latest CA ARCserve D2D related news
and product information (from the Expert Advice Center) to be displayed on
the home page.
Social Networking
When checked, displays icons on the home page for access to Twitter and
Facebook for CA ARCserve D2D-related social networking. These selections will
take affect only after refreshing the home page.
Tray Notifications
Select the type of Alert notifications you want to display. The available options
are None, All, and Errors and Warnings.
198 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Select the source for viewing CA ARCserve D2D instructional videos when
accessed from either the Getting Started screen or the Support and Community
Access taskbar. The available options for viewing these "how-to videos" are
Use CA Support Videos and Use YouTube Videos. (The content of the videos are
the same at each source).
Note: This selection does not affect the video viewing options available on the
related of the Help topics.
Click Save Settings.
Your General preference settings are saved.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 199
Manage Backup Settings
Specify Email Preferences
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the following Email Alert preferences:
Specify the Email Alerts Preferences
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Preferences tab. When the
Preferences dialog opens, select Email Alerts.
The Email Alerts preferences dialog opens.
Specify your Email Alerts notification settings.
Automatic email alert notifications are sent upon the completion of selected
events. You can select any or all of the available options.
Note: If you do not need specific notifications for successful jobs, you can configure
CA ARCserve D2D to only send email alerts for failed and missed jobs. This
configuration could help you reduce the amount of email notifications and also
monitor any failures.
200 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
The available options are to send an alert notification for the following events:
Missed jobs
Sends an email alert notification for all missed jobs. A missed job is any
scheduled job that did not run at the scheduled time. A missed job could
happen when some other job of the same type is running or previous job that
started earlier did not finish yet.
CA ARCserve D2D allows different types of jobs to be run in parallel; however,
only one job of each type can be run at the same time. For example, if a copy
job is still running at the scheduled time for another copy job then the
scheduled copy job is missed, but another backup job can still run.
Backup, Catalog, File Copy, Restore, or Copy Recovery Point job failure/crash
Sends an alert notification for all unsuccessful backup, catalog, file copy,
restore, or copy recovery point job attempts. This category includes all failed,
incomplete, and canceled jobs, and crashed attempts.
Note: These email alerts are sent with a high importance. The email alerts that
have a high importance level setting display a visual indicator of an exclamation
point in their Inbox.
Backup, Catalog, File Copy, Restore, or Copy Recovery Point job success
Sends an alert notification for all successful backup, catalog, file copy, restore,
or copy recovery point job attempts.
Merge job stopped, skipped, failed, or crashed
Sends an alert notification for all stopped, skipped, failed, or crashed merge
jobs. If you enable this alert, you are informed once a merge job is
A merge failure can occur for the following reasons:
The session is mounted.
To solve the problem, you can dismount the session.
The session is locked by a catalog job.
The next backup job automatically merges this session.
The session is locked due to other reasons.
If you disable this alert, you only know when a merge was unsuccessful from
the balloon message in the tray monitor or the Recovery Points Summary on
the CA ARCserve D2D Home Page.
Merge job success
Sends an alert notification for all successful merge jobs.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 201
Manage Backup Settings
Backup Destination free space is less than
Sends an email alert notification when the amount of unused space at the
backup destination is less than a specified value. For this option, you can
further select either a percentage of the total capacity or a specific value (in
MB) for the threshold level of when the alert notification is sent.
New Updates Available
Sends an email notification when a new update for CA ARCserve D2D is
available. Email notifications are also sent if a failure occurs during the check
for updates or during the download.
Enable Resource Alerts
Sends an email notification when any specified resource threshold level is
reached. To ensure that your server is efficient and reliable, continually be
aware of the performance to identify possible problems and quickly address
bottleneck situations.
Defining threshold levels for these resource indicators is strictly up to you and
your knowledge of your server. You cannot specify right or wrong settings and
could base these alert notifications upon "normal" and acceptable
performance. For example, if your system typically runs at an 80 percent CPU
load, then setting a CPU Usage threshold at 75 percent would not be useful or
Each of these resource parameters can be separately configured to send an
alert notification when the corresponding threshold level is reached. The
maximum number that each resource alert email is sent is 5 per day.
CPU Usage
The specified CPU Usage alert threshold indicates the percentage of CPU
usage for your CA ARCserve D2D protected server. You can use this alert
notification to ensure that your server does not become overloaded too
If your CPU usage is too high, your server response time can become slow
or unresponsive. Therefore, consider spreading out (balancing) your load.
Disk Throughput
The specified Disk Throughput alert threshold indicates the disk
throughput (MB/second) for your CA ARCserve D2D protected server. You
can use this alert notification to ensure that you are maximizing the
capability of your disk.
If your disk throughput is close to the maximum value your disk can
handle, consider upgrading to a disk that better matches your needs.
Generally a faster disk leads to better performance.
202 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Memory Usage
The specified Memory Usage alert threshold indicates the percentage of
memory in use on your CA ARCserve D2D protected server. Utilization is
how much of your memory capacity you are using. The higher the
percentage the worse your server performance is going to be.
If your memory use continually becomes too high, determine the process
causing this high usage. You can use this indicator setting to alert you of
when an application or server upgrade can be necessary.
Network I/O
The specified Network I/O alert threshold indicates the percentage of NIC
bandwidth you are currently using on your CA ARCserve D2D protected
server. Utilization is how much of your network interface card (or NIC)
capacity you are using. The higher the percentage the worse your network
performance is going to be.
If your network use continually becomes too high, determine the process
causing this high usage and remedy the problem. In addition, if based on
your specific network capacity the percentage of your network use is too
high during backup time, you can upgrade your NIC card to handle the
higher throughput requirements.
Click Save Settings.
Your Email Alerts preference settings are saved.
After you select to send an email notification, you can then click Email Settings to
display the related dialog.
Specify Email Settings
From the Email Settings dialog, you can specify email settings such as the:
Mail server
Subject title
Who the email is coming from
Email recipients
You can also enable and define your proxy settings. These settings apply to all email
alert notifications and can be modified at any time.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 203
Manage Backup Settings
After you establish your email settings, you can test the settings using the Test Email
button. After a job runs successfully or fails, it is too late to receive an email alert for
having the wrong settings. Therefore, testing the email information that is provided
validates the settings and tries to send an email using the specified settings. If the email
settings are valid, you receive an email indicating so. If the email settings are invalid, you
receive a failure message.
The email provider service to use for sending the alert notifications. The available
options are Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, Live Mail, and Other.
If you select Other, identify the mail server and corresponding port number
If you select Google Mail, Yahoo Mail, or Live Mail the mail server and port
number fields are automatically populated.
Default: Other
Mail Server
The host name of the SMTP mail server that CA ARCserve D2D can use to send the
email alerts.
204 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
The output port number for the mail server.
Requires Authentication
Specifies if this mail server requires authentication when attempting to send an
email by way of the Internet. When this option is selected, provide the
corresponding user Account Name and Password.
Subject description for the email alert notifications that CA ARCserve D2D sends.
Default: "CA ARCserve D2D Alert"
The email address that CA ARCserve D2D uses to send the email alert notifications.
Email address for the recipients of the email alert notifications sent.
Note: To enter multiple email addresses, separate each address with a semi-colon
Email server requires an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection to transmit data
securely by way of the Internet.
Email server requires a STARTTLS (Start TLS extension) command that is issued to
initiate a secure SMTP connection between servers.
Use HTML format
Email alert notifications are sent as HTML. If this option is not selected, the alerts
are sent as plain text. By default, this option is selected.
Enable Proxy Settings
Specifies if you want to connect to a proxy server for sending your email alert
notifications. When this option is selected, provide the corresponding name of the
proxy server and port number.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 205
Manage Backup Settings
Specify Update Preferences
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the following Updates preferences:
Specify Updates Preferences
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
Settings from the taskbar and then select the Preferences tab. When the
Preferences dialog opens, select Updates.
The Updates preferences dialog opens.
Specify your Updates preference settings.
Download Server
Specifies the source server from where your CA ARCserve D2D server will
connect to and download available updates.
CA Server
You can use this option to specify that CA ARCserve D2D updates will be
downloaded from the CA Technologies server directly to your local server.
This is the default setting.
206 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Staging Server
You can use this option to specify the server that will be used as a staging
If you specify more than one staging server, the first listed server will be
designated as the primary staging server. CA ARCserve D2D will initially
attempt to connect to the primary staging server. If for any reason the first
listed server is not available, then the next listed server will become the
primary staging server. The same sequence will be continued until the last
listed server becomes the primary staging server. (The Staging Server list is
limited to the maximum of 5 servers).
You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the staging
server sequence.
You can use the Delete button to remove a server from this listing.
You can use the Add Server button to add a new server to this listing.
When you click the Add Server button, the Staging Server dialog opens,
allowing you to specify the name of the added staging server.
CA ARCserve D2D updates will be downloaded from the CA Technologies server
directly to the specified staging server location. After the updates are
downloaded to this staging server, you can then further download the updates
from the staging server to a client server. If you select the Staging Server
location, you must also specify the host name or IP address for the staging
server, along with the corresponding port number.
You cannot specify your same local client server as this staging server. This is an
invalid configuration because the staging server cannot connect to itself to get
and download the available updates from. If you attempt to use your local
client server as the staging server, an error message will be displayed.
Note: You cannot download CA ARCserve D2D updates from a staging server if
HTTPS is enabled on it for web communication.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 207
Manage Backup Settings
Proxy Settings
Note: This Proxy Server option is only available when you select CA
Technologies Server as the download server.
Select Proxy Settings to specify if you want the CA ARCserve D2D updates to be
downloaded via a proxy server. A proxy server acts as an intermediary between
your download server (staging or client) and the CA Technologies server to
ensure security, increased performance, and administrative control. This will be
the connection to the CA Technologies server from which your download
server will get the updates.
When you select this option the Proxy Settings dialog opens.
Use browser proxy settings
This selection is only applicable to Windows Internet Explorer (IE) and
Google Chrome.
When selected, directs CA ARCserve D2D to automatically detect and use
the same proxy settings that are applied to the browser to connect to the
CA Technologies server for CA ARCserve D2D update information.
Configure proxy settings
When selected enables the specified proxy server to connect to the CA
Technologies server for CA ARCserve D2D update information. If you select
this option, you must also include the IP address (or machine name) of the
proxy server and the corresponding port number that is used by the proxy
server for internet connections.
In addition, you can also specify if your proxy server will require
authentication. When selected, specifies that authentication information
(User ID and Password) are required to use the proxy server.
Note: The format for user name should be a fully qualified domain user
name in the form of "<domain name>\<user name>".
208 User Guide
Manage Backup Settings
Test Connection
Lets you test the following connections and display a status message when
If you selected "CA Technologies Server" as the download server, tests the
connection between the machine and the CA Technologies server through
the specified proxy server.
If you selected "Staging Server" as the download server, tests the
connection between the machine and the specified staging server. The test
connection button is used to test the availability of each listed staging
server, and a corresponding status is displayed in the Connection Status
field. If none of the configured staging servers are available, a red icon is
displayed on the status Summary section home page to provide a visual
alert of this condition.
Note: The test connection is automatically performed when you launch the
Preferences Updates dialog from the home page. When this auto test is
performed it will check the latest connection status of the previously
configured download server (either CA Technologies Server or Staging
Server(s), whichever is selected). If you previously configured more than one
staging server, then this auto test will be performed on all staging servers to
get the latest connection status.
Update Schedule
Specifies when to check for (and download) new CA ARCserve D2D updates.
With this option selected, specifies to automatically check for new and
available CA ARCserve D2D updates. When you select this option, you then
have drop-down menu capabilities to specify when to perform this
function (every day or weekly on a specified day) and the time of the day
that it will be performed.
Note: The default setting for the day or hour that these checks will be
automatically performed is randomly assigned by CA ARCserve D2D at the
time of installation. After installation, you can use this Update Schedule
setting to change the day and time for these checks.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 209
Application Restore
By default, if this check determines that a new update is available, CA
ARCserve D2D will also automatically download the update. If you do not
want this automatic download to be performed, you can disable this
function from the D2DPMSettings.INI file. For more information, see
D2DPMSettings.INI file in Appendix B.
With this option not selected, specifies to disable all automatic check and
download functions (and its status is displayed under status Summary
section of the home page). With this option not selected, these update
functions can only be triggered manually.
Note: If configured you will get an email notification if the scheduled check for
updates discovers that a new update is available. In addition, email
notifications will also be sent if a failure occurs during the check for updates or
during the download.
Click Save Settings.
Your Updates preference settings are saved.
Application Restore
CA ARCserve D2D allows you to not only protect and recover your data, but also helps
you to get the applications that will use that data back up and running. All application
recoveries can only be made using the Restore by Recovery Point method. During an
application recovery, CA ARCserve D2D takes advantage of Windows Volume Shadow
Copy Service (VSS) to help ensure data consistency for any VSS-aware application. With
CA ARCserve D2D, you can recover the following applications without performing a full
disaster recovery:
Microsoft Exchange Server (see page 210)
Microsoft SQL Server (see page 217)
Application Restore - MS Exchange Server
CA ARCserve D2D allows you to not only protect and recover your data, but also helps
you to get the Microsoft Exchange Server application that uses that data back up and
running. The Microsoft Exchange Server recovery can only be made using the Restore by
Recovery Point method.
210 User Guide
CA Support:
How to: Restore MS Exchange Application
How to: Restore MS Exchange Application
Application Restore
CA ARCserve D2D supports the following versions of Microsoft Exchange Server:
Exchange 2003 - Single Server Environment.
Exchange 2007 - Single Server Environment, Local Continuous Replication (LCR), and
Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) environment.
For Exchange 2007 CCR environment, CA ARCserve D2D must be installed on both
the active node and passive node of Microsoft Cluster. Backup can be performed
from an active node and passive node, but restore can only be performed to an
active node.
Exchange 2010 - Single Server Environment and Database Availability Group (DAG)
For Exchange 2010 DAG environment, CA ARCserve D2D must be installed on all
member servers in the DAG group. A backup job can also be performed from any
member server for both active and passive database copies, but restore can only be
performed to an active database copy.
Note: Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Cluster Environment and Microsoft
Exchange Server 2007 Single Copy Cluster (SCC) environment are not supported by
CA ARCserve D2D.
Microsoft Exchange Server can be restored at the following levels:
Microsoft Exchange Writer Level
If you want to restore all the Microsoft Exchange Server data, you can perform a
restore at Microsoft Exchange Writer level.
Storage Group Level
If you want to restore a specific Storage Group, you can perform a restore at the
Microsoft Exchange Storage Group level.
(Does not apply for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010).
Mailbox Store Level (Exchange 2003)
If you want to restore a specific Mailbox Store, you can perform a restore at the
Mailbox Store level.
Mailbox Database Level (Exchange 2007 and 2010)
If you want to restore a specific Mailbox Database, you can perform a restore at the
Mailbox Database level.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 211
Application Restore
Restore Microsoft Exchange Server Application
Note: When performing a Microsoft Exchange Server database restore (to either the
original location or a recovery storage group/recovery database), you must verify that
the account also has the following administrative privileges:
Exchange 2003 - Exchange Full Administrator Role
Exchange 2007/2010 - Exchange Organization Administrator or Exchange Server
Administrator Role
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
The restore methods selection dialog opens.
Click the Browse Recovery Points option.
The Browse Recovery Points dialog opens.
212 User Guide
Application Restore
Select the recovery point (date and time) and then select the Microsoft Exchange
database to be restored.
The corresponding marker box becomes filled (green) to indicate that the database
has been selected for the restore.
Note: If you do not want the transaction log files to be applied after the restore,
you must manually delete it before the restore is performed. For more information
about manually deleting transaction log files, refer to the Microsoft Exchange
Server documentation.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 213
Application Restore
Click Next.
The Restore Options dialog opens.
Select the destination for the restore.
The available options are to restore to the original location of the backup, restore
the dump file only, or restore to a Recovery Storage Group/Recovery Mailbox
Restore to original location
Restores to the original location from where the backup image was captured.
Dump file only
Restores the dump files only.
For this option, CA ARCserve D2D will restore the Microsoft Exchange database
file to a specified folder, and will not bring it online after recovery. You can
then move this file to a different server and mount it to exchange server
manually to view data contained in it.
Note: When a Recovery Mailbox Database exists, restore with ‘Dump file only’
option will fail.
214 User Guide
Application Restore
Replay log on database
Specifies that when the database files are dumped to the destination
folder, you can replay and apply all Microsoft Exchange transaction log files
and commit them to the database file. When the database next starts, and
transaction log files that were not yet written to the database files are
then applied before the database is again made available to you.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Restore to Recovery Storage Group (Exchange 2007)
Restores the database to a Recovery Storage Group (RSG).
An RSG is a storage group that can be used for recovery purposes. You can
restore a Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Database from a backup in a Recovery
Storage Group and then recover and extract data from it, without affecting the
production database that is being accessed by end users.
If single storage group or database (except a public folder database) from
the same storage group are selected to restore, the default restore
destination is "Restore to Recovery Storage Group" (or "Restore to
Recovery Database").
If multiple storage groups or databases from multiple storage groups are
selected to restore, Exchange can only be restored to the original location
or restore with "Dump file only" option. The default restore destination is
"Restore to original location".
Before restoring an Exchange 2007 database to a Recovery Storage Group, you
must create a Recovery Storage Group and Mailbox Database with the same
For example, if you want to restore MailboxDatabase1 from the First Storage
Group to a Recovery Storage Group, you must create a Recovery Storage Group
and add the database "MailboxDatabase1" to the Recovery Storage Group.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Dismount the database before restore and mount the database after restore
Typically before a restore, Microsoft Exchange will perform some checks to
help ensure the following:
The database to be restored is in "Dismounted" status.
The database is not restored unexpectedly.
To protect a Microsoft Exchange production database from being restored
unexpectedly, a switch is added to allow the database to be overwritten
during the restore process. Microsoft Exchange will refuse to restore a
database if this switch is not set.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 215
Application Restore
For CA ARCserve D2D, these two options are controlled by this "Dismount the
database before restore and mount the database after restore" option. With
this option, CA ARCserve D2D lets you launch the restore process automatically
without any manual operations. (You can also specify to dismount/mount
database manually).
If checked, specifies that the recovery process will automatically dismount
the Exchange database before the restore process and then mount the
database after the restore process is completed. In addition, if checked,
this option will also allow the Exchange database to be overwritten during
the restore.
If unchecked, specifies that the recovery process will not automatically
dismount the Exchange database before recovery and mount the database
after recovery.
The Exchange administrator would have to perform some manual
operations such as dismount the Exchange database, set the Allow
Overwrite flag on the database, and mount the Exchange database. (The
recovery procedure is performed by Exchange during the mounting of the
In addition, if unchecked, this option does not allow the Exchange
database to be overwritten during restore.
Restore to Recovery Database (Exchange 2010)
Restores the database to a Recovery Database. A Recovery Database is a
database that can be used for recovery purposes. You can restore a Microsoft
Exchange Mailbox Database from a backup to a Recovery Database and then
recover and extract data from it, without affecting the production database
that is being accessed by end users.
Before restoring an Exchange 2010 database to a Recovery Database, you must
first create a Recovery Database.
Note: This option is not applicable for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and
216 User Guide
Application Restore
Click Next.
The Restore Summary dialog opens.
Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings
are correct.
If the summary information is not correct, click Previous and go back to the
applicable dialog to change the incorrect setting.
If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.
Application Restore - MS SQL Server
CA ARCserve D2D allows you to not only protect and recover your data, but also helps
you to get the Microsoft SQL Server application that uses that data back up and running.
The Microsoft SQL Server recovery can only be made using the Restore by Recovery
Point method.
CA Support:
How to: Restore MS SQL Server Application
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 217
Application Restore
How to: Restore MS SQL Server Application
Restore Microsoft SQL Server Application
From the CA ARCserve D2D home page (or CA ARCserve D2D Monitor), select
The restore methods selection dialog opens.
Click the Browse Recovery Points option.
The Browse Recovery Points dialog opens.
Select the recovery point (date and time) and then select the Microsoft SQL Server
database to be restored.
The corresponding marker box becomes filled (green) to indicate that the database
has been selected for the restore. You can select a single database or multiple
databases to be restored.
218 User Guide
Application Restore
Click Next.
The Restore Options dialog opens.
Select the destination for the restore.
The available options are to restore to the original location of the backup, restore
the dump file only, or restore to an alternate location.
Note: When restoring a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database that is part of an
AlwaysOn Availability Group (AAG), there are some considerations that you should
be aware of. For more information, see MS SQL Server 2012 AAG Restore
Restore to original location
Restores to the original location from where the backup image was captured.
Dump file only
Restores the dump files only.
Dump files are created when an application crashes and contains additional
(time-stamped) information that can be used to troubleshoot the cause of the
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 219
Application Restore
When you select this option, you can then specify or browse to the folder
location where the dump file will be restored to.
Restore to alternate location
Restores to an alternate location (not the original location).
Because backups can be copied to network locations, they can be used by
multiple SQL Server instances. Multiple database restore can be performed
(simultaneously) from the instance level. From this listing, you can select the
database instance and specify a new database name and alternate location to
restore the database to. In addition, you can also browse to the alternate
location where the database will be restored to.
220 User Guide
Application Restore
When restoring a Microsoft SQL Server application to an alternate location,
there are some considerations that you should be aware of. For more
information, see MS SQL Server Restore to Alternate Location Considerations
(see page 221).
Click Next.
The Restore Summary dialog opens.
Review the displayed information to verify that all the restore options and settings
are correct.
If the summary information is not correct, click Previous and go back to the
applicable dialog to change the incorrect setting.
If the summary information is correct, click Finish to launch the restore process.
MS SQL Server Restore to Alternate Location Considerations
When you specify to restore a Microsoft SQL Server application to an alternate location,
you can either restore it to an alternate location on the same machine or on a different
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 221
Application Restore
Prior to performing a CA ARCserve D2D restore of a Microsoft SQL Server application to
an alternate location, you should consider the following:
If alternate location is on the same machine
For this option, you can either restore a database to a new location (with the same
name) or restore with a new name (to the same location):
Same Name - New Location
For example, if Database A is installed in the current SQL Server at "C:\DB_A" and
has been backed up. You can use this option and specify "Alternate File Location" to
restore Database A to an alternate location such as "D:\Alternate_A.
After the database has been restored, the database file located at the new location
"D:\Alternate_A" will then be used.
While you restore to an alternate location, the Instance Name section is
unavailable. The Instance name should always be the same. Therefore, you cannot
restore a database to an alternate instance present on the same MS SQL Server.
Same Location - New Name
For example, if you have two databases (Database A and Database B) installed in
the current SQL Server and both have been backed up. You can use this option and
specify "New database Name" to restore Database A to same location as Database
After the databases have been restored, this location will now have three databases
(Database A, Database B, and Database A_New).
If alternate location is on the different machine
The SQL Server installation path must be the same as the path that existed when
the backup was performed.
For example, if the backup of the SQL Server is installed at "C:\SQLServer", then the
SQL Server on the new CA ARCserve D2D server must also be installed at
The same instance name for the database that existed when the backup was
performed must be installed on CA ARCserve D2D server, otherwise the database
associated with that instance will be skipped from the restore.
For example, if the backup of the SQL Server contained "Instance_1" with Database
A and Database B and "Instance_2" with Database C, but the CA ARCserve D2D
server only has "Instance_1". After the restore is complete, Database A and
Database B will be restored, but Database C will not be restored.
222 User Guide
How to Copy a Recovery Point
The SQL Server version on the CA ARCserve D2D server must be backwards
compatible to the version of the SQL Server used during the backup session.
For example, you can restore a SQL Server 2005 machine to a SQL Server 2008
machine; however, you cannot restore a SQL Server 2008 machine to a SQL Server
2005 machine.
Restoring a database of 64-bit instance to 32-bit instance is not supported.
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Each time CA ARCserve D2D performs a successful backup, a point-in-time snapshot
image of the backup is created. This collection of recovery points lets you locate and
specify the exact backup image to copy.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 223
How to Copy a Recovery Point
The following diagram illustrates the process to copy a recovery point:
Perform the following tasks to copy a recovery point:
Review the Prerequisites (see page 225)
Configure the Copy Recovery Point Settings (see page 225)
Copy a Recovery Point (see page 230)
224 User Guide
Select the Recovery Point to Copy (see page 230)
Define the Copy Options and Copy the Recovery Point (see page 232)
Verify the Copied Recovery Point (see page 234)
How to Copy a Recovery Point
This procedure contains a supplemental instructional video. Select either CA Support or
YouTube as the source for viewing this video. The versions of the video from CA Support
and YouTube are identical, and only the viewing source is different.
CA Support:
How to Copy a Recovery Point
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Review the Prerequisites
Review the following prerequisites before copying a recovery point:
You have at least one full backup available to copy.
You need a valid destination to copy the recovery point.
Configure the Copy Recovery Point Settings
CA ARCserve D2D lets you specify the recovery point copy settings. Before you copy a
recovery point, configure the copy recovery point settings. For a better understanding
about how the options on this dialog can be used to configure your recovery point copy
schedule, see Copy Recovery Points - Example Scenarios (see page 228).
Note: The recovery point copy process is a copy and paste operation only and not a cut
and paste operation. As a result, whenever a scheduled copy recovery point job is
performed CA ARCserve D2D creates an additional copy of the recovery point to the
specified copy destination, while still retaining the original copy of the recovery point at
the backup destination that was specified in Backup Settings.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 225
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Follow these steps:
On the CA ARCserve D2D home page, select Settings from the taskbar.
The Settings dialog opens.
Click the Copy Recovery Points tab.
The Copy Recovery Points dialog opens.
Select Enable Copy Recovery Points.
When selected, enables the copying of recovery points.
Note: If you do not select this option, no scheduled copying of recovery points is
Specify the following recovery point copy schedule settings:
Specifies the storage location for the copy of the selected recovery point.
(Optional) You can click the green arrow button to verify the connection to the
specified location.
Note: The maximum length for the specified destination path is 158 characters.
Copy Recovery Points job will be run after the specified number of backups are
Specifies when the scheduled recovery point copy process is automatically
launched. This process is launched based on your selected copy policies and
specified number of successful backups (Full, Incremental, and Verify).
226 User Guide
How to Copy a Recovery Point
You can use this setting to control how many times a recovery point copy
process is triggered each day. For example, if you schedule to run a backup job
every 15 minutes, and copy job after every 4 backups, then it performs 24
recovery point copy jobs each day (1 each hour).
Default: 8
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 1344
Important! If you schedule backup and copy jobs to run at regular intervals and
if the copy job is currently running (in active state) when the scheduled time for
the backup job time arrives, the backup job fails. (The next backup job will run
as scheduled and should be successful if it does not conflict with another copy
job). Because the copy operation takes almost same amount of time as
performing a full backup, the best practice is not to set a frequent schedule for
your recovery point copy jobs.
Specify the number of recovery points to keep
Specifies the number of recovery points that are retained and stored at the
specified copy destination. Discards the oldest recovery point, when this
number is exceeded.
Note: If you do not have sufficient free space at the target destination, reduce
the number of saved recovery points.
Default: 1
Maximum: 1344
Select the Compression level.
Compression is typically performed to decrease your disk space usage, but also
has an inverse impact on your backup speed due to the increased CPU usage.
The available options are:
No Compression - Compression is not performed. Files are pure VHD. This
option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest speed), but also has the highest
disk space usage for your backup image.
No Compression - VHD - Compression is not performed. Files are
converted to .vhd format directly, without the need for manual operations.
This option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest speed), but also has the
highest disk space usage for your backup image.
Standard Compression - Some compression is performed. This option
provides a good balance between CPU usage and disk space usage. This
setting is the default setting.
Maximum Compression - Maximum compression is performed. This
option provides the highest CPU usage (lowest speed), but also has the
lowest disk space usage for your backup image.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 227
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Note: If your backup image contains uncompressible data (such as JPG images
or ZIP files), additional storage space can be allocated to handle such data. As a
result, if you select any compression option and you have uncompressible data
in your backup, it can actually result in an increase in your disk space usage.
If you also want the copied recovery point to be encrypted, specify the following
Encryption Algorithm
Specifies the type of encryption algorithm that is used for the recovery point
The available format options are No Encryption, AES-128, AES-192, and
Encryption Password
Lets you specify and confirm the encryption password being used to encrypt
the destination session.
Click Save Settings.
Your recovery point copy settings are saved.
The copy recovery point settings are successfully configured.
Copy Recovery Points - Example Scenarios
The following example scenarios are provided to give you a better understanding of how
the various options can affect your scheduled copying of recovery points.
For this example, assume that you configured your CA ARCserve D2D backup schedule
as follows:
Full Backup - Every 7 days
Incremental Backup - Every 1 hour
Verify Backup - Every 3 days
and assume:
228 User Guide
First backup is on Day #1 at 5:00PM (by default, the first backup is always a Full
First Incremental Backup will be on Day #1 at 6:00PM (and every hour after)
Recovery Points retention count is set to 31 (default number)
Location "D" is configured as the copy destination
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Scenario #1
For this scenario, the Copy Recovery Point settings are as follows:
Copy after 4 backups
Retain 1 recovery point
At 8:00PM (after the 4th backup), the scheduled copy job will run and
consolidate all 4 recovery points into a single recovery point and store it at
destination D.
At 12:00 midnight (after the 8th backup), the next scheduled copy job will run
and consolidate all 8 recovery points into a single recovery point and store it at
destination D.
The previous recovery point is removed from destination D because the setting
is to retain only 1 recovery point at the destination.
Scenario #2
For this scenario, the Copy Recovery Point settings are as follows:
Copy after 4 backups
Retain 4 recovery points
At 8:00PM (after the 4th backup), the scheduled copy job will run and
consolidate all 4 recovery points into a single recovery point (Recovery Point
#1) and store it at destination D.
At 12:00 midnight (after the 8th backup), the next scheduled copy job will run
to create Recovery Point #2 and store it at destination D.
At 4:00AM on Day #2 (after the 12th backup), the next scheduled copy job will
run to create Recovery Point #3 and store it at destination D.
At 8:00AM on Day #2 (after the 16th backup), the next scheduled copy job will
run to create Recovery Point #4 and store it at destination D.
At 12:00 noon on Day #2 (after the 20th backup), the next scheduled copy job
will run. A new recovery point will be created and the first recovery point
(created after the 8:00PM backup on previous day) is removed from
destination D, because the setting is to retain only 4 recovery points at the
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 229
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Scenario #3
For this scenario, the Copy Recovery Point settings are as follows:
Copy after 1 backup
Retain 4 recovery points
At 5:00PM (after the 1st backup), the scheduled copy job will run to create a
single recovery point (Recovery Point #1) and store it at destination D.
At 6:00PM (after the 2nd backup), the next scheduled copy job will run to
create Recovery Point #2 and store it at destination D.
At 7:00PM (after the 3rd backup), the next scheduled copy job will run to
create Recovery Point #3 and store it at destination D.
At 8:00PM (after the 4th backup), the next scheduled copy job will run to
create Recovery Point #4 and store it at destination D.
At 9:00PM (after the 5th backup), the next scheduled copy job will run. A new
recovery point will be created and the first recovery point (created after the
5:00PM backup) is removed from destination D, because the setting is to retain
only 4 recovery points at the destination.
Copy a Recovery Point
When you select a recovery point to copy, all previous backup blocks (full and
incremental) are consolidated and captured to recreate a full and most recent backup
You can perform the following tasks to protect your backups:
Copy/export recovery point information to store it safely off-site in the event of a
Save your recovery points to multiple locations.
Consolidate your backups to preserve all your recovery points.
The process involved in copying a recovery point is as follows:
Select the Recovery Point to Copy (see page 230).
Define the Copy Options and Copy the Recovery Point (see page 232).
Select the Recovery Point to Copy
CA ARCserve D2D provides a list of available recovery points and lets you select the
recovery point to create a copy. You can specify the destination, recovery point date,
and time range to copy a recovery point.
230 User Guide
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Follow these steps:
On the CA ARCserve D2D home page, select Copy Recovery Point.
The Copy Recovery Point dialog opens.
Specify or browse to the location where your backup images are stored and select
the appropriate backup source.
You can click the green arrow button to verify the connection to the specified
location. If necessary, enter the Username and Password credentials to gain access
to that location.
The calendar view appears.
Note: All the dates containing recovery points for the specified location are
highlighted in green.
Select the calendar date for the backup image to copy.
The corresponding recovery points for that date are displayed, with the time of the
backup, the type of backup that was performed, and the name of the backup.
Note: A clock icon with a lock symbol indicates that the recovery point contains
encrypted information and can require a password for the restore.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 231
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Select a Recovery Point to copy.
The backup content (including any applications) for the selected recovery point
Click Next.
The Copy Options dialog opens.
The recovery point to copy is specified.
Define the Copy Options and Copy the Recovery Point
After you specify a recovery point to copy, define the copy options to create a copy that
combines the previous full and incremental backups for the selected recovery point.
Follow these steps:
From the Copy Options dialog, specify the following Copy Options:
Specify the encrypted password for backup.
Note: This dialog includes two password fields. The upper field is for the
password to decrypt the source session, and the lower field is used to encrypt
the destination session.
232 User Guide
How to Copy a Recovery Point
If the recovery point you select to copy was previously encrypted, provide the
If the recovery point to be copied is a backup session of the same
computer that is running the copy recovery point job, the encryption
password is remembered and this field is automatically populated.
If the recovery point to be copied is a backup session of another computer,
enter the encryption password.
Specify (or browse to) the storage location of the selected recovery point.
(Optional) You can click the green arrow button to verify the connection to the
specified location.
If necessary, enter the Username and Password.
Select the Compression level.
Note: The specified backup compression level has no relation with the copy
compression level. For example, in backup destination the compression level can be
set to Standard; however, when you submit the copy job, the compression can be
changed to No Compression or Maximum Compression.
Compression is typically performed to decrease your disk space usage, but also
has an inverse impact on your backup speed due to the increased CPU usage.
The available options are:
No Compression - Compression is not performed. Files are pure VHD. This
option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest speed), but also has the highest
disk space usage for your backup image.
No Compression - VHD - Compression is not performed. Files are
converted to .vhd format directly, without the need for manual operations.
This option has the lowest CPU usage (fastest speed), but also has the
highest disk space usage for your backup image.
Standard Compression - Some compression is performed. This option
provides a good balance between CPU usage and disk space usage. This
setting is the default setting.
Maximum Compression - Maximum compression is performed. This
option provides the highest CPU usage (lowest speed), but also has the
lowest disk space usage for your backup image.
Note: If your backup image contains uncompressible data (such as JPG images or
ZIP files), additional storage space can be allocated to handle such data. As a result,
if you select any compression option and you have uncompressible data in your
backup, it can actually result in an increase in your disk space usage.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 233
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Note: If you change the compression level from "No Compression" to either
"Standard Compression" or "Maximum Compression", or if you change from either
"Standard Compression" or "Maximum Compression" to "No Compression", the
first backup that is performed after this compression level change is automatically a
Full Backup. After performing the Full Backup, performs all future backups (Full,
Incremental, or Verify) as scheduled.
If you also want the copied recovery point to be encrypted, specify the following
Encryption Algorithm
Specifies the type of encryption algorithm that is used for the recovery point
The available format options are No Encryption, AES-128, AES-192, and
Encryption Password
Lets you specify and confirm the encryption password being used to encrypt
the destination session.
Note: When you enable the encryption, specify a new password. You need this
password to restore the copied recovery point.
Click Create a Copy.
A status notification window appears and the copy process for the selected
recovery point type is launched immediately.
Note: CA ARCserve D2D allows only one recovery point copy job to run at the same
time. If you attempt to launch a recovery point copy job manually while running
another scheduled copy job, an alert message opens. The message informs you that
another job is running and requests you to try again at a later time.
The recovery point is copied from the backup source to the copy target destination.
Verify the Copied Recovery Point
After you copy a recovery point, verify that the copied recovery point is available at the
specified destination.
Follow these steps:
Navigate to the CA ARCserve D2D destination you specified.
A list of folders appears.
Open the hostname folder, and navigate to the following subordinate folder:
234 User Guide
How to Copy a Recovery Point
Open the VStore folder, and navigate to the following session folder:
Locate all files with a D2D extension to verify your copied recovery point at the
specified location.
For example, if your computer name is "Department_A" and you copied the
recovery point (backup) to "E:\copied_vhd\", navigate to the following location:
The copy of your recovery point is successfully verified.
Appendix A: CA ARCserve D2D Procedures 235
Auto Discovery
Auto discovery is a process by which nodes are detected and added to one or more CA
ARCserve Central Applications for central management.
Backup Proxy
A backup proxy is the host computer on which CA ARCserve D2D is running. The proxy
performs the back up operations configured in CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Catalog File
A catalog file is a directory of information about the backup data contained within the
CA ARCserve D2D database. For more information about the CA ARCserve D2D catalog
file, see the CA ARCserve D2D User Guide.
HOTADD Transport Mode
The HOTADD transport mode is a data transport method that lets you back up virtual
machines configured with SCSI disks. For more information, see the Virtual Disk API
Programming Guide on the VMware website.
NBD Transport Mode
Network Block Device (NBD) transport mode, also referred to as LAN transport mode,
uses the Network File Copy (NFC) protocol to communicate. Various VDDK and VCB
operations use one connection for each virtual disk that it accesses on each ESX/ESXi
Server host when using NBD.
NBDSSL Transport Mode
Network Block Device Secure Sockets Layer (NBDSSL) transport mode uses the Network
File Copy (NFC) protocol to communicate. NBDSSL transfers encrypted data using TCP/IP
communication networks.
A node is a physical or virtual machine managed by one or more CA ARCserve Central
Node Group
A node group is a method by which all nodes managed by one or more CA ARCserve
Central Applications can be organized, such as by purpose, by OS, or by installed
A policy is a set of specifications for protecting a node in one or more CA ARCserve
Central Applications.
Glossary 237
Preflight Check
Preflight Check (PFC) is a utility that lets you run vital checks on nodes to detect
conditions that can cause backup jobs to fail. You can view the results of the PFC for a
node by clicking the icon in the PFC Status column on the Node screen.
Recovery Point
A recovery pointy is a backup image comprised of parent-plus-oldest-child blocks. Child
backups are merged with the parent backup to create new recovery point images so
that the value specified is always maintained.
SAN Transport Mode
The SAN (Storage Area Network) transport mode lets you transfer backup data from
proxy systems connected to the SAN to storage devices using Fibre Channel
Storage Resource Management (SRM) is a feature by which information is collected for
effective management of your environment such as application data, hardware and
software data, or performance key indicators.
Synchronization is the process by which data in different databases is kept up to date so
that the central site database is consistent with registered branches, nodes, or sites.
238 User Guide
About CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup •
Access Denied Errors Occur when Updating Nodes •
Add Links to the Navigation Bar • 82
Add New Tab Link Not Launching Properly for
Internet Explorer 8, 9, and Chrome • 140
Add New Tab Link, RSS Feeds, and Social Networking
Feedback Not Launching Properly on Internet
Explorer 8 and 9 • 142
Add Node Groups • 52
Add Nodes • 44
Add Nodes from Discovery Result • 45
Application Level Restores • 97
Application Restore • 210
Application Restore - MS Exchange Server • 210
Application Restore - MS SQL Server • 217
Applying Best Practices • 145
Assign and Unassign Nodes from Backup Policies •
Auto Discovery • 237
Auto-update schedule • 206
Backup and Recovery Operations Using the hotadd
Transport Mode Cannot Mount Disks • 122
Backup Fails Because VM Has Snapshots • 133
Backup Jobs Fail Because the Blocks Cannot Be
Identified • 137
backup proxy • 14
Backup Proxy • 237
Backups Complete Using the NBD Transport Mode
When the hotadd Transport Mode was Specified •
Backups Fail and Event 1530 is Logged in the Event
Log on the Backup Proxy System • 134
Backups Fail Due to ESXi License • 133
Backups Fail with Snapshot Creation Errors • 119
Bare Metal Recovery • 145
Binary Files Containing Incorrect File Version
Information • 169
Binary Files that Do Not Contain an Embedded
Manifest • 169
Binary Files that have a Privilege Level of Require
Administrator in Manifest • 170
Blank Webpages Appear or Javascript Errors Occur •
Boot Kit • 162
CA ARCserve Central Applications Bookshelf • 15
CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup Cannot
Communicate with the CA ARCserve D2D Web
Service on Remote Nodes • 129
CA ARCserve D2D Procedures • 173
CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Fails on CA ARCserve
D2D Nodes • 126
CA Technologies Product References • 3
Cannot Connect to Specified Server Messages
Appear when Attempting to Add Nodes • 109
Cannot Open VMDK File • 137
Cannot Specify an Asterisk or Underscore as a
Wildcard in Filter Fields Using Japanese Keyboards
• 143
Catalog File • 237
Certificate Error Appears When You Log In to the
Application • 118
Change Server Communication Protocol • 83
Changed Block Tracking Failures • 132
Compression • 176
Configure Discovery Schedules • 31
Configure Proxy Settings • 33
Configure Social Networking Preferences • 35
Configure the CA ARCserve Central Protection
Manager Server • 29
Configure the Copy Recovery Point Settings • 225
Configure the Email and Alert Settings • 31
Configure Update Schedules • 32
Considerations for Protecting Raw Device Mappings
• 82
Contact CA • 3
Copy a Recovery Point • 230
Copy Recovery Points • 64
Copy Recovery Points - Example Scenarios • 228
Create a Boot Kit • 162
Create Backup Policies • 72
Create VHD Files from CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup • 68
Index 239
Define a Limit to the Quantity of Concurrent Backups
• 165
Define a Transport Mode for Backups • 84
Define the Copy Options and Copy the Recovery
Point • 232
Delete Node Groups • 54
Delete Nodes • 48
Discover Nodes from CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup • 43
Documentation Changes • 5
How to Troubleshoot Page Loading Problems • 114
How to Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup • 25
How to Use the CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup Home Page • 38
How You Set Up Your Production Environment • 37
Garbage Characters Appear in Browser Windows
When Accessing CA ARCserve Central Applications
• 115
Groups • 52, 54
Groups, Add Node Group • 52
Groups, Delete Node Group • 54
Import Virtual Machines from vCenter/ESX • 46
Increase the Quantity of Messages Retained in the
VMVixMgr Log File • 166
Incremental Backup Jobs Process as Verify Backup
Jobs • 136
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup •
Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Silently • 23
Install CA ARCserve D2D • 173
Installing and Configuring CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup • 17
Integrate CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup With CA ARCserve Central Applications •
Introducing CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup • 13
Introduction • 13
Host-Based VM Backup Monitoring Tasks • 70
HOTADD Transport Mode • 237
How CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
Works • 14
How the Installation Process Affects Operating
Systems • 167
How to Back Up the Virtual Machine Environment •
How to Configure CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup to Protect CA ARCserve D2D Nodes •
How to Copy a Recovery Point • 223
How to Install CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup • 17
How to Manage Node Group Tasks for CA ARCserve
Central Host-Based VM Backup • 51
How to Manage Node Tasks for CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup • 39
How to Manage Policies for CA ARCserve Central
Host-Based VM Backup • 71
Log In to CA ARCserve D2D Nodes • 38
Edit or Copy Backup Policies • 75
Encryption • 176
Estimate Future Backup Space Requirements • 188
Exchange Server • 98
240 User Guide
MAC Address Changes are Not Retained After VM
Recovery • 125
Manage Backup Settings • 175
Merge Job Options • 49
Modify Node Groups • 55
Modify the Administrator Account • 36
MS SQL Server Restore to Alternate Location
Considerations • 221
Multiple Connections Error Occurs When Saving or
Assigning a Policy to a CA ARCserve D2D Server •
NBD Transport Mode • 237
NBDSSL Transport Mode • 237
Node • 237
Node Group • 237
Nodes, Delete Nodes • 48
Nodes Do Not Appear on the Node Screen After
Changing the Name of the Node • 138
Operating System Not Found Errors Occur • 124
Pause a Merge Job on a Node • 49
Perform Application Level Backups • 68
Perform Bare Metal Recovery of a Virtual Machine •
Perform Full Disk Backups Containing Only Used
Block Data • 69
Perform Preflight Checks for Your Backup Jobs • 58
Policy • 237
Preflight Check • 238
Prerequisite Installation Tasks • 19
Protect the CA ARCserve D2D Backup Proxy • 167
Recover an Entire Virtual Machine • 94
Recover VM Operations Fail with Unknown Errors •
Recovering a Virtual Machine Uses a Different
Transport Mode Than Specified • 143
Recovery Operations Fail When Recovering Data
Using the HOTADD or SAN Transport Mode • 122
Recovery Point • 238
Recovery Point, Restore • 88
Recovery Point, Set • 176
Restore, Exchange Server • 98
Restore, Files and Folders • 91
Restore, from Recovery Points • 88
Restore, Recover Virtual Machines • 87
Restore, SQL Server • 102
Restore and Recover Virtual Machines • 87
Restore by Mounting a Recovery Point • 91
Restore Considerations • 96
Restore Data Using Find Files/Folders to Restore • 91
Restore Exchange Server Data • 98
Restore from Recovery Points • 88
Restore Methods • 87
Restore SQL Server Data • 102
Resume a Merge Job on a Node • 50
Review the Prerequisites • 225
Run a Back Up Now • 62
SAN Transport Mode • 238
Select the Recovery Point to Copy • 230
Settings, Advanced Backup Settings • 196
Settings, Auto Update Preferences • 206
Settings, Backup Settings • 192
Settings, Email Preferences • 200
Settings, Manage Backup Settings • 175
Settings, Preferences • 197
Settings, Protection Settings • 176
Solutions for Preflight Check Items • 59
Specify Email Preferences • 200
Specify Email Settings • 203
Specify General Preferences • 198
Specify Pre/Post Backup Settings • 196
Specify Preferences • 197
Specify the Advanced Backup Settings • 192
Specify the Backup Schedule • 190
Specify the Protection Settings • 176
Specify Update Preferences • 206
SQL Server • 102
SRM • 238
Synchronization • 238
The CA ARCserve D2D Web Service Runs Slowly •
Troubleshooting CA ARCserve Central Host-Based
VM Backup • 107
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup • 26
Uninstall CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM
Backup Silently • 26
Update Nodes • 47
Update Nodes and Policies After Changing the Host
Name of the CA ARCserve Central Applications
Server • 48
Update vCenter and ESX Server Details • 56
Using CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup •
Verify the Copied Recovery Point • 234
Index 241
View Activity Log Information for a Specific Node •
View CA ARCserve Central Host-Based VM Backup
logs • 79
View Job Status Information • 69
Virtual Machine Backups Fail Because the ESX Server
is Not Accessible • 139
Web Pages Do Not Load Properly When Logging in to
CA ARCserve D2D Nodes • 112
242 User Guide