April 2016
April 2016
Bulldog Bulletin Monthly Newsletter from Shady Grove Elementary School April 2016 Prophecy Creek- Outdoor Classroom Dedication Shady Grove Writes (Again)! On April 21, 2016, students, staff, local civic leaders, environmentalists, and other honored guests gathered on the benches at the outdoor classroom at Prophecy Creek to celebrate the hard work and collaboration put forth by so many, to create such a special place. Notable speakers at the event included Jonathan O’Donnell, a Wissahickon High School Student who, as an Eagle Scout, helped make this vision a reality. Mr. Tai Chang drove the process for Fiddleheads and was on hand as well. Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors Chairperson, Adam Zucker was also present and shared a few thoughts with all in attendance. Additional thanks goes out to the Shade Tree Commission, Blue Bell Club of Ambler, Whitpain Township, and Whitpain Park and Open Space Board. Former Shady Grove Principal, Mrs. Bauer should also be recognized for her support of the project, and thanked for taking time from her schedule to also attend the dedication. Working hard behind the scenes to help connect Shady Grove students and staff to this remarkable space, and very worthy of recognition are Mrs. Erin Crump and Mrs. Heather Kuffner. Once the acknowledgements were made and the dust settled, Mrs. Pascucci’s third grade class stuck around and made great use of the space by conducting a field study. Our April Writing Contest focused on poetry and was open to all students K-5. We are excited to announce there were 98 entries that covered topics such as friends and family, school, sports, America, holidays, animals, nature, and poems just for fun. Twenty students earned recognition for their high level of work and will be featured in a classroom publication. It is exciting to see the level of participation and effort increase each month. We’d also like to thank Rita’s Water Ice in Ambler for supporting our efforts and supplying our winners with coupons for a FREE water ice. Shady Grove is filled with Poets You can read their work all day. They share all that they think and feel Our Bulldogs have a lot to say! My hope is that they share their voice With everyone in sight. I hope that they share their heart And make our world so bright. Keep writing Shady Grove! Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. Strouse Learning Spotlight: Earth Day at Shady Grove! What an amazing week long celebration at SG Elementary in honor of Earth Day! Each grade level participated in its’ own special activity. Kindergarten students learned how to conserve electricity by making switch plate covers to remind them to turn off the lights when they leave a room. First grade students participated in a book swap. After exchanging books, the first grade students enjoyed reading their new book out in nature on a beautiful spring day! The second grade students had fun making pinecone bird feeders for their feathery friends. Third grade students each received their own Dogwood seedling to take home and plant. It will be fascinating for the students to watch their tree grow from year to year. Fourth graders worked on the compost/worm bins outside in the garden. Adding the red wigglers is always an exciting project. The fifth grade’s “recycled robots” were a huge hit! They were made out of items that were headed to the recycle bin and are now on display in the library. This year Whitpain Township surprised us with pine tree saplings which were distributed to kindergarten, first, second, fourth, and fifth grades. We had some amazing school-wide activities as well. “Trashless Tuesday” was very popular. Children are always up for the challenge to try to make their entire lunch trashless. This year, students were awarded a packet of sunflower seeds for bringing in a trashless lunch. On Wednesday, to honor Mother Earth, staff and students wore the colors blue and green. On Thursday, children enjoyed saving a tree when NO paper homework was assigned! Once again, the Whitpain Township Earth Day Poster & Poem Contest winners enjoyed their prizes, and a visit to Prophecy Creek for the award ceremony. Several classes enjoyed the new outdoor classroom at Prophecy Creek as well. Special thanks to the Earth Day Committee, faculty and staff, the numerous parent volunteers, the Girl Scouts, and Whitpain Township for making Earth Day 2016 such a tremendous success! Mr. Albanese and some of Ms. Rookstool’s students show off what trashless lunches are all about! Ms. Smerecki’s second grade class takes advantage of time in the outdoor classroom at Prophecy Creek. Important Dates: May 19: Spring Concert and Art Show- Come celebrate the arts at Shady Grove! 1:30pm - Concert rehearsal and sneak preview for parents 5:00-7:00 pm- Art Show 7:00-8:00 pm- Spring Concert May 26: Ice Cream Social May 30: NO SCHOOL –MEMORIAL DAY June 3: Field Day (Rain Date June 6) June 7: Mermaid Lake Trip for 5th grade (Rain date June 9) June 10: 5th Grade Promotion and Awards June 14: Last Day of School for all students -10:30 am dismissal