Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lake Study Update
Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lake Study Update
Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lake Study Update Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County, Long Island, New York One Independence Hill Farmingville, New York 11738 BROOKHAVEN TOWN BOARD Brian X. Foley, Supervisor Timothy Mazzei, Councilman Steve Fiore-Rosenfeld, Councilman Kathleen A. Walsh, Councilwoman Connie Kepert, Councilwoman Jane Bonner, Councilwoman Keith Romaine, Councilman June 2008 Page i Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Introduction Goals of the 1986 Study & Accomplishments Summary of Current Issues 3.1 Stormwater 3.2 Land Use 3.3 Bacterial Monitoring & Wildfowl Populations 3.4 Shoreline Erosion 3.5 Lake Level & Flooding 3.5.1 Sources of Water to the Lake System Current Conditions & Analysis 4.1 Sources of Information 4.2 Watershed Area 4.3 Groundwater 4.4 Lake Level 4.5 Smithtown Drainage 4.6 Water Budget 4.7 Precipitation 4.8 Stormwater Runoff 4.9 Stormwater Runoff Basin Descriptions 4.10 Resident Canada Geese 4.11 Land Use 4.12 Zoning Relevant Programs & Studies 5.1 Programs 5.2 Preparation of a TMDL Water Quality 6.1 Source Water Assessment Program 6.2 Water Quality 6.3 Current Water Quality Monitoring 6.4 Surface Water Quality Data 6.4.1 Cyanotoxin Monitoring 6.4.2 SCDHS Bathing Beach Monitoring 6.4.3 USGS Monitoring 6.4.4 NYSDEC Monitoring 6.5 Groundwater Quality Data 6.5.1 Suffolk County Observation Wells 6.5.2 USGS Observation Wells Recommendations 1 3 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 13 13 13 14 15 20 21 22 24 25 26 30 30 32 32 34 37 37 37 38 38 38 40 42 43 44 44 44 46 FIGURES APPENDICES Page ii Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update FIGURES Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 1-3 Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 6-1 Municipal Boundaries Groundwater Table and Divide of 1984 (USGS) in the Greater Central Suffolk County Region 2004 Aerial Photograph with Drainage Area, Primary Drainage Area, Lake and Ponds Land Use and Recommended Land Use from 1986 Zoning and Recommended Zoning from 1986 Public & Civic Owned Properties Publicly & Privately Owned Lake Front Properties Lake Ronkonkoma Topography from USGS Digital Elevation Model Topography with a Hill Shading Effect Primary Drainage Area & Sub-drainage Areas Stormwater Basins, Structures & Ponds Source Water Assessment Program Capture Zones near Lake Ronkonkoma Water Quality Sampling Locations TABLES Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 Long-Term Monthly Precipitation Summary of Precipitation Data since 1949 by Month Bathing Beach Data Summary Number of Beach Closure Days Sample of USGS Water Quality Data Parameters USGS Groundwater Data Summary Page 22 23 40 41 42 44 CHARTS Chart 4-1 Chart 6-1 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix B-1 Appendix B-2 Appendix B-3 Appendix C-1 Appendix C-2 Total Precipitation by year (1949-2006) Summary of Lake Ronkonkoma Bathing Beach Closures 1988-2007 Page 23 41 APPENDICES Results from Stormwater Runoff/Pollutant Loading Analysis for the Primary Drainage Areas Waterbody Information 303(d) Waterbody List March 2001 PWL Assessment for Lake Ronkonkoma February 2006 PWL Assessment for Lake Ronkonkoma Summary Sheets- Water Quality Data for Lake Ronkonkoma 1988-2007 Data Sets & RIBS Data Page iii Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 1.0 INTRODUCTION In 1986, a management plan for Lake Ronkonkoma was prepared through combined efforts of several agencies including the Suffolk County Planning Department, Suffolk County Health Department and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC).1 The primary purpose of the 1986 Clean Lakes Study (hereafter referenced as the “1986 Study”) was to develop a comprehensive management plan for Lake Ronkonkoma and its watershed area. The management plan included provisions for the protection and enhancement of the lake's water quality and use, and protection of the lake shoreline and the publicly owned lands that surround the lake. This current study, commissioned by the Town of Brookhaven, provides an update of the 1986 Study to provide an account of those tasks that have been accomplished since 1986 and presents future opportunities for improvement of Lake Ronkonkoma and its watershed area. Figure 1-1 illustrates the location of the Town and Village boundaries near Lake Ronkonkoma. The lake is located in central Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. Lake Ronkonkoma is within the Town of Islip. The Town of Islip controls the southwest shoreline of the lake and a small part of the watershed southwest of the lake. The Town of Smithtown adjoins the northwest shorelines of the lake and includes the watershed area northwest of the lake including the Great Bog. The Town of Brookhaven adjoins the east side of Lake Ronkonkoma and the largest part of the watershed area east of the lake. The Village of Lake Grove does not border Lake Ronkonkoma, but is within the watershed area northeast of the lake. Lake Ronkonkoma is the largest lake in Suffolk County, classified as a glacial kettlehole. The lake system, which includes Lake Ronkonkoma as well as the Great Bog located to the north of the lake is a groundwater fed system (though it does receive stormwater) and has no streams which enter or leave the system. The community around the lake is largely developed with residential use of medium density (2 to 10 dwelling units/acre) but also is home to multi-family residential, commercial, institutional and recreational uses. Various areas around the lake that are now residential in use, were once part of the lake system; however, the areas were filled and developed with homes starting in the 1930s when County Road (CR) 16 was first built. 1 The Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study - 1986 was financed in part with Federal funds from the United States Environmental Protection Agency under Grant COO0433. Page 1 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The lake system was historically a popular recreational area, but in recent decades has been susceptible to water quality problems, including algae blooms, presence of cyanobacteria, low dissolved oxygen and suspected presence of pathogens. The lake beaches have been closed to swimming for periods ranging from a few days to the entire season because of high bacteria counts at the bathing beaches and the continual presence of wildfowl. Flooding in the area is now a primary concern for those residents whose homes were built in high water table areas proximate to the lake and bog. The lake system water level responds to both precipitation and groundwater levels (water table elevation); during various years (1979, 1984, 2005-2008) water table and lake elevations have caused basement, road and property flooding. Figure 1-2 provides a contour map of the water table in central Suffolk County along with the 1984 groundwater divide. Although both the groundwater table elevation and the precise location of the groundwater divide vary with time; the lake system and its drainage area has always been located south of the groundwater divide2, meaning that groundwater in the vicinity of the lake generally flows to the south. Figure 1-3 provides a 2004 aerial photograph of Lake Ronkonkoma, the Great Bog to the north, and the drainage area that makes up the study area for this report. The 1986 Study included an analysis of the physical and biological processes, characteristics and resources of the lake and the immediate watershed area. Geology, topography, hydrology and land use activities were also discussed. This inventory provides an update of earlier information where available using current technology which allows the generation of up-todate resource maps utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. The lake and surrounding area has been inventoried using GIS mapping techniques and field work. In addition, GIS has been used to define drainage watersheds delineated based upon surface topography (using digital elevation models) and these watershed have been refined based upon field observations, locations of roadways and other impervious surfaces that effect drainage patterns, recharge features and other drainage infrastructure. The basic intent of this study is to provide an update of information available since the 1986 Study was completed, as well as to track the implementation of recommendations of the 1986 Study where possible. The project has involved coordination with the Towns of Brookhaven, Smithtown, Islip, Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS), Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Information from each of these agencies as well as from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USF&W) and Cornell Cooperative Extension were incorporated into this study to gain an understanding of existing conditions and management options. In addition, this study includes public input received through meetings with a task force assembled by the Town of Brookhaven to focus on issues involving the lake. Outreach with local groups has been used to obtain local insight, tap the knowledge of those intimately familiar with the lake and its resources and to gain public acceptance for the Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update. 2 Since the collection of data regarding groundwater began in the 1940s. Page 2 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 2.0 GOALS OF THE 1986 STUDY & ACCOMPLISHMENTS The 1986 Study was completed as a combined effort between the Suffolk County Planning Department, Suffolk County Department of Health Services and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The 1986 Study identified the following problems: • • • • • • • Harmful bacteria (affecting lake activities) Algae blooms (indicating a potential imbalance in the ecosystem) Elevated phosphorus levels Elevated nitrogen loading Incompatible land use Degraded shoreline Illegal dumping The 1986 Study identified stormwater runoff as a primary source of pollution and conveyance mechanism for nutrient loads, and included a Management Plan with many recommendations to achieve water quality improvements. The following provides a list of the general goals and recommended actions from the 1986 Study and some of the accomplishments that have been achieved since the time the study was prepared. 1986 Goals Reduce the existing bacterial loadings to the lake. Whenever possible, reduce existing nutrient loads to the lake. Accomplishments Due to improvements in stormwater collection in the Town of Brookhaven and along the County Road system, it is expected that less direct stormwater runoff currently reaches the lake system than in 1986; however, it is noted that since there has also been an increase in impervious surfaces in the area. Site plan and subdivision review of land use applications in the Towns and Village do include (and in the past have included) provisions to require all stormwater to be contained on new development sites within the engineering design criteria of the municipality. The implementation of the NYS DEC Phase II Stormwater program requirements in 2003, has resulted in an increased awareness of the impacts of stormwater runoff and accordingly, construction and post construction measures are enforced. In addition, water quantity and water quality requirements have resulted in increased detention and treatment. In 2008, NYSDEC adopted a further change in the program further enhancing stormwater management at the Town level. This program will be discussed further in other sections of this report. No data exists on changes to the use of fertilizer and turf management methods; however, outreach regarding the impacts of misuse of fertilizer is ongoing. Page 3 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The Town of Brookhaven installed sediment basins in drains surrounding the lake as a pilot project, which includes the Storm Basin cartridge filtering device to remove pollutants. An on-going program to discourage the resident goose population has been established through the Lake Ronkonkoma Chamber of Commerce. Customized curb markers have been designed and printed; eventually 400 markers will be attached to each County maintained storm drain indicating that the drain discharges directly to the lake (the design is specific to Lake Ronkonkoma). The program started in the spring of 2006 and according to the SC Annual Stormwater Report is currently ongoing. Signs advising the public not to feed the waterfowl were installed at the Town of Brookhaven beach in 2005. Prevent any future increases in nutrient, sediment or bacterial loads to the lake. Prevent any new intensive land uses. A majority of land acquisition recommendations were accomplished. However, a few new homes were constructed adjacent to the lake in Islip Town on parcels suggested for acquisition in the 1986 Study. Some of the accomplishments listed above also assist in meeting this goal. Prevent future illegal sanitary or other waste disposal into or adjacent to the lake. Some problems (from flooded single family septic systems) have been documented since the 1986 Study. In addition, the Bavarian Inn was closed due to flooding and it is expected that its sanitary system does not have adequate leaching due to the high groundwater/lake level. This property has since been approved for acquisition by Suffolk County. The Phase II program includes a minimum control measure requiring the detection of illicit discharges to surface waters. Townships are implementing stormwater programs to meet this and other measures. Improve the stormwater drainage systems within the immediate lake watershed area. Prevent any future manmade erosion of the lake shoreline. Many changes to recharge and detention basins have been accomplished; final work at the Town of Brookhaven Beach park is complete; the proposed construction of a drainage basin adjacent to the Town of Brookhaven beach has been bid for construction. To date, this study update has not identified the implementation of any specific measures to prevent erosion of the shoreline. Page 4 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Acquire additional properties required to complete the park system. Additional properties were acquired as recommended. The trailer park property, located in the Smithtown part of the lake watershed, is owned by Suffolk County and the majority of units are being removed from the parkland. Prevent any man-made conditions that would increase the flooding problems associated with a rise in lake levels. An opportunity exists related to the diversion of stormwater currently discharged from the Town of Smithtown into the north end of the Great Bog to a different recharge basin (owned by Suffolk County); this opportunity is currently being explored by the Smithtown Town Engineer. The 1986 Study provides an excellent baseline of lake conditions and management recommendations. The implementation of recommendations since 1986 provides incremental benefit to the lake though measurement of benefits is difficult and water quality concerns persist. The next section summarizes current issues for renewed focus and updated management recommendations. Page 5 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 3.0 SUMMARY OF CURRENT ISSUES The water quality of Lake Ronkonkoma and the Great Bog is affected by numerous factors. The 1986 Study identified stormwater runoff, land use, and nuisance wildlife as the largest contributors to pollution in the lake. These factors affecting water quality have not changed dramatically in the past 22 years. Consistent with the 1986 Study, the following factors remain the most critical influences in water quality of Lake Ronkonkoma. 3.1 Stormwater Many of the recommended changes to recharge and detention basins have been accomplished, including several improvements accomplished by Suffolk County. In addition, improvements at the Brookhaven Town Beach have been completed, including a modified parking area with stormwater detention and improved access to the lake. The construction of a drainage basin adjacent to the Town of Brookhaven beach is pending. In addition, NP&V conducted a storm survey following record rainfall events in October 2005 and identified direct stormwater inputs to the lake. In most areas it was reported that stormwater was contained by local recharge basins and catchment devices in the streets. In recent years, both the USEPA and NYSDEC have focused efforts on implementing regulations aimed at controlling pollutants that are discharged in stormwater runoff. These regulations, commonly known as Stormwater Phase II, were established in 2003 and updated in May 2008, and require that general permits for stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) and for construction activities disturbing one or more acres. Under these regulations, construction sites with one or more acre of disturbance are required to obtain permit coverage under the NYSDEC General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities. To qualify for coverage under the permit, an erosion control plan and stormwater pollution prevention plan must be prepared and implemented at the site. Weekly inspections of the erosion control measures and elements of the drainage system installed at the construction sites are also required. The permit is intended to reduce stormwater runoff and sediment from entering surface water bodies during construction activities. The Town of Brookhaven is a regulated MS4 under this program and has developed a Stormwater Management Program in accordance with the NYSDEC regulations. The Stormwater Management Program includes the development of public outreach programs on stormwater impacts, evaluation of best management practices for municipal operations (i.e., road salting, street sweeping, roadway drainage design, etc.), mapping of existing stormwater outfalls and drainage features, and establishing a program for review of construction sites for proper erosion controls and stormwater containment and local implementation of the construction stormwater permits. The changes made according to the NYSDEC General Stormwater Permit requirements are expected to result in reduced stormwater runoff from new construction as well as increased education and outreach efforts related to the impacts of stormwater runoff. The County has implemented a program which involves the installation of curb markers at all County Page 6 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update maintained stormwater drains to alert the public of the direct connection to the lake. More than 400 drains in the Lake Ronkonkoma watershed area are slated for the markers. Suffolk County now has a stormwater education program through Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County as part of the Suffolk County Stormwater Management Program. Further information can be obtained at The County provides educational programs to schools and groups interested in the topic which includes a 20 minute Power Point presentation. A DVD for teachers is also available through this office ( The Town of Brookhaven has also increased public outreach efforts and has conducted a pilot program for the use of stormwater filtration devices. In addition, the Town has improved standard operating procedures for the documentation of maintenance of their stormwater systems including routine clean up and upkeep of stormwater conveyance installations as is reported in their 2006 annual Stormwater report.3 The Town of Brookhaven has also completed the inventory and mapping of all stormwater basins and conveyances of stormwater within the Town’s contributing area. 3.2 Land Use and Zoning Although progress has been made in the areas of land acquisition and stormwater abatement, there are still land use and stormwater challenges. There have been multiple changes in land use (including infill of residential properties) and there remain several inappropriate land uses directly adjacent to the lake system. Figure 3-1 illustrates the recommended land use from the 1986 Study this is also compared with current land use4. The two graphics contained in Figure 3-1 illustrate different land uses in the study area as compared to the recommended land uses from the 1986 Study. This figure shows how new development that has occurred since 1986 varies from the recommendations from 1986 Study. 5 Figure 3-2 illustrates the recommended zoning from the 1986 Study as compared to current zoning classifications. In comparing census information, the 2000 population within the Lake Ronkonkoma drainage area was 13,927 persons, an increase of approximately 100 (0.7%) since 1990. This increase is not as significant as the countywide increase that occurred during this period of 1.2%. The small increase in growth accounts for the increase in developed residential properties in the study area since 1986. Today, very few vacant parcels of land exist which are not owned by public agencies. Figure 3-3 illustrates the public and civic owned properties (generally homeowners 3 The Town of Islip and Town of Smithtown do not mention stormwater minimum control measures specific to the Lake Ronkonkoma watershed area in their 2006 Annual Reports. 4 Land use is identified by the 3-digit tax assessor’s code and labeled with the colors used by the Suffolk County Department of Planning. Some modifications have been made based upon field observations to more accurately reflect current land use. 5 It is noted that the Bavarian Inn property was recognized as a commercial property in 1986, as it is today. However, the property has been recently approved for purchase by the County for public use. It is not known at this time if the County plans to redevelop the site or remove the improvements to create parkland. Page 7 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update association’s access properties) within the watershed area and Figure 3-4 illustrates the publicly and privately owned lakefront properties. The majority of privately owned properties on the lakefront are developed with single family homes or businesses. In a few cases, the properties are vacant and are owned by Homeowner’s Associations to provide lake access. 3.3 Bacterial Monitoring and Wildfowl Populations Wildfowl management and bacteria remain issues of concern with respect to water quality and recreational usage of Lake Ronkonkoma. The Town of Islip Beach was frequently closed to swimming during the summers of 2005 thru 2007. The Town of Brookhaven Beach remained closed for the entirety of 2006 and 2007. It is noted that in 2004, the SCDHS changed the indicator bacteria used for the determination of beach closures. Prior to 2004, SCDHS monitored total coliform (TC) and fecal coliform (FC) as indicators for beach closures. TC are a closely related bacteria and FC are a subgroup of total coliforms which occur in the intestines of warm blooded animals and therefore may be used to indicate an unsafe level of fecal contamination. In 2004, following recommendations from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), SCDHS began monitoring Escherichia coli (commonly known as E. coli), a specific species of FC bacteria, and Enterococci (another group of bacteria unrelated to coliforms but also occurring in the intestines of warm blooded animals). These indicators were found to be better indicators in correlating swimming related gastrointestinal illness as compared with TC or FC. The County noted that this change in procedure may have contributed to more closure days at Lake Ronkonkoma. Regardless of the protocol change, it is expected that the Town beaches would still have experienced a high rate of closure due to the presence of a large population of resident Canada Geese. The resident Canada Geese population has greatly increased in recent years, resulting in problems with water quality and aesthetics. The Town of Brookhaven Beach has not been opened for swimming since 2005 due to the high bacterial levels associated with the fecal matter from the waterfowl population. As the geese largely congregate just above the lake’s waterline, the addition of stormwater drainage infrastructure does not solve the waterfowl problem. There is a need to control the resident Canada Geese population and discourage nesting in the lake system area. Civic organizations have attempted to dissuade the resident geese population through humane means (such as the use of dogs and egg oiling) and have had some success; although not enough to solve the problem. It is important to note that resident Canada Geese have up to a 20-year lifespan and generally return to the area of their original nesting site to nest on a yearly basis. Therefore, control of this population will require a long term, consistent program. Page 8 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 3.4 Shoreline Erosion The lake shoreline continues to be subject to erosion in several areas, particularly along Lake Shore Road on the east side of the lake. In addition, since the initiation of this study, the lake level has been unnaturally high, which is expected to result in further deterioration of the shoreline in areas where the water level has not typically reached the embankment such as on the west side of the lake. Unfortunately, due to a lack of baseline survey information, there is no way to assess the degree of erosion that has occurred since the 1986 Study. The Town may wish to conduct a survey of the properties along the lake to monitor change in the future. 3.5 Lake Level & Flooding Flooding affects the quality of life for area residents, particularly those residences located east of the Great Bog. In addition, the water quality of the lake may be affected by flooding as a result of sanitary systems and transport of loose material on the roads and lawns to the lake without filtering or uptake of nutrients (i.e. pet waste, sanitary systems, fertilizers, etc.). The water level of the lake is a function of both rainfall and groundwater elevation. The conditions in the past three years illustrate how high quantities of precipitation and high groundwater results in elevated lake levels and flooding problems. Homes and business located on the north and northeast portion of the lake/bog system and especially those within the primary drainage area (see yellow boundary on Figure 1-3) can be expected to have basement flooding problems during times of high groundwater levels. High groundwater and resultant flooding in this area corresponds to high rainfall during winter months (Steenhuis, T.S. et al., 1985). Some homes built during times of low groundwater levels (the mid-1960s drought) have also had problems with basement flooding. This condition was also reported in the 1986 Study, which specifically notes that during a drought in the 1960’s, inappropriate development occurred in areas with normally high groundwater. These homes are now experiencing flooding problems, some that are so problematic to make the home uninhabitable (and in one case leading to purchase of a home on Charles Court by the County of Suffolk). The 1986 Study indicated previous plans for dealing with the extraordinarily high lake level, including the diversion of stormwater from Smithtown to other recharge areas and other more expensive measures such as pumping to the Connetquot River. However, following the publication of the 1986 Study, the lake level receded and the need for such remedies was no longer considered a priority for governmental organizations, particularly in view of the cost and engineering logistics of these solutions. 3.5.1 Sources of Water to the Lake System Precipitation, stormwater runoff and groundwater inflow are source of water to the lake and bob. In addition to rainfall falling within the drainage area of the lake system, the Great Bog Page 9 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update also receives a volume of water from outside the natural drainage area. The Town of Smithtown has three recharge basins to the north of the lake system (on Nichols Road, Cornelia Lane and Browns Road)6, which would otherwise be outside of the drainage area of the lake and bog. The Town of Smithtown recharge basins do not percolate, and since the 1970s, the Town has pumped water from this area into the Great Bog. The following graphic illustration was included in the 1986 Study and illustrates sources of water to Lake Ronkonkoma, including the pumped volumes from the abovementioned recharge basins. Another factor in area flooding problems is the presence of a clay layer – known as the “Smithtown Clay” (Krulikas, R.K. and Koszalka, E.J., 1983) located within the upper glacial water table aquifer. Its presence slows the infiltration of groundwater to the aquifers below and slows the recharge of stormwater runoff in recharge basins and can contribute to localized high water table values during years of high rainfall. Since 2005, the lake levels have been high, which is consistent with the unusually high groundwater elevation and the high levels that have occurred in the past, including in 1979 and 1984. Flooding from high groundwater elevations is a problem that is pervasive in areas with shallow depth to groundwater across the island; however, it is exacerbated in this area by the presence of the Smithtown Clay. The following graphic illustrates areas in the vicinity of Lake Ronkonkoma which have a similar ground elevation (depicted in various color shades); this figure was constructed using GIS and the USGS Digital Elevation Model for the area. The water surface of Lake Ronkonkoma is approximately 17 meters (55.8’) above mean sea level. 6 These three recharge basins are interconnected by a system of gravity piping and discharge via a pump station and force main into the Great Bog. It is noted that this graphic illustrates the general groundwater contributory area from the 1986 Study. Page 10 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Lake Ronkonkoma The following graphic illustration includes an overlay of the year 2000 water table map on the above topographic elevation map. The data points indicate the groundwater elevations used to create the water table contour map. It is noted that the nearest groundwater elevation to the lake (circled) is depicted to be 50.5’ or 15.4 meters. Lake Ronkonkoma Finally, the following graphic illustration has been prepared to indicate locations where the ground surface elevation and the top of the water table are within 10 feet (about 3 meters) of Page 11 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update each other and would therefore be subject to flooding in a period when the groundwater table is high. Lake Ronkonkoma Areas in pink are expected to have problems with water drainage in times of high groundwater levels. The areas of high groundwater and potential flooding cover a large area surrounding the lake and in low elevation/high groundwater areas proximate to the lake. This information is useful to identify areas of concern for potential mitigation and also to identify areas where further development should be precluded. Page 12 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 4.0 4.1 CURRENT CONDITIONS & ANALYSIS Sources of Information GIS databases were collected from the three townships (Brookhaven, Islip and Smithtown), Suffolk County Real Property and Suffolk County Department of Public Works. These databases are comprised of shapefiles and personal geodatabases, both consistent with ESRI’s ARCGIS 9.2 program. GIS shapefiles have been created for the Village of Lake Grove by NP&V for parts of the Village within the study area and for spatially based features to include in the analysis contained herein. Water quality data was collected from various agencies and from public sources, including a SUNY professor (Dr. Christopher Gobler) who completed a report on levels of cyanotoxins in Suffolk County lakes in 2007. Significant input was received through contact with personnel at many agencies including the Town of Brookhaven, USGS, Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYSDEC and SCDHS and SCDPW, as well as through contact with local organizations and elected officials. 4.2 Watershed Area The study area was determined to be the area where stormwater runoff could, within reason, directly discharge to the lake7. The surface water drainage area for Lake Ronkonkoma is generally the area surrounding the lake that is delineated by topography, i.e. lands that slope towards Lake Ronkonkoma. The study area was created using USGS digital topographic data (USGS digital elevation models, or DEMs) and modified to include some areas where infrastructure has been established which redirects stormwater to the lake that would not otherwise drain into the lake. Figure 4-1 illustrates the local topography which generally defines the study area; Figure 4-2 illustrates the topography with a hill shading effect applied which gives a visually enhanced illustration of the topography near the lake. It is noted that many areas within the overall Lake Ronkonkoma drainage area have stormwater runoff which drains to recharge basins or local ponds rather than directly into the lake. Sub drainage areas were also delineated by digital hydrologic analysis using GIS and the DEMs for this area.8 It was recognized that some of the watershed area designated by the 1986 7 Suffolk County Real Property department has GIS data for every tax parcel in the county. A license agreement was obtained from Suffolk County Real Property and GIS parcel databases were obtained from the three townships (Brookhaven, Islip and Smithtown) as well as from the SCDPW. These data are comprised of shapefiles and personal geodatabases, all files recognized by ESRI’s ARCGIS 9.1 software. Additional GIS shapefiles were created for the Village of Lake Grove within the study area. In addition, shapefiles for spatially based features were created by NP&V as part of this study for use in the analysis. 8 The GIS software used for this analysis was ESRI’s ArcView, along with the hydrology extension for ArcView Spatial Analyst ( This software uses the discretized surface of the earth along with the elevation estimate for each discretized unit to delineate watersheds (drainage areas) and their discharge locations (pour points). Page 13 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Study would not naturally drain into the lake (when strictly using the criteria of elevation to determine the watershed areas). That is because man-made structures (like roadway drainage systems) can alter the true watershed area; as a result, the study area was altered to include these areas. For the purpose of this study, the drainage area encompasses the entire 1986 watershed area as well as the additional drainage area identified using the USGS DEMs. In addition, a primary drainage area is defined, which encompasses the area with similar elevations as the water level of the lake and bog. This primary drainage area is illustrated on Figure 1-3 and Figures 4-1 through 4-4 as a single polygon in the center of the study area which include the lake and bog, and surrounding lands. Based upon the results of digital hydrologic modeling, the primary drainage area ranges in elevation from 17 meters to approximately 20 meters (or 56 to 66 feet) above mean sea level. The primary drainage area in general, is the destination for stormwater runoff for the rest of the study area (stormwater runoff that does not infiltrate or become directed to a recharge basin or pond). The land within the primary drainage area is especially critical to the health of the lake; it has a relatively low depth to groundwater thus making infiltration of rainwater less likely and rainfall on these areas is more likely to be directed to the surface water of the lake or bog without the benefit of filtering, and therefore promotes conveyance for pollutants, sediments and debris. The primary and sub drainage areas delineated using the digital elevation model (and edited to include some man-made stormwater infrastructures) are illustrated on Figure 4-3. Stormwater recharge basins and ponds are shown in Figure 4-4, special treatment basins (where stormwater is detained before entering the lake or bog) are shown on Figure 4-5. 4.3 Groundwater The local water table is between 45 feet and 55 feet above mean sea level (USGS, 1983). The topography (from USGS digital elevation model measured in the early 1990s) indicates the lake level for Lake Ronkonkoma to be 17 meters (±56 feet) above mean sea level. There is very little difference between the lake elevation and the water table elevation from these general indicators; Lake Ronkonkoma is a groundwater-connected lake that also receives substantial runoff. As a result, groundwater moves to and from the lake through the lake bottom sediments as a function of the stage of the lake as compared with the water table. The elevation value of 55 feet above mean sea level for an upper glacial well measured by SCDHS in 2004 (S47718) near the lake is also very close to the estimated lake level of 56 feet (above mean sea level). Bathymetry of the lake from 1983 indicates that Lake Ronkonkoma is up to 20 meters (66 feet) deep (in a small area located near the southern end of the lake) and is more typically 4 or more meters deep (≥13 feet deep). This would put the bottom of the lake well into the water table. The 1986 Study assumed groundwater influence on the lake from groundwater upgradient of the lake as is illustrated in the graphic on page 10 (that is, having a higher water table elevation than the area and generally in the direction of the groundwater divide for the upper glacial aquifer) in a triangular pattern. Page 14 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP, CDM, 2003) results indicate that the groundwater flow regimes near the lake are much more complicated than originally assumed. Figure 4-5 illustrates a portion of the capture zones found in the Source Water Assessment Program near Lake Ronkonkoma. This is significant for two reasons: (1) capture zone geometry differs from the even ovals orientated between the groundwater divide and the south shore, the ovals are distorted by the influence of the lake and are more rounded for shorter capture periods (indicating less regional groundwater influence and more capture of recently recharged water); and (2) the capture zone for SCWA’s well #S-77010 (50 years and older) is situated in Lake Ronkonkoma and the bog (indicating that lake water eventually is withdrawn by this public water supply well field).9 In general, the following statements may be made based upon the foregoing data: 1. During high groundwater years, groundwater contributes to the volume of the lake. 2. During low groundwater years, the lake water contributes to the groundwater during periods of precipitation when the lake responds and achieves a higher elevation that the water table. 3. The water quality of the lake effects groundwater quality and visa versa. 4. The lake effects shallow and deep groundwater flow patterns. 5. Some lake water may eventually be withdrawn for water supply purposes as SCWA continues use of Well S-77010 (or installs a proximate well which includes Lake Ronkonkoma in its capture zone). The travel time for water from Lake Ronkonkoma to reach the well is over 50 years. 4.4 Lake Level The lake level is a reflection of the water table and at the time of preparation of this report (2007/2008), the groundwater table was at an all time high10. The USGS has indicated that real-time continuous monitoring could provide a better understanding of the interaction between the lake level and water table elevation. The following summarizes information that currently exists regarding the lake level: • The lake system and entire study area are south of the groundwater divide. • The local water table is in the range of 55’ above msl. The lake level is in the same range. 9 It is noted that there is a caveat to consider when reviewing the SWAP results as the SWAP modeling assumes steady-state conditions. Because the lake and the shallow groundwater are hydraulically connected and the lake is easily influenced by rainfall conditions (and because the study area scale is different then the scale considered for the SWAP modeling), a steady-state condition is not an entirely valid assumption. (Collecting current and historical observations for transient ground water modeling for a study near Lake Ronkonkoma would be required to consider performing a transient groundwater flow model and more data on the Smithtown Clay would also be required). 10 Since the collection of data regarding groundwater began in the 1940s. Page 15 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update • This indicates that the lake is a surface reflection of the water table. However, since the lake receives surface runoff from a large drainage area, during times of high precipitation and high lake levels, the lake is expected to recharge the aquifer. During low lake level periods, the aquifer is the lake level. This groundwater inflow-outflow relationship is a dynamic hydrologic condition. During the period of this study, the lake level was at a historically high elevations. This is a problem that is seen across the island; however, in the case of Lake Ronkonkoma, the condition is exacerbated by the presence of the Smithtown Clay layer. The Smithtown Clay is a layer within the soils observed and documented by Krulikas and Koszalka, 1983 (USGS Water Resources Investigations Report, WRI No. 82-4075, that exists near the land surface and has a lower permeability than the surrounding soils. This inhibits downward infiltration of precipitation and can cause saturated soils above the clay layer (even if soils below the clay layer are unsaturated). Several maps were published by Krulikas and Kozalka including Figures 3 and 4 in the publication, partial reprints of which are presented in the following graphic. Figure 3: Thickness of clay unit Source: Krulikas and Koszalka, 1983 Page 16 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The preceding graphic is Figure 3 – Thickness of clay unit from the Krulikas and Koszalka report. It illustrates equal lines of thickness of the clay unit and the inferred limit of the clay based upon the limited data collected for this purpose. Note: Lake Ronkonkoma is a small circle in the Ronkonkoma terminal moraine located in the center of both figures (arrow added by NP&V). Figure 4: Altitude of top of clay unit Source: Krulikas and Koszalka, 1983 The graphic above is Figure 4 – Altitude of top of clay unit, from the Krulikas and Koszalka report. (Larger scale views of these maps for the areas around Lake Ronkonkoma are included on the following pages). The conclusions that may be reached from these figures with respect to Lake Ronkonkoma are as follows: 1. The clay unit exists beneath at least the north part of Lake Ronkonkoma but is likely to diminish and eventually not exist at the southern end of the lake. 2. The clay may be 50 feet thick or more at the north end of the lake. Page 17 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 3. These maps indicate that there were only 3 data values (borings) near Lake Ronkonkoma used to determine the top of the clay and the thickness of the clay. 4. The land surface elevation around the lake (see Figure 2-1) is generally about 20 meters or 66 feet above msl, which is only slightly greater than the 61 feet listed as the top of clay for the data point nearest the lake. 5. The presence of the clay at the north end of the lake and absence at the south end of the lake may explain why the bog is located at the north end and not the south end of the lake, and why the recharge basin near the Brookhaven Town Park (across the street, and at the south end of the lake) is dry and so many other basins (and ponds) around the lake (generally to the north) contain water year-round. Large Scale Figure 3 (portion) - Thickness of clay unit Source: Krulikas and Koszalka, 1983 Page 18 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Large Scale Figure 4 (portion) - Altitude of top of clay unit Source: Krulikas and Koszalka, 1983 It has been theorized by members of the community that the lake water no longer recharges to groundwater and that the bottom of the lake has over time become silted or otherwise “plugged” and therefore is contributing to flooding. This is likely a misconception which is not supported by data or hydrologic principles. During years when the groundwater elevation is high, the lake level is correspondingly high. During years when groundwater levels are lower, the lake level is lower. This is evidence that the lake is a reflection of the groundwater table. During periods of high precipitation and corresponding runoff within the Lake Ronkonkoma watershed, the lake contributes to the groundwater until there is an equilibrium between the lake and groundwater. The Lake Ronkonkoma task force has requested that funding be provided for core sampling to understand whether siltation of the lake bottom is reducing recharge to groundwater. The more likely conclusion and one supported by hydrologic data and principles is that the lake is not “clogged” and that the flooding in the area is due to high precipitation (particularly during nongrowing seasons), resulting in high groundwater and lake water elevations. It is not a recommendation of this report that funding be provided to collect bottom core samples since this data would not be expected to provide valuable information. While the results may indicate poor soils for leaching, the lake transmits water at all levels dependent upon where the groundwater elevation is at any given time. Rather, continuous monitoring of lake level, Page 19 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update groundwater elevation, volume from Smithtown pumping and precipitation events is required if the lake dynamics are to be completely understood. It is expected that the level of the lake related to precipitation events can only be controlled by reducing the amount of water that enters the lake. This would not remedy high lake elevations caused by regional high groundwater. Expensive and logistically difficult measures such as dewatering of the regional groundwater system are not viewed as viable on their own; however, multiple benefits could potentially be gained by sewering, provided that a suitable discharge location and adequate funding are available. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) are known to reduce groundwater elevations through conveyance of wastewater to a treatment facility which discharges to marine waters or an alternative location with suitable depth to groundwater. An STP for the Lake Ronkonkoma area would result in less nitrogen-bearing discharge to groundwater and would permit greater land use densities to be achieved. Currently, Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) limits land use density to protect groundwater from elevated nitrogen concentrations. A part of the Lake Ronkonkoma community’s vision is increased land use density in the downtown area (to the east of the lake). A regional STP to sewer the Lake Ronkonkoma area would be a monumental public works project requiring governmental commitment from three (3) townships and Suffolk County, a sponsoring entity (most logically Suffolk County) and a very large investment. A feasibility study for such a project could be considered to test viability and to establish preliminary cost projections and engineering solutions. Another approach to relieving high lake levels is to redirect stormwater to recharge basing outside the area of Smithtown Clay. Studies to locate gravel lenses in this area would be expensive, however, if pursued and found, a recharge basin located over a gravel lens would likely succeed in alleviation of flooding and high water levels for a proximate area. 4.5 Smithtown Drainage As noted in Section 3.5.1, the Town of Smithtown diverts stormwater from three recharge basins north of the natural drainage area for the lake system into the Great Bog (these recharge basins do not percolate, and since 1979, the Town has pumped water from these locations into the Great Bog). The water consists of stormwater runoff from Browns Road and other contributing roadways as well as groundwater. While not a significant volume in the context of the entire lake/bog volume, any increase in volume under the current extreme conditions is worth examination. For a relative view of the quantity of water that is pumped into the bog, NP&V evaluated pumping rates provided by the Town of Smithtown, estimated based upon electricity utilized by the pump. While an accurate daily estimate is not possible, it was determined that the highest estimated volume amounts to less than 0.001 of the total volume of the lake. In 2007, the Smithtown Engineering Department had been successful in redirecting a portion of the recharge water to another basin; however, this location is also inside area underlain by Page 20 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update the Smithtown Clay. The pumping from the Town of Smithtown Browns Road basin into the Great Bog is not ideal with respect to the goals for water quality and quantity in the Lake Ronkonkoma system, particularly the wetlands associated with the Great Bog. It is, however, not the major cause of either problem in the Lake. The major cause of flooding is elevated groundwater levels (which also contribute to the amount of pumping needed from the Browns Road basin). The redirection of stormwater effluent into the bog provides a benefit from the standpoint that the bog provides an enhanced filter for treatment of this stormwater, and directing stormwater to the Great Bog also enhances evapotranspiration as a result. This practice may minimize the impact this stormwater has on the water quantity and quality of the lake. The Town of Smithtown should continue to explore opportunities for discharge in areas other than the Great Bog particularly where effective groundwater recharge can be achieved (beyond the Smithtown Clay). 4.6 Water Budget The water budget for Lake Ronkonkoma was discussed in Chapter 5 of the 1986 Study. The analysis contained in the 1986 Study had assumptions about the flux of water between the lake and groundwater, which is difficult to estimate. The lake is a reflection of the groundwater elevation; however, the volume of water in the lake and bog is also dependent upon other factors, including water from precipitation, stormwater runoff, and direct pumping from outside the drainage area (from the Smithtown recharge basin). Components necessary for estimation of a water budget include long term temporal water level measurements as well as groundwater elevation measurements for locations surrounding the lake and bog. It is noted that Suffolk County wells installed for the 1986 Study were abandoned following the original study and no water level information is available between 1986 and the present to allow for an update of the water budget. Change in water “storage” in the lake was assumed to be zero in the 1986 Study. Although there are no measurements of the lake level available, anecdotal evidence indicates that the lake level rose about six feet between October 2005 and October 2006. Since the surface area of the lake is approximately 237 acres, and assuming the lake doesn’t increase in surface area with a rise of elevation (a simplification for comparative purposes), additional storage in the lake computes to be approximately 460 million gallons. Since the 1986 report assumed the total volume of the lake to be 1,060 million gallons (approximately 1.1 billion gallons), this anecdotally observed rise in lake level is equivalent to 43% of the total lake storage. The assumption of no change in storage for Lake Ronkonkoma is not valid for the time span of October 2005 to October 2006. This emphasizes the recommendation that regular measurements of the lake level are needed. Since Lake Ronkonkoma and the Great Bog are an interconnected system (with no surface water inflow or outflow), water level measurements within the bog would also be useful (possibly near the Browns Road location where the diverted stormwater runoff enters the bog). Page 21 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 4.7 Precipitation Precipitation determines the elevation of Lake Ronkonkoma as a function of water table elevations and stormwater runoff which enters the lake. The BNL weather station at Upton, NY is the nearest official weather station to Lake Ronkonkoma with long-term monitoring data. The following table provides precipitation in inches per month from 1949 to 2007. TABLE 4-1 LONG-TERM MONTHLY PRECIPITATION Year 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Jan 5.55 2.8 3.75 7.1 6.73 2.74 0.62 3.52 2.36 7.96 2.6 3.59 3.56 4.38 3.27 5.89 4.88 4.57 1.65 3 1.04 0.81 2.95 2.41 4.44 4.96 6.5 5.98 3.09 10.72 13.01 2.02 1.15 7.2 4.07 2.87 1.07 3.96 6.74 3.59 2.23 5.24 4.41 2.4 2.47 5.78 2.93 5.22 3.82 7.01 8.85 3.75 3.28 3.07 2.48 2.15 3.32 5.52 4.32 Feb 4.71 4.28 4.99 3.54 4.16 2.18 3.26 6.32 2.53 4.58 2.06 5.48 4.1 5.77 3.88 4.76 3.03 5.18 3.98 2.21 4.03 4.37 6.45 6.12 4.36 2.82 4.06 3.57 2.46 2.6 5.27 1.18 5.16 2.9 4.36 6.38 1.82 3.46 1.21 4.81 4.09 2.92 1.86 2.18 4.1 4.04 3.74 3.51 2.64 5.66 4.81 2.58 2.63 1.16 5.74 3.14 2.1 2.87 2.00 Mar 2.88 3.98 5.02 5.44 10.36 4.21 4.79 5.47 3.2 6.65 6.71 3.38 4.6 3.63 4.27 3.56 2.74 1.73 8.18 7.54 3.62 5.44 3.55 5.4 4.38 5.06 4.27 3.3 5.47 3.33 3.53 7.2 1.8 3.38 8.68 6.92 2.62 3.17 5.95 4.22 5.2 2.14 5.45 3.34 7.11 6.55 1.53 3.58 5.1 8.08 5.32 5.49 10.37 5.05 5.99 3.47 2.47 0.89 5.58 Apr 3.63 2.41 3.42 3.61 5.59 5.36 4.28 2.97 4.44 6.34 3.93 3.27 5.7 3.31 2.56 8.37 4.2 2.13 4.14 2 5.15 4.57 3.3 4.53 7.77 3.49 3.89 2.27 4.28 2.39 4.96 6.16 4.59 5.44 11.1 5.41 1.56 2.35 4.32 2.17 4.66 4.96 4.3 1.78 3.81 2.26 2.52 6.4 4.21 6.55 2.35 6.29 2.03 4.58 5.11 4.94 2.53 7.17 6.87 May 3.32 5.23 3.68 7.64 3.34 4.08 0.95 2.63 1.46 5.81 1.75 2.54 6.17 1.12 3.08 0.63 1.63 6.55 7.98 4.95 2.44 3.44 3.8 6.1 5.46 3.13 3.45 3.89 2.04 6.47 4.09 1.52 2.17 1.71 4.22 8.08 4.87 1.09 1.83 2.58 10.47 6.52 2.78 3.05 1.71 2.93 2.79 3.39 2.67 8.58 2.41 4.28 4.22 4.48 6.07 2.59 2.36 6.73 2.06 Jun Trace 2.72 2.64 2.78 1.66 1.69 2.53 3 0.42 2.28 5.35 2.13 2.3 3.55 5.51 1.41 1.69 1.4 5.3 4.24 2.06 1.77 0.92 7.3 3.25 2.5 5.37 3.27 4.31 0.81 2.15 3.6 3.14 12.9 2.63 6.68 6.38 1.66 1.86 1.43 7.24 3.95 1.87 4.9 1.37 0.51 3.12 4.41 2.16 8.43 1.04 5.18 6.46 4.37 12.3 1.34 1.48 6.73 3.18 Jul 3.07 3.22 2.08 1 2.76 0.94 1.65 5.79 2.84 3.42 6.85 6.03 5.61 1.64 2.65 4.4 3.43 1.12 6.01 0.5 8.62 3.1 5.03 1.03 4.45 0.81 3.33 4.32 1.51 4.63 0.61 1.92 2.69 1.77 4.2 7.06 2.3 5.02 1.48 3.93 5.84 2.64 2.11 4.76 1.84 0.91 1.78 4.94 2.21 0.94 2.12 8.37 3.47 1.37 2.38 3.05 2.16 5.73 7.58 Aug 5.21 4.26 4.5 7.61 2.4 12 9.04 1.5 4.25 5.37 3.72 1.79 4.23 7.64 2.1 1.16 5.15 3.23 5.43 3.1 5.51 6.08 3.86 1.29 3.11 2.55 2.01 7.57 5.49 5.22 7.76 1.56 0.96 3.45 4.48 1.02 4.89 5.69 4.38 1.36 9.17 6.75 9.19 5.61 1.61 5.04 0.54 2.68 3.33 3.68 8.71 3.38 4.68 3.94 5.19 4.3 0.87 6.44 2.78 Sep 3.49 1.38 1.06 1.35 0.9 10.5 3.96 3.64 3.57 4.24 1.36 7.49 6.23 4.07 3.66 3.02 1.51 6.53 2.24 2.08 3.6 2.42 2.12 3.08 2.51 5.1 5.58 2.07 5.73 4.26 3.2 0.98 5.17 1.4 2.09 4.16 1.54 0.86 4.05 3.52 4.45 3.04 4.45 3.51 4.36 4.41 4.91 6.08 1.27 2.5 5.9 6.86 4.04 5.84 5.22 5.14 1.09 3.21 1.69 Oct 1.7 1.7 5.5 0.3 3.2 2.4 11 3 3.9 7.4 3.1 3.9 3.1 4.6 0.2 4.3 2.2 4.5 2.1 3 3.7 1.4 3.4 7.6 2.8 2.7 3.6 5.4 6.1 4.1 4.6 3.6 4.5 2.1 3.7 3.2 1.5 2.3 2.2 3.9 8.9 7.2 2.6 1.1 4.7 1.1 6 8.2 2.6 1.9 4.8 0.3 1 6.4 4.8 1.6 22 7.22 1.71 Nov 2.96 4.34 6.01 3.56 5.03 5.42 7.19 4.63 4.41 2.88 4.46 2.62 2.89 5.04 6.89 3.07 1.83 2.89 4 8.09 4.48 6.52 6.86 7.51 2.22 1.94 5.89 0.54 6.39 2.79 3.95 4.2 3.16 3.87 8.68 2.4 6.85 6.72 3.55 9.05 5.16 1.78 1.8 5.96 3.72 6.34 5.83 3.11 5.42 2.05 2.58 3.79 0.74 6.18 3.63 2.16 5 6.61 3.31 Dec 3.36 4.36 6.17 4.45 6.43 6.39 0.82 6.03 8.45 2.68 5.12 4.31 3.7 2.83 2.78 6.63 2.11 4.15 7.6 8.22 7.83 3.73 2.57 6.22 8 6.78 4.92 2.96 6.93 6.12 3.02 1.06 5.55 2.38 5.67 2.98 1.1 7.5 3.2 2.52 1.25 5.9 4.3 6.6 6.11 4.3 3.74 8.66 4.66 1.22 2.85 4.09 2.59 5.63 4.22 1.96 4.6 2.47 4.25 Total 36.56 36.31 42.63 43.94 46.1 51.51 49.7 42.42 33.34 56.92 41.92 42.26 48.45 44.77 38.05 40.56 32.24 39.78 51.02 40.72 44.24 39.93 42.25 52.41 44.74 35.02 47.96 42.2 46.89 47.33 53.1 33.93 34.48 46.04 58.17 54.18 35.43 36.23 37.59 40.53 67.41 47.11 40.83 38.56 36.79 39.86 35.66 51.56 35.38 55.39 48.87 50.28 45.55 52.07 63.11 35.86 50.12 61.59 45.33 Source: Page 22 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 67.41 CHART 4-1 TOTAL PRECIPITATION BY YEAR (1949-2006) 35.86 45.33 50.12 55.39 48.87 50.28 45.55 52.07 51.56 47.11 40.83 38.56 36.79 39.86 35.66 35.38 54.18 33.93 34.48 35.43 36.23 37.59 40.53 46.04 46.89 47.33 42.2 47.96 53.1 52.41 44.74 40.72 44.24 39.93 42.25 39.78 38.05 40.56 44.77 41.92 42.26 42.42 48.45 51.51 49.7 51.02 56.92 35.02 35 32.24 40 33.34 45 42.63 43.94 46.1 55 36.56 36.31 Precipitation (inches/year) 60 50 58.17 65 61.59 63.11 70 19 4 19 9 51 19 5 19 3 55 19 5 19 7 5 19 9 6 19 1 6 19 3 65 19 6 19 7 69 19 7 19 1 7 19 3 75 19 7 19 7 79 19 8 19 1 8 19 3 8 19 5 8 19 7 89 19 9 19 1 93 19 9 19 5 9 19 7 99 20 0 20 1 03 20 0 20 5 07 30 Table 4-2 provides a summary of various data from the available long-term data. The long-term average annual precipitation value is 48.72 inches per year. TABLE 4-2 SUMMARY OF PRECIPITATION DATA SINCE 1949 BY MONTH Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 4.16 3.77 4.80 4.32 3.85 3.56 3.34 Average 13.01 6.45 10.37 11.09 10.47 12.85 8.62 Maximum 0.62 1.16 1.56 0.63 0.42 0.50 Minimum 0.89 Source: BNL weather Aug 4.40 11.98 0.54 Sep 3.62 10.47 0.86 Oct 4.03 22.14 0.18 Nov 4.43 9.05 0.54 Dec 4.53 8.66 0.82 Total 48.72 68.66 34.35 The above tables and chart illustrate the range of precipitation volume by year as well as between consecutive months. The storm that occurred between October 13 and October 19 2005 (with the heaviest rainfall on October 15) was the largest storm ever recorded at Upton, NY.11 The total rainfall that occurred for the month of October 2005 was by far the most precipitation observed for any month since 1949. 11 "October 2005 was by far the wettest month in the last 58 years that the Lab has been keeping weather statistics, with almost double the amount of rain recorded in any October, and easily beating the previous monthly 13.01 inches of record rain in January 1979,” said Victor Cassella, a Brookhaven Lab meteorologist. “We received 17.23 inches of rain in five consecutive days, from October 10 to 15, with 9 inches on October 14”. (Source: BNL Website). Page 23 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 4.8 Stormwater Runoff This report provides an updated assessment of watersheds and sub-drainage areas and includes pollutant load analysis for Lake Ronkonkoma. Sub-drainage areas were calculated by digital hydrologic analysis using GIS and the available DEMs for this area. The GIS software used for this analysis was ESRI’s ArcView, along with the hydrology extension for ArcView Spatial Analyst.12 This software uses the discretized surface of the earth along with the elevation estimate for each discretized unit to delineate watersheds (drainage areas) and their discharge locations (pour points). For this study, some of the watershed area designated by the 1986 Study did not drain into the lake (when strictly using the criteria of elevation to determine the watershed areas). Because man-made structures (like roadway drainage systems) can alter the true watershed area, the study area (drainage area for the purpose of this study) was altered to include all of the 1986 watershed area as well as the drainage area calculated from digital elevation models. Review of Figure 4-1 indicates that the lake and the Great Bog area to the north (as well as a few small ponds) are all within one large polygon in the center of the study area. For the purpose of this study, this area has been referred to as the primary drainage area. The primary drainage area is the lower elevation area proximate to the lake as determined by the results of the digital hydrologic modeling that designates the watersheds. This area ranges in elevation from 17 meters to about 20 meters above mean sea level and is the area that is, in general, the destination for stormwater runoff for the rest of the study area (stormwater runoff that does not infiltrate or become directed to a recharge basin or pond). The land within the primary drainage area is especially critical to the health of the lake. The land is lower lying and therefore there is a shallow depth to groundwater (thus reducing opportunities for subsurface infiltration of rainwater). Precipitation falling on these areas is more likely to become surface water within the lake or wetlands of the bog, and may act as a conveyance mechanism for pollutants, sediments and debris in its path. The primary drainage area and sub-drainage areas were delineated using the digital elevation model (and edited to include some man-made stormwater infrastructures) are illustrated in Figure 4-3. Stormwater recharge basins and ponds are shown in Figure 4-4 along with special treatment basins (where stormwater is detained before entering the lake or bog) and mapped drainage structures. Appendix A provides the results of a stormwater runoff/pollutant loading analysis for the primary drainage area performed by NP&V utilizing a parcel based methodology which 12 See for more information. Page 24 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update assigns pollutant load values based upon general land use categories. This methodology is consistent with work performed by SCDHS for the Peconic Estuary Program (PEP) and the North Shore Embayments Watershed Management Plan as an update to the Long Island Sound Study (LISS). Stormwater from the primary drainage area is the primary determining factor for lake water quality as it is less likely to be effectively recharged. It is noted that limited portions of the area have runoff directed to treatment basins (that detain stormwater runoff and allow for biological filtration by wetlands plants before the water reaches the lake); however, the model assumes limited filtration by stormwater best management practices for runoff within this area. The pollutant load model results estimate the possible volume and types of pollutants resulting from stormwater generated in the primary drainage area. 4.9 Stormwater Runoff Basin Descriptions The Lake Ronkonkoma watershed includes a variety of existing stormwater detention facilities. Figure 4-4 illustrates the locations of stormwater receiving and treatment areas in the study area. This figure depicts six types of stormwater handling systems which are described as follows: 1. Dry recharge basins which divert all stormwater they receive into recharge. 2. Wet recharge basins which divert some stormwater into recharge, but may not be able to recharge all the stormwater they receive during large rainfall events and are subject to longer periods of inundation and potentially to overflow. 3. Dry or wet recharge basins which can be either wet or dry depending on recent weather. 4. Treatment basins are areas near the lake that receive stormwater runoff and hold it before discharging it to the lake (or the bog). This delay in reaching the lake allows for natural attenuation of nonpoint source pollutants and settling of sediment before stormwater reaches the lake. 5. Ponds in the area mostly are connected to the lake through shallow groundwater, but any pond can have some stormwater diverted to it. None of the ponds identified have any evidence of direct discharge to the lake or bog. 6. The Great Bog operates as a large treatment system, detaining stormwater and allowing for treatment/biological uptake. The 1986 Study noted that it is possible for large rainfall events to cause a flush of water to move through the bog and into the lake taking with it sediment runoff and decomposition products. Since the 1986 Study, improvements to Smithtown Boulevard and Lake Shore Road limit the amount of water that may move from the bog into the lake. The maximum amount of flow between the bog and the lake has never been measured, but observations during the largest Page 25 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update measured rainfall event since the road improvements (10/15/05) did not indicate any water flowing over Smithtown Boulevard; however, Shore Road within the County Park along the lake’s northern edge was almost completely submerged at that time. Control of stormwater runoff using stormwater handling systems was a major recommendation of the 1986 Study. Many recommendations have been implemented as discussed in Section 2.0 of this report. The completion of construction of a new retention basin proposed opposite the Town of Brookhaven Beach (Lake Shore Road at the southern end of the lake) is the largest single opportunity that is still pending related to stormwater improvements. This basin would receive stormwater from a large drainage area where little storage is provided and would provide significant improvements with regard to nonpoint source pollution to the lake. Another key opportunity is the continued housekeeping and maintenance of existing recharge and treatment basins. Preventing stormwater culverts from clogging by keeping up with street sweeping and removal of yard waste is a key prevention measure for removing potential pollutants before they reach the surface water of the lake. Sediment and solids removal from catch basins and initial settling structures is also a critical maintenance practice. Keeping recharge and treatment basins operating as designed is an important practice that goes a long way towards improving and maintaining water quality in the lake. 4.10 Resident Canada Geese Water quality of Lake Ronkonkoma has suffered impacts from the resident Canada Goose population in the areas surrounding the lake. In addition, this factor affects the quality of life for residents, since the Town beaches have been closed for bathing for three years due to bacteriological inputs from goose waste. The following provides a summary of the problem and potential solutions. The increase in bacterial levels, primarily blamed on resident geese, has resulted in the closure of the public beaches at Lake Ronkonkoma since 2003. Bacteriological testing is performed to determine whether it is safe to swim from a human health perspective. The bacteria tested for in water does not in itself cause human illness, however, the presence of certain bacteria provides an indication of fecal contamination, which may in turn indicate the presence of illness causing pathogens13. The County adopted new bacterial standards in June 2004 and now tests for E. coli/Enterococci, instead of the formerly used fecal and total coliform tests. Both are bacterial indicators which occur in the intestinal track of warm blooded animals. The EPA has found better correlation between swimming-associated gastrointestinal illness and Enterococci in fresh waters. Beach closures are considered when two successive results exceed the single sample criteria of 61 colonies per 100 ml or when the log-average of all 13 It is noted that it is impractical to test for pathogens, since the tests are not as simple as testing for bacteriological indicators. Also, there is an immeasurable number of pathogens and the presence of one pathogen does not provide any indication of the presence of others, therefore it would be impossible to test for all pathogens. Page 26 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update samples collected in a 30 day period exceeds the multiple sample criteria of 33 colony forming units (cfu)/100 milliliters (ml). The Town of Brookhaven Beach was never opened for swimming between 2003 and 2007 due to the continual presence of geese and resultant high bacteria at the waterfront. The Town of Islip Beach experienced a greater number of closure days in 2005 than during its entire history (before that, the greatest number of closures was 21 days in 1996). Local Initiatives Based upon an interview with the president of the local chamber organization, NP&V learned of several management strategies which have been attempted in recent years to control the goose population with limited success. The Chamber has employed a firm to conduct hazing using border collies. In addition, a beach raking program was implemented to remove the goose droppings. The combination of hazing and the beach raking was noted to improve the quality of the beach dramatically; however, there was no coordinated data from the SCDHS to determine whether it would have resulted in improvements in water quality to allow beaches to reopen. Suffolk County and The Nature Conservancy have assembled volunteers to conduct an egg oiling program at Lake Ronkonkoma in previous years under a federal depredation permit from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USF&WS). However, egg oiling was not conducted in 2007 due to lack of coordinated efforts. It is noted that volunteer programs are difficult to maintain over time without diligent coordination, especially programs which require a high level of intricately timed involvement on an annual basis. It is noted that the strategies that have been implemented by the community represent a gallant effort to protect the resource while being sensitive to the wildlife. NP&V has received Geese Peace training and consulted other studies (Smith et al. 1999, Shinn et al. 2001) regarding geese management. The consensus is that more than one strategy is necessary for the stabilization of resident geese populations. It is imperative to understand that resident Canada geese have a 20 year life cycle and instinctively return to their general area of birth each year to mate and nest. Therefore, ultimate control of this population will require a long term consistent program that involves integrated strategies. A successful program requires an organization to take the lead on coordinating implementation each year. For Lake Ronkonkoma, it is recommended that a grant-funded wildlife management plan, which incorporates humane techniques (such as Geese Peace), be prepared for control of the resident geese and implemented by a local organization to ensure that the management is performed consistently and with measurable results. Geese Peace programs have been successfully implemented throughout Nassau County which is in its third year of conducting population stabilization techniques. Given the established nest sites surrounding Lake Ronkonkoma and the nesting behavior of resident geese, an egg oiling program appears to be critical for humane and successful long- Page 27 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update term population stabilization. Additional strategies conducted throughout the year are recommended to supplement the annual egg-oiling each spring to optimize the success of the program. Based on the extent of the current nesting population, type of habitat surrounding Lake Ronkonkoma, and residential land uses which surround the lake, the Geese Peace population stabilization program is specifically recommended for Lake Ronkonkoma14. This program entails the following integrated strategies: Population Stabilization Egg oiling by trained volunteers or staff helps control the resident geese population humanely. Also, when there are no goslings the parents and rest of the flock have no need to stay at the nesting site. Site registration with USF&WS is required. Exclusion Trained Border collies chash the geese away from areas that are unsuitable (e.g. beaches). The geese learn that those areas are unsafe and they move to forage areas and ponds where they are not a nuisance. NYSDEC Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit required. Foraging Areas Areas are provided where geese are tolerated and a small population of resident geese can be sustained without creating a nuisance. Landscaping Plantings and tall grasses, strategically placed around the lake, will provide a perceived hiding place for predators and will interrupt the connection between the lake and upland. This reinforces the effectiveness of the use of Border collies. No Feeding Policy Feeding geese can be harmful to the animals’ health and encourages geese to stay and concentrate in areas where they may become a nuisance. Friendly reminder signs can be posted in recreation areas along Lake Ronkonkoma to educate the public on why it is important to NOT feed the ducks and geese. Repellents Nontoxic chemical repellents (which give geese a “stomach ache’) and discourage geese from eating grass. Integrated Strategies A combination of egg oiling, Border collies, landscaping and chemical repellents will keep geese away and create an environment unattractive to geese. 14 The Geese Peace method and egg-oiling protocol are endorsed by the American Human Society and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Page 28 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Prior to 2007, a federal Depredation Permit from the USF&WS was required to conduct resident Canada geese population stabilization involving the addling of eggs (e.g. oiling, shaking, or other disturbance). However, federal permits are no longer required in most states, including New York, and the USF&WS now only requires registration of sites where goose nests will be managed (Depredation Permits are still available in states where registration is not allowed). This process was made even simpler in 2008, when the ability for individuals and organized groups to register sites on-line became available ( Municipalities are still able to obtain an areawide permit, and are also able to register on-line, as long as there is written documentation of owner’s consent for privately owned lands within the nest management area. Common properties can also be registered by Home Owner’s Associations or other community associations. USF&WS registration of nest management allows for the depredation of resident Canada Geese nest and egg destruction. Adult birds must never be touched, goslings must never be removed, and trespassing on private lands without owner’s consent is not allowed. The Geese Peace method fits under the USF&WS registration requirements and protocol for egg oiling. The only distinctions are that the Geese Peace method does not allow for destruction of nests and it requires that eggs must be oiled within two weeks of incubation (prior to the formation of an air sac), whereas the USF&WS protocol allows the egg to be addled anytime during incubation. In 2006, the federal government issued a final rule allowing for expanded hunting methods and hunting seasons for resident Canada Geese under a state hunting license. With state authorization, municipalities can perform a round-up of resident geese (which involves capturing and destroying the birds). However, the hunting and round-up of resident geese in urban areas is a short-sighted solution, whereas routine and methodical geese population stabilization techniques are better accepted by the general public and provide a long-term solution for making areas unattractive to resident geese. A formal management plan should be prepared and implemented to reduce the number of resident Canada geese in Lake Ronkonkoma and should include recommendations related to funding the coordination and implementation of humane stabilization methods. The program should be monitored and the success of the program documented with modifications to the plan made if needed. The plan should provide for measurable goals including deadlines for implementation of more stringent measures if more moderate strategies are not successful. Control of the Resident Geese at Lake Ronkonkoma is critical to improving water quality and ensuring that the residents may safely enjoy the Town Beaches in Brookhaven and Islip. Page 29 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 4.11 Land Use Figure 3-1 is used to compare the Recommended Land Use Map from the 1986 Study to the present land use15. The two figures have different areas shown and utilize similar legend colors. Several properties designated as open space in the 1986 figure are now owned by public entities and are thus designated as open space in the updated figure. Land use has changed, but not dramatically since much of the study area was already developed in 1986. In comparing census information, the 2000 population within the Lake Ronkonkoma drainage area was 13,927 persons which is 100 more than in 1990 or a 0.7% increase. This increase is not as significant as the countywide increase that occurred during this period of 1.2%. The limited change in land use in association with the small population increase seems to illustrate that the period of heavy development for the area has passed. Very little vacant buildable land exists in the study area which is not owned by public agencies. Census data indicates that very little population change has occurred between 1990 and 2000, while significant changes occurred during the time frames of 1980-1990 and 1970-1980. The concept of a recreational trail surrounding the lake has been raised during meetings with the task force. Land use and ownership of lands adjacent to the lake is a clear inquiry necessary to determine the feasibility of such a project. Figure 3-4 has been provided to illustrate the public (in some cases presumed) and private properties located adjacent to the lake. The lake provides a recreational resource which merits public access, which can be limited by private ownership. The ownership figure indicates that the areas of private ownership directly adjacent to the lake are actually fairly limited, which provides a potential opportunity for a lakeside walk that loops the entire lake. It is expected that the walk would be a combination of trail, boardwalk and in some areas road “detours”. The Bavarian Inn, which is closed due to the flooding as a result of the lake level was recently approved for acquisition by Suffolk County. The reutilization of this parcel should consider planning for a future lake loop trail as discussed above. 4.12 Zoning The 1986 Study made several recommendations with respect to zoning, primarily to reduce the potential for increased density of residential use. Although zoning classifications in the three towns and one village differ, the legend in Figure 32 reflects the common zoning areas grouped by general use and lot size (low and medium density) as was prepared for the 1986 Study. A comparison of the proposed zoning map from the 1986 Study and Figure 3-2 reveals that a number of changes were made in accordance with 15 Land use is identified by the 3-digit NYS Real Property Assessment code and labeled using the same colors used by Suffolk County Department of Land Planning in the 1986 Study. Land use data was provided in 2005 which contained some outdated information; the land use field was updated based upon field observations as feasible. Page 30 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update the recommendations. In Smithtown Township, the recommendation included “up zoning” of vacant parcels zoned for high density residential use in a high water table area. In one case, a parcel recommended for upzoning has since been developed with multi-family housing. Other recommendations involved proposed rezoning of commercial use properties to medium density residential; in addition, the 1986 Study recommended upzoning of undeveloped areas that were experiencing flooding. In this case, the Town of Smithtown chose to rezone those properties to CF (Community Facility), whose permitted uses include single family homes which require a minimum parcel size of 5 acres. It is noted that one 5 acre private property adjacent to the Great Bog in this zoning district was acquired by Suffolk County in 2006. In Islip Township, zoning amendments resulted in replacing commercial land adjacent to the lake to AA (medium density residential zoning), consistent with the surrounding parcels. In the Town of Brookhaven, zone changes were implemented consistent with the recommendations of the 1986 Study. The lands adjacent to the lake are no longer commercially zoned. A portion of the residential land was up zoned to require a minimum lot size of 22,500 SF (considered low density for the purpose of this study). In some cases, where the 1986 Study recommended up zoning to medium density, the Town of Brookhaven exceeded the recommendation by zoning to a low density residential zone. Page 31 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 5.0 RELEVANT PROGRAMS AND STUDIES Chapter 3 of the 1986 Study included a description of past and present governmental activities and programs affecting the lake and the surrounding community. SCDHS engaged in several monitoring programs at the time of the original study which are described as follows: 1. Groundwater Monitoring Wells: Using 10 existing wells (four upgradient and six down gradient) plus five additional upgradient wells installed for the study, the SCDHS monitored groundwater elevation and flow direction, nitrate-nitrogen levels, and organic chemicals. The six down gradient wells indicated high levels of nitrate-nitrogen levels, an indication of high density residential development, whereas the upgradient wells only occasionally exhibited high nitratenitrogen levels. 2. Private Wells: A survey of private drinking water wells in the vicinity (north of the lake), indicated nitrate-nitrogen concentrations above the drinking water standard in one of twelve wells. 3. SCDHS Bathing Beaches: Bathing beach samples were collected for over 200 beaches for total fecal coliform. In 1985, the two beaches were sampled ±20 times with no closures required under the NYS Sanitary code requirements at that time, although there were individual samples with elevated bacterial counts. 4. Sewage Disposal Systems: In August 1984, a sampling of twelve sanitary systems immediately north of the lake was conducted. One of twelve had a failing sanitary system due to flooding. In addition, a dye test was conducted for the apartments on the north side of the lake with no indication that any malfunction was occurring at that time. 5. A survey of all restaurants and temporary residences on Lake Ronkonkoma was conducted in August 1985 with dye testing of the sewage disposal systems. No malfunctioning systems were found. The monitoring of the lake swimming areas is part of an ongoing program by the SCDHS. The monitoring of groundwater wells by the SCDHS has virtually ceased. Other programs involving sanitary system investigations were conducted specifically for the 1986 Study; however, SCDHS does respond to complaints or specific incidents when brought to their attention. 5.1 Programs A reexamination of past and present governmental activities and programs affecting the lake and the surrounding community has been completed. The status of recommendations from the 1986 Study are evaluated below (i.e. acquisitions, drainage improvements and maintenance Page 32 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update programs) and are discussed in this section to determine whether the previous recommendations remain valid. The following recommendations from the 1986 Study have been achieved: 1. Vacant properties that might be used for stormwater control have been purchased. 2. The former trailer park adjacent to County parkland has been acquired and the majority of the trailer units have been removed. 3. Prohibition of new stormwater runoff has been accomplished through the regular upkeep and redesign of the preexisting basins. The only development to take place within the drainage area is properties in the far northwest part of the drainage area in the triangle between CR 16 (Lake Shore Road), Gibbs Pond Road and Old Nichols Road (however, the majority of this development is outside of the drainage area). 4. New drainage systems were installed and designed. 5. Public outreach efforts by the SCWA have been increased which urge citizens to use organic fertilizer which is less likely to have an impact on the environment. 6. Public outreach efforts regarding stormwater impacts are ongoing by Townships surrounding the lake and Suffolk County. 7. The Bavarian Inn has been approved for acquisition by the County. Unfortunately, none of the research related recommendations have been implemented. The 1986 Study states that the USGS will be gauging stream flow from the bog into the lake. However, no measurements of this kind exist on the USGS NWIS website ( nor do any of the representatives contacted have any knowledge of such a gauge. It would be beneficial to resume a water quality sampling program such as is shown in the 1986 Study on Figure 4-1. Sampling and analysis into the eutrophic status of the lake16 is a recommendation that should be implemented in the future. It is noted that it may now be possible to collect periodic Chlorophyll A measurements for the lake using remote sensing data available from NOAA, JPL ( or other sources without new field work. Predicted and measured values of phosphorous in the 1986 Study were not in agreement. This raises the question of whether or not there is some additional unknown source of phosphorous being added to the system, or whether the model does not represent phosphorous inputs well. Running the model taking into account further changes in land use, development, and citizen’s use of phosphorous-containing detergents should be performed so that the results may be analyzed to answer the above referenced question. 16 1986 Study, Appendix F Page 33 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 5.2 Preparation of a TMDL Lake Ronkonkoma is a targeted priority waterbody listed on the DEC 303(d) List of Impaired Waterbodies17. The New York State Section 303(d) List of Impaired/TMDL Waters identifies those waters that do not support appropriate uses and that may require development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or other restoration strategy to attain quality standards. The 2006 NYS Section 303(d) List was submitted to USEPA September 2006 and approved by the USEPA Region 2 on July 5, 2007. At this time, development of the 2008 Section 303(d) List is in progress; until the Final 2008 list is approved by the EPA, the 2006 Section 303(d) List is considered to be the most current List of Impaired/TMDL Waters. The analysis that supports the 303(d) List is provided in a DEC report entitled the Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List (PWL) Report. The most recent DEC Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List Report for the Long Island region was published in April of 2002 and includes inventory and assessments for each waterbody in the area. A March 2001 waterbody assessment prepared for Lake Ronkonkoma included algal/weed growth, nutrients and pathogens as the pollutants impacting lake water quality and listed public bathing, aquatic life and recreation as uses that were impacted by pollution (see Appendix B2). Sources of pollutants are noted as urban runoff (known) and storm sewers (suspected). The DEC updated some of the waterbody assessments, including the one prepared for Lake Ronkonkoma [updated in February of 2006 (Appendix B-3)]. The updated assessment for Lake Ronkonkoma includes the same pollutants as identified in 2001 (although specifying phosphorus as the nutrient of concern). Urban/storm runoff are reported as a known source of pollution and suspected source of pollutants are reported as “other sanitary discharge” in comparison to “storm sewers” on the 2001 assessment. Based on a personal communication with staff of the NYSDEC Division of Water – Water Assessment and Management, there was a decision to remove the term “storm sewers” from the potential source of pollutants. According to the NYSDEC Division of Water, the change was probably an administrative change since the NYSDEC no longer uses the “storm sewers” category. It was surmised by NYSDEC personnel that the category “other sanitary discharge” was used as a replacement term and noted it as a suspected source of pollutants. This may be revised to read “Urban Runoff” when the assessment is updated. Lake Ronkonkoma was included on the original 303(d) list citing each of the pollutants in the waterbody inventory assessment. However, the Final 2004 list (and the subsequent final 2006 list) “delisted” Lake Ronkonkoma for algal growth/weeds, as these are not pollutant, but rather a possible result of nutrient influx18. Lake Ronkonkoma is also currently included on the draft 2008 list. 17 Section 303(d) refers to Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act which requires states to periodically assess and report on the quality of waters in their state. 18 It is noted that Lake Ronkonkoma had been the subject of USEPA review regarding the 2002 Section 303(d) List; comment was made on the designation of Lake Ronkonkoma impairments from algal/weeds growth as being a result of general pollution rather than a specific pollutant that can be allocated through a TMDL. USEPA did not object to the lake’s designation on the 303(d) list for other pollutants, but asked for additional information and clarification. Recreational uses in Lake Ronkonkoma Page 34 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The following is an excerpt from the introduction of The Final New York State 2006 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Requiring a TMDL/Other Strategy (NYS DEC, May 17, 2007): The Federal Clean Water Act requires states to periodically assess and report on the quality of waters in their state. Section 303(d) of the Act also requires states to identify Impaired Waters, where specific designated uses are not fully supported. For these Impaired Waters, states must consider the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or other strategy to reduce the input of the specific pollutant(s) that restrict waterbody uses, in order to restore and protect such uses. An outline of the process used to monitor and assess the quality of New York State waters is contained in the New York State Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology (CALM). The CALM describes the water quality assessment and Section 303(d) listing process in order to improve the consistency of assessment and listing decisions. The waterbody listings in the Section 303(d) List are segmented into a number of categories. The various categories, or Parts, of the list are outlined below. FINAL 2006 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Requiring a TMDL Part 1 Individual Waterbody Segments with Impairments Requiring TMDL Development These are waters with verified impairments that are expected to be addressed by a segment/pollutant-specific TMDL or other restoration strategy. Part 2 Multiple Segment/Categorical Waterbody Impairments Requiring TMDL Development These are groups of waters affected by similar causes/sources where a single TMDL may be able to address multiple waters with the same issue. Part 2 is subdivided into: • Waters Impaired by Atmospheric Deposition (acid rain) • Waters Impaired by Fish Consumption Advisories • Waters Impaired by Shellfishing Restrictions Part 3 Waterbody Segments for which TMDL Development May Be Deferred These are waters where scheduling of TMDL development may be deferred pending verification of the suspected impairment, the cause/pollutant related to the impairment, or the effectiveness of other restoration measures in place. Part 3 is subdivided into: a) Waterbody Segments Requiring Verification of Impairment b) Waterbody Segments Requiring Verification of Cause/Pollutants c) Waterbody Segments Being Address Through Other Restoration Measures Impaired/Delisted Waters Not Included on the 2006 Section 303(d) List Included with but separate from the 2006 Section 303(d) List is a supplemental listing of Other Impaired Waterbody Segments Not Listed (on 303(d) List) Because Development of a TMDL is Not Necessary. The purpose of this supplement is to provide a more comprehensive inventory of waters of the state that do not fully support designated uses and that are considered to be impaired. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act stipulates that impaired waters that do not are restricted by excessive algal/weed growth. The EPA determined that since algae/weeds cannot be directly addressed by a TMDL (this impairment is an example of pollution, rather than pollutant). Thus, Lake Ronkonkoma was delisted for this category. Page 35 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update require a TMDL are not to be included on the Section 303(d) List. There are three (3) justifications for not listing an impaired water: Category 4a – TMDL development is not necessary because a TMDL has already been established for the segment/pollutant. Category 4b – TMDL is not necessary because other required control measures are expected to result in restoration in a reasonable period of time. Category 4c – TMDL is not appropriate because the impairment is the result of pollution, rather than a pollutant that can be allocated through a TMDL. Delisted Waters A separate list of waters that were included on the previous (2004) Section 303(d) List, but that are NOT included on the 2006 List is also presented. This information provides some linkage and continuity between the previous and proposed new list. The specific reason that the waterbody no longer appears on the List (i.e., delisting action, re-assessment, re-segmentation, etc.) is also presented. Some of these waters (those that remain Impaired) also appear on the list of Other Impaired Waterbody Segments Not Listed Because Development of a TMDL is Not Necessary. Lake Ronkonkoma is included in Part One of the Final 2006 303(d) List (Individual Waterbody Segments with Impairments Requiring TMDL Development) which implies a high priority for preparation of a TMDL. The PWL assessments for Lake Ronkonkoma for 2001 and 2006 are provided in Appendices B-2 and B-3 respectively. Page 36 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 6.0 6.1 WATER QUALITY Source Water Assessment Program The 2003 Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP, 2003) prepared by CDM (Camp, Dresser and McKee) determined groundwater capture zones for public water supply withdrawal wells in Suffolk County. The capture zones represent areas on the ground’s surface where infiltrating precipitation enters the groundwater system and will eventually enter the screened zone of that particular drinking water well. A 2-year capture zone (cz) is an area where some of the infiltrating precipitation will be captured by the pumping well within two years. There are some important assumptions involved in defining capture zones. 1. For the Long Island simulation, the groundwater system is steady-state (i.e. the water table and deeper aquifer water levels are constant and have reached equilibrium between inflow from recharge and discharge through pumping and stream flow and subsurface discharge). 2. The pumping rates for all the pumping wells are a constant value (never varying), and all the wells are always operating at that constant rate (the same assumption is used for stream flow). 3. The assumed geologic coefficients for ground water flow are accurate (porosity and hydraulic conductivity of aquifers and confining layers). 4. The equations of groundwater flow can be approximated with only small errors. The last of these assumptions is the most valid. There are few SWAP capture zones and SCWA wells that lie within the watershed area of Lake Ronkonkoma. Only the 50, 75 and 100-year capture zones for well S-77010, (a well in Lakeland, Town of Islip located to the southwest of the lake, at a distance of approximately 2.2 miles) touches the lake and its northern marsh. 6.2 Water Quality In preparation for the analysis that took place for the 1986 Study, the following water quality investigations were performed: 1. An extensive lake water quality sampling program which involved the measurement of the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the lake under dry weather conditions was conducted. The biological characteristics measured included the bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton. 2. A wet weather study was performed to determine the relative impact of rainfall and runoff on the lake water quality. Fecal and total coliform bacteria along with numerous chemical parameters were analyzed for this study. Page 37 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 3. Stormwater runoff sampling was conducted to assess the quality of the stormwater runoff entering the lake. Stormwater runoff samples were analyzed for bacteriological and chemical parameters. 4. A groundwater quality survey involved the installation and sampling of wells upgradient of the lake in order to evaluate the quality of the groundwater in that portion of the Upper Glacial aquifer that supplies groundwater to the lake. All of the programs listed above ceased following the completion of the 1986 Study. The data that is currently collected is scarce and does not provide the basis for a full water quality assessment of current conditions or for a comparison or trends analysis. This study does provide an assemblage of available water quality data collected since 1986, including the SCDHS bathing beach data. While the data is limited, observations may be made with respect to the limited data that exists, and changes that have occurred since 1986. In addition, recommendations are provided regarding the type of water quality monitoring that is appropriate for the future monitoring of Lake Ronkonkoma. 6.3 Current Water Quality Monitoring This section provides a summary and update of past and current of sampling results for surface water quality, stormwater pollution loading estimates, groundwater quality, and waterfowl activity from available existing information. Summary sheets for each data set have been compiled which identify the source of data, parameters analyzed, purpose of sampling and comments regarding the data. Summary Sheets are provided in Appendix C-1 and data sets are provided in Appendix C-2. Figure 6-1 is provided to illustrate the locations of water quality data samples (where known). Section 6.4 provides a description, source and summary of the data. 6.4 Surface Water Quality Data 6.4.1 Cyanotoxin Monitoring Cyanobacteria are a common family of blue green algae which are typically associated with over-enriched eutrophic and poorly flushed waters. There are several potentially toxic subspecies of these algae capable of producing harmful cyanotoxins, such as hepatoxins (e.g. microcystin) which target the liver. The abundance of these toxins in aquatic ecosystems has serious implications for wildlife and human health, as multitudes of sicknesses and even deaths have been associated with the consumption of contaminated water. Nutrient loading combined with warm temperatures is known to increase algal blooms in summer months, and is therefore also thought to increase the potential growth of harmful varieties of cyanobacteria in poorly flushed waters. Page 38 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update The following provides a summary of water quality studies performed by Christopher J. Gobler, PhD as included in the July 2007 report entitled “Monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in Suffolk County Lakes. Final report to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Office of Ecology.” A four year study of 20 lakes throughout Suffolk County was undertaken by Professor Christopher Gobler, PhD, to assess the presence of toxic cyanobacteria blooms in recreational areas and the factors which are associated with promoting these blooms. While the majority of the lakes studies had levels below the threshold considered to be a low recreational risk by the World Health Organization (WHO), Lake Ronkonkoma was identified as a lake which posed moderate-to-high risks to human health for recreation at various times during the study. The guidelines established for municipalities by the WHO for microcystin concentrations in natural water bodies are 1 µL-1 for drinking water supplies, 2 to 4 µL-1 for low recreational risk, and 20 µL-1 for moderate recreational risk. Water quality samples obtained from 2004 through 2005 in Lake Ronkonkoma revealed an average annual mycrocystin concentration of 15.0 ±10.75 µL-1, with a maximum concentration of 78.8 ±18.0 µL-1 on June 8th, 2005. High risk concentrations are indicated to be in a cyanobacterial algal mat which can form near the shore, and are to be avoided. Islip Town Beach was the primary sampling station; however, cross lake transects were conducted and determined that the blooms observed at the Islip Beach were lake-wide events. Among other sampled water quality parameters over the course of the study, Lake Ronkonkoma exhibited levels of chlorophyll and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) that deem it a eutrophic system by EPA guidelines. As toxic blue green algae blooms are associated with stagnant, eutrophic waters, the following two approaches should be tested as methods for reducing the occurrence and risk of toxic cyanobacteria blooms in afflicted lake systems: 1. Install water circulators to push surface dwelling cyanobacteria to the bottom of the lake, potentially preventing bloom occurrence; and 2. Target the reduction of primary sources of nutrients into Lake Ronkonkoma in conjunction with monitoring to assess the relation of nutrient loads on algal blooms. The continued monitoring of Lake Ronkonkoma for cyanotoxin levels and associated ecological-based studies (e.g. chemical, physical and biological factors) is strongly warranted to further elucidate the factors which promote the presence of these toxins. Continued water quality monitoring will also serve to track the success of implemented nutrient reduction strategies. An adaptive management approach for Lake Ronkonkoma should be utilized as the understanding of cyanotoxins is improved and in order to enhance water quality while minimizing health risks to humans and animals. Page 39 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 6.4.2 SCDHS Bathing Beach Monitoring The Suffolk County bathing beach monitoring program has issued yearly reports of their water quality monitoring results, for indicators of pollution dangerous to bathers. The County documents include sample results and beach closings. Lake Ronkonkoma has had poor water quality at its two bathing beach sampling sites during the warm summer months (which are when sampling takes place) resulting in considerable beach closings. While the parameters monitored have changed and the regulations have become stricter for beach closings, it is expected that the beaches would have been closed a significant amount of time under any rules because of bacteria detected along the lake shore. Prior to June 2004, fecal coliform was used as the bacteriological indicator. According to NYSDEC guidelines, bathing beaches were safe to remain open if the mean total coliform bacteria was less than 70 ‘Most Probable Number’ (MPN)/100 ml and 10% or less of measured stations are under 330 MPN/100 ml. The guidelines for fecal coliform were for the mean of the samples to be less than 14 MPN/100 ml and 10% or less of measured stations under 49 MPN/100 ml (Note: NYSDEC guidelines use mean values of samples; note that median values are shown in the table). The County adopted new bacterial standards in June 2004 and now tests for E. coli/Enterococci, instead of the formerly used fecal and total coliform. Both are bacterial indicators which occur in the intestinal track of warm blooded animals. The EPA has found better correlation between swimming associated gastrointestinal illness and Enterococci in fresh waters. Beach closures are considered when two successive results exceed the single sample criteria of 61 CFU per 100 ml or when the log-average of all samples collected in a 30 day period exceeds the multiple sample criteria of 33 CFU/100 ml. The Town of Brookhaven Beach was not opened between 2003 and 2006 for swimming due to the continual presence of geese at the waterfront. The Town of Islip Beach experienced a greater number of closure days in 2005 than during its entire history (before that, the greatest number of closures was 21 days in 1996). The water quality data summarized in Table 6-1 include the three bacterial indicators sampled at two beach sites on Lake Ronkonkoma during the summer months. Values are summarized in the Table 6-1. Table 6-2 indicates the beach closure days at Lake Ronkonkoma in recent years; these data are also illustrated in the following histogram. TABLE 6-1 BATHING BEACH DATA SUMMARY Sample – name location Brookhaven Fecal Coliform Islip Fecal Coliform Brookhaven Total Coliform Islip Total Coliform Brookhaven Enterococci Islip Enterococci years 8 8 7 8 3 3 units MPN/100 ml MPN/100 ml MPN/100 ml MPN/100 ml CFU/100 ml CFU/100 ml median 285 80 500 230 72 32 min 1 1 20 1 1 1 max 16000 16000 16000 5000 2175 1088 count 112 153 112 152 59 103 MPN/100 ml – most probable number per 100 milliliters CFU/100 ml – colony forming units per 100 milliliters Page 40 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update TABLE 6-2 NUMBER OF BEACH CLOSURE DAYS Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1996 1997 1998 Brookhaven 23 27 2 21 0 67 0 11 Islip 23 12 5 21 3 21 13 12 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Brookhaven 27 25 104 All All All All All Islip 0 0 3 0 5 40 14 9 CHART 6-1 Summary of Lake Ronkonkoma Bathing Beach Closures 1988 - 2007 200 All All All All 160 All 180 140 104 120 100 67 80 5 0 3 0 9 14 25 27 11 12 0 0 13 21 0 3 21 21 27 2 5 0 12 20 23 23 40 40 60 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Brookhaven Islip A full set of bathing beach data for Lake Ronkonkoma for the years 1988 to 2007 is provided in Appendix C-2. Page 41 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 6.4.3 USGS Monitoring The USGS has sampled water quality in Lake Ronkonkoma and those values are available on the agency’s website. USGS sampling locations are at the northwest part of the lake corresponding to the Smithtown Beach and shown in Figure 6-1. For 01306405, there are three samples available since the year 2000 (all in August, 2002).19 The samples were taken at the “Smithtown Beach” (which is the Suffolk County Park) on the north side of the lake. These water quality data are from the USGS NWIS system which is available on the internet ( A sample of the parameters measured and the dates for samples are provided in Table 6-3. TABLE 6-3 SAMPLE OF USGS WATER QUALITY DATA PARAMETERS Date of sample 5/6/1966 4/22/1971 7/6/1973 9/20/1973 1/3/1974 4/3/1974 6/18/1974 9/8/1974 1/2/1975 3/24/1975 6/25/1975 10/1/1975 12/30/1975 3/24/1976 6/24/1976 9/24/1976 8/16/2002 8/16/2002 8/19/2002 Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter 11.8 8.4 1.7 7.1 6.3 2.4 4.9 12.2 10.4 8.4 2.7 2.7 3.8 pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units 5.8 6.6 7.1 5.1 7.3 6.4 6 5.7 6.7 6.2 6 6.4 5.5 6.9 6.7 7.1 6.3 6.3 6.4 Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter 0.43 0.4 0.21 0.57 0.09 0 0.15 0.4 0.46 0.34 0.4 0.92 0.78 1 1.5 0.92 1.3 1.8 1.1 0.84 1.4 2.2 0.62 0.95 1.1 Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter 13 13 13 18 17 18 22 20 16 19 19 18 24 16 17 18 Water quality data indicate variability for all parameters. August and warmer month DO levels are decreased relating to less mixing and/or algal bloom die-offs. pH is within an expected 19 For USGS 01306415, there is only one sample from 1973, taken at a location near the Brookhaven Beach. Page 42 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update ranges and slighting acid. Nitrogen concentrations illustrate elevated concentrations from sources within the watershed, and chloride concentrations are relatively low. 6.4.4 NYSDEC Monitoring NYSDEC Fisheries collects data on a bi-annual basis and monitors temperature, dissolved oxygen, and Chlorophyll A at a single station, near the State fishing access located near the northwestern shoreline of the lake20. The most recent data is provided in Appendix C-2. As per the NYSDEC Website, the purpose of the DEC Rotating Integrated Basin Studies (RIBS) program is: “… to assess water quality of all waters of the state, including the documentation of good quality waters and the identification of water quality problems; identify long-term water quality trends; characterize naturally occurring or background conditions; and establish baseline conditions for use in measuring the effectiveness of site-specific restoration and protection activities.” The water quality data and information are used to support assessment and management functions within NYSDEC Division of Water, including the Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters of the State. The 1999 sampling at Lake Ronkonkoma was part of a Long Island Sound/Atlantic Ocean basin sampling of about a dozen lakes as part of the annual RIBS monitoring program. This involved sampling of each project lake three times by Region 1 fisheries staff. A formal report was not generated as part of project. RIBS data is provided in Appendix C-2. The number of sampling points is too limited to provide any generalized surface water quality information regarding DO nor is it known where the sampling occurred in the lake. If sampling occurred solely in the deep hole area of the lake, the level of DO does not necessarily reflect that of the rest of the lake. An observation based on the limited amount of data is that a past problem has occurred with dangerously low and nearly depleted levels of DO in the lower strata of the lake. A sampling program with locations throughout the lake and DO measured at various depths to bottom correlated to nutrients and other indicators would be extremely useful in determining the extent of hypoxia and anoxic conditions. 20 The NYSDEC fisheries most recent annual report (2004/2005) lists fish surveyed in the summer of 2004 in Lake Ronkonkoma as white perch, yellow perch, black crappie, bluegill, pumpkinseed, golden shiner, carp, banded killifish and walleye (walleye in abundant population). The Fisheries Department has measured (but not published) some limnological parameters of lake water quality including phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophyll-A, and zooplankton. The NYSDEC reports a successful summer stocking of young walleye and good catch during the summer sampling. The NYSDEC does not rate the overall ambient lake water quality. Fishing information is available at Page 43 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 6.5 Groundwater Quality Data 6.5.1 SCDHS Observation Wells The 1986 Study included six observation wells near the lake where water levels and water quality samples were taken in 1984. Five of these wells were installed for the original study. Although the water levels of the wells were observed and reported with respect to each other. The measurements were with respect to an “assumed” datum. In other words, their measuring point of top elevation of the well casing was not surveyed and thus the water level with respect to mean sea level is not available. One of these wells (S-47718) is an existing well and information is available on the USGS website through a database search at; however, the remaining wells included in the report were used solely for the 1986 Study and have since been abandoned. 6.5.2 USGS Observation Wells A current search of wells in the area, for which data is available from the USGS website, yields 21 wells with some water quality or water level data (a similar number of wells with only depth and aquifer data are available in the area). Of these wells, only five have current data (water levels or water quality measured 2000 or more recent). A summary of these current wells are summarized in Table 6-4. TABLE 6-4 USGS GROUNDWATER DATA SUMMARY Well name S-1811 S-33380 S-37847 S-33379 S-72300 Notes Water Level only Both water level and quality Water quality only Both water level and quality Water quality only Number of water level samples Dates of Observations Number of water quality data samples 88 1987-2005 826 1968-2006 4 19681991 Magothy 0 - 20 19922004 Upper glacial 819 1968-2006 4 19681986 Lloyd 0 - 1 2005 unknown Time Period Aquifer Upper glacial Wells S-37847 and S-33379 and S-33380 are located at the site of a SCWA well field. It is noted that water levels near pumping wells can have great variation in their values depending on the operation of the nearby pumping well and are not usually indicative of the regional Page 44 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update groundwater elevation. Well S-72300 is quite far from the lake (±4,900 feet from the lake, near the Sachem North High School) and well S-37847 is also not near the lake (±4,600 feet from the lake, at the SCWA well field site); however, this well provides the greatest amount of groundwater quality information in the vicinity of the lake. One additional consideration is the fact that the groundwater at a drinking water pump station site is presumed to be of high quality, and thus this cannot be considered an unbiased dataset if one is describing general groundwater quality in the vicinity of the lake. Details regarding these data are included on Water Quality Data Summary Sheets (#8 and #9) included in Appendix C-1. Page 45 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following provides both general and specific recommendations regarding overall management of the lake system. General 1. Preparation of a Watershed Management Plan for Lake Ronkonkoma and its surrounding area and adoption by the three townships. General recommendations include control of intensification of land use, stormwater management improvement projects, public outreach, water quality monitoring and watershed modeling to better understand the hydrology and water quality of the lake and bog. 2. Preparation of a Bacteria and Pathogen TMDL for Lake Ronkonkoma. Lake Ronkonkoma is included in Part One of the Final 2006 303(d) List (Individual Waterbody Segments with Impairments Requiring TMDL Development) which implies a high priority for preparation of a pollutant-specific TMDL or other restoration strategy. The development of a TMDL would quantify the current pollutant loads to the lake, identify water quality targets and indicate by how much current pollutant loadings would need to be reduced to attain water quality targets. Once the TMDL is approved by the U.S. EPA, the Watershed Management Plan could then include implementation strategies to meet the TMDL target goals. 3. Create a data repository for water quality data, research and mapping resources specific to the lake system study area. Land Use and Zoning 4. Support public acquisition of properties adjacent to the lake, with specific attention to those adjacent to the Bavarian Inn, which was recently approved for acquisition by Suffolk County. 5. Discourage increases in land use densities in the contributing areas of the lake and bog unless site is connected to public water and sewage treatment with all stormwater generated on the site adequately managed using best management practices on the property. Enhance Monitoring Program 6. The continued monitoring of Lake Ronkonkoma for cyanotoxin levels and associated ecological-based studies (e.g. chemical, physical and biological factors) is strongly warranted to further elucidate the factors which promote the presence of these toxins. Continued water quality monitoring will also serve to enhance existing baseline water Page 46 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update quality data and to track the success of implemented bacteria and nutrient reduction strategies. An adaptive management approach for Lake Ronkonkoma should be utilized as we expand our understanding of cyanotoxins and strive to improve water quality while minimizing health risks to humans and animals. Consider building upon the water quality database initiated by SUNY Stony Brook professor Christopher Gobler to monitor cyanotoxin levels or working directly with Dr. Gobler to continue water quality monitoring efforts. 7. As toxic blue green algae blooms are associated with stagnant, eutrophic waters, the following two approaches should be tested as methods for reducing the occurrence and risk of toxic cyanobacteria blooms: a. Install water circulators to push surface dwelling cyanobacteria to the bottom of the lake, potentially preventing bloom occurrence; and b. Target the reduction of primary sources of nutrients into Lake Ronkonkoma in conjunction with water quality monitoring to assess the relation of nutrient loads to algal blooms. 8. Encourage funding for the establishment of water quality and quantity monitoring. Water quantity measurements of water entering and leaving the treatment basins, the Great Bog (from Smithtown pumping), and into Lake Ronkonkoma from the Great Bog are appropriate. Measurement of lake elevation and nearby shallow and deep groundwater potentiometry would be useful in understanding the recharge-discharge relationship of ground and surface water. Water quality measurements should include organic and inorganic nutrients and continual bacteriological sampling in treatment basins, the bog, the lake, and nearby shallow groundwater. 9. Install a water level data logger at Lake Ronkonkoma to monitor the lake level. 10. Establish a citizen monitoring program similar to the Cornell Cooperative Program in order to involve and educate stakeholders and gain useful data and information with local insight. Reduce Pollutant Load to the Lake System 11. Limit phosphorus loading by residents through public outreach. Scott’s fertilizer has agreed to create a product with little to no phosphorus (the Chesapeake Bay program is driving this initiative). Page 47 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update 12. Increase the program to control the Resident Canada Goose population. Prepare and implement a formal Management Plan for control of the Resident Canada Goose population consistent with the new USF&W Geese Peace program. 13. Continue with the objective for eliminating untreated stormwater runoff to the lake and wetlands. 14. Implement the Lake Shore Road Drainage Improvement Project. 15. Continue maintenance of infrastructure (roads, stormwater pipes, recharge and treatment basins) and routine clean out of catch basins and storm basins. 16. Provide yearly budget for upkeep of County and Town stormwater detention and treatment basins. These structures need to be monitored and have periodic sediment removal. 17. Encourage homeowners and business community to conduct routine sanitary system maintenance, particularly those within the primary watershed area. Public Outreach and Education 18. Prepare a mailing to all residents within the primary watershed area to inform them that the water quality of the lake can be directly impacted by actions on their property (fertilization and other actions). A postcard mailing is an inexpensive action which could direct residents to websites and include several “what you can do” measures. The postcard might reference the County Stormwater program website at as well as the Suffolk County Water Authority website which provides recommendations regarding the use of herbicides and pesticides as well as other Town and government information sources. 19. Establish educational signage at public parks and accessible lakefront locations regarding the lake system, pollution impacts, what can be done by the community to improve water quality, stormwater impacts, sanitary systems, pet and wildfowl impacts, lake history and cultural resources, and all aspects of environmental awareness for Lake Ronkonkoma. 20. Prepare mailing to all 355 EPA regulated facilities (within the zip codes of 11767, 11779, and 11755) asking for extra cooperation to prevent wastes from entering stormwater or groundwater. Page 48 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update Increase Public Access 21. Create access around the lake where feasible to increase use and foster a public appreciation of the resource. Where a trail is not feasible, consider a boardwalk. Incorporate educational and interpretive signage regarding lake history and environmental awareness. 22. Use new technologies make available low-cost communication between citizens and their community governments. The Lake Ronkonkoma Civic Association’s website is one such example ( The availability of free webmapping applications (such as allows community-based organizations to use online maps to facilitate communications. An example of a very useful community map is the Akron, Ohio public engineer’s website where internet users can report problems or make comments about locations; or the wide variety of maps that are available such as Gypsy Map’s combination of map and subway and bus routes for New York City Citizens are clearly interested in improving the future environmental quality of Lake Ronkonkoma and thus, implementing a website where County, Town, Village or other entities can provide location information quickly and request input or help in identifying or fixing areas of concern might be considered. An example of this would be if the SCDPW needs citizen input to help map and refine stormwater infrastructure for Phase II requirements. Existing maps could be displayed and citizens could add comments about local conditions during storms or the accuracy of even small details, such as storm grate locations. Another possibility would be to ask residents to take pictures during storms and post photographs on Google Maps to show the location. 23. Provide for and enhance existing recreational activities through business enterprises facilitated by public-private partnerships such as kayak and other small boat rentals. 24. Increase and enhance public access opportunities for water-based recreation such as fishing, sailing, canoe and kayaking, ice boating and related water-sports. Provide car top boat access locations and maintain and enhance existing boat ramps and public parks. Lake Level & Flooding 25. Provide assistance to the Town of Smithtown to identify an alternative to pumping untreated stormwater into the north end of the Great Bog. Although the bog does provide some treatment, it would be ideal if Smithtown could proceed with the research necessary to identify areas where the Smithtown clay layer is thinnest to increase the feasibility of installing a recharge system below the clay layer. Page 49 Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update FIGURES Lake Ronkonkoma Clean Lakes Study Update APPENDICES