October 2015 PSB Report - Lambton Group Police Services Board
October 2015 PSB Report - Lambton Group Police Services Board
LAMBTON GROUP PSB REPORT OCTOBER 2015 INSPECTOR SCOTT JANSSENS CONTENTS OCTOBER 2015 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .............................................................................. 3 COLLISION REPORTING SYSTEM .................................................................................. 5 INTEGRATED COURT OFFENCE NETWORK .................................................................. 7 COMPLAINTS AND OPTIONAL CATEGORIES .............................................................. 8 ALLEGATION REPORT ................................................................................................... 9 DETACHMENT INITIATIVES .......................................................................................... 1 0 TARGETED MEDIA RELEASES ...................................................................................... 10 CRIME & TRAFFIC CAMPAIGNS / INITIATIVES ......................................................... 10 PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGNS ........................................................................... 11 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER .................................................................................. 12 AUXILIARY .................................................................................................................... 13 VIOLENT CRIME / BENCHMARK CRIME ...................................................................... 14 NOTEWORTHY INCIDENTS – STREET CRIME ................................................................. 15 TRAFFIC & MARINE ...................................................................................................... 16 EZ STAT TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM ................................................................... 17 Courtright Line, Brigden ................................................................... 17 Bentpath Line, Oakdale ................................................................... 18 TRAFFIC IN THE MEDIA ................................................................................................. 20 DETACHMENT EMERGENCY PLANNING ACTIVITES ................................................... 22 STAFFING UPDATES ...................................................................................................... 23 FALSE ALARM INCIDENTS ............................................................................................ 24 DISPATCH OF DANGEROUS ANIMALS – OPP ROLE.................................................... 25 LAMBTON INFORMATION SHEET ................................................................................. 26 DETACHMENT INITIATIVES OCTOBER 2015 TARGETED MEDIA RELEASES: Traffic / Marine Sergeant • Reduction in Cognitive driving awareness radio spots, OPP and Lambton Safe Roads Committee. Community Service Officer • • • • • • OPP along with the Lambton Safe Roads Committee released four radio spots regarding Cognitive Driving and Pedestrian Safety. Two informative media releases in relation to Operation Impact initiatives and results. Informative and proactive media release in relation to “Winter Driving.” Media releases created in relation to impaired driving, motor vehicle collisions and provincial initiatives. Three informative and proactive media releases in “Lock it or Lose it” and “Halloween Safety.” One media release in relation to a Special Investigations Unit (SIU) investigation. CRIME & TRAFFIC & MARINE CAMPAIGNS / INITIATIVES: Traffic / Marine Sergeant • Started an active awareness campaign. Street Crime • • • • • Lambton Street Crime Unit investigated or assisted with the investigation of 11 new CDSA (drug) related occurrences. 5 people were charged with a total of 11 CDSA and Criminal Code related offences. One of these investigations concluded a two month investigation were two search warrants were authored and one male was charged. 34 Fentanyl patches were seized during the arrest. This amount of patches is very significant and represents approximately $13,600.00 (Street Value). Members of Lambton SCU along with the RCMP attended five locations throughout Lambton County and eradicated over 60 marihuana plants. Lambton SCU continues to monitor and investigate several break and enters within the Klondyke Trailer Park. Lambton’s Crime Analyst and ERT have also been • • • engaged. Lambton SCU continued the investigation of a Theft of Motor Vehicle and 3 separate Theft over $5000 occurrences. Two suspects have been identified and charges are pending upon completion of the investigation. SCU members are working with London PS to resolve these incidents. One member of Lambton’s SCU attended a one week Warrant Writing Course and another attended a one week Undercover Handler Course. A platoon member stopped a vehicle for a HTA offence and further investigation revealed that the lone occupant had 93 grams of marihuana, baggies and weigh scales. The driver was charged with Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking. PUBLIC EDUCATION CAMPAIGNS: Traffic / Marine Sergeant • • Wildlife on the Move. Education through media and direct handouts on the risks wildlife present this time of the year. Tips to avoid collisions were included in the educational release and handouts. Educational Handouts being used and stuffed in Provincial Offence envelopes. See examples below: • • OPP, Sarnia Police and the Safe Communities Committee hosted a Safe Community Day on October 7th from 6:30-8:30 at the Sarnia Arena. Presentation was focused on Distracted Driving, “Eyes on the Road” Distracted Driving enforcement remains a top enforcement priority. Community Service Officer • • • • • • • • Impaired driving, car-deer motor vehicle collisions and nuisance animal media releases issued. The Community Services Officers and platoon members have been actively participating in “Operation Freeze.” Community Services Officers and platoon members actively engaged in the OPP Kids Program. Seven schools from the Lambton-Kent Public School Board have accepted this program for this fall semester. Proactive and informative media release issued in relation to” Halloween Safety” Officers proactively engaged with another successful Brigden Fair. Two proactive and informative media releases completed in relation to “Lock It or Lose It.” Proactive and informative media release in relation to “Farm Harvest Safety.” Proactive and informative media release in relation to “Winter Driving.” SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER: • • • • • During the month of October 22 Criminal code Charges were laid against youth in Lambton County. The vast majority of these charges were related to thefts from vehicles in the Petrolia area and subsequent breach of release charges against the youth responsible (17 CC charges) The common denominator with 90% of these criminal charges is the group home in Petrolia where 2 of the youth reside. 16 youth were diverted in Lambton County during the month of October. Most of these diversions were related to the use of marihuana and involved either written or verbal warnings. There were also several traffic and alcohol use related charges against youth in October. Youth Resource Officers continue to be vigilant at the high schools in the county especially during lunch and end of school periods in an attempt to reduce the driving complaints. AUXILIARY: LOCATION ADMIN COMM. POLICING COURT MAJOR EVENT PATROL TRAINING TOTAL Lambton 21 106 0 0 118.5 164 409.50 OCTOBER 2015 - General description of Events attended: 9-12 Oct Brigden Fair: 120 hours by 13 members 22-Oct-15 Petrolia Minor Hockey Police Check Clinic - 3 members 26-Oct-15 New member joined Lambton Auxiliary Unit VIOLENT CRIME / BENCHMARK CRIME OCTOBER 2015 AREA CRIME SERGEANT • • • • • • Incidents which occurred at the gates to Ipperwash are continuing and it appears no charges will be laid. Two members were in Superior Court for the continuation of pretrial motions relating to two persons currently charged with 1st degree murder. A third member of the crime unit is heavily involved with crown requests as they prepare for this trial. Lambton Crime Unit is assisting Kettle Point Police Service with an Attempt Murder investigation – also from this investigation and a result of a DNA hit, Lambton Crime has re-opened a 2002 Robbery investigation in Corunna. Lambton members are continuing to collect evidence in relation to a 1st degree murder investigation from a Township of Warwick incident which occurred in the summer of 2014. Lambton Crime is investigating a “peeping tom” incident in Port Lambton. Lambton Crime was involved in two very serious sexual assaults investigations with parties identified and no charges laid due to inconsistencies and false information provided. NOTEWORTHY INCIDENTS – STREET CRIME Details: Reporting Officer Unit Name Lambton Street Crimes Unit Inv. Officer(s) RMS# RM15070277 Incident Date 14 October 2015 Incident Time Location Detachment Area Grand Bend Lambton ACS Notified DEU Notified Arrest / Charge Details: Accused DOB Address Charges Laid / Pending CDSA5(2) Fentanyl Release Method Bail Arrest / Charge Details: Accused DOB Address Charges Laid / Pending Release Method Seizure Details / Values Seizure 34 100mcg Fentanyl Patches, approx. $10,200 Seized Items Cellular phone, 2008 Pontiac G6 TRAFFIC & MARINE OCTOBER 2015 VEHICLE VS ANIMAL COLLISIONS • • 30 collisions in October all resulting in property damage only Examining proactive approaches to reduce animal collisions such as signage and lights during known times and areas of collisions. MTO BLITZ • 2nd of October. RADAR / LIDAR • • • Intercept enforcement on highway 402. Continuous RADAR within the county and known speed areas. 309 Provincial Offence notices issued, most for speeding. HSD & HET • Highway Enforcement Team (HET) was working in Lambton County 10 times in October with HTA and Criminal Code investigations. Deployment of the EZ Stat for October: • • Township of Dawn-Euphemia. St. Clair Township. Speed Trailer Lambton speed trailer has been returned to service and was deployed: • • Courtright Line, Brigden Bentpath Line, Oakdale EZ STAT TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM: Traffic Complaint / Speeding – Courtright Line, 50 km/hr. zone, Brigden Situation: Concern brought forward regarding the speed of motor vehicles entering Brigden at high rates of speed with extra concern during harvest time. Location details: • • • • • Paved, straight on level 2 lane road Residential / Commercial Mill in area 50 km/hr. zone Visibility is good in all directions Investigation: • • • • • • • • • • • • The Lambton O.P.P. has had collisions in the immediate area. Several complaints of speed with vehicles going through the 50 km/hr. zone on Courtright Line. EZ stat RADAR was set up from Tuesday the 27th of October to Thursday the 28th of October 2015. Please see attached graphs. 2639 vehicles over monitored time. 1047 vehicles under the posted 50 km/hr. speed. 468 vehicles over the posted 50 km/hr. speed (51 – 60 km/hr.) 248 vehicles over 61 - 70 km/hr. 55 vehicles over 75 km/hr. Average speed of 36 km/hr. Heavy traffic time on Wednesday night believed to be caused by trips to the mill. Speed trailer was deployed. EZ stat speed sign was deployed and zone officers increased patrol / RADAR. Conclusions: • • • Speeding is happening but is not this area is not outstanding. Compliance is high for speed but in conjunction with slow-moving vehicle this could appear to be hazardous. Police visibility within the two identified complaint times is recommended to discourage all HTA infractions. Traffic Complaint / Speeding – Bentpath Line, 50 km/hr. zone, Oakdale Situation: Concern brought forward regarding the speed of motor vehicles entering Oakdale at high rates of speed with extra concern about school buses picking up students. Location details: • • • • • • Paved, straight on level 2 lane road Signage is good Residential / Commercial School bus pickup 50 km/hr. zone Visibility is good in all directions Investigation: • • • • • • • The Lambton O.P.P. has had no collisions in the immediate area. Several complaints of speed with vehicles going through the 50 km/hr. zone on Bentpath Line. Speed Trailer was deployed. EZ Stat RADAR was set up from Tuesday the 20th of October to Friday the 23rd of October 2015. Please see attached graphs. 795 vehicles over monitored time. 215 vehicles under the posted 50 km/hr. speed 110 vehicles over the posted 50 km/hr. (51 – 60 km/hr.) • • • • • • • 194 vehicles over 61 - 70 km/hr. 133 vehicles over 75 km/hr. Average speed of 58 km/hr. Heavy traffic time 0600 – 0900hrs. Speed trailer was deployed. EZ Stat speed sign was deployed and zone officers increased patrol / RADAR. One vehicle was identified by the EZ Stat as traveling in excess of 115 km/hr. at 0518 hrs. each day. Officer will attempt to intercept this vehicle. Conclusions: • • • • Speeding is an issue during the day and represents a hazard for school buses. There is a school at the corner of Bentpath Line and Oil Heritage Road which increases the bus traffic. RADAR and visibility is a priority in this area during the identified times. Response to complaint as to efforts is required. Marine Regular Marine patrol is now complete for the season. Vessels are still available until they are winterized in mid-November. TRAFFIC IN THE MEDIA FATAL SINGLE MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION Uttoxexter Road – Plympton-Wyoming On Friday October 9th, 2015 a 26-year-old man died in a single vehicle crash on Uttoxeter Road. The vehicle was travelling northbound around 11:00 p.m., when it left the road between London Line and Hwy 402 striking a hydro pole. One male was pronounced dead at the scene. A 23-year-old passenger was taken to hospital and believed to be in stable condition. OPP Technical Traffic Collision Investigators attended at the scene. Cause is to be determined. Next of Kin notification was difficult as both men were from the Ukraine working in the area. TRANSPORT COLLISION – EDR (EMERGENCY DETOUR ROUTE) FOR SEVERAL HOURS Highway402 Ramp to Highway 40 – City of Sarnia On Tuesday the 20th of October, 2015 Highway 402 ramps to Highway 40 in Sarnia were closed following a two-truck collision that sent two people to hospital with injuries police say are not life-threatening. Driver charged with reversing on a highway. SCHOOL BUS COLLISION Marthaville Road and Courtright Line – Township of Enniskillen On Monday the 26th of October OPP along with Petrolia-North Enniskillen firefighters and Lambton EMS responded to the intersection of Marthaville Road and Courtright Line at 2:45 p.m. for a School Bus Collision. One student was treated at the scene and released. The driver of the car, a 73-year-old St. Clair Township man, was taken to hospital for minor injuries. The bus driver, a 48-year-old woman from Dawn Euphemia, was also taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries. She has been charged with failing to yield to traffic. The intersection was closed for just under two hours. TRACTOR TRAILER ROLLOVER Highway 402 West of Forest Road On October 26, 2015 a 41-year-old truck driver from Kitchener has been charged with careless driving after the big rig he was driving left the eastbound Hwy. 402 east around 7am. OPP, Lambton EMS and Plympton-Wyoming Fire Department all responded to the collision. The driver was not injured. DETACHMENT EMERGENCY PLANNING ACTIVITES OCTOBER 2015 EMERGENCY PLANNING ACTIVITIES: • • • • Marine – Implosion of U.S. building along the St. Clair River on November 7th. Wednesday, October 14, 2015, MTO / County winter road maintenance operational plan. West Region Operations Officer Winter Meeting with MTO – AMC – OPP. Participate in Operational Training Exercises involving Incident Command, to include multiple agencies and appropriate stakeholders. TABLE-TOP EXERCISES: • • • S/Sgt. attended the County of Lambton Joint Training Session representing OPP Incident Command. Scenario consisted of a Table Top Exercise re: Major Winter Weather Event involving all facets of Emergency Response (Fire, EMS, MTO, County Roads, etc.) and essential members of counsel. Enbridge is in the planning stages of an “Incident Command Mock Emergency Exercise” along with OPP, Fire and EMS. An international exercise on the St. Clair River is being planned for the spring involving several companies form industry and government agencies. Meetings will continue over the winter months. STAFFING UPDATES OCTOBER 2015 NO STAFFING UPDATES THIS MONTH FALSE ALARM INCIDENTS OCTOBER 2015 Municipality Commercial Residential Other Lambton Shores 1 9 1 ST Clair Township 4 3 0 Dawn-Euphemia 0 0 1 Plympton-Wyoming 1 1 1 Brooke-Alvinston 0 0 0 Warwick 1 0 0 Enniskillen 0 1 0 Petrolia 2 0 0 Oil Springs 0 0 0 9 14 3 TOTAL DISPATCH OF DANGEROUS ANIMALS – OPP ROLE • • • • • • • The management and dispatch of domestic or wild animals is not a core policing duty. The OPP will assist municipal bylaw officers, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Ministry of Natural Resources in this role if requested to do so. Municipalities are responsible for animal control. The public should contact their local animal control or bylaw enforcement office for animal control issues. The police should be contacted in emergency situations only. If an animal, domestic or wild, is potentially dangerous or is so badly injured that humanity dictates that its suffering be ended, an OPP officer may decide to dispatch the animal using a firearm (Section 10, O/Reg. 926 of the Police Services Act). A decision to dispatch an animal by the OPP is always made on the basis of whether it is potentially dangerous or suffering. The OPP makes every effort to find an alternative, but if the animal must be dispatched the officer will act quickly and with a minimum of pain and trauma to the affected animal. If the animal is potentially dangerous, the Police Service Act authorizes a police officer to dispatch it using a firearm. Elimination of this potential danger does not require the owner’s permission, although the officer may consult with the owner while gathering information. If an animal is under control, but is considered dangerous, the owner should pursue other options in determining how to deal with the animal. Municipalities are responsible for animal control. Some communities have bylaw enforcers or contractors who work in animal management and may be able to provide advice on the humane dispatch of dangerous animals. If your community has a local branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, you could contact them for advice. You should only call the OPP if the animal is not under control and presents a potential danger to public safety. Otherwise, you should call the municipal bylaw officer responsible for animal control to explore options for safe and humane dispatch of the animal. You can also contact the Society for Prevention to Cruelty to Animals if your community has one. LAMBTON OPP INFORMATION SHEET CONTACT THE OPP: OPP Calls for Service When you need to report an incident or wish to speak with an officer, these numbers will connect you to the nearest OPP Communications Centre throughout Ontario. 1-888-310-1122 1-888-310-1133 (TTY) 9-1-1 EMERGENCY If you call 9-1-1 for an emergency: • • • • • Give your exact location. Include address and town or city as this will enable call taker to either handle the information or transfer you to the proper 9-1-1 centre. Give your telephone number including the area code. Advise the nature of your call. Listen to the call takers instructions - depending on the location and type of incident, you may be transferred. Stay on the line until advised to hang up. DETACHMENT HOURS / CONTACT INFO: Lambton OPP Main Admin 4224 Oil Heritage Rd. Petrolia Centre P.O. Box 400 Detachment Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0 St. Clair (Satellite) 392 Lyndoch Street, Township Corunna, ON N0N 1G0 Forest (Satellite) 101 Broadway Street Forest, ON N0N 1J0 Grand Bend (Summer 58 Main Street only) Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 Point Edward (Municipal) 102 St. Clair Street Point Edward, ON N7V 1N7 519-882-1011 519-882-1014 fax Mon – Fri 8-4 pm 519-862-4680 519-862-1544 fax 519-786-2349 519-786-2141 fax 519-238-2345 Mon – Thurs & every other Friday 8-4 pm Mon – Thurs & every other Friday 8-4 pm Summer 519-336-8691 519-336-5011 fax Mon – Thurs & every other Friday 8-4 pm OUTSIDE PHONE * If you attend an office and the doors are locked or it is after hours – please pick up the phone outside of the detachment and you will be connected directly to the OPP Communications Centre. CALLING THE DETACHMENT: • • • • When calling the detachment at the above numbers you will receive an automated greeting. Press 1 if you need to report an incident or speak with an officer. Press 2 if you wish to speak with the administrative personnel during the above noted business hours. After hours you may leave a message. CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS: For a complete list of requirements and information on how to apply for Criminal Record Checks, Police Information Checks and Police Vulnerable Sector Checks click the link below; Ontario Provincial Police | Criminal Record Checks CITIZENS SELF REPORTING: You have the option to report select occurrences to the OPP from your computer or mobile device using the OPP’s Citizen Self Reporting system. Use this system to report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lost/missing property under $5,000 Stolen license plates or validation stickers Theft from a vehicle under $5,000 Mischief/damage to a vehicle under $5,000 Mischief/damage to property (other than a vehicle) under $5,000 Theft under $5,000 Driving Complaint CANADIAN ANTI-FRAUD CENTRE: The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) is the central agency in Canada that collects information and criminal intelligence on such matters as mass marketing fraud (i.e.: telemarketing), advance fee fraud (i.e.: West African letters), Internet fraud and identification theft complaints. If you wish to report a fraud or require information on a possible fraud contact the Canadian anti- fraud centre; Phone: 1-888-495-8501 OR E-mail: [email protected] CRIME STOPPERS: You may contact Crime Stoppers from anywhere in Ontario at 1-800-222-8477, or by leaving an anonymous Web-Tip at TipSoft - Web Tips Submission.
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