5 – May 2016 - Tom Green County Extension Service


5 – May 2016 - Tom Green County Extension Service
TGC 4-H Newsletter
District 7 HORSE
Show Info!
A Big Thanks!
Thanks to everyone
There will also be an Invitational 4-H Show
that worked, helped, and
hosted by the Burnet 4-H Club on June 13th
provided animals at the
where 4-H youth/agents/ adults are welcome to
Annual Children’s Fair
participate. It will include speed/roping events
sponsored by San Angelo
(Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Stakes Race).
Healthy Families. The 4-H Petting Zoo
Check out D7 4-H website for more information did a good job again this year and lots of
on the events.
children and families attended. The
**For the District 7 Horse Show, which will be County will receive a check for OUR
held Tuesday, June 14th at the John Kuykendall portion and will help to fund upcoming
Event Center in Llano, TX, all entries will be
expenses thru the Adult Leaders Associacompleted and submitted ONLINE thru 4-H
tion. Congratulations and thanks again
CONNECT. Registration opens on May 9, 2016 for everyone’s help!
and MUST be completed by May 23, 2016.
Absolutely no late entries accepted!!!! Complete Livestock
Registration REQUIRES completion on 4-H
CONNECT AND turning in printed forms to the Exhibitors
Extension Office.
If you were a participant in the Tom
Registration thru 4-H Connect involves signing Green County Jr. Livestock Show as a livein under your online member profile, selecting
stock exhibitor and have turned in your
the event to register for and then completing all Thank you notes for your donors - please
the necessary info for your event; this inforbe advised that the premium checks will
mation is certified thru our office. All active 4- be ready soon to be picked up after we
Hers are already enrolled so there is no need to send out notifications (BY EMAIL) that
complete all the profile & family information
they are here. If we do NOT have verification or checked that your notes have
AGAIN. You can call our office to let us walk
you thru the process of registering. The complete been completed and mailed, your check
information, rules & guidelines, letters, District (from County Show only!) will NOT be reFORMS, and links to 4-H Connect can be found leased. Please complete your Thank You’s
as soon as possible.
at the District 7 4-H website at: http://d74If you attended any other major stock
h.tamu.edu and click under District Events, and
including San Angelo Stock Show,
click on Horse Show. State Forms and other
San Antonio or Austin and have
information are also included on this site.
up your floor check or placePlease let us know if you have any questions or
ment check - please check with our office
if you need assistance in the process. You are
for verification and pick up. We can mail
welcome to come to the office to
your checks if you desire but nothing will
complete or handle the registrabe mailed without your approval or notifition process thru our office comcation. Most checks have a 90 day limit
puters. It is advisable to get
and will then be null and void so PLEASE
started on this process ASAP.
come by or call the office as soon as possible to claim your checks.
May 2016
Special points of
D7 Horse Show
TGC 4-H Movie Night
Contests Results
Summer Reminders
Recordbook & Year-end Info
Jr. Fashion Projects
Club News
Camps Available
Inside this issue:
D7 Horse Show
Thanks—Children’s Fair
Livestock Exhibitors
4-H Contests Results
Silent Auction Info
Shamrock Shuffle
Gold Star Info
Year End Awards
Movie Night & Mtg
Validation Info
Clothing & Textiles Projects & Jr Fashion Show
Camp Info
End of School Dance
Club News
Upcoming Events
Tx 4-H Camps Flyer
Inside Out Movie
Contests Results
Various contests for District 7 4-H Events
have taken place over the past several months.
Tom Green County has had numerous teams
and individuals which have placed very well.
All Senior age WINNERS in the top 3 placings of each contest, will be advancing on to State Roundup in June.
Below is a list of winners in various project areas and Congratulations
to everyone on a job well done!!
Horse Judging - Coleman (4-1-16): Senior - 1st place: Ryleigh
Hyles, Payton White, Dakota Smith; Junior Team 4th-Susannah Manning, Hailie Beckwith, Sierra Miller, Abby Walker; Michaela Eoff - 8th
Consumer Decision Making Contest - San Angelo (2-19-16): Senior - Taylor Hoelscher, Emily Moeller, Shelby Scherz, Ashley Wilde;
Robin Morris 8th, Jill Kellermeier- 20th; Intermediate team 11thAndraya DeRusso, Caroline Holtman, Mattie Sanford, Grace Wilde;
Junior individual-Katelynn Holtman, 25th
Duds to Dazzle Contest Coleman (4-7-16): No TGC Senior team;
Junior Non-wearable 1st place -Paige Hohensee, Tristan Jones, Sierra
Killam, Reagan Laminack, Emily Green; Intermediate-Non-Wearable:
Kara Butler; Sierra Miller; Jillian Self; Chloe Jones, Addisyn Killam.
Leaders 4 Life Skill-A-Thon -Grape Creek (3-28-16): Senior-2nd
place & Advancing: Ashley Wilde, Emily Niehues, Taylor Hoelscher,
Mackenzie Weadock, Tara Weber, Cassie Weishuhn; Senior-4th place:
Emily Moeller, Trey Schwartz, Nathan Waldron, Matthew Allen; Junior team-1st place-Connor Pence, Grady McCrea, Cody Moeller, Mark
Holtman, & Grace Wilde.
District 7 Food Show - Abilene (11-21-15): Senior Fruits & Vegetables-Megan Crawford.
Photography Contest -(5-7-2016) For the Junior/Intermediate Division of the District 7 Photos, the complete listing of contest results
from across the District and Best In Class & Best In Show winning
photos will be placed on the District 7 website at: http://d74h.tamu.edu under the Contest Results tab. Senior photos results will
be announced during Roundup in June.
Range Evaluation & Plant ID Contest (4-16-16) - Senior Team—
Jesse Pfeuffer; Tate Jones, and Sutton Braden.
District 7 Roundup - (5-7-15) Educational Presentations - and Senior Fashion Show winners will be announced at Roundup on May 7th.
Scholars - those who qualified for interview in Austin (4-30-16):
Taylor Hoelscher, Meagan Crawford, Emily Niehues, Ashley Wilde,
and Tara Weber. We wish all of the scholars good luck on receiving a
scholarship at Roundup
Summer Camp Info: Just a reminder
for ALL persons interested in attending
the annual County Camp, Prime-Time or Horizon camps
at the Texas 4-H Center at Lake Brownwood, ALL RESERVATIONS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE CAMP
MUST BE DONE THRU ActiveNetwork at the Texas 4H Center at: http://texas4hcenter.tamu.edu and look for the
“register” button in middle of page.. PLEASE NOTE !!!
FROM THE 4-H CENTER WEBSITE. Submit $25 deposit or pay full amount at time of registration. Family
may add supplemental payments up till June 23 at which
time ALL FEES ARE DUE. Total cost for the camp varies
for each camp. Final payment of the camp can be paid by
credit card. The annual camps are open to anyone! All 4H members AND non-members must be between the ages
of 8 yrs old and going into 3rd grade thru 18 years old.
You DO NOT have to be a member of 4-H to attend the
camps. If you have questions, please call.
District 7 Leadership Lab: will be held at the Texas 4-H
Center in Brownwood, on June 22 thru June 24.
(Wednesday-Friday). This is the annual District meeting
and election of officers, open to all District 4-H Council
officers plus representatives from each county. All participants must be at least 13 years of age by the date of Leadership Lab. Registration is done online thru 4-H Connect
which will open on May 16th. If you are wanting to run
for a District Council position, all applications must be
turned in to the County office by June 3rd . Please check
letter, agenda, forms and links to 4-H Connect thru the
District 7 website at: http://d74-h.tamu.edu and click under District Events and look for Leadership Lab for guidelines and to complete the forms.
All clubs are asked to help find donations
for the silent auction during the annual Shamrock Shuffle.
Baskets of goodies—maybe with a theme or anything else that
you would like to donate or put together, will be greatly appreciated. A lot of our attendees love to make the silent Auction
very competitive. Last year all the “college” themed baskets
were a huge hit!! All of the proceeds from the Silent Auction
will be a fundraiser for the Parents and Adult Leaders Association. Those funds help 4-Hers all over the county to attend
special functions as well as provide prizes for the end of year
activities. If you have someone who wants to donate—please
bring them to the Extension office by Thursday, May 12th.
Page 2
TGC 4-H Newsletter
Gold Star Requirements
The Gold Star Award is the highest county achievement award and will be awarded only once in a
member’s 4-H career. Counties have award quotas based on the number of senior 4-H members. The award is presented to the most deserving young people without regard to sex. The following are minimum requirements that must be met. The member must be at least 15
at the time of application and must have completed at least 3 years in
4-H, including the current year.
The 4-H member must submit an awards program recordbook in the
year he or she is to be considered for the award. The 4-H member
must have completed projects in three different project areas, have
submitted appropriate record forms, and have participated in one or
more activities in at least three of the following areas:
* Educational Presentations
* Citizenship activities
* Projects
* Project exhibits
* Camps
* Leadership labs
* Public relations (speeches, poster displays, radio, TV, newspapers)
* Other (includes exchange programs, fundraising, State & National Congress,
Note: The requirements for projects and activities do not all have to
be completed in the current year. They may have been accomplished
over the entire period of time the person has been in the program.
The member must have exhibited leadership skills by serving as a 4-H
officer or committee chairman (club county, district or state), and/or
as a junior or teen leader in an activity or project with or under the
supervision of an adult volunteer leader. The 4-H member must have
participated in one or more community service activities. Examples
are working with or counseling junior 4-H members; participating in
community service projects (individual, group or club); and motivating other 4-H members through participation in demonstrations, projects and/or exhibits.
RECORDBOOKS Now is the time of the year to be thinking and working toward completion of your 4-H Record book. Record keeping is going to be an important part of your
life. You will keep records in high school, at work, in college, and
even if you own your own business or work for someone else.
Now is the time to learn how to keep good records. The most important thing about 4-H record keeping is to find a way that you
are comfortable with to collect information. 4-H wouldn’t be the
same without records. They’re an important part of completing
each project. They help you set some goals, keep track of your
attendance at 4-H meetings and functions, record your demonstrations and talks & a lot more.
Record book forms are available online and can be downloaded
using Word or PDF format. You will be able to edit, add pictures
and print out your information from your own personal computer.
* NEW forms and availability of the Recordbook progress for
Seniors, Intermediates and Junior age divisions can be found on
the Texas 4-H website at: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/recordbooks
There are also a number of instructional brochures and other info
if you are new to the recordbook process on the Reports site.
There is also an excellent PDF workbook called Family Guide for
Recordbooks on the Texas 4-H website listed above that may be
of benefit to you. The 4-H agent can set up a one-to-one meeting
if someone needs the additional assistance. If you have questions,
or need more information - please feel free to give Jaye or Courtney a call and they will be glad to help.
TGC Newsletter
Year End Awards
Please remember to keep working on your recordbooks. It is
much easier and less stressful to work on those project record
keeping plans through the year rather than waiting until deadline
to remember all your activities.
sheets are due to the office by June 1st. The annual 4-H Banquet
is scheduled for September at the 4-H Building and plans are still
being finalized. Awards will include:
GOLD STAR - for 4-Hers 15-19 years old, completed 3 years in
4-H and 3 projects turned in a completed Awards program Recordbook, exhibited leadership skills/ club officer, jr. leader, participated in community service activities, participated in at least 3 of the
following areas: citizenship, educational presentations, camps, or
public relations.
SILVER STAR - for 4-Hers 12-14 years old, completed 2 projects, turned in a complete Awards program recordbook, participated in community service activities.
BRONZE STAR - for 4-Hers in 3rd grade or 9 yrs old thru 11
years, completed 1 project, turned in a complete Awards Program
recordbook, and participated in community service activities.
I DARE YOU - for 4-Hers 14-19 years old, completed 3 years
in 4-H and 2 projects, turned in a complete Awards Program
Recordbook, exhibits a potential for leadership.
For more information on these awards, contact Jaye or
Courtney at the Extension office.
County Council & Adult
Leaders Mtg - “Movie Night”
There will be a Tom Green 4-H
County Council and Adult Leaders’
meeting on Friday, May 13th at the
ASU– Texan Hall beginning at 5:30
pm. Officer elections will be held for both groups
along with review and plans for upcoming contests. There will be pizza for all members and
Movie Night will provide entertainment from the
Disney & Pixar Movie — “Inside Out”. All 4-H
members are invited to attend the evening of enjoyment and celebration of end of school activities. Please RSVP the number of family members
that are planning to attend; call 659-6522. ASUTexas Hall Theatre is located at in the ASU dorm
off Jackson St. See flyer elsewhere in the Newsletter for complete details on the movie. Mark Your Calendar!!
Steer Validation for 2016-17 Show Season, Thursday,
June 16th at 8:00 AM at Thomas Livestock Barns
State Fair of Texas-Sheep & Goat Validations—
Thursday, June 16th at 6:00 PM at the TGC 4-H Bldg.
Page 3
Jr. Fashion Project Clothing & Textiles
There will be two separate 4-H Sewing
Workshops this year for all 4-H members
wishing to construct or purchase an outfit. There are NEW
categories this year so please read the information below. The
upcoming workshops will be held from 9:30 AM until 3:00
PM on the following dates and places:
** Tom Green 4-H Building - June 1,2,& 3.
** Wall Elementary School Cafeteria-June 15-17
Each 4-Her is asked to come to the first meeting
ready to sew; therefore, you will need to bring the
following items:
*Sewing machine & attachments (if you do not have a machine,
there will be extras that you can borrow-contact Courtney to verify.)
*Material (washed & dried), Pattern, Thread to match, Scissors, pins & pin cushion, marking pens, measuring tape, seam
ripper, accessories (anything your pattern calls for such as interfacing, elastic, lace, buttons, zipper, etc.) AND a sack
All interested leaders and teen leaders are invited to help
with these workshops. Even leaders that do not sew can be
put to work on arts and craft projects. All available help
would be appreciated.
The Tom Green County Fashion Show will be held at the
Tom Green 4-H Building on Thursday, June 30th beginning
with judging at 9:30 AM and Fashion Show at 11:30 AM.
The District 7 Jr. Fashion Show will be held Tuesday, July 19
at the Grape Creek Baptist Church.
Each county may send a total of 48 winners to
the District contest as follows:
24 - Juniors; 3rd grade –5th grade as of 8-31-15.
24 - Intermediates - 6th—8th grade as of 8-31-15.
(12 in Construction & 12 in Buying in each age div.
Participants may wear purchased blouse/shirt if the participant
has constructed a skirt/pants or vice versa. The 4 categories
in the Construction Division include:
Construction Division:
1.) Dressy - garment worn to activities such as church, weddings,
banquets and special occasions; examples: dresses, dressy
skirt/blouse, dressy coat/pants.
2.) Everyday Living - includes casual sportswear, weekend-wear,
sleepwear, clothing for school, casual after-school events, or hanging out with friends.
3.) Re-Fashion - The result of modifying existing clothing or fabric
item (such as table cloth or curtain) into something more fashionable. The main purpose of ReFashion is creativity, as well as sewing
skills. The member designs and sews a wearable garment from previously used garments or fabric item. The completed garment is
different from its original use, not just an alteration. (Examples:
neck ties sewn together to form a skirt or taking old t-shirts and
making them into a skirt.)
4.) Special Interest - Entry should be something that reflects a special interest of the participant, such as equestrian clothing and riding
apparel, dance costumes, hiking clothing, or rock climbing clothing.
Page 4
Buying Division: Each category can have three individual entries
from Junior and Intermediate age divisions. The Buying Division
will have four (4) categories:
1.) Dressy - garment worn to activities such as church, weddings,
banquets and special occasions; examples: dresses, dressy
skirt/blouse, dressy coat/pants.
2.) Everyday Living - includes casual sportswear, weekend-wear,
sleepwear, clothing for school, casual after-school events, or hanging out with friends.
3.) Fantastic Fashions under $25 - This category is designed to
expand the 4-H member’s shopping experience to include different
shopping venues. Outfits must be purchased at a garage sale, consignment store, Goodwill, Salvation Ary, or other retainl business.
Receipts are required for everything that is visible during the interview, except shoes. Receipts for garage sales can be handwritten.
This includes jewelry and accessories. Do not need to account for
sales tax.
4.) Special Interest - Entry should be something that reflects a
special interest of the participant, such as equestrian clothing and
riding apparel, dance costumes, hiking clothing, or rock climbing
Texas Natural Fiber Competition: 4-H members may also be
eligible to compete in the Texas Natural Fiber Competition if the
Natural Fiber eligibility requirements are met; Cotton minimum
65%, and Wool minimum 60%. Awards will be given in each of
the Construction and Buying categories. A separate round of judging will take place for the competition.
Embellished Apparel Division: Apparel items must be wearable
clothing (no bags) embellished with items such as beads, paint,
dyes, etc. There are 2 categories and participant may enter only
one piece in each category. Categories include: 1) Tops - includes
t-shirts, blouses, jackets (no tank tops please; and 2) bottoms - includes pants, skirts, shorts, capris.
Jewelry Making Division which has 2 categories and each participant may enter only one piece in each category. Categories include: 1) Jewelry Sets and 2) Jewelry Singles.
Non-Apparel Division: All entries in this division must be hand or
machine sewn. The non-apparel division will have 6 categories.
1) Pillows -may not be larger than 28"; 2) Quilts or Throws - may
not exceed twin bed size. 3) Tote Bags - any size including handbags. 4) Small Electronic Device Cover - Cover to fit a cell phone,
blackberry, i-pod, MP3 player, etc 5) Aprons and 6) other - items
that do not fit in any other category.
Fashion Storyboard:The 4H Fashion Storyboard is an industry
inspired method of displaying original designs. The best storyboards create vivid visual images that are interesting and appealing
to viewers. The storyboard “tells the story” of the designer’s idea.
The storyboard includes original illustrations and flats, as well as
additional materials (such as photos from the Internet or magazines, paper, fabric swatches, patterns, etc.) that have influenced
the unique design. There are 5 categories that each item must be
entered and 4-H members may enter only ONE storyboard.
*NEW: for the 2016 Fashion Storyboards:
Social media has become a stage to not only set fashion trends,
but to launch designers. Social media outlets such as, Facebook,
Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube are easily accessible, and conversational in nature. Fashion trends are created though social media,
the trend is not “imposed” on the audience, but instead, it is made
available for the audience, and the audience will have the freedom
to adopt it or grasp onto part of it.
(Continued on page 5)
TGC 4-H Newsletter
(Continued from page 4)
More info can be found at under the D7 4-H
website for Jr & Intermediate Fashion Show
Guidelines or at the Texas 4-H Fashion Storyboard website at: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/clothings-textiles/
Worksheets are available at the County Extension office for the
Construction Division, and the Buying Division. A complete packet of information will be mailed out to all those who are interested
in participating. These are due into the Extension office by Friday, June 26th. Participants do NOT have to participate in the 4-H
Sewing Workshop in order to participate in the Fashion Show, but
we need your worksheets no later than Friday, June 24th. You
HAVE to be a 4-H member to participate in the 4-H Sewing workshop.
If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please call
659-6522 and let us know so we can be prepared. Also if you
have any questions about the selection of patterns, material or buying info, just call Courtney at 659-6522.
CAMPS-Summer 2016
County Camp- Texas 4-H Center in Brownwood will host
camp for Tom Green County with Session 1 that is scheduled for June 27
-29 and Session 2, June 29-July 1, 2016. (Session 3-July 6-8) All youth
ages (9-18 yrs old) are eligible to attend - all youth who have completed
grades 2 thru 11. Persons do NOT have to be a 4-H member to attend.
Sessions 1 & 2 cost will be $180 for youth and $85 for Adults which must
be cleared with background checks to be eligible to register and attend.
All registration will be done thru the online Registration program under
the Texas 4-H Center site and payments can be made using credit card.
Registration begins on March 1st thru June 14th with late registration to be
held June 15-23 with a 5% increase as late fee. Adult volunteers are
Prime-Time - especially designed for younger youth with opportunities to
meet new friends, develop new skills, and learn how to work with others.
3 night, 4 day event and covers all meals, lodging, refreshments, health
care service, facility and programming fees. 4-H membership is NOT a
requirement to participate in camp. Registrations will be accepted on a
first come first served basis until the camp is filled. Register at the Texas
4-H Center site beginning on March 1st thru June 14th.
Session I - grades 5-8, July 17-20; Total Cost $230 per participant
Session II - grades 2-5, July 20-23; Total Cost $230 per participant
Camp enrollment is based on grade completed in spring, 2015 and 4-H
membership is NOT required to participate in any camp.
Prime Time Extreme - camp for youth who have completed 8th thru 11th
grade. This camp is similar to Prime Time I & II; high energy fast paced
progrm and takes everything to the EXTREME. Programs include: advanced archery, fishing kayaking, water games, advanced dance classes
and challenge course for the Texas Screamer, Giant Swing, Incline Log,
Color Glow Run and much more. Registration covers meals, lodging,
health care services and programming fees for the 3 night, 4 day event
and dates are July 11th -14th, 2016 with cost to be $230 per youth and
$110 for adults.
Horizons Camp - is a camp for youth completed grades 4th - 8th and
featuring six different 4-H project learning programs. Each participant will
select from one of the six programs to be offered – Jr Master Gardener,
Robotics, Share the Fun, Leadership, Wildlife Adventure and Science
Discovery/CSI. Camp will also include many fun activities at 4-H Center
such as dancing, swimming and lots more. The camp will be held June
27th - July 1st with cost to be total of $280. Registration begins March 1st
TGC 4-H Newsletter
via the Texas 4-H Center website and will be accepted on a first come first
served basis until the camp is filled.
District 7 Leadership Lab - to be held June 22nd thru June 24th to be
held at the Texas 4-H Center in Brownwood. Estimated cost will be announced later. District officers for the new year will be elected at this time.
If you are interested in knowing more about this camp, please contact
Courtney or Jaye. To be a District Council officer, every candidate MUST
ATTEND the Lab and be prepared for interview and speech presentations.
More information coming later. All Registration will begin in mid-April.
Howard College Goat & Lamb Camps on the campus of Howard college in Big Spring. Instructions in selection, health & management, feeding, exercising, washing-shearing, classifying and showmanship with
hands-on instruction. Camp participants must be 9 yrs old or entering the
No refunds after May 1st! Both these camps fill up quickly so get application in early! Total Cost - $85 per person for meals and camp t-shirt or
cap; If you do not bring your own goat, add $50 per goat provided by Howard College. **Participants should make reservation at the area hotel of
their choice; no housing will be provided. Meals by
College Cafeteria (4 meals included)
Goats - June 12, 13, & 14, 2016
Lambs - June 5, 6, & 7, 2016
For application, hotel listings or more information, contact the office.
Aggieland Lamb & Goat Camp - Join in with others in Aggieland for a
FUN and EXCITING 3 day program dedicated to educating students on the
fundamentals of feeding, nutrition, health, facilities, and selection with plenty of showmanship and Quality Counts information! Lamb Camp is July 15
-17, 2016 and Goat Camp is July 22-24, 2016. Register online at website:
Cost is $175 for children and Adults is $75 each. After May 1, 2016, a
late fee will be added. Registration will be open to the 1st - 150 paid campers!!! For more info check out the website or contact Cheyanne or Ciarra
at [email protected] or phone: 979-845-7616. All
camp participants must be accompanied by an adult and must be at least 8
years old or entering the 3rd grade.
Aggieland Livestock Judging Camp - June 10-12, 2016 or June 13-15,
2016 in College Station; Cost is $300 per camper. For more info - contact
Brant Poe- 979-845-7616.
Blinn College Livestock Camp—The Blinn Judging Team will be hosting
two Summer Youth Livestock Judging Camps. 2016 camps “Train Like A
Champion” will be held on 2 different dates...July 16-18 and July 20-22. Cost
to attend is $250 and deadline to sign up is July 1st.
WTRC Camp Volunteer—The West Texas Rehab Center in Abilene is
currently seeking teen volunteers to assist with their annual Camp Rehab
event, May 31 – June 2, in Buffalo Gap. Volunteers are paired with special
needs children, and provide assistance to them throughout the event. It is
a great community service opportunity for 4-H members, and a very rewarding experience as well. I mention this because the rehab center has
complimented our 4-H members in the past, and have said that our members are “perfect volunteers” for this type of event. (Shows that we have
some really great kids in our program!)
Texas Tech Sponsored Camps—Chef Camp (ages 13-16) and 2 different Fashion Camps—Glue, Glitter & Glamour (8-12 years of age) and
Retail Management Camp (13-16 yrs) All to be held June 27th thru July
1st. Deadline to register is May 31st.
For more information or registration forms for any of these
camps, watch the Texas 4-H website for additional updates or contact the County Extension office.
Page 5
Club News
TGC 4H Archery Club
We have set the date of Friday, May 20 as our “End of School” 4-H An honorary plaque was presented to Coach Larry on behalf of
the Archery Club by the president, Sebastian Castillo. Thank you
Dance. It will be from 6-10 p.m. at the Sterling County Community
Coach Larry for your dedication to our club! You will be sorely
Center. This year, we are opening the dance up for 4-H kids in
missed. Wishing you and your family the best of luck on your
grades 3-8th from Sterling, Glasscock, Coke and Tom Green Counnew venture.
ties. Sterling County will supply refreshments and there will be no
The Archery Club will
charge. A flyer for publicity was email the end of April. Please
make sure that all of your 4-H members are aware of this opportunity. conduct their elections on
May 5. Parents vs kids
Chad Coburn and Kandice Everitt, CEA
shoot will be held on May
12. End-of-Year party
TGC Rifle Club
will take place at our last
4-H Shooting Sports Extravaganza held at the Texas 4-H Center in
Brownwood, April 16th. The following Tom Green County Rifle Club get-together on May 19.
A large group of Archers participated at the State Indoor Match
kids competed.
Graham, Texas. All Archers had a great time and made new
Trey Greeman-Jr-Smallbore Rifle Silhouette (16th) & 3Position(15th)
Archer Chet Peters made a unique shot with his Robin
Reese Kearby-Inter-Smallbore Rifle Silhouette (3rd) & Light Rifle(20th)
at Graham. Way to go Chet!! Thank you coaches for
Molly Horning-Sr-Smallbore Rifle Silhouette (8th) & Light Rifle(20th)
that you give each and every Archer.
Braden Peiser - Jr-Light Rifle and 3 Position
Garrison Nikolauk - Jr Light Rifle (4th) and 3 Position (7th)
Riley Nikolauk - Jr. Light Rifle (25th) and 3 Position (29th)
Zane Wegner - Jr. Light Rifle(38th) and 3 Position (26th)
Boone Harris - Jr. Light Rifle(47th) and 3 Position (20th)
Tanner Grayson - Jr- 3 Position (6th) and 3D Archery(6th)
Braden Peiser received 1st place medals in Light Rifle and
3 Position. Complete placings and scores for each division
and category can be found on the Texas 4-H website:
The District 7 4-H Rifle Contest was held in Baird at the Callahan Christoval Club
County Shooting Range on Saturday, April 30th. In the team category, The Christoval 4-H club met on April 11th at the Hummer House.
Mrs. Kathy Brown gave a presentation on hummingbirds and oththe junior division team of Trey Greeman, Boone Harris, Zane
Wegner and Riley Nikolauk took 6th place. The junior division team er birds that make their home in Christoval. After her presentation
we had our election of Officers. Our new President is Sage Powof Garrison Nikolauk, Wyatt Young, Grayson Tanner and Braden
Peiser took 2nd place. In the individual category, Braden Peiser came ell; Trey Greeman is vice President; Beth McCann is Secretary,
Kolsen Uptergrove is Treasurer; Tatum Reeves is Reporter.
home with the1st place medal. We only had one person shoot in the
Our next meeting is May 24th, we will be having our end of the
intermediate age group so we did not have a team, but we should all
year party at the Eldorado Swimming Pool. Have a great summer
be proud of Katie Pierson who did a fantastic job representing our
everyone. We also wanted to let everyone know that our Lone
county in the intermediate division.
Star Cattle Raisers raffle raised $1700 dollars. So the Tom Green
Livestock Show will be receiving $850 from the Lone Star Cattle
Shooting Sports Club
Our annual TGC 4-H Whiz bang is fast approaching (Saturday, May Raisers and Christoval 4-H club, our club will be receiving $425.
Thanks to everyone who supported us in this raffle.
7th) and we are still in need of a few items for our concession stand.
We still need canned drinks, Gatorade or poweraides, and cooked
sausage for the breakfast burritos…. I think we have at least 4 cases of Twin Mountain Club
This month, at the Twin Mountain 4-h meeting, we finalized our
water at the clubhouse but we can always use more – water is a big
plan to buy members tickets to Schlitterbahn, for the End of the
seller especially if it is hot outside. Contact Susan Short if you are
Year Party, and voted on it. Needless to say it was unanimous.
interested in donating. Reminder again about our clean up days:
We also elected new club leaders. This month our members also
Sunday, May 1 ; Thursday, May 5 and Friday, May 6 about
volunteered at the Children's Fair, at the Petting Zoo and the Snow
5:00ish. The more hands, the lighter the work load!!!
Cone Stand. Sean Woodley, Reporter, signing off for the last time.
Subject: "End of School" 4-H Dance
4-H Newsletter
Page 6
Upcoming Events:
May 7: District Roundup - West Tx Training Center
May 7: Tom Green 4-H Whiz Bang-TGC 4H Shooting Sports Complex.
May 8: Mother’s Day
May 13: Council & Leaders Mtg. & Movie Night @ ASU, 5:30
May 14: Shamrock Shuffle, Wells Fargo Pavilion
May 23: Deadline for all District Horse Show entries
Lily of
May 27: End of School for area Campuses
May 30: Memorial Day - Offices Closed
June 1: Deadline for Credit Sheets
June 1-3: Tom Green 4-H Sewing Workshop, 4H Bldg
June 6-10: State 4-H Roundup, TAMU, College Station
June 13-14: District Horse Show - Llano
June 15: Deadline for Recordbook entries
June 15-17: 4-H Sewing Workshop-Wall Elem School Cafeteria
June 16: Steer Validation - 8 AM - Thomas Livestock Barns
June 16: State Fair Validation-Sheep & Goats, 4H Center, 6:00 PM
June 24: Deadline for worksheets for all Jr. Fashion Show projects
June 30: Tom Green County Fashion Show, 4H Building
June 22-24: District 7 Leadership Lab, Texas 4-H Center, Brownwood
June 27-29: Session I, County Camp - Texas 4-H Center, Brownwood
June 27-July 1: Horizons Camp for youth - 4th - 8th grade, Brownwood
July 4: County Holiday-Independence Day-Offices Closed
July 12: District Recordbook Judging and Agent Planning event, 4H Bldg
July 11-14: Prime Time Extreme (grades 8th - 11th)
July 19: District 7 Jr. Fashion Show, Grape Creek Baptist Church
July 17-23: Texas State 4-H Shooting Sports Games(Archery & Shotgun), San Antonio
July 17-20: Prime Time Session I(grades 5-8) - Brownwood
July 20-23: Prime Time Session II(grades 2-5) - Brownwood
July 23-24: Concho River Classic & Jr. MGSC Banquet, 4H Bldg
July 23-30: Texas State 4-H Horse Show, Abilene
For more information, check out our website at http://tomgreen.agrilife.org
Tom Green County
113 W. Beauregard
San Angelo, Texas 76903
Jaye Chasteen
CEA-4-H & YD
Courtney Redman
Joshua Blanek
Allison Watkins
Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability,
genetic information or veteran status.
TGC 4-H Movie Night
Friday, May 13th—5:30 PM
Council/ Parent Mtgs & Pizza
ASU Texan Hall Theatre
Do you ever look at someone and wonder, “What is going on inside their head?”
Meet the little voices inside your head. Disney Pixar presents an inventive animated film that takes you on a journey from the Inside Out to discover the emotional
roller coaster inside your head.
Upcoming Events:
June 2016
1-3—4H Sewing Wkshop, 4H Bldg
6-10—State 4H Roundup, College Station
13-14—D7 Horse Show, Llano
15—Deadline Record books
15-17—4H Sewing Wkshop, Wall Cafeteria
16—Validations: Steers, Sheep, Goats
19—Father’s Day
22-24—D7 Leadership Lab, Brownwood
24-25 Water Conference, 4H Bldg
27-1—County Camps & Horizon’s Camp
Tom Green County 4-H Events Calendar
M ay 2 0 1 6
TGC Whiz BangShooting Facilities
Veribest FFA Banq
Agents Spring Admin
ABClub Mtg-4pm
CVMG Biz Mtg.5p
Deadline for D7
Horse Entry Online
Memorial Day
Food Challenge
TGC 4H Mtg & Shamrock Shuffle
Movie Night-ASU, Wells Fargo Pav.
Veribest Athle Banq Central FFA Banq
Wildlife Wednesday, 12 noon
D7 Roundup—ASU
Wheat TourMillersview
End of School