SMP Day of Service - Single Marine Program
SMP Day of Service - Single Marine Program
CHERRY POINT'S SINGLE MARINE PROGRAM APRIL CALL US AT 252-466-3027 Sunday Monday Tuesday haveloclks boys & gir club ering volunte m-f 1 movie Oriental Rotary Boat Show 17 Croatan National Forest theater Contact SMP Coordinator to sign-up. 4 Oriental Rotary 11 Boat Show 0’s rockin 8 st movie fe 80’s game ht show nig volunteer at an animal shelter 5 6 7 Bible Discussion Group @ 1900 American Heroes Heroes 12 13 totally 14 80’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & DJ Bible Discussion Group @ 1900 Free SMP Golf Clinics 19 24 Single Parent Forum 15 a rad all 80’s trivi b o v lley r ition o t t e gladiaight comp 0’s n rockint8 y r a p Volunteer with Riverpoint Nursing Home Cypress Landing Golf Tournament 20 21 16 Veteran’s Organic Garden Volunteering how not to fall for a jerk volunteer at an animal shelter 22 Camp 23 rral SMP Day co of Service Bible Discussion Group @ 1900 American Heroes 26 Bible Discussion Group @ 1900 27 Neuse River Senior Games End 28 29 POOL TOURNEY 30 Volunteer with Riverpoint Nursing Home volunteer at an animal shelter Free SMP Golf Clinics OUTDOOR POKER & CIGAR NIGHT Home Build of Pamlico Co. volunteer at an animal shelter Free SMP Golf Clinics 25 Home Build of Pamlico Co. volunteer at an animal shelter Free SMP Golf Clinics Home Build of Pamlico Co. Outerbanks Wildlife Shelter 9 Special Olympics Swim Invitational Oriental Rotary Boat Show American SMP COUNCIL MEETING 1430 Volunteer with a Veterans’ Retirement Community 8 Veteran’s Organic Garden Volunteering Beer Goggles & Golf Carts Oriental Rotary Boat Show 18 Neuse River Senior Games Begin 2 Play the K Golf Tournament MAC FAMILY DAY Great Glow Run Home Build of Pamlico Co. 10 Saturday Annunciation Catholic School Volunteer with a Veterans’ Retirement Community Outerbanks Wildlife Shelter Friday WWII Museum Restoration smp 3 Heroes Thursday Volunteer Opportunities that fit your schedule: Check out our huge selection of new and unreleased movies! American Wednesday CORN HOLE GAMER TOURNAMENTS Roadhouse Hours - Monday - Sunday 11am-Midnight NO FEDERAL OR USMC ENDORSEMENT IMPLIED SMP APRIL 2016 Calendar Information Sheet SMP APRIL 2016 Calendar Information Sheet Please call (252) 466-3027 or see our SMP staff at the front desk at the Roadhouse for more information and to sign up!! Please call (252) 466-3027 or see our SMP staff at the front desk at the Roadhouse for more information and to sign up!! APRIL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: (LOA’s are provided; these are open to ALL active duty service members!) x SMP Day of Service (4/22)! We will be hosting 11 different events that day, so please encourage your Marines and Sailors to participate! Details on events are posted on our website and registration is open: Please also see MARADMIN 074/16: “All Commands are invited to participate, with the emphasis on allowing single Marines and Sailors the opportunity to contribute to this initiative. Therefore it is requested that commanders support this endeavor”. Events will be open to all active duty, DoD, and dependents. Events include Boys and Girls Club, Animal Shelter, Beach Clean Up, Neuse River Keepers, Veterans Organic Gardens, Senior Games, American Heroes Home Build, Carteret Community Theatre historic building renovation, Croatan National Forest, Base Beautification, and more! Most events meet at the Roadhouse at 0700; will return around 1530. Lunch and drinks included. Check website for all details and to register! PTAD request letters available by emailing Jen at [email protected]. Boys and Girls Club “Play the K” Golf Tournament Volunteering! (4/2). Assist our local kids in this golf tournament by volunteering on the course during the event. (No golfing experience necessary!). We’re looking for 12-14 volunteers for this event. Meet at the Roadhouse at 1130; will return around 1700. Please wear collared shirt and closed toed shoes MAC Family Day Volunteering (4/2). Help our local Carteret County Military Affairs Committee with their Family Day at the Doubletree in Atlantic Beach! We’ll be helping with set-up, registration, games, and tear down. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0730; will return at 1530. Great Glow Run – POV only (4/2). Assist with this incredibly fun event, benefiting adults and children in our local community. POV only. Details are on our website! Outerbanks Wildlife Shelter (4/10 and 4/24). Assist the Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter with a variety of projects, including organization and hauling away unnecessary items. OWLS assists with rehabilitating wild animals and releasing them back to their natural habitats. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0900 and return around 1630. Please wear closed toed shoes or boots. Airshow Volunteering (4/29, 4/30, and 5/1). Volunteer at the Air Show! We’re looking for volunteers to assist with the VIP chalets for Friday, 4/29 (1430-2130), Saturday, 4/30 (0700-1730), and Sunday 5/1 (0700-1730). SMP greatly appreciates your help; all proceeds raised will go directly to the SMP Council Funds (you vote, you spend)!! Special Olympics Swim Invitational (4/9). Assist our special Athletes in this fun swim competition. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0830. Will return early afternoon. Oriental Rotary Club Boat Show (4/8 – 4/10). Volunteer one or more than one day! Help out the Rotary Club with their Boat Show Event with event set-up, activities, and tear down. Lunch and beverages included! Please see our website for additional details and show times for each date (Fri and Sun @1000; Sat @0800). Neuse River Senior Games (4/18 – 4/28). Volunteer and assist our Athletes at the Senior Games! Activities include: Bocce, football, softball, horseshoes, basketball, shuffleboard, cycling, croquet, track and field, corn hole and swimming. There are a variety of shifts and days available, so please see the SMP website for more information and to sign up. POV only, with the exception of Friday, 22 April. Camp Corral (4/23): Volunteer to help out our families with Fallen Heroes and Wounded Warriors. Food and beverages are included. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0700 (first shift; returns at 1330) OR 1300 (second shift; returns at 1900). Limited to four volunteers max. Havelock Boys and Girls Club (M – F). POV only. Volunteer with our local Boys and Girls Club! Assist with mentoring, tutoring, homework, coaching, and activities! Please contact the Boys and Girls Club at 252-444-5437 for additional details. A one-time $10 background check is required. Veteran’s Organic Garden Volunteering in New Bern (Saturday 4/16 and Friday 4/8). We will be assisting the Veterans Employment Base Camp and Organic Gardens with a variety of construction and planting projects! Meet at the Roadhouse at 0800. Will return by 1230. American Heroes Home Build of Pamlico Co. (every other Saturday and Sunday). Help build a home for an active duty Service Member injured in combat. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0745; will return around 1630. Lunch provided! (Rain or shine). Volunteer with a Veterans’ Retirement Community – Carteret House (4/4 abd 4/18): Bond with Veterans and swap stories at one of our local retirement communities. Attire is service uniform of the day please. Meet at the Roadhouse at 1700. Volunteer with Riverpoint Nursing Home (4/13 and 4/27): Volunteer with our seniors! Attire is service uniform of the day please. Meet at the Roadhouse at 1700. Animal Shelter (every Saturday): Volunteer at the Carteret County Animal Rescue from 0800-1200. Assist with walking the dogs, meeting with potential adopters, special projects, and cleaning. Meet at the Roadhouse at 0700. WWII Museum Restoration (on-going M—S; works around your schedule). Love cool history? Want to help save our WWII history?!! Learn how to restore some of the coolest artifacts and VEHICLES from WWII at the Newport WWII Museum. POV only; please contact Frank at [email protected] to set up a time to volunteer! Habitat for Humanity (during the week!). Habitat opportunities are also available during the week. Check for the most current opportunities. (POV for weekday events only, but LOA’s will be provided). Special Olympics Spring Games (May 5). We’re looking for a TON of volunteers to help out our Special Athletes during this fun field meet!! Please meet at the Roadhouse at 0745. We’ll return around 1330. Lunch and beverages will be provided. Reenactment on the USS North Carolina Volunteering (5/27 – 5/31). This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the United States Marine Corps Historical Society! We are looking for a select few Marines to participate in a five-day reenactment aboard the USS North Carolina in Wilmington. Marines will be outfitted in WWII uniforms, eat and lodge aboard the ship, and interact with the public and the ORIGINAL crew of the USS North Carolina, the highest decorated battleship in WWII. Marines will be also able to learn about and participate in the amazing history of Marine Corps Heritage in WWII. Please see Jen Krivohlavy or John Sheehan to sign up and for details on Command Endorsement requirements. Transportation provided by SMP. Additional APRIL and FUTURE Volunteer Events!!! We have new opportunities come up each week; please check our website for additional April volunteer events! Look out for these events coming up in May: Special Olympics (5/5), Chicod Elementary Field Meet (5/13), Cypress Landing Military Appreciation Day (5/14), WWII USS North Carolina Reenactment ( and Havelock Middle School Proctoring (5/24-5/26)! SMP Featured Volunteer Events of the Month!!!! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x APRIL SPECIAL EVENTS: x SMP Featured Events of the Month!!!! Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & DJ (4/12 @ 1730-2300) SMP is throwing a HUGE party for our volunteers, complete with a delicious (free!) Italian Dinner, DJ, games, and awesome prizes! If you’ve volunteered for SMP, we want to show our appreciation to you!! (Open to all who have volunteered for SMP regardless of marital status, service branch, rank, etc.). Beer Goggles and Golf Carts (4/8 @1300 -- 1600; Base Chapel overflow parking lot). Join SMP in this FUN one-of-a-kind event with the NC State Highway Patrol. 40 active duty service members will be able to run through the demo with the State Trooper. Learn about the laws behind DWI checkpoints and get a firsthand experience with the effects of impaired driving. Single Parent Forum (4/25). Come raise the issues and struggles you face as a single parent. Great resources will be available, but we want to hear all issues so that all can be addressed. Event will be from 1000-1400 at the Russell Marine and Family Center, Bldg 40, Brewster Blvd. MCB Camp Lejeune. Cherry Point SMP will be providing transportation: Meet at the Roadhouse at 0815; will return to CP around 1515. How Not to Fall for a Jerk (4/15). This is an interactive, fun, casual class that focuses on some very helpful hints, whether you’re just hanging out, dating casually, or already in a relationship. Starts at 0800 at the Roadhouse; concludes at 1000. SMP Council Meeting (MONDAY 4/18 at 1430 at the Roadhouse): ALL ARE WELCOME!!! SMP is YOUR program, so come fill us in on your recreation ideas, volunteering ideas, and QOL initiatives. Bible Discussion Group! Every Tuesday at 1900 in the Roadhouse reading room. The POKER Tournament (Every Wednesday Night at 1930): Gift card prizes awarded to the winners every Wednesday! (No exchange of money, just bring yourself and your game! -). Basketball Tourney (Every Tuesday at 1830), Volleyball Games (Every Wednesday at 1900) and TGIF Karaoke Nights!!! (every Friday 1500 an on). SMP Movie Theatre: SMP has a huge selection of movies (new and unreleased!) …. Come check it out! GAMER TOURNAMENT. (Every Tuesday Night at 1830 and 2000): Pick your favorite game. New prizes awarded! Also, if there is a game we don’t have, please contact the front desk to request! FREE SMP Golf Clinics (every Wednesday): Have fun while learning golf fundamentals or work on your existing technique! All range balls and equipment will be provided. Meet at the Roadhouse at 1645, or directly at the Sound of Freedom Golf Course at 1700. Clinic is one hour. Registration is required by day prior to clinic. x x x x x x x x x x ROCKIN 80’s WEEK (10 April – 16 April): x Rockin 80’s Movie Festival (4/11): Head over to the Roadhouse for some totally bodacious 80’s movies!!! Enjoy the Goonies, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Labyrinth, War Games, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice, and tons more!! 80’s Game Show Nite (4/11 1830 and on!): Travel back in time to our wicked cool Game Show Nite! Pick and choose which games you want to enter (including Family Feud, the Newly(dating) Game, Hollywood Squares, Press Your Luck, and Name that Tune)! Games kick off at 1830, but show up whenever and have some fun! Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & DJ (4/12 @ 1730-2300) SMP is throwing a HUGE party for our volunteers, complete with a delicious (free!) Italian Dinner, DJ, games, and awesome prizes! If you’ve volunteered for SMP, we want to show our appreciation to you!! (Open to all who have volunteered for SMP regardless of marital status, service branch, rank, etc.). 80’s Trivia Night (4/13 at 1930). SMP will be hosting an awesome night of 80’s trivia games!! GREAT prizes awarded!! Gladiator Night (4/13 at 1800): We’re bringing the Gladiator Games (circa 1980/big hair) back!!! Have a blast in these awesome competitions!! Prizes and special award go to the winning team and top Gladiator!! Totally Rad 80’s Volleyball Competition (4/14 at 1800): Get your homefries together for some Volleyball. Lumo and sweatbands mandatory!!! Rockin 80’s Party – FREE FOOD AND DJ (4/14 1930-0000): Rock Thursday night with SMP’s 80’s PARTY!! WE WANT TO SEE YOUR BEST 80’s OUTFITS. BRING YOUR METAL HAIR, MULLETS, LEG WARMERS, SHOULDER PAD, MC HAMMER PANTS, and NEON COLORS!!!! The SMP Coordinator and Staff are challenging YOU to TRY to out-dress them!!! Gift cards will be awarded for best two costumes. x x x x x x SMP TRIPS: x x x x Busch Garden’s Trip (4/16) $15. Enjoy Busch Gardens Theme Park with SMP!! Trip price includes transportation. Please call or see front desk on information to download your free ticket. SMP Carolina Rebellion Concert and Camping Trip (5/5 – 5/8) $169. Includes 4 days of camping, 3 full days of concerts, special VIP Campground Concert on Thursday night, and transportation!! Show line-up includes performances by Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown, A Day to Remember, POD, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, 3 Doors Down, SixxAM, Sevendust, Cypress Hill, Thousand Foot Krutch, Filter, Sick Puppies, Black Stone Cherry, Lynard Skynard, ZZ Top, Pennywise, Alice Cooper, Lacy Sturm, Scorpions, and MANY MORE!!! Registration and deposit of $100 required by 1 April. If trying to make deposit after 1 April, please call the SMP front desk for availability. (This SMP trip will fill up fast and has sold out the last two years)! We’re meeting at the Roadhouse at 1200 on Thursday (5/5) and will return on Monday morning (5/9) around 0300. Please note that you will need to bring a tent, sleeping bag, and pillow (not provided). Tents can be reserved on a first come/first served basis from Cherry Point Outdoor Connection J You can also request a Special Lib/PTAD request letter for your Command from the SMP Coordinator by emailing name, unit, and MOS to Jen Merlo at [email protected]. Cypress Landing Golf Tournament (5/14) Free!! Join SMP for an awesome day of golf at Military Appreciation Day! Everything is included: transportation, golfing, carts, equipment, food, drinks, and prizes. Limited space provided on a first registered basis. Transportation priority will be given to single or unaccompanied active duty service members, however, married active duty service members are welcome to register as well! Basic knowledge of golfing and golf course etiquette requested please; all skill levels highly encouraged A FEW UPCOMING TRIPS!! o Carolina Rebellion Concert and Camping Trip (5/6 --- 5/8) o Deep Sea Fishing (6/4) o Caribbean Cruise (10/4 --- 10/9) o TBA: Vegas, Costa Rica, Alaskan Cruise, and many more! Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Jen Merlo (SMP Coordinator): [email protected]; 252-463-7351 SMP Front Desk: 252-466-3027 - - [email protected] Jen Merlo (SMP Coordinator): [email protected] • 252.463.7351 SMP Front Desk: 252-466-3027
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CALL US AT 466-3027
***We can accept credit card payments for trips at the Roadhouse!!! Check out our awesome payment plans for trips!!! Even if you’ve missed the registration
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