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PDF - Christ Community Church
December 1, 2013 Welcome to “THE STORY” at Christ Community Church This first Sunday of Advent we come to chapter 11 of our series, the story of David, king of Israel and forefather of Messiah Jesus. _________________ “The Lord has sought a man after his own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14) Advent Worship Welcome New Members Opportunities at CCC Worship through Giving Grade six and younger excused for Christmas program practice Ministry of God’s Word 1 Samuel 16:1-13 “Still Looking for a Few Good Men (and Women)” Communion Whether or not you’re a member of this congregation, if you trust Christ as Lord & Savior, you’re welcome at his Table Benediction and Postlude Christ Community Church Audio messages available at www.ccczion.org Building on the Word Phone: 847.746.1411 CCC N EWS AND N OTES Next Week We take a break from “The Story” series for a few weeks to focus on Advent and Christmas. Sermons will come from the life of David this whole month, picking up “The Story” chapter 12 on December 29. A S EASON OF G IVING Year-End Giving We count on our people to give generously in December so that we don’t end the year with a deficit. Philippines Relief If you’d like to channel aid to our daughter churches in the Philippines in the aftermath of the typhoon, mark gifts “Philippines Relief.” We’ll get the funds to the National Council of the Zion Christian Community Churches for responsible distribution (and no administrative overhead). Socks for the Soul drive is collecting socks to be distributed to local Food Pantries to help families in need. You can help by donating packages of new socks for men, women, children and infants, preferably crew socks designed for warmth. Donations may be left in the container at the flagpole entrance. Donations Needed Sunday School kids will be decorating gingerbread houses. If you’d like to donate candy bring it to the church by December 4 and drop in the container outside the church office. Suggestions: red & green M&M’s or gum drops, candy canes, plain graham crackers, starbursts, red licorice pieces, gingerbread men cookies, Christmas candy corn, teddy grahams, skittles, etc. (No nuts, please.) Drive for Kids Clothing Love Inc. is in need of kid clothes to restock in preparation for distribution! Remember how quickly your kids outgrew their clothes?! Let's help clothe those in need in our community. Please consider a drive for the following: Boys & girls, size 2T through teen Coats, all sizes (kid through adult) Warm hats, gloves, scarves (kid through adult) Clean, good condition or new items can be delivered to CCC by December 6. Y OUNG A DULTS Young Adult Winter Retreat Young adults, mark your calendars for our Young Adult Winter Camp at Camp Zion, January 3 - 5, 2014, with special guest speaker Eric Kirchner! Stay tuned for more information! H OLIDAY S EASON AT CCC Poinsettias If you’d like to make a $10 donation toward Memorial Poinsettias in memory of your loved one pick up a flower envelope at the Welcome Center & drop it in the offering plate or office. If you donated last year toward the poinsettias, your name will already be on the list. A Charlie Brown Christmas featuring CCC’s Sunday School kids will be Sunday, December 15, 6:30pm in the sanctuary. A party with cookies and punch will follow in the gym. Everyone’s invited! Minding the Gap’s Christmas gathering will be a lunch outing on Sunday, December 8 at Bombay Louie’s in Kenosha. Meet after the worship service by the office. $5. RSVP to the office by December 1. E.L.F. Christmas Dinner We are looking for volunteers to help with the dinner that CCC is hosting for those in need through the E.L.F. network on December 11, 6:30. We need people to sit at tables, greet at the door, clean up, etc. Sign up at the Welcome Center today! C HILDREN ’ S M INISTRY (A GES 0—6 TH GRADE ) AWANA could use a few good ears … to listen to children recite their memory verses. If you can help on Mondays, even just once or twice a month, please contact AWANA Commander Diane Holverson. Let the Countdowns Begin! 14 days until A Charlie Brown Christmas; 24 days until we celebrate Christ’s birth and 196 days until VBS! VBS 2014 - June 16-20. Our Staff This Week at CCC Sunday, December 1 8:30 am Sunday Morning Prayer 9:00 am Sunday School/ABF Hour 10:30 am Worship Service 7:00 pm Sr. High Youth Group Monday, December 2 5:30 pm Diaconate Meeting 5:45 pm Kids Handbell Choir 6:30 pm AWANA Jr. High Youth Group 7:00 pm GriefShare Tuesday, December 3 6:30 pm Quilting 7:00 pm Elder Board Wednesday, December 4 7:30 am Morning Prayer 5:30pm Choir Officers Meeting 6:00pm Teen MOPS 7:00 pm Choir Men’s Bible Study Sr. High Small Groups Thursday, December 5 9:00am Kitchen Cleaning Circle 9:00pm Worship Team Friday, December 6 7:00pm *Circle Center Christmas Program Parlor Sanctuary Youth Leo Barnes Pastor for Youth Ministries Sheri Jesiel Business Manager Dean LaBelle Music Director Room E Choir Youth Parlor Room E Parlor Ken Langley Senior Pastor Mike McDowell Pastor for Missions Anastase Nzabilinda Missionary in Residence Eliel Rojas Pastor for Hispanic Ministries/ Evangelism Dale Stewart Director of Camping Ministries Parlor Parlor Fellowship Hall Choir Room Parlor Kitchen Our Elder Board Ken Langley (chairman), Rick Capp, Steve Edwards, Mike McDowell, Greg Nugent, Larry Rittenhouse, Eliel Rojas, Karl Sisson and Carl Williamson Please Pray For Those Hospitalized This Past Week... Chris Avila Lino Martinez Sanctuary Our Grieving Families... CAA A prayer sheet can be found at the Welcome Center with complete list of those who are homebound & in nursing homes & more. *More Info In Bulletin C IRCLE C ENTER P RESCHOOL Christmas Program Looking for a great way to kick off the Christmas season? “The Night Before Christmas” is the place to be. We’d like to invite you to a brief encounter with 40 children and a few guest vocalists, as they share in song the story of our Savior’s birth. Circle Center will bring this joy to life Friday December 6 at 7:00pm in the Christian Arts Auditorium. All are welcome admission is free. Terri Allen Director of Children’s Ministries Please Recycle Your Bulletin In the Narthex