Size chart and other consumer information
Size chart and other consumer information
SIZE TABLE SIZE TABLE This is an overview of how Dale of No Norway’s sizes correspond to the sizes in different countries. that material and as such there may occur small variations from one We must emphasize ph th wooll is an elastic el model to another. For unisex sizes, please use body measurments to find your corresponding size in the masculine chart. FEMININE SIZES XS S M L XL XXL 32 34-36 38-40 42-44 46-48 50-52 FR 34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 IT 38 40-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 56-58 GB 6 8-10 12-14 16-18 20-22 24-26 USA,CAN 2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18 20-22 EUR BODY MEASUREMENTS IN CM CHEST 82 88 94 100 106 116 WAIST 66 72 78 84 90 100 SEAT 90 96 102 108 114 124 MASCULINE SIZES XS S M L XL XXL XXXL EUR 40-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 56-58 60-62 64-66 GB 30-32 34-36 38-40 42-44 48-50 50-52 54-56 USA,CAN 30-32 34-36 38-40 42-44 48-50 52-54 54-56 BODY MEASUREMENTS IN CM CHEST 88 94 100 106 112 118 124 WAIST 66 72 78 84 90 96 112 SEAT 90 96 102 108 114 120 128 KIDS MEASUREMENTS IN CM 2 years 4 years 6 years 8 years 10 years 12 years CHEST 54 58 62 66 72 78 WAIST 53 55 57 60 62 68 SEAT 58 62 66 70 75 81 HATS MEASUREMENTS IN CM HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE SMALL MEDIUM 56 UNISEX FIT 58 n e rw gia w n s o eate r AUTHENTIC NORWEGIAN SINCE 1879 DESIGNED AND KNITTED AT DALE Dale of Norway is known for its long knitting history, authenticity and quality. Since WKHFRPSDQ\KDVFUDIWHGWKHZRUOG·VÀQHVWNQLWZHDULQVSLUHGE\EHDXWLIXO Norwegian patterns and the active Norwegian lifestyle. Today, the collection includes authentic, contemporary and technical garments for fashion and sport. The Dale Story Premium qualities Beautiful Norwegian designs The village of Dale is nestled between beautiful steep mountains, waterfalls and fjords on the West coast of Norway. In 1879, the historic textile factory was established in this valley with easy access to wool, strong knitting traditions, and a great supply of natural power from the local waterfalls. Since then, Dale of Norway has developed stunning designs in premium qualities that are known all over the world. )URPUDZZRROWRÀQLVKHG products Dale of Norway’s VZHDWHUVKDYHEHHQÀQHWXQHG with 130 years of experience. The highly skilled staff has developed innovative yarn and knitting techniques, making the garments ORQJODVWLQJFRPIRUWDEOHDQG even Weatherproof. Since the knitting is done in Norway, the team is able to follow every step of production to ensure the best possible quality. Due to the cold winters, Norway has a long tradition for wool and knitwear. The beautiful patterns have mostly been inspired by nature or history. Over the past 135 years, Dale of Norway has developed its own famous GHVLJQVDQGUHGHVLJQHGDJHROG Norwegian patterns, turning them into garments for fashion and sport with an authentic history. That’s why Dale of Norway offers “more than a sweater…” em p ry acto the f loy ees in d ale , 17 may 18 90 . the o ry inne ld sp 100% NATURAL WOOL WITH UNIQUE QUALITIES :RROLVEDFNLQIDVKLRQGXHWRLWVH[FHSWLRQDOSURSHUWLHVWKDWQRV\QWKHWLFÀEHUVFDQ PDWFK:RROKDVJUHDWLQVXODWLQJDELOLWLHVLWEUHDWKHVDQGZLFNVPRLVWXUHDZD\IURP WKHERG\LVRGRUUHVLVWDQW²DQGLWLVDFRPSOHWHO\QDWXUDOÀEHU2YHUWKHSDVW \HDUV'DOHRI 1RUZD\KDVEHFRPHDOHDGLQJLQQRYDWRURI QHZZRROTXDOLWLHV High-tech and eco-friendly Long-lasting Norwegian wool Lightweight skinsoft Merino :RROLVQDWXUH·VRZQ´KLJKWHFKµ ÀEHU1RV\QWKHWLFPDQPDGH material can match the technical properties of wool: Dale of Norway’s collections are designed with different types of wool adapted to each product. The Norwegian wool is known IRULWVH[FHSWLRQDOORQJODVWLQJ quality and crisp, appealing look. This makes it excellent for GXUDEOHPLGDQGRXWHUOD\HU knitwear, including the innovative Weatherproof garments. Norwegian wool is also one of WKHZRUOG·VPRVWHFRDQGDQLPDO IULHQGO\WH[WLOHÀEHUVGXHWRWKH sheep’s natural mountain life. Dale of Norway offers a wide range of luxurious Merino sweaters and jackets, using only the highest qualities of Merino ZLWKDFHUWLÀHGDQLPDOIULHQGO\ origin. These lightweight and soft garments can be worn next to the skin without discomfort, and DUHLGHDOIRU\HDUURXQGXVH:LWK unique knitting techniques, Dale of Norway’s Merino products are NQRZQIRUWKHLUVXSHULRUORQJ ODVWLQJTXDOLWLHVDQGWKH\DUH virtually pilling free. • Superior insulation • Excellent breathability • Regulates temperature • Absorbs and wicks moisture • Warm even when wet or damp • Antibacterial and odor resistant • Elastic, and maintains its shape 1RQVWDWLFDQGÀUHUHWDUGDQW QDWXUDOVXVWDLQDEOHÀEHU ol tural wo 100 % na mag nh befo ild sol b re it ’s sp erg pre pa un in to ya ring th e wo rn t hre ol ads . ADVANCED WEATHERPROOF PROTECTION With its unique Weatherproof, water-repellent and windproof garments, Dale of 1RUZD\EULQJVXQSUHFHGHQWHGWHFKQRORJ\WRWKHPDUNHW7KH.QLWVKHOOLQQRYDWLRQ GHPDQGHGVXEVWDQWLDOUHVHDUFKWRVXFFHVVIXOO\FRQVHUYHWKHSURSHUWLHVRI ZRROZKLOH FUHDWLQJDZLQGSURRI PHPEUDQHWKDWFRXOGSHUIHFWO\DGKHUHWRNQLW Water and stain repellent wool Premium windproof liner Dale of Norway has developed a unique technology that coats every ZRROÀEHUZLWKDZDWHUUHSHOOHQW protection before knitting, making WKHSURSHUWLHVHIÀFLHQWDQG ORQJODVWLQJ7KHZDWHUUHSHOOHQW garments are perfect for outdoor activities. They keep you warm, dry, even in rain and snow, and maintain their crisp look. The yarn is also stain and dirt resistant and requires minimal care; ideal for light colors. The innovative Dale of Norway Weatherproof products are lined ZLWKDQXOWUDWKLQZLQGSURRI and breathable liner of SUHPLXPTXDOLW\7KHKLJKWHFK composition is more comfortable and produces less noise than VLPLODUOLQHUVDQGLVDOVRHFR friendly. It is also one of the PRVWHIÀFLHQWPRLVWXUHFRQWURO systems in the market; wicking moisture more quickly than other liners, making it ideal for physical activities. The award-winning Knitshell™ The Dale of Norway Knitshell™ Weatherproof is simply a technical wonder made with wool. The innovative system of ZDWHUUHSHOOHQW\DUQODPLQDWHG to a soft windproof membrane, creates comfortable and elegant looking jackets for versatile use. They are perfect for skiing and hiking even in the harshest wet and windy weather conditions. These stylish designs travel easily from the mountains to the city. oslo kn itsh ell wp d wp ertin glit t telemark knitshell wp OFFICIAL OLYMPICS AND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SWEATERS SINCE 1879 'DOHRI 1RUZD\KDVGHVLJQHGRIÀFLDOVZHDWHUVIRUHYHU\:LQWHU2O\PSLFDQG:RUOG 6NL&KDPSLRQVKLSHYHQWVLQFHWKH&RUWLQD:LQWHU2O\PSLF*DPHV6LQFH 'DOHRI 1RUZD\KDVEHHQWKHRIÀFLDOVXSSOLHUWRWKH1RUZHJLDQ6NL$VVRFLDWLRQ² DQGODWHUWRWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO2O\PSLF&RPPLWWHH A part of Norwegian culture 7KH2O\PSLF:RRO Popular timeless designs Norwegians are said to “be born with skis on their feet”. During long winters with snow, skiing has not only been popular for sport and fun, but it is also used to travel areas where no vehicles can drive. It is no surprise that skiing is the national sport in Norway and that ski athletes the true heroes. Since Dale of Norway is an integral part of Norwegian history and culture, the cooperation with the National Ski Association is a QDWXUDOÀW Since 1956, Dale of Norway KDVEHHQRXWÀWWLQJWKHQDWLRQDO Norwegian ski team with RIÀFLDOVZHDWHUVIRUDOO:LQWHU Olympic Games and World Championships. Dale of Norway was later chosen to design the RIÀFLDOVZHDWHUVIRUWKH:LQWHU Olympic Games through the International Olympic Committee (IOC), with the rights to use the Olympic rings. This made the Dale of Norway sweaters even more exclusive. 7KHRIÀFLDO2O\PSLFDQG:RUOG Championships sweaters have made the Dale of Norway brand well known all over the world. They are mostly named after the location of the event, as “Cortina,” “Vail,” “Calgary,” “St. Moritz” and “Sochi”. These beautiful sweaters are extremely popular not only during the events, but for years after. Dale RI 1RUZD\KDVUHFHQWO\UH launched some of its original Olympic designs. 1980 lake plac id na 1958 alpi 1964 innsbruck 2015 falun 1972 sapporo SLEEVES INFO SLEEVES INFO Dale of Norway uses different sleeve design designs. The objective is to provide a garment that is both flattering and comfortable mf bl for fo the th intended nded use. For Fo example, a sweater that is designed for outdoor or skiing needs to provide easy movement while a garment for the indoors needs to be comfortable and look sophisticated. The different sleeve designs are indicated in the bullet points under each product. RAGLAN SLEEVE A sleeve inset that extends over the shoulder to the neckline; seams run in an angle from underarm to the neck, providing free movement for an active fit. T - SLEEVE A straight cut sleeve that drops the shoulder for a loose fit. J - SLEEVE A sleeve inset with a slimmer arm width and a fitted shoulder point, making the garment perfect for general use. SADDLE SLEEVE A variation of the Raglan sleeve in which the shoulder portion forms a straight band to the neck, removing the seam across the shoulder. FRENCH SHOULDER As the J-sleeve with a fashioned shoulder seam, which drops away on the back of the garment. This design makes the seams almost invisible. WOOL INFO WOOL AND Y YARN Wool is nature’s own technical fibre – offering tremendous benefits that no synthetic fib fibre can match. ch Dale off Norway No has h specialized in wool for more than 130 years and is able to match different yarn qualities and designs in a way that offers the demanding consumer the best and most comfortable knitwear. COMBED WOOL AND YARNS All of Dale of Norway’s yarns are combed, as opposed to brushed, a premium process that removes VKRUWÀEHUVDQGHQVXUHVDVRIWHU feel, little pilling, if any at all, and a crisp look. NORWEGIAN LONGLASTING WOOL A proprietary blend of wool produced at Dale from the “dalasau” (valley sheep), known for roaming freely in the vast Norwegian hill sides while grazing on natural pastures. This yarn gives many of designs an authentic look and is renowned for its uniquely crisp look and longevity. Hand wash. SUPERWASH MEDIUM WEIGHT WOOL Our premium, 100% colonial super wash yarn, produced exclusively for Dale of Norway, perfect for the traditional medium- weight garments that require a lighter and softer feel next to the skin. Machine wash. SKINSOFT MERINO Our super wash Merino is one RI WKHÀQHVWZRROVDYDLODEOH WKHÀEUHFRPHVIURP´0HULQR·µ sheep that can only be found in the world’s warmer climates. 0HULQRKDVYHU\ÀQHDQGORQJ VWDSOHÀEUHVJLYLQJLWWKHYHU\ smooth next to the skin comfort. All our Merino is sourced from FHUWLÀHGVXSSOLHUVWKDWPHHW WKHDEVROXWHVWULFWHVWVWDQGDUGV animal-friendly and superiorly quality. Machine wash. MERINO EXTRA-FINE Dale of Norway introduces a QHZ\DUQWKDWLVVRIWDVFDVKPHUH VSXQIURPDQH[WUDÀQHSUHPLXP 17.5 micron merino. It is spun and knitted in a way that reduces pilling, which is normally not experienced with such soft yarns. This is only possible E\H[FOXVLYHO\XVLQJWKHÀQHVW yarn and because of the unique knitting competence at Dale of Norway. Machine wash wool cycle. WATER-REPELLENT, SOIL & DIRT RESISTANT YARN Dale of Norway has developed a unique water, soil and dirt repellent yarn based on our strong and long-lasting Norwegian wool, end even with lighter wool qualities. It is perfect for outerwear and lined sweaters, SURYLGLQJWKHVDPHEHQHÀWV DVWHFKQLFDOIDEULFVDJUHDW alternative to traditional outdoor jackets for advanced Weaterproof protection. Hand wash. THE NATURAL INSULATION FIBER :RROÀEHUVDUHPXFKÀQHUWKDQ synthetics and other types of ÀEHUV7KLVPHDQVWKDWIRUD given weight, wool contains more air spaces which, in turn, means more insulation. That’s why wool is better at keeping the cold out, and the warmth in. In addition, the natural crimp (waviness) of ZRROÀEHUVFUHDWHVPLOOLRQVRI tiny air spaces. This superior insulation also results in better WKHUPDOFRPIRUW2WKHUÀEHUV lacking wool’s crimp, are not able to generate further insulation in this way and often require more bulk in order to provide the same insulation properties. SUPERIOR WICKING Wool has a tremendous capacity to absorb vapour – up to 28% of its own weight before it feels damp or wet. Subsequently, it’s able to absorb sweat away from the skin, move it through the middle layers, and then release it to the atmosphere. This offers a tremendous advantage over synthetic fabrics that cannot match wools breathability since they don’t have the same capacity to move vapour, thus, creating VLJQLÀFDQWGLVFRPIRUWFRPSDUHG to wool. NATURALLY ODOR RESISTANT Odor is actually caused by EDFWHULDWKH\SUHIHUVPRRWK surfaces with a positive charge, like synthetics whereas the QHXWUDOVFDOHVRI DZRROÀEHUKROG QRDWWUDFWLRQVXEVHTXHQWO\ZRRO does not attract odor-causing bacteria that is responsible for those unwanted odours, making wool naturally odor resistant.
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