Estancia transnacional I.C. Equal
Estancia transnacional I.C. Equal
Estancia transnacional I.C. Equal Proyecto Cheirotechnie Atenas, 19 al 20 de septiembre de 2006 Organismo de Origen (OO).Proyecto Equal Recursos Humanos y Patrimonio. C/ Margarita García de Blanes, 11. 1º - A 06800 Mérida. España tfno. + 34 927 500640 fax. + 34 927 500775 e-mail: [email protected] URL : Organismo de Destino (OD).Proyecto Equal GR 24874 « artisanat traditionnel et développement urbain » Centre Pour L' Emploi et L' Entreprenariat. KAE. Voulgari 11, 104-37 Atenas, Grecia Tfno. 00 30 210 5220875, 00 30 2105221403 FAX: 00302105203212 E-MAIL: [email protected] Participantes.1. Vicente López Bernal 2. Julián Prieto Fernández 3. Manuel Viola Nevado 4. José Antonio Galván Blanco Extremadura. 5. Gloria González Oyola 6. Kirsty Helena Knowles 7. Isidoro Fagundo Torres Arquitecto Arquitecto Arquitecto Jefe de servicio de obras y presupuestos. Junta de Directora proyecto Equal RHP Técnica proyecto Equal RHP Coordinador Proyecto Transnacional Fechas.Del 18 al 23 de septiembre de 2006. Objetivos y Programa.- Conocer y visitar estructuras administrativas de control y gestión de la rehabilitación patrimonial en Atenas/Grecia. Sus funciones, competencias, organización, etc. - Intervenciones urbanistas entorno al patrimonio como pueden ser la accesibilidad, la política de restauración de fachadas, tratamiento de los espacios públicos, etc - Relaciones del casco histórico con el resto de la ciudad. Existe representación de los vecinos del casco histórico de la ciudad. - Visita a obras en concreto de rehabilitación de edificios singulares y actuaciones en la Acrópolis. - conocer el proyecto Equal « artisanat traditionnel et développement urbain » de Atenas. Actuación Transnacional : Acogida y guía de los socios españoles sobre Rehabilitación de edificios y monumentos en Atenas. Atenas, 19 y 20 de septiembre de 2006. Martes, 19. Rehabilitación de edificios y monumentos en Atenas. Lugar de encuentro: Universidad Politécnica de Atenas. 10.00-10.30 10.30-12.00 13.00-15.00 15.00-18.00 Acogida de los participantes. “La rehabilitación de edificios y monumentos en Atenas”, por la Dra Eleni Maistrou, profesora suplente de la Universidad Politécnica de Atenas. “Progama de restauración de fachadas, AEDA”, por Alexandro Tsiatsiamis, Directivo Consultivo de AEDA (Centro de Desarrollo del Municipio de Atenas). Comida. Visitas técnicas de edificios rehabilitados en Atenas: 1. Fábrica de gas. Olga Tatuni – Ana Antzaka. 210 3461589 2. Sombrerería Pulopulos. Evangelinu- Kontu 210 3452150 Miércoles, 20. Itinerario de patrimonio cultural del sector del mármol. Lugar de encuentro: Centro de Empleo del Municipio de Atenas. Vulgari, 11. Planta 2ª. 09.30-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-13.00 13.00-15.00 15.00-18.00 Acogida de los participantes. “La escultura en Atenas”, por Katerina Tsaruja, Dirección de Arquitectura del Municipio de Atenas. Visita técnica guiada por el Director de las obras de restauración del Partenón en la Acrópolis, Sr. Toganidis. Comida. Visita técnica guiada al primer cementerio de Atenas, por Katerina Tsaruja, Dirección de Arquitectura del Municipio de Atenas. THE PROTECTION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND ENSEMBLES GREECE IN GREECE. Historic Cities and Settlements LE PREMIER PLAN D’ ATHENES 1 PLAKA Historic Buildings 2 ATHENS Important Historic buildings ATHENS Historic buildings in the commercial center. 3 Historic cities and settlements. ASTYPALAIA HYDRA POROS Historic cities and settlements NAFPLIO KORONI MONEMVASSIA The problems that usually come up in the historic cities and settlements originate from : The lack of maintainance of the old stuctures and the high cost of restoration works compared to the profitability of the possible new uses, The over-exploitation of land and the uncontained development of short-term economically modern functions and intensive activities The uncontrolled car traffic. 4 The obligation for preservation of real property in Greek legislation originates from: 1. The law 5351 / 32 ‘on antiquities’: Special Decrees for the declaration of historical buildings and historical sites are issued based on this law. 2. The 1975 Constitution and especially from article 24, with its subsequent amendments. 3. The residential law 1337/83, which was modified by the law 2508/97 which was concerned with the subject of ‘Viable residential development of the cities and human settlements of the country and other provisions’ 4. Within the zoning laws and more specifically from: 4.1. The General Building Code (Law 1577 / 85, article 4), which allows for the procedure for the characterization of human settlements as traditional and of buildings as ‘listed buildings’ this code was supplemented with and improved by the law 2831 /00, which extends the subject of protection to the architectural heritage. 4.2. The Presidential Decree 28/4/88 ‘on maintenance, repair or restoration of architectural and static elements of listed buildings’, which imposes severe penalties for the unsolicited destruction, alteration or demolition of listed buildings and traditional structures inside traditional human settlements. 5. The law 2039 /92, which validates the Granada Convention which refers to the basic principles of maintenance and prominence of architectural heritage. 6. The law 3028 /02 ‘For the protection of Antiquities and cultural heritage in general, which extends the subject of cultural heritage and the extent of the protection offered and also incorporates the concepts of usage of a monument and its integration into social life. 5 The above mentionned legislation includes regulations for : • Preserving the historic entity as a whole, including its natural environment, • Preserving the individual historic buildings and elements, • Keeping the functional character of the historic city • Dimunuating vehicular traffic and promoting pedestrianizations. • Controling new interventions in the city, to keep the historic character of the area 6 THE CASE OF PLAKA (the historic core of Athens) A special study and intervention for its protection and development In the case of Plaka, the pressure for the spreading out of the archaeological excavations at the expense of the 19th century city on one hand and the pressure for the broadening of the commercial and administrative district of the city with its high building coefficients on the other, together with the intense traffic load of public spaces and the unrestrained development of tourist and entertainment venues, had led to the architectural, functional and social degradation of the area resulting in driving out most of the residents and losing the multifaceted aspect of the area’s historical character. •Precise indication of the area that needed protection, •Safeguarding of the area’s traditional urban web LEGISLATIVE MEASURES, SOCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES AS WELL AS WORKS FOR THE UPGRADING OF PUBLIC SPACES SUPPLEMENTED THE LEGISLATIVE MEASURES. •Traffic arrangements that included a wide network of pedestrian ways Pedestrianization anf fixing parking plots in Plaka 1 Listing of historic buildings Establishment of land use restrictions and building rules for the incorporation of the new constructions into the historic environment Existing land uses Replacement of public utility networks (sewage, water supply),installation of underground natural gas supply and cable television networks and repavement of pedestrian ways and public spaces. ΤΑ ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΑΡΕΜΒΑΣΗΣ 2 THE SITUATION TODAY Despite the initial positive consequences of the 1979 interventions, from that time until today, the functional development and enhancement of the Plaka as well as the wider historic center of Athens has depended on the degree of observing the measures and regulations established then Many commercial shops has been replaced by tourist shops, which naturally create more disturbances to the area’s pedestrian ways. The monitoring and control of the special measures regarding traffic circulation seems inadequate judging from the excessive illegal traffic and parking incidents today. Although a large number of traditional buildings in the area have been recently restored, there are still many buildings that have major structural problems while others have lost their architectural elements due to bad interventions or the addition of modern elements. Furthermore there are buildings where only the façade was preserved and a new modern interior was constructed. Open excavation areas destroy the break up the coherence and function of public areas while free open areas, have been excessively occupied by restaurant tables and chairs and tourist merchandise. Moreover there are still empty lots, many times used as parking areas, which break up the continuity of the urban web and injure the image of the area. The intervention in Plaka is an internationally acknowledged example and it received many distinctions (Europa Nostra award in 1983 and award within the framework of Habitat ΙΙ in 1998). The methodology applied in the design and intervention and the establishment of a special office – which monitors the development of the area till today – were considered groundbreaking for the time and constituted a model for later interventions. Today we see that one of the major problems faced by the implementation of integrated protection schemes in Greece and the greater Mediterranean area in general, is to secure the functional balance of historic cities and to contain their residents, especially when there is excessive tourist development. In these cases, the main objectives are to create growth perspectives together with tourism development while ensuring the residents’ quality of life. 3 LA TRADITION «PIERRE» EN GRECE ¾ Le lithe,la lithe,la pierre et le bois sont, par excellence, les matériaux de construction utilisés en Grèce. ¾ Les constructions en pierre, représentent une grande part du patrimoine architectural grec en villes et dans la campagne. DE LA CARRIERE A L’ACROPOLE * esquisses de Em.Korres APPLICATIONS DE LA PIERRE TAILLÉE EN GRÈCE ACTUELLE ¾ 01. Limites et démarcations, murets de séparation, murs et enclos, murs de séparation et de soutènement, clôtures en escaliers, etc. ¾ 02. Paysages et escaliers en pierres sèches, aménagement des versants, ensemble et complexes de champs clôturés et d’arboricultures en escaliers, ensembles d’« écosites » en pierres sèches, etc. ¾ 03. Routes, sentiers, passages, ponts, cours, escaliers (marches), rampes, espaces pavés publics et privés, terrains vagues. ¾ 04.Constructions agricoles et travaux d’adduction d’eau (gestion de l’eau) : aires de battage, dépôts et espaces d’entreposage, trous creusés pour la plantation de vignes, d’oliviers et autres arbres. Puits, citernes et bassins d’eau, canaux d’eau, aménagement des torrents et des fleuves, écluses, sources et collecteurs, dépôts de neige ou de glace, etc ¾ 05.Constructions d’élevage : bergeries, étables, enclos pour animaux, fabrication de fromage, espaces d’hébergement des animaux, grottes et trous aménagés dans des granges ou des étables, enclos pour abeilles, pigeonniers, poulaillers, abreuvoirs et bassins d’arrosage, constructions en pierres pour l’aquaculture, etc. 1 ¾ 06. Habitations : maisons, chaumières et ¾ 08. Monuments et sites historiques : bâtiments et monuments religieux en pierres sèches, monuments mégalithiques, fortifications (tours, vigies), etc. ¾ 09. Constructions contemporaines en pierres sèches, constructions mixtes qui utilisent ou incorporent des éléments en pierres sèches, utilisations artistiques et esthétiques du mur de pierres sèches. ensemble de huttes, différentes constructions et logements, toitures de maisons en dalles, etc. ¾ 07. Petite industrie et activités préindustrielles : fours et fourneaux (chaux, gypse, charbon de bois), moulins, pressoirs, moulins à huile, lavoirs de lin, de laine, de tissus, ferronneries, briqueteries, autres ateliers, etc. L’ INDUSTRIE DU MARBRE ¾ Le territoire grec est particulièrement riche en réserves de marbre de haute qualité. CARACTERISTIQUES DE LA FILIERE PIERRE EN GRECE ¾ l’ industrie marbrière compte environ 4.000 entreprises et emploie à peu près 60.000 personnes. ¾ Les grandes entreprises de production verticale et d’ orientation exportative qui emploient de 20 à 300 personnes ne s’ élèvent qu’ au nombre de 100. ¾ 1500 unités sont enregistrées sous quelque forme de société et emploient de 3 à 5 personnes. ¾ Le reste sont des entreprises personnelles qui approvisionnent en principe l’ industrie du batiment ou procèdent à une certaine élaboration de la matière première. LA PRODUCTION DU MARBRE DANS LE MONDE Production mondiale de carrière (% ) Production de produits de carrière par pays méditerranéens 63,7% 6,8% 6,1% 8,4% 2,2% 15,1% 9,2% 2,5% 41,7% 11,7% 3,0% 25,3% 4,3% Italie Grèce Reste du monde Espagne Turquie Portugal France Italie Espagne Portugal Grèce Turquie France 2 Les principaux facteurs freinant la hausse de la demande, signalés par les marbriers ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Le coût élevé d’achat des produits, largement dû au coût élevé du transport et de la production Les difficultés de gestion découlant du coût de production élevé La crise économique générale qui exerce un impact sur le marché du marbre La concurrence due à l’utilisation de produits céramiques (par exemple, carreaux), ainsi qu’à des matériaux importés et destinés au même usage (granite) L’intérêt réduit des acquéreurs Les délais de travail élevés des artisans, imposés par le traitement artistique du marbre. Les principaux problèmes du secteur : ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Manque de matière première (marbre), de la qualité et du coût souhaités. Manque de personnel auxiliaire qualifié. Problèmes d’aménagement des ateliers, en raison de l’impact entraîné sur l’environnement urbain par leur activité de production.. Problèmes liés aux déchets résultant du traitement de la matière première. Problèmes liés à la clientèle domestique, qui tend à se réduire, car elle recourt de plus en plus à des matériaux meilleur marché (par ex., produits céramiques). Problèmes liés à l’imposition élevée des activités de ce secteur et absence de facilités de crédit. Difficultés financières pour le renouvellement de l’équipement mécanique. 3 4 Katerina Tsatoucha Archaeologist Department of Traditional buildings and monuments of Athens The sculpture in the urban cemeteries in Greece from the 19th to 20th century. First Cemetery of Athens Municipality of Athens -CLASSICISM AND SCULPTURE IN THE 19TH CENTURY -THE MODERN GREEK SCULPTURE AND FUNERARY ART IN GREECE -CONDITIONS AND MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE ART IN THE CEMETERIES(1850CEMETERIES(1850-1920) -CITIES AND THEIR CEMETERIES IN THE 19TH CENTURY -THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FIRST CEMETERY OF ATHENS (1837) -TYPOLOGY The palace , present parliament of Greece ,one of the first public public buildings in Athens. Architect Fr. Gaertner (1836) General view of Kerameikos Sculpture and marble works in Academy of Athens. Architect Th.Hansen(1859) Th.Hansen(1859) 1 General view of the First Cemetery of Athens General view of the Cemetery in Syros Residence of H.Sliemann in Athens, now Numismatic Museum. Architect E.Ziller (1879) Monuments from the Cemetery in Syros second half of the 19th century Monuments of various types. A) Cemetery of Athens (1855) B) Cemetery of Syros second half of the 19th century A) Temple with classicistic characteristics about 1870 Cemetery of Athens B) Temple about 1915 Cemetery of Pireaus 2 A) Marble relief work last quarter of the 19th cent. Cemetery of Patras B) Marble relief work first quarter of the 20th cent. Cemetery of Athens A)Stele with lekythos second half of the 19th cent. Cemetery of Syros B)Stele with lekythos last quarter of the 19th cent. Cemetery of Patras Monuments of marble sculpture in the First Cemetery of Athens ,second ,second half of the 19th century Sarcophagus 1858 Cemetery of Syros View of the oldest corridor in the First Cemetery of Athens(1837) Athens(1837) Monuments of the first quarter of the 20th century First Cemetery of Athens 3 General view of the Protestant Cemetery of Athens General view of the Cemetery in Syros Monuments in the Cemetery of Syros second half of the 19th century General view of the Cemetery in Patras Monuments from the Cemetery of Pireaus ,first quarter of the 20th century Monuments from the cemetery of Patras last quarter of the 19th century 4 General view of the Cemetery in Andros, Andros, first quarter of the 20th century A)Gravestele of Parmeniskos 200 BC, Greek from Kunsthistorishes Museum of Vienna B) The mourn spirit in cenotaph of Stuarts. Scuptor Antonio Canova (1817(1817-19) Monuments from the Cemetery in Andros ,first quarter of the 20th century Gravestelai with mourn spirit A)Chr.Siegel 1864 Cemetery of Athens B) Gravestele with the mourn spirit 18501850-1860 Cemetery of Syros Group of stelai in Kerameikos area Grave stones with inscribed signs A) Cemetery of Patra about 1875 B) Cemetery of Athens about 1860 5 Gravestelai with the mourn spirit and mourn woman Sculptors G and Fr.Malakate 1856 and 1875 Cemetery of Athens A)Gravestele with anthemio G and L.Fytale 1851 Cemetery of Syros B) Anthemio from a gravestele 4th century Museum of Thebes Temples with classicistic characteristics Cemetery of Athens A) Temple of H. Sliemann . Design E. Ziller 1892 B) Temple of family G. Kouppa 1895 A) Gravestele with anthemio Design of C. Hansen 1858 Cemetery of Athens B) Gravestele with anthemio 1880 Cemetery of Athens Grave stelai with anthemio in the Protestant Cemetery Temples in Cemetery of Patras at the end of the 19th century. 6 A) The monument of Lysicrates 335 BC B) Circular monument 1895 First Cemetery of Athens Athens Temples in the Cemetery of Andros ,first quarter of the 20th century Three sarcophaguses 1890 , in the Cemetery of Athens A) Circular monument 1877 Cemetery of Syros B) Circular monument 1890 Cemetery of Pireaus Grave stele of Ampharete 430430-420 BC in Kerameikos A)Grave stele in type of temple with figures that depict Day and Night –Life and Death 1860 Fytalai B) Grave stele in the type of temple 18801880-1890 Cemetery of Athens Cemetery of Athens 7 Grave stele in the type of temple 1884 Cemetery of Athens The sleeping girl 1883 .I Vitsaris Cemetery of Athens The sleeping girl 1878 .G.Chalepas .G.Chalepas Cemetery of Athens Athena in a grave stele 1880 Cemetery of Athens - Athena thinking from the Museum of Acropolis 460 BC A) The oldest sculpture (statue) of Cemetery of Athens 18611861- B) Classicistic figures symbolizing the cities A) The allegorical figure of Science 1881 B) The allegorical allegorical figure of Justice 1890 Cemetery of Athens 8 A)Classicistic figure of Asklepius gives the medicine of cure 1880 B) Classicistic figures 1855 1855 Cemetery of Athens Classicistic symbols and figures ,the symbol of the soul as butterfly butterfly 1870 Cemetery of Syros A) Classicistic figures symbolizing the virtues of the dead 1884 1884 Cemetery of Syros B) Symbolic figure of death Temples in the First Cemetery of Athens , first quarter of the 20 20th century Monuments in the cemetery of Athens in the 20th century Byzantine elements in the art of the cemetery of Athens in the 20 20th century 9 Marble sculptures of the first decades of the 20th century First Cemetery of Athens A) Copper relief of the 20th cent. B) Monument with angel first half of the 20th cent. Cemetery of Athens Statues with the sad women first quarter of the 20th century First Cemetery of Athens 10 Works & Time Schedule: Municipality of Athens Development Agency “Prosopsi” Programme & Sponsorship Programme for the Renovation of Building’s Façades adjacent to the Main Athenian Squares Description of the Projects: A. Prosopsi Project • The works by “Prosopsi” begun in the summer of 2003 and since the beginning of the programme more than 3,000 buildings have been restored. • As of May 2005, ‘Prosopsi’ was taken over by the Municipality of Athens Development Agency (A.E.D.A.). 3535-37, 37, Agisilaou Str. Str. • AEDA begun a round of negotiations with state and European officials and as of September 2005 ‘Prosopsi’ was included in the Community Support Framework, thus securing its sustainable continuation as well as its prevalence in all interested Municipalities in Greece. Communication Needs 6, Iridanou Str. Str. • subsidization of property owners for the restoration and preservation of their buildings’ façades and the surrounding areas • substitution of private TV receiver antennae with a central one. It should be stressed that the restoration and renovation refers only to the façades of buildings and the construction fabrics that influence the buildings’ appearance. 17, Lemessou Str. Str. Description of the Projects: Communication Needs: “Prosopsi” Target Group: B. Sponsorship Programme • The Municipality in its attempt to collectively restore Athens’ important squares launched a separate sponsorship programme whereby the involved sponsor-companies are responsible for reconstructing all the buildings surrounding one of these most historic squares, subsidizing the works 100%. • The Programme’s target-population is all Athenian property owners who wish to renovate their apartment buildings’ facades 3rd September Str. Str. A. Diakou 10 Sponsorship Programme Target Group: • Company owners interested in sponsoring the renovation of buildings’ façades adjacent to main Athenian squares 1 Institutional Communication: Communication Intent: In order to consolidate the joint venture and guarantee its continuation, the company initiated a round of negotiations with: • Educating other Municipal Organizations on the benefits of the programme. • Regional actors • National actors 74, 74, Acharnon Str. Str. • Supranational actors • Consolidating the joint venture and guaranteeing its continuation through a round of negotiations with regional, national & supranational actors. 175, 175, Asklipiou Str. Str. • Other Municipal Organizations Prosopsi web site: Is the Project Controversial? After the Olympic Games a decline of applications was observed. 19, 19, Acharnon Str. Str. Actions: Conducted a focus group (recommended flash action for Athens). Findings: • People are not adequately aware of the project and its tangible benefits • People feel that an increase in subsidies was needed • Integrated interactive portal, able to inform, educate and involve all three target groups (citizens, sponsors and municipalities). • Separated in three distinct yet interlinked areas, providing material tailored to each target group’s needs. 51, 51, Vosporou Str. Str. Communication Intent: Work completed up to this day The communication policy of the company aims at: • Informing, educating & involving the citizens on the multiple immediate benefits – regarding their property & their urban environment – that the project brings. 46, Alexandras Str. Str. • Informing & educating potential sponsors about the benefits the project can bring to their public/social image so as to get them involved in the project. 2 Promotion of “Prosopsi” Conceptualization & realization of informational campaign • Creation of outdoor posters More than 3.000 renovated buildings change the face of Athens • Creation of a 3-page informative leaflet • Creation of radio spots • Creation of “New Image for Athens” internet site Promotion of “Prosopsi” Until today “Prosopsi”: • has informed 13.500 citizens for the benefits of the “Prosopsi” Programme, which represent an equal number of buildings and an even greater number of property owners. 19, 19, Acharnon Str. Str. • Organization of Street Events • Telephone lines for the public to call for additional information or make appointments with trained personnel. • has attended more than 640 building owner and tenant meetings, advising and educating the owners on the benefits of the Programme. • has received 4.088 applications to the Programme. • has compiled 3.833 technical reports. • has renovated the façades of more than 3.000 buildings. • Door to door canvassing. 51, 51, Vosporou Str. Str. • has renovated the façades of buildings adjacent to 6 main Athenian squares Promotion of “Prosopsi” • Appointments with interested actors. Promotion of “Prosopsi” The communication enters its second stage with a new outdoor & leaflet informational campaign • Use of mass media for the promotion of the “Prosopsi” Programme. • Presentation of the Programme in a special edition of the Hellenic Property Federation subscription magazine (circulation: 10,000 copies). 3 Promotion of Sponsorship Programme: Summary of future work Creation of an informative booklet: • Documentation, enumeration and photographing of the target-squares. • Chromatic and economic studies for each square. • Cost-analysis for each square. Promotion of Sponsorship Programme: Apart from the booklet: • Scheduled meetings between the Mayor of Athens Mrs. Bakoyannis and delegates of the potential sponsor companies. Future Communication Plans: A new strategy consisting in: • educating the citizens on the tangible benefits created by the programme (the Olympics were a strong argument when there were no tangible proofs that could convince the citizens) and 5, Α. Diakou Str. Str. • promoting the initiative in circles that could guarantee the project’s institutional consolidation and material support and consequently improve the company’s image and assets. Photo Exhibition: AEDA decided to organize a photo exhibition, aiming at: • Showcasing the success and breadth & diaspora of the project throughout the geographic boundaries of the Municipality. •Commemorating the citizens by showing them that through their participation, they have changed the “face” of Athens. • Pointing out that the project is still in operation 4 5 6 7 8