Volunteer Needed - Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
Volunteer Needed - Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church FLINT, TEXAS October 30, 2016 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS We extend a very special welcome to our friends and visitors who have come to pray with us today. Whether you're just having a look or are searching for a place to worship, we're happy to have you here. We trust that our worship will be encouraging to all and hope that you find a warm, welcoming community here at St. Mary Magdalene Parish. Please call us at the rectory office, 903-894-7647, if we can be of help to you or if you would like to become a member of our parish. Mass Schedule WEEKENDS: Saturday evening - Mass at 5:00 pm Sunday morning - Masses at 9:00 am and 11:30 am Spanish Mass at 1:30 pm WEEKDAYS: Monday evening - Mass at 6:00 pm Wednesday evening - Mass at 6:00 pm Friday evening - Mass at 6:00 pm HOLY DAYS AND HOLIDAYS: Check Bulletin For Mass Times EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Adoration is held Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. TUESDAY MORNING ROSARY AND MASS: Tuesday Morning Rosary is held at 9:00 a.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:00 pm or by appointment Please note that Wednesday evening Mass is now being held at 6:00 PM NOT at 7:00 PM www.stmarymagdaleneflint.org Diocese of Tyler 18221 FM 2493, Flint, TX 75762 ph: 903-894-7647 Fax: 903-894-7739 www.stmarymagdaleneflint.org Pastor: Rev. Fr. Timothy Kelly For Sacramental emergencies please call: Rev. Fr. Timothy Kelly (903) 330-9142 Msgr. John Flynn (903) 952-3464 WEEKLY CALENDAR NS WEEKLY COLLECTIO To t a l s f o r t h e w e e k e n d o f O c t o b e r 2 2 & 2 3 = $9,207.58 World Mission Collection = $1,389.01 Thank you for your generosity! Did you know that you can consider a legacy gift to St. Mary Magdalene in your estate planning? For additional i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e o f fi c e . T h a n k y o u for your consideration. PARISH NEWS Monday Evenings in October…Confessions of St. Augustine 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm Friday mornings in October…Women of the Covenant 10:00 am until noon Sunday, October 30, 9:00 am Mass – Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion Monday, October 31, 6:45 pm Confessions of St. Augustine; Mass at 6:00 pm (this counts for All Saints Day tomorrow) Tuesday, November 1, Feast of All Saints, HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION, Mass at 9:30 am & 6:00 pm Wednesday, November 2, All Souls Day, Mass at 7:00 am, noon & 6:00 pm Wednesday, November 2, NO EDGE OR FAITH FORMATION TONIGHT Thursday, November 3, 11:30 am SALT, Mass, lunch and BINGO! Food Pantry Update St. Mary Magdalene Food Pantry serves 60-100 families per week and our costs for obtaining food from the East Texas Food Bank are normally $400-900 weekly. ALTAR SERVERS THIS WEEKEND: Saturday, October 29: Mackenzie Lee & Sebastian Alfaro Sunday, October 30 9:00 am: Ashton Perez Sunday, October 30 11:30 am: Brady Noyes, Jaqueline Pamatmat, Alyssa Bryant Please help support the Food Pantry and use the envelopes provided in the church with a check made out to ‘St. Mary Magdalene Food Pantry’. Thank you very much. Pray for: Vicki Newton Gerald Jessup Carol Councilor Charles Burch Anne Brannan Gary Cool Jim Londo Cliff & Sharon Southard Helen Smith Jane Rawls Marilyn Shields Peaches Owen Elisa Allgaier Jane Prokesh Vincent Genusa Elise Morley Jamie Fish, R.I.P. Anniversaries of Dearly Departed : Charles Anderson, November 3 Patricia Deegan, November 4 Don Brown, November 19 Keith Sonnier, November 24 Robert Russell, November 27 SAINTS FOR THE WEEK Tuesday, November 1, ALL SAINTS DAY (holy day of obligation) --- first mentioned in the 4th century. Eastern feast of All Martyrs and attested to by St. Ephrem of Edessa, this feast came to be celebrated on other days as well in the East, e.g. Easter Friday, and the Sunday after Pentecost, the day of its observance in some places in the West. In 609 or 610, the Roman Pantheon was dedicated on 13 May under the title “S. Maria ad Martyres”. Many see in this the origin of All Saints Day. For reasons which are unclear, Pope Gregory IV (827-844) transferred the feast from May to 1 November, adopting perhaps the English-Gallican practice dating from the first quarter of the 8th century. Wednesday, November 2, THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) – The 1915 Apostolic Constitution of Pope Benedict XV, “Incruentum altaris sacrificium”, granted all priests the privilege of celebrating three Masses today for the following intentions: one Mass for a particular intention, another Mass for all the faithful departed, and a third Mass for the intention of the pope. A stipend may be received only for the first intention mentioned above. Rooted in ancient Christian tradition (2nd century and Tertullian), St. Odilo of Cluny established a memorial of all the faithful departed in 988. It was accepted in Rome in the 13th century. Thursday, November 3, Saint Martin de Porres, Religious – died in 1639; born in Lima, Peru of a Spanish father and a black slave mother; O.P. lay brother who humbly ministered to the poor and the sick, especially African salves; devoted to the Holy Eucharist; a close friend of St. Rose of Lima; patron of social justice and of peoples of mixed races. Friday, November 4, Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop – died in 1584 at age forty-six; cardinal and secretary of state at age twenty-two for his uncle, Pope Pius IV; implemented reforms of Trent in his diocese of Milan; founder of seminaries; considered a model pastor by many bishops, including St. Francis de Sales; held five provincial councils and eleven diocesan synods; patron of catechists and of catechumens. IONS FLOWER DONAT Interested in donating flowers at the weekend Masses? Prayer Line If anyone knows of someone who needs prayers, or you want to pray for someone who needs prayers, please call the prayer line ministry for St. Mary Magdalene at 903-939-0980 Flowers for this weekend: Donated by: Marge Devereaux For: Memory of husband, Ron Donated by: Charles and Sue Johnson For: Johnson, Szpiech and Filip families. Ann Please pick up a flower envelope in the back of the church or call the office, 903-894-7647 for information. Levels of Giving: $25.00 $40.00 $55.00 CANDLE DONATIO NS The 7-Day candle for the week October 29 through November 4 donated by Bob & Paula Dockter memory of Paula’s parents, Albert Mary McFarland. of is in & YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS What is RCIA? Are you interested in learning more about Catholicism? Do you have family members, friends or acquaintances who are questioning what Catholicism is all about? Do you have Catholic family members or friends who have fallen away from the Faith? Invite them to investigate the truth about Catholicism by joining the RCIA group here at St. Mary Magdalene. RCIA meets on Sunday immediately after the 9:00 AM Mass in the RCIA room. If you’re interested in attending, please email: [email protected]. Or call the church office. Matthew F. Prosser D.D.S. WALK-IN URGENT CARE Bill Wallace, MD Brad Robertson, MD 903-509-4499 Visit: tylerurgentcare.com 2336 Aberdeen Tyler TX 75703 Office: 903-581-1646 Emergency: 903-894-9124 Kelly Wright Atelier Creek Salon 200 Robert E. Lee Drive Tyler, TX 75703 Nails etc. Bruno's Pizza Old Jacksonville, Gresham 903-939-0002 Jay & Lori Rumbelow www.BrunosPizzaTyler.com NEIL H. ADELMAN, MD Azalea Internal Medicine Associates, PA Appointments scheduled within 24 hours. Texas Community Care=Medicare = HealthSpring 1100 East Lake St., Suite 170, Tyler, Texas 75701 903-509-4100 = Fax: 903-526-7440 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pain Pill Addiction Only: ADD-LIFE RECOVERY CENTER 3322 East 5th Street, Tyler, Texas 75701 (across from Villa Montez) 903-596-0606 Pain Pill Addiction Treatment Suboxone or Methadone Therapy Governor Perry’s Task Force for Drug Addiction Phone: (903)343-7386 [email protected] P&D LawnCare Paulino Estrada, Jr 903-941-7458 Email: [email protected] (formerly 4D’s Lawncare) Monthly ad rates: Sm. - $25.00 Med. - $50 Lg. - $75 Contact the church office: 903-894-7647 Blandford Construction Custom trim work Remodeling Carpentry Sheet Rock Painting Tile Flooring Chris Blandford 903-714-4157 Rose Lawn Cemetery Mike & Carla Bacica Tyler’s Finest Resting Place 2003 Blue Mountain Blvd. www.roselawncemetery.info ph. 903-939-9922 Danny Saleh Parishoner www.hallhasitall.com Priority Estate Sales of Tyler,Texas Liquidation · Downsizing · Moving 903-780-2935 www.priortyestatesales.com Build your legacy, keep more of your equity. 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