The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25th


The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25th
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 25th - June 26th, 2016
Weekly Liturgies
Mass Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m.
Saturday: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Communion Services
No Services This Week
Eucharistic Adoration
Sunday, June 26th:
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
No Adoration on July 3rd
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
St. Paul Catholic Church
622 South Beach Street
Plainfield, WI 54966-9637
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office: 715.335.4314
Fax: 715.335.6016
“Like us” on Facebook
Parish Coordinator: Deacon Jim Trzinski
cell phone: 920.240.1968
[email protected]
Tues. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and before and after Masses on weekends
Administrator: Rev. David Greskowiak
Office: 920.787.3848
[email protected]
For medical emergency requiring the Sacrament of Anointing: 920.765.3382
Administrative Assistant: Marsha Hadden-Phillips
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Parish Trustees:
Treasurer Trustee: Karen Giese - 920.765.0224
Secretary Trustee: Kate Drmolka - 715.366.4743
Our Mission Statement:
To care for each other as Jesus has taught us and to
extend that care to others beyond our community.
St. Paul Parish is affiliated with the Diocese of Green Bay.
Contact Information
Finance Council Chair:
Bob Ebben
Pastoral Council Chair:
Jeff Sommers
Director of Religious Ed:
Carla Murray
Music Coordinator:
Nicole Marek
RCIA Leaders:
Linda Golla
Alice Phillips
Care Minister Coordinator:
Linda Golla
Cemetery Coordinator:
Larry Zalewski
Funeral Luncheon Coord:
Betty Burns
From the Deacon’s Desk
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
In this weekend’s Gospel, we read how Jesus invites people to follow him on his journey of discipleship. Sadly, the people that come up to Jesus with a desire to follow him, give Jesus a bunch of
excuses of why it is not convenient for them at the time. We may look at Jesus response to the first
man as rather harsh as Jesus tells him that someone else should bury his father. We need to understand the practice of burying the dead at that time to truly understand what Jesus is telling him.
The death of a parent at the time held a lot of responsibility for a son. Burial had to take place very quickly. This man's
father probably did not die suddenly as he would have been with his father to bury him quickly and not out walking around
listening to Jesus. His father may have been a perfectly healthy man out working. The
term “let me go first and bury my father" was a common saying of the day. This really
meant “When my family responsibility is over, I'll be free to do this or that.” This man
was telling Jesus that when he had nothing else to do, he would find the time to follow
him. Jesus was looking for disciples who were willing to give up whatever could hold
them back and not have a bunch of excuses.
I know that I have heard probably every excuse in the book, especially when it comes to attendance at Sunday Mass. Here
are some of them:
** I work 7 days a week.
** We are just sooooo busy.
** Sunday is the only day I can sleep in.
** I can pray at home.
** I want to go fishing or play golf on Sunday.
** We had tickets to the Packer/Brewer Game.
** We had our kid’s sports games to attend.
Isn’t it interesting that people haven’t changed that much over time? Even when Jesus himself was walking on the face of
the earth, people gave a whole bunch of excuses why they could not follow Him.
In “Rediscovering Jesus” (the book that was gifted to all of our parishioners and visitors this past Christmas) Matthew
Kelley writes, “If you want to take a good, honest look at what your priorities are, get out your smartphones or your
calendar and explore the things that you give your time to. Do we have Jesus as a priority in our life?” This is a question I
think that we all need to ask ourselves from time to time—are we listening to the call of Jesus who is calling us to put aside
things of this world and strengthen our relationship with him? Or, are we just trying to think of excuses?
God’s Blessings, Deacon Jim
Thank You For Your Service & Welcome
As our fiscal year comes to an end on June 30th, some terms will be ending for those who have served our parish in an outstanding way. I would like to say thank you to Karen Giese who has served as the Parish Treasurer Trustee for the past six years,
and to Bob Ebben, Ted Borkowski and Dave Senft for serving on the finance council for the past six years as well. They have
done a wonderful job in guiding me as Parish Coordinator and utilizing the monetary gifts that you have given to our parish in a
very productive way. Please join me in thanking them for their service to the parish when you see them at Mass.
I would also like to congratulate Jennifer Woyak, as she was elected by our parish last weekend as the new Treasurer Trustee.
I am looking forward to working with Jennifer and welcome her to our finance council leadership of our parish.
Kid’s Question of the Week
This weekend’s question: In this weekend’s Gospel, what di the disciples James and John want to
call down from heaven?
Last Week’s Question and Answer: In last weekend’s Gospel, what was the question that Jesus asked
His apostles to answer? “Who do you say that I am?”
Stop by and see Deacon Jim after Mass and give him the answer to receive a small treat.
Saturday, June 25th, Thirteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
2:00 p.m.: Wedding of Trevin Szulczewski &
Morgan Akkerman
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.: Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:30 p.m.: Mass with Msgr. Mark Schommer
For  Marion Reader by Steve & Jelaine Olsen
Sunday, June 26th, Thirteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m.: Mass with Msgr. Mark Schommer
For  Philip Thoma and  Larry Thoma
by Donna Thoma
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.: Pro-Life Eucharistic Adoration
and Reconciliation
6:00 p.m.: Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak
For  Daniel and  Nora Creamer
by Bill & Lynn Creamer
Monday, June 27th
No Prayer Service
Tuesday, June 28th
8:00 a.m.: Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert
For  Marion Reader by Steve & Jelaine Olsen
Wednesday, June 29th
No Prayer Service
No “Campfires with Christ” Bible Study
Thursday, June 30th
No Prayer Service
Liturgical Ministries for
July 2nd - July 3rd, 2016
Friday, July 1st
No Prayer Service
*Parish Office Closed *
Saturday, July 2nd, Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.: Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:30 p.m.: Mass with Rev. William Hower
Prayers for the Health of the Members of the
Cejka & Rivet Families
Sunday, July 3rd, Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m.: Mass with Rev. William Hower
For  Lisa Lauer Sanchez
After Mass: Fellowship Sunday
*No Eucharistic Adoration Service
*No 6:00 p.m. Mass
Monday, July 4th
*Parish Office Closed *
Dates to Remember
June 30th: Finance Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Altar Servers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Kaylae Allison & Allie Booth
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Eric & Alyssa Buechner
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: No Mass
July 3rd: Fellowship Sunday after 9:00 a.m. Mass
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Pat Bartsch
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Paula Ausloos
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: No Mass
Knights of Columbus Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Donna Stapleford
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank Soborowicz
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: No Mass
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Jerry & Donna Stapleford
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Jack Woyak & Cathy Lauer
Sunday 6:00 p.m.
No Mass
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Janet Huffman & Dawn Nigh
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank & Marlene Soborowicz
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: No Mass
July 6th: “Campfires with Christ” Bible Study
July 11th: PCCW Meeting at 6:00 p.m. and
Note: No PCCW Craft Days/Nights until after our
Parish Festival
St. Paul Organizations
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight: Jim Drmolka: 715-498-6756
Meetings: First Monday of month
Parish Council of Catholic Women
President: Ann Hintz: 715-366-8802
Meetings: Second Monday of Jan., April, July, October
St. Paul Mission Team
Group leader: Bernie Sherman: 715-335-6701
Work Meetings: First Wednesday of month.
Five Parishioners Accepted Nominations
to Our Parish Pastoral Council
Jennifer Woyak Elected
as Parish Treasurer Trustee
Five parishioners have graciously accepted nominations
to our Parish Pastoral Council. They are incumbents
Glenn Hintz and Jeff Sommers, plus Cathy Kaminski,
Alice Phillips, and Jerry Stapleford.
This weekend, the nominees’ names
will be placed in a basket and
Deacon Jim will draw names during
Mass on Saturday.
Our parish extends congratulations to Jennifer
Woyak on her election as Parish Treasurer
Trustee and also extends thanks to our other
Trustee nominees, Alice Phillips and Gary Woyak for
their willingness to be on the election ballot and to serve
if elected.
St. Paul Relay for Life Bake Sale
Our St. Paul Relay for Life Team, the
St. Paul Crusaders, will have a bake sale in
our Narthex after Masses next weekend of
July 2nd - July 3rd. The Crusaders would
appreciate help with bakery contributions.
Please call Chairperson
Radine Sherman at 715-3354134 for more information.
Cemetery Storage Building Fundraising Update
Boy Scout Claude Cleereman is working
toward his Eagle Scout Award by coordinating
and building a 12’ x 20’ storage building at our
cemetery. Claude has been available after the
last few weekend’s Masses to promote the
building, answer any questions, and to collect donations
to put towards it. To date, Claude has collected over
$3300 from generous donors. We are over 92% of our
$3600 goal! If anyone wishes to donate towards the
building, please contact Claude at 715-335-6211 or you
many turn in your tax-deductible donations to our Parish
Office. Thank you for your generosity!
St. Patrick’s Bookstore & Gifts
Cash Back for Youth Program
Our parish received a $30.98 check this week from St.
Patrick’s Bookstore & Gifts in Appleton. They noted that
they are a non-profit gift shop and are celebrating 40
years of donating back to local charities. Their gift goes
to our St. Paul Youth Program.
St. Patrick’s Bookstore & Gifts
972 W. Northland Ave., Appleton, WI
For all your First Communion and Confirmation gifts.
Please mention St. Paul Parish when you check out and
our St. Paul Youth Fund
will receive 5% from each purchase made.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Our Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW) will be
sponsoring our Country Store at our Parish Festival this
year. They would like to put an invitation out to all of our
talented parishioners for donations of their
crafts, whether it be from your hobbies, baked
goods, or garden produce. Please call Joyce
Dunn at 715.249.5121 for more information.
Parish Festival Signs Available
Would your family or business like to have a Parish
Festival yard sign displayed on your property? If so, we
have them available in the entryway of our Church. Please place
them in a prominent, well traveled
area but we ask that you do not
block drivers’ views at intersections. Thank you for helping to
promote our Parish Festival!
SCRIP News: Two Lakes Supper Club!
Area Parish Festivals and Picnics
1) St. Mary Mt. Carmel, Fancher is having
their Church Picnic on Sunday, July 3rd
beginning with a Polka Mass at 10:00 a.m.
There will be a Chicken and Ham Dinner and more live
music under the tent after Mass with the Ray Konkol
Band, Norm Dombrowski’s Happy Notes, and TNT from
Pulaski. BINGO-Games-Cherry Tree-Raffles, more!
Our SCRIP Coordinator,
Kate Drmolka reported in to say that
Two Lakes Supper Club
is on board for SCRIP now
with an amazing 20% offer!
Stop by the SCRIP table after Mass
and shop from the “Deli” list of the
SCRIP cards that are in stock for Cash
St. Joe’s Summer Youth Rock Fest
Calling all middle and high school age youth and older!
Come rock the evening away under
the big top at St. Joe’s in Wautoma!!
Starring the local band EDEN!!
Saturday, July 16th,
from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Free admission.
Food and drinks for sale on the grounds.
Come and have a great time! See you there!
2) St. Bronislava Parish Festival will be held on Sunday, July 10th with a Mass at 8:00 a.m. Mass & a Polka
Mass by Smokey Express10:30 a.m. Chicken Dinner,
Silent Auctions, and more!
3) St. Joseph Parish in Wautoma will have their
Festival on Sunday, July 17th with a Polka Mass with
the Old Time Brass and Choraleers at 9:30 a.m. There
will be music under the tent after Mass plus a grilled
chicken dinner catered by the Moose Inn, plus more!
2016 Parish Festival Update
August 6th The planning for our 4th Annual St. Paul Parish Festival continues to roll along. Our
August 7th
sponsorships are still coming in. We now have all 21 spots filled for our placemats! We
will continue to encourage businesses and individuals who would like to invest in our
festival via a sponsorship. We have many different levels of sponsorships available so we ask
that you would prayerfully consider sponsoring the festival. Ask your employer if they could
donate a gift certificate or make a monetary donation. If you would like to be included on the
Festival Advertising, make sure that you let either Deacon Jim, or Marsha Hadden-Phillips
know very soon. There are sponsorship forms available on our Narthex table.
It was suggested this year to our Parish Festival committee that each parish family receive 4 books of raffle tickets to
buy or sell. So beginning next week, each family can find their family envelope in a box in our Narthex. More tickets
can be picked up as needed.
We now have 3 large raffle prizes for the festival with the promise of one
more. Items for the large raffle so far are a Green Mountain ‘Daniel
Boone’ pellet grill/smoker, a Better Homes & Gardens Myrtle Creek
5-Piece Fire Pit Chat Set, and a gift package to The Waters in Minocqua,
Wis. We have a commitment from two families to sponsor a ‘His and Hers’
set of kayaks! Tickets will be available the weekend after the July 4th weekend.
We are still accepting adult and teen items for the Cherry Tree. After the 4th of July
weekend, we will start displaying the baskets for the Basket Raffle. We continue to
receive many comments from participants on the great amount and variety of baskets from
previous year’s basket raffles.
We have these bands scheduled for Saturday: Hauser’s Hotshots and Mike Fuss & the Cherokee Three with the Old
Time Brass & Choraleers playing the Polka Mass. On Sunday, the Smokey Express is playing for the Polka Mass
and later will Pow-Wow with Tuba Dan & the Polkalanders. And we are again having a charcoal chicken dinner on
Our next Parish Festival meeting will be held on Thursday, July 21st at 6:30 p.m.
All are welcome to come and share suggestions to help make our Parish Festival a success.
New Adult Stem Sell Therapy Stops, Reverses Symptoms of MS
Ontario, Canada-- A risky adult stem cell clinical trial in Canada has proven effective in stopping and even reversing
the symptoms in patients with severe cases of multiple sclerosis, a progressive disease of the immune system that is
often untreatable.
The stem cell therapy was performed on 24 adult patients who were expected to be confined to a wheelchair within
10 years. After the treatment, most patients saw no further progress in their symptoms, and were even able to regain
functions that had been taken away by the disease, such as their vision, balance, or ability to walk, the Guardian
The treatment performed by doctors in Canada is still considered highly risky, as it required the destruction and
rebooting of each person’s immune system, causing the death of one of the 24 trial patients.
However, the other patients, who were followed for up to 13 years after the treatment, all experienced no further
progression of the disease, which typically worsens over time. Many of these patients were able to go back to work
and resume their other normal activities such as driving or playing sports.
During the trial therapy, doctors first administered a drug to each patient that caused the stem cells in their bone
marrow to move out into their bloodstream. Doctors then extracted these stem cells, and processed them in a lab to
purify them of the cells that cause MS. The patient was then given a drug that completely destroyed their immune
Finally, the newly purified stem cells were re-injected into the patient’s bloodstream, where they were able to make
their way back into the bone marrow and slowly rebuild the immune system, free of the MS-causing cells.
While the Catholic Church does not support embryonic stem cell research that creates and destroys
embryos for the sake of harvesting their cells, the Church does support ethical stem cell research and treatments such as those using umbilical cord stem cells or adult stem cells, like the ones used in the MS trial.
“Clearly, the Church favors ethically acceptable stem cell research. It opposes
destroying some human lives now, on the pretext that this may possibly help other
lives in the future. We must respect life at all times, especially when our goal is to
save lives,” the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explains on their
website. “The Catholic Church has long supported research using stem cells from
adult tissue and umbilical cord blood, which poses no moral problem. Catholic
institutions at times have taken the lead in promoting such constructive research,
which is already providing cures and treatments for suffering patients.”
St. Paul Sacramental Information
Baptisms: Parents, please register to become a
parish member at least three months prior to having your baby baptized. Please contact the parish office for baptismal preparation.
Marriage: Couples are asked to notify the parish office at
least six months in advance. Catholics must be
confirmed and active in the faith. Wedding times
are to be scheduled no later than 1:30 p.m.
Children of families in the parish should be
registered upon turning 18 or upon high school
graduation. Even if a couple plan to choose their own
vocalist, they are still required to meet with our Deacon
Jim Trzinski at least six months in advance.
Joseph’s Hope Pantry
The suggested items needed for the month of
July are taco shells, tortillas, seasonings/sauces,
salsas, canned /bottled peppers.
Please keep the furry friends of the families in
need in mind. Sometimes people come upon
hard times long after they already have pets in
their homes, and they need to be taken care
of too. The pantry welcomes any kind of pet food.
Donations may be dropped into our Joseph’s Hope
Collection Basket in our Narthex or at the New Life Assembly of God Church in Plainfield. Thank you!
This month, the Bishop’s Appeal Campaign comes to an end: Our Diocese has exceeded their
$5.1 million from 29,456 gifts. We have met and exceeded our goal of $7,120 from 79 parish
families/individuals! Half of the amount that exceeds our goal is gifted back to our parish. Thank you
to those who supported this important and life-enriching campaign.
Parish Festival Platinum Level Sponsor
Oasis Irrigation, LLC
Please thank the generous
sponsors of our
St. Paul Parish Festival!
Jerry and Kathy Jo
Knutson, owners
Zimmatic Pivots
Growsmart Controls
Water Reels
N6775 5th Ave.
Plainfield, WI
Parish Festival Gold Level Sponsors
David M. Bacon
N4694 7th Lane
Hancock, WI 54943
Mobile: 715-421-9898
Phone: 715-249-3213
Fax: 715-249-3297
[email protected]
Bob Ebben, Financial Advisor
(715) 424-4100
1919 8th St. South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Gramma Miller’s Farm Market
N4317 Elizabeth Lane
Hancock, WI 715-249-3060
1610 Highway 13
Friendship, WI 53934
Serving Subs, Sandwiches, Wraps, Pizza, Soft Serve,
Alcohol. Offer Showers & Live Bait.
Owners: Mike & Laura Buechner & Family
907 3rd Ave.
Produce Flowers
Bakery Ice Cream
Lauer Farms, Inc.
Hancock, WI
Wautoma WI
W11020 County Rd. V
Hancock, WI 54943
Martin, Duane & Cheryl Pionke
Knowing Your Catholic Faith
This weekend, we hear Jesus asking people to leave everything behind and follow Him. We hear in other biblical texts about His warning about earthly riches inhibiting our ability to follow Him. This question came up in
a recent article I was reading. "If the Church truly followed Jesus, they'd sell their lavish art, property, and
architecture, and give the money to the poor." This is a question I am sure has been asked more than once. I
wanted to share with you the response to this question.
When some people think of Vatican City, what they immediately picture is something like
a wealthy kingdom, complete with palatial living accommodations for the pope and chests
of gold tucked away in every corner, not to mention the fabulous collection of priceless art
and artefacts. Looking at it that way, it's easy to see how some people would become indignant at what they think is an ostentatious and wasteful show of wealth.
But the truth is something quite different. While the main buildings are called the "Vatican
Palace," it wasn't built to be the lavish living quarters of the pope. In fact, the residential
part of the Vatican is relatively small. The greater portion of the Vatican is
given over to purposes of art and science, administration of the Church's
official business, and management of the Palace in general. Quite a
number of Church and administrative officials live in the Vatican with the
pope, making it more like the Church's main headquarters.
As for the impressive art collection, truly one of the finest in the world, the
Vatican views it as "an irreplaceable treasure," but not in monetary terms.
The pope doesn't "own" these works of art and couldn't sell them if he
wanted to; they're merely in the care of the Holy See. The art doesn't even provide the Church with wealth; actually,
it's just the opposite. The Holy See invests quite a bit of its resources into the upkeep of the collection.
The truth of the matter is that the Holy See has a fairly tight financial budget. So why keep the
art? It goes back to a belief in the Church's mission (one of many) as a civilizing force in the
world. Just like the medieval monks who carefully transcribed ancient texts so they would be
available to future generations — texts that otherwise would have been lost forever — the
Church continues to care for the arts so they will not be forgotten over time. In today's culture of
death where the term "civilization" can only be used loosely, the Church's civilizing mission is
as important today as it ever was.
Lifest 2016 will feature Music | Comedy | Speakers
KidZone | Food | Marketplace | Cybercafe | Camping
5K Fun Run | Art Space and more.
Catholic recording artist Matt Maher will be among
the more than150 acts on performing on six stages.
Come for food, fellowship, and fun!
The Diocese of Green Bay is hosting daily interactive
activities for the whole family, plus hot dogs each
evening, at Shady Acres camp area, along with daily
Mass, confessions, and rosary.
Our offices will be closed on Friday, July 1st and Monday, July 4th
so we can spend time with family and friends as we celebrate our
Nation’s Independence Day.
For more info, go to: