Skyfall - Ferag AG
Skyfall - Ferag AG
ferag… intralogistics The third dimension ■ 60 years in Hinwil (Switzerland) ■ Leading supplier of conveyor and processing technology ■ Approximately 1000 employees worldwide ■ 8000 patents since the company’s foundation Company portrait Ferag AG in Hinwil (Switzerland) has in the distribution logistics sector. Recog- cations are possible. Skyfall can be used been the leading supplier of conveyor nition of Ferag’s expertise as an innova- in processing industries, in fashion, au- and processing technology to the print tive supplier of integrated conveyor lines tomobile and food logistics, and also for media industry for 60 years. Newspapers has opened the door to all industries. e-commerce applications. are processed on Ferag installations each Skyfall, the suspended conveyor system, Together with WRH Marketing and and every day. With huge experience is a derivative of Ferag conveyor tech- Denipro, Ferag is part of the Walter in machine systems engineering, Ferag nology, originally developed for the pro- Reist Holding corporate group. The is a true professional when it comes to duction of print media. Skyfall is ideally group is active throughout the world realizing small- and large-scale projects suited to distribution logistics outside the and employs around 1000 staff. and magazines running into the millions graphical industry. Any number of appli- ■ 60 years‘ experience in machine systems engineering ■ Vast expertise in processing and conveying ■ Maximum ■ Core efficiency components: rails and shuttles Intralogistics With 60 years‘ experience in machine The best possible utilization of space The core components of any conveyor systems engineering, Ferag is a true combined with fast cycle times make the installation are the rails and shuttles. It’s professional when it comes to realizing systems exceptionally efficient. But one here that Ferag’s vast experience comes small- and large-scale intralogistics pro- factor above all is central to what we do into play and is mirrored in top quality jects. Processing and conveying in the and how we think. That is our focus on with minimum wear. Select materials, third dimension rank among the major the customer, which is reflected in long- based on experience in the high-per- strengths of Ferag conveyor systems. standing and successful partnerships. formance sector, form the basis of every Skyfall system. ■ Conveyed goods weighing up to 15 kg The product range Skyfall – conveying with gravity SkyTrain – circulating conveyor SkyLift – ascending and descending Skyfall makes use of gravity and the third The separate items are propelled within conveyor dimension. The most varied items weigh- the space to the end position, or trans- Thanks to the three-dimensionality of the ing up to 15 kilograms are conveyed on ported to the next transfer – for ex- rail profile, height differences can be sur- rollers along a rail profile at a system ample via a diverter into a matrix sorter mounted with ease. Climbs and descents speed of 10,500 articles an hour. Basic or a buffer zone. up to 90 degrees are no problem, and functions include processes like sortation, accumulation or buffering. make line layouts much easier. ■ 10,500 articles per hour ■ Climbs and descents up to 90° Efficient ■ High cycle times and throughputs ■ Matrix sorter with high sorting performance ■ Unique diverter with or without drive The product range SkyQ – accumulation conveyor SkySort – matrix sorter SkySwitch – diverter Goods are sent separately or in batches For sorting (online) orders, the matrix The diverter is a central connecting ele- from the accumulation conveyor to the sorter is used (e.g. 38 = 512 articles). ment of any system. Depending on the next conveying process at set intervals. If Articles are sorted into batches and order, it will assign the article to the a powered version of the release mech- transported to the corresponding pack- correct lane (accumulation, sortation, anism is used, above-average cycle times aging station, according to the order. buffering). can be achieved, along with throughputs up to 10,500 articles an hour. Flexible ■ Automatic or manual pocket filling ■ Ergonomic loading and unloading station ■ Customized The product range SkyPost – feeding station SkyCollate – receiving station Here, for example, pockets are filled The filled pockets are unloaded on the from racks or gitterboxes and sent into packaging line. This process is either circulation. Filling is either manual or manual or automatic. automatic. adapters Versatile ■ Machine systems engineering ■ Research and development ■A culture of innovation ■ In-house software and hardware development Expertise System solutions – seeing the big picture Product development – innovation is our Software development – success through Our core competency is machine systems tradition state-of-the-art control concepts engineering. We design efficient, indi- For 60 years, we have been masters at A skilled team of more than a hun- vidually configured, integrated solutions solving challenging tasks in conveyor dred software developers takes care of from the initial sketched idea through to technology and process integration. individual customer requirements with the final installation. Our engineers are On the conveying, sortation, buffering, innovative, integrated solutions. With specialists in all aspects of process inte- order-picking and processing levels, we the Navigator, we are setting new stand- gration and conveyor logistics – on both are market and technology leaders in the ards in the visualization of industrial pro- a small and large scale. print media industry. cesses. ■ In-house manufacture guarantees high quality ■ Specialized in final assembly and factory acceptance ■ Professional project management from A-Z Expertise Manufacturing – maximum precision, Final assembly – success through process Project management – competent care minimum lead times orientation until final acceptance With state-of-the-art CNC machines, Qualified specialists with decades of ex- Our project managers act as the link to we manufacture prototype components, perience assemble components using customers acquiring our technology and small batches and one-off products at state-of-the-art production equipment monitor all installation steps from deliv- minimum lead times. The principle “From to guarantee compliance with our high ery through to final acceptance. During 3D-CAD direct to the clamping table“ quality standards. Prior to leaving the the project, the project manager is the guarantees a high degree of flexibility. factory, system components are assem- central point of contact for customers, bled and checked for correct function. A and thus facilitates their day-to-day busi- factory acceptance test, carried out with ness. the customer, is part of our handover process. ■ Guaranteed service thanks to a global sales network ■ High availability of service technicians ■ Local contact partners Sales Our sales network With more than 20 sales and service companies throughout the world, we guarantee direct on-site contact. Our employees speak the local language and are very well informed about local customs and culture. Service, spare parts and sales are on call 24/7. ferag… Unternehmen für Förder- und Verarbeitungssysteme Ferag AG Zürcherstrasse 74 CH-8340 Hinwil Phone +41 44 938 60 00 Fax +41 44 938 60 60 [email protected]