The Red Colorpoint
The Red Colorpoint
The Red Red Colorpoint Colorpoint The by Madeleine Madeleine Christy Christy by Today our Red Red Colorpoint ColOl'point cats recent addition addition to to the the growing growing Today cats are are a recent do surpass surpass Shorthair family family and many many of of these these attractive attractive cats cats can and and do Shorthair other Siamese Siamese (from these cats are derived) derived) in in the the showroom. showroom. other (from which which these cats are and results results of of will give give here here only only aa brief brief outline outline of of the the methods methods and I will several years prevents several years breeding breeding these these beautiful beautiful cats. cats. Unfortunately time prevents mentioning many important factors factors in in the the production production of of good good ones. ones. mentioning many important breeders that know of of who who are are best best known known for for producing producing the The breeders that II know A. DiFilippo, DiFilippo, who who has has very very nice ni'ce Reds, Reds, the first Red Red points points are are Mrs. Mrs. A. first and breeder from got my my start, start, Mrs. Mrs. Berger Berger from from California California and breeder from whom whom II got later my my own own efforts efforts yielded yielded some some early early Colorpoints. Colorpoints. Mrs. Mrs. DiFilippo, DiFilippo, from whose whose cattery obtained a Tortie, Tertie, Sundust Sundust Zorina Zorina of of Madali, Madali, from cattery II obtained 16 years years of of pure pure bred bredSiamese Siamese stock. stock. has produced produced this from 16 has this cat from The first Red Colorpoint breed aa Siamese Siamese 'The firststep step in in producing producing the the Red Colorpoint is to breed The progeny will be all black hybrid female to a Red Domestic. female to Red Domestic. The progeny will he all black hybrid Siamese of the Siamese with Siamese with green green eyes. eyes.Then Then one one breeds breeds back back to to a Siamese of the It takes takes four four to to five five generations generations best type type to to produce produce a Tortie-Point. Tortie-Point. It best Siamese to female, and she should should of pure bred Siamese to produce produce aa Tortie-Point Tortie-Point female, type to the the best best in in the theSiamese Siamese breed. breed. be comparable comparable in be in type exotic looking looking creatures creatures whose whose points points females are very very exotic Tortie-Point females and cream, cream, with with cream, cream, chocolate chocolate or or seal seal are aa mixture mixture of of seal, seal, red red and are approximate more Siamese type we body color. body color. They They approximate more nearly nearly the the Siamese type that we have been been striving striving for, because of they too, too, must, must, someday someday have for, and because of that, they eye color color is is the deepest deepest I have have ever ever have their own own recognition. recognition. Their eye have seen. It is is now now known known that Red Point Point male male can can be be bred bre:l from from aa Tortie Tortie that a Red Point or aa Red Red Point Point female female regardless regardless of the the color color of of his hi's sire. sire. whereas whereas be bred bred from from a mating mating in in which which red red Red Point Point female female can only be a Red can only present in the genes genes of of both both parents. parents. These These kittens, kittens, when when pigment pigment is is present in the born, are snow white, white, like Siamese Siamese kittens, exception that born, kittens, with with the the exception that the reddish color, color, from from which which one can distinguish distinguish the Red Red ColorColorskin is a reddish kittens begin begin to to develop develop their Red Red Point Point color color when when point litter. litter. The kittens point it is is amazing amazing how how deep deep it can can become. become. We have have found found week old a week old and it we are are able able to to produce produce from from these these Tortie Tortie Point Point females, females, bred bred to to that we vari'ous point color Siamese, Red Colorpoint males only, and either sex various Siamese, Red Colorpoint males only, either sex Seals, Blues sire. From From a Seals, Blues or or whatever whatever color color factor factor was was present presentin in the the sire. Tortie Point Point female, female, we we produce produce Red Point Point male, male, however, however, bred Red bred to to a Tortie following: Red Points in males males and and females, females, Tortie Tortie Points, Points, Seals, Seals, the following: Red Points Chocolates. Breeding Breeding Reds Reds produces produces all Reds. The 'Blues Blues and Chocolates. Reds to to Reds all Reds. Chocolate Tortie most striking striking looking looking cat color, and and Chocolate Tortie point point is is the most cat in color, 165 Year Book, 1964 Year P:·OJ.12C3 beautiful bc.1utiiul Red Red Colorpoints. Colorpoints. p:oia;c3 OUR CATS CATS magazine, magazine, from from England, England, and have read the article article in in OUR I have find I disagree disagree with in approving approving of of the Gold Gold Point Point color color find with the the author in acceptable in the "Red Point." Point." In Insome some Siamese Siamese breeding the original as acceptable reJ of gold or orange points. re.I of the the cress cress has has been been diluted diluted at times to gold orange in the points. Those II have ha':e seen seen are not what II would would call call the the true true Red Red Colorpoint. Colorpoint. Those are not T::e T::c 'c;c 'c;e :1),:cn :P::C:l by t~.(; uuthcr his production production of Reds is is a very very by t!.c author ef cl his of the the Reds g~oJ enc.' Cl~C.1 gcol Many have have obtained producing the Red Points Points by by the one one Many obtained aa start start in producing the Red outcross to Red Domestic Domestic with Siamese, to introduce the color color outcross to a self Red with a Siamese, to introduce "TIeJ'no ir:to :'c,tr;c:dcolor c;)lorpastern; pa:tern;however however this this is is aa long long hard hard struggle struggle "Red re3tr::::ed today, for now to undertake today, can purchase purchase the the best best we can in Tortie Points Points which will produce Red ColorColorproduce the the Red point male, male, and from from there point line breed breed back back to one can line Tortie. the Tortie. Many have been been conconMany have cerned that the Red Red Points cerned th(' bone do not as yet have the structure or type of of the the structure or type Siamese. The question question has C:h. Sudo's Sudo\ Sunset Sun~et Chrissie Chri~~ie of Madali. :\1adali. also come come up about what what also up about Ch. "ill become of Seals, Blues, Blues, Chocolates other colors colors produced produced of the Seals, Chocolates and other x ill become from our Tortie or Red Red Point breedings. breedings. Let none of of these these from Let me me state state that none I t!:c: t!:c: colors own when when b•ed Ired colors will will reproduce reproduce any any other other color color but but their own t:) aa mate mate of of like like genetic genetic inheritance. inheritance. The Reds breed red to The Reds breed true true if if the red factor is both parents. parents. factor is in both It is interesting interesting to Point is is the the only only cat cat carrying carrying to note note that that the Tortie Point 1':e red gene gene aside aside from from the the Red Red Colorpoint. Colorpoint. I think think many many of of the the t':e red k:::ens from these matings matings surpass surpass some some of the the Siamese Siamese Seals, Seals, Blues Blues or k:::ens from ,ocolates which being shown shown today. today. 1'I here here is is more more opportunity opportunity C .ocolates which are are being (' .. :: for for observing observing these cats for they have been accepted in several several these cats for they have been accepted in more Red Red Points Points are are being being bred bred and and shown. shown. Those Those A;sociations and Anociations and more t: .:1t be shown can can always always be be sold sold as as pets, pets, to to be be altered altered of of course. course. t: at cannot be is most most important important to to select select the the right right color color Red Point Point breeding breeding it is In Red c,mbination. Some Some have Frost or Lilac to the the Reds, Reds, thinking thinking c;mbination. have bred bred the the Frost that but instead t!1at itit will will purify purify the thecoat coatcolor colortotoxvhite,, \\'hit~,. but instead of helping, helping, this l.:Js caused the tails tails and and legs legs to to become become bailed, baried, even even showing showing markings markings Las F. A. C. F. on the the body; body; some some have have the the definite definite Tabby Tabby markings, markings, also. also. It does does on not in any any way way intensify intensify the red color color i'n cat. We We must must strive strive for for not the red in the cat. the Red Red Colorpoint Colorpoint with pure white white body body color. there is is any any the with the the pure color. If If there color on body it should be spinal column column only and of the color on the the body it should be on on the spinal only and same color as the points or a pinkish color. same color as pinkish color. the foregoing foregoing I have have tried tried to to give give some some of of my mybeliefs, beliefs, practices, practices, In the and experiences experiences in produce good bred and in trying trying to to produce good Red Red Points. Points. We We have bred here many many who who have have become become All gone on make All All here All Western Western and and gone on to make American. In 1962-3 RM Sr. Ch. and Gr. Ch. Madali Red Dawn went American. In 1962-3 RM Sr. Ch. and Gr. Ch. Red Dawn went Highest Scoring Scoring Red Siamese. In ACFA, Red was Royal Royal Highest Red Point Point Siamese. In ACFA, Red Dawn was American Highest Highest Scoring Scoring Siamese Siamese Red Male. Inter American Red Point Male. Those who who have have worked worked hard for many years to hard for many years to develop and improve the the develop and improve Red Colorpoi"nt Red Colorpoint have made progress and much progress and are approaching their goal of of proaching their goal recognition in all all AssociaAssociarecognition tions. Most Most Associations Associations tions. recognize them as Siamese; Siamese; recognize many of of these these cats cats have have many taken high honors honors in in show show taken finals. I personally personally feel feel the finals. Tr. Tr. Ch. eh, Madali \1adali Red Red Chinga Ch;n~3 type is is becoming becoming excellent, excellent, type the eye eye color many is is deeper deeper than the Siamese. Siamese. II also also think the color in in many than in the think that these cats should be classed classed with the the Siamese Siamese in in the theshows. shows. Someday, Someday, these cats should by work and perseverance, we may achieve this goal too. by work perseverance, we may achieve goal too. 1,'0" thn thn ep in•e-e,ted in'.c'e,ted in artic'e mentioned, mentioned, it appeared appeared in in the theOctober October 1963 1963 issue hsue in the article 0: OUR CC ',TS Archer, the RED POINTED POINTED o: 'ITS m.1!\azine. magazine.Thc The author author was was Dr, Dr. N. N. E. E. Archer, the title title ON ON RED SIAMESE. 1.): Aiche: Alche: mentions r.1cn::ons that that the thcofficially officially recognized recognized colors color5 of Siame5P all 5ame 13: of Siamese all have have the same b::l5'c p gmen., gmen:, melamin. me1amin. The The Red Red Point Point however, however, has has aadifferent different pigment. p;gment. Red Red coloration coloration bas*c i5 thoug:n thoug:1t to to be I::e transmitted trammitted by hy aasex-linked 5Px-\inked factor. factor. is Angthc" artic'e interest is h in in OUR OURCATS CATSApril April 1963 1963 TORTOISE-SHELL TORTOISE-SHELL AND AND RED RED Anotheartic'e of interest SIAMESE.-Ed. POINT SIAMESE.—Ed. 1964 Year Book, 1964 167