June 2015 - Charity Lutheran Church
June 2015 - Charity Lutheran Church
A shelter in Christ transforming lives The last day of Sunday school was May 17! Charity Children’s Director Kari Knudson stopped by each class for a special end-ofthe-year moment. Pictured is Kari with some members of Jen & Jim Skjod’s fifth grade class: Mikella Kost, Ethan Unrath, Anja Fritz, and Raine Skjod. June 2015—Special Dates 2015 • June 3 ~ Volunteer/Kari Appreciation Party • June 4 ~ Frey Family Benefit • • • • • • June 7 ~ Summer Worship Begins June 10 ~ Youth Rummage Preview Sale June 11-12 ~ Youth Rummage Sale June 13 ~ Minneapolis Mission Trip June 21 ~ Vacation Bible School Begins June 27 ~ Food for the Poor Summer Changes Spring happens fast in North Dakota. Winter clings with all its life, spitting last protests of snow into the month of May—but eventually yielding to the inevitability of the green invasion. Sorry for waxing poetic—but I love this time of year. I love the hope and promise of summer. I love the warm sun, summer night campfires, the anticipation of annual family vacations, and the change of rhythm. Summer brings changes at Charity as well. Below are some changes we want to make you aware of as we come into the summer season: 1. The summer worship schedule will commence Sunday, June 7. As we have done the past several years, we will collapse our three Sunday morning services into two, as well as continue Sunday evening Quest. This change was approved by the Charity Vision Council. As usual, WOW is suspended until fall. It is our hope that people will take advantage of the summer schedule to get to know Charity Pastor Randy Upgren people outside of their normal worship patterns. Summer Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. Blended Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m. NOVA Contemporary Worship 6:30 p.m. Quest Contemporary Worship 2. We are pleased to have Landon Schmeichel coming on to lead our Sunday evening Quest worship team. Landon has a long history with Charity (through his parents Harvey and Patty at Freedom Fellowship in McLaughlin), and has done an excellent job with our WOW worship team. Landon brings a passionate, yet genuine and humble worship feel. 3. The Vision Council has also approved work to begin on the final phase of our stage expansion project. The new sound system has been a big improvement, and its smaller size paves the way for actual stage expansion. The work will be happening over the summer with the goal for the new stage to be fully operational by Rally Day in September. This change will allow the Charity worship teams to accommodate more easily all the different worship styles—from traditional to contemporary. We encourage people to continue to give towards that project if they are so moved. 4. Remember, that I (Pastor Randy) will be absent for about 8 weeks this summer while on sabbatical. I am extremely grateful to the people of Charity for the opportunity to unplug and re-energize. I will be engaging in a writing project and some travel during this time—both of which I am hoping will benefit Charity’s ministries. I will be gone June 29 through August 24. Remember to keep our Vision Council and our Long Range Planning Team in your prayers as they continue to work toward God’s will in our growth needs. Pray that God would move in such a way to make it completely clear the direction he desires. Have a great summer! April & May Baptisms April 12, 2015 ~ Ashlynn Vetter, daughter of Jordan & Whitney April 12, 2015 ~ Ethan Hegland, son of Logan & Toni May 10, 2015 ~ Lennin Taylor, daughter of Adam & Kendra May 17, 2015 ~ Violet Paulson, daughter of Ken & Laura May 24, 2015 ~ Kendra Pudwill, daughter of Billy & Amanda facebook.com/ charitylutheran twitter.com/ charitybismarck Vacation Bible School is Coming Up Fast! Charity preschool and elementary Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for Sunday, June 21, through Thursday, June 25! Please register your child(ren) now, if you haven’t already done so. Registration forms are available on the tables across from the elevator upstairs and downstairs. You may also conveniently register online at www.charitylutheran.org. We need many volunteers, including crew leaders, assistants, snack prep, decorating, take down, etc. You may also wish to consider a monetary donation to help cover expenses for this awesome children’s program. Please contact [email protected] for the elementary program, or [email protected] for the preschool program. Since we need SO many of each of the list below, donating the following will help defray the costs of VBS: • Baby Wipes • Quart size ziploc storage bags • Black Sharpies (thick & thin tip) • Glue Dots • Bandaids • Small Hand Sanitizer bottles Nursery Childcare Attendant Needed Nursery care is needed effective Sunday, June 7, during the Sunday NOVA 10:30 a.m. service. This is a paid position. A simple background check is required. An adult or teen, age16 or older is preferred. Please email lorri.mittleider@ charitylutheranchurch.org or cell/text at 400-1849. WINGS Trophies & Children’s Sermon Families, don’t miss our Charity worship services Sunday, June 14! All WINGS participants will receive their trophies on this special day. Also, a special children’s sermon will be shared with all! Confirmation Testimony: Skye Wald All my life I have been blessed with people who have a strong love for the Lord like my parents and grandparents. I believe that God put his protection around me from day one. Very shortly after my birth, I was placed in foster care. At age three, I was adopted by my foster parents’ daughter and family (Hilary and Lisa Wald). I was surrounded by my new family as I was baptized. My birth mother drank heavily while pregnant with me, resulting in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. As a result of this, I face many challenges in life. Without my strong faith and walk with God, these challenges might seem insurmountable. My family began to attend Charity a few years ago and I am grateful to my parents for that. Shirley Hanson from Charity reached out to me and has been such a major support in my life and a great friend. She is also just so darn cute! I have learned so much on my faith journey during Charity WOWs, Youth Group and even during a mean game of predator with the indescribable Sam Coleman and outrageous Julie Dolbec. I look forward to continuing my faith journey and trust that Jesus Christ will be with me every step of the way. My favorite verse has always been Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Summer Adult Sunday School Sails On! The Adult sermon discussion group that met this year during the Nova service has decided to continue throughout the summer. Everyone (elementary age through adult) is invited to join us for informal, thought provoking discussion. We meet in the Fireside room at 10:30 a.m. with coffee and cookies. We will also have special missions guests some Sundays including Pastor Walter Volz from Food for the Poor on Sunday June 28. There is no need to register for the group—just come when you’re in town! You’ll be glad you did! ALPHA is Back By Popular Demand! Searching for more? Alpha is back by popular demand, following a highly successful program last fall that drew nearly 150 participants. Alpha is a worldwide 10-week practical introduction to the Christian faith that offers answers to many key questions. The course begins Monday, September 21, with a celebration dinner and will conclude Monday, November 23. Each Monday session begins at 6 p.m. with supper and concludes at 8 p.m. following small group meetings. Child care will be provided. Sign up sheets will be available at the church in early August. We ask you to pray about joining us for as many of the 10-week sessions that you can. We are also in the early stages of assembling volunteers to help in various capacities with the course, and are asking you to consider whether this may be your time to commit to these 10 exciting weeks of fun, fellowship and learning. To learn more about Alpha, visit www.alphaus.org. We’ll have more on the course at worship services this summer and in future newsletters. For more information, contact Pastor Scott Bauman or Pastor Sam Coleman at the church, 258-1258. Wellspring Update We are pleased to report that Charity has collected enough contributions to fund a tenth well for Wellspring for the World! The purpose of Wellspring is to provide safe drinking water for the people of Mali, Ghana, and other areas of the world. Learn more at www.wellspringfortheworld.org. Every dollar raised is tripled through matching grants provided by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and other donors through World Vision. Through these matching grants, wells will supply hundreds of people with a lifetime of fresh, pure, life-giving water! If you are so moved to contribute towards this worthy cause, checks may be made payable to Charity and designated for Wellspring. Articles for the Charity newsletter are due by the 20th for the upcoming month and may be emailed to [email protected]. Contact Judy in the church office at 258-1228 for event details. Green Thumbs Needed 1 Dennis & Melissa Reep 2 Justin & Vanessa Anderson, William & Rhonda Brown, Morgan & Donna Doll, Jim & Tamara Neumiller 3 Larry & Chris Markwardt, Don & Cheri Wenzel 4 Robert & Rita Willer 5 Terrance & Debra Traynor 7 Al & Kathy Jaeger, Mike & Heather Miller, Mark & Stephanie Murdock, Scott & Tracy Wegner 8 Wilbert & Alvina Fueller, Neil & Lindsey Tafelmeyer 11 Richard & Diane Eichhorst, Wayne & Marilyn Reep 12 Michael & Patricia Dwyer, Nevada & Wendy Jorgenson, Michael & Karol Riedman, Don & Erma Roesler, Kevin & Debi Selby, Jeffery & Debra Uline 13 Alan & Dorothy Lommen 14 Kevin & Carol Bjork, Bruce & Autumn Roth 15 Brian & Caryn Iverson 17 Derek & Melissa Hill, Allen & Kari Knudson, Marshall & Janice Liudahl 18 Thomas & Carmen Leno, Larry & Patricia Lysengen 19 Marvin & Joyce Borgelt 20 Francis & Betty Kuhn 21 Art & Shirley Carlson 22 Daniel & Patricia Beyer, Jason & Rhonda Fritz 23 Doug & Barb Berglund, Dale & Kristi Preszler 24 Matt & Nicole Kivisto, Paul & Linnette Kuehn, Robert & Pamela Nelson 25 Dan & Lacey Eastgate, Kevin & Jackie Hay, Donald & Sylvia Schmid 26 Daniel & Alison Lubbers 27 Dennis & Byrdi Naasz, Roland & Dorine Wiedrich 28 Josh & Natasha Churchill, Jon & Norine Haugen, Kevin & Dawn Kindel, Christopher & Michelle Nyhus, Aaron & Sharon Zempel 29 Dustin & Kira Fischer, Jeff & Rose Gitter, Charles & Gayle Little, Jerry & Renee Walz 30 Kevin & Jane Brown, Steve & Joanne Felchle, Duane & Faye Wangen Got a green thumb? Charity needs help trimming/shaping shrubs/ trees, and/or a person to manage the terraced shrub and garden area, including refurbishing the wooden plant markers throughout the gardens. Email doug. [email protected] if you can help! JASON FREY BENEFIT Jason is a wonderful husband to Heather and father to 3 young boys Aiden (10), Kian - (6) and Liam - (4). Thursday, June 4 at 5:30 Bismarck Eagles Club 313 N 26th St Jason has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). He is currently undergoing treatments at Mayo hospital to KLB (Kick Leukemia's Butt)! Children’s Ministry Fund In Memory of Clint Fischer, Albert Blumhagen, Blanche Okerson by Wilbert & Alvina Fueller Memorial Fund In Memory of Gerald Hjelmeland by Delores Hjelmeland and Wilbert & Alvina Fueller Join us for a spaghetti dinner and silent auction. All proceeds will help Jason and Heather with medical expenses. FREYSTRONG Security First Bank of ND 3000 N 14th St Bismarck, ND 58503 There is a benefit account set up for Jason at Security First Bank of ND. Deposits can be made at any Security First Bank of ND branch or checks mailed to the address above. Checks can be made payable to: "Jason Frey Benefit" Mission Moment: Food for the Poor Dear Friends: CHRIST LIVES!!! OUR ETERNAL LIFE IS ASSURED!!! EVERY DAY IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO SHARE HIS LOVE WITH OTHERS!!! I look forward to sharing worship again with the good folks at Charity on Sunday, June 27. By making regular trips to Haiti and our many missions in Central America, I am able to observe firsthand the progress that is taking place among the people who have suffered much in recent months and years. Just last month Food for the Poor shipped two 40-foot containers to Haiti, one filled with food (Vita-meals) for our Lutheran schools and orphanages, and the other container filled with school items for a new school and classes. We work directly with pastors and missionaries when supplying resources for orphanages and schools in each of the 17 countries we serve. That is a critical element of our distribution policies, to insure that our supplies reach the people, and also a major factor in keeping our administrative costs under five percent. Food for the Poor recently surpassed the 100,000 milestone of houses built since 1985 in Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2014, our donors constructed 7,367 housing units and gifted them to destitute families. Six hundred containers of medicines and 430 containers of educational supplies were shipped in 2014. 1 Brandon Bauman, Thayne Davis, Joe Morrissette 2 Kyle Kuether, Stephanie Kuhn 3 Brenda Davis, Steve Felchle, Heather Frey, Dirk Hausauer, Violet Veitz 4 Addison Churchill, Carol Jacobson 5 Brian Bergeson, Isaiah DuFrame, Tracy Korsmo, Alexander Schumacher, Lauren Wegner, Sarah Wegner, Carol Wetsch, Jenna Wood However, it is the hearts of people who find their only hope in the love of Jesus 6 Christina Lahren, Madison Reems, Faith Stelter, who are continually in the healing process. This is a long process, especially in Neil Tafelmeyer Haiti, because the damage was so great after the great earthquake in 2010 and 7 Brooklyn Sailer, Brett Schafer 8 Gloria David, Charles Whitman resources very limited. The struggles are similar in the 17 countries in Central 9 Adam Berglund, Casey Bettenhausen, America and the Caribbean, served by Food for the Poor. We are enlarging a Jennifer Bjork, Troy Jochim 10 Brynley Becker, Abby Westbee, Cole Wike Lutheran high school in the Western region of Guatemala under the direction 11 Mickael Mittleider, Mark Murdock, of the Lutheran Church of Guatemala and new support for Lutheran schools Kellen Okerson, Evan Weaver and orphanages in the Zacapa region. We also have some dynamic initiatives 12 Alexis Hochhalter, Melissa Reep and new ministries in Jamaica, Honduras and other countries in Central 13 Samuel Bradley, Carson Braun, Paul Coughlin, America of which I will speak. We dedicated three new fishing villages in Michael Dwyer, Mariah Kottsick, Torie Larson 14 Ashlyn Iverson, Diane Melby, Angie Wagner Nicaragua last month. 15 Brianna Brown, Ervin Eggers, Micheal Vincent Food for the Poor was named again this past year as the largest Religious 16 Drew Hausauer, Hunter Leno, Andrew Milas International Charity based in America and the third largest over-all 17 Helen Brand, Aaron Edland, Arlen Johnson, philanthropy. This designation was awarded by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nicole Opp, Dustin Peterson, Brooklyn Schwartzbauer, Jason Weaver the foremost newspaper and study group in the nonprofit world. In addition 19 Taylor Bjork, William Dohrmann, Jackie Hay, to feeding programs, FFP has a strong ministry in supporting Christian schools, Ione Leet, Janet Schafer orphanages, clinics, hospitals, water projects, tilapia ponds, fishing villages in 20 George Anderson, Duane Bentz, 17 countries in Central America and the Caribbean. Our administrative costs Chelsea Erickson 21 MacKenzie Hagen, Joe Morrissette, this past year, on a budget over one billion dollars, were only 4.1 % and have Reece Theel, Lauren Bjork always been under 5%, the lowest of all philanthropies that provide support 22 Jacob Morrissette, Dennis Naasz of over 500 million dollars. However, we measure progress not by buildings 23 Jim Foss, Rebecca Schlosser being constructed nor the number of containers shipped with supplies but 24 Daniel Beyer, William Brown, Hudson Bullock, by the resiliency of the people. They put their hope in the Good Shepherd Michael Gunsch, Heidi Jaeger 25 Nicole Johnston, Payton Larson, who is guiding their steps in the restoration of a new life grounded firmly in Svetlana Peterson, Milton Westgard Jesus, who always comes with compassion and love. Our measure of success 26 Brian Artz, RJ Hentz, Alan Jacobson is bringing the love of Jesus, with action and blending hearts—one child and 27 Darby Schmidt, Janessa Vogel, Seth Vollmer, one person at a time. Linda Westbee 28 Alaina Hill, Samuel Kjonaas, John Kuhn, Greetings and peace, April Sattler 29 Adam Bartholomew, Beau Kary, Corina Larson, (Rev) Walter D. Volz, Emeritus Audrey Liudahl, Aveya Vogel, Roland Wiedrich Beggar for the Poor 30 Mason Martinson CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Charity Lutheran Church 120 Aspen Avenue • Bismarck, ND 58503 Tel: 701-258-1228 Fox: 701-258-4398 Email: [email protected] www.CharityLutheran.org Pastor: Scott Bauman Pastor: Randy Upgren Lay Pastor: Sam Coleman Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 353 Bismarck, ND 58503