Screenwriting CRW5372 Syllabus Fall 2011
Screenwriting CRW5372 Syllabus Fall 2011
Fall 2011 Tentative Syllabus: Professor: Lex Williford Sections : On-Campus Hybrid: CRW 5372, Section 001: CRN 17085 Online: CRW 5372, Section 002: CRN 17087 E - mail: [email protected] Office Phone: (915) 747-8806 (309 HUD), (915) 433-1931 (Mobile). Please call me at my cell weekday afternoons 2-4 p.m. MST only. Course Hours : On-Campus: 4:30-5:50 p. m. TR, Worrell Hall 205 Online: Asynchronous Office Hours : On-Campus: 1-3:30 p. m. TR, Hudspeth 309 Online: 1-3:30 p. m. TR MST, via Apple FaceTime or iChat, Elluminate, Skype or AIM, or by appointment. Please e-mail ahead to set up a time during either my regular office hours or at a time that we both can agree on for an appointment. If I’m online you may also chat with me on Blackboard. Course Description: Intensive study and practice in various forms and approaches of screenwriting, including workshop discussion of individual student screenwriting. This course will be an intensive study of screenplay format for the feature film, screenplay structure and screenwriting, including a workshop of student pitches and Ackerman Scenograms, treatments, screenplays and synopses. Students will be required to write a feature-length script (- minutes/pages). Required Text s : Screenplay: Writing the Picture, Robin U. Russin, William Missouri Downs, Silman-James Press (July 2003); ISBN: 1879505703. Note: You may buy the previous edition, new or used, but its page numbers won’t correspond to those in the new edition. The Hurt Locker: The Shooting Script, Mark Boal, Kathryn Bigelow, Newmarket Press (December 22, 2009) ISBN-10: 1557049092 ISBN-13: 9781557049094. Williford Optio nal Text: Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Synecdoche, New York: The Shooting Script, Charlie Kaufman; ISBN-10: 1557048134, Newmarket Press (November 4, 2008). Note: This originally was the required text when I first started developing the course, but now we’re reading The Ghost Writer (a free Adobe Acrobat file included on Blackboard) as our second text. You do not have to buy this text, since you may now download it directly from our course, but we may discuss it as a reasonably successful experimental script that uses a nonlinear or modular structure. Also R ecommended For Serious Screenwriters : The Complete Guide to Standard Script Formats, Part 1, CMC Publishing, (December 1989). ISBN: 0929583000. Though somewhat out of date and difficult at times to follow, this is the formatting bible for professional screenwriters and directors, emphasizing mostly shooting script format but also some information about the reading or (spec) script. If you’re really serious about screenwriting, this book is a must have. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting, Robert McKee, It Books; (November 25, 1997), ISBN: 0060391685. Also now available in paperback. Though we may discuss some concepts from this book indirectly, I highly recommend your reading it (and watching Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation, which includes both a homage to and a satire of McKee’s principals and traditional linear dramatic structure. I’m not a great fan of the movie, especially the ending, but it’s definitely worth watching from the POV of a blocked screenwriter having trouble figuring out her screenplay’s structure). recommended Formatting software: I highly recommend that you buy the latest version (FD8) of Final Draft (Final Draft Educational), especially if you intend to continue writing screenplays. You may also receive other educational discounts from, or, which may come at a better price (all around $100). Other screenwriting formatting software such as Movie Magic Screenwriter is also available, though I’ve always preferred FD, which makes it easy to register your script and export it to PDF format for workshops. You’re not required to buy this expensive software, of course, but it will save you countless hours of formatting when you want to focus mostly on your writing instead. Unless you plan to write commercials, training videos and documentaries, I don’t recommend your buying Final Draft AV. The only free screenwriting program I can recommend is Celtx, which you may download at If you can’t afford Final Draft or another screenwriting software, I’d prefer you use Celtx rather than any other word processing software, including (no, especially) Microsoft Word, which is almost impossible to format correctly. If you have any problems using Celtx, go to You’re not required to use Celtx’s Studio ($4.99 a month), but the program has a few interesting add-ons, including an iPhone and iPad app ($9.99) and it can export your final scripts from Celtx to Adobe PDF format. Simply click on TypeSet/PDF on the second bottom tab and then Save PDF. You can then e-mail the PDF to me for workshop. While the formatting isn’t as “correct” as Final Draft’s, it’s getting close, and it’s acceptable for this course. 2. Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 UTEP’s English Department Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism: Don’t even “Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person's ideas or words without giving proper credit. think about it. Plagiarism occurs whenever a student quotes, paraphrases or summarizes another person's work without providing correct citation. Plagiarism occurs whether the work quoted is a book, article, website, reader's guide like Cliffs Notes or SparkNotes, another student's paper, or any other source. An entire essay is considered fraudulent even if only a single sentence is plagiarized.”1 Attendance: Creative writing doesn’t mean creative attendance. If you must miss class or weekly discussion boards, please notify me beforehand to let me know, especially if you’re signed up for workshop for that week. Excessive absences may affect your grade, simply by creating a low class participation grade, usually reflected in your comments grades, listed below. I may not always respond to discussion boards, but I do read the postings and keep track of who’s posting. At the end of the semester, for both hybrid and online courses, I determine discussion board and Adobe Acrobat comments grades by tallying the number of responses for each student and then dividing the total for each student from the class average. Of course, the quality of these responses is more important than the quantity, so I’ll be checking both and will adjust grades, especially for those with more insightful and in-depth discussions. Grades: Your grades will be determined by your completion of: 1. One Pitch of your screenplay (no more than about three well-crafted sentences) and 2. One Ackerman Scenogram, a graphic representation of your script story. 3. One Critical Analysis of an already-produced Screenplay (8-10 pages). 4. One Treatment of your screenplay (no more than ten pages, no exceptions). 5. Format Quiz 6. One Feature-length Original Screenplay (90-120 pp.) and 7. One Synopsis of your screenplay (no more than one double-spaced page in Courier font), included with your Script as part of your final portfolio. 8. Discussion Board Comments (readings and other discussions). 9. Adobe Acrobat Comments (workshops) Note: absences can affect These tentative percentages significantly. W riting Assignment Deadlines : Percentages: 5% 10% 10% 5% 50% 10% 10% Final drafts of all workshop assignments and writing assignments are due no later than midnight Monday the week they’re due (except for the script, due on Friday of Week 15), so please plan ahead. (See Weekly Schedule and Deadlines below.) Week 5 7 10 15 Assignment Pitch and Scenogram Critical Analysis of a Produced Screenplay Treatment Final Portfolio: Script and Synopsis (including cover sheet under the first page of the script). 1 3. Williford Screenwriting Format: M anuscript Guidelines: Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Follow the format guidelines in Screenplay: Writing the Picture closely. Hollywood screenplay readers often toss out screenplays that don’t follow the accepted screenplay formats for reading (or spec) scripts (not shooting scripts, a distinction we’ll discuss in class). These rules, like many rules of grammar, may seem arbitrary at first but are logical and usually consistent once you know them. Remember, too, that the format of published screenplays or those Acrobat scripts supplied by script websites (in Screenwriting Resources) are not models for formatting or, for that matter, quality. They’re simply screenplays for study and discussion, sometimes with flaws of form, formatting and content, especially unformatted or poorly formatted scripts people have written while watching the films; many of the scripts available online are either shooting scripts or early drafts of well-known scripts, so they may be significantly different from the edited films you’ve seen. I highly recommend using final drafts of scripts for your Critical Analyses of Produced Scripts, unless you want to compare earlier versions to the final draft. The best way to learn how to write screenplays is to read as many as you can get your hands on. Students may, if they wish, download other screenplays from the internet; I’ve included links (under Screenwriting Resources) in Blackboard. Creative writing doesn’t mean creative grammar. Carefully revise all manuscripts, making them free of grammatical errors and typos before you turn them in for workshop or upload them for a grade. Think of the workshop as submitting the manuscript for acceptance by a screen agent or director and present your work as professionally as you would submit it to a script reader at Paramount or to the Sundance Film Festival. One of the most common complaints of script readers (other than their jobs being awful) is that most of the scripts that come into them are so riddled with format, grammatical and spelling errors that script readers never get past the first five pages. Class Pacing: This class will be fast paced, and your progress will depend greatly on how well you can keep up with the deadlines, for both reading and writing assignments. I don’t recommend taking this course with another intensive 4. Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 writing course this semester or with a heavy class load of writing or reading. This course is set up like a three-act screenplay: the first act of the semester focuses on a little dramatic theory, story generation and development; the second act moves directly to critiquing your own treatments and scenes; and the third act focuses on critiquing and revising your screenplays for a final grade. Almost as soon as we’re finished critiquing treatments, we’ll begin analysing drafts of screenplays, so begin writing immediately as soon as the semester starts and keep up with your deadlines, which will come at you so fast you’ll forget you blinked. This course isn’t designed for procrastinators; you simply can’t wait until the last minute to do your work. If you get stuck, don’t hesitate to call me or make an appointment with me during my office hours; I may be able to save you some time and hours of procrastination, but if you wait until the last minute to meet with me, I won’t be much help. Set up a regular weekly writing schedule and keep to it, at least an hour or two a day. Adobe Acrobat W eekly Shared Comments Deadlines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you haven’t got the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, please download and install it now from We’ll base all our workshops upon Adobe Acrobat comments. (Only the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader will work best, so please upgrade or uninstall the previous version before installing the new version.) Shared Reviews in Adobe Acrobat Reader allow students to share (or “publish”) their comments through an online server, making it possible for them to make comments, publish them online and read other students’ comments, constantly syncing everyone’s comments in the document you’ve saved to your computer. Here are the steps we’ll follow for workshops: • A student up for workshop will write her workshop document—say, a treatment—in Word or Rich Text Format or her script in Final Draft, Celtx, or another standard screenwriting program, then export it to Adobe Acrobat format if possible and e-mail it to me following the Weekly Schedule and Deadlines above. (We’ll comment on everyone’s pitches and Scenograms as a single Adobe Acrobat document.) • If it’s not already converted, I’ll convert the file to an Adobe Acrobat document. (If the student is writing in Final Draft, he may convert it to Adobe Acrobat format for me by clicking on the File menu, then Save as PDF, then e-mail the document to me. Celtx also has a Print to PDF function.) • Using Adobe Acrobat Professional, I’ll enable the document for comments, listing the e-mails of all the students in the course so they’ll have access to the online document’s comments repository, then upload the document to a server for comments. • Open the e-mail I sent with the document. If the program prompts you, save the document to your desktop (or to a new folder you’ve created for workshops). • Open the document. Then using the Comment and Mark-up tools in Adobe Acrobat Reader make as many comments as you’d like—at least the number I’ve recommended each week—including a paragraph-long end note. (Right clicking the toolbar gives you the option to select the tools you want to use.) Use the Sticky Note tool for most comments, and avoid using the Call-Out tool, which tends to cover up the document so it’s difficult to read. (I’ve included links under Course Content: Workshop Resources for instructional videos on the commenting process, if you have any trouble.) • When you’re finished making comments, make sure your Internet connection is on, then click Publish Comments to make your comments available to the rest of the class. • If you want to see what others’ comments are, click on Check for New Comments. Workshop Discussions: • Hybrid Courses: We’ll conduct most of our discussions in class based upon the Adobe Acrobat comments class members have already made. I’ll project these comments onto an overhead screen so that we can discuss them. • Online Courses: I expect students to do most of their discussion in the actual workshop documents. Students may look back at each other’s comments and reply to them as if the students were in an actual classroom. Important: • I’d rather have unfinished work than late work. 5. Williford Fall 2011 • • Syllabus: CRW 5372 Please don’t wait until the last minute to meet your workshop deadlines. If you’re unable to complete your treatment or screenplay, e-mail me what you’ve written so far. If you must miss class the week your screenplay’s up for discussion, please let me know immediately so we can arrange to workshop other screenplays. Our schedule will be tight. Please write concrete, helpful comments for your fellow writers, based upon technique rather than vague, subjective judgments. If you write, “Cool, dude,” or “I like/don’t like this idea/scene/treatment,” you’re not helping other students. If you find a problem with a treatment or script, please offer a specific helpful suggestion or two to get the writer on track. You’d want the same for your work. It’s okay to say you like something; you just need to say why, as concretely as you can. It’s probably best not to say you don’t like something—that’s a subjective comment that often doesn’t help and ends up creating conflict, something we want on the page and not in class. FADE IN: Act 1: Imagining, Proposing and Pitching The Script Story and Preliminary Structure Inciting Incident: Your decision to take this course and to write a feature-length script in fifteen weeks. PREMISE: Will the protagonist (you) overcome all the obstacles—external and internal—to finish a script by the end of the semester? Can you find the time, passion and level of commitment you need to write and revise, to do all the assignments, and to comment on other students’ work? EXTERNAL CONFLICTS: Deadlines, assignments, grades, an incredibly mean professor (the antagonist/ villain). INTERNAL CONFLICTS: Writer’s block, insecurity, envy of other students who you’ve convinced yourself are better writers than you, fear of failing (or succeeding), something your dad or mother or brother or sister or aunt or grandmother, et al, said about your frivolous decision to write rather than get a practical degree like Engineering or Accounting. DRAMATIC QUESTIONS: Is the script idea you’ve been telling your friends about for years really doable? If not, can you come up with a compelling script idea based on a similar premise? Can you write the entire arch of the story in just three sentences? One page? Ten pages? A feature-length script? Can you keep up with the class’s gruelling schedule? Can you meet all the deadlines on time or before? Can you make an A? Can you make your script marketable? Can you get your script produced? Is it even possible to get a script noticed? Should you move to LA and wait tables until your big break (fat chance)? Watch Sunset Boulevard and Barton Fink again? Follow your parents’ advice and get a real job? And so on. Daily Schedule Note: For simpler navigation, the subheadings below correspond roughly with the left-menu items in Blackboard. All readings, including those for Screenplay: Writing the Picture (SPWP), below are shown for the weeks they’re due, not for the weeks they’re assigned, so you need to keep looking at least two or three weeks ahead to meet important deadlines. The Weekly Schedule menu lists 6. Williford W eek 1: Introduction August 22 - 26 2 Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 these dates with direct links to the assignments to help save you time finding them. 1. Important: Don’t freak out when you look at the complexity of this course! (Okay, calm down.) It can be a bit intimidating when you first look at it, but what appears to be complexity is simply comprehensiveness. After working on this course over many years, I’ve supplied you with as many helpful tools to write screenplays I know of, in the most practical way I know how, in a step-by-step process that’s worked well for most of my students over many years. Because students have asked for specific instructions how to write each assignment, I’ve included them here; because many of these assignments simply aren’t available, either in books or online, I’ve had to write many of them myself over many years. If the instructions feel a bit prescriptive, just remember you have a great deal of freedom in your choice of script content, form and structure, that I’ve designed this course so that it matches most of my students’ writing processes in a helpful way that will make sense to you when the course is over. I’ve adapted each assignment, from story development to the final script, in a way that will help you focus on each step at the right moment. The first few weeks might seem overwhelming, but do your best to keep up with the reading assignments early on, and they’ll slack off a bit by the third week. If you focus on your assignments and deadlines week by week, looking two or three weeks ahead as you go to help you plan ahead, you’ll be fine. In other words, look ahead, yes, but don’t get too far ahead of yourself. 2. Click on Getting Started in the left menu and follow the instructions to get your computer ready for this course. 3. Click on Course Content (Home Page), then on Introduction, then the sub-links, including my YouTube video that presents an overview of the course. 4. To get a broad overview of how to navigate this course in Blackboard, click Course Content at the top of the left menu, then on Blackboard Course Map. You should be able to zoom in and out, though this ability depends on your browser.2 I’ve also attached a copy of the map to this syllabus. 5. Set aside a few hours to become familiar with the course’s somewhat complex structure and most if not all of the course links, including all the left Blackboard menus and all the links and sub-links under Course Content. 6. Though the left menu items can be helpful, I’d suggest starting each week, first, with Announcements to get a sense if I’ve updated or changed the schedule, then with the Course Content page, the best place to navigate to other sections of the course. I usually send Announcements by e-mail early each week, too. 7. Review closely each of these links: a. The Course in Three Acts b. This Syllabus c. Weekly Schedule and Deadlines d. Weekly Course Calendar (especially Weeks 1-3) e. Reading and Writing Assignments, especially in Home Page › Reading and Writing Assignments › Creative Writing Assignments: Dramatic Summaries: Introduction to Dramatic Summaries, and all assignments relating to the pitch and the Scenogram. The first act of this course focuses on these assignments. 8. If you have any questions about any of these links (or any broken links), please post them in the FAQs rather than e-mailing me. I try to answer all questions each week by Tuesday or Wednesday, especially in the first three weeks. Originally, I designed the entire course for the UT Telecampus before it lost its funding in budget cuts, and, alas, I was unable to copy over the course to this course shell. Luckily, it gave me a chance to start over and rethink the entire course, but it’s been time consuming to rebuild since I got short notice this summer. Please bear with me as I try to get it right. Any suggestions, please tell me. 9. If you don’t have the recent version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, download it here ( and install it on your computer. We’ll be using Adobe Acrobat Reader exclusively in workshops, especially because Acrobat keeps script format in tact as is. This course relies heavily on PDF plugins to view PDF files within the course, too. If you need a plugin to view Acrobat Reader files in your browser, especially on Mac machines, do a Google search with the name of your specific browser type and the key words Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugins. 10. Weeks 1 and 2, we’ll focus primarily on writing, revising and workshopping your pitches and Scenograms so get started on those right away, reading all the documents related to them in the first week if possible. You may also click the down arrow next to Course Content in the left menu, but this map’s hard to read for most. 7. Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Screenplay: W riting the Picture Blackboard Reading and W riting ( SPW P ) Assignments 1. Though we won’t have weekly discussion boards 1. Please set aside a day or two to read this week. for SPWP readings, please do bring up each We have quite a few Blackboard reading week’s reading when discussing issues in other assignments at the beginning of the course that discussion boards—just a way of keeping us all I’d like you to begin reading now and finish by honest and on a similar thematic track. the end of week three (Home Page › Reading 2. FADE IN: xi. and Writing Assignments). Read c., d., e., f., g., 3. CHAPTER 1: How to Impress a Reader, 3. and h. before you begin the first draft of your 4. CHAPTER 16: The Pitch, 331. pitch and Scenogram: a. Chinatown (under Scripts) 3 b. Conflict, Structure and the Discussion Boards Imagination Please join the discussion boards listed here each week c. Summarizing and Dramatizing and follow the instructions in Blackboard (Home Page › Skills Chart Discussion Boards): d. Introduction to Dramatic • Meet and Greet/Chat Discussion Board (all) Summaries (under Creative • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (all) Writing Assignments: Dramatic • Chat Discussion Board (optional) Summaries) • Screenwriting Course Map (YouTube Video) e. Writing the Pitch Discussion Board f. Writing the Scenogram • Course Documents and Presentations Discussion g. Ackerman Fill-In Boards, especially those on the course map, “Conflict h. Chinatown Ackerman Scenogram and the Imagination” and “Introduction to 2. If you’re like me and have brainstorming Dramatic Summaries.” and structuring long writing projects like 3. SPWP W eek 2 : A Few Basics 1. 2. 3. CHAPTER 4: The World of the Story, 43. Appendix C: Who Wrote What? 417. Appendix F: Where to Find Scripts, 425. August 29September 2 3 scripts and novels, I highly recommend you take a look at the links listed under Screenwriting Resources and Mind-Mapping Links to check out Mind-Mapping and nonlinear writing programs that can help your write what’s burning in your belly first rather than trying to write a long linear project. I also suggest you download and install the Final Draft Courier font while you’re at it. W riting Assignments and Deadlines 1. Due: E-mail me Draft 1 of your pitch and Scenogram no later than Monday midnight Week 2. I’ll combine these all into one document each week for workshop discussion and send them to everyone for comments in Weeks 3 and 4. 2. Revise and refine your pitch and Scenogram for workshop next week. 3. Due in 1 Week: E-mail me Draft 2 of your Please note that I don’t grade individual discussion boards or Acrobat comments each week, but I do grade them. At the end of the semester, for both hybrid and online courses, I determine discussion board Adobe Acrobat comments grades by tallying the number of responses for each student and then dividing the total for each student from the class average. Of course, the quality of these responses is more important than the quantity, so I’ll be checking both and will adjust grades, especially for those with more insightful and in-depth discussions. I don’t expect students to have as many comments as my exclusively online courses, but I do expect them to write comments in discussion boards each week. 8. Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 pitch and Scenogram no later than Monday midnight Week 3. Discussion Boards Blackboard Reading Assignments Click on Screenwriting Resources, then Online Scripts to Read for Your Critical Analysis of a Produced Script and begin searching for a script you admire so that you can begin reading it and preparing for writing your Critical Analysis of a Produced Script in Week 7. If you’re interested in ideas for techniques to learn more and write about early on, click on Reading and Writing Assignments, then Guide to Critical Analysis of Produced Scripts and check the list of screenwriting techniques in the document. We’ll be discussing many of these techniques in class this semester. If you wish, you may write about a script we read together, but I recommend that you read at least another script or two this semester just to become familiar with script-writing conventions. Continue reading all the Blackboard reading assignments listed in Week 1. Have them all read by Week 3. • • • • • • W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due: E-mail me Draft 2 of your pitch and Scenogram no later than Monday midnight Week 3. SPWP CHAPTER 3: Theme, Meaning, and Emotion, 38. W eek 3 : Pitch and Scenogram Workshop 1 September 5-9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. W eek 4 : Pitch and Scenogram Workshop 2 September 12-16 Blackboard Reading Assignment s Finish reading the Chinatown shooting script for discussion this week. Begin reading The Ghost Writer script. Depending on how many students are interested, I may schedule a viewing of The Ghost Writer on campus some weeknight in the next two weeks. If you’re online only, rent Chinatown and The Ghost Writer to watch, preferably after you’ve read the scripts, just to experience the written scripts first so that you can say something about how well directors have fulfilled the vision of the script writers. Writing the Treatment. SPWP CHAPTER 6: Historical Approaches to Structure, 89. 9. Meet and Greet/Chat Discussion Board Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Course Documents and Presentations Discussion Boards o Screenwriting Course Map (YouTube Video) Discussion Board o "Conflict, Structure and the Imagination" Discussion Board o “Introduction to Dramatic Summaries” Discussion Board. Scripts Discussion Boards o Chinatown Discussion Boards • • • • Meet and Greet/Chat Discussion Board Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Course Documents and Presentations Discussion Boards o Screenwriting Course Map (YouTube Video) Discussion Board o "Conflict, Structure and the Imagination" Discussion Board o “Introduction to Dramatic Summaries” Discussion Board. Scripts Discussion Boards o Chinatown W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due in 1 Week: Final Draft of Pitch and Scenogram, no later than midnight Monday, Week 5. Williford Fall 2011 Blackboard Reading Assignments The Ghost Writer Script. Writing the Treatment. Chinatown Treatment. • • • Syllabus: CRW 5372 Discussion Boards • • Course Documents and Presentations Discussion Boards o "Conflict, Structure and the Imagination" Discussion Board Scripts Discussion Boards o The Ghost Writer Act II: The Treatment Act II: Discovering, Developing and Drafting the Script Story INT. SCREENWRITING WORKSHOP – DAY As you write scenes on 3 x 5 cards and sequence those scenes in either a linear or modular way, you also begin developing your script by writing a ten-page treatment, a concise, detailed dramatized summary of your script story. For the purposes of this class, this treatment will be a story-development tool only. When you market your script later, you’ll probably have to rewrite your treatment significantly after you’ve written several drafts of your script to summarize the script’s final draft as it is written, rather than as you discovered the story. 1. 2. W eek 5: Treatment Workshop 1 September 19-23 3. SPWP CHAPTER 7: Power and Conflict 107 Blackboard Reading Assignments The Ghost Writer Script Critical Analysis: “A Guide to Writing a Critical Analysis of a Produced Script.” Read Critical Analysis: “A Guide to Writing a Critical Analysis of a Produced Script” and begin working on your Critical Analysis of a script of your choice. Discussion Boards Treatment W orkshops W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due: Final Draft of Pitch and Scenogram: no later than midnight Monday, Week 5. SPWP CHAPTER 8: Beats, Scenes, and Sequences, 132. W eek 6: 6 Treatment Workshop 2 September 26-30 Blackboard Reading Assignments 1. Review the structural issues I discus in “Conflict, Structure and the Imagination” and finish your discussion on the Discussion Board. 10. • Hybrid Course Treatment 1: Daniel Centeno Treatment 2: Online Course Treatment 1: Bradley Treatment 2: Carlos Monica Martinez Treatment 3: Blake Treatment 3: Clifton Discussion Boards Course Documents and Presentations Discussion Boards: o "Conflict, Structure and the Imagination" Discussion Board o Script Discussion Board: The Ghost Writer Treatment W orkshops Hybrid Course Online Course Treatment 4: Treatment 4: Diego Robert Williford Fall 2011 2. If you’ve not already read it, read Critical Analysis: “A Guide to Writing a Critical Analysis of a Produced Script.” W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due in 1 Week: Critical Analysis of a Produced Screenplay: no later than midnight Monday, Week 7. SPWP CHAPTER 9: Scene Cards, 161. W eek 7 : Treatment Workshop 3 October 3-7 W eek 8 : Treatment Workshop 4 October 10-14 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Treatment 5: Treatment 5: Mari KC Treatment 6: Agustín Treatment 6: James Discussion Boards Reading Ass ignments Treatment W orkshops Begin reading The Hurt Locker. Hybrid Course Online Course Depending on how many students are interested, I may Treatment 7: Treatment 7: schedule a viewing of The Hurt Locker some weeknight Fabian Lisa in the next two weeks. Please read the script before you Treatment 8: Treatment 8: see the film if you can. Oscar Monica Reyes W riting Assignments and Deadlines 1. Due: Critical Analysis of a Produced Script: no Treatment 9: later than midnight Monday, Week 7. Julio 2. Due in 1 Week: 1-2 pp. scene from your script: No later than midnight Monday, Week 8. SPWP Discussion Boards 1. Appendix A: The Movie Template, 408. Scripts Discussion Board: The Hurt Locker. 2. CHAPTER 2: Format, 16. 1. 2. Blackboard Reading Assignments Treatment W orkshops 1. The Hurt Locker Hybrid Course 2. Under Script Format, watch the Script Format Treatment 10: Notes presentation. You may want to follow along Daniel Ríos Lopera in Chapter 2 of SPWP. Treatment 11: 3. If you wish, you may also download the PDF file of José the same presentation. Please use any extra time you have this week to 4. Read and compare the two script types in Spec and 1. Work on your script, Shooting Scripts.pdf. We’ll be writing spec scripts 2. Prepare for the Format Quiz next week, only, so please make note of the significant 3. Write a strong scene for workshop next week. differences between each. (See the instructions in Week 9.) W riting Assignments a nd Deadlines Due: 1-2 pp. scene from your script: No later than midnight Monday, Week 8. It can be the opening scene of your script or a scene you’re having trouble with. W eek 9 : Script Scene Workshop October 17-21 SPWP CHAPTER 10: Entering the Story, 183. Blackboard Reading Assignments The Hurt Locker 11. Discussion Boards Scripts Discussion Board: The Hurt Locker. Script Scene W orkshop Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 W riting Assignments and Deadlines 1. Online Course: Due: Format Quiz: no later than midnight Friday, Week 9. 2. Hybrid Course: We’ll probably take the format quiz on Tuesday, October 20, though I may have you take it on Blackboard to save time for class discussion. 3. Due in 1 Week: Final Draft of Treatment: no later than midnight Monday, Week 10. This week we’ll discuss a 1-2-page scene from each student. I’ll merge all the scenes into a single Adobe Reader document. The Script Scene Discussion Board is primarily for questions from the authors. Act III: The Script Act III: Writing, Workshopping, Revising and Marketing the Script INT. SCREENWRITING WORKSHOP – DAY You finish a draft of your script and begin workshopping and revising to begin marketing it. SPWP CHAPTER 5: Character, 57. 1. 2. W eek 10 : Script Workshop 1 October 24-28 Blackboard Reading Assignments 1. (Optional) If you’re interested in experimental, nonlinear and modular script structure, read Synecdoche, New York. You may read the book I originally ordered or the script I’ve posted under Reading Assignments: Scripts. 2. (Optional) Depending on how many students are interested, I may schedule a viewing of Synecdoche, New York some weeknight in the next two weeks. 1. 2. W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due: Final Draft of Treatment: no later than midnight Monday, Week 10. Due in 2 Weeks: All Discussions about Screenwriting Techniques in the Dramatic Scenes Discussion Board. SPWP CHAPTER 13: Dialogue, 253. Diego 1. Script Workshop 2 2. Blackboard Read ing Assignments Dis cussion Boards Screenwriting Technique: Dramatic Scenes Discussion Boards: Please view all three video clips and discuss the technique used in each example. (Optional) Synecdoche, New York Discussion Board. Script W orkshops Hybrid Course Script 4: 12. KC Script 3: Daniel Centeno W eek 11 : October 31 November 4 Discussion Boards Screenwriting Technique: Dramatic Scenes Discussion Boards: Please view all three video clips and discuss the technique used in each example. (Optional) Synecdoche, New York Discussion Board. Script W orkshops Hybrid Course Online Course Script 1: Script 1: Fabian James Script 2: Script 2: Online Course Script 3: Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Augustín Script 5: Oscar W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due in 1 Week: All Discussions about Screenwriting Techniques in the Dramatic Scenes Discussion Board. SPWP CHAPTER 12: Narrative, 237. Script 6: Mari 1. 2. W eek 12 : Blackboard Reading Assignments Writing the Synopsis Script Workshop 3 November 7-11 W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due this week: All Discussions about Screenwriting Techniques in the Dramatic Scenes Discussion Board. 1. 2. Due in 3 Weeks: The Final Portfolio: FeatureLength Script and Synopsis: No later than midnight Friday, Week 15. SPWP CHAPTER 11: The Structure of Genres, 194. Appendix D: Genre and General Clichés, 423. W eek 13 : Script Workshop 4 November 14-18 Blackboard Reading Assignments 1. 2. W eek 14 : Writing and Revising Break November 21-25 Robert Script 4: Bradley Discussion Boards Screenwriting Technique: Dramatic Scenes Discussion Boards: Please view all three video clips and discuss the technique used in each example. (Optional) Synecdoche, New York Discussion Board. Script W orkshops Hybrid Course Online Course Script 7: Script 5: Blake Monica Martinez Script 8: Script 6: Julio Clifton Script 9: Carlos Discussion Boards (Optional) Synecdoche, New York Discussion Board. Hybrid Course Online Course Script 10: Script 7: Daniel Ríos Lopera Lisa Script 11: Script 8: José Monica Reyes W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due in 2 Weeks: Final Portfolio: FeatureLength Script and Synopsis: No later than midnight Friday, Week 15. Thanksgiving Break: N o C lass Thursday or Friday of T his W eek: Writing the Synopsis If you’d like, begin looking over the Agents and Marketing links under Web Links in the left menu. Please use this week to revise your scripts and write your synopses. SPWP Discussion Boards 13. Williford Fall 2011 CHAPTER 14: Rewriting, 293. Blackboard Reading Assignments Syllabus: CRW 5372 Marketing Discussion Board: Discuss your plans for marketing the script you've written this semester. W riting Assignments and Deadlines If you’d like, continue looking over the Agents and Due in 1 Week: Final Portfolio: FeatureMarketing links under Web Links in the left menu. Length Script and Synopsis: No later than midnight Friday, Week 15. 1. 2. SPWP CHAPTER 15: Marketing the Script, 307. Appendix B: Suggested Reading, 414. Blackboard Reading Assignments W eek 15 : Marketing November 28December 2 Agents and Marketing (Web Links): 1. Movie Bytes—Agent List 2. Tips on Marketing 3. Movie Bytes—Screenwriting Contests Directory 4. Script Agencies 5. Movie Bytes 6. Tips on Marketing.doc Name Hybrid Course Preferred E-Mail Address UTEP E-Mail Address Discussion Boards Marketing Discussion Board: Discuss your plans for marketing the script you've written this semester. W riting Assignments and Deadlines Due: Final Portfolio: Feature-Length Script and Synopsis: No later than midnight Friday, Week 15. Phone Number (Optional) Abreu Cornelio, Agustín Centeno Maldonado, Daniel Espinoza, Carlos Godoy Barbosa, Oscar Gomez, Mari Molina, Fabian Murcia Letona, Diego Nemec, Blake Pérez Méndez, Julio Rios Lopera, Daniel Valenzuela Palma, José Name Online Course Preferred E-Mail Address UTEP E-Mail Address Cherry, James Dockal, KC Garza, Robert Haines, Bradley Martinez, Monica Raphael, Clifton 14. Phone Number (Optional) Williford Fall 2011 Syllabus: CRW 5372 Reyes, Lisa Reyes, Monica A Note on My Workshop Philosophy: Only one rule applies to the critique of manuscripts in this class: Kindness is the only wisdom. The principal task of this workshop is to create a safe place for writers to be honest and authentic in their discussions and their work. Some writers may be struggling to find the courage to write stories of traumatic events that have occurred to them personally, or to people they know. The last thing we need to do as a class is to make the discussion of these stories traumatic, too; doing so may cause writers to withdraw and stop taking risks for fear of making mistakes or being emotionally honest. There are no mistakes in this workshop, only opportunities to see, understand, change and revise—and sometimes we have to revise ourselves before we can revise our stories. If a writer has troubles with his or her story, try to find a way to deliver that information in a non-personal, non-judgmental way, with empathy and compassion and, if possible, without undo sarcasm. (Irony, sarcasm’s more subtle and sophisticated sister, is, of course, what we’re trying to use in our stories to great effect.) One approach is simply to describe how you read the story, what it meant to you, focusing on one or two fictional techniques (irony or sarcasm, for example) the author has used that have contributed to that effect. Focus on what poet John Ciardi says is most important: not just what a story means but how it means, specific techniques we’ve discussed in class which help us as writers make readers fall into the fictional dream, or awaken from it in a new way. The more I teach writing workshops, the less faith I have in giving advice, especially the whole notion that a story is something to find problems with and “fix.” If the author discovers that she has been misinterpreted in a descriptive analysis, then it follows that she will have to revise. But if a student feels bullied by anyone, including the teacher, whose prescriptive critiques advise her to write her story in a certain way other than she intends, a story she doesn’t want to write, she has the right to ignore such comments and focus only on those that she finds most helpful, those that help her most to fulfil her own distinctive voice and vision. Please avoid using such subjective judgments as good or bad or I really like/dislike this story. Each of us reads a story differently, and that’s what makes workshop such effective places to discuss our work. Take what you can use and forget the rest. We all have a right to tell our own stories in our own ways, and we all have a right to our own interpretations of others’ stories so long as there’s evidence from the text to support our views. We may interpret the image of a child’s flying saucer toy lying upended in a bathtub as a hint that a story is about alien abduction, but if there’s nothing else in the story to support that point then perhaps the story may be about something else, the death of a child, say, or the grief of a father. We show our work to others to help us when we’re too close to it to trust our instincts completely about whether what we’ve written does what we’d intended, whether what’s in our head has gotten onto the page. Workshops should be both honest and supportive, writers telling other writers not necessarily what they want to hear but what they might need to hear to make their stories work better, meanwhile helping them through the sometimes painful task of revision: re-seeing their own stories clearly with some dispassionate distance, finding their stories in the process of rewriting them, making the unconscious more conscious. Workshops should also be open, generous, productive and tremendously fun, everyone feeling free to laugh a great deal—and not at others’ expense—meanwhile recognizing that criticism must never be equated with cruelty or preoccupations with who’s up or down but always with the shared difficulty of the work itself, always balancing a commitment to honesty about the work’s effectiveness with mutual respect for those who create it and their individual creative processes and aesthetics. A Note on How I Determine Grades: Many students have asked me to describe how I come up with grades. If I had my choice, I wouldn’t assign a grade to creative work, but because we don’t operate on a pass/fail basis, I have to assign grades and try to be as fair-minded and objective as I can be. While it’s extremely difficult to quantify how I decide grades for creative writing, I’ve been writing and grading creative writing for thirty years and I know that a C tends to cover averages (as much as we all hate being called average) and anything above that shows a writer who’s beginning to take her work seriously. Please use this rubric as a guideline only, and remember: I always grade on improvement in a student’s writing and the only averages I really consider are those that add up at the end of the semester. Grading Rubric for Screenwriting 15. Williford Fall 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C or Syllabus: CRW 5372 The writer moves beyond character type and stereotype, showing a growing mastery of deep characterization: the character’s motivations are clear, subtle yet surprising, showing a strong insight into the mystery of human motive and behavior. The writer has a growing mastery of showing and telling, integrating sharp, surprising details into summarized sections with a strong understanding of how and when to write dramatic scenes, trusting readers to be smart enough to get it on their own. The writer has a gift for dramatic or comic writing, moving the reader deeply, making the reader laugh out loud, or both. The writer has a growing mastery of significant detail—detail that shows and tells—using little or no static description, making quick strokes of surprising detail in as few words as possible, showing a distinctive view of the world and uncanny insight into individual characters and places. The writer has a strong, distinctive voice, not a voice that just imitates a favorite writer. The writer writes from within character, not imitations of plot he’s seen on TV or movies, understanding that genuine plot reversals are about changes within characters. The writer has strong, distinctive narrative authority, not just because she has confidence (many of the best writers have little or no confidence at all) but because she has worked hard to make her work readable, interesting, even beautiful, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph. The writer uses few if any grammatical or sentence errors, and when she uses them—fragments for effect, for example—she does so consciously as a part of her craft. The writer has a strong grasp of narrative conventions, how to write paragraphs, dialogue and so on with correct indentation and punctuation. The writer has few or no misspelled words, especially commonly misspelled words like yeah, all right, and so on. The writer uses no unnecessary adverbs, realizing that they almost always tell rather than show. The writer uses few if any wordy “is” verbs, especially the passive voice, using instead strong, active verbs that make for vigorous sentences that move the reader through the story without hiccups that awaken us from the fictional dream. The writer uses no clichés, in sentence or character situation. The writer knows how to write a strong balance of simple and complex sentences for effect, avoiding run-on sentences, fused sentences and comma splices. The writer knows how to use apostrophes for contractions and possessive adjectives and doesn’t overcorrect (the contraction it’s for the possessive its; their or there for they’re, and so on). The writer writes with a strong ear for spoken language, recognizing that dialogue is poetry and isn’t necessarily the way people speak, using syntax rather than phonetic spellings or misspellings to capture dialect, trusting that even the most uneducated speaker can speak with great elegance and insight, even if that speaker is poor and inarticulate. The writer uses few if any value judgments, generalizations or abstractions, unless they’re so insightful and surprising that we have to stop reading for a few moments, smiling or frowning, to understand their depth and complexity. The writer uses strong, surprising figurative language (metaphors and similes) appropriate for her voice, her story, her character and the world her character lives in, helping to make her writing vivid and utterly unique. Rather than simply relying on her innate and unique gifts, the writer has a passion for craft and rewriting, obsessed with making her story as close to right as possible without being a stodgy, self-punishing perfectionist. Not writing to impress but to express—overwriting or overstating, using flowery language, Latinate or multisyllabic words from the thesaurus—the writer uses plain English, inventing her own distinctive and subtle lyricism, understating when others might rely on melodrama and florid, purple prose. Includes at least 10 of the elements listed above. 1. The writer mostly tells rather than shows through value judgments, generalizations, abstractions and clichés, 16. Williford Fall 2011 lower 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Syllabus: CRW 5372 forgetting that writing is not simply about ideas and emotions but about surprise and reproducing the experience of ideas and emotions by creating what John Gardner calls a “vivid and continuous dream.” When the writer does write scenes, he tends to write about undramatic situations, his characters tend to use exposition through dialogue, or they simply natter on about the weather or the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The writer mostly dwells on the superficial or the obvious or writes in prose so convoluted and abstract that no one—not even the writer himself—knows what he’s talking about. The writer wants to write about a universal character in a universal place, but because he doesn’t write about unique individuals, he’s really just writing stereotypes. The writer may have a strong sense of story and character, but he consistently misspells words and creates numerous grammatical and sentence errors, not realizing that the rules of grammar are an important part of his craft, helping in readability and clarity of expression, and that when he writes without proofreading he’s calling more attention to himself than to his story. The writer thinks that grammar should be creative, too, man, and he thinks he should be able to punctuate sentences and spell words as he wishes, feeling that craft and rewriting are for sissies, resenting the man for inhibiting his creativity, dude. The writer spends little or no time proofreading, expecting others to do it for him, writing his story the night before workshop while he’s drunk or stoned, his iPod blaring Metallica through his earphones, the TV on mute in the background. The writer tends to write from clichéd plots, and when he can’t decide on how to end his story he decides to kill off his main character through suicide, a bus accident, a giant explosion or some coincidence having to do with frogs falling from the sky. The writer doesn’t read much and never has and shouldn’t have to, man, and would rather watch Survivor: Tasmania or get to level ten on Grand Theft Auto IV. The writer’s idea of conflict is car chases, light sabers, ninjas kicking ass and zombies eating their mamas. The writer’s idea of sentiment is written in doggerel on the inside of a Hallmark card. He-Man loses best buddy or girlfriend and his secret crystal talisman and all his automatic weapons; he gets his buddy, girlfriend, talisman and Uzis back, then kills the bad guy and saves the girl and the world. Girl gets boy; girl loses boy; girl gets boy back and they marry under the periwinkles. 4 Okay, this rubric is completely silly, but I thought I should least entertain you. Did I make an A describing a C? If not, give me some feedback and I’ll work on it. 17.