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RETIREELINE Consumers Energy Retiree News • 2015 Issue No. 1 Retirees Gather for Florida Reunion; Hear Report on Company Progress R ETIREES MET FEB. 25 in Zephyrhills for the 59th Florida reunion luncheon to chat with colleagues and hear keynote speaker Dan Malone, senior vice president of energy resources for Consumers Energy Company and CMS Energy Corporation, report on company progress. • The health care commitment to most retirees is to “You have a lot invested in our company and its future,” said Malone. “Thank you for your continued support and your help in building our company.” • Most Medicare retirees pay no premiums for their He brought the group up to date about changes in benefits and urged retirees to contact Fidelity at 800-260-4015 or through their website at for questions about pensions, savings, health insurance and to report changes in family status or address changes. Some things he mentioned include: • Starting next year, Dan Malone, Senior Vice maintain at least the same benefits and costs as active employees. • Most pre-Medicare retirees pay the same premium contributions as active employees. Aetna coverage; active employees pay an average 13 to 19 percent premium contributions for their health coverage. “Consumers Energy is one of the few companies that is still offering company-sponsored health insurance to new employees,” said Malone in response to a question. “Many companies have already chosen to provide a stipend and send employees to the health care exchanges. While we may get there someday, we believe there is value in offering companysponsored programs with current costs.” President of Energy Resources Medicare retirees under Reporting on company the age of 75 as of Dec. performance, Malone pointed 31, 2013 will begin to pay to 12 consecutive years of a 5 percent cost premium contribution for their consistent financial results acknowledged by Wall healthcare coverage. This change was announced Street finance professionals. Analysts remarked that in a letter sent in June 2013 to participants. the company produced “consistent, transparent and predictable growth and that CMS Energy was ‘Best-in• Pre-Medicare retirees will pay approximately Class’.” 12 percent of the cost of their coverage in premium contributions. Malone said 2014 was a good year overall for the company. He pointed to the need to complete • Costs of retiree plans are projected to rise about legislation on energy policy for Michigan as the main 6 percent this year due to health care reform, focus for 2015. increased costs of administration, fees, specialty prescription drug costs and increased utilization. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 1 Retirees Can Help Michigan’s Energy Future P OLICYMAKERS IN LANSING are debating how Michigan will meet its future energy needs, and retirees can help make our company’s voice heard. “We need your help to shape a ‘Michigan First’ energy policy that enables Consumers Energy to keep serving our customers with affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity,” said Megan Cary, EBG and Grassroots manager. In March, Gov. Rick Snyder said Michigan needs an energy policy that is adaptable, affordable and reliable while protecting the environment. Consumers Energy agrees with the governor’s statements and supports his vision, as well as these recently proposed bills: • House Bill 4298, introduced by Rep. Aric Nesbitt, would return Michigan to a fully regulated electric market. • Senate Bill 247, introduced by Sen. Ken Horn, would give customers currently buying electricity from retail energy marketers a one-time choice to return to their utility. “Unfortunately, Sen. Mike Shirkey introduced a bill to deregulate Michigan’s electric market,” said Cary. “We oppose Senate Bill 235 because deregulation would place the state at risk of running short of electricity to meet the needs of its families and businesses.” Employees for Better Government urges retirees to act now by contacting your elected officials and urging them to support Senate Bill 247 and House Bill 4298, and oppose Senate Bill 235. Visit to send an electronic letter to your lawmakers and to learn more about this issue. “This is the first round of a lengthy fight to develop a ‘Michigan First’ energy policy and we will need your help each step of the way,” said Cary. “I want to thank retirees for standing up for our state, our customers and our company.” If you’d like a Consumers Energy representative to discuss energy policy with your group, contact Megan Cary at 517-788-0594 or [email protected]. Contact Fidelity to Assure Health Benefits If a Consumers Energy or CMS Energy Company retiree is covered by or eligible to be covered by the Retiree Health Care Plan on a company-subsidized basis and passes away, medical and/or dental coverage for your eligible surviving family members can be continued if they enroll and pay the required premiums. It is necessary to contact Fidelity to assure the continued coverage. Fidelity, one of the nation’s leading employee benefit companies, handles administration of employee and retiree benefit plans and can be contacted at or at 800-260-4015. The phone center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to midnight EST, except for New York Stock Exchange holidays. When calling Fidelity, you will be asked to identify yourself with your Social Security Number and a PIN (personal identification number) that you will need to set up beforehand. Information about setting up a PIN is available on Fidelity’s website or by calling a Fidelity customer service associate. A change of address or dependent status also must be reported directly to Fidelity. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 2 Matching Gifts, VIP Grants Continue in 2015; New Program Issues $250 Grants for Groups R ETIREES CAN, ONCE AGAIN, gain greater value for certain donations and volunteer work performed for nonprofit organizations. Last year, more than 30 retirees were part of a new program created to honor groups of five or more retired or active employees to work as volunteers for a nonprofit while wearing a company T-shirt. "Caring for Community" offers a $250 grant for the nonprofit. “There are no restrictions on the number of hours volunteered and we provide a free company T-shirt,” said Carolyn Bloodworth, secretary-treasurer of Consumers Energy and CMS Energy foundations. “Last year we awarded 129 grants honoring the contributions of more than 1,000 volunteers,” she said. Speaking to retirees at this year’s Florida reunion in Zephyrhills, Dan Malone, senior vice president of energy resources for Consumers Energy Company and CMS Energy Corporation, said “We could not achieve our goals without the tremendous support of retirees.” Retiree participation in the Matching Gifts Program remained strong in 2014. The Consumers Energy Foundation awarded $36,000 to 57 different organizations on behalf of 111 retirees. Retiree gifts will continue to be matched at a level of 50 percent to food banks or food pantries, homeless shelters, higher education institutions and community foundations in Michigan. The foundation will match minimum gifts of $25 up to a combined total of $1,000 per donor per calendar year. In 2014, the foundation awarded more than $51,000 in Volunteer Investment Program grants to 100 different nonprofit organizations on behalf of retirees. Brochures for these programs are available on the retiree section of the company website or you can pick up a copy in the local company human resources or public affairs office. Information is available at the foundation at 877-501-4952 or by emailing Carolyn Bloodworth at [email protected]. Youngdahl Decides on Move to New "Vista" FTER ENJOYING A LONG LIFE following many A years of work, retirees often wonder if the time has come to make the move into a retirement center. “My kids were with friends one day after we moved into Vista Grande Villa and they asked how did they convince us to move from our home,” recalled Russ Youngdahl, a Consumers Energy retiree who recently celebrated his 90th birthday. “When they told them that they didn’t have to convince us, and that we decided on the move ourselves, they were very surprised,” recalled Youngdahl. “They have everything here that we need,” he said, referring to Vista Grande Villa. Youngdahl was lunching with members of the Jackson chapter of the Forerunners, being hosted by Vista Grande Villa. Russ and Mary Youngdahl enjoy lunch during a Jacksonians club chapter meeting hosted by Vista Grande Villa retirement center. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 3 Submit Your Landmark Article for Publication R ETIREELINE reports wedding anniversaries of 50 or more years and similar lifetime landmarks. Please include your anniversary date, when you started with Consumers, where you worked, what you did, and when you retired. Information and original photos can be sent to RetireeLine, 19 Hidden Ridge Trail, Jackson, MI 49203-5172 or email [email protected]. Pick Up Your Forerunners Scholarship Entry Forms voted to award three $600 TBrothers scholarships for 2015. The special $1,000 Richmond award will be presented again this year. HE FORERUNNERS Pick up an application for your student at any Forerunners office, from chapter presidents, or online at the Consumers Energy website, “This is the 17th year for the scholarship program,” said Rhoda Tinkham, Chair, “and it is the club’s most popular program." Award winners and sponsors are invited to attend the annual Forerunners reunion luncheon. This year’s event is scheduled for Sept. 16 at the Gilmore Car Museum, 6865 Hickory Road, Hickory Corners, MI 49060. Hickory Corners is outside Kalamazoo. Award recipients must be high school graduates with a grade-point average of 2.5 or above. They also must plan on becoming full-time students and entering the first year of post-secondary education at an accredited college, university or trade school. The award can be used for tuition, books, fees and other academic expenses. Scholarships are awarded to children, grandchildren, stepchildren, step-grandchildren, and other legal dependents of paid-up members of Forerunners. A Forerunners member is eligible for only one award in any given year. The first eligible name drawn during the selection process, set for late June or early July, will receive the Richmond Brothers Scholarship. Entry forms also are available through the club officers, listed on the last page of RetireeLine. The awards are sponsored by the Forerunners, the retiree club for Consumers Energy and CMS Energy companies. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 4 Forerunners Chapter News and Events Gene Bills, FforORERUNNERS: president of the Forerunners six years starting in 2000, died Feb. 11 at the age of 80. He was active in the club for many years. His efforts in developing and promoting the Forerunners and the Jacksonians chapter was tireless and he is missed. The executive board, voting at the club’s fall meeting, elected the following to two-year terms: Vonda Belanger, president; Sam Lalomia, vice-president; Kathy Gabriel, treasurer; and Nancy Miller, secretary. Members voted to hold this year’s Annual Reunion on Sept. 16 at the Gilmore Car Museum, 6865 Hickory Road, Hickory Corners, MI 49060, near Kalamazoo. LORIDA: The 60th annual Ftentatively Reunion and Potluck is scheduled for Wed., Feb. 24, 2016. Bill Romoser, event chair, reminds retirees who wish to be informed about the annual event to contact him by writing to: Bill Romoser, 4629 Armitage Place, Lakeland, FL 33801. He can be reached by phone at 863-666-8021 or by email at [email protected]. Those requesting to be informed about the reunion will receive a letter of invitation prior to the event. The 59th Florida potluck reunion was held Feb. 25 at Zephyrhills (story on Page 1). ACKSONIANS: The chapter Jpositions elected the following to for this year: Andy Dotterweich, president; Tom Heikkinen, vice president; Karen Kurzynowski, secretary; Michael Marcellino, treasurer; and Rhoda Tinkham, member-at-large. The club will hold its next chapter meeting April 21 at the Country Club of Jackson. Retiree Jo Lund, right, and guests Les and Kellie Walcott, toured Lloyd and Judi Ganton’s Ye Ole Carriage Shop at the club’s March chapter meeting. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 5 Welcome to RETIREELINE NOVEMBER Bromley, Jerry W. Neal, Mark A. Jankoska, Ronald F. Brown, Willie Defrain, Donald R. Pomaranski, James P. Johns, Raja S. Dennis Sr., James D. Pries, Leslie H. Kopytek, Carole S. Fall, Timothy R. Schang, James L. Krafft, Catherine M. Fitzmaurice, Joseph P. Schmanske, Stan C. LaFray, Ollie C. Guajardo, Oscar D. Shelton, Paula D. Leidlein, Kelly A. Hooper, Allan C. VanSteenkiste, R. R. Nauta, Thomas W. Hulliberger, Marilyn K. Williams, Michael G. Neely, Diane E. Flint Chasnis, Retia Freeland Colman, Mary L. Royal Oak Gill Jr., Ralph H. Grand Haven Hain, James E. Whitehall Mobley, Alex G. Flint Van Zegeren, Timothy Jenison DECEMBER Bartus, Donna M. Michigan Center Bosovich, Daniel J. Wyoming Ludington Jackson Kalamazoo Vassar Bay City Bay City Jackson Dimondale Charlotte Onekama Birch Run Lapeer Battle Creek Southfield Chesterfield Greenwood Twp. Johns, Raja S. Canton Landa, Santo J. Macomb Loge Jr., William A. Bay City Bay City Canton Shelby Twp. Frankenmuth Bay City Freeland Edmore Phoenix, Ariz. Prielipp, Frederick R. JANUARY Allan, Jon W. East Lansing Amaya, Gilbert V. Morenci Coleman, Ronnie L. Kalamazoo Denooyer, Robert A. Midland Eckert III, William G. Muskegon Eimer, Mary P. Delton Grant, Sandy G., Newaygo Grauman, Alan R. Vicksburg Haydo, Steven A. Jackson Hilliard, Karl E. Manistee Jackson, Anita E. Saginaw Marion Schoen, Douglas J. Ludington Smar, Michael W. Ferndale Sutton, Ronald W. Essexville Swan, Michael D. Ferndale Swix, Melinda Lansing Tepatti, Mark L. Gladwin Trebnik, Thomas R. Oscoda Venlet Jr., Brant Wyoming Vereeke, John H. West Olive Woltman, Beverly J. Allegan Woodcock, Daniel W. Midland 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 6 Deaths Please Note: Deaths are listed alphabetically by the month in which they were reported. The date of death appears below the name of the deceased. NOVEMBER DECEMBER Banfield, Donald D. Nov. 22 – Ortonville Bell, Donald E. Nov. 13 – Saginaw Bradford, Clara S. Oct. 21 – Parma Calkins, Charles R. Sept. 21 – Durham, S.C. Challenger, Edward J. Apr. 11 – Saginaw Cobb, Allen H. Nov. 9 – Jackson Gee, Allan J. Nov. 19 – Houghton Lake Geissler, William K. Oct. 14 – Temperance Hatchel, Everett A. Nov. 19 – Pesotum, Ill. Johnson, Leroy R. Nov. 5 – Whitehall Kim, Jong C. Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. McCloskey, Michael J. Nov. 11 – Owosso McDonald, John T. Nov. 1 – Holland Miller, Melody A. Nov. 14 – Jackson Olney, Clifford L. Nov. 14 – Battle Creek Ryder, Jack A. Nov. 11 – Saginaw Tavierne, Noel A. Nov. 13 – Rives Junction Thomas, Gerald K. Nov. 2 – Delton Van Slooten, James A. Nov. 13 – Holland Wheaton, Karl J. Oct. 28 – Byron Center Axtell, Charles E. Nov. 8 – Fountain Hills, Ariz. Bigford, Roy A. Dec. 1 – Bradenton, Fla. Blackmer, Joseph D. Dec. 25 – Atlanta Blair, Robert A. Nov. 28 – Erie Cummings Jr., Walter Nov. 22 – Essexville Faley, Edward J. Dec. 1 – Jackson Fox, Thomas L. Nov. 17 – Walker Johnson, Leroy Nov. 14 – Whitehall Jones, Maxine W. Nov. 28 – Kalamazoo Kaydos, Joseph E. Dec. 9 – Sterling Hts. Lange, Roy O. Dec. 1 – Shelby Twp. Lourim, Thomas W. Nov. 19 – Jackson Orzel, Thomas E. Nov. 19 – Unionville Otte, Kenneth H. Dec. 1 – Hudsonville Passmore, Gerald E. Nov. 25 – Mio Schuette, William Nov. 22 – Grand Blanc Smith, Harold J. Dec. 19 – Westphalia Sokoloski, Charles R. Nov. 24 – Big Rapids Sprygada, Chester M. Dec. 6 – Long Lake JANUARY 2015 Dyer, Duane A. Jan. 11 – Richmond, Tex. Erber, Robert G. Jan. 10 – Roscommon Hall, Donald L. Dec. 18 – Muskegon Lawler Jr., James D. Dec. 29 – Caledonia Litzner, Karl P. Jan. 7 – Frankenmuth May, Robert G. Jan. 11 – Charlevoix Miller, Charlie D. Jan. 16 – Jackson Minnie, William E. Jan. 14 – Hudsonville Mosley, Elwood B. Dec. 27 – Cotter, Ariz. Owings Jr., Edward A. Jan 4. – Lexington Pierce, James M. Jan. 10 – Bay City Robertson, Mildred A. Dec. 30 – Jackson Roeper, John F. Jan. 1 – Columbiaville Spencer, Robert B. Dec. 23 – Jackson Stearns, Francis K. Dec. 17 – Gaylord Ulrich, George R. Jan. 10 – Hastings Wabindato, Jacob P. Dec. 22 – Fruitport Wagester, Dale E. Jan. 17 – Deckerville Walstrum, John W. Dec. 18 – Byron Center Whiting, Lois I. Dec. 22 – Whitehall Williams, Harry C. Dec. 30 – Beaverton Wilson. Robert E. Dec. 23 – Grand Rapids Zoet, Jerry A. Jan. 4 – Los Angeles, Calif. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 7 CONSUMERS ENERGY CONTACTS RETIREE WEBSITE: THE FORERUNNERS: Phone: 517-788-1221; Fax: 517-788-1302 - 1945 Parnall Road, Room P21-504, Jackson, MI 49201 OFFICERS: Vonda Belanger, president, [email protected] ; Nancy Miller, secretary, [email protected]; Kathy Gabriel, treasurer; Rhoda Tinkham, immediate past president & scholarship chair, [email protected]. CHAPTERS: Adrian: Adrianites – Alan Morgenthaler 517-265-7539 Alma: Grey Power – Bob Divelbiss 989-833-2403 Arizona: Sun Runners – John Ralph 623-935-9772 Battle Creek: Kilowatt Kreekers – Margaret Skinner/Moody 269-967-2263 Flint, Lapeer: Easterners – Tom Bollman 810-444-9054 Owosso – Don Smith 989-723-2324 Florida: Bill Romoser (reunion only, winters) 863-666-8021 Grand Rapids, Hastings, Greenville: Livewires – Frank Zimmerman 616-656-1147 Jackson: Jacksonians – Andy Dotterweich 517-740-7989 Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Clann – Harold Stanley 269-734-7969 Lansing: Capitaliers – George Martin 517-669-1782 Livonia, Howell: Blue Flames – Sue Breckenridge 734-452-2251 Monroe County: Southeasters – Jerry Ridner 419-340-2968 Muskegon: Lakesiders – Jim Fuller 616-842-7599 Royal Oak: Metro Region Pioneers – Phyllis Leo 586-677-9235 Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Karn/Weadock: Wonder Watts – Len Bobick 989-893-2418 Tawas City: Northeastern Lights – Lee Lockman 989-362-7003 Traverse City: Northwesters – Chuck Hollman 231-947-8279 Fidelity: Benefits, ALL address changes: 800-260-4015 8:30 a.m. to midnight Monday through Friday, excluding NYSE holidays – Internet: Aetna: Medical 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday 800-654-7248 Internet: Express Scripts Medco: Mail Order Prescriptions 800-875-3147 Internet: Consumers Energy Employee Service Center: 800-272-4045 Consumers Energy Liaison with Chapters: Chuck Moyer: [email protected] 517-788-1838 RETIREELINE News: Michael Marcellino: [email protected] 517-787-2023 Please call the appropriate chapter president if you want to be on the mailing list for club events. 2 015 I s s u e No. 1 • RetireeLine • 8
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