#1_Body Mind Food Module


#1_Body Mind Food Module
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Grade Level: 4 and 5
Target Language: Spanish
Proficiency Level: Junior Novice Low – Junior Novice Mid
Enduring Understanding:
The human body is a complex organism made up of many systems that work together and are strong
because of exercise and healthy eating, sleep and personal time.
Essential Question:
How does what we do affect the health of our bodies internally and externally?
Our school received a poster announcing ¡FÁCIL! to build awareness of a healthy lifestyle. ¡FÁCIL! is a
program that tells young people that healthy living is easy if you pay attention to your daily routine:
«¡Es FÁCIL!» The program emphasizes four components of healthy living: Sleep, Nutrition, Activity, and
Personal Time. All of these components are important for building a healthy body inside and out. Our
class decided to make ¡FÁCIL! a class project and invite other classes to participate.
NOTE TO TEACHERS: Using ¡FÁCIL! as the slogan for the healthy living program is not a requirement.
The slogan ¡Es FÁCIL! allows teachers and students to learn an idiom and attach the idiom to an action:
snapping fingers to show that something is easy.
Module Lessons
Lesson 1: Bienvenidos a… ¡Es FÁCIL!
Lesson 2: Un cuerpo sano necesita alimentos saludables
Lesson 3: Un cuerpo sano es fuerte por dentro y por fuera
Lesson 4: Todos los sistemas trabajan juntos en un cuerpo sano
Lesson 5: Integrated Performance Assessment
Standards Targeted
5 Cs – World Language Standards
Interpersonal Communication:
Learners interact and negotiate
leaning in spoken, signed, or written
conversations to share information,
reactions, feelings and opinions.
Interpretive Communication: Learners
understand, interpret, and analyze
5E – STEM Standards
NGSS 4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that plants
and animals have internal and external structures
that function to support survival, growth,
behaviors, and reproduction.
 Apply integrated science, technology,
engineering, and mathematical content to
answer complex questions, to answer
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
what is heard, read, or viewed on a
variety of topics.
Presentational Communication:
Learners present information,
concepts, and ideas to inform, explain,
persuade, and narrate on a variety of
topics using appropriate media and
adapting to various audiences of
listeners, readers, or viewers.
 Relating Cultural Practices to
Perspectives: Learners use the
language to investigate, explain, and
reflect on the relationship between
the practices and perspectives of the
culture studied.
 Relating Cultural Products to
Perspectives: Learners use the
language to investigate, explain, and
reflect on the relationship between
the products and perspectives of the
culture studied.
global issues, and to develop solutions for
challenges and real world problems (2B).
Communicate effectively and precisely
with others (3F).
Ask questions to identify and define global
issues, challenges and real world problems
Engage in critical thinking (5A).
Apply science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics content to construct
creative and innovative ideas (5C).
Listen and be receptive to ideas of others
Making Connections: Learners build,
reinforce, and expand their knowledge
of other disciplines while using the
language to develop critical thinking
and to solve problems creatively.
 Acquiring Information and Diverse
Perspectives: Learners access and
evaluate information and diverse
perspectives that are available
through the language and its cultures.
 Language Comparisons: Learners use
the language to investigate, explain,
and reflect on the nature of language
through comparisons of the language
studied and their own.
 Cultural Comparisons: Learners use
the language to investigate, explain,
and reflect on the concept of culture
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
through comparisons of the cultures
studied and their own.
 School and Global Communities:
Learners use the language both within
and beyond the classroom to interact
and collaborate in their community
and the globalized world.
Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals
and reflect on their progress in using
languages for enjoyment, enrichment,
and advancement.
Knowledge: Students will know…
Content obligatory language:
 dormir
 la nutrición
 la actividad
 el tiempo personal
 el pulso
 tener buena salud/una vida sana
 ser fuerte
 hacer exercicio
 comer comidas/alimentos saludables
 respirar
 los deportes
 el fútbol
 el fútbol americano
 el voleibol (volibol)
 el tenis
 el básquetbol (el baloncesto)
 el béisbol
 el balón/la pelota
(specific to each sport)
 la natación (nadar)
 el traje de baño
 el atletismo/correr
 los zapatillos deportivos
 el ciclismo/montar en bicicleta
 el casco
 los sistemas del cuerpo
Skills: Students can…
I can:
state that sleep, nutrition, activity, and
personal time are needed to make a body
healthy inside and out
keep a log showing what I do to live
name sports I like to do and/or watch
make a graph showing sports my
classmates like to do/watch
identify parts of the body
name body systems and their main body
list the five food groups on a healthy plate
evaluate if a meal is healthy or not
identify the parts of a neuron
state that the brain controls all the other
systems and parts of the body
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
los muslos/muscular
el corazón/circulatorio
los pulmones/respiratorio
los huesos/esquéletico
el estómago/digstivo
el cerebro/nervioso
las partes del cuerpo
las piernas
las rodillas
los pies
el muslo
los dedos del pie
el brazo
las manos
la cintura
la neurona
el cuerpo de la célula
el núcleo
el áxon
el dendrite
la mielina
la sinapsis
los grupos de alimentos
el plato saludable
los alimentos saludables
la proteína
los granos
las frutas
las legumbres
los lácteos
el aguacate
las lentejas
el salmón
las uvas
la espinaca
los aránados
el arroz integral
el sésamo
el pan de grano entero
los huevos
el camote/la batata
Content compatible language:
 mirar (ver) un deporte
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
jugar un deporte
escuchar música
levantarse / pararse
marchar en parada
correr en parada
tocar los pies
hacer círculos con los brazos
doblar de la cintura a izquierda, la la
derecho, hacia adelante, hacia detrás
estirar los brazos
Expressions and patterns:
 ¡Es FÁCIL!
 difícil
 ¡Preparados /Listos / Ya!
 ¡Vaya! ¡Despacio! ¡Ya!
 Necesito / Necesitamos…
 más
Integrated Performance Assessments
Interpretive Task
Students will view an image of a meal, identify the food groups represented in the meal, and determine
if it is a healthy meal according to the criteria of the “healthy plate.” They will also draw some foods
that they could add to this meal to make it brain healthy.
Presentational Task
Students will make posters for other students about the ¡FÁCIL!! Health Program.
Interpersonal Task
Students interview each other to determine what sports they like to play and watch.
Students work in pairs. They will ask and respond to questions about the information in their ¡FÁCIL!
PPT 1 – 38
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
for each group of four students:
o grocery bags
o a variety of food items from each of the five food groups and unhealthy foods (real,
plastic, visuals, or combination)
o supermarket ads and/or magazines
four of each of the following:
o soccer ball
o tennis ball
o basketball
o football
o baseball
o volleyball
running shoe
bike helmet
nine pieces of construction paper
small stickers
flipchart graph paper
paper plate and cup (one per student)
crayons, colored pencils
online video: My Plate for Kids
paper placemat for each student
online video about healthy eating for children, such as My Plate for Kids
6 pipe cleaners of different colors for each student
index cards each with a vocabulary word of a body system or a part of the body
Resource 1a: ¡FÁCIL! Log (4 pages)
Worksheet 1a: ¡Es FÁCIL tener buena salud!
Worksheet 1b: ¿Cuáles deportes jugamos y miramos?
Worksheet 1c: Assessment: ¿Cuáles deportes jugamos y miramos?
Resource 2a: Food groups labels (one set per student)
Resource 2b: ¡FÁCIL! labels
Worksheet 2a: ¡Vaya! ¡Despacio! ¡Ya!
Worksheet 2b: ¿Cómo es tu comida..Vaya, despacio, o ya?
Worksheet 2c: Assessment: Una comida saludable
Worksheet 3a: Mi latido
Worksheet 3b: Fundamentos del cuerpo
Worksheet 3c: Fundamentos del cuerpo: trabajando juntos
Worksheet 3d: Assessment: Fundamentos del cuerpo
Worksheet 4a: Las neurones
Worksheet 5a: Assessment: Un plato saludable
Worksheet 5b: Presentational Task Rubric: ¡Una vida sana es fácil!
Worksheet 5c: Interpersonal Assessment: My ¡FÁCIL! Log
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
STEM Background Resources
The Human Body:
o Make it Work-Body, by Liz Wyse. Scholastic Inc., ISBN 0-590-14230-5
o My Body, by Andrea Pinnington and Penny Lamprell, Scholastic Inc. ISBN 978-0-545-34514-9
o Uncover the Human Body, by Luann Colombo, Silver Dolphin Books, ISBN 1-57145-789-5,
o http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/train-your-brain-with-exercise
o Tai chi helps brain grow, says study involving USF
o Brain Exercise:s http://www.livestrong.com/brain-exercises/
o All About the Brain: faculty.washington.edu/chudler/
Healthy Eating:
o Choose My Plate: http://www.choosemyplate.gov
o Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids: www.healthyfoodsforhealthykids.org
Kid’s Guide to Eating Right: www.KidsHealth.org
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Lesson 1 – Welcome to It’s a Snap!
Bienvenidos a ¡Es FÁCIL!
Lesson 1 of 5
Bienvenidos a ¡Es FÁCIL!
I Can:
Oral language
• ask and respond to questions about sports I play and watch.
• say how many people in the class watch/do certain sports.
• recognize that the same word can mean two different things. (ex:
volleyball – sport and ball)
• read a graph showing sports that people in the class watch and
STEM and Other Subject Areas:
• state that we need to eat healthy, exercise, sleep, and have
personal time to be healthy.
Vocabulary and
Content obligatory language:
 dormir
 la nutrición
 la actividad
 el tiempo personal
 el pulso
 tener buena salud / una vida sana
 ser fuerte
 hacer exercicio
 los muslos
 los huesos
 comer comidas saludables
 las frutas
 las legumbes
 respirar
 los deportes
 el fútbol
 el fútbol americano
 el voleibol (volibol)
 el tenis
 el básquetbol (el baloncesto)
 el béisbol
 el balón/la pelota (specific to each sport)
 la natación (nadar)
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
 el traje de baño
 el atletismo/correr
 los zapatillos deportivos
 el ciclismo/montar en bicicleta
 el casco
Content compatible language:
 mirar (ver) un deporte
 jugar un deporte
 comer
 dormir
 leer
 escuchar música
 ¡Es FÁCIL!
 difícil
 Yo necesito…/ Nosotros necesitamos…
 más
PPT 1-7
o four of each of the following:
o soccer ball
o tennis ball
o basketball
o football
o baseball
o volleyball
o swimsuit
o running shoe
o bike helmet
o nine pieces of construction paper
o small stickers
o paper
o rulers
o markers
o Resource 1a: ¡FÁCIL! log(4 pages)
o Worksheet 1a: ¡Es FÁCIL tener buena salud!
o Worksheet 1b: ¿Cuáles deportes jugamos y miramos?
o Worksheet 1c: Assessment: ¿Cuáles deportes jugamos y
Lesson Storyline and
Core Text
Our school received a poster announcing ¡Es FÁCIL! to build awareness of a
healthy lifestyle. ¡Es FÁCIL! is a health program that tells young people that
healthy living is easy if you pay attention to your daily routine: “¡Es FÁCIL!”
The program emphasizes four components of healthy living: sleep,
nutrition, activity, and personal time. All of these components are
important for building a healthy body inside and out. Our class decided to
make ¡Es FÁCIL! a class project and invite other classes to participate.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Key Elements
Lesson 1 Procedures
● Object, event or
question used to
engage students.
● Connections
facilitated between
what students know
and can do
Bienvenidos a ¡Es FÁCIL!
Snap your fingers. Ask students to repeat the gesture and you chorally
repeat, ¡Es fácil!
T: ¿Qué es fácil?
 Prompt by writing a simple math problem on the board.
 Direct students to stand and perform the following actions with you
as you ask these questions.
 Demonstrate the following gestures and chorally repeat. Direct
students to perform the actions and ask ¿Es fácil?
o running in place
o touching your toes
o reaching above your head
T: ¿Qué otra actividad es fácil?
Encourage exercise movements by doing actions like jumping, knee bends,
etc. Provide the vocabulary for the actions.
T: Tenemos una invitación a un programa de la salud. Se llama ¡Es FÁCIL!
NOTE: Use this slide to introduce the vocabulary dormir, escuchar música,
leer, tiempo personal, jugar deportes, hacer ejercicio, legumbres, frutas,
comida saludable.(PPT 4 is a duplicate slide with the vocabulary.)
T: ¡Tener buena salud es fácil! (Instruct students to snap their fingers as
they chorally repeat.)
 Point to each image and ask students what the image represents.
 Identify the picture to introduce the expressions if they are new to
the students.
o For each image, ask students, ¿Necesitas___para tener
buena salud?
o Necesitamos comer alimentos saludables como frutas y
o Necesitamos leer, escuchar música, y tener tiempo
o Necesitamos hacer ejercicio y jugar deportes.
Distribute Worksheet 1a.
 Review the directions. Students will label the vocabulary and
complete a communicative activity as directed.
 Assist as needed.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Invite students to read the responses on the slide.
T: ¿Cuál es la actividad más popular de tus compañeros?
Allow several responses.
T: ¿Es difícil o fácil hacer estas actividades para tener buena salud?
Students respond.
● Objects and
phenomena are
● Hands-on
activities, with
Los deportes son importantes para una vida sana.
T: Cuando hago ejercicio y jugar deportes, el cuerpo son fuerte y sano. ¿Te
gusta jugar los deportes? ¿Cuáles?
Point to the various images and ask the following questions:
 ¿Te gusta_____?
 ¿Te gusta _____o _____?
 ¿Quién nada/corre/monta en bicicleta?
 ¿A quién le gusta jugar béisbol, fútbol, etc.?
T: Jugamos deportes para ser fuertes.(Use gestures to demonstrate.)
Hold up a soccer ball.
T: ¿Para qué deporte necesitamos este balón?
Students respond.
Repeat with a basketball, football, baseball, volleyball, and tennis ball.
 Ask questions such as:
o ¿Te gusta jugar_____?
o ¿Para qué deporte necesitamos un/una_____?
o ¿Quién es un(a) jugador(a) famoso(a) de _____?
 Write the questions and their answers on the board.
 Direct students to turn to an elbow partner and converse about the
T: ¡Vamos a jugar!
 Divide students into four teams at one end of the classroom.
 At the other end, place four sets of the balls/items for each sport in
separate boxes or baskets.
 Instruct the first person on each team to run to the front of the
room and pick up one of the balls/items. Then, he/she will run
back to his/her team and say: Jugamos al _____ con una _____.
 The first student in line passes the item to the next person in line
on their team, saying: Jugamos al _____ con una _____.
 This continues from student to student each time the ball is passed.
 The last student on the team sets down the item and runs up to the
front of the room, picks up another item, and brings it back to the
 Each team member will repeat the sentence.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
The team that passes all the items wins the relay.
NOTE: You may wish to provide simple medals on strings to give to the
winning team.
● Students explain
their understanding
of concepts and
● New concepts and
skills are introduced
as conceptual clarity
and cohesion are
¿Cuáles deportes nos gustan jugar y mirar?
Review the sports using the props and/or gestures. Direct students to
perform the gestures as you chorally repeat, Me gusta _____.
T: Hay varios deportes que no me gustan jugar, pero sí me gustan mirar en
la televisión o en un estadio, como el fútbol.
Repeat, substituting other sports.
Distribute Worksheet 1b.
 Review the instructions and the model.
 Assist as needed.
 Review answers and ask students if they like to play or watch each
 As you ask several students to reveal what they discovered about
the sports preferences of their partners, distribute nine stickers to
each student.
 Place nine posters (using the following example) around the room
 Instruct students to place one sticker in either box on each poster
according to their preference.
Me gusta mirar.
Me gusta jugar.
When completed, divide the posters among groups of two or three
(depending on the number of students.)
 Instruct the groups to count the number of stickers in each
 While students are counting, draw a chart of three columns on the
board. List the sports in the left column, and label the second and
third columns los deportes que miramos and los deportes que
jugamos, respectively.
 Ask each group for their totals.
T: Vamos a mostrar los datos en un gráfico.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Distribute paper, rulers, and markers/colored pencils to each
Instruct the groups to create a chart/graph of their choice to
display the information. (bar graph, pie chart, etc.) See below for an
example. They may create two separate graphs/charts or combine
the data from both columns.
Instruct students to draw conclusions from their graph or chart and
the sports that most students watch and play, as well as the sports
that are the least played or watched.
Assist as needed.
When finished, each group will present their chart or graph.
Deportes que nos gusta mirar
Activities allow
students to apply
concepts in
contexts, and build
on or extend
understanding and
Comparar los datos
Display one or more of the student-created graphs or charts.
T: ¿Cómo podemos comparar los dos gráficos?
Students respond.
Re-distribute the charts/graphs so that each group receives a different one.
T: ¿Cuál deporte para mirar es el más popular? ¿Cuál deporte para mirar es
el menos popular?
Repeat this procedure for the sports that we play.
NOTE: Students will keep a journal (diario de ¡Es FÁCIL!) of their healthy
habits and foods during the course of this model. For this activity,
assemble one ¡Es FÁCIL! Log for each student with the first three pages
only. (Resource 1a)
Distribute one log to each student.
 Instruct students to write their name on the cover.
 On page two, instruct students to draw and label the four things
they learned that are needed to be healthy.
 On page three, instruct students to write the sports that they like to
 Instruct students to record information for the next week about
their exercise and sports activities with the date, the type, and the
number of minutes.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Complete your own example for the class. Instruct students to fill in
the information in the Modelo.
Inform students that they will be entering their activities in their
diarios for several days, and to bring them back to class each day to
share with their classmates.
Distribute Worksheet 1c.
 Display one of the graphs or charts make in the previous segment.
Students will use this graph to answer the questions on the
 Instruct students to complete the worksheet independently.
 Collect the worksheets when complete.
Instruct students to share their activities that they recorded in the ¡ES
FÁCIL! diario with their partner/tablemates.
Teacher Reflection - Lesson 1
What worked well?
What did not work
What would I do
Other comments or
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Lesson 2 – A Healthy Body Needs Healthy Food
Un cuerpo sano necesita comida saludable
Lesson 2 of 5
Un cuerpo sano necesita comida saludable
I Can:
Oral language:
• name the five food groups for a Healthy Plate.
• say if foods are healthy or unhealthy.
 categorize foods according to the five food groups.
STEM and Other Subject Areas:
• evaluate meals in terms of how healthy they are.
Vocabulary and
Content obligatory language:
 saludable
 un plato saludable
 los cinco grupos de alimentos
 los lácteos
 los granos
 la proteína
 las frutas
 los legumbres
 ¡Vaya!
 ¡Despacio!
 ¡Ya!
Content compatible language:
 el bajoplato
 Esto es...
PPT 9 - 16
grocery bags (one for every group of four students)
a variety of food items from each of the five food groups (as well as
some unhealthy foods) in each grocery bag (may be real, plastic,
pictures or a combination
online video: My Plate for Kids
paper plate and cup for each student
crayons or colored pencils
five pieces of paper for each group
supermarket ads/magazines
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
o scissors
o paper placemat
o glue sticks
o Resource 2a: Food groups labels (one set per student)
o Resource 2b: ¡FÁCIL! labels
o Worksheet 2a: ¡Vaya! ¡Despacio! ¡Ya!
o Worksheet 2b: ¿Cómo es tu comida..Vaya, despacio, o ya?
o Worksheet 2c: Assessment: Una comida saludable
Lesson Storyline and
Core Text
Along with exercise, we need to eat healthy food in order for our bodies to
be healthy inside and out. The class explores the Choose My Plate*
recommendations for a healthy meal.
*Choose My Plate is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of
Key Elements
Lesson 2 Procedures
 Object, event or
question used to
engage students.
Platos saludables
 Connections
facilitated between
what students know
and can do
NOTE: Prepare the grocery bags as directed in the Materials section for
each group of 4-6 students.
This lesson assumes that students are familiar with the vocabulary for
food items. If this is not the case, you can limit new vocabulary by
focusing on the names of the five food groups.
Allow a few minutes for students to share their ¡Es FÁCIL! logs with
Display the grocery bags in front of the class. Hold up one bag.
T: Debemos hacer ejercicio para ser fuerte. Pero también necesitamos
comer alimentos saludables.
 Walk around the room and ask individual students to remove one
item from the bag.
 Ask students if they can name the food and/or chorally repeat.
 For each item, ask if it is healthy or unhealthy. Use the
comparisons of bueno and malo to convey meaning.
 Continue until all items have been identified.
Distribute the bags to each group of four students.
T: Saquen los alimentos y pónganlos en dos grupos – saludable y poco (o
no) saludable.
Allow approximately five minutes, assisting as needed.
T: ¿Cuál grupo es más grande?
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Students respond.
Distribute a paper plate to each group.
T: Este video nos muestra un plato saludable.
● Objects and
phenomena are
● Hands-on
activities, with
Instruct students to hold up each food on the desk when it appears
in the video.
Show the video My Plate for Kids. (4.28 minutes)
Assist students, pausing the video as needed.
Los grupos de alimentos
NOTE: Pre-cut one set of the food groups from Resource 2a.
Distribute a paper plate and ruler to each student.
T: ¿Cuántas secciones hay en el plato?
Students respond.
Instruct students to draw the lines, using the image on the slide as a guide.
Distribute a cup and label to each student as they are drawing.
Distribute one pre-cut set of the food groups from Resource 2a to each
T: Hay cinco grupos de alimentos que necesitamos comer cada día para
tener buena salud. Cuatro de los grupos están en el plato, el el quinto está
en el vaso.
PPT 10
T: El primer grupo es los legumbres.
 Instruct students to find the legumbres label.
 Instruct students to hold up the vegetables from their bags, and
then place them next to the label.
 Optional: Identify individual vegetables if desired.
PPT 11
 Instruct students to find the frutas label.
 Instruct students to hold up the fruits from their bags, and then
place them next to the label.
 Optional: Identify individual fruits if desired.
PPT 12
T: Necesitamos la proteína cada día para tener buena salud.
 Identify meats and seafood to ensure that students understand
what is contained in this food group.
 Instruct students to hold up the proteins from their bags, and then
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
place them next to the label.
Optional: Identify individual protein products if desired.
PPT 13
T: El cuarto grupo es los granos.
 Instruct students to find the granos label.
 Instruct students to hold up the grains from their bags, and then
place them next to the label.
 Optional: Identify individual grain products if desired.
PPT 14
T: También, necesitamos los lácteos.
 Instruct students to find the lácteos label.
 Instruct students to write lácteos on the label and attach it to the
 Instruct students to hold up the dairy products from their bags, and
then place them next to the label.
 Optional: Identify individual dairy products if desired.
PPT 15
 Distribute glue sticks.
 Instruct students to attach the four sections of their plate, using the
slide as a guide.
T: ¿Tienen otros alimentos en sus bolsos? ¿Son saludables?
Students respond.
T: ¡Exacto! No son muy saludables y no podemos comer muchos de estos
Collect the plates and cups for use in the next segment.
● Students explain
their understanding
of concepts and
● New concepts and
skills are introduced
as conceptual clarity
and cohesion are
Ir de compras en un supermercado para alimentos saludables
PPT 16
T: ¿Les gusta ir al supermercado? Vamos a ir de compras para sus comidas
Distribute the supermarket ads, scissors, glue sticks, and placemats.
T: Corten los alimentos para sus comida favorita. Péguenlos en el bajoplato.
When the placemats are complete, divide students into groups of four.
 Place four ¡FÁCIL! shapes (from Resource 2b) at each table.
 Instruct students to exchange their placemats to check for the five
food groups.
 Next, instruct students to check for the five food groups. If they
see all five groups, they should glue a ¡FÁCIL! label on the placemat.
 Allow approximately five minutes and assist as needed.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
PPT 17
T: Vamos a mirar a los alimentos otra vez. Algunos son mejores que otros.
 Algunos alimentos son muy saludables. Estos son alimentos
VERDES. Decimos ¡VAYA!
 Otros alimentos son menos saludables. Estos son alimentos
 Finalmente, hay alimentos que no son saludables. Estos son
alimentos ROJOS. Decimos ¡YA!
PPT 18
T: Decimos ¡VAYA! a las frutas y los legumbres. Pero, si beben jugo de
fruta, decimos ¡DESPACIO! porque no son tantos saludables. Y a las papas
fritas decimos ¡YA! porque tienen mucha grasa y no son saludables.
PPT 19
T: ¿Cuáles alimentos son ¡VAYA!, ¡DESPACIO!, y ¡YA! en los otros grupos?
Discuss the foods on the slide.
Distribute Worksheet 2a.
Instruct students to take turns with a partner pointing to the foods that
they like while saying, Me gusta_____ and to notice how many foods they
like in each of the three categories.
T: ¿Les gustan muchos alimentos VERDES? Es muy importante comer estos
alimentos cada día.
Activities allow
students to apply
concepts in
contexts, and build
on or extend
understanding and
¿Vaya, despacio, o ya?
T: Let’s rate the foods on our placemats.
Distribute Worksheet 2b.
Review the instructions, using a model.
 Instruct students to select a different placemat to rate.
 Assist as needed.
T: ¿Cuántos bajoplatos son… Vaya? ¿Despacio? ¿Ya?
Students respond.
Instruct students to turn to page 3 of their ¡FÁCIL! logs.
 Explain that they will keep track of what they eat each day and to
categorize their selections.
 Review the model.
 Emphasize that they should bring their logs back to class each day
so that they can share with their classmates.
Students assess
their knowledge,
skills and abilities.
Assessment: Los cinco grupos de alimentos
Distribute Worksheet 2c.
Direct students to complete the assessment independently.
After the assessments have been collected, direct students to share
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Activities permit
evaluation of
development and
and discuss the food choices in their ¡Es FÁCIL! logs with partners.
Teacher Reflection - Lesson 2
What worked well?
What did not work
What would I do
Other comments or
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Lesson 3- A Healthy Body is a Strong Body Inside and Out
Un cuerpo sano es fuerte por dentro y por fuera
Lesson 3 of 5
Un cuerpo sano es fuerte por dentro y por fuera
I Can:
Oral language:
• give and follow directions to exercising.
• name body systems and parts of the body.
• label body systems and organs.
STEM and Other Subject Areas:
• name six body systems and their main body part.
• take my pulse.
Vocabulary and
Content obligatory language:
 el pulso
 las partes del cuerpo
 los ojos
 las piernas
 las rodillas
 los pies
 los muslos
 los brazos
 los dedos
 la cintura
 los sistemas del cuerpo
 el órgano
 los muslos/muscular
 el corazón/circulatorio
 los pulmones/respiratorio
 los huesos/esquéletico
 el estómago/digstivo
 el cerebro/nervioso
Content compatible language:
 marchar en parada
 correr en parada
 tocar los pies
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
hacer círculos con los brazos
doblar de la cintura a izquierda, la la derecho, hacia adelante, hacia
estirar los brazos
PPT 19-28
online exercise video for children such as: Kids’ Workout with Paul
Worksheet 3a: Mi latido
Worksheet 3b: Fundamentos del cuerpo
Worksheet 3c: Fundamentos del cuerpo: trabajando juntos
Worksheet 3d: Assessment: Fundamentos del cuerpo
Lesson Storyline and
Core Text
After talking about ¡Es FÁCIL! students perform some exercises as a
reminder that exercise is important every day. Students learn six important
parts inside the body and how the systems that are connected to those body
parts work together. Also, students measure their heart rate by taking their
pulses before and after exercise.
Key Elements
Lesson 3 Procedures
● Object, event or
question used to
engage students.
● Connections
facilitated between
what students know
and can do
¡Vamos a ponernos en marcha!
T: Hacer ejercicio es muy importante para tener buena salud.
Option 1: Lead the class in this series of exercises:
 Stand up.
 March in place. (Count to 20.)
 Touch your toes. (Count to 10.)
 Arms out – make small circles forward. (Count to 10.)
 Arms out – make small circles backward .(Count to 10.)
 Hands on your waist – bend forward, to the right, back, to the left.
(Count to 10.)
 March in place. (Count to 20.)
 Sit down.
Option 2: Select a brief online exercise video for children, such as Kids’
Workout with Paul Eugene.
T: ¿Qué partes de cuerpo usamos cuando hacemos ejercicio?
Lead class in the song Heads, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes, using gestures.
Lead class with gestures and choral repetition. Ask additional questions such
● ¿Cuántos/as _____tienes?
● ¿Dónde está el/la_____?
● Objects and
¿Qué usamos para hacer ejercicio?
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
phenomena are
● Hands-on
activities, with
Review the body parts from previous segment with gestures and a game of
Simón dice.
PPT 20
T: Un cuerpo sano necesita alimentos y ejercicio para ser sano por dentro y
por fuera.
PPT 21
T: El cuerpo consiste de varios sistemas y órganos.
PPT 22
Locate your pulse by pressing two fingers to the inside of the wrist
or neck as you say: Puedo contar cuantas veces my corazón late. Se
llamo el pulso.
Chorally repeat el corazón and el pulso, referring to the slide for
Use a timer or second hand on the clock to take your pulse for 15
Cuento___latidos en 15 segundos.
Ask the class how to calculate the beats per minute. (the number X
Entonces, mi pulso es _____por minuto.
¿Qué piensan…después de hacer ejercicio, estará el pulso más alto o
más bajo? ¡Vamos a ver!
Distribute one heart rate log from Worksheet 3a. (There are three
per page.)
Assist students in taking and calculating their pulse.
Instruct students to record the number in the first column.
¿Vamos a hacer ejercicio! Lead the class in this series of exercises:
o Stand up.
o March in place. (Count to 20.)
o Touch your toes. (Count to 10.)
o Run in place. (Count to 20.)
o Stretch your arms over your head and then straight out in
front of you, over your head, out in front. (Repeat 10 times.)
o Put your hands on your waist. Bend forward, to the right,
back, to the left. (Repeat 10 times.)
o Run in place for one minute.
o Sit down.
Tomen el pulso otra vez. (Wait 15 seconds.)
Assist students in taking and calculating their pulse.
Instruct students to record the number in the second column.
Discuss findings with students.
Se llama el ritmo del corazón. Es más rápido porque el cuerpo
necesita más energía cuando hacemos ejercicio.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
● Students explain
their understanding
of concepts and
● New concepts and
skills are introduced
as conceptual clarity
and cohesion are
Fundamentos del cuerpo
Distribute Worksheet 3b.
T: ¿Qué medimos cuando tomamos el pulso? (Refer to PPT 22 if needed.)
Students respond.
T: ¡Correcto…el ritmo del corazón!
PPT 23
T: El corazón es un órgano muy importante en el cuerpo. Es parte del
sistema circulatorio.
Assist student in labeling the body part and the system as you introduce and
practice the vocabulary on the next slides. Use a gesture for each system,
such as:
 circulatory – Tap your heart several times.
 muscular – Make a fist, bend your arm, and flex.
 skeletal – Touch the bones in your hand or wrist.
 digestive – Touch your abdomen/stomach.
 respiratory – Inhale and exhale slowly.
 nervous – Touch your finger to your head.
PPT 24
T: Cuando hacemos ejercicio, usamos los muslos.
● Ask students to demonstrate flexing their muscles.
● Chorally repeat: Los muslos son partes del sistema muscular.
● Direct students to locate this system on the worksheet and to label
el muslo and el sistema muscular.
PPT 25
T: Los ojos son los muslos más ocupados en el cuerpo.
Assist students as you model the following experiment.
● Hold your hands in front of your face with your pointer fingers
● Now hold the tips of your pointer fingers out so they are almost
touching but not quite.
● Try to keep your fingers perfectly still---don’t move them at all.
● Now stare at your fingers and try not to blink.
● What happens? Does it look like your fingers are bouncing around?
PPT 26
T: Los huesos forman el sistema esquéletico.
● Point to the x-ray and chorally repeat: Aquí están los huesos en las
● Point to the skeleton and chorally repeat: Aquí están los huesos en el
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
T: Los huesos son necesarios para sentarse y levantarse. También los huesos
protegen los órganos en el cuerpo. Point to the rib cage on the slide.
● Instruct students and demonstrate feeling various bones such as the
ribs, elbow, hand, etc.
● Direct students to locate this system on the worksheet and to label
los huesos and el sistema esquéletico.
PPT 27
T: El sistema digestiva procesa los alimentos que comemos. Un órgano
importante en este sistema es el estómago.
● Demonstrate as you ask: ¿Pueden tocar el estómago?
● Direct students to locate this system on the worksheet and to label
el estómago and el sistema digestiva.
PPT 28
T: (Inhale and exhale slowly.) Esto es el sistema respiratorio y aquí están los
● Direct students to locate this system on the worksheet and to label
los pulmones and el sistema respiratorio.
PPT 29
T: Aquí está el cerebro. Controla el sistema nervioso.
Direct students to locate this system on the worksheet and to label el
cerebro and el sistema nervioso.
T: Vamos a repasar los sistemas del cuerpo.
 For each of the following steps, change the order of the systems.
o Instruct students to perform the gestures associated with each
system as you chorally repeat.
o Perform the gestures without repeating the names of the system.
o Students perform the action and chorally repeat each system.
o Name each system with no gesture. Students perform the
Activities allow
students to apply
concepts in
contexts, and build
on or extend
understanding and
Cómo los sistemas trabajan juntos
NOTE: Select an online video about the systems in the body, such as
Human Body 101 (by National Geographic, approximately 3 minutes.)
Perform a gesture for these statements as you chorally repeat:
 Vemos los muslos.
 Nos sentimos los huesos.
 Ponemos alimento en el estómago.
 No sentimos el ritmo del corazón.
 Trabajamos los pulmones.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
T: El cuerpo es como una máquina porque las partes trabajan juntos.
 Distribute Worksheet 3c.
 Before viewing, review the instructions. Students will number the
systems in the order presented in the video.
 During viewing, pause the video when needed to ensure
 After viewing:
o Discuss responses on the worksheet.
o Discuss several examples of how the systems work together. For
 El corazón envia sangre a los muslos y otros órganos.
 Los huesos protegen los muslos.
 Los pulmones envian oxígeno al corazón.
Students assess
their knowledge,
skills and abilities.
Activities permit
evaluation of
development and
lesson effectiveness.
Distribute Worksheet 3d.
 Review the instructions.
 Instruct student to complete the worksheet independently.
After the assessments have been collected, direct students to share and
discuss the food choices in their ¡Es FÁCIL! logs with partners.
Teacher Reflection - Lesson 3
What worked well?
What did not work
What would I do
Other comments or
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Lesson 4 - All Systems Work Together in a Healthy Body
Todos los sistemas trabajan juntos en un cuerpo sano
Lesson 4 of 5
Todos los sistemas trabajan juntos en un cuerpo sano
I Can:
Oral language:
 name foods that are good for the brain.
 state that sleep and personal time are important for a healthy body.
• label the parts of a neuron.
STEM and Other Subject Areas:
• name six systems and their related body parts in the human body.
• name the parts of a neuron.
• state that the brain controls all the systems in our body.
Vocabulary and
Content obligatory language:
 la neurona
 el cuerpo de la célula
 el núcleo
 el áxon
 el dendrite
 la mielina
 la sinapsis
Content compatible language:
 los grupos de alimentos
 el plato saludable
 los alimentos saludables
 la proteína
 los granos
 las frutas
 las legumbres
 los lácteos
 el aguacate
 las lentejas
 el salmón
 las uvas
 la espinaca
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
los aránados
el arroz integral
el sésamo
el pan de grano entero
los huevos
el camote/la batata
PPT 28-36
6 pipe cleaners of different colors for each student
paper plates
crayons and/or colored pencils
index cards each with a vocabulary word of a body system or a part
of the body
Worksheet 4a: Las neuronas
Lesson Storyline and
Core Text
The brain is identified as the control center for the entire body. Neurons
carry messages to and from the brain to all the parts of the body. Students
identify foods that are especially good for the brain and learn about the
importance of getting a good night’s sleep and taking personal time.
Key Elements
Lesson 4 Procedures
● Object, event or
question used to
engage students.
● Connections
facilitated between
what students know
and can do
Fundamentos del cuerpo
 Review the body systems and parts of the body. Options:
o Songs with gestures such as Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes or the
Hokey Pokey.
o Perform several exercises and ask students what body system or
parts of the body are being used.
o Play a game of Simón dice.
Direct students to share and discuss the food choices in their ¡Es FÁCIL!
logs with partners.
Un modelo de una neurona
● Objects and
phenomena are
● Hands-on
activities, with
PPT 30
Ask students to identify the body system.
T: (Point to the nerves.) El sistema nervioso consiste de billones de
Discuss the visual on the right of the slide.
Distribute scissors and 6 pipe cleaners of different colors to each student.
PPT 31
Chorally repeat each part of the neuron as you create the model: la
neurona, el cuerpo de la célula, el áxon, el dendrite, la mielina, el núcleo, la
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
 Estos limpiapipas son las neuronas.
 Aquí está el cuerpo de la célula. En centro se llama el núcleo.
Model and instruct students to roll the pipe cleaner into a ball.
 Esta parte se llama el áxon. El áxon llega mensajes del cuerpo de la
célula. Take another pipe cleaner and attach it to the cell body by
pushing the pipe cleaner through the ball so that the cell body is in
the middle of the pipe cleaner. Now twist the two sides of the pipe
cleaner together to make a single extension.
La neurona también tiene dendrites que traen mensajes. Take other
pipe cleaners and cut them in half. Push them into the cell body.
La mielina ayuda a los mensajes de viajar más rápido. Wrap another
pipe cleaner around the length of the axon.
Finalmente, la sinapsis conecta a otra neurona. Wrap another pipe
cleaner on the end of the axon.
T: Mensajes viajan de una neurona a otra a través de las sinapsis. La
sinapsis es un espacio pequeño que separa las neurones.
Reinforce the vocabulary using PPT 30, asking students to chorally repeat as
they point to each part on their model neuron.
El centro de control: el cerebro
● Students explain
their understanding
of concepts and
● New concepts and
skills are introduced
as conceptual clarity
and cohesion are
PPT 32
Distribute Worksheet 4a.
T: ¿Pueden identificar las partes de una neurona?
Assist as needed.
Review the parts and their functions:
 Los dendrites traen mensajes al cuerpo de la célula.
 El núcleo es el centro de la célula.
 La mielina ayuda a los mensajes a viajar más rápido.
 El áxon lleva mensajes de la célula.
 La sinapsis conecta una neurona a otra.
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
PPT 33
T: ¿Cómo se llama el centro de control para todos los sistemas?
Students respond.
T: El cerebro se asegura que todos los sistemas trabajan juntos.
Review the parts of the body on the slide and ask students to identify their
corresponding system.
To review all the systems of the body:
Distribute one index card to each student. (Each card has the vocabulary
word for a body system or a part of the body.)
 Instruct students to find their matching partner and create a short
skit in which they use gestures and short expressions/sentences to
tell their story.
 Write the following sentence on the board and instruct students
that this will be the opening of their skits:
El cerebro envia un mensaje al sistema_____.
 For example:
El cerebro envia un mensaje al sistema circulatorio. El centro es el
corazón. ¡Es muy importante! Es rojo en color y es muy fuerte.
Envia sangre a todas partes del cuerpo. Cuando hacemos ejercicio,
el ritmo del corazón es más rápido.
Assist as needed.
 Allow time for students to share their skits. Record the skits, if
Activities allow
students to apply
concepts in contexts,
and build on or
understanding and
Alimento para el cerebro
T: Ya sabemos que el ejercicio es muy bueno para el cuerpo. También, es
importante tener tiempo personal. ¿A quiénes les gusta leer? ¿escuchar
música? ¿relajar (descansar)?
Students respond.
T: El sueño es muy importante también. ¿Cuántos de ustedes duermen ocho
horas cada noche?
Count the number of students.
T: ¿Cuántos de ustedes duermen nueve horas cada noche?
Count the number of students.
T: ¿Cuántos de ustedes duermen diez horas cada noche?
Count the number of students.
T: ¿Cuántos de ustedes duermen más que diez horas cada noche?
Count the number of students.
T: ¿Qué dicen los científicos…necesitamos dormir ocho, nueve, diez, o más
Students respond.
T: ¡La respuesta correcta es diez! Pero, qué más es bueno para el cuerpo?
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Students respond.
T: ¡Exacto – alimentos saludables! Y hay alimentos que son especialmente
buenos para las neurones en el cerebro.
For the next series of slides, use choral repetition and additional questions
such as:
 ¿Te gusta/n_____?
 ¿De qué color es_____?
 ¿Comes_____para el desayuno, el almuerzo, o la cena? (or substitute
mañana, tarde, and noche.)
 ¿Es una fruta/legumbre, etc.?
PPT 34
T: Estos alimentos producen la mielina. ¿Por qué es importante?
Students respond.
T: ¡Correcto! La mielina ayuda a los mensajes viajar más rápido en el
PPT 35
T: Las uvas, la espinaca, y los aránados ayudan a la sangre en el cerebro y en
el cuerpo.
PPT 36
T: El arroz integral, el pan de grano entero, y sésamo dan energía a las
PPT 37
T: Los huevos y las batatas protegen las células en el cerebro.
T: ¿Están de acuerdo que es fácil tener una vida sana? (Snap your fingers.)
Students respond.
Direct students to snap their fingers while chorally repeating ¡Es FÁCIL!
Students assess their
knowledge, skills and
abilities. Activities
permit evaluation of
student development
and lesson
Hacer un plato saludable
Distribute one paper plate, supermarket ads, colored pencils/markers, rulers,
glue sticks, and scissors.
T: Ahora, vamos a hacer otro plato. Esta vez, incluyan otros alimentos para
un cerebro sano.
Allow time for students to share their plates with partners.
Teacher Reflection - Lesson 4
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
What worked well?
What did not
work well?
What would I
do differently?
Other comments
or notes
Body Basics – Healthy Living
Los fundamentos de una vida sana
Lesson 5 – Integrated Performance Assessment
Lesson 5 of 5
Interpretive Task:
 Distribute Worksheet 5a.
 Display PPT 38.
Review the instructions.
PPT 38
Worksheet 5a: Assessment: Un plato saludable
Worksheet 5b: Presentational Task Rubric: ¡Una vida sana es fácil!
Worksheet 5c: Interpersonal Assessment: My ¡Es FÁCIL! Log
Presentational Task:
As part of the ¡Es FÁCIL! Health Program, we have been asked to make posters
to display around the school to help other students learn about healthy living.
 Distribute materials for the posters.
 Distribute the rubric. (Worksheet 5b)
Allow time for students to share their posters
Teacher Reflection - Lesson 5
What worked well?
What did not
work well?
What would I
do differently?
Other comments
or notes