catalog - Sow True Seed
catalog - Sow True Seed
table of contents ABOUT OUR SEED GMO-FREE WNC PETITION VEGETABLES Amaranth Arugula Asian Greens (Baby Choi, Mizuna, Tatsoi) Asparagus Beans (Asparagus, Dry, Lima, Pole, Runner, Snap Bush, Soy) Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Cardoon Carrots Cauliflower Celery & Celeriac Chard Collards Corn NEW! COVER CROPS Cowpea Cress Cucumbers Eggplant Endive Garlic Gourds Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Mache Melons Mustard Greens Okra Onions Parsnips Peas Peppers Potatoes Pumpkin Radish Radicchio Rutabaga Salsify Sorghum 2 4 5 p. 6-48 6 6 7 7 8-11 12 13 14 14-15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19-20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25-26 26 26 27-28 40 29 30 31 31-32 32 33 34-36 36 37 38 40 39 39 39 Specialty Greens (Braising, Lambsquarters, Orach) Spinach Squash Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Turnips Watermelons HERBS Anise Hyssop Ashwaganda Basil Bee Balm Borage Burdock Calendula Catnip Chamomile Chaste Tree Chervil Chives Cilantro Clary Sage Codonopsis Dill Echinacea Epazote Fennel Feverfew Flax Hyssop Lemon Balm Lovage Marjoram Motherwort Mullein Nasturtium Parsley Pennyroyal Sage Siberian Motherwort Spilanthes St. John’s Wort Summer Savory Thyme Valerian Violet Mustard Woad Yarrow 40 40-41 41-43 44 45-46 47 47-48 p. 49-53 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52-53 53 53 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 FLOWERS/FLOWER MIXES 53 p. 54-58 Bachelor Button Castor Bean Cosmos Daisies Dianthus Love Lies Bleeding Lupine Marigolds Money Plant Moonflower Morning Glory Poppy Spider Flower Mix Sunflowers Tithonia Zinnias Annual Cut Flower Mix Bee Feed Mix Beneficial Attractant Mix Hummingbird, Butterfly, Songbird Mix Low Grow Flower Mix Partial Shade Flower Mix South East Native Flower Mix South East Naturalizing Flower Mix FALL-WINTER PLANTING GUIDELINES SAFE SEED PLEDGE SEED COLLECTIONS BOOKS SEED PLANTING GUIDE EVENTS PROGRAMS RETAIL STORE INFO & POLICIES ORDER FORM MEET OUR SEED GROWERS 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55-56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66 67 68 69-70 71 We begin our fourth season with gratitude for the extraordinary support you’ve shown us as we’ve grown together in our community and in your gardens. This year’s open-pollinated and heirloom seed offering features over 400 varieties of rare and exceptional vegetables, beautiful flowers, and wonderfully useful herbs. Most of our new varieties were either produced in our seed gardens or by our expanding network of regional growers (check out page 71 to meet some of our seed growers this year). In response to customer requests, this year we will offer organic and untreated cover crop seeds, starting on February 1st on our website (p. 20). Check out the competitive pricing on our ever-expanding bulk seed selection, and our seasonal offerings such as Sweet Potato Slips (p. 44), Asparagus Crowns (p. 7), Seed Garlic (p. 24), and onion plants (p. 32). In an ongoing effort to make growing our own food accessible to everyone, Sow True Seed continues to donate seeds to schools throughout Western North Carolina through our partner, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) as well as to many deserving community gardens and projects around the world, including gardens in Haiti, Jamaica, and Ghana. We are also continuing our “Seed Money” Fundraiser Program to help schools and nonprofits raise money by selling our heirloom seed within their communities (p. 67). We are participating in the development of the Asheville-Buncombe County Food Policy Counsel and the Southeast Organic Seed Working Group, which are exploring ways to increase organic seed production in the southeast by expanding cooperative breeding to select varieties best suited to our region’s conditions. As the world around us seems to get more complicated, we are still working to provide the highest quality open-pollinated and heirloom seeds available. This task is becoming considerably more difficult with the escalation of genetic engineering (GE) in agriculture. Unlabeled and untested, pollen drift from these GE crops is a threat to the integrity of organic and non-GM crops. This is in direct conflict with our right to produce and consume pure, natural food. For this reason, Sow True Seed has joined 82 other farmers, seed companies, and advocacy groups to form the class action lawsuit, The Organic Seed Grower and Trade Association, (OSGATA), et al. v. Monsanto, filed by the Public Patent Foundation. The lawsuit seeks to prevent litigation from Monsanto towards certified organic growers who encounter cross-contamination with GE seed through no fault of their own, and challenges the validity of Monsanto’s patents on “Roundup Ready” seed varieties. To bring this message home, Sow True Seed has launched a GMO-FREE WNC Petition (p. 5) that seeks to establish agriculture zones throughout Western North Carolina free from Genetically Modified crops. The petition gives a voice to the overwhelming majority of people who support mandatory labeling of GM ingredients in our food. We ask you to join us in signing the petition on-line at: With a busy and exciting year ahead, we hope you will stay connected with Sow True Seed and sign up for the newsletter on our website (2 times per month) and “like” us on Facebook. We love to share our world with you, and learn more about you, our valued customer! With many thanks and sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous harvest, The Sow True Seed Team 828-254-0708 • 3 about our seed JOIN US FOR A GMO-FREE WNC Consisting of a patchwork of rural communities that encompass 9,700 square miles, Western North Carolina’s Southern Appalachian Mountains support more botanical diversity than any other temperate region in the western hemisphere. The traditional native and immigrant seed savers in our mountains have produced some of the finest vegetable varieties available. Heirloom seed inventories have concluded we have more garden and pole bean varieties than any other region globally. Our ancestors preserved, and we continue to sustain, one the most enduring regional agricultures in North America. Please join us in our efforts to pass it on with care and respect. GMO-FREE WNC PETITION This petition supports the consumers, farmers and gardeners of Western North Carolina (WNC) by seeking to establish agriculture zones that are free from genetically modified (GM) crops and by asking for regulations to establish food labeling for ingredients containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Because: 1. Genetically Modified (GM) crops are not being adequately tested or monitored and proven safe for human and livestock health; 2. Uncontrollable pollen drift from GM crops threatens wild plant species and open-pollinated and heirloom varieties with mutation and possible extinction; Our Seed Collection We grow and source a broad selection of premium quality vegetable, herb, flower and cover crop varieties that have survived the test of time based on their dependability, usefulness and distinctive characteristics. The seeds we source come from our network of skilled regional growers and independently-owned North American seed producers. Open-Pollinated/Non Hybrid & Untreated: Sow True Seed exclusively offers open-pollinated/non-hybrid seed that is not treated with fungicide or chemicals of any kind. When properly saved and replanted, open-pollinated varieties will reproduce “true” to the characteristics of the parent plants, providing the primary link to sustainability and food sovereignty. Conversely, replanting seeds from F-1 hybrid and genetically modified varieties will reproduce unstable and unreliable characteristics that result in a seasonal dependence on the corporations that hold their patents. Heirloom: Heirlooms are defined as open-pollinated varieties that were in circulation in 1940, prior to the introduction of F1 hybrids. Many heirlooms are much older and have been passed down by families and traditional cultures for generations. Certified Organic: Organically grown varieties are indicated by the word ORGANIC printed after the variety name. Organic seed is grown and processed in accordance with the USDA’s National Organic Program. Sow True Seed is inspected and Certified Organic by the USDA accredited agency Quality Certification Services ( 3. Pollen drift to neighboring organic crops threatens the integrity of organic food, which prohibits the use of GM seeds and ingredients; 4. GM crops increase the use of herbicides and pesticides that contaminate our soil and water and encourage the adaptation of highly resistant weeds and pests; 5. And because consumers with doubts have no recourse because there is no legal requirement to label Genetically Modified ingredients in the food we eat. We hereby petition our elected officials to enact a moratorium on the planting of GM crops in WNC and to require labeling of GM ingredients in our region’s food supply. to sign: To sign the petition, please visit our website, – click the top left green button on the homepage, or visit our direct petition link at: Or, visit our retail store to hand-sign the petition. Your help collecting signatures is greatly appreciated. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to solicit signatures on behalf of GMO-FREE WNC. We will be presenting this petition on Earth Day, 2012 to North Carolina leaders. Help us spread the word! Ecologically Grown (ECO): A seed industry term that indicates varieties that are grown with ecological farming methods that are free from synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified seed. Certified Naturally Grown (CNG): – An international, peer-reviewed certification program for direct market growers of produce and livestock that prohibits the use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics, hormones and genetically modified seed. Quality Testing: To insure our customers receive the highest quality seed, we perform germination tests with in-house standards that exceed the USDA’s minimum percentages for germination. 4 Sow True Seed • 146 Church Street • Asheville, NC 28801 • 828-254-0708 828-254-0708 • 5 amaranth asian greens Amaranth • Amaranthus A traditional food plant in Africa and the Americas, Amaranth is a great staple with gluten-free edible seeds and succulent leaves that can be eaten fresh or cooked. Often grown as an ornamental with beautiful flowers that can be dried. Nutrients: protein, vitamins C and B6, riboflavin, thiamin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, and calcium. Growing Guidelines: Easy-to-grow annual plant with light frost tolerance. Sow in the spring and early summer. Amaranth will easily self-seed the following year. Plant Seeds: 1/8”deep with 3” between seeds in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 60-85°F Days to Seed Emergence: 8-12. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 6”. Seeds/oz: 25,000 Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/16 oz. Days to Harvest: Young greens in 30-40. Flowers in 45-70. Grain, 75-110. Seed Viability: 3-10 years. golden giant NEW! Amaranth - Golden Giant ECO. 6-7’ tall plants that yield a pound of delicious grain per plant. Young green leaves are edible and a great addition to salads. Stem, veins, and flowers are a lovely golden color. A great variety for both food and ornamental use. Can be planted anytime after danger of frost. 110 days. Item Number Size Price 087-005-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 Amaranth - Hopi Red Dye, ORGANIC Item Number Size Price 087-002-1-G Packet 0.5 gram 2.75 2 grams ECO. Rare. 4-6’ tall plants with bright green leaves and dense, high-yielding flower heads. The seeds are a beautiful golden-orange color and can be used in flours and for popping. The young leaves are edible. Also called Manna de Montana. 98-110 days. 5.00 Asian Greens - Baby Choi, ORGANIC Compact, vase shaped plants with dark-green leaves. Cold and heat resistant. Eat fresh or cooked. 45 days. Size Price Packet 1.5 gram 2.75 Item Number Size Price 003-009-2-G 1/8 oz 5.50 003-010-1-G Packet 1.2 gram 2.75 003-010-2-G 1/8 oz 4.95 003-009-3-G 1/4 oz 7.25 087-006-1-C Packet .5 gram 2.95 003-009-4-G 1 oz 11.20 087-006-2-C 1 oz 10.00 Size Price 087-001-1-C Packet 0.5 gram 2.25 087-001-2-C 1/8 oz 3.50 087-001-3-C 1 oz 7.50 arugula Asian Greens - Mizuna Long slender white ribs with bright green serrated leaves. Delicious mild flavor. Use raw or cooked. Planted early spring or late summer. 21 days to harvest micro-greens and 40 days for mature heads. Item Number Size Price 003-008-1-C Packet 1.2 grams 1.95 003-008-2-C 1/4 oz 2.95 003-008-3-C 1 oz 6.10 003-008-4-C 1/4 lb 13.00 003-008-5-C 1/2 lb 21.00 Asian Greens - Tatsoi HEIRLOOM. Attractive, deep green spoon-shaped leaves on narrow white stems. Delicious in salads and stir fry dishes. Item Number Size Price 003-016-1-C Packet 1.5 gram 2.25 003-016-2-C 1/8 oz 4.25 003-016-3-C 1/2 oz 9.25 003-016-4-C 1 oz 14.30 003-016-5-C 1/4 lb 28.80 asparagus Arugula • Eruca sativa This mildly spicy leafy green (also called garden rocket, rocket, or rucola) is native to the Middle East where it has long been prized. A hardy annual, arugula has grown in popularity in the US in recent years. Tender, delicate greens add a peppery zing to the palate when eaten raw, dressed or cooked. Arugula is a very popular ingredient of salad mixes. It may also be lightly steamed with other greens such as mustard or turnip or used in creamed soups. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, and K, folate, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and manganese. Growing Guidelines: Very easy-to-grow by direct seed in full sun. Planted from early spring into the summer and again late in the season. Arugula is very fast-growing, quick to bolt in warm weather, and if allowed to flower, will readily self-seed. Succession plantings every 2-3 weeks are recommended for a continual harvest. Plant Seeds: 1/8” deep with 1-2” between seeds, in rows 15” apart. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 3-7. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 4” baby greens, 12” mature greens. Companions: kale, lettuce, cress, carrots. Seeds/oz: 13,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 3g. Yield/100’ row: 30-40#. Days to Harvest: young leaves in 20, mature greens in 35. Seed Viability in ideal storage: 3-4 yrs. arugula Arugula - Arugula Certified naturally grown. Hardy, dark-green wide leaves. Unique watercress-like flavor. 30 days. Arugula - Arugula ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. 40 days. Hardy, dark-green wide leaves. Unique watercress-like flavor. 30 days. Asparagus • A. officinalis Asparagus is native to the Mediterranean and has been cultivated for many centuries. The mature plants, which are either male or female, are lacy and fern-like, with the female plants bearing red berries in the fall. It is a hardy, delicious, and very nutritious vegetable whose spears are harvested and enjoyed in the early spring. It takes a fair amount of work to prepare and plant asparagus, but the rewards are well worth the effort. A well planned asparagus bed will deliver tasty delicacies for decades. Unless you can flash freeze asparagus, this is one vegetable to be enjoyed when it is fresh, and then eagerly awaited next season. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins C, K, B6, and A, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Growing Guidelines: Winter hardy, frost-tolerant perennial that grows in full sun or partial shade. Transplant established seedlings or 1 yr old crowns in the spring or fall into fertile, well-cultivated trenches 12” wide and 8-10” deep in rows 18-24” apart. Cover the crowns with about 2 inches of soil, as the ferns emerge and grow, gradually fill in the furrows with layers of rich soil and organic compost. Add 2-3” of aged mulch after planting and each season. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep in 4-6” pots. Soil Temp: 65-80°F Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 12” Companions: basil, marigold, nasturtium, parsley, tomato. Yield/100’ row: 400 spears. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. Asparagus - Mary Washington HEIRLOOM. Perennial. Strong growing variety produces long, thick spears in May and June. Rust resistant, vigorous, sweet, tender and succulent. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 002-005-1-C 1 gram 2.25 002-004-1-G Packet 1 gram 2.75 002-005-2-C 1 oz 8.95 002-004-2-G 1/8 oz 6.90 Item Number Size Price 002-005-3-C 1/4 lb 18.00 002-004-3-G 1/4 oz 8.85 006-001-1-C Packet 2.5 grams 2.50 002-005-4-C 1/2 lb 27.00 002-004-4-G 1/2 oz 11.25 006-001-2-C 10 grams 6.95 002-005-5-C 1 lb 39.00 006-001-3-C 20 grams 8.95 006-001-4-C 40 grams 15.00 6 Long slender white ribs with bright green serrated leaves. Delicious mild flavor. Use raw or cooked. Planted early spring or late summer. 21 days to harvest micro-greens and 40 days for mature heads. 003-009-1-G Price Item Number Asian Greens - Mizuna, ORGANIC Item Number Size HEIRLOOM. Edible-leaf variety with spoon-shaped, oval leaves. Green leaves with a red center and veins. A beautiful, exotic and delicious salad mix accent. 50 days. mizuna Our collection of leafy Asian vegetables from the Brassica family. Item Number Amaranth - Red Garnet HEIRLOOM. 5-6’ tall. A beautiful ornamental with edible leaves that produces a nutritious, gluten-free grain. Used ceremonially, as a food dye, and as an attractive dried flower. 087-002-2-G NEW! Amaranth - Montana Popping tatsoi 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Call or check our website on February 1st for pricing and to order Mary Washington asparagus crowns. 828-254-0708 • 7 asparagus bean Continued wnc greasy bumblebee cherokee bean Lima Bush bean • Phaseolus limensis NEW! Bean, Lima Bush Dixie Speckled Butterpea ECO. A rare dwarf type. Produces bunches of 12” long light green pods that are best harvested at 10” or less. This bushy variety does not require poles for support. 54 days. Asparagus Bean • Vigna unguiculata NEW! Bean, Asparagus - NEW! Bean, Asparagus - Stickless Wonder ECO. A rare dwarf type. Produces bunches of 12” long light green pods that are best harvested at 10” or less. This bushy variety does not require poles for support. 54 days. Item Number Size Price 106-002-1-C Packet - 5 grams 2.95 NEW! Bean, Dry - Arikara Yellow ECO. A prolific bushy variety. Plants produce yellow-tan seeds that are great for baking. Has a good drought tolerance. Seeds were originally obtained from the Arikara tribe of North Dakota. 80 days. HEIRLOOM. Plants produce very long light green pods. Plants are reliable, heavy producers that should be harvested when pods are 12-15”. Should be grown on supports. Thrive in hot weather and are resistant to bean beetles. Flavor is sweet and mild. Can be cooked in the same fashion as dry beans. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 106-001-1-C Packet 2.95 Bean, Dry - October RARE HEIRLOOM. Native American dry bean variety dating back to the 1830s from the Cherchei Nation in Tennessee. Prolific producer and a great winter staple. Bush habit. 85-90 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 009-006-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.50 009-003-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.95 NEW! Bean, Dry - Bumblebee ECO. This Maine heirloom produces large, striking white seeds with a dark splash of maroon-black at the eye. High vitamin and mineral content. Stout 16” plants produce 5” pods with 3-5 large seeds each. Bush habit. 85-98 days. NEW! Bean, Dry - Peregion ECO. This Oregon heirloom produces perhaps the most beautiful of all dry beans, most are striped or marbled. These small-sized beans are excellent for baking and soups. Hardy, very productive bush-type plants. Disease resistant and easy to grow. 95 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 009-007-1-C 1 oz 2.95 009-008-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.50 NEW! Bean, Dry - Hutterite Soup ECO. A bushy, productive Hutterite heirloom. The greenish-yellow seeds have a distinctive dark ring around the eye. The seeds cook quickly and make a great creamy soup. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 009-004-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.50 8 Size Price 109-001-1-C Packet 2.50 Yard Long Red Seeded dry bean • Phaseolus vulgaris Beans, which have been cultivated for thousands of years throughout the world, are part of the legume family. They grow in pods and come in a huge profusion of colors and forms. They are eaten both fresh and dried and grow on plants that can stand alone (bush beans) or on vines (pole and runner beans) which need trellising of some kind. They have the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil and thus make good rotation partners in the garden for plants with a high requirement for nitrogen. Leave beans on the vines to dry. Nutrients: dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A and C and riboflavin. Growing Guidelines: Direct seed after danger of frost in well-drained soil which has had a chance to warm up. Beans can be planted in succession until mid-summer. Plant Seeds: 1” deep, with 2-3” between seeds in rows 12-18” apart. Soil Temp: 75-90° F. Days to Seed Emergence: 8-16. Companions: beets, carrots, cabbage family, radish, nasturtium. Antagonists: basil, onions, garlic, fennel, leek. Seeds/oz: 90 Seed Wt./100’ Row: 8 oz. Yield/100’ row: 40-50 lbs. Days to Harvest: 60-90 days. Seed Viability in good conditions: 3-6 years. tiger eye Item Number NEW! Bean, Dry - Tiger Eye ECO. Seeds are yellow with maroon stripes. Beans have a wonderfully rich flavor and smooth texture. Tender skins almost disappear when cooked. Great for chili or refried beans. Can also be used as fresh shell bean. Bush habit. 85-95 days. Item Number Size Price 009-005-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.95 009-005-2-C 1 oz 4.95 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. pole bean • Phaseolus vulgaris Pole beans are long-vined and therefore need trellising of some kind. By taking advantage of vertical space, they produce more per square foot than other bean varieties, and thus are preferred for compact gardens. Most pole bean varieties have continual harvest throughout the growing season. Growing Guidelines: Frost sensitive annual that is direct seeded and grows up to 8’ on trellises, poles, tipis or sunflowers, to produce high yields and ease of harvest. Plant Seeds: 1” deep with 2-3” between seeds in rows 3-4’ apart. Soil Temp: 60-80°F. Days to Emergence: 8-16. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 4-6”. Companions: beets, carrots, squash, cabbage family, nasturtium, sunflowers. Seeds/oz: 60 Seed Wt./100’ Row: 6 oz. Yield/100’ row: 150-200 lbs. Days to Harvest: 60-80. Seed Viability: 3-6 years. Bean, Pole - Greasy, Cut Short RARE APPALACHIAN HEIRLOOM. A Western North Carolina market variety. Pods have glossy “greasy” skin which reduces wilting. Unique buttery bean flavor. Remove pod strings prior to eating. Pods 4-5” long. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 013-003-1-C Packet - 14 grams r 2012 013-003-2-C unavaila1 ozble fo 013-003-3-C 2 oz HEIRLOOM. A vigorous variety of pole lima bean with dark-green and creamy white pods and a honey-like flavor. Vines grow to 10 feet. 88 days. Item Number Size Price 011-003-1-C Packet - 30 grams 2.50 011-003-2-C 1/4 lb 4.95 011-003-3-C 1/2 lb 8.95 011-003-4-C 1 lb 12.50 NEW! Bean, Pole - Lazy Wife Greasy Bean, Pole - Greasy, Long RARE APPALACHIAN HEIRLOOM. A Western North Carolina market variety, pods have glossy “greasy” skin which reduces wilting. Unique buttery bean flavor. Remove pod strings prior to eating. Longer than Greasy Cut Short, 6-8” long pods. 85 days. e ebsitPrice hec- k14 w call or cPacket 013-004-1-C grams Item Number Bean, Pole - King of the Garden Size NEW! Bean, Pole - Greasy, WNC Market ECO. A traditional mountain favorite. Smooth, green-skinned string beans have an incredibly delicious flavor. A mix of regionally grown greasy varieties collected from vendors at the WNC Farmer’s Market. 85 days. Limited supply in 2012. Item Number Size Price 013-007-1-C Packet 2.95 Bean, Pole - Kentucky Wonder APPALACHIAN HEIRLOOM. Long, fleshy and stringless pole bean. Early maturing, productive and very reliable. Enjoyed fresh, canned, dried, and frozen. 68 days. ECO. North Carolina Heirloom. Large, prolific plants produce thick, very fleshy, and stringless pods. Pods remain tender until the beans are quite large. A great shelling bean as well. 78 days. Item Number Size Price 011-004-1-C Packet 2.95 Bean, Pole - Rattlesnake HEIRLOOM. Dark-green pod with purple streaks. High yields of tender, stringless, 7” pods. Can reach up to 10’ tall. Also used as a dry bean. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 013-001-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.25 013-001-2-C 1/4 lb 4.25 013-001-3-C 1 lb 9.75 Bean, Pole - Romano HEIRLOOM. An Italian variety with high yields of 6” flat stringless pods. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 013-005-1-C Packet - 30 grams 2.50 Item Number Size Price 013-005-2-C 1/4 lb 5.60 013-002-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.25 013-005-3-C 1/2 lb 7.40 013-002-2-C 1/4 lb 4.95 013-005-4-C 1 lb 12.50 013-002-3-C 1/2 lb 6.50 013-002-4-C 1 lb 9.75 828-254-0708 • 9 asparagus bean Continued Continued Runner Bean • Perennial vining legumes that are grown as an annual in scarlet runner temperate climates. The green pods are edible whole but in some varieties (the scarlet runner) tend to become fibrous early, and only the seeds within are eaten fresh or as dried beans. The starchy roots are still eaten by Central American Indians. In the US, the scarlet runner is widely grown for its red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Nutrients: dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A and C and riboflavin. Growing Guidelines: Direct seed after danger of frost in well-drained soil which has had a chance to warm up. Beans can be planted in succession until mid-summer. Plants can be left to “run” on the ground or grow on short trellises. Plant Seeds: 1” deep, with 2-3” spacing in rows 12-18” apart. Soil Temp: 75-90°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 8-16 days. Companions: beets, carrots, cabbage family, radish, nasturtium. Antagonists: basil, onions, garlic, fennel, leek. Seeds/oz: 40-65. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 8 oz. Yield/100’ row: 80 lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-75 days. Seed Viability: 3-6 years. Bean, Runner - Scarlet Runner HEIRLOOM. Fat, slightly fuzzy pods filled with a rich, savory flavor bean. Eat pods early or shell as pods mature. Scarlet flowers attract hummingbirds. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 014-001-1-C Packet - 20 grams 2.50 Bean, Runner - White Half Runner HEIRLOOM. Bushy plants produce fleshy 4” pods. Beans have a sweet flavor. Heat and drought tolerant. Can be eaten fresh when harvested young. Produces heavy yields early. Can be frozen, canned or used as a shell bean for winter baking. 60 days. or call check website Item Number Size Price 016-002-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.25 016-002-2-C 1/4 lb 3.95 016-002-3-C 1/2 lb 5.95 016-002-4-C 1 lb 8.95 NEW! Bean, Snap Bush - Romano A bush version of the “Romano Pole Bean.” Low spreading plants produce straight, thick pods. Pods are stringless. Good for canning, freezing, and eating raw. Resistant to rust which makes this variety productive in fall. 63 days. Item Number Size Price Size Price 016-012-1-C Packet 2.50 014-002-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.95 016-012-2-C 1/4 lb 4.80 016-012-3-C 1/2 lb 6.40 016-012-4-C 1 lb 11.20 Snap bush beans are quick and easy to grow. Trellising is not necessary, and most varieties have 1-2 flushes of harvest. Nutrients: dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A and C and riboflavin. strike Bean, Snap Bush - Royal Burgundy Growing Guidelines: Direct seed after danger of frost in well-drained soil HEIRLOOM. Delicious 5” long, deep purple pods are highly productive. Beautiful display for market. Stringless pods turn green when cooked. 55 Days. which has had a chance to warm up. Can be planted in succession until mid-summer. Plant Seeds: 1” deep, with 2-3” spacing in rows 12-18” apart. Soil Temp: 75-90°F. Days to Emergence: 8-16 days. Companions: beets, carrots, cabbage family, radish, nasturtium. Antagonists: basil, onions, garlic, fennel, leek. Seeds/oz: 90. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 8 oz. Yield/100’ row: 80 lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-75 days. Seed Viability in good conditions: 3-6 years. NATIVE AMERICAN HEIRLOOM. Bush-type plant produces excellent yields of 6” long yellow wax beans. Excellent fresh, canned, or frozen. 58 days. HEIRLOOM. A favorite of many market growers with green 5-8” pods and early high yields. Widely-adapted, stress-tolerant and good disease resistance. 50 days. Item Number Snap Bush Bean • Phaseolus vulgaris Bean, Snap Bush - Cherokee Wax Bean, Snap Bush - Provider Bean, Snap Bush Kentucky Wonder Bush Item Number Size Price 016-010-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.50 016-010-2-C 1/4 lb 5.90 bean Bean, Snap Bush - Royal Purple Pod, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Delicious 5” long, deep purple pods are highly productive. Beautiful display for market. Stringless pods turn green when cooked. 55 Days. Item Number Size Price 016-007-1-G Packet - 14 grams 2.75 016-007-2-G 2 oz 5.25 Bean, Snap Bush - Strike HEIRLOOM. Large vigorous grower with high yields. Attractive, very smooth green pods about 5.5“ long. Holds well for shipping. 55 days. Item Number Size Price 016-003-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.50 016-003-2-C 1 oz 4.50 Bean, Snap Bush Tendergreen Improved HEIRLOOM. This vigorous plant produces long, straight and perfectly round 6” pods. Unusually long pods boost yields. Great home garden or market variety. 52 days. Item Number Size Price 016-008-1-C Packet - 14 grams 1.95 016-008-2-C 1/4 lb 3.95 016-008-3-C 1/2 lb 5.95 Soy Bean • A staple of Japanese cuisine, Edamame are unique soybeans that giant midori edamame Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 016-004-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.25 are harvested at the green stage. They are lightly boiled in water and eaten as a snack or appetizer by popping the beans out of the pods. An easy-to-grow, highly nutritious, delicious snack that is very popular with children. Nutrients: dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A and C and riboflavin. 016-001-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.25 016-004-2-C 1/4 lb 3.95 Growing Guidelines: Frost sensitive annual. Direct seed into well-cultivated soil 016-001-2-C 1/4 lb 3.95 016-004-3-C 1 lb 8.95 016-001-3-C 1/2 lb 5.95 016-001-4-C 1 lb 8.95 Bean, Snap Bush - Dragon Tongue HEIRLOOM. Remarkably flavored large yellow pods with bright purple streaks. A high yielding, versatile bean eaten fresh, shelled or dried. 57-95 days. Item Number Size Price 016-009-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.50 016-009-2-C 2 oz 5.25 NEW! Bean, Fava, Aquadulce Very straight, dark green, 7” pods are borne on 22-26” tall sturdy bushes. Seeds are mottled purple. Great bush bean flavor. The concentrated sets are easy to harvest. Does not need to be trellised. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 107-001-1-C Packet - 28 grams 2.95 107-001-2-C 1/2 lb 6.10 107-001-3-C 1 lb 11.25 10 HEIRLOOM. A dark-green, very flavorful bush variety. Good yields and easy to harvest. 58 days. NEW! Bean, Snap Bush - Maxibel Haricot Vert, ORGANIC Very straight, dark green, 7” pods are borne on 22-26” tall sturdy bushes. Seeds are mottled purple. Great bush bean flavor. The concentrated sets are easy to harvest. Does not need to be trellised. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 016-011-1-G Packet - 14 grams 2.95 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed to 55-60 degrees. Plant Seeds: 1⁄2 inch deep with 2-4” between seeds, in rows 30 inches apart. Soil Temp: 55°F Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 8-10”. Companions: All plants grow well with soybeans. Seeds/oz: 100-130. Days to Harvest: 65-90 days. Bean, Soy - Edamame, Midori Giant, ORGANIC Bean, Soy - Edamame, Mojo Green HEIRLOOM. Early variety and heavy producer. Large seeds produce 2-3 beans per pod. 70 Days. Bushy, erect plants with abundant pods containing 2-3 beans each. Vigorously growing edamame. 92 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 093-001-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.95 093-003-1-G Packet - 14 grams 2.95 093-001-2-C 1/4 lb 6.75 093-003-2-G 1 oz 4.95 093-001-3-C 1/2 lb 13.50 093-003-3-G 1/4 lb 16.00 093-001-4-C 1 lb 24.00 Check out our catalong online as a PDF or simply browse our online seed offering! 828-254-0708 • 11 beet broccoli Beet • Beta vulgaris Beets, often called beetroot, table or garden beet, are one of those useful vegetables in the garden from which every part can be eaten. In the Chenopod family, it is related to chard and spinach, evident in the tender, young beet greens which are delicious and highly nutritious. Beets are eaten raw, boiled, sliced in salads, pickled, roasted, used in soups or as food coloring. Beets will store for 1-4 months depending on the variety and can be canned, frozen, pickled, juiced and dehydrated. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, niacin, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Growing Guidelines: Easy-to-grow, moderately frost-tolerant biennial, direct seeded in spring and summer into evenly moist soil in full sun. Succession planted throughout the spring and late summer for harvest through the fall and into the winter. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep, with 1-2” between seeds, in rows 6-10” apart. Soil Temp: 45-75°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 3-5”. Companions: beets, carrots, lettuce onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro and dill. Antagonists: beans and strawberries. Seeds/oz: 2200. Seed Wt./100’ Row: .5 oz. Yield/100’ row: 100 lbs. Days to harvest: 35 days for greens and 50-80 for roots. Seed Viability in ideal storage: 2-3 years. Beet - Chioggia HEIRLOOM. An Italian variety with a very sweet and beautiful red root that shows concentric rings alternating white and garnet when sliced. 54 days. Item Number Size Price 018-006-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 018-006-2-C 1/4 oz 4.95 018-006-3-C 1/2 oz 7.25 018-006-4-C 1 oz 10.40 Beet - Detroit Dark Red, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Deep burgundy 3” globed shaped roots with dark-green streaked leaves and crimson veins. Very attractive and flavorful as root or greens. Introduced in 1892. 50 Days. Beet - Green Top Bunching, ORGANIC Bright red, slightly flattened globes with tender green tops. Excellent for bunching. 56 days. Item Number Size Price 018-009-1-G Packet - 2 grams 2.75 NEW! Beet - Lutz Green Leaf A great variety for both fresh use and for fall harvest. Stores very well in winter. One of the sweetest varieties available. Retains its sweet flavor and texture even when large. The fall leaves are edible and good for salads. Also called “Winter Keeper.” 70 days. Item Number Size 018-011-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 018-011-2-C 1/4 oz 4.95 1 oz Price Item Number Size Price 018-011-3-C 10.40 018-002-1-G Packet - 2 grams 2.75 018-011-4-C 1/4 lb 16.90 018-002-2-G 1/2 oz 5.30 018-011-5-C 1 lb 25.00 HEIRLOOM. Tasty and abundant greens with early producing, very flavorful red roots. Good for garden or container. 48 days. HEIRLOOM This sweet, yellow variety has a more subtle flavor than red beets. The root can reach ten pounds and the large leaves make an excellent chard-like steamed green. Easy to grow and keeps well. Grows well in spring and fall. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 018-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 1.95 Item Number Size Price 018-003-2-C 1/2 oz 3.25 018-012-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.95 018-003-3-C 1/4 lb 9.75 018-003-4-C 1/2 lb 16.50 018-003-5-C 1 lb 23.50 Beet - Golden Detroit HEIRLOOM. Dual purpose rich flavored bright golden smooth roots and succulent greens. Roots stay sweet, will not become fibrous when large and do not bleed like red beets. Introduced in 1928. 50-55 days. Item Number Size 018-010-1-C Packet - 2 grams Price r 2012 abozle fo unavail1/2 018-010-2-C 018-010-3-C 1 oz 018-010-4-C 1/4 lb di cicco waltham Broccoli • B. oleracea - B. rapa Like its relatives in the Brassica family, Broccoli, popularized in modern times by the Italians, is a highly nutritious cool season vegetable. With tree-like stalks, It can be steamed, shredded into slaw, stir-fried, and eaten raw. Best storage method is freezing. Some experts claim that broccoli, when steamed, helps reduce overall cholesterol because of its high dietary fiber content. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, potassium, folate, beta-carotene and the phytochemical quercitin. Growing Guidelines: Moderate frost-tolerant biennial. Direct seeded and transplanted in spring and late summer in evenly moist soil and full sun. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep with 2-4” between seeds in rows 12-18” apart. Soil Temp: 50-80°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 4-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 18-24”. Companions: beets, carrots, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro, dill. Antagonists: beans and strawberries. Seeds/oz: 7,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 5 grams. Average Yield/100’ row: 75lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-85. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Broccoli - Di Ciccio, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. A vigorous growing, light-green plant that produces high yields of excellent quality 4” heads. This tasty, compact 2-3’ plant was introduced in 1890. 55 days. Broccoli - Rappini Spring Raab, ORGANIC An Italian non-heading broccoli raab commonly grown for its asparagus flavored early spring shoots. 55 days. Item Number Size Price 019-001-1-G Packet - 1.75 grams 2.75 Item Number Size Price 019-006-1-G Packet - 1.5 grams 2.95 019-001-2-G 1/8 oz 4.10 019-001-3-G 1/4 oz 6.25 019-001-4-G 1 oz 12.60 019-001-5-G 1/4 lb 21.00 Broccoli Green Sprouting Calabrese HEIRLOOM. An old-fashioned slow-bolting broccoli with large, dark-green central heads that gives way to multiple side shoots once cut. 60-90 days. Item Number NEW! Beet - Yellow Mangel Beet - Early Wonder rapPini spring raab Size Broccoli - Waltham Fall variety that tolerates frost. Produces 4-8” diameter heads with lateral buds after head is harvested. Low, compact plant. 74 days. Item Number Size Price 019-003-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 1.95 019-003-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 019-003-3-C 1/2 oz 6.90 Price 019-003-4-C 1 oz 8.00 1/4 lb 14.90 1 lb 26.00 019-005-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.50 019-003-5-C 019-005-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 019-003-6-C 019-005-3-C 1/4 oz 5.35 019-005-4-C 1 oz 8.40 NEW! Broccoli - Early Fall Rappini An early bolting variety that produces tender, leafy flower shoots. Produces good yields of raab with a mustard-like flavor. Adapted well for early fall planting and winter harvest. Plants grow 18 to 24 inches tall. 45 days. Item Number Size Price 019-007-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.50 Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet– for tomorrow I may have to eat them. - Author Unknown Secure online purchase can be made at 12 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. 828-254-0708 • 13 brussels sprouts Continued Brussels Sprouts • B. oleracea As their name implies, Brussels Sprouts were spread to the rest of the world from the region that is now Belgium and Flanders. Another member of the Brassica family, these miniature-cabbage-looking vegetables are very hardy and become sweeter after fall frosts. Once established in the fall garden they can be harvested through much of the winter affording fresh food in the cold months. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, dietary fiber. Growing Guidelines: A very frost-tolerant, winter hardy biennial. Spring and late summer planted, by either direct seed or transplant, into evenly moist soil in full sun. Plant Seeds: 1/4-1/2” deep with 4-6 “ between seeds, in rows 18-24” apart. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 18-24”. Companions: beets and carrots. Antagonists: beans and strawberries. Seeds/oz: 5,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 5 grams. Average Yield/100’ row: 60 lbs. Days to Harvest: 80-100. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. HEIRLOOM. Widely adapted commonly grown variety with 50-100 1 1/4 to 1 1/2” tight dark-green sprouts. Compact, semi-upright plants are 20” tall. 90 days. Size Price 021-001-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 021-001-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 021-001-3-C 1/4 oz 6.40 021-001-4-C 1 oz 021-001-5-C 021-001-6-C HEIRLOOM. This early and very reliable cabbage features 5-7” conical, solid, tightly-folded heads. Good overwintering variety with great flavor. 68 days. Brussels Sprouts - Catskill Heavy yields of large, dark green, firm 1 1/4” - 1 3/4” sprouts. Use mainly for fall crops, semi-dwarf 20-24” tall plants. Direct seed mid-summer for fall/winter harvest. Very winter hardy. Item Number Size Price 8.25 021-002-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.50 1/4 lb 16.80 021-002-2-C 1/8 oz 4.75 1 lb 36.00 021-002-3-C 1/4 oz 7.85 Early variety cabbage. Small, compact plants, the best red storage variety with resistance to cabbage yellows and splitting. Beautiful reddish-purple heads. Delicious both cooked and raw. Adds flavor and color to salads, cole slaw, sauerkraut, and beautiful stuffed cabbage. 76 days. Size Price 023-003-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 1.95 023-003-2-C 1/4 oz 4.25 023-003-3-C 1 oz 6.50 Item Number Size Price 023-003-4-C 1/4 lb 11.20 023-008-1-G Packet - 1.5 grams 2.75 023-003-5-C 1 lb 23.00 023-008-2-G 1/8 oz 7.65 023-008-3-G 1/2 oz 9.50 023-008-4-G 1 oz 14.70 Cabbage - Perfection Savoy Item Number Size Price 023-007-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.50 023-007-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 023-007-3-C 1/4 oz 5.90 023-007-4-C 1/2 oz 7.70 023-007-5-C 1 oz 11.20 023-007-6-C 1/4 lb 19.00 cabbage It’s no use boiling your cabbage twice. - Irish proverb cardoon red acre PERFECTION savoy EARLY JERSEY wakefield Cabbage • B. oleracea Known to have been widely cultivated by the Greeks and Romans, and for centuries before that in the Mediterranean region, where they are native. Cold tolerant and highly nutritious, cabbages are eaten stuffed, steamed, in salads and slaws, in soup and as sauerkraut. To store for the winter they can be pulled and placed roots down into a trench or hole, lined with mulch and then covered with mulch and soil. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, potassium, folate, beta-carotene and flavonoids. Growing Guidelines: Moderate frost tolerance. Direct seed or transplant in spring and late summer in evenly moist soil and full sun. Succession plant for staggered harvest. Plant Seeds: 1/4-1/2” deep with 4-6” between seeds in rows 18-24” apart. Soil Temp: 45-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 18-24”. Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/oz: 7500. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 5 grams. Average yield/100’ row: 60 heads. Days to Harvest: 90-120. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Cabbage - Charleston Wakefield HEIRLOOM. 4-6 lb. dark-green uniform conical heads. A southern market favorite. 70-74 days. Item Number Size Price 023-006-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 023-006-2-C 1/4 oz 4.25 023-006-3-C 1 oz 6.50 023-006-4-C 1/2 lb 18.10 14 NEW! Cabbage - Red Acre ORGANIC Item Number Dark-green, deeply crumpled (savoyed) leaves. A cold hardy excellent keeper. Rich flavor is enhanced with frost. 90 days. Brussels Sprouts - Long Island Improved Item Number Cabbage - Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage Cardoon • Cynara cardunculus Also called Artichoke Thistle or Cardoni, this thistle-like plant is native to the Mediterranean. A beautiful ornamental, with stalks that are delicious steamed or braised, with an artichoke-like flavor. Nutrients: vitamins C, B6, folate (high), pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese. Growing Guidelines: Moderately frost hardy perennial, grown in full sun. Plant Seeds: 6 weeks before danger of last frost, 1/4” deep In 6” containers. Transplant with 18-24” between plants. Soil Temp: 75°F. Days to harvest: 120-150 days. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Cardoon - Large Smooth HEIRLOOM. Robust growing 6’ tall plants with edible roots and smooth thickened leaf stalks. 110-120 days. Item Number Size Price 103-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 103-001-2-C 1/8 oz 7.00 103-001-3-C 1 oz 23.00 Cabbage - Copenhagen Market HEIRLOOM. This ole’ time Dutch variety is a gardener’s favorite featuring attractive blue-green colored leaves and compact growth. Produces 6-8” 3-4 lb. round, solid green heads. 65-75 days. Item Number Size Price 023-001-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 1.95 023-001-2-C 1/2 oz 6.35 023-001-3-C 1 oz 8.90 023-001-4-C 1/4 lb 11.75 023-001-5-C 1 lb 24.00 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. 828-254-0708 • 15 carrot cauliflower DANVERS little finger cosmic purple Carrot • Daucus carota Carrots come in a wonderful array of colors, sizes and varieties, and provide delicious nutrition from early summer through winter. Wild carrot, which grows worldwide, shares the same genus and species with domesticated carrots, although archeologists deem it unlikely that one developed from the other. Present day, sweet rooted, orange carrots probably had their roots (pun intended) in Afghanistan at least 2000 years ago and were probably purple and yellow. Carrots store well in the ground under a thick layer of mulch or, alternatively, in damp sand placed in a cool environment that does not freeze. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1 and B6, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous. Growing Guidelines: A frost-tolerant biennial that is direct seeded in the full sun, early spring through early fall. Carrots can be succession planted for sustained harvest throughout the year. Established fall plantings may be stored in the ground over winter until needed or for an early spring harvest. Plant Seeds: 1/4-1/2”deep with a 1/2” between seeds in rows 12-16” apart. Soil Temp: 45-85°F . Days to Emergence: 6-21 Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 1-3”. Companions: beans, cabbage and onion families, peas, rosemary, sage. Seeds/oz: 18,000. Seed Wt./ 100’ Row: 10 grams Yield/100’ row: 100 lbs. Days to Harvest: 65-80. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. Carrot - Atomic Red Coral-red 9” roots with medium tops. Cooking deepens color and improves taste and texture. Main season variety. Particularly high in lycopene, an anti-oxidant thought to prevent cancer. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 026-005-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 026-005-2-C 1/8 oz 6.00 026-005-3-C 1/2 oz 10.00 026-005-4-C 1 oz 18.00 026-005-5-C 1/4 lb 39.00 Carrot - Cosmic Purple Main season carrot with 6 -7” long deep purple roots and orange interior. Sweet carrot with a touch of spiciness. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 026-006-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 026-006-2-C 1/8 oz 6.00 026-006-3-C 1/2 oz 10.00 026-006-4-C 1 oz 18.00 Carrot - Danvers, ORGANIC Widely adapted, productive, and heat tolerant. Produces dark orange roots 6-7” long that taper to a blunt point. Grows well in heavy clay soils. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 026-004-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 026-004-2-G 4 grams 6.50 026-004-3-G 1 oz 11.10 Carrot - Little Finger Very sweet, baby gourmet. Bright orange 3” cylindrical roots that have smooth skin and a very small core. Develops quickly and is best picked early for tender, young, bite-sized treats. 55-65 days. Item Number Size Price 026-008-1-C Packet - 0.7 grams 2.25 16 Carrot - Red Core Chantennay HEIRLOOM. Premium all purpose, deep red-orange carrot. 5-6” long and 2 1/2” at shoulder. An excellent keeper that sweetens in storage. 65-75 days. Cauliflower • B. oleracea Cauliflower was developed as a food crop by the Italians and passed on to the French in the 16th century. It is eaten sauteed, steamed, boiled, and pickled. It freezes well if cut into florets, blanched in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cooled quickly. Nutrients: High in calcium and dietary fiber, folate, vitamin C. Growing Guidelines: A moderately frost-tolerant plant that is planted spring through late summer in full sun. Plant seeds: 1/4”deep in containers 25 days before the hardest frosts will cease in your area. Transplant 18” between plants, 2’ between rows, when nighttime temps won’t drop below 20 °F. As the heads begin to form, tie their leaves to cover and protect them from sun burn (blanching). Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-15. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 18”. Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/oz: 8,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 4 grams. Yield/100’ row: 60 heads. Days to Harvest: 90-115. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Cauliflower - Self Blanch Cauliflower - Snowball Y Improved, ORGANIC 6–7” smooth tight white heads. Vigorous Self-wrapping leaves protect the delicious 6-8” white heads from heat and sunlight. Excellent choice for gardeners and market growers. 68 days. Item Number Size Price 027-001-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.50 027-001-2-C 3 grams 4.65 027-001-3-C 1/2 oz 8.75 027-001-4-C 1 oz 12.40 027-001-5-C 1/4 lb 27.00 growing dwarf plants can be harvested over a long period. Recommended for fall crops. Self-blanching variety. 65–75 days. Item Number Size Price 027-002-1-G Packet - 1.5 grams 2.95 NEW! Cauliflower - Violetta Italia A distinctive variety that produces large purple heads that blanch to green when cooked. Has a mild broccoli-like flavor. Easy to grow. 85 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 026-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 1.95 027-003-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.95 026-001-2-C 4 grams 3.95 026-001-3-C 1 oz 7.50 026-001-4-C 1/4 lb 13.00 026-001-5-C 1 lb 32.00 Carrot - Scarlet Nantes, ORGANIC Medium, slender 6-7” orange-skinned carrot. A sweet, high-moisture favorite for eating raw, cooking and juicing. Great keeper. 65 days. 012 availaSizeble for 2 Price n u 026-007-1-G Packet - 1 gram Item Number Carrot - Scarlet Nantes Medium, slender 6-7” orange skinned carrots. A sweet, high-moisture favorite for eating raw, cooking and juicing. Great keeper. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 026-002-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 026-002-2-C 4 grams 3.50 026-002-3-C 1 oz 6.75 026-002-4-C 1/4 lb 13.00 026-002-5-C 1 lb 32.00 Carrot - Tendersweet One of the sweetest and most crisp carrots available, featuring 9-10” tapered deep orange, coreless roots. Holds its color during cooking. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 026-003-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 026-003-2-C 4 grams 3.95 026-003-3-C 1 oz 7.25 026-003-4-C 1/4 lb 13.00 026-003-5-C 1 lb 32.00 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. celery • celeriac Celery/Celeriac • Apium graveolens Celery is a refreshing, crunchy treat from the garden. Children love the stalks with some natural peanut butter. Celery is used extensively in salads and soups and is also great when juiced. Celeriac is a variety of celery that is grown for its root. This delicious root can be eaten raw in salads, steamed, baked, boiled, pureed or stir-fried. It adds wonderful flavor when cooked and mashed with potatoes. Celeriac may be stored in a cool and dry area of your home for several weeks. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, E, K (high), B6, folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and manganese. Growing Guidelines: A moderately frost hardy biennial that is grown in full sun and planted late spring through early summer. Start your seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost. Place several seeds per cell as germination is naturally low (50%) for all celery varieties. Light is required for seeds to germinate, so don’t plant seeds too deeply into the soil. Plant Seeds: 1/16” deep in pots and transplant into the garden after last frost, 8-14” apart with 2’ between rows. Soil Temp: 50-70°F. Days to Emergence: 10-20. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 8-14”. Companions: bush beans, brassicas, onions, parsley and tomato. Seeds/oz: 75,000. Yield/100’ row: 100 heads. Days to Harvest: 100-120. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. NEW! Celery - Flat Leaf Cutting Keeps producing after cutting. Use fresh in salads, cooked in soup, stew, and mixed vegetables. 80-85 days. Celeriac - Giant Prague HEIRLOOM. Large, 2-4” thick pure white roots store well for winter use. 110-120 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 028-006-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 101-001-1-C Packet - 0.07 gram 2.95 101-001-2-C 1/8 oz 11.50 101-001-3-C 1/4 oz 17.40 101-001-4-C 1 oz 36.00 Celeriac is high in fiber, as well as potassium, iron and vitamin C 828-254-0708 • 17 chard collard Collards • B. Oleracea Collards or Collard Greens are a traditional favorite of the South and have grown in popularity in other parts of the country as well. Another member of the Brassica family, it is a cool weather leafy plant that tastes sweeter after a frost. Traditionally a “mess” of Collards is cooked with fatback or ham hock and often combined with other greens like mustards. Sometimes it is the green in Hoppin’ John, a delicious Southern delicacy with greens, rice, and black-eyed peas, traditionally served on New Year’s Day for good luck. For storage, young collard leaves can be blanched in boiling water, cooled and frozen. Nutrients: Dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and K, calcium, potassium and folate. Growing Guidelines: A frost-tolerant green that is easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant in early spring and again in late summer. Plant seeds: 1/4-1/2” deep with 1-2” between seeds in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 10-12”. Companions: beets, carrots, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro, dill. Seeds/Oz: 7,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 5 grams. Yield/100’ row: 50lbs. Days to Harvest: 55-80. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Collards - Champion Darker blue-green foliage with winter-enhanced hardiness and increased bolt-resistance. A non-heading and productive ‘Vates’ type collard. 60-71 days. Chard (often called Swiss Chard) shares the same family, genus and species as beets. It is a gorgeous, large-leafed plant and a delicious, highly nutritious vegetable. The stems and veins of chard come in an array of vibrant colors including red, orange and yellow. Nutrients: very high in vitamins A and K; vitamins C, E, B6, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, potassium, and manganese. Growing Guidelines: A moderately frost-tolerant plant which is easy-to-grow by direct seed in early spring, late summer and early fall. It wants a fertile well-drained soil in the full sun but can tolerate shade for parts of the day. More tolerant of heat and slower to bolt than most leafy greens. Succession planting allows for a continual supply of fresh greens well into late fall. Prefers even moisture. Plant seeds: 1/2” deep with 1” between seeds in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 45-80°F. Days to seedling Emergence: 5-17. Thin to/mature plant spacing: 10-14”. Companions: bush beans, garlic, lettuce, radish, sage. Seeds/oz: 800-1800. Seeds/100’ row: 1 oz. Yield/100’ row: 40 lbs. Days to Harvest: 45-60. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. NEW! Chard - Fordhook Giant Huge, thick, tender leaves with heavy yields, even in hot weather. Very easy to grow by direct seed or transplant. Eat like spinach or beet greens. Excellent for layering into Lasagna. 50-60 days. Item Number Size Price Size Price Item Number Size Price 031-001-1-C 1.75 grams 1.95 031-004-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 031-001-2-C 1 oz 4.25 031-004-2-C 1 oz 6.95 031-001-3-C 1/4 lb 9.25 031-004-3-C 1/4 lb 12.75 031-001-4-C 1/2 lb 12.50 031-004-4-C 1 lb 31.90 029-009-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 029-009-2-C 1 oz 4.25 029-009-3-C 1/4 lb 9.00 029-009-4-C 1 lb 18.00 Chard - Rainbow Beautiful plant with multicolored leaves in shades of red, orange, pink, yellow, and creamy white. A popular, attractive and delicious variety of chard. Good for summer-time greens. 60 days. Item Number Size Size Price 029-004-1-G Packet - 1.75 grams 2.75 029-004-2-G 1/4 lb 18.90 Item Number Size Price 029-003-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 029-003-2-C 1/4 oz 5.85 Size Price 029-003-3-C 1/2 oz 7.35 029-008-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.50 029-003-4-C 1 oz 9.00 029-008-2-C 1/8 oz 4.55 029-003-5-C 1/4 lb 14.00 029-008-3-C 1 oz 10.50 029-003-6-C 1 lb 33.00 029-008-4-C 1/4 lb 28.50 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Large, smooth, dark-green leaves. Upright, productive and long standing. Cold hardy and slow-to-bolt. Slight cabbage-like flavor. Thick leaves. 55-90 days. Price Item Number Size Price Packet - 2 grams 1.95 031-002-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 1.95 031-002-2-C 1/2 oz 3.50 031-003-2-C 1 oz 4.25 031-002-3-C 1 oz 5.85 031-003-3-C 1/4 lb 9.25 031-003-4-C 1/2 lb 15.40 031-002-4-C 1/4 lb 10.60 031-002-5-C 1 lb 27.00 corn Corn • Zea mays Open-pollinated corn has become increasingly difficult to find over the last 10 years. To protect from Hybrid and GMO pollen drift, we only source seed that has been grown in greater isolations than standard practices, and test each lot to ensure against genetically modified genes. Nutrients: Protein, vitamins C and A, thiamin, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium. Growing Guidelines: A frost sensitive annual that is direct seeded when soil warms up, after danger of last frost. Succession planted for staggered harvest. The rule of thumb is to grow at least four 10’ rows to assist its pollination by wind. Traditionally planted with bean and winter squash, known as the 3 sisters. Plant Seeds: 1-2”deep with 3” between seeds in rows 18-24” apart. Soil Temp: 60-85°F. Days to Emergence: 7-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 8-12”. Companions: beans, squash, melons, peas, amaranth. Seeds/Oz: 100. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 4oz. Yield/100’ row: 90-100 ears. Days to Harvest: 75 -120. Seed Viability: 4-6 years. Chard - Ruby Red HEIRLOOM. A beautiful addition to any garden often grown for its ornamental qualities alone. Foliage is dark-green on ruby red stalks. 18-24” plants. 55 days. Collards - Vates 031-003-1-C HEIRLOOM. A beautiful addition to any garden. Often grown for its ornamental qualities alone. Foliage is dark-green on ruby red stalks. 18-24” plants. 55 days. Item Number 18 HEIRLOOM. Big, dark-green, rounded, slightly savoyed leaves have a mild cabbage-like flavor that improves with frost. Tolerates heat better than most collards. Introduced in 1880. 60-80 days. Chard - Ruby Red, ORGANIC Item Number HEIRLOOM. Also known as Carolina Cabbage collards, this 18-24” plant features smooth dark-green leaves with a loose head. Very slow-to-bolt. 55-85 days. Item Number Collards - Georgia Southern Chard • Beta vulgaris Collards - Morris Heading NEW! Corn, Dent - Hickory King Yellow APPALACHIAN HEIRLOOM. 8-12’ stalks produce large 9” long ears. Ears are full of large yellow kernels. Good for roasting, grits, and cornmeal. Tight husks which help keep out corn worms. 85-90 days. Item Number Size Price 110-001-1-C 1/4 lb 4.00 110-001-2-C 1 lb 7.00 110-001-3-C 10 lb 55.00 NEW! Corn, Dent - “J” Reids Yellow, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. 9’ tall plants with 9” long ears. Medium to good standability. High nutritional quality. 90 days. Item Number Size Price 110-003-1-G 1/4 lb 6.50 110-003-2-G 1 lb 18.00 110-003-3-G 10 lb 62.00 828-254-0708 • 19 corn Continued cowpea NEW! Corn, Dent - Waspie Valley, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM 9’ tall plants with 7-8” well formed ears. Each ear may be of coppery red or dark y ellow kernels. Has good standability. A good dent variety, yields as well as hybrid varieties. Grain has high protein content. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 110-002-1-G 1/4 lb 6.50 110-002-2-G 1 lb 18.00 110-002-3-G 10 lb 62.00 NEW! Corn, Flour - Bloody Butcher HEIRLOOM. Yellow, sweet, and extremely early openpollinated corn. 5’ stalks producing 6 -7” ears with more corn per ear than regular Bantam. Introduced in 1902. 75-82 days. Corn, Sweet - Golden Bantam 12-row Improved HEIRLOOM. Yellow, sweet, and extremely early open-pollinated corn. 5’ stalks producing 6 -7” ears with more corn per ear than regular Bantam. Introduced in 1902. 75-82 days. Item Number Size Price 035-003-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.95 035-003-2-C 1/4 lb 7.00 035-003-3-C 1/2 lb 12.00 035-003-4-C 1 lb 17.00 035-003-5-C 10 lb 120.00 NEW! Popcorn Japanese White Hulless Vigorous 4-5’ tall plants produce high yields of white corn. Ears are around 4” long, hulless, fiber-free, and tender. Small kernels are great for popping. 83 days. Item Number Size Price 111-001-1-C 1/4 lb 6.00 Item Number Size Price 20.00 112-002-1-C Packet 2.95 112-002-2-C 1/4 lb 9.00 112-002-3-C 1 lb 24.00 111-001-2-C 1 lb Some corn varieties may be back-ordered until March 10th. Call to check. NEW! Popcorn - Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. A pre-1885 popcorn maintained by the Pennsylvania Dutch. Produces white kernelled ears averaging 2 ears per 8’ stalk. Flavor is superior to commercial popcorn. 102 days. Cowpea • Pisum sativum Cowpeas are a large family of legumes, also commonly called field peas, black-eyed peas, crowder peas and southern peas. Native to Africa, they are a staple in diets around the world including large parts of Asia and Latin America. They were brought to the United States by African slaves and remain a favorite in the South. They can be eaten fresh or dried and are a main ingredient in Hoppin’ John, along with greens and rice. This is a highly nutritious legume and is prized for its easy growing habits and dependable storage. Allow pods to dry on the vine before harvesting. Nutrients: Protein, vitamins A, C, B6, folate (very high), thiamin, riboflavin. Planting Guidelines: A frost sensitive annual, easy-to-grow, heat and droughttolerant crop. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. Plant Seeds: 1-2” deep with 2-3” between seeds, in rows 18-24” apart. Days to Seed Emergence: 6-14. Soil Temp: 50-60°F. Companions: celery, chicory, parsley, eggplant, turnip, lettuce. Seeds/Oz: 60-80. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 8 oz. Yield/100’ Row: 40 lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-75. Seed Viability: 4-6 years. Cowpea, Mississippi Silver HEIRLOOM. This Southern favorite produces heavy yields of 6 1/2” long silvery pale green pods that produce large brown cowpeas. Easy-to-pick, disease resistant variety. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 100-001-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.25 100-001-2-C 1/4 lb 6.00 100-001-3-C 1/2 lb 8.00 Price 112-001-1-G Packet 2.95 Item Number Size Price 112-001-2-G 1/4 lb 9.00 100-002-1-C Packet - 21 grams 2.25 24.00 100-002-2-C 1/4 lb 5.00 100-002-3-C 1/2 lb 7.00 100-002-4-C 1 lb 9.00 cover crops Item Number Size Price 100-003-1-C Packet - 10 grams 2.95 HEIRLOOM. Bush-like plant produces heavy yields of purple pods that contain creamy colored peas with maroon eyes. Excellent drying and canning variety suitable for home gardens and market growers. 63 days. Size 1 lb ECO. A semi-dwarf variety, this plant will bush on poor soil but will vine on rich soil. A very prolific producer. This variety was once acclaimed to have the best flavor of all the southern peas. Approximately 80 days untll green harvest stage and 100 days to dry shell stage. Cowpea, Pinkeye Purple Hull Item Number 112-001-3-G NEW Pea, Southern - Brown Sugar cress NEW! Cover Crop Seed • Cover Cropping is the sustainable practice of planting grains and legumes on fallow ground to replenish the soil nutrients that were mined by the previous season’s harvest. Typically cover crops are sown in the fall or early spring and then tilled into the soil at early flowering stage to incorporate the organic matter, nitrogen and diversified nutrients that nourish your plants. Cover crops also protect bare soils from exposure to reduce soil erosion, suppress weeds and improve the overall structure and water storage capabilities of soils. Pricing and quantities will be posted on our website by February 1st, 2012 or you can call or stop by the store to receive a price list. This year we are offering Certified Organically Grown and untreated cover crop seed of the following varieties: • Dutch White Clover • Buckwheat • Red and/or Crimson Clover • Alfalfa • Austrian Peas • Wren’s Abruzzi Rye • Winter Rye • Oats • Barley • Winter Wheat • Organic Soil Builder Mix SpeCIal RequeStS? We can source other varieties and quantities! Email to: [email protected] A great resource on cover cropping is provided by the non-profit group,Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, who publishes the informative book “Managing Cover Crops Profitably” available for purchase and also as a free download on their website in the “Learning Center” tab. 20 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Cress • Barbarea verna Cresses are a highly nutritious, easy-to-grow green which are frost-tolerant and winter hardy. They have yellow flowers which are also edible and easily self-seed. Outside leaves can be harvested continuously starting within a couple of weeks of emerging. They can be used as a substitute for watercress in salads, soups and stir-frys. Nutrients: very high in vitamins A, C and K; folate, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Planting Guidelines: A frost-tolerant biennial that is easy-to-grow by direct seed. Plant early spring, late summer and fall in direct sun to part shade. Will easily self-seed if flowers are allowed to mature. Plant Seeds: 1/4-1/2” deep with 1” between seeds in rows 12-15” apart. Days to Emergence: 2-15. Mature plant spacing/Thin to: 8-10” Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/Oz: 9000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 3gr. Yield/100’ Row: 35lbs. Days to Harvest: 40-50. Soil Temp: 45-70°F. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. Cress - Upland (Creasy Greens) HEIRLOOM. Dwarf plant with slender stalks 4-6” tall by 10-12” wide. Very mild flavor for salads. Easily grown on high dry land. 20-50 days. upland Cress - Wrinkled Crinkled HEIRLOOM. A cross between a broad leaf and a curly cress with more intense flavor. Its crisp spoon-shaped, upright leaves with ruffled edges make for easy cutting. Baby leaves cut 14+ days after sowing. Very slow-to-bolt. Developed by Frank Morton. 20-40 days. Item Number Size Price 036-003-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 Item Number Size Price 036-003-2-C 1/8 oz 4.95 036-005-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 036-003-3-C 1 oz 11.80 036-005-2-C 1/8 oz 4.95 036-005-3-C 1 oz 11.80 036-005-4-C 1/4 lb 18.00 828-254-0708 • 21 cucumber eggplant mexican sour gherkin marketmore lemon cucumber Cucumber • Cucumis sativus Cucumbers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and even colors. Most grow on vines that benefit from trellising, but if you are short on space, bush varieties take up much less room. Any cucumber can be pickled, but some varieties are bred for uniformity and girth and are specifically labeled for pickling. Slicers, which are mostly eaten fresh, are longer (some as long as two feet) and often thinner, whereas the lemon varieties are yellow and round. Save your cucumber peels! Placed on the kitchen counter or at an outside point of entry, they act as a deterrent to unwanted ants coming into the house. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, B6, folate, thiamin, potassium, magnesium. Growing Guidelines: Direct seed or transplant cucumbers into warm, fertile soil after danger of frost has passed. Grow in full sun. Longer vines can be trellised to save space in smaller gardens. Plant Seeds: 1/2”deep with 2” between seed in rows 3-4’ apart. Soil Temp: 60-90°F. Days to Emergence: 4-13. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 6”. Companions: bush beans, brassicas, eggplant, nasturtium, sunflower and onions. Seeds/Oz: 1000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2oz. Yield/100’ row: 120lbs. Days to Harvest: 55-65. Seed Viability: 5-7 years. Cucumber, Pickle - Boston HEIRLOOM. Smooth, bright green, 5-6” blunt-ended fruits that are the right size for pickles. Bears continually if kept picked. A popular and reliable small pickling cucumber. 50-60 days. Item Number Size Price 037-002-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 Cucumber, Pickle - Bush Pickle ECO. Half the size of standard vine types. Great size for pickling. Medium green, white spined fruit (4-5” long). Slightly tapered. Tolerant of Scab and CMV. 45-55 days. Item Number Size Price 037-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 NEW! Cucumber, Pickle - Mexican Sour Gherkin ECO. A rampant yet delicate vine producing dozens of 1” green and white fruit. Fruits keep for a long time. They are great for pickling and using fresh. Easy to grow, slightly more frost and drought tolerant than cucumbers. Botanically not actually a cucumber. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 037-003-1-C Packet 2.95 Cucumber, Slicing Armenian, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. A crisp, thin-skinned, and mild flavored cucumber. Vines grow up to 3’ and fruits are best harvested at 12-15”. 64 days. Item Number Size Price 038-008-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 Cucumber, Slicing - Lemon HEIRLOOM. Also called Crystal Apple, these bright lemon-yellow fruits are easy to see and find in the garden. Rounds are 3-4” diameter. A highly productive favorite. Semi-bush type plants. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 038-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 22 Cucumber, Slicing - Marketmore, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. One of the best garden and market quality cucumbers available. Sweet flavor and tender texture. Dark-green 8” long fruits with 4-6’ vines. Great slicer and salad variety. Sturdy skin holds up in shipping and handling. 68 days. Item Number Size Eggplant • Solanum melongena A member of the nightshade family, eggplant is cultivated all over the world. It is a staple in Middle Eastern food and can be stuffed, served in casseroles like wonderful Greek mousakka, and also in stews. It can be canned or cooked and frozen. Nutrients: vitamins A, K, B6, thiamin, niacin, folate, magnesium and potassium. Growing Guidelines: A frost sensitive annual that is planted in full sun. It is a heat loving plant that prefers evenly moist soil when young, and can handle shorter dry periods after established. Plant Seeds: 1/4” deep in containers 4-6 weeks before last frost date. Transplant once frost danger has passed and soils have warmed. Soil Temp: 75-90°F. Days to Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 24-30”. Companions: bush beans, peas, peppers, potatoes, marigold. Seeds/Oz: 6000. Yield/100’ row: 50 lbs. Days to Harvest: 70-100. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. NEW! Eggplant Black Beauty, ORGANIC Eggplant - Louisiana Long Green Rich, deep purplish-black fruits can grow to enormous size and typically produce 1 - 3 lb oval, glossy fruits. Great flavor which holds up well and retains color after cooking. Yields well in cooler climates with long season. 74 days Item Number Size Price 040-001-1-G Packet - 0.2 gram 2.75 040-001-2-G 1 gram 5.95 Eggplant - Long Purple HEIRLOOM. Classic Asian type with gorgeous dark purple coloring. Long slender fruits and slightly bulbous on the blossom end. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 040-005-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.95 040-005-2-C 1 gram 5.85 040-005-3-C 1/8 oz 10.30 040-005-4-C 1/4 oz 19.30 040-005-5-C 1/2 oz 33.00 Eggplant - Rosa Bianca, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Stunning, light pink-lavender fruits with occasional creamy-white shading. Meaty, mild flavor, with no bitterness. 70-90 days. Item Number Size Price Price 040-003-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.25 2 grams 4.00 Item Number Size Price 1/4 oz 8.40 040-004-1-G Packet - 0.2 gram 2.95 13.80 040-004-2-G 1 gram 6.75 038-003-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 040-003-2-C 038-003-2-G 1/8 oz 5.40 040-003-3-C 038-003-3-G 1/4 oz 6.95 040-003-4-C 038-003-4-G 1 oz 9.40 038-003-5-G 1/4 lb 21.00 1 oz NEW! Eggplant - Striped Togo ECO. Striking striped fruits are 1” wide by 3” long. Fruits turn from two-toned green to two-toned orange. The fruit is strongly flavored, but not bitter. A great ornamental variety, holds well in floral arrangements. 80 days. Cucumber, Slicing - Muncher, ORGANIC Tender enough to eat like an apple; not call Item Number Size Price 038-009-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.95 038-009-2-G 1/8 oz 7.90 038-009-3-G 1/4 oz 11.30 038-009-4-G 1 oz 14.90 040-006-1-C Item Number Size Price 038-010-1-C Packet 2.95 NEW! Cucumber, Slicing - Suyo Long, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. An Asian burpless cucumber that can grow up to 15” long. Fruits have a sweet flavor and crisp texture. Can be eaten raw, used in cooking, or for pickling. Heat tolerant. Trellising recommended. Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 endive green curled ruffich NEW! Cucumber, Slicing Richmond Green Apple ECO. HEIRLOOM. The unique oval fruits are about the size of a lemon and have a beautiful light green color. The juicy fruits have a very mild and sweet flavor. They can be eaten with the skin and are a great addition to salads. Hard to find in the US. 70 days. e check websitPrice Item Number or Size tough or bitter at any stage. Green, smooth and nearly spineless, burpless variety. A 6-9” long prolific producer used for slicing and pickling. 62 days. Endive • Cichorium intybus Delicious, highly nutritious and attractive, endive is a member of the chicory family. A great addition raw to any salad, also delicious braised or steamed. Has a green upright structure, which is prized for its tangy inner leaves. Nutrients: very high in vitamins A, K and folate; vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and copper. Growing Guidelines: Frost hardy perennial that is usually grown as an annual. Direct seed or transplant in mid-spring and summer. Plant Seeds: 1/4 -1/2” deep with 1” between seeds, in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 4-15. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 6”. Companions: eggplant, celery, parsley, sweet potato, lettuce. Seeds/Oz: 18,000. Yield/100’ row: 80-100 heads. Days to Harvest: 85-100. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. Endive - Broadleaf Batavian HEIRLOOM. A beautiful variety with large, broad, slightly twisted lettuce-like leaves formed around 12-16” creamy-yellow tight packed heads. Young leaves are a great addition to salad mix. 85-90 days. Item Number Size Price 088-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 088-001-2-C 1/2 oz 5.90 Item Number Size Price 088-001-3-C 1 oz 8.10 038-011-1-G Packet 2.95 088-001-4-C 1/4 lb 12.40 088-001-5-C 1/2 lb 18.00 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. RARE HEIRLOOM. A prolific producer developed in Louisiana. 3 x 8” long light-green fruits with a sweet flavor offer excellent quality. 100 days. Endive - Green Curled Ruffich HEIRLOOM. Dark-green curly leaves with full, white blanching hearts. 12-18” diameter, low-lying, spreading plants. 75-98 days. Item Number Size Price 088-002-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 088-002-2-C 1/8 oz 4.35 088-002-3-C 1/4 oz 5.00 088-002-4-C 1/2 oz 7.25 088-002-5-C 1 oz 10.00 828-254-0708 • 23 garlic gourd Garlic • Allium sativum Almost any savory dish can benefit from the flavor enhancing qualities of garlic. A relative of the onion, it has been cultivated by humans for thousands of years dating back before ancient Egypt. Over the millennia, humans selectively bred garlic for flavor and size characteristics, to the extent that garlic does not go to seed and has become sterile. It can only be reproduced from its own cloves. Store garlic in a cool, dry, place in well-ventilated containers such as mesh bags. Storage life varies from 4-6 months for hardneck varieties up to 10 months for softnecks. Many people believe in the healing value of garlic, particularly when eaten raw. Nutrients: vitamins C (high), B6, E and K, thiamin, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin. Growing Guidelines: Garlic likes slightly acidic, well-cultivated soil with plenty of organic matter (compost). Separate bulbs into cloves and plant within 5-7 days so they don’t dry out. Garlic roots do best when planted before the ground freezes to allow for root establishment prior to wintery cold temperatures. Plant garlic cloves 2” deep (blunt end down) and 4-6” apart with 12-15” between rows. Mulch garlic with straw or leaves to conserve water, protect young bulbs through winter, and deter spring weeds. Shoots will push through mulch in spring. In summer, pull mulch away from the bulbs. Garlic needs to receive ample amounts of water throughout spring and summer, and should be kept weed free. When the garlic leaves begin to turn yellow (late June and into July), stop watering for 2 weeks and then harvest the bulbs. Make braids or bundles of 6-10 bulbs and hang in a dry, shady place to cure for 3-4 weeks before storing. Seed Garlic can be pre-ordered anytime. Garlic is shipped starting September 21st through November, beginning with orders from northern regions. Garlic, Softneck California Early ORGANIC NEW! Garlic, Elephant - ORGANIC An early maturing garlic suitable for most climates. Mild, rich garlic flavor without the bite. 12-16 cloves per bulb. A great garlic for the beginning grower. Late season variety. Produces huge softball-sized bulbs with mild flavor. These truly impressive plants reach 4-5 feet and the flowers dry nicely for arrangements. Cloves per bulb: 5-7. Grown in Watauga County, NC. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 402-001-1-G 1/2 lb 10.95 405-002-1-G 1/2 lb 12.00 1 lb 22.00 5 lb 85.00 402-001-2-G 1 lb 19.25 405-002-2-G 402-001-3-G 5 lb 80.00 405-002-3-G Garlic, Hardneck Chesnok Organic Garlic, Hardneck - Music This early-to-mid season hardneck variety produces large, reddish-purple striped bulbs with 8-10 easy-to-peel cloves. Especially good for roasting because it holds its shape and flavor and develops a delightful aroma. ECO. A very cold hardy, slightly spicy, incredibly flavorful garlic. One of the most popular and easy-togrow! Produces 4-6 huge, easy-to-peel cloves per bulb with a shiny-white sheath and pink-tinged clove skins. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 401-004-1-G 1/2 lb 10.95 401-001-1-C 1/2 lb 10.95 401-004-2-G 1 lb 19.25 401-001-2-C 1 lb 19.25 Garlic, Hardneck German White, Extra Hardy NEW! Garlic, Inchelium - ORGANIC (Certified Naturally Grown) Early-to-mid summer porcelain hardneck variety with a distinctive, moderately spicy flavor. 6-8 plump, easy-to-peel cloves in each 2-2 1/2” wide paper-white bulb. A great roasting variety that stores well into the cold winter months. Item Number Size Price 401-003-1-C 1/2 lb 10.95 401-003-2-C 1 lb 19.25 401-003-3-C 5 lb 77.00 Flavor is robust and rich with a hint of heat. This variety has large bulbs reaching 3” across; bulbs can have 12-20 cloves. Outer bulb wrappers are thick and protect the bulb. Over winters well. Stores well for 6-7 months. Grown in Watauga County, NC. Item Number Size Price 402-004-1-G 1/2 lb 10.95 402-004-2-G 1 lb 19.25 Additional postage applies for all garlic orders. See order form for details. If you are seeking bulk quantities of garlic, please contact us no later than August 20th for a price quote and to ensure availability. 24 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Gourd • Some speculate that gourds may be the oldest plant domesticated by loufa humans. Used for millenia as bowls, bottles, bird feeders, and carved sculptures, as well as (in the case of the loufa - luffa aegyptiaca) a body scrubbing sponge. Used the world over as resonating chambers of percussion and stringed instruments. Leave them on the vine until fully mature and their skin is dry. Growing Guidelines: Gourds are a frost sensitive plant with tropical origins that requires a long hot season and full sun. Can be direct seeded in warm regions. In northern climates, plant seeds in containers indoors before last frost, and transplant when threat of frost has passed and warm night temperatures prevail. Plant Seeds: 1/2 -1” deep with 6” between seeds in rows 4’ apart. Soil Temp: 60-90°F. Thin to/ Mature Plant Spacing: 12”. Seeds/oz: 140-200. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/4-1/2oz. Days to Harvest: 75-120. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. Gourd - Loufa Gourd - Birdhouse Bottle HEIRLOOM. This long-handled ball-shaped gourd can be hollowed out to make attractive birdhouses, a big dipper gourd, or musical instruments. 95 days. Item Number 043-001-1-C Size Packet - 2.8 grams HEIRLOOM. A long season gourd used for Its fibers as a cleansing, scrubbing cloth when dried. Gourds can range from 6” to 2 1/2’ long and 4-7” In diameter. Leave to mature on vine until skin shrivels. Price Item Number Size Price 2.50 043-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.95 Gourd - Speckled Swan NEW! Gourd - Corsican Bowl Produces round, flattened green fruits that grow to 6-12” in diameter and 3-5” deep. Fruits have thin, tough skin that cures easily making them great for gourd craft. 110-130 days. HEIRLOOM. Long trailing vines yield 12-18” bulbous swan-necked fruits with a beautiful, dark-green and white speckled shell. 90-130 days. Item Number Size Item Number Size Price 043-004-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 043-006-1-C Packet 2.95 043-004-2-C NEW! Gourd - Dipper Price abozle for 2012 unavail1/2 1/4 oz 043-004-3-C Produces a distinctly shaped gourd that is great for gourd craft. Produces a 12” long by 5” in diameter gourd. Easy to grow, heat tolerant. Frost sensitive. 125 days. Item Number Size Price 043-002-1-C Packet 2.25 043-004-4-C 1 oz NEW! Gourd - Tennessee Spinning Top TENNESSEE HEIRLOOM. Small 2-5” bottle-shaped gourd with green striping. The dried gourds are great for ornamental and craft use. Children used to spin the dried gourds like tops. Item Number Size Price 043-007-1-C Packet 2.95 kale Kale • B. oleracea - napus Originated in the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated for thousands of years. It comes in many varieties, some of them so colorful and beautiful that they can be used as an ornamental. Extremely nutritious and can be eaten fresh in salad, or cooked in a large variety of ways, including a delicious Portuguese kale soup. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins A, C (very high) and E, calcium, potassium, iron, folate, beta-carotene and the phytochemical quercitinbeta-carotene. Growing Guidelines: Easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant. Frost-tolerant and winter hardy. Wants evenly moist soil and will grow in full sun or with partial shade. Can be planted in spring, late summer and early fall in succession plantings for nearly year round harvest. Plant Seeds: Direct seed or transplant after danger of hard frost 1/2” deep, 1” between seeds, in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Emergence: 15-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 12”. Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/Oz: 7000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 5 grams. Yield/100’ row: 75 lbs. Days to Harvest: 45-60. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Kale - Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch HEIRLOOM. Finely curled, blue-green leaves grow on a compact 12-15” tall plant. Very cold hardy and easily overwinters with some mulch. 55 -60 days. Kale - Dwarf Siberian HEIRLOOM. B. napus. Broad, thick, blue/gray/green plume-like leaves with slightly frilled edges form a cold-tolerant rosette 24” in diameter at maturity. Slow bolting. 50 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 046-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 046-001-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 046-003-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 046-001-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 046-003-3-C 1 oz 5.95 046-001-3-C 1 oz 5.95 046-003-4-C 1/4 lb 9.70 046-001-4-C 1/4 lb 9.70 046-003-5-C 1/2 lb 15.00 046-001-5-C 1/2 lb 15.00 046-003-6-C 1 lb 26.00 046-001-6-C 1 lb 26.00 828-254-0708 • 25 kale Continued lettuce lacinato NEW! Kale - Lacinato HEIRLOOM. Also known as Dinosaur kale, from the Tuscan region of Italy. This plant features strap-like blue-green leaves 3” wide by 10” long. Extremely winter hardy. Flavor is enhanced by frost. 60-90 days. Item Number Size Price 046-005-1-C Packet - 1.25 grams 2.95 046-005-2-C 1/2 oz 7.25 046-005-3-C 1 oz 11.50 046-005-4-C 1/4 lb 17.30 046-005-5-C 1 lb 34.00 Kale - Red Russian Item Number Size Price 046-002-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 046-002-2-C 1/2 oz 5.50 046-002-3-C 1 oz 8.25 046-002-4-C 1/4 lb 12.50 046-002-5-C 1 lb 30.00 Kale - Winter Red, ORGANIC A red Russian type developed by Tim Peters for good uniform color and cold hardiness. A tender salad kale said to have a little wild mustard in its sap. 50 days. Item Number Size Price 046-006-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.95 kohlrabi Kohlrabi • B. oleracea A member of the Brassica family, with delicate, mild-flavored leaves and globed roots that can be eaten raw in salads, steamed, stir-fried, barbecued, or added to soups. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, phytochemicals. Growing Guidelines: Frost-tolerant and winter hardy kohlrabi is grown in the full sun by direct seed or transplants. Planted early spring through late summer it will overwinter for an early spring harvest. It is best harvested when the bulbs are under 3” to preserve taste and texture. Plant Seeds: 1/4”-1/2” deep with 1” between seeds and 18” between rows. Soil Temp: 50-85°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 5-17. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 8”. Companions: beets, carrot, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/Oz: 8,500. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 4 grams. Yield/100’ row: 50 lbs. Days to Harvest: 60-75. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Kohlrabi - Purple Vienna Slightly larger than Early White Vienna, this standard home and market variety features purple skinned bulbs with greenish-white flesh and small tops. 55-69 days. Item Number Size Price 089-001-1-C Packet - 0.6 grams 2.25 089-001-2-C 3 grams 3.95 089-001-3-C 1/4 oz 4.95 089-001-4-C 1/2 oz 8.25 A little less robust than an onion in flavor, leeks are used primarily in stocks or soups. They can also give a mild zing to salads. Archaeological evidence suggests cultivation of leeks going back as far as 2000 BCE. The Roman emperor Nero listed leeks among his favorite foods and believed that they gave him a good singing voice. More recently, the leek has become a national symbol of Wales, with the Welsh enthusiastically integrating it into many of their dishes. Nutrients: vitamins A, K, C, B6, and iron. Growing Guidelines: Easy-to-grow, frost-tolerant, winter-hardy biennial that grows in full sun through all seasons. Plant Seeds: In flats, 1/4” deep with 1” between seeds in rows 12-16” apart. Soil Temp: 60-80°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 6-16. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 4-6”. Companions: kohlrabi, lettuce, parsnips, brassicas, carrot, lettuce, pepper. Seeds/Oz: 10,000. Yield/100’ row: 150 stalks. Days to Harvest: 100-120. Seed Viability: 2-4 years. NEW! Leek - Giant Musselburg HEIRLOOM. Large stalks that grow to be 9-15” long and 2-3” in diameter. The white stalks have a mild flavor and are smooth and tender. Leaves are blue-green and fan-shaped. Coldhardy, slow to bolt. 100-150 days. Item Number Size Price 048-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 Item Number Size Price 048-001-2-C 1/4 oz 6.40 048-002-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 048-001-3-C 1/2 oz 8.25 048-002-2-C 1 oz 12.80 048-001-4-C 1 oz 11.35 048-002-3-C 2 oz 18.00 cimarron romaine Lettuce • Lactuca sativa A member of the Aster family, lettuce comes in a beautiful variety of forms, colors, and textures from smooth lime green leaves to red headings, to multicolored, smooth or crinkled. Lettuce was grown by the Romans and was also popular among the Egyptians as an aphrodisiac. Nutrients: vitamins K (high), A and folate. Growing Guidelines: Very easy-to-grow, lightly frost-tolerant annual that grows in the full sun and tolerates part shade. Most lettuce bolts quickly in hot weather. Planted in early spring, late summer and early fall. Plant Seeds: 1/8”deep with 1/2” between seeds and 12” between rows. Soil Temp: 40-80°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 3-15. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 6-10”. Companions: beet, brassicas, carrot, onions, radish, garlic. Seeds/Oz: 25,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 4 gr. Yield/100’ row: varies. Days to Harvest: 25-50. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. NEW! Lettuce - Anuenue ECO. Hailing from Hawaii, the seed of this variety has the ability to germinate at higher soil temperatures. The glossy bright green leaves are non-bitter and great for salads. Heat tolerant and bolt resistant. 54 days. Item Number Size Price 049-022-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. An old favorite green leaf lettuce prized for its delicate flavor and early harvest. Full sized heads can be harvested in just over a month. A farmer’s market favorite. 40 days. Slow bolting. Item Number Size Price 049-001-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 049-001-2-G 1/8 oz 5.00 049-001-3-G 1/4 oz 8.85 A distinctive loose-leave butterhead with green and bronze frilled leaves. Cold hardy and slow to bolt. 50-60 days. Leek • A. ampeloprasum flavor. Produces 10” long tasty leeks. One of the favorite leek varieties grown by home and market growers. 95 days. freckles Lettuce - Bronze Mignonette HEIRLOOM. leek Leek - American Flag Superior quality and green oakleaf HEIRLOOM. Greenish-gray leaves turn to purple with red veins in cold weather. An unusual and tasty variety that grows up to 24” tall and is very productive in cool and warm weather. Rich flavor improves with frost. 50 days. Lettuce - Cimarron Romaine HEIRLOOM. Antique lettuce with deep-red to burgundy leaves and large loose heads. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 049-003-1-C Packet - 0.6 gram 2.25 049-003-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 049-003-3-C 1/4 oz 5.95 049-003-4-C 1 oz 8.25 049-003-5-C 1/4 lb 18.00 Lettuce - Freckles HEIRLOOM. Beautiful tender romaine with green leaves splashed with red. A long standing variety that resembles ‘Speckles Butterhead’ but with more substantial leaves. 55-70 days. Item Number Size Price 049-016-1-C Packet - 0.6 gram 2.50 Lettuce - Green Oakleaf HEIRLOOM. Tight rosettes of medium dark-green, deeply lobed oakleaf-shaped leaves. Never bitter, even in the heat of summer. Introduced in 1771 by Vilmorin Seed Company. 45 days. Item Number Size Price 049-010-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 049-010-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 Item Number Size Price 5.95 049-007-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 1/8 oz 5.50 1/4 oz 7.75 049-010-3-C 1/4 oz 049-010-4-C 1 oz 8.25 049-007-2-C 049-010-5-C 1/4 lb 18.00 049-007-3-C Lettuce - Buttercrunch Compact, dark-green heads with creamy white interiors and smooth, sweet, tender leaves. Slow-to-bolt and free from bitterness. 50-75 days. NEW! Lettuce - Herb Salad Mix, ORGANIC A tasty mix of Black Seeded Simpson, Red Salad Bowl, Rouge de Hiver lettuces, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Cilanto, Dill, and Arugula. Item Number Size Price 049-002-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 Item Number Size Price Packet 2.95 049-002-2-C 1/8 oz 4.20 049-024-1-G 049-002-3-C 1/4 oz 6.50 049-024-2-G 1/8 oz 6.70 049-002-4-C 1 oz 8.95 049-024-3-G 1/4 oz 10.90 049-002-5-C 1/4 lb 19.80 049-024-4-G 1 oz 16.50 049-002-6-C 1/2 lb 28.00 828-254-0708 • 27 lettuce Continued Lettuce - Lettuce Blend, ORGANIC A wonderful blend of four lettuce varieties including Merveille 4 Seasons (bibb), Rouge de Hiver (romaine), Red Salad Bowl (leaf), and Black Seeded Simpson (leaf). 30-45 days. melon Lettuce - Red Salad Bowl, ORGANIC Beautiful garnet colored slow bolting oak leaf type is very ornamental. Loose heads of cut and come again leaves offer a mild sweet flavor with a long harvest. 40-55 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 049-015-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 049-009-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 049-015-2-G 1/8 oz 5.60 049-015-3-G 1/4 oz 9.75 049-015-4-G 1 oz 14.00 Lettuce - Lolla Rosa, Darky HEIRLOOM. An old favorite green leaf lettuce prized for its delicate flavor and early harvest. Full sized heads can be harvested in just over a month. A farmer’s market favorite. 40 days. Slow bolting. Item Number Size Price 049-017-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 049-017-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 049-017-3-C 1/4 oz 5.95 049-017-4-C 1 oz 8.25 049-017-5-C 1/4 lb 18.00 Lettuce - Merveille 4 Seasons, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. A bibb-type lettuce with red, flavorful leaves with cranberry tips and a tight pale heart. Frost-tolerant spring and fall variety. 45-70 days. Item Number Size Price 049-013-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 NEW! Lettuce - Paris Island Romaine, ORGANIC Leaves are dark green, upright, slightly savoyed, and crunchy. Good for small leaf production. Creamy white heart. For cool season gardens. Slow to bolt. 66 days. Item Number Size Price 049-019-1-G Packet 2.75 NEW! Lettuce Really Red Deer Tongue Melon • Cucumis melo Prized for their sweet mellow flesh and flavor, melons grace desserts and snack plates alike during the late summer months. Nutrients: vitamins A and C, (very high in both), K, B6, niacin, folate, potassium, magnesium, manganese and copper. Growing Guidelines: Cantaloupes and muskmelons are frost sensitive annuals that are easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant. They prefer evenly moist soil and full sun with a layer of mulch placed around the young seedlings to keep weeds down before the melon’s dense foliage can shade them out. Vine ripening will increase the sweetness of melons. If you pick them before they are ripe, the melons will soften but won’t get any sweeter. Plant seeds: 1/2” deep, with 6 seeds about 5” apart in mounded hills spaced at 3’ intervals, after danger of frost has passed. Thin each mound leaving the 3-4 strongest seedlings. To get a head start plant seeds indoors 2 weeks before your last frost date and transplant. Soil Temp: 75-95°F. Days to Emergence: 3-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 8-12”. Companions: corn, pumpkin, radish, squash, marigolds, nasturtiums, oregano. Seeds/Oz: 1,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2 oz. Yield/100’ row: 50-100 lbs. Days to Harvest: 65-95. Seed Viability: 5-7 years. Lettuce - Rouge de Hiver, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Cool season romaine type with sweet, buttery texture. Semi-open heads with deep-red outer and green-bronze tipped inner leaves. 50-60 days. Item Number Size Price 049-014-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 049-014-2-G 1/8 oz 5.00 049-014-3-G 1/4 oz 8.85 NEW! Lettuce - Speckled Amish Butterhead ECO. An old heirloom with a most unique pigment pattern of bright red speckles on lime green buttery leaves. Heads are dense with pink patterned hearts that look like varigated raddicio. Another spectacular variety from breeder Frank Morton. 70 days. Melon - Edisto 47 A Carolina favorite with 3-5 lb. salmon fleshed cantaloupe. Resistant to Alternaria, powdery mildew and downy mildew. Finely netted and does well in hot, humid conditions. 85 days. Size Price Item Number Size Price 051-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 051-010-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 051-001-2-C 1/4 oz 4.95 Size Price 051-001-3-C 1/2 oz 6.95 049-021-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 051-001-4-C 1 oz 9.95 A loose, curled, leaf-lettuce variety with crispy texture, tight, erect rosettes, deeply cut leaves and frilly edges. A good cool season variety. 40-52 days. Item Number Size Price 049-012-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 049-012-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 049-012-3-C 1/4 oz 5.95 049-012-4-C 1 oz 8.25 049-012-5-C 1/4 lb 18.00 ECO. HEIRLOOM. Fruits are oval-shaped, ridged, moderately netted, and average 4 lbs. The fruits have an excellent flavor and a fine texture. Plants are hardy and resist sap beetles. 90 days. Item Number Item Number Lettuce - Tango NEW Melon - Kansas NEW Melon - Hearts of Gold, ORGANIC [H] Cantaloupe. Thick, orange-fleshed sweet and flavorful, 3 lb fruit. High yield. 70-97 days. Item Number Size Price 051-009-1-G Packet 2.75 Melon - Sharlyn A juicy, sweet, and aromatic pale-green flesh which turns orange around the seed cavity. Remarkably consistent flavor and texture. 80-90 days. Item Number Size Price 051-004-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 051-004-2-C 1/4 oz 7.85 NEW! Lettuce - Winter Density ECO. Long, pointed leaves are dark red with lighter midrib. Redder than the traditional “Red Deer Tongue.” Begins as a cutting type, then makes a butter-cos heart. Better for cooler months. 48 days. Item Number Size Price 049-023-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 Large dark green leaves are compact and tightly folded. Crisp, succulent leaves have a sweet flavor. Great for salads. Can be grown spring, summer, or fall, and is tolerant to frost. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 049-018-1-C Packet 2.50 Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. - William Blake Sow True Seed is seeking interns! To apply, please send an e-mail with your contact information and resume to: [email protected] 28 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. 828-254-0708 • 29 mustard greens okra Okra • Abelmoschus esculentus Mustard Greens • Brassica juncea Okra, which originated in West Africa, is a member of the mallow family, related to hibiscus and hollyhock, (as its beautiful blossoms will attest). It is used in Middle Eastern & Indian cooking as well as being a primary ingredient in gumbo. It was used as a coffee substitute during the Civil War in America. Even people who don’t like okra can be convinced by a well-executed Southern fried version. Special care should be taken when harvesting okra because it can irritate the skin of some gardeners. Nutrients: vitamins B6, C, and K, folate, calcium, manganese. Growing Guidelines: A frost sensitive crop that is easily grown in full sun and by direct seed once danger of frost has passed. Heat-loving okra is capable of withstanding dry periods once estabished. Okra can grow 30” wide and 4-6’ tall. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep with 3-4” between seeds, in rows 2-3’ apart. Soil Temp: 70-90°F. Days to Seed Emergence: 7-15. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 12”. Companions: lettuce, peppers, eggplant, basil, cucumber, melons, cowpeas. Seeds/Oz: 420. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1.5oz. Yield/100’ row: 300+ pods. Days to Harvest: 60-85. Seed Viability: 1-2years. Mustard greens are used in a variety of ways all around the globe, but are most noted for their use in the preparation of Soul Food in the American South. Mustard greens favor cooler parts of the growing season and improve in flavor with the early frost. They were said to have been a favorite food of Martin Luther King Jr. who loved them with black-eyed peas. Nutrients: vitamins A, K, and C, folate, calcium, and manganese. Growing Guidelines: A moderately frost-tolerant biennial that is easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant in full sun or partial shade. Mustards can be succession planted in the spring, and again late summer through early fall, for a continual harvest. Using season extension allows for harvests through the winter. Plant Seeds: 1/4”deep with 1” between seeds, in rows 18”apart. Soil Temp: 60-85°F. Days to Emergence: 3-12. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 4-8”. Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, cilantro. Seeds/Oz: 15,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1 oz. Yield/100’ row: 80-100 lbs. Days to Harvest: 30-45. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Mustard Greens - Florida Broadleaf A large, semi-upright 16-22” spreading leafy plant with oval dark-green leaves that are 8-10” long. A traditional Southern favorite with rich flavor and good yields. Slow-to-bolt. 48 days. Item Number Size Price 053-008-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.25 053-008-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 053-008-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 053-008-4-C 1 oz 6.50 053-008-5-C 1 lb 12.00 Mustard Greens - Giant Red HEIRLOOM. B. juncea. A Japanese mustard with large, thick, tender, deep purplish-red savoyed leaves with white midribs. Very slow-to-bolt with strong mustard flavor. Good for pickling. 40-65 days. Item Number Size Price 053-011-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 053-011-2-C 1/8 oz 3.25 053-011-3-C 1/4 oz 4.25 053-011-4-C 1/2 oz 5.25 Mustard Greens - Greenwave Bright green leaves, heavily curled and frilly. This very vigorous mustard does not bolt in the heat as quickly as most others. Hot mustard flavor mellows when cooked. 40-60 days. Item Number Size Price 053-001-1-C Packet - 2 grams 1.95 053-001-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 053-001-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 053-001-4-C 1 oz 6.50 053-001-5-C 1/4 lb 9.85 Mustard Greens - Old Fashioned HEIRLOOM. A cool season, quick to bolt mustard popular in the Carolinas with long, ruffled, flavorful leaves and good yields. The best mustard variety for salad greens. 40 days. Item Number Size Price 053-009-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 053-009-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 053-009-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 053-009-4-C 1 oz 6.50 30 Mustard Greens - Ruby Streaks ECO. Visually stunning with bold purple coloring on deeply toothed leaves. Germinates quickly, grows rapidly and is suitable for multiple cuttings. The flavor is sweet and spicy, though not excessively hot. Color deepens in autumn. 40 days. NEW! Okra - Aunt Hettie’s Red ECO. TENNESSEE HEIRLOOM. 4-5’ tall. The stalks, leaves, and pods of this variety are a beautiful burgundy. The pods are glossy and have a great taste. 65 days. Size Price e heck websit2.95 call or cPacket NEW! Hill Country Red 4-6’ tall plants have red stems and produce 3” pods. Colorful pods are bright green tinged with red. Has a delicious flavor and great for pickling. Produces well when pods are picked small. Drought tolerant. 70 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Item Number Size Price 053-004-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 054-007-1-C 054-006-1-C Packet 2.50 Okra - Clemson Spineless Mustard Greens Southern Giant Curled HEIRLOOM. A Southern favorite and the most commonly grown mustard for greens. Large green leaves are tightly curled on the margins. Slow-to-bolt, cold tolerant, and good for late sowings. 45-70 days. Item Number Size Price 053-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 1.95 053-003-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 053-003-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 053-003-4-C 1 oz 5.95 053-003-5-C 1/4 lb 9.85 All American Winner, this 4-5’ high plant produces straight, dark-green, slightly grooved, spineless pods. Best picked under 2 1/2 -3” for full flavored premium quality. 56 days. Size Price 054-001-1-C Packet - 6 grams 2.25 Item Number Size Price 054-001-2-C 1 oz 5.50 054-002-1-C Packet - 6 grams 2.25 054-001-3-C 1/4 lb 7.25 054-002-2-C 1/2 oz 4.00 054-001-4-C 1/2 lb 9.50 054-002-3-C 1 oz 6.95 onion Onion • Allium cepa Onions are very versatile and nutritious and are used worldwide as a seasoning, condiment, or as a dish in themselves. Sweet yet robust, they add a terrific flavor to all kinds of dishes. Onion varieties are classified as long, medium and short day. This refers to the regions where they grow best, according to the length of day, during the particular variety’s best growing season. Short day onions are grown in the winter in the South. Long day onions grow best in the Northern summer. Intermediate day varieties are generally grown in the middle of the country and can go either way. Very high in vitamin C, onions were often used by western settlers as a way to prevent scurvy. Curiously, the name Chicago comes from an old Algonquin word that means “onion place.” Long and intermediate day varieties store well in a cool dry place, while the sweeter short day varietes should be eaten within a few weeks of harvest. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins C, B6, folate, manganese and calcium. Growing Guidelines: A frost-tolerant biennial crop that is planted in full sun in early spring, in the fall and over the winter in southern regions. Onions require evenly moist, well-drained soils, and that weeds be kept to a minimum. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep with 1” between seeds in rows 12-15” apart, or in flats 4-6 weeks in advance of planting. Soil Temp: 50-90°F. Days to Emergence: 6-16. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 3-6”. Companions: leek, lettuce, parsnip, spinach, beet, carrot, tomato. Seeds/Oz: 7,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/4 oz. Yield/100’ row: 100lbs. Days to Harvest: 65-110. Seed Viability: 2-4 years. has oblong, smooth, green leaves with a very distinct, mild flavor. Matures extra early in only 35 days. Size Price 053-006-1-G Packet - 1.2 grams 2.75 053-006-2-G 1/8 oz 4.25 053-006-3-G 1/4 oz 6.00 Mustard Greens - Tendergreen (Komatsuna) This heat and drought resistant variety has oblong, smooth, green leaves with a very distinct, mild flavor. Matures extra early in only 35 days. Item Number Size Price 053-005-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 053-005-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 053-005-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 053-005-4-C 1 oz 5.95 053-005-5-C 1 lb 12.00 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. High-yielding, attractive 4’ tall plants with green leaves and burgundy stems, branches and leaf ribs often used as an ornamental plant with colorful pods and leaves. Tender 6-8” burgundy pods that turn green when cooked. 60 days. Item Number Mustard Greens - Tendergreen, ORGANIC This heat and drought resistant variety Item Number Okra - Red Burgundy Onion - Evergreen Bunching Onion Common bulbless, Japanese small bunching onion that produces white stalks and has a sweet, delicious flavor. Hardy, slow-to-bolt, and overwinters well. 60-120 days. Item Number Size Price 055-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 055-001-2-C 1/8 oz 3.50 055-001-3-C 1/4 oz 5.50 055-001-4-C 1 oz 10.30 Onion - Long White Bunching Long-stemmed bunching onion. Summer producing or will overwinter for early spring scallions. 120 days. Item Number Size Price 055-005-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 055-005-2-C 1/8 oz 3.50 055-005-3-C 1/4 oz 5.50 055-005-4-C 1 oz 6.95 31 onion Continued pea Onion - Red Creole Short day, Southern variety. Hard, thick, flat, reddish-buff bulbs with pungent red-purple flesh. Spring planted, 85 days. Overwintered, 190 days. Onion - Walla-Walla Sweet Spanish Harvest 10 days earlier than other Spanish types. Mild and sweet, light brown, white flesh. Summer ripening. Very cold hardy. 125 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 055-008-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 055-003-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 055-008-2-C 1/8 oz 4.85 055-003-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 055-008-3-C 1/4 oz 7.40 055-003-3-C 1/4 oz 5.25 055-003-4-C 1/2 oz 8.00 Onion - Red Grano Short day variety, medium maturity, large red top onion. Soft flesh. Medium keeper. 115 days. Item Number Size Price 055-006-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 055-006-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 055-006-3-C 1/4 oz 5.25 055-006-4-C 1/2 oz 6.50 055-006-5-C 1 oz 7.95 Onion - Red Torpedo HEIRLOOM. Intermediate day variety. Long torpedo or spindle shaped onion which grows to 1 lb. Purplered skin with soft light red flesh and mild sweet flavor. Medium to short keeper. Spring planted, 95 days. Overwintered, 200 days. Item Number Size Price 055-007-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 Onion - Texas Early Grano Short day variety. Vidalia type large uniform globe shaped bulbs with straw colored skin, thin scales, soft white flesh, and a sweet mild flavor. 168-179 days. Item Number Size Price 055-009-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 055-009-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 055-009-3-C 1/4 oz 5.25 055-009-4-C 1/2 oz 8.00 Onion - White Sweet Spanish Long day variety. Large globed onions with shiny skins, mild firm flesh and dark-green tops. Good for green bunching or grows to 5 1/2” in diameter. Not a long-term storage variety. 110+ days. Item Number Size Price 055-004-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 055-004-2-C 1/8 oz 3.95 055-004-3-C 1/4 oz 5.25 055-004-4-C 1/2 oz 8.00 NEW! Onion - Southport White Globe A northern long day variety used extensively as a non-bulbing, bunching onion in latitudes below 34°F. It produces a medium to long white shank with deep bluish-green tops. Bunching – 65 to 100 days. When grown in long day areas (42 degrees and above), it produces a medium-size high globe with very firm pungent flesh. A great winter keeper. 80 to 120 days. sugar snap from the shell (called garden, shelling or English peas); and edible pod peas. Garden/shelling/English peas are removed from the fibrous, inedible pod and cooked. There are two forms of edible pod peas: the snow pea, which is only tender before the peas develop; and snap peas which are eaten after the pods have fully developed. Snow peas are well known in Chinese and other Asian cuisine and are delicious raw in salads. Snap peas are a taste treat right off the vine, or as an addition to stir-frys. Garden peas are sweet and delicious in salads, soups, and alone as a tasty side dish. All peas freeze well for storage. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, and zinc. Growing: Snow/snap peas (edible pod) and shelling peas are frost-tolerant, cool weather crops that are planted early spring and late summer in full sun. Most garden peas are more productive and all are easier to harvest if given a fence or trellis to climb, but all will produce. Innoculant will help germination and greatly increase the amount of nitrogen that is released into soil by the peas’ roots. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep with 2” between seeds, in rows 18” apart. Soil Temp: 50-75°F. Days to Emergence: 6-14. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: Don’t thin. Companions: celery, chicory, radish, turnip, bean, carrot, corn. Seeds/Oz: 110. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 8 oz. Yield/100’ row: 20 lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-75. Seed Viability: 4-6 years. Pea, Shelling - Wando Good for southern regions and late spring seedings. This productive shelling pea is both cold and heat tolerant. Excellent for canning or freezing. 68 days. Item Number Size Price 090-001-1-C Packet - 14 grams 1.95 Size Price 090-001-2-C 1 oz 2.95 055-010-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 090-001-3-C 1/4 lb 4.95 090-001-4-C 1/2 lb 5.75 090-001-5-C 1 lb 8.00 NEW! Heirloom onion plants available for 2012. Orders may be placed by phone or online. Pea, Snap Mammoth Melting Sugar High yielding, early and uniform production of sweet, tender 4-5” pods. Trellis 4-5’ vines for maximum production. 65-75 days. Item Number 061-006-1-C Parsnip • Pastinaca sativa A cool weather, slow growing, white root crop which resemble carrots, to which they are related. Very winter hardy, and their rich, nutty, flavor improves after a hard frost. They are used in soups, stews, and casseroles to sweeten the taste. They are delicious mashed with potatoes. In fact, before potatoes were introduced to Europe, many dishes now made with potatoes were made with parsnips. Parsnip seed can lose viability relatively quickly and should be bought and saved accordingly. Roots can be stored in the ground into the winter and harvested as needed. Nutrients: vitamins C, E, and K; folate, potassium, manganese, magnesium. Growing Guidelines: A slow growing, biennial root. Direct seed in mid-spring for a fall harvest. It needs full sun. Seeds are naturally lower in germination and tend to be weak, having difficulty breaking through crusty soil. Some growers approach this by planting fast growing radishes directly beside the parsnips to mark the row and break the soil for the slower germinating parsnips. Parsnips prefer soil that is not rich in nitrogen, as it causes them to have furry, forked roots. Plant Seeds: 1/2-3/4” deep with 1/2” between seeds and 12-18” between rows. Soil Temp: 55-75°F. Days to Emergence: 15-28. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 3”. Companions: garlic, pea, pepper, potato, onion, radish. Seeds/Oz: 5,000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2 oz. Yield/100’ row: 75 lbs. Days to Harvest: 100-130. Seed Viability: 1-3 years. shelling Pea • Pisum sativum Peas are very nutritious legumes which grow in two forms: peas that you remove Item Number parsnip Size Packet - 14 grams Pea, Snap - Dwarf Grey Sugar A bush edible pod pea with attractive purple blossoms. Grows 24-36” tall with 3” sweet slender pods. Ideal to eat fresh out of the garden. Heavy producer, keep picked for maximum yields. 66 days. Item Number Size Price 061-004-1-C Packet - 14 grams 1.95 061-004-2-C 1 oz 2.95 061-004-3-C 1/4 lb 5.75 Pea, Snow - Oregon Sugar Pod Small vines grow 24 -30” tall (no staking) and produce smooth 4 1/2” edible pods. Peas freeze well with no loss of color or flavor. Resistant to mosaic virus, powdery mildew and wilt. 68 days. Item Number Size Price Price 060-001-1-C Packet - 14 grams 2.25 2.25 060-001-2-C 1 oz 3.15 1/4 lb 5.25 061-006-2-C 1 oz 2.95 060-001-3-C 061-006-3-C 1/4 lb 4.95 060-001-4-C 1/2 lb 6.50 060-001-5-C 1 lb 9.50 061-006-4-C 1/2 lb 5.75 061-006-5-C 1 lb 8.00 The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. Item Number Size Price HEIRLOOM. A delicious variety with a tapered root reaching 12” long and 2-3” thick at the shoulders. Exposure to frost adds to sweetness in the fall. Excellent winter keeper. 95-120 days. 056-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 1.95 056-001-2-C 1/4 oz 4.85 056-001-3-C 1/2 oz 6.15 32 056-001-4-C 1 oz 7.75 Parsnip - Hollow Crown oregon sugar pod - Galileo Galilei Note: Southern Peas can be found under “Cowpea” in the Vegetable section. 828-254-0708 • 33 pepper Continued habanero sweet peppers jalapeno Pepper • Capsicum annuum Peppers are another member of the nightshade family and offer a huge selection of varieties including red, orange, yellow and purple sweet peppers and a dizzying array of beautiful hot peppers (often called chilis) in many colors and shapes. Ripe peppers, especially red ones, are extremely high in vitamin C. Most peppers turn color when ripe. They can be eaten raw, stuffed, chopped into sauces, salsas, stews and soups. Hot peppers to add a fiery zing to almost any savory dish. The “hot” flavor in hot peppers is from the chemical capsaicin, which comes off onto hands when handling chilis, so be careful not to rub your eyes when preparing a spicy dish. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, and B6. Growing: Frost sensitive annuals that need full sun and evenly moist soil to thrive. Plant Seeds: 1/4-1/2” deep in 3-4” pots, 6-8 weeks before last frost. Transplant after all danger of frost and when soil has warmed up leaving 2 -3’ between rows and 18-24” between plants. Soil Temp: 65-85°F. Days to Emergence: 8-25. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 18-24”. Companions: carrot, eggplant, tomato, loveage, marjoram, oregano, basil, onion. Antagonists: fennel, kohlrabi. Seeds/Oz: 4,500. Yield/100’ row: 50 lbs. Days to Harvest: 60-100. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. Pepper, Hot Hungarian Yellow Hot Wax NEW! Pepper, Hot - Anaheim Chili - ORGANIC Vigorous bushy upright plants grow 24-30” tall to produce an abundance of 6-8” long tapered fruits with 1 1/2” shoulders. Medium-hot chili that is continuously bearing. Good fresh, roasted or dried. 70-90 days. HEIRLOOM. A sunset ripening pepper changes from yellow to orange to red. Early, prolific pepper is spicy without being too hot. Conical fruit, 1-2” wide and 5-8” long. Can be used fresh, dried, or cooked. 70 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 062-001-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.25 062-015-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 062-001-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 062-001-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 062-001-4-C 1/2 oz 11.30 Pepper, Hot - Cayenne Large Thick Wrinkled, tapered and curved fruits with very thick flesh. 5-7“ long with 1.5” shoulder. Concentrated set at harvest. Strong upright plants. Hot cayenne flavor. 64-80 days. Item Number Size Price 062-005-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.25 062-005-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 Pepper, Hot Cayenne Long Red Thin Very hot, thin-walled cayenne pepper. Curled, twisted, pointed fruits. 4-6” long with 3/4” shoulder. Used from the 1” size and up. Develops early. 67-80 days. Item Number Size Price 062-007-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 062-007-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 Pepper, Hot - Habanero, Orange Produces light-green, thin-walled, crinkled peppers which ripen to a brilliant orange-red color. 40x hotter than the standard jalapeno pepper. Tipping in at an eye-watering 200,000-300,000 scoville heat units. 85-95 days. Item Number Size Price 062-013-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.50 062-013-2-C 1/8 oz 8.50 062-013-3-C 1/4 oz 12.00 Pepper, Hot - Jalapeno, Early Much like a regular jalapeno, but earlier and better adapted to cool conditions. Concentrated sets of thickwalled, 3” cone-shaped fruits that ripen to red. Hottest when fully ripe. 60-68 days. Item Number Size Price 062-010-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 062-010-2-C 1/8 oz 5.50 062-010-3-C 1/4 oz 8.75 062-010-4-C 1/2 oz 12.80 Pepper, Hot - Jalapeno, Tam Mild A quarter to half as hot as early jalapeno, this pepper has excellent yields and is ideal for pickling, canning, and freezing. 67-73 days. Mildly hot and slightly sweet with slender 8-14” pepper. Ripens green to red to brown with a unique, rich flavor that is commonly used in Mexican mole sauce. 75-80 days. Item Number Size Price 062-012-1-C Packet - 0.4 grams 2.50 062-012-2-C 1/8 oz 9.00 Pepper, Hot - Poblano HEIRLOOM. Heart-shaped pepper called Ancho in its dried shape in which it lends its red-brown color to chili powder. Called Poblano in its green state in which it may be peeled and stuffed for chili rellenos. 75 days. Size Price 063-010-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.95 Pepper, Sweet - Corno Di Toro HEIRLOOM. An Italian variety with extremely productive tall plants that bear so much fruit they need staking. Thin, 8-10” long slightly curved fruits have outstanding flavor. Best roasted or fried. 70 days. Price Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 Packet - 0.5 gram 063-007-2-C 1/8 oz 7.00 1/8 oz 063-007-3-C 1/4 oz 10.80 062-011-1-C 062-011-2-C r 2012 unavailable fo Pepper, Hot - Santa Fe Grande Prolific 5” conical fruits that ripen from yellow to orangered. Mild hot flavor. Good producer and ideal for sauces, vinegars, and pickles. 75-100 days. Item Number Size Price 062-003-1-C Packet - 0.4 grams 2.50 062-003-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 062-003-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 062-003-4-C 1/2 oz 11.30 Pepper, Hot - Serrano Tampequino HEIRLOOM. A very pungent hot pepper. The plant grows 30-36” tall and bears thin-walled, 2” slender fruits. Prolific and ever-bearing. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 062-004-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 062-004-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 062-004-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 062-004-4-C 1/2 oz 11.30 Pepper, Hot Tobago Seasoning Mix All the delicious background flavors of Habanero without the heat! A mix of 6 selections by Doug Jones from a gene pool of Caribbean seasoning peppers. They varyin size, shape, color, and flavor. Late producing with high yields. 90 days. Item Number Size Price 062-014-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.95 NEW! Pepper, Sweet - Golden California Wonder, ORGANIC California Wonder type sweet pepper with sweet, thick-fleshed, blocky fruits and upright sturdy plants. Peppers change color from green to golden-yellow to deep-orange. 70 days. Item Number Size Price 063-014-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 063-014-2-G 1/8 oz 11.50 Pepper, Sweet - King of the North ECO. Uniform Bull Nose type with medium flesh, sweet taste, and a slight taper. Mature fruits go from dark-green to deep-red in color. Prolific producer. Ideal for Northern gardens. 57-68 days. Item Number Size Price 063-013-1-C 0.3 gram 2.95 Pepper, Sweet - Marconi Red HEIRLOOM. Delicious 12” long peppers are eaten fresh or dried. Prized for its gigantic sweet red fruits. 70-90 days. Item Number Size Price 063-006-1-C 0.5 gram 2.50 Pepper, Sweet - Mega Marconi ECO. A dehybridized version of ‘Giant Marconi’ by Doug Jones. Classic long Italian shape (8-10”) and the sweet flavor found in most Italian frying peppers. High-yielding, tall plant (up to 5’) requires a sturdy trellis. Can weigh up to 1 lb. Item Number Size Price 063-012-1-C Pepper, Sweet - Abundance 062-009-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 062-009-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 062-009-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 Item Number Size Price 062-009-4-C 1/2 oz 11.30 063-009-1-C 0.3 gram 2.95 Red sister to Sweet Jemison by Doug Jones with slightly thicker, crunchier walls and elongated bell shape. Far sweeter than most hybrid peppers. Pepper, Sweet - Big Red Very sweet, thick-fleshed bell pepper that ripens green to red. High yielding variety that is an excellent choice for the fresh market or home gardener. 75 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 063-005-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 062-016-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.75 063-005-2-C 1/8 oz 7.00 063-005-3-C 1/4 oz 10.80 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Item Number Size Price Price Big Jim - ORGANIC Medium heat, classic Large version of ‘Chocolate Beauty’ selected over many years by Doug Jones for high yield, earliness, and thick, crunchy fruit walls. Blockier than any other non-hybrid chocolate-colored bell. Top-rated in taste tests. Compact. 063-007-1-C Size Size NEW! Pepper, Hot - New Mexico Pepper, Sweet - Chocolate Cake Item Number Item Number Item Number green chile for fire-roasting and rellenos. Gigantic 8-12” fruits have produced world records. Peppers ripen from green to red in approximately 80 days. 34 Pepper, Hot - Pasilla Bajio HEIRLOOM. pepper Packet - 1 gram 2.95 Pepper, Sweet - Purple Beauty Compact plants with thick, protective foliage produce thick-walled, meaty, beautiful, lobed fruits with a tender crisp texture. High yielding. Ripens from green to purple to deep-red. 70-75 days. Item Number Size Price 063-003-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 063-003-2-C 1/8 oz 6.25 063-003-3-C 1/4 oz 8.90 063-003-4-C 1/2 oz 12.50 828-254-0708 • 35 pepper Continued pumpkin Pepper, Sweet - Sweet Banana HEIRLOOM. Upright prolific pepper from Hungary. Grows 16-24” tall. Fruits grow 6” long with 1 1/2-2” shoulders and taper to a blunt point. Thick, sweet, mildly waxy flesh. 61 days. Pepper, Sweet - Yolo Wonder Improved strain of California Wonder. 4” thick-fleshed blocky-belled fruits that ripen from dark-green to red. 70-80 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 063-008-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 063-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 063-008-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 063-001-2-C 1/8 oz 5.00 063-008-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 063-001-3-C 1/4 oz 7.90 063-008-4-C 1 oz 11.30 063-001-4-C 1 oz 11.30 Pepper, Sweet - Sweet Jemison A large “Lamuyo” (elongated tapered bell) developed by Doug Jones from Italian Heirlooms. Doug claims there is no pepper sweeter than this one. Tender and juicy and keeps well after harvest. Item Number Size Price 063-011-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.95 connecticut field pumpkin cinderella Pumpkin • In America, we first tend to think of pumpkin pie, but pumpkins are a staple vegetable in many parts of the world, (used as we would use winter squash) and their seeds are a primary source of oil in some regions. Nutrients: vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, riboflavin, folate, calcium, pantothemic acid, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Growing: Pumpkins are a frost-sensitive annual, which need evenly moist, fertile soil and full sun. Can be direct seeded, or, to get a head start, plant seeds indoors 2 weeks before last frost date and transplant. Pumpkins are large leaved, long vines and space should be planned accordingly. Plant Seeds: In rows: Direct seed 1” deep, 6” apart with 8’ between rows. In mounds: 1” deep, with 6 seeds about 5” apart in mounded hills spaced at 8’ intervals, after danger of frost has passed. Thin each mound leaving the 3-4 strongest seedlings. Soil Temp: 65-90°F. Days to Emergence: 5-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 12”. Companions: corn, eggplant, melon, squash, marigold, nasturtium, oregano, radish. Antagonists: apple, raspberry, rosemary, tomato, potato. Seeds/Oz: 100-300. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2-1 oz. Yield/100’ row: 200-300 lbs. Days to Harvest: 90-120. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. Pumpkin - Cinderella, ORGANIC potato HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Round, 20lb. pumpkins on a bush vine. Bright, reddish-orange skin. Excellent flavor. Stores well. 100 days. Potato • Solanum tuberosum Originally developed in the Andes mountains where, to this day, there are over a hundred varieties. Famously eaten in Ireland and throughout Europe, and brought to the continent by the Spanish conquerors. Potatoes, often thought of as comfort food, are extremely nutritious and can be prepared in almost any fashion that you can imagine, including roasted, fried, and in soup. They store well in a cool dry place. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins C, B6, thiamine, panothenic acid, niacin, iron, copper, managnese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium. Growing: Easy-to-grow. Dig a trench 6-8” deep and plant seed potatoes 12” apart whole or cut into pieces, each containing at least one “eye.” Leave 2’ between rows. Cover with 3-4” of soil and, as the leaves start to appear through the soil, hoe up soil against them creating mounds. The growing tubers sometimes push themselves up through the ground and then must be covered with soil to prevent greening, which makes them toxic to eat. Carefully dig potatoes when the leaves die back. Days to Emergence: 10-20. Days to Harvest: 60-120 days. Viability in ideal storage: 6-12 months. Very reliable russet-type that is an excellent storage variety. Smooth, tender, golden-brown skin. Plump oblong tubers with a hard, pure-white flesh. Multipurpose. Used baked, boiled, steamed, mashed, or fried. Maine Certified Seed Potato. Smooth yellow skin with creamy-textured, bright-golden flesh. Early harvest and good storage life. Exceptional buttery flavor. Maine Certified Seed Potato HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) A classic pie pumpkin with dry sweet flesh. Orange fruits are round and weigh 6-8lbs. 90 days. Size Price Item Number Size Price 065-006-1-G Packet 3 grams 2.95 065-002-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 1.95 065-006-2-G 1/2 oz 8.75 065-002-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 065-006-3-G 1 oz 12.00 065-002-3-C 1/2 oz 5.25 065-002-4-C 1 oz 7.40 065-002-5-C 1/4 lb 12.90 HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Thick yellow-orange flesh. 15-25 lbs. fruits. Perhaps the original Thanksgiving pumpkin! Use for canning, baking and stock feed. 110 days. Potato - Yukon Gold Pumpkin - Small Sugar Item Number Pumpkin - Connecticut Field Potato - Kennebec small sugar pumpkin Pumpkin - Spookie Pie (C. pepo) Heavy yielding, uniform 6-10 lb. fruits. Smooth, hard, red-orange skin and sweet, thick, orange flesh. Great for pies and carving. 100 days. Item Number Size Price 065-005-1-C Packet 3 grams 2.50 065-005-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 Item Number Size Price 065-005-3-C 1/2 oz 5.10 065-003-1-C 2.5 grams 2.25 065-005-4-C 1 oz 7.90 065-003-2-C 1/4 oz 4.50 065-003-3-C 1/2 oz 6.75 065-003-4-C 1 oz 9.90 065-003-5-C 1/4 lb 12.90 Pumpkin - Kentucky Field HEIRLOOM. (C. moschata) Very productive 10-15lb. flattish-to-round shape with orange skin and thick, yellow-orange flesh. Good for canning, pies and for livestock. 115 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 404-003-1-C 3 lb 7.50 404-002-1-C 3 lb 7.50 404-003-2-C 10 lb 20.00 Item Number Size Price 404-002-2-C 10 lb 20.00 404-003-3-C 25 lb 38.00 065-009-1-C Packet 2.5 grams 1.95 404-003-4-C 50 lb 57.00 404-002-3-C 25 lb 38.00 065-009-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 404-002-4-C 50 lb 57.00 065-009-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 Item Number Size Price 065-009-4-C 1 oz 7.40 065-012-1-C Packet 2.95 Potato - Red Pontiac Dark red, smooth skin, with white flesh. Large, oblongto-round, heavy-producing spuds. Good new potatoes. Excellent storage variety. Maine Certified Seed Potato. Item Number Size Price 404-001-1-C 3 lb 7.50 404-001-2-C 10 lb 20.00 404-001-3-C 25 lb 38.00 404-001-4-C 50 lb 57.00 Potatoes can be pre-ordered anytime. Shipping begins early March and continues through mid-May, starting with growers in the south. Add an additional $2 for shipping on seed potato orders of 5-10 lbs. Call for shipping quote on orders of 10 lbs. or more. Maine Certified Seed: The Division of Plant Industry certifies seed potatoes in Maine to control the level of regulated disease and pests in Maine’s potato industry. Only lots that are found to meet field, post-harvest test, and shipping point inspection tolerances can be tagged as Maine Certified Seed. Seed potato varieties that are labeled only as Maine Certified seed does not imply that they are certified organically grown. 36 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Pumpkin - New England Pie, ORGANIC (C. pepo) Dark orange-skinned fruit in a range of sizes from 4-6 lbs. A non-stringy, high dry matter content pumpkin flesh which makes superior pumpkin pies. 105 days. NEW! Pumpkin - Styrian Hulless (C. pepo). ECO. This hulless variety is primarily grown for its protein-rich seeds. The seeds are encased in a thin membrane which may be eaten toasted, raw, or pressed for oil. The vines are prolific and fast-growing. NEW! Pumpkin - Winter Luxury (C. pepo) HEIRLOOM. A small pumpkin with a unique, fine netted skin. Fruits weigh 5-7 lb. The sweet and smooth textured flesh is wonderful for pies. Also a charming ornamental. 85-100 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 065-001-1-G Packet 3 grams 2.75 065-011-1-C Packet 2.95 Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? A: Pumpkin Pi 828-254-0708 • 37 radish rutabaga Rutabaga • Brassica napus Sometimes called Swedish or Yellow Turnip or Swede. Makes a flavorful addition to stews, soups, and roasts. Originally a cross between cabbage and turnip. They will keep for up to 6 months if refrigerated. Nutrients: vitamin C, potassium,manganese. Growing: Easy-to-grow and frost-tolerant. Rutabagas taste best when planted in mid-summer for fall harvest. Direct seed in fertile, evenly moist soil in full sun. Radish • Raphanus sativus Radishes are a very easy-to-grow root crop popular in American gardens and around the world. Coming in myriad shapes and colors, radishes make a flavorful addition to salads and a colorful garnish. Radish seeds are being researched as a possible biofuel. Nutrients: vitamin C, K, B6, folate, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Growing: Radish is a fast growing, moderately frost-tolerant, easy to grow vegetable. It prefers evenly moist, fertile soil in full sun. Sow in 3 week succession plantings from spring through fall. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep, 1/2” between seeds, in rows 8” apart. Soil Temp: 45-80°F. Days to Emergence: 4-11. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 1-2”. Companions: beans, beets, carrots, chervil, nasturtium, parsnips, squash, spinach, lettuce. Antagonists: brassicas, grape, hyssop, kohlrabi, potato, turnips. Seeds/Oz: 2500. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1oz. Yield/100’ row: 100 bunches. Days to Harvest: 20-30. Seed Viability: 2-5 years. Radish - China Rose Winter, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Winter and spring planted roots with smooth, rose-colored skin, white flesh and mild flavor. Good keeper. 35 days. Round, bright purple-skinned radish with firm, white flesh and mild, sweet flavor. Hardy and adaptable. 28 days. Item Number Size Price Size Price 069-006-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 069-007-1-G Packet - 2 grams 2.75 069-006-2-C 1/4 oz 5.15 069-007-2-G 1/4 oz 4.45 069-007-3-G 1/2 oz 6.55 069-007-4-G 1 oz 7.90 069-007-5-G 1/4 lb 13.00 HEIRLOOM. Giant white roots up to 24” long by 3” wide. Sweet and very crispy. Good pickled, steamed, stir-fried or raw. Mild taste even when large. 60 days. Item Number Size Price 069-002-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 069-002-2-C 1/4 oz 3.50 069-002-3-C 1/2 oz 4.85 069-002-4-C 1 oz 5.90 069-002-5-C 1/4 lb 11.60 HEIRLOOM. Firm, fine-grained yellow flesh and roots with purple crowns. High yields. Good keeper. 90 days. Radish - Purple Plum Item Number Radish - Daikon, Japanese Minowase Rutabaga - American Purple Top Size Price Packet - 2 grams 2.75 069-009-2-C 1/4 oz 094-001-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 094-001-3-C 1/2 oz 4.95 094-001-4-C 1 oz 6.95 HEIRLOOM. A hearty vegetable with creamy-white roots and oyster-like flavor. Roots can over winter. Plant seeds 1/2” deep, thin 12” apart. Full sun. 150 days. 4” round roots with deep-green shoulder on white skin with crisp, bright-red flesh and a mild, sweet flavor. Its Chinese name, Shinrimei, means “Beauty-In-The-Heart.” Suitable for fall/winter crops. 60 days. Size 2.25 Salsify - Mammoth Radish - Watermelon HEIRLOOM. Item Number Price Packet - 1.75 grams Salsify • Tragopogon porrifolius A versatile plant grown as an ornamental for its lovely pink and yellow flowers, as an edible root, and for use in herbal medicine. The flavor sweetens in the cold. Herbal medicine enthusiasts prize salsify for its diuretic and tonic properties. Nutrients: vitamins C, B6, folate, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and manganese. Growing: This is a long season, slow-growing plant which is best matured in cool weather. Plant in the early spring in colder climates, early fall in milder climates. Plant Seeds: Direct seed 1/2” deep, with 1-1/2” between seeds, in rows 18-24” apart. Crisp and snappy-flavored with round, red-skinned roots and juicy white flesh. Good yields. 26 days. 069-008-1-G Size 094-001-1-C salsify Radish - Sparkler, ORGANIC Item Number Item Number Price website 069-009-1-C or c hec-k2 grams call Packet Item Number Size Price 091-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 sorghum Radish - French Breakfast HEIRLOOM. Blunt oblong with red 3” roots shading to white at the tip. White flesh is crisp and mildly pungent. Great home variety. 24 days. Item Number Size Price 069-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.25 069-003-2-C 1/4 oz 3.50 069-003-3-C 1/2 oz 4.85 069-003-4-C 1 oz 5.90 Sorghum • Sorghum bicolor Ranks with wheat, oats, corn and barley as among the most cultivated grains in the world. It is used as flour, cereal, sweetner, livestock feed, and in the making of brooms. Best known in the South as molasses, actually sorghum syrup, which is very rich in minerals. Drought and heat tolerant. Growing: An annual, frost-sensitive Sorghum - Hungarian Broom Corn grass which should be planted in full sun. ECO. HEIRLOOM. Traditional variety with long stems for Plant Seeds: Direct seed 1/2”deep, with making brooms. Fast growing to 7 -10’ tall. Edible red seeds. Drought-tolerant. 100 days. 1-1/2” between seeds, in rows 2’ apart. Sorghum - Black Amber Cane ECO. HEIRLOOM. One of the earliest molasses sorghums known. 6-8’ stalks bear shiny black seeds and make fine brooms. A good intercrop for pole beans and peas. 99 days. Faye performing with a Leek flower 38 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Item Number Size Price 105-001-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 3.95 105-001-2-C 1 oz 7.50 Item Number Size Price 105-004-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 3.95 105-004-2-C 1 oz 7.50 NEW! Sorghum - Sugar Drip ECO. HEIRLOOM. Grows to 9-12’ tall. One of the earliestmaturing varieties for the South. Produced good quality syrup during early syrup production. 110 days Item Number Size Price 105-003-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 3.95 105-003-2-C 1 oz 7.50 105-003-3-C 1/4 lb 12.00 828-254-0708 • 39 specialty greens Continued mache dutch corn salad NEW! Specialty Greens - Braising Greens Mix A delicious mix of greens that are good for braising. Dwarf Blue Scotch Kale, Vates Collards, Tendergreen Mustard Greens, Fordhook Chard, Bloomsdale Spinach, and Tatsoi. Item Number Size Price 092-008-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.50 092-008-2-C 1/2 oz 4.50 092-008-3-C 1 oz 6.75 092-008-4-C 1/4 lb 12.90 NEW! Specialty Greens - Lambsquarters, Magenta Spreen, ORGANIC A wild edible plant related to spinach. Young green leaves are splashed with brilliant magenta. Has a delicate tangy flavor. Easy to grow, self-seeds. Can be eaten raw or steamed. 45 days. Item Number Size Price 092-007-1-G Packet 2.75 Specialty Greens Mache, Dutch Corn Salad HEIRLOOM. (Valerianella locuta) France. Among the softest and most tender of all greens. Larger, oval, green leaves with mild flavor. Easy-to-grow. Succession plant for continual harvest. Cold tolerant. 50 days. radicchio Specialty Greens are that category of unique greens, grown for salad or cooking, which fit in no other category in our seed selection. Like all greens, they are highly nutritious and for the most part, very easy-to-grow. Item Number Size Price 092-006-1-G Packet 2.75 Specialty Greens Radicchio, Rossa Di Verona HEIRLOOM. A fine deep-red, tight-balled radicchio from Verona, Italy. Gourmet quality, perfect for both the home gardener or market grower. Cool weather enhances flavor and color. 70 days. Item Number Size Price Packet - 0.25 gram 2.25 098-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 092-005-2-C 1/8 oz 4.00 4.50 092-005-3-C 1/4 oz 6.00 092-005-4-C 1 oz 9.00 7.35 098-001-4-C 1 oz 9.85 2.25 074-006-2-C 1/4 oz 4.35 074-006-3-C 1/2 oz 5.90 074-006-4-C 1 oz 8.40 Item Number Size Price 074-005-1-C Packet 2.50 074-005-2-C 1 oz 4.75 074-005-3-C 1/4 lb 8.65 074-005-4-C 1 lb 18.20 yellow straight neck ronde de nice Squash, Summer • Maxima, Mixta, Moschata, Pepo The Summer Squash is distinguished from Winter Squash by its bush growth habit, thin delicate skin, its short storage life, and because it can be eaten raw as well as cooked. All squash are symbiotic members of the “Three Sisters” (along with Corn and Beans) in Native American agriculture. Corn provides a pole for vining beans which in turn provide nitrogen for the heavy-feeding corn. With their numerous large leaves, squash shades out the weeds and helps retain moisture in the soil for all. Summer Squash is baked, stuffed, boiled, sauteed and used in casseroles. Nutrients: vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, folate, riboflavin and manganese. Growing: This very frost sensitive annual can be planted in full sun by direct seed or transplanted anytime after the last frost. It benefits from evenly moist soil and a ring of mulch around seedlings and transplants to keep weeds down and retain moisture before its large shading leaves take over the job. Can be planted in succession for sustained harvest until frost. Plant Seeds: In rows: Direct seed 1/2” deep with 6” between seeds or plant seed indoors 3-4 seed per 4” pot 2-3 weeks before last frost. Space 2’ between rows. In mounds: Make a mounded hill with a crater in it for catching water and plant 6 seeds 1/2” deep about 5” apart spaced at 3’ intervals. Thin each mound leaving the 3-4 strongest seedlings. Soil Temp: 65-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing in rows: 1’. Companions: beans, celery, corn, dill, nasturtium, onions, cucumbers, mint, marigold, oregano, borage. Seeds/Oz: 300. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2 oz. Yield/100’ Row: 150-200 lbs. Days to Harvest: 50-70. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. (C. pepo) Bush-type plant produces high yields of Spinach • Spinacia oleracea Spinach is a versatile, very nutritious leafy green which probably originated in central and southeastern Asia and spread to the Middle East where it was grown extensively. It can be used in casseroles and egg dishes, eaten as a side dish, or eaten raw in salads. Nutrients: vitamins A, E, K, and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Growing: A very frost-tolerant biennial that is easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant from early spring through late summer and into the fall. Plant in full sun or part shade. Spinach will survive all but the coldest northern winters without protection, affording an early spring harvest before bolting to seed. Plant Seeds: 1/2” deep with 1” between seeds, in rows 10” apart. Or, plant in containers 2 weeks before transplanting. Soil Temp: 45-65°F. Days to Emergence: 6-21. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 4”. Companions: legumes, lettuce, radish, celery, brassicas, strawberries. Seeds/Oz: 1400-2600. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2 oz. Yield/100’ Row: 40 lbs. Days to Harvest: 30-50. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. Spinach - Bloomsdale Long Standing HEIRLOOM. The classic reliable spinach with dark-green, thick-crinkled leaves. Slow-bolting and heavy-yielding. 46 days. HEIRLOOM. Produces large, thick leaves full of nutrients. Heavy yields in spring and fall. Great for raw eating as the leaves stay tender. Can also be cooked, canned, or frozen. Slow to bolt. 40-56 days. summer squash Squash, Summer - Black Beauty spinach NEW! Spinach - Giant Winter Large, dark green, semi-savoyed leaves. Heavy yields. Very cold hardy. Recommended for late fall crops, winter greenhouse crops, or overwintering under mulch.45 days. Item Number Size Price 074-002-1-C Packet - 3 grams 2.50 074-002-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 074-002-3-C 1 oz 5.20 Item Number Size Price 074-002-4-C 1/4 lb 7.00 074-004-1-C Packet 2.50 074-002-5-C 1 lb 12.50 40 Price Packet - 3 grams NEW! Spinach - Nobel Giant Orach, also called Mountain Spinach, is an annual leaf vegetable with a salty, spinach-like taste. The shimmery leaves in vivid colors of red, gold, pink, purple, carmine and green are a colorful addition to salads. 37-60 days Price 1/4 oz Size 074-006-1-C Orach, Aurora, ORGANIC Size 098-001-3-C Item Number cocozelle Item Number 1/8 oz (Tetragonia tetranoides) Not a true spinach, but similar in taste and use. Good summer greens. Soak seeds 24 hours before planting. Plant 18-24” apart. 60 days. NEW! Specialty Greens - 092-005-1-C 098-001-2-C Spinach - New Zealand Spinach spinach straight, dark-green zucchini squash. The outer surface is very smooth. Suitable for smaller home gardens and fresh markets. 60-70 days. Item Number Size Price 078-001-1-C Packet - 2.5 grams 1.95 078-001-2-C 1/2 oz 2.95 078-001-3-C 1 oz 3.95 078-001-4-C 1/4 lb 10.00 078-001-5-C 1 lb 24.00 Squash, Summer - Black Beauty, ORGANIC (C. pepo) Bush type plant produces high yields of straight dark-green zucchini squash. The outer surface is very smooth. Suitable for smaller home gardens and fresh markets. 60-70 days. Squash, Summer Cocozelle Zucchini HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Italian origin. Features slender fruits with light and dark- green stripes on smooth, thin skins. Harvest fruits when they reach 4-8” long. Outstanding flavor. 55 days. Item Number Size Price 078-002-1-C Packet - 2.5 grams 2.25 078-002-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 078-002-3-C 1 oz 5.50 078-002-4-C 1/4 lb 15.00 078-002-5-C 1 lb 31.00 Squash, Summer Early Golden Summer Crookneck HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) A popular bright-yellow summer squash with firm, tender, pale-cream flesh. Eat fruit young at 4-8” long for best flavor. 58 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 078-004-1-G Packet - 2.5 grams 2.75 078-006-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 078-004-2-G 1 oz 9.25 078-006-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 078-004-3-G 1/4 lb 17.00 078-006-3-C 1 oz 5.50 078-006-4-C 1/4 lb 15.00 078-006-5-C 1 lb 31.00 828-254-0708 • 41 summer squash Squash, Summer Early Prolific Straight Neck HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) The most popular of straight neck squashes, this lemon yellow fruit has crisp, firm texture. Best when harvested 5-6” long. 42-50 days. Continued Squash, Summer Scallop Yellow Bush Continued HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Vigorous bush with large, round, golden-yellow fruits approximately 7” in diameter. Distinctive flavor. Least attractive to squash bugs. 51 days. Item Number Size Price 078-003-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 Item Number Size Price 078-003-2-C 1/2 oz 3.95 078-008-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.25 078-003-3-C 1 oz 5.50 078-008-2-C 1/2 oz 4.95 078-003-4-C 1/4 lb 15.00 078-008-3-C 1 oz 7.95 078-003-5-C 1 lb 31.00 078-008-4-C 1/4 lb 19.00 Squash, Summer Ronde de Nice, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Small, round summer squash with beautiful green and yellow mottled skin. Excellent flavor and perfect for stuffing. Prolific. 50 days. Item Number Size Price 078-009-1-G Packet - 2 grams 2.75 078-009-2-G 4 grams 5.50 neck pumpkin Item Number 079-020-1-C Size Price Packet 2.95 Squash, Winter - Blue Hubbard HEIRLOOM. (C. maxima) Grayish-blue, 30-45 lb fruits with bumpy, warted skin and thick orange flesh. Fine-textured with excellent flavor and quality. Great storage variety. 115 days. Item Number Size Price NEW! Squash, Winter - Candy Roaster Melon ECO. HEIRLOOM. (C. maxima) Large, rampant vines produce 12-14 lb fruits. Fruits are warty, buttercup-shaped, with pinkish-orange coloring and blue-green markings. Very sweet, excellent for baking. 112 days.and freezing. 90-105 days. Size Price 079-006-1-C Packet - 2.5 grams 2.50 079-022-3-C 1 oz 7.95 079-006-2-C 1/2 oz 4.95 079-022-4-C 1/4 lb 19.00 079-006-3-C 1 oz 7.95 079-022-5-C 1 lb 31.00 079-006-4-C 1/4 lb 19.00 Squash, Winter - Table Queen Acorn Size Price Item Number Size Price 079-010-1-C Packet - 5.3 gram 2.50 079-012-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.50 079-010-2-C 1/2 oz 4.95 079-012-2-C 1/2 oz 4.95 079-010-3-C 1 oz 7.95 079-012-3-C 1 oz 7.95 079-010-4-C 1/4 lb 19.00 NEW! Squash, Winter - Long Island Cheese HEIRLOOM. (C. moschata) Named for its resemblance to a wheel of cheese, the fruits are flattened and ribbed. The skin is buff colored and the flesh is deep orange and sweet-tasting. Keeps well and is great for pies. 71-108 days. Item Number Size Price 079-013-1-C Packet - 3 grams 2.95 Squash, Winter - Neck Pumpkin HEIRLOOM. (C. moschata) Vigorous vines bear sweet, 15 lb, orange-fleshed, butternut-like, 20-30” fruits. Very resistant to vine borer. Wonderful for pies. 110 days. Price 2.95 079-015-2-C 1/8 oz 8.10 Squash, Winter - Pink Jumbo Banana HEIRLOOM. (C. maxima) Large, pinkish- orange, banana-shaped fruit can weigh 25-40 lbs. Very sweet, orange, dry flesh. Large yields. Excellent keeper. 105 days. 1/4 lb 19.00 5.75 079-002-3-C 079-002-4-C 1 oz 1/4 lb 828-254-0708 • 8.95 21.00 produces good yields of large fruits shaped like butternuts with elongated necks. The skin has a light golden-orange color. The flesh is very sweet and gets sweeter during storage. It is delicious raw or baked. 110 days. Packet 079-005-4-C 1/2 oz NEW! Squash, Winter Tahitian Butternut (C. moschata) Plant Size 7.95 079-002-2-C 7.65 079-019-1-C 1 oz 8.55 1/4 oz Item Number 079-005-3-C 5.25 2.75 079-014-2-G 2.50 4.95 1 oz Price Packet - 1.6 grams Packet - 2 grams 2.25 1/2 oz Size 079-014-1-G 079-015-1-C 1/2 oz 079-011-3-C Item Number Price Packet - 5 grams 079-011-2-C of Table Queen Acorn. Thick, pale-orange flesh cooks dry and sweet. Very compact and productive. 87 days. Size 079-005-2-C 2.50 Squash, Winter - Table Queen Bush ORGANIC (C. pepo) Runnerless, true bush version Item Number 079-005-1-C Packet - 2 grams HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Hard dark-green rind with med-deep ribs and yellow-orange sweet, thick, dry flesh. Very early, vigorous and prolific. 1-2 lb fruits. Good keeper and bakes well. 70-90 days. Item Number 2.95 079-002-1-C 42 Item Number 4.95 Packet 2.50 HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Awesome nutty flavor and texture. When baked, stringy flesh can be used as a delicious gluten-free pasta substitute. A garden favorite. 88 days. 1/2 oz 079-021-1-C Packet - 4.6 grams Squash, Winter - Spaghetti 079-022-2-C Price 079-011-1-C 2.95 2.25 Size Price Price Packet - 2 grams Price Item Number Size Size 079-017-1-C Packet 3.5 grams Price Item Number Item Number Size Size HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Sweet and nutty flavor with yellow skin and dark-green stripes. The cylindrical 2 lb. fruits are the perfect meal size. 100 days. ECO. HEIRLOOM. (C. moschata) Vigorous heat tolerant vines up to 30’. Tan, teardrop-shaped fruit 6-7” in diameter. Produces sweet, smooth fleshed squash. Excellent keeper. Resistant to squash vine borer and squash bugs. 105 days. 079-022-1-C Item Number Squash, Winter - Delicata Squash, Winter - Seminole Pumpkin Item Number bronze-green fruits at maturity. Very thick, sweet, dry, yellow-orange flesh. Excellent keeper. 95-120 days. Squash, Winter Winter squash is actually grown in the summer, but differs from summer squash in that it is longer-maturing, grows on trailing vines (up to 15’), is eaten only after being cooked, and has a thick skin and firm flesh that allows it to be stored for many months without refrigeration. It is commonly baked and is prized for its sweet flavor in soups. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, and B, potassium, manganese. Growing: Frost sensitive annuals, Winter Squashes are quite varied in size and shape. All should be planted in full sun by direct seed or transplanted anytime after the last frost. They benefit from evenly moist soil and a ring of mulch around seedlings and transplants to keep weeds down and retain moisture before its large shading leaves take over the job. Plant Seeds: In rows: 1” deep with 6” between seeds or 3-4 seed per 4” pot, and space 2’ between rows in the garden. In mounds: 1” deep, with 6 seeds about 5” apart in mounded hills, after danger of frost has passed. Thin each mound, leaving the 3-4 strongest seedlings. See varieties for spacing. Soil Temp: 65-85°F. Days to Emergence: 5-10. Thin To/Mature Plant Spacing: 1’. Companions: celery, dill, nasturtium, corn, beans, onions, cucumbers, mint, marigold, oregano, borage. Seeds/Oz: 200-300. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/2-2oz. Yield/100’ Row: 150-200+ lbs. Days to Harvest: 60-110. Seed Viability: 3-5 years. ECO. HEIRLOOM. (C. maxima) Fruits have very thick pale orange flesh and the largest can weigh 60-80 lbs. The firm, moist flesh is great for making pies and freezing. 90-105 days. 15 lb. fruits. Grows very long vines. Makes amazing pumpkin pies. 90 days. (C. maxima) Large vines produce 10-12 lb. dark candy roaster NEW! Squash, Winter - Amish Pie Squash, Winter - Green Striped Cushaw HEIRLOOM. (C. mixta) Heavy yields of Squash, Winter - Improved True Green Hubbard winter squash butternut pink jumbo banana squash winter squash Squash, Winter - Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato HEIRLOOM. (C. pepo) Acorn-shaped fruits up to 6” long. Superbly flavored golden-yellow flesh. Family heirloom from Missouri. 87 days. Item Number Size Price 079-016-1-C Packet - 1.25 grams 2.95 Squash, Winter - Waltham Butternut (C. moschata) Most popular of butternuts. Fruits average 8-9” long and 3-6 lbs. Fine- textured, buff colored skin with rich, nutty, orange flesh. Vigorous and dependable. Excellent keeper. 95 days. NEW! Squash, Winter - Red Kuri Item Number Size Price 079-009-1-C Packet - 2 grams 1.95 striking red-orange skin. The deep orange flesh is smooth and sweet. Reliable yields in cool, short seasons. Good for pies. 90 days. 079-009-2-C 1/2 oz 4.95 079-009-3-C 1 oz 7.95 Price 079-009-4-C 1/4 lb 19.00 2.50 079-009-5-C 1 lb 31.00 (C. maxima) 4-6 lb fruits are teardrop-shaped with Item Number Size 079-018-1-C Packet 43 tomato sweet potato PLUm lemon Sweet Potato • Ipomoea batatas black from tula cherokee purple Tomato • L. lycopersicum Sweet potatoes, which are not potatoes but rather related to morning glory, originated in Central America. A nutritious staple food in many regions of the world, especially Central America, Africa and the American South. They are a long-growing, warm weather plant, easy-to-grow where the climate allows for a 120 day growing season. Sweet potatoes store well for much of the winter in cool, even tempratures and dry conditions. Their abundant, heart-shaped leaves are commonly used as an ornamental in hanging pots and terraced gardens where they fall gracefully over rock walls. Nutrients: beta carotene (very high), vitamins A, C, E, K, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, manganese (very high), potassium, magnesium, phosphorous. Growing: Sweet potatoes are planted from bare-root slips (also called starts) as soon as the ground is well warmed and all danger of frost has passed. Extremely heat tolerant and will continue to mature after a light frost as long as the soil stays warm. Space plants: 12-18” apart with 3-4’ between rows. The vines will spread and fill in, so give them plenty of room. Plant in a soil rich in organic matter. Sweet potatoes can be slow starters and they don’t like to compete with weeds. Keep the area clear until the top growth fills in and acts as a natural mulch. Tip: Don’t water your sweet potatoes during the final 3-4 weeks prior to harvest, to keep the mature tubers from splitting. Days to harvest: 90-120. Tomatoes are a juicy delight of the summer garden and like potatoes, eggplant and peppers, are members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which have their origins in South and Central America. Farmer’s Markets in the past decades have sprung up filled with scores of colorful heirlooms in varying sizes, colors and patterns. The plants are either determinate, or indeterminate. On determinate plants the fruits ripen at one time and don’t necessarily need to be staked. Indeterminate plants continue growing until frost with fruit ripening until the plant dies. Winter storage is by drying, roasting, canning, freezing and juicing. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and K, potassium, manganese. Growing: Tomatoes are frost-sensitive annuals that need full sun and evenly moist soil to thrive. Most varieties prefer caging, staking or trellising. Plant Seeds: 1/4” deep in 3-4” pots, 6-8 weeks before last frost. Transplant after all danger of frost and when soil has warmed up, leaving 3’ between rows and 18-24” between plants. Soil Temp: 70-90° F. Days to Seed Emergence: 6-14 days. Companions: asparagus, basil, bee balm, cabbage family, garlic, nasturtium, celery, parsley, onion, marigold. Antagonists: cabbage family, pole beans, dill, fennel, potato, corn. Seeds/Oz: 9,000. Average Yield/100’ row: 150 lbs. Days to Harvest: 55-85 from date of transplant. Seed Viability: 4-7 years. Sweet Potato Slips - Beauregard HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Highly productive vines with 8-12 oz. deep-red, acorn-shaped fruits. Thick, meaty paste tomatoes with few seeds. 75-85 days. Fast maturing roots have red-orange skin and orange flesh. Easy-to-grow with extremely high yields and little cracking. 90-105 days. Item Number Size Price 400-002-1-C 12 slips 12.00 400-002-2-C 36 slips 26.00 400-002-3-C 100 slips 41.00 400-002-4-C 500 slips 79.00 400-002-5-C 1000 slips Call for Quote Sweet Potato Slips - O Henry RARE. White-skinned and white fleshed variety that has a somewhat dryer texture than most. 115 days. Item Number Size Price 400-004-1-C 12 slips 12.00 400-004-2-C 36 slips 26.00 400-004-3-C 100 slips 41.00 400-004-4-C 500 slips 79.00 400-004-5-C 1000 slips CALL Call for Quote Sweet Potato Slips - Porto Rico Sweet Potatoes are shipped live in the Spring, usually late-May. For details on delivery dates please visit our website at • You can also find more growing tips for sweet potatoes on our blog! • Sweet Potato Slips can be pre-ordered anytime • Shipping is mid-May through June, beginning with growers in southernmost regions. RARE. Easy-to-grow, compact, upright bush habit (bunch type) plants. Produces copper-skinned roots with a deep orange, sweet flesh and old-fashioned flavor. Excellent for baking. 110-130 days. Item Number Size Price 400-001-1-C 12 slips 12.00 400-001-2-C 36 slips 26.00 400-001-3-C 100 slips 41.00 400-001-4-C 500 slips 79.00 400-001-5-C 1000 slips CALL Call for Quote Please do not order sweet potato slips for delivery to California, Alaska, Hawaii or Canada. Plant inspections can cause delays that may result in plant failure. 44 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Tomato - Amish Paste, ORGANIC Tomato - Chadwick Cherry, ECO. (L. esculentum). (Indeterminate). Vines produce high yields of utterly delicious, 1 oz. red cherry tomatoes. Selected by master English horticulturalist, Alan Chadwick. Disease resistant. 90 days. Item Number Size Price 084-010-1-G Packet - 0.1 gram 2.75 Item Number Size Price 084-010-2-G 1 gram 10.00 084-027-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 084-010-3-G 1/8 oz 25.00 084-010-4-G 1/4 oz 34.00 Tomato - Arkansas Traveler HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Smooth, rose-colored fruits are juicy with mild flavor. Tolerates heat and humidity. Crack and disease-resistant. 80-90 days. Item Number Size Price 084-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 084-001-2-C 1 gram 6.85 084-001-3-C 1/8 oz 9.90 084-001-4-C 1/4 oz 18.00 NEW! Tomato - Black From Tula ECO. HEIRLOOM. Produces large 10-12 oz fruits that have a green to brown-red color. Heavy foliage cover. Rich full flavor, great for slicing and canning. 75-85 days. Item Number Size Price 084-025-1-C Packet 2.95 NEW! Tomato - Black Krim ECO. Large 8-12 oz fruits have a unique violet-brown and purple-red coloring. With sufficient sun and heat they turn almost black. Has a juicy, full flavor. Originated in Krim, Russia. 69-90 days. Item Number 084-026-1-C Size Packet - Tomato - Cherokee Purple HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Exquisite flavor. Flattened globes have unique purplish-pink flesh. Productive plants yield large crops of 12 oz. fruits. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 084-009-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.50 084-009-2-C 1 gram 9.00 084-009-3-C 1/8 oz 14.00 Tomato - Cherokee Purple, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Exquisite flavor. Flattened globes have unique purplish-pink flesh. Productive plants yield large crops of 12 oz. fruits. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 084-011-1-G Packet - 0.2 gram 2.95 084-011-2-G 1 gram 12.00 084-011-3-G 1/8 oz 30.00 Tomato - Cherry Sweetie, ORGANIC (Indeterminate). Long trailing plant produces an abundance of small, grape-shaped, cherry-sized fruits in large clusters. Super high sugar content. 65-70 days. Item Number Size Price 084-004-1-G Packet - 0.1 gram 2.75 Price 084-004-2-G 1 gram 10.00 2.95 084-004-3-G 1/8 oz 14.00 084-004-4-G 1/4 oz 18.00 NEW! Tomato - Brandywine Yellow, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. This yellow-fruited variety has a sweet, delicious flavor similar to the pink-fruited “Brandywine.” Fruits are large and slightly ribbed. Potatoleaf foliage provides medium fruit cover. 76-100 days. Item Number Size Price 084-020-1-G Packet 2.95 NEW! Tomato - Cosmonaut Volkov ECO. HEIRLOOM. The round, slightly flattened fruits have a complex flavor with a nice acid-sweet balance. Fruits can reach 1-2 lbs. Variety named after the famous Russian cosmonaut who died while landing. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 084-023-1-C Packet 2.95 828-254-0708 • 45 tomato turnip Continued NEW! Tomato - Mountain Princess ECO. WEST VIRGINIA HEIRLOOM. A productive variety that produces quick and early. The 4-6 oz red fruits are round, smooth, and sweet. 45-68 days. NEW! Tomato - Plum Lemon ECO. Fruit has the size, shape, and color of a lemon. Has firm, mild flesh that in great is soups and salads. 75-95 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 084-024-1-C Packet 2.95 084-019-1-C Packet 2.95 Tomato - Mortgage Lifter HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Vines produce huge fruits up to 1 lb. Rich-flavored, irregular-shaped, reddish-pink fruits continue to produce until frost arrives. 85 days Item Number Size Price 084-013-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.50 084-013-2-C 1 gram 6.90 084-013-3-C 1/8 oz 9.90 084-013-4-C 1/4 oz 18.00 Tomato - Mr Stripey HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Productive vines produce golf ball-sized fruits with low acid, yellow flesh and pink stripes. Mild flavor. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 084-014-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.50 084-014-2-C 1 gram 5.50 084-014-3-C 1/8 oz 8.70 084-014-4-C 1/4 oz 14.00 NEW! Tomato - Opalka ECO. HEIRLOOM. Vigorous wispy vines produce 3” by 6” red paste tomatoes. Fruits have solid, meaty flesh and have an excellent flavor. The small amount of seeds makes this variety great for processing. Fruits hold well on the vine. 85 days. Tomato - Principe Borghese ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. (Determinate). Produces clusters of red, very meaty, plum-shaped, pointy-ended fruits with little juice and few seeds. Used for sun-drying in Italy. Needs support. 70 days. Price able for 2012 vailSize a n u 084-016-1-G Packet Item Number Tomato - Roma (Semi-determinate). Classic plum-shaped paste tomato. Rich flavor and low seed count makes “Roma” ideal for canning. Vigorous compact vines. 75 days. Price 22.00 Packet - 1.7 grams 1.95 Tomato - Rutgers (Determinate). Large, vigorous and productive vines with bright, blood-red, globed fruits. Old-time flavor. Crack resistant. Widely adapted for hot climates. 70-90 days. 085-003-2-C 1 oz 3.95 085-003-3-C 1/4 lb 6.95 085-003-4-C 1 lb 17.00 1 oz Item Number Size Price 084-008-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.50 22.00 Size Price 084-006-1-G Packet - 0.2 gram 2.75 084-006-2-G 1 gram 10.00 084-006-3-G 1/8 oz 25.00 17.00 Size 18.00 Item Number 1 lb 085-003-1-C 1 oz old-timey tomato flavor. Produces good yields of 1-2 lb. beefsteak tomatoes. Pinkish-red when mature. 85 days. 6.95 085-005-4-C Item Number 1/2 oz Tomato - Pink Brandywine, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Rich, 3.95 1/4 lb 18.00 084-008-6-C 18.00 1 oz 085-005-3-C 12.00 084-008-5-C 9.90 085-005-2-C 1/2 oz 12.00 1/4 oz 4.65 1/4 oz 1/4 oz 084-012-4-C 1/4 oz 084-003-5-C 084-008-4-C 6.90 085-001-2-G 084-003-4-C 6.50 1/8 oz 2.75 6.50 4.00 1 gram Packet - 1.5 grams 1/8 oz 1/8 oz 084-012-3-C 1.95 085-001-1-G 084-003-3-C 1 gram 084-012-2-C Price Packet - 1.7 grams 4.00 084-008-3-C 2.50 Size 085-005-1-C 1 gram 084-008-2-C Packet - 0.2 gram Item Number 084-003-2-C 084-003-6-C NEW! Tomato - Speckled Roman ECO. The result of a stabilized cross of “Antique Roman” and “Banana Legs.” The gorgeous and unique 5” long fruits have jagged orange and yellow stripes with a meaty flesh with few seeds. Great for processing and fresh eating. Very productive. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 084-022-1-C Packet 2.95 Tomato - Yellow Pear HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Small, pear-shaped, yellow tomatoes with mild flavor. Very productive and heat-resistant. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 084-005-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.50 084-005-2-C 1 gram 6.90 084-005-3-C 1/8 oz 9.90 084-005-4-C 1/4 oz 18.00 Turnip - Shogoin HEIRLOOM. A tender, versatile, fine-grained Japanese Turnip that can be cooked, steamed or pickled. Tall, mild-flavored green leaves with 2-4” globe-shaped roots. 42 days. Price 2.50 2.95 084-012-1-C Size Packet - 0.2 gram Price Price Item Number 084-003-1-C Packet Size HEIRLOOM. Mildly sweet, smooth, white 6” roots are purplish-red above ground and white below. Excellent keeper. A favorite garden variety. 57 days. Price Size Item Number Turnip - Purple Top Globe, ORGANIC Size 084-021-1-C HEIRLOOM. (Indeterminate). Rich, old-timey tomato flavor. Produces good yields of 1-2 lb. beefsteak tomatoes. Pinkish-red when mature. 85 days. Another member of the Brassica family, turnips are hardy, frost-tolerant, nutritious and tasty root vegetables. The greens can be eaten when young and tender. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 weeks, and can be fully cooked or blanched and frozen for later use. Nutrients: vitamins C and B6, folate, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium. Growing: Easy-to-grow and can be direct seeded about 3-4 weeks before the last spring frost for early summer harvest, and in late summer for fall harvest. Direct seed in fertile, evenly moist soil in full sun. Plant seeds: 1/2” deep, 1” between seeds, in rows 12” apart. Thin to 4-6” between mature plants. Soil Temp: 50-75°F. Days to Emergence: 5-17. Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onion, spinach, tomato, nasturtium, and cilantro. Seeds/Oz: 7000-9000. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/4 oz. Yield/100’ row: 40 lbs. Days to Harvest: 30-60. Seed Viability: 3-4 years. Item Number Item Number Tomato - Pink Brandywine Turnip • B. rapa Turnip - Purple Top Globe HEIRLOOM. Mildly sweet, smooth, white 6” roots are purplish-red above ground and white below. Excellent keeper. A favorite garden variety. 57 days. watermelon Watermelon • Citrullus lanatus Watermelons are native to Southern Africa, and eaten and enjoyed all over the world. There are numerous distinct varieties, colors and sizes. Vine-ripened, homegrown watermelon is one of the greatest pleasures of earthly existence. A wonderful treat on a hot day, watermelons are thirst-quenching and provide an impressive list of nutrients. Nutrients: vitamins A and C (very high) B6, thiamin, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorous. Growing: Watermelons are very frost-sensitive and grow in warm, fertile soil in the full sun. Fruits grow on vines that grow from 8’-15’ depending on the variety, so make space in the garden. Heat-loving but not drought-tolerant, keep evenly moist. In most climates they are easily grown by direct seed. In cooler northern climates, it is best to plant seeds indoors 1/2” deep in 3-4” pots 3 weeks before last frost. Transplant or direct seed after all danger of frost and when soil has warmed up either in rows 4’ apart with 12” between plants, or in hills, 3-4 plants to a hill, spaced 8-10’ apart. Soil Temp: 7090°F. Days to Emergence: 3-10. Seeds/Oz: 400-600. Seed Wt./100’ Row: 1/8 oz. Yield/100’ row: 50-100 lbs. Days to Harvest: 70-100 days. Seed Viability: 4-5 years. Watermelon - Charleston Grey 30-40 lb. oblong fruits. Juicy, red fiberless flesh. Thick gray-green skin with fine dark-green veins. Developed by the USDA, 1954. 85-100 days. Item Number Size Price 086-004-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.50 086-004-2-C 1/2 oz 6.20 086-004-3-C 1 oz 9.40 086-004-4-C 1/4 lb 16.30 Watermelon - Crimson Sweet HEIRLOOM. 25 lb. oblong fruits with bright deep-red flesh, high sugar content, and a tough skin with dark and light-green stripes. Reliable shipping and local market variety. 80-97 days. Item Number Size Price 086-007-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 086-007-2-C 1 oz 18.00 bulk watermelon ORDERS: Due to concerns about Watermelon Fruit Blotch, customers ordering bulk watermelon seed (packets are exempt) must sign and return a waiver before shipment. For waiver form, call 828-254-0708 or go to 46 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. 828-254-0708 • 47 watermelon Continued Watermelon - Georgia Rattlesnake HEIRLOOM. Old southern favorite from 1830 prized for its productiveness and firm, sweet, bright-rose flesh. 25-30 lb. oblong fruits have thin, tough rinds with light and dark-green “rattlesnake” stripes. 90 days. Item Number Size Price 086-006-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 086-006-2-C 1/4 oz 5.00 086-006-3-C 1/2 oz 7.90 086-006-4-C 1 oz 12.70 NEW! Watermelon - Hopi Yellow ECO. Rare Native American Heirloom. Medium to large green striped fruits. Flesh is golden-yellow and is very sweet and crisp. A variety from the Hopi people. 100 days. Item Number Size Price 086-008-1-C Packet 2.95 Watermelon Moon and Stars Red HEIRLOOM. Cherokee Native. Outstanding flavor with sweet red flesh. Large, yellow moon and small star patterns on dark-green oblong rind. Spotted foliage. 80-90 days. Item Number Size Price 086-001-1-C Packet - 2.2 grams 2.50 086-001-2-C 1/4 oz 5.00 086-001-3-C 1/2 oz 7.90 086-001-4-C 1 oz 12.70 (anise hyssop - tulsi basil) NEW! Watermelon Mountain Sweet Yellow Item Number Size Price 086-009-1-C Packet 2.95 Small Shining Light ECO. Round 10-12” fruits with a very dark green rind and sweet red flesh. Matures early and is well suited for colder climates. Holds for several weeks after picking. 90 days. Price Packet 2.95 Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) ECO. MEDICINAL. Annual. Wonderful licorice flavor and scent. Grows about 18” high with secondary feather-like leaflets of bright green. Used for a culinary spice, oils, and tea. Full sun. Size Price Item Number Size Price 086-010-1-C Packet 2.95 239-002-1-C Packet - 0.05 gram 2.95 NEW! Watermelon - Stone Mountain ECO. Round dark green fruits with sweet pink flesh, these fruits average 30 pounds. Thick rind resists splitting and is also excellent for pickling. One of the most popular watermelons during the 1930s and 1940s but now scarce. 95 days. Item Number 086-011-1-C Size Packet Price 2.95 HEIRLOOM. Rich and incredibly sweet. Compact vines. Produces plenty of 6-10 lbs. fruits packed with red-orange flesh. Low space-demanding in the garden. Ice box variety. 85 days. Size Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) ECO. MEDICINAL. Frost sensitive perennial. Nightshade. Native to India and a widely used male tonic in Ayurvedic medicines. Also known as “Indian Ginseng.” Full sun. Item Number Size Price Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 232-010-2-C 1 gram 4.25 HEIRLOOM. This Italian basil is one of the most aromatic of all basils. Gorgeous, large green leaves on 18-24” plants. A must for any kitchen garden. 65-95 days. Item Number Size Price 086-003-2-C 1 oz 7.00 232-002-3-G 4 grams 6.50 086-003-3-C 1/4 lb 18.00 232-002-4-G 6 grams 8.00 086-003-4-C 1 lb 33.00 232-002-5-G 1 oz 11.90 232-002-6-G 2 oz 18.00 NEW! Basil - Lettuce Leaf HEIRLOOM. Compact plants bear large curly leaves 4” wide by 6” long. Leaves have an enticing aroma and their flavor is more sweet than spicy. Leaves hold their flavor well under hot growing conditions. Slow to flower. Great for cooking. Item Number Size Price 232-014-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.50 232-014-2-C 1/8 oz 6.80 232-014-3-C 1/4 oz 10.80 232-014-4-C 1 oz 22.00 Basil - Purple Dark Opal, ORGANIC All American Winner. Very fragrant and tasty. Used as garnish, for salads and makes beautiful purple-colored vinegar. Sharper flavor than sweet basils. Flowers are also edible. 75 days. 48 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. with a spicy anise-clove flavor. Attractive purple stems and blooms. Height 18-24”. Essential in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. 59 days. 232-010-1-C 2.25 bulk watermelon ORDERS: Due to concerns about Watermelon Fruit Blotch, customers ordering bulk watermelon seed (packets are exempt) must sign and return a waiver before shipment. For waiver form, call 828-254-0708 or go to Basil - Thai (var.Thyrsiflora) Slender 2” long leaves 8.95 Packet - 1 gram 2.75 2.95 1 gram 2.75 Price Packet 201-001-2-C 4.95 Packet - 1 gram 232-015-1-G Price Packet - 0.2 gram Size Price 2.95 2 grams 086-002-1-G Size Size 232-002-1-G Item Number Item Number Packet - 0.1 gram 232-002-2-G Compact vines. Produces plenty of 6-10 lb. fruits packed with red-orange flesh. Low space-demanding in the garden. Ice box variety. 85 days. Annual. Forms a perfect 12-18” globe bush with very small, thin leaves. Sweet scent and spicy flavor. Slow to go to seed. Ideal for ornamental use in pots or as borders in gardens. Item Number Price Watermelon - Sugar Baby, ORGANIC HEIRLOOM. Rich and incredibly sweet. NEW! Basil - Spicy Globe Bush, ORGANIC 201-001-1-C Basil - Genovese, ORGANIC Watermelon - Sugar Baby HEIRLOOM. Dark green oval fruits are covered with pea-sized bright yellow “stars” and usually one larger “moon” with spotted foliage. Fruits can grow to be 15” and have sweet yellow flesh. Once thought to be extinct, it was found again in 1980. Size Herbs are plants grown for flavoring in cooking, medicinal purposes, and for cultural and spiritual rituals. Item Number 086-003-1-C 086-012-1-G tulsi basil They can be annual or perennial, and are often grown as ornamentals. NEW! Watermelon - Item Number Item Number genovese basil ECO. Oblong 20-35 lb fruits with dark and light green stripes. This very sweet melon is firm deep yellow flesh with black seeds. Keeps well and will last 7 - 20 days longer after ripening. 100 days. NEW! Watermelon - Moon and Stars Yellow, ORGANIC anise hyssop herbs Item Number Size Price 232-004-1-G Packet - 0.2 gram 2.75 232-004-2-G 1 gram 3.95 232-004-3-G 4 grams 6.85 232-010-3-C 1/8 oz 5.85 232-010-4-C 1/4 oz 7.90 232-010-5-C 1 oz 12.40 NEW! Basil - Tulsi, Rama (O. sanctum) ECO. The Rama variety of Tulsi Basil is characterized by its purple stems. A good variety for warmer climates, though can be grown in colder climates if taken indoors during winter. Very aromatic, it has been used as an immune-enhancing, antifungal and antibacterial medicinal herb. It has been grown in India since ancient times. e Price check websit or Size l l a c 232-018-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 Item Number NEW! Basil - Tulsi, Vana (O. gratissimum) ECO. Native to India, tulsi often graces shrines and homes as an aromatic perennial shrub. Has an aesthetic upright, branching form that produces excellent tasting leaves and purple-blue flowers. Vana is a bushy perennial variety that has been unmodified from its wild form. e Price check websit orSize l l a c 232-017-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 Item Number Basil - Tulsi, Kapoor ECO. The Kapoor variety is the best Tulsi basil for temperate gardens. An annual that has been know to self-seed, it is very aromatic and has been used as an immune enhancing, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial medicinal herb. It has been grown in India since ancient times, and makes a wonderfully soothing tea. We previously listed Kapoor as “Tulsi, Sacred Basil.” Item Number Size Price 232-013-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 232-013-2-C 1 gram 11.50 828-254-0708 • 49 herbs (bee balm - chives) borage calendula Bee Balm (Monarda citriodora) Hardy perennial. A brilliant addition to late summer gardens. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees flock to these edible, reddishpurple tubular flowers on rounded flower heads. 24-30” tall. Leaves and flowers are used for tea. Part shade. Item Number Size (cilantro - feverfew) Price 234-001-1-C Packet - .1 gram 2.95 234-001-2-C 1 gram 4.40 234-001-3-C 1 oz 11.80 Borage (Borago officinalis) Annual, self-seeding. Easy-to-grow by direct seed after danger of frost has passed. Piercing blue and purple flowers are edible in salads and make a delicious, soothing tea. Full sun. 45-55 days. fennel Chamomile - Bodegold (Matricaria recutita) Medicinal. Annual. Self-seeding. Highest oil content variety. Flowers are used to make calming tea with sweet apple-like flavor and fragrance. Sow seeds on soil surface and press in lightly. Full sun. Easy-to-grow. Item Number 207-002-1-C Size Packet - 0.1 gram Price 2.95 Chamomile - German (Matricaria recutita) Medicinal. Annual. Self-seeding. Branched, somewhat erect stems grow to 24” tall. Used in teas for its relaxing, sedative properties. Leaves and flowers are harvested at bloom and dried for later use. Full sun. Easy-to-grow. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 207-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 202-002-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 207-001-2-C 1 gram 5.90 202-002-2-C 1/4 oz 5.50 207-001-3-C 3 grams 10.20 202-002-3-C 1/2 oz 8.15 202-002-4-C 1 oz 12.40 202-002-5-C 1/4 lb 23.80 Burdock - Watanbe Early An early gobo variety that matures faster than “Takinogawa” and has the same rich flavor with a slightly shorter root. Mature plants reach 3’ tall. Harvest roots when 20” long. Direct seed in early spring. Full sun/part shade. 110 days. Item Number Size Price 104-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 Chamomile - Roman (Chamaemelum nobilis.) Perennial. This evergreen forms a thick, 6” steppable mat of sweetly scented, finely-cut, bright green leaves with delicate yellow flowers. Item Number Size Price 207-003-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 207-003-2-C 1 gram 6.40 207-003-3-C 3 grams 12.50 207-003-4-C 1 oz 29.20 Chaste Tree (Agnus castus) Perennial. Calendula - Pacific Beauty (Calendula officinalis) Annual. Large, double flowering blooms of yellow, orange, apricot. Long stems allow for ease of flower cutting. Beautiful, delicious edible flower. Easy-to-grow by direct seed after danger of frost has passed. Drought-tolerant. Full sun. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 205-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 205-001-2-C 1/8 oz 5.95 205-001-3-C 1/4 oz 8.70 Calendula - Resina, ORGANIC Annual. Bright yellow and orange medium sized flowers. Highest resin variety, favored by herbalists. Easy-to-grow by direct seed after danger of frost has passed. Droughttolerant. Full sun. 85 days. Item Number Size Price 205-003-1-G Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 Catnip (Nepeta cataria) Medicinal.Hardy perennial. 30-50” tall herb resembling mint in appearance, with grayish-green leaves. Euphoric effects for felines. Item Number Size Price 206-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 Deciduous shrub to small tree makes beautiful border or hedgerow. The leaves and purple columnar flowers exude exotic aromas. Full sun. Dry soil. Seeds are used to regulate feminine hormones and support breast health. Item Number Size Price 245-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.95 Chervil HEIRLOOM. Luscious green leaves have special subtle flavor. Traditionally used in soups and salads, and makes a handsome garnish. Easy to grow. Item Number 258-001-1-C Size Packet Price 2.25 Chives Hardy biennial. A kitchen garden essential. Grows 8-12” tall in clumps from underground bulbs. Edible purple to pink flowers. Chopped leaves and flowers used in salads and as garnish. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 212-002-1-C Packet - 0.6 1.95 Chives - Garlic Hardy biennial. clary sage Cilantro, ORGANIC Moderately frost-tolerant annual. Fresh leaves best harvested before flowering. Leaves are cilantro, seeds are coriander. Suitable for growing in containers. Easy-to-grow by seed. Full sun. 55-65 days. purple coneflower echinacea Echinacea - Tennesseensis RARE. ENDANGERED. Frost-tolerant perennial. Southeastern native wildflower with bright rose petals that flex backward. Frost-treat seeds for two weeks outdoors or in freezer, then cover with 1/8” soil to germinate. Space transplants 18” apart. Item Number Size Price 208-003-1-G Packet - 1.5 grams 2.75 Item Number Size Price 4.50 233-005-1-C Packet - 0.25 gram 2.95 208-003-2-G 1/8 oz Cilantro - Slow Bolt (Coriandrum sativum) Moderately frost-tolerant annual. Great cilantro flavor, yet slower to bolt. Fresh leaves best harvested before flowering. Leaves are cilantro, seeds are coriander. Suitable for growing in containers. Easy-to-grow by seed. Full sun. 55-65 days. Item Number Size Price Echinacea Purpurea - Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) Medicinal. Frost-tolerant perennial with striking 3” rose-purple, long-lasting flowers. Used medicinally to stimulate the immune system. Frost-treat seeds for two weeks outdoors or in freezer, then cover with 1/8” soil. Space transplants 18” apart. 208-002-1-C Packet - 1.75 1.95 208-002-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 208-002-3-C 1/2 oz 5.25 233-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 208-002-4-C 1 oz 7.00 233-001-2-C 1 gram 4.95 208-002-5-C 1/4 lb 12.00 233-001-3-C 1/4 oz 9.75 208-002-6-C 1 lb 24.00 233-001-4-C 1/2 oz 12.00 233-001-5-C 1 oz 18.00 Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) ECO. Perennial herb with gorgeous purple and white flowers. Extremely aromatic. Used in cookery, medicinally, and in making wines. Item Number Size Price 209-001-1-C Packet - 0.2 gram 2.95 NEW! Codonopsis (C. pilosula) ECO. Native to China, this is a fascinating twining climbing plant with small leaves and bell-shaped blossoms. Also called “Poor Man’s Ginseng”, the roots can be harvested after 3 years and used in a similar way as ginseng. The roots are crunchy, sweet and delicious! Item Number Size Price 256-001-1-C Packet 2.95 NEW! Dill - Bouquet, ORGANIC Moderately frost-tolerant biennial. Very aromatic variety that produces flavorful leaves and seeds. Great companion to most and beneficial attractant. Easy-to-grow by direct seed. Full sun. 50-70 days. Item Number Size Price 210-005-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 210-005-2-G 1/8 oz 3.95 210-005-3-G 1/4 oz 5.35 210-005-4-G 1 oz 11.70 210-005-5-G 1/4 lb 16.50 Item Number Size Price Epazote - Glossy, ORGANIC (Chenopodium ambrosoides) Extremely aromatic culinary herb commonly used to flavor pinto beans in Mexico. Main ingredient in BEANO. Start seed indoors and transplant after danger of frost. Space 18-24” between plants. 60% germination. Item Number Size Price 247-001-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 247-001-2-G 4 grams 9.00 Fennel - Florence (var. Azoricum) Moderately frost-tolerant biennial. Licorice-flavored bulb used as vegetable and leaves, stalks and seeds as a culinary herb. Plant seeds 1/2” deep, thin or space transplants 12” apart. 90+ days. Item Number Size Price 211-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 211-001-2-C 1/8 oz 5.25 211-001-3-C 1/4 oz 8.35 211-001-4-C 1/2 oz 11.80 Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Medicinal. Frost-tolerant perennial. 18” small bush plants with citrus-scented leaves and small daisy-like flowers. Full sun, easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant 18” apart. Item Number Size Price 249-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 (Chinese leeks). Mild, garlic-flavored, fine green blades grow 12-18”. Perfect raw or in a stir-fry. Garlic chives are taller than the standard chives. Easy-to-grow by seed or transplant. Drought-tolerant. Full sun. 90 days. 206-001-2-C 1 gram 4.95 206-001-3-C 1/4 oz 14.00 Item Number Size Price 206-001-4-C 1 oz 27.40 212-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 50 cilantro herbs 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. 828-254-0708 • 51 herbs (flax - parsley) lemon balm nasturtium NEW! Flax - Fiber The outer fibers of the flax plant are used to make linen. If being grown for fiber the seeds should be planted close together in an open site with wind and sun exposure. Flax is a cool season, early maturing plant. Item Number Size (parsley - yarrow) Marjoram - Sweet (Origanum hortensis) Frost sensitive perennial. Delicate, mild oregano-flavored leaves commonly used as a culinary herb. Direct seed after danger of frost or space transplants 12” apart. Full sun / partial shade. Parsley - Italian Dark Green, ORGANIC Frost-tolerant biennial. Very flavorful parsley preferred by chefs. Organic selection of Italian Flat Leaf. Pre-soak seeds before planting 1/4” deep. Thin or space transplants 12-18” apart. 75 days. valerian Summer Savory (Sataruga hortensis) Frost sensitive annual. Bushy 12-18” plants with fragrant lavender leaves and lavender-pink flowers. Especially good in bean dishes. Direct seed or transplant in full sun/partial shade. Size Price Packet - 0.1 gram 2.50 222-004-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 228-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 1 gram 6.20 222-004-2-G 1/8 oz 4.45 228-001-2-C 1 gram 3.25 222-004-3-G 1/4 oz 5.95 228-001-3-C 1/8 oz 4.50 228-001-4-C 1/4 oz 6.90 255-001-1-C Packet 2.95 1/4 oz 8.50 218-001-2-C NEW! Flax - Omega , ORGANIC (Linum usitatissimum) The golden-yellow seed of this variety are good for using whole, roasted and ground. Has a branching habit that gives a high yield of seed. A great source of fiber. Item Number Size Price 255-002-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.95 255-002-2-G 1/4 oz 8.50 Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Medicinal. Moderately frost-tolerant, full sun perennial. Beneficial insect attractant. Blooms in early summer with lavenderblue flowers on bushy plants. Lightly cover seeds indoors and transplant at 18” after danger of frost. Price 1/8 oz 8.75 14.00 222-004-4-G 1 oz 8.95 218-001-5-C 1/2 oz 19.50 222-004-5-G 1/4 lb 18.00 Motherwort - Siberian (Leonurus sibiricus) Medicinal Frost sensitive annual. Medicinal herb valued in Chinese medicine (Yi-mu-cao). Grows 5-6’ tall by 3’ wide with light purple flowers. Direct seed or transplant in full sun or part shade in the fall or early spring. Size Price Item Number Size Price Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 222-005-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 NEW! Mullein Biennial. Tolerates poor, gravelly soiland fierce sun. Used medicinally as tea or tincture for moistening mucous membranes and are therefore a great soothing agent for the throat, bronchi and lungs. 2.95 Item Number Size Price 215-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 214-002-3-C 1/8 oz 7.40 214-002-4-C 1/2 oz 12.80 214-002-5-C 1/4 lb 34.00 Price 235-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 235-001-2-C 1/8 oz 9.00 235-001-3-C 1/4 oz 16.00 235-001-4-C 1 oz 32.00 Lovage (Levisticum officinale) Frost-tolerant perennial. A fantastic edible landscape plant. Seeds, leaves and young stalks are used like celery. Plant 1/4” deep in beds or container in fall or early spring. Plant eventually grows 7’ tall by 4’ wide. Item Number Size Price 217-001-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.95 217-001-2-C 1/8 oz 5.25 217-001-3-C 1/4 oz 7.95 217-001-4-C 1 oz 11.95 nice accent for mixed salads. May also be lightly steamed with other greens such as mustard or turnip greens or used in creamed soups.40 days. Item Number 5.20 Size NEW! Parsley - Triple Moss Curled, ORGANIC Distinctive, sharp, peppery leaves are a 250-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram Item Number Price 1/4 oz 1 gram Medicinal. Frost-tolerant perennial. Lemon-scented leaves are used medicinally and make a delicious tea. Plants reach 24-36” tall and wide. Easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant. Full sun to part shade. Size 218-001-3-C 214-002-1-C Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Item Number 218-001-4-C 214-002-2-C 52 st. john’s wort Item Number 255-001-2-C Size lovage Price 218-001-1-C Item Number spilanthes herbs Nasturtium - Dwarf Jewel Mix (Tropaeolum majus) Frost sensitive annual. Beautiful red, yellow and orange edible flowers. Low-growing plants ideal for borders. Very easy-to-grow by direct seed. Full sun/partial shade. Item Number Size Price 220-003-1-C Packet - 3 grams 2.95 220-003-2-C 1/4 oz 4.95 220-003-3-C 1/2 oz 7.95 NEW! Nasturtium - Tall Trailing Mix Red, rose, orange and yellow flowers. Will climb. Height 8-10’. Edible flowers, leaves and seed pods. Immature seed heads can be pickled. 55-65 days. Item Number Size Price 220-002-1-C Packet - 3.5 grams 2.95 Parsley - Forest Green, ORGANIC Frost-tolerant biennial. Finely cut, deeply curled dark green leaves that do not fade yellow in summer. Vigorious growing 12” plants. Pre-soak seeds before planting 1/4” deep. Thin or space transplants 12-18” apart. 75 days. Item Number Size Price 222-001-1-G Packet - 1 gram 2.75 222-001-2-G 1/8 oz 4.45 222-001-3-G 1/4 oz 5.95 222-001-4-G 1/2 oz 7.20 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Medicinal. Frost-tolerant perennial. Low-growing plant with long, creeping branches. Repels white flies and mosquitoes. Sow on soil surface and transplant to moist, rich soil in partial shade. Item Number Size Price 224-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 Sage - Broad Leaf Culinary (Salvia officinalis) Frost-tolerant perennial. Easy-togrow, savory culinary variety. Beautiful, silvery green foliage. Sow 16” deep in containers and transplant at 12-18” in full sun to partial shade. Item Number Size Price 228-001-5-C 1 oz 11.00 228-001-6-C 1/4 lb 33.00 NEW! Thyme - Winter Perennial. Growing up to 8” tall this variety produces wonderful aromatic leaves. Bushy in habit, evergreen in color. Winter hardy. Has many culinary and medicinal uses. Item Number Size Price 252-001-1-C Packet 2.50 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) Medicinal Frost-tolerant perennial. Sweetly scented pink or yellow flowers. Roots used medicinally for its strong sedative effects. Direct seed or transplant in full sun to partial shade. Item Number Size Price 231-001-1-C Packet - 0.1 gram 2.95 NEW! Violet Mustard ECO. Native to China, a winter annual in the mustard family. Has 2” wide showy lavender-pink flowers. Germinates readily and hardy to at least 20F but won’t make much growth at such temperatures. Better in coldframe or under row cover. Large leaves have a spicy flavor like roquette. Flowers are pleasantly sweet and sour. Recently reported to have the highest protein content of any of the Brassicas. Item Number Size Price 243-001-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 243-001-2-C 1/4 oz 8.00 243-001-3-C 1 oz 18.00 Item Number Size Price 243-001-4-C 1/4 lb 38.00 257-001-1-C Packet 2.95 Siberian Motherwort (see Motherwort) Spilanthes - Acmella ECO. Medicinal “Toothache plant.” Frost sensitive annual. Anti-viral, anti-fungal, immune enhancer has numbing effect that can help alleviate toothaches. Easy-to-grow by direct seed. Item Number Size Price 227-001-1-C Packet - 0.04 gram 2.95 St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Medicinal Frost hardy perennial. Yellow flowering herb grows to 3’ in height. Medically used for treatment of depression. Direct seed or transplant in full sun. Drought-tolerant. Item Number Size Price 226-002-1-C Packet - 0.05 gram 2.95 NEW! Woad ECO. Perennial. A native of southeastern Europe and West Asia. Used to make a natural blue dye. Plant prefers average to poor soils and full sun. A cool season plant. site orSizecheck web Price l l a c 254-001-1-C Packet 2.95 Item Number NEW! Yarrow, White Perennial. Beautiful dense clusters of snow white flowers with fine and ferny leaves. Blooms all summer and into fall. Easy to grow in any soil and loves full sun. Heat and drought tolerant. Can be used as a cut flower and a ground cover. Has many medicinal uses. Item Number Size Price 251-001-1-C Packet 2.50 828-254-0708 • 53 flowers (bachelor button - lupine) bachelor button spider flower mix (cleome) Bachelor Button, Tall Blue 1-3‘ self-seeding annual. A tall, brilliant blue, resilient flower. Easy-to-grow, cut and dry. Full sun. Plant 2 weeks before last frost. Good for succession plantings. Early/mid summer bloom. 70-85 days. Item Number Size Price 301-002-1-C Packet - 0.4 gram 2.25 301-002-2-C 1/8 oz 4.85 301-002-3-C 1/4 oz 7.25 Black Hollyhock (Althea rosea, var. nigra.) HEIRLOOM. Biennial. Black blooms with purple undertone grace 6-8’ plants in summer. 1st year plants form large rosettes of round, hairy leaves, bloom the next summer, then return by self-seed. Full sun, tolerant of marginal soils, drought-resistant. Price 2012 r o f e l b a il a v a 301-030-1-C Packet un Item Number Size marigoldd NEW! Daisy, Gloriosa 3’ tall plants produce large colorful blooms. Flowers are burnt red in the center turning golden orange-yellow towards the tips. Easy to grow, loves full sun and is heat and drought tolerant. A great cut flower, keeps well in floral arrangements. Item Number Size Price 301-039-1-C Packet 2.50 Castor Bean Gibsoni, ORGANIC 8-12’ Annual. Fast-growing, stunning ornamental with bright red flowers, huge star-shaped green and red leaves. Full sun, summer/fall bloom. BEANS ARE POISONOUS. Item Number Size Price 301-036-1-G Packet - 3.5 grams 2.95 301-036-2-G 1/4 oz 4.85 Chamomile (see Herb Section) Single-rayed, daisy-like blooms have petals of deep red, yellow, orange, pink and white with contrasting bands around a dark center. Fast growing plants have delicate, ferny leaves. Blooms in late spring. Easy to grow, drought tolerant. A beautiful cut flower. Item Number Size Price 301-043-1-C Packet 2.50 Biennial. 8-18” tall. These brilliant little flowers have fringed petals of red, pink, purple or violet. Bloom the second year. Direct-seed or transplant after last frost. Prefer sun, but will tolerate partial shade. Long-lasting cut flower. Item Number Size Price 301-009-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.25 301-009-2-C 2 grams 4.70 301-009-3-C 1/4 oz 7.00 301-009-4-C 1 oz 12.00 Echinacea (see Herb Section) Cosmos, Bright Lights Showy, graceful annual with 3’ tall sunset-orange, red and yellow double flowers that attract butterflies. Direct seed after last frost in full sun for blooms from summer into fall. Excellent cut flower. Self-seeds. Easy-to-grow. Drought-tolerant. Item Number Size Price 301-007-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.25 NEW! Cosmos, Sensation Mix Tall, wispy plants covered with large white, pink, rose and crimson flowers. Summer and fall blooming. Very easyto grow, self-seeding. Drought tolerant. An excellent cut flower. Item Number Size Price 301-038-1-C Packet 2.50 Daisy, African (Dimorphotheca aurantiaca) A low-growing, self-seeding annual with a brilliant profusion of 3” daisy-like flowers. Blooms all summer in vivid shades of butterscotch yellow, creamsicle orange & white. Sow 1/16” deep after danger of frost. Drought-tolerant. Item Number Size Price 301-028-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 Feverfew (see Herb Section) Love Lies Bleeding HEIRLOOM. 3-4’ plants with gorgeous maroon red draping flowers. Edible leaves, but mostly grown as an ornamental. 40-50 days. Item Number Size Price 301-022-1-C Packet 0.5 gram 2.25 Lupine, Russell Mix Perennial. Grows to 3’ tall. Beautiful flowers with spires of red, blue and pink, with attractive foliage. A hardy, self-seeding spring blooming delight. Direct seed in full sun. Prefers less fertile soil. 65 days. Item Number Size Price 301-016-1-C Packet - 1.3 gram 2.50 301-016-2-C 1/4 oz 6.50 301-016-3-C 1/2 oz 9.75 301-016-4-C 1/4 lb 21.00 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. cosmos bright lights flowers moonflower Marigold, African A very popular variety with large yellow, gold and orange flowers that average 4” in diameter. Ideal for garden color or as cut flowers. Direct seed mid-spring for summer blooms that continue until first frost. Item Number Size Price 301-029-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 NEW! Marigold, Naughty Marietta NEW! Daisy, Painted Dianthus, Sweet William Calendula (see Herb Section) 54 (marigold - sunflower) A French variety. Bright yellow blooms with streaked mahogany centers. Plants have varying heights which create an informal look in gardens. Great for massed plantings. Item Number Size Price 301-042-1-C Packet 2.50 NEW! Marigold, Sparky Mix (T. patula.) Bloom vivid, varying shades of orange and yellow. Unlike most marigolds, the petals are wide and wavy. Abundant blooms come early and all summer long. A colorful addition to any garden. grandfather ott morning glory NEW! Poppy, Oriental PERENNIAL. 24-36” tall plants bear large 3-4’’ spectacular red-orange blossoms with deep purple centers. Blooms in early summer. Item Number Size Price 301-045-1-C Packet 2.95 NEW! Spider Flower Mix ECO. Annual. These 3-4’ tall plants sport unusual white, pink, and magenta flowers. Gets its name from the seedpods which resemble spider legs. Thorny stems. Very easy to grown and maintain. Self-seeds every year. Introduced from the West Indies to England in 1817. Also called “Cleome.” e sitPrice Size ck web he call or cPacket 301-047-1-C Item Number 2.95 Sunflower - Autumn Beauty Striking, late blooming, multi-headed, two-tone flowers. Yellow petals with internal ring of copper-red. Good cutting, lovely ornamental. 90-110 days. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 301-040-1-C Packet 2.50 302-008-1-C Packet - 1.2 grams 2.25 NEW! Money Plant Also called Honesty. This plant produces early purple or white blooms. Dried seed pods are distinctly flat and ovalshaped consisting of pearly membranes. Be sure to leave some blooms for the seed pods. Easy to grow, self-seeding. Flowers are nice in spring bouquets, and seedpods create a lovely look in dried arrangements. Item Number Size Price 301-044-1-C Packet 2.50 302-008-2-C 1/4 oz 5.00 302-008-3-C 1/2 oz 7.50 Moonflower Beautiful snow-white 6” blooms open at sunset, releasing a lovely fragrance. Score seed and soak for 24 hours. Plant in containers 6-8 weeks before last frost. Transplant after frost to full sun and evenly moist soil. Vigorous climber, needs trellis. Item Number Size Price 301-021-1-C Packet - 2 grams 2.95 301-021-2-C 1 oz 13.00 Morning Glory - Grandpa Ott HEIRLOOM. Gorgeous, deep blue-purple flowers with red star at the throat. Prolific, self-seeding, 15’ vines need full sun and trellising. Soak seeds before planting. Direct seed or start in containers for transplanting after last frost. Item Number Size Price 301-031-1-C Packet - 0.5 gram 2.50 Nasturtium (see Herb Section) 828-254-0708 • 55 flowers sunflower oriental poppy Sunflower, Autumn Beauty, ORGANIC Multi-branching variety. Bright fall colors from yellow to copper-red to reddish-purple. Large multiheaded blooms. Excellent tall screen, cut flower, and food source for small birds. Direct seed in full sun after last frost. 90-110 days (to flower). Item Number Size Price 302-001-1-G Packet - 1.2 grams 2.95 Sunflower - Dwarf Sunspot Magnificent 10” blooms with bright yellow petals on 2’ tall plants. Excellent cut flower. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. 80 days. Item Number flower mixes (sunflower - zinnia) Size Price 302-003-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 302-003-2-C 1/4 oz 4.50 302-003-3-C 1/2 oz 7.00 Sunflower - Lemon Queen Beautiful poly-headed, 5-6’ tall annual has 5-6” blooms with bright lemon-colored petals and dark brown centers. Good cut flower. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. 70-90 days. Item Number Size Price 302-004-1-C Packet - 1.75 grams 2.25 302-004-2-C 1/4 oz 5.00 state fair zinnia Sunflower - Velvet Queen Beautiful 5-6 ft. tall plants. Velvety, multi-headed, deep rust-colored 4-6” blooms with mahogany centers. Can be staked for support. Good fresh market cut flowers. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. 100 days. Item Number Size Price 302-005-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.50 302-005-2-C 1/4 oz 4.50 302-005-3-C 1/2 oz 7.00 Tithonia, Torch (Mexican Sunflower) 4-5’ tall annual bearing vibrant red-orange 2-3” flowers with yellow centers. A favorite for its long bloom-time. Direct seed in full sun and evenly moist soil. Loves hot, dry locations. Flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. Item Number Size Price 301-035-1-C Packet - 0.3 gram 2.25 NEW! Zinnia, Persian Carpet ANNUAL. The 24-28” tall plants produce single and double flowers come in varying shades of gold, burgundy, purple, red, orange, and cream. Will bloom all summer until first frost. Has small, narrow leaves and a bushier habit as compared to common zinnias. Item Number Size Price 301-046-1-C Packet 2.95 Sunflower - Mammoth Grey Stripe Long-blooming, large-headed, archetypal giant sunflower. Easy-to-grow. Sturdy 6-12’ stalks with big yellow-petaled flowers. Often grown for their meaty seeds, good for roasting or bird seed. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. 75-90 days Item Number Size NEW! Zinnia, Purple Prince HEIRLOOM. 2’ tall plants produce brilliant purple blooms. Loves full sun and warm, relatively dry climates. Disease and mildew resistant. A colorful addition to any garden. Price Item Number Size Price 301-041-1-C Packet 2.95 302-009-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 1.95 302-009-2-C 1/4 oz 3.95 302-009-3-C 1/2 oz 5.95 302-009-4-C 1/4 lb 11.50 Sunflower - Sungold Dwarf Lovely 2-4’ tall plants with 3-4” multi-headed blooms. Bushy, goldenyellow double petals. Easy-to-grow. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. Excellent cut flower. 80 days. Item Number Size Price 302-006-1-C Packet - 1.5 grams 2.25 302-006-2-C 1/4 oz 4.50 302-006-3-C 1/2 oz 7.00 Zinnia, State Fair Mix 3’ tall annual with a rainbow of large 4-5” red, orange, yellow, pink, and white blossoms. Direct seed or transplant after last frost in full sun. Blooms all summer. Excellent cut flower. 90-100 days. Item Number Size Price 301-018-1-C Packet - 1 gram 2.50 301-018-2-C 1/4 oz 5.95 SIGN UP FOR OUR Monthly NEWSLETTER! Don’t miss out on seasonal gardening tips and up-to-date announcements. Please fill inyour e-mail address on your order form, or drop a quick note to [email protected] ADD ME TO THE LIST in the subject line. 56 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Annual Cut Flower Mix A glorious mix of annual cut flowers that are very easy-to-grow by direct seed. Includes: C. chinensis (Aster), C. officinalis (Pot Marigold), C. cyanus (Bachelor Button, Polka Dot Mix), C. amoena (Godetia), C. elegans (Clarkia), C. tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis), C. bipinnatus (Cosmos, Dwarf Sensation), C. amabile ‘Firmament’ (Chinese Forget-Me-Not), D. ajacis (Larkspur), D. aurantiaca (African Daisy), E. californica (Poppy, Mission Bells), G. pulchella (Annual Gaillardia), G. elegans (Baby’s Breath), H. annuus (Sunflower), H. monstrosum (Strawflower mixed), I. umbellata (Candytuft), L. trimestris mix (Tree mallow), L. maritima (Alyssum, tall Sweet), O. lamarckiana (Evening Primrose), P. rhoeas (Shirley Poppy), P. campanularia (California Bluebells), R. hirta (Black Eyed Susan), S. armeria (Catchfly), T. erecta (Marigold), Z. elegans (Zinnia). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 11-22 lbs. Per half acre or less: 8 oz/1000 sq. ft. Hummingbird, Butterfly, Songbird Mix Flowers reach up to 3 1/2’ and create a meadow effect. Plant in full sun for best results. Includes: A. tuberosa (Butterfly Milkweed), A. caerulea (Mrs. Scott Elliot), A. tetra (Snapdragon), C. chinensis (Aster), C. bipinnatus (Cosmos Sensation Mix), C. amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not), D. consolida (Larkspur Giant Imperial Mix), D. purpurea (Foxglove), G. tricolor (Bird’s Eyes), L. trimestris (Treemallow), L. maroccana (Toadflax), L. maritima (Alyssum, Carpet of Snow), L. chalcedonica (Maltese Cross), M. jalapa (Four O’clock), M. citriodora (Lemon Mint), N. alata (Tobacco Plant), P. rhoeas (Red Corn Poppy), P. strictus (Gloxinia Penstemon), S. coccinea (Scarlet Sage), S. armeria (Catchfly), T. erecta (Marigold Crackerjack), T. majus (Nasturtium Dwarf Jewel Mix), Z. elegans (Zinnia). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 11-22 lbs. Per half acre or less: 8 oz/1000 sq. ft. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 300-008-1-C Packet - 3 grams 2.95 300-002-1-C Packet - 5 grams 3.95 300-008-2-C 1 oz 7.00 300-002-2-C 1 oz 10.00 300-008-3-C 1/4 lb 14.00 300-002-3-C 1/4 lb 20.00 Bee Feed Mix This mix provides bee forage for the entire growing season. It includes annual and perennial flowers that provide pollen and nectar to honey bees and native bees. Includes: C. allionii (Siberian Wallflower), G. elegans (Baby’s Breath), L. lewisii (Blue Flax), C. chinensis (China Aster), C. amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not), C. cyanus (Polka Dot Mix Cornflower), E. californica (California Poppy), E. purpurea (Purple Coneflower), G. grandiflora (Perennial Gaillardia), G. lindheimeri (Gaura), G. pulchella (Annual Gaillardia), S. coccinea (Scarlet Sage), C. bipinnatus (Dwarf Cosmos), C. lanceolata (Lance-Leaf Coreopsis), G. capitata (Globe Gilia), P. rhoeas (Corn Poppy), A. foeniculum (Lavender Hyssop), A. novae-angliae (New England Aster), C. tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis), C. bergamia (Bergamot). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 6-12 lbs. Per half acre or less: 5 oz/1000 sq. ft. Low Grow Flower Mix A beautiful low-growing mix of wildflowers for use as ground cover. Includes: C. cyanus (Bachelor Button dwarf), C. allionii (Siberian Wallflower), C. amoena (Farewell to Spring dwarf), C. heterophylla (Chinese Houses), C. lanceolata (Lance Leaf Coreopsis dwarf), C. tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis dwarf), C. firmament (Chinese Forget-Me-Not), D. barbatus (Sweet William), D. aurantiaca (African Daisy), E. californica (California Poppy), G. elegans (Baby’s Breath), I. umbellata (Candytuft), L. lewisii (Blue Flax), L. maritima (Sweet Alyssum), N. menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes), P. campanularia (California Bluebells), S. armeria (Catchfly). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 5-10 lbs. Per half acre or less: 4 oz/1000 sq. ft. Item Number Size Price Item Number Size Price 300-006-1-C Packet - 4 grams 2.95 300-007-1-C Packet - 7 grams 3.95 300-006-2-C 1 oz 9.00 300-007-2-C 1/4 lb 10.95 300-006-3-C 1/4 lb 18.30 300-007-3-C 1 lb 32.50 300-007-4-C 5 lb 120.00 300-007-5-C 10 lb 246.00 300-007-6-C 25 lb 560.00 Beneficial Attractant Mix The combination of perennial and annual varieties in this mix attract a wide array of beneficial insects that prey upon garden-harming bugs. Includes: A. millefolium (White Yarrow), G. elegans (Baby’s Breath), I. umbellata (Candytuft), L. platyglossa (Tidy Tips), L. maritima (Alyssum), N. menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes), T. repens (White Dutch Clover), P. campanularia (California Bluebells). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 9-18 lbs. Per half acre or less: 4 oz/1000 sq. ft. Partial Shade Flower Mix Blend of wildflowers particularly suitable for a shade to part-sun garden. Includes: A. vulgaris (Garden Columbine), C. cyanus (Bachelor’s Button), C. allionii (Siberian Wallflower), C. maximum (Daisy Chrysanthemum), C. elegans (Clarkia Mix), C. lanceolata (Lance Leaf Coreopsis), C. tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis), C. amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not), D. consolida (Rocket Larkspur), D. barbatus (Sweet William), D. purpurea (Common Foxglove), G. elegans (Annual Baby’s Breath), L. trimestris (Rose Mallow), N. menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes), P. rhoeas (Shirley Poppy). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 5-10 lbs. Per half acre or less: 4 oz/1000 sq. ft. Item Number Size Price 300-005-1-C Packet - 4 grams 2.95 Item Number Size Price 300-001-1-C Packet - 4 grams 2.95 300-005-2-C 1 oz 9.00 300-005-3-C 1/4 lb 18.30 300-001-2-C 1 oz 9.00 300-001-3-C 1/4 lb 18.30 828-254-0708 • 57 flower MIXES South East Native Flower Mix A lovely, bright and colorful mix of vigorous-growing wildflowers native to the mountains and plains of the southeastern US. Includes: Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed), Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea), Coreopsis lanceolata (Lance-leaved Coreopsis), Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis), Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower), Eryngium yuccifolium (Rattlesnake Master), Gaillardia pulchella (Indian Blanket), Ipomopsis rubra (Standing Cypress), Liatris spicata (Dense Blazing Star/Gayfeather), Lupinus perennis (Perennial Lupine), Monarda citriodora (Lemon Mint), Rudbeckia amplexicaulis (Clasping Coneflower), Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan), Salvia ccoccinea (Scarlet Sage). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 7-14 lbs. Per half acre or less: 5 oz/1000 sq. ft. Item Number Size Price 300-004-1-C Packet - 4 grams 2.95 300-004-2-C 1 oz 9.00 300-004-3-C 1/4 lb 18.80 safe seed pledge South East Naturalizing Flower Mix A beautiful mix of self-seeding annuals and perennials, including native and non-invasive species. Perfect for establishing wildflower meadows. Includes: C. allionii (Siberian Wallflower), C. maximum (Shasta Daisy), C. lanceolata (Lance-Leaf Coreopsis), C. tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis) C. bipinnatus (Cosmos), C. sulphureus (Cosmos, Klondyke Mix), D. consolida (Larkspur Giant Imperial), E. purpurea (Purple Coneflower), G.pulchella (Indian Blanket), G. elegans (Baby’s Breath), H. matronalis (Dame’s Rocket), L. trimestris (Tree Mallow), L. spicata (Gayfeather), L. grandiflorum rubrum (Scarlet Flax), L. maritima (Sweet Alyssum ), T. erecta (Marigold), L. perennis (Perennial Lupine), M. citriodora (Lemon Mint), O. missouriensis (Dwarf Evening Primrose), P. rhoeas (Corn Poppy), P. drummondii (Annual Phlox), R. amplexicaulis (Clasping Coneflower), R. hirta (Black Eyed Susan), S. coccinea (Scarlet Sage).P. campanularia (California Bluebells), R. hirta (Black Eyed Susan), S. armeria (Catchfly), Z. elegans (Zinnia). PLANTING RATEs Per acre: 7-14 lbs. Per half acre or less: 5 oz/1000 sq. ft. Item Number Size Price 300-009-1-C Packet - 4 grams 2.95 300-009-2-C 1 oz 9.00 300-009-3-C 1/4 lb 18.30 FALL-WINTER GARDEN PLANTING GUIDELINES Plant a fall-winter garden and enjoy fresh produce all through the seasons! Sow True Seed is aligned with over 70 seed companies that have signed the Council for Responsible Genetics’ “Safe Seed Pledge” (reproduced below). We feel that GMO varieties threaten botanical diversity through indiscriminate cross-pollination and the resulting abandonment of non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties. Participating companies have taken the pledge to not engage in the trade of genetically modified seed. Sow True Seed takes the pledge further by exclusively offering untreated, open-pollinated seed that can be reliably saved and replanted in the future. We recognize that the unlimited production and distribution of open-pollinated seed is primary to the growth and endurance of sustainable, regional, farming communities. Sow True Seed endorses the basic right of all people to enjoy a safe, ethical and sovereign food production and distribution system. The Safe Seed Pledge “Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities.” Cool weather crops thrive as the temperatures cool and insect pressures are minimized. After experiencing light to moderate frosts, many crops grown in the fall increase in storage quality and taste better. Several fall planted crops are “winter hardy” and will survive deep frosts to produce food through the winter and into spring. Success depends on planting in time for your crops to grow and establish roots before cooler nights and frosts arrive. With the exception of far northern locations well-rooted crops can produce without protection from the cold, especially if planted in a sunny south facing location, using row covers and cold frames. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower will better mature when started in containers (see Planting Chart, page 64-65). In lower elevations and further south, these crops may be transplanted or direct seeded. Arugula, beets, carrots, dill, kohlrabi, peas, radish, rutabaga and turnips can all be easily seeded directly into the garden to eliminate the shock of transplanting. It is important to thin these seedlings to the spacing recommended in the planting chart. Asian greens, chard, collards, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, spinach and other leafy greens do well either by direct seed or transplant. To apply, please For information specific to your region, contact your county’s Agricultural Extension Office with send an e-mail or Master Gardener Program. We recommend Elliot Coleman’s great book, Four-Season your contact Harvest (p. 62), an excellent resource for fall and winter gardening. information and to: Estimations of First Frost Dates for Asheville, Northresume Carolina [email protected] 10% chance of frost 50% chance of frost 90% chance of frost before October 8 before October 15 before November 10 58 28 grams per oz. • 112 grams per ¼ lb. • 448 grams per 1 lb. Seed Collections & Book Offerings on the Next Page >>> 828-254-0708 • 59 COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS Sow True Seed Gift & Whole Garden Collections These popular collections have been selected by the Sow True team to meet your growing needs. They come neatly packaged to make a convenient and perfect gift for the gardener in your life (perhaps yourself). Each collection includes a growing guideline for helpful implementation. Arugula OG Genovese Basil OG Chives Cilantro OG Large Organic Heirloom Vegetable Garden · $30 Fourteen of our favorite Organic varieties to plant a tasty vegetable garden. A great gift for the new or experienced Organic Gardener. Arugula OG Genovese Basil OG Royalty Purple Pod Snap Bush Bean OG Detroit Dark Red Beet OG Di Ciccio Broccoli OG Ruby Red Chard OG Marketmore Cucumber OG Culinary Herb Garden · $16 An annual assortment of eight scrumptious flavors to complement any well-appointed kitchen. Grow these herbs as close to your kitchen as you can to enhance all your favorite recipes. Greensleeves Dill OG Florence Fennel Forest Green Parsley OG Thyme Rosa Bianca Eggplant OG Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce OG New England Pie Pumpkin OG Amish Paste Tomato OG Cherokee Purple Tomato OG Sugar Baby Watermelon OG Black Beauty Zucchini OG Appalachian Native Garden · $13 An heirloom collection that celebrates the history of our mountain region. A wonderful gift for both visitors and natives to the Appalachians. October Dry Bean (Cherchei) Greasy Pole Bean Cherokee Wax Snap Bush Bean Small Organic Heirloom Vegetable Garden · $21 Ten of our favorite Organic varieties to plant a tasty vegetable garden. A great gift for the new or experienced Organic Gardener. Royalty Purple Pod Snap Bush Bean OG Detroit Dark Red Beet OG Di Ciccio Broccoli OG Ruby Red Chard OG Marketmore Cucumber OG Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce OG New England Pie Pumpkin OG Cherokee Purple Tomato OG Sugar Baby Watermelon OG Black Beauty Zucchini OG Upland Cress (Creasy Greens) Cherokee Purple Tomato Cherokee Moon and Stars Watermelon Fall-Winter Vegetable Garden · $23 A well-rounded selection of eleven cold-hardy crops, chosen to nourish you through the winter and into the early spring. A great gift for all levels of fall gardener American Flag Leek Bloomsdale Spinach Chioggia Beets Cimarron Romaine Lettuce Dwarf Grey Sugar Snap Pea Dwarf Siberian Kale Sunflower Salutations · $13 A celebration of the sun, this collection showcases six varied and lovely sunflowers. Planted together for an explosion of color or shining from separate beds, these flowers are sure to bring a smile to every grower. Mammoth Grey Stripe Dwarf Sunspot Velvet Queen Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia Torch) Lemon Queen Autumn Beauty Georgia Southern Collards Rainbow Mix Chard Tendergreen Mustard Greens Tendersweet Carrots Waltham Whole Garden Collection $155 Children’s Garden · $16 A fun, easy-to-grow and yummy collection to tempt the taste buds and excite the imagination of even our youngest growers. Royalty Purple Pod Snap Bush Bean OG Little Fingers Carrot Cherokee Moon & Stars Yellow Watermelon OG Chadwick Cherry Tomato OG 60 Cinderella Pumpkin OG Freckles Lettuce Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Hungarian Broom Corn Sorghum ECO Our survival collection features 32 types and 40 varieties of non-hybrid, untreated vegetable seed sealed in triple layer foil mylar packaging for long-term storage. Most vegetable types will maintain good germination for 5-10 years when stored in a dry location with cool, steady temperatures. Includes vegetable growing and seed saving guidelines. 2.3lbs of seed. Approximate estimates: 36,000 seeds. Plants 2,600 row feet or 3/4 acre. Yields up to 2,700lbs of fresh nutritious vegetables. Our website provides greater detail about the contents and sizes of this carefully curated collection: 828-254-0708 • 61 Books Best Seller! Seed to Seed, Suzanne Ashworth · $24.95 A complete seed-saving guide that describes specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 different vegetables. This book contains detailed information about each vegetable, including its botanical classification, flower structure and means of pollination, required population size, isolation distance, techniques for caging or hand-pollination, and also the proper methods for harvesting, drying, cleaning, and storing the seeds. New to Sow True! Botany in A Day, Thomas J. Elpel · $30 The Patterns Method of Plant Identification is changing the way people learn about plants! Instead of presenting individual plants, this book unveils the patterns of identification and uses among related plants, giving readers simple tools to rapidly unlock the mysteries of the new species they encounter throughout the continent. Within 1 1/2 hours you can understand the big-picture of botany and herbalism. New to Sow True! Eat Your Yard!, Nan Chase · $19.99 Eat Your Yard! has information on 35 edible plants that offer the best of both landscape and culinary uses. Edible plants provide spring blossoms, colorful fruit and flowers, lush greenery, fall foliage, and beautiful structure, but they also offer fruits, nuts, and seeds that you can eat, cook, and preserve. Nan K. Chase writes about architecture and landscape design. Her work has also appeared in the New York Times, Smithsonian, Fine Gardening, Architectural Record, and Southern Living. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she is a contributing editor of WNC Magazine. New to Sow True! Microgreens, Eric Frank, Jasmine Richardson · $19.99 With simple instructions, Eric Franks and Jasmine Richardson, show readers how to grow their own little greens of arugula, basil, purple cabbage, chard, radishes, broccoli, cilantro, and more. Microgreens teaches the easy process of how to plant and grow, as well as how to harvest little greens, which on average is about 2 weeks after sowing. Only a small amount of space is needed to grow microgreens—a porch, patio, deck, or balcony, indoors or outdoors, will do. This allows anyone to easily incorporate microgreens into their daily meals. How to Grow More Vegetables, John Jeavons · $19.95 This is the classic book on biointensive gardening for beginners to advanced gardeners. The most complete and practical book of its kind, proven effective in all types of garden conditions. This major revision updates information and techniques on soil sustainability; composting; the future of farming; garden plans; master charts reorganized for easier planning; new plans for making tools; expanded index; and online address for a greatly expanded bibliography. Everyone who has used and enjoyed previous editions will want this book too. Available March 1. Best Seller! Four Season Harvest, Eliot Coleman · $24.95 Eliot Coleman introduces the surprising fact that most of the United States has more winter sunshine than the south of France. He shows how North American gardeners can successfully use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter vegetables in backyard cold frames and plastic covered tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat. This story of sunshine, weather patterns, old limitations and expectations, and new realities is delightfully innovative in the best gardening tradition. Four-Season Harvest will have you feasting on fresh produce from your garden all through the winter. New to Sow True! The Winter Harvest Handbook, Eliot Coleman · $29.95 Choosing locally grown organic food is a sustainable living trend that’s taken hold throughout North America. Eliot Coleman helped start this movement with The New Organic Grower published 20 years ago. He continues to lead the way, pushing the limits of the harvest season while working his world-renowned organic farm in Harborside, Maine. Gardeners and farmers can use the innovative, highly successful methods Coleman describes in this comprehensive handbook to raise crops throughout the coldest of winters. New to Sow True! Carrots Love Tomatoes, Louise Riotte · $14.95 Plant parsley and asparagus together, and you’ll have more of each. But keep broccoli and tomato plants far apart if you want them to thrive. This classic companion-gardening guide shows you how to use the native attributes of vegetables to create a naturally bountiful garden. Learn which plants nourish the soil, which repel pests, which encourage each other, and which just don’t get along. Best Seller! Growing Great Garlic, The Definitive Guide for Organic Gardeners and Small Farmers, Ron L. Engelland · $16.95 Growing Great Garlic is the definitive grower’s guide written by a small scale farmer who makes his living growing over 200 strains of garlic. Commercial growers will want to consult this book regularly. New release! Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening Made Simple, Raymond Nones · $15.95 Books Gaia’s Garden, 2nd Edition: A Guide To Homescale Permaculture, Toby Hemenway · $29.95 Permaculture gardens are no longer a thing of the future. This extensively revised and expanded second edition broadens the reach and depth of the permaculture approach for urban and suburban growers. As Hemenway demonstrates, it’s fun and easy to create a “backyard ecosystem” by assembling communities of plants that can work cooperatively and perform a variety of functions. Fresh Food for Small Spaces, R. J. Ruppenthal · $24.95 Readers will learn how to transform their balconies and windowsills into productive vegetable gardens, their countertops and storage lockers into commercial-quality sprout and mushroom farms, and their outside nooks and crannies into whatever they can imagine, including sustainable nurseries for honeybees and chickens. Free space for the city gardener might be no more than a cramped patio, balcony, rooftop, windowsill, hanging rafter, dark cabinet, garage, or storage area, but no space is too small or too dark to raise food. New Release! The Small Scale Poultry Flock, Harvey Ussery · $39.95 The most comprehensive and definitive guide to date on raising all-natural poultry for the homesteader and small farmer. Ussery’s new book offers a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowl based entirely on natural systems. His model will prove invaluable for beginner homesteaders, growers looking to incorporate poultry into their farm, or farmers seeking to close their loop, including the most complete guide to working with broody hens available anywhere. New to Sow True! Wild Fermentation, The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods, Sandor Ellix Katz · $25 Bread. Cheese. Wine. Beer. Coffee. Chocolate. Most people consume fermented foods and drinks every day. For thousands of years, humans have enjoyed the distinctive flavors and nutrition resulting from the transformative power of microscopic bacteria and fungi. Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods is the first cookbook to widely explore the culinary magic of fermentation. Natural Beekeeping, Ross Conrad · $35 The best organic and natural approaches to keeping honeybees healthy and productive. Readers will learn about nontoxic methods of controlling mites, eliminating American foulbrood disease (without the use of antibiotics,) breeding strategies, and many other tips and techniques for maintaining healthy hives. Best Seller! Worms Eat My Garbage, Mary Appelhof · $12.95 A new edition of the definitive guide to vermicomposting--a process using redworms to recycle human food waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants. Author Mary Appelhof provides complete illustrated instructions on setting up and maintaining small-scale worm composting systems. Internationally recognized as an authority on vermicomposting, Appelhof has worked with worms for over three decades. Topics include: bin types, worm species, reproduction, care and feeding of worms, harvesting, and how to make the finished product. New to Sow True! The Vegetable Gardener’s Book of Building Projects, The Editors of Storey Publishing · $18.95 These 39 simple-to-make projects — including cold frames, compost bins, planters, raised beds, potting benches, gates, trellises, storage containers, outdoor furniture, and more — will increase your harvest, make your garden chores easier, and turn your garden and yard into an appealing outdoor space for relaxing and enjoying the fruits of your labors. Many of the projects are ideal for beginners, and most can be completed in just a few hours. Best Seller! How to Store Your Garden Produce, Piers Warren · $14.95 Completely revised, it is the modern guide to storing and preserving your garden produce, enabling you to eat home-grown goodness all year round. The easy-to-use reference section provides applicable storage and preservation techniques for the majority of plant produce grown commonly in home gardens. Why is storing your garden produce the key to self-sufficiency? Because with less than an acre of garden you can grow enough produce to feed a family of four for a year. New Release! Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning, by Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante · $25 Traditional Techniques include Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation. Yet here is a book that goes back to the future-celebrating traditional but little-known French techniques for storing and preserving edibles in ways that maximize flavor and nutrition and doesnt’ require refrigeration or electricity! New Release! The Transition Companion, Rob Hopkins · $29.95 This is the biggest urban brainwave of the century. A visionary, practical blueprint that took root in a town and is circling the globe. Transition tells inspiring tales of communities working for a future where local economies are valued and nurtured; where lower energy use is seen as a benefit; and where enterprise, creativity, and the building of resilience have become cornerstones of a new economy. Having a backyard garden just got a lot easier! Framed raised beds and a modular approach to growing vegetables means more production in less space and with less work. Nones shows you how to set up the raised-bed modular system and then gives in-depth descriptions of: sowing seeds, thinning, transplanting, cultivating, mulching, watering, harvesting, pest control, composting, crop rotation, and seed saving. It’s a complete gardening book for both the beginner and the experienced gardener. 62 828-254-0708 • 63 3 gr 5 gr 13,000 Arugula 8 oz 8 oz 90 Bean, Snap Bush 2 gr 2-4 lbs 1,000 20,000 6,000 na 140 -200 Cucumber Dill Eggplant Garlic Gourd 8 oz after last frost plant cloves in fall tp after last frost spring, summer after last frost spring, summer, fall seed after last frost seed after last frost spring, summer, fall spring, summer, fall spring, summer, fall spring, summer spring, summer spring, summer, fall spring, summer spring, summer spring, summer spring, summer seed after last frost seed after last frost seed after last frost seed after last frost seed after last frost after last frost spring, summer, fall spring, summer, fall Planting Season 420 7,000 18,000 Okra Onion Parsley 1/2 oz 1,000 15,000 Melon Mustard Greens 4 gr 25,000 Lettuce 4 gr 200-300 200-300 300 na 9,000 7,000-9,000 400-600 Squash, Summer Sunflower Sweet Potato Tomato Turnip Watermelon 1,400-2,600 Spinach Squash, Winter 7,000-9,000 na Rutabaga Sorghum 2,500 Radish 10 lbs na 100-300 Potatoes Pumpkin 2gr 4,500 Pepper 1/2 oz 1/8 oz 1/4 oz 2gr 100 slips 1/2-1 oz 1/2-2 oz 1/2 oz 1/2 oz na 1/4 oz 1 oz 1/2-1 oz 8 oz 5,000 110 Parsnip Pea 1/4 oz 1/4 oz 1 1/2 oz 1 oz 1/4 oz 8,500 10,000 5 gr Kohlrabi 7,000 Kale Seed 100' row Leek Avg. Seeds/oz Type Name after last frost spring, summer, fall tp after last frost tp after last frost after last frost after last frost after last frost spring, summer, fall after last frost spring, summer spring, summer, fall after last frost spring, fall tp after last frost spring, summer spring, summer spring, summer spring, fall seed after last frost spring, summer, fall after last frost spring, summer, fall spring, summer, fall spring, summer spring, summer, fall Planting Season planting guide 1/4-1/2 oz 1/4 oz 1/2 oz 3 gr 60-80 9,000 Cowpeas 4 oz 5 gr 1-2 oz 1 oz na 4 gr 10 gr 5 gr 5 gr 5 gr Cress 7,000 100 Collards 2,100 Cilantro Corn 75,000 800 -1,800 Celery/ Celariac 8,000 Cauliflower Chard 7,500 18,000 Cabbage Carrot 5,000 Brussels Sprout 1/2 oz 2,200 7,000 Beet Broccoli 6 oz 60 Bean, Pole 16 oz 100 40-65 Bean, Soy Bean, Runner 8 oz 18,000 90 Basil Bean, Dry 1/16 oz 25,000 Amaranth Seed 100' row Avg. Seeds/oz Type Name planting guide 65 na Aug 10 - Oct 1 na na na na na Aug 15 - Oct 1 na Aug 1 - Sep 15 Aug 15 - Oct 1 na Aug 20 - Oct 1 na Aug 10 - Sep 15 July15 - Aug 1 July 15 - Sep 15 Sep 1 - Nov 20 Feb 20 - May 1 na Aug 15 - Oct 1 na Aug 15 - Oct 1 Aug 1 - Oct 1 Aug 1 -Sep 15 Aug 15 - Oct 1 AVL NC Fall Planting na Oct 1 to Nov 20 na Aug 1 - Sep 10 na Sep 1 - Oct 1 na na Aug 1 - Oct 1 July 1 - Sep 15 Aug 1 - Sep 15 na July 1 - Sep 1 July 15 - Sep 25 July 10 - Sep 1 July 1 - Sep 1 July 1 - Sep 1 Aug 1 - Sep 25 na na na July 15 - Aug 1 July 15 - Aug 1 na Aug 15 - Oct 1 leaf:AugSep 15 AVL NC Fall Planting 70-90°F 50-75°F 70-90°F 70-90 F 65-85°F 65-85°F 65-85°F 45-65°F 55-80°F 50-75°F 45-80°F 65-90°F na 65-85°F 50-75°F 55-75°F 50-85°F 50-95°F 70-90°F 60-85°F 75-95°F 40-80°F 50-80°F 50-85°F 50-85°F Ideal Soil Temp 60-90°F na 75-90°F 45-75°F 60-90°F 45-70°F 50-80°F 60-85°F 50-85°F 55-85°F 45-80°F 50-70°F 50-85°F 45-85°F 50-85°F 50-85°F 50-80°F 45-75°F 60-80°F 75-90°F 55-60°F 60-80°F 75-90°F 65-85°F 50-85°F 60-85°F Ideal Soil Temp full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full, part full sun full sun full, part full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full, part full sun full sun full, part full sun full, part full sun frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive light frost tolerance frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensittive frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy moderate frost tolerance moderate frost tolerance moderate frost tolerance moderate frost tolerance frost-tolerant, winter hardy moderate frost tolerance frost tolerant, winter hardy moderate frost tolerance frost tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost tolerant, winter hardy light frost tolerance Frost Tolerance ds or tp ds tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds ds ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp tp ds or tp ds ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds ds ds ds ds ds ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp Direct Seed/ Transplant 1/2-3/4" 2" 1/4" 1/8" 1/2" 1/4-1/2" 1-2" 1-2" 1/4-1/2" 1/4 " 1/2" 1/16" 1/4" 1/4-1/2" 1/4-1/2" 1/4-1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1" 1" 1/2" 1" 1" 1/4" 1/8" 1/8" Seed Depth 6" 4-6" NA 2-3" 2" 1" 2-3" 3" 1-2" 1" 1" 1/4" 1" 1/2" 4-6" 4-6" 2-4" 1-2" 2-3" 2-3" 2-4" 2-4" 2-3" 2-4" 1-2" 1-2" Seed Spacing 7-14 7-21 5-17 6-12 4-13 2-15 6-14 7-10 5-17 5-17 5-17 10-20 5-15 6-21 5-17 5-17 5-17 5-17 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-16 7 -14 3-10 8-12 Days Emergence 12-18" Don't thin 24-30" 10-14" 6" 10" Don't thin 8-12" 8-12" 3-4" 10-14" 8-14" 18" 1-3" 18-24" 18-24" 3-5" 4-6" Don't thin 6-8" Don't thin Don't thin 12-18" 4-12" 6" Thin to/ Plant Spacing 75-120 7-8 mo 70-100 30-45 55-65 40-50 50-75 75-120 55-80 30-45 45-60 100-120 90-115 75-80 90-120 80-100 50-85 50-85 60-80 50-80 70-90 50-75 60-90 40-60 20-35 30 - 110 DaysHarvest varies 30-40 lbs 50 lbs na 120 lbs 35 lbs 40 lbs 90-100 ears 50 lbs 30-40 40 lbs 100 heads 60 heads 100 lbs 60 heads 60 lbs 75 lbs 100 lbs 150-200 lbs 80 lbs na 80 lbs 40-50 lbs 40-50 lbs 30-40 lbs varies Avg. Yield/ 100'Row annual perennial annual biennial annual biennial annual annual biennial annual biennial biennial biennial biennial biennial biennial biennial biennial annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual Growth Cycle 3-5 yr 4-10 mo 3-5 yr 3-5 yr 5-7 yr 3-5 yr 4-6 yr 4-6 yr 4-5 yr 6 yr 3-4 yr 4-5 yr 4-5 yr 3-5 yr 4-5 yr 4-5 yr 4-5 yr 2-3 yr 3-6 yr 3-6 yr 3-6 yr 3-6 yr 3-6 yr 4-6 yr 3-4 yr 3 - 10 yr Seed Viability frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy moderate frost tolerance frost sensitive frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive light frost tolerance frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost sensitive, winter hardy moderate frost tolerance frost sensitive moderate frost tolerance frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost-tolerant, winter hardy frost-tolerant, winter hardy Frost Tolerance ds or tp ds tp tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds ds ds or tp ds tp ds ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp ds or tp Direct Seed/ Transplant 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" NA 1" 1" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1" 3-4" 1/4-1/2" 1-2" 1/2-3/4" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" 1/2" 1/8" 1/4" 1/4-1/2" 1/2" Seed Depth 6" 1" NA 12" 4-6" 6" 6" 1" 1 1/2" 1" 1/2" 6" 12"' NA 2-3" 1/2" 1" 1" 3-4" 1" 5" 1/2" 1" 1" 1" Seed Spacing 3-10 5-17 6-14 NA 5-12 5-10 5-10 6-21 7-15 5-17 4-11 5-10 10-20 8-25 6-14 15-28 12-25 6-16 7-15 3-12 3-10 3-15 6-16 5-17 5-17 Days Emergence 12" 3-6" 18-24" Don't thin 8-12" 1' 12-18" 4" 8" 5" 1-2" 12" Don't thin 18-24" Don't thin 3" 8- 10" 3-6" 12" 4-8" 3-4/mound 6-10" 4-6" 8" 12" Thin to/ Plant Spacing 70-100 40-65 55-85 90-120 80-120 60-110 50-70 30-50 100-120 85-95 20-30 90-120 60-120 60-100 50-75 100-130 65-90 65-110 60-85 30-45 65-95 25-50 100-120 60-75 45-60 DaysHarvest 50-100 lbs 40 lbs 150 lbs 50+ lbs na 150-200+ lbs 150-200 lbs 40 lbs 50 lbs 150 lbs 100 bunches 200-300 lbs 50+ lbs 50 lbs 20 lbs 75 lbs 30 lbs 100 lbs 300+ pods 80-100 lbs 50-100 lbs 40-50 heads 150 stalks 50 lbs 75 lbs Avg. Yield/ 100'Row annual biennial annual perennial annual annual annual biennial annual biennial biennial annual perennial annual annual biennial biennial biennial annual biennial annual annual biennial biennial biennial Growth Cycle 4-5 yr 4-5 yr 4-7 yr 6-8 mo 4-6 yr 3-5 yr 3-4 yr 3-4 yr 3-5 yr 3-4 yr 2-5 yr 3-5 yr 6-12 mo 3-5 yr 4-6 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr 2-4 yr 1-2 yr 4-5 yr 5-7 yr 3-4 yr 2-4 yr 4-5 yr 4-5 yr Seed Viability Sow True Seed • 146 Church Street • Asheville, NC 28801 • 828-254-0708 • full, part Sun full sun full sun full sun full, part full sun full, part full sun full sun full sun full, part full, part full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full sun full, part full sun Sun Sow True Seed • 146 Church Street • Asheville, NC 28801 • 828-254-0708 • 2012 event schedule sow true seed programs Wholesale Rack Program Do you have a favorite store that you think would be perfect for a Sow True Seed rack? Please let them know about us! Sow True Seed offers a variety of racks and seed for retail stores, from our large wire spinner to our counter top best-seller seed offerings. To receive our wholesale materials, please contact Peter Waskiewicz at 828-254-0708 or [email protected]. Seed Money Fund-Raising Program Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Jan 18-21 Little Rock, AK Virginia Biological Farming Conference Feb 10-11 Richmond, VA Georgia Organics Feb 24-25 Columbus, GA Organic Growers School March 3-4 Asheville, NC Sow True Seed partners with schools and organizations to help promote sustainability, healthy living, regional agriculture and heirloom seed preservation while raising money for a cause. Our easy-to-implement program offers our new seed collections and bestsellers for your group to sell in your community, either in-person or through our on-line website. Your organization will keep 30% of income generated by your sales, tracked with your own promotional code. SEED MONEY fundraising includes a fabulous K-6 Curriculum on Seed Saving. If your school or organization is interested in fundraising with our seeds, please contact Ginger West at 828-254-0708 or [email protected] to receive materials and get started! Community Seed Exchange (CSE) This popular program offers local gardeners the opportunity to be a part of our seed preparation process. We offer participants four packets of our seeds per hour for use in your home or community garden. With an abundance of seeds earned, it is no surprise that many participants choose to donate packs to local organizations like ASAP, who use our seeds in their Growing Minds Farm to School Program. Interested? Please contact Mikey Brandt at [email protected] or call 828-254-0708 to schedule a time to come in. Spring Herb Festival May 4-6 WNC Farmer’s Market Asheville, NC North Carolina Master Gardener Conference May 20 – 23 Asheville, NC True Nature County Fair October (Date TBD) Flat Rock, NC Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) October 26 - 28, 2012 Greenville, SC 66 828-254-0708 • 67 visit our retail store 146 Church Street in Downtown Asheville The Sow True Seed Retail Store is located at our warehouse in Asheville, North Carolina and is open year round. Store hours vary according to the season. From February – May, the store is open from 10am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. The rest of the year, our store hours are generally Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. If you happen to be visiting our area and would like to come by at another time, please let us know in advance and we will do our best to accommodate your visit. Sow True Seed is closed for major holidays, so please contact us for specific dates if your visit overlaps a holiday. In addition to our full seed packet selection, this year our retail store offers a selection of our most popular seed varieties in convenient, ready-to-buy bulk sizes. We have also expanded our book collection. And finally, a note to locals: feel free to order on-line and pickup your order in our store. Simply enter the code LOCAL in the promo box on our website shopping cart, and we will contact you when your order is ready for pick-up. Voila - no shipping charges! sow true seed policies Seed Warranty and Refund Policy We proudly stand by the quality and performance of our seed and guarantee your satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with our seed after providing proper storage and growth attempt, we will credit or refund the full purchase price of the seed. This warranty does not extend beyond the purchase price of seed, for any reason, under any circumstances. No other warranty is given, expressed or implied to the fitness of seed, for any particular purpose, or against loss due to any cause. Sow True Seed, Inc. assumes no responsibility for crop failure due to pests, environmental conditions, fertilization, irrigation, weeds or any other factors beyond our control. To qualify for a warranted refund, you must contact us in writing, by phone, fax, or e-mail, within 3 months of purchase, and within 20 days of discovery. Please provide the following: 1) Purchase date/location. 2) Type/Variety name and lot # from packet. 3) Statement describing your dissatisfaction and your preference for a refund, credit or replacement. 4) Any remaining seed from any quantities larger than standard sized packets must be returned to Sow True Seed for quality testing. Warranty does not apply to onion sets, plants, seed potato, sweet potato slips, seed garlic or asparagus crown purchases. Back Orders We do our best to avoid back-orders, but sometimes products can be temporarily unavailable. Should this be the case, there is a choice on the order form and in the shopping cart to 1) receive a similar substitute or 2) receive a refund, or 3) call me with options. If you have asked for a seed that is back-ordered, either your order will be shipped within 2 weeks or we will contact you to discuss options. Check our website,, for the most up-to-date information on product availability. 68 828-254-0708 • 69 meet our growers MEET OUR GROWERS - WOMEN IN SEED Sow True Seed works with growers across the Southeast to build upon our seed offerings sourced regionally. This year, we are excited to highlight two female seed farmers in our community of seed producers: Holly Whitesides, Farmer Sow True Seeds: Arikara Yellow Beans, Hutterite Soup Beans, Bush Pickle, Styrian Pumpkin, Opalka Tomato, Cosmonaut Volkov Tomato, Montana Popping Amaranth+ Impassioned about the production and distribution methods of our contemporary food system, Holly began farming over 7 years ago in Watauga County, NC. Her farm, against the grain, is a small sustainable farm with 2 acres of cultivated land. Holly and her partner, Andy Bryant, grow a broad spectrum of vegetables, sorghum cane for molasses production, heirloom grains, pasture poultry, and now...seed crops! Committed to food security and accessibility for everyone, the 2011 season marked Holly’s first year producing seed for us. “I am so excited to grow seed for a small catalog like Sow True Seed,” says Holly. “It feels incredibly empowering to participate in the regional food system on many different levels.” We couldn’t agree more – thanks, Holly! Cathy Cleary, West End Bakery Sow True Seed: Neck Pumpkin Winter Squash Cathy is the co-owner of the successful West End Bakery in West Asheville. With a passion for cooking and baking with the freshest ingredients possible, it is a natural fit for her to grow food for the bakery. On her land in Madison County, Cathy and her husband grow their famous Neck Pumpkin Squash, which Cathy uses at the bakery to make the delicious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins, Pumpkin Cocount Curry Soup, Pumpkin Pies, and even Pumpkin Sage and Parmesan Veggie Burgers. She saves the seed from these amazing squash and trades them with Sow True Seed for other types of seeds for her garden. The collaboration with Sow True Seed has been inspiring to her and to other gardeners in the West Asheville Community. In fact, this year she sold packets of Sow True Seed Neck Pumpkin at her bakery, and enjoyed stories from her many customers about their bountiful harvest of delicious winter squash! A great story celebrating the full circle of food production -- from seed to fruit to community! Our heartfelt thanks to Holly, Cathy, and all of our hard-working seed growers – may your harvest always be bountiful! 70 828-254-0708 • 71