Winners dossier PDF


Winners dossier PDF
Swiss Film Prize «Quartz 2012» – the winners
«Best Fiction Film»
Summer Games by Rolando Colla
Coproduction CH / I
Producer (CH):
Elena Pedrazzoli
Peacock Film
Mühlebachstrasse 113
CH - 8008 Zürich
Phone +41/44/422 47 70
Fax +41/44/422 90 40
[email protected]
Filmstill: Copyright © Peacock Film
Synopsis: The story of an adult and a teenage couple during a brief summer holiday by the sea.
While Nic’s parents remain trapped in a precarious mutual dependency despite repeated attempts at
reconciliation, their 12 year-old son tries to come to terms with his father’s traumatising violent outbursts in games with other children. He tries to teach Marie, who is of his age and suffers from her
own relationship with her father, to feel nothing. In fact, both of them are transformed by their experience of the joys and pains of first love. A film about the first steps towards a life of one’s own.
Festivals and awards: A.o. U.a. Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica 2011, TIFF Toronto
International Film Festival 2011, Busan International Film Festival 2011, Mostra Internacional del Cinema de Sao Paulo 2011, Thessaloniki International Film Festival 2011, Zürcher Filmpreis 2011, Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis Saarbrücken 2012
Producer (I):
World Sales:
Art Direction:
Original version:
Peacock Film, Classic, RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera, Arte
Amedeo Pagani
Look Now!, Filmverleih, Gasometerstrasse 9, 8005 Zürich
T 044/440 25 44, F 044/440 26 52, [email protected],
Peacock Film
Rolando Colla, Pilar Anguita-MacKay, Roberto Scarpetti, Olivier Lorelle
Lorenz Merz
Rolando Colla, Didier Ranz
Jürg Lempen, Michael Duss, Sébastien Ariaux
Bernd Schurer, Nikolaj Grandjean
Paola Genni, Martino Sulmoni, Andi Schrämli
Daniela Verdenelli, Sara Facchini
Massimiliano D'Agostino, Annette Trumel, Susan Müller, Amel Soudani
Armando Condolucci, Fiorella Campanella, Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone,
Francesco Huang, Chiara Scolari, Marco D'Orazi, Roberta Fossile, Aaron Hitz
Italian, colour, 35mm, 101 min., Dolby SRD, 16:9
«Best Documentary Film»
Vol spécial by Fernand Melgar
Fernand Melgar
Executive producers:
Stéphane Goël / Elise Shubs
8, rue du Maupas
CH - 1004 Lausanne
Phone +41/21/648 35 61
Fax +41/21/646 27 87
[email protected]
Filmstill: Copyright © climage
Synopsis: In Switzerland, more than 200’000 illegal immigrants live in fear: at any moment they risk
being arrested without committing any crime. They can be tied up, handcuffed, gagged and returned
to their native land by force on a special rendition flight. These people have a built a new life and
started a family, yet Swiss officials can expel them from the country overnight. Why? Because they do
not have any means of identification. Thousands of men and women find themselves in one of the 33
administrative detention centres in the country and could be incarcerated for up to 24 months. The
filmmaker has chosen to immerse himself in the Frambois prison in Geneva, capital of human rights.
Festivals and awards: A.o. Festival del film Locarno 2011 (Prix du Jury Oecuménique, Premier Prix
du Jury des Jeunes), Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm 2011,
RIDM Rencontres internationales du documentaire Montréal 2011, Festival dei Popoli Firenze 2011,
Watch Docs Human Rights International Film Festival 2011 (Grand Prix); Solothurn Film Festival 2012
(Prix de Soleure), One World International Human Rights Film Festival Prague 2012, Thessaloniki
Documentary Film Festival 2012, Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independente 2012
Climage, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse; SRG SSR; ARTE
Look Now!, Filmverleih, Gasometerstrasse 9, 8005 Zürich
T 044/440 25 44, F 044/440 26 52, M 079/300 13 69, [email protected],
World Sales: Climage, 8, rue du Maupas, 1004 Lausanne
T 021/648 35 61, F 021/646 27 87, [email protected],
Screenplay: Fernand Melgar
Cinematography: Denis Jutzeler
Karine Sudan, Prune Jaillet
Christophe Giovannoni, Jürg Lempen, Gabriel Hafner, François Musy
Wandifa Njie
Original version: French/German/English, colour, 35mm, 103 min., Dolby Digital, 1:1.85
«Best Short Film»
Du&Ich by Esen Isik
Brigitte Hofer
Neugasse 6
CH - 8005 Zürich
Phone +41/44/274 88 66
[email protected]
Filmstill: Copyright © maximage
Synopsis: Different cultural backgrounds and the sterile apartment building in the suburbs are not
Linda and Sevilay’s problem. The problem for these two 15-year-old friends is their messed up parents. What the two teenagers really want to do is run away. Things come to a head on Linda’s birthday.
Festivals and awards: Solothurn Film Festival 2012
maximage GmbH, Neugasse 6, 8005 Zürich
T 044/274 88 66, [email protected],
Distributor/ World Sales: maximage GmbH, Neugasse 6, 8005 Zürich
T 044/274 88 66, [email protected],
Esen Isik
Gabriel Sandru
Bernhard Zitz, Darko Linder, Peter Bräker
Kaya Inan
Marcel Vaid
Art direction/costumes: Karin Oyewusi
Karin Oyewusi
Original version:
Swiss German, Turkish, German, English, colour, HD CAM, 23 min, 16:9
«Best Screenplay»
Rolando Colla, Pilar Anguita-MacKay for «Summer Games»
Foto: Copyright © Alberto Venzago/ Filmstill: Copyright © Peacock Film
Rolando Colla: Born in 1957 in Schaffhausen. Joint Swiss and Italian citizenship. Since 1978 lives
and works in Zurich. Professional activities include screenwriting, acting and production management.
Since 1983 screenwriter and director for commissioned films. 1984 Founds Peacock Film AG. 1985
Receives degree in German studies and Romance languages from the University of Zurich. Since
2002 Lecturer at the EICT (Escuela Internacional de Cine y Television) in San Antonio de los Baños,
Havana, Cuba.
Filmography: 2012 «Einspruch VI» (short film) / 2011 «Summer Games» / 2007 «L'autre moitié» /
2007 «Einspruch V» (short film) / 2007 «Marameo»/ 2004 «Einspruch IV» (short film) / 2004 «Operazione Stradivari» / 2002 «Einspruch III» (short film) / 2002 «Oltre il confine» / 2000 «Einspruch II»
(short film) / 1999 «Einspruch» (short film) / 1998 «Le monde à l'envers» / 1994 «Jagdzeit» (short film)
Pilar Anguita-MacKay: Born in 1966 in Santiago, Chile. 1991 Receives Master in Graphic Design,
Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile. 1998 Receives degree in Film Directing from the ECAL (École
Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne). 2001 Receives Master in Screenwriting from University of Southern
Filmography: 1993 «Raimunda» (short film) / 1994 «Luz» (short film) / 1994 «Le ritual» (short film) /
1994 «Los Umbrales» (short film) / 1995 «Auprès de moi» (short film) / 1995 «L'impair» (short film) /
1997 «Ich spreche Deutsch» (documentary) / 1998 «L'heure de l'étoile» (short film) / 2002 «Voyages
ONOMA» (documentary) / 2006 «La mémoire des autres»
«Best Actress»
Carla Juri as Annemarie in «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari» by Xavier Koller
Foto: Copyright © Felix von Muralt / Filmstill «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari»: Copyright © Catpics
Biography: Carla Juri grew up bilingual in Ambrì (Ticino). After completing grammar school, she studied acting at the New York Film Academy, followed by theatre engagements and training in various
acting studios, including the Actors Center in London. Carla Juri won the Swiss Film Prize «Quartz
2011» straightaway for her first film role in «180º.» As a polyglot actress she plays in Germany, England and Italy.
Film parts (selection): 2011 «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari», director: Xavier Koller / «Fossil», director: Alex Walker / 2010 «Jump», director: Bindu de Stoppani / «L'uomo dei boschi», director: Enrico
Oldoini / «Ho sposato uno sbirro», director: Andrea Barzini (both TV) / 2009 «180º», director: Cihan
Inan / «Stationspiraten», director: Michael Schaerer / 2008 «Champions», director: Ricardo
Synopsis «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari» (Production / World Rights: Catpics):
Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out
of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the
heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete –
but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.
Festivals and awards: Solothurn Film Festival 2012
«Best Actor»
Max Hubacher as Max in «The Foster Boy» (Der Verdingbub) by Markus Imboden
Foto Copyright @ Yoshiko Kusano / Filmstill «Der Verdingbub»: Copyright © C-Films
Biography: Born in 1993 in Bern, Switzerland, Max Hubacher had a taste of theatre already at the
age of seven, with his first performances in a children’s theatre awakening his passion for the stage.
Since 2007 Hubacher has been a member of the „14+ Youth Theatre Club” affiliated with the
Schlachthaus Theater in Bern. Max Hubacher’s first appearance before the camera was in 2009, starring in one of the leading roles as Michi, a cancer patient, in the motion picture «Stationspiraten» (director: Michael Schaerer). His next leading role was not long in coming: Max was cast for the title role
of the motion picture «The Foster Boy» (Der Verdingbub, director: Markus Imboden), in which he performed opposite Katja Riemann and Stefan Kurt and is selected as Shooting Star to the Berlinale. Max
Hubacher has also been cast in a minor role in «Night Train to Lisbon» (director: Bille August), scheduled for release in cinemas in 2013.
Film parts: 2012 «Nachtzug nach Lissabon», director: Bille August / 2011 «Der Verdingbub», director:
Markus Imboden / 2010 «Stationspiraten», director: Michael Schärer
Synopsis «The Foster Boy» (Der Verdingbub) (Production: C-Films, distributor: Elite Film):
Max is an orphan who has been hired out to a farmer’s family. His foster parents treat him like a workhorse while their son seizes every opportunity to humiliate him. Playing the accordion is the one thing
that is entirely his. But when the new teacher stands up for Max, it only makes a bad situation much
worse. The only thing preserving his will to survive is his friendship with Berteli, who was also taken on
to work at the farm. Max dreams of Argentina with her: a fantasy world, where allegedly even hayforks
are made of silver.
Festivals and awards: Solothurn Film Festival 2012, EFM European Film Market Berlin 2012
«Best Performance in a Supporting Role»
Stefan Kurt as Bösiger in «The Foster Boy» (Der Verdingbub) by Markus Imboden
Foto Copyright©Peter Bour / Filmstill «Der Verdingbub»: Copyright © C-Films
Biography: Stefan Kurt, born in 1959 in Bern, completes his studies at the Conservatory for Music
and Theater in Bern. From 1985 to 1993 he is a member of the ensemble at Hamburger Thalia Theater. From now on he works with acclaimed directors as Robert Wilson and Jürgen Flimm. For his part
in Flimm’s play «Der Diener zweier Herren» he is awarded with the Boy-Gobert-Preis. 1993 Stefan
performs for the first time on camera for a TV-series. He makes his debut onscreen with «Marthas
Garten» by Peter Liechti in 1997. In 1997 and 1999 he is honoured with the Adolf-Grimme-Award. He
receives the Swissperform Award in 2006 and 2010, most recently for «Der letzte Weynfeldt», which
also won the Swiss Television Award in 2011. He was nominated for the German Film Award in 2011
for his performance in «Dreileben – Eine Minute Dunkel».
Film parts (selection): 2011 «Der Verdingbub», director: Markus Imboden / 2010 «Stationspiraten»,
director: Michael Schaerer / «Der letzte Weynfeldt», director: Alain Gsponer / 2009 «Giulias Verschwinden», director: Christoph Schaub / 2007 «Bis zum Ellenbogen», director: Justus von Dohnanyi /
«Vier Minuten», director: Chris Kraus / «Mein Führer», director: Dani Levy / 1999 «Long Hello and
Short Goodbye», director: Rainer Kaufmann / «Gegen Ende der Nacht», director: Oliver Storz / 1997
«Der Schattenmann», director: Dieter Wedel
Synopsis «The Foster Boy» (Der Verdingbub) (Production: C-Films, distributor: Elite Film):
Max is an orphan who has been hired out to a farmer’s family. His foster parents treat him like a workhorse while their son seizes every opportunity to humiliate him. Playing the accordion is the one thing
that is entirely his. But when the new teacher stands up for Max, it only makes a bad situation much
worse. The only thing preserving his will to survive is his friendship with Berteli, who was also taken on
to work at the farm. Max dreams of Argentina with her: a fantasy world, where allegedly even hayforks
are made of silver.
Festivals and awards: Solothurn Film Festival 2012, EFM European Film Market Berlin 2012
«Best Film Score»
Balz Bachmann, Peter Bräker & George Vaine
for «Day Is Done» by Thomas Imbach
Foto Bachmann/Bräker: © Alberto Venzago/ Foto: © George Vaine/ Filmstill: © Okofilm Productions
Balz Bachmann was born in 1971 in Zurich. He trained initially as a printer and then studied contrabass at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern. Since 1997 he has composed primarily for fiction and documentary films, art and television. Apart from being a composer, he is also a musician and music producer, performing in many concerts in Switzerland and abroad, as well as with Sophie Hunger and her
band. Balz Bachmann was already nominated for the Swiss Film Prize «Quartz» in 2009 for «Happy
New Year» and 2010 for «Giulias Verschwinden».
Peter Bräker was born in 1958 in Biasca. Initially a hairdresser, he launches his career as a sound
engineering assistant for Swiss Television. Composer for fiction, documentary and advertising films for
many years. Works as a sound designer, Foley artist and musician. Peter Bräker was nominated 2009
for the Swiss Film Prize «Quartz» for «Happy New Year».
George Vaine (aka Lukas Langenegger) was born in 1983 in Zürich. From childhood on he plays and
sings in various bands and formations. 2008 his band Diebesbande breaks up, from now on Langenegger calls himself Vaine and sings in English. A trio of the same name performs live since 2010.
His first album has been recorded and is to be released in 2012. Vaine performs many solo shows,
among others as support band for Sophie Hunger, who introduces him to Balz Bachmann. «Day Is
Done» is his first film score.
Film scores Bachmann/Bräker (selection):
2008 «Happy New Year», director: Christoph Schaub
2006 «Lenz», director: Thomas Imbach
2005 «Gambit», director: Sabine Gisiger
2004 «Jeune Homme», director: Christoph Schaub
2003 «Sternenberg», director: Christoph Schaub
2000 «DO IT», director: S.Gisiger und M.Zwingli
Synopsis «Day Is Done» (Production: Okofilm Productions, distributor: Pathé Films):
A smokestack stubbornly pierces the sky. Trains rumble by down below. Lights come on in the buildings as night falls. There is a man behind the camera, looking for an image – of himself? Of the world?
Of society? By day and night, in rain and snow, he stands filming at the window of his studio. Periodically we hear people leaving messages on his answering machine. They talk about the weather while
on vacation and congratulate him on his birthday. His father dies, a child is born, and the young family
begins to fall apart. Time passes. Slowly the cityscape morphs into the inner landscape of the man
behind the camera.
Festivals and awards : A.o. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 2011, Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independente 2011, Planete Doc Film Festival Warsaw 2011 (Honorable Mention of
Millenium Award Jury), Melbourne International Film Festival 2011, Chicago International Film Festival
2011, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2011, Zürcher Filmpreis 2011
«Best Cinematography»
Lorenz Merz for «Summer Games»
Foto: Copyright © Alberto Venzago/ Filmstill: Copyright © Peacock Film
Biography: Born in 1981 in Zurich. Trains as photographer and graphic designer. 2004-08 Studies at
ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, formerly HGKZ), Film department. 2008 Receives degree
from ZHdK. Works as film director and cameraman. Swiss Film Prize «Quartz 2009», Best Short Film
for «Un día y nada». Zürcher Filmpreis for the cinematography in «Summer Games»
Filmography (selection):
2011 «Der Sandmann», director: Peter Luisi / 2010 «Goodnight Nobody», director: Jacqueline Zünd /
2008 «Un día y nada» (director / short film) / 2007 «The Little Samurai» (director) / 2003 «Bastri im
Wunderland» (director / short film) / 2005 «Per lei e me» (director / short film) / 2004 «4*Poemas» (Codirector / short film) / 2002 «Beachball» (director / experimental film) / 2000 «Low Tide» (director /
short film)
«Special Prize of the Academy»
Gion-Reto Killias for the outstanding editing of
the three nominated films Abrir puertas y
ventanas», «Day Is Done» and «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari».
Laudatio (German)
Für drei Filme, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, hat Gion-Reto Killias mit seiner Schnittarbeit
die richtige Sprache und den richtigen Rhythmus gefunden. Was seine Arbeit auszeichnet, ist sein
sensibler Umgang mit Emotionen und das Zugänglichmachen und Eröffnen einer vielschichtigen Dramaturgie.
Biography: Gion-Reto Killias was born in 1970 in Zurich and grew up in Rudolfstetten, where he
made his first video film, already in the fifth grade in primary schol. Upon completing the intermediate
diploma school, Killias attended the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) between 1994-1999 and obtained his degree in Film/Video. Since 1999 he has worked as an independent editor and video cameraman.
Filmografie (selection):
2012 «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari», director: Xavier Koller
2011 «Day Is Done», director: Thomas Imbach
«Abrir puertas y ventanas», director: Milagros Mumenthaler
2010 «Der letzte Weynfeldt», director: Alain Gsponer
2009 «Pepperminta», director: Pipilotti Rist
2006 «Das Fräulein», director: Andrea Štaka
2005 «Havarie» (TV), director: Xavier Koller
«Grounding», director: Michael Steiner (co-editor)
2004 «La Fidanzata» (Short), director: Petra Volpe
2003 «Bei Parish» (documentary), director: Yael Parish
2002 «Mutter» (documentary), director: Miklós Gimes
Honorary Award for Rolf Lyssy
Photo © Elia Lyssy
Film director and author Rolf Lyssy receives the Honorary Award for his extraordinary contribution to
filmmaking. His film “Die Schweizermacher” (1978) has remained the most successful Swiss film production of the past 50 years. His career began in 1964, working on films by Reni Mertens and Walter
Marti as well as by Alain Tanner. His current film “Ursula – Leben in Anderswo” (2011) takes up
Mertens’ and Marti’s film “Ursula oder das unwerte Leben” (1966). His initial recognition as a director
and author was in 1975 with “Konfrontation,” the story of an NSDAP group leader who was assassinated in Davos. His 40-year creative phase has resulted in a multifaceted oeuvre with fiction and
documentary films. In his book “Swiss Paradise,” Lyssy processed the life crisis he experienced as a
filmmaker at the end of the 1990s. A number of fiction films followed his memorable film “Die Schweizermacher,” including “Teddy Bär” (1983) and “Leo Sonnyboy” (1989). His documentary films include
the following films: “Schreiben gegen den Tod” (2002); “Wäg vo de Gass!” (2004); “Die Vitusmacher”
(2005); and “Hard(ys) Life” (2009).
1968 Eugen heisst wohlgeboren (fiction)
1971 Vita Parcoeur (short film)
1974 Konfrontation (fiction)
1978 Die Schweizermacher (fiction)
1981 Kassettenliebe (fiction)
1983 Teddy Bär (fiction)
1989 Leo Sonnyboy (fiction)
1992 Ein Trommler in der Wüste (documentary)
1994 Ein klarer Fall (fiction)
1999 Leo Sternbach (documentary)
2002 Schreiben gegen den Tod (documentary)
2004 Wäg vo de Gass! (documentary)
2006 Die Vitusmacher (documentary)
2009 Hard(ys) Life – Blicke ins Leben eines MundHandwerkers (documentary)
2011 Ursula – Leben in Anderswo (documentary)
More information:
Jury Special Prize of the Academy 2012
Christian Frei (director, producer, president of the Swiss Film Academy)
Myriam Flury (film editor)
Pierre Monnard (director)
Chris Niemeyer (director and producer)
Stéphane Kuthy (cinematographer)
Andrea Zogg (actor)
Election of the winners
Some 300 members of the Film Academy select the winners of the Swiss Film Prize «Quartz 2011». A
jury comprised of Academy members also awards the «Special Prize of» honouring an outstanding
technical and artistic achievement.
Previous Winners of the Swiss Film Prize «Quartz»
Best Fiction Film
Summer Games
Rolando Colla
La petite chambre
Stéphanie Chuat, Véronique Reymond
Cœur animal
Séverine Cornamusaz
Ursula Meier
Der Freund
Micha Lewinsky
Fredi M. Murer
Mein Name ist Eugen
Michael Steiner
Tout un hiver sans feu
Greg Zglinski
Jagged Harmonies – Bach vs. Frederick II
Dominique de Rivaz
On dirait le sud
Vincent Pluss
Utopia Blues
Stefan Haupt
Denis Rabaglia
Emporte-moi (Set me free)
Léa Pool
F. est un salaud (F. is a bastard)
Marcel Gisler
Das Schweigen der Männer
(ex aequo) Clemens Klopfenstein
(The silence of men)
Waalo Fendo – Là où la terre gèle
(ex aequo) Mohammed Soudani
(Waalo Fendo – where the earth freezes)
Best Documentary Film
Vol special
Fernand Melgar
Cleveland Versus Wall Street
Jean-Stéphane Bron
The Woman with the 5 Elephants
Vadim Jendreyko
No More Smoke Signals
Fanny Bräuning
Echoes of Home
Stefan Schwietert
The Short Life of José Antonio Gutierrez
Heidi Specogna
Exit, The Right To Die
Fernand Melgar
Accordion Tribe
Stefan Schwietert
Corn in Parliament
Jean-Stéphane Bron
Shepherds’ Journey into the third Millennium
Erich Langjahr
Vadim Jendreyko
Do It
Sabine Gisiger, Marcel Zwingli
Schlagen und Abtun
Norbert Wiedmer
Die Regierung (The Government)
Christian Davi
Journal de Rivesaltes 1941-1942
Jaqueline Veuve
(The Diary of Rivesaltes 1941-1942)
Best Short Film
Esen Isik
Yuri Lennon’s Landing On Alpha 46
Anthony Vouardoux
Las Pelotas
Chris Niemeyer
Un día y nada (One Day And Nothing)
Lorenz Merz
Auf der Strecke (On the Line)
Reto Caffi
Alex E. Kleinberger
Terra incognita
Peter Volkart
Alexander Meier
The Staircase
Frédéric Mermoud
Pierre Monnard
La jeune fille et les nuages
Georges Schwizgebel
Anna Luif
Babami Hirsizlar Caldi (Stolen Father)
Esen Isik
Pastry, Pain and Politics
Stina Werenfels
Angélique («Blind Date» collection of 12 short films)
Best Animation Film
Michaela Müller
Tôt ou tard
Jadwiga Kowalska
Simon Eltz
Un'altra città (Another City)
Carlo Ippolito
New Categories since 2008:
Best Actress
Carla Juri in «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari» by Xavier Koller
Isabelle Caillat in «All That Remains» by Pierre-Adrian Irlé, Valentin Rotelli
Marie Leuenberger in «Die Standesbeamtin» by Micha Lewinsky
Celine Bolomey in «The Noise in My Head» by Vincent Pluss
Sabine Timoteo in «Nebenwirkungen» by Manuel Siebenmann
Best Actor
Max Hubacher in «Der Verdingbub» (The Foster Boy) by Markus Imboden
Scherwin Amini in «Stationspiraten» by Michael Schaerer
Antonio Buil in «Cœur animal» by Séverine Cornamusaz
Dominique Jann in «Luftbusiness» by Dominique de Rivaz
Bruno Cathomas in «Chicken Mexicaine» by Armin Biehler
Best Emerging Actor or Actress
Uygar Tamer in «Dirty Money, l’infiltré»
Kacey Mottet Klein in «Home» by Ursula Meier
Philippe Graber in «Der Freund» by Micha Lewinsky
Categories 2004 - 2007:
Best Performance in a Leading Role
Jean-Luc Bideau in «Mon frère se marie» by Jean-Stéphane Bron
Carlos Leal in «Snow White» by Samir
Roeland Wiesnekker in «Strähl» by Manuel Flurin Hendry
Bettina Stucky in «Meier Marilyn» by Stina Werenfels
Best Performance in a Supporting Role
Natacha Koutchoumov in «Pas de panique» by Denis Rabaglia
Marthe Keller in «Fragile» by Laurent Nègre
Johanna Bantzer in «Strähl» by Manuel Flurin Hendry
Gilles Tschudi in «Jagged Harmonies – Bach vs. Frederick II» by Dominique de Rivaz
Categories till 2003:
Best Actress
Mona Fueter in «Flash or Fervour» by Markus Fischer
Andrea Guyer and Carol Schuler in «Lieber Brad» by Lutz Konermann (ex aequo)
Sabine Timoteo in «L’amour, l’argent, l’amour» by Philipp Gröning
Delphine Lanza in «Attention aux chiens» (Beware of the dogs) by François Christophe Marzal
Best Actor
Mathias Gnädinger in «Big Deal» by Markus Fischer
Michael Finger in «Utopia Blues» by Stefan Haupt
Bruno Ganz in «Pane e tulipani» (Bread and Tulips) by Silvio Soldini
Stefan Suske in «Grosse Gefühle» (Great Feelings) by Christof Schertenleib
New category since 2007:
Best Screenplay
«Summer Games» by Rolando Colla, Pilar Anguita-MacKay
«La petite chambre» by Stéphanie Chuat, Véronique Reymond
«Complices» by Frédéric Mermoud
«Home» by Ursula Meier, Antoine Jaccoud
«Parting Shot» by Jeanne Waltz
«Fraulein» by Andrea Štaka, Barbara Albert, Marie Kreutzer
New category since 2009:
Best Film Score
Balz Bachmann, Peter Bräker, George Vaine for «Day Is Done»
Marcel Vaid for «Goodnight Nobody»
Norbert Möslang for «The Sound Of Insects – Record Of A Mummy»
Marcel Vaid for «Zara»
New category since 2011:
Best performance in a supporting role
Stefan Kurt in «Der Verdingbub» (The Foster Boy)
Carla Juri in «180°» by Cihan Inan
Special Jury Prize
Gerald Damovsky for his production design in «Sennentuntschi»
Stéphane Kuthy for the cinematography in «Tannöd»
Danilo Catti for his artistic and political engagement in «Giù le mani»
Music of Moritz Schneider, Stress and Mich Gerber in «Breakout»
Best Ensemble-Work in the film «Going Private»
Filmkollektiv Zürich for the idea and the editing of the film «Klingenhof»
Filip Zumbrunn for lighting and camera in «Strähl»
Corinna Glaus for casting the film «Ready, Steady, Charlie!»
Honorary Award
Rolf Lyssy
Marcel Hoehn
Claude Goretta
Alain Tanner
New categories since 2012:
Special Prize of the Academy
Gion-Reto Killias for the outstanding editing of the three nominated films Abrir puertas y ventanas», «Day Is Done» and «Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari».
Best Cinematography
Lorenz Merz for «Summer Games» by Rolando Colla