Electronic Miscellaneous Document EMD
Electronic Miscellaneous Document EMD
Electronic Miscellaneous Document EMD Benutzerhandbuch 1 Allgemeine Informationen Version: EMD/2012 Kontakt: TraviAustria, Datenservice für Reise und Touristik GmbH & Co. Nfg. KG Dresdner Straße 81-85 1200 Wien, Austria T: +43-1-33733-0 F: +43-1-33733-733 W: www.traviaustria.com Über TraviAustria TraviAustria, eine Tochter der Austrian Airlines, ist der österreichische IT-Trendsetter im Tourismusbereich. Aufbauend auf unsere langjährige Tourismus-Erfahrung und gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Travelport entwickeln wir maßgeschneiderte und innovative Lösungen am Puls der Branche. Als Partner von Reisebüros und Veranstaltern stellen wir mit unseren Systemen täglich die Abwicklung von tausenden Reisebuchungen in Zentraleuropa sicher. Weitere Informationen zu TraviAustria finden Sie unter www.traviaustria.com. Copyright © 2012 by TraviAustria, all rights reserved. Die Verwertung der Texte und Bilder, auch auszugsweise, ist ohne Zustimmung von TraviAustria urheberrechtswidrig und strafbar. Dies gilt auch für Vervielfältigungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmung und für die Verarbeitung mit elektronischen Systemen. 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Über dieses Dokument ............................................................................... 4 2. Einleitung ................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Was ist EMD? ............................................................................................ 4 2.2. Welche EMD Dokumenttypen gibt es? .......................................................... 4 3. EMD Erstellen ............................................................................................ 5 3.1. SVC Segment ........................................................................................... 5 3.2. SSR ASVC ................................................................................................ 6 3.3. Reason for Issuance Codes (RFIC) ............................................................... 6 3.4. Reason for Issuance Sub Codes (RFISC) ...................................................... 6 4. EMD Ausstellen.......................................................................................... 6 4.1. EMD-S Ausstellen ...................................................................................... 6 4.2. EMD-A Ausstellen ...................................................................................... 7 4.3. Zusätzliche Ticketmodifier .......................................................................... 9 5. EMD Darstellen ......................................................................................... 9 5.1. Im PNR .................................................................................................... 9 5.2. Ohne PNR................................................................................................11 6. EMD Voiden .............................................................................................11 7. EMD Refundieren ......................................................................................12 8. EMD History .............................................................................................12 9. Support Documents ..................................................................................13 10. TINS Screen.............................................................................................14 11. Zusammenfassung Befehle EMD .................................................................15 12. Fehlermeldungen ......................................................................................15 13. MIR.........................................................................................................21 13.1. MIR Type Table ........................................................................................21 13.2. MIR Options Table ....................................................................................21 3 1. Über dieses Dokument Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Anwendung von Electronic Miscellaneous Documents in GDS Galileo. 2. Einleitung 2.1. Was ist EMD? EMD - Electronic Miscellaneous Document ist der IATA Industriestandard zur Verrechnung von kostenpflichtigen Zusatzleistungen und Gebühren über das GDS Galileo. Als Beispiel, kostenpflichtige Sitzplatzreservierungen, Gepäckgebühren, Lounge Zutritt, Umbuchungsgebühren etc. Die EMD Funktionalität im GDS Galileo ermöglicht den Airlines die Einführung eines Verrechnungsprozesses von Nebenleistungen und erlaubt den Agenten den Verkauf dieser direkt über das GDS Galileo. Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) soll bis Ende 2013 folgende Dokumente ablösen: ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ 2.2. Miscellaneous Charge Orders (MCO) or virtual MCO (vMCO) Special Service Tickets (SST) Prepaid Tickets (PTA) Multi-Purpose Documents (MPD) Tour Orders Excess baggage tickets Welche EMD Dokumenttypen gibt es? Es gibt 2 Arten von EMD´s: ñ Associated EMD (EMD-A) Flugsegmentbezogene Leistungen wie, Sitzplätze, Gepäck etc. ñ Stand Alone EMD (EMD-S) Nicht Flugsegmentbezogene Leistungen wie, Lounge access, Umbuchungsgebühren etc. 4 3. EMD Erstellen Bevor ein Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) ausgestellt werden kann, müssen folgende Kriterien erfüllt sein: ñ PNR ist vorhanden ñ E-Ticket wurde erstellt ñ SVC Segment (EMD-S) vorhanden ODER Special Service Requirement (SSR) code ASVC (Additonal Service) vorhanden (EMD-A) 3.1. SVC Segment Ein EMD-S (Stand Alone) kann nur dann ausgestellt werden, sofern ein SVC Segment in der Buchung vorhanden ist. Beispiel für ein SVC Segment für eine Umbuchungsgebühr: 0SVCYYEK1VIEDDMMM-N1/D/992/CHANGE FEE/150.00 Beschreibung: 0SVC -> Standardformat um ein SVC Segment zu erstellen YY -> 2-stelliger Airline Code z.B.: BA für British Airways EK1 -> Statuscode gefolgt von der Anzahl an Services VIE -> 3-stelliger Airport Code des Abflughafens DDMMM- -> Datum an dem ein EMD ausgestellt wird ODER das Abflugsdatum gefolgt von einem Bindestrich N1 -> Namensfeld – N1 für Passagier 1 oder N3 für Passagier 3 /D -> Slash gefolgt von Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) /992 -> Slash gefolgt von Reason for Issuance Sub Code (RFISC) /CHANGE FEE -> Slash gefolgt von Begründung des EMD /150.00 -> Slash gefolgt von Betrag in lokaler Währung Sobald ein SVC Segment in der Buchung vorhanden ist, kann ein EMD erstellt werden. Das SVC Segment wird am Reiseplan angezeigt. 5 3.2. SSR ASVC Ein EMD-A (Associated) kann nur dann ausgestellt werden, sofern ein Special Service Requirement ASVC in der Buchung vorhanden ist. Dieses erfolgt automatisch, wenn zuvor vom Ancillary Services Katalog (DAS*) ein Optional Service abgebucht wurde. Detaillierte Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Benutzerhandbuch Ancillary Services. 3.3. ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ 3.4. Reason for Issuance Codes (RFIC) A B C D E F G Air Transportation Surface Transportation/Non-air Services Baggage Financial Impact (für EMD-S Umbuchungsgebühren) Airport Services Merchandise In-flight Services Reason for Issuance Sub Codes (RFISC) Eine Liste aller Reason for Issuance Sub Codes finden Sie pro Fluglinie im ASK Travelport unter der Answer ID 43782. Eine Liste über alle von ATPCO definierten Issuance Codes und Issuance Sub Codes kann jederzeit unter http://www.atpco.net/download/OptionalSubCodes.pdf abgerufen werden. 4. EMD Ausstellen 4.1. EMD-S Ausstellen Um ein EMD-S auszustellen wird folgende Eingabe verwendet. Beispiel: EMDI/SM1/IC1251234567890 Beschreibung: EMDI -> Standardformat um ein EMD auszustellen /SM1 -> Slash gefolgt von SM Modifier bezieht sich auf die Segmentnummer des SVC Segmentes /IC -> Slash gefolgt von „in Connection with“ (IC) 1251234567890 -> 13-stellige Ticketnummer auf welche sich die Ausstellung eines EMD bezieht, inkl. nummerischer IATA Code der jeweiligen Fluglinie am Anfang 6 Wurde ein oder mehrere EMD´s ausgestellt, erscheint folgende Meldung am Bildschirm: EMD GENERATED 1251812903521 1251813903522 TOTAL 12.50 7.50 5.00 SMITH/JAN MS SMITH/MARK TAB AND ENTER TO REDISPLAY PNR >*3HHJJ4· > Sobald ein EMD-S erfolgreich ausgestellt wurde, ändert sich der Statuscode des SVC Segmentes von EK auf HI. Und die EMD Nummer wird dem SVC Segment hinzugefügt. Diese Änderung ist auch in der Buchungshistorie ersichtlich. QZZ9BE/55 XYZKR C098754 AG 99999992 30JAN 1.1SMITH/HARRY 1. BA 456 Y 16JUL LHRMAD HK1 0815 1135 O* E SA 2. SVC BA HI1 MAD 17JUL-D/992/CHANGE FEE/NM-1SMITH/HARRY/12581 13002506C1/150.00/EUR 3. BA 457 Y 22JUL MADLHR HK1 1240 1400 O* E FR ** VENDOR LOCATOR DATA EXISTS ** >*VLí ** ELECTRONIC MISC DOCUMENT LIST ** >EMDLí FONE-DENB/ FOP -S TKTGT* Fluglinien werden automatisch über die Ausstellung eines EMD benachrichtigt. Ein zusätzlicher OSI Eintrag in der Buchung ist nicht notwendig. Ausnahme: Finnair Group Deposit – SI.AY*EMD PAID DDMMM nnPAX + SI.AY*EMD Nummer 4.2. EMD-A Ausstellen Um ein EMD-A auszustellen wird folgende Eingabe verwendet. Beispiel: EMDI/IC1251234567890 7 Beschreibung: EMDI -> Standardformat um ein EMD auszustellen /IC -> Slash gefolgt von „in Connection with“ (IC) 1251234567890 -> 13-stellige Ticketnummer auf welche sich die Ausstellung eines EMD bezieht, inkl. nummerischer IATA Code der jeweiligen Fluglinie am Anfang Enthält eine Buchung bereits mehrere Ancillary Services und Sie möchten ein bestimmtes ausstellen, können folgende zusätzlichen Modifiers für den Ausstellungsbefehl verwendet werden. ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ Fluglinie - /Vxx Segmentnummer - /Sn Passagiernummer - /Pn Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) - /Rx Special Service Requirement - /Gn Wurde ein oder mehrere EMD´s ausgestellt, erscheint folgende Meldung am Bildschirm: EMD GENERATED 1251812903521 1251813903522 TOTAL 12.50 7.50 5.00 SMITH/JAN MS SMITH/MARK TAB AND ENTER TO REDISPLAY PNR >*3HHJJ4· > Sobald ein EMD-A erfolgreich ausgestellt wurde, ändert sich der Statuscode des Special Service Requirement Additional Service (ASVC) auf HI. Und die EMD Nummer wird dem SSR Segment hinzugefügt. Diese Änderung ist auch in der Buchungshistorie ersichtlich. ** SPECIAL SERVICE REQUIREMENT ** SEGMENT/PASSENGER RELATED S 1. A3 0881 C 23AUG VIEATH P 1. MAYRHOFER/CLAUD+ ASVC HI 1 C/0AA/XBAG/EXCESS BAGGAGE/A/1258113002506C1 TKNE HK 1 3909901781862C1 XBAG KK 1 BLAH/XBAG RATE APPLIES 8 4.3. Zusätzliche Ticketmodifier Zusätzliche Ticketmodifiers können an den Druckbefehl mittels Slash angehängt werden. Z.B.: EMDI/SM1/IC1251234567890/FS Commisson - /Zn Form of Payment - /F… Endorsement - /E…. Related Ticketnummer - /IC…. Print Support Documents /PP-C = Druck credit card charge form (nicht für Markt AT anwendbar) ñ /PI-R = Druck Customer Receipt /PE-R = E-Mail Customer Receipt an alle im Booking File vorhandenen E-Mail Adressen /PEnn-R = E-Mail Customer Receipt an eine bestimmte E-Mail Adresse im Booking File ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ 5. EMD Darstellen 5.1. Im PNR Mit der Eingabe EMDL (List Display) kann eine Liste aller in der Buchung vorhandenen EMD´s dargestellt werden. WHQ5JY/55 XYZKR C067996 AG 99999992 21SEP 1.1SMITH/HARRY 1. YY 1414 Y 15OCT DENATL HK1 0110 0553 O* 2. YY 1515 Y 16OCT ATLDEN HK1 0825 0950 O* ** CLIENT FILE REFERENCES EXIST ** >*CF· ** FILED FARE DATA EXISTS ** >*FF· ** SEAT DATA EXISTS ** >*SD· ** MEMBERSHIP DATA EXISTS ** >*MM· ** VENDOR LOCATOR DATA EXISTS ** >*VL· ** VENDOR REMARKS DATA EXISTS ** >*VR· ** ADDITIONAL SERVICES EXIST ** >*DAS· *** ELECTRONIC MISC DOCUMENT LIST *** >EMDL· ** SERVICE INFORMATION EXISTS ** >*SI· FONE-DENB/ FOP -S TKTG-T*XYZ 21SEP2208Z 55 AG 9 E FR E SA EMDL - ELECTRONIC MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT LIST 1. YY 1251812093501 – TEST/KATHLEEN I 09APR10 122808 Z 2. YY 1251812093502 – JOHNSON/SUSAN I 09APR10 122808 Z 3. YY 1251812093503 – MITCHELLE/JENNIFER I 09APR10 122808 Z ***** END OF LIST ***** > Überschrift EMDL – ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT LIST Beschreibung MISCELLANEOUS Überschrift Erste Zeile 1. YY 0081812093501 Dash ( - ) TEST/KATHLEEN Zweite Zeile I 09APR10 122808 Z Zeilennummer 2-stelliger Airline Code EMD Nummer 13stellig (oder 17 Stellen bei Conjunction EMD) Separator Passagiername EMD Status I = Original V = Void RF = Refund Ausstellungsdatum Zeit (GMT) der Ausstellung Um eine Zusammenfassung eines EMD abzurufen, wird die Eingabe EMDDn verwendet. 1258131654456 CITYTOUR/GRP CPN RFISC DESCRIPTION 1 D-992 CHANGE FEE EMD DOCUMENT TOTAL: >EMD DETAIL DISPLAY í >EMD HISTORY DISPLAY í >EMD VOID í. >EMD REFUND í. > KVSQB6/1V/0GZ7 05657892 VALUE DATE STATUS EUR 150.00 30AUG11 OPEN EUR 150.00 Die EMD Zusammenfassung (EMDDn) ist eine Anzeige, welche folgende Informationen eines ausgestellten Dokumentes beinhaltet: EMD Nummer, Passagiername, Art des Services, Betrag und Status des jeweiligen Coupons. Diese Anzeige bietet zusätzlich die Möglichkeit mittels Tab eine Detailansicht des EMD abzurufen, die History einzusehen, das EMD zu voiden oder sofern von der Fluglinie erlaubt, das EMD zu refundieren. 10 5.2. Ohne PNR Außerhalb einer Buchung kann ein EMD mit folgender Eingabe aufgerufen werden: Beispiel: EMDD1251234567890 Beschreibung: EMDD -> Standardformat zum Aufrufen eines EMD 1251234567890 -> 13-stellige EMD Nummer inkl. nummerischen IATA Code der Fluglinie 6. EMD Voiden Wie auch bei elektronischen Tickets, kann ein EMD am selben Tag der Ausstellung wieder gevoided werden. In der EMD Zusammenfassung (EMDDn) kann mittels Auswahl von „EMD VOID“ durch Tab in die Zeile und Eingabe des Buchstaben „V“ (void) und enter das EMD gevoided werden. Alternativ kann ein EMD mit folgender Eingabe unter Angabe der 13stelligen EMD Nummer außerhalb einer Buchung gevoided werden, ohne zuvor die EMD Zusammenfassung aufgerufen zu haben. Beispiel: EMDV1251234567890 Beschreibung: EMDV –> Standardformat zum Voiden eines EMD 1251234567890 - > 13-stellige EMD Nummer nummerischen IATA Code der Fluglinie Systemantwort: EMD 0081812352679 VOIDED - SAC 008100RB41006 EMD Conjunction EMD 0081812352690-691 VOIDED - SAC 008100RB41006 Ohne Bestätigungsnummer (SAC) der Fluglinie 11 EMD 0081812352690 VOIDED Der Status des jeweiligen EMD ändert sich von USED auf VOID. Folgende Systemdaten werden aktualisiert: TINS Report inklusive aktuellen Couponstatus, EMD Zusammenfassung, EMD Detailansicht, EMD History und EMD Liste beinhalten den aktuellen Couponstatus inklusive der SAC Nummer der jeweiligen Fluglinie. 7. EMD Refundieren Nicht jede Fluglinie erlaubt das Refundieren eines EMD. Um ein EMD zu refundieren muss zuvor die EMD Zusammenfassung (EMDDn) aufgerufen werden. Danach kann mittels Tab zu „EMD REFUND“ und Eingabe des Buchstaben „F“ (full refund) und enter das Dokument refundiert werden. Sollte ein Refund von der Fluglinie nicht erlaubt sein, wird „EMD REFUND“ nicht in der Zusammenfassung dargestellt. British Airways – Refund nicht möglich bei Umbuchungsgebühren AY – Refunds ausschließlich bei Group Deposits möglich Systemantwort: EMD 0088121903521 REFUNDED - SAC 008100RB41006 EMD Conjunction EMD 0081812352690-691 REFUNDED - SAC 008100RB41006 Ohne Bestätigungsnummer (SAC) der Fluglinie EMD 0081812352690 REFUNDED 8. EMD History In der EMD History sind die jeweils getätigten Schritte zu einem EMD inklusive Datum und Uhrzeit (GMT) ersichtlich. Die Eingabe EMDHn kann erst nach Aufruf der EMD List (EMDL) angewendet werden. 12 >EMDH2 EMD HISTORY 2 0081812093502 - JOHNSON/SUSAN PTC/ADT **ISSUE ENTRY** AGENT EMDI/IC0084321555666/ERNON REFUNDABLE/PI- R **ISSUE DATA** VOIDED 28JAN11 194810 Z 1G/0BK5/C103693 – SAC 008412BK68349 ISSUED 28JAN11 124326 Z 1G/0BK5/C103693 ISSUING RECORD LOCATOR 1G-N44CRH RFIC AIR TRANSPORTATION FOP CK AMT USD7.50 )> COMMISSION AMOUNT FCMI 0 – ASVC AUTOMATED ENDORSEMENT NON REFUNDABLE RELATED TKT 0084321555666 **SUPPORT DOCUMENTS** EMD CUSTOMER RECEIPT SENT TO PRINTER **REQUEST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS** >EMDH0081812093502/RD* í > Mittels Eingabe EMDH1251234567890 inkl. 13-stelliger EMD Nummer kann die History eines EMD auch außerhalb einer Buchung aufgerufen werden. 9. Support Documents In der EMD History (EMDH) können nach Ausstellung eines EMD, Support Dokumente angezeigt oder gedruckt werden. Grundsätzlich werden keine Support Dokumente bei Ausstellung automatisch gedruckt. FOP CK AMT USD7.50 COMMISSION AMOUNT FCMI 0 – ASVC AUTOMATED ENDORSEMENT NON REFUNDABLE RELATED TKT 0084321555666 **SUPPORT DOCUMENTS** CHARGE FORM SENT TO PRINTER **REQUEST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS** >EMDH0081812093501/RD* í > 13 Durch Durchführung der Eingabe EMDH1251234567890/RD* erfolgt folgende Anzeige: *REQUEST SUPPORT DOCUMENTS** 0081812093501 DELIVERY METHOD >EMD CHARGE FORM >EMD AUDIT/AGENT >EMD CUSTOMER RECEIPT > i.. í.. í.. Gültige Befehle, welche zur Auswahl zum Drucken von Support Dokument stehen, sind: ñ ñ ñ ñ PP = Druck Credit Card Charge Form (nicht für Markt AT anwendbar) PI = Druck Customer Receipt DI = Darstellen von Support Dokumenten PE = E-Mail Customer Receipt Audit und Agent Support Dokumente sind ausschließlich zur Darstellung möglich. 10. TINS Screen Der tägliche Report der ausgestellten Dokumente (TINS) wurde mit der Darstellung von EMD erweitert. ONE TRAVEL PLACE CURRENCY CODE GBP TINS REPORT IATA NUMBER 91282340 A/L TKT/STOCK NBR PASSENGER NAME 156D1812352678 156D1812352679 156M1913678322 156M1913678323 156M1913678324 156M1913678325 JOHNSTON/MARY HOBBS/KATHY THOMAS/BILL PORTER/BOB BROTHERS/SHARON AUSTIN/MICHELLE 14 FARE 8.50 12.00 90.00 60.00 60.00 90.00 15 JAN 11 TAX COMM *FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FOP NO NO NO NO NO CR --------------------------------------------------------------156 1812352678 P42178 YY E ED NO JOHNSTON/MARY M19ML6 8.50 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ED2BB 0XYZ 156 1812352679 P42178 YY E ED NO HOBBS/KATHY M19ML6 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ED2BB 0XYZ 156 1913678322 P42178 P MC NO THOMAS/BILL PQ9LR6 )> 11. Zusammenfassung Befehle EMD EMDI -> Druckbefehl für EMD EMDV -> EMD Voiden EMDD -> Zusammenfassung eines EMD anzeigen EMDD -> EMD Refundieren, Tab Stop zu „EMD REFUND“ Eingabe „F“ für full EMDL -> Darstellung einer Liste aller im PNR ausgestellten EMD´s EMDH -> EMD History refund 12. Fehlermeldungen ERROR MESSAGE TEXT DESCRIPTION UNABLE TO PROCESS EMD – NOT AUTHORIZED FOR ELECTRONIC TICKETING (1G specific) The TKLS (Electronic Ticketing) field in the AAT must be Y. UNABLE TO PROCESS EMD – NOT AUTHORIZED FOR DOCUMENT ISSUANCE (1G specific) The type field in the AAT is 00. The type field must be anything other than 00. LOCATION NOT AUTHORIZED (1G specific) UNABLE TO PROCESS EMD–USER MUST HAVE TINS ENABLED (1G specific) HMET TABLE PRINT NOW MUST BE SET TO Y FOR PRINTING OF EMD (1G specific) Duty code is not allowed to issue a ticket. The TKTN Tins field must be set to Y. The print now must be set to Y to print the support document for the EMD. 15 NEED PLAIN PAPER PRINTER ASSIGNED FOR EMD (1G specific) The printer type in the HMET table is TKT. NEED APRVD E-TKT –YES- TO ISSUE EMD (1P specific) The APRVD E-TKT field in the A.I.R. must be updated to reflect the value of YES. NEED AUTO VAL – YES – TO ISSUE EMD (1P specific) The AUTO VAL field in the A.I.R. must be updated to reflect the value of YES. INVALID OPTION |XIM (1P specific) XIM option was in the EMDI entry and the agency making the entry is not set up to issue an interface message (the agency location does not have a DT routing or does not have TAIR activated in the A.I.R.) The segment selected using the segment select option in the EMDI entry does not exist. INVALID SEGMENT SELECTED DUPLICATE SEGMENT NOT ALLOWED The same segment number cannot be repeated in the segment select option in the EMDI entry. INVALID PASSENGER SELECTED A name is selected using the name select option in the EMDI entry and the name does not exist in the PNR/BF. The input of EMDDn (n equals a line number from the EMDL response) and the number from the EMDDn entry is not found on the EMDL display. Or - The input of EMDDn and the EMD List is not displayed. The same passenger/name number cannot be repeated in the name select option in the EMDI entry. INVALID LINE NUMBER DUPLICATE PASSENGER NOT ALLOWED PASSENGER SEQUENCE INVALID Name select using the name select option in the EMDI entry must be in ascending order. SEGMENT SEQUENCE INVALID Segment select using the segment select option in the EMDI entry must be in ascending order. ERB-EMD NOT SUPPORTED The EMD process is not supported by the GDS. ERB-EMD NOT YET SUPPORTED IN THIS MARKET The market does not yet allow the issuance of EMDs. ERB-EMD NOT YET SUPPORTED FOR THIS AIRLINE The airline for the service in the EMDI entry to be fulfilled does not support the issuance of the EMD. At the GDS level the agency has not been given authority to issue EMDs. For the EMDI entry to issue the EMD, the passenger type code is not allowed per the requirements for the issuing carrier. For the EMDI entry to issue the EMD, the passenger type code is not yet supported for the BSP. ERB-EMD IS INHIBITED IN THIS AGENCY ERB-PASSENGER TYPE CODE NOT SUPPORTED FOR EMD ERB-EMD PASSENGER TYPE SUPPORTED IN THIS MARKET CODE NOT YET ERB-EMD AIRLINE DOES NOT SUPPORT PASSENGER TYPE CODE ERB-EMD VOID NOT SUPPORTED The passenger type code is not allowed by the airline for the issuance of the EMD. The void process for the EMD is not supported by the GDS. 16 ERB-EMD VOID NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS AIRLINE The void process for the EMD is not supported by the airline. ERB-EMD MUST BE SINGLE RFIC The issuance of the EMD is only allowed for a single RFIC. The credit card form of payment for the issuance of the EMD is not accepted in the market. The credit card form of payment for the issuance of the EMD is not accepted by the airline. The form of payment is not valid for the issuance of the EMD for the issuing location’s market. The form of payment is not valid for the issuance of the EMD by the airline. The airline requires FOID (form of identification) be provided before the EMD can be issued. The FOID data for the issuance of the EMD is not a valid form of identification for the airline. The vendor locator could not be found and the carrier requires a vendor locator to be sent in EMD issue message being sent to the carrier. The number of passenger names for the EMDI entry is greater than the maximum number of passenger names allowed for the EMDI entry. The number of services for the EMDI entry is greater than the maximum number of services allowed in a single EMDI entry. For the EMDI entry to issue the EMD, the minimum or maximum characters for the surname is not per the requirements for the issuing carrier. For the EMDI entry to issue the EMD, the minimum or maximum characters for the given name is not per the requirements for the issuing carrier. The allowed EMD fulfillment types are EMD-S and EMD-A. The allowed EMD fulfillment types are EMD-S and EMD-A. The only service types allowed are E (free), F (flight) and H (booking not required). The service to be fulfilled has a non-confirmed status code. Fulfillment of the service with the issuance of an EMD is to be on the same date as the sell date. The currency code for the service in the Universal Record is different than the primary currency code in the A.I.R. or AAT for the issuing location. The entry of EMDI was input to issue the EMD and the service was not found in the UR (the UR holds the details for the sold merchandising services). The form of payment is not listed as a valid form of payment for the issuance of the EMD. The carrier select option is required in the EMDI entry when there are multiple carrier codes for the services (SSRASVC) in the PNR/BF. The RFIC for the selected services to be fulfilled is not valid for the issuance of the EMD. The EMD number is not allowed to be voided because of the coupon(s) status. The plating carrier rejects the message to void the EMD number. ERB-CREDIT CARD TYPE NOT ACCEPTED MARKET ERB-CREDIT CARD TYPE NOT ACCEPTED AIRLINE ERB-FORM OF PAYMENT NOT ACCEPTED MARKET ERB-FORM OF PAYMENT NOT ACCEPTED AIRLINE ERB-FOID REQUIRED BY THIS AIRLINE IN THIS BY THIS IN THIS BY THIS ERB-FOID TYPE NOT SUPPORTED BY EMD AIRLINE ERB-VENDOR LOCATOR REQUIRED ERB-MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PASSENGERS EXCEEDED FOR EMDI ERB-MAXIMUM NUMBER OF COUPONS EXCEEDED FOR EMDI ERB-INVALID SURNAME LENGTH ERB-INVALID GIVEN NAME LENGTH ERB-EMD TYPE NOT SUPPORTED ERB-EMD TYPE NOT SUPPORTED BY AIRLINE ERB-EMD SERVICE TYPE NOT SUPPORTED ERB-SERVICE IS NOT CONFIRMED ERB-SERVICE MUST BE FULFILLED ON CALENDAR DATE AS SOLD ERB-CURRENCY CODE DOES NOT MATCH SAME ERB-SERVICE NOT FOUND ERB-NEED CARRIER SELECT TO ISSUE EMD ERB-RFIC CODE NOT VALID FOR EMD ERB-EMD CANNOT BE VOIDED – COUPON STATUS NOT ELIGIBLE ERB-EMD CANNOT BE VOIDED – VOID NOT ALLOWED BY PLATING CARRIER ERB-VOID FAILED-NOT REPORTED FOR SETTLEMENTRETRY VOID 17 ERB-COMMISSION AMOUNT TOO LARGE ERB-COMMISSION RATE TOO LARGE ERB-INVALID EMD COMMISSIN FORMAT ERB-COMMISSION NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS EMD ERB-NO EMDL DATA FOUND ERB-INVALID DATA FOR DELIVERY METHOD ERB-ONLY 1 EMD SUPPORT DOCUMENT MAY BE DISPLAYED PER ENTRY ERB-EMD SUPPORT DISPLAYED DOCUMENT MAY ONLY BE ERB-ONLY 1 EMD SUPPORT DOCUMENT MAY BE REQUESTED PER ENTRY ERB-MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PASSENGERS EXCEEDED FOR EMDI IN THIS MARKET ERB-PRICE VALIDATION FAILED – RETRY ENTRY ERB-PRICE OF SERVICE HAS CHANGED – CANCEL AND RESELL SERVICE THEN ISSUE EMD EMD SUPPORT DOCUMENT NOT ALLOWED TO BE PRINTED ERB-EMD CANNOT BE REFUNDED ERB-EMD COUPON IS NOT REFUNDABLE ERB-CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION FAILED – CALL HELP DESK ERB-FORM OF PAYMENT NOT VALID FOR EMD ERB-CONTACT CREDIT CARD VENDOR FOR AUTHORISATION ERB-TRANSACTION DECLINED BY CREDIT CARD VENDOR ERB-ERROR IN RETRIEVING STORED SERVICE DETAILS ERB-SERVICE DETAILS DO NOT MATCH STORED RECORD NO TRANSACTION PRESENT CHANGES MADE TO PNR – END TRANSACTION OR IGNORE PRIOR TO EMDI NO EMD SSR EXITS DUPLICATE OPTION xx INVALID MODIFIER xx The void message was sent to the carrier but a response from the carrier was not received. The commission amount must be less than the amount of the EMD. The commission rate must be less than 100. The commission percentage in the EMDI entry contained 3 or more numeric following the decimal. The entry of EMDL or EMDH is input and there are no issued EMD numbers found to be displayed. Invalid data was input as the delivery method for the Request Support Document. The input was to display more than 1 support document. The Request Support Document only allows 1 EMD support document to be displayed. The EMD support document in the Request Support Document option was input to be printed and it may only be displayed. The Request Support Document only allows the display or print of 1 EMD support document. The number of passenger names for the EMDI entry is greater than the maximum number of passenger names allowed for the market. A call was made for a price validation and a response was not received. A price validation was done and the price of the service now is not the same as the price of the service when it was sold. The document code input for the print parameter option of PP- or PI- in the EMDI entry is to print a support document that is not allowed to be printed. The EMD number cannot be refunded because the coupon status is already a status, such as void or exchange or already refunded, that does allow a refund. The service that the EMD number is for was filed as a non-refundable service and it cannot be refunded. There is a problem such as the link is unavailable or no response was received back. . You will need to contact the credit card vendor to obtain an authorization. The credit card request has been declined by the credit card vendor. The credit card request has been declined by the credit card vendor. The Universal Record cannot be found for the services to be issued in the EMDI entry. The services stored in the UR (the UR holds the details for the sold merchandising services) do not match the services to be issued in the EMDI entry. To issue an EMD with the input of the EMDI entry, the agent must have an active PNR/BF displayed. The PNR/BF is pending a change. The input of the EMDI entry and there are no services (SSRASVC) in the PNR/BF. An EMDI option may only be input once in the EMDI entry. The xx in the error is the EMDI option. Invalid data for an EMDI modifier was input in the EMDI entry. The xx in the error is the invalid modifier 18 FOP REQUIRED FOR EMD NO EMDS MATCH SELECTION CRITERIA REASON FOR ISSUE CODE NOT FOUND SERVICE NOT FOUND FOR VENDOR INVALID EMD VALIDATING CARRIER – xx INVALID NAME SELECT FORMAT INVALID EMD COMMISSION FORMAT INVALID EMD COMMISSION DECIMAL FORMAT COMMISSION RATE MUST BE LESS THAN 100 MULTIPLE FORM OF PAYMENT NOT ACCEPTED FOR EMD INVALID CHARACTER IN ENDORSEMENT ENDORSEMENT TEXT MUST BE 3 TO 147 CHARACTERS TICKET NUMBER RELATED TO EMD MUST BE 13 DIGITS NAME SELECT ONE PASSENGER FOR EMD WITH RELATED TICKET INVALID FOP – xxxxxx INVALID DOCUMENT CODE FOR THE PRINT MODIFIER INVALID DATA FOR THE PRINT MODIFIER NEED PLAIN PAPER PRINTER ASSIGNED FOR EMD in the EMDI entry. There is no form of payment in the PNR/BF or in the EMDI entry to issue the EMD. No SSRASVCs match the options input in the EMDI entry. The reason for issuance code input in the RFIC select option in the EMDI entry does not exist in an SSRASVC in the PNR/BF or is an invalid character or too many characters. An invalid vendor code or a valid vendor code that is not found for a service in the SSRASVC was input in the vendor select option in the EMDI entry. The plating carrier is missing from the AUTH field. The xx in the error message is the carrier code. The data after the N or P for the name select option in the EMDI entry does not meet the number decimal format. For 1G invalid data other than numeric or A was input after the commission option of Z in the EMDI entry. For 1V invalid data other than number or $ (dollar sign) was input after the commission option of Z in the EMDI entry. For 1P when invalid data is input after the commission option of K in the EMDI entry. OR if the data input in the commission option is greater than 9 numerics. The number of decimal places for the EMD commission select option in the EMDI entry does not match the number of decimal places for the currency code in the A.I.R. or AAT for the issuing location. Or There must be 2 decimal places for the commission when input using the P for a percent commission. The commission percentage input in the commission option in the EMDI entry must be less than 100. A split or multiple form of payment is not valid for the issuance of the EMD. (release 2) Data input in the EMDI endorsement option that is not allowed. The data input in the EMDI endorsement option is less than 3 characters or greater than 147 characters. The ticket number in the related ticket number option in the EMDI entry must be 13 numeric. The related ticket number option in the EMDI entry is only for a single ticket number and for one passenger name. The related ticket number option requires a name select option when there are multiple names in the PNR. The credit card manual approval code input in the form of payment option in the EMDI entry is greater than 8 characters. The xxxxxx data in the error message represents the data that caused the error. An incorrect document code identifier was input following the print modifier. Only the input of a single character for the document code is allowed immediately following the print modifier. The printer assigned to print the EMD support document is an ATB printer. OrNo linked/association to a plain paper printer is found. 19 UNABLE TO FULFILL EMD – INVALID PRINTER STATUS SELECTION NOT ALLOWED WITH SVC SELECT SELECT ONLY 1 SEGMENT WITH SVC SELECT INVALID FORMAT – CHECK ENTRY AND TRY AGAIN EMD INVALID DOCUMENT NUMBER – 13 DIGIT NUMBER REQUIRED NO AGENCY AGREEMENT EXIST – ACCESS DENIED EMD NOT PREVIOUSLY RETRIEVED – REDISPLAY EMD AND TRY AGAIN EMD CANNOT BE VOIDED – DOCUMENT NUMBER NOT FOUND EMD CANNOT BE VOIDED – EMD NUMBER PREVIOUSLY VOIDED INVALID FORMAT FOR THE EMDH ENTRY NO DATA AVAILABLE TO DISPLAY INVALID DATA IN THE EMDL ENTRY INVALID SELECTION CODE – USE X OR V INVALID SELECTION CODE – USE F ERB-INVALID EMD COMMISSION FORMAT ERB-NO DOCUMENT NUMBERS TO DISPLAY SSR SELECTION NOT ALLOWED WITH – INVALID SSR SELECTED INVALID EMD EXCHANGE DATA EMD EXCHANGE REQUIRES A SERVICE SELECTION OPTION INVALID MODIFIER FOR AN EMD EXCHANGE - xx ERB-NO INTERLINE AGREEMENT The printer status must be UP (U) to print the EMD support document. The segment selected using the manual SVC select option is not a manual SVC segment. Only the selection of 1 manual SVC service is allowed in the EMDI entry. The fourth character of the EMDx entry is not a valid function for EMD. The EMD number must be 13 numeric when it is input in the void entry of EMDV. The logic for EMD display will be the same as E-Ticket display. If the agency is allowed to display an E-Ticket then they will also be allowed to display an EMD. This message is given when a selection for one of the options on the EMD Summary display is requested and the display has been ignored and is no longer active. The EMD number cannot be found on the DDL/Tins for the location issuing the void entry. The EMD number has already been voided and is showing as void on the DDL/Tins. Only numeric data allowed following the input of EMDH. The input of EMDL/F is only allowed after the input of EMDL and a list of items have been displayed. Other data was included with the input of EMDL. Incorrect data input at the tab stop for the selection of a function from the EMDD response. Incorrect data input at the tab stop for the selection of EMD REFUND from the EMD SUMMARY DISPLAY screen. Invalid data input for the commission, such as incorrect decimal places. Input of the entry to display the agency’s allocation of EMD numbers and there were no EMD numbers found for the requesting location. SSR Selection not combinable with other "selection" (RFIC, Vendor, Segment or Name/Passenger) modifiers SSR number entered does not exist in the PNR or was entered as a non-numeric character or the SSR number was omitted from the input. SSR number must be an ASVC TPF will display an error message if data following the EX is not an E (for now) and if the EMD number is not numeric and the number is anything other than 13 numbers. TPF will display the error message if a service selection option is not included in the EMDI entry for an even exchange. New TPF Error Message (the XX at the end of the error message will append the modifier that is not allowed in the EMDI entry for an EMD exchange / allowing 2 characters for the modifier for future expansion) For this first release of EMD exchange, ESB will return the following error message for this condition if the validating carrier number for the original EMD number is not the same as the carrier for the new service to 20 ERB-EXCHANGE REQUIRES SAME EMD DOCUMENT TYPE (EMD-S OR EMD-A) ERB-EXCHANGE NOT ALLOWED FOR MULTIPLE COUPONS ERB-UNABLE TO EXCHANGE - AMOUNTS MUST BE THE SAME ERB-UNABLE TO EXCHANGE - CURRENCY CODES MUST BE THE SAME ERB-EMD CANNOT BE EXCHANGED - COUPON STATUS NOT ELIGIBLE ERB-EMD CANNOT BE EXCHANGED - EXCHANGE NOT ALLOWED BY CARRIER EMAIL ADDRESS REQUIRED TO USE THE PE MODIFIER ERB-ORIGINAL EMAIL ADDRESS NOT FOUND FOR THE PE MODIFIER 13. be issued In this first release for an EMD exchange, the EMD document type (EMD-S or EMD-A) must be the same for both the original EMD number and the new EMD number that is to be issued for the new/changed service In the first release of EMD Exchange, the even exchange will only be allowed if the EMD number being exchanged has only 1 coupon The amount of the old EMD must be the same as the amount of the new EMD. The current code of the old EMD must be the same as the currency code of the new EMD Coupon status in the airline database for the original EMD is not valid to be exchanged The validating carrier of the EMD does not support exchange of EMD The PE-R modifier was included in the EMDI entry but there was no email address found in the PNR PE is input as the print modifier but the original email address is not found in the EMD history MIR 13.1. MIR Type Table Der MIR Type Table (MMTD) definiert die Dokumente, welche als MIR File generiert werden sollen. EMD -> Electronic Miscellaneous Document 13.2. MIR Options Table Der MIR Options Table (MMOD) ermöglicht eine Auswahl darüber welche Art von Daten eines Dokumentes über den MIR File generiert werden soll. E MISC DOC (EMD) -> generiert die neue A29 EMD Data Section im EMD MIR File E MISC DOC (CPN) -> generiert die neue A30 EMD Coupon Data Section im EMD MIR File E MISC DOC (SVC) -> generiert das auxiliary service segment (SVC) in der A16 Section im MIR File E MISC DOC (SSR) -> generiert die special service request (SSR) Daten für optionale Services (ASVC) in der A20 Section im MIR File Standardmäßig sind die Felder nicht aktiv. Möchten Sie zukünftig MIR Daten zur Erstellung von EMD´s erhalten, kontaktieren Sie unseren Helpdesk. Detailinformationen über die neuen EMD MIR Files finden Sie hier. 21