the ESL/Bilingual newsletter.
the ESL/Bilingual newsletter.
OAKWOOD SCHOOL BILINGUAL/ELL DEPARTMNET NEWSLETTER 2015/2016 “IF YOU WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO SUCCEED, THEN HOLD ON TO YOUR HOME LANGUAGE!” Welcome to Oakwood’s Bilingual and English Language Learner Newsletter! A NOTE ABOUT LANGUAGES There are about five thousand different languages spoken in the world. Many languages are spoken only by relatively small numbers of people in specific geographic areas, while major languages are spoken by large numbers of people in widespread areas. People have long been interested in having one language that could be spoken throughout the world and serve as bridge between language groups for international communication. English is spoken throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. It is also used as a second language in almost every part of the world. We believe that the role of education is to prepare children with the knowledge and skills that are needed to become productive, successful citizens of the United States of America. Our educational philosophy is that each child must be recognized as a unique individual with personal strengths, learning styles and various levels of readiness. We believe that every child can learn and recognize that each child blossoms at his/her own pace. We acknowledge that it our responsibility as effective teachers to provide a safe, orderly environment that is challenging, while instilling a life-long love for learning. We use a variety of research-based approaches to provide meaningful authentic language instruction to meet the specific needs of all the English Language Learners. We respect all families and their children from all cultural backgrounds and believe in promoting pride in culture. 1! Respectfully, Mrs. Odarka Czerniak – English Second Language Teacher Mrs. Beata Kresso-Zielonka – Polish Bilingual Teacher Mrs. Sharko – English Second Language Teacher What Are the Benefits of Leaning Two Languages? In today’s society majority of people live in situations where they regularly use two or more adopted a new definition of English language proficiency for students in Illinois schools. languages. It is estimated that between half and two-thirds of the world’s population is bilingual. Effectivemore January 1, 2014, a student mustisobtain overall composite proficiency level of Knowing than one language, therefore, a skillan to be valued and encouraged. Research 5.0 as well language as a shows that continuing to develop a child’s native does not interfere with the acquisition of English – it facilitates the process! The child who knows more than one language has personal, social, cognitive and economic advantages, which will continue throughout his or her life. “A CHILD WITH AN ACCENT HAS ANOTHER LANGUAGE WITHOUT AN ACCENT!” Activities that Parents Can Do at Home to Help Develop Children’s Literacy Converse with your child in the language you know best, your home language Foster literacy development by reading books and telling stories to children in the home language AND ask “wh” questions (what, where, when, why, who) If you are unable to read to your child, tell stories to your child which is just as valuable Share stories about when you were younger, your values, your experiences at work, and your daily activities to develop language Expand your children’s world by exploring the community (go to the zoo, observe nature) Talk to your children about school work, values and daily activities Make learning experiences out of every day activities (sorting mail, sorting socks, shopping with a created shopping list Schedule a special time to do homework Look over all homework to see if it is neat and complete If you can’t help your child with any given homework, please let your child’s teacher know INTERNET SITES Please copy and paste the link below to open up many different sites for students as well as parents. We hope that this web-page will be beneficial for everyone. Mandated State Testing is just around the corner………… ACCESS TESTING WINDOW 1/11/2016 – 02/12/2016 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is a state mandated assessment given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English. It is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to students in kindergarten through 12th grade who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). School year 2015-2016 is the first operational year for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 which will be administered primarily via computer. The Kindergarten ACCESS and ACCESS Writing Test grades 1-3 will continue to be paper and pencil. ENGLSH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY CUT SCORES EXIT/ENTRY CRITERIA Effective January 1, 2014 a student must obtain an overall composite proficiency level of 5.0 AND a reading proficiency level of 4.2 AND a writing proficiency level of 4.2 on the ACCESS for ELLs to be considered English language proficient. Any student that does not achieve all of the minimum criteria is considered an English learner student and remains eligible for TBE/TPI services. ALWAYS REMEMBER TO GIVE THANKS FOR ALL WE HAVE LEARNED!