NewsletteR - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides


NewsletteR - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
February | 2013
Since graduating, Texas has already
made an enormous difference in
Ethan’s life; he relieves his stress
about being alone at night and as a
result Ethan now has fewer seizures.
He also fits perfectly into Ethan’s busy
lifestyle. “Texas is the perfect dog for
me because he loves to travel. Our
family is busy and we go to lots of
different places for sports and stuff,”
explains Ethan.
Ethan and his Dog Guide Texas have fun posing with Ethan’s hockey team.
Imagine being 12 years old again—
you are surrounded by your friends at
school and your family at home. You
are still discovering your interests;
maybe you have a passion for sports,
perhaps you love music and you’re
creative. High school is not far off and
you’re beginning to find your voice in
the world. Now imagine adding the
stress and challenges of epilepsy.
Ethan is an active 12 year old boy living
in Caronport, Saskatchewan playing
football, track and field, basketball and
hockey. He also has epilepsy. With his
busy, but structured schedule, Ethan’s
family was concerned that he wasn’t
getting the sleep he needed because
his seizures happened at night. That
all changed once Ethan travelled to
Oakville to receive Texas, a Seizure
Response Dog Guide that was trained
to meet his specific needs. “Seizures
are scary and I thought it would be
fun to have a dog that could help
me,” Ethan said about applying for a
Dog Guide.
In addition to providing greater security
for Ethan at night, Texas is trained to
react to the onset of a seizure at any
time of the day. His presence means
that Ethan will never be alone and will
get immediate help when he needs it
Lions Foundation of Canada
is expanding its facilities
and adding a 6th Dog Guide
program! Information about
the new expansion campaign
will be announced shortly.
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
Message from the Executive Director
Message from the Chairperson
Our school has really progressed
in the last decade with an
increasing number of people from
all over the country receiving Dog
Guides. What was once a lengthy
wait for a Special Skills, Hearing
Ear, Seizure Response, Autism
Assistance or Canine Vision Dog
Guide is sometimes very quick.
We are continually looking at how
Executive Director, Sandy Turney
we can serve more people while
maintaining reasonable wait times
for those applying for Dog Guides. To ensure this happens, we have
begun planning for our next expansion – more Dog Guides helping
more Canadians with disabilities. Further details will be announced
in February. We’ll keep you up to date every step of the way! The
confidence in long term planning results from the great financial
support we receive from Lions and Lioness Clubs, as well as a
growing number of bequests, corporate and individual donations. We
thank everyone for their generous support that has helped us grow
throughout the years.
I want to thank my fellow Directors
for supporting me in this position
to serve this Foundation and I
would like to welcome our new
board members who are starting
their three year terms – Lion Ralph
Krueger (Ontario), PDG Jan Phillips
(New Brunswick), and Lion Doug
Cook (Prince Edward Island). This
Foundation is well represented
Chairperson, Bev Semple
by Lions from coast to coast and
everyone shares its mission to “to
assist Canadians with a medical or physical disability by providing
them Dog Guides at no cost.”
The staff members and many volunteers work tirelessly which plays a
vital role in the success and growth of the Foundation. I thank them
for their support. Last year we had 153 graduates.
I thank all of the donors, individual and corporate, Lions and Lioness
who generously give. These donations make it possible for the
Lions Foundation to continue to provide the best possible training
and breeding. We need this continued support as our list of clients
continues to grow.
I am excited about the progress of the Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
and look forward to the 2013 season. Last year the Walk hit the million
dollar mark. This year we are striving to surpass that and are aiming
to raise 1.2 million! We need more support in terms of Walk locations,
both new and established. The challenge is on, Lions! For more
information about the Walk, visit
Let’s continue to make a difference together.
Sandy Turney, Executive Director
Toronto Weekend Getaway Winners
Thank you everyone who participated in the
2012 Ontario & Alberta
Toronto Weekend Getaway Raffles
Bev Semple, Chairperson
Congratulations to the following grand prize winners:
Ontario Mr. Bill Rowden of Port Hope, ON
Alberta Taber Lions Club of Taber, AB
New Postal Code
Please note that Lions Foundation of
Canada’s postal code has changed.
We have not moved. The address is as follows:
152 Wilson Street Oakville, Ontario L6K 0G6
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
Purina Walk for Dog Guides
Be a proud
Lion – Support
Project Pride!
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Walk Success
The first Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
held in the Yukon took place in
2012 under the leadership of Autism
Assistance Dog Guide graduate
parent, Chris Nash.
Chris attended class in Oakville in
June of 2011 to train with his son’s
new Autism Assistance Dog Guide,
Roscoe. Since returning home,
Roscoe has had such a positive
influence in his son Brendan’s life that
the family was inspired to give back
to the Foundation. After learning
that there was not a Purina® Walk
for Dog Guides in the Yukon, Chris
decided this would be the best way
to fundraise for the Lions Foundation.
With a small committee, the Walk was
hosted in Whitehorse and was a huge
success! More than 75 participants
came out to show their support and
collectively raised $8,332.
This is a great example of how a
Walk can be organized and the huge
impact it has for the Lions Foundation.
With the success of the 2012 Walk
and new locations like Whitehorse,
the challenge is on to build upon its
success in 2013. To do this, new
locations are needed. With your help,
we can continue to grow and provide
more Canadians with disabilities Dog
Guides at no cost. If you or your
club is interested in hosting a Walk,
please contact the Foundation or
call 1 (800) 768-3030.
Over the last decade thousands of
children have learned more about
their country and why it is such an
incredible place to live thanks to the
dedication of Lions across Canada.
Project Pride is an outreach program
designed to help Lions and Lioness
educate children in their community.
It’s a fun and easy way
to make a big impact
on growing minds.
To learn more
about Project Pride,
or to get involved:
Veiw the Brochure
Email PID Bill
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
New Age Requirements at Dog Guides
The Hearing Ear Dog Guide program has lowered the
minimum age requirement and children as young as ten
years old are now able to apply. Each applicant will still
be assessed for their ability to work with and care for a
Dog Guide.
For information on the Hearing Ear Dog Guide program
and how to apply, please click here.
The other Dog Guide programs have the
following age requirements:
Autism Assistance Dog Guides – 3-18 years old
Canine Vision Dog Guides – 12 years old and up
Special Skills Dog Guides – 10 years old and up
Seizure Response Dog Guides – 6 years old and up
Lions Foundation continues to help more people
Applications for Dog Guides come from many sources, with
word of mouth being one of the most frequent ways that
applicants find out about our school. Due to our growing
number of classes, the waiting lists for Seizure Response
Dog Guides and Hearing Ear Dog Guides are shorter than
is typical, which means wait times for a Dog Guide are less
than usual.
Below is a brief summary of the steps that all Dog
Guide applicants go through in order to apply for and
receive a Dog Guide:
• Complete and submit an application along with other
supporting medical documentation.
Applications for each program are available on our website,
by e-mail, or by mail.
• Reference requests are sent out to three individuals,
including a veterinarian where possible.
• A trainer will conduct an in-home visit. This is an
opportunity to determine an applicant’s needs and answer
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
• Our Acceptance Committee meets to discuss all of the
information present from the file and in-home visit.
• If accepted, future clients are placed on our waiting list until
we have a Dog Guide that matches their needs.
If you know someone that is interested or would benefit
from a Dog Guide, please have them contact Alex Ivic or
call him at (800) 768-3030 ext. 222 for more information.
Let’s spread the word
and help more Canadians with disabilities!
• Applicants are then invited, ideally 1-2 months before class
is scheduled, to attend class to train with their Dog Guide.
• Applicants reside at our training centre in Oakville, Ontario
for between 10-26 days depending on type of Dog Guide
they are training with.
Gift Shop
Growing Support Dog Guides Out and About
The Lions Foundation has been very fortunate to
receive several grants and significant donations
over the last few months, most of which are
assisting with class expenses. A very special
thank you to the following for their generosity and
support of Dog Guides:
•The Caroline Cunningham Foundation
for Epilepsy
•The Fenella Foundation
•Geoffrey Wood Foundation
•Greey-Lennox Foundation
•The Gooder Foundation
•The Green Shield Foundation
•Leonard and Gabryela Osin Foundation
•Passport to Freedom
•Ontario Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Contractors Association
•Unitron Canada
When recognizing anyone for their support,
thanks and appreciation always goes to Nestlé
Purina PetCare for their long-term commitment,
generosity and support of the Lions Foundation
and its Dog Guide programs. Since day one,
almost 30 years ago, Purina has been providing
dog food and treats for all of the foster puppies
and dogs in training. As the Dog Guide program
continues to grow, Purina has kept up its support
every step of the way and even grown to become
the title sponsor of the Purina® Walk for Dog
Guides. We are incredibly thankful for their
unwavering support and look forward to working
with them for years to come.
District A2 member, PDG Bob Davis was undoubtedly a ‘dog
person.’ PDG Bob was an active member of the Tillsonburg
Lions Club since 1989 and for several years he collected
pennies with the goal of sponsoring Dog Guide teams. Through
PDG Bob’s “Pennies for Puppies” fundraising, the Tillsonburg
Lions Club has been able to sponsor four Dog Guide teams.
Shortly before PDG Bob’s death he spent some time with a
future Dog Guide puppy. This visit was a small thank you for the
dedication PDG Bob has had to the Dog Guide programs. Staff at Centennial Animal
Hospital in Winnipeg
presenting PDG Norm
Johnson and Past
Chairperson, PDG Bob
Robinson with a cheque
for $6,300 for a Canine
Vision sponsorship. The
funds were raised through
their annual Pet Pics with Santa, silent auction and donations.
Congratulations for their terrific fundraising efforts!
More than 220 guests
enjoyed Winmar’s
annual cruise last August
in Toronto. Winmar is
a property restoration
specialist and held this
fundraiser which raised $5,000 for the Dog Guide programs.
Dog Guides from multiple
programs and stages in
training met up for some
tail-wagging fun over the
From the front: Tess (SSD), Dudley (CVC), Georgia (TBD), Effie
(upcoming SSD) and Wiki (Breeding).
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
What our graduates have to say...
"Every time I am paired up with a new Dog Guide it always
surprises me how different my life becomes, each one
teaches me something new and I will never be able to give
them enough credit."
"When I brought Reid home it was love at first sight for
both her and my daughter Sasha. Thank you so much for
what you have given us!"
– Colleen, mother of Sasha and Reid,
Autism Assistance Graduate
– Paula, three time Canine Vision Graduate
"My daughter Kayla graduated in October and we heard of
the Lions Foundation through her doctors in Vancouver.
They told her to try applying for a Seizure Response Dog
Guide. That was the best decision we ever made. Thank you
for making her life better with Shadow."
– Sheila, mother of Kayla, Seizure Response Graduate
"Brava comes to work every day and loves every minute of
it! No one can believe how well behaved she is!"
– Angela, Special Skills Graduate
"This is an amazing place with amazing people all working
towards a common goal; to change the lives of people
with disabilities through Dog Guides."
– Jennifer, Hearing Ear Graduate
Dog Guide
Wish List
The Wish List is a unique way to make a
contribution to the Dog Guide program. If you
wish to contribute an item or make a donation
towards the purchase of an item, please contact
(905) 842-2891 or 1 (800) 768-3030.
Please call if there is something specific that you
can provide that may not be on this wish list.
• Phone system (replace outdated system)
• Mattresses for 8 client rooms (replacements)
• Televisions for client rooms
• Harnesses for Special Skills program
• Heavy duty sewing machine for Breslau
• Microwave (industrial for kitchen)
$ 300
• Grooming table
$ 200
• Bedding for client rooms (new sheets, duvets and towels)
• Paper supplies (copy paper, paper towels, paper napkins)
• Dog toys (Kongs and Nylabones)
• Gift cards to grocery stores for food for clients
• Gift cards to gas stations and office supply stores
• Canadian Tire money
Thank you to:
• An anonymous donor for a donation to purchase computer monitors for client rooms
• Crossfield Lions Club for funding to replace lighting in client rooms to energy efficient lighting and for the purchase of paper supplies
• Nylabone for donating Nylabones
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
Western Canada Matching Program
Thanks to the terrific support of many clubs in the western provinces, the matching program was a great success! We
are delighted that clubs were able to reach the $70,000 goal towards the sponsorship program. An anonymous donor
matched these donations to sponsor Dog Guide teams for clients in the western provinces. We have had several clients
from the west graduate with more still to receive a Dog Guide in the next few months. Although the matching program has
ended, the Lions Foundation is still in need of sponsors for all five programs as well as smaller donations to help cover
the cost of each graduating team.
Congratulations Graduates
AAD Graduates
Akito & Ikon
Julian & Jenko
Carson & J.P.
Sasha & Reid
Thomas & Thistle
Braydon & Keats
Adam & Totem
Ulysses & Arnold
Oakville, ON
Richmond Hill, ON
Guelph, ON
Burlington, ON
Black Diamond, AB
Winnipeg, MB
Innisfil, ON
Tweed, ON Agincourt Lions Club, ON
PDG Barry Tate Project, ON
District A15, ON
Truro Lions Club, NS
Shell Lake Lions Club, SK
Beausejoir Lions Club, MB; Tyndall Eagles, MB; Burlington Aldershot Lions Club, ON
Bert Spencer Memorial Golf Tournament, ON
Susan and John McCracken, NB
SRD Graduates
Kieran & Hunter
Yaël & Poppy
Cory & Jagger
Brockville, ON Lévis, PQ
St. Catharines, ON
Care-Alive Foundation, ON
Pat Jaskula, ON
Care-Alive Foundation, ON
SSD Graduates
Stefphany & Roxy
Samantha & Jazzy
Diane & Halo
Julie & Juliet
Kelly & Reba
Gloria & Gladys
Kimberly & Arthur
Winnipeg, MB
Leduc Lions Club, AB
Belleville, ON
Penticton, BC
Calgary Properties Lions Club, AB
Timmins, ON
Coquitlam, BC
Western Match
Ottawa, ON
Thunder Bay, ON
HED Graduates
Wayne & Gem
Paul & Ola
Flora-Marie & Davis
Jennifer & Penny
Orillia, ON
Halifax, NS
Newmarket, ON
Toronto, ON
Pet Country Estate, ON
Rob Parker Memorial Fundraiser, ON; New Germany and Area Lions Club, NS
Pet Country Estate, ON
Unitron, ON
CVC Graduates
Al & Henry
Wanda & Jaela
Kelly & Yale
Amanda & Allie
Gerald & Holmes
Elizabeth & Mac
Brantford, ON
Winnipeg, MB
Hamilton, ON
Hamilton, ON
Westville, NS
Belleville, ON
Hospitality Dynamics, ON; Estate of Mary Anne Kennedy, ON
Tom Moreau and Diane Brockman, ON; Russell Lions Club, MB
Fisherville Lions Club, ON; Fenwick Lions Club, ON; Yvionen Petitt, ON
Dereham Lions Club, ON; Hamilton Central Lions Club, ON
St. Margarets Bay Lions Club, NS; Lake Echo Lions Club, NS
Susan and Frank Saraka, ON; Dunnville Lions Club, ON
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
Upcoming Events
Reward for your Time
Many companies will award the Lions Foundation with a grant for employees who volunteer
or donate to Lions Foundation. This includes activities such as organizing a Walk, fostering
a puppy or coordinating a fundraising event. Recent donations have been received from
Suncor, Labatt, SunLife, TD, RBC, Enbridge and Investors Group to name a few. Please be
sure to check if your (or your spouse’s) company has this program, either for volunteering
or matching your donation.
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Spring Open House
On Saturday, April 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is
hosting its Open House in Oakville (152 Wilson St.). It will feature demonstrations from all
five Dog Guide programs, information about volunteer opportunities and the Purina® Walk
for Dog Guides, the chance to cuddle future Dog Guide puppies and a silent auction. Items
are needed for the silent auction. If you know someone who would be happy to donate, we
would love to have their support. It could be a gift card to a store or a service such as a
haircut! Every item makes a difference and helps raise more funds. If you would like more
information on how to donate, please contact Merilyn at (905) 842-2891 Ext. 231
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
An Evening for Dog Guides
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides will be hosting its annual Evening for Dog Guides
anEvening for
auction on Thursday, April 25 in Oakville (152 Wilson St). This exciting evening will feature
a live auction with all proceeds supporting the Dog Guide programs. Items are needed for
this important fundraiser, if you would like more information on how to donate, please
contact Merilyn at (905) 842-2891 ext. 231. Items can include: gift certificates, vacation
packages, culinary experiences, sporting tickets, entertainment outings, golf getaways,
technology gadgets and more!
Gift Shop
Lions Awards
Collect points
when you shop?
Looking for a way to acknowledge the hard work of a fellow
Lion? Consider purchasing an award or fellowship! The Lions
Awards and Fellowship programs provide clubs and members
an excellent way to honour the work and dedication of other
Many stores provide a great opportunity for you to
support Dog Guides through their rewards programs.
By donating some or all of your points to Lions
Foundation of Canada, you enable the Foundation
to use the points towards purchasing supplies and
products that are needed for the clients or for ongoing
fundraising activities. Many thanks to the supporters
of these programs.
Life Membership - $100 (add $50 for wood mount)
To order, please complete the Life Membership application form.
Progressive Life Membership - $100 (add $50 for wood mount)
To order, please complete the Progressive Life Membership
application form.
Fellowship - $250
To order, please complete the Lions Foundation of Canada Fellowship
application form.
Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship – $500
Please note, this is only available through purchase by a club, district,
multiple district or a person who wishes to honour a deserving individual.
To order, please complete the Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship
application form.
Progressive Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship - $500
Please note, this is available for purchase only by a club, district, multiple
district, or an individual who wishes to honour someone. Personal
purchases are not permitted.
To order, please complete the Progressive Judge Brian Stevenson
Fellowship Award application form.
100% Club Awards
Clubs who have 100% of their members as Life, Fellowship or Judge
Brian Stevenson Fellows will receive a banner patch recognizing this
wonderful support.
To order, please complete the 100% Club Awards application form.
Please note, if you need to find out who has been recognized by your club,
contact us.
Shoppers Optimum Points
To donate your Shoppers points, please go
online to
where you can click on “donate your points”
and simply select Lions Foundation of Canada
as the recipient.
HBC Rewards
When you shop at the Bay, Home Outfitters and, you can collect points on the
Lions Foundation’s Rewards program. To enroll,
go to and
register as a member using Public ID# 1724181.
Air Miles
If you have existing Air Miles, Dog Guides can
always use them towards a gift certificate or
item for a fundraising event, such as one of
the auctions, or they can be redeemed towards
flights for clients traveling to the Oakville
training school.
Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire money is popular because there
are hundreds of items that can be purchased
and used for vehicle and ground maintenance
and housekeeping supplies. Money can be sent
directly to the Lions Foundation.
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Congrats Grads
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
2013 Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides
Gift Shop
Original vintage
LFC pin
Growing Support
Dog Guides Out & About
What Grads Have to Say
Wish List
Stainless steel travel mug
Congrats Grads
9 ea
Navy Blue Hoodie
Upcoming Events
Lions Awards Program
Gift Shop
PO Box 907
Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E8
(905) 842-2891 / 1-800-768-3030
TTY (905) 842-1585 Fax (905) 842-3373
Charitable Tax #: 13024 5129 RROO1
Kids Royal Blue T-shirt with logo Youth Sizes XS,S,M,L
Red t-shirt
Sizes S,L,XL,2XL,
Royal Blue Tshirt Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL
Purple T-shirt Sizes S only
Purple Golf Shirt Sizes XL,2XL,3XL only
White Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,L only
Beige/Grey Ministripe Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL
Ladies Pistachio Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,XL only
Red Golf Shirt Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL
Ladies Lake Blue Golf Shirt Sizes: S,M,L,XL,2XL NEW!
Dark Heather (Grey) Hoodie Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL
Navy Hoodie
Sizes M,L,XL,2XL
Blue with Grey ½ zip Fleece Sizes L,XL,2XL SALE!
Blue Denim Shirt Sizes S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL
Red Dog Guide Bandana
11oz Orange ceramic mug with white logo
Dog Guide Holiday Cards
(package of 10)
Grey & Blue Fanny Pack
new colour
Peace on Earth Holiday Cards (package of10)
Blank All Occasion Cards (package of 10)
Stainless Steel Coffee Mug
new style
Dog Guide Luggage Tag (purple)
Silver Pocket Whistle Keylight
Purple Coolie
Red Cooler Bay (6 can size) (Walk Logo)
Black Tote Bag (Walk Logo)
Purple Stretch Lanyard
Grey Spring Jacket Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL
Ladies Vibrant Sky Blue Spring Jacket Sizes
White with Red Trim Baseball Cap
Black Baseball Cap, Red Rimmed Bill (LFC Logo)
Red Baseball Cap
Red Lightweight Nylon Vest (Walk Logo) Sizes M, L only
Navy Nylon Vest Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL
Navy/Red spring jacket Sizes XL,2XL only
Navy/Titanium spring jacket Sizes S, M only
Updated Jan 21, 2013
25th Anniversary Pin
Set of 5 pins (any combination)
“Ash & Mrs. Hemingway” Children’s Book
“Roscoe’s Journey” Children Book
Platinum Sparkling Ornament - Wreath
Platinum Sparkling Ornament - Snowflake
Platinum Sparkling Ornament – Tree
2013 Oakville Firefighter Calendar
$8.00 each
FOR $20.00
Shipping – Purchase total between $0 - $30 = $7.50
Shipping – Purchase total between $30 - $50 = $10.00
Shipping – Purchase total between $50 +
= $15.00
Please ensure your total includes shipping charges
Please make cheques payable to: Lions Foundation of Canada
Please Print:
City________________ Province_________________________ Postal Code___________
Telephone Number___________________________ Email _________________________
Please Indicate Method of Payment:
π Cheque – make cheques payable to “Lions Foundation of Canada”
π Cash (do not send cash in mail)
π Visa π Master Card
Card Number_______________________________________ Expiry Date ______/______
Updated Jan 21, 2013