Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt
Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt
Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM 61° forecast THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT EPILOT SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING PILOT STORE MARKETPLACE DEALS SEARCH LOCAL SHOPPING COUPONS NEWS OPINION BUSINESS MILITARY SPORTS WEATHER TRAFFIC LOG IN SIGN UP SEARCH THE SITE MORE OBITS HAMPTONROADS.COM CLASSIFIEDS JOBS AUTOS HOMES RENTALS LEGALS ENTERTAINMENT LIFE MORE HOME » NEWS Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt Posted to: News State Government Tolls Traffic - Transportation Login or register to post comments By Dave Forster The Virginian-Pilot © May 3, 2013 The state would be on the hook for more than a billion dollars of debt if a judge's ruling striking down the Midtown and Downtown tunnel tolls stands, according to a ratings agency. Afternoon rush-hour traffic exiting the Portsmouth side of the Midtown Tunnel. (Martin Smith-Rodden | The Virginian-Pilot) View full-size photo | Buy Pilot photos Tweet 23 Recommend 83 RELATED Judge: Midtown Tunnel toll deal is unconstitutional - May. 2, 2013 Elizabeth River Crossings reports tunnel improvements - Apr. 15, 2013 VDOT partner releases info on Midtown subcontractors - Mar. 29, 2013 Midtown tunnel operators shield names of contractors - Mar. 17, 2013 Portsmouth council set to give $50,000 to tolls lawsuit - Feb. 14, 2013 Portsmouth Circuit Judge James A. Cales Jr. declared the tolls unconstitutional Wednesday, saying the General Assembly exceeded its authority by delegating to the state transportation department "unfettered power" to set the rates "without any real or meaningful parameters." Gov. Bob McDonnell said the state will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Virginia, and representatives from the Virginia Department of Transportation and its private partner said work will continue on the $2.1 billion project. On Thursday, Elizabeth River Crossings OpCo LLC sent a public reminder that workers will close a lane on the Portsmouth approach to the Midtown Tunnel this weekend to install traffic sensors. Dredging for a second tunnel tube - the primary component of the multifaceted construction project - is scheduled to begin this month. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit that led to Cales' ruling have maintained since filing their challenge in July that the state was proceeding with the project at its own risk. Fitch Ratings told investors in an April 9 report that if the litigation stopped Elizabeth River Crossings from collecting tolls, the state would be required by its contract to repay the debt that has been incurred for the project. That amount includes $663.75 million in private bonds that were issued in April 2012 and a $422 million federal loan, according to the Fitch report. Elizabeth River Crossings bears the risk of repaying that debt under the normal terms of its Daily Deal | | Promote your business TOOLBOX Print Email SAVE & SHARE Delicious Digg Reddit Facebook Twitter Google Yahoo Page 1 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM agreement with the state, with tolling. Fitch assigned a rating of BBB- on the debt, the lowest rating for investment-grade debt. Ratings lower than that fall into a category that investors consider speculative, said Scott Zuchorski, Fitch's primary analyst on the Elizabeth River Crossings account. Representatives from VDOT, the governor's office and the secretary of finance referred questions Thursday about the state's exposure on the Midtown Tunnel deal to Secretary of Transportation Sean Connaughton, who did not return calls for comment. The Fitch report said any state obligation would be subject to appropriation by Virginia legislators. Zuchorski said Cales' ruling doesn't change his view of the debt rating because of the state's responsibility to pay, though he added that Fitch will continue to monitor the case. Tolls, beginning at $1.84 during peak travel periods for passenger vehicles with E-ZPass transponders, are scheduled to begin Feb. 1. Find. Do. Tag. Share. what where FIND "If it's not resolved by the end of next January, then it could become more interesting," Zuchorski said. Ratings downgrades cause the price of bonds to fall, potentially leading to losses to investors. Popular Searches Patrick McSweeney, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, on Thursday clarified comments he made after Cales' ruling that he said were misconstrued. He predicted the decision would have an impact on the credit market but would not adversely affect the state's credit rating. The state has committed more than $400 million to the project, including about $100 million to delay the start of tolling from 2012 to early 2014. Two of the private entities involved in the project - Skanska Infrastructure Development and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets - have invested $272 million in equity. McSweeney has said it could take the better part of this year for an appeal to be resolved, if a panel of justices agrees to send it to the Supreme Court for a hearing. Elizabeth River Crossings' timeline shows that the work that has begun or is scheduled to begin this year includes utility relocations, rehabilitation of the westbound Downtown Tunnel tube, widening of Interstate 264, fabrication of the new Midtown tube and construction of approaches to the new tunnel. Norman Thomas, an assistant Virginia attorney general helping defend VDOT in the lawsuit, told Cales in Wednesday's hearing that tolling revenue must first pay off the costs of the project before Elizabeth River Crossings can make a profit. The company is authorized to earn an annualized rate of return of 13.5 percent on its $272 million investment. Outreach Phlebotomist Hampton Roads Area, VA Bayview Physician Services Internet Marketing Sales Consultant Virginia Beach, Virginia Customer Magnetism CSR Virginia Beach, VA RIPLEY HEATWOLE C0., INC. More jobs The deal involves the construction of a second Midtown Tunnel tube, renovation of the tunnels, extension of the Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway in Portsmouth to I-264, and the private operation and maintenance of the tunnels for 58 years. Peak-hour tolls are scheduled to run from 5:30 to 9 a.m. and from 2:30 to 7 p.m. on weekdays. Passenger vehicles will pay $1.59 during other times. Trucks will be tolled $7.36 during peak hours and $4.77 during off-peak hours. Dave Forster, 757-446-2627, [email protected] Login or register to post comments COMMENTS ADVISORY: Users are solely responsible for opinions they post here; comments do not reflect the views of The Virginian-Pilot or its websites. Users must follow agreed-upon rules: Be civil, be clean, be on topic; don't attack private individuals, other users or classes of people. Read the full rules here. - Comments are automatically checked for inappropriate language, but readers might find some comments offensive or inaccurate. If you believe a comment violates our rules, click the report violation link below it. [-] Hide Comments QUESTION? Submitted by i just wanted t... on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 1:54 pm. --If the courts say that the contract was not legal,--then the state should not be liable for the debt.,- Page 2 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM but then you know lawyers and the things they do.--most of the time they put in things that can go anyway they want, at a later date. --so who had the best lawyers?--we shall see!--should not have been done that way in the first place. --frank in va.bch. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 7 PAY FOR THE TUNNEL WITH CASINOS Submitted by COACHQUEEN on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 1:59 pm. Why don't VA come into the Millenum and get with the rest of the Commonwealth States. Simple solution open some Casinos to pay for the tunnel, bring revenue and jobs to our State. Stop forcing your personal beliefs on everyone else. We are already gambling in Virginia, We have horse racing, bingo, lottery and poker houses! So what is the problem. Please stop using the old cliche "Crime" it does not fly. Wake up VA and smell the roses! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 11 or 8 I THOUGHT WE DIDNT HAVE GAMBLING(AS YOU SAY) Submitted by THOMASLEE on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:22 pm. not because of personal beliefs but because "the poor will spend their last dollar on gambling,and not buying that loaf of bread for their hungry childrens" that's why i thought we didn't have gambling, because the liberals don't want that to happen Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 12 REALITY Submitted by ACCylumBeard on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:58 pm. They aren't buying that loaf of bread with their last dollar anyway. WIC or Food Stamps are. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 5 I KNOW Submitted by THOMASLEE on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:54 pm. but that's what they used as an excuse. and they still will, they have to pull at the heart strings to get their views across Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 AL THGOSE POOR STARVING PEOPLE IN Submitted by vbbum on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 7:15 am. All those poor starving people in Las Vegas, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, Delaware and the 20 some other states that have Casinos. Not like the rich over fed people in Virginia. Since most ofnthe republican led states have poor starving people, I would think a better cause of poor starving people would be if they had republican legislatures. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF WHY Submitted by Esau on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 1:59 pm. Just another example of why this deal represents the absolute worst negotiation in the history of this state, ever, as conducted by McDonnell and his Transportation Secretary. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user Page 3 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM 26 or 2 8 or 0 IT'S SO LOPSIDED I HESITATE Submitted by Goldbricker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:02 pm. It's so lopsided I hesitate to call it a negotiation. More like an outright hand out. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user WHAT DOES FITCH KNOW... Submitted by Cit-com on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:01 pm. ...that isn't in the public domain? Sounds as if "propriety information" has been stretched to include keeping this bit out of the public eye. Damages for work done that might be continued under another contract are one thing, even though the project isn't the best solution (or any solution) to our traffic problems. One billion dollars in damages as a result of VDOT (and let's face it, the governor and secretary of transportation) moving ahead with construction despite the lawsuit, and contractual obligations that have not been disclosed to the public--that's a whole new story. There's something fishy here, and it isn't in the Elizabeth River, just in the Crossings... Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 12 or 1 11 or 1 OH, I BET OLD BOB HAS A HEADACHE NOW (ANOTHER ONE) Submitted by joanm18327 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:02 pm. Chuckle, chuckle, heee, heee, heee. lol! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user GO AFTER WHO EVER SIGNED THE Submitted by ethan2 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:03 pm. Go after who ever signed the contracts personally. We still don't know the benefits the politicians that made this happen. You know there is benefits there in this deal. There always is. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 HELLO Submitted by surfcaster on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:26 pm. Its called campaign contributions. The legislators garantee huge profits to a private company, (ERP) who in turn makes large campaign contributions to the legislators that got the company the deal in the first place. I never hear anyone here talk about this as an element to the whole thing, but believe me, it is. They can then scratch each other's backs for the next 58 years, at our expense, of course. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 0 NON-PARTISAN CONCERNS Submitted by Cit-com on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 8:47 am. We've avoided (insofar as possible) anything that could be construed as politically biased commentary on all sites out of respect for the political diversity of our coalition. However, it is interesting to note that our governor went to Sweden shortly after the VDOT/ERCO contract was signed. (SKANSKA, the major construction partner in ERCO, is a Swedish company.) There's nothing quite like a personal "thank you." Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user Page 4 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 1 5/3/13 10:23 AM or 0 AND ITS ALL BOB MC'S FAULT. Submitted by zatoony on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:04 pm. And its all Bob Mc's fault. They should make him pay personally since he worked out this backroom deal without input from the locales or representatives. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 15 or 2 THIS WAS THE WORST DEAL EVER Submitted by dogpen on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:08 pm. & now it gets even worse when we find out this tid-bit of info. This is McD's legacy, a billion $ bill for absolutely "NOTHING". Thanks Gov.. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 6 or 1 HOW MANY BRIBES ARE BEING Submitted by rmccord993 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:09 pm. How many bribes are being re-couped? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user PENNIES ........ Submitted by MaryEllen23703 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:18 pm. It sounds a lot better than the $58,000,000,000.00 that we are required to end up paying ! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 8 or 0 ONE BILLION? CHUMP CHANGE, REALLY, Submitted by RoosterB on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:21 pm. considering it's not coming out of anyone's pockets other than the taxpayer - and we all ought to know by now just how deep THEM pockets are, right? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 THAT IS WHY Submitted by Charles Rhodes on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:09 pm. we must insist the involved elected officials, from the Governor, to the Lt Governor, to T Commonwealth Attorney and all General Assembly members be fined for their lack of due diligence to the Constitution of Virginia. Frankly, if the judge is correct they are all guilty of malfeasance and should be fined and jailed. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 WHY STOP THERE? Submitted by GotLabradors on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 9:09 pm. Why don't we just go old school on them and tar and feather their behinds on the steps of the Virginia Capitol? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 SO I GOT A QUESTION, ABOUT THE APPEAL Submitted by MisBHayVin on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:29 pm. Page 5 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM If/when the appeal goes through and if/when it gets reversed that will mean to us that the Virginia constitution means nothing if it costs enough money we will change the law?I don't want to see the people get this cost put on them ether way but it will be,and the worst part is I know of no one,not one person that wanted better tunnels!I think the tooth removing,car destroying,roads should be the main focus.But as VDOT is broke and not able to even afford pot hole repair I can see why they wanted to make a billion dollar tunnel that should only cost three million,that could mean lots of raises in pay,I mean roads fixed!Why don't we wake up and dump the good old boy voting and get honest people in charge!Oh thats right there are none Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 WELL WE THINK WE KNOW HOW MUCH WAS RAKED OFF ON THE Submitted by dand34234 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:34 pm. Star Scientific deal, how much of this maloderous tunnel scheme went into secret Caymen Island accounts for Bob and Ken. We already know that they are crooks, are they petty crooks or big time crooks? Time for the probe. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 9 or 4 16 or 0 IN 2 WORDS Submitted by jettyhop on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:48 pm. Bob's folly. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THE Submitted by usnacnd on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 2:49 pm. Does no one remember the referendum that the people voted on? That was the start of the public/private mess! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 4 or 0 STATE ON THE HOOK FOR MILLIONS Submitted by goody26 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:02 pm. And the madness continues........... Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user PORTSMOUTH AND Submitted by jfr on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:49 pm. its "law makers" Should be the ones to pay this and NOT the state!!! Actions have consequences and folks need to be "responsible" for their actions!!! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 5 JUST LIKE OTHER ENTITLEMENT RECIPIENTS Submitted by doug10 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:34 pm. They want something for nothing, meaning they want something that someone else pays for. If they don't want the tolls, then stop the work and just let them sit in traffic every day. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 4 Page 6 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM THEY SHOULD'VE ASKED THE PEOPLE FIRST Submitted by up2nogood on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:45 pm. If they'd bothered to check with people first about their level of interest in this project and their willingness to pay these high tolls, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. This new tunnel is a joke because it is not going to provide very much relief. The Midtown tunnel dumps onto a 4 lane road through a historic district in Norfolk with a speed limit of 30 and the road cannot be expanded. They will simply move the gridlock spot from the Portsmouth side of the tunnel to just outside of the tunnel in Norfolk. It's certainly not a change worth $58B. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 TRUST ME, WITH THE TOLLS Submitted by NewEnglandpatsfan on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:54 pm. Trust me, with the tolls they will be sitting in traffic anyway. With the scheduled increases built into this deal I won't be able to afford to use the tunnels. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 4 or 0 HERE HERE Submitted by bfoster35 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:00 pm. Excellent Idea. Let us not spend 22 billion and I will be happy to sit in the same traffic. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 WHAT Submitted by Charles Rhodes on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:12 pm. do you mean? Don't we in Portsmouth pay taxes also and expect our elected officials to spend them wisely without unnecessarily enriching their donors? Or are you just generally antiPortsmouth no matter what? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 1 POLITICAL IDIOCY Submitted by ACCylumBeard on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:03 pm. Both the Legislative and the Executive branches of the Commonwealth Government are to blame. How can you allow a private company to receive nearly a 200% return on their initial investment? It should've been a STATE WIDE gas tax (as I voted for back when it was on the table). Northern Virginia receives goods from the shipping ports down here. Why should they be allowed to benefit without sharing part of the cost? The City planners for this area have historically been idiots as well. With 20+ different military related installations in Hampton Roads there should have been more crossings built from the jump OR larger ones in the beginning. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 0 TIME FOR ANOTHER GIFT? Submitted by quiturcryin on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:18 pm. May Guvnah Bob can call in another favor/gift from his pal Jonnie Williams to pay for it....or sell advertising rights to Star Scientific for signs & banners on the crossingN Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 "SELL ADVERTISING RIGHTS" - NOT A BAD IDEA. Submitted by JPOV on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:19 pm. I understand the tenor of your statement, but that might work. Not necessarily Star but a couple of Page 7 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM electronic billboards at the entrance to each tunnel where ADS could be displayed. LOTS of money spent on advertising. It should be an easy sell. Thousands would see it every day. Just a thought. It could be said that it is accident potential but they could be placed farther back then right at the entrance. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 EXPAND ON THAT Submitted by bfoster35 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:05 pm. Replace all of those silly signs with three lines of dot matrix print with full color screens. The state could sell ads all over the state when there is no traffic to report. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 0 LAST TIME I DROVE TO NYC OR Submitted by ethan2 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:44 am. Last time I drove to NYC or Boston I noticed one of the states had full RGB pixel signs above the interstate that simply said buckle up. Could of had ads. Of course, in Virginia new billboards are illegal so Adams outdoor might take offense. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 TUNNEL DEBT Submitted by margaretw94423 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:19 pm. But if someone makes a contract that is illegal, it is unenforceable. That's standard business law. Other than that, I have to say that it's better the state than Portsmouth should have to repay or pay that amount. The state does have deeper pockets than Portsmouth. And now why has ERC been so eager trying to get all of this stuff done anyway in the face of a court case? Who would tell them that a court case should not be respected? I didn't think that judges took kindly to that kind of attitude. Does ERC have grounds to sue Gov. Bob McDonnell, Att. Gen. Kenneth Cuccinelli and VA. Secretary of Transportation Sean Connaughton as individuals, for making an illegal agreement? I would hate to see ERC get taken. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 3 CORRECTION VP Submitted by volkss on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:27 pm. At the end of this article it reads, "Electronic tolls are scheduled to begin Feb. 1, 2014" It should read, "Take your dirty TOLLS and Shove Em!" A big thank you for all of those that have worked and donated to get this UNCONSTITUTIONAL deal yanked. Without the dedication of all those involved my daughter and future grandchildren would've been paying for this robbery. Heads high Hampton Roads. Get ready cause this fight is just beginning. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 11 or 1 3 or 0 UNITED WE STAND. Submitted by Sullytown on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:27 pm. United we stand. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user I HAVE A SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM Submitted by JohnnyRockets53 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:40 pm. Page 8 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Why don't we just leave the tunnel alone? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 TAKE YOUR TOLL Submitted by debral29391 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:43 pm. Proud of those that made this happen. The appeal will be interesting. No fan of Gov Bob and his AG Cuccinelli. Their crony capitalism stinks and for today at least, they lose. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 9 or 2 AHHH Submitted by JCB on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:49 pm. I don’t believe the courts said the contract was illegal just how the state planned to pay for it. Which means the contract still stands but the state has to come up with a legal way to pay for it. In other words it is illegal for me to rob gas stations to pay my house mortgage. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have to pay the mortgage. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 COMPLICATED Submitted by Cit-com on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:18 am. It's more complicated than that. The financial underpinnings of the deal are essential to the contract. The toll rates and fee rates are not just a minor part of the deal, and the fact that VDOT had no actual power to agree to those financial details affects its status as a signatory to the contract. I think. This doesn't necessarily mean that Virginia taxpayers won't have to pay some damages. There are many details of the financial elements of the contract that are still not available to the public but had to be submitted to the rating agencies for risk analysis. Only the public needed to be kept in the dark so this deal could go through--and that is why the PPTA must be overhauled or repealed. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 TAXES Submitted by 44ford on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 3:57 pm. The state has wanted to raise the gas tax, which hasn't been raise in a long time, but the people in western Va. said no. If this judges decision stands and the state has to pay, guess what. Taxes will be raised, like it or not. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 REAL LAWYERS WILL HIRED FOR THE APPELATE WORK, NOT KEN'S Submitted by streetglide on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:02 pm. boys and girls. They will hire some big name firm in Richmond and the defendants will win, The Portsmouth judge just wanted his neighbors to like him Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 13 1 BILLION DOLLAR REPAYMENT PLAN Submitted by volkss on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:02 pm. I have a great idea to repay this. How about every single person who signed off on this project loses vacation pay, sick day pay, personal family leave pay, any additional raise pay, and their pension until the amount is paid back? They want this project at any cost, then maybe they should get a Page 9 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM taste of what it is like to have every last cent squeezed out. They got us into this and now they could get us out of it. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 1 I DON'T THINK SO Submitted by doobrah on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:07 pm. If the judge says the tolls are unconstitutional, then the tolls would not go into effect in February. And how about hold ol' Bob personally responsible for paying back the $1B? I'd like to see ERT lose their collective shirts on this deal. Why allow a company to build roads at an exhorbitant profit and of great cost to a few, when all the other roads in the state are paid for through the Transportation Fund? Not just UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but patently unfair. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 9 or 1 PAYBACK Submitted by jjackson on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 4:14 pm. You all sit and gloat that a biased judge ruled but if his ruling stands it will be a long long time for Hampton Roads traffic problems are addressed again. You all will just have to suck it up and live with it. Meanwhile VDOT can concentrate on the rest of the state. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 7 IT'S BETTER THAN SADDLING Submitted by Goldbricker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:08 pm. It's better than saddling future generations with a bunch of greedy pigs at the troth collecting tolls until the end of time. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 FINE, LEAVE THEM ALONE !! Submitted by bfoster35 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:18 pm. I regularly travel both tunnels,sometimes several times a day. I am fine with them staying as is. They are really easy to get thru with minimal delay if you know where your going. Never more than 20 min or so unless it closes for some reason. If is too bad the Jordan Bridge is a nice private bridge with only a $1 toll. The Patriot crossing or third tunnel at the HRBT is much more needed for this area. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 TIME TO HOP IN THE FERRARI FOR A LAKE-SIDE GETAWAY Submitted by TR on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:03 pm. Bob and the GOPTers should have simply raised the gas tax. Instead, their Party's sworn oath to Grover drove them (pun!) into this cluster. (Yes, i know this is a state level debacle but these pols all wanna go national... and what is party doctrine at the Natty level trickles down, as Ronnie would say). So now an army of gubmint attorneys, at the direction of Bob and Ken, will scramble to pull fannies - and the state -- from the fire. Heckuva Job. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 3 ARE YOU Page 10 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Submitted by jld30182 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:26 pm. serious? The voters rejected raising the gas tax. That was not an option and you know it. I hate it when folks try to misrepresent facts to make someone look bad. If you felt he should have done it in spite of the referendum, then I ask where is your criticism of Gov. Kaine? Does that mean because of his lack of effort on even addressing the transportation issue, that you did not vote for him for Senator? If that is the case, then you are consistent rather then just a shill for the other party. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 4 4 or 2 UH, BOB RAISED THE SALES Submitted by Esau on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:58 pm. Uh, Bob raised the sales tax. Kaine ran into the stonewall Grover crowd. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user HOW EXACTLY DID THE VOTERS REJECT RAISING THE GAS TAX? Submitted by TR on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:21 pm. Sorry, but i am not familiar with how "the voters rejected the tax increase". When was this? Regarding Kaine, i believe that he has been FOR raising the gas tax, but that idea has always been rejected by politicos on the other side of the aisle. From MACON CONSERVATIVE (2008) (which perfectly illustrates my point, adhere to party doctrine): Tim Kaine: RAISE THE GAS TAX! If any Republican in the General Assembly votes to raise the gas tax, they should be primaried and targeted for defeat. ~~~ From WaPo: RICHMOND, April 29, 2008 -- Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) said Tuesday that he would consider backing an increase in Virginia's 17.5 cent-a-gallon gasoline tax, Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 SAY WHAT? Submitted by dog_bones on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:23 pm. The Judge: "This is against the Va. constitution". Gov Mc D: "Say what? I am the governor." I can do whatever I want!" (stomps feet) "Not fair!" The Judge: "Go to your room and stand in the corner." Gov Mc D: "Which corner?" The Judge: "I don't care which corner you choose. You are the governor. Just pick a corner." Gov Mc D: (pouts) "Still not fair!" Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 2 0 or 0 THAT Submitted by robertm99871 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:49 pm. was very adult! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user Page 11 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM I GUESS THE TOLLS JUST WENT UP TO $3.50 Submitted by worldview23451 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 5:25 pm. Like everything else it will be the poor folks who use these tolls that will be paying. We know the contracts covered everyone on this deal even if it goes bad. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 0 BOB! SET UP SOME MORE FEES! Submitted by joanm18327 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:22 pm. $65 per year for motorcycles, $50 a year for bicycles, and $25 a year for granny's wheelchair. None of those owners are putting enough gas in their tanks to pay their fair share. Put a camera on the tunnel and put a fee on every driver that makes it through for the privilege of making it through without a new bumper-thumper or without rear-ending the vehicle ahead of them. Problem solved. So now go and enjoy one of those catered dinners and send the leftovers to the people who are waiting to get through the tunnels. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 1 PICTURE Submitted by bfoster35 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:24 pm. If that the picture the VP took is rush hour traffic at the midtown tunnel then we really don't need any new capacity. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 2 TOLLS Submitted by waynep on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:06 pm. This deal was so one sided against the state and the people that one has to hope that someone was getting a kickback. The alternative is the assumption of stupidity. I believe that the Gov. and his cronies were well aware that the contract was illegally established. They assumed that the people would back off when they realized how much a court fight would cost. They were wrong. I presume that are pushing on knowing that it was a difficult stretch to come up with the money so far, and it will be equally hard for the next round . If they are assuming that anyone is going to roll over and play dead for that reason, they will be wrong again. It was irresponsible to proceed with this plan while it's legality was challenged, now pay up! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 4 or 0 OF COURSE IT IS ONE SIDED Submitted by portworker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:35 pm. Have you noticed that your mortgage payment or car payment has a LOT of interest payment and a little prinicple payment up front? The "one sided" is probably for the private company to build the third tunnel (do we really need a third tunnel?) NOW. Once the third tunnel is built (which isn't a toll tunnel) the traffic goes down and the lopsided profit goes down. It is too bad that gas taxes both federal and state doesn't go into a locked box. That is the main reason we have such lousy infrastructure problems. If it is revenue then the government will spend it - on anything else but. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 "THIRD TUNNEL ISN'T A TOLL TUNNEL"??????? Page 12 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Submitted by 2WildBill2 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 11:17 pm. portworker comment Thu 5/02/2013 I have seen many of your comments -- but I can not understand what you are talking about. You say "Once the third tunnel is built (which isn't a toll tunnel) the traffic goes down and the lopsided profit goes down." Under the present agreement ALL tunnel tubes, the three existing AND the "new" tube will be tolled -- for 58 years. Total traffic will not go down because a new tube is built -- there will be NO change in the "lopsided profit". As to comparing a mortgage payment or car payment with the present contract. Have YOU ever had one which resulted in your total payments adding to TEN TIMES the amount "borrowed". (A bank loan -- not a Payday Lone.) But mmaybe VDOT DOES have a PayDay Loan. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WAS SAID Submitted by portworker on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:34 am. The poster said they couldn't understand why paying tolls BEFORE the tunnel is built. That's where the mortgage or car payment response came in - the people want their "profit" up front in case something happens. If the third tunnel is also a toll tunnel then the "profit" should be essentially the same at a constant level. I have heard the third tunnel would be a not be a toll tunnel as part of the deal. Maybe it is going to be a toll tunnel. Maybe in 20 years we will all have Star Wars landskimmers and no roads needed. Maybe the Mayan were correct and the world will end 12/21/2012. If you are worried about some company making a profit then find the money NOW (not after years of higher taxes years) to build the new tunnel. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 CHESAPEAKE EXPRESSWAY TOLL ENDS TOMORROW... Submitted by worldview23451 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 6:56 pm. I guess we do not have to pay the toll on the Chesapeake Expressway. That is a scam private partnership deal if there ever was one....$6 in peak oversight in Richmond...that's got to go... Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 3 THE CHESAPEAKE EXPRESSWAY Submitted by Cathleen on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:53 pm. The Chesapeake Expressway was not built with a public-private partnership. It was state-funded. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 1 CITY OF CHESAPEAKE PAYED FOR THE CHESAPEAKE EXPRESSWAY Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:35 am. So you think the State would fund a road and leave the tolling authority with the Chesapeake City Council to do with what they will with raising or lowering??? Not. The revenue from tolls of the Chesapeake Expressway goes to the City of Chesapeake. Tolls are voted on by the City of Chesapeake. Do you not know this? This is how Chesapeake paid for the road financing is unique. The Chesapeake dedicated its share of the State recordation taxes distributed to localities to pay for approximately half of the annual debt service. The other half of Page 13 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM the debt service will come from local general revenues and is being provided by the City of Chesapeake through a contract with the State. So now you know. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 CHICKEN LITTLE THE SKY IS FALLING REPORTING Submitted by mike71329 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:06 pm. The deal was just struck a year ago, they have not spent a billion bucks in the past year. There is no way the Feds are giving a private company $400mil and then the company keeps the money and the state pays it back. Fat chance. The inability to toll is a deal breaker that will void the contract of upheld. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 4 or 2 THEN Submitted by jld30182 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:18 pm. don't build it. This is what Portsmouth and Norfolk citizens asked for. Just put up with the traffic. Simple enough. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 I TOO HATE TOLLS Submitted by portworker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:25 pm. We all know that in 2008 the state supreme court said the REGIONAL transportation agencies cannot tax. We all know that southwest Virginia's politicians will not get an increase in the gas tax because southwest Virginia will not get their tax money back to their region. The judge was probably wrong in that the state or a city or a county can lease a government property to a private citizens or a private company and the private company or private citizens can do just about anything they want. If a city wants a pro team to come there and leases the land for a stadium for 58 years, the the pro team stadium "owners" can charge admission tickets. Is the admission ticket fee a TAX? Of course not. Neither is a toll on a LEASED tunnel. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 3 ONLY PORTWORKER CAN TAKE A STORY ABOUT A COURT RULING Submitted by TR on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:02 pm. ... shooting down Bob's magical mystery toll tour and end up railing about a "pro team and admission tickets". Epic GlennBeckian misdirection, with a hint of crazy. I picture a heavily illustrated whiteboard behind your computer desk. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 STILL RESORTING TO PERSONAL ATTACKS? Submitted by portworker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:47 pm. Are you saying that you cannot understand the LEASING of a city owned property to the pro team means the pro team can charge an admission fee IS THE SAME CONCEPT AS THE ERC TUNNELS? Are you saying that you DISagree with the legal community that the long held practice of public private deals in Virginia is in jeopardy because the judge said "leasing" is unconstitutional? The defendant was VDOT but the entity receiving the tolls was ERC. Maybe you are more able to explain how that works. Isn't the saying that if you cannot discuss ideas and ideals that you discuss people? Page 14 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 1 DREAM ON Submitted by BillyBones on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 7:30 pm. There is no way the state of Virginia will allow one judge to stop this project. The Governor will find a way around this ruling. Really, all the judge said is VDOT cannot become the taxing authority. They can re-structure the deal and have the state collect tolls and pay them to ERC. Mark my words, this project is going forward! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 2 PAYING Submitted by ChuckW698 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:03 pm. Someone is going to pay for it. Either the people who use the tunnels, with tolls, or everyone in the state, by higher taxes. The contract is signed, so the project is going to proceed. For those who don't want tolls, where do you thing the money is coming from to pay the bills. Remember a few years ago the state wanted to raise the gas tax to pay for this project, and the people voted it down. They were told then that if they did not pass the law, that tolls were coming. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 4 ACTUALY................. Submitted by BillyBones on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:18 pm. I do remember and it was a sales tax, not a gasoline tax the people voted down. It was the best option then and should have been passed. The major problem is as a people we just don't trust Government at any level to spend our money wisely. Why should we, they rarely do! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 AGREED Submitted by xptown on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:54 pm. And to all those saying they should just stop building it, remember that 2/3 of the money has already been spent. To stop now would be a total waste of money. And yes, this can be easily restructured. A separate commission would be created with tolling authority. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 2 HOW ABOUT MAKING THE TERM OF Submitted by Esau on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 9:02 pm. How about making the term of the deal 30 years instead of 60? Make them add a new tunnel on the Downtown. No guaranteed 13% profits and get rid of the no compete clause. Cut the toll by half. There's a better way to structure this rotten deal! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 1 YOU MAY BE CORRECT, BUT THE Submitted by jettyhop on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 9:43 pm. You may be correct, but the dye has been cast. There's always an all out boycott. I'll never set foot in this thing having watched what transpired in Richmond. This needs to backfire at all costs, if not, we continue to get trampled on. Page 15 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 THE SEQUEL TO GILMORE Submitted by 895000 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:03 pm. Had Gilmore been prosecuted for all of his unfunded highway projects then he would probably still be in jail. The spotlight is now on McDonnell. This should be very interesting. McDonnell now has bigger problems than explaining who paid for the wedding cake. But for his audacity and arrogance I might feel sorry for McDonnell. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 NONFEASANCE Submitted by 895000 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:19 pm. McDonnell and his Norquistian Sychophants in the General Assembly should all be prosecuted for felony nonfeasance for gross and wanton neglect of state property. Perhaps what is left of the state government could politely request yet another bailout from the Obama Administration. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 7 or 0 TUNNEL Submitted by fairweather on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 8:38 pm. Have you been to Northern Virginia recently and seen all of the work underway on Interstate 495? There are no tolls on that road. Why not? Who pays for these improvements? Seems like the same old story; all of the money goes north. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 0 BELTWAY Submitted by 895000 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 9:26 pm. The Beltway is populated with highly educated achievers who are only dimly aware of their connection to the rest of the state. They bypass Richmond to get what they want and they can afford to pay for what they want. When Mark Warner was elected governor the General Assembly treated him like he was a foreigner. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 WHAT DO THESE ACHEIVERS DO? Submitted by portworker on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:33 pm. Do they make the bread, plow the field, weld the steel, tighten the bolts, write a sonnet, fly a plane, teach a child, fill a prescription, or cook a meal for a homeless shelter? Do they wear a gun and a badge? Do these "acheivers" lead a Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop? Or do you confuse with powergrabbing with acheivement? Many of these "acheivers" (like Mark Warner) got INSIDER STOCK INFORMATION "acheivement" by being on the staff of some elected member of Congress. (Mark Warner was on Senator Dodd's staff before he made his fortune on the wireless industry.) Why does so much transportation money go to Senator Warner's country? Is that FAIR to the rest of the state? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 2 LET THE IDIOTS Submitted by madmikehoar on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 9:34 pm. in Richmond pay. They are the ones who signed off on this boondoggle. I'm sure "bob for jobs" has Page 16 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM some spare chump change that he can spare. His buddy at Star Scientific can cover some of the debt. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 6 or 0 OKAY, YOU WON YOUR COURT CASE Submitted by jimmyf on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:17 pm. But before anyone who brought this lawsuit up I would simply say, 1) Be careful what you wish for, you might get it and, 2) If you're going to shoot yourself in the foot, don't use a bazooka. So now the entire state might have to pony up billions of dollars and pointing fingers is a little late now, otherwise, just sit in traffic jams. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 5 REMEMBER IF THE STATE Submitted by sw32578 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:39 pm. Remember if the state government had been responsible and raised the gas tax over the years we would not be in this spot. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 0 REMEMBER IF THE STATE Submitted by sw32578 on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:39 pm. Remember if the state government had been responsible and raised the gas tax over the years we would not be in this spot. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 9 or 0 MOST LIKELY NOT TRUE. Submitted by Reid_Greenmun on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:26 am. We were told the same thing the LAST time the gas taxes were reaised. Throwing more tax/toll funds into a slush fund doesn't mean the money will be spent wisely. Light rail and not-actually-high-speed-rail boondoggles is a clear example of THAT! Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 NEW REVENUE Submitted by volkss on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 10:24 pm. Just throwing this out there, so you may want to hike up your tighty whities. Medical Marijuana is a multi BILLION $ industry in this country. Only being taxed and regulated in less than half of the states. Maryland became the 19th state to legalize medical mj today. Congrats to the terps. You can ramble on about gas tax till your blue in the face but I see untapped revenue in a plant that most people call medicine. Not only will there be additional funds/jobs provided by a new industry, but think about the money freed up from not locking up nonviolent pot offenders. At $40000 a year for an inmate we could pave a lot of miles of highway. Marijuana cures cancer. Look it up. Good night Hampton Roads. Love thy neighbors. See u n traffic Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 NOT SO QUICK Submitted by jettyhop on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 11:13 pm. If the government thought they could tax marijuana it would be legal today. That's just it, they can't, and they know it. It has to be the easiest plant on the face of the Earth for Page 17 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM anyone, I repeat, anyone to cultivate. It grows like a weed in less than favorable conditions, give it a little boost (a bag of cheap garden soil or composted dirt) and you're knee deep in bales of the stuff. Besides, don't be so quick to sell the ship to your local gov when it comes to something that grows out of God's green Earth. They'll be taxing my backyard tomatoes next if you give them any extra leash. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 1 THAT'S JUST THE QUESTION. Submitted by volkss on Thu, 05/02/2013 at 11:30 pm. That's just the question. Why isn't it legal? I look at who contributes the most. 1. Police Departments= lots of budget comes from the war on drugs. 2. Prison industry=lots of money in keeping those prisons filled. 3. Tobacco and alcohol industry= who needs competition that doesn't kill their own clients? 4. Big Pharmacy= we call it medicine they call it competition 5. Police Unions=lots of jobs keeping people from making their own decisions We are only 6 states away from half the country having legal medical mj and 2 states fully legal. Soon to be regulating and taxing. Like I was saying though at roughly $40,000 a year to house a pothead we could pave a whole lot of highway. Gas tax isn't the end all. marijuana is an extra revenue. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 0 TUNNEL TOLLS DECISION Submitted by plusSense on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:35 am. Back in the 1990s, after a lot of public outcry, the tolls were ended. Why on earth would we want to submit to tolls of more than 7 times the amounts we had back then? These planned tolls would be a crushing blow to drivers in Hammpton Roads. Other areas of the state benefit from the tunnels when goods are trucked to them. We should not have to suffer the tolls. The state should pay for the tunnels like it does any other service it is required to provide. Pay for them with the general revenue the state already has, by eliminating some of the unnecessary budget items. If that's not possible, then taxes from the entire state should pay it. Sales tax increase or gas tax increase. The Gov was going to increase them anyway. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 0 or 0 ALRIGHT NORTHERN VIRGINIA, PAY THE MAN. Submitted by NO JONES on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:14 am. Nuff said. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user THIS PROJECT IN THE LAPS OF OUR LOCAL OFFICIALS NOT RICHMOND Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:24 am. You have to wonder at the comments pointing the fingers here. Whats missing is that this porject gets approved locally. Gets pushed for locally. And gets built locally. Notice how quiet our local and regional officals are. They know that to deflect all the criticisms to Richmond is in their best interest. It there is any discussion for or against it starts with our local transportation folks and cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. This project was approved and pushed for by them. So if folks have issues the Mayors of Portsmouth and Norfolk is where you start. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 THEY SHOULD BE ON THE HOOK. Submitted by stevenm on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:30 am. Page 18 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM They should be on the hook for the building of it. The state should be responsible for the building and maintance of the infratstructure without the cost of tolls, period. It's not like we aren't being taxed enough to get it done. They spend more money in northern va and have less virginia motorist there. We are not being served efficently. Vote accordingly. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 4 or 1 4 or 0 STATE COULD BE ON HOOK FOR $1 BILLION Submitted by margaretw94423 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:31 am. The local officials did not have a voice in the public-private partnership. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user YA KIDDING ME RIGHT? ALL PROJECTS ARE LOCAL Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:49 am. Thsi was pushed for and advocated for by the locals for years. We even tried to pass a sales tax some years ago to fund all local transportation projects. It was a local effort..yes had to get approval from Richmond. All transportation are generated first locally with our local transportation authority..that the local mayors are on the Board and then taken to Richmond for approvial and funding. The finished project idea is then signed off on by us local folks before VDOT or a private company (jordan bridge) can proceed. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 1 CHESAPEAKE EXPRESSWAY TOLLS HAVE TO COME DOWN FOLKS... Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 12:43 am. I would think that the next point of focus would be the $6 toll on the Chesapeake Expressway. In this case instead of a company partnering with VDOT and the State the City of Chesapeake that has no oversight from the State or region is controlling the tolls. How about the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. While there is a State appointed Board there they make their own decisions and toll rate changes. $12 there. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 0 KEN CUCCINELLI WRONG AGAIN Submitted by Howar12d on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 3:08 am. Once again, just like Ken's lawsuit against the Affordable Health Care Act, which was subsequently affirmed by Tea Party Chief Justice John Roberts and the entire Supreme Court, Ken has wasted our tax dollars by judging the Midtown Tunnel Tolls to be constitutional. Talk about a sweetheart deal, Elizabeth River Crossings would have received a guaranteed annual return of 13.5% on its $272,000,000 investment. That's an annual giveaway of almost $30,000,000 of VA taxpayer money to friends of Ken Cuccinneli's and Gov. McDonnell. That makes the million bucks in taxes that Ken's friend, Jonnie Williams owes VA look like a parking ticket. Can you imagine how rich Ken's friends and daughters will get if he is elected Governor? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 5 or 4 INCORRECT Submitted by letsgogolfing on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:26 am. That's not how annualized rate of return is should look it up before posting again; there are investment tools all over the internet to help define it. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 Page 19 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM WHERE ARE OUR LOCAL OFFICIALS ON THIS SITUTATION? Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 4:02 am. You would think input of our local officials on this issue would be important. As they all signed off on this deal....Do local officials want this deal scraped I wonder. Back to square one? It would be interesting if the Pilot asked those questions to local Mayors and local transportation officials. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 0 THE TUNNEL AND OTHER WORK WON'T BE SCRAPPED Submitted by RGMBill on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 8:00 am. Whatwould happen is what should have happened all along... the statewill increase the gas tax statewide to pay for it. The problem is way too many parts of the state "got theres" years ago, and don't want to abide by the social shared good contract that had us help pay for their state construction projects. This will actually help fix that.... there's no ducking their responsibility, which is what the western lawmakers have been doing. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 0 SO WE ARE GOING TO SCRAP ALL CURRENT PROJECTS? Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 8:05 am. Scrap all current projects and convert existing similar projects..IE Chesapeake Expressway...Dulles Toll road CBBT...ect and go from there? Problem here is that it is not a matter of singleing out this tunnel project...its a statewide kind of policy thing. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 "UNFETTERED POWER" CITY OF CHESAPEAKE FREAKING OUT YET? Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 4:50 am. Portsmouth Circuit Judge James A. Cales Jr. declared the tolls unconstitutional Wednesday, saying the General Assembly exceeded its authority by delegating to the state transportation department "unfettered power" to set the rates..... Chesapeake Expressway and the Dominion Blvd deal are "On the Rocks" as well I guess... Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 6 or 1 MAYBE IF THE GOVERNOR Submitted by Nikki M. on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 6:13 am. Had gone to a real law school and taken a contracts class or two ..... Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user I STILL SAY Submitted by r.hodges on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 7:56 am. I still say if the only toll was on the MTT, and they left the DTT toll-free, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Hampton Roads I don't think would have any problem with one free route and one tolled route, so we could be like our brethren in Richmond and NOVA. Let us either sit in traffic forever at the DTT, or pay a fee to go through less traffic at the MTT. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 3 or 0 WHAT GROUP IS FILING A LAWSUIT OVER CHESAPEAKE EXPRESSWAY? Submitted by worldview23451 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 8:13 am. Page 20 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | 5/3/13 10:23 AM Word on street has it some folks are getting ready to file a lawsuit over the Chesapeake Expressway toll as well. Maybe the Pilot could dig a bit. That should be interesting while not a "private" is a local city with "unfettered" oversight from Richmond to set toll rates. It was also built with private money(bonds). Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 1 or 0 SIMPLE FACT Submitted by phrase on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 8:54 am. Here's the bottom line. This ruling will lose in the end and the tolls will win. There's way too much politics and backroom dealing and big $ going on here. This group can enjoy the win today because there is no doubt it will be struck down. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 1 QUESTION? Submitted by i just wanted t... on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:40 am. --interesting that the tunnel project investors put up only $230 million and will get 13.5% return on it for 58 years? --but our so called leaders could not?--or couldn't be bothered?--didn't want the so called smell of a tax increase on their names?---maybe some kind of political contributions?--WHAT? --we may need the tunnels?,---but I think bridges would be better,--but we don't need to be paying 13.5% profits to foreign investors for the next 58 years because of any reason. --why does the tunnels need to be there?--why not a bridge somewhere else?--connecting to 64 in the first place?--why down town Norfolk?--Is that still the hub of the universe?--where everyone wants to go?--we are talking about a lot of money---to get to Norfolk? Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 2 or 0 THE TOLLS Submitted by margaretw94423 on Fri, 05/03/2013 at 9:52 am. The state is not getting such a bad deal! They are only going to have to pay part of what the residents/users were going to get charged. That was going to be a $2.1 billion tunnel that was going to cost a lot more due to the tolls. Many of the world's religious scriptures teach us that which is hateful to you should not be done to others. Login to your account to post comments report violation hide all comments from this user 0 or 0 Comment viewing options Threaded list - expanded Date - oldest first 300 comments per page Save settings Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes. Please note: Threaded comments work best if you view the oldest comments first. MORE NEWS STORIES N.C. teen upset picture with son cut from yearbook Weekend work to shift traffic pattern at Midtown Tunnel No injuries when shots fired on Portsmouth street Do you approve of Virginia Beach's response to last weekend's violence at the Oceanfront? Weather: Partly sunny, windy, highs in the mid-60s Page 21 of 22 Virginia could be on hook for $1B Midtown Tunnel debt | | More articles from: News State Government 5/3/13 10:23 AM Traffic - Transportation HAMPTONROADS.COM & PILOTONLINE.COM © 1993 - 2013 The Virginian-Pilot Daily Deal Classifieds Advertising info Follow us About us Contact us News staff Work for us Privacy policy Page 22 of 22