APR 2012 - Lake Wildwood Association
APR 2012 - Lake Wildwood Association
SUNBEAM 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 APRIL REMINDERS Decal Cost There will be a Committee of the Whole meeting on April 14th, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at the lodge to discuss amenity passes and vehicle decals. Address and Telephone Numbers Please forward all current address and telephone numbers to Lake Wildwood Association Office as we are updating all records. Towing At the December 10th, 2011 Board of Directors meeting, the board passed the following motion: Lake Wildwood Staff and Vehicles will not be used to pull or tow vehicles. INSIDE Load limits have been lifted. Around the Lake 6 www.lake-wildwood.com April Committee of the Whole Meeting All decals, including car decals, are $10.00. Load Limits Lifted 2012 Volume 42 No. 5 Beyond the Lake 6 Bulletin Board 11 Board of Directors Positions Open Seeking a corporate secretary and a vice president for the Board of Directors. Please send a letter of interest with your background information to the Lake Wildwood Office. Lifeguard Positions Open Seeking lifeguards for our 2012 summer season. Please see page 6 for more information or call the Lake Wildwood Office at 309-463-2047 ext. 1. Classified Ads 9 Committee Corner 4 Letters to the Editor 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Contact Information When emailing a Board member or Chairperson, please put LAKE WILDWOOD in the subject area as some will not open emails if they do not know the sender or recognize the subject matter. General Manager Joan Boyer - (309) 463-2047, Ext. 1 [email protected] Chairperson Joseph Rutgens - (815) 663-5450 [email protected] Director Tammie Durham - (309) 463-2660 [email protected] Director Sue McGrath - (309) 463-2270 [email protected] Director Dorcas McMillan - (309) 463-2290 [email protected] Director Keith Williams - (847) 669-4811 [email protected] President Bob Hamilton - (309) 463-2490 [email protected] Vice President Position Currently Open Secretary Position Currently Open Treasurer James Durham [email protected] Campground Chairperson Dave Gilgenberg - (708) 598-0117 [email protected] Common Properties & Amenities Chairperson Verlin Egly - (309) 463-2716 [email protected] Community Relations Chairperson Joe Donnelly [email protected] Environmental Control Chairperson Ed Andrews - (309) 463-2186 [email protected] Finance & Administration Chairperson Tom Kossler - (309) 463-2898 [email protected] Lakes & Dams Chairperson Brad Lindstrom - (815) 257-1234 [email protected] Natural Resources Chairperson Trinidad Garza [email protected] Recreation Chairperson Opal Kempf - (309) 463-2338 Sunbeam Chairperson Jackie Zohfeld - (815) 993-5445 [email protected] Board Notice Written communication for board consideration must be submitted to the Association office no later than the 1st of the month to be included in the board packet for the current months board meeting. Board of Directors MARCH 10, 2012 Agenda Regular Meeting March 10,2012 1:00 P.M. Lake Wildwood Lodge I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Communication from the Floor IV. Approval of the Agenda V. Approval of Minutes A. Minutes of February 11,2012 Regular Board Meeting B. Minutes of February 11, 2012 Following Executive Session C.Minutes of March 3, 2012 VI. Financial Reports A. February 2012 1. Expenditures of $100 2. Budget vs. Actual---Operation 3. Budget vs. Actual---Capital Improvement 4. Budget vs. Actual---Replacement Reserve 5. Balance Sheet---Cash Basis 6. Balance Sheet—Accrual Basis 7. Profit & Loss by Class B. Past Due Collection Report—End of February VII. Communications A. Lot 728 B. Lot 1173 C. Lot 1291 VIII. General Manager’s Report A. Dam Fence Bid IX. Request for Officer and/or Committee Appointments/Resignations A. Gene Maxedon—Request to be appointed to Finance Committee B. Kelly Oliver—Resignation from Campground Committee X. Committee Reports A. Lake & Dams Committee Minutes—January 1. Written request to revise the Lake Lowering requirement B. Recreation Committee Minutes—February C. Finance Committee 1. January 2. February D. Environmental Control Committee Minutes 1. January 2. February XI. Unfinished Business A. ECC Complaint B. Ad Hoc Policy & Procedure Committee XII. New Business A. May Meeting---meet at office—wedding booked XIII. Other Reports A Maintenance-February B. Security XIV. Board Member Items XV. Communication from the floor XVI. Executive Session A. Minutes of February 11 2012 and March 3, 2012 Executive session B. General Manager’s Evaluation C. Personnel Matter Update XVII. Return to Open Session Adjourn Welcome Chairperson Gwen Wassilak - (309) 463-2645 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Joe Rutgens at 1 p.m. followed by the Pledge. Sunbeam Advertising & Design Justin Pattelli - Lake Wildwood Office [email protected] Members Present: John Coles lot 510, Marcie Myers Lot 249, Paris Casey lot 1246, 1432,1433-34, Kim Maloney lots 849-852, Nancy Bucalo lot 945, 2 SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 April Board Meeting Saturday April 14th, 2012 1:00 p.m. at the Lodge Art Catrambone lot 97, Ian McMillan lot 1418, Ginger Bulat lot 853 Roll call: Joe Rutgens, Keith Williams, Dorcas McMillan, Sue McGrath present: absent was Tammie Durham also present was President Bob Hamilton and General Manager Joan Boyer No Communication from the Floor IV. Approval of Agenda Approval of Agenda: At the request of various directors, the following items were added to the Agenda. V. C. Minutes of March 3, 2012 XIII. B Security XVI. March 3 2012 minutes C. Personnel matter update V. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the agenda as amended by Director Williams seconded by Director McMillan. Passed by unanimous consent without objection. V. A,B,C The minutes of February 11, 2012 regular board meeting and the minutes following the executive session plus the minutes of a special Board meeting March 3, 2012 were approved as presented by a motion from Director McMillan and seconded by Director Williams by unanimous consent without objection. VI. A. A motion to accept the financial report as presented moved by Director Williams seconded by Director McMillan was passed by unanimous consent without objection. VII . A, B Lots 728 and 1173 were offered by the owners to the Association for retirement of the debt on said lots. Motion by Director McGrath seconded by Director McMillan to accept the two lots was passed by the following vote. Director McMillan, Williams, and McGrath all voted aye. VII . C Lot 1291 sent a letter questioning the $10 fee for car stickers. Director Williams moved to table the issue. Director Williams moved to add the $10 vehicle sticker charge to the April Committee of the Whole Agenda along with thoughts on amenity charges for guests. Director McMillan seconded the motion. A yes vote by Director McMillan, Williams, and McGrath. VIII. Director Williams moved to accept the All Type Fence, Inc. bid for the fencing at the dam at a cost of $10,500 with the extra money coming from the over budget repair fund for the gutters on the dam. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: all ayes by Directors Williams, McMillan, and McGrath. The General Manager said the gutters on the back of the dam can be repaired using cracksealer, therefore a portion of that fund can be used for fence. VIII. Director McMillan moved to accept the manager’s report. Director Williams seconded the motion. Motion accepted by unanimous consent without objection. IX. Director Williams moved to send the request of Gene Maxedon for membership on the finance committee. Seconded by Director McMillan. The motion passed by unanimous consent without objection. Director Williams moved to accept the resignation of Kelly Oliver from the campground committee and have a letter of appreciation sent to her. Director McMillan seconded the motion. Motion was approved by unanimous consent without objection. X.A. Director McMillan moved that the recommendation received from the Lakes & Dams Committee be sent back to that committee with a request that it review the current Board Policy (V.C.3, a-d) and Dam Maintenance Manual regarding all aspects of raising and lowering the lake level including the responsibility of making decisions about the water level. Seconded by Director Williams Roll call vote: Directors Williams, McMillan, and McGrath all voted yes. X. Director Williams moved to accept all committee reports for information. Seconded by Director McMillan. Vote to accept by unanimous consent without objection. XVI. At 3:30 p.m. the motion was made by Director Williams and seconded by Director McMillan to adjourn to executive session. Motion was accepted by unanimous consent without objection. At 4:00 p.m. the Board returned to open session. There being no further business to transact, Director McGrath moved by unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Director Williams. Without objection Respectfully submitted Sue McGrath, Acting Secretary Committee of the Whole MARCH 10, 2012 moved to resolve the Board into a Committee of the Whole to receive member input on various issues under consideration. Seconded by Director Williams. Without debate on the issue. 3. Member input: After considerable input and discussion regarding the renting of property at Lake Wildwood, a poll was taken via the show of hands on the following three ideas: 1. Keep the policy and rules as they are. (1) 2. Allow no renters at all: (19) 3. Rent only to members for a 1 year lease. (2) The suggestion given was to have a vote on this issue by the entire membership. The idea was expressed that if people want to live here, they should be a member. 4. Rise from Committee of the Whole: Director McMillan moved to rise from a Committee of the Whole, seconded by Director Williams. Without debate, motion passed unanimously on voice vote. 5. Adjournment: There being no other business, Director McMillan moved to adjourn, seconded by Director Williams and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at noon. Respectfully submitted, Sue McGrath, Acting Secretary Board Special Meeting MARCH 03, 2012 Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Meeting of the Lake Wildwood Association Board of Directors. At 12:07 p.m. a special meeting of the Lake Wildwood Association Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Joe Rutgens at the Association office. Present were Directors Durham, McGrath, McMillan and Williams as well as General Manager Joan Boyer, President Robert Hamilton and, by invitation of the Board, Ian McMillan. Director Williams moved, and Director Durham seconded, to go into executive session at 12:10 p.m. All voted yes. At 1:57 p.m. Director Williams moved to retain Ian McMillan as special counsel for an annual fee of $1.00, plus expenses not to exceed $3,000.00, to investigate a personnel matter. Director Rutgens seconded the motion. Directors Durham, McGrath, McMillan, Rutgens and Williams all voted yes. Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. Board of Directors Committee of the Whole Meeting At 2:05 p.m. Director McGrath moved by unanimous consent and Director Williams seconded to adjourn the meeting. Without objection. Date: March 10,2012 Respectfully submitted, Call to order Dorcas McMillan Acting Secretary Roll Call of Directors: Joe Rutgen, Dorcas McMillan, Keith Williams, Sue McGrath: Absent: Tammie Durham Also present: President Bob Hamilton Members Present: John Coles lot 510, Larry Hardt lot 158, Larry and Peg Gobert, lot 450, Michael and Janet Koprowski, lot 239, Vernon F. Wentland, lot 1845, Marcie Myers lot 249, Kay and Felix Blonski, lot 295, Paris Casey, Lots 1246,1431,1433-34, Kim Maloney lot 849-852, Ginger and Wendy Bulat lot 853, Fran Ziolkowski lot 598, Jim and Pam Walker lot 1321, Don and Bonnie Palmer lot 1318, Dudley Pankoke lot 877, Art Catrambone lot 97, George and Suzanne Bolokowicz lot 1427, Ian McMillan lot 1418, Tom Connelly lot 1251 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Committee of the Whole: Director McMillan Ad Hoc Policy & Procedure Committee MARCH 13, 2012 The Board is seeking members to serve on this new Ad Hoc Committee to: 1. Review and update current procedures of all committees. 2. Draft statement of purpose and duties for all committees. 3. Develop general procedures of operation for all committees. 4. Draft administration procedures for office operations. Please submit your letter of interest to the Board of Directors by April 20th, 2012. SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 Board of Directors - Lake Wildwood Association 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375 or send an email to the general manager at [email protected]. Come be a part of Lake Wildwood’s future! General Manager’s Report MARCH 10, 2012 We had five contractors inspect the site and take bid packets. Four contractors returned their bids. ALL TYPE FENCE, INC has the lowest bid at $10,500. This is slightly more than double the budgeted amount $5,230. Apparently, the bids came in so much higher than the quotes because of the steep slope and the inability to use heavy equipment along side the spillway. An option for fully funding this project is to use $5,270 of the $10,000 budgeted in the Reserve Budget for dam repair and gutter replacement. The remaining $4,730 will cover the cost of repairs to the gutters and dam as suggested by the dam inspection last year. The inspector said that no gutters needed to be replaced. Minor maintenance was all that was required. I have included a picture and the inspection sheet pertaining to the worst of the gutter maintenance needs. The remaining maintenance is annual crack filling on the gutters, spillway and dam face. Chris has enough surplus material to complete this maintenance. There is also a minor repair to the wall of the spillway that will cost approximately $50. This repair must be done when the spillway is dry. Therefore, my recommendation is to complete the fence project as planned and accept the bid from All Type Fence for a total of $10,500. Additionally, I recommend that funding come from the Capital Fund – Dam Fence #6385-29 and the Reserve Fund – Dam Repair and Gutter Replacement #6285-28. HAY BALING: At the last Illinois Association of Lake Communities (IALC) meeting, there was a brief discussion on the issue of independent contractors baling hay on properties within the Association. If the farmer bales only Association lots and does not contract bale for any independent lot owners, the farmer would be considered under LWA Worker’s Compensation even if he bales anywhere else outside of Lake Wildwood. If the farmer contracts only with independent lot owners, he would have to provide proof of Worker’s Compensation insurance to the Association. The farmer’s Worker’s Compensation insurance from his farming operation will not work as it is exclusive to his farm property or any property that he leases or cash rents. TYLER MOUTRAY: We hated to say good-bye to Tyler Moutray at the end of February. He resigned to accept other employment. Tyler was a good employee who will be missed by fellow employees and members alike. BEST WISHES TYLER ON YOUR NEW JOB! Lot Activity Report FEBRUARY 29, 2012 02/03/2012 02/06/2012 02/14/2012 02/24/2012 02/27/2012 02/29/2012 02/29/2012 02/29/2012 Lot 554 Lot 160 Lot 329 Lot 660 Lot 1427 Lot 105 Lot 1814 Lot 1589 Haefner, William & Megan Dahlquist, Kay & Carroll, Thomas Gray, Darrell Baum, Wayne Bolokowicz, George & Susan Piontek, Richard & Vicki Zukowski, Abigail Maggi, Christopher 3 REPORTS AND COMMITTEE MINUTES Security Report Sunbeam Committee FEBRUARY 29, 2012 FEBRUARY 13, 2012 • Guest Amenity Pass/Cards Authorized 3/5 • Amenity Pass Phone-Ins 85 • Amenity Passes for Special Events 2/159 • Guests on Group Lists 2/23 • Total Amenity Authorizations 272 • Total Guests Headcount 934 • Extended Home Passes in System 1750 • Extended Home Passes Used 400 • Call-In Home Passes 262 • Total Home Pass Authorizations 662 • Security Assisted by Outside Agency 1 MCSD/D.U.I 1 • Association Property Damage 0 • Personal Property Damage 0 • Formal Member Complaints 2 • Citations Issued N/A • Past Citations Appealed N/A • Past Citations Upheld 3 • Incident Reports Pending 0 • Security Supervisor Call Outs for Incidents 15 • Real Estate Passes #1465 L4, Type II - Dog at large #1466 B1A, Type III - Loaned rear gate pass. Maintenance Report FEBRUARY 29, 2012 • Cleaned brush out of pipe at inlet. • Washed salt off all trucks several times. • Cut & chipped brush. • Finished painting garbage barrels. • Installed new nozzle truck diesel barrel. • Pressure washed floor - outer shop. • Picked up garbage from alongside roads. • Installed new 2-way radio in squad. • Cleaned up rear of shop. • Plowed snow & salted/cindered roads. • Moved equipment out of concession to have floor repainted. • Installed mop sink in concession area per public health. • Updated storage lot list. • Changed engine oil, changed fuel & air filters on grasshopper mower. • Replaced post on big 30MPH sign. • Removed large rock out of ditch on dam hill. • Checked all dumpster surrounds for repairs & repaired as needed. • Removed sand from under fountain/shower at B2 and unplugged fountain. • Brought buoys to shop & repaired as needed. • Replaced lower light lodge steps. • Piezometer & spillway measurements taken. • Took tandem to Peoria to have belt spreader installed & plumbed for hydraulics. • Dredge spuds brought in shop repaired and slip plated. • Worked on dredge & ordered parts. • Installed a new hydraulic and fuel filters on the dredge. • Cut & removed trees from roads due to wind. • Changed the transmission oil on grasshopper mower. CALL TO ORDER: 1:18 p.m. ROLL CALL: Chair Jackie Zohfeld, Phyllis Dunagan, Terry Kaveny, Donna Sarna, and Sharon Friedman. Also present from the office was Justin Pattelli. Donna asked Unanimous Consent to accept the minutes of the January 16, 2012 minutes as written. Sharon seconded. Without objection. OLD BUSINESS: The February issue was satisfactory. The Secretary was asked to draft a letter of appreciation to Rick Keating for committee review. The Chair asked Justin to mail a copy of the February issue to the author of the ice fishing article. NEW BUSINESS: Justin distributed a copy of his checklist for items to be included in the March issue with page numbers totaling a twelve-page issue. He also prepared possible cover art with an Irish theme which will be modified. Two letters were received. Donna moved that the letters be printed as written. Sharon seconded. Motion carried. Because of space constraints the recipe and Beyond the Pond will appear next month. For the first issue with Justin reformulating headings and moving ads to fit, the committee agreed to meet to proof this document on Monday, February 20th at 1:00 p.m. Jackie also wanted to prepare a letter with suggestions and guidelines for submitting minutes. This will be mailed to Committee Chairs. We hope to eliminate missing minutes and having two or three months come in at one time. Liaison Tammy Durham arrived at 2:35 p.m. The Committee members voiced their aim to continue the Photo Contest which has been so successful as an evening event for the past few years. Cost savings were discussed, including having the attendees vote for their favorite photos in lieu of judges. Jackie will formulate a suggested plan and cost for Tammy to take for discussion with the Board. Terry moved to adjourn at 3:05 p.m. Sharon seconded. Motion carried. Monday, March 12, 2012- Sunbeam Meeting, 1:00 p.m. Thursday, March 15, 2012-Sunbeam Deadline Monday, April 16, 2012 - Sunbeam Deadline and Meeting, 1:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Dunagan Expenditures over $100 FEBRUARY 12, 2012 Date Name 02/01/2012 02/06/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 02/15/2012 Sharon Harmison IL Department of Financial & Professional Corn Belt Energy Corporation Coventry Health Care Insurance of IL Elizabeth A. Beck, Attorney at Law Harsco Minerals Illinois Association of Lake Communities Jane E. Ohaver Lake Wildwood Utilities Co. MB Tires Inc. Mid State Cartage Napa Auto Parts PC Repairs Revere Electric Visa 4 Original Amount Paid Amount $238.36 $300.00 $707.40 $3,665.31 $890.40 $526.39 $400.00 $280.00 $458.89 $187.19 $212.02 $137.50 $490.00 $452.50 $3,037.33 $238.36 $300.00 $707.40 $3,665.31 $890.40 $526.39 $400.00 $280.00 $458.89 $187.19 $212.02 $137.50 $490.00 $452.50 $3,037.33 $11,983.29 SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 Committee Corner CP&A E.C.C Recreation Campground Sunbeam Finance Lakes & Dams Natural Resource APRIL 2012 Thursday, April 5th Saturday, April 7th Monday, April 9th Saturday, April 14th Monday, April 16th Saturday, April 21st Saturday, April 28th Saturday, April 28th Recreation Committee MARCH 05, 2012 Call to Order: 9:00a.m. Roll Call: Opal Kempf, Rosemary Wagner, Rochelle Vodilka, Ken Wagner, Adrienne Houk. Quorum established. Rochelle moved to approve the February minutes. Ken seconded. Motion carried. The committee welcomed our new member - Adrienne. Easter planning is underway - bunnies, menu, eggs, volunteers, prizes. May Dance - report next month. Discussion on July 21st garage sale, June events, etc. New meeting time for the Recreation Committee, Mondays at 4:30p.m. in Association office. Next meeting date April 9th, 2012. Adjournment at 10:15a.m. Respectfully submitted - Opal Kempf Lakes & Dams Committee JANUARY 14, 2012 Committee members present: Brad Lindstrom, Chairman John Bayler David Dunagan, D.D.S. Grant Goolsby Chris Martel Ian McMillan, J.D. Ron Webster Board liaison: None Other persons present: Craig Klatzco Chairman Brad Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 9:17 AM. Mr. Martell moved to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2010 meeting and his motion was seconded by Mr. Webster. Motion by Mr. Goolsby to approve the minutes of the October 29, 2011 and December 3, 2011 meetings was seconded by Mr. Bayler. Both motions passed unanimously with one abstention. Since the term of the chairman had expired, Mr. Bayler nominated Mr. Lindstrom to serve as chairman for a third term. Mr. Webster seconded and the motion carried with one dissenting vote. Mr. McMillan agreed to continue serving as secretary. The continuing controversy concerning the Association’s policy of lowering the lake level over the winter and the reason for this practice was discussed as a matter of interest to the Committee members. Dr. Dunagan moved to recommend to the Board of Directors that the requirement that the level of Lake Wildwood be lowered every four years until the level is below normal pool be reconsidered and, further, that determination of the necessity of lowering the lake level shall be at the General Manager’s discretion in conjunction the recommendation of the Lakes & Dams Committee. Mr. Martel seconded the motion and it passed with unanimous consent of the committee. The Committee secretary shall inform the Board of Directors of the Committee’s recommendation and provide appropriate language for the Board’s usage if it chooses to adopt the recommendation. The Committee discussed proposals for the bathymetric survey from The Mapping Network, Integrated Lakes Management, Inc. and Cemcon, Ltd. Mr. Martel moved to propose a contract with The Mapping Network which shall include more specific provisions than those in the proposal received from that company regarding (a) the number of probe points which are to be not less than six in areas deeper than three feet, (b) specifying accuracy in horizontal and vertical measurements, (c) specifying that the accuracy of silt depth measurements shall be not less than six inches, (d) spacing of manual probes in shallow water (less than three feet) areas shall be not more than fifty feet apart and (d) making any provisions regarding attorneys fees to be reciprocal between the parties. The motion was seconded by Mr. Webster and carried unanimously. General Manager Boyer reported that the repairs to the dredge will cost an estimated $13,000 and that it has taken the Association’s maintenance personnel three days to remove the dredge’s impeller as part of the repair process. Mr. Lindstrom reported that he has extended an invitation to Trinedad Garza, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, to attend the next Lakes & Dams Committee meeting to discuss common concerns. In addressing the issue of when the Committee’s meetings will be held, the Chairman proposed that all future meetings after February will be held on the last Saturday of each month unless the Committee decides to change the date. By consensus, the members agreed. The next meeting will be on February 25, 2012 at 9:00 AM at the Association’s office. Motion to adjourn by Dr. Dunagan seconded by Mr. Goolsby passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM. decision by the Third District Appellate Court of Illinois. 6. The committee and the General Manager reviewed the January 2012 month-end reports. Some of the outstanding questions from last month’s meeting were resolved: a) the interest income on CDs, whether received quarterly, biannually or annually, is now being recorded to the interest income account of the Replacement Reserve fund; b) listed, but matured CDs on the balance sheet will be updated, and c) the recovery of delinquent receivables (such as dues) will be recorded to the income account that prompted the original invoice. A question still outstanding pertains to reconciling the YTD net operating loss to the YTD change in cash equivalent assets. 7. The progress of the collection program was reviewed. A committee member prepared an analysis suggesting a greater level of recoveries than reported. The difference might be explained by accounts outside the new collection program. The General Manager will research a sample of accounts and report back to the committee. 8. For information only, the chair distributed an investment policy update that had been prepared by the committee in 2006 but never acted upon. 9. Next committee meeting is Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 8 a.m. at the Office. 10. The committee adjourned at 10 a.m. by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted. We Extend A Cordial Invitation to All Lake Wildwood Sunbeam Readers To Visit Us For Complete Banking Services Marshall County State Bank Varna, Illinois 61375 Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 3:00pm Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Lobby Hours on Saturday 8:30am - 11:30am (309) 463-2037 Toll Free 1-888-711-6376 MEMBER FDIC [email protected] Who you gonna call? Dated: February 16, 2012 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Ian McMillan Finance & Administration FEBRUARY 18, 2012 1. Call to Order at 8 a.m. 2. Roll Call: Kossler, chairman pro tem, Hamilton, Myers, Pollack. Absent: Girard. Also present: Board Liaison McMillan and General Manager Boyer 3. The revised agenda was approved by unanimous consent. Items 4 and 7 were deleted. 4. The minutes of the January 21, 2012 meeting were approved as distributed. 5. Board Liaison McMillan updated the committee with respect to: a) the impact to the budget schedule due to the CICAA. The annual budget now needs to be presented to the board in July; b) the potential administrative and financial impact to LWA (and other POAs) of the Poris v. Lake Holiday POA COCHRAN’S COLLISION CENTER Now A Local Hertz Agency We Can Help With All Your Rental Needs. Located at Lacon’s East Edge 1218 Ninth Street (Just off Route 17) 309-246-8000 SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 A Vintage Venue Antiques & More 126 S. LaSalle Ave. P.O. Box 86 Ladd, IL 61329 (815) 894-8038 www.avintagevenue.com River City Septic & Excavating The Most Complete Septic Contractors Aqua Safe Aerobics with Industry Leading 5 yr. Warranty Septic Tank Pumping & Cleaning • Lots Cleared • Complete Septic & Sewer Repair & Liscensed Septic Inspections • Sand filter & Seepage Bed Installation & Repair • Camera & Tank Locating • Basements Dug/All Type Excavating Email: [email protected] 309-463-2772 or 309-251-2020 Get The Service Locally owned & operated You Deserve! Licensed & Insured - Lic 049019425 HENRY STATE BANK Visit our four ATM locations » Henry State Bank » Caseys in Henry » Route 17 & 29, Sparland » Henry Fast Stop PHONE (309) 364-2302 PO Box 207 Henry, IL 61537 MEMBER FDIC Toliver and Sons Electric Rich Toliver Journeyman Electrician Washburn, IL Cell: 309-238-7102 Phone: 309-248-7101 Fax: 309-248-7101 Email: [email protected] Quality Work at the Best Prices Fully Insured Estimates Senior Discount New construction service, service upgrades, new installations, rewire, repair, phone line and CATV jack installation, emergency service, generator repairs and installation, farm repair and grain bin work. JAMES MAUPIN Trucking & Excavating PO Box 14 1109 Western Rd., Henry, IL 61537 Phone: 309-364-2472 Cell: 309-238-0364 Fax: 309-364-2929 Lot Clearing, Site Preparation, Driveways, Road & Parking Lots Built, Building Demolition, Basement, Crawl Space Excavation Etc., Septic - Sewer - Water - Install and Repairs - Roto Rooter Service 5 AROUND THE LAKE Boater Safety Class Saturday, May 5th at 8:00a.m. located at the Lake Wildwood Lodge. The class will be 8 hours long so be sure to bring a lunch. Please call the Lake Wildwood Office by April 30th to register. 309-463-2047 ext. 1. Lifeguard Positions Lake Wildwood is looking for lifeguards for our summer 2012 season. Interested applicants must be at least 16 years of age and have their lifeguard certification before starting. Must be able to work some weekends. If interested, please apply at the Lake Wildwood Office (call 309-463-2047 extension 1 for more information). Bass Tournament 2012 Schedule BEYOND THE LAKE Creel Limits - 2012 Type of Fish Minimum Size Daily Limit Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Walleye Crappie Bluegill/Sunfish White Bass Channel Catfish Bullhead Carp Hybrid Stripped Bass Muskie Northern Pike 16” 16” 18” 9” None 16” None None None 16” 48” 24” 1 1 3 15 None 2 6 None None 1 1 1 Lake Wildwood Garage Sale All tournaments will be held on Saturday. Please be at the Marina launch 30 minutes before start time. Tournament will last for 7 hours. Date May 12th June 2nd June 30th July 28th Aug. 18th Sept. 29th Oct. 13th Oct. 20th Register 4:55 a.m. 4:40 a.m. 4:45 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 5:20 a.m. 6:00 a.m. T.B.D T.B.D Start Time 5:25 a.m. 5:10 a.m. 5:15 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 5:50 a.m. 6:30 a.m. T.B.D T.B.D End Time 12:30 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:30 p.m. T.B.D T.B.D Entry fees will be $50 per boat. If interested in fishing, please contact Jim LaBee at 630-632-8053 or email at [email protected]. Camelot Corner I’m writing this article to share the information that was discussed at the last open board meeting I went to on March 10, 2012. I would like feedback from you. The meeting was about the renting of houses. The first thing discussed was the actual rules stated in the Red Book. As it stands right now there are only long term (e.g. One year) renting allowed. Houses can be rented to either members or nonmembers. Both owner and renter have to pay dues which is beneficial in helping raise money for LWW. The question raised is that enough to warrant having a nonmember of the community benefit so much when members pay so much more that is entailed with owning a lot such as taxes, utilities, etc. Another idea suggested was to only let members of LWW rent. Maybe even modify the rule and allow them to rent short term for a week or two. If they only own a lot right now, maybe they could rent instead of staying at campground for a vacation. Personally I thought it wasn’t a bad idea. We should all like seeing members enjoy their LWW experience, so the more ways we can help accommodate that the better. But if something like that were to happen, I think it needs to go through the office and LWW should receive some compensation of the rent so we can all benefit by helping our dues stay down. By going through the office, any issues that might arise by taking on this new endeavor can be dealt with before it might get out of control. Saturday, July 21st 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Out of your own garage. If you are interested in participating in the garage sale, please call Ronette at 312-735-3444 or email [email protected]. Those who contact Ronette by July 1st will be put on the “Garage Sale Sellers” map! “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure!” Rys Tree Service Tree Trimming and Removal Lot and Land Clearing Stump Grinding Fully Insured Free Estimates 24 Hour Service For A Job Well Done Call: Daniel Rys 309-361-2129 [email protected] Annual banquet of the Marshall County Historical Society Monday, April 23, at the Club LaCon. The 6 p.m. dinner will be preceded by a social hour at 5 p.m. Tickets are available. The featured speaker this year is Rick Keating, immediate past editor of the Marshall County Historical Society news letter and well-known Civil War reenactor. Keating will speak on the topic of “Forgotten Cemeteries of Marshall County.” He will be assisted by his wife Debbie who helps with research. Special entertainment at the banquet will be provided by the Second Wind Quartet consisting of Dale Fiste, Dale Wheeler, Ron Wall, and John Wabel. Ken Williamson will again lead the audience in the singing of “Illinois”. The Marshall County Historical Society special events committee led by Evelyn Edge and Rosana Benson has been developing plans for the banquet for several months. Call 309-246-2349 for more information. Trio of Homes Tour Reddick Mansion and Garden - 100 W. Lafayette St, Ottawa, IL. Contact 815-433-6100 or visit www.reddickmansion.com. Hegeler Carus Mansion - 1307 Seventh Street, LaSalle, IL. Contact 815-224-6543 or visit www.hegelercarus.org. Weber House and Gardens - 1503 Baker Street, Streator, IL. Contact 815-672-8327 or visit www. weberhouseandgarden.com. Call for prices. Civil War Spring Drill Be sure to attend the Civil War Spring Drill at Sommer Park on Saturday, April 21, 10 am to 5 pm. Spring has arrived and soldiers are preparing for a long march. Experience the daily life of men and women and watch them in action (and perhaps be a part of daily drill). Civil War enthusiasts from the Midwest will bring to life the joys and sorrows of the time. Bring a camera and have your picture taken by the 1860s style cannon. Varna Rummage Sale The Varna Women’s Club will hold a rummage sale at the Varna Fire/Ambulance building, located just off Route #17 on West Chestnut Street in Varna (look for the signs). The sale will take place on: Friday, April 13th from 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Saturday, April 14th from 8:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. (half-price sale) All proceeds go to scholarships for Midland High School graduating seniors, ARK, Varna Fire and Ambulance, Food Pantries & other local charities. Varna Donations Clean, gently used clothing, small household items in good condition and other donations may be dropped off at the Varna Fire/Ambulance building on West Chestnut Street in Varna. Women’s Club members will be there to accept donated articles on: Wednesday, April 11th from 1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. Thursday, April 12th from 10:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Varna town-wide sales on the same date. Women’s Club Scholarship Once again, The Varna Women’s Club is awarding a $500 scholarship to a deserving, college-bound Midland High School senior. The student must be in the top 30% of his or her class and intend on enrolling in a college or school as a full-time student. Applications are available at the counselor’s office and are due by April 2nd. The application will ask for two short essays as well as work experience, community service and intended field of study. The last idea presented was that no rentals should happen at all!!! There was an overwhelming applause to this idea by the attending members. What do you think? All eligible students are encouraged to apply for the scholarship, the money from which can be used any way the student chooses. Hopefully, it will assist with the student’s freshman year. [email protected] Art Catrambone - Lot 97 6 Upcoming Events SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 VIEW FROM THE CORNER Spring is in the air in Lacon. As I drove past the disc golf course this morning I could already see it was getting used! The nine hole FREE discs course is located right on Route 26 in Johnson’s Grove Park. It’s a great way to get out and enjoy the springtime. With the warmer air upon us, the runners are out again in force. Last year the Marshall County St. Jude Runners raised nearly $40,000 to benefit St. Jude’s Children Hospital. If you are interested in helping out please call Amanda Barnett at 309-246-8266. Above: Full time residents the Sarnas and Dunagans visit “snowbirds” Querciagrossas and Dubeks in Fort Meyers, Florida at their favorite fish restaurant. Lake Wildwood Lots for Sale Lake Wildwood is accepting bids on the following lots: 64 Lake Wildwood Drive 1171 Deer Valley Drive 1018 Hidden Valley Drive Bidders must submit a minimum bid of $3,500 no later than April 2nd, 2012. Submit bids in a sealed envelope marked, ‘Lot Bid’ with the lot number on the outside of the envelope. Send to the Lake Wildwood Office. Transfer of property is subject to Lake Wildwood first rights of refusal, Covenants, By-Laws and Rules. Lake Wildwood will provide Title Insurance and deed preparation at the Association’s expense. Association dues, taxes and water availability shall be prorated at closing. R ecreational epair Julie’s Corner Store Lacon’s Un-Official Visitors Center Downtown Lacon 309-246-2262 Wine/Coffee Garden NOW OPEN Ideas for Easter and Spring! You don’t have to drive to Peoria anymore! Save Time - Save Gas - Save Money Julie’s Corner Store Downtown Lacon 309-246-2262 OPEN 7 Days a week Mon-Tues-Wed 9-6 Thurs-Fri-Sat 9-7 Sun 1-4 I always pick up the Lacon paper right before this article is submitted to be sure I don’t miss anything. This morning I saw the most fun ad for Paul’s Mall. It read, “Paul’s Mall is back from the dead!” It made me laugh out loud. Those who are familiar with Paul’s Mall will be happy to hear that they are back for one more year! For those of you who have never been, take this advice, “You HAVE to go to Paul’s Mall!” There is nothing else around like it and this is something you don’t want to miss. According to the paper they will have store hours Wed. thru Fri. from 11am until 5pm and on Sunday from 12-4. I was especially excited to see their Sunday hours, the elves at Julie’s Corner Store are looking forward to another business being open on Sundays. Ulrich Chevrolet is opening a used car lot in the spot where Lacon Motors used to be (next to Kenyon’s), but they are not going to be offering a service center. If you need your car worked on, try Seth Braun Automotive in Lacon at 309-3976276. I’ve used Seth once before and was happy with the results! The wine/ coffee garden is now open in back of the store for your enjoyment and you can always pick up some fresh baked goods at Divine Cakes right next door and have some sweets with your coffee! Coming up for May, info on the Rumble in the Park. Until next month, see you at the corner! Varna, IL “Let us take the hassle out of your weekend!” •BOATS •P.W.C. •A.T.V. •GOLF CARTS •SCOOTERS •SNOWMOBILES •DIRT BIKES WE OFFER: ♦ SPRING TUNEUPS ♦ MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ♦ PERFORMANCE ♦ ELECTRICAL ♦ EXPERT GEL REPAIR ♦ STRUCTURAL REPAIR ♦ INSURANCE WORK ♦ CUSTOM PAINT/GRAPHICS ♦ LETTERING/UPHOLSTERY ♦ FALL WINTERIZATION ♦ WASH/WAX ♦ WEEKLY OR MONTHLY ♦ SERVICE CONTRACTS Pick up and Delivery Available - 30 years experience Call Mike or Bubba 815-452-2935 We use a unique infrared system to repair damaged cracks and holes in asphalt which will last much longer than conventional patching and is less expensive than remove & replace patches. We can also overlay or pave new surfaces. Let us give you an estimate to pave your gravel driveway! so We al offer: Seal Coating Remove & Replace Infrared Patching Crack Filling Mike Gabe 815.252.7544 815.252.0645 www.restoremyasphalt.com 306 W. Minnesota | Spring Valley, IL Call for your free estimate today! SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sunbeam Committee Letter to the editor After reading the current Sunbeam, it is my opinion that some LWA Board of Director members feel they have special privileges that allows them to criticize committee members for having an opinion. I have worked with Ed Andrews, Chairman of the ECC for more than ten years and know him to be extremely honest, fair, and true to the community we live in. I would trust his judgement over his criticizers, as I know how he determines right from wrong. Have you ever wondered why we have problems getting volunteers for various positions? I think most of you know why, but things never seem to change here. I spent 25 years on the ECC, the last few were not fun. Spring Fling Save the Date: May 19th, 2012 7p.m. - 11p.m. Adults Only! Joe Saxton Lot 1128/1218 Keep an eye out for more information as the date approaches! www.ulrichmotor.com BAUM CONSTRUCTION INC. Ulrich Motors... Serving the area for 60 years! General Contractors New Construction & Remodeling ULRICH Ken Baum 815/257-3700 Todd Baum 309/463-2736 For 60 years, Ulrich Motor has provided quality service and customer satisfaction. At Ulrich Motors we treat you like family. Ulrich Motors, where our customers make the deal. ULRICH 60 th Anniversary GM Certified Used Vehicles come with a 2-year/30,000 mile Standard Certified Pre-Owned Maintenance Plan. Get the details at Ulrich Motors. CHEVROLET Bill Baum 309-248-7527 WASHBURN, IL Email: [email protected] TOLL-FREE 1-800-851-7603 Website: www.ulrichmotor.com CALL 815-712-7000 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE A.L.S. LANDSCAPE SERVICES TONICA, IL E: [email protected] W: www.alslandscapeco.net Facebook: A.L.S. Landscape Specializing in pavers and retaining walls -PAVER PATIOS, DRIVES AND WALKS -TIMBER, BLOCK, AND BOULDER WALLS -CONCRETE REMOVAL/CONCRETE EDGERS -DECORATIVE ROCK AND PLANTINGS -JUNK AND DEBRIS REMOVAL -WOOD DECKS AND FENCES -HAULING/GRADING -SEEDING AND SOD -STEPS AND STAIRS -FLAGSTONE WALKS AND PATIOS -FIREPITS AND OUTDOOR FIREPLACES -LANDSCAPE RENOVATION -ENGRAVED PAVER PROJECTS -SKID STEER SERVICE -GRAVEL SHED PADS -LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT RENTAL -BULK LANDSCAPE MATERIAL SALES AND DELIVERY “Service is our business” www.hicksgas.com $100.00 Free ... How? • Just give us a call at Hicksgas and refer a new customer. • After the tank is set, your account will be credited $100 to be used for any product or service we have available. • Prospect must be approved for a new tank set of either a 500 or 1000 gallon tank. Please call Hicksgas 815-452-2600 8 SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 Classic Floor Covering 430 Edward Street Henry, Illinois 61537 Phone: 309-364-2186 Don Schoof - Owner McNabb Motorsports 211 Railroad St. McNabb, IL 61335-0114 815-882-2500 Sales & Service on all Makes and Models Custom Services Available 24 Hour Service Call Today For A Free Estimate ENERGY SPECIALISTS CO • Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing • Electrical • Indoor Air Quality Lower Your Utility Costs Lic 055-019970 224 N. Main Toluca, IL 61369 1-800-782-7491 BOB’S DRYWALL, PAINT, ETC • Drywall - Painting • Texturing • Plaster Repair • All Types Remodeling 19 Aztec Circle Putnam, IL 61560 815-342-1385 [email protected] SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 9 Moreno’s On Main KOHN’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES Downtown McNabb Phone: 815-882-2130 Hours: M-T-W 5am - 2pm R-F-S 5am - 8pm Sunday 5am - 1pm “Try our homemade biscuits & country gravy” SPECIALS Weds. - Mexican Day Tacos, Enchiladas, Taco Salad, Chicken Quesadillas Cheap Chicken! 1/4 LT - $5.95 1/4 DK - $4.95 Thurs. - Porky Pig Day Homemade Pork Basket - $5.95 Fri. - Pike Basket - $6.25 Sat. - Family Style Chicken - $8.95 “We’ll be your sugar!” Homemade bread pudding - Fudge Overboard Cream Pies on Friday and Saturday Try one of our Cobblers! Mareno’s Coupon 20% off your entire bill! FOR SALE: Sunflower, mixed bird seeds, suet, deer corn, Diamond dog food & straw Sunset Lawn & Garden 1402 Third Street | Lacon, IL 309-246-4610 POIGANT CONSTRUCTION Retaining Walls • Bobcat Work Blacktop Sealant • Driveways Painting & Staining • Trenching Black Dirt, Gravel & Mulch Available Building Site Preperation AARON (309) 238-8626 10 COLTON (309) 238-8627 1555 Key Court Varna, IL 61375 Mobile: 815-878-KOHN (5646) Home: 309-463-2331 Residential and Commercial Electric 15 years experience Free Estimates Odd Job Carpentry Tile Work Demolition Handyman Service Now serving Lake Wildwood! Plumbing Drywall Clean Up Electrical Painting Put Up/Take Down Call Dave today and your problems go away! 847-204-2074 (cell) 10% off labor for first time customer! Escape Escape 22 Varna’s 1st & Only Boat & Mini Storage Pontoon Boat owners we can store your 24’ Pontoon inside if your overall dimension from prop to hitch is under 29’ long, our doors are 10’ wide and 10’ high. Rent the space year-round to store your trailer plus lots of other stuff and we’ll give you a heck of a discount. Act now the spaces are filling fast! Call for details 309-256-5103 or 309-463-2728 KEN O’MARA Local #134 IBEW 708-699-8154 OAK FOREST COINS Gold & Silver • Coins • Currency • Jewelry & Firearms [email protected] BUY, SELL, TRADE CONSIGNMENTS COIN APPRAISALS INDIVIDUALS SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 Standring Roofing & Construction Fully Licensed & Insured Cedar Decks | Room Additions New Construction | Roofing & Garages - FREE ESTIMATES 309-463-2169 | Cell 630-726-6466 162 Beachview Ct., Varna, IL 61375 email: [email protected] Lake Wildwood Homeowner WANTED HOUSECLEANING Will clean your house. Dependable, Experienced. Call 309-246-3979 Ask for Vickie BULLETIN BOARD Don’t Forget! The Easter Egg Hunt April Committee of the Whole Meeting Saturday, April 7th 2012 1:00p.m at the Lodge. April 14th, 2012 11:00a.m. at the Lodge Note: Pre-registration was required for this event. Amenity passes and vehicle decals will be discussed at this meeting. Spring Fling Garage Sale May 19th, 2012 7:00p.m. - 11:00p.m. Wildwood & Tanglewood Saturday, July 21st 2012 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. (adults only) Save the date! (coming soon) Lake Wildwood Classified Ads Lake Lot 496 (for sale by owner): must see, very buildable with minimal stairs, 75’ frontage, over 300’ deep, private beach area, $147,900. Call 708479-5737 or 708-805-8085. For Sale by Owner Lot # 652 Wildwood Drive. Nice location, buildable, nice lot. Asking $6,000.00. Contact: Florence or Dean Nichols. Phone # 309-762-3774. For Sale by Owner Lake Lot #1104 Jay Court. Natures Hideaway in fishing cove near dam. 3BR, 3 1/2 Bath w/ whirlpool tub in large MBR. Furnished walk out basement w/ bath/shower. Roof 5yo with gutter helmet, Furnace 1 1/2yo, A.C. 7yo. Pontoon boat and some furniture included. Call for appt. 1-815-733-6387. $429,500. Sam Leman - EUREKA CHEVROLET BUICK CHEVY TRUCKS www.lemangm.com ALWAYS A GREAT SELECTION OF USED CARS & TRUCKS 309-467-2351 Contractor List 1040 W. Center - U.S. Rte 24 West - Eureka, IL General Contractor Baum Construction — (815) 257-3700 Standring Roofing & Construction — (309) 463-2169 Winkler Construction — (309) 248-7597 Cement or Concrete B&M Concrete — (815) 488-7210 or (815) 488-7212 Kuypers Brothers, Inc — (708) 516-6320 or (708) 479-0500 HEATING & PLUMBING, INC. Electrical ESCO-Energy Specialists — (815) 452-2332 Kohn’s Electrical Service — (309) 463-2331 TNT Electric — (815) 866-8557 Toliver & Sons — (309) 248-7101 Grasser’s services include: Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning Appliances • Fireplaces • Generators Water Softeners • Geo-Thermal Excavating/Trucking CS Construction — (309) 246-3979 or (309) 303-4860 Edward D. Hartwig — (309) 364-3672 James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 R & B Construction (Excavating) — (618) 428-5432 or (217) 972-8880 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 For all of your New Construction & Remodeling needs. We also service & install everything we sell! 404 W. Main St. • McNabb, IL 815-882-2111 Heating/Plumbing ESCO-Energy Specialists — (815) 452-2332 Grassers Plumbing — (815) 882-2111 Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating — (815) 452-2312 Free Estimates Fully Insured Reasonable Rates Landscaping/Lawn Care Chris McFadden The Yard Butler — (309) 463-2514 or (815) 481-9273 Danchris Nursery — (815) 672-8135 JMB Lawn Care — (309) 432-3200 Rick Jesse — (309) 463-2728 Ulrich Lawn Care — (309) 248-7450 TRUCKING & EXCAVATING Skid Steer - Mini-Excavator - Bulldozer Hydro-Seeder - Dump Truck White Rock - Black Dirt - Gravel Lot Clearing - Site-Prep. - Trenching - Concrete Removal New Yards - Snow Removal Roto-Tilling - Yard Rolling - Seeding Lot Mowing Lake Wildwood Association — (309) 463-2047 Rick Jesse — (309) 463-2728 NICK KLEIN - OWNER Miscellaneous Building Custom Canvas Company (Awning & Boat Cover) — (815) 869-3606 Sunburst Garage Doors & Construction — (309) 696-7409 Sand & Gravel James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 Septic Edward D. Hartwig — (309) 364-3672 James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 Surveying Illinois Valley Surveying & Consultants, Inc — (815) 925-7511 McClure Engineering Associates, Inc — (815) 433-2080 STICKEL 309-712-5154 Cell LANDSCAPES, Inc. • Landscape Design • Installation • Retaining Walls • Tree Trimming & Removal • Certified Arborist Matt C. Stickel - (309) 261-7042 Tree Climber Fully Insured - Free Estimates www.stickellandscapes.com SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 11 APRIL 1 Sunday 8 Easter Sunday 2 Monday 9 16 Sunbeam Deadline Sunbeam 22 23 29 6 27 Coffee ECC CP&A 17 18 24 25 12 Potluck 30 Sunday 20 7 Monday 7 Mother’s Day 1 Tuesday 19 20 26 27 Recreation Sunbeam 21 Memorial Day 15 22 29 CP&A 9 Sunbeam Deadline 10 16 17 Potluck 23 30 11 18 24 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt 14 Campground Board of Directors Finance 28 25 Bunco & Cards 31 Campground Board of Directors Sunbeam Finance Potluck 9:00am at Campground 1:00pm at the Lodge 1:00pm in the Office 8:00am in the Office 6:00pm at the Lodge Bunco & Cards NRC Lakes & Dams 6:30pm in the Lodge 10:30am in the Office 9:00am in the Office Notes & Reminders 2012 Saturday Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 7th 2012 at 1:00p.m. Committee of the Whole Meeting - April 14th at 11:00a.m. at the lodge. Meeting/Event CP&A E.C.C Recreation Coffee Time & Location 4:00pm in the Office 9:00am in the Office 4:30pm in the Office 9:30am at the Lodge Board of Directors Sunbeam Finance Potluck 1:00pm in the Office 1:00pm in the Office 8:00am in the Office 6:00pm at the Lodge Bunco & Cards NRC Lakes & Dams 6:30pm in the Lodge 10:30am in the Office 9:00am in the Office (Marilyn Quersagrossa & Bonnie Dubeck) ECC 12 (Marilyn Quersagrossa & Bonnie Dubeck) Board of Directors 19 Time & Location 4:00pm in the Office 9:00am in the Office 4:30pm in the Office 9:30am at the Lodge (Ron & Susie Stopka) 21 5 Meeting/Event CP&A E.C.C Recreation Coffee (Ron & Susie Stopka) Lakes & Dams NRC Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 2 3 Coffee 8 14 28 13 Bunco & Cards MAY 13 Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 5 6 11 10 Recreation 15 3 Tuesday 2012 Spring Fling Notes & Reminders Spring Fling - Saturday, May 19th 2012 at 7:00p.m. til 11:00p.m. Finance 26 Lakes & Dams NRC Board of Directors Meeting - The May 12th meeting will be held at the Lake Wildwood Office. HELPFUL INFORMATION Association Office Hours - 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m., Monday thru Friday Telephone - (309) 463-2047 Extensions - 1 Office, 2 Guardhouse 3 Maintenance, 4 Marina Fax - (309) 463-2085 Email - [email protected] Website - http://www.lake-wildwood.com New Homeowners If you are a new homeowner living in Lake Wildwood, please call one of the ladies on the Welcome Committee. We would like to give you a bag of “goodies” and information about the Lakes and surrounding community. We hope you have many happy memories here as your journey in life continues. Betty Pollack at 463-2606 or Gwen Wassilak at 463-2645. Website Advertising Annual billing of $60.00 for the 2012 year. For more information, please call the Lake Wildwood Office at (309) 463-2047, extension 1. Notice - Don’t Move Firewood Our forests are threatened by nonnative insects that can kill large numbers of trees. Three recently introduced insects -- emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle and sirex woodwasp -- are woodinfesting species that can be transported long distances in firewood. Once transported into new areas, these insects can become established and kill local trees. How you can help: • Leave firewood at home. • Use firewood from local sources. • If you have moved firewood, burn all of it before leaving your campsite. SUNBEAM | APRIL 2012 Campground Lottery The lottery for the campground will be held on April 14th, 2012 at 10:00a.m. in the Lodge. Applications can be obtained at the office and must be received by April 9th, 2012. A $50.00 deposit is required when turning in applications. Notice - Lake Tanglewood Catch and release remains in place for Lake Tanglewood. No minnow fishing is allowed. Address & Telephone Numbers Please forward all current address and telephone numbers to Lake Wildwood Association Office as we are updating all records.
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