Clinical Neurosciences


Clinical Neurosciences
Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS)
Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Sciences N790, Medical University of Vienna
Version as of June 4, 2008
Johannes A. Hainfellner (Neuropathology / Neurobiology)
Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna
AKH 4J, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1097 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Martha Feucht (Neuropediatrics)
Department of Pediatrics, Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Medical University of Vienna
AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Daniela Prayer (Neuroradiology)
Department of Radiology, Section of Neuroradiology, Medical University of Vienna
AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Rupert Lanzenberger (Biological Psychiatry / Neuroimaging)
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Functional Neuroimaging Unit
Medical University of Vienna
AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Christoph Baumgartner (Neurology)
2nd Neurological Department, General Hospital Hietzing with Neurological Center
Riedelgasse 5, A-1130 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Thomas Czech (Neurosurgery)
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Vienna
AKH, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna
Email: [email protected]
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -1-
Short description of CLINS
Neuroscience is a main focus of research and high-end medicine at the Medical
University Vienna.
The aim of Clinical Neurosciences is innovation in prevention, diagnosis, and
therapy of disorders of the nervous and muscular systems.
The professional doctoral program „Clinical Neurosciences“ (CLINS) addresses
neurological, psychiatric and neuro-muscular disorders in fetus, children, and
adults. Interdisciplinary interaction of diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines is a
key element of the program.
CLINS will provide students with scientific competence enabling them to
improve biomedical practice by means of research.
CLINS is complementary to the basic research PhD program „Neuroscience“
(coordinator: Johannes Berger, Brain Research Institute). Mutual guest
lectures and translational research projects will link the applied and basic
research doctoral programs.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -2-
Lectures-schedule of CLINS
1. Semester
Basic lecture
Journal club
2. Semester
Basic lecture
Journal club
3. Semester
Journal club
Practical seminar
4. Semester
Journal club
Practical seminar
5. Semester
Journal club
Practical seminar
6. Semester
Journal club
Practical seminar
Semester hours
ECTS points
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -3-
Propedeutics will introduce students to basic and general principles of
biomedical research.
All 6 semester hours of propedeutics have to be completed by the end of the
4th semester.
As a general rule for all doctoral programs at the Medical University of Vienna,
the following propedeutics courses are compulsory:
“Ethics and Good Scientific Practice” (1 semester hour)
“Project Management and Patent Affairs” (1 semester hour)
The other courses (4 semester hours) can be chosen from a pool of
propedeutics courses (see website of the Medical University of Vienna, section
“Doctoral Program of Applied Medical Science N790”).
Selection of courses has to be done under the supervision of the thesis
committee and the program coordinator and depends on the student’s
undergraduate education.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -4-
Basic lecture
The basic lecture addresses essentials and interrelationships of thematic
complexes in which doctoral thesis projects of CLINS are supervised. Frontiers
of science will be illustrated and scientific approaches for expanding biomedical
knowledge by means of research will be shown.
The themes are presented by experts in diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines
in an integrated form.
The basic lecture is held in two blocks, one in the first and one in the second
semester (4 semester hours = 60 lecture hours).
First Semester (2 hours per week = 30 lecture hours)
Thematic complex
(alphabetical order)
Baumgartner Christoph
Feucht Martha
Czech Thomas
Pataraia Ekaterina
Prayer Daniela
Epilepsy in children
and adults
Diagnostic concepts
Therapeutic concepts
Brain function in
pediatric critical
care patients
Diagnostic concepts and
therapeutic considerations
Klebermasz Katrin
Trittenwein Gerhard
Weninger Manfred
Brain tumours in
children and adults
Classification and epidemiology
Neuroradiology and bioimaging
Neurosurgical approaches
Cell biology and experimental
Radiotherapeutic concepts
Chemotherapeutic concepts
Diagnostic concepts
Czech Thomas
Dieckmann Karin
Hainfellner Johannes
Marosi Christine
Prayer Daniela
Preusser Matthias
Slavc Irene
Ströbel Thomas
Wolfsberger Stefan
Budka Herbert
Kovacs Gabor
Pirker Walter
Diagnostic concepts
Therapeutic concepts
Budka Herbert
Lang Wilfried
Affective disorders
Alterations of the serotonergic
system in depression and
anxiety disorders.
Studies of the Serotonin
Transporter in Depression and
Treatment: Therapeutic
Implications for Depression.
Multimodal neuroimaging in
depression and anxiety disorders
by combining functional MRI and
therapeutic doses and
evaluations with PET, SPECT.
Lanzenberger Rupert
Praschak-Rieder Nicole
Willeit Matthäus
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -5-
Second Semester (2 hours per week = 30 lecture hours)
Thematic complex
(alphabetical order)
Budka Herbert
Kovacs Gabor
Infectious and
diseases of the
nervous system
Diagnostic concepts
Molecular imaging of the
dopaminergic system, challenge
procedures (Amphetamine,
Ketamine), and therapeutic
Neurocognition and functional
imaging in schizophrenia
Lanzenberger Rupert
Willeit Matthäus
Sachs Gabriele
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Höftberger Romana
Lassmann Hans
Diagnostic concepts
Budka Herbert
Grisold Wolfgang
Kovacs Gabor
Oberndorfer Stefan
disorders, orphan
Diagnostic concepts
Therapeutic considerations
Berger Johannes
Regelsberger Günther
Voigtländer Till
diseases of the
nervous system
Diagnostic concepts
MRI investigations
Budka Herbert
Czech Thomas
Kasprian Gregor
Prayer Daniela
Stimulation in
Psychiatric Diseases
Pharmacovigilance - Clinical
Trials - Psychometric Scales
Psychotropics-Basics I – III:
Classification and Mechanism
of action
– Antidepressants
– Neuroleptics
– Tranquilizers, Mood
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -6-
Journal Clubs
In the Journal Clubs students are instructed in critical reading of recently
published scientific papers relevant for the respective field of research.
The papers are discussed under supervision within the group.
Journal Clubs are a continuous activity on a weekly basis.
Journal Clubs are related to research activities of the respective group, but are
open for students of all participating research groups.
Journal Clubs are held from the beginning until the end of the doctoral studies,
in each semester 2 hours per week (12 semester hours = 180 lecture hours).
Hours per
Biomarker research in Clinical Neurosciences
(analysis of the current literature)
Biomarker consortium:
Budka Herbert
Heinzl Harald
Kovacs Gabor
Hainfellner Johannes
Preusser Matthias
Ströbel Thomas
Waldhör Thomas
Wolfsberger Stefan
Brain function and epilepsy in children and
adults (analysis of the current literature)
Elektrophysiology consortium:
Baumgartner Christoph
Czech Thomas
Feucht Martha
Klebermasz Katrin
Pataraia Ekaterina
Trittenwein Gerhard
Weninger Manfred
Neuroimaging (PET, SPECT, fMRI, phMRI,
phfMRI, VBM, neuroimaging genetics –
analysis of the current literature)
Neuroimaging consortium:
Lanzenberger Rupert
Prayer Daniela
Willeit Matthäus
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -7-
In the seminars scientific and methodological problems related to the research
work of the students are systematically addressed.
Doctoral students and thesis supervisors tightly interact in small groups.
At the end of each semester all students participating in CLINS have a common
seminar and present their research work to the whole group.
The seminars are a continuous activity on a weekly basis and are held from the
beginning until the end of the studies (2 hours each semester = 12 semester
hours = 180 lecture hours).
Hours per
Biomarker research in Clinical
Neurosciences (biomedical approaches to
address scientific problems)
Biomarker consortium:
Budka Herbert
Heinzl Harald
Kovacs Gabor
Hainfellner Johannes
Preusser Matthias
Ströbel Thomas
Waldhör Thomas
Wolfsberger Stefan
Brain function and epilepsy in children and
adults (biomedical approaches to address
scientific problems)
Elektrophysiology consortium:
Baumgartner Christoph
Czech Thomas
Feucht Martha
Klebermasz Katrin
Pataraia Ekaterina
Trittenwein Gerhard
Weninger Manfred
Neuroimaging (PET, SPECT, fMRI, phMRI,
phfMRI, VBM, neuroimaging genetics)
(biomedical approaches to address scientific
Neuroimaging consortium:
Lanzenberger Rupert
Prayer Daniela
Willeit Matthäus
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -8-
Practical seminars
In the practical seminars, students are introduced to the practice of high-end
medicine in clinical neurosciences and to the implementation procedures of
biomedical innovations into medical practice.
Further, students are introduced to the integration of diagnostic and
therapeutic information for optimized patient management in interdisciplinary
Students attend practical seminars from the third to the sixth semester, in
each semester 1 hour per week (4 semester hours = 60 lecture hours).
Hours per
Practical seminar in Clinical Neuropathology
(interactive clinico-neuropathological case
discussions, implementation procedures for
new diagnostics)
Practical seminar in Clinical Neuroimaging
(interactive case discussions, implementation
procedures for new diagnostics)
Lecturers of the Institute of
Interdisciplinary neurooncological case
Lecturers of the Department
of Neuroradiology,
Department of Nuclear
Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, Department of
Psychiatry and cooperating
Lecturers of the
Departments of
Neurosurgery, Oncology,
Neuroradiology, and the
Institute of Neurology
Interdisciplinary perinatal case discussion
Lecturers of the Department
of Pediatrics, Department of
Neuroradiology, and the
Institute of Neurology,
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -9-
Investigational techniques
Techniques and Methods
Applications at
EEG recordings
Visual evoked potential recording
Near infrared spectroscopy
Neuropsychological assessment
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Neurology
Department of Psychiatry and
Structural, functional and molecular
neuroimaging in vivo techniques
Department of
Department of
Department of
Image-guided neurosurgery, intraoperative
Department of Neurosurgery
Neurohistological techniques, microdissection,
immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization,
confocal laser scanning microscopy, electron
microscopy, morphometry, cytogenetics, PCR,
real time PCR
Institute of Neurology,
Neuropathology unit
ELISA, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence
Neurochemical analytical methods (enzyme
analytics, thin-layer chromatography,
mass/gas spectrometry)
Institute of Neurology,
Neurochemistry unit
Cell culture techniques, FACS-analysis,
immunoblotting, PCR, Real-time PCR,
methylation-specific PCR (MSP), DNAsequencing
Institute of Neurology,
Neurobiology and Neurogenetics unit
Biostatistical methods
Department of Clinical Biometry
Nuclear Medicine
Psychiatry and
and cooperating partners
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -10-
Participating lecturers (alphabetical order)
Berger, Johannes
Institute of Brain Research
[email protected]
Baumgartner, Christoph
[email protected]
Budka, Herbert
Department of Neurology, KH
Hietzing Wien
Institute of Neurology
Czech, Thomas
Department of Neurosurgery
[email protected]
Feucht, Martha
Department of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Grisold, Wolfgang
[email protected]
Hainfellner, Johannes
Department of Neurology, Kaiser
Franz Josef Spital
Institute of Neurology
Heinzl, Harald
Department of Clinical Biometry
[email protected]
Kasprian, Gregor
Department of Radiodiagnostics
[email protected]
Klebermasz, Katrin
Department of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Konstantinidis, Anastasios
Department of Psychiatry
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kovacs, Gabor
Institute of Neurology
[email protected]
Lang, Wilfried
[email protected]
Lanzenberger, Rupert
Department of Neurology, KH
Barmherzige Brüder Wien
Department of Psychiatry
Lassmann, Hans
Institute of Brain Research
[email protected]
Marosi, Christine
Department of Oncology
[email protected]
Mitterhauser, Markus
Department of Nuclear Medicine
[email protected]
Oberndorfer, Stefan
[email protected]
Pataraia, Ekaterina
Department of Neurology, Kaiser
Franz Josef Spital
Department of Neurology
Pirker, Walter
Department of Neurology
[email protected]
Praschak-Rieder, Nicole
Department of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Prayer, Daniela
Department of Radiodiagnostics
[email protected]
Preusser, Matthias
Department of Oncology
[email protected]
Regelsberger, Günther
Institute of Neurology
[email protected]
Sachs, Gabriele
Department of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Slavc, Irene
Department of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Ströbel, Thomas
Institute of Neurology
[email protected]
Trittenwein, Gerhard
Department of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Voigtländer, Till
Institute of Neurology
[email protected]
Wadsak, Wolfgang
Department of Nuclear Medicine
[email protected]
Waldhör, Thomas
Department of Epidemiology
[email protected]
Weninger, Manfred
Department of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Willeit, Matthäus
Department of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Wolfsberger, Stefan
Department of Neurosurgery
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -11-
Description of thesis project topics and profiles of project supervisors
(alphabetical order of supervisors)
BAUMGARTNER, Christoph ..................................................................... 13
FEUCHT, Martha ................................................................................... 22
HAINFELLNER, Johannes ........................................................................ 29
KOVACS, Gabor .................................................................................... 40
LANZENBERGER, Rupert ........................................................................ 47
PRAYER, Daniela ................................................................................... 57
PREUSSER, Matthias .............................................................................. 69
TRITTENWEIN, Gerhard .......................................................................... 76
WENINGER, Manfred .............................................................................. 80
WOLFSBERGER, Stefan .......................................................................... 85
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -12-
Thesis project topic:
Clinical and translational epilepsy research
Project supervisor:
2nd Neurological Department, General Hospital Hietzing with Neurological Center
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: to localize the epileptogenic zone, the functional deficit zone and essential brain
regions in patients with medically refractory epilepsy
Techniques: neurophysiological techniques (EEG, evoked potentials), brain imaging
(MRI, fMRI, MRS, SPECT, PET), neuropsychological assessment
Approach: compare and correlate these techniques with clinical variables and outcome
after epilepsy surgery
Deliverables: Optimize medical and surgical treatment of patients with medically
refractory epilepsy; improve the understanding of the basic mechanisms of human
epilepsy; study brain plasticity
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience. In particular, students get a sound basis for an academic career
in the multidisciplinary field of clinical epileptology.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialized in: neurology,
neurosurgery, neuroradiology, nuclear medicine.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -13-
2nd Neurological Department, General Hospital Hietzing with Neurological Center
Riedelgasse 5
A-1130 Vienna
Phone: ++43-1-88000-266
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Sep 22, 1992
Unrestricted ECFMG Certificate
Jul 23, 1986
Passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the
Medical Sciences (FMGEMS) and the ECFMG English
Graduation sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae - M.D. Medicine
Medicine - University of Vienna, Austria
Graduation - M.Sc. - Technical Mathematics
Technical Mathematics - Technical University of Vienna,
Matura with Distinction, 2. Bundesgymnasium Salzburg
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -14-
Nov 22, 1992
Passed EEG examination of the Austrian Society of Clinical
Neurophysiology - ‘EEG-Diploma’
Clinical Fellow in Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology,
Department of Neurology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, Ohio
May 16, 1991
Certificate as Medical Specialist in Neurology - Facharzt für
Research Fellowship in Clinical Neurophysiology, Department of
Neurology, University of California, Los Angeles, California
Residency in Neurology, Department of Neurology, University of
Vienna, Austria
Residency in Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology,
University of Vienna, Austria
Head, Vienna Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
Head, 2nd Neurological Department, General Hospital Hietzing
with Neurological Center Rosenhuegel
Head, Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Department of
Neurology, Medical University of Vienna
Staff Position, Department of Neurology, University of Vienna
Associate Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology,
University of Vienna
Member, Commission on Therapeutic Strategies of the
International League against Epilepsy
Member, Commission on Neurosurgery of the International
League against Epilepsy
President Elect, Austrian Chapter of the International League
against Epilepsy
Member, Ethics Committee, University of Vienna
First Secretary, Austrian Chapter of the International League
against Epilepsy
Vice President, Austrian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
Scientific Board, Working Group of Presurgical Epilepsy
Evaluation and Epilepsy Surgery for Germany, Austria and
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -15-
President, Working Group of Presurgical Epilepsy Evaluation
and Epilepsy Surgery for Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Vice President, Working Group of Presurgical Epilepsy
Evaluation and Epilepsy Surgery for Germany, Austria and
Best Poster Price of Austrian Neurological Society
Otto Loewi Price of the Austrian Society of Neuroscience
Science Award of the Ersten Österreichischen Spar-Casse
Herbert Reisner Price for Epileptology
Sandoz-Price for Medicine
Price of the Chamber of Physicians of Vienna
Zeitschrift EEG/EMG till 1997
Zeitschrift Epileptologie
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
Epileptic Disorders
Epilepsy Research till 2005
Epilepsy and Behavior
Klinische Neurophysiologie
Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie
Focus Neurogeriatrie
Austrian Neurological Society
Austrian Society for Clinical Neurophysiology
Austrian Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy
Working Group of Presurgical Epilepsy Evaluation and Epilepsy Surgery for Germany, Austria and
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -16-
Short Title
Austrian National
Project 8135
- 8/31/2003 Bank Fund
Prognosis after Epilepsy Surgery
Role: PI
Fund of the Major of
- 5/31/2005 the City of Vienna
Project 2360
Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors in
Role: PI
7/01/2005 - Austrian National
Project 11381
Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and the
Bank Fund
Emotional Brain
Role: PI
Austrian Science
SFB 35
Membrane Transporters in Medically
Refractory Epilepsy
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Bonelli Silvia Beatrice
Frontallappenepilepsie – Präoperative Diagnostik
Krendl Reinhard
Pathophysiology of the irritative zone in mesial
temporal epilepsy: its impact on postoperative seizure
Kerstin Kiefer
Lebensqualität bei Epilepsiepatienten
Lackmayer Katharina
Depression als Outcome-Prädiktor bei
epilepsiechirurgischen Eingriffen
Pacher Christine
Spikes bei Temporallappenepilepsie
Fangmeyer Katharina
Stockbauer Anna
The lateralizing significance of automatisms with
preserved reponsiveness in focal epilepsy
Mert Aygül
Postictal coughing as a lateralizing sign in focal
Neuropsychologische Auswirkungen von interiktale
Ictal fear as a lateralizing and localizing sign in focal
Galovic Marian
Dystonic posturing in focal epilepsy – mechanisms and
clinical implications
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -17-
Original research artilces
Review articles
Book chapters
Ediited Books
Cumulative Impact-Factor -
original research articles
Cumulative Impact-Factor -
review articles
Cumulative Impact-Factor - total 422,934
First, last or corresponding author
Gröppel G, Aull-Watschinger S, Baumgartner C. Temporal evolution and prognostic significance
of postoperative spikes after selective amygdala-hippocampectomy. J Clin Neurophysiol. 20: 25863 (2003)
Lehner-Baumgartner E, Serles W, Prayer D, Baumgartner C. Neuropsychologischer und
klinischer Verlauf bei nichtneoplastischer limbischer Encephalitis. Journal für Neurologie,
Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie 4(3): 24-28 (2003)
Leutmezer F, Podreka I, Asenbaum S, Pietrzyk U, Lucht H, Back C, Benda N, Baumgartner C.
Postictal psychosis in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 44: 582-590 (2003)
Leutmezer F, Schernthaner C, Lurger S, Potzelberger K, Baumgartner C. Electrocardiographic
changes at the onset of epileptic seizures. Epilepsia 44: 348-54 (2003)
Gallmetzer P, Leutmezer F, Serles W, Assem-Hilger E, Spatt J, Baumgartner C. Postictal paresis
in focal epilepsies--incidence, duration, and causes: a video-EEG monitoring study. Neurology 62
:2160-4 (2004)
Wiest G, Zimprich F, Prayer D, Czech T, Serles W, Baumgartner C. Vestibular processing in
human paramedian precuneus as shown by electrical cortical stimulation. Neurology. 62:473-5
Zimprich F, Sunder-Plassmann R, Stogmann E, Gleiss A, Dal-Bianco A, Zimprich A, Plumer S,
Baumgartner C, Mannhalter C. Association of an ABCB1 gene haplotype with
pharmacoresistance in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 63: 1087-9 (2004)
Pataraia E, Lindinger G, Deecke L, Mayer D, Baumgartner C. Combined MEG/EEG analysis of
the interictal spike complex in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuroimage 24: 607-14 (2005)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -18-
Bonelli SB, Lurger S, Zimprich F, Stogmann E, Assem-Hilger E, Baumgartner C. Clinical seizure
lateralization in frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 48: 517-23 (2007)
Langer O, Bauer M, Hammers A, Karch R, Pataraia E, Koepp MJ, Abrahim A, Luurtsema G,
Brunner M, Sunder-Plassmann R, Zimprich F, Joukhadar C, Gentzsch S, Dudczak R, Kletter K,
Muller M, Baumgartner C. Pharmacoresistance in epilepsy: A pilot PET study with the PGlycoprotein substrate R-[C]verapamil. Epilepsia 48:1774-84 (2007)
Furtinger S, Pirker S, Czech T, Baumgartner C, Sperk G. Increased expression of gammaaminobutyric acid type B receptors in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neurosci Lett. 352: 141-5 (2003)
Pirker S, Schwarzer C, Czech T, Baumgartner C, Pockberger H, Maier H, Hauer B, Sieghart W,
Furtinger S, Sperk G. Increased expression of GABA(A) receptor beta-subunits in the
hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 62: 820-34 (2003)
Walla P, Lehrner JP, Nasel C, Baumgartner C, Deecke L, Lang W. Preserved memory traces
within diencephalic amnesia. J Neural Transm. 110: 537-543 (2003)
Bandtlow CE, Dlaska M, Pirker S, Czech T, Baumgartner C, Sperk G. Increased expression of
Nogo-A in hippocampal neurons of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Eur J Neurosci. 20 :195206 (2004)
Czech T, Yang JW, Csaszar E, Kappler J, Baumgartner C, Lubec G. Reduction of hippocampal
collapsin response mediated protein-2 in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurochem
Res 29:2189-96 (2004)
Schmidt D, Baumgartner C, Loscher W. The chance of cure following surgery for drug-resistant
temporal lobe epilepsy. What do we know and do we need to revise our expectations? Epilepsy
Res. 60: 187-201 (2004)
Yang JW, Czech T, Yamada J, Csaszar E, Baumgartner C, Slavc I, Lubec G. Aberrant cytosolic
acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase in hippocampus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Amino
Acids 27: 269-75 (2004)
Brunner M, Langer O, Sunder-Plassmann R, Dobrozemsky G, Muller U, Wadsak W, Krcal A, Karch
R, Mannhalter C, Dudczak R, Kletter K, Steiner I, Baumgartner C, Muller M. Influence of functional
haplotypes in the drug transporter gene ABCB1 on central nervous system drug distribution in
humans. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 78: 182-90 (2005)
Csaba Z, Pirker S, Lelouvier B, Simon A, Videau C, Epelbaum J, Czech T, Baumgartner C, Sperk
G, Dournaud P. Somatostatin receptor type 2 undergoes plastic changes in the human epileptic
dentate gyrus. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 64 :956-69 (2005)
Lanzenberger R, Wiest G, Geissler A, Barth M, Ringl H, Wober C, Gartus A, Baumgartner C,
Beisteiner R. FMRI reveals functional cortex in a case of inconclusive Wada testing. Clin Neurol
Neurosurg 107: 147-151(2005)
Marchi N, Guiso G, Rizzi M, Pirker S, Novak K, Czech T, Baumgartner C, Janigro D, Caccia S,
Vezzani A. A pilot study on brain-to-plasma partition of 10,11-dyhydro-10-hydroxy-5Hdibenzo(b,f)azepine-5-carboxamide and MDR1 brain expression in epilepsy patients not
responding to oxcarbazepine. Epilepsia 46: 1613-9 (2005)
Spatt J, Bauer G, Baumgartner C, Feucht M, Graf M, Mamoli B, Trinka E; Austrian Section of the
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -19-
International League Against Epilepsy. Predictors for negative attitudes toward subjects with
epilepsy: a representative survey in the general public in Austria. Epilepsia 46: 736-42 (2005)
Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Wyllie E, Najm I, Gupta A, Rosenow F, Baumgartner C,
Boesebeck F, Diehl B, Drees C, Ebner A, Hamer H, Knake S, Meencke JH, Merschhemke M,
Moddel G, Noachtar S, Rona S, Schuele SU, Steinhoff BJ, Tuxhorn I, Werhahn K, Luders HO.
[Suggestion for a new, patient-oriented epilepsy classification.] Nervenarzt. 77:961-9 (2006)
Lüders HO, Acharya J, Alexopoulos A, Baumgartner C, Bautista J, Burgess R, Carreno M, Diehl
B, Dinner D, Ebner A, Foldvary N, Godoy J, Hamer H, Ikeda A, Kallen K, Kellinghaus C, Kotagal P,
Lachhwani D, Loddenkemper T, Mani J, Matsumoto R, Moddel G, Nair D, Noachtar S, O'Donovan
CA, Rona S, Rosenow F, Schuele S, Szabo CA, Tandon N, Tanner A, Widdess-Walsh P. Are
epilepsy classifications based on epileptic syndromes and seizure types outdated? Epileptic
Disord. 8: 81-5 (2006)
Oby E, Caccia S, Vezzani A, Moeddel G, Hallene K, Guiso G, Said T, Bingaman W, Marchi N,
Baumgartner C, Pirker S, Czech T, Lo Russo G, Janigro D. In vitro responsiveness of humandrug-resistant tissue to antiepileptic drugs: insights into the mechanisms of pharmacoresistance.
Brain Res. 1086: 201-13 (2006)
Riederer F, Bittsansky M, Schmidt C, Mlynarik V, Baumgartner C, Moser E, Serles W. (1)H
magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 T in cryptogenic and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. NMR
Biomed. 19:544-53 (2006)
Stögmann E, Lichtner P, Baumgartner C, Schmied M, Hotzy C, Asmus F, Leutmezer F, Bonelli S,
Assem-Hilger E, Vass K, Hatala K, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Zimprich F, Zimprich A. Mutations in the
CLCN2 gene are a rare cause of idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndromes. Neurogenetics 7:2658 (2006)
Stögmann E, Zimprich A, Baumgartner C, Gleiss A, Zimprich F. Lack of association between a
GABA receptor 1 gene polymorphism and temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 47: 437-9 (2006)
Yang JW, Czech T, Felizardo M, Baumgartner C, Lubec G. Aberrant expression of cytoskeleton
proteins in hippocampus from patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Amino Acids 30: 477-93
Zimprich F, Ronen GM, Stogmann W, Baumgartner C, Stogmann E, Rett B, Pappas C, Leppert
M, Singh N, Anderson VE. Andreas Rett and benign familial neonatal convulsions revisited.
Neurology 67: 864-6 (2006)
Freidl M, Spitzl SP, Prause W, Zimprich F, Lehner-Baumgartner E, Baumgartner C, Aigner M. The
stigma of mental illness: Anticipation and attitudes among patients with epileptic, dissociative or
somatoform pain disorder. Int Rev Psychiatry 19: 123-9 (2007)
Abrahim A, Luurtsema G, Bauer M, Karch R, Lubberink M, Pataraia E, Joukhadar C, Kletter K,
Lammertsma AA, Baumgartner C, Muller M, Langer O. Peripheral metabolism of (R)[(11)C]verapamil in epilepsy patients. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2007 Sep 11; [Epub ahead of
Riederer F, Bittanský M, Lehner-Baumgartner E, Baumgartner C, Mlynárik V, Gruber S, Moser E,
PhD; Kaya M, Serles W. Decrease of NAA with aging outside the seizure focus in mesial temporal
lobe epilepsy - a proton-MRS-study at 3 Tesla. Brain Res (in press)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -20-
First, last or corresponding author
Barkley GL, Baumgartner C. MEG and EEG in epilepsy. J Clin Neurophysiol 20: 163-78 (2003)
Baumgartner, C., Czech, T., Serles, W. Bessere Patientenselektion und technischer Fortschritt:
Prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik und operative Epilepsietherapie. Wien Klin Wochenschr
Magazin. 23a, 30-36 (2003)
Baumgartner C. Controversies in clinical neurophysiology. MEG is superior to EEG in the
localization of interictal epileptiform activity: Con. Clin Neurophysiol. 115: 1010-20 (2004)
Baumgartner C, Aull-Watschinger S. The pre-ictal state in focal epilepsy. Lancet. 366:2065-6
Baumgartner C, Pataraia E. Revisiting the role of magnetoencephalography in epilepsy. Curr
Opinion Neurol. 19: 181-6 (2006)
Baumgartner C. Epilepsie - Multimorbidität und Multimedikation bei älteren Patienten. Focus
Neurogeriatrie (in press)
Baumgartner C. Neurostimulation zur Behandlung von Epilepsien: Eine kritische Bilanz.
Nervenheilkunde (in press)
Schmidt D, Baumgartner C, Loscher W. Seizure recurrence after planned discontinuation of
antiepileptic drugs in seizure-free patients after epilepsy surgery: a review of current clinical
experience. Epilepsia 45:179-86 (2004)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -21-
Thesis project topic:
Prospective Evaluation of Outcome Predictors in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
(Qualitätssicherung epilepsiechirurgischer Eingriffe bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – eine
Analyse von prä- und postoperativen Prognosefaktoren)
ÖNB: 12063
Project supervisor:
FEUCHT, Martha
Department of Pediatrics; [email protected];
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: 1) To assess prospectively predictors for favorable versus unfavorable seizure and/or
developmental outcome after epilepsy surgery in pediatric patients with drug resistant epilepsies.
2) To assess the most useful diagnostic tools in this context.
Techniques: Intensive non-invasive and invasive simultaneous EEG-Video Monitoring,
Neuropsychological and psychiatric Investigations inclusively WADA Test, high-resolution MRI, fMRI, PET, SPECT, histopathological studies (in cooperation with the Institute of Neurology),
statistical analysis (in cooperation with Medical Statistics)
Approach: Prospective. Included are consecutive children and adolescents investigated at the
Vienna University Hospital Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. The predictive value of the following variables
is tested: age at seizure onset /duration of epilepsy prior to epilepsy surgery, seizure type/epilepsy
syndrome, etiology (according to genetics, MRI and histopathology), localization and lateraliszation
of the epileptogenic zone due to the results of interictal/ictal EEG, seizure semiology, functional
deficits (according to SPECT, PET, f-MRI), cognitive and/or psychiatric comorbid symptoms, and
type and extent of surgery.
Deliverables: Clarification of clinical relevant outcome predictors and definition of ideal candidates
for pediatric epilepsy surgery.
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of clinical
neuroscience. In particular, students get a sound basis for an academic career in the
multidisciplinary field of clinical epileptology and epilepsy surgery.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialised in: neurology (neuropediatrics),
neurophysiology, neuropsychology, neuroradiology and nuclear medicine, neurosurgery,
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -22-
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
01 10 2008
Specialist (Facharzt) in Pediatrics and (Zusatzfacharzt)
07 11 2003
ILAE Diploma in epileptology
08 09 1994
Specialist (Zusatz-Facharzt) in neuropsychiatry of children
and adolescents
17 04 1993
ÖGKN Certificate in clinical electroencephalography
09 12 1992
Ius practicandi (Facharzt) in neurology and psychiatry
11 06 1987
Ius practicandi in general medicine (Arzt für
21 12 1980
Medical Doctor Degree at the University of Vienna
Career History
25 05 1999
Venia legendi (Habilitation) and associate Professor
in Neurology
01 04 1994
Head of the Pediatric Epilepsy Service and EEG
01 02 1994
Consultant (Oberarzt) at the University Clinic of Child and
Since 01 01 1991
Adolescent Neuropsychiatry
Consultant Centre for Autistic Children Sobieskygasse
01 05 1987 – 01 02 1994
Resident at the University Clinics of Neurology and
01 03 1981 – 30 04 1986
Neuropsychiatry - Vienna
Resident at the Psychiatry Hospital Baumgartner Höhe,
the Mautner Markhof Children’s Hospital and the General
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -23-
Hospital Rudolfstiftung (Gemeinde Wien)
Career-related Activities
Since 02 1996
Examiner for the licence in Clinical
Electroencephalography (ÄK-Diplom und Zertifikat der
Since 2001
ILAE-Certified Trainer in Clinical Epileptology (EUREPA)
EPNS – European Pediatric Neurology Society
ÖGN – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurologie
ÖGKN – Österreichische Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie (Board Member since
1999, Second Chancellor since 1999)
ILAE – International League against Epilepsy (Board member of the Austrian section since
1999, First President since October 2004)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde - Arge Neuropädiatrie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
ÖGfMRT – Österreichische Gesellschaft für funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
FWF – DGN (Medical Non-linear EEG-Analysis
Statistical Institute
2001 - 2004 FWF
Non-linear EEG Analysis
Genetic Background of CAE (GABA
Receptor Genes)
2004 - 2006 ÖNB
Genetic Background of IGE
2007 -
fMRI in presurgical evaluation of pediatric
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Dr Barbara Porsche
Presurgical Neuropsychological Evaluation (incl
fMRI) of children and adolescents with drug
resistant temporal lobe epilepsy
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -24-
DI Kathrin Hoffmann, DI
Nonlinear EEG and EP Analysis
Ulrich Möller
Dr Sabine Völkl-Kernstock
Neuropsychological Deficits in Benign Rolandic
2004 -
Dr Belinda Plattner
Psychiatric Symptoms and personality traits in
pediatric epilepsy patients
Supervision of doctoral thesis
50 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals (1989-2007), 4 book chapters, 25 invited
lectures (2003-2007)
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Plattner B, The SS, Kraemer HC, Williams RP, Bauer SM, Kindler J, Feucht M, Friedrich
MH, Steiner H: Suicidality, psychopathology, and gender in incarcerated adolescents in
Austria. J Clin Psychiatry 2007;68:1593-1600.
Plattner B, Pahs G, Kindler J, Williams RP, Hall RE, Mayer H, Steiner H, Feucht M: Juvenile
myoclonic epilepsy: a benign disorder? Personality traits and psychiatric symptoms. Epilepsy
Behav 2007;10:560-564.
Plattner B, Karnik N, Jo B, Hall RE, Schallauer A, Carrion V, Feucht M, Steiner H: State and
trait emotions in delinquent adolescents. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 2007;38:155-169.
Feucht M, Sturm V, Weissmann J, Richard G, Pressmar S: [Uveitic cystoid macular edema:
intravitreal triamcinolone]. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2007;224:62-65.
Feucht M, Richard G, Mautner VF: Neurofibromatosis 2 leads to choroidal
hyperfluorescence in fluorescein angiography. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol
Amminger GP, Berger GE, Schafer MR, Klier C, Friedrich MH, Feucht M: Omega-3 fatty
acids supplementation in children with autism: a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled
pilot study. Biol Psychiatry 2007;61:551-553.
Volkl-Kernstock S, Willinger U, Feucht M: Spacial perception and spatial memory in children
with benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BCECTS). Epilepsy Res
Mayer H, Benninger F, Urak L, Plattner B, Geldner J, Feucht M: EKG abnormalities in
children and adolescents with symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 2004;63:324328.
Plattner B, Silvermann MA, Redlich AD, Carrion VG, Feucht M, Friedrich MH, Steiner H:
Pathways to dissociation: intrafamilial versus extrafamilial trauma in juvenile delinquents. J
Nerv Ment Dis 2003;191:781-788.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -25-
Co-author manuscripts:
Pataraia E, Feucht M, Lindinger G, Aull-Watschinger S, Baumgartner C: Combined
electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography of interictal spikes in benign rolandic
epilepsy of childhood. Clin Neurophysiol 2008;119:635-641.
Kramer G, Steinhoff BJ, Feucht M, Pfafflin M, May TW: Experience with generic drugs in
epilepsy patients: an electronic survey of members of the German, Austrian and Swiss
branches of the ILAE. Epilepsia 2007;48:609-611.
Everett KV, Chioza B, Aicardi J, Aschauer H, Brouwer O, Callenbach P, Covanis A, Dulac O,
Eeg-Olofsson O, Feucht M, Friis M, Goutieres F, Guerrini R, Heils A, Kjeldsen M, Lehesjoki
AE, Makoff A, Nabbout R, Olsson I, Sander T, Siren A, McKeigue P, Robinson R, Taske N,
Rees M, Gardiner M: Linkage and association analysis of CACNG3 in childhood absence
epilepsy. Eur J Hum Genet 2007;15:463-472.
Everett K, Chioza B, Aicardi J, Aschauer H, Brouwer O, Callenbach P, Covanis A, Dooley J,
Dulac O, Durner M, Eeg-Olofsson O, Feucht M, Friis M, Guerrini R, Heils A, Kjeldsen M,
Nabbout R, Sander T, Wirrell E, McKeigue P, Robinson R, Taske N, Gardiner M: Linkage
and mutational analysis of CLCN2 in childhood absence epilepsy. Epilepsy Res
Urak L, Feucht M, Fathi N, Hornik K, Fuchs K: A GABRB3 promoter haplotype associated
with childhood absence epilepsy impairs transcriptional activity. Hum Mol Genet
Chioza B, Everett K, Aschauer H, Brouwer O, Callenbach P, Covanis A, Dulac O, Durner M,
Eeg-Olofsson O, Feucht M, Friis M, Heils A, Kjeldsen M, Larsson K, Lehesjoki AE, Nabbout
R, Olsson I, Sander T, Siren A, Robinson R, Rees M, Gardiner RM: Evaluation of CACNA1H
in European patients with childhood absence epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 2006;69:177-181.
Spatt J, Bauer G, Baumgartner C, Feucht M, Graf M, Mamoli B, Trinka E: Predictors for
negative attitudes toward subjects with epilepsy: a representative survey in the general
public in Austria. Epilepsia 2005;46:736-742.
Reiter E, Feucht M, Hauser E, Freilinger M, Seidl R: Changes in body mass index during
long-term topiramate therapy in paediatric epilepsy patients--a retrospective analysis.
Seizure 2004;13:491-493.
Rossmanith W, Raffelsberger T, Roka J, Kornek B, Feucht M, Bittner RE: The expanding
mutational spectrum of MERRF substitution G8361A in the mitochondrial tRNALys gene.
Ann Neurol 2003;54:820-823.
Kornek B, Bernert G, Balassy C, Geldner J, Prayer D, Feucht M: Glatiramer acetate
treatment in patients with childhood and juvenile onset multiple sclerosis. Neuropediatrics
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Jährlich fix:
2 EEG Kurse im Rahmen des Ausbildungsprogrammes der ÖGKNWorkshops/Kurse
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -26-
Jahrestagung der österreichischen Sektion der ILAE
ÖÄK Diplom-Kurs Genetik: Autismus
Ärztewoche Grado – Kurs Autismus
(Izmir, 26 - 29 09 2007). Levetirazetame Monotherapy in BREC
EPILEPSIE - DACH (Morschach/Luzern 20 – 22 09 2007). Pseudobenigne Partialepilepsien
JUGENDHEILKUNDE (Wien 13 – 15 09 2007). 1) Plattformpräsentation „Neue
Entwicklungen in der Epilepsiebehandlung. 2) Platformpräsentation „Prächirurgisches
Epilepsie Monitoring bei Kindern“
SURGERY (Cleveland 27 – 29 06 2007). „Postsurgical psychiatric Outcome in Children“
„Ketogene Diät bei Epilepsien im Säuglingsalter“
SCHWEIZERISCHEN SEKTIONEN DER ILAE (Basel 16 – 19 05 2007). „Lennox Gastaut
Syndrom – eine therapeutische Sackgasse?“
1)Geladene Plattformpräsentation: Epilepsiechirurgie bei tuberöser Sklerose. 2) Geladene
Plattformpräsentation Satellitensymposium „Medikamentöse Therapieresistenz bei
Epilepsien im Kindesalter“
ÖAK DIPLOMKURS GENETIK (Wien 02 – 03 03 2007) Autismus
Teamtrainer: „ketogene Diät bei therapieresistenter Epilepsie“
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Sektion der ILAE/Wien 16 - 18 11 06. 1)
Epilepsiechirurgische Eingriffe bei Kindern mit FCD. 2) Workshop Klinische
lateralisationszeichen bei Kindern mit TLE
DACH-Arbeitskreis Epilepsie/Prien-Chiemsee 14 - 17 09 06. Prognoese und Behandelbarkeit
fokaler epilepsien im Kindesalter
7th European Congress Epileptology/Helsinki 02 - 07 06 06. Seminar: Neuropsychological
deficits in chidren with BREC
10th International Child Neurology Congress Montreal 11 - 16 06 06. Predictors of psychiatric
outcome after epilepsy surgery in Childhood
32. Jahrestagung der Ges für Neonatologie u. Intensivmed./Wien 18 - 20 05 06. Workshop Akuttherapie epileptischer Anfälle inklusive status Epilepticus
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -27-
Pädiatrischer Frühling/Schloss Seggau-Leibnitz-Steiermark 11 - 13 05 06. Prognose der
Epilepsien im Kindesalter
46.Jahretagung ILAE/Strassburg 04 - 06 05 06. Kurs EEG für Fortgeschrittene
Collegium Publicum Wien 5.11.2995. Rehabilitation bei Epilepsie und Mehrfachbehinderung
im Kindesalter
International Case Study Forum Berlin 14. – 16.10.2005. Characteristics of Lennox-Gastaut
DACH - AK EPILEPSIE Kitzbühel 29.9. – 1.10.2005. Benigne Partialepilepsien – sind sie
immer gutartig?
25th International Epilepsy Congress Paris 28.8.-1.9.05. Personality traits in Juvenile
Myoclonic Epilepsy
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen sektion der ILAE in Innsbruck 5. - 7. 5. 2005.
Prächirurgische Diagnostik im Säuglingsalter
31.Jahrestagung Neuropädiatrie Erlangen 21. – 23. 4. 2005. Psychopathologie bei
symptomatischer Temporallappenepilepsie im Kindesalter
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Sektion der ILAE in Steyer. 15. – 16.10 2004.
Intstrumente zur Erfassung neuropsychiatrischer Störungen bei Jugendlichen mit Epilepsie
6th European Epileptology Congress Vienna. May 30th – June 3rd 2004. Workshop Benign
Partial Epilepsies
Österreichischer Röntgenkongress Klagenfurt 25.9.2003: Rolle der MRI in der
prächirurgischen Diagnostik von Kindern.
14th International Bethel-Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Symposium, Bielefeld, Germany. May
29th – June 1st, 2003. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Children with Epilepsy
Österreichischer Autismuskongress 2003 30.5. – 1.6. 2003 in Wien.
Hirnstoffwechselstörungen als mögliche Mitursachen von Erkrankungen im Rahmen des
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie 13.-15.2.2003 in Wien.
Plenary: Lokalisationsbezogene Epilepsien – Spektrum und Syndromatologie 2) Symposium:
Psychiatrische komorbidität bei kindlicher Epilepsie
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -28-
Thesis project topic:
Clinical and translational brain tumour biomarker research
Project supervisors:
HAINFELLNER, Johannes A. (in cooperation with PREUSSER, Matthias)
Institute of Neurology; [email protected];
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: to assess and to test clinical usability and analytical performance of new
laboratory methods and candidate biomarkers in brain tumours, as basis for optimized
therapy decisions
Techniques: histological techniques, immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization, PCR,
statistical analysis (in cooperation with Medical Statistics)
Approach: testing of reliability and reproducibility of new analytical laboratory tests,
interlaboratory comparisons, correlation of biomarker information with patient
outcome and response to therapy (in cooperation with Medical Oncology and Medical
Deliverables: Clarification of clinical relevance of new brain tumour candidate
biomarkers, clarification of clinical usability of new laboratory techniques
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience, pathology, and oncology. In particular, students get a sound
basis for an academic career in the multidisciplinary field of brain tumour diagnosis
and therapy.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialised in: pathology,
neuropathology, neurosurgery, neurology, medical oncology.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -29-
Curriculum Vitae
Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich
Post-graduate specialization in Hospital Management,
University of Economics and Business Administration
Vienna (Akademischer Krankenhausmanager)
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neurobiology
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neuropathology
Medical Doctor Degree at the Medical University of Vienna
A-levels, BG Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich
Career History
Venia legendi (Habilitation) in Neuropathology
Deputy Institute Director, Institute of Neurology, University
of Vienna
Consultant (Oberarzt) in Neuropathology, University
Hospital Vienna
Consultant (Oberarzt) in Neuropathology, University
Hospital Zurich
Resident in Neuropathology, Institute of Neurology,
University of Vienna
Service at the Military Hospital Wien-Stammersdorf
Career-related Activities
Medical examiner for the license to practice
Neuropathology in Austria (Facharztprüfer der
Österreichischen Ärztekammer)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -30-
Kardinal Innitzer Förderungspreis
Austrian Society of Neuropathology
German Society of Neuropathology
European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS)
International Society of Neuropathology (ISN)
Austrian Society for Research on Cerebral Tumours
European Association of Neurooncology (EANO)
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
Federal Ministry of
Research equipment for interdisciplinary
Science and
Neurooncology (Uniinfrastruktur III
Hans und Blanca
Establishment of the Austrian Brain Tumour
Moser Stiftung
Establishment of the Austrian Brain Tumour
In vivo Bedeutung der Hypoxie für
Telomerase und Telomere bei astrozytären
Tumoren WHO Grad II-IV
CD133 expression in response to hypoxia in
adult astrocytic brain tumors
Pfizer Inc
Sunitinib (SUTENT, SU11248) in Patients
with Recurrent or Progressive Glioblastoma
multiforme. An Academic Prospective
Single-arm Phase II Clinical Trial including
Translational Research Analyses
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Pathobiologische Grundlagen für die
medikamentöse Therapie von progredienten
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -31-
Analyse der klinischen Wertigkeit der
histologischen Zellproliferationsmarker MIB-1
und Topoisomerase II alpha bei
Ki-67 immunolabeling index is an accurate
predictor of outcome in patients with intracranial
Christine HABERLER**
Immunohistochemical analysis of INI1 protein in
malignant pediatric CNS tumors: lack of INI1 in
atypical teratoid/rhaboid tumors and in a fraction
of primitive neuroectodermal tumors without
rhabdoid phenotype
Christine HABERLER**
Histopathological prognostic factors in
medulloblastoma: high expression of survivin is
related to unfavourable outcome
Christine HABERLER**
Immunohistochemical analysis of plateletderived growth factor receptor-alpha, -beta, c-kit,
c-abl, and arg proteins in glioblastoma: possible
implications for patient selection for imatinib
mesylate therapy
Matthias PREUSSER**
Presence of D110 antigen expressing
immunocompetent cells in glioblastoma
associates with prolonged survival
Matthias PREUSSER**
Algorithm for the standardized assessment of
vascular patterns in glioblastoma specimens
Matthias PREUSSER**
Vascularization and expression of hypoxiarelated tissue factors in intracranial
ependymoma and their impact on patient
Matthias PREUSSER**
No prognostic impact of survivin expression in
Matthias PREUSSER**
DEC1 expression in 1p-aberrant oligodendroglial
Matthias PREUSSER**
Survivin expression in intracranial ependymomas
and its correlation with tumor cell proliferation
and patient outcome
Matthias PREUSSER**
Comparative analysis of NeuN immunoreactivity
in primary brain tumours: conclusions for rational
use in diagnostic histopathology
Matthias PREUSSER**
Histopathologic assessment of hot-spot
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -32-
microvessel density and vascular patterns in
glioblastoma: poor observer agreement limits
clinical utility as prognostic factors: a
translational research project of the European
Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer Brain Tumour Group
Matthias PREUSSER**
OLIG2 is a useful immunohistochemical marker
in differential diagnosis of clear cell primary CNS
Matthias PREUSSER**
Ki-67 index in intracranial ependymoma: a
promising histopathological candidate biomarker
Matthias PREUSSER**
(MGMT) immunohistochemistry in glioblastoma
multiforme: observer variability and lack of
association with patient survival impede its use
as clinical biomarker
Ellen GELPI**
Fluorescent in situ hybridization on isolated
tumor cell nuclei: a sensitive method for 1p and
19q deletion analysis in paraffin-embedded
oligodendroglial tumor specimens
Value and limits of immunohistochemistry in
differential diagnosis of clear cell primary brain
Peter BIRNER**
Expression of hypoxia-related tissue factors
correlates with diminished survival of adjuvantly
treated patients with chromosome 1p aberrant
oligodendroglial neoplasms and therapeutic
Peter BIRNER**
Vascular patterns in glioblastoma influence
clinical outcome and associate with variable
expression of angiogenic proteins: evidence for
distinct angiogenic subtypes
Cerebral cavernous malformations: congruency
of histopathological features with the current
clinical definition
*Supervision of doctoral thesis
**Supervision of research work and publication as peer-reviewed original paper, see list of
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -33-
115 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals (1992-2008), 3 book chapters, 20 invited
lectures (2003-2008)
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Preusser M, Janzer RC, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Hamou MF, Diserens AC, Stupp R,
Gorlia T, Marosi C, Heinzl H, Hainfellner JA, Hegi M. Anti-O6-methylguaninemethyltransferase (MGMT) immunohistochemistry in glioblastoma multiforme: observer
variability and lack of association with patient survival impede its use as clinical biomarker.
Brain Pathol 2008 (in press)
Preusser M, Heinzl H, Gelpi E, Höftberger R, Fischer I, Pipp I, Milenkovic I, Wöhrer A,
Popovici F, Wolfsberger S, Hainfellner JA. Ki-67 index in intracranial ependymoma: a
promising histopathological candidate biomarker. Histopathology 2008 (in press)
Preusser M, Budka H, Rossler K, Hainfellner JA: OLIG2 is a useful immunohistochemical
marker in differential diagnosis of clear cell primary CNS neoplasms. Histopathology
Haberler C, Slavc I, Czech T, Prayer D, Pirker C, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Malignant
predominantly minigemistocytic glioma in two infants: a distinctive glioma variant?
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2007;33:169-178.
Frischer JM, Pipp I, Stavrou I, Trattnig S, Hainfellner JA, Knosp E: Cerebral cavernous
malformations: congruency of histopathological features with the current clinical definition. J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007.
Preusser M, Laggner U, Haberler C, Heinzl H, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Comparative
analysis of NeuN immunoreactivity in primary brain tumours: conclusions for rational use in
diagnostic histopathology. Histopathology 2006;48:438-444.
Preusser M, Heinzl H, Gelpi E, Schonegger K, Haberler C, Birner P, Marosi C, Hegi M, Gorlia
T, Hainfellner JA: Histopathologic assessment of hot-spot microvessel density and vascular
patterns in glioblastoma: Poor observer agreement limits clinical utility as prognostic factors:
a translational research project of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer Brain Tumor Group. Cancer 2006;107:162-170.
Preusser M, Haberler C, Hainfellner JA: Malignant glioma: neuropathology and
neurobiology. Wien Med Wochenschr 2006;156:332-337.
Haberler C, Slavc I, Czech T, Gelpi E, Heinzl H, Budka H, Urban C, Scarpatetti M,
Ebetsberger-Dachs G, Schindler C, Jones N, Klein-Franke A, Maier H, Jauk B, Kiefer A,
Hainfellner JA: Histopathological prognostic factors in medulloblastoma: high expression of
survivin is related to unfavourable outcome. Eur J Cancer 2006;42:2996-3003.
Haberler C, Laggner U, Slavc I, Czech T, Ambros IM, Ambros PF, Budka H, Hainfellner JA:
Immunohistochemical analysis of INI1 protein in malignant pediatric CNS tumors: Lack of
INI1 in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and in a fraction of primitive neuroectodermal
tumors without rhabdoid phenotype. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30:1462-1468.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -34-
Haberler C, Gelpi E, Marosi C, Rossler K, Birner P, Budka H, Hainfellner JA:
Immunohistochemical analysis of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha, -beta, c-kit, cabl, and arg proteins in glioblastoma: possible implications for patient selection for imatinib
mesylate therapy. J Neurooncol 2006;76:105-109.
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Haberler C, Breitschopf H, Czech T, Slavc I, Harris AL, Acker T,
Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Vascularization and expression of hypoxia-related tissue factors in
intracranial ependymoma and their impact on patient survival. Acta Neuropathol
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Czech T, Slavc I, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Survivin expression
in intracranial ependymomas and its correlation with tumor cell proliferation and patient
outcome. Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:543-549.
Preusser M, Gelpi E, Matej R, Marosi C, Dieckmann K, Rossler K, Budka H, Hainfellner JA:
No prognostic impact of survivin expression in glioblastoma. Acta Neuropathol
Preusser M, Birner P, Ambros IM, Ambros PF, Budka H, Harris AL, Hainfellner JA: DEC1
expression in 1p-aberrant oligodendroglial neoplasms. Histol Histopathol 2005;20:11731177.
Gelpi E, Popovic M, Preusser M, Budka H, Hainfellner J: Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
with anaplastic features presenting without GFAP immunoreactivity: implications for
differential diagnosis. Neuropathology 2005;25:241-246.
Wolfsberger S, Fischer I, Hoftberger R, Birner P, Slavc I, Dieckmann K, Czech T, Budka H,
Hainfellner J: Ki-67 immunolabeling index is an accurate predictor of outcome in patients
with intracranial ependymoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2004;28:914-920.
Staudenherz A, Wolfsberger S, Killer M, Nasel C, Puig S, Marosi C, Leitha T, Hainfellner
JA: Microvessel density is not crucial for scintigraphic visualization of brain tumors using
99mTc-MIBI. Microvasc Res 2004;67:218-222.
Preusser M, Strobel T, Birner P, Marosi C, Dieckmann K, Rossler K, Budka H, Lassmann H,
Hainfellner JA: Presence of D110 antigen expressing immunocompetent cells in
glioblastoma associates with prolonged survival. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2004;30:608614.
Preusser M, Birner P, Hainfellner JA: Algorithm for the standardized assessment of vascular
patterns in glioblastoma specimens. Clin Neuropathol 2004;23:238-240.
Koperek O, Gelpi E, Birner P, Haberler C, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Value and limits of
immunohistochemistry in differential diagnosis of clear cell primary brain tumors. Acta
Neuropathol 2004;108:24-30.
Birner P, Preusser M, Gelpi E, Berger J, Gatterbauer B, Ambros IM, Ambros PF, Acker T,
Plate KH, Harris AL, Hainfellner JA: Expression of hypoxia-related tissue factors correlates
with diminished survival of adjuvantly treated patients with chromosome 1p aberrant
oligodendroglial neoplasms and therapeutic implications. Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:65676571.
Preusser M, Dietrich W, Czech T, Prayer D, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Rosette-forming
glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle. Acta Neuropathol 2003;106:506-508.
Gelpi E, Ambros IM, Birner P, Luegmayr A, Drlicek M, Fischer I, Kleinert R, Maier H, Huemer
M, Gatterbauer B, Anton J, Rossler K, Budka H, Ambros PF, Hainfellner JA: Fluorescent in
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -35-
situ hybridization on isolated tumor cell nuclei: a sensitive method for 1p and 19q deletion
analysis in paraffin-embedded oligodendroglial tumor specimens. Mod Pathol 2003;16:708715.
Birner P, Piribauer M, Fischer I, Gatterbauer B, Marosi C, Ambros PF, Ambros IM, Bredel M,
Oberhuber G, Rossler K, Budka H, Harris AL, Hainfellner JA: Vascular patterns in
glioblastoma influence clinical outcome and associate with variable expression of angiogenic
proteins: evidence for distinct angiogenic subtypes. Brain Pathol 2003;13:133-143.
Co-author manuscripts:
Murat A, Migliavacca E, Gorlia T, Lambiv WL, Shay T, Hamou MF, de-Tribolet N, Regli L,
Wick W, Kouwenhoven MCM, Hainfellner JA, Heppner FL, Dietrich PY, Zimmer Y,
Cairncross JG, Janzer RC, Domany E, Delorenzi M, Stupp R, Hegi ME. Stem cell-related
”self-renewal signature” and high EGFR expression associated with resistance to
concomitant chemo-radiotherapy in glioblastoma. J Clinc Oncol 2008 (in press)
Etzler J, Peyrl A, Zatkova A, Schildhaus HU, Ficek A, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Kratz, CP,
Attarbaschi A, Hainfellner JA, Yao S, Messiaen L, Slavc I, Wimmer K. RNA-based mutation
analysis identifies an unusual MSH6 splicing defect and circumvents PMS2 pseudogene
interference. Hum Mutat 2008;29:299-305
Roessler K, Gatterbauer B, Becherer A, Paul M, Kletter K, Prayer D, Hoeftberger R,
Hainfellner J, Asenbaum S, Knosp E: Surgical target selection in cerebral glioma surgery:
linking methionine (MET) PET image fusion and neuronavigation. Minim Invasive Neurosurg
Preusser M, Hoischen A, Novak K, Czech T, Prayer D, Hainfellner JA, Baumgartner C,
Woermann FG, Tuxhorn IE, Pannek HW, Bergmann M, Radlwimmer B, Villagran R, Weber
RG, Hans VH: Angiocentric glioma: report of clinico-pathologic and genetic findings in 8
cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2007;31:1709-1718.
Li JL, Sainson RC, Shi W, Leek R, Harrington LS, Preusser M, Biswas S, Turley H, Heikamp
E, Hainfellner JA, Harris AL: Delta-like 4 Notch ligand regulates tumor angiogenesis,
improves tumor vascular function, and promotes tumor growth in vivo. Cancer Res
Laggner U, Pipp I, Budka H, Hainfellner JA, Preusser M: Immunohistochemical detection of
class III beta-tubulin in primary brain tumours: variable expression in most tumour types
limits utility as a differential diagnostic marker. Histopathology 2007;50:949-952.
Kosulin K, Haberler C, Hainfellner JA, Amann G, Lang S, Lion T: Investigation of adenovirus
occurrence in pediatric tumor entities. J Virol 2007;81:7629-7635.
Mazal PR, Stichenwirth M, Gruber A, Sulzbacher I, Hainfellner JA: Tissue reactions induced
by different embolising agents in cerebral arteriovenous malformations: a histopathological
follow-up. Pathology 2006;38:28-32.
Kunz F, Shalaby T, Lang D, von Buren A, Hainfellner JA, Slavc I, Tabatabai G, Grotzer MA:
Quantitative mRNA expression analysis of neurotrophin-receptor TrkC and oncogene c-MYC
from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primitive neuroectodermal tumor samples.
Neuropathology 2006;26:393-399.
Hassler M, Seidl S, Fazeny-Doerner B, Preusser M, Hainfellner J, Rossler K, Prayer D,
Marosi C: Diversity of cytogenetic and pathohistologic profiles in glioblastoma. Cancer Genet
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -36-
Cytogenet 2006;166:46-55.
Schonegger K, Gelpi E, Prayer D, Dieckmann K, Matula C, Hassler M, Hainfellner JA,
Marosi C: Recurrent and metastatic clivus chordoma: systemic palliative therapy retards
disease progression. Anticancer Drugs 2005;16:1139-1143.
Hegi ME, Diserens AC, Gorlia T, Hamou MF, de Tribolet N, Weller M, Kros JM, Hainfellner
JA, Mason W, Mariani L, Bromberg JE, Hau P, Mirimanoff RO, Cairncross JG, Janzer RC,
Stupp R: MGMT gene silencing and benefit from temozolomide in glioblastoma. N Engl J
Med 2005;352:997-1003.
Wolfsberger S, Wunderer J, Zachenhofer I, Czech T, Bocher-Schwarz HG, Hainfellner J,
Knosp E: Expression of cell proliferation markers in pituitary adenomas--correlation and
clinical relevance of MIB-1 and anti-topoisomerase-IIalpha. Acta Neurochir (Wien)
Wolfsberger S, Kitz K, Wunderer J, Czech T, Boecher-Schwarz HG, Hainfellner JA, Knosp
E: Multiregional sampling reveals a homogenous distribution of Ki-67 proliferation rate in
pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2004;146:1323-1327; discussion 1327-1328.
Wolfsberger S, Forster MT, Donat M, Neubauer A, Buhler K, Wegenkittl R, Czech T,
Hainfellner JA, Knosp E: Virtual endoscopy is a useful device for training and preoperative
planning of transsphenoidal endoscopic pituitary surgery. Minim Invasive Neurosurg
Wolfsberger S, Doostkam S, Boecher-Schwarz HG, Roessler K, van Trotsenburg M,
Hainfellner JA, Knosp E: Progesterone-receptor index in meningiomas: correlation with
clinico-pathological parameters and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev 2004;27:238245.
Sikorska B, Hainfellner JA, Mori S, Bratosiewiczi J, Liberski PP, Budka H: Echigo-1: a
panencephalopathic strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. II. Ultrastructural studies in
hamsters. Folia Neuropathol 2004;42 Suppl B:167-175.
Preusser M, Gelpi E, Hainfellner JA, Budka H: Ten years of EC-funded concerted actions
on the neuropathology of prion disease: report on the final scientific meeting (31 October-2
November 2003, Baden near Vienna, Austria). Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2004;30:308-310.
Piribauer M, Czech T, Dieckmann K, Birner P, Hainfellner JA, Prayer D, Fazeny-Dorner B,
Weinlander G, Marosi C: Stabilization of a progressive hemangioblastoma under treatment
with thalidomide. J Neurooncol 2004;66:295-299.
Liberski PP, Hainfellner JA, Sikorska B, Mori S, Budka H: Echigo-1: a panencephalopathic
strain of creutzfeldt-jakob disease. I. neuropathological and immunohistochemical studies.
Folia Neuropathol 2004;42 Suppl B:161-166.
Fakhrai N, Neophytou P, Dieckmann K, Nemeth A, Prayer D, Hainfellner J, Marosi C:
Recurrent spinal ependymoma showing partial remission under Imatimib. Acta Neurochir
(Wien) 2004;146:1255-1258.
Fakhrai N, Czech T, Diekmann K, Fazeny-Dorner B, Birner P, Hainfellner JA, Prayer D,
Marosi C: Glioblastoma with spinal seeding. Strahlenther Onkol 2004;180:455-457.
Slavc I, Schuller E, Falger J, Gunes M, Pillwein K, Czech T, Dietrich W, Rossler K,
Dieckmann K, Prayer D, Hainfellner J: Feasibility of long-term intraventricular therapy with
mafosfamide (n = 26) and etoposide (n = 11): experience in 26 children with disseminated
malignant brain tumors. J Neurooncol 2003;64:239-247.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -37-
Piribauer M, Fazeny-Dorner B, Rossler K, Ungersbock K, Czech T, Killer M, Dieckmann K,
Birner P, Prayer D, Hainfellner J, Muhm M, Marosi C: Feasibility and toxicity of CCNU
therapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Anticancer Drugs 2003;14:137-143.
Jarius C, Kovacs GG, Belay G, Hainfellner JA, Mitrova E, Budka H: Distinctive cerebellar
immunoreactivity for the prion protein in familial (E200K) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Acta
Neuropathol 2003;105:449-454.
Fazeny-Dorner B, Veitl M, Wenzel C, Rossler K, Ungersbock K, Dieckmann K, Piribauer M,
Hainfellner J, Marosi C: Survival with dacarbazine and fotemustine in newly diagnosed
glioblastoma multiforme. Br J Cancer 2003;88:496-501.
Bachtiary B, Schindl M, Potter R, Dreier B, Knocke TH, Hainfellner JA, Horvat R, Birner P:
Overexpression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha indicates diminished response to
radiotherapy and unfavorable prognosis in patients receiving radical radiotherapy for cervical
cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2003;9:2234-2240.
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
9th European congress of Neuropathology. Symposium “Controversies in brain tumours,
WHO classification and use of molecular diagnostics”. May 8-10, 2008, Athens, Greece
Arbeitsgruppe für neurochirurgische Onkologie (ANCO) der österreichischen Gesellschaft für
Neurochirurgie, Fortbildung 2008: State of the Art “Meningiome”. 13. März 2008, Kirchberg in
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), brain tumour group
meeting: Identification of priority projects - “Methylation-specific-PCR for analysis of MGMT
promoter methylation status in routinely processed neurosurgical specimens: can it be used
for diagnostic purposes?” February 21, 2008, Bologna, Italy
6. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. Minisymposium
“Molekular zielgerichtete Therapien bei malignen Gliomen. 8. Februar 2008, Innsbruck.
Seminar am Universitätsklinikum Aachen: “Biomarker und Therapie in der Neuroonkologie:
Schritte in der Translation prädiktiver Biomarker. 18. Juni 2007, Aachen, Deutschland
Herbsttagung 2007 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft Pathologie und Österreichische
Division der IAP. Diagnostische Molekularpathologie - “Neuroonkologie” 19. Oktober 2007,
Bad Ischl
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), brain tumour group
meeting. “Neuropathology perspective: summary of past and current trials” September 23,
2007, Barcelona, Spain
14. ANCO Fortbildungsseminar “Tumore des Ventrikelsystems und der Mittellinie”. 16. März
2007, Bad Aussee
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), brain tumour group
meeting. Symposium “Pathology of Brain Tumours” February 8, 2007, Brussels, Belgium
7. Neuroonkologisches Update 2007, organisiert von der neuroonkologischen Arbeitsgruppe
an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck: “Neuropathologische und molekulare Diagnostik
von niedriggradigen Gliomen: welche molekulare Signatur niedriggradiger Gliome neigt zu
hochgradigen Gliomen?” 19. Jänner 2007, Salzburg
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -38-
7th meeting of the European Association for Neurooncology (EANO) 2006: “Molecular biology
of brain tumours” September 14, 2006, Vienna
Eli Lilly Steering Meeting: The study and evaluation of enzastaurin in recurrent glioblastoma
“Glioblastoma and Neoangiogenesis” April 6, 2006, Vienna
Synthes Symposium. Osteosynthesis and bone management in cranial Neurosurgery
“Histological considerations of the cranial bone” June 8, 2006, Vienna
Workshop des Exzellenzzentrums Telemedizin der Medizinischen Universität Wien
“Teleneuropathologie MUW – PMU Salzburg – ein Erfahrungsbericht” 23. Juni 2006, Wien
8th European Congress of Neuropathology, organised by the European Confederation of
Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS). Symposium “Brain Tumours – Microenvironment
Interactions”. June 28, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands
ANCO Symposium Niedriggradige Gliome “Epidemiologie und Neuropathologie”. 11.
November 2005, Wien
12. Dreiländertagung für Zytologie “ZNS Zytologie”. 9. September 2005, Wien
20th European Congress of Pathology Symposium “New Entities and new molecular
approaches in brain tumour classification” September 8, 2005, Paris
Budapest Spring Neuropathology Conference 2004. “The Austrian Neurooncology Network”.
May 6, 2004, Budapest, Hungary
Austrian Neuroscience Winter Meeting “Experimentelle Ansätze beim Glioblastom” 24. März
2003, Kitzbühel
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -39-
Thesis project topic:
Clinical and translational neurodegenerative disease biomarker research
Project supervisor:
KOVACS, Gabor, G.
Institute of Neurology; [email protected] ;
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: to assess and to test clinical usability of new laboratory methods and candidate
biomarkers in different neurodegenerative diseases, as basis for optimized therapy
Techniques: histological techniques, immunohistochemistry, ELISA; morphometry, insitu hybridization, PCR, statistical analysis
Approach: To examine systematically with different methods in the same anatomical
areas from each patient different markers of neuronal vulnerability (at system, cell,
and protein levels such as neurotransmitters with clinical relation; protein-components
of pathological deposits; neuronal death, furthermore, alterations in synapses and
dendrites). By comparison of different markers, we will evaluate which combination is
mostly congruent with the clinical syndrome and thus may be used as a biomarker
Deliverables: Clarification of clinical relevance of new combinations of biomarkers,
clarification of clinical usability of new laboratory techniques
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience. In particular, students get a sound basis for an academic career
in the field of neurodegenerative disease diagnosis.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialised in: neuropathology,
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -40-
Curriculum Vitae
KOVACS, Gabor G., MD, PhD
Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Kecskemet, Hungary
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neuropathology
(accepted in Austria)
PhD in Neuroscience (Semmelweis University, Budapest,
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neurology
(accepted in Austria)
Medical Doctor Degree at Semmelweis University of
Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
A-levels, Kecskemet, Hungary
Career History
2007 August-
Consultant (Oberarzt) in Neuropathology, Institute of
Neurology, University of Vienna
2004 April-2007 July
Institute Director, National Institute of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Department of Neuropathology, Hungarian
Reference centre for Human Prion diseases
2003 January- 2004 April
Consultant (Oberarzt) in Neuropathology, National Institute
of Psychiatry and Neurology, Laboratory of
Neuropathology, Consultant
Resident in Neuropathology, Institute of Neurology,
University of Vienna
Clinical doctor in the Department of Neurology,
Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -41-
Erste Bank Preis (Vienna)
Gedeon Richter research prize (Budapest)
Austrian Society of Neuropathology
European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS)
International Society of Neuropathology (ISN)
Founding member of the Hungarian Neuropathological Society; currently: secretary
Hungarian Society of Neurology and Psychiatry
Founding member of the Hungarian Parkinson Disease Society
Hungarian Society of Neurogenetics
Editorial board member
Acta Neuropathologica, Central European Journal of Medicine
Peer Reviewer: Acta Neurol Scand, Am J Pathology, Brain, BMC Infect Dis, Eur J
Neurology, Eur J Neurosci, Pathology Oncology Research, Neurology, Neuroscience
Letters, Bioessays, Neurobiology of Disease, Clin Neurosci
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
Neuroscreen project for the establishment of
Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative diseases
BrainNet II Network of Excellence
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Csaba ADORI*
Ubiquitine-protesome system in
neurodegeneration (PhD thesis: Eötvös University
of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
Matthias PREUSSER**
Evaluation of TPPP/p25 expression in brain
Csaba ADORI**
Evaluation of subcellular distribution of
components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system
in non-diseased human and rat brain.
Csaba ADORI**
Evaluation of serotonergic axons and molecular
chaperones after a single dose of MDMA
administration in Dark Agouti rats.
Csaba ADORI**
Evaluation of subcellular distribution of
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -42-
components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system
in non-diseased human and rat brain.
Christa JARIUS**
Evaluation of prion protein immunoreactivity in
familial (E200K) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
*Supervision of doctoral thesis
**Supervision of research work and publication as peer-reviewed original paper, see list of
Scientific Oeuvre (as of 1 April 2008):
49 original articles in English; 1 in German, 11 in Hungarian language. 3 book chapters; 32
abstracts in periodicals.
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Kovacs GG, Budka H. Prion diseases: from protein to cell pathology. Am J Pathol.
Kovacs GG, Pittman A, Revesz T, Luk C, Lees A, Kiss E, Tariska P, Laszlo L,
Molnár K, Molnar MJ, Tolnay M, de Silva R. MAPT S305I mutation: implications for
argyrophilic grain disease. Acta Neuropathol. 2007 Dec 8; [Epub ahead of print]
Kovacs GG, Gelpi E, Ströbel T, Ricken G, Nyengaard JR, Bernheimer H, Budka H.
Involvement of the endosomal-lysosomal system correlates with regional pathology
in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2007;66(7):628-36.
Kovacs GG, Andó RD, Adori C, Kirilly E, Benedek A, Palkovits M, Bagdy G.
Single dose of MDMA causes extensive decrement of serotoninergic fibre density
without blockage of the fast axonal transport in Dark Agouti rat brain and spinal
cord. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2007;33(2):193-203.
5: Preusser M, Lehotzky A, Budka H, Ovádi J, Kovacs GG.
TPPP/p25 in brain tumours: expression in non-neoplastic oligodendrocytes but not
in oligodendroglioma cells. Acta Neuropathol. 2007;113(2):213-5.
Kovacs GG, Gelpi E, Lehotzky A, Höftberger R, Erdei A, Budka H, Ovádi J. The brainspecific protein TPPP/p25 in pathological protein deposits of neurodegenerative diseases.
Acta Neuropathol. 2007;113(2):153-61.
Kovacs GG, Majtényi K. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Hungary. Folia Neuropathol.
2005;43(4):279-85. Review.
Kovacs GG, László L, Bakos A, Minárovits J, Bishop MT, Ströbel T, Vajna B,
Mitrova E, Majtényi K. Increased incidence of genetic human prion disease in Hungary.
Neurology. 2005;65(10):1666-9.
Kovacs GG, Puopolo M, Ladogana A, Pocchiari M, Budka H, van Duijn C, Collins
SJ, Boyd A, Giulivi A, Coulthart M, Delasnerie-Laupretre N, Brandel JP, Zerr I,
Kretzschmar HA, de Pedro-Cuesta J, Calero-Lara M, Glatzel M, Aguzzi A, Bishop M,
Knight R, Belay G, Will R, Mitrova E; EUROCJD. Genetic prion disease: the EUROCJD
experience. Hum Genet. 2005;118(2):166-74.
Adori C, Low P, Moszkovkin G, Bagdy G, László L, Kovacs GG. Subcellular distribution of
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -43-
components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in non-diseased human and rat brain.
J Histochem Cytochem. 2006;54(2):263-7.
Kovacs GG, Preusser M, Strohschneider M, Budka H. Subcellular localization of diseaseassociated prion protein in the human brain. Am J Pathol. 2005;166(1):287-94.
Kovacs GG, Höftberger R, Majtényi K, Horváth R, Barsi P, Komoly S, Lassmann
H, Budka H, Jakab G. Neuropathology of white matter disease in Leber's hereditary optic
neuropathy. Brain. 2005;128(Pt 1):35-41.
Kovacs GG, Kalev O, Gelpi E, Haberler C, Wanschitz J, Strohschneider M,
Molnár MJ, László L, Budka H. The prion protein in human neuromuscular diseases.
J Pathol. 2004;204(3):241-7.
Kovacs GG, László L, Kovács J, Jensen PH, Lindersson E, Botond G, Molnár T,
Perczel A, Hudecz F, Mezo G, Erdei A, Tirián L, Lehotzky A, Gelpi E, Budka H,
Ovádi J. Natively unfolded tubulin polymerization promoting protein TPPP/p25 is a common
marker of alpha-synucleinopathies. Neurobiol Dis. 2004;17(2):155-62.
Kovacs GG, Kalev O, Budka H. Contribution of neuropathology to the understanding of
human prion disease. Folia Neuropathol. 2004;42 Suppl A:69-76. Review.
Kovacs GG, Voigtländer T, Gelpi E, Budka H. Rationale for diagnosing human prion
disease. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2004 Apr;5(2):83-91. Review.
Kovacs GG, Gasque P, Ströbel T, Lindeck-Pozza E, Strohschneider M, Ironside
JW, Budka H, Guentchev M. Complement activation in human prion disease.
Neurobiol Dis. 2004;15(1):21-8.
Kovacs GG, Lindeck-Pozza E, Chimelli L, Araújo AQ, Gabbai AA, Ströbel T,
Glatzel M, Aguzzi A, Budka H. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and inclusion body myositis:
abundant disease-associated prion protein in muscle. Ann Neurol. 2004;55(1):121-5.
Kovacs GG, Flicker H, Budka H. Immunostaining for ubiquitin: efficient pretreatment.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2003;29(2):174-7.
PMID: 12662325 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Kovacs GG, Klöppel S, Fischer I, Dorner S, Lindeck-Pozza E, Birner P, Bötefür
IC, Pilz P, Volk B, Budka H. Nucleus-specific alteration of raphe neurons in human
neurodegenerative disorders. Neuroreport. 2003;14(1):73-6.
Kovacs GG, Trabattoni G, Hainfellner JA, Ironside JW, Knight RS, Budka H.
Mutations of the prion protein gene phenotypic spectrum. J Neurol. 2002;249(11):1567-82.
Kovacs GG, Zerbi P, Voigtländer T, Strohschneider M, Trabattoni G, Hainfellner JA, Budka
H. The prion protein in human neurodegenerative disorders. Neurosci Lett. 2002;329(3):26972.
Co-author manuscripts:
Alafuzoff I, Arzberger T, Al-Sarraj S, Bodi I, Bogdanovic N, Braak H, Bugiani
O, Del-Tredici K, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Giaccone G, Graeber MB, Ince P, Kamphorst W,
King A, Korkolopoulou P, Kovacs GG, Larionov S, Meyronet D, Monoranu C, Parchi P,
Patsouris E, Roggendorf W, Seilhean D, Tagliavini F, Stadelmann C,
Streichenberger N, Thal DR, Wharton SB, Kretzschmar H. Staging of Neurofibrillary
Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease: A Study of the BrainNet Europe Consortium.
Brain Pathol. 2008 Mar 26; [Epub ahead of print]
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -44-
Bell JE, Alafuzoff I, Al-Sarraj S, Arzberger T, Bogdanovic N, Budka H, Dexter
DT, Falkai P, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Gentleman SM, Giaccone G, Huitinga I, Ironside
JW, Klioueva N, Kovacs GG, Meyronet D, Palkovits M, Parchi P, Patsouris E,
Reynolds R, Riederer P, Roggendorf W, Seilhean D, Schmitt A, Schmitz P,
Streichenberger N, Schwalber A, Kretzschmar H. Management of a twenty-first century
brain bank: experience in the BrainNet Europe consortium. Acta Neuropathol.
Alafuzoff I, Pikkarainen M, Arzberger T, Thal DR, Al-Sarraj S, Bell J, Bodi I,
Budka H, Capetillo-Zarate E, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Gentleman S, Giaccone G,
Kavantzas N, King A, Korkolopoulou P, Kovacs GG, Meyronet D, Monoranu C, Parchi
P, Patsouris E, Roggendorf W, Stadelmann C, Streichenberger N, Tagliavini F,
Kretzschmar H. Inter-laboratory comparison of neuropathological assessments of betaamyloid protein: a study of the BrainNet Europe consortium. Acta Neuropathol.
Anisman H, Du L, Palkovits M, Faludi G, Kovacs GG, Szontagh-Kishazi P, Merali
Z, Poulter MO. Serotonin receptor subtype and p11 mRNA expression in stress-relevant
brain regions of suicide and control subjects. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2008;33(2):131-41.
Alafuzoff I, Parkkinen L, Al-Sarraj S, Arzberger T, Bell J, Bodi I, Bogdanovic
N, Budka H, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Gentleman S, Giaccone G, Kamphorst W, King A,
Korkolopoulou P, Kovacs GG, Larionov S, Meyronet D, Monoranu C, Morris J, Parchi
P, Patsouris E, Roggendorf W, Seilhean D, Streichenberger N, Thal DR, Kretzschmar
H; BrainNet Europe Consortium. Assessment of alpha-synuclein pathology: a study of the
BrainNet Europe Consortium. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2008;67(2):125-43.
Horvath MC, Kovacs GG, Kovari V, Majtenyi K, Hurd YL, Keller E.
Heroin abuse is characterized by discrete mesolimbic dopamine and opioid
abnormalities and exaggerated nuclear receptor-related 1 transcriptional decline
with age. J Neurosci. 2007;27(49):13371-5.
Aschermann Z, Gomori E, Kovacs GG, Pal E, Simon G, Komoly S, Marodi L, Illes
Z. X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome associated with a rapid course of multifocal
leukoencephalopathy. Arch Neurol. 2007;64(2):273-6.
Schmitt A, Bauer M, Heinsen H, Feiden W; Consortium of Brainnet Europe II,
Falkai P, Alafuzoff I, Arzberger T, Al-Sarraj S, Bell JE, Bogdanovic N, Brück W,
Budka H, Ferrer I, Giaccone G, Kovacs GG, Meyronet D, Palkovits M, Parchi P,
Patsouris E, Ravid R, Reynolds R, Riederer P, Roggendorf W, Schwalber A, Seilhean
D, Kretzschmar H. How a neuropsychiatric brain bank should be run: a consensus paper of
Brainnet Europe II. J Neural Transm. 2007;114(5):527-37.
Oláh J, Tokési N, Vincze O, Horváth I, Lehotzky A, Erdei A, Szájli E, Medzihradszky KF,
Orosz F, Kovacs GG, Ovádi J. Interaction of TPPP/p25 protein with glyceraldehyde-3phosphate dehydrogenase and their co-localization in Lewy bodies. FEBS Lett.
Alafuzoff I, Pikkarainen M, Al-Sarraj S, Arzberger T, Bell J, Bodi I, Bogdanovic N, Budka H,
Bugiani O, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Giaccone G, Graeber MB, Hauw JJ, Kamphorst W, King A,
Kopp N, Korkolopoulou P, Kovacs GG, Meyronet D, Parchi P, Patsouris E, Preusser M,
Ravid R, Roggendorf W, Seilhean D, Streichenberger N, Thal DR, Kretzschmar H.
Interlaboratory comparison of assessments of Alzheimer disease-related lesions: a
study of the BrainNet Europe Consortium. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2006;65(8):740-57.
Illes Z, Vincent A, Kovacs GG, Merkli H, Tordai A, Komoly S, Nagy F.
Acquired neuromyotonia precipitated by thyroid surgery and associated with
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -45-
antiacetylcholine receptor antibodies. Eur Neurol. 2006;55(4):222-4.
Adori C, Andó RD, Kovacs GG, Bagdy G. Damage of serotonergic axons and
immunolocalization of Hsp27, Hsp72, and Hsp90 molecular chaperones after a single dose
of MDMA administration in Dark Agouti rat: temporal, spatial, and cellular patterns.
J Comp Neurol. 2006;497(2):251-69.
Víg J, Takács J, Abrahám H, Kovacs GG, Hámori J. Calretinin-immunoreactive unipolar
brush cells in the developing human cerebellum. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2005;23(8):723-9.
Gelpi E, Kovacs GG, Ströbel T, Koperek O, Voigtländer T, Liberski PP, Budka
H. Prion disease with a 144 base pair insertion: unusual cerebellar prion protein
immunoreactivity. Acta Neuropathol. 2005;110(5):513-9.
Adori C, Kovacs GG, Low P, Molnár K, Gorbea C, Fellinger E, Budka H, Mayer
RJ, László L. The ubiquitin-proteasome system in Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Alzheimer disease:
intracellular redistribution of components correlates with neuronal vulnerability.Neurobiol Dis.
Orosz F, Kovacs GG, Lehotzky A, Oláh J, Vincze O, Ovádi J. TPPP/p25: from unfolded
protein to misfolding disease: prediction and experiments. Biol Cell. 2004;96(9):701-11.
Kawamoto Y, Akiguchi I, Kovacs GG, Flicker H, Budka H. Increased 14-3-3
immunoreactivity in glial elements in patients with multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol.
Jarius C, Kovacs GG, Belay G, Hainfellner JA, Mitrova E, Budka H. Distinctive cerebellar
immunoreactivity for the prion protein in familial (E200K) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Acta
Neuropathol. 2003;105(5):449-54.
Invited Lectures in English (Hungarian lectures not shown):
Kovacs GG. Genetic prion disease in Hungary. EU SEEC meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia,
Sept, 2003.
Kovacs GG. Neuropathology of human prion disease. 31st Congress of the European
Association of Geriatric Psychiatry Wroclaw; Poland; Sept, 2003.
Kovacs GG. Pathogenesis of human prion disease: a neuropathological approach Joint
Meeting of the Austrian; Czech; Slovakian and Hungarian Societes of Pathologists;
Eisenstadt Austria; Nov, 2004.
Kovacs GG. Prion diseases. II Congress of the Cognitive Neurology DE-II-MENTIA;
Pardubice, Tczech Rep. May, 2005
Kovacs GG. Molecular pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. X. Hungarian and
International Conference on Alzheimer-disease, Szeged, Hungary, September, 2006.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -46-
Thesis project topic:
Multimodal neuroimaging in vivo using molecular and functional methods
(PET, fMRI, phMRI, morphometry/VBM, imaging genetics)
Project supervisor:
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Clinical Division of Biological Psychiatry
[email protected],
Brief description of the field of research:
Methods: Molecular and Functional Neuroimaging in vivo techniques are promising
new tools in research and diagnostics of psychiatric and neurological disorders as well
in clinical neuroscience and neuroncology. Positron emission tomography (PET) and
Single photon emission tomography (SPECT) are used to quantify neurotransmitter
transporters, receptor subtypes, enzymes and other proteins in the human brain in
vivo. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) for the
(indirect) measurement of neural activation are important techniques. By combining
molecular and functional imaging, it is possible to investigate the relation between
neurochemical, structural and functional alterations in psychiatric and neurological
disorders. Multimodal imaging approaches using pharmacological MRI (phMRI) and
PET are advanced methods in psychopharmacology to evaluate the effects of drugs in
the brain of healthy subjects and patients.
Aim: There is a focus on the serotonergic and dopaminergic system in psychiatric
disorders including depression and anxiety disorders. Molecular and functional
alterations in patients will be quantified and topologically analysed. In addition, using
a multimodal approach, the effects of psychopharmacological treatment on brain
function, neurochemical patterns and structure will be investigated.
Benefits for the future career of students:
The profound knowledge in different neuroimaging in vivo methods provided by this
programme might be an important support for professionals in psychiatry, neurology,
radiology, nuclear medicine, and can be used in diagnostics as well in brain research.
Professional and scientific network of Rupert Lanzenberger
Details about partners, cooperations, memberships, projects and conference
contributions can be found:
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -47-
Curriculum Vitae
Rupert Lanzenberger, MD
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Clinical Division of Biological
Psychiatry, Medical University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
December 22, 1964
Place of Birth:
Scheibbs, Niederösterreich
2005 – 2008
Doctoral Program (Dr.rer.nat.), Faculty of
Psychology, University of Vienna (Supervisor:
2003 – 2004
Ph.D.Program, University of Liechtenstein
(Supervisor: Prof.Dr.G.Guttmann).
Medical Doctor Degree, Medical University of Vienna
Career History
2005 – present
Head, Functional Neuroimaging Group – PET & fMRI
at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
MUW. Focused on translational, molecular and
multimodal neuroimaging including PET/µPET,
2004 – 2005
Postdoctoral research fellow, Neuroimaging Group
(Head: Prof.Dr.J.Tauscher) at the Clinical Division of
General Psychiatry (Head: Prof.Dr.DDr.hc.S.Kasper)
1999 – 2003
Postdoctoral research fellow, Neuroimaging Group
(Head: Prof.Dr.R.Beisteiner) at the Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute f. Functional Brain Topography
(Head: Prof.Dr.L.Deecke), Department of Neurology
(Head: Prof.Dr.E.Auff), and Study Group Clinical
fMRI at the Departments of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Radiology, MUW. Comparative
Neuroimaging using fMRI, MEG, EEG and intraoperative cortical stimulation in clinical applications.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -48-
Career-related Activities
2006 – present
Brain Imaging Task Force, World Federation of
Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP).
2000 – present
Frequent speaker and chair on national and
international conferences and meetings.
2004 – present
Referee for peer reviewed journals dedicated to
neuroimaging, neuroscience and psychiatry.
ÖGPB Research Award in Clinical Psychiatry 2006,
Austrian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology and
Biological Psychiatry
Theodor Körner Award, Austria
Prize for the Promotion of Science and Arts
2001 – 2007
Several Travel Awards:
NIH/HBM 2001, NIH 2002, ECNP 2006, ÖGPB 2007
2008 – present
European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNO)
2007 – present
Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA)
2006 – present
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP)
2006 – present
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin (ÖGN)
2005 – present
Österreichische Gesellschaft funkt. MR Tomographie (ÖGfMRT)
2005 – present
Österr. Gesellschaft f. Neuropsychopharmakol. u. Biolog.
Psychiatrie (ÖGPB)
1999 – present
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OBHM)
2001 – 2002
International Society Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
1997 – 2001
Association of Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
2005 –
A multimodal study combining fMRI
and PET to investigate serotonergic
modulation of limbic excitability in
patients with anxiety disorders.
Influence of steroid hormones on the
2006 –
Wissenschaftl. Fonds des serotonergic system in anxiety
Bürgermeisters der
Bundeshauptstadt Wien
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -49-
2007 –
H. Lundbeck A/S,
Longitudinal imaging of serotonin
Danmark (S. Kasper)
transporter occupancy using PET
and [11C]DASB in patients with
major depression treated with
escitalopram or citalopram.
Dr.rer.nat.,, Dr. techn., PhD supervisions/support in last 6 years
(2003 – 2008)
Name of student
2006 –
2006 –
Patrycja STEIN*
2006 –
Florian GERSTL*
Mag. Leonhard-Key
2004 –
Florian GERSTL**
Patrycja STEIN**
Treatment Effects of Escitalopram on the 5HT1A Receptor Binding Potential - A PET
study in patients suffering from anxiety
Sex differences in the serotonin-1A
receptor distribution of the human brain
measured by positron emission tomography
Comparison of serotonin1A receptor
distribution and functional activation in the
visual cortex - A multimodal neuroimaging
study combining quantitative molecular and
high field functional magnetic resonance
imaging in vivo.
About the radiosynthesis and preclinical
evaluation of innovative PET-tracers
labelled with fluorine-18 and carbon-11 for
Effects of progesterone and estradiol on the
human serotonergic neurotransmission - An
investigation of 5-HT1A receptor
distribution using PET and [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635.
Multimodal imaging of human early visual
cortex by combining functional and
molecular measurements with fMRI and
Neuroimage 2008 Mar 6 [Epub ahead of
print]; [IF: 5.56]
Influence of escitalopram treatment on 5HT1A receptor binding in limbic regions in
patients with anxiety disorders.
Molecular Psychiatry 2008 Mar 25 [Epub
ahead of print]; [2006, IF: 11.80]
The serotonin-1A receptor distribution in
healthy men and women measured by PET
and [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging 2008 [Epub ahead of
print]; [2006, IF: 4.04], in press
*Supervision and/or support of doctoral and diploma theses
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -50-
**Supervision of research work and publications as peer-reviewed original paper,
see list of publications
25 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals (2000-2008), 42 invited
lectures (2001-2006).
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original
research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Gerstl F, Windischberger C, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Holik A, Kletter K, Moser
E, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R.
Multimodal imaging of human early visual cortex by combining functional and
molecular measurements with fMRI and PET.
Neuroimage 2008 Mar 6 [Epub ahead of print]; [IF: 5.56]
Spindelegger C*, Lanzenberger R*, Wadsak W, Mien LK, Stein P, Mitterhauser
M, Moser U, Holik A, Pezawas L, Kletter K, Kasper S. (*contributed equally).
Influence of escitalopram treatment on 5-HT1A receptor binding in limbic regions
in patients with anxiety disorders.
Molecular Psychiatry 2008 Mar 25 [Epub ahead of print]; [2006, IF: 11.80]
Stein P, Savli M, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Fink M, Spindelegger C, Mien LK,
Moser U., Dudczak R, Kletter K, Kasper S., Lanzenberger R.
The serotonin-1A receptor distribution in healthy men and women measured by
PET and [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2008 [Epub
ahead of print]; [2006, IF: 4.04], in press
Lanzenberger R, Mitterhauser M, Spindelegger C, Wadsak W, Klein N, Mien LK,
Holik A, Attarbaschi T, Mossaheb N, Sacher J, Geiss-Granadia T, Kletter K,
Kasper S, Tauscher J.
Reduced serotonin-1A receptor binding in social anxiety disorder.
Biological Psychiatry 2007 May 1;61(9):1081-9. [2006, IF: 7.15]
Lanzenberger R, Kasper S.
NeuroImaging bei schizophrenen Erkrankungen [Neuroimaging in schizophrenia].
Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2005 Nov;73 Suppl 1:51-9 [2006, IF: 0.55]
Lanzenberger R, Wiest G, Geissler A, Barth M, Bruck J, Ringl H, Wöber C,
Gartus A, Baumgartner C, Beisteiner R.
FMRI reveals functional cortex in cases of inconclusive Wada testing.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2005 Feb; 107(2):147-151 [2006, IF:
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -51-
Co-author manuscripts:
Kasess C, Windischberger C, Cunnington R, Lanzenberger R, Pezawas L, Moser
The suppressive influence of SMA on M1 in motor imagery revealed by fMRI
and Dynamic Causal Modeling.
Neuroimage 2008; 40: 828-837 [2006, IF: 5.56]
Riederer F, Lanzenberger R, Kaya M, Prayer D, Serles W, Baumgartner C.
Network Atrophy in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy – A Voxel-based Morphometry (VBM)
Neurology 2008 [2006, IF: 5.69], in press.
Wadsak W, Mien LK, Shanab K, Ettlinger DE, Haeusler D, Sindelar K,
Lanzenberger R, Spreitzer H, Viernstein H, Keppler BK, Dudczak R, Kletter K,
Mitterhauser M.
Preparation and first evaluation of [18F]FE@SUPPY: a new PET-Tracer for the
Adenosine A3 Receptor.
Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2008; 35:61-66 [2006, IF 2.12]
Windischberger W, Cunnington R, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R, Langenberger H,
Deecke L, Bauer H, Moser E.
Time-resolved Analysis of fMRI signal changes using Brain Activation Movies.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2007 Dec 14 [2006, IF: 2.24]
Mitterhauser M, Toegel S, Wadsak W, Lanzenberger R, Mien LK, Kuntner C,
Wanek T, Harald Eidherr H, Ettlinger DE, Viernstein H, Kluger R, Dudczak R,
Kletter K.
Pre vivo, ex vivo and in vivo evaluations of [68Ga]-EDTMP.
Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2007 May;34(4):391-397 [2006, IF 2.12]
Klein N, Sacher J, Geiss-Granadia T, Mossaheb N, Attarbaschi T, Lanzenberger
R, Spindelegger C, Holik A, Asenbaum S, Dudczak R, Tauscher J, Kasper S.
Higher serotonin transporter occupancy after multiple dose administration of
escitalopram compared to citalopram: an [123I]ADAM SPECT study.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 Jan 19 [2006, IF: 3.62]
Attarbaschi T, Sacher J, Geiss-Granadia T, Klein N, Mossaheb N, Wiesegger G,
Lanzenberger R, Asenbaum S, Dudczak R, Doby D, Kasper S, Tauscher J.
Striatal D2 receptor occupancy in bipolar patients treated with olanzapine.
European Neuropsychopharmacology 2007 Feb;17(2):102-7. [IF: 3.79]
Wadsak W, Mien LK, Ettlinger DE, Feitscher S, Lanzenberger R, Marton J,
Dudczak R, Kletter K, Mitterhauser M.
Preparation and radiosynthesis of [18F]FE@CFN (2-[18F]fluoroethyl 4-[N-(1oxopropyl)-N-phenylamino]-1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinecarboxylate): a
potential µ- opioid receptor imaging agent.
Radiochimica Acta 2007, 95, 33-38 [2005, IF 1.07]
Wadsak W, Mien LK, Ettlinger DE, Lanzenberger R, Haeusler D, Dudczak R, Klett
Mitterhauser M.
Simple and fully automated preparation of [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -52-
Radiochimica Acta 2007, 95, 1-6 [2005, IF: 1.07]
Bauer M, Langer O, Dal-Bianco P, Karch R, Brunner M, Aiman A, Lanzenberger
R, Hofmann A, Joukhadar C, Carminati P, Ghirardi O, Piovesan P, Forloni G,
Corrado M, Lods N, Dudczak R, Auff E, Kletter K, Müller M.
A positron emission tomography microdosing study with a potential antiamyloid
drug in healthy volunteers and Alzheimer’s disease patients
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2006 Sep;80(3):216-227. [2006,
IF: 8.07]
Klein N, Sacher J, Geiss-Granadia T, Attarbaschi T, Mossaheb N, Lanzenberger
R, Pötzi C, Holik A, Spindelegger C, Asenbaum S, Dudczak R, Tauscher J, Kasper
In vivo imaging of serotonin transporter occupancy by means of SPECT and
[123I]ADAM in healthy volunteers treated different doses of escitalopram or
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2006 Oct;188(3):263-72; [2006, IF: 3.62]
Sacher J, Asenbaum S, Klein N, Geiss-Granadia T, Mossaheb N, Poetzi C,
Attarbaschi T, Lanzenberger R, Spindelegger C, Rabas A, Heinze G, Dudczak R,
Kasper S, Tauscher J.
Binding kinetics of 123 I[ADAM] in healthy controls: a selective SERT radioligand.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2006 Feb 17;1-8 [2006, IF: 5.18]
Robinson S, Hoheisel B, Windischberger C, Habel U, Lanzenberger R, Moser E
FMRI of the emotions: towards an improved understanding of amygdala function.
Current Medical Image Review (CMIR) 2005; Vol. 1(2): 115-129
Roessler K, Donat M, Lanzenberger R, Novak K, Geissler A, Gartus A, Tahamtan
AR, Milakara D, Czech T, Barth M, Knosp E, Beisteiner R.
Evaluation of preoperative high field motor functional- MRI (3 Tesla) in glioma
patients by navigated electrocortical stimulation and postoperative outcome.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (JNNP) 2005 Aug;76(8):1152-7 [IF: 3.63]
Geissler A, Lanzenberger R, Barth M, Tahamtan A, Milakara D, Gartus A,
Beisteiner, R.
Influence of fMRI smoothing procedures on replicability of fine scale motor
NeuroImage 2005 Jan; 24(2): 323-331 [2006, IF: 5.56]
Beisteiner R, Gartus A, Erdler M, Mayer D, Lanzenberger R, Deecke L.
Magnetoencephalography indicates finger motor somatotopy.
Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Jan; 19(2): 465-72. [2006, IF: 3.71]
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
XXVI CINP Congress – 50th Anniversary of CINP (Collegium Internationale of
Does progesterone regulate the serotonergic neurotransmission in men? July 13
– 17, 2008, Munich, Germany.
Sitzung in der Gesellschaft der Ärzte, „Wie Steroidhormone die NeurotransDoctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -53-
mission des Gehirns beeinflussen“. 23.4.2008, Wien, Austria.
Ringvorlesung „Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte des zentralen u. peripheren
Nervensystems“ der Stabsstelle GENDER Mainstreaming, „Sexualhormone und
Entwicklung im Bereich des Gehirns“. 2.4.2008, MUW, Wien, Austria.
Biologische Psychiatrie Winterseminar, „Multimodale und Multitracer Studien mit
PET und fMRT“. 3.-7. März 2008, Oberlech, Austria.
28th International Symposium, Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and
Research, “Multimodal imaging using PET and functinonal MRI reveals inverse
relation between serotonin1A receptor binding and neural activation”. January 912, 2008, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.
Wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, „Biologie der
Angststörungen“. 29.11.2007, MUW, Austria.
Wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universitätsklinik für Nuklearmedizin,
„Anwendungen von PET in der Psychiatrie I + II“. 14./21.11.2007, MUW, Austria.
9. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und
Biologische Psychiatrie (ÖGBP), „Kann man die Angst im Gehirn darstellen ?“.
9.11.2007, Wien, Austria.
9. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und
Biologische Psychiatrie (ÖGBP), „Advances in NeuroImaging - Methodische
Entwicklungen im Bereich Neuroimaging (Satellitenworkshop)“. 8.11.2007,
Wien, Austria.
2nd International Congress of Gender Medicine, “How sex hormones influence the
brain in men and women”. June 2–3, 2007, Vienna, Austria.
2nd International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, “Serotonin1A receptor level
affects neural activation revealed by combining PET and functional MRI”. April
17-21, 2007, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Grazer Psychosentage, „Wie viel Gehirn braucht der Affekt? Bildgebende
Verfahren u. affektive Symptome bei Schizophrenie“. 13.-14.4.2007, Graz,
51. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und
Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN), „Kombinierte fMRT/PET des monoaminergen
Systems bei psychiatrischen Störungen “. 21.-25.3.2007, München, Germany.
Biologische Psychiatrie Winterseminar, „Multimodal NeuroImaging of the
serotonergic system using PET and fMRI“. 13. März 2007, Oberlech, Austria.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, „Ist bei
Angsterkrankungen die serotonerge Inhibition reduziert? – Eine PET Studie mit
[11C]WAY-100635“. 25.–27. Januar 2007, Linz, Austria.
COGNITIVE SCIENCE Ringvorlesung der Universität Wien, “NeuroImaging:
Positron Emission Tomography and Molecular Imaging”. 17.10.2006, Wien,
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -54-
Scientific Retreat 2006 – Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld MR, “Multimodales
NeuroImaging – PET und fMRI”. 5.-7.Juli 2006, Semmering/Panhans, Austria
Wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie,
„Aktuelle Forschung zur Bedeutung der Steroidhormone und Neurosteroide in
der Psychiatrie“. 29.06.2006, MUW, Austria.
CINP Conference (Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum),
“Imaging of the serotonergic system in depression and anxiety”. April 2- 4, 2006,
Queen`s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Biologische Psychiatrie Winterseminar, „Cortisol und Serotonin-1A Rezeptorbindung bei Angsterkrankungen (PET)“. 19.-24.3.2006, Oberlech, Austria.
Brain Awareness Week 2006, Zentrum für Hirnforschung, “Schizophrenie,
Angst und Depression: Abenteuer psychiatrischer Hirnforschung”, 14.3.2006,
MUW, Austria.
Brain Awareness Week 2006, Zentrum für Hirnforschung, “Liebe, Sexualität
und Hirnaktivität ”, 14.3.2006, MUW, Austria.
7. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und
Biologische Psychiatrie (ÖGPB), „PET-Ergebnisse bei Angst (Impulsreferat)“.
17.11.2005, Wien, Austria.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie
(ÖGKN) in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für fMRT,
„Multimodales NeuroImaging mit PET basierter Neurorezeptorquantifizierung und
fMRT – Systemische Ansätze bei der Erforschung biologischer Grundlagen von
Angsterkrankungen in vivo“. 15.10.2006, Wien, Austria.
Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie
(ÖGKN) in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für fMRT, „Imaging
Genetics – Eine Methode zum Nachweis von Geneffekten auf Hirnsystemniveau“.
15.10.2006, Wien, Austria.
9th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins (ICAAP), “The
serotonergic system in anxiety disorders”. August 8-12, 2005, Vienna, Austria.
8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP), “5-HT1A BP in limbic
areas correlates with sex hormone plasma levels in men”. June 28 – July 3,
2005, Vienna, Austria.
Wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie, „Das
serotonerge System bei Angsterkrankungen “. 23.6.2005, MUW, Austria.
Association of European Psychiatrists (AEP) NeuroImaging Meeting, “Monoamines
and Schizophrenia”. May 26-27, 2005, Charité, Berlin, Germany.
XI. Update in Psychiatrie, „Bildgebende Verfahren in der Psychiatrie“., Museumsquartier, Wien, Austria
Biologische Psychiatrie Winterseminar, „5-HT1A Neurorezeptor Imaging mit PET b
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -55-
Angststörungen (11C WAY)“. 17.1.2005, Oberlech, Austria.
Center of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), “Multimodal NeuroImaging –
Towards combining pharmacological MRI and Neuroreceptor imaging”. November
15, 2004, Toronto, Canada.
Wissenschaftliches Seminar der Universitätsklinik für Nuklearmedizin,
„Neurorezeptor Imaging mit PET“. 15.12.2004, MUW, Austria.
Verein für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, „Neuronale Korrelate von Bewusstein –
Binding Problem and Neural Correlates of Consciousness“. 20.10.2003. AKH
Wien, Austria.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -56-
Thesis project topic:
MRI of pathological fetal brain development
Project supervisor:
PRAYER, Daniela
Department of Neuroradiology; [email protected]
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: to validate in-vivo fetal MR-findings of developmental and acquired brain
pathologies by postnatal/ postmortal imaging, postnatal clinical assessment or
postmortal neuropathological workup. More accurate prenatal MR-diagnosis
supporting decision-making is aimed for.
Techniques: fetal MRI, including diffusion-tensor imaging and spectroscopy, postnatal
ultrasound and/or MRI, gross neuropathology and histology
Approach: testing the reliability of MR-findings in prenatal imaging, especially with
the use of the methods mentioned above.
Deliverables: Clarification of accuracy and prognostic value of prenatal MR-methods
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Knowledge of anatomy and pathology of the immature brain is useful
for a future specialization in any field of clinical neuroscience, radiology, pathology,
pediatrics and obstetrics. In particular, students get a sound basis for an academic
career in the multidisciplinary field of prenatal development.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialised in: neurology, radiology
and pediatrics.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -57-
Curriculum Vitae
PRAYER, Daniela, MD
Department of Neuroradiology, University Clinics of Radiodiagnostics, Medical University of
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Radiology
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neurology
Medical Doctor Degree at the Medical University of Vienna
Career History
Lecturer (Universitätsdozent) in Radiology
Residency in Radiodiagnostics, University Clinics of
Radiodiagnostics, Univ of Vienna
Research fellow University of California, San Francisco
Department of Neuroradiology and Neuroradiology
Residency in Radiodiagnostics, University Clinics of
Radiodiagnostics, Univ of Vienna
Resident in Neurology and Psychiatry, University Clinics of
neurology and Psychiatry Univ of Vienna
Residency in Internal Medicine, Hospital Lainz, Vienna
Career-related Activities
Medical examiner for the license to practice Radiology in
Austria (Facharztprüfer der Österreichischen
Reward of the Vienna Medical University for the best
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -58-
„Habilitationsschrift“ of the year
Austrian Society of Neuroradiology
Austrian Society Of Radiology
European Society of Neuroradiology
European Sociaty of Radiology
Austrian Society for Perinatology
International Society of Perinatal Diagnostics
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
Fonds of the Mayor of Wertigkeit der CT- Angiographie bei
Patienten mit Aneurysmen
MRI in fetal lung maturation
Placebo-controlled study to evaluate efficacy
and safety of Teriflunomide in subjects with
MS which relapses
Plazebo-kontrollierte Studie um
Die Effektivität und Sicherheit
Von Interferon beta-1a bei Patienten mit
schubförmiger MS
Studie zur Verträglichkeit von Gadovist bei
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Normal renal development investigated with fetal
MRI of the fetal abdomen
Fetal MRI of the urinary system.
[Fetal lung development on MRT. Normal course
and impairment due to premature rupture of
MRI of normal fetal brain development
MRI of normal and pathological fetal lung
MRI of fetal acquired brain lesions.
MRI investigation of normal fetal lung maturation
using signal intensities on different imaging
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -59-
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the normal fetal
142 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals 1984 - 2007), 11 book chapters,
161 invited lectures (1984 - 2007)
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Prayer D, Brugger PC. Investigation of normal organ development with fetal MRI.
Eur Radiol. 2007 Oct;17(10):2458-71.
Prayer D, Kasprian G, Krampl E, Ulm B, Witzani L, Prayer L, Brugger PC. MRI of normal fetal
brain development. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):199-216.
Prayer D, Brugger PC, Kasprian G, Witzani L, Helmer H, Dietrich W, Eppel W,
Langer M. MRI of fetal acquired brain lesions. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):233-49.
Prayer D. Fetal MR. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):171.
Prayer D, Brugger PC, Krampl E, Prayer L. [Indications for fetal magnetic resonance
imaging] Radiologe. 2006 Feb;46(2):98-104. Review. German.
Prayer D, Brugger PC, Prayer L. Fetal MRI: techniques and protocols.
Pediatr Radiol. 2004 Sep;34(9):685-93. Epub 2004 Jul 28. Review.
Prayer D, Grois N, Prosch H, Gadner H, Barkovich AJ. MR imaging presentation of
intracranial disease associated with Langerhans cell
histiocytosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2004 May;25(5):880-91.
Prayer D, Prayer L.
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral white matter
development. Eur J Radiol. 2003 Mar;45(3):235-43.
Messerschmidt A, Brugger PC, Boltshauser E, Zoder G, Sterniste W, Birnbacher R, Prayer
D. Disruption of cerebellar development: potential complication of extreme
prematurity. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2005 Aug;26(7):1659-67.
Balassy C, Kasprian G, Brugger PC, Csapo B, Weber M, Hörmann M, Bankier A,
Bammer R, Herold CJ, Prayer D. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the normal fetal lung. Eur
Radiol. 2007 Oct 9. PMID: 17924118
Prosch H, Grois N, Wnorowski M, Steiner M, Prayer D. Long-term MR imaging course of
neurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007 JunJul;28(6):1022-8.
Brugger PC, Arzt W, Prayer D. Prenatal diagnosis of Delleman syndrome. Prenat Diagn.
2007 Apr;27(4):356-61.
Balassy C, Kasprian G, Brugger PC, Weber M, Csapo B, Mittermayer C, Hörmann M, Prayer
D. MRI investigation of normal fetal lung maturation using signal intensities on different
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -60-
imaging sequences. Eur Radiol. 2007 Mar;17(3):835-42.
Kasprian G, Balassy C, Brugger PC, Prayer D. MRI of normal and pathological fetal lung
development. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):261-70.
Blaicher W, Brugger PC, Mittermayer C, Schwindt J, Deutinger J, Bernaschek G,
Prayer D. Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal placenta. Eur J Radiol. 2006
Witzani L, Brugger PC, Hörmann M, Kasprian G, Csapone-Balassy C, Prayer D.
Normal renal development investigated with fetal MRI. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):294-302.
Brugger PC, Stuhr F, Lindner C, Prayer D. [Fetal magnetic resonance imaging: methods and
techniques]. Radiologe. 2006 Feb;46(2):105-11.
Brugger PC, Prayer D. Fetal abdominal magnetic resonance imaging.
Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):278-93.
Hörmann M, Brugger PC, Balassy C, Witzani L, Prayer D. Fetal MRI of the urinary system.
Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):303-11.
Brugger PC, Mittermayer C, Prayer D. A new look at the fetus: thick-slab T2-weighted
sequences in fetal MRI. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):182-6.
Brugger PC, Stuhr F, Lindner C, Prayer D. Methods of fetal MR: beyond T2-weighted
imaging. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Feb;57(2):172-81. Epub 2005 Dec 27. Review.
Brugger PC, Prayer D. [Fetal MRI of pathological brain development] Radiologe. 2006
Feb;46(2):112-9. Review. German.
Kasprian G, Brugger PC, Helmer H, Langer M, Balassy C, Prayer D. [Fetal lung development
on MRT. Normal course and impairment due to premature rupture of membranes]. Radiologe.
2006 Feb;46(2):120-7. Review. German.
Hörmann M, Brugger PC, Witzani L, Prayer D. [MRI of the fetal abdomen]
Radiologe. 2006 Feb;46(2):139-43. Review. German.
Mittermayer C, Brugger PC, Lee A, Horcher E, Hayde M, Bernaschek G, Prayer D.
Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging as a useful adjunctive to ultrasound enhanced
diagnosis in case of a giant foetal tumour of the neck. Ultraschall Med. 2005 Feb;26(1):46-50.
Grois N, Prosch H, Waldhauser F, Minkov M, Strasser G, Steiner M, Unger E,
Prayer D. Pineal gland abnormalities in Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Pediatr Blood Cancer.
2004 Sep;43(3):261-6.
Blaicher W, Mittermayer C, Messerschmidt A, Deutinger J, Bernaschek G, Prayer D. Fetal
skeletal deformities - the diagnostic accuracy of prenatal ultrasonography and fetal magnetic
resonance imaging. Ultraschall Med. 2004 Jun;25(3):195-9.
Blaicher W, Bernaschek G, Deutinger J, Messerschmidt A, Schindler E, Prayer D.
Fetal and early postnatal magnetic resonance imaging--is there a difference?
J Perinat Med. 2004;32(1):53-7.
Plecko B, Stöckler-Ipsiroglu S, Gruber S, Mlynarik V, Moser E, Simbrunner J, Ebner F,
Bernert G, Harrer G, Gal A, Prayer D. Degree of hypomyelination and magnetic resonance
spectroscopy findings in patients with Pelizaeus Merzbacher phenotype. Neuropediatrics.
2003 Jun;34(3):127-36.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -61-
Co-author manuscripts:
Riederer F, Lanzenberger R, Kaya M, Prayer D, Serles W, Baumgartner C
Network Atrophy in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy – a Voxel-based Morphometry (VBM) Study.
Neurology 2008 (in press)
Rossmanith W, Freilinger M, Roka J, Raffelsberger T, Moser-Thier K, Prayer D, Bernert G,
Bittner RE.
Isolated cytochrome c oxidase deficiency as a cause of MELAS. J Med Genet. 2008
Leithner K, Pörnbacher S, Assem-Hilger E, Krampl E, Ponocny-Seliger E, Prayer D.
Psychological reactions in women undergoing fetal magnetic resonance imaging.
Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Feb;111(2):396-402.
Riedl S, Vosahlo J, Battelino T, Stirn-Kranjc B, Brugger PC, Prayer D,
Müllner-Eidenböck A, Kapelari K, Blümel P, Waldhör T, Krasny J, Lebl J, Frisch H.
Refining clinical phenotypes in septo-optic dysplasia based on MRI findings.
Eur J Pediatr. 2008 Jan 30. PMID: 18231810
Messerschmidt A, Prayer D, Brugger PC, Boltshauser E, Zoder G, Sterniste W, Pollak A,
Weber M, Birnbacher R.
Preterm birth and disruptive cerebellar development: Assessment of perinatal risk factors. Eur
J Paediatr Neurol. 2008 Jan 25. PMID:18222715
Messerschmidt A, Fuiko R, Prayer D, Brugger PC, Boltshauser E, Zoder G,
Sterniste W, Weber M, Birnbacher R. Disrupted cerebellar development in preterm infants is
associated with impaired neurodevelopmental outcome. Eur J Pediatr. 2008 Jan 3. PMID:
Preusser M, Hoischen A, Novak K, Czech T, Prayer D, Hainfellner JA,
Baumgartner C, Woermann FG, Tuxhorn IE, Pannek HW, Bergmann M, Radlwimmer B,
Villagrán R, Weber RG, Hans VH. Angiocentric glioma: report of clinico-pathologic and
genetic findings in 8 cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2007 Nov;31(11):1709-18.
Roessler K, Gatterbauer B, Becherer A, Paul M, Kletter K, Prayer D, Hoeftberger R,
Hainfellner J, Asenbaum S, Knosp E. Surgical target selection in cerebral glioma surgery:
linking methionine MET)PET image fusion and neuronavigation. Minim Invasive Neurosurg.
2007 Oct;50(5):273-80.
Gelpi E, Preusser M, Czech T, Slavc I, Prayer D, Budka H. Papillary glioneuronal tumor.
Neuropathology. 2007 Oct;27(5):468-73.
Haberler C, Slavc I, Czech T, Prayer D, Pirker C, Budka H, Hainfellner JA.
Malignant predominantly minigemistocytic glioma in two infants: a distinctive glioma
variant? Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2007 Apr;33(2):169-78.
Rettenbacher E, Tarnow P, Brumm H, Prayer D, Wermter AK, Hebebrand J,
Biebermann H, Hinney A, Widhalm K. A novel non-synonymous mutation in the melanocortin4 receptor gene (MC4R) in a 2-year-old Austrian girl with extreme obesity. Exp Clin
Endocrinol Diabetes. 2007 Jan;115(1):7-12.
Mittheisz E, Seidl R, Prayer D, Waldenmair M, Neophytou B, Pötschger U,
Minkov M, Steiner M, Prosch H, Wnorowski M, Gadner H, Grois N.
Central nervous system-related permanent consequences in patients with Langerhans cell
histiocytosis. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2007 Jan;48(1):50-6.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -62-
Haubenberger D, Prayer D, Bauer P, Pirker W, Zimprich A, Auff E. Spinocerebellar ataxia
type 17 in a patient from an Indian kindred. J Neurol. 2006 Nov;253(11):1513-5.
Azizi AA, Haberler C, Czech T, Gupper A, Prayer D, Breitschopf H, Acker T, Slavc I.
Vascular-endothelial-growth-factor (VEGF) expression and possible response to
angiogenesis inhibitor bevacizumab in metastatic alveolar soft part sarcoma.
Lancet Oncol. 2006 Jun;7(6):521-3. Erratum in: Lancet Oncol. 2006 Jul;7(7):533.
Hassler M, Seidl S, Fazeny-Doerner B, Preusser M, Hainfellner J, Rössler K, Prayer D,
Marosi C. Diversity of cytogenetic and pathohistologic profiles in glioblastoma. Cancer Genet
Cytogenet. 2006 Apr 1;166(1):46-55.
Bertalanffy A, Roessler K, Koperek O, Gelpi E, Prayer D, Neuner M, Knosp E.
Intraventricular meningiomas: a report of 16 cases. Neurosurg Rev. 2006 Jan;29(1):30-5.
Epub 2005 Sep 24.
Prosch H, Grois N, Bökkerink J, Prayer D, Leuschner I, Minkov M, Gadner H.
Central diabetes insipidus: Is it Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the pituitary stalk? A
diagnostic pitfall. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2006 Mar;46(3):363-6.
Aigner M, Zitterl W, Prayer D, Demal U, Bach M, Prayer L, Stompe T, Lenz G.
Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with good
versus poor insight. Psychiatry Res. 2005 Nov 30;140(2):173-9. Epub 2005 Oct 26.
Schönegger K, Gelpi E, Prayer D, Dieckmann K, Matula C, Hassler M, Hainfellner JA, Marosi
C. Recurrent and metastatic clivus chordoma: systemic palliative therapy retards disease
progression. Anticancer Drugs. 2005 Nov;16(10):1139-43.
Mercimek-Mahmutoglu S, van der Knaap MS, Baric I, Prayer D, Stoeckler-Ipsiroglu S.
Hypomyelination with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum (H-ABC). Report of a new
case. Neuropediatrics. 2005 Jun;36(3):223-6.
Bertalanffy A, Roessler K, Koperek O, Gelpi E, Prayer D, Knosp E. Recurrent central
neurocytomas. Cancer. 2005 Jul 1;104(1):135-42.
Steiner M, Prayer D, Asenbaum S, Prosch H, Minkov M, Unger E, Grois N.
Modern imaging methods for the assessment of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis-associated
neurodegenerative syndrome: case report. J Child Neurol. 2005 Mar;20(3):253-7.
Grois N, Prayer D, Prosch H, Lassmann H; CNS LCH Co-operative Group.
Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Brain. 2005 Apr;128(Pt
4):829-38. Epub 2005 Feb 10.
Blaicher W, Prayer D, Mittermayer C, Weninger M, Birnbacher R, Deutinger J,
Bernaschek G. The clinical impact of magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with central
nervous system anomalies on ultrasound scan. Ultraschall Med. 2005 Feb;26(1):29-35.
Prosch H, Grois N, Prayer D, Waldhauser F, Steiner M, Minkov M, Gadner H.
Central diabetes insipidus as presenting symptom of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2004 Oct;43(5):594-9.
Fakhrai N, Neophytou P, Dieckmann K, Nemeth A, Prayer D, Hainfellner J,
Marosi C. Recurrent spinal ependymoma showing partial remission under Imatimib.
Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2004 Nov;146(11):1255-8. Epub 2004 Sep 13.
Piribauer M, Czech T, Dieckmann K, Birner P, Hainfellner JA, Prayer D,
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -63-
Fazeny-Dörner B, Weinländer G, Marosi C. Stabilization of a progressive hemangioblastoma
under treatment with thalidomide. J Neurooncol. 2004 Feb;66(3):295-9.
Wiest G, Zimprich F, Prayer D, Czech T, Serles W, Baumgartner C. Vestibular processing in
human paramedian precuneus as shown by electrical cortical stimulation. Neurology. 2004
Feb 10;62(3):473-5.
Messerschmidt A, Prayer D, Olischar M, Pollak A, Birnbacher R.
Brain abscesses after Serratia marcescens infection on a neonatal intensive care unit:
differences on serial imaging. Neuroradiology. 2004 Feb;46(2):148-52.
Fakhrai N, Czech T, Diekmann K, Fazeny-Dörner B, Birner P, Hainfellner JA, Prayer D,
Marosi C. Glioblastoma with spinal seeding. Strahlenther Onkol. 2004 Jul;180(7):455-7.
Grois N, Prayer D, Prosch H, Minkov M, Pötschger U, Gadner H.
Course and clinical impact of magnetic resonance imaging findings in diabetes
insipidus associated with Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2004 Jul;43(1):59-65.
Blaicher W, Prayer D, Bernaschek G. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound in the
assessment of the fetal central nervous system. J Perinat Med. 2003;31(6):459-68.
Slavc I, Schuller E, Falger J, Günes M, Pillwein K, Czech T, Dietrich W, Rössler K,
Dieckmann K, Prayer D, Hainfellner J. Feasibility of long-term intraventricular therapy with
mafosfamide (n = 26) and etoposide (n = 11): experience in 26 children with disseminated
malignant brain tumors. J Neurooncol. 2003 Sep;64(3):239-47.
Blaicher W, Prayer D, Mittermayer C, Pollak A, Bernert G, Deutinger J, Bernaschek G.
Magnetic resonance imaging in foetuses with bilateral moderate ventriculomegaly and
suspected anomaly of the corpus callosum on ultrasound scan. Ultraschall Med. 2003
Preusser M, Dietrich W, Czech T, Prayer D, Budka H, Hainfellner JA. Rosette-forming
glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle. Acta Neuropathol. 2003 Nov;106(5):506-8.
Kornek B, Bernert G, Balassy C, Geldner J, Prayer D, Feucht M. Glatiramer acetate
treatment in patients with childhood and juvenile onset multiple sclerosis.
Neuropediatrics. 2003 Jun;34(3):120-6.
Pumberger W, Patzak B, Prayer D, Hörmann M. Fetal liver magnetic resonance imaging in
anterior body wall defects: a study of specimens from the museum of pathology. J Pediatr
Surg. 2003 Aug;38(8):1147-51.
Fazeny-Dörner B, Gyries A, Rössler K, Ungersböck K, Czech T, Budinsky A,
Killer M, Dieckmann K, Piribauer M, Baumgartner G, Prayer D, Veitl M, Muhm M,
Marosi C. Survival improvement in patients with glioblastoma multiforme during the last 20
years in a single tertiary-care center. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2003 Jun 24;115(11):389-97.
Schmidinger M, Linzmayer L, Becherer A, Fazeny-Doemer B, Fakhrai N, Prayer D, Killer M,
Ungersboeck K, Dieckmann K, Marosi C. Psychometric- and quality-of-life assessment in
long-term glioblastoma survivors. J Neurooncol. 2003 May;63(1):55-61.
Piribauer M, Fazeny-Dörner B, Rössler K, Ungersböck K, Czech T, Killer M, Dieckmann K,
Birner P, Prayer D, Hainfellner J, Muhm M, Marosi C. Feasibility and toxicity of CCNU
therapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Anticancer Drugs. 2003
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -64-
Piribauer M, Fazeny-Dörner B, Rössler K, Ungersböck K, Czech T, Killer M, Dieckmann K,
Birner P, Prayer D, Hainfellner J, Muhm M, Marosi C.
Feasibility and toxicity of CCNU therapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma
multiforme. Anticancer Drugs. 2003 Feb;14(2):137-43.
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Euroson Ultraschall – 31. Dreiländertreffen – DEGUM – ÖGUM – SGUM, Congress.
Prä- und postnatale MRT-Diagnosik bei fetalen Hirnfehlbildungen – wann sinnvoll?
24.10. – 25.10.07, Center Leipzig
European Society of Neuroradiology, Annual Meeting, 16th Advanced Course the
Pediatric Posterior Cranial Fossa. Usefulness of Fetal MRI. 20.9.2007, Genoa, Italy
European Society of Neuroradiology, Annual Meeting, 16th Advanced Course the
Pediatric Posterior Cranial Fossa. Round Table. 20.9.2007, Genoa, Italy
European Society of Neuroradiology, Annual Meeting, 16th Advanced Course the Pediatric
Posterior Cranial Fossa. 20.9.2007Genoa, Italy
3 presentations on fetal MRI, case discussion and study meeting
Multi-disciplinary meetings of Fetal and Congenital Malformations. 4.9. – 8.9.07, Tel-Aviv,
LKH Salzburg. MRT in der Abklärung der Epilepsie.
24.7.07, Salzburg
American Society of Neuroradiologie (ASNR). Lamination of the Fetal Brain on Prenatal MR
Scans: An Early Indicator of Normal or Abnormal Cerebral Development. 11.6. – 14.6.2007,
Chicago, USA
The 6th Graz Symposium on Developmental Neurology.
Fetal MRI vom Structure to Behavior. 3.5. – 5.5.07, Graz
XX. Nordic Congress of Perinatal Medicine. Conventional MRI of the fetal Brain and MRI of
fetal behaviour. 19.4.2007, Tampere, Finland
XXXVI. International Symposium of Pediadric Surgery. Does fetal MRI affect parental
counselling for a child with an anticipated “surgical
problem”? 16.4 .2007, Obergurgl, Tirol
21.Röntgenseminar Oberlech – Postgradueller Workshop. MRT bei Epilepsie,
Neurodegeneration und Entzündung (3 Vorträge, Skripten, und
Praktikum). 12.4. - 14.4.07, Oberlech, Arlberg
51.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und
Funktionelle Bildgebung. Pränatale Motorik im MRT. 24.3.2007, München.
Gastprofessur. 18.- 21.3.2007, San Francisco/Standford
7th Annual Advances in Neuroradilogy/Sports Med. & Pediatric Imaging. The Benefits of
Fetal MRI: An Overview and Justification for MRI. 17.3.2007, Las Vegas, Nevada
7th Annual Advances in Neuroradilogy/Sports Med. & Pediatric Imaging. MRI of the Fetal
Brain and Spine: Normal and Pathological CNS Development, Acquired Diseases. 17.3.2007,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -65-
7th Annual Advances in Neuroradilogy/Sports Med. & Pediatric Imaging. Brain IV – Subacute
Neurologic Conditions (Part 1) – Maturation, Developmental Delay
Metabolic. 17.3.2007, Las Vegas, Nevada
ECR. Fetal and maternal MR imaging (Introduction). 12.3.2007, Wien
ECR. Diffusion tensor imaging and fibre tracking. 12.3.2007, Wien
Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Frauenheilkunde. 23.2.2007, Innsbruck
ILAE Jahrestagung 2006 der Österreichischen Sektion. Von der klinischen Fragestellung zur
erfolgreichen MR-Untersuchung. 16.–18.11. 2006, Wien
Jahrestagung 2006 der Österreichischen Sektion der Neuronale Entwicklung – intrauterine
MR-Befunde. 16.–18.11.2006, Wien
4th Fetal Medicine Course-Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Advanced Therapy, 5 Vorträge über
fetale MRT. 9.- 14.11.2006, Bogota, Colombia
Symposium nidergradige Gliome, Univ.-Klinik für Neurochirurgie Wien, Neuroradiologie der
niedergradigen Gliome. 11.11.2006, Wien
30. Dreiländertreffen. Fetale MRT bei Fehlbildungen. 17-21. Oktober 2006, Graz
Neurokurs ÖRG Eisenstadt. Cerebrale Fehlbildungen, spinale Fehlbildungen. 22.9.2006,
Neurowochen. Fetal Neuroimaging. 20-21.9.2006, Mannheim, Deutschland
43.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Radiologie. Erfahrungen mit dem MR
kompatiblen Inkubator. 28.-29.9.2006, Leipzig
43.Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Radiologie. Pränatale MR-Diagnostik.
28.-29.9.2006, Leipzig
Fetal MRI methods, mit Skriptum. 8 - 11.9.2006, ESUR Kairo.
IV. Internationaler Dialog Geburtshelfer, Hebammen, Anästhesisten und Neonatologen im
Gespräch. Fetales MRI. 14.-16.9.2006, AKH, Wien
Perinatalsymposium München. Perinatale MRI Diagnostik des ZNS. 23. -24.6.2006,
Symposium für Neuropädiatrie. Normale und pathologische Hirnentwicklung., Dessau.
COEX. Fetal MRI: Indications and Methods. 28.5. - 1.6.2006,Seoul, Korea
COEX Fetal MRI: Normal and Patholoogical Brain Development. 5. - 1.6.2006,Seoul, Korea
32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und pädiatrische Intensivmedizin, Präund postnatale bildgebende Diagnostik. 18.5.2006, Wien
ISPD, Prenatal diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging. Mai 2006, Kyoto
43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Radiologie. Erfahrungen mit dem MR
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -66-
kompatiblen Inkubator. Der Radiologe 8: 725. 2006, Leipzig
9th Danube Symposium of Paediatric Surgery. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):
Indications. 2005, Vienna
Internationals Ibro / FENS Summer School. Fetal invivo Brain Development on MRI
24. – 29.9.2005, Zadar
Fortbildung der Radiologie Universität Münster. Fetale MRT wie, wann, warum, wer ?
6.– 7.4.2005, Münster
Neuroradiologie aktuell 2005.
Pränatale MRT: Eine Entscheidungshilfe. 22. – 23.4.2005, Hamburg
ECR. Diffusion tensor imaging and fibre tracking. 3.- 7.3.2006, Vienna
ECR. Body MR imaging. 4.-8.3.2005, Vienna
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Universität Bern, 23.2. – 24.2.2005, Bern
Fetal Neurology. The Multidisciplinary Approach
Course University. Pränatale MR-Diagnostik des Gehirns. 19.- 22.2.2005, Tel Aviv / Israel
Neurowissenschaftliches Seminar. Fetale MRT wann, wie, wo, warum, wer ? Universität
Aachen, 26.- 27.1.2005, Aachen
ASNR. The triangular crossroads- a “Wetterwinkel“ of the fetal brain, abstract in.
2005, Toronto
Neurodiagnostische und therapeutische Methoden in der Pränatalmedizin
Universität Graz. Methoden der fetalen MRT. 3.- 4.12.2004, Graz
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Krankenhaus Baumgartner Höhe. Neuroradiologische Bildgebung.
18.11.2004, Wien
ASNR 2004. Fetale MRT 5. Linzer Symposium für Pränatalmedizin,
“3D”- and Dynamic Sequences in Fetal MRI. 5.11.2004, Seattle
ASNR 2004. Fetal Brain MR Imaging in Placental Impairment. 5.11.2004, Seattle
Philips IACSM. Fetal MR Imaging. 2004, Eindhoven
Fetal-MR-Kurs. Mai 2004, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Fetal MRI in oligohydramnios. ECR 2004, Vienna.
ESMRN 2004. Diffusion-weighted imaging in fetal MRI- what can it be used for?
Genua, Italy
Philips User – Meeting. Fetal MRI – Where are we, where do we go ?. 8.10.2004, Utrecht
14th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Fetal MRI – Luxury or necessity. 31.8. – 3.9.2004
Fetal MRI – Methods and Indications
10th International MR Application and Clinical Science Meeting. Fetal Diffusion weighted
Imaging. 19.4. – 20.4.2004, Eindhoven / Netherlands
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -67-
ESMRN. Assessment of fetal behavior with dynamic MR-sequences. 2004, Genua, Italy
Österreichische Gesellschaft für prä- und perinatale Medizin. Fetale MRT: Allgemeine
Indikationen, Einsatz bei Spaltbildungen. Wissenschaftliche Tagung. 28.02. 04, Wien
ASNR. Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) in Intrauterine Brain Development
2003 Washington DC
13th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ultrasound in Obstetrics
and Gynecology 22, Suppl. 1, p3. Assessment of intrauterine brain maturation using Diffusion
Weighted Imaging. 2003, Paris
American Society of Neurradiology 41st Annual Meeting. Fetal Brain MRI in placental
Impairment. 26.4.2003, Washington DC
9. ANCO-Fortbildung, 20. – 22.3.2003, Kirchberg. Protonenspektroskopie bei niedergradigen
Gliomen, Tirol
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -68-
Thesis project topic:
Clinical and translational brain tumour biomarker research
Project supervisors:
PREUSSER, Matthias (in cooperation with HAINFELLNER, Johannes A.)
Department of Oncology, [email protected]
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: to assess and to test clinical usability and analytical performance of new
laboratory methods and candidate biomarkers in brain tumours, as basis for optimized
therapy decisions
Techniques: histological techniques, immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization, PCR,
statistical analysis (in cooperation with Medical Statistics)
Approach: testing of reliability and reproducibility of new analytical laboratory tests,
interlaboratory comparisons, correlation of biomarker information with patient
outcome and response to therapy (in cooperation with Medical Oncology and Medical
Deliverables: Clarification of clinical relevance of new brain tumour candidate
biomarkers, clarification of clinical usability of new laboratory techniques
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience, pathology, and oncology. In particular, students get a sound
basis for an academic career in the multidisciplinary field of brain tumour diagnosis
and therapy.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -69-
Curriculum Vitae
PREUSSER, Matthias, MD
Department of Internal Medicine I
Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Mödling, Austria
Training in interdisciplinary Psycho-Oncology: „Breaking
Bad News”
Fellow in Internal Medicine/Oncology, Department of
Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna
Fellow in Neuropathology, Institute of Neurology, Medical
University of Vienna
Training as moderator of “Problem-oriented lerning (POL)”,
Medical University of Vienna
Training in “Medical Education at the Medical University of
Post-graduate training in Medical Statistics and Biometrics,
Medical University of Vienna
Medical Doctor Degree at the Medical University of Vienna
Visiting student at the University of Southwestern
Louisiana (USL), Lafayette, U.S.A
A-levels, GRG 12, Vienna, Austria
Career History
Submission of application to acquire the Venia docendi
(Habilitation) in „Experimental Oncology“
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -70-
Career-related Activities
Translator for the german edition of the Journal of Clinical
Oncology (JCO)
Supervision of diploma thesis of Felicia
Popovici “Establishing chromosome 1p microsatellite
markers for PCR-based molecular genetic testing of
oligodendroglial neoplasms: systematic analysis of
frequency of heterozygosity and comparison with FISH”
Service as reviewer for several scientific journals (Clinical
Cancer Research, BMC Cancer, Neuropathology and
Applied Neurobiology, Histology and Histopathology,
Pathology in Research and Practice, Neurology India)
Lecturing/teaching of medical students in
Neuropathology/Neurology, Internal Medicine, Oncology
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumour
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
European Association of Neurooncology (EANO)
Austrian Society of Neuropathology (ÖGNP)
German Society of Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy (DGNN)
European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (Euro-CNS)
International Society of Neuropathology (ISN)
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
In vivo Bedeutung der Hypoxie für
Telomerase und Telomere bei astrozytären
Tumoren WHO Grad II-IV
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -71-
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Ute Laggner*
Iris Pipp*
Immunohistochemical detection of class III betatubulin in primary brain tumours: variable
expression in most tumour types limits utility as
differential diagnostic marker.
Secretagogin expression in tumours of the
human brain and its coverings.
*Supervision of research work and publication as peer-reviewed original paper, see list of
33 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals, 3 book chapters, 4 invited lectures
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Preusser M, Dietrich W, Czech, T, Prayer D, Budka, H, Hainfellner JA. Rosette-forming
glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 2003 Nov;106(5):506-8
Preusser M, Ströbel T, Birner P, Marosi C, Dieckmann K, Rössler K, Budka H, Lassmann H,
Hainfellner JA. D110 Immunoreactivity in Glioblastoma: Its Association with Expression of
Hypoxia-Related Proteins and Overall Survival. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2004
Dec;30(6):608-14 ISI 2006:
Preusser M, Birner P, Hainfellner JA. Algorithm for the standardized assessment of vascular
patterns in glioblastoma specimens. Clin Neuropathol. 2004 Sep-Oct;23(5):238-40
Kovács GG1, Preusser M1, Strohschneider M, Budka H. Subcellular localization of disease
associated prion protein in the human brain. Am J Pathol 2005;166 287-294
1contributed equally
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Haberler C, Breitschopf H, Czech T, Slavc I, Harris AL, Acker T,
Budka H, Hainfellner JA. Vascularization and expression of hypoxia-related tissue factors in
intracranial ependymoma and their impact on patient survival. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2005
Preusser M, Gelpi E, Matej R, Marosi C, Dieckmann K, Rossler K, Budka H, Hainfellner JA.
No prognostic impact of survivin expression in glioblastoma. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2005
Apr 20
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Czech T, Slavc I, Budka H, Hainfellner JA. Survivin expression
in intracranial ependymomas and its correlation with tumor cell proliferation and patient
outcome. Am J Clin Pathol. 2005 Oct;124(4):1-7
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -72-
Preusser M, Birner P, Ambros IM, Ambros PF, Budka H, Harris AL, Hainfellner JA. DEC1
expression in 1p-aberrant oligodendroglial neoplasms. Histol Histopathol. 2005
Preusser M, Laggner U, Haberler C, Heinzl H, Budka H, Hainfellner JA. Comparative
analysis of NeuN immunoreactivity in primary brain tumors: conclusions for rational use in
diagnostic histopathology. Histopathology. 2006 Mar;48(4):438-44
Preusser M, Ströbel T, Gelpi E, Eiler M, Broessner G, Schmutzhard E, Budka H.
Alzheimer-type neuropathology in a 28-year old patient with iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease after dural grafting. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006 Mar;77(3):413-6
Preusser M, Heinzl H, Gelpi E, Schönegger K, Haberler C, Birner P, Marosi C, Hegi M,
Gorlia T, Hainfellner JA. Histopathological assessment of hot-spot microvessel density and
vascular patterns in glioblastoma: poor observer agreement limits clinical utility as prognostic
factors. A translational research project of the European Organization for Research and
Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumor Group. Cancer. 2006 Jul 1;107(1):162-70
Preusser M, Budka H, Rössler K, Hainfellner JA. OLIG2 is a useful immunohistochemical
marker in differential diagnosis of clear cell primary CNS neoplasms.
Histopathol. 2007 Feb;50(3):365-70
Preusser M, Lehotzky A, Budka H, Ovádi J, Kovács GG. TPPP/p25 in brain tumours:
expression in non-neoplastic oligodendrocytes but not oligodendroglioma cells.
Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2007 Feb;113(2):213-5
Laggner U, Pipp I, Budka H, Hainfellner JA, Preusser M. Immunohistochemical detection of
class III beta-tubulin in primary brain tumours: variable expression in most tumour types
limits utility as differential diagnostic marker. Histopathol. 2007 Jun;50(7):949-52
Pipp I, Wagner L, Rössler K, Budka H, Preusser M. Secretagogin expression in tumours of
the human brain and its coverings. APMIS Apr;115(4):319-26
Preusser M, Kitzwoegerer M, Budka H, Brugger S. Bilateral striopallidodentate calcification
(Fahr's syndrome) and multiple system atrophy in a patient with longstanding
hypoparathyroidism. Neuropathology. 2007 Oct;27(5):453-6
Preusser M, Hoischen A, Novak K, Czech T, Prayer D, Hainfellner JA, Baumgartner C,
Woermann FG, Tuxhorn IE, Pannek HW, Bergmann M, Radlwimmer B, Villagrán R, Weber
RG, Hans VH. Angiocentric glioma: Report of clinico-pathologic and genetic findings in eight
cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2007;31:1709–1718
Preusser M, Janzer RC, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Hamou MF, Diserens AC, Stupp R,
Gorlia T, Marosi C, Heinzl H, Hainfellner JA, Hegi M. Anti-O6-methylguaninemethyltransferase (MGMT) immunohistochemistry in glioblastoma multiforme: observer
variability and lack of association with patient survival impede its use as clinical biomarker. A
translational research project of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer Brain Tumor Group. Brain Pathol 2008; (in press)
Preusser M, Heinzl H, Gelpi E, Höftberger R, Fischer I, Pipp I, Milenkovic I, Wöhrer A,
Popovici F, Wolfsberger S, Hainfellner JA. Ki-67 index in intracranial ependymoma: a
promising histopathological candidate biomarker. Histopathol 2008; (in press)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -73-
Co-author manuscripts:
Unterhuber A, Povazay B, Bizheva k, Hermann B, Sattmann H, Stingl A, Le T, Seefeld M,
Menzel R, Preusser M, Budka H, Schubert Ch, Reitsamer H, Ahnelt PK, Morgan JE, Cowey
A, Drexler W. Advances in Broad Bandwith Light Sources for Ultrahigh Resolution Optical
Coherence Tomography. Phys Med Biol 2004 Apr 7;49(7):1235-46
Birner P, Preusser M, Gelpi E, Berger J, Gatterbauer B, Ambros I, Acker T, Plate KH, Harris
AL, Hainfellner JA. Expression of hypoxia-related tissue factors correlates with diminished
survival of adjuvantly treated patients with chromosome 1p-aberrant oligodendroglial
neoplasms: therapeutic implications. Clin Cancer Res 2004 Oct 1;10(19):6567-6571
Bizheva K, Unterhuber A, Hermann B, Povazay B, Sattmann H, Fercher AF, Preusser M,
Budka H, Drexler W, Stingl A, Le T. Imaging ex vivo healthy and pathological human brain
tissue with ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2005 JanFeb;10(1):1-7
Gelpi E, Popovic M, Preusser M, Budka H, Hainfellner JA. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
presenting without GFAP immunoreactivity: implications for differential diagnosis.
Neuropathol 2005 Sept;25:241-246
Gelpi E, Preusser M, Garzuly F, Holzmann F, Heinz FX, Budka H. Visualisation of Central
European tick borne encephalitis infection in fatal human cases. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
2005 Jun;64(6):506-12
Schwarzmeier JD, Hamwi A, Preisel M, Resl C, Preusser M, Sluga E, Horcher E, Shehata
MM. Positive troponin T without cardiac involvement in inclusion body myositis.
Hum Pathol 2005 Aug36(8): 917-921
Hassler M, Seidl S, Fazeny-Doerner B, Preusser M, Hainfellner JA, Rössler K, Prayer D,
Marosi C. Diversity of cytogenetic and pathohistologic profiles in glioblastoma.
Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2006 Apr;166(1):46-55
Alafuzoff I, Pikkarainen M, Al-Sarraj S, Arzberger T, Bell J, Bodi I, Bogdanovic N, Budka H,
Bugiani O, Ferrer I, Gelpi E, Giaccone G, Graeber MB, Hauw JJ, Kamphorst W, King A,
Kopp N, Korkolopoulou P, Kovács GG, Meyronet D, Parchi P, Patsouris E, Preusser M,
Ravid R, Roggendorf W, Seilhean D, Streichenberger N, Thal DR, and the BNE Consortium,
and Kretzschmar H. Inter-laboratory comparison of assessments of Alzheimer´s disease
related lesions. A study of the BrainNet Europe consortium. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2006
Gelpi E, Preusser M, Laggner U, Garzuly F, Holzmann H, Heinz FX, and Budka H.
Inflammatory response in human tick-borne encephalitis: analysis of postmortem brain
tissue. J Neurovirol. 2006 Aug;12(4):322-7
Gelpi E, Preusser M, Bauer G, Budka H. Autopsy at 2 months after death: Brain is
satisfactorily preserved for neuropathology. Forensic Sci Int. 2007 May 24;168(2-3):177-82
Sikorska B, Papierz W, Preusser M, Liberski PP, Budka H. Synucleinopathy with features of
both multiple system atrophy and dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol.
2007 Feb;33(1):126-9
Gelpi E, Preusser M, Czech T, Slavc I, Prayer D, Budka H. Papillary glioneuronal tumor.
Neuropathology. 2007 Oct;27(5):468-73
Attems J, Preusser M, Grosinger-Quass M, Wagner L, Lintner F, Jellinger K.
Calcium binding protein secretagogin expressing neurones in the human hippocampus are
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -74-
largely resistant to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer disease.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2007 Oct 24
Li JL, Sainson RCA, Shi W, Leek R, Harrington LS, Preusser M, Biswas S, Turley H,
Heikamp E, Hainfellner JA, Harris AL. Delta-like 4 Notch ligand regulates tumor
angiogenesis, normalizes tumor vasculature and promotes tumor growth in vivo.
Cancer Res. 2007 Dec 1;67(23):11244-53
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Optimal approaches to MGMT assessment. Perspectives in Central Nervous System
Malignancies meeting, 28-29 March 2008, Berlin, Germany
Evaluating clinical utility of MGMT immunolabelling in GBM: Interobserver agreement,
comparison with MSP and correlation with patient outcome in EORTC/NCIC trial
26981/22981. Pathology of Brain Tumours Symposium at the Brain Tumour Group Meeting
of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Brussels,
March 7th 2007
Konfokale Laserscanning Mikroskopie: Anwendungsbeispiele. 20. Frühjarstagung der
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Pathologie (ÖGP) und 7. Gemeinsame Fortbildungstagung
für Ärzte und Biomedizinische AnalytikerInnen, 19.05.2006, Linz, Austria
Pathological prion protein deposits in the human brain: from immunohistological pattern to
subcellular localization. 8th European Congress of Neuropathology, Amsterdam, June 24–28
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -75-
Thesis project topic:
Quantitative eeg measures to define neurologic function in pediatric critical
care patients
Project supervisor:
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Austria,
[email protected]
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: To investigate quantitatve eeg measures which enable to describe actual
neurological function in pediatric critical care patients particularly of recall during
critical care and of prognosis after severe cerebral damage
Techniques: routine digital eeg recordings were investigated retrospectively along with
simultaneous findings of clinical neurological function, of underlying critical care
illness, of physiologic parameters and of medication relevant to influence brain
Approach: Microprocessor aided analysis of quantitative eeg delevoped by ourselves
to derive measures of electric and resonance function of the pediatric brain during
critical care. Those measures were compared statistically within different clinical
conditions and ages and confidence intervals as well as regressions were calculated.
Deliverables: Reference values and mathematical areas of specific pathological values
enable reliable and easy to perform parameters to define recall and prognosis in
pediatric critical care patients.
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience, pediatrics and pediatric critical care. In particular, students get a
sound basis for an academic career in the multidisciplinary field of pediatric critical
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -76-
Curriculum Vitae
TRITTENWEIN, Gerhard, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna, Austria
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Degree as medical specialist in psychotherapy
Degree as medical specialist in pediatric intensive care
Degree as medical specialist in pediatrics
Degree as medical specialist in anesthesiology
Degree as general practitioner
Medical Doctor Degree at the Medical University of Vienna
Career History
Venia docendi in pediatrics
Since 1992
Head of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of University
Children’s Hospital Vienna
Career-related Activities
from – to
Austrian Society of Pediatrics
German-Austrian Society of Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
International Society of Rotary Blood Pumps
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -77-
Short Title
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Sandra Plenk
Quantitative EEG values in ventilated
critical care neonates
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -78-
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Trittenwein G, Plenk S, Mach E, Mostafa G, Boigner H, Burda G, Hermon M, Golej J, Pollak A
Quantitative electroencephalography values of neonates during and after venoarterial extracor
membrane oxygenation and permanent ligation of right common carotid artery. Artif Organs
Trittenwein G, Boigner H, Mostafa G, Burda G, Muhl A, Amann G, Pollak A: Bridging to
transplantation in acute liver failure in a 7-month-old infant. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2006;118:2
Hermon M, Burda G, Male C, Boigner H, Ponhold W, Khoss A, Strohmaier W, Trittenwein G:
Surfactant application during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation improves lung volume and
pulmonary mechanics in children with respiratory failure. Crit Care 2005;9:R718-724.
Burda G, Trittenwein H, Carole H, Trittenwein G: Testing of extracorporeal membrane oxygen
circuit related hemolysis using long-term stored packed red cells and fresh frozen plasma. Artif
Organs 2004;28:496-499.
Trittenwein G, Nardi A, Pansi H, Golej J, Burda G, Hermon M, Boigner H, Wollenek G: Early
postoperative prediction of cerebral damage after pediatric cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
Hermon MM, Golej J, Emminger W, Puig S, Szepfalusi Z, Trittenwein G: Acute hemorrhagic
respiratory failure caused by Wegener's granulomatosis successfully treated by bronchoalveol
lavage with diluted surfactant. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2003;115:793-796.
Hermon MM, Golej J, Burda G, Trittenwein G: Monitoring of cerebral oxygen saturation with
a jugular bulb catheter after near-drowning and respiratory failure. Wien Klin Wochenschr
Hermon MM, Burda G, Golej J, Boigner H, Stoll E, Kitzmuller E, Wollenek G, Pollak A,
Trittenwein G: Methemoglobin formation in children with congenital heart disease treated
with inhaled nitric oxide after cardiac surgery. Intensive Care Med 2003;29:447-452.
Golej J, Winter P, Schoffmann G, Kahlbacher H, Stoll E, Boigner H, Trittenwein G: Impact of
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation modality on cytokine release during rescue from
infant hypoxia. Shock 2003;20:110-115.
Co-author manuscripts:
Boigner H, Brannath W, Hermon M, Stoll E, Burda G, Trittenwein G, Golej J: Predictors of
mortality at initiation of peritoneal dialysis in children after cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -79-
Thesis project topic:
Neurophysiologic methods for early prognostic information of neurological
function in very preterm infants
Project supervisor:
Manfred WENINGER, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Division of
General Pediatrics and Neonatology, University of Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: To compare neurophysiological methods for prognostic power for later
neurodevelopmental outcome in very low birth weight infants.
Techniques: aEEG (amplitude-integrated EEG), conventional Video-EEG, VEP (visual
evoked potential), and NIRS (near infrared spectroscopy) were investigated
prospectively along with simultaneous findings of brain morphology (CUS (verebral
ultrasound) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) ), clinical neurologic function, of
underlying critical care illness and physiological parameters which are known to
influence brain function.
Apporach: Comparison of the above mentioned neurophysiological methods with
regard to prognostic power for patient`s outcome and response to therapy.
Deliverables: Clarification of the clinical relevance and clinical usability of the different
neurophysiological techniques
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience, pediatrics, pediatric critical care and neonatology. In particular,
students get a sound basis for an academic career in the multidisciplinary field of
pediatrics and neonatology.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialized in: pediatrics and
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -80-
Curriculum Vitae
NICU, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Division of General Pediatrics and
Neonatology, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
15 – 04 - 1950
Place of Birth:
Zams in Tirol
Diploma as Specialist in Pediatrics (Facharzt)
Jus practicandi (Diploma as General Practionar)
Graduation from Medical School
Career History
Since 2007
Head of the Clinical Competence Centre (CCC) NICU
Ebene 10 and Ebene 12 – Intermediate Care and Head of
the Scientific Competence Centre (FCC) NICU and
Pediatric Intensive Care
Deputy Head of the Division of Neonatology
Head of the ambulance for sudden infant death syndrome
Head of Division of NICU Ebene 12
Associate Professor of Pediatrics ( Univ. Prof.)
PhP: Thesis: Physiologische Grundlagen, Diagnostik und
Therapie von intracerebralen Blutungen bei neonatalem
Lecturer in Pediatric (Univ. Doz.)
Since 1983
Consultant in Neonatology and Pediatrics Intensiv Care
1979 – 1983
Residency in Pediatrics, University Children`s Hospital of
1975 – 1978
Clinical Residency (Krankenhaus Mistelbach)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -81-
Österreich – Preis der österreichischen Gesellschaft für
Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde
Austrian German Society of Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
European Society of Pediatric Research
American Society of Pediatric Research
Austrian Society of Pediatrics
Austrian Society Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neonatology and Anesthesia
Sources of funding in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Short Title
Hat die Senkung des intrakraniellen
Hirndruckes bei Frühgeborenen mit
Hydrocephalus einen Einfluß auf die
zerebrale Durchblutung und Oxygenierung?
Firma Mattel
Neurophysiologische Evaluation mittels
visuell evozierter Potentiale und amplitudenintegrierterm EEG als sensitiver Marker zur
Erfassung der Hirnfunktion vor und nach
einer neurochirurgischen Intervention zur
intrakraniellen Drucksenkung bei
Frühgeborenen mit posthämorrhagischem
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Only students in your lab, no external
Name of student
The Development of General Movements in
Preterm Infants born between the 23rd and 30th
week of Gestation
Christine CZABA*
Intraventricular hemorrhage in the premature
infant below 1500 g
*Supervision of doctoral thesis
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -82-
**Supervision of research work and publication as peer-reviewed original paper, see list of
54 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals (1992-2008)
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Olischar M, Klebermass K, Waldhoer T, Pollak A, Weninger M: Background patterns and
sleep-wake cycles on amplitude-integrated electroencephalography in preterms younger
than 30 weeks gestational age with peri-/intraventricular haemorrhage. Acta Paediatr
Klebermass K, Kuhle S, Olischar M, Rucklinger E, Pollak A, Weninger M: Intra- and
extrauterine maturation of amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic activity in preterm
infants younger than 30 weeks of gestation. Biol Neonate 2006;89:120-125.
Wald M, Lawrenz K, Deutinger J, Weninger M: Verification of anomalies of the central
nervous system detected by prenatal ultrasound. Ultraschall Med 2004;25:214-217.
Olischar M, Klebermass K, Kuhle S, Hulek M, Messerschmidt A, Weninger M: Progressive
posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus leads to changes of amplitude-integrated EEG activity in
preterm infants. Childs Nerv Syst 2004;20:41-45.
Olischar M, Klebermass K, Kuhle S, Hulek M, Kohlhauser C, Rucklinger E, Pollak A,
Weninger M: Reference values for amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic activity in
preterm infants younger than 30 weeks' gestational age. Pediatrics 2004;113:e61-66.
Co-author manuscripts:
Csaicsich D, Russo-Schlaff N, Messerschmidt A, Weninger M, Pollak A, Aufricht C: Renal
failure, comorbidity and mortality in preterm infants. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2008;120:153157.
Kirchner L, Helmer H, Heinze G, Wald M, Brunbauer M, Weninger M, Zaknun D: Amnionitis
with Ureaplasma urealyticum or other microbes leads to increased morbidity and prolonged
hospitalization in very low birth weight infants. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
Wald M, Jeitler V, Lawrenz K, Weninger M, Pollak A, Kirchner L: A flow sensor suitable for
use with split-flow ventilation--first preclinical data. Artif Organs 2006;30:888-891.
Weber C, Weninger M, Klebermass K, Reiter G, Wiesinger-Eidenberger G, Brandauer M,
Kraschl R, Lingitz K, Grassl-Jurek R, Sterniste W, Balluch B, Kolmer M, Bruckner R,
Schweintzger G, Salzer H, Rath I, Kubitsch P, Zissler W, Muller W, Urlesberger B: Mortality
and morbidity in extremely preterm infants (22 to 26 weeks of gestation): Austria 1999-2001.
Wien Klin Wochenschr 2005;117:740-746.
Wald M, Kalous P, Lawrenz K, Jeitler V, Weninger M, Kirchner L: Dead-space washout by
split-flow ventilation. A new method to reduce ventilation needs in premature infants.
Intensive Care Med 2005;31:674-679.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -83-
Wald M, Jeitler V, Lawrenz K, Weninger M, Kirchner L: Effect of the Y-piece of the
ventilation circuit on ventilation requirements in extremely low birth weight infants. Intensive
Care Med 2005;31:1095-1100.
Kirchner L, Weninger M, Unterasinger L, Birnbacher R, Hayde M, Krepler R, Pollak A:
Is the use of early nasal CPAP associated with lower rates of chronic lung disease and
retinopathy of prematurity? Nine years of experience with the Vermont Oxford Neonatal
Network. J Perinat Med 2005;33:60-66.
Blaicher W, Prayer D, Mittermayer C, Weninger M, Birnbacher R, Deutinger J, Bernaschek
G: The clinical impact of magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with central nervous system
anomalies on ultrasound scan. Ultraschall Med
Wald M, Lawrenz K, Kretzer V, Weninger M, Pumberger W, Pollak A, Zaknun D: A very low
birth weight infant with Candida nephritis with fungus balls. Full recovery after pyelotomy and
antifungal combination therapy. Eur J Pediatr 2003;162:642-643.
Csutak R, Unterassinger L, Rohrmeister C, Weninger M, Vergesslich KA: Three-dimensional
volume measurement of the lateral ventricles in preterm and term infants: evaluation of a
standardised computer-assisted method in vivo. Pediatr Radiol 2003;33:104-109.
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
45. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde,
Kongress, 13. September 2007, Wien
Pulmonale Hypertension in der Pädiatrie, Kongress, 22. Juni 2007, Wien
32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin,
Kongress, 18. Mai 2006, Wien
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -84-
Thesis project topic:
The clinical application of chemical shift imaging in Neurooncology
Project supervisor:
Department of Neurosurgery; [email protected]
Brief description of the field of research:
Goal: To assess the feasibility and clinical usefulness of chemical shift imaging (CSI)
for preoperative evaluation, intraoperative application, histopathology, and
postoperative adjuvant treatment strategies in neurooncology.
Techniques: Two- and three-dimensional CSI1, positron emission tomography (PET)2,
image pre-processing, image registration, neuronavigation, tumor resection / biopsy,
histopathological techniques3, radiation4 and oncologic5 therapies, statistical analysis6.
Cooperations exist with 1Department of Radiology, 2Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Clinical Institute for Neurology, 4Department of Radiotherapy, 5Department of
Internal Medicine I, and 6Medical Statistics.
Approach: Testing of feasibility of intraoperative application of pre-processed CSI in
neuronavigation, correlation of different CSI ratio-hotspots with current standard
metabolic assessment technique (PET) and histopathology, development of twodimensional CSI co-planar to the biopsy trajectory, development and evaluation of
three-dimensional CSI in high-field MRI at 3 and 7 Tesla, development and evaluation
of CSI ratio thresholds for delineation of tumor margins.
Deliverables: Clarification of feasibility of intraoperative application, clarification of
relevance and clinical usability of CSI as a new metabolic imaging technique in
Benefits for the future professional career of students:
Acquired scientific competence is useful for a future specialization in any field of
clinical neuroscience. In particular, students get a sound basis in the field of
preoperative evaluation of brain tumours, state-of-the-art brain tumor surgery and
postoperative therapies.
Previously supervised scientific co-workers have specialised in: neurosurgery,
neurology, general medicine.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -85-
Curriculum Vitae
Stefan Wolfsberger
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1097 Vienna
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
2006 –
Postgraduate MBA course in health care management,
Medical University Vienna, Austria
Degree as medical specialist (Facharzt) in Neurosurgery
Medical Doctor Degree at the Medical University of Vienna
1992 – 93
Medical Studies at the University of Bristol, UK
1988 – 96
Medical Studies at the University of Vienna
A-levels, BG 21, Vienna
1985 – 95
Music Studies at Vienna Conservatory (Concert Piano)
Career History
2006 -
Consultant (Oberarzt) in Neurosurgery,
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Vienna
Venia legendi (Habilitation) in Neurosurgery
1997 – 2003
Resident in Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Vienna
Military Service at the Department of Traumatology,
Hospital Korneuburg
Career-related Activities
Organizer of the 2007 Meeting of the International Society
of Pituitary Surgeons
2006 -
Member of Medtronic Navigation Panel
2003 -
Organizer of the yearly Endoscopic Pituitary Workshop,
Depts. of Anatomy and Neurosurgery, Med. Univ.of Vienna
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -86-
IEEE Visualization 2007: Best Applications Paper Award
(High-quality multimodal volume rendering for preoperative
planning of neurosurgical interventions)
IEEE Visualization 2004: Best Applications Paper Award
(STEPS – an application for simulation of transsphenoidal
endonasal pituitary surgery)
Francis Dudley Memorial Prize (Dissection of N.maxillaris)
Austrian Society of Neurosurgery
International Society of Pituitary Surgeons
Dr.rer.nat., Dr. techn. or PhD supervisions in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Name of student
Tanja Mayerhofer*
DTI für die präoperative Planung und
intraoperative Navigation neurochirurgischer
Alexander Micko*
Mikroskopischer versus endoskopischer Zugang
zu Hypophysenadenomen: Technik, Ergebnisse
und Komplikationen
Serge Mikayel*
Volumen Rendering für die dreidimensionale
Planung neurochirurgischer Zugänge
André Neubauer*
Virtual Endoscopy for Preoperative Planning and
Training of Endonasal Transsphenoidal Pituitary
Jörg Wunderer*
Analyse der klinischen Wertigkeit der
histologischen Zellproliferationsmarker MIB-1
und Topoisomerase II alpha bei
Marie-Therese Forster*
Virtuelle Endoskopie von Hypophysenadenomen
Anita Mederitsch*
Risikofaktoren für Infektionen bei externen
* Supervision of doctoral thesis
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -87-
27 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals, 1 book chapter, 10 invited lectures
Peer reviewed manuscripts in last 6 years (2003 – 2008, original research and reviews)
First, last or corresponding author manuscripts:
Wolfsberger S, Czech T, Vierhapper H, Benavente R, Knosp E: Microprolactinomas in
males treated by transsphenoidal surgery. Acta Neurochir 2003;145:935-941
Wolfsberger S, Czech T, Knosp E: Hypophysenadenome: Neurochirurgische Therapie. W
Klin Wochenschr 2003;115(Suppl 2):28-32
Wolfsberger S, Ba-Ssalamah, Pinker K, Mlynarik V, Czech T, Knosp E, Trattnig S:
Application of 3 tesla magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis and surgery of sellar
lesions. J Neurosurg 2004;100:278-286
Wolfsberger S, Gruber A, Czech T: Multiple supratentorial epidural haematomas after
posterior fossa surgery. Neurosurg Rev 2004;27(2):128-132
Wolfsberger S, Fischer I, Höftberger R, Birner P, Slavc I, Dieckmann K, Czech T, Budka H,
Hainfellner JA: Ki-67 immunolabelling index is an accurate predictor of outcome in patients
with intracranial ependymoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2004;28(7):914-20
Wolfsberger S, Wunderer J, Zachenhofer I, Czech T, Boecher-Schwarz HG, Hainfellner JA,
Knosp E: Expression of cell proliferation markers in pituitary adenomas – correlation and
clinical relevance of MIB-1 and anti-topoisomerase-IIα. Acta Neurochir 2004;146(8):831-9
Wolfsberger S, Doostkam S, Boecher-Schwarz HG, Roessler K, van Trotsenburg M,
Hainfellner JA, Knosp E: Progesterone-receptor index in meningiomas: correlation with
clinico-pathological parameters and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev 2004;27(4):23845
Wolfsberger S, Forster MT, Donat M, Neubauer A, Wegenkittl R, Czech T, Knosp E: Virtual
endoscopy is a useful device for training and preoperative planning of transsphenoidal
endoscopic pituitary surgery. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 2004;47(4):214-20
Wolfsberger S, Kitz K, Wunderer J, Czech T, Boecher-Schwarz HG, Hainfellner J, Knosp E:
Multiregional sampling reveals a homogenous distribution of Ki-67 proliferation rate in
pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir 2004;146(12):1323-8
Wolfsberger S, Knosp E: Comments on the WHO 2004 classification of pituitary tumors.
Acta Neuropathol 2006;111(1):66-67
Wolfsberger S, Neubauer A, Buehler K, Wegenkittl R, Czech T, Gentzsch S, BoecherSchwarz HG, Knosp E: Advanced virtual endoscopy for endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary
surgery. Neurosurgery 2006;59(5):1001-9
Widhalm G, Wolfsberger S (corresponding author), Preusser M, Fischer I, Wöhrer A,
Wunderer J, Hainfellner J, Knosp E: Residual non-functioning pituitary adenomas: Prognostic
value of MIB-1 labeling index for tumor progression. J Neurosurg 2008 (in press)
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -88-
Co-author manuscripts:
Reinprecht A, Greher M, Wolfsberger S, Dietrich W, Illievich UM, Gruber A: Prone position
in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: effects on
cerebral tissue oxygenation and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 2003;31(6):1831-1838
Trattnig S, Ba-Ssalamah A, Noebauer-Huhmann IM, Barth M, Wolfsberger S, Pinker K,
Knosp E: MR Contrast Agent at High-Field MRI (3 Tesla). Top Magn Reson Imaging
Trattnig S, Ba-Ssalamah A, Pinker K, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Wolfsberger S, Knosp E:
Bildgebende Diagnostik bei Hypophysentumoren. W Klin Wochenschr 2003;115(Suppl 2):2832
Staudenherz A, Wolfsberger S, Killer M, Nasel C, Puig S, Marosi C, Leitha T, Hainfellner
JA: Microvessel density is not crucial for scintigraphic visualization of brain tumors using
99m-Tc-MIBI. Microvasc Res 2004;67(3):218-22
Neubauer A, Wolfsberger S, Forster MT, Wegenkittl R, Mroz L, and Buehler K:
STEPS - An Application for Simulation of Transsphenoidal Endonasal Pituitary Surgery.
Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2004;513-20
Neubauer A, Wolfsberger S, Forster MT, Mroz L, Wegenkittl R, Buhler K: Advanced virtual
endoscopic pituitary surgery. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph 2005;11(5):497-507
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Haberler C, Breitschopf H, Czech T, Slavc I, Harris AL, Plate
KH, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Vascularization and expression of hypoxia-related tissue
factors in intracranial ependymoma and their impact on patient survival. Acta Neuropathol
Preusser M, Wolfsberger S, Czech T, Slavc I, Budka H, Hainfellner JA: Survivin expression
in intracranial ependymomas and its correlation with tumour cell proliferation and patient
outcome. Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124(4):543-9
Pinker K, Ba-Ssalamah A, Wolfsberger S, Mlynarik V, Knosp E, Trattnig S: The value of
high-field MRI (3T) in the assessment of sellar lesions. Eur J Radiol 2005;54(3):327-334
Zachenhofer I, Wolfsberger S, Aichholzer M, Bertalanffy A, Roessler K, Kitz K, Knosp E:
Gamma-knife radiosurgery for cranial base meningiomas: Experience of tumor control,
clinical course, and morbidity in a follow-up of more than 8 years. Neurosurg 2006;58(1):2836
Altenberger T, Bilban M, Auer M, Knosp E, Wolfsberger S, Gartner W, Mineva I, Zielinski C,
Wagner L, Luger A: Identification of DLK1 variants in pituitary- and neuroendocrine tumors.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006;340(3):995-1005
Scharsach H, Hadwiger M, Neubauer A, Wolfsberger S, Bühler K: Perspective isosurface
and direct volume rendering for virtual endoscopy applications. Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC
Symposium on Visualization 2006
Beyer J, Hadwiger M, Wolfsberger S, Bühler K: High-quality multimodal volume rendering
for preoperative planning of neurosurgical interventions. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.
2007 Nov-Dec;13(6):1696-703
Beyer J, Langer C, Fritz L, Hadwiger M, Wolfsberger S, Bühler K: Interactive diffusion-based
smoothing and segmentation of volumetric datasets on graphics hardware.
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -89-
Methods Inf Med. 2007;46(3):270-4
Invited Talks in last 6 years (2003 – 2008)
Wolfsberger S: Anatomie der Liquorräume. Seminar pädiatrische Neurochirurgie Hydrocephalus 28.-29.11.2003, AKH Wien (Vortrag)
Wolfsberger S, Roessler K: Multi Modality Fusion Navigation in Selected Surgical
Applications. Advanced Techniques in image guided surgery, 25. – 27. Juni 2006, Sintra,
Wolfsberger S, Beyer J: Examples of High Quality Real Time Visualization of Medical Data
for Preoperative Planning of Neurosurgical Interventions. Mikrochirurgischer Workshop, 23.
Juni 2006, Medizinische Universität Wien
Wolfsberger S: Neuronavigation and Virtual Endoscopy. Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery, 4.
Hands-on Workshop, 8. – 9. September 2006, Med. Univ. Wien (V)
Wolfsberger S: Cirugia Endoscópica asistida por Neuronavegación para Adenomas de la
Hipófisis - Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery Guided by Neuronavigation. XXV Curso
Internacional de Adenomas de la Hipófisis, 27. – 28. November 2006, Mexico City (V)
Advanced Techniques in image guided surgery, 3. – 5. Juni 2007, Marbella, Spanien. Multi
Modality Fusion Navigation in Selected Surgical Applications. Wolfsberger S, Roessler K
Advanced Techniques in image guided surgery, 3. – 5. Juni 2007, Marbella, Spanien
Multi Modality Fusion Navigation for Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery. Wolfsberger S
2007 Meeting of the ISPS “Schloffer – Conference”, 7. – 10. September 2007, Wien
Imaging Tools for Preoperative Planning and Intraoperative Navigation of Transsphenoidal
Pituitary Surgery. Wolfsberger S
1. Österreichisches Anwendertreffen Neuronavigation, 28. – 29. September 2007,
Steiermark. Navigation mit multimodaler Bildfusion. Wolfsberger S
XXX Curso Internacional de Adenomas de la Hipófisis, 12. – 13. Dezember 2007, Mexico
City. Cirugia Endoscópica asistida por Neuronavegación para Adenomas de la Hipófisis Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery Guided by Neuronavigation. Wolfsberger S
Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences (CLINS) -90-