December 2009 - the Schwaben Club!


December 2009 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Christmas Lunch
Main Hall
New Year’s Eve
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Kameradschafts Abend - Hubertushaus
9-Jan 2010
Miss Schwaben Ball
Valentine’s Day Tribute Show
Gründungsfest des Schwabenklubs
There will be a special discussion
at the December Member’s
meeting regarding the cost of the
annual membership. We will be
discussing whether it should be
Please be sure to attend this very
important meeting.
Thank you
The Committee
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
[email protected]
December 2009
Bericht des Präsidenten
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 1- jährigen Bestehen unseres Mitteilungsblattes „Schwaben Club nachrichten“.
Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass schon ein Jahr vergangen
ist seit der ersten Ausgabe dieses Nachrichtenblattes.
Ein herzlicher Glückwunsch geht an die Herausgeber
und alle Beteiligten. Es ist ein gut zusammengefasstes
Mitteilungsblatt und nun müssen wir nur noch einen
Weg finden, damit alle Mitglieder es erhalten.
Im November standen die Wahlen an und wir haben
wiederum einen vollständigen Vorstand und sind dankbar dafür. Ich möchte mich bei jedem, der weiterhin im
Vorstand in seinem oder ihrem Amt für weitere 2 Jahre
tätig ist, bedanken. Ich möchte aber auch unsere neu
gewählten Vorstandsmitglieder willkommen heißen –
Ed Ries und Monika Norlock und freue mich schon mit
Ihnen zusammenarbeiten zu dürfen.
Ein Dankeschön und viel Ermunterung geht an
Monica Anstett für Ihre Zustimmung das Amt des
Vize-Präsidenten anzunehmen, an Peter Speckner
als neuer Kulturleiter und Nick Lang als neuer
Vergnügungssekretär. Ich wünsche jedem viel Glück
und hoffentlich auch Spaß im neuen Amt.
Leider müssen wir uns von George Kraehling verabschieden, da er den Vorstand verlässt, um sich um
persönliche und familiäre Angelegenheiten kümmern
zu können. Georges Aufgaben haben sich dieses Jahr
stark angehäuft und ich schätze seine Bedenken und
verstehe seine Entscheidung. Ich bedanke mich bei
ihm für alle seine Hilfe mir persönlich gegenüber und
bedanke mich auch im Namen unseres Klubs für alle
seine Dienste, die er in den vergangenen Jahren als unser Vize-Präsident geleistet hat. Wir hoffen, dass wir
George bald wieder willkommen heißen können; er ist
und war sehr wertvoll für unseren Klub.
Wir bedanken uns bei dem Wahlkomitee Joe Groh, Ed
Ries, Ken Dennis und Nick Elter für gut geleistete Arbeit.
Weiter ging’s mit dem Gründungsfest unserer
Frauengruppe und wieder, wie immer, war es ein voller Erfolg. Wir gratulieren der Frauengruppe, ihrer
Präsidentin, Mary Hild und den Vorstandsmitgliedern
für einen erfolgreichen Abend.
Nunmehr möchte ich den Präsidenten, Fred
Lowrick, und alle Mitglieder des Transylvania
Clubs herzlich willkommen heißen. Wir freuen
uns schon unseren Klub mit ihnen in 2010 teilen
zu dürfen, und wünschen ihnen für die Planung
ihrer Zukunft viel Glück und Erfolg.
Zum Schluss wünscht der Vorstand des
Schwaben Clubs, meine Frau, Betty, und ich allen unseren Mitgliedern und Freunden ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches und gesundes Neues Jahr.
Phil Neidert
President’s Report
Happy First Anniversary of the Schwaben Club
It’s hard to believe that a full year has gone by
since we started with this News Bulletin.
Congratulations to our editors and to every one
of our contributors. I think it is well put together. We just have to figure out a way to get it to
all of our members.
November is election month and we, again, have
a full slate of Board of Directors, for which we
are very grateful. I would like to thank everyone that is staying on in his or her position for
another 2 years. I would also like to welcome
our newly elected Board Members, Ed Ries and
Monika Norlock and I look forward to working
with them.
Thank you and encouragement also to Monica
Anstett for accepting a new position as our new
Vice President, to Peter Speckner, as our new
Cultural Director and to Nick Lang as our new
Second Treasurer. I wish each one, good luck
and, hopefully, enjoyment in your new positions.
Sadly, we say good-by to George Kraehling, who
is leaving our Board to handle family and personal matters. George’s plate became crowded
in this last year and I appreciate his concern and
decision. I thank him for all his help to me personally and I thank him on behalf of our club
for all the years of service to our Club as our
Vice President. We hope to be able to welcome
George back soon; he is and was a valuable asset
to our Club.
We thank the election committee, Joe Groh, Ed
Ries, Ken Dennis and Nick Elter for a job well
Next up, “Gruendungsfest” of the Ladies
Auxiliary, and again as always, it was very successful and “Wunderbar”. Congratulations go
to the Ladies Auxiliary, its President, Mary Hild,
and Board Members for a successful evening.
At this point, I would like to extend a warm welcome to President, Fred Lowrick, and all the
Transylvania Club members. We look forward
to sharing our Club facilities with them during
2010 and we wish them good luck and success as
they go about planning for their future.
In closing, the Board of Directors of the Schwaben
Club, my wife, Betty and I would like to wish all
our members and friends a Merry Christmas and
a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Philip Neidert
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
December 2009
t has been very busy at the club this year and I
think for the most part 2009 was a good year.
I hope everyone enjoyed all the events we held
here at the Schwaben Club. That’s what makes it
fun through out the year is seeing people have a
good time here.
Thanks to all for making this year an exciting
year and a hard one to follow but I’m sure 2010
will be filled with a lot of excitement too. As the
snow starts falling I ask that you have a save and
happy winter season. Merry Christmas to all and
all the very best in 2010.
Don Egley
Got it & want to sell it?
Need to buy it? Need a service?
Check out the Schwaben Classifieds on page 7
Geburtstage Für Dezember
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat Dezember Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Edel, George
Sandtner, Katharina
Loeb, Uwe
Eberl, Rolf
Dupuis, Nancy
Gaysek, Karin
Temniuk, Anita
Frey, Heinrich
Bauer, Elisabeth
Speckner, Shelley
Doepner, Hans
Tworuschka, Peter
Adam, Vanessa
Cook, Adam M.
Watchorn, Joanne
Lorfing, Rudolf
Wettlaufer, Wayne
Kahnke, Wolfgang
Gerber, Stefan
Weber, Elizabeth
Petsch, Johann
Furbacher, Maria
Zai, Michael
Zimmermann, Steve
Kraehling, George Jr.
Schaadt, Susanne
Gruber Barbara
Matyas, Irma
Volkstrauertag - Emotions
by Herwig Wandschneider
All visitors to the German war graves at Woodland
Cemetery in Kitchener on the day of Volkstrauer
have lost someone, a far or close relative, a friend,
someone who became a friend in the midst of conflict or an acquaintance. They
continued on page 6
Frauengruppe Gründungsfest
On Saturday, November 21st, our Ladies
Auxiliary celebrated their 74th Anniversary at
the Club. Our Auxiliary President, Mary Hild,
and our Club President, Phil Neidert, greeted the
many members and friends who were in attendance. The kitchen provided a delicious meal, and
the Golden Keys kept the dance floor busy as usual. The Hall looked lovely decorated with red and
white flowers along with the numerous congratulatory bouquets from our Club and dance groups.
Entertainment was provided by the Schwaben
Choir led by Eric Offak, and our own talented
Kindergruppe, Donau Dancers and Schwaben
Dancers. It was a most enjoyable evening!
Susan Cook
2nd Treasurer
CKWR Radio 98.5 Fundraiser
Concert with Christine
On Saturday, November 14th, I attended a fundraiser for our local CKWR Radio 98.5 station
at the Concordia Club; it was a concert starring
Christine Schuhmann.
CKWR Radio 98.5 has many different radio programs including a variety of ethnic programs.
Many of us enjoy and appreciate the 3 German
Radio shows that are broadcast Saturday and
Sunday mornings: Continental Breakfast with
Henning and Kosta, German Hit Parade with
Herman and Christel, and Musik Melodies with
Harry, Anneliese and Hans. It was nice to see
that the concert was sold out, and the funds
raised, will help in continuing the broadcasting
of the many programs on this local station.
As many of you know, Christine presented
a concert for us 2 years ago. I spoke with her
after the wonderful show of multi-language
songs, and she sends her regards to all here at
the Schwaben Club. She would very much like
to one day come back and perform at our club.
Monica Anstett
Cultural Director
continued on page 7
From Our Donau Dancers
Well, another Oktoberfest has come and gone!
Once again, it was a busy time for us, as we had
twenty-four performances crammed into six
days! If I include the “Oktoberfest Preview” at
Conestoga Mall, Waterloo Mayor’s Luncheon
at the Waterloo Civic Square, and Chartwellreit
Residence in Oakville, it makes twenty-seven!
With the exception of a few drizzles here and
there, the weather was quite suited to the annual Fall spectacular! Although it was a “little
chilly” early in the morning, we survived the
Oktoberfest / Thanksgiving Parade as well!
It was nice to see many familiar faces throughout the week, at the various clubs, and particularly at Bingeman’s on October 16th, where we
performed for the Region’s “special-needs kids”!
We look forward to that one in particular, every
year. That’s not to take away from the festivities
at all the German Clubs in the area, but it’s certainly a hi-lite for us!
Feedback was positive from every club where we
performed, and it only solidifies the growing interest in German culture, history, and heritage, that
we strive to deliver each year. Large quantities
of beer, and German cuisine don’t hurt either!
Naturally, there are always people to thank, on
behalf of the Donau Dancers; the Club owners, for making us feel welcome, Piller’s Meats,
and Midas Car-Care for the transportation,
Oktoberfest Inc. for putting us to work, Ed Ries
for his innovative ideas for our Dart Booth (a
must-see every year), the Schwaben Club for
their continued support, Sue Ann Champion
and Peter French for their assistance with volunteers and game booths, the volunteers themselves
(you know who you are!), the parents of the
Kindergruppe for the Pretzel sales and especially YOU! - the audiences, customers, socialites,
party-animals etc..who make K-W Oktoberfest
a success each and every year!
So now, we start preparing for Oktoberfest 2010,
in the hopes of being “bigger ‘n better” by the
time October 8th rolls around!
Joel Wideman
Secretary - Donau Dancers
Rapp, Sebastian
Passed away peacefully on Wednesday, October
28, 2009. Sebastian was born on August 1,
1930 in Kakasd, Hungary. A member of St.
Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church and a long
time member of the Deutsch Kanadischer Jagd &
Fisch Verein and the Schwaben Club. Sebastian
is survived by his Anna, Beloved father to Wilfred
(Deborah), Gabriele (Richard), and Karen
(Jordan) grandchildren Christian and Sebastian,
he is also survived by family in Germany.
Schaman, Magdalema
Passed away on Monday, November 9, 2009
at the age of 91. Beloved wife of the late
Jakob Kehl (1942) and George Schaman
(1983). Loving mother of Elizabeth Petereit
(Siegfried), Simon (Maria) and Anthony
Shaman (Rose). Dear grandmother of Connie
Palenik (Dave), Karen Milla, Debbie Shaman
(Patrick Mercil), Tom (Tara), Ken (Leora),
Dr. John Schaman, Anne Reiter (Danny) and
Mike Petereit (Holly). Will be dearly missed
by her 12 great-grandchildren. She was a
member of the Schwaben Club, St. Matthew’s
Lutheran Church, and the Einigkeit Klub.
Adam, Mary
Peacefully on Friday, November 13, 2009, in her
83rd year. Mary Adam of Kitchener, beloved
wife of 60 years to Jacob Adam. Loving mother
of Thomas (Linda) of Pefferlaw, Joseph (Joan)
and Susan (Michael) Cook all of Kitchener.
Cherished grandmother of Michael Adam,
Vanessa and Christopher Adam, Andrea (Peter)
Speckner, Jade and Magdalena Adam, Adam,
Mary Catherine and Robert Cook, Andrew
and Arron Lumley, Melanie (Andrew) Bennet
and their children. Dear sister of Katherine (Al)
Opresnik of Toronto, and predeceased by her
parents Joseph and Katherine Schreier and a
brother Joseph Schreier. Mary was a member of
St. Anne’s RC Parish and The Schwaben Club
Volkstrauertag: continued from page 3
take the occasion to remember in the company of
others with related memories to honour and mourn
those who died. They also understand the individual
hardships and pains that are caused for all those who
still experience the consequences of still active wars,
of terrorist acts, conflicts and sufferings in all parts of
the world and on all sides. Huge casualties in a conflict
are always devastating, but the individual suffering of
continued from page 5
CKWR Radio 98.5
mit Christine Schuhmann
Am Samstag, den 14. November war ich im
Concordia Club, wo das Benefizkonzert von CKWR
Radio 98.5 mit Christine Schuhmann stattfand.
CKWR Radio 98.5 hat verschiedene
Radioprogramme, einschließlich einige ethnischer Programme. Viele von uns lieben und
schätzen die drei deutschen Radioprogramme,
die Samstag und Sonntag morgens ausgestrahlt
werden: Continental Breakfast mit Henning
und Kosta, German Hit Parade mit Herman
und Christel, und Musik Melodies mit Harry,
Anneliese und Hans. Das Konzert war ausverkauft und die eingenommenen Gelder helfen zur Finanzierung des Weiterbestehens vieler
dieser Programme.
Wie viele von Ihnen wissen, Christine hatte vor 2
BINGO SUPPLIES, Magnetic wand + 100
chips $10; 200 magnetic chips $6; 100
magnetic chips $4.00
Call Cathy Thompson 519-569-7824
To add an item please contact the
Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send
an email to [email protected]
Jahren ein Konzert bei uns veranstaltete. Ich habe
mich mit ihr nach der herrlichen Show, in der sie
viele ethnische Lieder sang, unterhalten und sie
lässt alle hier im Schwaben Club grüßen. Sie würde gerne mal wieder zurückkommen und für uns
ein Konzert geben.
Monica Anstett
Cultural Director
Heffner Lexus, Heffner Toyota ... moving forward ...
our family continues to grow,
Be a part of it!
Proudly Partnering with our community since 1960
There are now 2 ways to receive the
1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost
of $20.00 for 2010. Please call the office
at 519-742-7979 to put your name and
address on the mailing list.
2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the
Schwaben Club at a cost of $1.00 per
We hope that our members will help
the Club cover the cost of this valuable
Volkstrauertag: continued from page 6
so many people is what unites on Volkstrauertag.
3121 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario
N2A 1B1 (519) 748-9666
Only few of the 187 German prisoners of war, who
died in Canadian POW camps and were transferred
to Woodland Cemetery, will have someone who attends the ceremonies at this location. Here as in other
parts of the world someone will attend the local ceremonies and remember someone buried elsewhere
at a known gravesite or perhaps even not knowing
where that someone rests.
Website: / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1